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1012 Posts

Posted - May 22 2008 :  10:01:07  Show Profile
thats why we call him Jan Lenin ....

Runfast, if you are real you might want to brush up on your knowledge of socio-economic systems. Communism (in its fundamental nature) is the idea of a free society with no division or alienation, where humanity is free from oppression and scarcity, not about suppression of new ideas.

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Jan J.

337 Posts

Posted - May 22 2008 :  11:38:33  Show Profile
Thank you, Herr Professor lkizz.

Jan J.

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34 Posts

Posted - May 22 2008 :  13:20:55  Show Profile
LKizz, or Mr. must agree though that the flow of free ideas is certainly against communism. That's how the Soviet Union fell and that's how China will eventually fall too. You cannot stop the flow of information, especially when you open up your borders to other capitalist while your definition may be correct in theory, it certainly isn't correct in reality.

Therefore, by me saying that Jan was suppressing ideas, also could be construed as her being a Commie.

Mike Eruzione
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34 Posts

Posted - May 22 2008 :  13:22:35  Show Profile
But it all honesty, let's get back to the basics of what this board is about...

Now, can you guys recommend to me any other bike paths that are a good run? A friend told me Clarence bike bath was good but I wanted some other opinions.

Anyone ever run around Spaulding Lake too?
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Jan J.

337 Posts

Posted - May 22 2008 :  15:06:57  Show Profile
Mike Eruzione:

Congratulations on leaving the questionable cloak of anonymity behind. By the way,if you check my profile who would see that I am a guy.

Yes, and I am also all for leaving politics off of a running forum site.

Jan J.
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1012 Posts

Posted - May 22 2008 :  15:29:26  Show Profile
Do they still call you Rizzo, Mike? Enjoyed watching you in the 'Miracle'...


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41 Posts

Posted - May 22 2008 :  22:10:04  Show Profile
Runninfast it sounds like you don't know New York state traffic laws. Mainly it's against the law for anyone over the age of fourteen to ride a bicycle on a sidewalk. The sidewalk is for pedestrians. A bicyclist must obey all the same laws as any other vehicle on the road, with the exception of speed limits. Will you get into trouble for not following these rules? Probably not. Unfortunately the law is pretty lax.

Richard J. Van Almkerk
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367 Posts

Posted - May 23 2008 :  08:09:24  Show Profile
Be a running at heart and a triathlete currently who rides a bike a pushes a double baby jogger when he runs, I will be aiming for you on the bike path runsfast or something of the sort. LOL



Push 'til you puke, then go harder!!!
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88 Posts

Posted - May 23 2008 :  17:22:09  Show Profile
Why do you need a bike path to run? There are so many good trails on which to run. Get off the pavement, run some trails, your body will thank you. Until you take a face plant into a tree that is, you will get over it and realize that trail running is where its at. Push till you puke....what color puke? If you are puking red, you may want to slow it down for a few minutes. PUKE FAST AND KEEP RUNNING. And for the love of god, DO NOT PUKE RIGHT OF THE EFFING TRAIL. Have the common decency to get off the damn trail....or street, track, or sidewalk... where ever the hell you run. THEN PUKE TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT. SOME TIMES ALL IT TAKES IS A GOOD PUKE TO GET TO THE FINISH LINE. SIDEWALK? What won't your mom let you cross the street?

Trail running.
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20 Posts

Posted - May 30 2008 :  21:21:25  Show Profile
The most convenient place for me to run are the roads around my home. Its semi-rural here so there's usually not a lot of traffic. Maybe these people are on their way to the mall to save capitalism; maybe they pay more taxes than I that go for the state's infrastructure. It doesn't matter to me- common courtesy and civil behavior towards one's fellow humans would seem to dictate that drivers should give wide berth to pedestrians or bicyclists. Out here you could just about drive down the middle of the road for several miles with your eyes closed and be safe. Yet most drivers fly by me in their two tons of gas guzzling steel machines as if I weren't there. I've flipped the bird countless times but I'm always afraid it'll be to the wrong person- a nice old lady, a neighbor or a beer guzzling angry man in a pickup with a shotgun and a hot temper. In fact, I had an article in the Buffalo News about this issue last year. It had no effect whatsoever on the drivers of WNY. They must be illiterate.
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1012 Posts

Posted - June 03 2008 :  11:43:40  Show Profile

... never let your guard down, even in a race, at Juneteenth last Sunday there were 2 traffic control volunteers at the corner I was approcahing and the car came through anyhow, and stopped about 5 feet before me!
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226 Posts

Posted - June 03 2008 :  13:15:51  Show Profile
That's horrific!! The photo says enough. Those cyclists probably never even seen that coming.
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88 Posts

Posted - June 03 2008 :  16:36:29  Show Profile
A few years ago a very accomplished ultrarunner from Orillia Ontario was hit by a truck. I think it was a snow plows mirror that got him. The diagnosis was grim, he was not supposed to ever walk again. Being an ultrarunner he faught back. After well over a year of intense rehab he was able to ride a stationary bike. He got to the point where he was able to ride outside. The very first time he when for a ride outside he was hit by a vehicle again. His name was Norm Petanuade(sic). He did not survive to second accident. Be careful out there, it can happen to any of us, sometimes twice.

Trail running.
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226 Posts

Posted - June 03 2008 :  18:06:15  Show Profile
MATAMOROS, Mexico - A fatal crash happened in Matamoros during a family bicycle tour. Friends of the victims tell NEWSCHANNEL 5 at least 5 people died.

So far, one of the victims was identified. He's 30-year old Alejandro Alvarez of Brownsville. At least 12 people are hurt. Ten of them are in critical condition right now. Several victims were taken to a Brownsville hospital.

Mexican media reports Jesse Campos of Brownsville was under the influence of drugs, when he tried to drive pass a police car escorting the cyclists, and crashed into a crowd of riders.
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367 Posts

Posted - June 03 2008 :  19:34:04  Show Profile
I'm not sure if I ever posted this online before or not, but in 80's when I ran the B-lo marathon I saw a women not listen to a volunteer and drive right out onto the course. A guy about 200meters from me go hit from behind. She said she was late for church. I couldn't believe my eyes. The ironic part was I was at a Bond Lake AC banquet that was at Pearl Street and was telling someone the story and they said that guy is right behind you in the bar. For the life of me I can't remember the guys name. If I remember correctly he made a full recovery and was still running. That was some time ago so my memory could be failing me in my older age.



Push 'til you puke, then go harder!!!
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