Dear Running Community: Has anyone given a thought as to what we, as a running community, can or could do to assist with the rebuilding of the Depew/Lanc Boys and Girls Club after the disastrous fire? Their annual Independence Day race is one of my favorites. I highly doubt it will be rebuilt in time for this year's race, if they have one at all.
I had to go to the building yesterday for work. The directors said people wanting to help/looking for updates should visit They said it is updated regularly.
Yesterday they said that at this point they are not 100 percent sure what they will face as they try to move forward with the club's mission.
Yes, the Lancaster building is the host for the race. The fire was at the Depew building. Having said that, thank you Jeanne for posting this topic because I spent a fair amount of my youth at the Depew building, so it is near and dear to my heart.
I know that there are a number of fund raisers that are in the works that will be posted on the website in Stosh's post. I read a story the other day that you can designate bottle and can deposits to the Club if you bring your returns to WNY Best Redemption centers. Hey, every little bit helps. I'm confident that the community is going to come thru on this.