Run716 15k - Relay

Buffalo, NY
August 7, 2022

Results Data Courtesy of:  Score This!!!
Individual Runners In Team Finish Order     Team Categories
Place  Name                 Team                           Time      Pace         InGroup      InSex
    1. Adam Moore           Bergen Elite                   0:51:45  0:05:33     1/Relay Mal    2      
    1. Austin Iovoli        Bergen Elite                   0:51:45  0:05:33     1/Relay Mal    1      
    1. Corey Brown          Bergen Elite                   0:51:45  0:05:33     1/Relay Mal    3      
    2. Joe Pitzonka         Runner's Roost / Flying Bison  0:54:21  0:05:50     2/Relay Mal    6      
    2. Ryan Lohr            Runner's Roost / Flying Bison  0:54:21  0:05:50     2/Relay Mal    5      
    2. Thomas Williams      Runner's Roost / Flying Bison  0:54:21  0:05:50     2/Relay Mal    4      
    3. Allayva Stier        Hit It & Negative Split IT     1:02:13  0:06:41     1/Relay Fem    2      
    3. Elizabeth Neel       Hit It & Negative Split IT     1:02:13  0:06:41     1/Relay Fem    3      
    3. Kimberly Tomasik     Hit It & Negative Split IT     1:02:13  0:06:41     1/Relay Fem    1      
    4. Blake Walsh          2 Brits And A Yank             1:08:11  0:07:19     1/Relay Mix    8      
    4. Edward Gannon        2 Brits And A Yank             1:08:11  0:07:19     1/Relay Mix    7      
    4. Holly Kirkpatrick    2 Brits And A Yank             1:08:11  0:07:19     1/Relay Mix    4      
    5. Benjamin McPherson   Cannonballs                    1:08:33  0:07:21     3/Relay Mal    9      
    5. Cole Munson          Cannonballs                    1:08:33  0:07:21     3/Relay Mal   11      
    5. Myles Munson         Cannonballs                    1:08:33  0:07:21     3/Relay Mal   10      
    6. Carolyn Gorczynski   OTF 5am Elite                  1:10:28  0:07:34     2/Relay Mix    5      
    6. Frank Dedomenico     OTF 5am Elite                  1:10:28  0:07:34     2/Relay Mix   13      
    6. Jordon Greene        OTF 5am Elite                  1:10:28  0:07:34     2/Relay Mix   12      
    7. Brian DeKay          Hammer Time                    1:14:42  0:08:01     4/Relay Mal   14      
    7. Christopher Knab     Hammer Time                    1:14:42  0:08:01     4/Relay Mal   15      
    7. Gregory Hammerl      Hammer Time                    1:14:42  0:08:01     4/Relay Mal   16      
    8. John Grabenstatter   Energymark / Glen Park Tavern  1:14:50  0:08:02     1/Corp. Rel   17      
    8. Matthew Lynett       Energymark / Glen Park Tavern  1:14:50  0:08:02     1/Corp. Rel   19      
    8. Patrick Comerford    Energymark / Glen Park Tavern  1:14:50  0:08:02     1/Corp. Rel   18      
    9. Amanda Meyers        Rev Runners 1                  1:16:01  0:08:09     3/Relay Mix    7      
    9. Brandon Ash          Rev Runners 1                  1:16:01  0:08:09     3/Relay Mix   20      
    9. Lauren Macpherson    Rev Runners 1                  1:16:01  0:08:09     3/Relay Mix    6      
   10. Chris Keller         Rev Runners 2                  1:16:15  0:08:11     4/Relay Mix   21      
   10. Emily Ryan           Rev Runners 2                  1:16:15  0:08:11     4/Relay Mix    9      
   10. Kate Rogers          Rev Runners 2                  1:16:15  0:08:11     4/Relay Mix    8      
   11. Anna Hourihan        Rev Runners 3                  1:16:21  0:08:11     5/Relay Mix   10      
   11. Jake Bleasdale       Rev Runners 3                  1:16:21  0:08:11     5/Relay Mix   22      
   11. Laura Martino        Rev Runners 3                  1:16:21  0:08:11     5/Relay Mix   11      
   12. Jill Fleming         The Flemarellis                1:17:01  0:08:16     2/Relay Fem   14      
   12. Nora Fleming         The Flemarellis                1:17:01  0:08:16     2/Relay Fem   12      
   12. Stacie Zegarelli     The Flemarellis                1:17:01  0:08:16     2/Relay Fem   13      
   13. Justine Irish        Team JVK                       1:20:01  0:08:35     6/Relay Mix   15      
   13. Katie Puntoriero     Team JVK                       1:20:01  0:08:35     6/Relay Mix   16      
   13. Vince Kazmierczak    Team JVK                       1:20:01  0:08:35     6/Relay Mix   23      
   14. Brittany Rathman     Like Fun, Only Different       1:23:31  0:08:58     3/Relay Fem   18      
   14. Lauren Silvestro     Like Fun, Only Different       1:23:31  0:08:58     3/Relay Fem   17      
   14. Victoria Czine       Like Fun, Only Different       1:23:31  0:08:58     3/Relay Fem   19      
   15. Blaine Bartel        Mud Team                       1:23:47  0:08:59     7/Relay Mix   24      
   15. Renee Lalonde        Mud Team                       1:23:47  0:08:59     7/Relay Mix   21      
   15. Sonia Ureles         Mud Team                       1:23:47  0:08:59     7/Relay Mix   20      
   16. Damon Gruber         Go Bills                       1:24:54  0:09:07     5/Relay Mal   25      
   16. David Miske          Go Bills                       1:24:54  0:09:07     5/Relay Mal   27      
   16. Jeff Rudnick         Go Bills                       1:24:54  0:09:07     5/Relay Mal   26      
   17. Lisa Achtziger       Ant Crawlers                   1:24:56  0:09:07     4/Relay Fem   23      
   17. Marilee Cosgrove     Ant Crawlers                   1:24:56  0:09:07     4/Relay Fem   22      
   17. Rachel Achtziger     Ant Crawlers                   1:24:56  0:09:07     4/Relay Fem   24      
   18. Cameron Jones        Keeping Up With The Joneses    1:24:59  0:09:07     8/Relay Mix   29      
   18. Chris Jones          Keeping Up With The Joneses    1:24:59  0:09:07     8/Relay Mix   28      
   18. Jacki Jones          Keeping Up With The Joneses    1:24:59  0:09:07     8/Relay Mix   25      
   19. Jennifer Seth-Cimini Running Rowers                 1:25:24  0:09:10     5/Relay Fem   28      
   19. Karen Fumerelle      Running Rowers                 1:25:24  0:09:10     5/Relay Fem   27      
   19. Lori Coffey          Running Rowers                 1:25:24  0:09:10     5/Relay Fem   26      
   20. Barrett Armstrong    Figi                           1:25:32  0:09:11     6/Relay Fem   31      
   20. Brynn Fontes         Figi                           1:25:32  0:09:11     6/Relay Fem   29      
   20. Lindsay Stoddard     Figi                           1:25:32  0:09:11     6/Relay Fem   30      
   21. Eileen Briceland     Yahtzee                        1:25:53  0:09:13     9/Relay Mix   32      
   21. Michael Giraldo      Yahtzee                        1:25:53  0:09:13     9/Relay Mix   31      
   21. Sean Briceland       Yahtzee                        1:25:53  0:09:13     9/Relay Mix   30      
   22. Julia Osiadlo        Code Purple                    1:26:13  0:09:15     7/Relay Fem   33      
   22. Taylor Buonocore     Code Purple                    1:26:13  0:09:15     7/Relay Fem   34      
   22. Theresa Puckett      Code Purple                    1:26:13  0:09:15     7/Relay Fem   35      
   23. Betsy Rimlinger      Betsy And The Bixby's          1:26:19  0:09:16    10/Relay Mix   37      
   23. Robert Bixby         Betsy And The Bixby's          1:26:19  0:09:16    10/Relay Mix   32      
   23. Tammy Bixby          Betsy And The Bixby's          1:26:19  0:09:16    10/Relay Mix   36      
   24. Jessica Graham       Fly Bi Babes                   1:26:44  0:09:18     8/Relay Fem   40      
   24. Melissa Ayler        Fly Bi Babes                   1:26:44  0:09:18     8/Relay Fem   39      
   24. Melissa Jozwiak      Fly Bi Babes                   1:26:44  0:09:18     8/Relay Fem   38      
   25. Brian Bauer          12 Gates                       1:27:16  0:09:22     6/Relay Mal   34      
   25. Jose Mendoza         12 Gates                       1:27:16  0:09:22     6/Relay Mal   33      
   25. Peter Costanzo       12 Gates                       1:27:16  0:09:22     6/Relay Mal   35      
   26. Emily Garrett        3 Moms In Need Of A Drink      1:28:38  0:09:31     9/Relay Fem   42      
   26. Kalista Cozza        3 Moms In Need Of A Drink      1:28:38  0:09:31     9/Relay Fem   43      
   26. Shelley Kimelberg    3 Moms In Need Of A Drink      1:28:38  0:09:31     9/Relay Fem   41      
   27. Dawn Keough          Thought They Said Rum          1:28:39  0:09:31    10/Relay Fem   46      
   27. Shrell Krawczyk      Thought They Said Rum          1:28:39  0:09:31    10/Relay Fem   44      
   27. Stephanie Savage     Thought They Said Rum          1:28:39  0:09:31    10/Relay Fem   45      
   28. Don Rudiak           Ridgeway Road Runners          1:29:35  0:09:37    11/Relay Mix   36      
   28. Kathryn Rogers       Ridgeway Road Runners          1:29:35  0:09:37    11/Relay Mix   47      
   28. Melani Pyke          Ridgeway Road Runners          1:29:35  0:09:37    11/Relay Mix   48      
   29. Edward Szuba         P&A Group                      1:30:11  0:09:41    12/Relay Mix   37      
   29. Katie Alfaro         P&A Group                      1:30:11  0:09:41    12/Relay Mix   49      
   29. Tiffany Bedard       P&A Group                      1:30:11  0:09:41    12/Relay Mix   50      
   30. Anthony Runk         JTM                            1:30:49  0:09:45    13/Relay Mix   38      
   30. Jessica Runk         JTM                            1:30:49  0:09:45    13/Relay Mix   52      
   30. Molly Spisiak        JTM                            1:30:49  0:09:45    13/Relay Mix   51      
   31. Danielle Okposo      90 Minutes Of Freedom          1:31:04  0:09:46    11/Relay Fem   55      
   31. Kristen Karl         90 Minutes Of Freedom          1:31:04  0:09:46    11/Relay Fem   54      
   31. Nicole Castlevetere  90 Minutes Of Freedom          1:31:04  0:09:46    11/Relay Fem   53      
   32. Kimberly Bank        BKBS                           1:31:16  0:09:48    14/Relay Mix   56      
   32. Kylynn Kerwin        BKBS                           1:31:16  0:09:48    14/Relay Mix   57      
   32. Mike Bank            BKBS                           1:31:16  0:09:48    14/Relay Mix   39      
   33. Jen Foti             Flying Goodbar                 1:31:19  0:09:48    12/Relay Fem   58      
   33. Laura Kamela         Flying Goodbar                 1:31:19  0:09:48    12/Relay Fem   59      
   33. Susan Raymond        Flying Goodbar                 1:31:19  0:09:48    12/Relay Fem   60      
   34. James Steinman       Tacos Malos                    1:32:30  0:09:55     7/Relay Mal   40      
   34. Jeff Carballada      Tacos Malos                    1:32:30  0:09:55     7/Relay Mal   41      
   34. Thomas Wilcox        Tacos Malos                    1:32:30  0:09:55     7/Relay Mal   42      
   35. Agustina Burdman     Powerpuff Girls                1:35:13  0:10:13    13/Relay Fem   63      
   35. Anabel Da Silva      Powerpuff Girls                1:35:13  0:10:13    13/Relay Fem   62      
   35. Jennifer Summers     Powerpuff Girls                1:35:13  0:10:13    13/Relay Fem   61      
   36. Brianne Blaszak      Buffalo Roam                   1:36:47  0:10:23    15/Relay Mix   64      
   36. Elizabeth Emborsky   Buffalo Roam                   1:36:47  0:10:23    15/Relay Mix   65      
   36. Peter Emborsky       Buffalo Roam                   1:36:47  0:10:23    15/Relay Mix   43      
   37. Eileen Rudnicki      Twisted Sisters                1:36:53  0:10:24    14/Relay Fem   67      
   37. Jennifer Pokigo      Twisted Sisters                1:36:53  0:10:24    14/Relay Fem   68      
   37. Valerie Johnson      Twisted Sisters                1:36:53  0:10:24    14/Relay Fem   66      
   38. Adam Urbanczyk       Runrx                          1:37:12  0:10:26    16/Relay Mix   44      
   38. Ariana Scalzo        Runrx                          1:37:12  0:10:26    16/Relay Mix   69      
   38. John Scalzo          Runrx                          1:37:12  0:10:26    16/Relay Mix   45      
   39. Amanda Regan         Worst Pace Scenario            1:38:50  0:10:36    17/Relay Mix   71      
   39. Barbara Kinsey       Worst Pace Scenario            1:38:50  0:10:36    17/Relay Mix   70      
   39. Paul Meka            Worst Pace Scenario            1:38:50  0:10:36    17/Relay Mix   46      
   40. Rebecca Schillo      Brent’s Back-up Runners        1:39:43  0:10:42    15/Relay Fem   74      
   40. Rebecca Smith        Brent’s Back-up Runners        1:39:43  0:10:42    15/Relay Fem   72      
   40. Sara Miranto         Brent’s Back-up Runners        1:39:43  0:10:42    15/Relay Fem   73      
   42. Anthony Raymond      Too Old For This               1:39:50  0:10:43     9/Relay Mal   49      
   42. Dale Danner          Too Old For This               1:39:50  0:10:43     9/Relay Mal   48      
   42. John Shepherd        Too Old For This               1:39:50  0:10:43     9/Relay Mal   47      
   43. Eileen Hryckowian    Team Ken                       1:40:07  0:10:44    18/Relay Mix   77      
   43. Kathy Gregoire       Team Ken                       1:40:07  0:10:44    18/Relay Mix   75      
   43. Nichole Dietrich     Team Ken                       1:40:07  0:10:44    18/Relay Mix   76      
   44. Ed Chadwick          Not Fast, Just Furious         1:40:15  0:10:45    19/Relay Mix   50      
   44. Kelly Cichocki       Not Fast, Just Furious         1:40:15  0:10:45    19/Relay Mix   78      
   44. Natalie Golubski     Not Fast, Just Furious         1:40:15  0:10:45    19/Relay Mix   79      
   45. Candace Wilcox       Margaritas                     1:40:45  0:10:49    16/Relay Fem   80      
   45. Molly Jarboe         Margaritas                     1:40:45  0:10:49    16/Relay Fem   82      
   45. Rachel Link          Margaritas                     1:40:45  0:10:49    16/Relay Fem   81      
   46. Amy Lopiccolo        Lean Machines                  1:42:41  0:11:01    20/Relay Mix   84      
   46. Jamie Gavin          Lean Machines                  1:42:41  0:11:01    20/Relay Mix   83      
   46. John Gavin           Lean Machines                  1:42:41  0:11:01    20/Relay Mix   51      
   47. Carolina Udagawa     Ale Pals                       1:44:30  0:11:13    17/Relay Fem   86      
   47. Kelly Giallella      Ale Pals                       1:44:30  0:11:13    17/Relay Fem   85      
   47. Terra Bialy          Ale Pals                       1:44:30  0:11:13    17/Relay Fem   87      
   48. Ellen Tomczak        Zero Zero Plus One             1:44:39  0:11:14    18/Relay Fem   90      
   48. Terry Nuermberger    Zero Zero Plus One             1:44:39  0:11:14    18/Relay Fem   89      
   48. Theresa Keith        Zero Zero Plus One             1:44:39  0:11:14    18/Relay Fem   88      
   49. David Piccione       Dave & The In-laws             1:45:29  0:11:19    21/Relay Mix   53      
   49. Ryan Kovel           Dave & The In-laws             1:45:29  0:11:19    21/Relay Mix   52      
   49. Sara Piccione        Dave & The In-laws             1:45:29  0:11:19    21/Relay Mix   91      
   50. Colleen Virag        We Have A Will And A Way.      1:46:49  0:11:28    22/Relay Mix   93      
   50. Joseph Virag         We Have A Will And A Way.      1:46:49  0:11:28    22/Relay Mix   54      
   50. Katherine Virag      We Have A Will And A Way.      1:46:49  0:11:28    22/Relay Mix   92      
   51. Coleen Schofield     All That's Left                1:47:22  0:11:31    19/Relay Fem   96      
   51. Lori Hunt            All That's Left                1:47:22  0:11:31    19/Relay Fem   94      
   51. Victoria Taylor      All That's Left                1:47:22  0:11:31    19/Relay Fem   95      
   52. Patty Keefe          The Cool Kids                  1:48:03  0:11:36    20/Relay Fem   99      
   52. Sarah Fronczak       The Cool Kids                  1:48:03  0:11:36    20/Relay Fem   98      
   52. Stephanie Fronczak   The Cool Kids                  1:48:03  0:11:36    20/Relay Fem   97      
   53. Gina Brown           GM & T                         1:50:25  0:11:51    23/Relay Mix   55      
   53. Michele Laney        GM & T                         1:50:25  0:11:51    23/Relay Mix   56      
   53. Timothy Zelasko      GM & T                         1:50:25  0:11:51    23/Relay Mix   57      
   54. Kelly Kraus          Ladies Carving New Tracks      1:53:33  0:12:11    21/Relay Fem  102      
   54. Kristin Simmonds     Ladies Carving New Tracks      1:53:33  0:12:11    21/Relay Fem  101      
   54. Theresa Wills        Ladies Carving New Tracks      1:53:33  0:12:11    21/Relay Fem  100      
   55. Ashley Matuszak      Buster Bros                    1:54:45  0:12:19    24/Relay Mix  103      
   55. Maxfield Michalec    Buster Bros                    1:54:45  0:12:19    24/Relay Mix   58      
   55. Susan Michalec       Buster Bros                    1:54:45  0:12:19    24/Relay Mix  104      
   56. Erika Curran         We Are The Fun                 1:56:48  0:12:32    22/Relay Fem  107      
   56. Falon McKernan       We Are The Fun                 1:56:48  0:12:32    22/Relay Fem  106      
   56. Julie Was            We Are The Fun                 1:56:48  0:12:32    22/Relay Fem  105      
   57. Ashley Hellwig       Everything Hurts               1:58:53  0:12:45    23/Relay Fem  108      
   57. Barbie Jenkins       Everything Hurts               1:58:53  0:12:45    23/Relay Fem  110      
   57. Michelle Ginter      Everything Hurts               1:58:53  0:12:45    23/Relay Fem  109      
   58. Lynn Miller          Nowhere Near Berlin            2:00:42  0:12:57    25/Relay Mix  111      
   58. McKenzie Higgins     Nowhere Near Berlin            2:00:42  0:12:57    25/Relay Mix  112      
   58. Steven Cardarella    Nowhere Near Berlin            2:00:42  0:12:57    25/Relay Mix   59      
   59. Brian Webb           The Stingers                   2:04:26  0:13:21    26/Relay Mix   61      
   59. Jessica Okoniewski   The Stingers                   2:04:26  0:13:21    26/Relay Mix  113      
   59. Patrick Rossi        The Stingers                   2:04:26  0:13:21    26/Relay Mix   60      
   60. Brian Becker         Fun Not Fast                   2:04:27  0:13:21    27/Relay Mix   62      
   60. Katherine Rossi      Fun Not Fast                   2:04:27  0:13:21    27/Relay Mix  114      
   60. Sarah Blankenship    Fun Not Fast                   2:04:27  0:13:21    27/Relay Mix  115      
   61. Gaelen Owens         Sunshine Chasers               2:07:24  0:13:40    28/Relay Mix   63      
   61. Meagan McCormack     Sunshine Chasers               2:07:24  0:13:40    28/Relay Mix  116      
   61. Shelby Kielbasa      Sunshine Chasers               2:07:24  0:13:40    28/Relay Mix  117      
   62. Angela Stout         Uninvited Friends              2:09:17  0:13:52    24/Relay Fem  119      
   62. Coleen Gilbert       Uninvited Friends              2:09:17  0:13:52    24/Relay Fem  120      
   62. Jessica Martinez     Uninvited Friends              2:09:17  0:13:52    24/Relay Fem  118      
   63. Heather Fitzgerald   5 More Minutes                 2:18:06  0:14:49    25/Relay Fem  121      
   63. Robin Roeser         5 More Minutes                 2:18:06  0:14:49    25/Relay Fem  122      
   63. Stacy Florian        5 More Minutes                 2:18:06  0:14:49    25/Relay Fem  123      

Top of Page

Team Categories       Overall Finish Order
Corp. Relay
Place  Name                 Team                           Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. John Grabenstatter   Energymark / Glen Park Tavern   1:14:50   0:08:02      8    17  
    1. Matthew Lynett       Energymark / Glen Park Tavern   1:14:50   0:08:02      8    19  
    1. Patrick Comerford    Energymark / Glen Park Tavern   1:14:50   0:08:02      8    18  
Relay Female
Place  Name                 Team                           Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Allayva Stier        Hit It & Negative Split IT      1:02:13   0:06:41      3     2  
    1. Elizabeth Neel       Hit It & Negative Split IT      1:02:13   0:06:41      3     3  
    1. Kimberly Tomasik     Hit It & Negative Split IT      1:02:13   0:06:41      3     1  
    2. Jill Fleming         The Flemarellis                 1:17:01   0:08:16     12    14  
    2. Nora Fleming         The Flemarellis                 1:17:01   0:08:16     12    12  
    2. Stacie Zegarelli     The Flemarellis                 1:17:01   0:08:16     12    13  
    3. Brittany Rathman     Like Fun, Only Different        1:23:31   0:08:58     14    18  
    3. Lauren Silvestro     Like Fun, Only Different        1:23:31   0:08:58     14    17  
    3. Victoria Czine       Like Fun, Only Different        1:23:31   0:08:58     14    19  
    4. Lisa Achtziger       Ant Crawlers                    1:24:56   0:09:07     17    23  
    4. Marilee Cosgrove     Ant Crawlers                    1:24:56   0:09:07     17    22  
    4. Rachel Achtziger     Ant Crawlers                    1:24:56   0:09:07     17    24  
    5. Jennifer Seth-Cimini Running Rowers                  1:25:24   0:09:10     19    28  
    5. Karen Fumerelle      Running Rowers                  1:25:24   0:09:10     19    27  
    5. Lori Coffey          Running Rowers                  1:25:24   0:09:10     19    26  
    6. Barrett Armstrong    Figi                            1:25:32   0:09:11     20    31  
    6. Brynn Fontes         Figi                            1:25:32   0:09:11     20    29  
    6. Lindsay Stoddard     Figi                            1:25:32   0:09:11     20    30  
    7. Julia Osiadlo        Code Purple                     1:26:13   0:09:15     22    33  
    7. Taylor Buonocore     Code Purple                     1:26:13   0:09:15     22    34  
    7. Theresa Puckett      Code Purple                     1:26:13   0:09:15     22    35  
    8. Jessica Graham       Fly Bi Babes                    1:26:44   0:09:18     24    40  
    8. Melissa Ayler        Fly Bi Babes                    1:26:44   0:09:18     24    39  
    8. Melissa Jozwiak      Fly Bi Babes                    1:26:44   0:09:18     24    38  
    9. Emily Garrett        3 Moms In Need Of A Drink       1:28:38   0:09:31     26    42  
    9. Kalista Cozza        3 Moms In Need Of A Drink       1:28:38   0:09:31     26    43  
    9. Shelley Kimelberg    3 Moms In Need Of A Drink       1:28:38   0:09:31     26    41  
   10. Dawn Keough          Thought They Said Rum           1:28:39   0:09:31     27    46  
   10. Shrell Krawczyk      Thought They Said Rum           1:28:39   0:09:31     27    44  
   10. Stephanie Savage     Thought They Said Rum           1:28:39   0:09:31     27    45  
   11. Danielle Okposo      90 Minutes Of Freedom           1:31:04   0:09:46     31    55  
   11. Kristen Karl         90 Minutes Of Freedom           1:31:04   0:09:46     31    54  
   11. Nicole Castlevetere  90 Minutes Of Freedom           1:31:04   0:09:46     31    53  
   12. Jen Foti             Flying Goodbar                  1:31:19   0:09:48     33    58  
   12. Laura Kamela         Flying Goodbar                  1:31:19   0:09:48     33    59  
   12. Susan Raymond        Flying Goodbar                  1:31:19   0:09:48     33    60  
   13. Agustina Burdman     Powerpuff Girls                 1:35:13   0:10:13     35    63  
   13. Anabel Da Silva      Powerpuff Girls                 1:35:13   0:10:13     35    62  
   13. Jennifer Summers     Powerpuff Girls                 1:35:13   0:10:13     35    61  
   14. Eileen Rudnicki      Twisted Sisters                 1:36:53   0:10:24     37    67  
   14. Jennifer Pokigo      Twisted Sisters                 1:36:53   0:10:24     37    68  
   14. Valerie Johnson      Twisted Sisters                 1:36:53   0:10:24     37    66  
   15. Rebecca Schillo      Brent’s Back-up Runners         1:39:43   0:10:42     40    74  
   15. Rebecca Smith        Brent’s Back-up Runners         1:39:43   0:10:42     40    72  
   15. Sara Miranto         Brent’s Back-up Runners         1:39:43   0:10:42     40    73  
   16. Candace Wilcox       Margaritas                      1:40:45   0:10:49     45    80  
   16. Molly Jarboe         Margaritas                      1:40:45   0:10:49     45    82  
   16. Rachel Link          Margaritas                      1:40:45   0:10:49     45    81  
   17. Carolina Udagawa     Ale Pals                        1:44:30   0:11:13     47    86  
   17. Kelly Giallella      Ale Pals                        1:44:30   0:11:13     47    85  
   17. Terra Bialy          Ale Pals                        1:44:30   0:11:13     47    87  
   18. Ellen Tomczak        Zero Zero Plus One              1:44:39   0:11:14     48    90  
   18. Terry Nuermberger    Zero Zero Plus One              1:44:39   0:11:14     48    89  
   18. Theresa Keith        Zero Zero Plus One              1:44:39   0:11:14     48    88  
   19. Coleen Schofield     All That's Left                 1:47:22   0:11:31     51    96  
   19. Lori Hunt            All That's Left                 1:47:22   0:11:31     51    94  
   19. Victoria Taylor      All That's Left                 1:47:22   0:11:31     51    95  
   20. Patty Keefe          The Cool Kids                   1:48:03   0:11:36     52    99  
   20. Sarah Fronczak       The Cool Kids                   1:48:03   0:11:36     52    98  
   20. Stephanie Fronczak   The Cool Kids                   1:48:03   0:11:36     52    97  
   21. Kelly Kraus          Ladies Carving New Tracks       1:53:33   0:12:11     54   102  
   21. Kristin Simmonds     Ladies Carving New Tracks       1:53:33   0:12:11     54   101  
   21. Theresa Wills        Ladies Carving New Tracks       1:53:33   0:12:11     54   100  
   22. Erika Curran         We Are The Fun                  1:56:48   0:12:32     56   107  
   22. Falon McKernan       We Are The Fun                  1:56:48   0:12:32     56   106  
   22. Julie Was            We Are The Fun                  1:56:48   0:12:32     56   105  
   23. Ashley Hellwig       Everything Hurts                1:58:53   0:12:45     57   108  
   23. Barbie Jenkins       Everything Hurts                1:58:53   0:12:45     57   110  
   23. Michelle Ginter      Everything Hurts                1:58:53   0:12:45     57   109  
   24. Angela Stout         Uninvited Friends               2:09:17   0:13:52     62   119  
   24. Coleen Gilbert       Uninvited Friends               2:09:17   0:13:52     62   120  
   24. Jessica Martinez     Uninvited Friends               2:09:17   0:13:52     62   118  
   25. Heather Fitzgerald   5 More Minutes                  2:18:06   0:14:49     63   121  
   25. Robin Roeser         5 More Minutes                  2:18:06   0:14:49     63   122  
   25. Stacy Florian        5 More Minutes                  2:18:06   0:14:49     63   123  
Relay Male
Place  Name                 Team                           Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Adam Moore           Bergen Elite                    0:51:45   0:05:33      1     2  
    1. Austin Iovoli        Bergen Elite                    0:51:45   0:05:33      1     1  
    1. Corey Brown          Bergen Elite                    0:51:45   0:05:33      1     3  
    2. Joe Pitzonka         Runner's Roost / Flying Bison   0:54:21   0:05:50      2     6  
    2. Ryan Lohr            Runner's Roost / Flying Bison   0:54:21   0:05:50      2     5  
    2. Thomas Williams      Runner's Roost / Flying Bison   0:54:21   0:05:50      2     4  
    3. Benjamin McPherson   Cannonballs                     1:08:33   0:07:21      5     9  
    3. Cole Munson          Cannonballs                     1:08:33   0:07:21      5    11  
    3. Myles Munson         Cannonballs                     1:08:33   0:07:21      5    10  
    4. Brian DeKay          Hammer Time                     1:14:42   0:08:01      7    14  
    4. Christopher Knab     Hammer Time                     1:14:42   0:08:01      7    15  
    4. Gregory Hammerl      Hammer Time                     1:14:42   0:08:01      7    16  
    5. Damon Gruber         Go Bills                        1:24:54   0:09:07     16    25  
    5. David Miske          Go Bills                        1:24:54   0:09:07     16    27  
    5. Jeff Rudnick         Go Bills                        1:24:54   0:09:07     16    26  
    6. Brian Bauer          12 Gates                        1:27:16   0:09:22     25    34  
    6. Jose Mendoza         12 Gates                        1:27:16   0:09:22     25    33  
    6. Peter Costanzo       12 Gates                        1:27:16   0:09:22     25    35  
    7. James Steinman       Tacos Malos                     1:32:30   0:09:55     34    40  
    7. Jeff Carballada      Tacos Malos                     1:32:30   0:09:55     34    41  
    7. Thomas Wilcox        Tacos Malos                     1:32:30   0:09:55     34    42  
    9. Anthony Raymond      Too Old For This                1:39:50   0:10:43     42    49  
    9. Dale Danner          Too Old For This                1:39:50   0:10:43     42    48  
    9. John Shepherd        Too Old For This                1:39:50   0:10:43     42    47  
Relay Mixed
Place  Name                 Team                           Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Blake Walsh          2 Brits And A Yank              1:08:11   0:07:19      4     8  
    1. Edward Gannon        2 Brits And A Yank              1:08:11   0:07:19      4     7  
    1. Holly Kirkpatrick    2 Brits And A Yank              1:08:11   0:07:19      4     4  
    2. Carolyn Gorczynski   OTF 5am Elite                   1:10:28   0:07:34      6     5  
    2. Frank Dedomenico     OTF 5am Elite                   1:10:28   0:07:34      6    13  
    2. Jordon Greene        OTF 5am Elite                   1:10:28   0:07:34      6    12  
    3. Amanda Meyers        Rev Runners 1                   1:16:01   0:08:09      9     7  
    3. Brandon Ash          Rev Runners 1                   1:16:01   0:08:09      9    20  
    3. Lauren Macpherson    Rev Runners 1                   1:16:01   0:08:09      9     6  
    4. Chris Keller         Rev Runners 2                   1:16:15   0:08:11     10    21  
    4. Emily Ryan           Rev Runners 2                   1:16:15   0:08:11     10     9  
    4. Kate Rogers          Rev Runners 2                   1:16:15   0:08:11     10     8  
    5. Anna Hourihan        Rev Runners 3                   1:16:21   0:08:11     11    10  
    5. Jake Bleasdale       Rev Runners 3                   1:16:21   0:08:11     11    22  
    5. Laura Martino        Rev Runners 3                   1:16:21   0:08:11     11    11  
    6. Justine Irish        Team JVK                        1:20:01   0:08:35     13    15  
    6. Katie Puntoriero     Team JVK                        1:20:01   0:08:35     13    16  
    6. Vince Kazmierczak    Team JVK                        1:20:01   0:08:35     13    23  
    7. Blaine Bartel        Mud Team                        1:23:47   0:08:59     15    24  
    7. Renee Lalonde        Mud Team                        1:23:47   0:08:59     15    21  
    7. Sonia Ureles         Mud Team                        1:23:47   0:08:59     15    20  
    8. Cameron Jones        Keeping Up With The Joneses     1:24:59   0:09:07     18    29  
    8. Chris Jones          Keeping Up With The Joneses     1:24:59   0:09:07     18    28  
    8. Jacki Jones          Keeping Up With The Joneses     1:24:59   0:09:07     18    25  
    9. Eileen Briceland     Yahtzee                         1:25:53   0:09:13     21    32  
    9. Michael Giraldo      Yahtzee                         1:25:53   0:09:13     21    31  
    9. Sean Briceland       Yahtzee                         1:25:53   0:09:13     21    30  
   10. Betsy Rimlinger      Betsy And The Bixby's           1:26:19   0:09:16     23    37  
   10. Robert Bixby         Betsy And The Bixby's           1:26:19   0:09:16     23    32  
   10. Tammy Bixby          Betsy And The Bixby's           1:26:19   0:09:16     23    36  
   11. Don Rudiak           Ridgeway Road Runners           1:29:35   0:09:37     28    36  
   11. Kathryn Rogers       Ridgeway Road Runners           1:29:35   0:09:37     28    47  
   11. Melani Pyke          Ridgeway Road Runners           1:29:35   0:09:37     28    48  
   12. Edward Szuba         P&A Group                       1:30:11   0:09:41     29    37  
   12. Katie Alfaro         P&A Group                       1:30:11   0:09:41     29    49  
   12. Tiffany Bedard       P&A Group                       1:30:11   0:09:41     29    50  
   13. Anthony Runk         JTM                             1:30:49   0:09:45     30    38  
   13. Jessica Runk         JTM                             1:30:49   0:09:45     30    52  
   13. Molly Spisiak        JTM                             1:30:49   0:09:45     30    51  
   14. Kimberly Bank        BKBS                            1:31:16   0:09:48     32    56  
   14. Kylynn Kerwin        BKBS                            1:31:16   0:09:48     32    57  
   14. Mike Bank            BKBS                            1:31:16   0:09:48     32    39  
   15. Brianne Blaszak      Buffalo Roam                    1:36:47   0:10:23     36    64  
   15. Elizabeth Emborsky   Buffalo Roam                    1:36:47   0:10:23     36    65  
   15. Peter Emborsky       Buffalo Roam                    1:36:47   0:10:23     36    43  
   16. Adam Urbanczyk       Runrx                           1:37:12   0:10:26     38    44  
   16. Ariana Scalzo        Runrx                           1:37:12   0:10:26     38    69  
   16. John Scalzo          Runrx                           1:37:12   0:10:26     38    45  
   17. Amanda Regan         Worst Pace Scenario             1:38:50   0:10:36     39    71  
   17. Barbara Kinsey       Worst Pace Scenario             1:38:50   0:10:36     39    70  
   17. Paul Meka            Worst Pace Scenario             1:38:50   0:10:36     39    46  
   18. Eileen Hryckowian    Team Ken                        1:40:07   0:10:44     43    77  
   18. Kathy Gregoire       Team Ken                        1:40:07   0:10:44     43    75  
   18. Nichole Dietrich     Team Ken                        1:40:07   0:10:44     43    76  
   19. Ed Chadwick          Not Fast, Just Furious          1:40:15   0:10:45     44    50  
   19. Kelly Cichocki       Not Fast, Just Furious          1:40:15   0:10:45     44    78  
   19. Natalie Golubski     Not Fast, Just Furious          1:40:15   0:10:45     44    79  
   20. Amy Lopiccolo        Lean Machines                   1:42:41   0:11:01     46    84  
   20. Jamie Gavin          Lean Machines                   1:42:41   0:11:01     46    83  
   20. John Gavin           Lean Machines                   1:42:41   0:11:01     46    51  
   21. David Piccione       Dave & The In-laws              1:45:29   0:11:19     49    53  
   21. Ryan Kovel           Dave & The In-laws              1:45:29   0:11:19     49    52  
   21. Sara Piccione        Dave & The In-laws              1:45:29   0:11:19     49    91  
   22. Colleen Virag        We Have A Will And A Way.       1:46:49   0:11:28     50    93  
   22. Joseph Virag         We Have A Will And A Way.       1:46:49   0:11:28     50    54  
   22. Katherine Virag      We Have A Will And A Way.       1:46:49   0:11:28     50    92  
   23. Gina Brown           GM & T                          1:50:25   0:11:51     53    55  
   23. Michele Laney        GM & T                          1:50:25   0:11:51     53    56  
   23. Timothy Zelasko      GM & T                          1:50:25   0:11:51     53    57  
   24. Ashley Matuszak      Buster Bros                     1:54:45   0:12:19     55   103  
   24. Maxfield Michalec    Buster Bros                     1:54:45   0:12:19     55    58  
   24. Susan Michalec       Buster Bros                     1:54:45   0:12:19     55   104  
   25. Lynn Miller          Nowhere Near Berlin             2:00:42   0:12:57     58   111  
   25. McKenzie Higgins     Nowhere Near Berlin             2:00:42   0:12:57     58   112  
   25. Steven Cardarella    Nowhere Near Berlin             2:00:42   0:12:57     58    59  
   26. Brian Webb           The Stingers                    2:04:26   0:13:21     59    61  
   26. Jessica Okoniewski   The Stingers                    2:04:26   0:13:21     59   113  
   26. Patrick Rossi        The Stingers                    2:04:26   0:13:21     59    60  
   27. Brian Becker         Fun Not Fast                    2:04:27   0:13:21     60    62  
   27. Katherine Rossi      Fun Not Fast                    2:04:27   0:13:21     60   114  
   27. Sarah Blankenship    Fun Not Fast                    2:04:27   0:13:21     60   115  
   28. Gaelen Owens         Sunshine Chasers                2:07:24   0:13:40     61    63  
   28. Meagan McCormack     Sunshine Chasers                2:07:24   0:13:40     61   116  
   28. Shelby Kielbasa      Sunshine Chasers                2:07:24   0:13:40     61   117  

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