Erie, NY
June 5, 2021

Results Data Courtesy of:  Big White Trailer
Overall Finish Order    Men - Age Groups      Women - Age Groups      Age Graded Overall
Place  Name                Time      Pace         InGroup      InSex    AGtime   AGpct  
    1. Brock Pennington    0:17:14  0:05:33     1/M16-19        1/M    0:17:14  74.59% 
    2. Kody Klein          0:18:34  0:05:59     2/M16-19        2/M    0:18:34  69.24% 
    3. Bailey Klein        0:20:09  0:06:29     3/M16-19        3/M    0:20:09  63.77% 
    4. Zachary Shumac      0:20:26  0:06:35     4/M16-19        4/M    0:20:02  64.16% 
    5. Sarah Sweet         0:21:37  0:06:57     1/F16-19        1/F    0:21:16  69.27% 
    6. Lea Baginski        0:21:57  0:07:04     1/F40-49        2/F    0:20:58  70.29% 
    7. Sandie Sweet        0:22:49  0:07:21     1/F50-59        3/F    0:19:17  76.41% 
    8. John Divins         0:26:36  0:08:34     1/M40-49        5/M    0:25:16  50.87% 
    9. Rod Brest           0:27:02  0:08:42     1/M60-99        6/M    0:19:08  67.15% 
   10. Christopher Klein   0:29:46  0:09:35     5/M16-19        7/M    0:29:46  43.17% 
   11. Mark Klein          0:29:48  0:09:36     1/M50-59        8/M    0:24:58  51.48% 
   12. Marc Bellotti       0:32:57  0:10:36     2/F40-49        4/F    0:30:24  48.47% 
   13. Heidi McAllen       0:33:05  0:10:39     2/M50-59        9/M    0:27:15  47.16% 
   14. Ryland Ray          0:36:00  0:11:35     1/M11-15       10/M    0:32:24  39.65% 
   15. Stacey Curry        0:38:00  0:12:14     1/F60-99        5/F    0:27:41  53.21% 
   16. Bill Smith          0:42:00  0:13:31     2/M60-99       11/M    0:32:14  39.86% 
   17. Bernard Daum        0:44:00  0:14:10     3/M60-99       12/M    0:32:25  39.63% 
   18. Mike Markiewicz     0:48:06  0:15:29     3/M50-59       13/M    0:39:57  32.16% 

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Women - Age Group Results       Men - Age Groups      Overall Finish Order       Age Graded Overall
Women 16-19
Place  Name                Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Sarah Sweet          0:21:37   0:06:57      5     1/F
Women 40-49
Place  Name                Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Lea Baginski         0:21:57   0:07:04      6     2/F
    2. Marc Bellotti        0:32:57   0:10:36     12     4/F
Women 50-59
Place  Name                Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Sandie Sweet         0:22:49   0:07:21      7     3/F
Women 60-99
Place  Name                Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Stacey Curry         0:38:00   0:12:14     15     5/F

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Men - Age Group Results       Women - Age Groups       Overall Finish Order       Age Graded Overall
Men 11-15
Place  Name                Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Ryland Ray          0:36:00  0:11:35     14    10/M
Men 16-19
Place  Name                Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Brock Pennington    0:17:14  0:05:33      1     1/M
    2. Kody Klein          0:18:34  0:05:59      2     2/M
    3. Bailey Klein        0:20:09  0:06:29      3     3/M
    4. Zachary Shumac      0:20:26  0:06:35      4     4/M
    5. Christopher Klein   0:29:46  0:09:35     10     7/M
Men 40-49
Place  Name                Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. John Divins         0:26:36  0:08:34      8     5/M
Men 50-59
Place  Name                Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Mark Klein          0:29:48  0:09:36     11     8/M
    2. Heidi McAllen       0:33:05  0:10:39     13     9/M
    3. Mike Markiewicz     0:48:06  0:15:29     18    13/M
Men 60-99
Place  Name                Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Rod Brest           0:27:02  0:08:42      9     6/M
    2. Bill Smith          0:42:00  0:13:31     16    11/M
    3. Bernard Daum        0:44:00  0:14:10     17    12/M

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Age Graded Overall       Men - Age Groups       Women - Age Groups       Overall Finish Order
AGPlace  Name                AGtime    AGpct    Age    Time      Place   
      1. Sandie Sweet        0:19:17   76.41%     55   0:22:49       7 
      2. Brock Pennington    0:17:14   74.59%     18   0:17:14       1 
      3. Lea Baginski        0:20:58   70.29%     43   0:21:57       6 
      4. Sarah Sweet         0:21:16   69.27%     17   0:21:37       5 
      5. Kody Klein          0:18:34   69.24%     18   0:18:34       2 
      6. Rod Brest           0:19:08   67.15%     73   0:27:02       9 
      7. Zachary Shumac      0:20:02   64.16%     16   0:20:26       4 
      8. Bailey Klein        0:20:09   63.77%     23   0:20:09       3 
      9. Stacey Curry        0:27:41   53.21%     67   0:38:00      15 
     10. Mark Klein          0:24:58   51.48%     56   0:29:48      11 
     11. John Divins         0:25:16   50.87%     40   0:26:36       8 
     12. Marc Bellotti       0:30:24   48.47%     47   0:32:57      12 
     13. Heidi McAllen       0:27:15   47.16%     58   0:33:05      13 
     14. Christopher Klein   0:29:46   43.17%     20   0:29:46      10 
     15. Bill Smith          0:32:14   39.86%     66   0:42:00      16 
     16. Ryland Ray          0:32:24   39.65%     12   0:36:00      14 
     17. Bernard Daum        0:32:25   39.63%     70   0:44:00      17 
     18. Mike Markiewicz     0:39:57   32.16%     57   0:48:06      18 

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