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 The Downtown Fitness Club East End Mile, Friday, J
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john h

6 Posts

Posted - May 17 2008 :  11:41:51  Show Profile
The Downtown Fitness Club
Friday, June 6, 2008
** 7:30 p.m.

Come For the Run,
Stay for the Fun!

PREMIER SPONSOR - Smoking & Health Action Coalition of Monroe County

SUPPORTING SPONSORS - Preferred Care, Map My & Fleet Feet Sports


TIMING BY - Yellow Jacket Racing

Come For the Run
Registration fee gets you:
-Free Race T-shirt (one shirt per registration).
-Free admission into the East End Festival
-One free drink coupon redeemable at the Festival
-Free Parking at the East End Garage
-Chance to win great door prizes after both races
-Showers and restrooms in the DFC to freshen up after the race

Stay For the Fun
At the Downtown Fitness Club East End Music Festival you will enjoy:
-Mingling with over 10,000 other festival goers
-Live music and dancing with lots of great food and drink
-The sights and sounds of Rochester’s East End

Overall Female & Male $500
2nd Female & Male $250
3rd Female & Male $100
Overall Female & Male Masters $250
Overall Female & Male High School
Finishers will each be awarded a
$250 scholarship


Parking for the DFC East End Mile Run will be available at the East End Garage located on the corners of Scio Street and East Main Street.

Directions from the East End Garage to
The Downtown Fitness Club
Head South on Scio Street from the garage. Scio Street turns into Broadway at East Ave. Continue on Broadway, then take your first right onto Lawn Street. The DFC will be your last business on Lawn Street on the left hand side of the Street.

Registration and Packet Pick-Up
Race day registration and race packet pick-up will begin at 5:30 p.m. inside The Downtown Fitness Club.

Stretching provided by Downtown Fitness

Runners can register by returning this completed form by mail no later than June 3rd.
Register online by June 4th at

Registration can also be done race day at:
The Downtown Fitness Club
50 Chestnut St. Rochester, NY 14604

Fill out this form and return with registration fee to: The Downtown Fitness Club at the above address by June 3rd, 2008
Name: _______________________
Address: _____________________
City: ________________________
State: _______________________
Zip: ________________________
Phone: ______________________
E-mail: ______________________
Age on Race Day: _____________
Best one mile time: ____________
Gender: Male: ____ Female: ___

T-Shirt Size (circle one):
Small Medium Large Extra Large

All race participants must read and sign the following disclosure: I, the undersigned wish to participate in the Downtown Fitness Club East End Mile on June 6th By my signature, I hereby state that: I am in good physical condition and am properly trained to complete the race, I agree to abide by the decision of a race official as that decision relates to my ability to safely complete the race. I assume all risks associated with running in this event including, but not limited to: injury and/or death as a result of falls; contact with other participants; the effects of weather, including high heat and humidity; and the conditions of the course, all risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read and understood this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of the Race organizers having accepted my entrée, I and everyone entitled to act on my behalf, knowingly, and voluntarily hereby release the Downtown Fitness Club, the City of Rochester and all race sponsors from any claims, lawsuits, proceedings or liabilities of any kind resulting from my participating in this event. I also grant the organizers full permission to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, or recordings, or any other record of this event for any other purpose.
Print Name:_________________________________

Runner’s Entry Fee:
$13 (Pre-registration)
$15 (Day of Event)
Credit Card:______ ______ ______ _____
Exp Date:___ /___
Checks can be made payable to:
DFC Race and Festival, LLC
Mail to:
DFC Race & Festival
50 Chestnut St.
Rochester NY 14604

John H


136 Posts

Posted - May 17 2008 :  15:39:27  Show Profile
wow, look-- a race for under $25, AND gives out big bucks for prizes? Hmph, what a great concept.
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john h

6 Posts

Posted - May 23 2008 :  07:31:24  Show Profile
I haven't heard from any of you fast Buffalo runners yet...
I know gas prices are astronomical, but if you win the Downtown Fitness Club East End Mile and the $500 prize, you'll come out a little ahead for the trip...not to mention it'll be a great evening to attend the East End Festival following the race

John H
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john h

6 Posts

Posted - June 02 2008 :  11:58:24  Show Profile
4 days left until the first East End Mile
register at

John H
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john h

6 Posts

Posted - June 05 2008 :  16:41:49  Show Profile
come on...
make the short trip to Rochester tomorrow for the first ever running of the Downtown Fitness Club East End Mile.
It'll be hot!
You'll talk about it for years to come!

John H
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