Buffalo Area Runners At ThePhiladelphia Half MarathonPhiladelphia, PA November 23, 2014Results Data Courtesy of: Philadelphia Marathon |
Overall Finish Order Men - Age Groups Women - Age Groups
Place Name Town Time Pace InGroup InSex netTime netPace Bib#
743. David Geer Lockport NY 1:38:33 0:07:31 70/M35-39 552/M 1:37:24 0:07:26 20562
874. Timothy Callan Kenmore NY 1:40:01 0:07:38 60/M40-44 635/M 1:39:01 0:07:33 20337
2433. Rory Diamond Kenmore NY 1:55:15 0:08:47 281/M25-29 1474/M 1:51:33 0:08:31 23150
2753. David Cervantes Buffalo NY 1:54:12 0:08:43 275/M30-34 1634/M 1:53:16 0:08:38 21833
3034. Jennifer Adema Bowmansville NY 1:54:49 0:08:46 185/F35-39 1269/F 1:54:39 0:08:45 24317
4498. Jordan Bardo Jamestown NY 2:04:31 0:09:30 424/M25-29 2361/M 2:01:05 0:09:14 23089
5064. James Boglioli Clarence Center NY 2:05:25 0:09:34 321/M40-44 2586/M 2:03:39 0:09:26 21741
6503. Shannon Farrell Lakeview NY 2:10:03 0:09:55 611/F20-24 3393/F 2:09:57 0:09:55 23520
6676. Andrea Krah Elma NY 2:10:48 0:09:59 598/F30-34 3509/F 2:10:45 0:09:58 28001
7922. William Berard, III Youngstown NY 2:17:15 0:10:28 265/M50-54 3568/M 2:16:42 0:10:26 29544
8250. Danielle Destefano Clarence Center NY 2:21:04 0:10:46 608/F35-39 4570/F 2:18:25 0:10:34 27256
8482. Bruce Rockwell Lakewood NY 2:25:29 0:11:06 280/M50-54 3750/M 2:19:40 0:10:39 31566
9243. David Axel Neff Colden NY 2:29:55 0:11:26 634/M30-34 3991/M 2:24:10 0:11:00 33876
9390. Thomas Matre Tonawanda NY 2:26:45 0:11:12 412/M45-49 4027/M 2:25:02 0:11:04 28247
10738. Justin Destefano Clarence Center NY 2:39:35 0:12:10 580/M35-39 4441/M 2:36:56 0:11:58 27257
11407. Catherine Wheeler-Baco Buffalo NY 2:46:18 0:12:41 1126/F30-34 6775/F 2:45:17 0:12:36 33966
11414. Tom Ferrara Amherst NY 2:46:49 0:12:43 295/M55-59 4636/M 2:45:24 0:12:37 33769
11525. Ellie Ferrara Amherst NY 2:53:22 0:13:13 209/F0-19 6869/F 2:47:12 0:12:45 31431
12016. James Mietlicki Cheektowaga NY 3:04:46 0:14:06 142/M60-64 4784/M 2:58:03 0:13:35 32908
12727. Kathie Jarvis Williamsville NY 3:54:20 0:17:53 239/F55-59 7781/F 3:53:15 0:17:48 14485
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Women - Age Group Results Men - Age Groups Overall Finish Order
Women 0-19
Place Name Town Time Pace OvrAll InSex
209. Ellie Ferrara Amherst NY 2:53:22 0:13:13 11525 6869/F
Women 20-24
Place Name Town Time Pace OvrAll InSex
611. Shannon Farrell Lakeview NY 2:10:03 0:09:55 6503 3393/F
Women 30-34
Place Name Town Time Pace OvrAll InSex
598. Andrea Krah Elma NY 2:10:48 0:09:59 6676 3509/F
1126. Catherine Wheeler-Baco Buffalo NY 2:46:18 0:12:41 11407 6775/F
Women 35-39
Place Name Town Time Pace OvrAll InSex
185. Jennifer Adema Bowmansville NY 1:54:49 0:08:46 3034 1269/F
608. Danielle Destefano Clarence Center NY 2:21:04 0:10:46 8250 4570/F
Women 55-59
Place Name Town Time Pace OvrAll InSex
239. Kathie Jarvis Williamsville NY 3:54:20 0:17:53 12727 7781/F
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Men - Age Group Results Women - Age Groups Overall Finish Order
Men 25-29
Place Name Town Time Pace OvrAll InSex
281. Rory Diamond Kenmore NY 1:55:15 0:08:47 2433 1474/M
424. Jordan Bardo Jamestown NY 2:04:31 0:09:30 4498 2361/M
Men 30-34
Place Name Town Time Pace OvrAll InSex
275. David Cervantes Buffalo NY 1:54:12 0:08:43 2753 1634/M
634. David Axel Neff Colden NY 2:29:55 0:11:26 9243 3991/M
Men 35-39
Place Name Town Time Pace OvrAll InSex
70. David Geer Lockport NY 1:38:33 0:07:31 743 552/M
580. Justin Destefano Clarence Center NY 2:39:35 0:12:10 10738 4441/M
Men 40-44
Place Name Town Time Pace OvrAll InSex
60. Timothy Callan Kenmore NY 1:40:01 0:07:38 874 635/M
321. James Boglioli Clarence Center NY 2:05:25 0:09:34 5064 2586/M
Men 45-49
Place Name Town Time Pace OvrAll InSex
412. Thomas Matre Tonawanda NY 2:26:45 0:11:12 9390 4027/M
Men 50-54
Place Name Town Time Pace OvrAll InSex
265. William Berard, III Youngstown NY 2:17:15 0:10:28 7922 3568/M
280. Bruce Rockwell Lakewood NY 2:25:29 0:11:06 8482 3750/M
Men 55-59
Place Name Town Time Pace OvrAll InSex
295. Tom Ferrara Amherst NY 2:46:49 0:12:43 11414 4636/M
Men 60-64
Place Name Town Time Pace OvrAll InSex
142. James Mietlicki Cheektowaga NY 3:04:46 0:14:06 12016 4784/M
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Race Results At: BuffaloRunners.com