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367 Posts

Posted - May 16 2008 :  06:30:55  Show Profile
I'll see you in B-lo. I'm doing the half to see how my fall training for a possible Boston qualifier is going. The wife is running the full and is hopeing to qualify for bean town so we can run it together in 2009.

Kids didn't let me know there was a meet until yesterday and already had plans with the family or I would of been there.



Push 'til you puke, then go harder!!!
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367 Posts

Posted - May 20 2008 :  08:26:08  Show Profile

You almost got the 1st place at Mt Saint Mary's. Nice run before the marathon.



Push 'til you puke, then go harder!!!
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Derek NF

176 Posts

Posted - May 20 2008 :  14:09:44  Show Profile
Thanks Rich. That 3 1/2 hours of landscaping I did Friday was just enough to kill my kick. My hammies were tight from the start and I didn't have the pop. You know how much I like yard work. Tell Teena good luck in case I don't see her. Go 99th street. Catherine's doing the half also.
I might take Jake to that fun run on Saturday at 2, you taking Elic?
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367 Posts

Posted - May 20 2008 :  14:40:10  Show Profile
Where is the fun run? If it is part of the marathon I won't be home in time. Won't be back until about 8pm Saturday.



Push 'til you puke, then go harder!!!
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34 Posts

Posted - May 20 2008 :  15:12:28  Show Profile
Allow me to play Devil's Advocate for a second here...although I'm just starting to run, I still think that ROADS WERE MEANT FOR CARS!!! How selfish is it for one to think that the roads are meant for running or biking? We as taxpayers pay for these roads so that we can drive to work and to other retail outlets so that the economy can continue to function normally....that is...a DEMOCRACY.

So next time you are on the road running fast, move to the sidewalk, that's what they are there for....and if you are worried about injury on the road wear a helmet when you run.

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1012 Posts

Posted - May 20 2008 :  15:18:09  Show Profile
CARS SUCK. (except Mustangs).

"When the thrasher comes I'll be stuck in the Sun like the dinosaurs in shrines". ...NEIL
5K PR - 17:51, 1M-5:23, IQ-68, Lost virginity-1975, Favorite Movie-Day the Earth Stood Still
Gort! Klaatu barada nikto! - The 2008 Mustang Project.
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226 Posts

Posted - May 20 2008 :  18:57:20  Show Profile
Originally posted by RunninFast

Allow me to play Devil's Advocate for a second here...although I'm just starting to run, I still think that ROADS WERE MEANT FOR CARS!!! How selfish is it for one to think that the roads are meant for running or biking? We as taxpayers pay for these roads so that we can drive to work and to other retail outlets so that the economy can continue to function normally....that is...a DEMOCRACY.

So next time you are on the road running fast, move to the sidewalk, that's what they are there for....and if you are worried about injury on the road wear a helmet when you run.


Yes, you're right. Roads were meant for cars. However, Pedestrians have the f'n right of way. I run on sidewalks whenever possible. When I come to an intersection and even wait until the crossing light is white for "pedestrian xrossing". Every single time a car blows right through the f'n walk and almost takes me out. As a matter of fact I was hit riding my bike this way because some a-hole was in a hurry to get his fat ass on the couch after work.

Driving is a privilege, not a right and most accidents are caused by careless and distracted drivers.
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Jan J.

337 Posts

Posted - May 20 2008 :  19:54:47  Show Profile

I'm afraid that you've gotten taken in by yet another anonymous, phony poster. 'RunninFast' is more bogus than a $3 bill and not nearly as funny.

Jan J.
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1012 Posts

Posted - May 20 2008 :  20:12:03  Show Profile
Jeez, just when I finally figured out what a Democracy was, a road connecting retail outlets, thanks for bursting my bubble again Jan!
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1019 Posts

Posted - May 20 2008 :  20:52:26  Show Profile
Jan J.- After looking at a couple of RunninFast other posts, it looks like you called it. I was also going to tell him to check back in a couple of months, when his knees felt like they were on fire from running on the hard ass concrete sidewalks. But you're right-why bother..

Ryan whats you plan for Sunday??

RUNNERS RAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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226 Posts

Posted - May 20 2008 :  22:20:39  Show Profile
It's hard for me to have a sense of humor about the fact I almost get run over on a daily basis.

Game plan for sunday? ****, try to wake up before 7am is gonna be harder than running 26.2 miles, for one. I'm not sure what to expect out myself at this point. My legs are built like that of a fast runner. I can reach speeds of 14 mph in short bursts. I feel like I should be able to run at least a 3:10-3:15 this time around. We'll see I guess.

After this run, I gotta let my ankle heal. Honestly, it hasn't been the same since last November. It clicks and protrudes out, possibly a stress fracture or tendinitis. Locks up on me around mile 5-6. Sucks, but I run on it anyway.
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367 Posts

Posted - May 21 2008 :  08:14:43  Show Profile
I have a novel idea. Everyone who is running in the B-lo, whether it is the full or half, duck tape a sign on your back with your username so we can all identify each other.



Push 'til you puke, then go harder!!!
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1012 Posts

Posted - May 21 2008 :  08:59:04  Show Profile
Good idea Rich ...

Ryan, yer right, getting run over is no laughing matter, it seems odd to me that you are having this happen on a daliy basis - even here on the W.SIDE that doesn't happen. Maybe you need to think about changing your route? From what I remember talking to you at Lisa's Legacy you came a long way in a short time. Take care of that ankle man! Be around for the long haul!

Be safe and healthy.
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103 Posts

Posted - May 21 2008 :  18:07:23  Show Profile
Originally posted by Jan J.


I'm afraid that you've gotten taken in by yet another anonymous, phony poster. 'RunninFast' is more bogus than a $3 bill and not nearly as funny.

Jan J.

RunninFast is not a phony poster which i am sorry to say, although he is crew. Aren't most people on here "anonymous" anyway?

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Jan J.

337 Posts

Posted - May 21 2008 :  19:38:40  Show Profile
Yeah, whiteowlblunts, apparently all posters who don't have the balls (and I'd have to guess that most of the anonymous posters on this forum are, indeed, more or less male) to say their piece in public, signed with their name, on this forum, and maybe on most other forums, are anonymous.

Jan J.
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34 Posts

Posted - May 22 2008 :  09:12:36  Show Profile
Listen, JAN what's your problem? I'm not a bogus poster and while I am a bit "zany" I completely agree that car accidents are no laughing matter. I'm sorry to hear Ryan that you almost got hit but the point I was trying to make is that one can't honestly expect to be safe while running on the roads. I like to go to local tracks as well or stay on streets that have a forgiving shoulder (like Richmond)

It's people like you Jan that basically created Communism...that is, shutting out new ideas just because they don't agree with your own. Everything for "the state" right?

Anyways, my favorite places to run are now Bike Paths...they are less boring than a track plus the only thing one has to deal with is an out of control baby stroller or a bike. Much better than a Grey Chevy Impala or something...
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