| Engineering Society Of Buffalo 4 MilesGrand Island, NY June 6, 2024Results Data Courtesy of: Tempus Fugit |
Overall Finish Order Men - Age Groups Women - Age Groups Age Graded Overall
Place Name Time Pace InGroup InSex AGtime AGpct
1. Ian Shear 0:24:35 0:06:09 1/M15-19 1/M 0:24:35 68.00%
2. Mike Kushion 0:25:13 0:06:18 1/M45-49 2/M 0:22:59 72.74%
3. Matthew Becker 0:29:03 0:07:16 2/M45-49 3/M 0:26:28 63.15%
4. Jason Shear 0:29:10 0:07:17 3/M45-49 4/M 0:26:10 63.90%
5. Nathan Croscut Miller 0:30:08 0:07:32 1/M20-24 5/M 0:30:08 55.48%
6. Joseph Sobol 0:30:29 0:07:37 1/M25-29 6/M 0:30:29 54.84%
7. Ben Seibold 0:31:07 0:07:47 2/M25-29 7/M 0:31:07 53.72%
8. Ed Kamela 0:34:00 0:08:30 1/M60-64 8/M 0:26:50 62.30%
9. Andrew Klettke 0:34:29 0:08:37 1/M35-39 9/M 0:33:39 49.68%
10. Daniel Zilbauer 0:34:40 0:08:40 4/M45-49 10/M 0:31:21 53.33%
11. Susan Stanko 0:35:02 0:08:45 1/F60-64 1/F 0:27:03 70.25%
12. Sarah Oryszak 0:35:24 0:08:51 1/F45-49 2/F 0:31:50 59.68%
13. Cody Winkowski 0:35:31 0:08:53 3/M25-29 11/M 0:35:31 47.07%
14. Thomas Bellonte 0:35:33 0:08:53 2/M35-39 12/M 0:34:26 48.54%
15. Ed Hutton 0:35:53 0:08:58 1/M65-69 13/M 0:27:02 61.84%
16. Rick Royce 0:36:37 0:09:09 2/M65-69 14/M 0:28:22 58.91%
17. James Sacco 0:37:00 0:09:15 2/M60-64 15/M 0:28:56 57.77%
18. Deborah Miller 0:37:14 0:09:18 2/F60-64 3/F 0:28:01 67.82%
19. Michael Chapman 0:37:18 0:09:19 3/M35-39 16/M 0:36:08 46.26%
20. Cindy Raepple 0:37:40 0:09:25 3/F60-64 4/F 0:29:05 65.34%
21. Silvia Kremic 0:38:17 0:09:34 1/F25-29 5/F 0:38:17 49.63%
22. Toby Frederick 0:38:25 0:09:36 1/M50-54 17/M 0:33:05 50.53%
23. Tom LePage 0:39:14 0:09:48 3/M65-69 18/M 0:30:07 55.50%
24. Susan Raymond 0:39:25 0:09:51 4/F60-64 6/F 0:30:49 61.66%
25. Kyle Cramer 0:39:26 0:09:51 4/M25-29 19/M 0:39:26 42.39%
26. Timothy Diamond 0:41:09 0:10:17 5/M25-29 20/M 0:41:09 40.62%
27. Steven Longo 0:41:28 0:10:22 3/M60-64 21/M 0:33:37 49.72%
28. Colleen Sullivan 0:41:51 0:10:28 1/F40-44 7/F 0:39:29 48.13%
29. Mark Vaughan 0:42:22 0:10:35 4/M65-69 22/M 0:32:31 51.40%
30. Lacy Houseman 0:43:37 0:10:54 2/F45-49 8/F 0:40:48 46.56%
31. Andrea Messineo 0:43:52 0:10:58 2/F40-44 9/F 0:41:23 45.92%
32. Teresa Blue 0:44:17 0:11:04 1/F65-69 10/F 0:32:27 58.55%
33. Larry Zamojski 0:44:28 0:11:07 1/M70-74 23/M 0:32:48 50.95%
34. Budd Bailey 0:45:00 0:11:15 5/M65-69 24/M 0:33:54 49.31%
35. Heather Wilhelm 0:45:02 0:11:15 3/F40-44 11/F 0:42:49 44.38%
36. Ann More 0:45:12 0:11:18 5/F60-64 12/F 0:34:54 54.45%
37. Anthony Raymond 0:45:59 0:11:30 2/M70-74 25/M 0:33:32 49.85%
38. Megan Coder 0:46:03 0:11:31 2/F25-29 13/F 0:46:03 41.26%
39. Liberty Snyder 0:46:33 0:11:38 3/F45-49 14/F 0:42:45 44.44%
40. Susan Kelley 0:46:35 0:11:39 1/F55-59 15/F 0:39:09 48.52%
41. Theresa Smith 0:46:52 0:11:43 2/F55-59 16/F 0:38:56 48.80%
42. Rae Refermat 0:46:53 0:11:43 4/F45-49 17/F 0:42:10 45.06%
43. Scott Curtis 0:47:26 0:11:51 6/M65-69 26/M 0:36:45 45.48%
44. Mac Mackenzie 0:48:00 0:12:00 1/F80-99 18/F 0:28:26 66.82%
45. William Purdy 0:48:03 0:12:01 7/M65-69 27/M 0:36:53 45.32%
46. Jamie Howard 0:48:25 0:12:06 1/M55-59 28/M 0:39:57 41.84%
47. Patricia Baker 0:49:45 0:12:26 6/F60-64 19/F 0:37:55 50.11%
48. Ed Russell 0:49:57 0:12:29 1/M80-99 29/M 0:29:36 56.46%
49. Chris Forsyth 0:50:21 0:12:35 4/F40-44 20/F 0:47:52 39.70%
50. Craig Bloom 0:51:29 0:12:52 8/M65-69 30/M 0:38:24 43.53%
51. Shawn Houseman 0:52:14 0:13:03 5/M45-49 31/M 0:46:51 35.68%
52. Stacey Curry 0:54:41 0:13:40 1/F70-74 21/F 0:37:56 50.09%
53. Michelle Valvo 0:55:00 0:13:45 3/F55-59 22/F 0:46:14 41.10%
54. Tom Wilson 0:57:18 0:14:19 3/M70-74 32/M 0:41:47 40.01%
55. Michele Chapman 0:57:20 0:14:20 7/F60-64 23/F 0:43:42 43.48%
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Women - Age Group Results Men - Age Groups Overall Finish Order Age Graded Overall
Women 25-29
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Silvia Kremic 0:38:17 0:09:34 21 5/F
2. Megan Coder 0:46:03 0:11:31 38 13/F
Women 40-44
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Colleen Sullivan 0:41:51 0:10:28 28 7/F
2. Andrea Messineo 0:43:52 0:10:58 31 9/F
3. Heather Wilhelm 0:45:02 0:11:15 35 11/F
4. Chris Forsyth 0:50:21 0:12:35 49 20/F
Women 45-49
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Sarah Oryszak 0:35:24 0:08:51 12 2/F
2. Lacy Houseman 0:43:37 0:10:54 30 8/F
3. Liberty Snyder 0:46:33 0:11:38 39 14/F
4. Rae Refermat 0:46:53 0:11:43 42 17/F
Women 55-59
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Susan Kelley 0:46:35 0:11:39 40 15/F
2. Theresa Smith 0:46:52 0:11:43 41 16/F
3. Michelle Valvo 0:55:00 0:13:45 53 22/F
Women 60-64
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Susan Stanko 0:35:02 0:08:45 11 1/F
2. Deborah Miller 0:37:14 0:09:18 18 3/F
3. Cindy Raepple 0:37:40 0:09:25 20 4/F
4. Susan Raymond 0:39:25 0:09:51 24 6/F
5. Ann More 0:45:12 0:11:18 36 12/F
6. Patricia Baker 0:49:45 0:12:26 47 19/F
7. Michele Chapman 0:57:20 0:14:20 55 23/F
Women 65-69
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Teresa Blue 0:44:17 0:11:04 32 10/F
Women 70-74
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Stacey Curry 0:54:41 0:13:40 52 21/F
Women 80-99
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Mac Mackenzie 0:48:00 0:12:00 44 18/F
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Men - Age Group Results Women - Age Groups Overall Finish Order Age Graded Overall
Men 15-19
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Ian Shear 0:24:35 0:06:09 1 1/M
Men 20-24
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Nathan Croscut Miller 0:30:08 0:07:32 5 5/M
Men 25-29
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Joseph Sobol 0:30:29 0:07:37 6 6/M
2. Ben Seibold 0:31:07 0:07:47 7 7/M
3. Cody Winkowski 0:35:31 0:08:53 13 11/M
4. Kyle Cramer 0:39:26 0:09:51 25 19/M
5. Timothy Diamond 0:41:09 0:10:17 26 20/M
Men 35-39
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Andrew Klettke 0:34:29 0:08:37 9 9/M
2. Thomas Bellonte 0:35:33 0:08:53 14 12/M
3. Michael Chapman 0:37:18 0:09:19 19 16/M
Men 45-49
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Mike Kushion 0:25:13 0:06:18 2 2/M
2. Matthew Becker 0:29:03 0:07:16 3 3/M
3. Jason Shear 0:29:10 0:07:17 4 4/M
4. Daniel Zilbauer 0:34:40 0:08:40 10 10/M
5. Shawn Houseman 0:52:14 0:13:03 51 31/M
Men 50-54
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Toby Frederick 0:38:25 0:09:36 22 17/M
Men 55-59
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Jamie Howard 0:48:25 0:12:06 46 28/M
Men 60-64
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Ed Kamela 0:34:00 0:08:30 8 8/M
2. James Sacco 0:37:00 0:09:15 17 15/M
3. Steven Longo 0:41:28 0:10:22 27 21/M
Men 65-69
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Ed Hutton 0:35:53 0:08:58 15 13/M
2. Rick Royce 0:36:37 0:09:09 16 14/M
3. Tom LePage 0:39:14 0:09:48 23 18/M
4. Mark Vaughan 0:42:22 0:10:35 29 22/M
5. Budd Bailey 0:45:00 0:11:15 34 24/M
6. Scott Curtis 0:47:26 0:11:51 43 26/M
7. William Purdy 0:48:03 0:12:01 45 27/M
8. Craig Bloom 0:51:29 0:12:52 50 30/M
Men 70-74
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Larry Zamojski 0:44:28 0:11:07 33 23/M
2. Anthony Raymond 0:45:59 0:11:30 37 25/M
3. Tom Wilson 0:57:18 0:14:19 54 32/M
Men 80-99
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Ed Russell 0:49:57 0:12:29 48 29/M
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Age Graded Overall Men - Age Groups Women - Age Groups Overall Finish Order
AGPlace Name AGtime AGpct Age Time Place
1. Mike Kushion 0:22:59 72.74% 46 0:25:13 2
2. Susan Stanko 0:27:03 70.25% 62 0:35:02 11
3. Ian Shear 0:24:35 68.00% 19 0:24:35 1
4. Deborah Miller 0:28:01 67.82% 64 0:37:14 18
5. Mac Mackenzie 0:28:26 66.82% 80 0:48:00 44
6. Cindy Raepple 0:29:05 65.34% 62 0:37:40 20
7. Jason Shear 0:26:10 63.90% 48 0:29:10 4
8. Matthew Becker 0:26:28 63.15% 46 0:29:03 3
9. Ed Kamela 0:26:50 62.30% 63 0:34:00 8
10. Ed Hutton 0:27:02 61.84% 68 0:35:53 15
11. Susan Raymond 0:30:49 61.66% 61 0:39:25 24
12. Sarah Oryszak 0:31:50 59.68% 49 0:35:24 12
13. Rick Royce 0:28:22 58.91% 65 0:36:37 16
14. Teresa Blue 0:32:27 58.55% 66 0:44:17 32
15. James Sacco 0:28:56 57.77% 64 0:37:00 17
16. Ed Russell 0:29:36 56.46% 82 0:49:57 48
17. Tom LePage 0:30:07 55.50% 66 0:39:14 23
18. Nathan Croscut Miller 0:30:08 55.48% 22 0:30:08 5
19. Joseph Sobol 0:30:29 54.84% 27 0:30:29 6
20. Ann More 0:34:54 54.45% 62 0:45:12 36
21. Ben Seibold 0:31:07 53.72% 27 0:31:07 7
22. Daniel Zilbauer 0:31:21 53.33% 47 0:34:40 10
23. Mark Vaughan 0:32:31 51.40% 66 0:42:22 29
24. Larry Zamojski 0:32:48 50.95% 70 0:44:28 33
25. Toby Frederick 0:33:05 50.53% 53 0:38:25 22
26. Patricia Baker 0:37:55 50.11% 63 0:49:45 47
27. Stacey Curry 0:37:56 50.09% 70 0:54:41 52
28. Anthony Raymond 0:33:32 49.85% 71 0:45:59 37
29. Steven Longo 0:33:37 49.72% 60 0:41:28 27
30. Andrew Klettke 0:33:39 49.68% 37 0:34:29 9
31. Silvia Kremic 0:38:17 49.63% 28 0:38:17 21
32. Budd Bailey 0:33:54 49.31% 68 0:45:00 34
33. Theresa Smith 0:38:56 48.80% 56 0:46:52 41
34. Thomas Bellonte 0:34:26 48.54% 38 0:35:33 14
35. Susan Kelley 0:39:09 48.52% 55 0:46:35 40
36. Colleen Sullivan 0:39:29 48.13% 44 0:41:51 28
37. Cody Winkowski 0:35:31 47.07% 29 0:35:31 13
38. Lacy Houseman 0:40:48 46.56% 45 0:43:37 30
39. Michael Chapman 0:36:08 46.26% 38 0:37:18 19
40. Andrea Messineo 0:41:23 45.92% 44 0:43:52 31
41. Scott Curtis 0:36:45 45.48% 65 0:47:26 43
42. William Purdy 0:36:53 45.32% 66 0:48:03 45
43. Rae Refermat 0:42:10 45.06% 49 0:46:53 42
44. Liberty Snyder 0:42:45 44.44% 47 0:46:33 39
45. Heather Wilhelm 0:42:49 44.38% 43 0:45:02 35
46. Craig Bloom 0:38:24 43.53% 69 0:51:29 50
47. Michele Chapman 0:43:42 43.48% 63 0:57:20 55
48. Kyle Cramer 0:39:26 42.39% 29 0:39:26 25
49. Jamie Howard 0:39:57 41.84% 58 0:48:25 46
50. Megan Coder 0:46:03 41.26% 29 0:46:03 38
51. Michelle Valvo 0:46:14 41.10% 55 0:55:00 53
52. Timothy Diamond 0:41:09 40.62% 28 0:41:09 26
53. Tom Wilson 0:41:47 40.01% 71 0:57:18 54
54. Chris Forsyth 0:47:52 39.70% 43 0:50:21 49
55. Shawn Houseman 0:46:51 35.68% 48 0:52:14 51
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Race Results At: BuffaloRunners.com