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226 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2008 : 12:55:29
Just a mild complaint about drivers and their complacency towards pedestrian cross-walks. I managed to avoid 3 cars today that blew through without even looking. Nothing frustrates me more, especially since I was hit on Camp and Southwestern in January and my bike was totaled. I don't know, is it just me? |
486 Posts |
Posted - May 10 2008 : 16:52:19
Yeah, Riding a bike is more dangerous, especially if you ride fast. Several times I've had someone make eye contact, then pull right out in front of me, forcing me to lay the bike down or run into the side of the car. Its like they see you, but dont judge the speed. As Mustang says: "Speed Kills" |
226 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2008 : 13:07:58
quote: Originally posted by SonOfRoxy
Yeah, Riding a bike is more dangerous, especially if you ride fast. Several times I've had someone make eye contact, then pull right out in front of me, forcing me to lay the bike down or run into the side of the car. Its like they see you, but dont judge the speed. As Mustang says: "Speed Kills"
If "Speed Kills" then Mustang would be dead 10x over. |
1012 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2008 : 13:27:00
ignorance is the number one killer in the world today .
I spend a lot of time in the street like most runners and bikers, and some people are too self absorbed to care about my safety, so I have to work extra hard to make up for that. Never let your guard down for a second and treat every car like a potential threat.
When I get behind the wheel, which is not too often, I try to be extra cautious and respectful of pedestrians, cause I know how it feels.
The motel of lost companions waits with heated pool and bar, but me I'm not stopping there, got my own row left to hoe. |
226 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2008 : 14:27:13
I love Buffalo, don't get me wrong. But when I ran the Virginia Beach Marathon I was amazed at what a huge running/fitness community they have down there. A runner/biker is a very common sight on a daily basis. Unlike here where most people are out of shape and have pissy attitudes towards those who are not. I can remember so many times over the last 2 years where someone has made some negative comment or thrown something at me from a car.
I guess thats what makes Buffalo runners some of the toughest, meanest sob's. That and the harsh winters that we still manage to maintain our outdoor mileage in. |
Derek NF
176 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2008 : 16:43:07
I almost get hit twice a week. Yesterday was the closest call I had though. I was approaching a corner in the bike lane which from the white line to the edge was about 10 feet. Some guy was making a right on red and came across the white line almost on the grass. Luckily I had my head up, I literally had to jump out of the way. I yelled and he looked at me like I was crazy. I will say this, since I started running I've become a much more cautious driver. No one looks right when they are making a right and very rarely do they really stop, that includes cop cars. If you think its bad in Buffalo, come to the Falls. Rich (ironman) and I are the only 2 guys that run the streets so no one is looking for runners. I get heckled all the time but I yell back. If a group of kids actually stop I figure I can outrun them. |
367 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2008 : 18:19:12
Not sure if I can out run them still.
Push 'til you puke, then go harder!!! |
3100 Posts |
Posted - May 11 2008 : 21:30:21
How many times do you come to an intersection (as a runner) and encounter a guy who is trying to make a left? You're on his/her right, but they never even look right to see if it's clear. They just look left and go, and you have to be alert not to get hit. That's why weating headphones while running scare me. |
Outside Counsel
215 Posts |
Posted - May 12 2008 : 09:51:29
If you are running you have the advantage of moving against traffic, and (usually) being on the sidewalk. That means that you only need to worry when you are crossing the street, and if you start from the assumption that anyone in a car is indifferent to you you're probably safe. A bike is trickier. My assumption when I am on my bike is that I must be invisible. Not only can't drivers see you, pedestrians can't either; they blithely walk directly in your path as a matter of routine.
For years I argued in vain that the Delaware Park ring road should be completely closed to traffic. I once got into it at some sort of public event with Mayor Massiello, and he got all heated up-- it was pretty funny. A car-free ring road would allow runners a safe space on the inside track and cyclists the outside lane. NYC's Mayor Lindsay is mostly remembered as a failure, but he closed Central Park to automobiles, and is a hero to many, including me, for that. |
blooger butt
369 Posts |
Posted - May 12 2008 : 10:17:58
The one day myself and three friends on my team were running on N. Forest, on the sidewalk, by Millersport and St. Rita's, right around there. We got to the driveway of the office building I think, and a lady was pulling out in an SUV. We thought she looked at us, so we figured it was safe. I was ahead by just a couple feet, and I got passed it. The lady started to go, saw me, got startled, didn't look and started going again, almost taking out my three buddies legs. We couldn't believe it, and we didn't even know if she realized they were there after the fact, but they had to dodge her car.
blooger butt |
226 Posts |
486 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2008 : 09:59:09
I once had a guy come after me in a company van when I was on a bike. He drove past swearing at me out the window and pulled off onto the shoulder. When I pulle next to him, he drove right at me and forced me across two lane of traffic into the oncoming traffic, the whole time he was swearing at me out the window and trying to turn the van into me. My emotions went from rage to fear as I realized this guy was out for blood! I finally was able to back off and get away from the guy, but he was driving a company van for a local muffler chain. I went to the muffler shop after calming down a bit to let them know they had a killer driving their truck around. The manager of the chain turned out to be the son of the owner who I had gone to school with a few years earlier. He was very apologetic about the incident. I learned later that the man in the van was actually his father, the owner of the chain of shops and my neighbor. I still think this is an isolated incident and its better to be seen and piss someone off than to not be seen and get hit. |

14 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2008 : 13:17:35
As someone who bikes somewhat routinely from the city of Buffalo to Lockport and the Falls, I agree that cyclists are often invisible to drivers. But even when people know you're there, they often drive to cut you off, not respecting bike lanes or shoulders and trying not to let you pass. As a result, I ride pretty offensively, asserting myself so that people can't avoid knowing I'm there.
My biggest problem with driving (and riding) in the city of Buffalo is that somehow people here think it's okay to drive two cars to a lane in places where there's only one (admittedly wide) lane. Many people will drive within a foot of either the curb or parked cars, which is not particularly safe for anyone--pedestrians, cyclists, or other drivers.
I agree that closing Ring Road to traffic would be brilliant. I don't see it happening anytime soon, though. |
22 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2008 : 21:30:11
Derek, It's not that the drivers in the Falls don't see Rich, it's that most of them are former Gaskill students and they are aiming for him. As one of the other invisible runners in the Falls I agree that runners and bikers are low on the list of things to look for by drivers. Maybe they are too busy trying to dodge potholes to look out for us?
Ken |
Derek NF
176 Posts |
Posted - May 13 2008 : 21:46:20
Your right with the pot holes, I ride my bike in Lewiston/Youngstown or else I'd spend the majority of my time changing tires. The other problem is, Falls humor is unique. People are often swerving at me and come to find out its someone I know. I got a text a few weeks back by a friend that said I flipped him off. He was like I beeped and swerved at you, didn't you know it was me? Its kind of hard to see when you're crossing the street in mid stride and looking back to who's driving. Rich better start being a little nicer to those kids, thats why I teach elementary. Also, you said former students, aren't there some kids driving to middle school over there? |
367 Posts |
Posted - May 14 2008 : 20:52:49
Damn students trying to run me over. There just mad I can still our run them. HAHAHAHA I do get a lot of Mr. Clark out the windows of cars when I am running.
What's up Ken?
Push 'til you puke, then go harder!!! |
22 Posts |
Posted - May 15 2008 : 22:22:31
Rich Thought I might see you at the modified track meet today at NFHS. Gaskill staff and students were well represented. You need to bust on McNamera though - Latham and I saw one girl running her race in PJ bottoms and her track shirt. I get a lot of Hey, Mr. Wagner as well. And another cold day in hell is coming up as I will be running the Buffalo Marathon as part of a relay with Beth Bullock and two other people. |
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