Cayuga Trails 50 Miles

Ithaca, NY
June 3, 2017

Results Data Courtesy of:  Red Newt Racing
Overall Finish Order    Men - Age Groups      Women - Age Groups
Place  Name                 Town                   Time      Pace         InGroup      InSex
    1. Chris Raulli         Manlius, NY            7:32:03  0:09:02     1/MM            1/M    
    2. Brian Rusiecki       South Deerfield, MA    7:40:48  0:09:13     2/MM            2/M    
    3. Michael Owen         Pomeroy, OH            7:41:46  0:09:14     3/MM            3/M    
    4. Zach Merrin          North Canton, OH       7:52:40  0:09:27     4/MM            4/M    
    5. Cole Crosby          Endicott, NY           7:57:30  0:09:33     5/MM            5/M    
    6. Matt Flaherty        Bloomington, IN        7:59:26  0:09:35     6/MM            6/M    
    7. Ben Nephew           Westborough, MA        8:07:52  0:09:45     7/MM            7/M    
    8. Jayson Kolb          Weehawken, NJ          8:11:12  0:09:49     8/MM            8/M    
    9. Zack Walter          Hedgesville, WV        8:15:58  0:09:55     9/MM            9/M    
   10. Russell Brown        Lenexa, KS             8:22:19  0:10:03    10/MM           10/M    
   11. Scotie Jacobs        Freeville, NY          8:26:52  0:10:08    11/MM           11/M    
   12. Yassine Diboun       Portland, OR           8:34:17  0:10:17    12/MM           12/M    
   13. Ian Schouten         Lititz, PA             8:41:10  0:10:25    13/MM           13/M    
   14. Michael Dicanio      Maplewood, NJ          8:51:19  0:10:38    14/MM           14/M    
   15. Jason Friedman       New Paltz, NY          8:56:35  0:10:44    15/MM           15/M    
   16. Philip Vondra        New Paltz, NY          9:00:19  0:10:48    16/MM           16/M    
   17. Dani Filipek         Rochester Hills, MI    9:03:19  0:10:52     1/FF            1/F    
   18. Thomas Williams      Albany, NY             9:13:23  0:11:04    17/MM           17/M    
   19. Karen Holland        Toronto, ON            9:13:58  0:11:05     2/FF            2/F    
   20. Koby Nelson          Gales Ferry, CT        9:14:26  0:11:05    18/MM           18/M    
   21. Sabrina Little       Robinson, TX           9:21:28  0:11:14     3/FF            3/F    
   22. Kyle O'Brien         Westminster, CO        9:24:13  0:11:17    19/MM           19/M    
   23. Jed Sheckler         Ithaca, NY             9:24:13  0:11:17    20/MM           20/M    
   24. Brian Wandzilak      Lincoln, NE            9:24:56  0:11:18    21/MM           21/M    
   25. Brian McNerney       Springville, NY        9:27:18  0:11:21    22/MM           22/M    
   26. Kelsey Allen         Wendell, MA            9:31:12  0:11:25     4/FF            4/F    
   27. Clayton Dickerson    Hellertown, PA         9:32:34  0:11:27    23/MM           23/M    
   28. Michael Dowdell      Akron, OH              9:37:18  0:11:33    24/MM           24/M    
   29. Angie Darbyson       Gatineau, ON           9:40:06  0:11:36     5/FF            5/F    
   30. Jeremiah Bailey      Rochester, NY          9:44:48  0:11:42    25/MM           25/M    
   31. Pete Kresock         Ithaca, NY             9:48:38  0:11:46    26/MM           26/M    
   32. Kehr Davis           Gt Barrington, MA      9:49:34  0:11:47     6/FF            6/F    
   33. Kevin Courtney       Gatineau, ON           9:50:10  0:11:48    27/MM           27/M    
   34. Carsten Meyer-Jacob  Kingston, ON           9:52:02  0:11:50    28/MM           28/M    
   35. Peter Keyo           Canton, CT             9:53:09  0:11:52    29/MM           29/M    
   36. Ryan Saunders        Hamilton, ON           9:55:21  0:11:54    30/MM           30/M    
   37. Samantha Leblanc     Woburn, MA             9:56:11  0:11:55     7/FF            7/F    
   38. Tom Arban            Toronto, ON            9:57:41  0:11:57    31/MM           31/M    
   39. Stephan Meyer        Chelsea, ON            9:58:26  0:11:58    32/MM           32/M    
   40. Hyun Chang Chung     Scarsdale, NY         10:05:30  0:12:07    33/MM           33/M    
   41. Anna Piskorska       Blandon, PA           10:08:44  0:12:10     8/FF            8/F    
   42. Catherine Sykes      Midlothian, VA        10:12:46  0:12:15     9/FF            9/F    
   43. Doreen Fanton        WELLSVILLE, NY        10:13:04  0:12:16    10/FF           10/F    
   44. Melissa Terwilliger  Cleveland Heights, OH 10:15:28  0:12:19    11/FF           11/F    
   45. James Doneski        Hopkinton, NH         10:15:39  0:12:19    34/MM           34/M    
   46. Andy Lewin           Eldersburg, MD        10:20:24  0:12:24    35/MM           35/M    
   47. Justin Pedersen      Oneonta, NY           10:22:06  0:12:27    36/MM           36/M    
   48. Dan Hopper           Bay Village, OH       10:26:37  0:12:32    37/MM           37/M    
   49. Scott Dawson         Trumansburg, NY       10:26:44  0:12:32    38/MM           38/M    
   50. Jacob Robert         Lincoln Park, MI      10:27:07  0:12:33    39/MM           39/M    
   51. Jay Johnson          Ottawa, ON            10:28:50  0:12:35    40/MM           40/M    
   52. Sean Lemke           Mayfield Village, OH  10:31:01  0:12:37    41/MM           41/M    
   53. Chantal Warriner     Minesing, ON          10:31:11  0:12:37    12/FF           12/F    
   54. LeRoy Kopp           St. Marys, PA         10:31:12  0:12:37    42/MM           42/M    
   55. Chris Cowden         Montrose, PA          10:32:28  0:12:39    43/MM           43/M    
   56. Jack Ryon            Woodstock, NY         10:33:47  0:12:41    44/MM           44/M    
   57. Nicolas Delon        New York, NY          10:38:16  0:12:46    45/MM           45/M    
   58. Craig Kingston       Barrie, ON            10:40:31  0:12:49    46/MM           46/M    
   59. Chad Dickinson       Barrie, ON            10:48:13  0:12:58    47/MM           47/M    
   60. Olga Huber           Macedon, NY           10:52:27  0:13:03    13/FF           13/F    
   61. Jack Kuhn            Binghamton, NY        10:58:59  0:13:11    48/MM           48/M    
   62. Marcin Mrowka        New York, NY          11:03:11  0:13:16    49/MM           49/M    
   63. Nels Leader          Woodstock, NY         11:03:18  0:13:16    50/MM           50/M    
   64. Josh Phillips        Milwaukee, WI         11:03:41  0:13:16    51/MM           51/M    
   65. Gene Dykes           Bala Cynwyd, PA       11:04:22  0:13:17    52/MM           52/M    
   66. Brian Erickson       Ithaca, NY            11:05:43  0:13:19    53/MM           53/M    
   67. Christoph Berghaus   New York City, NY     11:08:36  0:13:22    54/MM           54/M    
   68. Paul Cirillo         Mohawk, NY            11:19:54  0:13:36    55/MM           55/M    
   69. Marco Gauvin         Granby, ON            11:23:34  0:13:40    56/MM           56/M    
   70. Austin Burling       Dunmore, PA           11:28:31  0:13:46    57/MM           57/M    
   71. Tommy Hayward        Interlaken, NY        11:32:31  0:13:51    58/MM           58/M    
   72. Jeffrey Garstecki    Columbia, MD          11:35:20  0:13:54    59/MM           59/M    
   73. Ken Livingston       West Hartford, CT     11:38:55  0:13:59    60/MM           60/M    
   74. Sarah Ouadah         Columbia, MD          11:40:42  0:14:01    14/FF           14/F    
   75. Jessica Tuttle       Rochester, NY         11:46:16  0:14:08    15/FF           15/F    
   76. Lauren Wager         Tonawanda, NY         11:47:12  0:14:09    16/FF           16/F    
   77. Keith Lubbers        Cleveland Heights, OH 11:47:44  0:14:09    61/MM           61/M    
   78. Benjamin Amann       Kingston, ON          11:48:19  0:14:10    62/MM           62/M    
   79. Logan Nagle          Windsor, NY           11:51:55  0:14:14    63/MM           63/M    
   80. Brian Richardson     Merrick, NY           11:52:29  0:14:15    64/MM           64/M    
   81. Tristan Maclean      Ithaca, NY            11:52:53  0:14:15    65/MM           65/M    
   82. Jason Cousins        Brooklyn, NY          11:52:55  0:14:16    66/MM           66/M    
   83. Zayne Couch          West Hartford, CT     11:53:04  0:14:16    67/MM           67/M    
   84. Laura Rekkerth       Scottsville, NY       11:53:04  0:14:16    17/FF           17/F    
   85. Daniel Hageman       Colchester, CT        11:54:35  0:14:17    68/MM           68/M    
   86. Jen Gregoris         Carlisle, PA          11:54:44  0:14:18    18/FF           18/F    
   87. Andy Xu              New York, NY          11:55:15  0:14:18    69/MM           69/M    
   88. Robert Seltzer       Freeville, NY         11:56:52  0:14:20    70/MM           70/M    
   89. Isaac Smith          Haverford, PA         11:57:10  0:14:21    71/MM           71/M    
   90. Timothy Moore        Binghamton, NY        11:57:21  0:14:21    72/MM           72/M    
   91. Ron Wightman         Wellsville, NY        11:57:35  0:14:21    73/MM           73/M    
   92. Dave Voutila         Burlington, VT        11:57:52  0:14:21    74/MM           74/M    
   93. Julie Deery          Bala Cynwyd, PA       11:58:42  0:14:22    19/FF           19/F    
   94. David Justice        Rochester, NY         11:59:01  0:14:23    75/MM           75/M    
   95. Atlee Burpee         Conshohocken, PA      11:59:43  0:14:24    76/MM           76/M    
   96. Miguel Murrieta      Hummelstown, PA       12:00:10  0:14:24    77/MM           77/M    
   97. Alexander Galante    Lancaster, PA         12:00:11  0:14:24    78/MM           78/M    
   98. Julia Gorman         Pittsburgh, PA        12:02:11  0:14:27    20/FF           20/F    
   99. Sean Kunis           Lawrenceville, GA     12:03:00  0:14:28    79/MM           79/M    
  100. Tami Sari            Polk, PA              12:03:19  0:14:28    21/FF           21/F    
  101. Mark Gallagher       New York, NY          12:08:48  0:14:35    80/MM           80/M    
  102. Lyle Burling         Dunmore, PA           12:09:07  0:14:35    81/MM           81/M    
  103. Francisco Fernandez  New York, NY          12:11:24  0:14:38    82/MM           82/M    
  104. Elias Kennedy        Linden, PA            12:13:18  0:14:40    83/MM           83/M    
  105. Jeremiah Bautista    Saint James, NY       12:22:06  0:14:51    84/MM           84/M    
  106. Newton McCollum      Cincinnati, OH        12:28:53  0:14:59    85/MM           85/M    
  107. Tim Casady           NY, NY                12:28:57  0:14:59    86/MM           86/M    
  108. Benjamin Looney      Richardson, TX        12:31:34  0:15:02    87/MM           87/M    
  109. Jacques Tetreault    Granby, ON            12:32:26  0:15:03    88/MM           88/M    
  110. John Ober            Candor, NY            12:32:31  0:15:03    89/MM           89/M    
  111. Francisco Gomes      Hartford, CT          12:32:50  0:15:03    90/MM           90/M    
  112. Etienne Laterreur    L, ON                 12:34:57  0:15:06    91/MM           91/M    
  113. Daniel Ballew        Rochester, NY         12:41:35  0:15:14    92/MM           92/M    
  114. Cheryl Steiner       Castorland, NY        12:43:10  0:15:16    22/FF           22/F    
  115. Rachael Paragon      Greig, NY             12:43:10  0:15:16    23/FF           23/F    
  116. James Brinsfield     Baltimore, MD         12:45:37  0:15:19    93/MM           93/M    
  117. Jessica Croisant     Stow, OH              12:49:57  0:15:24    24/FF           24/F    
  118. Leon Vandenhoven     Bowmanville, ON       12:51:18  0:15:26    94/MM           94/M    
  119. Judy Carter          Whitby, ON            12:51:19  0:15:26    25/FF           25/F    
  120. Lauren Paulson       Utica, PA             12:54:22  0:15:29    26/FF           26/F    
  121. Josh Bridwell        Lansing, NY           12:58:35  0:15:34    95/MM           95/M    
  122. Josee St-Jean        Gatineau, ON          12:59:17  0:15:35    27/FF           27/F    
  123. Jamie Hofstetter     Chester, NJ           13:01:04  0:15:37    28/FF           28/F    
  124. Nathan Stephens      Jasper, NY            13:02:09  0:15:39    96/MM           96/M    
  125. Carlos Lopez         Glen Ridge, NJ        13:06:21  0:15:44    97/MM           97/M    
  126. Brent Rice           Endicott, NY          13:10:09  0:15:48    98/MM           98/M    
  127. Jacob Royer          Hinesburg, VT         13:12:39  0:15:51    99/MM           99/M    
  128. Lisa Pesesky-Butler  Spencer, NY           13:13:06  0:15:52    29/FF           29/F    
  129. Jon Marks            Cortland, NY          13:19:55  0:16:00   100/MM          100/M    
  130. Percy Blank          Binghamton, NY        13:19:55  0:16:00   101/MM          101/M    
  131. Elizabeth Kennedy    Bethesda, MD          13:22:58  0:16:04    30/FF           30/F    
  132. Michael Schmitt      Boston, MA            13:26:57  0:16:08   102/MM          102/M    
  133. Ted Cowles           West Granby, CT       13:27:27  0:16:09   103/MM          103/M    
  134. Maria Chevalier      Cumberland, RI        13:27:31  0:16:09    31/FF           31/F    
  135. Rudy Shepherd        New York, NY          13:29:11  0:16:11   104/MM          104/M    
  136. Christine Reynolds   Newfield, NY          13:33:37  0:16:16    32/FF           32/F    
  137. Sergey Boldyrev      Brooklyn, NY          13:36:06  0:16:19   105/MM          105/M    
  138. Trevor Johnson       Schaghticoke, NY      13:39:39  0:16:24   106/MM          106/M    
  139. Nick Johnson         New York, NY          13:39:40  0:16:24   107/MM          107/M    
  140. Ed Johnson           Schaghticoke, NY      13:40:41  0:16:25   108/MM          108/M    
  141. Patrick McGlone      Weston, CT            13:42:40  0:16:27   109/MM          109/M    
  142. Will Fox             Trumansburg, NY       13:43:50  0:16:29   110/MM          110/M    
  143. Dan Boline           New York, NY          13:50:53  0:16:37   111/MM          111/M    
  144. David Wise           Flagtown, NJ          13:51:43  0:16:38   112/MM          112/M    
  145. Steven Pelletier     Granby, MA            13:59:50  0:16:48   113/MM          113/M    
  146. Angela Hill          Avon Park, FL         14:10:16  0:17:00    33/FF           33/F    
  147. Miriam Fein          Plainview, NY         14:17:58  0:17:10    34/FF           34/F    
  148. Stephen Bandfield    Parsippany, NJ        14:21:46  0:17:14   114/MM          114/M    
  149. Ryan Heinlein        Johnson City, NY      14:25:59  0:17:19   115/MM          115/M    
  150. Shane Eversfield     Ithaca, NY            14:28:12  0:17:22   116/MM          116/M    
  151. Susan Gardner        Falls Church, VA      14:28:46  0:17:23    35/FF           35/F    
  152. Tom Nichols          Scott Township, PA    14:29:26  0:17:23   117/MM          117/M    
  153. Jennifer Litwinowicz Harleysville, PA      14:32:35  0:17:27    36/FF           36/F    
  154. Francis Zarzecki     Syracuse, NY          14:37:06  0:17:33   118/MM          118/M    
  155. Kishah Joyce         Oswego, NY            14:39:34  0:17:35    37/FF           37/F    
  156. Laura Broadwell      Oswego, NY            14:39:35  0:17:36    38/FF           38/F    
  157. Dennis Stadelman     Cicero, NY            14:40:31  0:17:37   119/MM          119/M    
  158. Paige Anderson       Ithaca, NY            14:53:07  0:17:52    39/FF           39/F    
  159. Daniel Haggerty      West Hartford, CT     14:56:41  0:17:56   120/MM          120/M    
  160. Mark Justh           Brooklyn, NY          14:58:42  0:17:58   121/MM          121/M    
  161. Aurora Lemay         Duluth, MN            14:59:07  0:17:59    40/FF           40/F    
  162. Stacey Eger          Cicero, NY            14:59:09  0:17:59    41/FF           41/F    
  163. Christen Pelo        Lowville, NY          14:59:13  0:17:59    42/FF           42/F    

Top of Page

Women - Age Group Results       Men - Age Groups      Overall Finish Order
Women F
Place  Name                 Town                   Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Dani Filipek         Rochester Hills, MI     9:03:19   0:10:52     17     1/F
    2. Karen Holland        Toronto, ON             9:13:58   0:11:05     19     2/F
    3. Sabrina Little       Robinson, TX            9:21:28   0:11:14     21     3/F
    4. Kelsey Allen         Wendell, MA             9:31:12   0:11:25     26     4/F
    5. Angie Darbyson       Gatineau, ON            9:40:06   0:11:36     29     5/F
    6. Kehr Davis           Gt Barrington, MA       9:49:34   0:11:47     32     6/F
    7. Samantha Leblanc     Woburn, MA              9:56:11   0:11:55     37     7/F
    8. Anna Piskorska       Blandon, PA            10:08:44   0:12:10     41     8/F
    9. Catherine Sykes      Midlothian, VA         10:12:46   0:12:15     42     9/F
   10. Doreen Fanton        WELLSVILLE, NY         10:13:04   0:12:16     43    10/F
   11. Melissa Terwilliger  Cleveland Heights, OH  10:15:28   0:12:19     44    11/F
   12. Chantal Warriner     Minesing, ON           10:31:11   0:12:37     53    12/F
   13. Olga Huber           Macedon, NY            10:52:27   0:13:03     60    13/F
   14. Sarah Ouadah         Columbia, MD           11:40:42   0:14:01     74    14/F
   15. Jessica Tuttle       Rochester, NY          11:46:16   0:14:08     75    15/F
   16. Lauren Wager         Tonawanda, NY          11:47:12   0:14:09     76    16/F
   17. Laura Rekkerth       Scottsville, NY        11:53:04   0:14:16     84    17/F
   18. Jen Gregoris         Carlisle, PA           11:54:44   0:14:18     86    18/F
   19. Julie Deery          Bala Cynwyd, PA        11:58:42   0:14:22     93    19/F
   20. Julia Gorman         Pittsburgh, PA         12:02:11   0:14:27     98    20/F
   21. Tami Sari            Polk, PA               12:03:19   0:14:28    100    21/F
   22. Cheryl Steiner       Castorland, NY         12:43:10   0:15:16    114    22/F
   23. Rachael Paragon      Greig, NY              12:43:10   0:15:16    115    23/F
   24. Jessica Croisant     Stow, OH               12:49:57   0:15:24    117    24/F
   25. Judy Carter          Whitby, ON             12:51:19   0:15:26    119    25/F
   26. Lauren Paulson       Utica, PA              12:54:22   0:15:29    120    26/F
   27. Josee St-Jean        Gatineau, ON           12:59:17   0:15:35    122    27/F
   28. Jamie Hofstetter     Chester, NJ            13:01:04   0:15:37    123    28/F
   29. Lisa Pesesky-Butler  Spencer, NY            13:13:06   0:15:52    128    29/F
   30. Elizabeth Kennedy    Bethesda, MD           13:22:58   0:16:04    131    30/F
   31. Maria Chevalier      Cumberland, RI         13:27:31   0:16:09    134    31/F
   32. Christine Reynolds   Newfield, NY           13:33:37   0:16:16    136    32/F
   33. Angela Hill          Avon Park, FL          14:10:16   0:17:00    146    33/F
   34. Miriam Fein          Plainview, NY          14:17:58   0:17:10    147    34/F
   35. Susan Gardner        Falls Church, VA       14:28:46   0:17:23    151    35/F
   36. Jennifer Litwinowicz Harleysville, PA       14:32:35   0:17:27    153    36/F
   37. Kishah Joyce         Oswego, NY             14:39:34   0:17:35    155    37/F
   38. Laura Broadwell      Oswego, NY             14:39:35   0:17:36    156    38/F
   39. Paige Anderson       Ithaca, NY             14:53:07   0:17:52    158    39/F
   40. Aurora Lemay         Duluth, MN             14:59:07   0:17:59    161    40/F
   41. Stacey Eger          Cicero, NY             14:59:09   0:17:59    162    41/F
   42. Christen Pelo        Lowville, NY           14:59:13   0:17:59    163    42/F

Top of Page

Men - Age Group Results       Women - Age Groups       Overall Finish Order
Men M
Place  Name                 Town                   Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Chris Raulli         Manlius, NY            7:32:03  0:09:02      1     1/M
    2. Brian Rusiecki       South Deerfield, MA    7:40:48  0:09:13      2     2/M
    3. Michael Owen         Pomeroy, OH            7:41:46  0:09:14      3     3/M
    4. Zach Merrin          North Canton, OH       7:52:40  0:09:27      4     4/M
    5. Cole Crosby          Endicott, NY           7:57:30  0:09:33      5     5/M
    6. Matt Flaherty        Bloomington, IN        7:59:26  0:09:35      6     6/M
    7. Ben Nephew           Westborough, MA        8:07:52  0:09:45      7     7/M
    8. Jayson Kolb          Weehawken, NJ          8:11:12  0:09:49      8     8/M
    9. Zack Walter          Hedgesville, WV        8:15:58  0:09:55      9     9/M
   10. Russell Brown        Lenexa, KS             8:22:19  0:10:03     10    10/M
   11. Scotie Jacobs        Freeville, NY          8:26:52  0:10:08     11    11/M
   12. Yassine Diboun       Portland, OR           8:34:17  0:10:17     12    12/M
   13. Ian Schouten         Lititz, PA             8:41:10  0:10:25     13    13/M
   14. Michael Dicanio      Maplewood, NJ          8:51:19  0:10:38     14    14/M
   15. Jason Friedman       New Paltz, NY          8:56:35  0:10:44     15    15/M
   16. Philip Vondra        New Paltz, NY          9:00:19  0:10:48     16    16/M
   17. Thomas Williams      Albany, NY             9:13:23  0:11:04     18    17/M
   18. Koby Nelson          Gales Ferry, CT        9:14:26  0:11:05     20    18/M
   19. Kyle O'Brien         Westminster, CO        9:24:13  0:11:17     22    19/M
   20. Jed Sheckler         Ithaca, NY             9:24:13  0:11:17     23    20/M
   21. Brian Wandzilak      Lincoln, NE            9:24:56  0:11:18     24    21/M
   22. Brian McNerney       Springville, NY        9:27:18  0:11:21     25    22/M
   23. Clayton Dickerson    Hellertown, PA         9:32:34  0:11:27     27    23/M
   24. Michael Dowdell      Akron, OH              9:37:18  0:11:33     28    24/M
   25. Jeremiah Bailey      Rochester, NY          9:44:48  0:11:42     30    25/M
   26. Pete Kresock         Ithaca, NY             9:48:38  0:11:46     31    26/M
   27. Kevin Courtney       Gatineau, ON           9:50:10  0:11:48     33    27/M
   28. Carsten Meyer-Jacob  Kingston, ON           9:52:02  0:11:50     34    28/M
   29. Peter Keyo           Canton, CT             9:53:09  0:11:52     35    29/M
   30. Ryan Saunders        Hamilton, ON           9:55:21  0:11:54     36    30/M
   31. Tom Arban            Toronto, ON            9:57:41  0:11:57     38    31/M
   32. Stephan Meyer        Chelsea, ON            9:58:26  0:11:58     39    32/M
   33. Hyun Chang Chung     Scarsdale, NY          10:05:30  0:12:07     40    33/M
   34. James Doneski        Hopkinton, NH          10:15:39  0:12:19     45    34/M
   35. Andy Lewin           Eldersburg, MD         10:20:24  0:12:24     46    35/M
   36. Justin Pedersen      Oneonta, NY            10:22:06  0:12:27     47    36/M
   37. Dan Hopper           Bay Village, OH        10:26:37  0:12:32     48    37/M
   38. Scott Dawson         Trumansburg, NY        10:26:44  0:12:32     49    38/M
   39. Jacob Robert         Lincoln Park, MI       10:27:07  0:12:33     50    39/M
   40. Jay Johnson          Ottawa, ON             10:28:50  0:12:35     51    40/M
   41. Sean Lemke           Mayfield Village, OH   10:31:01  0:12:37     52    41/M
   42. LeRoy Kopp           St. Marys, PA          10:31:12  0:12:37     54    42/M
   43. Chris Cowden         Montrose, PA           10:32:28  0:12:39     55    43/M
   44. Jack Ryon            Woodstock, NY          10:33:47  0:12:41     56    44/M
   45. Nicolas Delon        New York, NY           10:38:16  0:12:46     57    45/M
   46. Craig Kingston       Barrie, ON             10:40:31  0:12:49     58    46/M
   47. Chad Dickinson       Barrie, ON             10:48:13  0:12:58     59    47/M
   48. Jack Kuhn            Binghamton, NY         10:58:59  0:13:11     61    48/M
   49. Marcin Mrowka        New York, NY           11:03:11  0:13:16     62    49/M
   50. Nels Leader          Woodstock, NY          11:03:18  0:13:16     63    50/M
   51. Josh Phillips        Milwaukee, WI          11:03:41  0:13:16     64    51/M
   52. Gene Dykes           Bala Cynwyd, PA        11:04:22  0:13:17     65    52/M
   53. Brian Erickson       Ithaca, NY             11:05:43  0:13:19     66    53/M
   54. Christoph Berghaus   New York City, NY      11:08:36  0:13:22     67    54/M
   55. Paul Cirillo         Mohawk, NY             11:19:54  0:13:36     68    55/M
   56. Marco Gauvin         Granby, ON             11:23:34  0:13:40     69    56/M
   57. Austin Burling       Dunmore, PA            11:28:31  0:13:46     70    57/M
   58. Tommy Hayward        Interlaken, NY         11:32:31  0:13:51     71    58/M
   59. Jeffrey Garstecki    Columbia, MD           11:35:20  0:13:54     72    59/M
   60. Ken Livingston       West Hartford, CT      11:38:55  0:13:59     73    60/M
   61. Keith Lubbers        Cleveland Heights, OH  11:47:44  0:14:09     77    61/M
   62. Benjamin Amann       Kingston, ON           11:48:19  0:14:10     78    62/M
   63. Logan Nagle          Windsor, NY            11:51:55  0:14:14     79    63/M
   64. Brian Richardson     Merrick, NY            11:52:29  0:14:15     80    64/M
   65. Tristan Maclean      Ithaca, NY             11:52:53  0:14:15     81    65/M
   66. Jason Cousins        Brooklyn, NY           11:52:55  0:14:16     82    66/M
   67. Zayne Couch          West Hartford, CT      11:53:04  0:14:16     83    67/M
   68. Daniel Hageman       Colchester, CT         11:54:35  0:14:17     85    68/M
   69. Andy Xu              New York, NY           11:55:15  0:14:18     87    69/M
   70. Robert Seltzer       Freeville, NY          11:56:52  0:14:20     88    70/M
   71. Isaac Smith          Haverford, PA          11:57:10  0:14:21     89    71/M
   72. Timothy Moore        Binghamton, NY         11:57:21  0:14:21     90    72/M
   73. Ron Wightman         Wellsville, NY         11:57:35  0:14:21     91    73/M
   74. Dave Voutila         Burlington, VT         11:57:52  0:14:21     92    74/M
   75. David Justice        Rochester, NY          11:59:01  0:14:23     94    75/M
   76. Atlee Burpee         Conshohocken, PA       11:59:43  0:14:24     95    76/M
   77. Miguel Murrieta      Hummelstown, PA        12:00:10  0:14:24     96    77/M
   78. Alexander Galante    Lancaster, PA          12:00:11  0:14:24     97    78/M
   79. Sean Kunis           Lawrenceville, GA      12:03:00  0:14:28     99    79/M
   80. Mark Gallagher       New York, NY           12:08:48  0:14:35    101    80/M
   81. Lyle Burling         Dunmore, PA            12:09:07  0:14:35    102    81/M
   82. Francisco Fernandez  New York, NY           12:11:24  0:14:38    103    82/M
   83. Elias Kennedy        Linden, PA             12:13:18  0:14:40    104    83/M
   84. Jeremiah Bautista    Saint James, NY        12:22:06  0:14:51    105    84/M
   85. Newton McCollum      Cincinnati, OH         12:28:53  0:14:59    106    85/M
   86. Tim Casady           NY, NY                 12:28:57  0:14:59    107    86/M
   87. Benjamin Looney      Richardson, TX         12:31:34  0:15:02    108    87/M
   88. Jacques Tetreault    Granby, ON             12:32:26  0:15:03    109    88/M
   89. John Ober            Candor, NY             12:32:31  0:15:03    110    89/M
   90. Francisco Gomes      Hartford, CT           12:32:50  0:15:03    111    90/M
   91. Etienne Laterreur    L, ON                  12:34:57  0:15:06    112    91/M
   92. Daniel Ballew        Rochester, NY          12:41:35  0:15:14    113    92/M
   93. James Brinsfield     Baltimore, MD          12:45:37  0:15:19    116    93/M
   94. Leon Vandenhoven     Bowmanville, ON        12:51:18  0:15:26    118    94/M
   95. Josh Bridwell        Lansing, NY            12:58:35  0:15:34    121    95/M
   96. Nathan Stephens      Jasper, NY             13:02:09  0:15:39    124    96/M
   97. Carlos Lopez         Glen Ridge, NJ         13:06:21  0:15:44    125    97/M
   98. Brent Rice           Endicott, NY           13:10:09  0:15:48    126    98/M
   99. Jacob Royer          Hinesburg, VT          13:12:39  0:15:51    127    99/M
  100. Jon Marks            Cortland, NY           13:19:55  0:16:00    129   100/M
  101. Percy Blank          Binghamton, NY         13:19:55  0:16:00    130   101/M
  102. Michael Schmitt      Boston, MA             13:26:57  0:16:08    132   102/M
  103. Ted Cowles           West Granby, CT        13:27:27  0:16:09    133   103/M
  104. Rudy Shepherd        New York, NY           13:29:11  0:16:11    135   104/M
  105. Sergey Boldyrev      Brooklyn, NY           13:36:06  0:16:19    137   105/M
  106. Trevor Johnson       Schaghticoke, NY       13:39:39  0:16:24    138   106/M
  107. Nick Johnson         New York, NY           13:39:40  0:16:24    139   107/M
  108. Ed Johnson           Schaghticoke, NY       13:40:41  0:16:25    140   108/M
  109. Patrick McGlone      Weston, CT             13:42:40  0:16:27    141   109/M
  110. Will Fox             Trumansburg, NY        13:43:50  0:16:29    142   110/M
  111. Dan Boline           New York, NY           13:50:53  0:16:37    143   111/M
  112. David Wise           Flagtown, NJ           13:51:43  0:16:38    144   112/M
  113. Steven Pelletier     Granby, MA             13:59:50  0:16:48    145   113/M
  114. Stephen Bandfield    Parsippany, NJ         14:21:46  0:17:14    148   114/M
  115. Ryan Heinlein        Johnson City, NY       14:25:59  0:17:19    149   115/M
  116. Shane Eversfield     Ithaca, NY             14:28:12  0:17:22    150   116/M
  117. Tom Nichols          Scott Township, PA     14:29:26  0:17:23    152   117/M
  118. Francis Zarzecki     Syracuse, NY           14:37:06  0:17:33    154   118/M
  119. Dennis Stadelman     Cicero, NY             14:40:31  0:17:37    157   119/M
  120. Daniel Haggerty      West Hartford, CT      14:56:41  0:17:56    159   120/M
  121. Mark Justh           Brooklyn, NY           14:58:42  0:17:58    160   121/M

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