3rd Annual, Buffalo Area Runners At The:

Empire State Marathon

Syracuse, NY
October 19, 2013

Results Data Courtesy of:  Leone Timing
Overall Finish Order    Men - Age Groups      Women - Age Groups      Age Graded Overall
Place  Name                  Town                Time      Pace         InGroup      InSex    netTime  netPace      AGtime   AGpct  
    6. Jim Salmeri           Lockport NY         3:01:22  0:06:55     1/M25-29        1/M    3:01:15  0:06:55  3:01:22  68.88% 
   22. Andy Campana          Buffalo NY          3:12:34  0:07:21     2/M25-29        2/M    3:12:34  0:07:21  3:12:34  64.87% 
   29. Craig Reed            Westfield MA        3:15:55  0:07:29     1/M45-49        3/M    3:15:51  0:07:29  3:01:46  68.72% 
   42. Alexandra Dockstader  North Tonawanda NY  3:22:44  0:07:44     1/F19-24        1/F    3:22:40  0:07:44  3:22:44  66.80% 
   46. Val Malia             Buffalo NY          3:23:49  0:07:47     1/F25-29        2/F    3:23:44  0:07:47  3:23:49  66.44% 
   74. Samuel Ascioti        Westfield MA        3:32:43  0:08:07     1/M19-24        4/M    3:32:31  0:08:07  3:32:43  58.72% 
   91. Brian Dockstader      Buffalo NY          3:40:10  0:08:24     2/M19-24        5/M    3:40:06  0:08:24  3:39:11  56.99% 
  133. Magen Maloy           Boston NY           3:49:56  0:08:47     2/F19-24        3/F    3:49:45  0:08:46  3:49:56  58.89% 
  165. Naomi Pruitt          Lake View NY        3:57:17  0:09:03     1/F35-39        4/F    3:56:51  0:09:02  3:47:59  59.40% 
  219. Byron Danis           East Aurora NY      4:06:27  0:09:24     3/M25-29        6/M    4:05:55  0:09:23  4:06:27  50.69% 
  362. Norman Moore          Allegany NY         4:43:40  0:10:50     1/M70+          7/M    4:43:18  0:10:49  3:18:17  63.00% 
  365. Christina Newman      Cheektowaga NY      4:45:36  0:10:54     2/F35-39        5/F    4:45:28  0:10:54  4:38:26  48.64% 
  419. Kimberly Potwora      Cheektowaga NY      5:01:56  0:11:31     1/F40-44        6/F    5:01:51  0:11:31  4:38:45  48.58% 
  430. Jessie Stack Lombardo Colden NY           5:04:29  0:11:37     3/F35-39        7/F    5:04:06  0:11:36  5:00:11  45.11% 
  438. James Fitzgerald      Buffalo NY          5:07:44  0:11:45     4/M25-29        8/M    5:07:29  0:11:44  5:07:44  40.59% 
  489. Barbara Nichter       Lancaster NY        5:42:10  0:13:04     1/F60-64        8/F    5:41:51  0:13:03  4:08:35  54.48% 
  498. Keri Rabideau         Williamsville NY    5:51:10  0:13:24     4/F35-39        9/F    5:50:51  0:13:23  5:44:25  39.32% 
  499. Andrea Parsons        Holland NY          5:52:31  0:13:27     2/F40-44       10/F    5:52:16  0:13:27  5:32:36  40.71% 
  503. Katie Schrantz        Forestville NY      5:56:56  0:13:37     2/F25-29       11/F    5:56:34  0:13:37  5:56:56  37.94% 
  504. Katherine Hansen      Boston MA           5:59:58  0:13:44     1/F30-34       12/F    5:59:23  0:13:43  5:57:42  37.86% 
  507. Kathleen Garland      Lancaster NY        6:03:46  0:13:53     1/F55-59       13/F    6:03:26  0:13:52  4:32:23  49.71% 

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Women - Age Group Results       Men - Age Groups      Overall Finish Order       Age Graded Overall
Women 19-24
Place  Name                  Town                Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Alexandra Dockstader  North Tonawanda NY   3:22:44   0:07:44     42     1/F
    2. Magen Maloy           Boston NY            3:49:56   0:08:47    133     3/F
Women 25-29
Place  Name                  Town                Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Val Malia             Buffalo NY           3:23:49   0:07:47     46     2/F
    2. Katie Schrantz        Forestville NY       5:56:56   0:13:37    503    11/F
Women 30-34
Place  Name                  Town                Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Katherine Hansen      Boston MA            5:59:58   0:13:44    504    12/F
Women 35-39
Place  Name                  Town                Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Naomi Pruitt          Lake View NY         3:57:17   0:09:03    165     4/F
    2. Christina Newman      Cheektowaga NY       4:45:36   0:10:54    365     5/F
    3. Jessie Stack Lombardo Colden NY            5:04:29   0:11:37    430     7/F
    4. Keri Rabideau         Williamsville NY     5:51:10   0:13:24    498     9/F
Women 40-44
Place  Name                  Town                Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Kimberly Potwora      Cheektowaga NY       5:01:56   0:11:31    419     6/F
    2. Andrea Parsons        Holland NY           5:52:31   0:13:27    499    10/F
Women 55-59
Place  Name                  Town                Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Kathleen Garland      Lancaster NY         6:03:46   0:13:53    507    13/F
Women 60-64
Place  Name                  Town                Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Barbara Nichter       Lancaster NY         5:42:10   0:13:04    489     8/F

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Men - Age Group Results       Women - Age Groups       Overall Finish Order       Age Graded Overall
Men 19-24
Place  Name                  Town                Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Samuel Ascioti        Westfield MA        3:32:43  0:08:07     74     4/M
    2. Brian Dockstader      Buffalo NY          3:40:10  0:08:24     91     5/M
Men 25-29
Place  Name                  Town                Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Jim Salmeri           Lockport NY         3:01:22  0:06:55      6     1/M
    2. Andy Campana          Buffalo NY          3:12:34  0:07:21     22     2/M
    3. Byron Danis           East Aurora NY      4:06:27  0:09:24    219     6/M
    4. James Fitzgerald      Buffalo NY          5:07:44  0:11:45    438     8/M
Men 45-49
Place  Name                  Town                Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Craig Reed            Westfield MA        3:15:55  0:07:29     29     3/M
Men 70+
Place  Name                  Town                Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Norman Moore          Allegany NY         4:43:40  0:10:50    362     7/M

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Age Graded Overall       Men - Age Groups       Women - Age Groups       Overall Finish Order
AGPlace  Name                    AGtime    AGpct    Age    Time      Place   
      1. Jim Salmeri             3:01:22   68.88%     25   3:01:22       6 
      2. Craig Reed              3:01:46   68.72%     46   3:15:55      29 
      3. Alexandra Dockstader    3:22:44   66.80%     24   3:22:44      42 
      4. Val Malia               3:23:49   66.44%     25   3:23:49      46 
      5. Andy Campana            3:12:34   64.87%     27   3:12:34      22 
      6. Norman Moore            3:18:17   63.00%     74   4:43:40     362 
      7. Naomi Pruitt            3:47:59   59.40%     39   3:57:17     165 
      8. Magen Maloy             3:49:56   58.89%     23   3:49:56     133 
      9. Samuel Ascioti          3:32:43   58.72%     24   3:32:43      74 
     10. Brian Dockstader        3:39:11   56.99%     21   3:40:10      91 
     11. Barbara Nichter         4:08:35   54.48%     61   5:42:10     489 
     12. Byron Danis             4:06:27   50.69%     29   4:06:27     219 
     13. Kathleen Garland        4:32:23   49.71%     59   6:03:46     507 
     14. Christina Newman        4:38:26   48.64%     37   4:45:36     365 
     15. Kimberly Potwora        4:38:45   48.58%     43   5:01:56     419 
     16. Jessie Stack Lombardo   5:00:11   45.11%     35   5:04:29     430 
     17. Andrea Parsons          5:32:36   40.71%     41   5:52:31     499 
     18. James Fitzgerald        5:07:44   40.59%     29   5:07:44     438 
     19. Keri Rabideau           5:44:25   39.32%     36   5:51:10     498 
     20. Katie Schrantz          5:56:56   37.94%     27   5:56:56     503 
     21. Katherine Hansen        5:57:42   37.86%     33   5:59:58     504 

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Race Results At: BuffaloRunners.com