RUN716 3-Person Relay 15K

Buffalo, NY
August 4, 2024

Results Courtesy of: Score This!!!

Overall Finish Order    Class Results 
Place  Name                           Time     Pace    Place/Class   Runner1                 Runner2                      Runner3                 
    1. Flying Bison - Runner's Roost  0:54:12  0:05:49     1/Male   Thomas WILLIAMS         Ryan Lohr                    Joe Pitzonka            
    2. Coleman > Diggs                0:56:23  0:06:03     1/Mixed  Nicole Mehlman-Davidow  Jason Fischer                Pete Davidow            
    3. Hit It & Negative Split It     0:58:11  0:06:15     1/Female Kimberly Tomasik        Allayva Stier                Beth Neel               
    4. Stubborn And Steadfast         0:59:28  0:06:23     2/Male   John Sarratori III      Christian Bahleda            Joseph Hughes           
    5. Two Brits And A Yank           1:00:07  0:06:27     2/Mixed  Blake Walsh                                                                  
    6. Pace Buffalo                   1:00:44  0:06:31     3/Mixed  Drew Brotz              Jason Hurley                 Kathleen Granchelli     
    7. Let's Go Run                   1:03:27  0:06:48     4/Mixed  Ryan Karcher            Luke Sutherland              Grace Fabian            
    8. Rev Runners 3                  1:08:14  0:07:19     5/Mixed  Lori Morreale           Jorian Holka                 Lauren Macpherson       
    9. "s" Boys                       1:09:13  0:07:26     3/Male   Steven Szymkowiak       Michael Szymkowiak           Dennis Szymkowiak       
   10. Unclaimed Dragons              1:10:23  0:07:33     6/Mixed  Julie Hoeber            Lisa Frankowski              Kevin Frankowski        
   11. Catch Us If You Can            1:10:51  0:07:36     7/Mixed  Charlotte Bamford       Lauren Stutzman              Corey Ortiz             
   12. Our Names Are Not On Souvenirs 1:13:07  0:07:51     8/Mixed  Briona Luthart          Mychal Ostuni                Denny Yeh               
   13. Hammertime                     1:13:47  0:07:55     4/Male   Christopher Knab        Brian DeKay                  Gregory Hammerl         
   14. Gant Brett Runs In Dress Shoes 1:15:04  0:08:03     5/Male   John Corda                                                                   
   15. Rev Runners Team 1             1:15:28  0:08:06     9/Mixed  Maren Pochatko          Alex Fultz                   Bethany Taylor-Garlock  
   16. Grc2                           1:17:08  0:08:17     2/Female Robin Rossbach          Lori Rimmer                                          
   17. Triple Js                      1:17:17  0:08:18    10/Mixed  Juli Hergenroder        Lance Jason                  Joni Maxick-Jason       
   18. Lads Lads Lads                 1:17:44  0:08:20     6/Male   Christopher Musialowski Michael Postles                                      
   19. Big And Slow                   1:18:09  0:08:23     7/Male   John Blandino           Greg Thornton                Steven Cerne            
   20. The Struggle Bus               1:18:37  0:08:26    11/Mixed  Michelle Bauer          Derek Hoover                 Michael Bauer           
   21. Two Girls And A Really Tall Gu 1:19:13  0:08:30    12/Mixed  Melissa Browne          Nathaniel Hallock            Meriah Dishaw           
   22. Rev Runners Team 2             1:19:35  0:08:32    13/Mixed  Bethany Taylor Garlock                                                       
   23. The Wolfpack                   1:20:01  0:08:35     3/Female Jadyn Pragle            Stella Harrison              Alexa Wolfe             
   24. 44-leaf Clovers                1:23:02  0:08:55    14/Mixed  Cameron Jones           Chris Jones                  Jacki Jones             
   25. Ray Sandwich                   1:26:21  0:09:16    15/Mixed  Rachael Vella-Garrido   Raymond Murphy               Hector Garrido          
   26. Bfd                            1:26:23  0:09:16    16/Mixed  Donny Melendez          Kelly McCarthy               Kevin Churley           
   27. Tacos Malos                    1:26:43  0:09:18     8/Male   Thomas Wilcox                                                                
   28. Shanks                         1:27:10  0:09:21    17/Mixed  Sean Kelly              Courtney Kelly               Jessica Maurer          
   29. Slogging For Beer              1:28:38  0:09:31    18/Mixed  Laura Kamela            Susan Raymond                Anthony Raymond         
   30. Slow Motion                    1:30:00  0:09:39     4/Female Erica Salazar           Teresa Nolan                 Patricia Rogowski       
   31. Beer Me!                       1:31:34  0:09:49     5/Female Leslie Begy             Kristin Wolfram              Lindsey Gold            
   32. The Margaritas                 1:34:08  0:10:06     6/Female Candace Wilcox                                                               
   33. Hustling To The Hot Tub        1:35:21  0:10:14     7/Female Julia Marks                                                                  
   34. Running Mea-ham                1:35:47  0:10:17    19/Mixed  Eileen Briceland        Andrew Hall                  Michael Giraldo         
   35. Labellonte                     1:36:10  0:10:19    20/Mixed  Thomas Bellonte         Lindsay Mairs                                        
   36. Unstoppable Trouble            1:37:16  0:10:26     8/Female Barbara Sauer           Kathy Gregoire               Ann More                
   37. Grc1                           1:39:23  0:10:40     9/Female Brianne Rehac           Emily Cobb                   Shannon Senger          
   38. Team Virginia                  1:44:30  0:11:13    21/Mixed  kathleen wirt           Beverly Lyle                 George Lyle             
   39. The Turdles                    1:45:23  0:11:18    22/Mixed  Clare Holler            Jason Shultz                 Christina Castillo      
   40. All That's Left                1:45:30  0:11:19    10/Female Lori Hunt               Victoria Taylor              Coleen Schofield        
   41. Orange Crushers Ii             1:45:32  0:11:19    23/Mixed  April Taylor            Gail Giessert                Brian Sullivan          
   42. Orange Crushers I              1:45:33  0:11:19    24/Mixed  Danielle Julias         Vicki Karam                  Christina Hidalgo       
   43. Will Run For Brunch            1:48:46  0:11:40    11/Female Jennifer Orlando        Heather Sowder-Frydrychowski                         
   44. Lean Machines                  1:49:18  0:11:44    12/Female Jaclyn Davis            maria dailey                 Amy Lopiccolo           
   45. Team Bees                      1:51:50  0:12:00    25/Mixed  Tom LeValley            KATHERINE ROSSI              Brian Webb              
   46. Buster Bros                    1:57:31  0:12:36    26/Mixed  Maxfield Michalec       Ashley Matuszak              Susan Michalec          
   47. Dream Team                     2:19:46  0:15:00    13/Female Pat Harper              Sherrine Chapman             Catherine Linder Spencer

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Class Results      Overall Finish Order
Place  Name                           Time     Pace    OvrAll Class  Runner1                 Runner2                      Runner3                 
    1. Hit It & Negative Split It     0:58:11  0:06:15      3 Female Kimberly Tomasik        Allayva Stier                Beth Neel               
    2. Grc2                           1:17:08  0:08:17     16 Female Robin Rossbach          Lori Rimmer                                          
    3. The Wolfpack                   1:20:01  0:08:35     23 Female Jadyn Pragle            Stella Harrison              Alexa Wolfe             
    4. Slow Motion                    1:30:00  0:09:39     30 Female Erica Salazar           Teresa Nolan                 Patricia Rogowski       
    5. Beer Me!                       1:31:34  0:09:49     31 Female Leslie Begy             Kristin Wolfram              Lindsey Gold            
    6. The Margaritas                 1:34:08  0:10:06     32 Female Candace Wilcox                                                               
    7. Hustling To The Hot Tub        1:35:21  0:10:14     33 Female Julia Marks                                                                  
    8. Unstoppable Trouble            1:37:16  0:10:26     36 Female Barbara Sauer           Kathy Gregoire               Ann More                
    9. Grc1                           1:39:23  0:10:40     37 Female Brianne Rehac           Emily Cobb                   Shannon Senger          
   10. All That's Left                1:45:30  0:11:19     40 Female Lori Hunt               Victoria Taylor              Coleen Schofield        
   11. Will Run For Brunch            1:48:46  0:11:40     43 Female Jennifer Orlando        Heather Sowder-Frydrychowski                         
   12. Lean Machines                  1:49:18  0:11:44     44 Female Jaclyn Davis            maria dailey                 Amy Lopiccolo           
   13. Dream Team                     2:19:46  0:15:00     47 Female Pat Harper              Sherrine Chapman             Catherine Linder Spencer
Place  Name                           Time     Pace    OvrAll Class  Runner1                 Runner2                      Runner3                 
    1. Flying Bison - Runner's Roost  0:54:12  0:05:49      1 Male   Thomas WILLIAMS         Ryan Lohr                    Joe Pitzonka            
    2. Stubborn And Steadfast         0:59:28  0:06:23      4 Male   John Sarratori III      Christian Bahleda            Joseph Hughes           
    3. "s" Boys                       1:09:13  0:07:26      9 Male   Steven Szymkowiak       Michael Szymkowiak           Dennis Szymkowiak       
    4. Hammertime                     1:13:47  0:07:55     13 Male   Christopher Knab        Brian DeKay                  Gregory Hammerl         
    5. Gant Brett Runs In Dress Shoes 1:15:04  0:08:03     14 Male   John Corda                                                                   
    6. Lads Lads Lads                 1:17:44  0:08:20     18 Male   Christopher Musialowski Michael Postles                                      
    7. Big And Slow                   1:18:09  0:08:23     19 Male   John Blandino           Greg Thornton                Steven Cerne            
    8. Tacos Malos                    1:26:43  0:09:18     27 Male   Thomas Wilcox                                                                
Place  Name                           Time     Pace    OvrAll Class  Runner1                 Runner2                      Runner3                 
    1. Coleman > Diggs                0:56:23  0:06:03      2 Mixed  Nicole Mehlman-Davidow  Jason Fischer                Pete Davidow            
    2. Two Brits And A Yank           1:00:07  0:06:27      5 Mixed  Blake Walsh                                                                  
    3. Pace Buffalo                   1:00:44  0:06:31      6 Mixed  Drew Brotz              Jason Hurley                 Kathleen Granchelli     
    4. Let's Go Run                   1:03:27  0:06:48      7 Mixed  Ryan Karcher            Luke Sutherland              Grace Fabian            
    5. Rev Runners 3                  1:08:14  0:07:19      8 Mixed  Lori Morreale           Jorian Holka                 Lauren Macpherson       
    6. Unclaimed Dragons              1:10:23  0:07:33     10 Mixed  Julie Hoeber            Lisa Frankowski              Kevin Frankowski        
    7. Catch Us If You Can            1:10:51  0:07:36     11 Mixed  Charlotte Bamford       Lauren Stutzman              Corey Ortiz             
    8. Our Names Are Not On Souvenirs 1:13:07  0:07:51     12 Mixed  Briona Luthart          Mychal Ostuni                Denny Yeh               
    9. Rev Runners Team 1             1:15:28  0:08:06     15 Mixed  Maren Pochatko          Alex Fultz                   Bethany Taylor-Garlock  
   10. Triple Js                      1:17:17  0:08:18     17 Mixed  Juli Hergenroder        Lance Jason                  Joni Maxick-Jason       
   11. The Struggle Bus               1:18:37  0:08:26     20 Mixed  Michelle Bauer          Derek Hoover                 Michael Bauer           
   12. Two Girls And A Really Tall Gu 1:19:13  0:08:30     21 Mixed  Melissa Browne          Nathaniel Hallock            Meriah Dishaw           
   13. Rev Runners Team 2             1:19:35  0:08:32     22 Mixed  Bethany Taylor Garlock                                                       
   14. 44-leaf Clovers                1:23:02  0:08:55     24 Mixed  Cameron Jones           Chris Jones                  Jacki Jones             
   15. Ray Sandwich                   1:26:21  0:09:16     25 Mixed  Rachael Vella-Garrido   Raymond Murphy               Hector Garrido          
   16. Bfd                            1:26:23  0:09:16     26 Mixed  Donny Melendez          Kelly McCarthy               Kevin Churley           
   17. Shanks                         1:27:10  0:09:21     28 Mixed  Sean Kelly              Courtney Kelly               Jessica Maurer          
   18. Slogging For Beer              1:28:38  0:09:31     29 Mixed  Laura Kamela            Susan Raymond                Anthony Raymond         
   19. Running Mea-ham                1:35:47  0:10:17     34 Mixed  Eileen Briceland        Andrew Hall                  Michael Giraldo         
   20. Labellonte                     1:36:10  0:10:19     35 Mixed  Thomas Bellonte         Lindsay Mairs                                        
   21. Team Virginia                  1:44:30  0:11:13     38 Mixed  kathleen wirt           Beverly Lyle                 George Lyle             
   22. The Turdles                    1:45:23  0:11:18     39 Mixed  Clare Holler            Jason Shultz                 Christina Castillo      
   23. Orange Crushers Ii             1:45:32  0:11:19     41 Mixed  April Taylor            Gail Giessert                Brian Sullivan          
   24. Orange Crushers I              1:45:33  0:11:19     42 Mixed  Danielle Julias         Vicki Karam                  Christina Hidalgo       
   25. Team Bees                      1:51:50  0:12:00     45 Mixed  Tom LeValley            KATHERINE ROSSI              Brian Webb              
   26. Buster Bros                    1:57:31  0:12:36     46 Mixed  Maxfield Michalec       Ashley Matuszak              Susan Michalec          

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