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235 Posts

Posted - September 07 2012 :  07:33:16  Show Profile
I ran that 5K backwards

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359 Posts

Posted - September 09 2012 :  13:54:29  Show Profile
Michael Savage said it best. A must read: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

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217 Posts

Posted - September 09 2012 :  15:26:53  Show Profile
Jeanne, are you the same person on page 1 of this topic who said this is not a political forum and to stick to running talk? What do you think it says about conservatives that they can't follow their own advice?

I just looked up Michael Savage. Here's the quote taken from Wikipedia that got him banned from the UK. Quite a guy...

On April 17, 2006, he said of Muslims, "They say, 'Oh, there's a billion of them.' I said, 'So, kill 100 million of them, then there'll be 900 million of them.' I mean, would you rather die—would you rather us die than them?" This was taken from an argument dealing with the possibility of a nuclear conflict in that region.
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Outside Counsel

215 Posts

Posted - September 10 2012 :  09:52:10  Show Profile
And just like that the thread is highjacked. People, people-- we can talk about people who lie about their times or otherwise cheat or we can get down into the gutter and argue about politics. Let's go with Plan A, shall we?
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1012 Posts

Posted - September 10 2012 :  12:02:54  Show Profile
Mr Savage appears to be in good position to know mental disorders.

But back to the subject at hand, I would saying lying about your running times over a beer is a CAT 2 (see below) now what changes Ryan to a CAT 5 is the nature of his position.

Lkizz Slippery slope of falsehood:

1. Lying is ok when your motivation is to improve an outcome (for someone other than yourself).
2. Lying is not so good when your motivation is to improve an outcome (for yourself).
3. Lying is bad when you are using it to cover up a bad deed.
4. Lying is very bad when you create a tangible negative impact on someone.
5. Lying is despicable when you are in a public position where your actions can influence others on a mass scale.
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732 Posts

Posted - September 10 2012 :  13:11:04  Show Profile
...lkizz..I will be sure to share your "falsehood rating system"...with my 3 year old...and...this classic quote with my 14 year old...

"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If the--if he--if 'is' means is and never has been, that is not--that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement....Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true."

~ Existential Willie



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3100 Posts

Posted - September 12 2012 :  18:57:28  Show Profile
Michael Savage said it best. A must read: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

What does this have to do about lying about one's marathon time. Jeanne---you're WAY better than this.
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175 Posts

Posted - September 20 2012 :  19:52:40  Show Profile
Here is the Paul Ryan Marathon Time Calculator.

Jeff Tracy
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42 Posts

Posted - September 29 2012 :  09:19:04  Show Profile
I love this, very good confidence booster. This is better than age adjusted timing.
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217 Posts

Posted - November 28 2012 :  10:22:52  Show Profile
More brilliance from Michael Savage:

"Running is worse for you than sitting on the couch eating Doritos" and "Most runners die in their 30's"

The craziness really gets going at about 2:30 of the YouTube clip.

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