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Jan J.

337 Posts

Posted - September 04 2012 :  18:13:11  Show Profile
Yes, Jeanne: It is an outrageous lie.

Jan J.
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Outside Counsel

215 Posts

Posted - September 04 2012 :  18:27:51  Show Profile
It is several lies, actually: Ryan said "marathons" plural. As for whether it matters, I guess the question comes down to how highly one values honesty as a personal quality. Someone who lies easily about a small, personal thing is, it seems to me, less worthy of belief when it comes to bigger, more important things. Someone once said that if everyone lived their lives by the rules of golf the world would be a better place. Isn't that truly something we can say about all sports?

And consider this: just how stupid does someone who lies about his marathon time take his audience to be? When someone makes an extraordinary claim (which is what a "2:50-something" marathon is) isn't that person playing us for fools?
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Jan J.

337 Posts

Posted - September 04 2012 :  19:17:19  Show Profile
**Outside Counsel: Yep!

Jan J.
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732 Posts

Posted - September 04 2012 :  20:00:57  Show Profile
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1012 Posts

Posted - September 05 2012 :  09:40:05  Show Profile
I think we can safely draw this conclusion - runners value honesty!

But the real question is - does Society? or more specifically voters? Allow me to get up on the soap box and make this generalization - as a society we have gone from 'character' based values to 'thing' based values, we value being rich and the acquisition of stuff. And to Jeanne's point - we all lie to an extant... after you buy that thing then read the fine print, the color you put in your hair to hide the gray, the qualifications on your resume... and "no the spandex doesn't make you look fat".

What I can't explain is ... why is a nice guy like Jan so angry over a white lie?
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732 Posts

Posted - September 05 2012 :  11:12:37  Show Profile
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1012 Posts

Posted - September 05 2012 :  11:19:54  Show Profile
Whether justified or unjustified, the seductive feeling of righteousness associated with anger offers a powerful temporary boost to self-esteem.

Yup that's it.
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ghost of platter

362 Posts

Posted - September 05 2012 :  12:29:02  Show Profile
Originally posted by lkizz

Whether justified or unjustified, the seductive feeling of righteousness associated with anger offers a powerful temporary boost to self-esteem.

Yup that's it.

I think calling out blatant liars justifies the harm done to the healthy psyche created by temporary boost of self-esteem.
Ryan is a skunk.
But you know what? If I agree with his policies and the platform with which he agrees I still vote for him.

I am confused by people who are undecided between the President and Governor Romney. The platforms they support are clear and dissimilar.
Who would vote against their own beliefs and philosophy simply because they lied about their marathon time or that they were a high school bully.
Who that is for fair taxation, rights of women or LBGT folks vote against the President because you think he faked his birth certificate?
Can you imagine? Talking to your Gay friend who just had their marriage annulled by the courts because a new administration loaded up the courts, "Yeah, I am all for your rights Phil, but when I heard that Barry may have been born in Kenya, well, I voted for the other guy!"

Or, “Yup, I was all for cuttin’ a few trillion from the budget and completely altering the tax burdens, but when I learned "that snake" beat up some kid in high school, well, I just could not vote for him.”

For people that have a clear and solid political, economic, and social set of values, your choice is clear. Vote party not person. Vote the person in the primary.

""It looks way easier on TV""
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ghost of platter

362 Posts

Posted - September 05 2012 :  16:36:43  Show Profile
Originally posted by lkizz

What I can't explain is ... why is a nice guy like Jan so angry over a white lie?

It was not a small harmless lie, and you know it.
I am with Jan, but I would not say I am angry. I am disgusted, while getting a chuckle from these LCD fools that run for office.

""It looks way easier on TV""
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Jan J.

337 Posts

Posted - September 05 2012 :  16:56:00  Show Profile
** Ghost of Platter

I think that my buddy Lloyd is just being facetious. He hasn't ever been the same since his short stint in 'stand-up' slumped.

Jan J.
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ghost of platter

362 Posts

Posted - September 05 2012 :  17:24:58  Show Profile
Originally posted by Jan J.

** Ghost of Platter

I think that my buddy Lloyd is just being facetious. He hasn't ever been the same since his short stint in 'stand-up' slumped.

Jan J.

OY! I am off my game.

The thread is a whole lot funnier with intended facetiousness in mind. In fact, it is damn funny now.

""It looks way easier on TV""
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1012 Posts

Posted - September 06 2012 :  08:43:59  Show Profile
The Face of Truth is often Facetious.
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Outside Counsel

215 Posts

Posted - September 06 2012 :  09:45:42  Show Profile
I've really made the big time now that the Ghost of Platter has weighed in on one of my posts, and no, I am not being sarcastic. GoP makes some valid points, and chief among them is that people will vote for who they will vote for, and blink away the things that might make them vote otherwise. That's why, in my original post, I made a point of mentioning a bogus-appearing marathon claim from both sides of the aisle, as well as an example that was completely non-political. (Here's the New Yorker piece I referenced.

What do we make of all this? I like this take, from Gawker " Paul Ryan is now the guy from your high school who said he ran a 4.5 40 but didn't want to go out for the team because he pulled his hammy. Paul Ryan is the guy from your work who told you he played D1 ball but seems suspiciously short and out of shape. Paul Ryan is the guy at the bar who keeps telling you he could "probably" beat Usain Bolt in a race, "if I was in better shape." Paul Ryan's ex-girlfriend looked like a cross between Lindsay Lohan and Katherine Heigel. Paul Ryan was at the very first Train show. Paul Ryan once took on three guys in a fight and won. Paul Ryan's dad has a go-kart track in his attic but he locks it when other kids come over because he doesn't want to get sued."

Poor Al Gore. He actually never said half of the things he is mocked for to this day. I hope we all, Republican and Democrat alike, keep after Ryan every bit as relentlessly. He is an embarrassment to anyone who loves our sport and takes it seriously.
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ghost of platter

362 Posts

Posted - September 06 2012 :  13:38:58  Show Profile
[quote]Originally posted by Outside Counsel


I have always found you to be clear, concise, and on target. If I have not commented it is because I usually did not have anything to add or subtract.

Gore bashing is an example of the BS that flows, from both sides, and that people gargle and swallow, and then go back to the BS pile for more drink.

The truths are there, but it takes some effort to unearth them. Thank You OC for brining some truth.

""It looks way easier on TV""
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235 Posts

Posted - September 06 2012 :  14:19:27  Show Profile
So he’s a politician that can stretch the truth. Does that mean he is well qualified to be a politician?
At least he has yet to claim, “ I did not have sexual relations with that woman”.

For me, I just ran a 14:50 5K, a 30:02 10K, a 1:10.39 1/2 marathon and a 2:20:13 marathon, climbed Mt Everest 2 times (with no shoes), did a pink dress fun run on the moon and swam the English channel with my hands handcuffed behind me. Of course none of this is true, but I am sure someone will report my claims a leave out the fact that I stated that none of this is true.

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3100 Posts

Posted - September 07 2012 :  01:18:26  Show Profile
For me, I just ran a 14:50 5K, a 30:02 10K, a 1:10.39 1/2 marathon and a 2:20:13 marathon

I would think, based on your 10K time, that your 5K time would have been a bit quicker. Not bad, though.

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