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 What Do You Do When Drivers Veer At You?
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177 Posts

Posted - June 09 2008 :  09:52:26  Show Profile
I just got done running about 4.5 miles in a suburban area close to my home in Detroit, Michigan. I was running against traffic on a 35 MPH road that has enough of a gravel shoulder that could easily fit 2 runners. As a car approached me, I could see 2 males: the driver and a passenger. I saw them laugh, point at me, and then swerve their vehicle at me as if they wanted to hit me on purpose. What the heck are we supposed to do, or what actions can we take against ***holes like this, who make a conscious decision to swerve their vehicles at us? Of course I responded by screaming and flipping them off, and they may have made me so mad that I ran extra fast for the rest of my run...but still! I would have loved to have had a rock in my hand at that time....And of course I could not get a license plate since stupid Michigan has no front license plates!

I run from Buffalo to Houston to Buffalo to Detroit.


276 Posts

Posted - June 09 2008 :  11:11:30  Show Profile
Long ago when my road mileage was high the runner-auto conflicts were frequent. I saw some real good runners do this when I was in college and started doing it too. When a car failed to yield the right of way or came too close we would always smack a fender hard with open palm. It makes a real racket inside the car. The driver will notice you then and hopefully learn to drive more safely. It also gives you and your run a psychological boost - since you now may have to run for your life!

Sometimes if the driver transgression was flagrant I'd hit the car multiple times or use a fist and try to make a dent. If you survive, you won't have to pay for the damage. The driver hasn't a leg to stand on. They're scared or really pissed when you do it. They don't think you should hit their car. But the fact is, their car should never have been so close.

It's a dangerous and foolish game, and I don't reccommend it, but I used to do this too. When a car seemed to intentionally steer into my path I'd do the opposite of what was expected and move into the street in the car's path. Then you see the punk's expression of glee turn to shock when they realize they are really going to strike a pedestrian because of their foolishness. Two can play this game. Of course, if you miscalculate you'd better be a hell of an athlete or gymnast or it will be your last run. I don't ususlly do that today. But I enjoyed the game in my youth whenever it presented itself.

Well, I'm not so aggressive today in my "old" age. I'm quite content to move over, stop, or do whatever it takes to accommodate the motor traffic. I realize now that the auto driver typically does not "see" motorcycles, bicycles or pedestrians. We're not likely to change that. I try to give all bad driver's the benefit of the doubt today. I'd never swear or flip them off. That's never going to be productive. More importantly, I'd never give 'em the satisfaction. Don't ever do that. I think it will only encourage them.

On the road concentrate on two things. Satying alive, and completing the workout.
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320 Posts

Posted - June 09 2008 :  12:42:31  Show Profile
We may have the right of way, ... but cars have the weight advantage, ...

It sounds like someone was messing with you, ... but hopefully they were gone two seconds later and no one was hurt, ...

Our hearts and minds, often disconnected and at odds with each other become unified through the unrelenting tenaciousness of the human spirit. One heart, two feet, fifty states.
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564 Posts

Posted - June 09 2008 :  16:42:38  Show Profile
I like to smack the back of the cars fender with the palm or fist as well.

Once I was running down Niagara Falls Blv. and 4 punks yelled some profanity to my friend and ended up getting stuck at the light. I proceeded to sprint to their car while they quickly put the windows up, knocking on the windows, yelling at them to come out be men and say it to my face. It was probably the funniest day of my life watching a bunch of HS punks nearly crap their pants while a 120lbs runner was threatening them.

Good stuff.

Got endorphins?
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3100 Posts

Posted - June 09 2008 :  22:03:51  Show Profile
Carry a rock in your hand or pocket and toss it at the car. Nothing but self defense, and that will be the last time they do it. But, beware of road rage. Today, you never know what people will do. Lots of pent up hostility might lead to bad things happening.
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1012 Posts

Posted - June 09 2008 :  22:16:11  Show Profile
If the people in the car make you angry then they win, thats what they want.

"anger will destroy you Grasshopper"

HECKLE !!!!!
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53 Posts

Posted - June 09 2008 :  22:22:03  Show Profile
"Carry a rock in your hand or pocket ... But, beware of road rage..."

I'm usually just bothered by those that either won't move over, or won't lower their high beams (that's _MY_ big hot button!), but it is a concern I have. This is one of the reasons I always carry a water bottle, usually a reused Gatorade bottle; not costly if needed to be "discarded" quickly, but also more obviously a defensive tool, as in, it was just a reflex action throwing my bottle to protect myself. (I _HAVE_ squirted windshields of those not moving over when there's NO ONE coming from the other direction. Thankfully I've never had anyone deliberately veer toward me. Especially since I now more often use my Nathan or UD with its nifty zip pocket just the right size for the cell phone.

Hopefully you don't have thee encounters when there's little or no traffic. If someone stops or attempts to come after you, flag down another car or head to the nearest house. Bottom line, don't zone out, stay always alert. Run safe.


"Hills are your friends!"
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88 Posts

Posted - June 10 2008 :  10:42:48  Show Profile
Find the joy of TRAIL RUNNING. If you can get to a trail, try it. Trail running can be so much more fun that road running. It can be more challenging sometimes, but there is usually less stress of the joints. There can be other issues involved, other dangers. I once had a collision with a coyote, it ran right into my leg. Dogs can be an issue too. I have not run on roads for 15 years now. Your lungs will thank you too, I have asthma, and when I do have to run near vehicle traffic I can really have a hard time with the fumes. Even if you don't have a breathing problem you are still breathing that junk in.

Trail running.
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564 Posts

Posted - June 10 2008 :  16:36:43  Show Profile
I generally do a combination of trails / roads in every run. I try to get at least a few miels of a run off road.

Got endorphins?
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937 Posts

Posted - June 10 2008 :  21:36:43  Show Profile
looks like they did what they wanted to do. "Get a rise out of you". Just let it go. Or you might end up like Patric Rizzo that you live near. He runs for the Hansons and got hit this past winter. He is ok and running well again, but still be careful.

Share the road with a runner."Someone may beat me. But they will have to bleed to do it". ...PRE
5K PR- 17:04 8K-28:16 10K-36:32, 15K 55:17 1/2 marathon 1:23, Marathon- 2:51:18
Clint Verran Running,
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359 Posts

Posted - June 17 2008 :  11:15:39  Show Profile
I cannot begin to tell you the number of times I have almost been hit. The most recent was last week by a school bus at Willow and Ward in NT that went through a stop sign.
I don't think people know the rules of the road. A pedestrian has the right of way at a green light when a vehicle is turning rt. or left. They dont realize we have the right of way ata stop sign.
I have actually had people get out of thier cars and come after me when I smack the sides of their cars.
A friend suggested carrying a stick. As the car approaches too closely, put the stick out. That will make them move over.
Drivers are idiots. They don't realize that when they swerve toward you, they weigh much more. One wrong move and they have killed you.
It is sad that we cannot go out and enjoy runs without having to woory about these morons.
Stay Safe!!

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