119th Annual

Around The Bay 30K

Hamilton, ON
March 25, 2012

Results Data Courtesy of:  Sportstats
Overall Finish Order    Men - Age Groups      Women - Age Groups
Place  Name                            Town                    Time      Pace         InGroup      InSex    netTime  netPace     Bib# 
    1. Reid Coolsaet                   Hamilton ON             1:33:20  0:05:00     1/M30-34        1/M    1:33:20  0:05:00    2     
    2. Terence Attema                  Smithville ON           1:35:05  0:05:06     1/M20-24        2/M    1:35:04  0:05:06    3     
    3. Giitah Macharia                 Oakville ON             1:37:25  0:05:14     2/M30-34        3/M    1:37:25  0:05:14    4     
    4. Josephat Ongeri                 Burlington ON           1:38:09  0:05:16     3/M30-34        4/M    1:38:08  0:05:16    6     
    5. Mike Andersen                   Milford MI              1:41:00  0:05:25     1/M25-29        5/M    1:41:00  0:05:25    17    
    6. Terry Gehl                      St. Charles QC          1:43:13  0:05:32     1/M40-44        6/M    1:43:13  0:05:32    11    
    7. Laurence Abbott                 Ottawa ON               1:43:37  0:05:34     2/M20-24        7/M    1:43:37  0:05:34    16    
    8. Victor Gatundu                  Burlington ON           1:43:51  0:05:34     4/M30-34        8/M    1:43:51  0:05:34    9     
    9. Jesse Gibbs                     Timaru ON               1:44:24  0:05:36     3/M20-24        9/M    1:44:24  0:05:36    2549  
   10. Robert Winslow                  North York ON           1:44:27  0:05:36     4/M20-24       10/M    1:44:25  0:05:36    7534  
   11. Jeff Dill                       St. Davids ON           1:45:02  0:05:38     5/M20-24       11/M    1:45:02  0:05:38    1877  
   12. Nelson Ndereva                  Toronto ON              1:46:31  0:05:43     2/M40-44       12/M    1:46:30  0:05:43    5077  
   13. Krista Duchene                  Brantford ON            1:47:04  0:05:45     1/F35-39        1/F    1:47:04  0:05:45    F3    
   14. Pascal Renard                   Gatineau QC             1:47:08  0:05:45     1/M35-39       13/M    1:47:08  0:05:45    5780  
   15. Darryl Bank                     Toronto ON              1:47:15  0:05:45     2/M25-29       14/M    1:47:15  0:05:45    405   
   16. Predrag Mladenovic              Etobicoke ON            1:47:26  0:05:46     3/M40-44       15/M    1:47:26  0:05:46    4860  
   17. Graydon Snider                  Montreal QC             1:48:24  0:05:49     5/M30-34       16/M    1:48:24  0:05:49    14    
   18. Scott Serran                    Lasalle ON              1:49:01  0:05:51     3/M25-29       17/M    1:49:01  0:05:51    6254  
   19. Fred Karanja                    Burlington ON           1:49:28  0:05:52     4/M25-29       18/M    1:49:28  0:05:52    12    
   20.  Noname                         Ottawa ON               1:49:38  0:05:53     1/ NoAge        1/     1:49:36  0:05:53    830   
   21. Kevin A Coffey                  Kingston ON             1:50:03  0:05:54     5/M25-29       19/M    1:50:02  0:05:54    1394  
   22. Keith Marchant                  Burlington ON           1:50:31  0:05:56     6/M20-24       20/M    1:50:22  0:05:55    4380  
   23. Matthew Glynn                   Buffalo NY              1:50:33  0:05:56     4/M40-44       21/M    1:50:32  0:05:56    2611  
   24. Laurent Jugant                  Montreal QC             1:50:35  0:05:56     5/M40-44       22/M    1:50:34  0:05:56    3502  
   25. Kyle Aitken                     Mississauga ON          1:50:38  0:05:56     2/M35-39       23/M    1:50:36  0:05:56    150   
   26. Mark Maronese                   Thunder Bay ON          1:50:39  0:05:56     6/M30-34       24/M    1:50:38  0:05:56    4399  
   27. Dayna Pidhoresky                Tecumseh ON             1:50:48  0:05:57     1/F25-29        2/F    1:50:48  0:05:57    F1    
   28. Dan Way                         Toronto ON              1:51:19  0:05:58     6/M25-29       25/M    1:51:17  0:05:58    7326  
   29. Lawrence Warriner               Toronto ON              1:52:05  0:06:01     1/M45-49       26/M    1:52:04  0:06:01    7298  
   30. Matt Carr                       Burlington ON           1:52:18  0:06:01     3/M35-39       27/M    1:52:16  0:06:01    4671  
   31. Chris Macknie                   Ottawa ON               1:53:11  0:06:04     2/M45-49       28/M    1:53:11  0:06:04    4285  
   32. Christian Gundlack              Hamilton ON             1:53:19  0:06:05     6/M40-44       29/M    1:53:16  0:06:05    2783  
   33. Darren C Lee                    Toronto ON              1:53:24  0:06:05     4/M35-39       30/M    1:53:22  0:06:05    4007  
   34. Marc Duench                     Uxbridge ON             1:53:36  0:06:06     5/M35-39       31/M    1:53:33  0:06:05    1994  
   35. Geoffrey Wheatley               Hamilton ON             1:54:05  0:06:07     7/M40-44       32/M    1:53:44  0:06:06    7392  
   36. Jonathan Kilmartin              Oakville ON             1:54:11  0:06:08     7/M25-29       33/M    1:54:00  0:06:07    3667  
   37. Jeff Conron                     Toronto ON              1:54:34  0:06:09     8/M25-29       34/M    1:54:30  0:06:09    1446  
   38. Franciszek Stronski             Krakow PO               1:54:35  0:06:09     1/M50-54       35/M    1:54:34  0:06:09    6680  
   39. Lisa Avery                      Orillia ON              1:54:44  0:06:09     2/F35-39        3/F    1:54:43  0:06:09    328   
   40. Mitch Free                      St. George ON           1:54:47  0:06:09     7/M30-34       36/M    1:54:45  0:06:09    2397  
   41. Mat Reid                        Waterdown ON            1:54:52  0:06:10     8/M30-34       37/M    1:54:51  0:06:10    5773  
   42. Roger Moss                      Toronto ON              1:54:54  0:06:10     3/M45-49       38/M    1:54:51  0:06:10    4964  
   43. Kyle Ferguson                   Oakville ON             1:54:56  0:06:10     9/M30-34       39/M    1:54:55  0:06:10    2234  
   44. Ryan Babcock                    Whitby ON               1:55:01  0:06:10    10/M30-34       40/M    1:55:01  0:06:10    3917  
   45. Trevor Baine                    Calgary AB              1:55:08  0:06:11     6/M35-39       41/M    1:55:07  0:06:11    365   
   46. Michael Hay                     Guelph ON               1:55:21  0:06:11     8/M40-44       42/M    1:55:20  0:06:11    2981  
   47. Robert Campbell                 Toronto ON              1:55:41  0:06:12     2/M50-54       43/M    1:55:38  0:06:12    1113  
   48. Gerry Angelatos                 Burlington ON           1:55:49  0:06:13     7/M20-24       44/M    1:55:38  0:06:12    245   
   49. Denis Angelatos                 Burlington ON           1:55:49  0:06:13     3/M50-54       45/M    1:55:38  0:06:12    244   
   50. Mike Bosch                      Pickering ON            1:55:53  0:06:13     9/M40-44       46/M    1:55:51  0:06:13    768   
   51. Wes Dearborn                    Toronto ON              1:56:04  0:06:14    11/M30-34       47/M    1:56:01  0:06:13    1749  
   52. Jim Burrows                     London ON               1:56:08  0:06:14     4/M50-54       48/M    1:56:05  0:06:14    1039  
   53. Randy Zabukovec                 Kingston ON             1:56:24  0:06:15    10/M40-44       49/M    1:56:23  0:06:15    7664  
   54. Aaron Bassett                   Guelph ON               1:56:31  0:06:15    12/M30-34       50/M    1:56:18  0:06:14    469   
   55. Anthony Davey                   Toronto ON              1:56:32  0:06:15     4/M45-49       51/M    1:56:30  0:06:15    1687  
   56. David Currie                    Sarnia ON               1:56:38  0:06:15    13/M30-34       52/M    1:56:33  0:06:15    1618  
   57. Mark McCosham                   London ON               1:57:12  0:06:17     5/M50-54       53/M    1:57:07  0:06:17    4553  
   58. Jonathan Redfearn               Waterloo ON             1:57:17  0:06:17     9/M25-29       54/M    1:57:03  0:06:17    5751  
   59. Brian O'Higgins                 Ottawa ON               1:57:36  0:06:19     1/M55-59       55/M    1:57:34  0:06:18    5228  
   60. Avery Best                      Toronto ON              1:57:38  0:06:19    14/M30-34       56/M    1:57:14  0:06:17    608   
   61. David R Wert                    Buffalo NY              1:57:44  0:06:19    15/M30-34       57/M    1:56:42  0:06:16    7371  
   62. Nathan B Mahan                  Whitby ON               1:57:47  0:06:19     8/M20-24       58/M    1:57:46  0:06:19    4318  
   63. John J Gardener                 Ajax ON                 1:57:48  0:06:19     5/M45-49       59/M    1:57:47  0:06:19    2472  
   64. Wolfgang Guembel                St. Catharines ON       1:57:55  0:06:20    16/M30-34       60/M    1:57:50  0:06:19    2765  
   65. Mark Meyers                     Pewaukee WI             1:57:58  0:06:20     6/M45-49       61/M    1:57:52  0:06:19    4765  
   66. Denis Chenard                   Windsor ON              1:58:32  0:06:22     6/M50-54       62/M    1:58:25  0:06:21    1263  
   67. John Meijer                     Toronto ON              1:58:35  0:06:22     7/M50-54       63/M    1:58:32  0:06:22    4727  
   68. Stuart Young                    Kingston ON             1:58:35  0:06:22     9/M20-24       64/M    1:58:30  0:06:21    7655  
   69. Brian L Kearney                 Naperville IL           1:58:43  0:06:22     8/M50-54       65/M    1:58:41  0:06:22    3569  
   70. Scott McDonell                  Mississauga ON          1:58:50  0:06:22    11/M40-44       66/M    1:58:50  0:06:22    15    
   71. Peter Voneuw                    Oakville ON             1:58:51  0:06:23     7/M45-49       67/M    1:58:46  0:06:22    89    
   72. David Palma                     London ON               1:58:54  0:06:23    17/M30-34       68/M    1:58:47  0:06:22    5299  
   73. Daragh Mansworth                Toronto ON              1:59:04  0:06:23    12/M40-44       69/M    1:59:01  0:06:23    4364  
   74. Michiel Van Hooreweder          Toronto ON              1:59:05  0:06:23    10/M20-24       70/M    1:59:02  0:06:23    2657  
   75. Doug Roswell                    London ON               1:59:11  0:06:24    10/M25-29       71/M    1:59:06  0:06:23    5980  
   76. Rick Hellard                    Ottawa ON               1:59:13  0:06:24     8/M45-49       72/M    1:59:12  0:06:24    650   
   77. Brian Watson                    Lucan ON                1:59:13  0:06:24     9/M50-54       73/M    1:59:09  0:06:24    7310  
   78. Michael Blois                   Ottawa ON               1:59:15  0:06:24    13/M40-44       74/M    1:59:13  0:06:24    699   
   79. Jason Reed                      Calgary AB              1:59:16  0:06:24     7/M35-39       75/M    1:59:15  0:06:24    5755  
   80. George Knehler                  Tecumseh ON             1:59:17  0:06:24    14/M40-44       76/M    1:59:12  0:06:24    3725  
   81. Daniel Mackinnon                Pickering ON            1:59:23  0:06:24     9/M45-49       77/M    1:59:21  0:06:24    4282  
   82. Luke Ehgoetz                    New Hamburg ON          1:59:28  0:06:25     8/M35-39       78/M    1:59:22  0:06:24    2084  
   83. Darryl Huras                    New Hamburg ON          1:59:28  0:06:25     9/M35-39       79/M    1:59:22  0:06:24    3263  
   84. Derek Dunstan                   Niagara Falls NY        1:59:28  0:06:25    10/M35-39       80/M    1:59:24  0:06:24    2027  
   85. Brett Titus                     Oakville ON             1:59:31  0:06:25    10/M45-49       81/M    1:59:25  0:06:24    6907  
   86. Robert Vanderwerf               Owen Sound ON           1:59:37  0:06:25    11/M25-29       82/M    1:59:24  0:06:24    7126  
   87. Herminio Fernandes              Barrie ON               1:59:41  0:06:25    15/M40-44       83/M    1:59:20  0:06:24    2241  
   88. Neil Rosenthal                  Mississauga ON          1:59:42  0:06:25    18/M30-34       84/M    1:59:32  0:06:25    5956  
   89. Daryl R Flacks                  Windsor ON              1:59:42  0:06:25    16/M40-44       85/M    1:59:36  0:06:25    2293  
   90. Leah Scharl                     Clarkston MI            1:59:48  0:06:26     3/F35-39        4/F    1:59:47  0:06:26    F8    
   91. Kevin Delaney                   Arlington MA            1:59:49  0:06:26    17/M40-44       86/M    1:59:49  0:06:26    1782  
   92. Derek Lantz                     Newcastle ON            1:59:52  0:06:26    19/M30-34       87/M    1:59:52  0:06:26    3902  
   93. Bevin Stevenson                 Hanover ON              1:59:54  0:06:26    11/M35-39       88/M    1:59:51  0:06:26    6615  
   94. Stepehn Hill                    Ilderton ON             1:59:56  0:06:26    11/M45-49       89/M    1:59:52  0:06:26    3085  
   95. Marek Nowakowski                Guelph ON               2:00:02  0:06:26    10/M50-54       90/M    2:00:01  0:06:26    5170  
   96. Brian Byrne                     London ON               2:00:09  0:06:27    12/M35-39       91/M    2:00:04  0:06:26    1059  
   97. Tyler Natywary                  Mitchell ON             2:00:17  0:06:27     1/M15-19       92/M    2:00:13  0:06:27    5072  
   98. David Hiddleston                Toronto ON              2:00:20  0:06:27    12/M45-49       93/M    2:00:19  0:06:27    3070  
   99. Gary Cooper                     Ottawa ON               2:00:30  0:06:28    12/M25-29       94/M    2:00:28  0:06:28    1466  
  100. Mike Herzog                     Ottawa ON               2:00:34  0:06:28    13/M35-39       95/M    2:00:24  0:06:28    3049  
  101. Julian Ho                       Toronto ON              2:00:45  0:06:29    13/M25-29       96/M    2:00:27  0:06:28    3109  
  102. Bob Julian                      Burlington ON           2:00:47  0:06:29    11/M50-54       97/M    2:00:45  0:06:29    3057  
  103. Adrian C Tsang                  Richmond Hill ON        2:01:05  0:06:30    11/M20-24       98/M    2:00:58  0:06:29    6991  
  104. Patrick Foran                   Belleville ON           2:01:11  0:06:30    20/M30-34       99/M    2:00:33  0:06:28    2334  
  105. John Pereira                    Running Free ON         2:01:26  0:06:31    14/M35-39      100/M    2:01:21  0:06:31    5447  
  106. Matthew D Wanford               Toronto ON              2:01:34  0:06:31    15/M35-39      101/M    2:01:31  0:06:31    7278  
  107. Jason Smith                     Toronto ON              2:02:02  0:06:33    18/M40-44      102/M    2:01:58  0:06:33    6468  
  108. Stephen Moore                   Toronto ON              2:02:14  0:06:33    21/M30-34      103/M    2:02:01  0:06:33    4894  
  109. Nathalie Goyer                  St. Bruno QC            2:02:16  0:06:34     1/F40-44        5/F    2:02:15  0:06:33    F10   
  110. Neal Michaud                    Toronto ON              2:02:25  0:06:34    16/M35-39      104/M    2:02:23  0:06:34    335   
  111. Michael Marshall                Hamilton ON             2:02:42  0:06:35    12/M20-24      105/M    2:02:29  0:06:34    4406  
  112. Ryan Van Dyl                    Kingston ON             2:02:48  0:06:35    13/M20-24      106/M    2:02:35  0:06:35    7086  
  113. Ian Waugh                       Ottawa ON               2:02:49  0:06:35    17/M35-39      107/M    2:02:34  0:06:35    7323  
  114. Laina Bay-Cheng                 Buffalo NY              2:02:51  0:06:35     4/F35-39        6/F    2:02:49  0:06:35    482   
  115. Dave Clark                      Toronto ON              2:03:08  0:06:36    22/M30-34      108/M    2:02:59  0:06:36    1339  
  116. Kyle Maga                       Hamilton ON             2:03:21  0:06:37    18/M35-39      109/M    2:03:19  0:06:37    6509  
  117. Amanda McLeod                   Toronto ON              2:03:37  0:06:38     1/F30-34        7/F    2:03:35  0:06:38    4649  
  118. Lawrence Track                  Toronto ON              2:03:47  0:06:38    19/M35-39      110/M    2:03:36  0:06:38    6951  
  119. Freddie So                      Oakville ON             2:03:53  0:06:39    19/M40-44      111/M    2:03:50  0:06:39    6500  
  120. Eric Chan                       Toronto ON              2:04:00  0:06:39    20/M35-39      112/M    2:03:56  0:06:39    1229  
  121. Eugene Smith                    Dundas ON               2:04:14  0:06:40    23/M30-34      113/M    2:04:04  0:06:39    6461  
  122. James M Jones                   Welland ON              2:04:16  0:06:40    12/M50-54      114/M    2:04:10  0:06:40    3476  
  123. Terrence Teixeira               Mississauga ON          2:04:18  0:06:40    14/M25-29      115/M    2:04:14  0:06:40    6829  
  124. Rebecca Stallwood               Ottawa ON               2:04:19  0:06:40     2/F30-34        8/F    2:04:13  0:06:40    6570  
  125. Geoffrey Hodgett                Oakville ON             2:04:20  0:06:40    21/M35-39      116/M    2:03:30  0:06:38    3116  
  126. Jeremy Feran                    Kingston ON             2:04:23  0:06:40    15/M25-29      117/M    2:03:34  0:06:38    5250  
  127. Werner Tars                     Burlington ON           2:04:30  0:06:41    13/M50-54      118/M    2:04:27  0:06:41    6780  
  128. Tanya Porcellato                Guelph ON               2:04:32  0:06:41     3/F30-34        9/F    2:04:18  0:06:40    5583  
  129. Scott Dickie                    Waterloo ON             2:04:34  0:06:41    16/M25-29      119/M    2:04:33  0:06:41    1866  
  130. Steve Amlin                     Harrow ON               2:04:40  0:06:41    17/M25-29      120/M    2:04:32  0:06:41    206   
  131. Allan Gough                     Windsor ON              2:04:44  0:06:41    22/M35-39      121/M    2:04:32  0:06:41    2654  
  132. Marcel Kasumovich               New York NY             2:04:45  0:06:42    20/M40-44      122/M    2:04:18  0:06:40    4374  
  133. David Birch                     Toronto ON              2:04:48  0:06:42    21/M40-44      123/M    2:04:45  0:06:42    644   
  134. Bradley Momberg                 Barrie ON               2:04:50  0:06:42    14/M20-24      124/M    2:04:30  0:06:41    1825  
  135. Eric Desjardins                 London ON               2:04:54  0:06:42    23/M35-39      125/M    2:04:44  0:06:41    1824  
  136. Simon Vaillancourt              Toronto ON              2:04:55  0:06:42    18/M25-29      126/M    2:04:48  0:06:42    7059  
  137. Rachel Masser                   Waterloo ON             2:05:00  0:06:42     5/F35-39       10/F    2:04:51  0:06:42    7459  
  138. Thierry Guertin                 Windsor ON              2:05:02  0:06:42    24/M35-39      127/M    2:04:40  0:06:41    2773  
  139. Cathal Darcy                    Toronto ON              2:05:03  0:06:42    19/M25-29      128/M    2:04:59  0:06:42    1674  
  140. Mike Crawford                   Maitland ON             2:05:04  0:06:43    22/M40-44      129/M    2:04:51  0:06:42    1557  
  141. Jonas Charyk                    Toronto ON              2:05:08  0:06:43    20/M25-29      130/M    2:04:58  0:06:42    1258  
  142. Dave Rutherford                 Waterloo ON             2:05:18  0:06:43    13/M45-49      131/M    2:05:05  0:06:43    6039  
  143. Drew Graham                     Etobicoke ON            2:05:23  0:06:44    24/M30-34      132/M    2:02:52  0:06:35    2673  
  144. Martin Desbiens                 Gatineau ON             2:05:36  0:06:44    23/M40-44      133/M    2:05:33  0:06:44    1819  
  145. Mark David Taylor               Toronto ON              2:05:52  0:06:45    25/M30-34      134/M    2:05:45  0:06:45    6810  
  146. Jon Palmer                      Hamilton ON             2:06:01  0:06:46    21/M25-29      135/M    2:05:27  0:06:44    5302  
  147. Stephen H Girdwood              Nottawa ON              2:06:02  0:06:46    14/M50-54      136/M    2:05:53  0:06:45    2590  
  148. Scott Gammon                    Waterloo ON             2:06:07  0:06:46    22/M25-29      137/M    2:05:50  0:06:45    2465  
  149. Omar Hafez                      Toronto ON              2:06:10  0:06:46    25/M35-39      138/M    2:06:09  0:06:46    2814  
  150. Fabio Fernandes                 Toronto ON              2:06:12  0:06:46    26/M35-39      139/M    2:06:08  0:06:46    2240  
  151. Terry Jarrell                   Stoney Creek ON         2:06:14  0:06:46    15/M50-54      140/M    2:06:13  0:06:46    3370  
  152. Ilias Konstantopoulos           Toronto ON              2:06:17  0:06:46    14/M45-49      141/M    2:06:05  0:06:46    3754  
  153. Brian Murphy                    London ON               2:06:20  0:06:47    16/M50-54      142/M    2:06:14  0:06:46    5016  
  154. Evan P Dietz                    Hamilton ON             2:06:22  0:06:47    26/M30-34      143/M    2:06:21  0:06:47    1874  
  155. Allison(Ali) Drynan             Toronto ON              2:06:23  0:06:47     6/F35-39       11/F    2:06:20  0:06:47    1981  
  156. Edward Fox                      Welland ON              2:06:25  0:06:47    23/M25-29      144/M    2:06:20  0:06:47    2363  
  157. Jeremy Valeriote                London ON               2:06:26  0:06:47    27/M30-34      145/M    2:06:21  0:06:47    7067  
  158. Harvey Foote                    Maple ON                2:06:29  0:06:47    15/M45-49      146/M    2:06:22  0:06:47    2333  
  159. Michelle Clarke                 Toronto ON              2:06:29  0:06:47     7/F35-39       12/F    2:06:24  0:06:47    F9    
  160. David Ladouceur                 London ON               2:06:34  0:06:47    16/M45-49      147/M    2:06:24  0:06:47    3856  
  161. Dermot Holwell                  Mississauga ON          2:06:49  0:06:48     2/M55-59      148/M    2:06:32  0:06:47    3163  
  162. Ron Marek                       Oakville ON             2:06:53  0:06:48    27/M35-39      149/M    2:06:44  0:06:48    4387  
  163. Karen Gilbert Tyssen            London ON               2:06:55  0:06:49     4/F30-34       13/F    2:06:55  0:06:49    F7    
  164. Kim Fleet                       London ON               2:07:04  0:06:49     5/F30-34       14/F    2:06:53  0:06:48    2301  
  165. Peppe Bonfiglio                 Kingsville ON           2:07:09  0:06:49    28/M30-34      150/M    2:06:53  0:06:48    743   
  166. Robert Lecsek                   Cambridge ON            2:07:11  0:06:49    24/M40-44      151/M    2:06:44  0:06:48    3996  
  167. Marty S Rapson                  Toronto ON              2:07:12  0:06:49    17/M50-54      152/M    2:07:04  0:06:49    5723  
  168. Christina Clark                 Guelph ON               2:07:18  0:06:50     8/F35-39       15/F    2:07:15  0:06:50    1338  
  169. Michael Chang                   Toronto ON              2:07:19  0:06:50    17/M45-49      153/M    2:07:08  0:06:49    1236  
  170. Michael Kilemade                Richmond Hill ON        2:07:21  0:06:50    28/M35-39      154/M    2:07:09  0:06:49    3662  
  171. Michael White                   Cambridge ON            2:07:24  0:06:50    25/M40-44      155/M    2:06:56  0:06:49    7407  
  172. Brent Walker                    Naughton ON             2:07:25  0:06:50    18/M45-49      156/M    2:07:15  0:06:50    7232  
  173. Jeff Moyle                      Barrie ON               2:07:26  0:06:50    15/M20-24      157/M    2:07:19  0:06:50    4977  
  174. Jason Ng                        Markham ON              2:07:29  0:06:50    29/M35-39      158/M    2:07:08  0:06:49    5127  
  175. Dougal Bale                     Kingston ON             2:07:38  0:06:51    30/M35-39      159/M    2:07:32  0:06:50    388   
  176. Peter Mueller                   Brampton ON             2:07:53  0:06:52    31/M35-39      160/M    2:07:34  0:06:51    6031  
  177. Andrej Patricko                 Mississauga ON          2:07:58  0:06:52    18/M50-54      161/M    2:07:57  0:06:52    3974  
  178. Jochen Tilk                     Toronto ON              2:08:01  0:06:52    19/M45-49      162/M    2:07:51  0:06:52    6897  
  179. Joe F Kerby                     Rouyn-Noranda QC        2:08:01  0:06:52    32/M35-39      163/M    2:07:34  0:06:51    3632  
  180. Ken Arnott                      Newmarket ON            2:08:02  0:06:52    20/M45-49      164/M    2:07:39  0:06:51    292   
  181. Andrew C Smith                  Oakville ON             2:08:03  0:06:52    21/M45-49      165/M    2:07:48  0:06:51    6447  
  182. Kevin Curnock                   Toronto ON              2:08:07  0:06:52    33/M35-39      166/M    2:07:57  0:06:52    1614  
  183. Michael Dybala                  Montreal QC             2:08:13  0:06:53    34/M35-39      167/M    2:08:11  0:06:53    2043  
  184. Roger Jonas                     Toronto ON              2:08:16  0:06:53    22/M45-49      168/M    2:08:10  0:06:53    3462  
  185. Jon Gray                        Burlington ON           2:08:17  0:06:53    24/M25-29      169/M    2:07:57  0:06:52    2695  
  186. Richard Daley                   Peterborough ON         2:08:20  0:06:53    23/M45-49      170/M    2:08:16  0:06:53    1650  
  187. Luis Alvarez                    St. Catharines ON       2:08:23  0:06:53    29/M30-34      171/M    2:08:14  0:06:53    193   
  188. Ryan Nutbrown                   London ON               2:08:24  0:06:53    26/M40-44      172/M    2:08:16  0:06:53    5180  
  189. Marc Flageole                   Boucherville QC         2:08:33  0:06:54    27/M40-44      173/M    2:08:33  0:06:54    2294  
  190. Jason Hinton                    Bridgenorth ON          2:08:33  0:06:54    28/M40-44      174/M    2:08:21  0:06:53    3098  
  191. Rob Gouley                      Toronto ON              2:08:33  0:06:54    30/M30-34      175/M    2:08:05  0:06:52    2662  
  192. Mike D Power                    Toronto ON              2:08:34  0:06:54    24/M45-49      176/M    2:08:28  0:06:53    5602  
  193. Clancy Edwards                  Oakville ON             2:08:37  0:06:54    25/M25-29      177/M    2:08:27  0:06:53    2074  
  194. Holger Kleinke                  Waterloo ON             2:08:40  0:06:54    25/M45-49      178/M    2:08:28  0:06:53    3710  
  195. Frank Pearson                   St. Catharines ON       2:08:43  0:06:54    31/M30-34      179/M    2:08:28  0:06:53    5407  
  196. Darren Osborne                  Oakville ON             2:08:43  0:06:54    26/M45-49      180/M    2:08:35  0:06:54    5257  
  197. Joe A Olivier                   Oakville ON             2:08:44  0:06:54    35/M35-39      181/M    2:08:33  0:06:54    5239  
  198. Phillip Close                   Toronto ON              2:08:45  0:06:54    29/M40-44      182/M    2:08:33  0:06:54    1379  
  199. John Tranter                    Oshawa ON               2:08:46  0:06:54     3/M55-59      183/M    2:08:45  0:06:54    6959  
  200. Mindy Fleming                   Ajax ON                 2:08:47  0:06:55     2/F25-29       16/F    2:08:45  0:06:54    2304  
  201. Christopher Occhino             Buffalo NY              2:08:47  0:06:55    30/M40-44      184/M    2:07:43  0:06:51    5205  
  202. Wendy J Turner                  Mississauga ON          2:08:48  0:06:55     2/F40-44       17/F    2:08:40  0:06:54    7022  
  203. Shawn Pette                     Paris ON                2:08:48  0:06:55    36/M35-39      185/M    2:08:03  0:06:52    5490  
  204. Chris Hill                      Toronto ON              2:08:50  0:06:55    32/M30-34      186/M    2:08:23  0:06:53    3076  
  205. Justin Pozin                    Toronto ON              2:08:50  0:06:55    33/M30-34      187/M    2:08:43  0:06:54    5605  
  206. Jeff Smith                      The Runway ON           2:08:52  0:06:55    34/M30-34      188/M    2:08:49  0:06:55    6470  
  207. Colin Milligan                  London ON               2:08:53  0:06:55    27/M45-49      189/M    2:08:42  0:06:54    4813  
  208. Rodrigo Gonzalez-Lara           Toronto ON              2:08:59  0:06:55    37/M35-39      190/M    2:08:58  0:06:55    2630  
  209. Rick Atkinson                   Claremont ON            2:08:59  0:06:55    31/M40-44      191/M    2:08:54  0:06:55    313   
  210. Jamie Hamelin                   Toronto ON              2:09:02  0:06:55    35/M30-34      192/M    2:08:59  0:06:55    2865  
  211. Audra Naujokas-Knapp            Rochester NY            2:09:09  0:06:56     3/F40-44       18/F    2:09:02  0:06:55    5074  
  212. Tim Lychy                       North York ON           2:09:09  0:06:56    28/M45-49      193/M    2:09:01  0:06:55    4206  
  213. Luke Hohenadel                  Guelph ON               2:09:12  0:06:56    19/M50-54      194/M    2:08:57  0:06:55    3135  
  214. Joseph Allegretti               Scarborough ON          2:09:12  0:06:56    20/M50-54      195/M    2:08:56  0:06:55    182   
  215. Pepe Lepew                      Pickering ON            2:09:15  0:06:56    32/M40-44      196/M    2:09:13  0:06:56    4045  
  216. Eric Okawara                    Toronto ON              2:09:19  0:06:56    36/M30-34      197/M    2:08:54  0:06:55    5231  
  217. Brandon D Poole                 Burlington ON           2:09:29  0:06:57    38/M35-39      198/M    2:09:24  0:06:56    5578  
  218. Rick A Lecuyer                  Winnipeg MB             2:09:38  0:06:57    21/M50-54      199/M    2:09:30  0:06:57    3997  
  219. Hollie Gordon                   Peterborough ON         2:09:41  0:06:57     1/F20-24       19/F    2:09:29  0:06:57    2645  
  220. Jen Smith                       Cambridge ON            2:09:43  0:06:58     3/F25-29       20/F    2:09:36  0:06:57    6471  
  221. Jonathan Wright                 Guelph ON               2:09:46  0:06:58    39/M35-39      200/M    2:09:36  0:06:57    7604  
  222. Daniel Mercer                   Gatineau ON             2:09:46  0:06:58    37/M30-34      201/M    2:09:30  0:06:57    4749  
  223. Ryan G Gagnon                   Milton ON               2:10:03  0:06:59    16/M20-24      202/M    2:09:47  0:06:58    2446  
  224. Greg Edgar                      Sudbury ON              2:10:04  0:06:59    26/M25-29      203/M    2:09:48  0:06:58    2067  
  225. Gord Aglor                      Dundas ON               2:10:04  0:06:59    22/M50-54      204/M    2:10:00  0:06:58    29    
  226. Simion Candrea                  Toronto ON              2:10:08  0:06:59    40/M35-39      205/M    2:09:48  0:06:58    1122  
  227. David Parkes                    Burlington ON           2:10:10  0:06:59    41/M35-39      206/M    2:10:03  0:06:59    5347  
  228. Ryan Macinroy                   Aurora ON               2:10:13  0:06:59     2/M15-19      207/M    2:06:57  0:06:49    731   
  229. Byron Dickie                    Grimsby ON              2:10:18  0:06:59    27/M25-29      208/M    2:10:00  0:06:58    1865  
  230. Leo Troy                        Toronto ON              2:10:25  0:07:00    29/M45-49      209/M    2:10:10  0:06:59    3795  
  231. Jason Bussey                    Ottawa ON               2:10:26  0:07:00    38/M30-34      210/M    2:10:07  0:06:59    1048  
  232. Peter Speight                   Toronto ON              2:10:27  0:07:00    39/M30-34      211/M    2:10:19  0:06:59    6536  
  233. Steve Sevsek                    Toronto ON              2:10:27  0:07:00    33/M40-44      212/M    2:10:19  0:06:59    451   
  234. Gerald Aubry                    Ottawa ON               2:10:27  0:07:00    23/M50-54      213/M    2:09:49  0:06:58    317   
  235. Jim Prine                       East Gwillimbury ON     2:10:37  0:07:00    28/M25-29      214/M    2:10:28  0:07:00    5630  
  236. Dan Spears                      London ON               2:10:40  0:07:01    40/M30-34      215/M    2:10:32  0:07:00    6533  
  237. Mir Shafiee                     Sault Ste. Marie ON     2:10:45  0:07:01    34/M40-44      216/M    2:10:27  0:07:00    6269  
  238. Brendan Kavanagh                Barrie ON               2:10:46  0:07:01    30/M45-49      217/M    2:10:23  0:07:00    3554  
  239. Jeremy Parsons                  Hamilton ON             2:10:48  0:07:01    17/M20-24      218/M    2:10:39  0:07:01    5357  
  240. Barry Morton                    Toronto ON              2:10:49  0:07:01    31/M45-49      219/M    2:10:42  0:07:01    4955  
  241. Chris Khan                      Mississauga ON          2:10:49  0:07:01    41/M30-34      220/M    2:10:48  0:07:01    3647  
  242. Patrick Shulist                 Ancaster ON             2:10:51  0:07:01    29/M25-29      221/M    2:10:09  0:06:59    6345  
  243. Robert Yendt                    Kitchener ON            2:10:52  0:07:01    24/M50-54      222/M    2:10:44  0:07:01    7633  
  244. Richard Whitlock                Hamilton ON             2:11:01  0:07:02    42/M35-39      223/M    2:10:54  0:07:01    7411  
  245. Richard Maisel                  Toronto ON              2:11:04  0:07:02    35/M40-44      224/M    2:10:52  0:07:01    4326  
  246. David Wiltshire                 Toronto ON              2:11:05  0:07:02    43/M35-39      225/M    2:10:55  0:07:01    7524  
  247. Daryl Nauman                    Burlington ON           2:11:06  0:07:02    42/M30-34      226/M    2:10:22  0:07:00    5076  
  248. David Markin                    Ottawa ON               2:11:09  0:07:02    44/M35-39      227/M    2:11:00  0:07:02    1691  
  249. Steven Johnston                 Toronto ON              2:11:11  0:07:02    45/M35-39      228/M    2:10:54  0:07:01    3456  
  250. Steve Fletcher                  Windsor ON              2:11:12  0:07:02    25/M50-54      229/M    2:10:57  0:07:01    2311  
  251. Batman Lobo                     Mississauga ON          2:11:12  0:07:02    32/M45-49      230/M    2:10:58  0:07:02    4133  
  252. Jennifer Entwistle              London ON               2:11:13  0:07:02     4/F25-29       21/F    2:11:07  0:07:02    2131  
  253. Lyndsay Tessier                 Ajax ON                 2:11:13  0:07:02     6/F30-34       22/F    2:11:10  0:07:02    6839  
  254. Colleen Berry                   Renfrew ON              2:11:16  0:07:03     1/F45-49       23/F    2:11:09  0:07:02    593   
  255. Ron Duffy                       London ON               2:11:19  0:07:03    33/M45-49      231/M    2:11:10  0:07:02    2002  
  256. Mark Sterling                   Toronto ON              2:11:20  0:07:03    34/M45-49      232/M    2:11:09  0:07:02    6610  
  257. Tony Vella                      Mississauga ON          2:11:21  0:07:03    35/M45-49      233/M    2:11:03  0:07:02    2812  
  258. Stephen Hannah                  Burlington ON           2:11:21  0:07:03    36/M40-44      234/M    2:11:07  0:07:02    2894  
  259. Ross Chandler                   Ajax ON                 2:11:21  0:07:03     4/M55-59      235/M    2:11:15  0:07:02    1234  
  260. Mark Laundry                    St. Catharines ON       2:11:22  0:07:03     1/MNoAge      236/M    2:11:13  0:07:02    3936  
  261. Chris Chivers                   Milton ON               2:11:26  0:07:03    46/M35-39      237/M    2:11:10  0:07:02    1292  
  262. Patrick McCluskey               Toronto ON              2:11:30  0:07:03    43/M30-34      238/M    2:11:20  0:07:03    4538  
  263. Ryan Lee                        Guelph ON               2:11:32  0:07:03    26/M50-54      239/M    2:11:21  0:07:03    4020  
  264. Guillaume Woof                  Mississauga ON          2:11:35  0:07:04    44/M30-34      240/M    2:11:20  0:07:03    7590  
  265. Zachary Yuzwa                   Ithaca NY               2:11:36  0:07:04    30/M25-29      241/M    2:11:27  0:07:03    7663  
  266. Robert Slee                     Shedden ON              2:11:38  0:07:04     5/M55-59      242/M    2:11:28  0:07:03    6424  
  267. Steven Gibbens                  Toronto ON              2:11:39  0:07:04    47/M35-39      243/M    2:11:01  0:07:02    2546  
  268. Shannon Kelsey                  Burlington ON           2:11:43  0:07:04     2/F20-24       24/F    2:11:13  0:07:02    3598  
  269. Kelly Bertrand                  Guelph ON               2:11:43  0:07:04    37/M40-44      244/M    2:11:35  0:07:04    600   
  270. Johnny Malavolta                Dundas ON               2:11:44  0:07:04    36/M45-49      245/M    2:11:31  0:07:03    4331  
  271. Hugh Pindur                     London ON               2:11:44  0:07:04    48/M35-39      246/M    2:11:10  0:07:02    5527  
  272. Chris Bright                    Ottawa ON               2:11:46  0:07:04    37/M45-49      247/M    2:11:38  0:07:04    888   
  273. Pascal Bessette                 Ottawa ON               2:11:47  0:07:04    49/M35-39      248/M    2:11:17  0:07:03    605   
  274. Geoff Rawson                    Burlington ON           2:11:48  0:07:04    38/M40-44      249/M    2:11:34  0:07:03    5736  
  275. Drew Thompson                   Sudbury ON              2:11:56  0:07:05    50/M35-39      250/M    2:11:27  0:07:03    6863  
  276. Geoff Linton                    Guelph ON               2:11:56  0:07:05    38/M45-49      251/M    2:11:40  0:07:04    4118  
  277. Fraser Kelton                   Dundas ON               2:11:57  0:07:05    45/M30-34      252/M    2:11:06  0:07:02    3600  
  278. Jim Figler                      Hamburg NY              2:12:01  0:07:05    39/M45-49      253/M    2:11:11  0:07:02    2257  
  279. Cal Dolson                      Tavistock ON            2:12:02  0:07:05    27/M50-54      254/M    2:11:38  0:07:04    1914  
  280. Mark Ryall                      Hamilton ON             2:12:03  0:07:05    28/M50-54      255/M    2:11:52  0:07:04    6046  
  281. Gleb Jegaline                   Toronto ON              2:12:06  0:07:05    51/M35-39      256/M    2:12:02  0:07:05    3382  
  282. Martina Morton                  Stouffville ON          2:12:08  0:07:05     5/F25-29       25/F    2:11:51  0:07:04    4958  
  283. Julie Martens                   Oakville ON             2:12:08  0:07:05     9/F35-39       26/F    2:11:38  0:07:04    4416  
  284. John Pauls                      Hamilton ON             2:12:13  0:07:06    46/M30-34      257/M    2:12:07  0:07:05    5396  
  285. Allan Blackbird                 Milton ON               2:12:14  0:07:06    47/M30-34      258/M    2:11:52  0:07:04    672   
  286. Paul J Cehan                    Battersea ON            2:12:15  0:07:06    40/M45-49      259/M    2:12:07  0:07:05    1207  
  287. Brian Hastitngs                 Brampton ON             2:12:15  0:07:06    39/M40-44      260/M    2:11:55  0:07:05    1308  
  288. Adam Palmer                     Dundas ON               2:12:16  0:07:06    18/M20-24      261/M    2:11:45  0:07:04    5300  
  289. Ken Mann                        Hamilton ON             2:12:20  0:07:06    40/M40-44      262/M    2:11:39  0:07:04    4356  
  290. Michael Shepitka                Barrie ON               2:12:22  0:07:06    52/M35-39      263/M    2:12:11  0:07:05    6320  
  291. Nathan Verbaan                  Bowmanville ON          2:12:23  0:07:06    19/M20-24      264/M    2:12:20  0:07:06    7159  
  292. Deborah James                   Hamilton ON             2:12:23  0:07:06     6/F25-29       27/F    2:12:21  0:07:06    3348  
  293. Tom Sheridan                    Toronto ON              2:12:23  0:07:06    53/M35-39      265/M    2:11:56  0:07:05    6324  
  294. Lucas Nutbrown                  Harley ON               2:12:24  0:07:06    20/M20-24      266/M    2:12:11  0:07:05    5179  
  295. Wade Corby                      Oakville ON             2:12:30  0:07:06    41/M45-49      267/M    2:11:56  0:07:05    1476  
  296. Kevin R Rose                    Toronto ON              2:12:35  0:07:07    54/M35-39      268/M    2:12:24  0:07:06    5952  
  297. Paul Kravis                     West Hill ON            2:12:37  0:07:07    42/M45-49      269/M    2:12:10  0:07:05    3794  
  298. Hagheray Afeworki               Toronto ON              2:12:39  0:07:07    41/M40-44      270/M    2:12:18  0:07:06    131   
  299. Gordon Pauls                    Hamilton ON             2:12:41  0:07:07     6/M55-59      271/M    2:12:35  0:07:07    5394  
  300. Brian Miller                    Toronto ON              2:12:42  0:07:07    43/M45-49      272/M    2:12:26  0:07:06    4794  
  301. Annette Barry                   St. Thomas ON           2:12:44  0:07:07     2/F45-49       28/F    2:12:39  0:07:07    456   
  302. Gord McTaggart                  Georgetown ON           2:12:47  0:07:07    55/M35-39      273/M    2:12:24  0:07:06    4709  
  303. Aleks Knezevic                  Toronto ON              2:12:52  0:07:08    31/M25-29      274/M    2:12:45  0:07:07    3726  
  304. Stephanie Gordon                Ottawa ON               2:12:53  0:07:08     7/F30-34       29/F    2:12:45  0:07:07    2647  
  305. Tim McNaughton                  Stittsville ON          2:12:55  0:07:08    56/M35-39      275/M    2:12:41  0:07:07    4681  
  306. Matthew Kerry                   Toronto ON              2:12:56  0:07:08    48/M30-34      276/M    2:12:41  0:07:07    3638  
  307. Ryan M Blake                    Barrie ON               2:12:58  0:07:08    57/M35-39      277/M    2:11:57  0:07:05    683   
  308. Claudia Johnston                Nottawa ON              2:12:59  0:07:08    10/F35-39       30/F    2:12:51  0:07:08    3446  
  309. Erin Sheard                     Toronto ON              2:13:02  0:07:08    11/F35-39       31/F    2:12:44  0:07:07    6309  
  310. Suzanne Lesnowski               Toronto ON              2:13:03  0:07:08     4/F40-44       32/F    2:12:58  0:07:08    5463  
  311. Steve Burns                     Scarborough ON          2:13:04  0:07:08    29/M50-54      278/M    2:12:47  0:07:07    1034  
  312. Peter E Simon                   Hamilton ON             2:13:05  0:07:08    42/M40-44      279/M    2:12:52  0:07:08    6376  
  313. Joey Heathcote                  London ON               2:13:07  0:07:08    58/M35-39      280/M    2:12:51  0:07:08    3006  
  314. Boguslaw Wojewodka              Guelph ON               2:13:09  0:07:09    43/M40-44      281/M    2:13:04  0:07:08    7543  
  315. Julie Hamulecki                 Toronto ON              2:13:11  0:07:09     8/F30-34       33/F    2:12:50  0:07:08    2885  
  316. Kevin Gallagher                 Toronto ON              2:13:11  0:07:09    44/M45-49      282/M    2:12:58  0:07:08    2455  
  317. Froi Santos                     Stoney Creek ON         2:13:12  0:07:09    49/M30-34      283/M    2:12:54  0:07:08    6104  
  318. Bretton Warren                  Oakville ON             2:13:15  0:07:09    59/M35-39      284/M    2:12:46  0:07:07    7295  
  319. Robin Holmgren                  Singhampton ON          2:13:16  0:07:09     3/F45-49       34/F    2:13:07  0:07:08    3157  
  320. Steve Fessenden                 Little Current ON       2:13:17  0:07:09    45/M45-49      285/M    2:13:02  0:07:08    2250  
  321. Murray Paddon                   Windsor ON              2:13:20  0:07:09    30/M50-54      286/M    2:12:42  0:07:07    5286  
  322. Craig Linton                    London ON               2:13:22  0:07:09    44/M40-44      287/M    2:12:57  0:07:08    4117  
  323. Gibson Tam                      Markham ON              2:13:22  0:07:09    32/M25-29      288/M    2:13:00  0:07:08    6762  
  324. Christopher Eckart              Hamilton ON             2:13:24  0:07:09    50/M30-34      289/M    2:13:04  0:07:08    2063  
  325. Bryan Salt                      Sudbury ON              2:13:25  0:07:09    45/M40-44      290/M    2:12:48  0:07:07    6074  
  326. Ryan McPherson                  East Aurora NY          2:13:29  0:07:10    60/M35-39      291/M    2:13:04  0:07:08    4698  
  327. Kim Sarkissian                  Brantford ON            2:13:31  0:07:10    12/F35-39       35/F    2:12:41  0:07:07    6107  
  328. Krystal Sutherland              Peterborough ON         2:13:36  0:07:10     9/F30-34       36/F    2:13:27  0:07:10    F5    
  329. Carl Young                      Mississauga ON          2:13:38  0:07:10    46/M45-49      292/M    2:13:20  0:07:09    7647  
  330. Todd Shannon                    Toronto ON              2:13:40  0:07:10    33/M25-29      293/M    2:13:22  0:07:09    6277  
  331. Andrew M Kinal                  Erin ON                 2:13:41  0:07:10    61/M35-39      294/M    2:13:15  0:07:09    3678  
  332. Daryl Somers                    Fenwick ON              2:13:42  0:07:10    47/M45-49      295/M    2:13:41  0:07:10    6504  
  333. Jennie Haw                      Toronto ON              2:13:44  0:07:10    13/F35-39       37/F    2:13:41  0:07:10    2977  
  334. Bill Steinburg                  Barrie ON               2:13:45  0:07:10    46/M40-44      296/M    2:13:41  0:07:10    6593  
  335. Art Kilgour                     Guelph ON               2:13:46  0:07:11    31/M50-54      297/M    2:13:31  0:07:10    3663  
  336. Laura Couvrette                 Toronto ON              2:13:47  0:07:11    10/F30-34       38/F    2:13:33  0:07:10    1518  
  337. Louis Tay                       Ottawa ON               2:13:48  0:07:11    48/M45-49      298/M    2:13:11  0:07:09    6788  
  338. Mike Crough                     Ancaster ON             2:13:49  0:07:11    51/M30-34      299/M    2:13:28  0:07:10    1580  
  339. Brian Lenart                    Stoney Creek ON         2:13:49  0:07:11    49/M45-49      300/M    2:13:40  0:07:10    4037  
  340. Richard Borsos                  Ottawa ON               2:13:49  0:07:11     1/M60-64      301/M    2:13:47  0:07:11    766   
  341. Robert Minshull                 Hamilton ON             2:13:50  0:07:11    34/M25-29      302/M    2:10:55  0:07:01    4833  
  342. Jason Pettapiece                Guelph ON               2:13:51  0:07:11    52/M30-34      303/M    2:13:28  0:07:10    5487  
  343. Julie Cummings                  Cambridge ON            2:13:53  0:07:11     5/F40-44       39/F    2:13:43  0:07:10    1604  
  344. Dawn Van Vlack                  Belle River ON          2:13:54  0:07:11     6/F40-44       40/F    2:13:17  0:07:09    7105  
  345. Shayna Boland                   London ON               2:13:55  0:07:11    11/F30-34       41/F    2:13:41  0:07:10    5202  
  346. Kevin Murphy                    Brantford ON            2:13:56  0:07:11    50/M45-49      304/M    2:13:39  0:07:10    5026  
  347. Jeffrey D Saunderson            Oshawa ON               2:13:56  0:07:11    32/M50-54      305/M    2:13:29  0:07:10    6122  
  348. Robert Kay                      Toronto ON              2:13:57  0:07:11    35/M25-29      306/M    2:13:50  0:07:11    3561  
  349. John R Miles                    Hamilton ON             2:13:58  0:07:11    36/M25-29      307/M    2:13:44  0:07:10    4787  
  350. Ben Scholes                     Toronto ON              2:13:58  0:07:11    62/M35-39      308/M    2:13:41  0:07:10    6173  
  351. David Levy                      Toronto ON              2:14:00  0:07:11    63/M35-39      309/M    2:13:58  0:07:11    4067  
  352. Alain Gonthier                  Ottawa ON               2:14:03  0:07:11    51/M45-49      310/M    2:13:51  0:07:11    2627  
  353. Justin Kitney                   Waterdown ON            2:14:05  0:07:12    53/M30-34      311/M    2:13:40  0:07:10    3702  
  354. Ben Nelson                      Oakville ON             2:14:07  0:07:12    54/M30-34      312/M    2:13:50  0:07:11    5090  
  355. Sue Safadi                      Vancouver BC            2:14:08  0:07:12     7/F25-29       42/F    2:13:52  0:07:11    6065  
  356. Matthew Isert Bender            Plattsville ON          2:14:12  0:07:12    64/M35-39      313/M    2:13:51  0:07:11    3329  
  357. Matthew Williams                Dundas ON               2:14:17  0:07:12    37/M25-29      314/M    2:13:57  0:07:11    7477  
  358. Alain Deschamps                 Welland ON              2:14:21  0:07:12    47/M40-44      315/M    2:13:53  0:07:11    1821  
  359. Tayeb Mesbah                    Gatineau QC             2:14:25  0:07:13    52/M45-49      316/M    2:14:04  0:07:12    4754  
  360. Edward Kooistra                 Belleville ON           2:14:27  0:07:13    33/M50-54      317/M    2:14:12  0:07:12    3757  
  361. James M Brown                   Oakville ON             2:14:27  0:07:13    65/M35-39      318/M    2:14:04  0:07:12    937   
  362. Justin Adamek                   Tonawanda NY            2:14:30  0:07:13    66/M35-39      319/M    2:14:14  0:07:12    113   
  363. Matt J Trinnear                 Toronto ON              2:14:30  0:07:13    38/M25-29      320/M    2:13:39  0:07:10    6977  
  364. James Malone                    Oakville ON             2:14:31  0:07:13    21/M20-24      321/M    2:13:53  0:07:11    4346  
  365. Marc Bidal                      Toronto ON              2:14:32  0:07:13    67/M35-39      322/M    2:13:38  0:07:10    622   
  366. Shaun Guest                     London ON               2:14:32  0:07:13    39/M25-29      323/M    2:14:15  0:07:12    2774  
  367. Aimee Sutton                    Ottawa ON               2:14:33  0:07:13    14/F35-39       43/F    2:13:50  0:07:11    6721  
  368. Sven Walther                    Hamilton ON             2:14:34  0:07:13    68/M35-39      324/M    2:14:17  0:07:12    7271  
  369. Steve Ockrant                   Toronto ON              2:14:35  0:07:13    34/M50-54      325/M    2:14:30  0:07:13    5206  
  370. Amanuel Ayele                   Brampton ON             2:14:36  0:07:13    48/M40-44      326/M    2:11:58  0:07:05    7093  
  371. Ryan Tyssen                     London ON               2:14:37  0:07:13    40/M25-29      327/M    2:14:28  0:07:13    7031  
  372. Thomas Gaffney                  Toronto ON              2:14:39  0:07:13    53/M45-49      328/M    2:14:22  0:07:12    2438  
  373. Michael French                  Chatham ON              2:14:39  0:07:13    49/M40-44      329/M    2:14:33  0:07:13    2404  
  374. Ludovic Raymond                 Buffalo NY              2:14:40  0:07:13    55/M30-34      330/M    2:14:32  0:07:13    5743  
  375. Bob Berezowski                  Mississauga ON          2:14:40  0:07:13    35/M50-54      331/M    2:14:23  0:07:13    577   
  376. Paul G Dowswell                 London ON               2:14:45  0:07:14    54/M45-49      332/M    2:14:16  0:07:12    1958  
  377. Joshua Wilson                   Burlington ON           2:14:46  0:07:14    56/M30-34      333/M    2:14:41  0:07:14    6627  
  378. Adam Fitzsimmons                Newcastle ON            2:14:48  0:07:14    69/M35-39      334/M    2:14:09  0:07:12    2291  
  379. Paul Chenery                    Toronto ON              2:14:48  0:07:14     7/M55-59      335/M    2:14:43  0:07:14    1264  
  380. Steven Kelly                    Calgary AB              2:14:50  0:07:14    36/M50-54      336/M    2:14:39  0:07:13    3596  
  381. Brian Waldie                    Stratford ON            2:14:52  0:07:14    50/M40-44      337/M    2:14:26  0:07:13    7226  
  382. Luc Sagar                       Newmarket ON            2:14:57  0:07:14    22/M20-24      338/M    2:13:36  0:07:10    6067  
  383. Robert Hanley                   Whitby ON               2:15:04  0:07:15    55/M45-49      339/M    2:15:01  0:07:15    2891  
  384. Heather Ostic                   Kingston ON             2:15:06  0:07:15     7/F40-44       44/F    2:15:00  0:07:15    5262  
  385. Doug Chambers                   Beamsville ON           2:15:13  0:07:15    37/M50-54      340/M    2:14:39  0:07:13    1220  
  386. Gustavo Arce                    Toronto ON              2:15:14  0:07:15    38/M50-54      341/M    2:14:15  0:07:12    273   
  387. Thomas Love                     Oakville ON             2:15:16  0:07:15    41/M25-29      342/M    2:14:53  0:07:14    4171  
  388. Kevin Henry                     Kitchener ON            2:15:21  0:07:16    70/M35-39      343/M    2:15:00  0:07:15    3040  
  389. Joanne Bink                     Waterloo ON             2:15:23  0:07:16     4/F45-49       45/F    2:15:14  0:07:15    642   
  390. Cedric D Stone                  Thornhill ON            2:15:23  0:07:16    39/M50-54      344/M    2:15:06  0:07:15    6651  
  391. Arun Dogra                      Richmond Hill ON        2:15:24  0:07:16    71/M35-39      345/M    2:14:25  0:07:13    1910  
  392. Nate Douglas                    Mississauga ON          2:15:25  0:07:16    42/M25-29      346/M    2:13:52  0:07:11    1946  
  393. Phil Blunt                      Brantford ON            2:15:28  0:07:16    40/M50-54      347/M    2:14:15  0:07:12    703   
  394. Adam Lalonde                    North Bay ON            2:15:32  0:07:16    43/M25-29      348/M    2:15:30  0:07:16    3875  
  395. Angela Cummings                 Acton ON                2:15:33  0:07:16    15/F35-39       46/F    2:14:27  0:07:13    1603  
  396. Adam Curran                     North Bay ON            2:15:33  0:07:16    44/M25-29      349/M    2:15:03  0:07:15    1615  
  397. Greg Brand                      Toronto ON              2:15:34  0:07:16    51/M40-44      350/M    2:14:45  0:07:14    848   
  398. Brandon Rees                    Guelph ON               2:15:41  0:07:17    57/M30-34      351/M    2:15:01  0:07:15    5758  
  399. Kevin Clay                      Stratford ON            2:15:45  0:07:17    56/M45-49      352/M    2:15:12  0:07:15    1366  
  400. David Veeneman                  Carlisle ON             2:15:45  0:07:17    72/M35-39      353/M    2:15:17  0:07:15    7144  
  401. Ian Childs                      Kitchener ON            2:15:46  0:07:17    58/M30-34      354/M    2:15:29  0:07:16    1280  
  402. Steven Bisset                   Toronto ON              2:15:46  0:07:17    73/M35-39      355/M    2:15:17  0:07:15    656   
  403. Colin Gleason                   Elma NY                 2:15:46  0:07:17    52/M40-44      356/M    2:15:14  0:07:15    2601  
  404. John Timmermans                 Ottawa ON               2:15:48  0:07:17    74/M35-39      357/M    2:13:40  0:07:10    6901  
  405. Derek R Mulhall                 Tecumseh ON             2:15:52  0:07:17    53/M40-44      358/M    2:15:41  0:07:17    4995  
  406. Ana Dennier                     Toronto ON              2:15:53  0:07:17     8/F40-44       47/F    2:15:47  0:07:17    1811  
  407. Sid Raps                        Courtice ON             2:15:55  0:07:17    41/M50-54      359/M    2:14:58  0:07:14    5722  
  408. Colin Cunningham                Whitby ON               2:15:56  0:07:18    57/M45-49      360/M    2:15:15  0:07:15    1609  
  409. Hunter Valerie                  Toronto ON              2:15:57  0:07:18     8/F25-29       48/F    2:15:47  0:07:17    7066  
  410. Eric Goddard                    Toronto ON              2:15:59  0:07:18     8/M55-59      361/M    2:15:46  0:07:17    2688  
  411. Andrew Tracy                    Toronto ON              2:16:01  0:07:18    59/M30-34      362/M    2:15:19  0:07:16    6952  
  412. Steve Stracey                   Port Elgin ON           2:16:04  0:07:18    60/M30-34      363/M    2:14:56  0:07:14    6667  
  413. David Barnes                    Toronto ON              2:16:09  0:07:18    75/M35-39      364/M    2:16:05  0:07:18    435   
  414. Elizabeth Randell               Buffalo NY              2:16:10  0:07:18     5/F45-49       49/F    2:16:03  0:07:18    5712  
  415. Larry Shorter                   Oakville ON             2:16:14  0:07:18    42/M50-54      365/M    2:15:45  0:07:17    6343  
  416. Catherine Kelly                 Cambridge ON            2:16:16  0:07:19    16/F35-39       50/F    2:16:05  0:07:18    3590  
  417. Scott Whynot                    Barrie ON               2:16:17  0:07:19    76/M35-39      366/M    2:15:55  0:07:17    7420  
  418. Norm Stephen                    Stoney Creek ON         2:16:21  0:07:19    54/M40-44      367/M    2:15:53  0:07:17    6606  
  419. Mark Savedes                    South Lyon MI           2:16:21  0:07:19    55/M40-44      368/M    2:16:09  0:07:18    6126  
  420. Dawn L Hamel                    Coldwater ON            2:16:24  0:07:19     1/F55-59       51/F    2:16:01  0:07:18    2862  
  421. Guy Gardin                      Brooklin ON             2:16:26  0:07:19    56/M40-44      369/M    2:15:53  0:07:17    2474  
  422. Tom Flynn                       St. Catharines ON       2:16:29  0:07:19    58/M45-49      370/M    2:16:14  0:07:18    2321  
  423. Thomas Tielen                   Mississauga ON          2:16:30  0:07:19    23/M20-24      371/M    2:16:03  0:07:18    6893  
  424. Paul Plunkett                   Peterborough ON         2:16:34  0:07:20    57/M40-44      372/M    2:15:36  0:07:16    5558  
  425. Chris Grimwood                  Guelph ON               2:16:35  0:07:20    77/M35-39      373/M    2:16:19  0:07:19    2740  
  426. Rodolfo Diaz                    North York ON           2:16:35  0:07:20    78/M35-39      374/M    2:16:18  0:07:19    5908  
  427. Rudy Massimo                    Lakefield ON            2:16:41  0:07:20    43/M50-54      375/M    2:16:04  0:07:18    4458  
  428. Rob Koelbli                     Cambridge ON            2:16:47  0:07:20    44/M50-54      376/M    2:16:29  0:07:19    3745  
  429. Darryl Fonagy                   Oakville ON             2:16:48  0:07:20    79/M35-39      377/M    2:16:22  0:07:19    2328  
  430. Chris Robinson                  Toronto ON              2:16:48  0:07:20     9/M55-59      378/M    2:16:21  0:07:19    5881  
  431. Jody J Nadjiwon                 Sudbury ON              2:16:49  0:07:20    17/F35-39       52/F    2:16:20  0:07:19    5054  
  432. Jeffrey Brown                   Beaconsfield QC         2:16:52  0:07:21    10/M55-59      379/M    2:16:34  0:07:20    940   
  433. Lauren Saunders                 Burlington ON           2:16:55  0:07:21     3/F20-24       53/F    2:16:52  0:07:21    6118  
  434. Tara-Jay Lapstra                Toronto ON              2:16:58  0:07:21     9/F40-44       54/F    2:16:44  0:07:20    3910  
  435. Chris Baron                     Oakville ON             2:16:58  0:07:21    80/M35-39      380/M    2:16:29  0:07:19    441   
  436. Ali Davies                      Toronto ON              2:16:59  0:07:21    18/F35-39       55/F    2:16:30  0:07:19    1702  
  437. Alix Tier                       Mississauga ON          2:17:00  0:07:21     1/F15-19       56/F    2:16:44  0:07:20    6895  
  438. Thomas Hunter                   Ridgeville ON           2:17:01  0:07:21    59/M45-49      381/M    2:16:04  0:07:18    3261  
  439. Thomas Eagles                   Hamilton ON             2:17:05  0:07:21    61/M30-34      382/M    2:17:01  0:07:21    3691  
  440. Laurel Broski                   St. Catharines ON       2:17:11  0:07:22     6/F45-49       57/F    2:16:47  0:07:20    916   
  441. Rich Kawamoto                   Mississauga ON          2:17:12  0:07:22    62/M30-34      383/M    2:17:00  0:07:21    3558  
  442. Lindsay Taylor-Watson           London ON               2:17:14  0:07:22     9/F25-29       58/F    2:17:04  0:07:21    6822  
  443. Yasu Kajiwara                   Oakville ON             2:17:17  0:07:22    11/M55-59      384/M    2:17:01  0:07:21    3523  
  444. Eric Froebel                    Ajax ON                 2:17:19  0:07:22    45/M50-54      385/M    2:17:09  0:07:21    2419  
  445. Doug Sutherland                 Peterborough ON         2:17:19  0:07:22    46/M50-54      386/M    2:16:42  0:07:20    6718  
  446. John Ende                       Kenmore NY              2:17:20  0:07:22    58/M40-44      387/M    2:16:55  0:07:21    2119  
  447. Luke Rozga                      Toronto ON              2:17:23  0:07:22    63/M30-34      388/M    2:17:06  0:07:21    6006  
  448. Christopher Yip                 Toronto ON              2:17:23  0:07:22    60/M45-49      389/M    2:17:10  0:07:21    7638  
  449. David Cook                      Ripley ON               2:17:25  0:07:22    59/M40-44      390/M    2:16:23  0:07:19    1452  
  450. Ronnie Martin                   Windsor ON              2:17:27  0:07:22    47/M50-54      391/M    2:17:17  0:07:22    5931  
  451. Jean Dessureault                Brossard QC             2:17:28  0:07:22    12/M55-59      392/M    2:17:03  0:07:21    1829  
  452. David L Peter                   Dundas ON               2:17:33  0:07:23    48/M50-54      393/M    2:17:16  0:07:22    5473  
  453. Mark Rutledge                   Mississauga ON          2:17:34  0:07:23    61/M45-49      394/M    2:17:18  0:07:22    6043  
  454. Thomas Daly                     Mississauga ON          2:17:35  0:07:23     3/M15-19      395/M    2:17:14  0:07:22    1660  
  455. Hugh Evans                      Smithville ON           2:17:36  0:07:23    49/M50-54      396/M    2:17:21  0:07:22    2147  
  456. Mark Watling                    London ON               2:17:38  0:07:23    60/M40-44      397/M    2:17:14  0:07:22    7307  
  457. Tim Westaway                    Sarnia ON               2:17:41  0:07:23    13/M55-59      398/M    2:17:14  0:07:22    7376  
  458. Catriona Revell                 Toronto ON              2:17:42  0:07:23    10/F25-29       59/F    2:16:48  0:07:20    5795  
  459. Steve L Schaus                  Walkerton ON            2:17:45  0:07:23    62/M45-49      399/M    2:16:28  0:07:19    6145  
  460. Kane Bannon                     Toronto ON              2:17:50  0:07:24     4/M15-19      400/M    2:16:37  0:07:20    413   
  461. Lionel Gadoury                  Toronto ON              2:17:52  0:07:24    50/M50-54      401/M    2:17:30  0:07:23    2434  
  462. Inseok Park                     Vaughan ON              2:17:53  0:07:24    51/M50-54      402/M    2:17:29  0:07:23    5336  
  463. Erik Loponen                    Toronto ON              2:17:57  0:07:24    81/M35-39      403/M    2:17:49  0:07:24    4159  
  464. Andrew Thomas                   Toronto ON              2:17:57  0:07:24    64/M30-34      404/M    2:17:23  0:07:22    6848  
  465. David Feick                     Peterborough ON         2:17:58  0:07:24    63/M45-49      405/M    2:17:46  0:07:23    2211  
  466. Phaedra Kennedy                 Toronto ON              2:18:02  0:07:24    10/F40-44       60/F    2:17:17  0:07:22    3614  
  467. Jason Hankins                   Kitcheer ON             2:18:08  0:07:25    61/M40-44      406/M    2:17:56  0:07:24    2889  
  468. Brittany Murphy                 London ON               2:18:16  0:07:25     2/F15-19       61/F    2:18:05  0:07:24    5017  
  469. Elizabeth Miller                Ottawa ON               2:18:16  0:07:25    11/F25-29       62/F    2:17:43  0:07:23    4798  
  470. Ed Wong                         Toronto ON              2:18:17  0:07:25    64/M45-49      407/M    2:17:53  0:07:24    7555  
  471. Chris Sommerfelt                Toronto ON              2:18:19  0:07:25    62/M40-44      408/M    2:17:24  0:07:22    6506  
  472. Tosha L Freitag                 Burlington ON           2:18:21  0:07:25    19/F35-39       63/F    2:18:04  0:07:24    2402  
  473. Jennifer Kehoe                  Owen Sound ON           2:18:26  0:07:26    12/F30-34       64/F    2:18:12  0:07:25    3583  
  474. Corey McNair                    Kincardine ON           2:18:26  0:07:26    45/M25-29      409/M    2:18:00  0:07:24    4672  
  475. Colin Oczkowski                 Hamilton ON             2:18:27  0:07:26    46/M25-29      410/M    2:18:19  0:07:25    5210  
  476. Jason J Choi                    Hamilton ON             2:18:31  0:07:26     5/M15-19      411/M    2:17:46  0:07:23    1294  
  477. Don Wallace                     Georgetown ON           2:18:35  0:07:26    63/M40-44      412/M    2:18:09  0:07:25    7252  
  478. Michael C Thomson               Toronto ON              2:18:40  0:07:26    65/M45-49      413/M    2:17:56  0:07:24    6880  
  479. David C White                   Toronto ON              2:18:40  0:07:26    64/M40-44      414/M    2:18:01  0:07:24    7403  
  480. Casey J Thivierge               Belle River ON          2:18:41  0:07:26    82/M35-39      415/M    2:18:32  0:07:26    6847  
  481. Craig Faucette                  Kingston ON             2:18:47  0:07:27    83/M35-39      416/M    2:18:39  0:07:26    2193  
  482. Jennifer Reid                   Markham ON              2:18:48  0:07:27    11/F40-44       65/F    2:18:25  0:07:26    5771  
  483. Steve Jackson                   Toronto ON              2:18:49  0:07:27    65/M30-34      417/M    2:18:06  0:07:25    596   
  484. Linda Walsh                     Sault Ste. Marie ON     2:18:51  0:07:27     7/F45-49       66/F    2:18:24  0:07:25    7264  
  485. Rosemary Baldwin                Sault Ste. Marie ON     2:18:51  0:07:27    13/F30-34       67/F    2:18:45  0:07:27    386   
  486. D J Johnson                     Toronto ON              2:18:51  0:07:27     1/M65-69      418/M    2:18:09  0:07:25    3426  
  487. Jim Walsh                       Sault Ste. Marie ON     2:18:51  0:07:27    66/M45-49      419/M    2:18:26  0:07:26    7261  
  488. Emily Heath                     Toronto ON              2:18:53  0:07:27    20/F35-39       68/F    2:18:35  0:07:26    3002  
  489. Matt Sharp                      Newmarket ON            2:18:53  0:07:27    65/M40-44      420/M    2:18:45  0:07:27    6287  
  490. Anna M Bielecki                 Newmarket ON            2:18:55  0:07:27     8/F45-49       69/F    2:18:46  0:07:27    626   
  491. Tom McLellan                    Toronto ON              2:18:56  0:07:27    66/M30-34      421/M    2:18:30  0:07:26    4648  
  492. Melinda Campbell                Toronto ON              2:18:58  0:07:27    12/F25-29       70/F    2:18:52  0:07:27    1110  
  493. Martin Greenway                 Brantford ON            2:18:58  0:07:27    84/M35-39      422/M    2:18:34  0:07:26    2714  
  494. Rod Simpson                     Cobourg ON              2:19:00  0:07:27    67/M45-49      423/M    2:18:50  0:07:27    6382  
  495. Anna Dowse                      Toronto ON              2:19:04  0:07:28    14/F30-34       71/F    2:18:58  0:07:27    1957  
  496. Mark Mitchell                   Hamilton ON             2:19:05  0:07:28    66/M40-44      424/M    2:17:50  0:07:24    4847  
  497. Bill Groves                     Vineland ON             2:19:09  0:07:28    68/M45-49      425/M    2:18:55  0:07:27    2755  
  498. Brad West                       Cobourg ON              2:19:13  0:07:28    52/M50-54      426/M    2:19:02  0:07:28    7373  
  499. Lyle Zary                       Toronto ON              2:19:14  0:07:28    69/M45-49      427/M    2:18:35  0:07:26    7674  
  500. Blair Jameson                   Plympton ON             2:19:19  0:07:28    53/M50-54      428/M    2:18:56  0:07:27    3353  
  501. Chuck Douglas                   Kingston ON             2:19:20  0:07:28    70/M45-49      429/M    2:19:13  0:07:28    1942  
  502. John Macculloch                 Burlington ON           2:19:23  0:07:29    54/M50-54      430/M    2:19:13  0:07:28    4234  
  503. Randal Dyzak                    Kingston ON             2:19:24  0:07:29    71/M45-49      431/M    2:19:20  0:07:28    4931  
  504. James Clark                     East Aurora NY          2:19:26  0:07:29    55/M50-54      432/M    2:18:21  0:07:25    1345  
  505. Don Bonnett                     Port Dover ON           2:19:26  0:07:29    72/M45-49      433/M    2:18:17  0:07:25    751   
  506. Richard Mulgrew                 Milton ON               2:19:27  0:07:29    85/M35-39      434/M    2:19:02  0:07:28    4994  
  507. Peter Scott                     Stoney Creek ON         2:19:28  0:07:29    56/M50-54      435/M    2:19:15  0:07:28    6214  
  508. Rodney Lott                     Burlington ON           2:19:30  0:07:29    67/M40-44      436/M    2:18:40  0:07:26    4166  
  509. Tom Mungham                     Newmarket ON            2:19:31  0:07:29    57/M50-54      437/M    2:17:45  0:07:23    5005  
  510. Steve Frech                     St. Catharines ON       2:19:32  0:07:29    86/M35-39      438/M    2:19:13  0:07:28    2395  
  511. Thomas Beyfuss                  Orillia ON              2:19:32  0:07:29    58/M50-54      439/M    2:17:45  0:07:23    616   
  512. Paul Mackenzie                  Oakville ON             2:19:32  0:07:29    87/M35-39      440/M    2:19:07  0:07:28    4278  
  513. Damon Allen                     Belleville ON           2:19:33  0:07:29    88/M35-39      441/M    2:18:49  0:07:27    187   
  514. Ashley Adamson                  Toronto ON              2:19:33  0:07:29    68/M40-44      442/M    2:18:16  0:07:25    126   
  515. Kat Clewley                     Burlington ON           2:19:34  0:07:29    15/F30-34       72/F    2:19:30  0:07:29    1375  
  516. Paul Mackay                     London ON               2:19:36  0:07:29    69/M40-44      443/M    2:19:36  0:07:29    4274  
  517. George Reid                     Chelsea QC              2:19:41  0:07:30    14/M55-59      444/M    2:18:41  0:07:26    5770  
  518. Julia Johnston Bernier          Ottawa ON               2:19:41  0:07:30    21/F35-39       73/F    2:19:36  0:07:29    3459  
  519. Richard Weeks                   Owen Sound ON           2:19:41  0:07:30    73/M45-49      445/M    2:19:28  0:07:29    7345  
  520. Shawn Chisholm                  Hamilton ON             2:19:42  0:07:30    74/M45-49      446/M    2:19:12  0:07:28    1288  
  521. Vikki Baylis                    Burlington ON           2:19:45  0:07:30    12/F40-44       74/F    2:19:26  0:07:29    483   
  522. Stephen Charko                  Dundas ON               2:19:46  0:07:30    47/M25-29      447/M    2:19:33  0:07:29    1251  
  523. Steve Moore                     Chatham ON              2:19:46  0:07:30    70/M40-44      448/M    2:19:40  0:07:30    4896  
  524. Rob Dalingwater                 Hamilton ON             2:19:47  0:07:30    75/M45-49      449/M    2:18:26  0:07:26    1652  
  525. Ian Davies                      Burlington ON           2:19:50  0:07:30    59/M50-54      450/M    2:19:31  0:07:29    1704  
  526. Allen Parkinson                 Guelph ON               2:19:51  0:07:30    60/M50-54      451/M    2:19:35  0:07:29    5349  
  527. Eric Schwindt                   Guelph ON               2:19:52  0:07:30    89/M35-39      452/M    2:19:35  0:07:29    6198  
  528. Peter Evans                     Windsor ON              2:19:53  0:07:30    71/M40-44      453/M    2:19:30  0:07:29    2150  
  529. Jason Vallis                    Pembroke ON             2:19:53  0:07:30    67/M30-34      454/M    2:19:00  0:07:27    7073  
  530. Scott Gaye                      Oakville ON             2:19:57  0:07:30    61/M50-54      455/M    2:19:50  0:07:30    2508  
  531. Lou Scanlan                     Belleville ON           2:20:00  0:07:31    62/M50-54      456/M    2:19:47  0:07:30    6137  
  532. Rick Swinson                    Whitby ON               2:20:05  0:07:31    76/M45-49      457/M    2:19:40  0:07:30    6742  
  533. Glenn Whitehead                 London ON               2:20:07  0:07:31    77/M45-49      458/M    2:19:23  0:07:29    7408  
  534. Jeff Rowthorn                   Ancaster ON             2:20:09  0:07:31    68/M30-34      459/M    2:19:47  0:07:30    5996  
  535. David Mark                      Toronto ON              2:20:13  0:07:31    72/M40-44      460/M    2:18:56  0:07:27    4394  
  536. Andy Wan                        Montreal QC             2:20:15  0:07:31    48/M25-29      461/M    2:19:42  0:07:30    7276  
  537. Mike Aikenhead                  Chatham ON              2:20:16  0:07:31    78/M45-49      462/M    2:20:11  0:07:31    143   
  538. Hannah Kozlowski                Mississauga ON          2:20:17  0:07:32     3/F15-19       75/F    2:19:59  0:07:31    3782  
  539. Alfredo Cortes                  London ON               2:20:19  0:07:32    73/M40-44      463/M    2:19:52  0:07:30    1497  
  540. Craig Zuckerman                 Olean NY                2:20:21  0:07:32     2/M60-64      464/M    2:17:46  0:07:23    7692  
  541. Lindsay Richan                  Regina SK               2:20:23  0:07:32     4/F20-24       76/F    2:20:12  0:07:31    5814  
  542. Nil Lavallee                    Peterborough ON         2:20:24  0:07:32    15/M55-59      465/M    2:19:35  0:07:29    3947  
  543. Gary Rendering                  Beaverton ON            2:20:25  0:07:32    74/M40-44      466/M    2:19:45  0:07:30    5786  
  544. Steven Thomas                   Ottawa ON               2:20:27  0:07:32    90/M35-39      467/M    2:20:16  0:07:31    6855  
  545. Jim Rawling                     Toronto ON              2:20:29  0:07:32    16/M55-59      468/M    2:19:58  0:07:31    5614  
  546. David Breglia                   Scarborough ON          2:20:39  0:07:33    75/M40-44      469/M    2:19:14  0:07:28    868   
  547. Kerry Finch                     Toronto ON              2:20:41  0:07:33    22/F35-39       77/F    2:20:01  0:07:31    2265  
  548. Ryan Wilson                     Toronto ON              2:20:42  0:07:33    69/M30-34      470/M    2:20:18  0:07:32    7517  
  549. Robert A McCullum               Brampton ON             2:20:42  0:07:33    79/M45-49      471/M    2:16:22  0:07:19    4562  
  550. John Knox                       Mississauga ON          2:20:44  0:07:33    80/M45-49      472/M    2:20:18  0:07:32    3740  
  551. Marwan Dirani                   Ottawa ON               2:20:45  0:07:33    91/M35-39      473/M    2:20:17  0:07:32    1894  
  552. Carley Kenwell                  Ottawa ON               2:20:47  0:07:33    13/F25-29       78/F    2:19:32  0:07:29    3625  
  553. Glenn Smith                     Hamilton ON             2:20:50  0:07:33    17/M55-59      474/M    2:20:29  0:07:32    7654  
  554. Matt Kavanaugh                  Orchard Park NY         2:20:50  0:07:33    81/M45-49      475/M    2:19:26  0:07:29    3557  
  555. Matthew Penman                  Hamilton ON             2:20:51  0:07:33    24/M20-24      476/M    2:20:27  0:07:32    5432  
  556. Sara McIlraith                  Sudbury ON              2:20:51  0:07:33    13/F40-44       79/F    2:20:37  0:07:33    4613  
  557. Geoff Hodgson                   Toronto ON              2:20:53  0:07:33    76/M40-44      477/M    2:20:39  0:07:33    3121  
  558. Marc Hirshberg                  Thornhill ON            2:20:53  0:07:33    77/M40-44      478/M    2:19:09  0:07:28    3101  
  559. John Caulfeild                  Mississauga ON          2:20:54  0:07:34    82/M45-49      479/M    2:20:38  0:07:33    1200  
  560. Bruce Malcolm                   Toronto ON              2:21:00  0:07:34    92/M35-39      480/M    2:20:35  0:07:32    4333  
  561. Jody Faught                     Brantford ON            2:21:00  0:07:34    16/F30-34       80/F    2:20:11  0:07:31    2194  
  562. Stephen Jones                   Toronto ON              2:21:01  0:07:34    63/M50-54      481/M    2:20:51  0:07:33    3486  
  563. Ronald Prabucki                 Lockport NY             2:21:02  0:07:34    64/M50-54      482/M    2:19:36  0:07:29    5607  
  564. Mclean Matt                     Parry Sound ON          2:21:03  0:07:34    49/M25-29      483/M    2:19:10  0:07:28    4478  
  565. Kevin M Mietlicki               Lockport NY             2:21:04  0:07:34    83/M45-49      484/M    2:19:39  0:07:29    4781  
  566. Kevin Hare                      Thamesford ON           2:21:07  0:07:34    70/M30-34      485/M    2:20:49  0:07:33    2914  
  567. Charles Hawes                   Kingston ON             2:21:10  0:07:34    93/M35-39      486/M    2:20:07  0:07:31    2978  
  568. Carla Murphy                    Kingston ON             2:21:12  0:07:34    14/F25-29       81/F    2:20:39  0:07:33    5018  
  569. Kate Newton                     Hamilton ON             2:21:12  0:07:34    15/F25-29       82/F    2:20:52  0:07:33    5122  
  570. Dexter Geddes                   Kitchener ON            2:21:14  0:07:35    65/M50-54      487/M    2:21:06  0:07:34    2511  
  571. Valery Hobson                   Kitchener ON            2:21:16  0:07:35    14/F40-44       83/F    2:21:09  0:07:34    3112  
  572. Jerry Degroot                   Rockwood ON             2:21:18  0:07:35    18/M55-59      488/M    2:20:58  0:07:34    1765  
  573. Mark Chabot                     Kingston ON             2:21:20  0:07:35    78/M40-44      489/M    2:20:37  0:07:33    1212  
  574. Richard Engel                   St. Catharines ON       2:21:22  0:07:35    79/M40-44      490/M    2:19:45  0:07:30    2121  
  575. Graham Dunn                     Waterloo ON             2:21:25  0:07:35    94/M35-39      491/M    2:20:57  0:07:34    2019  
  576. Sandra Amorim                   Ancaster ON             2:21:26  0:07:35     9/F45-49       84/F    2:21:14  0:07:35    207   
  577. Teresa Quinlan                  Kitchener ON            2:21:27  0:07:35    23/F35-39       85/F    2:21:19  0:07:35    5674  
  578. Meghann Taylor                  Toronto ON              2:21:28  0:07:35    17/F30-34       86/F    2:20:32  0:07:32    6811  
  579. Jennifer Vaillancourt           Toronto ON              2:21:29  0:07:35    16/F25-29       87/F    2:21:06  0:07:34    7057  
  580. Peter Powell                    Whitby ON               2:21:29  0:07:35    80/M40-44      492/M    2:20:56  0:07:34    5597  
  581. Celine Leger-Nolet              New Liskeard ON         2:21:31  0:07:35    15/F40-44       88/F    2:21:20  0:07:35    4027  
  582. Jane Macleod                    Windsor ON              2:21:32  0:07:36     1/F50-54       89/F    2:21:12  0:07:34    4295  
  583. Gregory Weber                   Amherst NY              2:21:35  0:07:36    66/M50-54      493/M    2:21:17  0:07:35    7337  
  584. Rene R Burbano                  Richmond Hill ON        2:21:36  0:07:36    95/M35-39      494/M    2:21:32  0:07:36    1013  
  585. Steve Cordes                    London ON               2:21:38  0:07:36    67/M50-54      495/M    2:20:46  0:07:33    1478  
  586. Laura Feller                    Rochester NY            2:21:39  0:07:36    18/F30-34       90/F    2:21:09  0:07:34    2217  
  587. Gregoire Bonhomme               Toronto ON              2:21:39  0:07:36    81/M40-44      496/M    2:21:17  0:07:35    745   
  588. Louise De Pinto                 Toronto ON              2:21:42  0:07:36     2/F50-54       91/F    2:21:34  0:07:36    1740  
  589. Robyn Widenmaier                Toronto ON              2:21:43  0:07:36    19/F30-34       92/F    2:21:16  0:07:35    7427  
  590. David Burrows                   King City ON            2:21:45  0:07:36    84/M45-49      497/M    2:20:22  0:07:32    1037  
  591. Shimshon E Dukesz               Thornhill ON            2:21:46  0:07:36     6/M15-19      498/M    2:21:29  0:07:35    2006  
  592. Steve McCready                  Ottawa ON               2:21:49  0:07:36    85/M45-49      499/M    2:19:54  0:07:30    4559  
  593. Catherine C Cossette            Toronto ON              2:21:51  0:07:37    24/F35-39       93/F    2:21:40  0:07:36    1500  
  594. Darrell Senyk                   Toronto ON              2:21:52  0:07:37    19/M55-59      500/M    2:21:33  0:07:36    6245  
  595. Craig Noble                     Hamilton ON             2:21:53  0:07:37    82/M40-44      501/M    2:21:26  0:07:35    5151  
  596. Geoff Werstuck                  Ancaster ON             2:21:53  0:07:37    86/M45-49      502/M    2:21:14  0:07:35    7369  
  597. John Murison                    Toronto ON              2:21:54  0:07:37    96/M35-39      503/M    2:21:27  0:07:35    5014  
  598. Jacqueline Chevalier            Toronto ON              2:21:55  0:07:37     3/F50-54       94/F    2:21:33  0:07:36    1271  
  599. Adam Burnett                    Thornhill ON            2:21:56  0:07:37    97/M35-39      504/M    2:18:39  0:07:26    1032  
  600. Brent Passmore                  Brampton ON             2:21:57  0:07:37    68/M50-54      505/M    2:19:20  0:07:28    5363  
  601. Bob Luck                        Toronto ON              2:21:57  0:07:37    69/M50-54      506/M    2:21:36  0:07:36    4187  
  602. Gustavo Arocena                 Toronto ON              2:21:59  0:07:37    83/M40-44      507/M    2:20:42  0:07:33    293   
  603. Rob McNair                      London ON               2:21:59  0:07:37    70/M50-54      508/M    2:21:31  0:07:35    4674  
  604. Allan Williams                  Toronto ON              2:21:59  0:07:37    87/M45-49      509/M    2:21:47  0:07:36    7465  
  605. Andy Best                       Chalk River ON          2:22:00  0:07:37    71/M50-54      510/M    2:20:54  0:07:34    607   
  606. Andrew Ponsen                   Burlington ON           2:22:01  0:07:37    88/M45-49      511/M    2:21:49  0:07:36    5577  
  607. Sean Montani                    Hamilton ON             2:22:02  0:07:37    84/M40-44      512/M    2:21:10  0:07:34    4878  
  608. Jason St-Denis                  Hamilton ON             2:22:06  0:07:37    50/M25-29      513/M    2:21:07  0:07:34    6576  
  609. Tim Janzen                      St. Catharines ON       2:22:08  0:07:37    85/M40-44      514/M    2:19:53  0:07:30    3366  
  610. Drew Williamson                 Ingersoll ON            2:22:09  0:07:38    98/M35-39      515/M    2:21:26  0:07:35    7482  
  611. Graham Morrison                 Oakville ON             2:22:10  0:07:38    86/M40-44      516/M    2:20:24  0:07:32    4945  
  612. Jeff Hargot                     Hamilton ON             2:22:11  0:07:38    71/M30-34      517/M    2:21:40  0:07:36    2916  
  613. Mairi Levely                    Barrie ON               2:22:11  0:07:38    25/F35-39       95/F    2:21:25  0:07:35    4059  
  614. Jay Yakabowich                  Toronto ON              2:22:11  0:07:38    72/M50-54      518/M    2:22:09  0:07:38    7622  
  615. Remo Camillo                    Ancaster ON             2:22:11  0:07:38    89/M45-49      519/M    2:21:22  0:07:35    1095  
  616. Mario Ramirez                   Oakville ON             2:22:13  0:07:38    20/M55-59      520/M    2:21:33  0:07:36    5702  
  617. Patti Warr                      Baden ON                2:22:18  0:07:38     4/F50-54       96/F    2:21:59  0:07:37    7294  
  618. Alan Jaenecke                   North Tonawanda NY      2:22:20  0:07:38    90/M45-49      521/M    2:21:16  0:07:35    3344  
  619. Homan Ganji                     Brantford ON            2:22:20  0:07:38    72/M30-34      522/M    2:22:08  0:07:37    2467  
  620. Robert Hanks                    Toronto ON              2:22:21  0:07:38    91/M45-49      523/M    2:21:20  0:07:35    2890  
  621. Laura P                         Orleans ON              2:22:21  0:07:38    20/F30-34       97/F    2:21:49  0:07:36    5277  
  622. Christine Line                  Burlington ON           2:22:26  0:07:38    26/F35-39       98/F    2:22:07  0:07:37    4111  
  623. Richard Bahen                   Glen Williams ON        2:22:27  0:07:39    87/M40-44      524/M    2:19:50  0:07:30    355   
  624. Vincent_Andy Fong               Kanata ON               2:22:27  0:07:39    92/M45-49      525/M    2:21:16  0:07:35    2330  
  625. Craig Turner                    Windsor ON              2:22:28  0:07:39    73/M30-34      526/M    2:21:59  0:07:37    7015  
  626. Mark Ciana                      Campbellcroft ON        2:22:28  0:07:39    73/M50-54      527/M    2:21:57  0:07:37    1327  
  627. Andrew Chak                     Toronto ON              2:22:32  0:07:39    88/M40-44      528/M    2:22:19  0:07:38    1216  
  628. Doug Ireland                    Jordan Station ON       2:22:33  0:07:39    93/M45-49      529/M    2:22:03  0:07:37    3317  
  629. Neil Wilson                     Ottawa ON               2:22:33  0:07:39    74/M50-54      530/M    2:21:58  0:07:37    7512  
  630. Marlene Line                    Burlington ON           2:22:35  0:07:39    27/F35-39       99/F    2:22:25  0:07:38    4112  
  631. Stephen Barnes                  Burlington ON           2:22:37  0:07:39    75/M50-54      531/M    2:21:09  0:07:34    438   
  632. Jan Korevaar                    Springfield ON          2:22:38  0:07:39    25/M20-24      532/M    2:21:22  0:07:35    3760  
  633. Jack Kilislian                  East York ON            2:22:39  0:07:39    89/M40-44      533/M    2:22:14  0:07:38    3664  
  634. Nir Meltzer                     Toronto ON              2:22:44  0:07:39    94/M45-49      534/M    2:19:01  0:07:27    4740  
  635. Chris Hare                      Thamesford ON           2:22:45  0:07:39    74/M30-34      535/M    2:22:27  0:07:39    2913  
  636. Franck F Jussaume               Whitby ON               2:22:45  0:07:39    99/M35-39      536/M    2:22:06  0:07:37    3507  
  637. Jason Mah                       Ottawa ON               2:22:45  0:07:39    75/M30-34      537/M    2:22:31  0:07:39    4317  
  638. Alex Ni                         Waterloo ON             2:22:47  0:07:40    51/M25-29      538/M    2:21:15  0:07:35    5130  
  639. Dan Revell                      Barrie ON               2:22:48  0:07:40    95/M45-49      539/M    2:21:41  0:07:36    5796  
  640. Gerry Thauvette                 Ottawa ON               2:22:53  0:07:40    76/M50-54      540/M    2:21:28  0:07:35    6841  
  641. Rob Langer                      Richmond Hill ON        2:22:55  0:07:40    96/M45-49      541/M    2:22:49  0:07:40    3897  
  642. Rodney Bruce                    Waterloo ON             2:22:58  0:07:40   100/M35-39      542/M    2:21:41  0:07:36    970   
  643. Peter Miller                    London ON               2:22:59  0:07:40    76/M30-34      543/M    2:22:11  0:07:38    4806  
  644. Julie Geng                      Oakville ON             2:23:00  0:07:40    21/F30-34      100/F    2:22:46  0:07:40    2519  
  645. Mario Raposo                    Oshawa ON               2:23:00  0:07:40    77/M50-54      544/M    2:21:46  0:07:36    5721  
  646. Linnea Humphrey                 Toronto ON              2:23:05  0:07:41    10/F45-49      101/F    2:22:07  0:07:37    3248  
  647. Andre Christensen               Toronto ON              2:23:08  0:07:41    90/M40-44      545/M    2:22:58  0:07:40    1303  
  648. Marc Labreche                   London ON               2:23:08  0:07:41    78/M50-54      546/M    2:22:49  0:07:40    3843  
  649. Larry Hardman                   Cambridge ON            2:23:12  0:07:41    21/M55-59      547/M    2:22:46  0:07:40    2911  
  650. Derek Smith                     Owen Sound ON           2:23:14  0:07:41    97/M45-49      548/M    2:21:35  0:07:36    6458  
  651. Mary Dorazio                    Whitmore Lake MI        2:23:15  0:07:41    16/F40-44      102/F    2:22:38  0:07:39    1931  
  652. Carlo Demilio                   Woodstock ON            2:23:16  0:07:41    26/M20-24      549/M    2:21:22  0:07:35    1803  
  653. Rob Reed                        Ancaster ON             2:23:17  0:07:41    98/M45-49      550/M    2:21:53  0:07:37    5757  
  654. Kristin Dalzell                 Newmarket ON            2:23:24  0:07:42    22/F30-34      103/F    2:22:51  0:07:40    1663  
  655. Vincent Charbonneau             Burlington ON           2:23:25  0:07:42    91/M40-44      551/M    2:23:02  0:07:40    1247  
  656. Mike Yu                         Toronto ON              2:23:26  0:07:42    92/M40-44      552/M    2:22:40  0:07:39    7658  
  657. Mark S Hopper                   Woodbridge ON           2:23:28  0:07:42    22/M55-59      553/M    2:22:57  0:07:40    3183  
  658. Laura Berry                     Etobicoke ON            2:23:28  0:07:42     5/F50-54      104/F    2:22:49  0:07:40    594   
  659. Nina Sieh                       Mississauga ON          2:23:28  0:07:42     5/F20-24      105/F    2:22:51  0:07:40    6357  
  660. Deborah Brown                   Burlington ON           2:23:29  0:07:42    17/F40-44      106/F    2:22:03  0:07:37    932   
  661. Andy Horton                     Palgrave ON             2:23:29  0:07:42    93/M40-44      554/M    2:23:19  0:07:41    3193  
  662. Beth J Stephens                 Newmarket ON            2:23:32  0:07:42    17/F25-29      107/F    2:22:47  0:07:40    6607  
  663. David Dawson                    Ottawa ON               2:23:32  0:07:42    77/M30-34      555/M    2:22:07  0:07:37    1721  
  664. Rebecca Andrews                 St. Catharines ON       2:23:32  0:07:42     6/F20-24      108/F    2:23:27  0:07:42    241   
  665. Mariusz Rozanski                Guelph ON               2:23:33  0:07:42    94/M40-44      556/M    2:23:28  0:07:42    6005  
  666. Mark Benvenuto                  Toronto ON              2:23:34  0:07:42    52/M25-29      557/M    2:22:49  0:07:40    575   
  667. James Whelan                    Toronto ON              2:23:37  0:07:42    79/M50-54      558/M    2:21:58  0:07:37    7710  
  668. Chris Holloway                  Mississauga ON          2:23:39  0:07:42   101/M35-39      559/M    2:23:01  0:07:40    7592  
  669. Jason D Smith                   Toronto ON              2:23:40  0:07:42   102/M35-39      560/M    2:22:32  0:07:39    6469  
  670. Bill Allan                      Burlington ON           2:23:42  0:07:43    80/M50-54      561/M    2:23:06  0:07:41    172   
  671. Kenneth Trueman                 St-Basile-L-G QC        2:23:43  0:07:43    95/M40-44      562/M    2:22:32  0:07:39    6984  
  672. Brian N Kilburn                 London ON               2:23:45  0:07:43   103/M35-39      563/M    2:23:10  0:07:41    3661  
  673. Karen Lemieux                   Kitchener ON            2:23:55  0:07:43     6/F50-54      109/F    2:22:27  0:07:39    4033  
  674. John Short                      Ancaster ON             2:23:58  0:07:43    81/M50-54      564/M    2:23:38  0:07:42    7247  
  675. Karen McAskill                  Etobicoke ON            2:23:59  0:07:43    23/F30-34      110/F    2:23:09  0:07:41    4503  
  676. Randy Park                      Toronto ON              2:24:00  0:07:43   104/M35-39      565/M    2:23:29  0:07:42    5339  
  677. Will Jenkins                    Oakville ON             2:24:00  0:07:43    82/M50-54      566/M    2:23:45  0:07:43    3391  
  678. Gary Boyce                      Carlisle ON             2:24:00  0:07:43    83/M50-54      567/M    2:22:35  0:07:39    814   
  679. Carlo Falasconi                 Mississauga ON          2:24:01  0:07:44    23/M55-59      568/M    2:23:32  0:07:42    2169  
  680. Scott Dickie                    Fenelon Falls ON        2:24:04  0:07:44    99/M45-49      569/M    2:22:37  0:07:39    1867  
  681. Mark Wellman                    Rockwood ON             2:24:05  0:07:44   105/M35-39      570/M    2:22:49  0:07:40    7362  
  682. Matt Quagarello                 Niagara Falls ON        2:24:07  0:07:44    53/M25-29      571/M    2:22:58  0:07:40    5660  
  683. Greg O'Reilly                   Windsor ON              2:24:07  0:07:44   100/M45-49      572/M    2:22:54  0:07:40    5251  
  684. Adrienne Hol                    Hamilton ON             2:24:09  0:07:44    24/F30-34      111/F    2:22:53  0:07:40    3136  
  685. Jean-Paul Bedard                Toronto ON              2:24:10  0:07:44   101/M45-49      573/M    2:23:24  0:07:42    514   
  686. Eric Pelletier                  Toronto ON              2:24:11  0:07:44   102/M45-49      574/M    2:20:53  0:07:33    5424  
  687. Jessica Small                   Oakville ON             2:24:12  0:07:44    18/F25-29      112/F    2:23:57  0:07:43    6436  
  688. Paul Muldoon                    Toronto ON              2:24:13  0:07:44    24/M55-59      575/M    2:23:50  0:07:43    4992  
  689. Joey Correia                    Maple ON                2:24:14  0:07:44   103/M45-49      576/M    2:22:46  0:07:40    1490  
  690. Joe Pacheco                     Oakville ON             2:24:16  0:07:44    84/M50-54      577/M    2:22:30  0:07:39    5285  
  691. Kirstin A Schwass               Terra Cotta ON          2:24:18  0:07:44    11/F45-49      113/F    2:23:31  0:07:42    6194  
  692. Larry Waldron                   Burlington ON           2:24:18  0:07:44    25/M55-59      578/M    2:23:11  0:07:41    7227  
  693. Angela Miller                   Milton ON               2:24:19  0:07:45    25/F30-34      114/F    2:23:09  0:07:41    4790  
  694. Raul Perez                      Toronto ON              2:24:20  0:07:45   104/M45-49      579/M    2:24:10  0:07:44    5448  
  695. Mark Parsons                    Ottawa ON               2:24:21  0:07:45    85/M50-54      580/M    2:22:28  0:07:39    5359  
  696. Jennifer Thompson               Hamilton ON             2:24:21  0:07:45    26/F30-34      115/F    2:24:00  0:07:43    6865  
  697. Chris Lanooy                    London ON               2:24:24  0:07:45    86/M50-54      581/M    2:23:47  0:07:43    3899  
  698. Dave Emilio                     Toronto ON              2:24:26  0:07:45    96/M40-44      582/M    2:20:32  0:07:32    5024  
  699. Lubor Ptacek                    Waterloo ON             2:24:27  0:07:45   105/M45-49      583/M    2:24:17  0:07:44    5646  
  700. Inge Boerma                     North York ON           2:24:29  0:07:45     7/F20-24      116/F    2:23:58  0:07:43    714   
  701. Josee Ross                      Brossard QC             2:24:36  0:07:45    12/F45-49      117/F    2:24:20  0:07:45    5967  
  702. Mike Hassan                     Toronto ON              2:24:37  0:07:45    54/M25-29      584/M    2:24:04  0:07:44    2958  
  703. Shayne Hodgson                  London ON               2:24:37  0:07:45   106/M45-49      585/M    2:22:11  0:07:38    3126  
  704. Steven Vetore                   Toronto ON              2:24:38  0:07:46   107/M45-49      586/M    2:22:20  0:07:38    7168  
  705. Bruce Jones                     London ON               2:24:38  0:07:46    87/M50-54      587/M    2:24:01  0:07:44    3464  
  706. Melissa Rush                    Toronto ON              2:24:39  0:07:46    18/F40-44      118/F    2:24:32  0:07:45    6025  
  707. David Cimon                     Toronto ON              2:24:39  0:07:46    27/M20-24      588/M    2:24:23  0:07:45    1330  
  708. Catherine Chew                  Markham ON              2:24:40  0:07:46    28/F35-39      119/F    2:24:28  0:07:45    1275  
  709. Mark Valites                    Hamburg NY              2:24:40  0:07:46    78/M30-34      589/M    2:21:25  0:07:35    7068  
  710. Jen Corrick                     Windsor ON              2:24:40  0:07:46     8/F20-24      120/F    2:23:35  0:07:42    1492  
  711. Nathalie Auger                  Toronto ON              2:24:42  0:07:46    13/F45-49      121/F    2:24:22  0:07:45    320   
  712. David Albert-Lebrun             Cambridge ON            2:24:44  0:07:46    28/M20-24      590/M    2:24:10  0:07:44    156   
  713. Terri-Jo Fennell                Pickering ON            2:24:45  0:07:46    19/F25-29      122/F    2:23:51  0:07:43    2221  
  714. Trevor Bondy                    Windsor ON              2:24:46  0:07:46   106/M35-39      591/M    2:24:24  0:07:45    742   
  715. Doru Sandor                     Whitby ON               2:24:47  0:07:46   107/M35-39      592/M    2:24:31  0:07:45    6097  
  716. Rob W Robinson                  Toronto ON              2:24:48  0:07:46     3/M60-64      593/M    2:24:15  0:07:44    5890  
  717. Nicole Clarkson                 Ancaster ON             2:24:49  0:07:46    29/F35-39      123/F    2:24:27  0:07:45    2608  
  718. Colin Kiviaho                   Ottawa ON               2:24:49  0:07:46   108/M35-39      594/M    2:24:35  0:07:45    3705  
  719. Matthew Doucette                Barrie ON               2:24:50  0:07:46    79/M30-34      595/M    2:24:19  0:07:45    1937  
  720. Dave Yaeger                     Ottawa ON               2:24:52  0:07:46    26/M55-59      596/M    2:23:38  0:07:42    7621  
  721. Annette Carling                 Toronto ON              2:24:53  0:07:46    27/F30-34      124/F    2:24:37  0:07:45    1141  
  722. Stacy Halonen                   Toronto ON              2:24:53  0:07:46    80/M30-34      597/M    2:21:43  0:07:36    2858  
  723. Laura Di Silvestro              Hamilton ON             2:24:54  0:07:46    19/F40-44      125/F    2:23:55  0:07:43    1853  
  724. Holly Viaene                    Strathroy ON            2:24:55  0:07:46     9/F20-24      126/F    2:24:17  0:07:44    7171  
  725. Thomas M Meyer                  Toronto ON              2:25:00  0:07:47    97/M40-44      598/M    2:24:19  0:07:45    4764  
  726. Devin Sheahan                   Ottawa ON               2:25:05  0:07:47    29/M20-24      599/M    2:22:52  0:07:40    6307  
  727. Allyson Fischer                 Oakville ON             2:25:06  0:07:47    30/F35-39      127/F    2:24:19  0:07:45    2277  
  728. Rick McLachlan                  Binbrook ON             2:25:06  0:07:47    81/M30-34      600/M    2:24:48  0:07:46    4638  
  729. Marcel Lemmen                   Stoney Creek ON         2:25:08  0:07:47   108/M45-49      601/M    2:24:38  0:07:46    4034  
  730. Mikyung M Kim                   Northyork ON            2:25:08  0:07:47    14/F45-49      128/F    2:24:44  0:07:46    3673  
  731. Jason Wright                    Woodstock ON            2:25:11  0:07:47    82/M30-34      602/M    2:24:33  0:07:45    7602  
  732. Brian Whalen                    Mississauga ON          2:25:11  0:07:47   109/M35-39      603/M    2:24:43  0:07:46    7386  
  733. E Endicott                      Toronto ON              2:25:12  0:07:47    27/M55-59      604/M    2:24:04  0:07:44    2120  
  734. Linda Haas                      Clarence NY             2:25:14  0:07:47     7/F50-54      129/F    2:24:20  0:07:45    2798  
  735. Kingsley Haas                   Clarence NY             2:25:14  0:07:47    88/M50-54      605/M    2:24:19  0:07:45    2797  
  736. Michael Drukarsh                Newmarket ON            2:25:16  0:07:48    98/M40-44      606/M    2:24:54  0:07:46    1979  
  737. Pierre Lambert-Belanger         Timmins ON              2:25:16  0:07:48    83/M30-34      607/M    2:24:15  0:07:44    3882  
  738. Sean Squires                    Toronto ON              2:25:16  0:07:48    89/M50-54      608/M    2:21:33  0:07:36    6556  
  739. Andrew Young                    Toronto ON              2:25:17  0:07:48   110/M35-39      609/M    2:24:09  0:07:44    7645  
  740. Chad Shaver                     Mississauga ON          2:25:17  0:07:48   111/M35-39      610/M    2:24:45  0:07:46    6294  
  741. Mark Rush                       Georgetown ON           2:25:20  0:07:48    28/M55-59      611/M    2:24:11  0:07:44    6024  
  742. Lucy Payette                    Toronto ON              2:25:24  0:07:48    15/F45-49      130/F    2:25:09  0:07:47    2735  
  743. Heather Hopkins                 Toronto ON              2:25:24  0:07:48    31/F35-39      131/F    2:24:39  0:07:46    3180  
  744. Craig McHugh                    Cumberland ON           2:25:29  0:07:48    99/M40-44      612/M    2:24:46  0:07:46    4611  
  745. Gilles Gervais                  Gatineau QC             2:25:30  0:07:48   100/M40-44      613/M    2:24:12  0:07:44    2534  
  746. Gordon Ball                     London ON               2:25:30  0:07:48    29/M55-59      614/M    2:24:52  0:07:46    391   
  747. Tim J Dalton                    Toronto ON              2:25:33  0:07:48   101/M40-44      615/M    2:24:00  0:07:43    1657  
  748. Jenny Seo                       Toronto ON              2:25:34  0:07:49    28/F30-34      132/F    2:25:27  0:07:48    6246  
  749. Vincenzo Rigitano               Stoney Creek ON         2:25:35  0:07:49    30/M55-59      616/M    2:24:39  0:07:46    5845  
  750. Juliana Tobon                   Toronto ON              2:25:35  0:07:49    20/F25-29      133/F    2:25:18  0:07:48    6914  
  751. Christopher Giesler             Paris ON                2:25:37  0:07:49    84/M30-34      617/M    2:24:55  0:07:46    2559  
  752. Almis Ledas                     Toronto ON              2:25:39  0:07:49    90/M50-54      618/M    2:24:52  0:07:46    3998  
  753. Lynn Bourque                    Toronto ON              2:25:42  0:07:49    16/F45-49      134/F    2:25:07  0:07:47    790   
  754. Leanne F Cooper                 Mississauga ON          2:25:44  0:07:49    17/F45-49      135/F    2:23:31  0:07:42    1469  
  755. Bryan Bell                      Hamilton ON             2:25:45  0:07:49   112/M35-39      619/M    2:22:37  0:07:39    539   
  756. Chris Gorchinsky                Burlington ON           2:25:46  0:07:49   109/M45-49      620/M    2:25:16  0:07:48    2642  
  757. Anne-Marie Rasmussen            Oakville ON             2:25:47  0:07:49    29/F30-34      136/F    2:25:33  0:07:48    5724  
  758. Brandi Victor                   Sarnia ON               2:25:48  0:07:49    30/F30-34      137/F    2:25:19  0:07:48    7176  
  759. Bob Baldwin                     Toronto ON              2:25:48  0:07:49   110/M45-49      621/M    2:25:16  0:07:48    385   
  760. Bruce Horsburgh                 Oakville ON             2:25:49  0:07:49    31/M55-59      622/M    2:25:18  0:07:48    7720  
  761. Rob Scheifley                   Toronto ON              2:25:51  0:07:49   113/M35-39      623/M    2:25:39  0:07:49    6148  
  762. Samantha Sykes                  Toronto ON              2:25:51  0:07:49    21/F25-29      138/F    2:25:40  0:07:49    6748  
  763. Paul Chaney                     Burlington ON           2:25:53  0:07:50   114/M35-39      624/M    2:25:15  0:07:48    1235  
  764. Allan Johnson                   Barrie ON               2:25:53  0:07:50    32/M55-59      625/M    2:23:29  0:07:42    3421  
  765. Samantha Calder-Sprackman       Toronto ON              2:25:54  0:07:50    22/F25-29      139/F    2:25:13  0:07:47    1073  
  766. Stephanie Barber                North Bay ON            2:25:54  0:07:50    23/F25-29      140/F    2:24:43  0:07:46    422   
  767. Tara McGoey                     Callander ON            2:25:54  0:07:50    32/F35-39      141/F    2:24:42  0:07:46    4599  
  768. Kelly Carmichael                Toronto ON              2:25:54  0:07:50    31/F30-34      142/F    2:25:13  0:07:47    1145  
  769. Vince Robles                    Toronto ON              2:25:55  0:07:50   102/M40-44      626/M    2:25:05  0:07:47    5894  
  770. Matthew Lewis                   Hamilton ON             2:25:58  0:07:50    85/M30-34      627/M    2:25:12  0:07:47    4072  
  771. Jeff L Vanderharst              Cambridge ON            2:25:59  0:07:50    30/M20-24      628/M    2:25:50  0:07:49    7120  
  772. Joe Craddock                    Waterloo ON             2:26:01  0:07:50   111/M45-49      629/M    2:21:27  0:07:35    1532  
  773. Jennifer Hyde                   Ottawa ON               2:26:01  0:07:50    20/F40-44      143/F    2:25:54  0:07:50    7711  
  774. Dan H Stefanson                 Abbotsford BC           2:26:01  0:07:50   103/M40-44      630/M    2:25:31  0:07:48    6586  
  775. Lisanne Gadoury                 Montreal QC             2:26:03  0:07:50    33/F35-39      144/F    2:25:10  0:07:47    2435  
  776. Barry E Wood                    Dunrobin ON             2:26:03  0:07:50   104/M40-44      631/M    2:21:33  0:07:36    7569  
  777. Jeremy A Abrahams               Dundas ON               2:26:04  0:07:50   112/M45-49      632/M    2:23:57  0:07:43    105   
  778. Clive Bradley                   London ON               2:26:05  0:07:50    33/M55-59      633/M    2:25:37  0:07:49    829   
  779. Rob Brown                       Ancaster ON             2:26:07  0:07:50   115/M35-39      634/M    2:24:22  0:07:45    957   
  780. Richard D Schwass               Terra Cotta ON          2:26:08  0:07:50    91/M50-54      635/M    2:25:22  0:07:48    6195  
  781. Dave Scott                      Georgetown ON           2:26:09  0:07:50   113/M45-49      636/M    2:25:03  0:07:47    6203  
  782. Peter Martens                   Oakville ON             2:26:09  0:07:50   116/M35-39      637/M    2:25:38  0:07:49    4417  
  783. Yarko Horvath                   Hamilton ON             2:26:09  0:07:50   114/M45-49      638/M    2:25:39  0:07:49    3198  
  784. Steven Cooper                   Pickering ON            2:26:10  0:07:50    92/M50-54      639/M    2:25:28  0:07:48    1471  
  785. Ross Pym                        Whitby ON               2:26:10  0:07:50    34/M55-59      640/M    2:25:19  0:07:48    5658  
  786. Avia D Peacock                  Toronto ON              2:26:12  0:07:51    34/F35-39      145/F    2:26:03  0:07:50    5403  
  787. Stephen Victor                  Sarnia ON               2:26:13  0:07:51    86/M30-34      641/M    2:25:46  0:07:49    7178  
  788. Jaimie Baisley                  Toronto ON              2:26:13  0:07:51    35/F35-39      146/F    2:25:47  0:07:49    369   
  789. Brett Beston                    Waterdown ON            2:26:14  0:07:51    87/M30-34      642/M    2:25:24  0:07:48    1552  
  790. Juanita Koo                     Toronto ON              2:26:15  0:07:51    36/F35-39      147/F    2:25:34  0:07:49    3755  
  791. Bill Vieira                     Brampton ON             2:26:16  0:07:51    93/M50-54      643/M    2:23:40  0:07:42    7180  
  792. Mark Sheehan                    Waterdown ON            2:26:18  0:07:51   105/M40-44      644/M    2:25:26  0:07:48    6311  
  793. John G Brennan                  Strathroy ON            2:26:19  0:07:51    94/M50-54      645/M    2:25:51  0:07:49    872   
  794. Shawn Cavanagh                  Oakville ON             2:26:19  0:07:51   115/M45-49      646/M    2:25:28  0:07:48    1201  
  795. Carolyn Corgel                  Springville NY          2:26:20  0:07:51     8/F50-54      148/F    2:26:00  0:07:50    1483  
  796. Stacey Ison                     Toronto ON              2:26:20  0:07:51    95/M50-54      647/M    2:26:03  0:07:50    3331  
  797. Craig Reynolds                  Bolton ON               2:26:20  0:07:51   106/M40-44      648/M    2:23:14  0:07:41    5801  
  798. Chris Dolson                    Stratford ON            2:26:21  0:07:51    88/M30-34      649/M    2:25:55  0:07:50    1915  
  799. John Hayes                      Beamsville ON           2:26:22  0:07:51     4/M60-64      650/M    2:24:52  0:07:46    2986  
  800. David Bialkowski                Parry Sound ON          2:26:22  0:07:51   116/M45-49      651/M    2:24:29  0:07:45    619   
  801. Geoff Hotrum                    Toronto ON              2:26:23  0:07:51    55/M25-29      652/M    2:25:40  0:07:49    3202  
  802. Mitchell Garlick                London ON               2:26:26  0:07:51     7/M15-19      653/M    2:25:44  0:07:49    2483  
  803. Ramzi Elbard                    Cambridge ON            2:26:27  0:07:51    89/M30-34      654/M    2:26:08  0:07:50    2089  
  804. John Macewen                    Toronto ON              2:26:28  0:07:51    90/M30-34      655/M    2:26:16  0:07:51    4257  
  805. Darren Jensen                   Ancaster ON             2:26:28  0:07:51    56/M25-29      656/M    2:26:00  0:07:50    3397  
  806. Meaghan Lecsek                  Cambridge ON            2:26:29  0:07:51    32/F30-34      149/F    2:25:35  0:07:49    3995  
  807. Ramsay Brown                    Newmarket ON            2:26:30  0:07:52    96/M50-54      657/M    2:26:14  0:07:51    955   
  808. Michael Kelly                   Belleville ON           2:26:30  0:07:52   107/M40-44      658/M    2:25:47  0:07:49    3594  
  809. Tyler Keay                      Lasalle ON              2:26:30  0:07:52   117/M35-39      659/M    2:25:52  0:07:49    3574  
  810. Lauren Heinken                  Mississauga ON          2:26:30  0:07:52    10/F20-24      150/F    2:25:15  0:07:48    3017  
  811. Les Michalak                    Burlington ON           2:26:32  0:07:52     5/M60-64      660/M    2:26:01  0:07:50    4775  
  812. Bill Davidson                   Mississauga ON          2:26:34  0:07:52    97/M50-54      661/M    2:26:20  0:07:51    1694  
  813. Karen Downey                    Toronto ON              2:26:35  0:07:52    37/F35-39      151/F    2:26:09  0:07:50    1955  
  814. Madeline Burghardt              Toronto ON              2:26:36  0:07:52    18/F45-49      152/F    2:26:00  0:07:50    1020  
  815. Amy Robitaille                  Rockwood ON             2:26:36  0:07:52    33/F30-34      153/F    2:24:02  0:07:44    5892  
  816. Chuck Lee                       Mississauga ON          2:26:37  0:07:52   108/M40-44      662/M    2:26:30  0:07:52    4003  
  817. Jonathan Charbonneau            Ottawa ON               2:26:39  0:07:52   118/M35-39      663/M    2:26:05  0:07:50    1245  
  818. Erica Govan                     Toronto ON              2:26:40  0:07:52    34/F30-34      154/F    2:25:07  0:07:47    2663  
  819. Calvin W Russell                Newmarket ON            2:26:41  0:07:52     8/M15-19      664/M    2:25:52  0:07:49    6028  
  820. Kenny Yum                       Toronto ON              2:26:41  0:07:52   119/M35-39      665/M    2:25:41  0:07:49    7659  
  821. Patrick Kirby                   Ottawa ON               2:26:41  0:07:52    57/M25-29      666/M    2:24:48  0:07:46    3692  
  822. Mark Forde                      Barrie ON               2:26:42  0:07:52   109/M40-44      667/M    2:25:41  0:07:49    2342  
  823. Andrea Conrad                   Woodstock ON            2:26:43  0:07:52    38/F35-39      155/F    2:23:08  0:07:41    1444  
  824. Vasiliki Vandekas               Toronto ON              2:26:45  0:07:52    21/F40-44      156/F    2:26:09  0:07:50    7112  
  825. Andy Crowell                    Hamilton ON             2:26:46  0:07:52    98/M50-54      668/M    2:25:24  0:07:48    1587  
  826. Jarrid Jensen                   Orangeville ON          2:26:46  0:07:52    91/M30-34      669/M    2:26:20  0:07:51    3398  
  827. Johanne Audet                   Gatineau QC             2:26:46  0:07:52    19/F45-49      157/F    2:25:29  0:07:48    319   
  828. Todd Miller                     Mississauga ON          2:26:48  0:07:53   110/M40-44      670/M    2:26:06  0:07:50    4810  
  829. Carey Arnott                    Whitby ON               2:26:48  0:07:53    31/M20-24      671/M    2:26:25  0:07:51    290   
  830. Greg Lamb                       Ottawa ON               2:26:48  0:07:53    99/M50-54      672/M    2:25:37  0:07:49    3879  
  831. Colin Arnott                    Whitby ON               2:26:48  0:07:53   100/M50-54      673/M    2:26:26  0:07:51    291   
  832. Coti Grant                      Toronto ON              2:26:50  0:07:53     4/F15-19      158/F    2:26:10  0:07:50    2683  
  833. Lisa McCormick                  Ancaster ON             2:26:51  0:07:53    20/F45-49      159/F    2:26:49  0:07:53    6857  
  834. Robert McRae                    Guelph ON               2:26:51  0:07:53   120/M35-39      674/M    2:26:31  0:07:52    4704  
  835. Sarah Muldoon                   Kanata ON               2:26:52  0:07:53    39/F35-39      160/F    2:25:26  0:07:48    4993  
  836. David Panaccione                Toronto ON              2:26:54  0:07:53   111/M40-44      675/M    2:26:10  0:07:50    5310  
  837. Adie Thorp                      Toronto ON              2:26:55  0:07:53   121/M35-39      676/M    2:26:10  0:07:50    6889  
  838. Magda Badura                    West Lorne ON           2:26:56  0:07:53    40/F35-39      161/F    2:26:45  0:07:52    350   
  839. Robin M Lorenzo                 Rochester NY            2:26:56  0:07:53    21/F45-49      162/F    2:26:39  0:07:52    4162  
  840. Mike Bermingham                 Oakville ON             2:26:58  0:07:53   117/M45-49      677/M    2:26:19  0:07:51    586   
  841. Steve Quattrin                  Bradford ON             2:27:00  0:07:53    35/M55-59      678/M    2:26:11  0:07:51    5663  
  842. Sarah Gray                      Sarnia ON               2:27:00  0:07:53    35/F30-34      163/F    2:25:53  0:07:50    2696  
  843. Leah Snyder                     Burlington ON           2:27:00  0:07:53    24/F25-29      164/F    2:26:46  0:07:52    6496  
  844. Alan Christie                   Hamilton ON             2:27:02  0:07:53   118/M45-49      679/M    2:25:48  0:07:49    1307  
  845. Rich Darke                      Ancaster ON             2:27:03  0:07:53   112/M40-44      680/M    2:26:09  0:07:50    1677  
  846. Julie Pichette                  Boischatel QC           2:27:05  0:07:53    41/F35-39      165/F    2:26:55  0:07:53    5513  
  847. Bruce E Willard                 Cattaraugus NY          2:27:06  0:07:53   101/M50-54      681/M    2:26:24  0:07:51    7458  
  848. John Atkinson                   Hamilton ON             2:27:11  0:07:54    92/M30-34      682/M    2:27:08  0:07:54    310   
  849. Sinead Brunet                   Komoka ON               2:27:11  0:07:54    42/F35-39      166/F    2:22:50  0:07:40    978   
  850. Mike Paquette                   Haileybury ON           2:27:12  0:07:54   102/M50-54      683/M    2:25:27  0:07:48    5324  
  851. Larry W Dearlove                Mississauga ON          2:27:13  0:07:54   119/M45-49      684/M    2:26:22  0:07:51    1751  
  852. Halli Pedlow                    Toronto ON              2:27:14  0:07:54    11/F20-24      167/F    2:24:41  0:07:46    5416  
  853. Kathy Thompson                  Milton ON               2:27:16  0:07:54    25/F25-29      168/F    2:27:03  0:07:53    6869  
  854. James Hager                     Mississauga ON          2:27:16  0:07:54   103/M50-54      685/M    2:26:36  0:07:52    2817  
  855. James McNaughton                Garson ON               2:27:16  0:07:54   122/M35-39      686/M    2:24:45  0:07:46    4680  
  856. Kevin Knight                    Meaford ON              2:27:17  0:07:54    36/M55-59      687/M    2:25:18  0:07:48    3733  
  857. Brian Eastcott                  Toronto ON              2:27:18  0:07:54   104/M50-54      688/M    2:25:37  0:07:49    2053  
  858. Binh Van                        Cambridge ON            2:27:18  0:07:54    93/M30-34      689/M    2:26:00  0:07:50    7078  
  859. Richard Bird                    London ON               2:27:19  0:07:54    37/M55-59      690/M    2:26:17  0:07:51    649   
  860. Mary Pope                       Mississauga ON          2:27:21  0:07:54    43/F35-39      169/F    2:26:19  0:07:51    5582  
  861. Allan Goodman                   Thornhill ON            2:27:21  0:07:54   120/M45-49      691/M    2:26:50  0:07:53    2636  
  862. Jamie A Rossiter                Bolton ON               2:27:23  0:07:54   113/M40-44      692/M    2:26:27  0:07:51    5977  
  863. Jeff Leblanc                    Riverview NB            2:27:24  0:07:54    94/M30-34      693/M    2:22:05  0:07:37    3989  
  864. Jonathan Wild                   Blenheim ON             2:27:25  0:07:54    95/M30-34      694/M    2:24:56  0:07:46    7445  
  865. Barb Tracz                      Stoney Creek ON         2:27:25  0:07:54     2/F55-59      170/F    2:25:24  0:07:48    6953  
  866. Steve McCallum                  Richmond Hill ON        2:27:26  0:07:55   105/M50-54      695/M    2:27:20  0:07:54    4518  
  867. Henry Van Gemert                Oakville ON             2:27:28  0:07:55   106/M50-54      696/M    2:26:55  0:07:53    7090  
  868. Dave Malcolm                    Brantford ON            2:27:29  0:07:55   121/M45-49      697/M    2:24:33  0:07:45    4334  
  869. Anne Cramer                     Oakville ON             2:27:29  0:07:55    36/F30-34      171/F    2:27:12  0:07:54    1541  
  870. Hassan Afshar                   Richmond Hill ON        2:27:30  0:07:55   122/M45-49      698/M    2:27:18  0:07:54    7475  
  871. Shana Tarbiat                   Maple ON                2:27:30  0:07:55    37/F30-34      172/F    2:27:17  0:07:54    6778  
  872. Jane Howe                       Kingston ON             2:27:32  0:07:55    22/F40-44      173/F    2:26:41  0:07:52    3213  
  873. David D'Souza                   London ON               2:27:32  0:07:55   114/M40-44      699/M    2:26:38  0:07:52    1983  
  874. Louise Boudreault               Gatineau QC             2:27:34  0:07:55    38/F30-34      174/F    2:26:50  0:07:53    780   
  875. John Noe                        Tonawanda NY            2:27:37  0:07:55    38/M55-59      700/M    2:27:15  0:07:54    5154  
  876. Luis Franco                     Toronto ON              2:27:40  0:07:55   115/M40-44      701/M    2:27:32  0:07:55    6248  
  877. Ardith Allan                    Toronto ON              2:27:40  0:07:55    44/F35-39      175/F    2:23:42  0:07:43    171   
  878. Dave Bolan                      Udora ON                2:27:43  0:07:55   123/M35-39      702/M    2:27:15  0:07:54    730   
  879. Katharine Shepherd              Uxbridge ON             2:27:43  0:07:55    22/F45-49      176/F    2:27:13  0:07:54    6318  
  880. Francois Poirier                Mississauga ON          2:27:44  0:07:56   123/M45-49      703/M    2:27:04  0:07:53    5565  
  881. Rick Allard                     Porcupine ON            2:27:44  0:07:56   107/M50-54      704/M    2:27:20  0:07:54    180   
  882. Simon-Pierre Lamoureux          St. Albert ON           2:27:45  0:07:56    58/M25-29      705/M    2:24:47  0:07:46    3888  
  883. Simon Harding                   Oakville ON             2:27:46  0:07:56   124/M45-49      706/M    2:26:41  0:07:52    2909  
  884. Robert Aby                      Northfield MN           2:27:47  0:07:56     2/M65-69      707/M    2:27:25  0:07:54    108   
  885. Randy Hargest                   London ON               2:27:47  0:07:56   125/M45-49      708/M    2:26:38  0:07:52    2915  
  886. Richard Greidanus               Ancaster ON             2:27:48  0:07:56   108/M50-54      709/M    2:27:28  0:07:55    2721  
  887. Carolyn Bennett                 Toronto ON              2:27:49  0:07:56    39/F30-34      177/F    2:26:15  0:07:51    563   
  888. Kyle Macdonald                  Toronto ON              2:27:49  0:07:56    59/M25-29      710/M    2:27:11  0:07:54    4242  
  889. Kevin D Paterson                Mississauga ON          2:27:50  0:07:56   109/M50-54      711/M    2:27:01  0:07:53    5371  
  890. Yu Fang                         Richmond Hill ON        2:27:51  0:07:56    96/M30-34      712/M    2:27:16  0:07:54    2175  
  891. Kim Carnegie                    Oshawa ON               2:27:52  0:07:56    39/M55-59      713/M    2:27:40  0:07:55    1146  
  892. Carly Drake                     North Bay ON            2:27:56  0:07:56    12/F20-24      178/F    2:27:36  0:07:55    1966  
  893. Peter Drake                     Grimsby ON              2:27:56  0:07:56   110/M50-54      714/M    2:27:39  0:07:55    1969  
  894. Simon Chow                      Toronto ON              2:27:57  0:07:56   126/M45-49      715/M    2:26:16  0:07:51    1301  
  895. Arthur R Oskan                  Toronto ON              2:27:58  0:07:56   124/M35-39      716/M    2:26:57  0:07:53    5259  
  896. Rick Haas                       Goderich ON             2:27:59  0:07:56   127/M45-49      717/M    2:25:17  0:07:48    2799  
  897. Akeel Ghaib                     Oakville ON             2:28:00  0:07:56   116/M40-44      718/M    2:27:24  0:07:54    2536  
  898. Brandon Tracey                  Toronto ON              2:28:00  0:07:56    60/M25-29      719/M    2:26:36  0:07:52    6948  
  899. Robert Forsyth                  Peterborough ON         2:28:02  0:07:56   111/M50-54      720/M    2:27:24  0:07:54    2348  
  900. Steven Parke                    Kitchener ON            2:28:02  0:07:56   128/M45-49      721/M    2:26:52  0:07:53    5340  
  901. Martin Gollan                   Hamilton ON             2:28:03  0:07:57   117/M40-44      722/M    2:27:22  0:07:54    2622  
  902. Ryan Martineau                  Niagara Falls NY        2:28:04  0:07:57    32/M20-24      723/M    2:27:10  0:07:54    4441  
  903. Alain Lai                       Markham ON              2:28:04  0:07:57   112/M50-54      724/M    2:28:00  0:07:56    3865  
  904. Jen Disher                      St. George ON           2:28:04  0:07:57    45/F35-39      179/F    2:27:24  0:07:54    1896  
  905. Morten Fogh                     Mississauga ON          2:28:04  0:07:57   129/M45-49      725/M    2:26:56  0:07:53    2322  
  906. Christian Rabbat                Stoney Creek ON         2:28:05  0:07:57   118/M40-44      726/M    2:27:24  0:07:54    5682  
  907. Michael Anderson                Toronto ON              2:28:05  0:07:57   119/M40-44      727/M    2:27:41  0:07:55    7697  
  908. Brian Hillis                    London ON               2:28:05  0:07:57    40/M55-59      728/M    2:27:07  0:07:54    3089  
  909. Jesula Drouillard               Ottawa ON               2:28:06  0:07:57    23/F45-49      180/F    2:27:08  0:07:54    1978  
  910. Gord Nelson                     Mississauga ON          2:28:06  0:07:57    41/M55-59      729/M    2:27:47  0:07:56    1540  
  911. David Ellison                   Thornhill ON            2:28:06  0:07:57     6/M60-64      730/M    2:27:10  0:07:54    2105  
  912. Joe Dilorenzo                   Lockport NY             2:28:06  0:07:57   130/M45-49      731/M    2:26:41  0:07:52    1879  
  913. Jamie Shea                      Toronto ON              2:28:07  0:07:57    33/M20-24      732/M    2:26:55  0:07:53    6304  
  914. Shiona K Glass-Kaastra          Guelph ON               2:28:07  0:07:57    26/F25-29      181/F    2:27:36  0:07:55    2598  
  915. Jeff Cooper                     Toronto ON              2:28:09  0:07:57    42/M55-59      733/M    2:24:51  0:07:46    1468  
  916. Sean Maddox                     Ottawa ON               2:28:09  0:07:57   120/M40-44      734/M    2:27:03  0:07:53    653   
  917. Steve Fisher                    Stoney Creek ON         2:28:09  0:07:57   131/M45-49      735/M    2:28:06  0:07:57    2287  
  918. Gayle Horyn                     Cambridge ON            2:28:12  0:07:57    46/F35-39      182/F    2:27:41  0:07:55    3200  
  919. Eric Morris                     Toronto ON              2:28:12  0:07:57   125/M35-39      736/M    2:27:18  0:07:54    4935  
  920. Bryan Maier                     Waterloo ON             2:28:13  0:07:57   126/M35-39      737/M    2:27:05  0:07:53    4324  
  921. Roger Barker                    Toronto ON              2:28:13  0:07:57     3/M65-69      738/M    2:27:53  0:07:56    431   
  922. Matthew Roorda                  Toronto ON              2:28:14  0:07:57   127/M35-39      739/M    2:25:32  0:07:48    5936  
  923. Anne-Marie Bourgeois Bourgeois  Toronto ON              2:28:15  0:07:57    40/F30-34      183/F    2:25:42  0:07:49    787   
  924. Patrick Sullivan                Angus ON                2:28:15  0:07:57   121/M40-44      740/M    2:26:50  0:07:53    6702  
  925. Monika Kern                     Chelsea QC              2:28:15  0:07:57    24/F45-49      184/F    2:27:15  0:07:54    3634  
  926. Daniel Blank                    Hamilton ON             2:28:16  0:07:57    61/M25-29      741/M    2:27:51  0:07:56    688   
  927. Bernie Woytiuk                  Oakville ON             2:28:17  0:07:57    43/M55-59      742/M    2:27:46  0:07:56    7597  
  928. Ivan Sheehan                    Waterloo ON             2:28:18  0:07:57   122/M40-44      743/M    2:27:04  0:07:53    6310  
  929. Mark P Dwyer                    Toronto ON              2:28:18  0:07:57   128/M35-39      744/M    2:25:16  0:07:48    2039  
  930. Carl Van Veen                   Stoney Creek ON         2:28:19  0:07:57   113/M50-54      745/M    2:25:14  0:07:47    7102  
  931. Dino Dibernardo                 Mississauga ON          2:28:19  0:07:57   132/M45-49      746/M    2:27:35  0:07:55    1860  
  932. Ashley Kellam                   Amherstburg ON          2:28:22  0:07:58    13/F20-24      185/F    2:27:16  0:07:54    3585  
  933. Heather L Kurpe                 Grimsby ON              2:28:22  0:07:58    14/F20-24      186/F    2:27:17  0:07:54    3823  
  934. Anton Plas                      Ancaster ON             2:28:22  0:07:58     7/M60-64      747/M    2:27:49  0:07:56    5549  
  935. Robert Baxter                   Kitchener ON            2:28:22  0:07:58   114/M50-54      748/M    2:25:23  0:07:48    481   
  936. James E Swinnerton              Brampton ON             2:28:22  0:07:58   133/M45-49      749/M    2:25:47  0:07:49    6741  
  937. Lisa Slaven                     Toronto ON              2:28:23  0:07:58    27/F25-29      187/F    2:27:49  0:07:56    6421  
  938. Andrew Kudelka                  London ON               2:28:23  0:07:58    97/M30-34      750/M    2:27:33  0:07:55    3809  
  939. Abs M Bey                       Ottawa ON               2:28:23  0:07:58   129/M35-39      751/M    2:27:44  0:07:56    614   
  940. Steve Hillman                   London ON               2:28:24  0:07:58   134/M45-49      752/M    2:27:50  0:07:56    3092  
  941. Dennis Sears                    Orchard Park NY         2:28:24  0:07:58     4/M65-69      753/M    2:27:49  0:07:56    6229  
  942. Stan Kaczmarek                  Schumacher ON           2:28:26  0:07:58    44/M55-59      754/M    2:27:37  0:07:55    3510  
  943. Marc Duez                       Toronto ON              2:28:26  0:07:58    98/M30-34      755/M    2:26:51  0:07:53    1996  
  944. Jason L Dunkerley               Caledon ON              2:28:28  0:07:58   123/M40-44      756/M    2:28:07  0:07:57    2015  
  945. Steve Rozic                     Windsor ON              2:28:28  0:07:58    99/M30-34      757/M    2:23:24  0:07:42    6008  
  946. Cheryl Agla                     Paris ON                2:28:28  0:07:58    47/F35-39      188/F    2:27:46  0:07:56    133   
  947. Brad Sippel                     Georgetown ON           2:28:30  0:07:58   135/M45-49      758/M    2:27:55  0:07:56    6397  
  948. Gerry Besworth                  Etobicoke ON            2:28:31  0:07:58   115/M50-54      759/M    2:26:26  0:07:51    612   
  949. J. Kevin Aitcheson              Stratford ON            2:28:33  0:07:58   116/M50-54      760/M    2:27:17  0:07:54    146   
  950. Bruce Verge                     Burlington ON           2:28:34  0:07:58    45/M55-59      761/M    2:28:19  0:07:57    7161  
  951. David Brophy                    Ancaster ON             2:28:34  0:07:58   117/M50-54      762/M    2:28:00  0:07:56    915   
  952. Shane Jantzi                    Ayr ON                  2:28:35  0:07:58   124/M40-44      763/M    2:26:34  0:07:52    3364  
  953. Bob Fields                      Simcoe ON               2:28:36  0:07:58   125/M40-44      764/M    2:27:34  0:07:55    2256  
  954. Hubertus Haccius                Dashwood ON             2:28:36  0:07:58    46/M55-59      765/M    2:28:09  0:07:57    2804  
  955. Doug Dunlop                     Kincardine ON           2:28:36  0:07:58    47/M55-59      766/M    2:27:29  0:07:55    2017  
  956. Gabriele Settimi                Hamilton ON             2:28:36  0:07:58   130/M35-39      767/M    2:27:47  0:07:56    6264  
  957. Sandra Kaiser                   Brampton ON             2:28:38  0:07:58    48/F35-39      189/F    2:27:06  0:07:53    3519  
  958. Paulette Dalton                 Toronto ON              2:28:39  0:07:58    28/F25-29      190/F    2:28:00  0:07:56    1656  
  959. Jo-Anne Lane                    Markham ON              2:28:40  0:07:59     9/F50-54      191/F    2:27:00  0:07:53    326   
  960. Brandi Wonnacott                Whitby ON               2:28:41  0:07:59    29/F25-29      192/F    2:28:35  0:07:58    7568  
  961. Natalie Senst                   Toronto ON              2:28:41  0:07:59    30/F25-29      193/F    2:27:38  0:07:55    6244  
  962. David Dennier                   Toronto ON              2:28:41  0:07:59   126/M40-44      768/M    2:27:59  0:07:56    1812  
  963. Philip Paquette                 Bayfield ON             2:28:43  0:07:59    48/M55-59      769/M    2:27:42  0:07:55    5325  
  964. John Connor                     Burlington ON           2:28:43  0:07:59     5/M65-69      770/M    2:28:11  0:07:57    1441  
  965. Wendy Guyker                    Buffalo NY              2:28:43  0:07:59    41/F30-34      194/F    2:28:21  0:07:57    2791  
  966. Tino Goritsas                   Stoney Creek ON         2:28:44  0:07:59   100/M30-34      771/M    2:27:56  0:07:56    2648  
  967. Mary Homer                      Hamilton ON             2:28:45  0:07:59    42/F30-34      195/F    2:28:28  0:07:58    3165  
  968. Steven Peros                    Oakville ON             2:28:46  0:07:59   127/M40-44      772/M    2:27:31  0:07:55    5457  
  969. Jose Medellin                   Oakville ON             2:28:46  0:07:59   131/M35-39      773/M    2:27:31  0:07:55    4719  
  970. Greg Clements                   Owen Sound ON           2:28:48  0:07:59   128/M40-44      774/M    2:26:14  0:07:51    1373  
  971. Wendy Wagner                    Ottawa ON               2:28:48  0:07:59    49/F35-39      196/F    2:28:08  0:07:57    7717  
  972. Brian Rodkin                    Thornhill ON            2:28:49  0:07:59   129/M40-44      775/M    2:27:05  0:07:53    5907  
  973. April Nickerson                 Schomberg ON            2:28:49  0:07:59    15/F20-24      197/F    2:28:05  0:07:57    5138  
  974. Mark Beckwith                   St. Catharines ON       2:28:49  0:07:59   136/M45-49      776/M    2:28:24  0:07:58    512   
  975. Herman Kruis                    Paris ON                2:28:50  0:07:59     8/M60-64      777/M    2:28:34  0:07:58    3800  
  976. Patrick Duffy                   Toronto ON              2:28:50  0:07:59   101/M30-34      778/M    2:28:15  0:07:57    2001  
  977. Quentin Lewonas                 Waterdown ON            2:28:52  0:07:59   132/M35-39      779/M    2:28:00  0:07:56    4077  
  978. Brad Williton                   Owen Sound ON           2:28:52  0:07:59   102/M30-34      780/M    2:26:19  0:07:51    7485  
  979. Chris Mace                      Ajax ON                 2:28:53  0:07:59   103/M30-34      781/M    2:24:52  0:07:46    4254  
  980. Debbie Saunders                 Burlington ON           2:28:54  0:07:59    10/F50-54      198/F    2:28:35  0:07:58    6116  
  981. Kirsten Jewell                  London ON               2:28:55  0:07:59    31/F25-29      199/F    2:28:14  0:07:57    3408  
  982. Henry R De Souza                Brockville ON           2:28:56  0:07:59    49/M55-59      782/M    2:26:24  0:07:51    1745  
  983. Salvatore Mirandola             Woodbridge ON           2:28:56  0:07:59   137/M45-49      783/M    2:27:26  0:07:55    4834  
  984. Michael Krahn                   Aylmer ON               2:28:56  0:07:59   133/M35-39      784/M    2:28:48  0:07:59    3789  
  985. Jamie Andrew                    Kincardine ON           2:28:57  0:07:59   134/M35-39      785/M    2:28:08  0:07:57    238   
  986. Glenn Ikeda                     Pickering ON            2:28:57  0:07:59   104/M30-34      786/M    2:28:00  0:07:56    3300  
  987. Gerald Dumol                    Mississauga ON          2:28:58  0:07:59   105/M30-34      787/M    2:28:39  0:07:58    2008  
  988. Debbie Macdonald                Mississauga ON          2:28:58  0:07:59    11/F50-54      200/F    2:27:58  0:07:56    4238  
  989. James Hitchcock                 Mississauga ON          2:28:58  0:07:59   106/M30-34      788/M    2:27:42  0:07:55    3104  
  990. Tom Edgar                       Ancaster ON             2:28:58  0:07:59   130/M40-44      789/M    2:28:11  0:07:57    2068  
  991. Carla Miceli                    Oakville ON             2:28:58  0:07:59    23/F40-44      201/F    2:28:17  0:07:57    4769  
  992. Jim McLellan                    Ajax ON                 2:28:59  0:08:00   135/M35-39      790/M    2:28:04  0:07:57    4647  
  993. Filip Bojko                     Toronto ON              2:28:59  0:08:00   107/M30-34      791/M    2:28:19  0:07:57    727   
  994. Andre Brousseau                 Burlington ON           2:29:01  0:08:00   131/M40-44      792/M    2:28:36  0:07:58    920   
  995. Terri Biloski                   St. Thomas ON           2:29:03  0:08:00    50/F35-39      202/F    2:28:57  0:07:59    638   
  996. Pasi Maatta                     Ajax ON                 2:29:03  0:08:00   138/M45-49      793/M    2:27:37  0:07:55    4220  
  997. Lindsey Chamberlain             Kingston ON             2:29:04  0:08:00    32/F25-29      203/F    2:26:02  0:07:50    1219  
  998. Kevin Hodgins                   London ON               2:29:04  0:08:00   118/M50-54      794/M    2:28:27  0:07:58    3117  
  999. Janice D'Andrade                Burlington ON           2:29:04  0:08:00    25/F45-49      204/F    2:28:18  0:07:57    1668  
 1000. Oliver Owens                    Utopia ON               2:29:05  0:08:00   132/M40-44      795/M    2:26:06  0:07:50    5273  
 1001. Colin Chung                     Brampton ON             2:29:07  0:08:00   139/M45-49      796/M    2:26:30  0:07:52    1318  
 1002. Paul Nathan                     Toronto ON              2:29:09  0:08:00   133/M40-44      797/M    2:26:56  0:07:53    5070  
 1003. Peter Halferty                  Brampton ON             2:29:10  0:08:00   136/M35-39      798/M    2:28:52  0:07:59    2837  
 1004. Susan Wiseman                   Sudbury ON              2:29:10  0:08:00    43/F30-34      205/F    2:28:15  0:07:57    7539  
 1005. Brandon Tavares                 Guelph ON               2:29:13  0:08:00   108/M30-34      799/M    2:24:15  0:07:44    6786  
 1006. Adam Rennie                     Niagara Falls ON        2:29:13  0:08:00   137/M35-39      800/M    2:29:07  0:08:00    5790  
 1007. Andrew French                   Toronto ON              2:29:13  0:08:00   134/M40-44      801/M    2:28:51  0:07:59    2403  
 1008. Richard Schofield               Verdun QC               2:29:16  0:08:00   109/M30-34      802/M    2:28:42  0:07:59    6171  
 1009. Laura McLean                    Toronto ON              2:29:17  0:08:00    16/F20-24      206/F    2:28:42  0:07:59    4645  
 1010. Nicole Heard                    Calgary AB              2:29:19  0:08:01    26/F45-49      207/F    2:28:35  0:07:58    2998  
 1011. Mark Walton                     Ancaster ON             2:29:19  0:08:01   119/M50-54      803/M    2:28:30  0:07:58    7274  
 1012. Graham Colby                    Toronto ON              2:29:21  0:08:01   110/M30-34      804/M    2:27:42  0:07:55    1402  
 1013. Margaret Dorio                  Burlington ON           2:29:21  0:08:01    27/F45-49      208/F    2:28:47  0:07:59    1932  
 1014. Martin Conde                    Kitchener ON            2:29:21  0:08:01   135/M40-44      805/M    2:28:24  0:07:58    1435  
 1015. Kristen Kuzemko                 Toronto ON              2:29:24  0:08:01    33/F25-29      209/F    2:28:52  0:07:59    3830  
 1016. Justin Smith                    Burlington ON           2:29:24  0:08:01    62/M25-29      806/M    2:28:35  0:07:58    6473  
 1017. Marc Parisien                   Gatineau QC             2:29:25  0:08:01   120/M50-54      807/M    2:28:26  0:07:58    5335  
 1018. Hannah Fraser                   Owen Sound ON           2:29:26  0:08:01    44/F30-34      210/F    2:27:52  0:07:56    2386  
 1019. Bernie Collins                  Kingsville ON           2:29:26  0:08:01     9/M60-64      808/M    2:29:03  0:08:00    7700  
 1020. Massimo Diciano                 Way ON                  2:29:28  0:08:01   111/M30-34      809/M    2:28:48  0:07:59    1861  
 1021. Steven J Thomas                 Markham ON              2:29:28  0:08:01   140/M45-49      810/M    2:28:03  0:07:57    6856  
 1022. Rich Humber                     Carlisle ON             2:29:28  0:08:01   141/M45-49      811/M    2:28:06  0:07:57    3247  
 1023. Bill McEachern                  Ottawa ON               2:29:30  0:08:01   136/M40-44      812/M    2:28:55  0:07:59    4582  
 1024. Sandy French                    Toronto ON              2:29:31  0:08:01   121/M50-54      813/M    2:28:31  0:07:58    2406  
 1025. Mark Turkstra                   Hamilton ON             2:29:31  0:08:01   138/M35-39      814/M    2:29:10  0:08:00    7010  
 1026. Patrick Murnaghan               Nepean ON               2:29:32  0:08:01   142/M45-49      815/M    2:29:15  0:08:00    5015  
 1027. William Coleman                 Hamilton ON             2:29:33  0:08:01    10/M60-64      816/M    2:28:56  0:07:59    1410  
 1028. Erika Giovannetti               Mississauga ON          2:29:34  0:08:01     5/F15-19      211/F    2:27:18  0:07:54    2586  
 1029. Jan Veen                        Oil Springs ON          2:29:37  0:08:02    12/F50-54      212/F    2:27:00  0:07:53    7143  
 1030. Gina Demczuk                    Hamilton ON             2:29:38  0:08:02    34/F25-29      213/F    2:29:29  0:08:01    1799  
 1031. Jim Malekos                     Kingston ON             2:29:40  0:08:02    50/M55-59      817/M    2:28:49  0:07:59    4339  
 1032. Glenn Poirier                   Ottawa ON               2:29:41  0:08:02   143/M45-49      818/M    2:29:07  0:08:00    5566  
 1033. Basil McRae                     London ON               2:29:43  0:08:02   122/M50-54      819/M    2:28:42  0:07:59    4701  
 1034. Sunita Seshia                   Peninsula OH            2:29:43  0:08:02    45/F30-34      214/F    2:28:22  0:07:58    6260  
 1035. Curtis Cathcart                 Peninsula OH            2:29:44  0:08:02   137/M40-44      820/M    2:28:22  0:07:58    1197  
 1036. Graham Henderson                Mississauga ON          2:29:44  0:08:02   123/M50-54      821/M    2:28:43  0:07:59    3029  
 1037. Mark Faust                      London ON               2:29:45  0:08:02   124/M50-54      822/M    2:29:10  0:08:00    2196  
 1038. Olous Boag                      Burlington ON           2:29:47  0:08:02   144/M45-49      823/M    2:28:47  0:07:59    705   
 1039. Kim McAdam                      Mississauga ON          2:29:52  0:08:02    35/F25-29      215/F    2:28:50  0:07:59    4496  
 1040. Ryan Muirhead                   Cayuga ON               2:29:53  0:08:02    34/M20-24      824/M    2:29:44  0:08:02    4988  
 1041. Dave Obermeyer                  Hamilton ON             2:29:53  0:08:02   145/M45-49      825/M    2:29:06  0:08:00    5189  
 1042. Tom Kahler                      Hamilton ON             2:29:54  0:08:02   139/M35-39      826/M    2:29:34  0:08:01    3514  
 1043. Kim Dwyer                       Kitchener ON            2:29:54  0:08:02    51/F35-39      216/F    2:25:04  0:07:47    2037  
 1044. Sean Walsh                      Oakville ON             2:29:56  0:08:03    35/M20-24      827/M    2:29:07  0:08:00    7266  
 1045. Alexandre Boudreault            Gatineau QC             2:29:56  0:08:03   140/M35-39      828/M    2:29:12  0:08:00    779   
 1046. Margaret Menzel                 Toronto ON              2:29:56  0:08:03     3/F55-59      217/F    2:29:42  0:08:02    4744  
 1047. Wayne Silberman                 North York ON           2:29:58  0:08:03   138/M40-44      829/M    2:26:39  0:07:52    6360  
 1048. Sarah Crawford                  Maitland ON             2:29:58  0:08:03    52/F35-39      218/F    2:27:26  0:07:55    1559  
 1049. Rick Paradis                    Oakville ON             2:29:58  0:08:03   125/M50-54      830/M    2:28:00  0:07:56    5326  
 1050. Richard A Maclean               Creighton St ON         2:29:59  0:08:03   146/M45-49      831/M    2:28:08  0:07:57    4289  
 1051. Carolyn Mossey                  Stoney Creek ON         2:29:59  0:08:03    28/F45-49      219/F    2:29:29  0:08:01    4965  
 1052. Jennifer Hunter                 London ON               2:30:00  0:08:03    24/F40-44      220/F    2:29:19  0:08:01    3255  
 1053. Peter Dillon                    London ON               2:30:00  0:08:03   126/M50-54      832/M    2:29:19  0:08:01    1878  
 1054. Laz Klein                       Toronto ON              2:30:00  0:08:03   139/M40-44      833/M    2:27:48  0:07:56    3709  
 1055. Scot Hutchinson                 Courtice ON             2:30:01  0:08:03   147/M45-49      834/M    2:28:57  0:07:59    3271  
 1056. Drew Baigent                    Toronto ON              2:30:06  0:08:03   148/M45-49      835/M    2:29:38  0:08:02    356   
 1057. Doug Forbes                     Clifford ON             2:30:06  0:08:03   149/M45-49      836/M    2:27:21  0:07:54    2337  
 1058. Tiffany Matuk                   London ON               2:30:06  0:08:03    36/F25-29      221/F    2:28:40  0:07:59    4484  
 1059. Petja Taivassalo                Newmarket ON            2:30:08  0:08:03   141/M35-39      837/M    2:29:15  0:08:00    6758  
 1060. Ken Walker                      Brights Grove ON        2:30:08  0:08:03   127/M50-54      838/M    2:29:12  0:08:00    7238  
 1061. Andre Plante                    Lisle ON                2:30:08  0:08:03   140/M40-44      839/M    2:29:36  0:08:02    5545  
 1062. Lauren McNiven                  Beamsville ON           2:30:08  0:08:03    37/F25-29      222/F    2:26:46  0:07:52    4690  
 1063. Florentino Afonso               Mississauga ON          2:30:09  0:08:03   128/M50-54      840/M    2:29:14  0:08:00    132   
 1064. Stan Neerhof                    Owen Sound ON           2:30:11  0:08:03   129/M50-54      841/M    2:29:22  0:08:01    5082  
 1065. John Song                       Mississauga ON          2:30:12  0:08:03   141/M40-44      842/M    2:29:55  0:08:03    6507  
 1066. Brian Williams                  Guelph ON               2:30:13  0:08:04   142/M40-44      843/M    2:28:10  0:07:57    7467  
 1067. Richard St. John                Toronto ON              2:30:13  0:08:04     6/M65-69      844/M    2:29:44  0:08:02    6561  
 1068. Bill Thomas                     Toronto ON              2:30:16  0:08:04   130/M50-54      845/M    2:27:46  0:07:56    6850  
 1069. Jennifer Lee                    Hamilton ON             2:30:17  0:08:04    53/F35-39      223/F    2:29:13  0:08:00    4009  
 1070. Shaun Morrow                    Ottawa ON               2:30:17  0:08:04   143/M40-44      846/M    2:28:32  0:07:58    4953  
 1071. Leslie Braun                    Grand Blanc MI          2:30:21  0:08:04    29/F45-49      224/F    2:29:24  0:08:01    857   
 1072. Kiki Cloutier                   Toronto ON              2:30:21  0:08:04    17/F20-24      225/F    2:29:37  0:08:02    5978  
 1073. Ben Leow                        Toronto ON              2:30:22  0:08:04   112/M30-34      847/M    2:26:47  0:07:52    4044  
 1074. Steve Brown                     Oakville ON             2:30:22  0:08:04   144/M40-44      848/M    2:30:00  0:08:03    960   
 1075. Peggy Horton                    Whitby ON               2:30:25  0:08:04    54/F35-39      226/F    2:28:37  0:07:58    3195  
 1076. Barbara Freedman                Montreal QC             2:30:26  0:08:04     1/F60-64      227/F    2:30:12  0:08:03    2400  
 1077. Gail Magarrey                   Hamilton ON             2:30:29  0:08:04    25/F40-44      228/F    2:30:11  0:08:03    4312  
 1078. Doug Scholz                     Hamilton ON             2:30:29  0:08:04   113/M30-34      849/M    2:29:32  0:08:01    6175  
 1079. Tom Burns                       Mississauga ON          2:30:34  0:08:05   150/M45-49      850/M    2:27:11  0:07:54    5471  
 1080. Gaetan Jr Joyal                 Montreal QC             2:30:34  0:08:05   142/M35-39      851/M    2:29:26  0:08:01    3497  
 1081. Kevin Koole                     Guelph ON               2:30:35  0:08:05   145/M40-44      852/M    2:27:43  0:07:55    3758  
 1082. Matthew Boyd                    Toronto ON              2:30:36  0:08:05   143/M35-39      853/M    2:29:23  0:08:01    816   
 1083. Hank Peelle                     Brampton ON             2:30:36  0:08:05    51/M55-59      854/M    2:29:18  0:08:01    5417  
 1084. Ken W Garland                   Caledonia ON            2:30:36  0:08:05   131/M50-54      855/M    2:28:55  0:07:59    2481  
 1085. Steve Beach                     Richmond Hill ON        2:30:38  0:08:05   132/M50-54      856/M    2:27:20  0:07:54    485   
 1086. Elizabeth Lovria                Hamburg NY              2:30:40  0:08:05    46/F30-34      229/F    2:27:25  0:07:54    4175  
 1087. John Versteeg                   Toronto ON              2:30:41  0:08:05    11/M60-64      857/M    2:29:04  0:08:00    7165  
 1088. Ron Exell                       Barrie ON               2:30:43  0:08:05   133/M50-54      858/M    2:29:26  0:08:01    2159  
 1089. Sarah Parent                    Perkinsfield ON         2:30:43  0:08:05    38/F25-29      230/F    2:29:53  0:08:02    5331  
 1090. Gavin Clark                     Oshawa ON               2:30:46  0:08:05    63/M25-29      859/M    2:30:27  0:08:04    1343  
 1091. Aideen Moss                     Stratford ON            2:30:46  0:08:05    30/F45-49      231/F    2:29:53  0:08:02    4963  
 1092. Tyson Haedrich                  Hamilton ON             2:30:47  0:08:05   151/M45-49      860/M    2:29:25  0:08:01    2813  
 1093. Peter Tiscione                  Montreal QC             2:30:48  0:08:05   134/M50-54      861/M    2:29:27  0:08:01    6906  
 1094. Grant C Scholes                 Guelph ON               2:30:49  0:08:05   114/M30-34      862/M    2:30:00  0:08:03    6174  
 1095. Ryan Mann                       Toronto ON              2:30:53  0:08:06    36/M20-24      863/M    2:30:04  0:08:03    4358  
 1096. Mari Portokalis                 London ON               2:30:54  0:08:06    47/F30-34      232/F    2:30:24  0:08:04    5585  
 1097. Steve Fay-Cosman                Kitchener ON            2:30:54  0:08:06   146/M40-44      864/M    2:30:51  0:08:06    2198  
 1098. Jodi Bray                       Belle River ON          2:30:54  0:08:06    48/F30-34      233/F    2:30:46  0:08:05    861   
 1099. Micheal Brush                   Burlington ON           2:30:55  0:08:06    52/M55-59      865/M    2:29:01  0:08:00    3387  
 1100. Doug Hemphill                   Midhurst ON             2:30:56  0:08:06   135/M50-54      866/M    2:27:47  0:07:56    3026  
 1101. Kate Rheault                    Orillia ON              2:30:56  0:08:06    55/F35-39      234/F    2:30:07  0:08:03    5804  
 1102. Robin A Engel                   Dundas ON               2:30:56  0:08:06    37/M20-24      867/M    2:29:55  0:08:03    2122  
 1103. Roger Storer                    Burlington ON           2:30:57  0:08:06   152/M45-49      868/M    2:30:22  0:08:04    6662  
 1104. Andrew Seto                     Toronto ON              2:30:57  0:08:06    64/M25-29      869/M    2:25:33  0:07:48    6262  
 1105. Christine Dirks                 London ON               2:30:59  0:08:06     2/F60-64      235/F    2:30:54  0:08:06    1895  
 1106. John Buchanan                   London ON               2:31:00  0:08:06    53/M55-59      870/M    2:30:14  0:08:04    993   
 1107. Breanne Schaefer                Grimsby ON              2:31:02  0:08:06    49/F30-34      236/F    2:30:42  0:08:05    6139  
 1108. Constantin Staicu               Toronto ON              2:31:03  0:08:06   147/M40-44      871/M    2:29:52  0:08:02    6568  
 1109. Brian O'Halloran                Oakville ON             2:31:04  0:08:06   153/M45-49      872/M    2:30:10  0:08:03    5221  
 1110. David Manuel                    Beamsville ON           2:31:04  0:08:06    54/M55-59      873/M    2:30:49  0:08:05    4367  
 1111. Dave House                      London ON               2:31:05  0:08:06   154/M45-49      874/M    2:29:49  0:08:02    3204  
 1112. Jane Widdecombe                 Guelph ON               2:31:05  0:08:06    56/F35-39      237/F    2:30:26  0:08:04    7426  
 1113. Jayne Cation                    Caledon ON              2:31:05  0:08:06    39/F25-29      238/F    2:29:37  0:08:02    1198  
 1114. Matt Wade                       Toronto ON              2:31:09  0:08:07   115/M30-34      875/M    2:27:23  0:07:54    7216  
 1115. Scott Hubbard                   Toronto ON              2:31:10  0:08:07    65/M25-29      876/M    2:29:47  0:08:02    3224  
 1116. Heather Cassidy                 Tillsonburg ON          2:31:10  0:08:07    57/F35-39      239/F    2:30:33  0:08:05    1190  
 1117. Gerry Aucoin                    Cambridge ON            2:31:10  0:08:07   136/M50-54      877/M    2:30:02  0:08:03    318   
 1118. David Stanley                   Cambridge ON            2:31:10  0:08:07   137/M50-54      878/M    2:30:04  0:08:03    6572  
 1119. Matthew Stonehouse              Hamilton ON             2:31:11  0:08:07    66/M25-29      879/M    2:30:27  0:08:04    6655  
 1120. Jim Bolton                      Beamsville ON           2:31:13  0:08:07   144/M35-39      880/M    2:30:46  0:08:05    733   
 1121. Sean Sweeney                    Mississauga ON          2:31:13  0:08:07   148/M40-44      881/M    2:30:10  0:08:03    6734  
 1122. Jennifer Lamantia               Lindsay ON              2:31:14  0:08:07    31/F45-49      240/F    2:30:27  0:08:04    3877  
 1123. Gerard Cramer                   Stratford ON            2:31:16  0:08:07   145/M35-39      882/M    2:30:47  0:08:05    1542  
 1124. Laura Greenaway                 Oakville ON             2:31:16  0:08:07    58/F35-39      241/F    2:31:00  0:08:06    2708  
 1125. Frank Famularo                  Mississauga ON          2:31:18  0:08:07   138/M50-54      883/M    2:31:06  0:08:06    2173  
 1126. Gordon Kuzniak                  Gravenhurst ON          2:31:19  0:08:07   139/M50-54      884/M    2:30:24  0:08:04    3833  
 1127. Antoni Tzavelas                 Toronto ON              2:31:19  0:08:07   146/M35-39      885/M    2:30:59  0:08:06    7032  
 1128. Lori Chong                      Toronto ON              2:31:20  0:08:07    18/F20-24      242/F    2:29:36  0:08:02    1296  
 1129. Mike Marshall                   Burlington ON           2:31:20  0:08:07   149/M40-44      886/M    2:31:07  0:08:06    3750  
 1130. Scot Brockbank                  Port Dover ON           2:31:21  0:08:07   150/M40-44      887/M    2:28:32  0:07:58    901   
 1131. Stephane Gosselin               L' Ange-Gardien QC      2:31:21  0:08:07   147/M35-39      888/M    2:30:06  0:08:03    2652  
 1132. Ronald Gehl                     Kitchener ON            2:31:23  0:08:07    12/M60-64      889/M    2:31:19  0:08:07    2513  
 1133. Bruce Detlor                    Mississauga ON          2:31:24  0:08:07   155/M45-49      890/M    2:30:45  0:08:05    1833  
 1134. Horst Hueniken                  Toronto ON              2:31:25  0:08:07   140/M50-54      891/M    2:30:27  0:08:04    3232  
 1135. Chunyang Zhu                    St. Catharines ON       2:31:26  0:08:07   151/M40-44      892/M    2:30:50  0:08:05    7679  
 1136. Don Jones                       Toronto ON              2:31:27  0:08:07    55/M55-59      893/M    2:31:02  0:08:06    3473  
 1137. Jamie-Lynn Hauss                Tavistock ON            2:31:28  0:08:08    59/F35-39      243/F    2:30:59  0:08:06    2974  
 1138. Jason H Ross                    Toronto ON              2:31:29  0:08:08   148/M35-39      894/M    2:29:50  0:08:02    5966  
 1139. Ben Armstrong                   Exeter ON               2:31:30  0:08:08   149/M35-39      895/M    2:29:26  0:08:01    282   
 1140. Adam Smart                      Ottawa ON               2:31:31  0:08:08    67/M25-29      896/M    2:30:32  0:08:05    6442  
 1141. Jason Allard                    Tonawanda NY            2:31:32  0:08:08   150/M35-39      897/M    2:30:30  0:08:04    179   
 1142. Remo Agostino                   Toronto ON              2:31:32  0:08:08   152/M40-44      898/M    2:28:43  0:07:59    135   
 1143. Craig Jackson                   Kincardine ON           2:31:33  0:08:08   151/M35-39      899/M    2:29:50  0:08:02    3338  
 1144. Mark Thomas                     Ajax ON                 2:31:33  0:08:08   141/M50-54      900/M    2:30:39  0:08:05    92    
 1145. Marina Piccioni                 Toronto ON              2:31:34  0:08:08    26/F40-44      244/F    2:29:37  0:08:02    5511  
 1146. Alexei Martchenko               Waterdown ON            2:31:37  0:08:08   156/M45-49      901/M    2:31:17  0:08:07    4411  
 1147. Peter Nasato                    Carlisle ON             2:31:38  0:08:08   157/M45-49      902/M    2:31:09  0:08:07    5062  
 1148. Gilles Simard                   Toronto ON              2:31:40  0:08:08   142/M50-54      903/M    2:31:21  0:08:07    6368  
 1149. Graham Gerrell                  Toronto ON              2:31:43  0:08:08   152/M35-39      904/M    2:31:25  0:08:07    2533  
 1150. David Ashley                    Toronto ON              2:31:46  0:08:08   143/M50-54      905/M    2:30:55  0:08:06    299   
 1151. Neil S Pattison                 Toronto ON              2:31:47  0:08:09   153/M35-39      906/M    2:28:59  0:08:00    5387  
 1152. Laura Wilson                    Manotick ON             2:31:50  0:08:09    19/F20-24      245/F    2:28:31  0:07:58    7510  
 1153. Ron Korstanje                   Bar Harbor ME           2:31:55  0:08:09   153/M40-44      907/M    2:31:02  0:08:06    3765  
 1154. Jim Glen                        Hamilton ON             2:31:56  0:08:09   154/M40-44      908/M    2:31:26  0:08:07    2605  
 1155. Dion Russell                    Hamilton ON             2:32:00  0:08:09   155/M40-44      909/M    2:31:52  0:08:09    6029  
 1156. Jeff Wood                       Amherstburg ON          2:32:00  0:08:09   144/M50-54      910/M    2:28:56  0:07:59    7572  
 1157. Nick Marleau                    Hamilton ON             2:32:00  0:08:09    68/M25-29      911/M    2:31:05  0:08:06    4397  
 1158. Marina Glasgow                  Abbotsford BC           2:32:02  0:08:09    50/F30-34      246/F    2:31:30  0:08:08    2595  
 1159. Josh C Santa-Barbara            Troy ON                 2:32:02  0:08:09   156/M40-44      912/M    2:30:54  0:08:06    6102  
 1160. Juliana Harris                  Newmarket ON            2:32:02  0:08:09    60/F35-39      247/F    2:31:17  0:08:07    2928  
 1161. Jason Henrikson                 Abbotsford BC           2:32:03  0:08:09   116/M30-34      913/M    2:31:30  0:08:08    3038  
 1162. Antonio Badal-Badalian          Hamilton ON             2:32:04  0:08:09   145/M50-54      914/M    2:31:54  0:08:09    347   
 1163. Chris Bacigalupo                Elora ON                2:32:06  0:08:10   157/M40-44      915/M    2:30:47  0:08:05    344   
 1164. Bruce Schouten                  Stouffville ON          2:32:06  0:08:10   146/M50-54      916/M    2:31:18  0:08:07    6178  
 1165. Tyler Chuang                    Mississauga ON          2:32:07  0:08:10     9/M15-19      917/M    2:30:14  0:08:04    1315  
 1166. Eric Janveaux                   Carp ON                 2:32:07  0:08:10   117/M30-34      918/M    2:30:53  0:08:06    3365  
 1167. Dj De Jesus                     London ON               2:32:08  0:08:10   147/M50-54      919/M    2:29:05  0:08:00    1735  
 1168. Dean McBride                    Ajax ON                 2:32:09  0:08:10   154/M35-39      920/M    2:31:15  0:08:07    3164  
 1169. Paul Sharpe                     Guelph ON               2:32:09  0:08:10   155/M35-39      921/M    2:29:28  0:08:01    6289  
 1170. Jason Watkins                   Owen Sound ON           2:32:10  0:08:10   156/M35-39      922/M    2:29:35  0:08:01    7306  
 1171. Ben Lawson                      Toronto ON              2:32:11  0:08:10   148/M50-54      923/M    2:30:53  0:08:06    3969  
 1172. Mark Crozier                    Kanata ON               2:32:12  0:08:10   158/M45-49      924/M    2:30:24  0:08:04    1590  
 1173. Debra Umpleby                   Milton ON               2:32:14  0:08:10    32/F45-49      248/F    2:31:38  0:08:08    7038  
 1174. Chris Magri                     Toronto ON              2:32:17  0:08:10   118/M30-34      925/M    2:31:24  0:08:07    4314  
 1175. Jay Hussey                      Burlington ON           2:32:19  0:08:10   158/M40-44      926/M    2:31:17  0:08:07    3267  
 1176. Louie Wu                        Hamilton ON             2:32:19  0:08:10   149/M50-54      927/M    2:31:29  0:08:08    7612  
 1177. Sean Poynton                    Dundas ON               2:32:21  0:08:10    69/M25-29      928/M    2:31:16  0:08:07    5604  
 1178. Laughlin Larry                  Richmond Hill ON        2:32:21  0:08:10   159/M40-44      929/M    2:31:12  0:08:07    3918  
 1179. Ryan Chin                       Mississauga ON          2:32:22  0:08:10   119/M30-34      930/M    2:32:08  0:08:10    1283  
 1180. Mark Taylor                     Milton ON               2:32:22  0:08:10   160/M40-44      931/M    2:32:09  0:08:10    6808  
 1181. Kathy Mantel                    Princeton ON            2:32:23  0:08:10    27/F40-44      249/F    2:31:44  0:08:08    4366  
 1182. Patrick Miller                  Callander ON            2:32:25  0:08:11    56/M55-59      932/M    2:29:52  0:08:02    4804  
 1183. Anne Marie Branch               St. Catharines ON       2:32:26  0:08:11    33/F45-49      250/F    2:31:27  0:08:07    846   
 1184. Karen Spencely                  Waterdown ON            2:32:28  0:08:11    61/F35-39      251/F    2:31:18  0:08:07    6539  
 1185. Gordon R. Hunter                Cobourg ON              2:32:29  0:08:11    57/M55-59      933/M    2:31:49  0:08:09    3254  
 1186. Stewart McChesney               Hamilton ON             2:32:29  0:08:11   120/M30-34      934/M    2:30:29  0:08:04    4527  
 1187. Teresa M Caplice                Toronto ON              2:32:30  0:08:11    28/F40-44      252/F    2:32:11  0:08:10    1126  
 1188. Bill Sheffield                  Hamilton ON             2:32:30  0:08:11   150/M50-54      935/M    2:31:32  0:08:08    6312  
 1189. David Ellis                     Georgetown ON           2:32:31  0:08:11   157/M35-39      936/M    2:31:22  0:08:07    2097  
 1190. Catalina Vial                   Pittsford NY            2:32:36  0:08:11    34/F45-49      253/F    2:32:28  0:08:11    7172  
 1191. Shelley Wickenheiser            Bright ON               2:32:36  0:08:11    29/F40-44      254/F    2:30:08  0:08:03    7424  
 1192. Heather McKay                   Paris ON                2:32:37  0:08:11    30/F40-44      255/F    2:31:57  0:08:09    4620  
 1193. Phyllis Tsang                   Charlotte NC            2:32:40  0:08:11    51/F30-34      256/F    2:31:43  0:08:08    6993  
 1194. Robyn Lavelle                   Ancaster ON             2:32:40  0:08:11    52/F30-34      257/F    2:30:03  0:08:03    3948  
 1195. Gabriel Rosales                 Oakville ON             2:32:41  0:08:11    58/M55-59      937/M    2:32:22  0:08:10    5945  
 1196. Mary Lou Schaefer               Kitchener ON            2:32:41  0:08:11    31/F40-44      258/F    2:26:52  0:07:53    6140  
 1197. Brenda Maher                    Vineland ON             2:32:41  0:08:11     4/F55-59      259/F    2:32:11  0:08:10    4320  
 1198. Haley Cruse                     Minesing ON             2:32:43  0:08:12    32/F40-44      260/F    2:32:39  0:08:11    1593  
 1199. Ouellette Shauna                North Bay ON            2:32:43  0:08:12    62/F35-39      261/F    2:31:30  0:08:08    6293  
 1200. Michelle Zunti                  Ottawa ON               2:32:43  0:08:12    33/F40-44      262/F    2:31:31  0:08:08    7695  
 1201. John Debeljak                   Cambridge ON            2:32:45  0:08:12   151/M50-54      938/M    2:30:17  0:08:04    1756  
 1202. Caius Tenche                    Etobicoke ON            2:32:45  0:08:12   161/M40-44      939/M    2:32:29  0:08:11    6832  
 1203. Tony Chen                       Richmond Hill ON        2:32:46  0:08:12   158/M35-39      940/M    2:32:02  0:08:09    1262  
 1204. Heather Gray                    Rosemount MN            2:32:46  0:08:12    34/F40-44      263/F    2:30:18  0:08:04    2694  
 1205. Catherine Youdan                Toronto ON              2:32:48  0:08:12    63/F35-39      264/F    2:31:03  0:08:06    7727  
 1206. Gordon Willcocks                Toronto ON              2:32:49  0:08:12    13/M60-64      941/M    2:31:57  0:08:09    7460  
 1207. Andre Dion                      Ottawa ON               2:32:54  0:08:12   152/M50-54      942/M    2:31:41  0:08:08    1887  
 1208. Terry Sancartier                Gatineau QC             2:32:55  0:08:12   162/M40-44      943/M    2:31:56  0:08:09    6089  
 1209. Seybou Allagouma                Toronto ON              2:32:57  0:08:12   121/M30-34      944/M    2:32:07  0:08:10    167   
 1210. Craig Cassar                    Ancaster ON             2:32:57  0:08:12   159/M35-39      945/M    2:32:10  0:08:10    1186  
 1211. Mario Babakhani                 Mississauga ON          2:32:57  0:08:12    14/M60-64      946/M    2:32:18  0:08:10    337   
 1212. Shane Benish                    Mississauga ON          2:32:59  0:08:12    38/M20-24      947/M    2:32:09  0:08:10    557   
 1213. Melanie Nason-Green             Nepean ON               2:32:59  0:08:12    35/F40-44      265/F    2:31:17  0:08:07    5067  
 1214. Erin P Barrie                   Barrie ON               2:33:00  0:08:12    64/F35-39      266/F    2:31:08  0:08:06    454   
 1215. Marli Cline                     Kitchener ON            2:33:01  0:08:13    36/F40-44      267/F    2:31:26  0:08:07    1377  
 1216. Pamela Allan                    Aurora ON               2:33:02  0:08:13    65/F35-39      268/F    2:32:23  0:08:10    175   
 1217. Celine Murdoch                  Belleville ON           2:33:05  0:08:13    53/F30-34      269/F    2:32:15  0:08:10    5012  
 1218. Jim Clarke                      Georgetown ON           2:33:06  0:08:13    15/M60-64      948/M    2:31:59  0:08:09    1361  
 1219. Kerry Kuluski                   Toronto ON              2:33:11  0:08:13    54/F30-34      270/F    2:33:00  0:08:12    3819  
 1220. Bernard Linseman                London ON               2:33:11  0:08:13    59/M55-59      949/M    2:31:25  0:08:07    4115  
 1221. Terry Brown                     Orleans ON              2:33:12  0:08:13   160/M35-39      950/M    2:30:15  0:08:04    961   
 1222. Valentin Youmbi                 Brampton ON             2:33:13  0:08:13   163/M40-44      951/M    2:32:11  0:08:10    7644  
 1223. Greg Nelson                     Oakville ON             2:33:14  0:08:13   153/M50-54      952/M    2:29:20  0:08:01    5093  
 1224. Rod Lowe                        Toronto ON              2:33:14  0:08:13   164/M40-44      953/M    2:30:40  0:08:05    4179  
 1225. Karen Robb                      Toronto ON              2:33:15  0:08:13    40/F25-29      271/F    2:32:44  0:08:12    5864  
 1226. William G Waddell               Burlington ON           2:33:18  0:08:13   122/M30-34      954/M    2:32:31  0:08:11    7215  
 1227. Dora Depass                     Burlington ON           2:33:20  0:08:14    66/F35-39      272/F    2:32:58  0:08:12    1817  
 1228. Fred Unternahrer                Sarnia ON               2:33:23  0:08:14   154/M50-54      955/M    2:28:22  0:07:58    7043  
 1229. Brent Baker                     Bracebridge ON          2:33:24  0:08:14   165/M40-44      956/M    2:31:30  0:08:08    372   
 1230. Justin Cecchini                 Thornhill ON            2:33:24  0:08:14    70/M25-29      957/M    2:32:39  0:08:11    1205  
 1231. Richard Bailey                  Scarborough ON          2:33:25  0:08:14    16/M60-64      958/M    2:33:00  0:08:12    360   
 1232. Peter Kinch                     Oakville ON             2:33:25  0:08:14   159/M45-49      959/M    2:32:45  0:08:12    3679  
 1233. Morris Eddy                     Mannheim ON             2:33:26  0:08:14   166/M40-44      960/M    2:30:47  0:08:05    2066  
 1234. Julie Sparkes                   London ON               2:33:26  0:08:14    55/F30-34      273/F    2:32:54  0:08:12    6527  
 1235. Stephen Bruce                   Oakville ON             2:33:28  0:08:14   160/M45-49      961/M    2:32:56  0:08:12    971   
 1236. Ron Carpenter                   Hudson MI               2:33:31  0:08:14    17/M60-64      962/M    2:32:30  0:08:11    1155  
 1237. Larry Stewart                   Timmins ON              2:33:31  0:08:14   155/M50-54      963/M    2:32:42  0:08:11    6625  
 1238. Paul Langstaff                  Etobicoke ON            2:33:32  0:08:14   161/M45-49      964/M    2:32:13  0:08:10    4972  
 1239. Sandra Colburn                  Toronto ON              2:33:32  0:08:14    56/F30-34      274/F    2:32:13  0:08:10    1401  
 1240. Shawn Schryer                   Sudbury ON              2:33:32  0:08:14   167/M40-44      965/M    2:32:18  0:08:10    6181  
 1241. Mark D Shepherd                 Cambridge ON            2:33:33  0:08:14   168/M40-44      966/M    2:33:20  0:08:14    6319  
 1242. Keith Crittenden                Goderich ON             2:33:35  0:08:14    60/M55-59      967/M    2:31:40  0:08:08    1568  
 1243. Hebert Martinez                 Oakville ON             2:33:36  0:08:14   169/M40-44      968/M    2:33:17  0:08:13    4442  
 1244. Cathy Leboeuf                   Woodslee ON             2:33:36  0:08:14    35/F45-49      275/F    2:32:34  0:08:11    3994  
 1245. Cb Ball                         Burlington ON           2:33:37  0:08:14   161/M35-39      969/M    2:31:43  0:08:08    390   
 1246. Leanne Genge                    Toronto ON              2:33:37  0:08:14    20/F20-24      276/F    2:33:26  0:08:14    2520  
 1247. Kam Balchand                    Mississauga ON          2:33:39  0:08:15   162/M35-39      970/M    2:32:55  0:08:12    381   
 1248. Hugo Lafontaine                 Toronto ON              2:33:39  0:08:15   170/M40-44      971/M    2:31:35  0:08:08    3860  
 1249. Michael Blecher                 Toronto ON              2:33:43  0:08:15   171/M40-44      972/M    2:32:09  0:08:10    694   
 1250. Simon Guthrie                   Kitchener ON            2:33:44  0:08:15   163/M35-39      973/M    2:31:16  0:08:07    2789  
 1251. Ian Bancroft                    Oakville ON             2:33:45  0:08:15    61/M55-59      974/M    2:33:21  0:08:14    399   
 1252. Steve McGuffin                  Guelph ON               2:33:45  0:08:15   156/M50-54      975/M    2:31:43  0:08:08    4609  
 1253. Jennifer Hartley                Ottawa ON               2:33:45  0:08:15    37/F40-44      277/F    2:32:44  0:08:12    2943  
 1254. Damon Winney                    Windsor ON              2:33:45  0:08:15   164/M35-39      976/M    2:29:33  0:08:01    7531  
 1255. Ian Smith                       Toronto ON              2:33:45  0:08:15   162/M45-49      977/M    2:31:45  0:08:08    6464  
 1256. Krista Corbett                  Corbeil ON              2:33:46  0:08:15    57/F30-34      278/F    2:32:41  0:08:11    1473  
 1257. Christian Finley                Hamilton ON             2:33:46  0:08:15   165/M35-39      978/M    2:31:14  0:08:07    2272  
 1258. Carla Manfredi                  Kingston ON             2:33:46  0:08:15    41/F25-29      279/F    2:33:04  0:08:13    4353  
 1259. James Sprenger                  Etobicoke ON            2:33:47  0:08:15   163/M45-49      979/M    2:30:29  0:08:04    6549  
 1260. Martin Daniels                  Milton ON               2:33:47  0:08:15   157/M50-54      980/M    2:31:15  0:08:07    1671  
 1261. Nicole Bakker                   Mount Hope ON           2:33:48  0:08:15    21/F20-24      280/F    2:31:28  0:08:08    380   
 1262. Johan Casaer                    Toronto ON              2:33:48  0:08:15   164/M45-49      981/M    2:33:19  0:08:13    1179  
 1263. Sylvie Mullins                  Waterloo ON             2:33:48  0:08:15    58/F30-34      281/F    2:30:26  0:08:04    5000  
 1264. Nancy Lennon                    Toronto ON              2:33:49  0:08:15    38/F40-44      282/F    2:33:34  0:08:14    4038  
 1265. Don Hum                         Toronto ON              2:33:50  0:08:15   172/M40-44      982/M    2:31:33  0:08:08    3246  
 1266. Ian Warnock                     Woodstock ON            2:33:51  0:08:15   165/M45-49      983/M    2:28:05  0:07:57    7293  
 1267. Phil McCulloch                  Milton ON               2:33:53  0:08:15   166/M45-49      984/M    2:33:16  0:08:13    4561  
 1268. Patrick Fillmore                Beamsville ON           2:33:55  0:08:15   158/M50-54      985/M    2:33:02  0:08:13    2263  
 1269. Jennifer Birkas                 Gananoque ON            2:33:55  0:08:15    39/F40-44      283/F    2:32:39  0:08:11    651   
 1270. David Jones                     Hamburg NY              2:33:56  0:08:15    62/M55-59      986/M    2:32:45  0:08:12    3468  
 1271. Joanne Thomson                  Waterdown ON            2:33:56  0:08:15    36/F45-49      284/F    2:32:48  0:08:12    6879  
 1272. Sarah Grundy                    Toronto ON              2:33:58  0:08:16    59/F30-34      285/F    2:33:00  0:08:12    2758  
 1273. Sheila Jacobs                   Toronto ON              2:33:58  0:08:16    13/F50-54      286/F    2:33:12  0:08:13    3341  
 1274. Lynn Clarke-Lee                 Burlington ON           2:33:59  0:08:16    40/F40-44      287/F    2:31:57  0:08:09    1363  
 1275. Brian Hebb                      Brantford ON            2:33:59  0:08:16   166/M35-39      987/M    2:31:08  0:08:06    3009  
 1276. Graham Deveber                  London ON               2:34:01  0:08:16    18/M60-64      988/M    2:32:43  0:08:12    1835  
 1277. Erin King                       Whitby ON               2:34:02  0:08:16    67/F35-39      288/F    2:33:57  0:08:16    3683  
 1278. Todd McCall                     Courtice ON             2:34:03  0:08:16   123/M30-34      989/M    2:33:08  0:08:13    4517  
 1279. Nelson Rodrigues                London ON               2:34:03  0:08:16   124/M30-34      990/M    2:31:00  0:08:06    5909  
 1280. Greg Vulture                    Guelph ON               2:34:03  0:08:16   167/M45-49      991/M    2:32:00  0:08:09    7212  
 1281. Tom J Queenan                   London ON               2:34:04  0:08:16   173/M40-44      992/M    2:30:38  0:08:05    5664  
 1282. Andrew Hadley                   Sarnia ON               2:34:05  0:08:16   125/M30-34      993/M    2:33:25  0:08:14    4351  
 1283. Sonya Slaven                    London ON               2:34:08  0:08:16    14/F50-54      289/F    2:33:32  0:08:14    6423  
 1284. Scott Slaven                    London ON               2:34:08  0:08:16   159/M50-54      994/M    2:33:31  0:08:14    6422  
 1285. Mike Lynch                      Mississauga ON          2:34:09  0:08:16   160/M50-54      995/M    2:31:55  0:08:09    4211  
 1286. Barbara Dodwell                 Alliston ON             2:34:09  0:08:16    37/F45-49      290/F    2:32:39  0:08:11    1909  
 1287. Tom Irwin                       Etobicoke ON            2:34:10  0:08:16   168/M45-49      996/M    2:29:37  0:08:02    3325  
 1288. John Sinasac                    Campbellville ON        2:34:10  0:08:16    63/M55-59      997/M    2:29:01  0:08:00    6384  
 1289. Gary Swayze                     Hamilton ON             2:34:11  0:08:16   161/M50-54      998/M    2:33:00  0:08:12    6732  
 1290. Christine Lavallee              Peterborough ON         2:34:12  0:08:16     5/F55-59      291/F    2:33:23  0:08:14    3945  
 1291. Francois Deleseleuc             Orleans ON              2:34:13  0:08:16   162/M50-54      999/M    2:33:24  0:08:14    1786  
 1292. Jeffrey B Churchward            Paris ON                2:34:14  0:08:16    64/M55-59     1000/M    2:33:45  0:08:15    1326  
 1293. Chris Dutton                    Markham ON              2:34:14  0:08:16   174/M40-44     1001/M    2:32:10  0:08:10    2033  
 1294. Inge Vonkemenade                London ON               2:34:15  0:08:16    41/F40-44      292/F    2:32:09  0:08:10    7714  
 1295. Joanne Sloat                    Oakville ON             2:34:15  0:08:16    60/F30-34      293/F    2:33:16  0:08:13    6431  
 1296. Christian Caswell               Barrie ON               2:34:16  0:08:17   167/M35-39     1002/M    2:32:23  0:08:10    1196  
 1297. Graham Gold                     Toronto ON              2:34:17  0:08:17   169/M45-49     1003/M    2:32:52  0:08:12    3799  
 1298. Peter Lovisek                   Toronto ON              2:34:18  0:08:17    71/M25-29     1004/M    2:33:41  0:08:15    4174  
 1299. Neil Gosbee                     Toronto ON              2:34:18  0:08:17   126/M30-34     1005/M    2:29:15  0:08:00    2650  
 1300. Helene Desgagnes                Toronto ON              2:34:18  0:08:17    42/F25-29      294/F    2:33:41  0:08:15    1823  
 1301. Brian Martell                   Montreal QC             2:34:22  0:08:17   170/M45-49     1006/M    2:33:22  0:08:14    4413  
 1302. Jason Boone                     Hamilton ON             2:34:24  0:08:17   168/M35-39     1007/M    2:33:57  0:08:16    755   
 1303. Lisa A Campbell                 Peterborough ON         2:34:25  0:08:17    38/F45-49      295/F    2:33:09  0:08:13    1108  
 1304. Stephen D Schiedel              Toronto ON              2:34:28  0:08:17   175/M40-44     1008/M    2:32:17  0:08:10    6154  
 1305. Robin Horton                    Woodstock ON            2:34:29  0:08:17   127/M30-34     1009/M    2:33:02  0:08:13    3196  
 1306. Christopher Rubeck              Geneseo NY              2:34:30  0:08:17   176/M40-44     1010/M    2:32:22  0:08:10    6009  
 1307. Daniel Gray                     Woodstock ON            2:34:30  0:08:17   128/M30-34     1011/M    2:33:34  0:08:14    2693  
 1308. Carrie L Wert                   Buffalo NY              2:34:30  0:08:17    61/F30-34      296/F    2:31:44  0:08:08    7370  
 1309. Kathy S Reynolds                Williamsville NY        2:34:31  0:08:17    42/F40-44      297/F    2:33:57  0:08:16    5802  
 1310. Peter Stubnya                   London ON               2:34:31  0:08:17    72/M25-29     1012/M    2:31:25  0:08:07    6685  
 1311. Jesse Winters                   Sudbury ON              2:34:31  0:08:17    65/M55-59     1013/M    2:34:01  0:08:16    7535  
 1312. Kathryn Sulllivan               Orangeville ON          2:34:31  0:08:17    39/F45-49      298/F    2:33:47  0:08:15    6706  
 1313. Chris Houston                   Burlington ON           2:34:32  0:08:17   129/M30-34     1014/M    2:33:22  0:08:14    3206  
 1314. Graham Morley                   London ON               2:34:33  0:08:17    66/M55-59     1015/M    2:33:46  0:08:15    4928  
 1315. Dylan Zambrano                  Sharon ON               2:34:36  0:08:18    39/M20-24     1016/M    2:34:16  0:08:17    4968  
 1316. John Henderson                  Shelburne ON            2:34:36  0:08:18   177/M40-44     1017/M    2:34:02  0:08:16    3031  
 1317. Paul Bourbonniere               Markham ON              2:34:37  0:08:18    67/M55-59     1018/M    2:32:33  0:08:11    786   
 1318. Helmut Reinhardt                Georgetown ON           2:34:39  0:08:18   171/M45-49     1019/M    2:33:32  0:08:14    5777  
 1319. Stephen Laidlaw                 Bramalea ON             2:34:40  0:08:18   163/M50-54     1020/M    2:31:44  0:08:08    3867  
 1320. Gerry Thuss                     Stratford ON            2:34:40  0:08:18   164/M50-54     1021/M    2:34:09  0:08:16    6891  
 1321. Mario Gigliozzi                 Woodbridge ON           2:34:41  0:08:18   172/M45-49     1022/M    2:31:56  0:08:09    2562  
 1322. Ian Brisbin                     Hamilton ON             2:34:41  0:08:18   169/M35-39     1023/M    2:32:56  0:08:12    892   
 1323. Martha Palao                    Toronto ON              2:34:42  0:08:18    40/F45-49      299/F    2:34:21  0:08:17    5293  
 1324. Joanne Sibbald                  Gatineau QC             2:34:43  0:08:18    68/F35-39      300/F    2:33:07  0:08:13    6347  
 1325. Adrian Plant                    Mississauga ON          2:34:48  0:08:18    68/M55-59     1024/M    2:29:46  0:08:02    5541  
 1326. Susan Nevitt-Yelle              Ottawa ON               2:34:50  0:08:18    41/F45-49      301/F    2:34:13  0:08:16    5110  
 1327. Greg Yaneff                     Caledon ON              2:34:52  0:08:18   165/M50-54     1025/M    2:34:26  0:08:17    7626  
 1328. Darrell Pringle                 Elora ON                2:34:52  0:08:18   173/M45-49     1026/M    2:33:44  0:08:15    5631  
 1329. Pulak Parikh                    Maple ON                2:34:52  0:08:18   130/M30-34     1027/M    2:29:51  0:08:02    5333  
 1330. Brent Kinnaird                  Hamilton ON             2:34:54  0:08:19   178/M40-44     1028/M    2:33:09  0:08:13    3689  
 1331. Styles Darryll                  Colborne ON             2:34:58  0:08:19   166/M50-54     1029/M    2:34:27  0:08:17    1681  
 1332. Jennifer Sampson                Toronto ON              2:35:04  0:08:19    69/F35-39      302/F    2:32:03  0:08:09    6082  
 1333. Veronique Bessette              Marieville QC           2:35:06  0:08:19    62/F30-34      303/F    2:33:32  0:08:14    606   
 1334. Randolph C Weir                 London ON               2:35:06  0:08:19   170/M35-39     1030/M    2:32:34  0:08:11    7356  
 1335. Kevin Searle                    Mississauga ON          2:35:06  0:08:19   167/M50-54     1031/M    2:34:25  0:08:17    6228  
 1336. John Bobrel                     St. Catharines ON       2:35:10  0:08:19    69/M55-59     1032/M    2:30:18  0:08:04    707   
 1337. Laura Cranna                    Waterdown ON            2:35:10  0:08:19    43/F25-29      304/F    2:29:38  0:08:02    1547  
 1338. Mayling Chung-Robinson          Oakville ON             2:35:11  0:08:19    43/F40-44      305/F    2:34:06  0:08:16    1321  
 1339. Rob Unruh                       Waterloo ON             2:35:13  0:08:20   171/M35-39     1033/M    2:31:07  0:08:06    7040  
 1340. Jason B Weis                    Burlington ON           2:35:15  0:08:20   172/M35-39     1034/M    2:34:13  0:08:16    7357  
 1341. Jodi Kesik                      Hamilton ON             2:35:15  0:08:20    70/F35-39      306/F    2:31:35  0:08:08    3639  
 1342. Ben Baldassarro                 London ON               2:35:15  0:08:20    70/M55-59     1035/M    2:34:22  0:08:17    383   
 1343. Tommy Tango                     Whitby ON               2:35:16  0:08:20   131/M30-34     1036/M    2:33:55  0:08:15    6772  
 1344. Philip Rayment                  Binbrook ON             2:35:18  0:08:20   179/M40-44     1037/M    2:32:13  0:08:10    5741  
 1345. Bryan Har                       Calgary AB              2:35:19  0:08:20   132/M30-34     1038/M    2:34:23  0:08:17    2906  
 1346. Natalie Greig                   Dundas ON               2:35:19  0:08:20    71/F35-39      307/F    2:34:25  0:08:17    2723  
 1347. Reannan Bodrug                  Cambridge ON            2:35:20  0:08:20    22/F20-24      308/F    2:34:24  0:08:17    711   
 1348. Mooradian Jennifer              St. Catharines ON       2:35:20  0:08:20    44/F40-44      309/F    2:35:03  0:08:19    3394  
 1349. Twane Boettinger                Oakville ON             2:35:20  0:08:20   174/M45-49     1039/M    2:34:59  0:08:19    716   
 1350. Suzzette Hibbard                Courtice ON             2:35:21  0:08:20    42/F45-49      310/F    2:32:37  0:08:11    3064  
 1351. Brad Pipe                       Hamilton ON             2:35:23  0:08:20   173/M35-39     1040/M    2:34:05  0:08:16    5531  
 1352. Marco Mentone                   Toronto ON              2:35:24  0:08:20   133/M30-34     1041/M    2:33:29  0:08:14    4743  
 1353. Leoung O'Young                  Toronto ON              2:35:25  0:08:20    71/M55-59     1042/M    2:33:08  0:08:13    5275  
 1354. Gyro Inman                      Ottawa ON               2:35:28  0:08:20   174/M35-39     1043/M    2:33:08  0:08:13    3313  
 1355. Matthew Andres                  Ajax ON                 2:35:29  0:08:20   134/M30-34     1044/M    2:34:06  0:08:16    237   
 1356. Michael Bentley                 Aurora ON               2:35:33  0:08:21    40/M20-24     1045/M    2:31:46  0:08:08    572   
 1357. Rene J Dinter                   Toronto ON              2:35:33  0:08:21   135/M30-34     1046/M    2:32:54  0:08:12    1886  
 1358. Ahmed Jouar                     North Bay ON            2:35:33  0:08:21   175/M45-49     1047/M    2:34:21  0:08:17    3494  
 1359. Stephanie Mackenzie             Orillia ON              2:35:33  0:08:21    44/F25-29      311/F    2:34:04  0:08:16    4279  
 1360. Bruce Mason                     Ottawa ON               2:35:34  0:08:21    72/M55-59     1048/M    2:34:53  0:08:19    4451  
 1361. Christa Yoshimoto               Waterdown ON            2:35:35  0:08:21    72/F35-39      312/F    2:34:24  0:08:17    7642  
 1362. Linda Steiner                   Woodstock ON            2:35:36  0:08:21    15/F50-54      313/F    2:34:34  0:08:18    6596  
 1363. Dave Hamilton                   Aurora ON               2:35:36  0:08:21   168/M50-54     1049/M    2:34:48  0:08:18    2871  
 1364. Heather Patterson               Clarence Center NY      2:35:38  0:08:21    45/F40-44      314/F    2:34:56  0:08:19    5380  
 1365. Tammy J Dyment                  Bracebridge ON          2:35:38  0:08:21    73/F35-39      315/F    2:34:34  0:08:18    2045  
 1366. Shawn Delay                     Nepean ON               2:35:42  0:08:21   180/M40-44     1050/M    2:34:45  0:08:18    1785  
 1367. Trevor Kirkland                 Ottawa ON               2:35:42  0:08:21   181/M40-44     1051/M    2:34:45  0:08:18    3696  
 1368. Dan Bielby                      St. Catharines ON       2:35:43  0:08:21   136/M30-34     1052/M    2:32:33  0:08:11    625   
 1369. William Bullen                  Caledonia ON            2:35:43  0:08:21    73/M55-59     1053/M    2:34:12  0:08:16    1007  
 1370. Claudette Rooyakkers            St. Thomas ON           2:35:45  0:08:21    16/F50-54      316/F    2:33:48  0:08:15    5941  
 1371. David Marson                    Dundas ON               2:35:45  0:08:21   137/M30-34     1054/M    2:34:26  0:08:17    4410  
 1372. Tim Day                         Grand Valley ON         2:35:45  0:08:21   176/M45-49     1055/M    2:35:04  0:08:19    1727  
 1373. Nicole Paulin                   Toronto ON              2:35:45  0:08:21    63/F30-34      317/F    2:34:12  0:08:16    5391  
 1374. Debbie Benoit                   Hamilton ON             2:35:48  0:08:21    43/F45-49      318/F    2:34:30  0:08:17    567   
 1375. Harim Labuschagne               Toronto ON              2:35:48  0:08:21   182/M40-44     1056/M    2:35:33  0:08:21    3846  
 1376. Myndi Quirion                   Toronto ON              2:35:50  0:08:22    64/F30-34      319/F    2:35:04  0:08:19    5679  
 1377. Kelly Book                      Grimsby ON              2:35:51  0:08:22    46/F40-44      320/F    2:34:42  0:08:18    753   
 1378. Jim Clayton                     Toronto ON              2:35:52  0:08:22   177/M45-49     1057/M    2:33:22  0:08:14    1367  
 1379. Jalil Farah                     Windsor ON              2:35:52  0:08:22   175/M35-39     1058/M    2:32:47  0:08:12    2176  
 1380. Graham A Anderson               Hamilton ON             2:35:52  0:08:22   176/M35-39     1059/M    2:31:23  0:08:07    215   
 1381. Andrew Haines                   Brantford ON            2:35:53  0:08:22   138/M30-34     1060/M    2:32:58  0:08:12    2824  
 1382. Erin Kennedy                    Dundas ON               2:35:56  0:08:22    74/F35-39      321/F    2:34:51  0:08:18    3606  
 1383. Monique L Schenck               Kitchener ON            2:35:56  0:08:22    44/F45-49      322/F    2:33:01  0:08:13    6151  
 1384. Jacqueline M Saavedra           Whitby ON               2:35:56  0:08:22    45/F45-49      323/F    2:35:17  0:08:20    7716  
 1385. Rob Bondy                       Sharon ON               2:36:00  0:08:22   183/M40-44     1061/M    2:33:28  0:08:14    741   
 1386. Clayton Reynolds                Toronto ON              2:36:03  0:08:22   139/M30-34     1062/M    2:35:35  0:08:21    5800  
 1387. Eugene Kim                      North Yoruk ON          2:36:04  0:08:22   177/M35-39     1063/M    2:35:03  0:08:19    3670  
 1388. Ramon Palao                     Milton ON               2:36:06  0:08:22   184/M40-44     1064/M    2:35:54  0:08:22    5295  
 1389. Paul Blaschuk                   Hamilton ON             2:36:06  0:08:22   169/M50-54     1065/M    2:35:43  0:08:21    691   
 1390. Kirsten Dunne                   Brampton ON             2:36:07  0:08:22    75/F35-39      324/F    2:33:31  0:08:14    2022  
 1391. David Bedrosian                 Waterloo ON             2:36:09  0:08:23   178/M45-49     1066/M    2:36:09  0:08:23    521   
 1392. Mark Poloniato                  Hamilton ON             2:36:10  0:08:23   140/M30-34     1067/M    2:36:01  0:08:22    5573  
 1393. Kathryn Wehrle                  Toronto ON              2:36:12  0:08:23    65/F30-34      325/F    2:36:01  0:08:22    7350  
 1394. Christina Giovas                Hamilton ON             2:36:12  0:08:23    76/F35-39      326/F    2:35:10  0:08:19    2587  
 1395. Lauren Neal                     Dundas ON               2:36:13  0:08:23    23/F20-24      327/F    2:33:56  0:08:15    5078  
 1396. Wheeler Doug                    Oshawa ON               2:36:13  0:08:23   179/M45-49     1068/M    2:35:22  0:08:20    1939  
 1397. Aaron Dickau                    Leamington ON           2:36:13  0:08:23    73/M25-29     1069/M    2:35:37  0:08:21    1862  
 1398. Zakk Ropar                      Mississauga ON          2:36:14  0:08:23   178/M35-39     1070/M    2:35:18  0:08:20    5943  
 1399. Angelika Sturzenegger           Hamilton ON             2:36:14  0:08:23    45/F25-29      328/F    2:31:45  0:08:08    6689  
 1400. Kate Campbell                   Burlington ON           2:36:19  0:08:23    46/F25-29      329/F    2:33:56  0:08:15    1106  
 1401. Laurie McGrath                  Baden ON                2:36:19  0:08:23    47/F40-44      330/F    2:36:15  0:08:23    4603  
 1402. Tony Serwatuk                   Toronto ON              2:36:21  0:08:23   180/M45-49     1071/M    2:34:54  0:08:19    6259  
 1403. Ron Maruska                     Toronto ON              2:36:22  0:08:23    74/M55-59     1072/M    2:33:42  0:08:15    4449  
 1404. Ronald Irwin                    Durham ON               2:36:25  0:08:23   170/M50-54     1073/M    2:35:55  0:08:22    3324  
 1405. Steve Quick                     St. George ON           2:36:28  0:08:24   171/M50-54     1074/M    2:35:12  0:08:20    5671  
 1406. Ryan Dack                       Burlington ON           2:36:28  0:08:24   181/M45-49     1075/M    2:35:38  0:08:21    1634  
 1407. Andy Van                        Cambridge ON            2:36:29  0:08:24   185/M40-44     1076/M    2:35:11  0:08:19    7077  
 1408. Nicholas Partington             Toronto ON              2:36:31  0:08:24    74/M25-29     1077/M    2:34:34  0:08:18    5361  
 1409. Eric Greig                      Burlington ON           2:36:31  0:08:24    75/M25-29     1078/M    2:36:17  0:08:23    2722  
 1410. Ian Macdonald                   Dundas ON               2:36:32  0:08:24   141/M30-34     1079/M    2:36:07  0:08:22    4239  
 1411. Sandi Maas                      Cambridge ON            2:36:33  0:08:24    48/F40-44      331/F    2:35:02  0:08:19    4219  
 1412. Dave Tompkins                   Guelph ON               2:36:34  0:08:24   186/M40-44     1080/M    2:35:48  0:08:21    6926  
 1413. George McMenemy                 Burlington ON           2:36:34  0:08:24    19/M60-64     1081/M    2:34:26  0:08:17    4663  
 1414. Ryan Van Praet                  Owen Sound ON           2:36:36  0:08:24   142/M30-34     1082/M    2:35:50  0:08:22    7099  
 1415. Paul St. Pierre                 Flesherton ON           2:36:38  0:08:24   172/M50-54     1083/M    2:33:14  0:08:13    6562  
 1416. Daisy McCabe-Lokos              Toronto ON              2:36:39  0:08:24    66/F30-34      332/F    2:32:58  0:08:12    4514  
 1417. Bronna Kahle                    Adrian MI               2:36:40  0:08:24    49/F40-44      333/F    2:35:39  0:08:21    3513  
 1418. Deena Covey                     Adrian MI               2:36:40  0:08:24    77/F35-39      334/F    2:36:05  0:08:22    1521  
 1419. Anthony M Knight                Toronto ON              2:36:42  0:08:24   182/M45-49     1084/M    2:34:19  0:08:17    3731  
 1420. Emily Dies                      Hamilton ON             2:36:43  0:08:24     6/F15-19      335/F    2:35:55  0:08:22    1873  
 1421. Dana Ferguson                   Toronto ON              2:36:45  0:08:25    47/F25-29      336/F    2:36:10  0:08:23    2228  
 1422. Siba Haykal                     Toronto ON              2:36:50  0:08:25    48/F25-29      337/F    2:35:21  0:08:20    2988  
 1423. Byron Boucher                   Greely ON               2:36:50  0:08:25   173/M50-54     1085/M    2:35:25  0:08:20    774   
 1424. Jeremy Griffiths                Toronto ON              2:36:51  0:08:25    75/M55-59     1086/M    2:31:02  0:08:06    2734  
 1425. Marc O'Brien                    London ON               2:36:51  0:08:25   143/M30-34     1087/M    2:36:15  0:08:23    5200  
 1426. Anders Runesson                 Hamilton ON             2:36:53  0:08:25   187/M40-44     1088/M    2:33:42  0:08:15    6019  
 1427. Laura Macdermaid                Whitby ON               2:36:53  0:08:25    46/F45-49      338/F    2:34:21  0:08:17    4235  
 1428. Miguel Dias                     Woodbridge ON           2:36:57  0:08:25   144/M30-34     1089/M    2:35:47  0:08:21    1857  
 1429. Kimberly Black                  Waterloo ON             2:36:59  0:08:25    50/F40-44      339/F    2:36:48  0:08:25    666   
 1430. Jesse Blondin                   Ottawa ON               2:37:00  0:08:25    49/F25-29      340/F    2:35:39  0:08:21    700   
 1431. Michael Lewkowitz               London ON               2:37:00  0:08:25   179/M35-39     1090/M    2:36:04  0:08:22    4075  
 1432. Dave Boyko                      Brighton ON             2:37:02  0:08:25   183/M45-49     1091/M    2:34:50  0:08:18    821   
 1433. Stephanie McAulay               Hamilton ON             2:37:04  0:08:26    50/F25-29      341/F    2:32:29  0:08:11    4504  
 1434. Jennifer Lee                    Caledon ON              2:37:06  0:08:26    47/F45-49      342/F    2:36:43  0:08:24    4011  
 1435. Simon Heaton                    Newmarket ON            2:37:07  0:08:26    76/M55-59     1092/M    2:34:48  0:08:18    3007  
 1436. Luigi Morgese                   Montreal QC             2:37:07  0:08:26   174/M50-54     1093/M    2:35:46  0:08:21    4922  
 1437. Christian Fortin                North Bay ON            2:37:08  0:08:26    20/M60-64     1094/M    2:33:04  0:08:13    2350  
 1438. Hillary Webster                 Brampton ON             2:37:11  0:08:26    24/F20-24      343/F    2:36:00  0:08:22    6931  
 1439. Mark A Taylor                   Cambridge ON            2:37:11  0:08:26   184/M45-49     1095/M    2:36:54  0:08:25    6809  
 1440. John-Scott J Esposito           Brantford ON            2:37:13  0:08:26   145/M30-34     1096/M    2:32:02  0:08:09    2140  
 1441. Donald M Travis                 London ON               2:37:13  0:08:26   188/M40-44     1097/M    2:36:40  0:08:24    6961  
 1442. Natasha Kyle                    Waterloo ON             2:37:14  0:08:26    67/F30-34      344/F    2:35:46  0:08:21    3837  
 1443. Graham Scott                    Hamilton ON             2:37:14  0:08:26   146/M30-34     1098/M    2:35:40  0:08:21    6205  
 1444. Jesse Brown                     Brantford ON            2:37:16  0:08:26    76/M25-29     1099/M    2:36:44  0:08:24    942   
 1445. Barb Szybka                     St. Catharines ON       2:37:16  0:08:26    51/F25-29      345/F    2:36:50  0:08:25    6753  
 1446. Carol A May-Mcquillan           Stouffville ON          2:37:18  0:08:26    51/F40-44      346/F    2:36:12  0:08:23    4492  
 1447. Blair D Rickersr                Guelph ON               2:37:18  0:08:26   185/M45-49     1100/M    2:32:15  0:08:10    5835  
 1448. Erin Hastings                   Burlington ON           2:37:19  0:08:26    68/F30-34      347/F    2:36:26  0:08:24    2963  
 1449. Paul Wilkinson                  Cambridge ON            2:37:20  0:08:26   180/M35-39     1101/M    2:34:55  0:08:19    7456  
 1450. Kathleen Thompson               Mississauga ON          2:37:23  0:08:27    52/F25-29      348/F    2:35:48  0:08:21    6868  
 1451. David C C Liddell               Brampton ON             2:37:24  0:08:27   186/M45-49     1102/M    2:34:23  0:08:17    4086  
 1452. Patrick Collard                 Ottawa ON               2:37:25  0:08:27   181/M35-39     1103/M    2:32:16  0:08:10    1413  
 1453. Peter Grey-Wolf                 Toronto ON              2:37:25  0:08:27   182/M35-39     1104/M    2:35:03  0:08:19    2725  
 1454. Christie McCarthy               Milton ON               2:37:27  0:08:27    78/F35-39      349/F    2:36:52  0:08:25    4523  
 1455. Michael Mahoney                 Hamilton ON             2:37:29  0:08:27    41/M20-24     1105/M    2:32:54  0:08:12    4323  
 1456. Daniel D'Arcy                   Orchard Park NY         2:37:30  0:08:27   175/M50-54     1106/M    2:35:57  0:08:22    1675  
 1457. Mok Edwin                       Ottawa ON               2:37:30  0:08:27    77/M25-29     1107/M    2:35:02  0:08:19    2082  
 1458. Phil Austin                     Hamilton ON             2:37:30  0:08:27   189/M40-44     1108/M    2:35:45  0:08:21    324   
 1459. Mike McArthur                   London ON               2:37:31  0:08:27   147/M30-34     1109/M    2:36:57  0:08:25    4501  
 1460. Jennifer Thompson               St. Thomas ON           2:37:32  0:08:27    52/F40-44      350/F    2:37:26  0:08:27    6866  
 1461. Joe Shirley                     Oakville ON             2:37:32  0:08:27    21/M60-64     1110/M    2:36:47  0:08:25    6338  
 1462. Linda Boulanger                 Cambridge ON            2:37:32  0:08:27    53/F40-44      351/F    2:35:32  0:08:21    782   
 1463. Chantal Witiuk                  Mississauga ON          2:37:33  0:08:27    48/F45-49      352/F    2:36:06  0:08:22    7540  
 1464. Mark Fingland                   Hamilton ON             2:37:33  0:08:27   187/M45-49     1111/M    2:36:29  0:08:24    2269  
 1465. Jack Gemmell                    Mississauga ON          2:37:35  0:08:27    22/M60-64     1112/M    2:36:46  0:08:25    2517  
 1466. Julijana K Prpic                Thunder Bay ON          2:37:37  0:08:27    79/F35-39      353/F    2:36:00  0:08:22    5642  
 1467. Ian Steele                      Embla ON                2:37:38  0:08:27   183/M35-39     1113/M    2:33:57  0:08:16    6582  
 1468. Gerry Spina                     London ON               2:37:39  0:08:27   188/M45-49     1114/M    2:37:10  0:08:26    6545  
 1469. Allen Pettau                    Oakville ON             2:37:39  0:08:27    77/M55-59     1115/M    2:36:18  0:08:23    5488  
 1470. Shirley M Walsh                 Dundas ON               2:37:39  0:08:27    49/F45-49      354/F    2:34:44  0:08:18    7267  
 1471. Sabrina Baskerville             Hamburg NY              2:37:46  0:08:28    54/F40-44      355/F    2:36:55  0:08:25    467   
 1472. Allen Braude                    Toronto ON              2:37:47  0:08:28   190/M40-44     1116/M    2:36:55  0:08:25    856   
 1473. Ken Jacobs                      Mississauga ON          2:37:49  0:08:28   189/M45-49     1117/M    2:37:05  0:08:26    3340  
 1474. Belinda Stoll                   Lockport NY             2:37:49  0:08:28    17/F50-54      356/F    2:36:52  0:08:25    6649  
 1475. Jovo Duvnjak                    Hamilton ON             2:37:50  0:08:28    42/M20-24     1118/M    2:37:06  0:08:26    3981  
 1476. Lumi Duca                       Waterloo ON             2:37:51  0:08:28    55/F40-44      357/F    2:36:55  0:08:25    1986  
 1477. Lynne Rawson                    Burlington ON           2:37:52  0:08:28    80/F35-39      358/F    2:37:38  0:08:27    5739  
 1478. Maureen O'Malley                Dundas ON               2:37:53  0:08:28    56/F40-44      359/F    2:37:09  0:08:26    5245  
 1479. Tomoko Tamaoki                  Burlington ON           2:37:54  0:08:28    50/F45-49      360/F    2:36:10  0:08:23    6765  
 1480. Heather Pereira                 Bowmanville ON          2:37:55  0:08:28    51/F45-49      361/F    2:34:28  0:08:17    5446  
 1481. Keith Collins                   Bowmanville ON          2:37:55  0:08:28   176/M50-54     1119/M    2:34:28  0:08:17    1422  
 1482. Geri Higginson                  Guelph ON               2:37:55  0:08:28    57/F40-44      362/F    2:35:05  0:08:19    3072  
 1483. Scott Burggraf                  Whitby ON               2:37:56  0:08:28   191/M40-44     1120/M    2:36:13  0:08:23    1019  
 1484. Chris McPeake                   Toronto ON              2:37:58  0:08:28   192/M40-44     1121/M    2:34:02  0:08:16    4693  
 1485. Heather Snowden                 Hamilton ON             2:37:59  0:08:28    69/F30-34      363/F    2:36:56  0:08:25    6493  
 1486. Graham Browne                   Hamilton ON             2:37:59  0:08:28   177/M50-54     1122/M    2:36:26  0:08:24    7701  
 1487. Sid J Cadel                     Newmarket ON            2:38:00  0:08:29    78/M55-59     1123/M    2:35:38  0:08:21    1062  
 1488. Leslie Hunt                     Toronto ON              2:38:00  0:08:29    70/F30-34      364/F    2:36:57  0:08:25    3252  
 1489. Dan Roberts                     Bowmanville ON          2:38:01  0:08:29   148/M30-34     1124/M    2:37:04  0:08:26    5867  
 1490. Scott Eisbrenner                Burlington ON           2:38:01  0:08:29   184/M35-39     1125/M    2:37:19  0:08:26    2086  
 1491. Candice D Olivier               Oakville ON             2:38:02  0:08:29    81/F35-39      365/F    2:37:50  0:08:28    5238  
 1492. Jared Marcus                    Hamilton ON             2:38:03  0:08:29   149/M30-34     1126/M    2:34:22  0:08:17    4386  
 1493. Lisa Lawson                     Owen Sound ON           2:38:04  0:08:29    52/F45-49      366/F    2:36:29  0:08:24    3971  
 1494. Vanessa Rockefeller             Tillsonburg ON          2:38:06  0:08:29    82/F35-39      367/F    2:37:29  0:08:27    5902  
 1495. Michal Radon                    Mississauga ON          2:38:06  0:08:29    78/M25-29     1127/M    2:35:42  0:08:21    5694  
 1496. Karl Lee                        Newcastle ON            2:38:07  0:08:29   193/M40-44     1128/M    2:34:39  0:08:18    4012  
 1497. Peter Cobrin                    London ON               2:38:07  0:08:29   178/M50-54     1129/M    2:37:33  0:08:27    1386  
 1498. Anne Danby                      Kingston ON             2:38:07  0:08:29    58/F40-44      368/F    2:35:07  0:08:19    1666  
 1499. Theresa McGrath                 Kitchener ON            2:38:09  0:08:29    59/F40-44      369/F    2:37:41  0:08:28    4605  
 1500. Glenn Gundermann                Thornhill ON            2:38:10  0:08:29   179/M50-54     1130/M    2:36:38  0:08:24    2782  
 1501. Elizabeth Halleran              Brampton ON             2:38:11  0:08:29    25/F20-24      370/F    2:37:51  0:08:28    2848  
 1502. Chris Gates                     Pickering ON            2:38:12  0:08:29    23/M60-64     1131/M    2:36:20  0:08:23    2491  
 1503. Luke Keesmaat                   Rr2 Ohsweken ON         2:38:12  0:08:29   194/M40-44     1132/M    2:37:00  0:08:25    3580  
 1504. David Singer                    Toronto ON              2:38:13  0:08:29   180/M50-54     1133/M    2:37:14  0:08:26    6391  
 1505. Mike Morris                     Woodstock ON            2:38:13  0:08:29   185/M35-39     1134/M    2:34:57  0:08:19    4938  
 1506. Jay Wilgar                      Burlington ON           2:38:14  0:08:29   186/M35-39     1135/M    2:37:06  0:08:26    7448  
 1507. Rod Heard                       Calgary AB              2:38:16  0:08:29    53/F45-49      371/F    2:37:32  0:08:27    2999  
 1508. David Witt                      Oakville ON             2:38:16  0:08:29   190/M45-49     1136/M    2:36:49  0:08:25    7541  
 1509. Ivar Gaizauskas                 Brampton ON             2:38:17  0:08:29     7/M65-69     1137/M    2:36:59  0:08:25    2449  
 1510. Daniel Le Blanc                 Toronto ON              2:38:19  0:08:30   181/M50-54     1138/M    2:34:52  0:08:18    3978  
 1511. Quynn Morehouse                 Toronto ON              2:38:20  0:08:30    71/F30-34      372/F    2:34:37  0:08:18    4913  
 1512. Kate Raven                      Toronto ON              2:38:20  0:08:30    53/F25-29      373/F    2:37:44  0:08:28    5734  
 1513. Gillian M Howard                London ON               2:38:20  0:08:30    72/F30-34      374/F    2:37:36  0:08:27    3210  
 1514. Jenny Saucier                   London ON               2:38:20  0:08:30    60/F40-44      375/F    2:34:42  0:08:18    6112  
 1515. Aldo Krajcar                    Kitchener ON            2:38:20  0:08:30    24/M60-64     1139/M    2:35:37  0:08:21    3790  
 1516. Lindsay Wortzman                Toronto ON              2:38:20  0:08:30    54/F25-29      376/F    2:33:08  0:08:13    7595  
 1517. Suzanne Sinnamon                Ottawa ON               2:38:21  0:08:30    83/F35-39      377/F    2:37:22  0:08:27    6394  
 1518. Jez Fletcher                    Mississauga ON          2:38:22  0:08:30   195/M40-44     1140/M    2:37:16  0:08:26    2308  
 1519. Cooley Michael                  Dundas ON               2:38:23  0:08:30    43/M20-24     1141/M    2:37:14  0:08:26    4771  
 1520. Carolyne Siebert                Stoney Creek ON         2:38:23  0:08:30    84/F35-39      378/F    2:37:33  0:08:27    6354  
 1521. Don A Doan                      Brampton ON             2:38:23  0:08:30    79/M55-59     1142/M    2:36:40  0:08:24    1900  
 1522. Line L Lloyd                    Sturgeon Falls ON       2:38:24  0:08:30    54/F45-49      379/F    2:35:33  0:08:21    4130  
 1523. Daniel Little                   Toronto ON              2:38:27  0:08:30   182/M50-54     1143/M    2:37:26  0:08:27    4124  
 1524. Robert Wands                    Georgetown ON           2:38:27  0:08:30   187/M35-39     1144/M    2:35:09  0:08:19    7277  
 1525. Kimm Alvaro                     Bolton ON               2:38:27  0:08:30    85/F35-39      380/F    2:37:30  0:08:27    195   
 1526. Marilyn White                   Toronto ON              2:38:28  0:08:30    55/F45-49      381/F    2:38:28  0:08:30    7406  
 1527. David Perry                     Toronto ON              2:38:29  0:08:30   183/M50-54     1145/M    2:37:38  0:08:27    5465  
 1528. Denis Sacks                     Thornhill ON            2:38:30  0:08:30    25/M60-64     1146/M    2:36:44  0:08:24    6064  
 1529. Andrew Tulshie                  Toronto ON              2:38:31  0:08:30   188/M35-39     1147/M    2:38:31  0:08:30    7001  
 1530. Amber Playford                  Toronto ON              2:38:31  0:08:30    61/F40-44      382/F    2:37:11  0:08:26    5553  
 1531. Peter Valentine                 Perth ON                2:38:32  0:08:30    79/M25-29     1148/M    2:35:08  0:08:19    7061  
 1532. Andrew Kis                      Toronto ON              2:38:33  0:08:30   191/M45-49     1149/M    2:38:33  0:08:30    3699  
 1533. Colleen Utrosa                  Brooklin ON             2:38:34  0:08:30    62/F40-44      383/F    2:36:15  0:08:23    7051  
 1534. Greg Shaw                       Fraserville ON          2:38:36  0:08:30   184/M50-54     1150/M    2:37:40  0:08:27    6298  
 1535. Natalie Hajpel                  London ON               2:38:36  0:08:30    26/F20-24      384/F    2:35:35  0:08:21    2829  
 1536. Anne Banfield                   Oshawa ON               2:38:38  0:08:31    56/F45-49      385/F    2:36:56  0:08:25    1607  
 1537. Mike Shanks                     Cambridge ON            2:38:42  0:08:31   189/M35-39     1151/M    2:37:44  0:08:28    6275  
 1538. Robert Kalbfleisch              Ottawa ON               2:38:43  0:08:31    80/M55-59     1152/M    2:37:47  0:08:28    3525  
 1539. Dave Bodnaruk                   Brampton ON             2:38:43  0:08:31   185/M50-54     1153/M    2:36:04  0:08:22    710   
 1540. Walter Chan                     Toronto ON              2:38:44  0:08:31   190/M35-39     1154/M    2:38:06  0:08:29    1231  
 1541. Phuoc Ho                        Markham ON              2:38:44  0:08:31   196/M40-44     1155/M    2:38:12  0:08:29    3110  
 1542. David Collins                   Burlington ON           2:38:44  0:08:31    81/M55-59     1156/M    2:37:54  0:08:28    1419  
 1543. Cathy Phan                      Toronto ON              2:38:46  0:08:31    73/F30-34      386/F    2:37:17  0:08:26    5496  
 1544. Desmond Brady                   Downsview ON            2:38:46  0:08:31   192/M45-49     1157/M    2:33:56  0:08:15    837   
 1545. Mark Gibson                     Whitby ON               2:38:48  0:08:31   186/M50-54     1158/M    2:37:09  0:08:26    2555  
 1546. Gary Belanger                   Windsor ON              2:38:51  0:08:31   187/M50-54     1159/M    2:37:21  0:08:26    531   
 1547. Andrew Lokan                    Toronto ON              2:38:52  0:08:31   188/M50-54     1160/M    2:36:21  0:08:23    4142  
 1548. Melanie Hooper                  Kanata ON               2:38:54  0:08:31    18/F50-54      387/F    2:33:03  0:08:13    3174  
 1549. Luke J Senecal                  Ottawa ON               2:38:54  0:08:31   197/M40-44     1161/M    2:33:03  0:08:13    6240  
 1550. James Sauve                     Ottawa ON               2:38:56  0:08:32   198/M40-44     1162/M    2:38:31  0:08:30    6123  
 1551. Marty Mako                      St. Catharines ON       2:38:56  0:08:32   191/M35-39     1163/M    2:34:40  0:08:18    4330  
 1552. Michelle Munro                  Copper Cliff ON         2:38:57  0:08:32    74/F30-34      388/F    2:38:12  0:08:29    5007  
 1553. Jean-Paul Trafford              London ON               2:38:57  0:08:32   150/M30-34     1164/M    2:35:46  0:08:21    5366  
 1554. Chris Hawke                     Burlington ON           2:38:59  0:08:32   189/M50-54     1165/M    2:36:32  0:08:24    2979  
 1555. Ali Meuse                       London ON               2:38:59  0:08:32    57/F45-49      389/F    2:38:26  0:08:30    4762  
 1556. Scott Burden                    Sarnia ON               2:38:59  0:08:32   192/M35-39     1166/M    2:36:54  0:08:25    1014  
 1557. Nikola N Gagic                  Hamilton ON             2:39:00  0:08:32    82/M55-59     1167/M    2:37:35  0:08:27    2440  
 1558. Taylor L Jones                  Toronto ON              2:39:01  0:08:32    80/M25-29     1168/M    2:36:30  0:08:24    3487  
 1559. Kirby A Skinn-Jones             Toronto ON              2:39:01  0:08:32    27/F20-24      390/F    2:36:31  0:08:24    6412  
 1560. Mario Charlebois                Ottawa ON               2:39:03  0:08:32    83/M55-59     1169/M    2:37:14  0:08:26    1252  
 1561. Jim Richards                    Hamilton ON             2:39:03  0:08:32   199/M40-44     1170/M    2:37:54  0:08:28    5821  
 1562. Mark Kerr                       Toronto ON              2:39:05  0:08:32   200/M40-44     1171/M    2:37:06  0:08:26    3635  
 1563. David Larock                    Toronto ON              2:39:05  0:08:32   193/M35-39     1172/M    2:37:37  0:08:27    3915  
 1564. David Carroll                   Toronto ON              2:39:06  0:08:32   193/M45-49     1173/M    2:37:09  0:08:26    1165  
 1565. Stephanie Bowes                 Thorold ON              2:39:06  0:08:32    28/F20-24      391/F    2:37:55  0:08:28    807   
 1566. Peter Kain                      Toronto ON              2:39:06  0:08:32    26/M60-64     1174/M    2:38:03  0:08:29    3517  
 1567. Chris De Vries                  Thorold ON              2:39:07  0:08:32    44/M20-24     1175/M    2:37:56  0:08:28    1746  
 1568. Brian Zimmer                    St. Thomas ON           2:39:09  0:08:32   201/M40-44     1176/M    2:37:55  0:08:28    7685  
 1569. Edward Widlake                  Grimsby ON              2:39:09  0:08:32    27/M60-64     1177/M    2:37:19  0:08:26    7428  
 1570. Rob Broadbent                   St. Thomas ON           2:39:10  0:08:32   190/M50-54     1178/M    2:37:55  0:08:28    897   
 1571. Daphne Lainson                  Almonte ON              2:39:10  0:08:32    86/F35-39      392/F    2:38:22  0:08:30    3871  
 1572. David Anthes                    Thunder Bay ON          2:39:12  0:08:32   194/M45-49     1179/M    2:38:40  0:08:31    255   
 1573. Remo Pallottini                 Burlington ON           2:39:13  0:08:32   202/M40-44     1180/M    2:38:40  0:08:31    5298  
 1574. Patrick Sullivan                Mississauga ON          2:39:13  0:08:32   191/M50-54     1181/M    2:37:11  0:08:26    6703  
 1575. Jacqueline Yeldon               Ottawa ON               2:39:14  0:08:33    29/F20-24      393/F    2:37:03  0:08:25    7630  
 1576. Liza Crawford                   Oakville ON             2:39:15  0:08:33    87/F35-39      394/F    2:38:33  0:08:30    1556  
 1577. Gary O'Donnell                  London ON               2:39:17  0:08:33   195/M45-49     1182/M    2:37:38  0:08:27    5214  
 1578. Andrew Hopper                   Caledon ON              2:39:18  0:08:33   203/M40-44     1183/M    2:36:57  0:08:25    3182  
 1579. Henry Ki                        Burlington ON           2:39:19  0:08:33   194/M35-39     1184/M    2:38:46  0:08:31    2869  
 1580. Peter Mearow                    Sault Ste Marie ON      2:39:19  0:08:33   196/M45-49     1185/M    2:38:02  0:08:29    4715  
 1581. Brennan Jodi                    Merrickville ON         2:39:19  0:08:33    58/F45-49      395/F    2:38:08  0:08:29    3418  
 1582. Dean Rosnak                     Whitby ON               2:39:20  0:08:33   195/M35-39     1186/M    2:37:35  0:08:27    5960  
 1583. Suzanne Mills                   Hamilton ON             2:39:25  0:08:33    88/F35-39      396/F    2:37:17  0:08:26    4818  
 1584. Kelly Bowden                    Bradford ON             2:39:25  0:08:33    55/F25-29      397/F    2:38:40  0:08:31    799   
 1585. Doug Greenwood                  Oakville ON             2:39:25  0:08:33    84/M55-59     1187/M    2:39:01  0:08:32    2715  
 1586. Vincent Perdue                  Sudbury ON              2:39:26  0:08:33    28/M60-64     1188/M    2:38:56  0:08:32    5444  
 1587. Barb A Weber                    Waterloo ON             2:39:26  0:08:33    59/F45-49      398/F    2:36:16  0:08:23    7335  
 1588. Michael Stiller                 Hamilton ON             2:39:27  0:08:33   197/M45-49     1189/M    2:38:26  0:08:30    6635  
 1589. Henry Gabriels                  Egbert ON               2:39:28  0:08:33    29/M60-64     1190/M    2:38:33  0:08:30    2433  
 1590. Natalie Kuch                    Caledon ON              2:39:29  0:08:33    56/F25-29      399/F    2:35:50  0:08:22    3806  
 1591. Pat Ducharme                    Mississauga ON          2:39:29  0:08:33    85/M55-59     1191/M    2:35:59  0:08:22    1990  
 1592. Anthony Horton                  Burlington ON           2:39:31  0:08:33   204/M40-44     1192/M    2:37:53  0:08:28    3194  
 1593. Meuleman Chirs                  Toronto ON              2:39:33  0:08:34   151/M30-34     1193/M    2:37:29  0:08:27    1286  
 1594. Natasha Ferraro                 Toronto ON              2:39:33  0:08:34    30/F20-24      400/F    2:34:45  0:08:18    2247  
 1595. Bruce Lamb                      Lucan ON                2:39:33  0:08:34   198/M45-49     1194/M    2:38:40  0:08:31    2800  
 1596. Yves Plourde                    London ON               2:39:33  0:08:34    81/M25-29     1195/M    2:38:55  0:08:32    5555  
 1597. Sharon Papadimitriou            Georgetown ON           2:39:34  0:08:34    75/F30-34      401/F    2:39:24  0:08:33    5316  
 1598. Robin Castonguay                Mississauga ON          2:39:35  0:08:34    45/M20-24     1196/M    2:39:12  0:08:32    1195  
 1599. Ryan Craven                     Mount Hope ON           2:39:35  0:08:34   196/M35-39     1197/M    2:38:45  0:08:31    1553  
 1600. Jeff Wilson                     Belle River ON          2:39:37  0:08:34   205/M40-44     1198/M    2:37:47  0:08:28    7500  
 1601. Vance Lai                       Kitchener ON            2:39:37  0:08:34   197/M35-39     1199/M    2:38:04  0:08:29    3866  
 1602. Douglas Geddie                  St. Catharines ON       2:39:39  0:08:34     8/M65-69     1200/M    2:38:29  0:08:30    1080  
 1603. Bal Sekhon                      Maple ON                2:39:40  0:08:34   192/M50-54     1201/M    2:36:33  0:08:24    6641  
 1604. Melissa Miller                  Peterborough ON         2:39:41  0:08:34    57/F25-29      402/F    2:38:37  0:08:31    4802  
 1605. Liane Lagroix                   Burlington ON           2:39:41  0:08:34    63/F40-44      403/F    2:36:24  0:08:23    3863  
 1606. Chris Baker                     Etobicoke ON            2:39:41  0:08:34   206/M40-44     1202/M    2:38:45  0:08:31    373   
 1607. Robert Ferraro                  Toronto ON              2:39:42  0:08:34   207/M40-44     1203/M    2:38:50  0:08:31    2248  
 1608. Patrick Phillipson              London ON               2:39:43  0:08:34   199/M45-49     1204/M    2:38:08  0:08:29    5507  
 1609. Andre Filiatrault               Clarence Center NY      2:39:44  0:08:34   193/M50-54     1205/M    2:39:01  0:08:32    2261  
 1610. Julie Menzies                   Burlington ON           2:39:44  0:08:34    60/F45-49      404/F    2:38:36  0:08:30    4745  
 1611. Ann-Marie Thompson              Oshawa ON               2:39:45  0:08:34    89/F35-39      405/F    2:37:54  0:08:28    6858  
 1612. Pamela Bottos                   Waterdown ON            2:39:45  0:08:34    64/F40-44      406/F    2:35:56  0:08:22    772   
 1613. Dan Holstein                    Beamsville ON           2:39:45  0:08:34   208/M40-44     1206/M    2:39:19  0:08:33    3159  
 1614. Lisa M Raftis                   Burlington ON           2:39:45  0:08:34    19/F50-54      407/F    2:36:43  0:08:24    5696  
 1615. Jessica Fry                     Toronto ON              2:39:46  0:08:34    76/F30-34      408/F    2:37:03  0:08:25    5785  
 1616. Josip Maras                     Toronto ON              2:39:47  0:08:34   152/M30-34     1207/M    2:37:20  0:08:26    4372  
 1617. Sierra M Valeriano              Dundas ON               2:39:51  0:08:35     7/F15-19      409/F    2:36:34  0:08:24    7064  
 1618. Christie Hamilton               Oakville ON             2:39:51  0:08:35    61/F45-49      410/F    2:38:58  0:08:32    2870  
 1619. Michael McConnell               Cambridge ON            2:39:51  0:08:35   200/M45-49     1208/M    2:36:25  0:08:23    4545  
 1620. Matt Tsung                      Markham ON              2:39:52  0:08:35   153/M30-34     1209/M    2:36:06  0:08:22    2953  
 1621. Michelle L Provencher           Guelph ON               2:39:52  0:08:35    65/F40-44      411/F    2:37:01  0:08:25    5640  
 1622. Robert Hynd                     Bolton ON               2:39:52  0:08:35   201/M45-49     1210/M    2:38:54  0:08:31    3289  
 1623. Dawn Lomer                      Ottawa ON               2:39:53  0:08:35    66/F40-44      412/F    2:38:55  0:08:32    4144  
 1624. Terry Nash                      St. Catharines ON       2:39:53  0:08:35   198/M35-39     1211/M    2:34:13  0:08:16    5065  
 1625. Cancelli Frank                  Aurora ON               2:39:55  0:08:35    30/M60-64     1212/M    2:39:12  0:08:32    2374  
 1626. Vern Dinsmore                   Brantford ON            2:39:56  0:08:35   194/M50-54     1213/M    2:34:27  0:08:17    1885  
 1627. Scott Kennedy                   Newmarket ON            2:39:56  0:08:35   209/M40-44     1214/M    2:38:53  0:08:31    394   
 1628. Terry Rasmussen                 Toronto ON              2:39:57  0:08:35   199/M35-39     1215/M    2:38:36  0:08:30    5725  
 1629. Stevie Frkovic                  Hamilton ON             2:39:58  0:08:35   195/M50-54     1216/M    2:39:32  0:08:33    2418  
 1630. Ange O'Handley                  Lucan ON                2:39:59  0:08:35    77/F30-34      413/F    2:37:57  0:08:28    5223  
 1631. Shauna Hanratty                 Ottawa ON               2:39:59  0:08:35    90/F35-39      414/F    2:39:18  0:08:33    2897  
 1632. Sandra Baldin                   Mount Hope ON           2:39:59  0:08:35    62/F45-49      415/F    2:39:32  0:08:33    384   
 1633. Michael Chang                   Toronto ON              2:39:59  0:08:35   210/M40-44     1217/M    2:37:17  0:08:26    1237  
 1634. Alfred Jongsma                  Whitby ON               2:40:00  0:08:35   202/M45-49     1218/M    2:38:15  0:08:29    3488  
 1635. Steve Snable                    Sydenham ON             2:40:01  0:08:35   196/M50-54     1219/M    2:39:17  0:08:33    6491  
 1636. Jaime Trick                     Ottawa ON               2:40:02  0:08:35    78/F30-34      416/F    2:39:08  0:08:32    6974  
 1637. Lee Zolis                       Hamilton ON             2:40:03  0:08:35   154/M30-34     1220/M    2:38:24  0:08:30    7688  
 1638. Lorrie Rochon                   Newcastle ON            2:40:04  0:08:35    20/F50-54      417/F    2:37:57  0:08:28    5899  
 1639. Leslie Bank                     Toronto ON              2:40:04  0:08:35    58/F25-29      418/F    2:39:00  0:08:32    406   
 1640. Greg Poulis                     King City ON            2:40:06  0:08:35   197/M50-54     1221/M    2:38:30  0:08:30    5591  
 1641. Maggie Hogan                    Kingston ON             2:40:06  0:08:35    63/F45-49      419/F    2:39:32  0:08:33    3132  
 1642. Cesare Ruggiero                 Hamilton ON             2:40:06  0:08:35    86/M55-59     1222/M    2:39:35  0:08:34    6014  
 1643. David Morris                    Hamilton ON             2:40:06  0:08:35   211/M40-44     1223/M    2:40:06  0:08:35    8330  
 1644. Sarah Chewins                   Stouffville ON          2:40:07  0:08:35    79/F30-34      420/F    2:38:44  0:08:31    1278  
 1645. Bill Taylor                     Windsor ON              2:40:08  0:08:35   198/M50-54     1224/M    2:38:53  0:08:31    6794  
 1646. Jessica Hallock                 Woodstock ON            2:40:08  0:08:35    59/F25-29      421/F    2:39:21  0:08:33    2855  
 1647. Sandra Townsend                 Winona ON               2:40:08  0:08:35    67/F40-44      422/F    2:38:57  0:08:32    6946  
 1648. Natalie Childs                  Hamilton ON             2:40:11  0:08:36    60/F25-29      423/F    2:37:56  0:08:28    1282  
 1649. Natalie Leitch                  Orangeville ON          2:40:11  0:08:36    61/F25-29      424/F    2:38:55  0:08:32    4032  
 1650. Brian J Martin                  Hamilton ON             2:40:12  0:08:36   155/M30-34     1225/M    2:38:13  0:08:29    4423  
 1651. Brian Smithson                  Oakville ON             2:40:13  0:08:36   203/M45-49     1226/M    2:38:14  0:08:29    6488  
 1652. Jeremy Cook                     Woodstock ON            2:40:14  0:08:36   156/M30-34     1227/M    2:38:31  0:08:30    1454  
 1653. Jo Ann Hicks                    Toronto ON              2:40:14  0:08:36    91/F35-39      425/F    2:36:59  0:08:25    3069  
 1654. Mitch Frazer                    Toronto ON              2:40:15  0:08:36   212/M40-44     1228/M    2:39:22  0:08:33    2394  
 1655. Greg Phillips                   Dundas ON               2:40:16  0:08:36   204/M45-49     1229/M    2:38:59  0:08:32    5500  
 1656. Wouter Van Wandelen             Leusden NE              2:40:17  0:08:36   157/M30-34     1230/M    2:38:41  0:08:31    7108  
 1657. Greg Lavis                      Amherst NY              2:40:18  0:08:36    87/M55-59     1231/M    2:37:21  0:08:26    3955  
 1658. Georgia Jarman                  Brantford ON            2:40:18  0:08:36    68/F40-44      426/F    2:39:38  0:08:34    3369  
 1659. Raymond Simpson                 Toronto ON              2:40:21  0:08:36   205/M45-49     1232/M    2:38:48  0:08:31    6381  
 1660. Pat Diclemente                  Dundas ON               2:40:21  0:08:36    88/M55-59     1233/M    2:39:01  0:08:32    1871  
 1661. David Turchyn                   Ancaster ON             2:40:22  0:08:36    82/M25-29     1234/M    2:38:17  0:08:29    7005  
 1662. Alistair Shields                Ancaster ON             2:40:23  0:08:36    83/M25-29     1235/M    2:38:17  0:08:29    6330  
 1663. Tim A Boyadjian                 Kincardine ON           2:40:27  0:08:36    46/M20-24     1236/M    2:39:32  0:08:33    813   
 1664. Mackenzie Rozga                 Toronto ON              2:40:27  0:08:36    80/F30-34      427/F    2:40:10  0:08:36    6007  
 1665. Rice Rob                        Woodstock ON            2:40:27  0:08:36   213/M40-44     1237/M    2:39:26  0:08:33    5863  
 1666. Warner O Burwell                Ancaster ON             2:40:28  0:08:36   206/M45-49     1238/M    2:39:03  0:08:32    1044  
 1667. Rolfe John                      Waterford ON            2:40:28  0:08:36   207/M45-49     1239/M    2:36:27  0:08:24    3420  
 1668. Whitney Harte                   St. Catharines ON       2:40:29  0:08:37    62/F25-29      428/F    2:39:09  0:08:32    2941  
 1669. Renee I Oake                    Toronto ON              2:40:29  0:08:37    81/F30-34      429/F    2:39:31  0:08:33    5185  
 1670. Peter Rooyakkers                St. Thomas ON           2:40:31  0:08:37    89/M55-59     1240/M    2:38:34  0:08:30    5942  
 1671. Emily Strauss                   Toronto ON              2:40:31  0:08:37    31/F20-24      430/F    2:37:58  0:08:28    6670  
 1672. Sylvia D'Souza                  Cambridge ON            2:40:31  0:08:37    82/F30-34      431/F    2:39:39  0:08:34    1984  
 1673. Trish Wilson                    Carlisle ON             2:40:32  0:08:37    92/F35-39      432/F    2:39:27  0:08:33    7521  
 1674. Scott Patterson                 Peterborough ON         2:40:32  0:08:37   208/M45-49     1241/M    2:39:54  0:08:35    5383  
 1675. Mike Hunchak                    Georgetown ON           2:40:33  0:08:37   214/M40-44     1242/M    2:37:15  0:08:26    3249  
 1676. Lee Anne Francis                Whitby ON               2:40:35  0:08:37    64/F45-49      433/F    2:40:11  0:08:36    2373  
 1677. Lisa Hutton                     Sault Ste. Marie ON     2:40:36  0:08:37    65/F45-49      434/F    2:37:48  0:08:28    3278  
 1678. Carla Royer                     Welland ON              2:40:36  0:08:37    93/F35-39      435/F    2:36:32  0:08:24    6003  
 1679. Kristina Bramma                 Brooklin ON             2:40:36  0:08:37    94/F35-39      436/F    2:38:43  0:08:31    844   
 1680. Mike Franklin                   Georgetown ON           2:40:36  0:08:37   209/M45-49     1243/M    2:38:45  0:08:31    2377  
 1681. Ron Millett                     Midland ON              2:40:38  0:08:37    90/M55-59     1244/M    2:39:37  0:08:34    4812  
 1682. David Harris                    Toronto ON              2:40:38  0:08:37   199/M50-54     1245/M    2:40:11  0:08:36    2926  
 1683. Matthew Larsen                  Toronto ON              2:40:38  0:08:37    84/M25-29     1246/M    2:38:25  0:08:30    3924  
 1684. Mark Varma                      Toronto ON              2:40:38  0:08:37   158/M30-34     1247/M    2:37:56  0:08:28    7140  
 1685. Renee Kleszczynski              Durham NH               2:40:38  0:08:37    95/F35-39      437/F    2:38:04  0:08:29    3711  
 1686. Mark Knackstedt                 Toronto ON              2:40:39  0:08:37   215/M40-44     1248/M    2:38:45  0:08:31    3720  
 1687. Bryan Rankine                   Guelph ON               2:40:39  0:08:37   200/M35-39     1249/M    2:38:57  0:08:32    5718  
 1688. Ralph Brubacher                 St. Jacobs ON           2:40:39  0:08:37    31/M60-64     1250/M    2:38:57  0:08:32    967   
 1689. Marsh Kevin                     Toronto ON              2:40:41  0:08:37    91/M55-59     1251/M    2:39:22  0:08:33    3644  
 1690. Rick Lee                        Toronto ON              2:40:41  0:08:37   200/M50-54     1252/M    2:38:22  0:08:30    4019  
 1691. Lindsay Hamilton                Acton ON                2:40:42  0:08:37    83/F30-34      438/F    2:37:38  0:08:27    2873  
 1692. Paul D Anderson                 Oakville ON             2:40:42  0:08:37    92/M55-59     1253/M    2:37:26  0:08:27    227   
 1693. Alan Harkness                   Kitchener ON            2:40:43  0:08:37   210/M45-49     1254/M    2:38:02  0:08:29    2918  
 1694. Randy Cocek                     Nepean ON               2:40:43  0:08:37   216/M40-44     1255/M    2:35:28  0:08:20    1388  
 1695. Courtney M Holliday             Guelph ON               2:40:44  0:08:37    63/F25-29      439/F    2:37:22  0:08:27    3146  
 1696. Tory Hoff                       Toronto ON              2:40:44  0:08:37    32/M60-64     1256/M    2:39:50  0:08:34    3130  
 1697. Joyce Lising                    Toronto ON              2:40:44  0:08:37    84/F30-34      440/F    2:40:36  0:08:37    4122  
 1698. Peter M Macdonald               Toronto ON              2:40:45  0:08:37   201/M35-39     1257/M    2:39:07  0:08:32    4246  
 1699. Kyle Hasselman                  Dundas ON               2:40:45  0:08:37    47/M20-24     1258/M    2:38:25  0:08:30    2961  
 1700. Christopher Voutsinas           Oakville ON             2:40:45  0:08:37    48/M20-24     1259/M    2:38:25  0:08:30    7208  
 1701. Elizabeth Roediger              Hamilton ON             2:40:47  0:08:38    85/F30-34      441/F    2:38:54  0:08:31    5913  
 1702. Richard Koo                     Toronto ON              2:40:47  0:08:38   202/M35-39     1260/M    2:38:02  0:08:29    3756  
 1703. Kenneth Paglione                Leamington ON           2:40:47  0:08:38   159/M30-34     1261/M    2:39:52  0:08:35    5291  
 1704. Chris Fenn                      Ottawa ON               2:40:48  0:08:38   203/M35-39     1262/M    2:37:56  0:08:28    2220  
 1705. Craig Lewis                     London ON               2:40:49  0:08:38   201/M50-54     1263/M    2:40:02  0:08:35    4070  
 1706. Helen M Cronin                  Mississauga ON          2:40:53  0:08:38    66/F45-49      442/F    2:39:50  0:08:34    1572  
 1707. Natalie Boyd                    Fonthill ON             2:40:55  0:08:38    96/F35-39      443/F    2:37:56  0:08:28    817   
 1708. Matt Elson                      Barrie ON               2:40:55  0:08:38   204/M35-39     1264/M    2:38:05  0:08:29    2109  
 1709. David Holme                     Bridgenorth ON          2:40:55  0:08:38   211/M45-49     1265/M    2:40:16  0:08:36    3150  
 1710. Michelle Black                  Wilsonville ON          2:40:55  0:08:38    69/F40-44      444/F    2:37:58  0:08:28    667   
 1711. Paul Lacelle                    Port Colborne ON        2:40:56  0:08:38   217/M40-44     1266/M    2:40:13  0:08:36    3849  
 1712. David Ferguson                  Newmarket ON            2:40:57  0:08:38   202/M50-54     1267/M    2:38:25  0:08:30    2229  
 1713. Eric Maas                       Cambridge ON            2:40:57  0:08:38   218/M40-44     1268/M    2:39:26  0:08:33    4218  
 1714. Christine Voykin                Toronto ON              2:40:57  0:08:38    70/F40-44      445/F    2:38:15  0:08:29    7209  
 1715. Mike Glazier                    London ON               2:40:58  0:08:38   205/M35-39     1269/M    2:39:18  0:08:33    2600  
 1716. Chantelle Smit                  Oakville ON             2:40:58  0:08:38    32/F20-24      446/F    2:40:05  0:08:35    6444  
 1717. Joel Hodgson                    Hamilton ON             2:40:59  0:08:38    10/M15-19     1270/M    2:38:07  0:08:29    3122  
 1718. Elaine Marchese                 Brampton ON             2:40:59  0:08:38    67/F45-49      447/F    2:37:07  0:08:26    4381  
 1719. Jason Jacobs                    Toronto ON              2:40:59  0:08:38   219/M40-44     1271/M    2:37:26  0:08:27    3339  
 1720. Sandra Wong                     Toronto ON              2:41:01  0:08:38    97/F35-39      448/F    2:39:37  0:08:34    7563  
 1721. Rick Doherty                    Mississauga ON          2:41:03  0:08:38    93/M55-59     1272/M    2:40:49  0:08:38    1912  
 1722. Mike Lindsay                    Brantford ON            2:41:03  0:08:38   220/M40-44     1273/M    2:39:49  0:08:34    4107  
 1723. Aimee Anger                     Paris ON                2:41:03  0:08:38    86/F30-34      449/F    2:40:21  0:08:36    246   
 1724. James D Morrison                Thornhill ON            2:41:03  0:08:38   203/M50-54     1274/M    2:37:43  0:08:28    4946  
 1725. William Johnson                 Hamilton ON             2:41:04  0:08:38   206/M35-39     1275/M    2:38:41  0:08:31    3440  
 1726. Roger Enns                      Ayr ON                  2:41:04  0:08:38   221/M40-44     1276/M    2:35:35  0:08:21    2129  
 1727. Kat Tupling                     Barrie ON               2:41:04  0:08:38    64/F25-29      450/F    2:38:43  0:08:31    7718  
 1728. Jen Milligan                    Ottawa ON               2:41:06  0:08:39    87/F30-34      451/F    2:39:15  0:08:33    4814  
 1729. Linda Mumford                   Belleville ON           2:41:06  0:08:39    68/F45-49      452/F    2:37:19  0:08:26    5003  
 1730. Bart Chapman                    Oakville ON             2:41:07  0:08:39   160/M30-34     1277/M    2:36:26  0:08:24    1242  
 1731. Eritia Smit                     Hamilton ON             2:41:07  0:08:39    65/F25-29      453/F    2:39:57  0:08:35    6445  
 1732. John Cranfield                  Guelph ON               2:41:08  0:08:39   222/M40-44     1278/M    2:39:30  0:08:33    1546  
 1733. Roland Juhnke                   Dashwood ON             2:41:08  0:08:39   212/M45-49     1279/M    2:38:42  0:08:31    3503  
 1734. Paulene C Tiemens-Weber         Baden ON                2:41:09  0:08:39    69/F45-49      454/F    2:40:37  0:08:37    6894  
 1735. Jonathan Rose                   Kingston ON             2:41:10  0:08:39   213/M45-49     1280/M    2:40:36  0:08:37    5951  
 1736. J. Lindsay Guckenberger         Kitchener ON            2:41:11  0:08:39    88/F30-34      455/F    2:40:16  0:08:36    2762  
 1737. Roy Benin                       Oakville ON             2:41:11  0:08:39   214/M45-49     1281/M    2:40:17  0:08:36    556   
 1738. Victor Cabral                   Ancaster ON             2:41:13  0:08:39   223/M40-44     1282/M    2:36:43  0:08:24    1060  
 1739. Marlin Kedini                   Hamilton ON             2:41:13  0:08:39    66/F25-29      456/F    2:39:34  0:08:34    3575  
 1740. Paul Mitro                      Dundas ON               2:41:13  0:08:39   215/M45-49     1283/M    2:40:05  0:08:35    4857  
 1741. Gerry Beelen                    Toronto ON              2:41:16  0:08:39   204/M50-54     1284/M    2:35:53  0:08:22    522   
 1742. Ashley D Perry                  Toronto ON              2:41:21  0:08:39    67/F25-29      457/F    2:31:14  0:08:07    5464  
 1743. Leon Bieszk                     Amherstburg ON          2:41:23  0:08:39   216/M45-49     1285/M    2:40:40  0:08:37    627   
 1744. Bruno Samuel                    Caledon East ON         2:41:23  0:08:39   207/M35-39     1286/M    2:39:02  0:08:32    6086  
 1745. Mike G Master                   Sarnia ON               2:41:24  0:08:39    94/M55-59     1287/M    2:39:32  0:08:33    4460  
 1746. Becky Mayo                      Brights Grove ON        2:41:24  0:08:39    98/F35-39      458/F    2:39:32  0:08:33    4494  
 1747. Steve M Rilett                  Grimsby ON              2:41:24  0:08:39   205/M50-54     1288/M    2:39:36  0:08:34    5846  
 1748. Don Welch                       Mississauga ON          2:41:25  0:08:40   206/M50-54     1289/M    2:39:49  0:08:34    7360  
 1749. Peter Goodacre                  Dundas ON               2:41:25  0:08:40   161/M30-34     1290/M    2:39:44  0:08:34    2632  
 1750. Jennifer Wieggers               North Bay ON            2:41:26  0:08:40    99/F35-39      459/F    2:38:54  0:08:31    7433  
 1751. William Plumb                   Burlington ON           2:41:26  0:08:40    95/M55-59     1291/M    2:40:08  0:08:35    5557  
 1752. Laura Dale                      Mississauga ON          2:41:28  0:08:40    21/F50-54      460/F    2:40:12  0:08:36    1645  
 1753. Barry J Craft                   Peterborough ON         2:41:28  0:08:40   217/M45-49     1292/M    2:40:00  0:08:35    1534  
 1754. Alfred Essa                     Cambridge ON            2:41:29  0:08:40   207/M50-54     1293/M    2:40:14  0:08:36    2141  
 1755. Brad Rennick                    Hamilton ON             2:41:31  0:08:40   208/M35-39     1294/M    2:37:12  0:08:26    5789  
 1756. Jason Austen                    Aylmer ON               2:41:32  0:08:40   224/M40-44     1295/M    2:39:19  0:08:33    322   
 1757. Annette Benmore                 Naperville IL           2:41:32  0:08:40    71/F40-44      461/F    2:41:23  0:08:39    558   
 1758. Colleen Lawrence                Woodstock ON            2:41:32  0:08:40    89/F30-34      462/F    2:37:53  0:08:28    3961  
 1759. Liisa Jewczyk                   Aurora ON               2:41:37  0:08:40    90/F30-34      463/F    2:40:07  0:08:35    1415  
 1760. Mark Vanoostrum                 Bradford ON             2:41:38  0:08:40   209/M35-39     1296/M    2:37:48  0:08:28    7131  
 1761. Bill Deys                       Strathroy ON            2:41:38  0:08:40   162/M30-34     1297/M    2:35:37  0:08:21    1844  
 1762. David Niles                     Little Britain ON       2:41:39  0:08:40   208/M50-54     1298/M    2:40:18  0:08:36    5146  
 1763. Ingrid Koenig                   Ottawa ON               2:41:41  0:08:40    70/F45-49      464/F    2:40:42  0:08:37    3746  
 1764. Kevin Upson                     Burlington ON           2:41:41  0:08:40   225/M40-44     1299/M    2:40:48  0:08:38    7044  
 1765. Benjamin Street                 Kitchener ON            2:41:42  0:08:40    85/M25-29     1300/M    2:40:09  0:08:35    6671  
 1766. Jason Cooper                    Orillia ON              2:41:43  0:08:41   210/M35-39     1301/M    2:40:06  0:08:35    1467  
 1767. Bob McGillivray                 Ottawa ON               2:41:44  0:08:41   209/M50-54     1302/M    2:38:58  0:08:32    4594  
 1768. Paul Hallinan                   Toronto ON              2:41:45  0:08:41   218/M45-49     1303/M    2:38:58  0:08:32    2852  
 1769. Robert Sproul                   Pickering ON            2:41:48  0:08:41    96/M55-59     1304/M    2:40:28  0:08:36    6554  
 1770. Al Lang                         London ON               2:41:51  0:08:41   210/M50-54     1305/M    2:38:42  0:08:31    2468  
 1771. Ken Kraft                       Toronto ON              2:41:52  0:08:41   219/M45-49     1306/M    2:40:53  0:08:38    3788  
 1772. Monica Labarge                  Kingston ON             2:41:53  0:08:41   100/F35-39      465/F    2:38:24  0:08:30    3840  
 1773. Jacob Brower                    Kingston ON             2:41:53  0:08:41   163/M30-34     1307/M    2:38:25  0:08:30    923   
 1774. Kim Kearney                     Mississauga ON          2:41:55  0:08:41    22/F50-54      466/F    2:40:38  0:08:37    3572  
 1775. Dan Kearney                     Mississauga ON          2:41:56  0:08:41   211/M50-54     1308/M    2:40:39  0:08:37    3570  
 1776. Rosanna Grobbink                Walton ON               2:41:56  0:08:41    68/F25-29      467/F    2:38:23  0:08:30    2746  
 1777. Val Rainey                      Waterford ON            2:41:56  0:08:41   101/F35-39      468/F    2:39:08  0:08:32    5699  
 1778. Carmen Giambattista             Richmond Hill ON        2:41:57  0:08:41   220/M45-49     1309/M    2:40:20  0:08:36    2540  
 1779. Christina Lacchetti             Ancaster ON             2:41:58  0:08:41    72/F40-44      469/F    2:41:17  0:08:39    3848  
 1780. Chris England                   Cookstown ON            2:41:58  0:08:41    86/M25-29     1310/M    2:40:35  0:08:37    2123  
 1781. Kerri Wood                      Chatham ON              2:41:59  0:08:41    91/F30-34      470/F    2:37:29  0:08:27    7574  
 1782. Geoff Bassett                   Georgetown ON           2:42:00  0:08:41   164/M30-34     1311/M    2:38:41  0:08:31    471   
 1783. Judy Katsuno                    North Bay ON            2:42:01  0:08:41     6/F55-59      471/F    2:39:22  0:08:33    3550  
 1784. Robert Panter                   Aylmer ON               2:42:01  0:08:41    97/M55-59     1312/M    2:40:37  0:08:37    5315  
 1785. Kevin Taylor                    Toronto ON              2:42:02  0:08:42   226/M40-44     1313/M    2:36:07  0:08:22    6804  
 1786. Jeannelle Huddleston            London ON               2:42:03  0:08:42   102/F35-39      472/F    2:41:15  0:08:39    3228  
 1787. Peter Kalra                     Acton ON                2:42:03  0:08:42   221/M45-49     1314/M    2:40:49  0:08:38    3527  
 1788. Jennifer Kwan Thomas            Mississauga ON          2:42:03  0:08:42    73/F40-44      473/F    2:39:16  0:08:33    3834  
 1789. Kathy Calver                    London ON               2:42:04  0:08:42    74/F40-44      474/F    2:41:28  0:08:40    1082  
 1790. Edgar Viret                     Pickering ON            2:42:08  0:08:42    33/M60-64     1315/M    2:41:20  0:08:39    7188  
 1791. Nathalie Dash                   Willowdale ON           2:42:08  0:08:42   103/F35-39      475/F    2:41:35  0:08:40    1683  
 1792. Alan J McLuskie                 Toronto ON              2:42:10  0:08:42    49/M20-24     1316/M    2:38:25  0:08:30    4657  
 1793. Jack Ranieri                    Mississauga ON          2:42:10  0:08:42   222/M45-49     1317/M    2:38:57  0:08:32    5715  
 1794. Sherry Carter                   Cambridge ON            2:42:10  0:08:42    75/F40-44      476/F    2:41:07  0:08:39    1172  
 1795. Anna-Marie Emili                Ancaster ON             2:42:11  0:08:42   104/F35-39      477/F    2:41:12  0:08:39    2115  
 1796. Feite Kraay                     Toronto ON              2:42:12  0:08:42   223/M45-49     1318/M    2:39:37  0:08:34    3784  
 1797. Daniel Munro                    Ottawa ON               2:42:12  0:08:42   211/M35-39     1319/M    2:41:05  0:08:38    5006  
 1798. Brian Lawless                   Ottawa ON               2:42:13  0:08:42   224/M45-49     1320/M    2:41:02  0:08:38    3958  
 1799. Nicholas Guertin                East Aurora NY          2:42:13  0:08:42   165/M30-34     1321/M    2:36:23  0:08:23    2771  
 1800. Rosie J Jepson                  Hamilton ON             2:42:14  0:08:42   105/F35-39      478/F    2:41:21  0:08:39    3401  
 1801. Kevin J Price                   Burlington ON           2:42:14  0:08:42   166/M30-34     1322/M    2:39:25  0:08:33    5619  
 1802. Sarah R Wildgen                 Kanata ON               2:42:15  0:08:42    33/F20-24      479/F    2:37:12  0:08:26    7447  
 1803. Colette Dejean                  Burlington ON           2:42:18  0:08:42   106/F35-39      480/F    2:41:12  0:08:39    1770  
 1804. Urban Wong                      Ottawa ON               2:42:19  0:08:42   227/M40-44     1323/M    2:40:05  0:08:35    7565  
 1805. Norm Lonergan                   Ajax ON                 2:42:19  0:08:42   212/M50-54     1324/M    2:39:59  0:08:35    4145  
 1806. Bruce Smith                     Burlington ON           2:42:22  0:08:43   213/M50-54     1325/M    2:41:32  0:08:40    6451  
 1807. Kiersten Moore                  North York ON           2:42:23  0:08:43   107/F35-39      481/F    2:40:14  0:08:36    4892  
 1808. Peter Milan                     Toronto ON              2:42:24  0:08:43   228/M40-44     1326/M    2:41:25  0:08:40    4786  
 1809. Angus Hunter                    London ON               2:42:24  0:08:43   214/M50-54     1327/M    2:40:29  0:08:37    3253  
 1810. Barbi Heathcote                 London ON               2:42:25  0:08:43    92/F30-34      482/F    2:41:26  0:08:40    3005  
 1811. Denis Nolet                     New Liskeard ON         2:42:26  0:08:43   229/M40-44     1328/M    2:42:03  0:08:42    5157  
 1812. Dan Miron                       Haileybury ON           2:42:26  0:08:43   225/M45-49     1329/M    2:42:03  0:08:42    4836  
 1813. Jayson Petersen                 Waterloo ON             2:42:27  0:08:43    87/M25-29     1330/M    2:41:41  0:08:40    5476  
 1814. Janet Booy                      Hamilton ON             2:42:28  0:08:43    76/F40-44      483/F    2:40:47  0:08:38    760   
 1815. Matt Walker                     Ancaster ON             2:42:28  0:08:43    88/M25-29     1331/M    2:41:09  0:08:39    7242  
 1816. Richard Binning                 Mitchell ON             2:42:30  0:08:43    98/M55-59     1332/M    2:41:22  0:08:39    643   
 1817. Tracy Gerber                    Ayr ON                  2:42:32  0:08:43   108/F35-39      484/F    2:39:35  0:08:34    2529  
 1818. Timothy Cole                    Toronto ON              2:42:33  0:08:43   167/M30-34     1333/M    2:41:37  0:08:40    1406  
 1819. Wayne Rodgers                   Hamilton ON             2:42:35  0:08:43   212/M35-39     1334/M    2:42:26  0:08:43    5905  
 1820. Dominik Roos                    Dundas ON               2:42:35  0:08:43   168/M30-34     1335/M    2:40:39  0:08:37    5938  
 1821. Heather Talbot                  Toronto ON              2:42:35  0:08:43    77/F40-44      485/F    2:40:52  0:08:38    6760  
 1822. Angie J Kotsos                  Georgetown ON           2:42:35  0:08:43    93/F30-34      486/F    2:39:18  0:08:33    3774  
 1823. Scott Hamilton                  Ancaster ON             2:42:36  0:08:43   213/M35-39     1336/M    2:41:41  0:08:40    2877  
 1824. Lynne Godkin                    Kirkton ON              2:42:39  0:08:44    71/F45-49      487/F    2:39:51  0:08:35    2613  
 1825. Caitlin Williams                Elora ON                2:42:40  0:08:44    69/F25-29      488/F    2:42:05  0:08:42    7468  
 1826. Ian Ducharme                    Mississauga ON          2:42:41  0:08:44   230/M40-44     1337/M    2:38:49  0:08:31    1987  
 1827. June McAlarey                   Whitby ON               2:42:42  0:08:44   109/F35-39      489/F    2:41:38  0:08:40    4497  
 1828. Hope Greene                     Hamilton ON             2:42:42  0:08:44    78/F40-44      490/F    2:40:24  0:08:36    2709  
 1829. Denis Hamelin                   Cantley QC              2:42:42  0:08:44   226/M45-49     1338/M    2:38:44  0:08:31    2864  
 1830. Dennis Imeson                   Belle River ON          2:42:43  0:08:44   227/M45-49     1339/M    2:37:58  0:08:28    3305  
 1831. Francesco Riccadonna            Keswick ON              2:42:44  0:08:44   214/M35-39     1340/M    2:42:16  0:08:42    5808  
 1832. Tim Peart                       Cambridge ON            2:42:45  0:08:44   228/M45-49     1341/M    2:40:05  0:08:35    5410  
 1833. Bruce Hubert                    Welland ON              2:42:46  0:08:44   215/M50-54     1342/M    2:39:22  0:08:33    3226  
 1834. Sydney Ruparain                 Hamilton ON             2:42:46  0:08:44   216/M50-54     1343/M    2:39:12  0:08:32    6190  
 1835. Greg Salsman                    Toronto ON              2:42:48  0:08:44   231/M40-44     1344/M    2:39:31  0:08:33    6073  
 1836. Greg Dunn                       Alliston ON             2:42:49  0:08:44   229/M45-49     1345/M    2:39:42  0:08:34    2020  
 1837. Michael Dede                    Burlington ON           2:42:49  0:08:44   230/M45-49     1346/M    2:39:14  0:08:33    1762  
 1838. Charmin A Riding                Sharon ON               2:42:49  0:08:44    79/F40-44      491/F    2:39:15  0:08:33    5840  
 1839. Christopher G Klunder           Hamilton ON             2:42:51  0:08:44    50/M20-24     1347/M    2:42:00  0:08:41    3715  
 1840. Toby Simmonds                   Niagara On The Lake ON  2:42:51  0:08:44    80/F40-44      492/F    2:39:30  0:08:33    6370  
 1841. Tina Perilli                    Brantford ON            2:42:51  0:08:44   110/F35-39      493/F    2:42:08  0:08:42    5450  
 1842. Dominique Pasqual               Toronto ON              2:42:52  0:08:44    34/F20-24      494/F    2:41:01  0:08:38    5362  
 1843. Katie Wilmshurst                Huntsville ON           2:42:53  0:08:44    94/F30-34      495/F    2:41:54  0:08:41    7492  
 1844. Margaret E Adam                 Toronto ON              2:42:53  0:08:44    72/F45-49      496/F    2:40:17  0:08:36    112   
 1845. Alexandra Carrier-Hampton       Montreal QC             2:42:54  0:08:44    95/F30-34      497/F    2:37:45  0:08:28    1162  
 1846. Marinus L Lamers                London ON               2:42:54  0:08:44    99/M55-59     1348/M    2:42:04  0:08:42    3884  
 1847. Fred Adair                      Trenton ON              2:42:54  0:08:44   215/M35-39     1349/M    2:42:13  0:08:42    111   
 1848. Steve Johnston                  Mississauga ON          2:42:54  0:08:44   217/M50-54     1350/M    2:41:35  0:08:40    3455  
 1849. Ian Driver                      Kincardine ON           2:42:56  0:08:44   218/M50-54     1351/M    2:40:39  0:08:37    1975  
 1850. Murray Kraemer                  Kincardine ON           2:42:56  0:08:44   219/M50-54     1352/M    2:40:38  0:08:37    3787  
 1851. Mona Lee                        Richmond Hill ON        2:42:57  0:08:44    81/F40-44      498/F    2:41:27  0:08:40    4015  
 1852. Sean Graham                     Oakville ON             2:42:57  0:08:44   216/M35-39     1353/M    2:40:52  0:08:38    2675  
 1853. Catherine A Watson              Markham ON              2:42:59  0:08:45    23/F50-54      499/F    2:41:03  0:08:38    7311  
 1854. Amanda Mathieson                Toronto ON              2:42:59  0:08:45    82/F40-44      500/F    2:41:57  0:08:41    4471  
 1855. Derek Rivers                    Port Colborne ON        2:43:01  0:08:45   232/M40-44     1354/M    2:39:20  0:08:33    5858  
 1856. Dana Wilson                     Milton ON               2:43:01  0:08:45    83/F40-44      501/F    2:37:52  0:08:28    670   
 1857. Marnie Wraith                   King City ON            2:43:02  0:08:45    73/F45-49      502/F    2:40:33  0:08:37    7598  
 1858. Angela Willows                  Aurora ON               2:43:03  0:08:45   111/F35-39      503/F    2:41:35  0:08:40    7489  
 1859. Ali Zimmerman                   Toronto ON              2:43:03  0:08:45    35/F20-24      504/F    2:41:55  0:08:41    7687  
 1860. Athar Syed                      Oakville ON             2:43:04  0:08:45   217/M35-39     1355/M    2:41:35  0:08:40    6746  
 1861. James Kovacs                    St. Thomas ON           2:43:06  0:08:45   233/M40-44     1356/M    2:39:44  0:08:34    3777  
 1862. Stuart W Perry                  Toronto ON              2:43:06  0:08:45   169/M30-34     1357/M    2:37:54  0:08:28    5469  
 1863. Audrey Taylor                   Ottawa ON               2:43:08  0:08:45    84/F40-44      505/F    2:41:23  0:08:39    6793  
 1864. Richard Tout                    Kincardine ON           2:43:08  0:08:45    34/M60-64     1358/M    2:40:51  0:08:38    6944  
 1865. Rasheed Serrao                  Toronto ON              2:43:09  0:08:45    89/M25-29     1359/M    2:39:17  0:08:33    6255  
 1866. Chris Anderson                  Hamilton ON             2:43:10  0:08:45   100/M55-59     1360/M    2:41:45  0:08:41    213   
 1867. Boni Griffith                   Toronto ON              2:43:11  0:08:45   170/M30-34     1361/M    2:40:16  0:08:36    2730  
 1868. Miller Aaron                    Mississauga ON          2:43:11  0:08:45   218/M35-39     1362/M    2:39:53  0:08:35    101   
 1869. Khizer Khan                     Mississauga ON          2:43:11  0:08:45   234/M40-44     1363/M    2:41:30  0:08:40    3648  
 1870. Elena Moro                      Toronto ON              2:43:11  0:08:45    74/F45-49      506/F    2:41:17  0:08:39    4930  
 1871. Nicole Kay                      Kingston ON             2:43:12  0:08:45   112/F35-39      507/F    2:40:20  0:08:36    3560  
 1872. Marc Lamoureux                  Burlington ON           2:43:12  0:08:45    90/M25-29     1364/M    2:39:53  0:08:35    3887  
 1873. Greg Stewart                    Eldred PA               2:43:15  0:08:45   220/M50-54     1365/M    2:41:27  0:08:40    6618  
 1874. Kim Agostino                    Stoney Creek ON         2:43:15  0:08:45    24/F50-54      508/F    2:41:58  0:08:41    134   
 1875. James Hewitt                    London ON               2:43:17  0:08:46   235/M40-44     1366/M    2:42:29  0:08:43    3056  
 1876. Alison Peden                    Toronto ON              2:43:17  0:08:46    96/F30-34      509/F    2:40:48  0:08:38    5414  
 1877. Peter Kiriakopoulos             Toronto ON              2:43:19  0:08:46   219/M35-39     1367/M    2:40:00  0:08:35    3694  
 1878. Therese Gregorio                Guelph ON               2:43:19  0:08:46    85/F40-44      510/F    2:39:59  0:08:35    2718  
 1879. Kyle Leetham                    Whitby ON               2:43:19  0:08:46   220/M35-39     1368/M    2:39:26  0:08:33    4022  
 1880. Andrew McKinley                 Toronto ON              2:43:20  0:08:46    91/M25-29     1369/M    2:41:20  0:08:39    4633  
 1881. Jennifer M Kelterborn           Bracebridge ON          2:43:24  0:08:46    75/F45-49      511/F    2:42:19  0:08:42    3599  
 1882. Jacob Stoller                   Toronto ON              2:43:29  0:08:46    35/M60-64     1370/M    2:42:37  0:08:43    6650  
 1883. Besy Haines                     Pickering ON            2:43:30  0:08:46   113/F35-39      512/F    2:41:10  0:08:39    2825  
 1884. Nancy Fisher                    Toronto ON              2:43:30  0:08:46    25/F50-54      513/F    2:40:39  0:08:37    2672  
 1885. Frank Ning                      Toronto ON              2:43:30  0:08:46   231/M45-49     1371/M    2:41:51  0:08:41    5147  
 1886. Jodi E Miller                   London ON               2:43:30  0:08:46   114/F35-39      514/F    2:39:29  0:08:33    4800  
 1887. Lia Kutzscher                   Port Sydney ON          2:43:30  0:08:46    76/F45-49      515/F    2:41:44  0:08:41    3829  
 1888. Jane Sanders                    White Lake MI           2:43:31  0:08:46     7/F55-59      516/F    2:42:33  0:08:43    6094  
 1889. Kevin Mumford                   Burlington ON           2:43:31  0:08:46   221/M50-54     1372/M    2:41:27  0:08:40    5002  
 1890. Janine Wren                     Oakville ON             2:43:31  0:08:46     8/F55-59      517/F    2:41:27  0:08:40    7599  
 1891. Lindsay Gautby                  Burlington ON           2:43:31  0:08:46    70/F25-29      518/F    2:42:16  0:08:42    1313  
 1892. Spiros Tompros                  Bowmanville ON          2:43:32  0:08:46     1/M70-74     1373/M    2:41:00  0:08:38    6927  
 1893. Anthony Dale                    Toronto ON              2:43:32  0:08:46   232/M45-49     1374/M    2:42:41  0:08:44    1643  
 1894. Mike Karklins                   Brampton ON             2:43:32  0:08:46   171/M30-34     1375/M    2:42:42  0:08:44    3539  
 1895. James Sonsogno                  Mississauga ON          2:43:33  0:08:46   172/M30-34     1376/M    2:42:25  0:08:43    6508  
 1896. Han C Koren                     Newmarket ON            2:43:34  0:08:46   233/M45-49     1377/M    2:42:26  0:08:43    3759  
 1897. Michael Blencowe                London ON               2:43:34  0:08:46   101/M55-59     1378/M    2:40:27  0:08:36    820   
 1898. Tracy Hillman                   London ON               2:43:35  0:08:47    86/F40-44      519/F    2:42:56  0:08:44    3093  
 1899. Chantal Johnson                 Binbrook ON             2:43:35  0:08:47    97/F30-34      520/F    2:43:00  0:08:45    3425  
 1900. Graham Russell Jones            Don Mills ON            2:43:35  0:08:47   221/M35-39     1379/M    2:41:56  0:08:41    3475  
 1901. Erin Skimson                    Guelph ON               2:43:36  0:08:47   115/F35-39      521/F    2:39:35  0:08:34    6406  
 1902. Dally Isabel Velez              Ottawa ON               2:43:37  0:08:47    26/F50-54      522/F    2:41:50  0:08:41    7150  
 1903. Stanley Bunston                 Guelph ON               2:43:37  0:08:47     9/M65-69     1380/M    2:42:49  0:08:44    1012  
 1904. Branko Vrzic                    Oakville ON             2:43:37  0:08:47   234/M45-49     1381/M    2:42:59  0:08:45    7210  
 1905. Kiska Colwill                   Oakville ON             2:43:38  0:08:47   116/F35-39      523/F    2:39:50  0:08:34    1427  
 1906. Ellie Matheson                  Bolton ON               2:43:39  0:08:47    98/F30-34      524/F    2:42:40  0:08:44    4468  
 1907. Linda Clayton                   Hamilton ON             2:43:41  0:08:47     9/F55-59      525/F    2:40:07  0:08:35    1368  
 1908. Jim Felker                      Burlington ON           2:43:41  0:08:47   102/M55-59     1382/M    2:40:58  0:08:38    2215  
 1909. Victor M Padilla                Orleans ON              2:43:42  0:08:47   236/M40-44     1383/M    2:40:09  0:08:35    5287  
 1910. Carol Fraser                    Owen Sound ON           2:43:43  0:08:47    27/F50-54      526/F    2:42:08  0:08:42    2384  
 1911. Brett Luxon                     Port Elgin ON           2:43:44  0:08:47   173/M30-34     1384/M    2:40:09  0:08:35    4205  
 1912. Rob Bester                      London ON               2:43:46  0:08:47   237/M40-44     1385/M    2:42:04  0:08:42    611   
 1913. Jordan Kniaziew                 Kingsville ON           2:43:48  0:08:47    92/M25-29     1386/M    2:42:52  0:08:44    3728  
 1914. Pierre Jean Gendron             Moose Creek ON          2:43:48  0:08:47   222/M35-39     1387/M    2:42:01  0:08:41    2518  
 1915. Simon P Joynes                  Simcoe ON               2:43:49  0:08:47   222/M50-54     1388/M    2:42:01  0:08:41    3500  
 1916. Michelle Morris                 London ON               2:43:49  0:08:47    77/F45-49      527/F    2:43:37  0:08:47    4937  
 1917. Talia Blaney                    Toronto ON              2:43:50  0:08:47    99/F30-34      528/F    2:42:00  0:08:41    687   
 1918. Chris Taylor                    Toronto ON              2:43:51  0:08:47   174/M30-34     1389/M    2:42:00  0:08:41    6798  
 1919. Richard Calistan                Oakville ON             2:43:51  0:08:47   238/M40-44     1390/M    2:42:55  0:08:44    1077  
 1920. Frances Ford                    Omemee ON               2:43:52  0:08:47    78/F45-49      529/F    2:41:27  0:08:40    2340  
 1921. Sarah Pihel                     Orangeville ON          2:43:52  0:08:47    79/F45-49      530/F    2:43:08  0:08:45    5522  
 1922. Alexander Weber                 Hamilton ON             2:43:53  0:08:47    93/M25-29     1391/M    2:38:30  0:08:30    7333  
 1923. Christopher Henderson           Toronto ON              2:43:53  0:08:47   223/M50-54     1392/M    2:39:59  0:08:35    3028  
 1924. Ian A Sullivan                  Toronto ON              2:43:53  0:08:47   223/M35-39     1393/M    2:41:22  0:08:39    6699  
 1925. Bevin Shores                    Dundas ON               2:43:55  0:08:48   100/F30-34      531/F    2:38:03  0:08:29    6340  
 1926. Lauren Tomasich                 Toronto ON              2:43:56  0:08:48    71/F25-29      532/F    2:42:51  0:08:44    6923  
 1927. Paul Gammal                     Dundas ON               2:43:57  0:08:48   235/M45-49     1394/M    2:42:46  0:08:44    2464  
 1928. Christine Albert                Cambridge ON            2:43:58  0:08:48   101/F30-34      533/F    2:40:29  0:08:37    155   
 1929. Jocelyn Sherwood                Toronto ON              2:43:59  0:08:48    72/F25-29      534/F    2:43:24  0:08:46    6327  
 1930. Paul Wallis                     Whitby ON               2:44:00  0:08:48   224/M35-39     1395/M    2:42:22  0:08:43    7255  
 1931. Heather Miceli                  Mississauga ON          2:44:00  0:08:48    80/F45-49      535/F    2:41:14  0:08:39    4770  
 1932. Ineke Imbo                      Ottawa ON               2:44:01  0:08:48   102/F30-34      536/F    2:40:02  0:08:35    3304  
 1933. Brent D Stack                   Milton ON               2:44:03  0:08:48    94/M25-29     1396/M    2:40:39  0:08:37    6566  
 1934. Ami D'Angelo                    Acton ON                2:44:04  0:08:48   117/F35-39      537/F    2:41:03  0:08:38    1669  
 1935. Chantelle Woods                 Nepean ON               2:44:05  0:08:48   103/F30-34      538/F    2:42:23  0:08:43    7581  
 1936. Terry Linseman                  Sarnia ON               2:44:06  0:08:48   103/M55-59     1397/M    2:42:20  0:08:43    4116  
 1937. Brenda N Bemis                  Oshawa ON               2:44:06  0:08:48    81/F45-49      539/F    2:42:16  0:08:42    551   
 1938. Carlos Visbal                   Toronto ON              2:44:07  0:08:48   224/M50-54     1398/M    2:42:13  0:08:42    7190  
 1939. Erika Thibault                  Kitchener ON            2:44:09  0:08:48    82/F45-49      540/F    2:43:00  0:08:45    6844  
 1940. Ray B Grenkie                   Toronto ON              2:44:09  0:08:48   104/M55-59     1399/M    2:41:54  0:08:41    2724  
 1941. Victoria Sawatsky M Sawatsky    Hamilton ON             2:44:10  0:08:48    36/F20-24      541/F    2:43:19  0:08:46    6130  
 1942. Janean Bell                     Bracebridge ON          2:44:11  0:08:48   104/F30-34      542/F    2:39:27  0:08:33    544   
 1943. Hernan Velez                    Binbrook ON             2:44:13  0:08:49   239/M40-44     1400/M    2:44:11  0:08:48    7151  
 1944. Peter Wong                      North York ON           2:44:14  0:08:49   225/M35-39     1401/M    2:41:44  0:08:41    7560  
 1945. Nick O'Connell                  Barrie ON               2:44:15  0:08:49   226/M35-39     1402/M    2:42:00  0:08:41    5207  
 1946. Kathryn Murtagh                 New York NY             2:44:17  0:08:49   105/F30-34      543/F    2:41:41  0:08:40    5036  
 1947. Kevin Devine                    Burlington ON           2:44:18  0:08:49   225/M50-54     1403/M    2:43:12  0:08:45    1837  
 1948. Scott Skimming                  Bolton ON               2:44:18  0:08:49   236/M45-49     1404/M    2:41:14  0:08:39    6405  
 1949. Michelle Greenspoon             Hamilton ON             2:44:18  0:08:49    73/F25-29      544/F    2:43:25  0:08:46    2152  
 1950. Kara Brown                      Burlington ON           2:44:18  0:08:49    87/F40-44      545/F    2:42:08  0:08:42    945   
 1951. Kelsey Crawford                 Mount Hope ON           2:44:19  0:08:49    88/F40-44      546/F    2:41:39  0:08:40    5510  
 1952. Don Rudiak                      Markham ON              2:44:20  0:08:49   226/M50-54     1405/M    2:41:37  0:08:40    6012  
 1953. Elaine Renault                  Ancaster ON             2:44:21  0:08:49    89/F40-44      547/F    2:43:55  0:08:48    5782  
 1954. Craig Thompson                  Milton ON               2:44:23  0:08:49   175/M30-34     1406/M    2:44:10  0:08:48    6861  
 1955. Bret Babington                  London ON               2:44:23  0:08:49   227/M50-54     1407/M    2:42:45  0:08:44    338   
 1956. Zandbergen Vicki                Kitchener ON            2:44:24  0:08:49   106/F30-34      548/F    2:42:45  0:08:44    7174  
 1957. Andrew Heij                     Kitchener ON            2:44:24  0:08:49   176/M30-34     1408/M    2:42:21  0:08:43    3015  
 1958. Stephen Burrows                 Orillia ON              2:44:24  0:08:49    36/M60-64     1409/M    2:43:01  0:08:45    1041  
 1959. Miranda Cooper                  Orillia ON              2:44:25  0:08:49   118/F35-39      549/F    2:42:49  0:08:44    1470  
 1960. Mary J Wright                   London ON               2:44:26  0:08:49    83/F45-49      550/F    2:43:50  0:08:47    7609  
 1961. Michael Hewett                  Ottawa ON               2:44:26  0:08:49   240/M40-44     1410/M    2:42:42  0:08:44    3053  
 1962. Bryan Harris                    Barrie ON               2:44:29  0:08:49   241/M40-44     1411/M    2:41:42  0:08:40    5903  
 1963. Doug Fur                        Milton ON               2:44:30  0:08:49   227/M35-39     1412/M    2:41:13  0:08:39    2427  
 1964. James Buell                     Gatineau QC             2:44:30  0:08:49   237/M45-49     1413/M    2:39:15  0:08:33    1002  
 1965. Pete Richards                   Kincardine ON           2:44:31  0:08:50   105/M55-59     1414/M    2:42:12  0:08:42    5822  
 1966. Ador Estravillo                 Dundas ON               2:44:31  0:08:50   238/M45-49     1415/M    2:43:37  0:08:47    2142  
 1967. Barbara Falardeau               Chelsea QC              2:44:32  0:08:50    28/F50-54      551/F    2:43:16  0:08:46    2168  
 1968. Lori Zamec                      London ON               2:44:33  0:08:50    84/F45-49      552/F    2:43:41  0:08:47    7666  
 1969. Nathalie St-Jean                Angus ON                2:44:33  0:08:50    90/F40-44      553/F    2:43:58  0:08:48    6642  
 1970. Rob Heagle                      Milton ON               2:44:34  0:08:50   242/M40-44     1416/M    2:41:09  0:08:39    2996  
 1971. Mark Duque                      Dundas ON               2:44:34  0:08:50   228/M35-39     1417/M    2:43:10  0:08:45    2029  
 1972. Leah Henderson                  Hamilton ON             2:44:34  0:08:50    74/F25-29      554/F    2:43:21  0:08:46    3033  
 1973. David G Miehm                   Burlington ON           2:44:36  0:08:50   228/M50-54     1418/M    2:41:50  0:08:41    4778  
 1974. Janet Ramsay                    Toronto ON              2:44:38  0:08:50    29/F50-54      555/F    2:41:56  0:08:41    5705  
 1975. Peter Milroy                    Kitchener ON            2:44:39  0:08:50   243/M40-44     1419/M    2:42:27  0:08:43    4825  
 1976. Anne Milrad                     Toronto ON              2:44:40  0:08:50    85/F45-49      556/F    2:41:48  0:08:41    4824  
 1977. Deanna Brearley                 Burlington ON           2:44:40  0:08:50    86/F45-49      557/F    2:38:44  0:08:31    863   
 1978. Karrie L Peterson               London ON               2:44:41  0:08:50   119/F35-39      558/F    2:41:00  0:08:38    5477  
 1979. Tony Leslie                     Brampton ON             2:44:44  0:08:50   229/M50-54     1420/M    2:40:51  0:08:38    4052  
 1980. Cheryl Martin                   Mississauga ON          2:44:45  0:08:50    30/F50-54      559/F    2:43:47  0:08:47    4424  
 1981. Deb D Oke                       Exeter ON               2:44:47  0:08:50    91/F40-44      560/F    2:43:13  0:08:45    5233  
 1982. Katrin Odegai                   Toronto ON              2:44:48  0:08:50   107/F30-34      561/F    2:41:32  0:08:40    5213  
 1983. Jennifer Wright                 London ON               2:44:50  0:08:51    31/F50-54      562/F    2:43:53  0:08:47    7603  
 1984. Liza Stewart                    Timmins ON              2:44:51  0:08:51    32/F50-54      563/F    2:44:02  0:08:48    6626  
 1985. Robin Rickard                   Newcastle ON            2:44:51  0:08:51    87/F45-49      564/F    2:42:19  0:08:42    5834  
 1986. Jenn Ellis                      Hamilton ON             2:44:52  0:08:51   120/F35-39      565/F    2:41:52  0:08:41    2098  
 1987. Yann Fr? ? ? Chette             Kingston ON             2:44:52  0:08:51   177/M30-34     1421/M    2:44:07  0:08:48    2366  
 1988. Michael Cappucci                Windsor ON              2:44:52  0:08:51    51/M20-24     1422/M    2:43:03  0:08:45    1131  
 1989. Natasha Jordan                  Bolton ON               2:44:54  0:08:51   121/F35-39      566/F    2:43:56  0:08:48    3491  
 1990. Jerry Colwell                   London ON               2:44:56  0:08:51   230/M50-54     1423/M    2:44:05  0:08:48    1426  
 1991. Peter Roorda                    Ottawa ON               2:44:57  0:08:51   239/M45-49     1424/M    2:42:15  0:08:42    5937  
 1992. Michael Halbmeier               Burlington ON           2:44:57  0:08:51   178/M30-34     1425/M    2:44:47  0:08:50    2833  
 1993. John Lang                       Markham ON              2:44:58  0:08:51   106/M55-59     1426/M    2:44:30  0:08:49    3895  
 1994. William Tam                     North York ON           2:44:58  0:08:51    95/M25-29     1427/M    2:39:34  0:08:34    6764  
 1995. Steve Blackburn                 Toronto ON              2:44:59  0:08:51   107/M55-59     1428/M    2:43:11  0:08:45    673   
 1996. Richard Jean                    Burlington ON           2:44:59  0:08:51   231/M50-54     1429/M    2:42:30  0:08:43    3377  
 1997. Michelle M Lennox               Waterloo ON             2:45:00  0:08:51    92/F40-44      567/F    2:44:49  0:08:50    4039  
 1998. Dave Hoover                     Heidelberg ON           2:45:01  0:08:51   244/M40-44     1430/M    2:44:05  0:08:48    3175  
 1999. Denise Holden                   Kitchener ON            2:45:02  0:08:51    93/F40-44      568/F    2:40:11  0:08:36    3137  
 2000. Lindsay Mitchell                Wyoming ON              2:45:02  0:08:51    75/F25-29      569/F    2:43:10  0:08:45    4845  
 2001. Cynthia Valaitis                Mississauga ON          2:45:02  0:08:51    33/F50-54      570/F    2:40:28  0:08:36    7060  
 2002. John Zonitch                    Albion NY               2:45:02  0:08:51   108/M55-59     1431/M    2:42:37  0:08:43    7689  
 2003. Gabriela Trujillo               Toronto ON              2:45:04  0:08:51   108/F30-34      571/F    2:44:00  0:08:48    6986  
 2004. Doreen Lipovski                 Ottawa ON               2:45:04  0:08:51    88/F45-49      572/F    2:43:58  0:08:48    4119  
 2005. Jamie Gillespie                 Bolton ON               2:45:05  0:08:51   245/M40-44     1432/M    2:44:06  0:08:48    2575  
 2006. Michele Fraser                  Paris ON                2:45:05  0:08:51    89/F45-49      573/F    2:42:06  0:08:42    2390  
 2007. Jeremy Kennedy                  Lowbanks ON             2:45:05  0:08:51    96/M25-29     1433/M    2:43:18  0:08:46    3610  
 2008. Gayle White                     Peterborough ON         2:45:06  0:08:51    34/F50-54      574/F    2:43:18  0:08:46    7404  
 2009. Scott West                      Toronto ON              2:45:06  0:08:51   179/M30-34     1434/M    2:43:09  0:08:45    7375  
 2010. William Moore                   Williamsvile NY         2:45:07  0:08:51   240/M45-49     1435/M    2:43:40  0:08:47    4897  
 2011. Lynne Prout                     St. Catharines ON       2:45:08  0:08:52    94/F40-44      575/F    2:44:26  0:08:49    5639  
 2012. Dan Kane                        Stratford ON            2:45:09  0:08:52   246/M40-44     1436/M    2:44:17  0:08:49    3532  
 2013. Maurice Wong                    Gormley ON              2:45:10  0:08:52   109/M55-59     1437/M    2:42:22  0:08:43    7558  
 2014. Trish Sexton                    Welland ON              2:45:10  0:08:52    90/F45-49      576/F    2:43:49  0:08:47    6267  
 2015. Mike Horne                      Ottawa ON               2:45:12  0:08:52   232/M50-54     1438/M    2:44:00  0:08:48    3189  
 2016. Connie Kraemer                  Waterloo ON             2:45:14  0:08:52   122/F35-39      577/F    2:42:13  0:08:42    3786  
 2017. Carl Hunt                       Burlington ON           2:45:15  0:08:52   229/M35-39     1439/M    2:44:09  0:08:48    3250  
 2018. Pitsa Tsouluhas                 Toronto ON              2:45:16  0:08:52    95/F40-44      578/F    2:44:39  0:08:50    6995  
 2019. Terry Berman                    Thornhill ON            2:45:16  0:08:52   230/M35-39     1440/M    2:43:30  0:08:46    585   
 2020. David Silverman                 Thornhill ON            2:45:16  0:08:52   233/M50-54     1441/M    2:43:30  0:08:46    6364  
 2021. Gord Avann                      Keswick ON              2:45:17  0:08:52   234/M50-54     1442/M    2:44:49  0:08:50    327   
 2022. Micki Rivers                    Richmond Hill ON        2:45:19  0:08:52    35/F50-54      579/F    2:44:34  0:08:50    5859  
 2023. John Ziemba                     Oakville ON             2:45:20  0:08:52   241/M45-49     1443/M    2:43:47  0:08:47    7682  
 2024. Brian Feherty                   Newmarket ON            2:45:20  0:08:52    10/M65-69     1444/M    2:44:34  0:08:50    2209  
 2025. Marshall Barkley                Oakville ON             2:45:20  0:08:52   242/M45-49     1445/M    2:43:48  0:08:47    432   
 2026. Colleen Clairmont               Burlington ON           2:45:21  0:08:52     3/F60-64      580/F    2:45:04  0:08:51    1336  
 2027. Paul Schuurman                  Lasalle ON              2:45:21  0:08:52   235/M50-54     1446/M    2:43:31  0:08:46    6191  
 2028. Jeff Sine                       Erin ON                 2:45:22  0:08:52   243/M45-49     1447/M    2:44:07  0:08:48    6390  
 2029. Christopher Mercanti            Kincardine ON           2:45:22  0:08:52   247/M40-44     1448/M    2:44:56  0:08:51    4746  
 2030. Marc Beauvais                   Stittsville ON          2:45:22  0:08:52   244/M45-49     1449/M    2:42:23  0:08:43    503   
 2031. Denise Yuzik                    Mississauga ON          2:45:23  0:08:52    91/F45-49      581/F    2:42:36  0:08:43    7662  
 2032. Marilyn Jarka                   Beaconsfield QC         2:45:23  0:08:52    10/F55-59      582/F    2:42:35  0:08:43    3367  
 2033. Mariellen Glover                Burlington ON           2:45:24  0:08:52    36/F50-54      583/F    2:42:55  0:08:44    2609  
 2034. Paul T Braun                    Kitchener ON            2:45:24  0:08:52   245/M45-49     1450/M    2:43:12  0:08:45    859   
 2035. Elizabeth McKay                 Burlington ON           2:45:25  0:08:52   123/F35-39      584/F    2:45:00  0:08:51    4619  
 2036. David Bojarzin                  Cobourg ON              2:45:26  0:08:52   246/M45-49     1451/M    2:40:00  0:08:35    725   
 2037. Warden Steven                   Oakville ON             2:45:26  0:08:52   248/M40-44     1452/M    2:44:34  0:08:50    6613  
 2038. Greg Blunsdon                   Hamilton ON             2:45:27  0:08:53   180/M30-34     1453/M    2:42:23  0:08:43    702   
 2039. Allen Walker                    Buffalo NY              2:45:27  0:08:53   247/M45-49     1454/M    2:42:52  0:08:44    7229  
 2040. Dale Bird                       Burnt River ON          2:45:28  0:08:53   248/M45-49     1455/M    2:45:14  0:08:52    647   
 2041. Greg Cormack                    Churchill ON            2:45:28  0:08:53   249/M45-49     1456/M    2:42:50  0:08:44    1485  
 2042. Jennifer Wagenman               London ON               2:45:28  0:08:53    96/F40-44      585/F    2:44:53  0:08:51    7218  
 2043. Brent Card                      Dundas ON               2:45:31  0:08:53   231/M35-39     1457/M    2:44:03  0:08:48    1134  
 2044. Joanna Kotsopoulos              Toronto ON              2:45:31  0:08:53    97/F40-44      586/F    2:44:28  0:08:49    3773  
 2045. Lester Fearman                  Toronto ON              2:45:31  0:08:53   110/M55-59     1458/M    2:40:40  0:08:37    2202  
 2046. Danielle Sanders                Mississauga ON          2:45:32  0:08:53    37/F20-24      587/F    2:41:23  0:08:39    6093  
 2047. Steen Klint                     Barrie ON               2:45:33  0:08:53    37/M60-64     1459/M    2:43:53  0:08:47    3713  
 2048. Graeme Martin                   Toronto ON              2:45:34  0:08:53   181/M30-34     1460/M    2:40:40  0:08:37    4427  
 2049. Matt Knowles                    Toronto ON              2:45:34  0:08:53   182/M30-34     1461/M    2:44:12  0:08:49    3739  
 2050. Stephanie Kletke                Toronto ON              2:45:35  0:08:53    38/F20-24      588/F    2:40:48  0:08:38    3712  
 2051. Greg Davis                      Hamilton ON             2:45:36  0:08:53   236/M50-54     1462/M    2:41:20  0:08:39    1715  
 2052. Carol Denysschen                Orchard Park NY         2:45:36  0:08:53    92/F45-49      589/F    2:44:25  0:08:49    1816  
 2053. Valerie Waters                  Toronto ON              2:45:37  0:08:53   124/F35-39      590/F    2:40:42  0:08:37    7304  
 2054. Matthew Spence                  Oakville ON             2:45:37  0:08:53   249/M40-44     1463/M    2:42:19  0:08:42    6537  
 2055. Evelyn Campbell                 Oakville ON             2:45:38  0:08:53    37/F50-54      591/F    2:44:25  0:08:49    1104  
 2056. Amanda Kosloski                 Toronto ON              2:45:38  0:08:53   109/F30-34      592/F    2:41:47  0:08:41    3767  
 2057. Richard Pilon                   Cornwall ON             2:45:39  0:08:53   237/M50-54     1464/M    2:44:38  0:08:50    5524  
 2058. Russ Doyle                      Hamilton ON             2:45:39  0:08:53   250/M45-49     1465/M    2:41:24  0:08:39    1962  
 2059. Hart Lambert                    Toronto ON              2:45:41  0:08:53    97/M25-29     1466/M    2:43:19  0:08:46    3881  
 2060. Chris Kavanagh                  Oakville ON             2:45:41  0:08:53    38/M60-64     1467/M    2:44:28  0:08:49    3555  
 2061. Sooin Kim                       Toronto ON              2:45:43  0:08:53    93/F45-49      593/F    2:43:14  0:08:45    3674  
 2062. Alix Duck                       Hamilton ON             2:45:44  0:08:53    76/F25-29      594/F    2:44:28  0:08:49    1992  
 2063. Harry Stinson                   Hamilton ON             2:45:45  0:08:53   111/M55-59     1468/M    2:45:41  0:08:53    6638  
 2064. Martina Young                   Toronto ON              2:45:47  0:08:54    94/F45-49      595/F    2:44:44  0:08:50    7651  
 2065. Bud Purves                      Toronto ON              2:45:47  0:08:54    39/M60-64     1469/M    2:45:11  0:08:52    5653  
 2066. Sharon Ducharme                 Scarborough ON          2:45:47  0:08:54    95/F45-49      596/F    2:42:35  0:08:43    1991  
 2067. Joanne Raddatz                  Montreal West QC        2:45:48  0:08:54   125/F35-39      597/F    2:44:18  0:08:49    5687  
 2068. Doug Barber                     Owen Sound ON           2:45:50  0:08:54    11/M65-69     1470/M    2:45:18  0:08:52    5879  
 2069. Kari-Lyn Johnston               Waterdown ON            2:45:50  0:08:54    98/F40-44      598/F    2:43:00  0:08:45    3450  
 2070. Paul Clarkson                   Inglewood ON            2:45:53  0:08:54   251/M45-49     1471/M    2:40:51  0:08:38    1364  
 2071. Angela Hanes                    Toronto ON              2:45:53  0:08:54   110/F30-34      599/F    2:44:07  0:08:48    2888  
 2072. Michelle Bashaw                 London ON               2:45:53  0:08:54     8/F15-19      600/F    2:45:16  0:08:52    466   
 2073. Katherine Landell               Toronto ON              2:45:56  0:08:54    77/F25-29      601/F    2:43:34  0:08:46    3892  
 2074. Kristen Glenister               Toronto ON              2:45:56  0:08:54    99/F40-44      602/F    2:44:36  0:08:50    2606  
 2075. Dana I Oar                      Orchard Park NY         2:45:56  0:08:54   111/F30-34      603/F    2:44:36  0:08:50    5187  
 2076. Rick Avery                      Peterborough ON         2:45:58  0:08:54   183/M30-34     1472/M    2:37:18  0:08:26    330   
 2077. Mike J Lefebvre                 Guelph ON               2:45:58  0:08:54   238/M50-54     1473/M    2:42:36  0:08:43    4024  
 2078. David Saab                      Ancaster ON             2:45:58  0:08:54   232/M35-39     1474/M    2:45:11  0:08:52    6058  
 2079. Michael P Zuker                 Toronto ON              2:45:59  0:08:54   250/M40-44     1475/M    2:42:07  0:08:42    7693  
 2080. Daneen Krinke                   Mississauga ON          2:46:01  0:08:54    78/F25-29      604/F    2:45:45  0:08:53    3797  
 2081. Jessica Shaw                    Barrie ON               2:46:01  0:08:54    39/F20-24      605/F    2:45:42  0:08:53    6300  
 2082. Henk Bervoets                   London ON               2:46:03  0:08:54   233/M35-39     1476/M    2:44:20  0:08:49    913   
 2083. Bren Huhtala                    Elmira ON               2:46:04  0:08:55   184/M30-34     1477/M    2:44:33  0:08:50    3240  
 2084. Michael Manion                  Toronto ON              2:46:04  0:08:55    40/M60-64     1478/M    2:45:18  0:08:52    4354  
 2085. Dave Mammoliti                  Welland ON              2:46:05  0:08:55    98/M25-29     1479/M    2:44:44  0:08:50    4349  
 2086. Patrick Murphy                  Kingston ON             2:46:07  0:08:55    52/M20-24     1480/M    2:44:41  0:08:50    5028  
 2087. Aleksandar A Radan              Clinton ON              2:46:08  0:08:55   234/M35-39     1481/M    2:43:27  0:08:46    5684  
 2088. Joy Janzen                      Niagara On The Lake ON  2:46:08  0:08:55   126/F35-39      606/F    2:42:48  0:08:44    1265  
 2089. Gavin Vammus                    Brampton ON             2:46:09  0:08:55   252/M45-49     1482/M    2:44:03  0:08:48    7076  
 2090. Michael Lemmer                  Burlington ON           2:46:09  0:08:55    99/M25-29     1483/M    2:42:15  0:08:42    4035  
 2091. Kelly Duncan                    Barrie ON               2:46:11  0:08:55   100/F40-44      607/F    2:45:23  0:08:52    2011  
 2092. Melanie Price                   Hamilton ON             2:46:12  0:08:55   127/F35-39      608/F    2:43:50  0:08:47    5621  
 2093. Brian Hovsepian                 Hamilton ON             2:46:15  0:08:55   251/M40-44     1484/M    2:45:47  0:08:54    2794  
 2094. Andrea Taylor                   Toronto ON              2:46:17  0:08:55   101/F40-44      609/F    2:44:45  0:08:50    6791  
 2095. Ihor Kajda                      Mississauga ON          2:46:17  0:08:55   112/M55-59     1485/M    2:43:40  0:08:47    3521  
 2096. Simona Bonelli                  Collingwood ON          2:46:18  0:08:55   128/F35-39      610/F    2:43:34  0:08:46    1054  
 2097. Krista Neilson                  Fonthill ON             2:46:19  0:08:55   112/F30-34      611/F    2:45:24  0:08:52    5086  
 2098. Star Edwards                    Burlington ON           2:46:19  0:08:55   113/F30-34      612/F    2:44:03  0:08:48    2079  
 2099. Sam Ip                          Mississauga ON          2:46:21  0:08:55   185/M30-34     1486/M    2:45:21  0:08:52    3316  
 2100. Mike Everets                    Caledonia ON            2:46:21  0:08:55   235/M35-39     1487/M    2:44:14  0:08:49    2155  
 2101. Jim Clarke                      Toronto ON              2:46:24  0:08:56    41/M60-64     1488/M    2:44:03  0:08:48    1362  
 2102. Darren Collins                  Victoria Harbour ON     2:46:25  0:08:56   236/M35-39     1489/M    2:43:46  0:08:47    1418  
 2103. Kirsten L Jibb                  Woodbridge ON           2:46:25  0:08:56    40/F20-24      613/F    2:42:52  0:08:44    3412  
 2104. Joanne Merkley                  Thornton ON             2:46:26  0:08:56   102/F40-44      614/F    2:44:16  0:08:49    4751  
 2105. Angela Watson                   Toronto ON              2:46:27  0:08:56    96/F45-49      615/F    2:43:51  0:08:47    7309  
 2106. Bryan Willcott                  Ottawa ON               2:46:27  0:08:56   186/M30-34     1490/M    2:42:10  0:08:42    7461  
 2107. Jennifer Bladon                 Newmarket ON            2:46:28  0:08:56   129/F35-39      616/F    2:42:12  0:08:42    679   
 2108. Sherilyn Vincent                Waterloo ON             2:46:28  0:08:56   103/F40-44      617/F    2:43:54  0:08:48    7186  
 2109. Patrick Owens                   Nepean ON               2:46:28  0:08:56   253/M45-49     1491/M    2:44:45  0:08:50    5274  
 2110. Becky A Sanders                 Harrow ON               2:46:29  0:08:56    97/F45-49      618/F    2:42:37  0:08:43    6092  
 2111. Susan Wakeley                   Stratford ON            2:46:29  0:08:56   130/F35-39      619/F    2:45:25  0:08:52    7223  
 2112. Helder Martins                  Oakville ON             2:46:29  0:08:56   254/M45-49     1492/M    2:44:45  0:08:50    4444  
 2113. Dave Schoenfeld                 Brantford ON            2:46:29  0:08:56   255/M45-49     1493/M    2:46:14  0:08:55    6170  
 2114. Mark Jamieson                   Burlington ON           2:46:30  0:08:56   239/M50-54     1494/M    2:40:42  0:08:37    3357  
 2115. Samantha Anstey                 Kanata ON               2:46:31  0:08:56   114/F30-34      620/F    2:45:03  0:08:51    253   
 2116. Jennifer Johnson                Burlington ON           2:46:31  0:08:56    41/F20-24      621/F    2:44:21  0:08:49    3429  
 2117. Todd Letts                      Waterloo ON             2:46:32  0:08:56   256/M45-49     1495/M    2:44:43  0:08:50    4054  
 2118. Helene Lavigne                  Toronto ON              2:46:35  0:08:56   131/F35-39      622/F    2:46:25  0:08:56    3952  
 2119. Shelley Walushka                Toronto ON              2:46:36  0:08:56    79/F25-29      623/F    2:43:24  0:08:46    7275  
 2120. Jeffo Kennedy                   Courtice ON             2:46:37  0:08:56   252/M40-44     1496/M    2:45:46  0:08:54    3609  
 2121. Melanie Anderson                Courtice ON             2:46:38  0:08:56   132/F35-39      624/F    2:45:47  0:08:54    225   
 2122. Anurag V Sharma                 Courtice ON             2:46:39  0:08:56   257/M45-49     1497/M    2:45:06  0:08:51    6282  
 2123. Marina Bokovay                  Toronto ON              2:46:39  0:08:56   115/F30-34      625/F    2:43:55  0:08:48    729   
 2124. Amanda Coates                   Toronto ON              2:46:39  0:08:56    80/F25-29      626/F    2:44:39  0:08:50    1384  
 2125. Ron Vellenga                    Burlington ON           2:46:41  0:08:57   258/M45-49     1498/M    2:44:38  0:08:50    7152  
 2126. Keith Henry                     Amherstburg ON          2:46:41  0:08:57   240/M50-54     1499/M    2:45:21  0:08:52    3039  
 2127. Diana Dawson                    Sarnia ON               2:46:42  0:08:57    98/F45-49      627/F    2:40:59  0:08:38    1722  
 2128. Ron Crichton                    Etobicoke ON            2:46:42  0:08:57     1/M75-99     1500/M    2:46:29  0:08:56    1565  
 2129. Roberto Di Ciano                Mississauga ON          2:46:43  0:08:57   237/M35-39     1501/M    2:46:04  0:08:55    1848  
 2130. Donna L McBride                 Claremont ON            2:46:44  0:08:57    11/F55-59      628/F    2:45:32  0:08:53    4510  
 2131. Dominic Novais                  Oakville ON             2:46:44  0:08:57   253/M40-44     1502/M    2:46:19  0:08:55    5167  
 2132. Norman C Mac Neil               Hamilton ON             2:46:45  0:08:57   254/M40-44     1503/M    2:44:36  0:08:50    4222  
 2133. Trevor Aurocco                  Oakville ON             2:46:45  0:08:57   187/M30-34     1504/M    2:45:33  0:08:53    321   
 2134. Matthew Bender                  Hanover ON              2:46:45  0:08:57   100/M25-29     1505/M    2:45:25  0:08:52    553   
 2135. Kate Lazier                     Toronto ON              2:46:46  0:08:57    99/F45-49      629/F    2:44:44  0:08:50    3977  
 2136. Robert Tobin                    Chatham ON              2:46:47  0:08:57   255/M40-44     1506/M    2:42:17  0:08:42    6912  
 2137. Cam Johnson                     St. Catharines ON       2:46:49  0:08:57   238/M35-39     1507/M    2:43:22  0:08:46    3423  
 2138. Ranald McKay                    Uxbridge ON             2:46:49  0:08:57   259/M45-49     1508/M    2:45:23  0:08:52    4623  
 2139. Mary Sergi                      Winona ON               2:46:50  0:08:57    38/F50-54      630/F    2:46:21  0:08:55    6250  
 2140. Stewart Douglas                 Mississauga ON          2:46:50  0:08:57   241/M50-54     1509/M    2:45:49  0:08:54    1948  
 2141. Lambrina Nikolaou               Oakville ON             2:46:51  0:08:57   100/F45-49      631/F    2:41:56  0:08:41    5145  
 2142. Jessica Chewins                 Stouffville ON          2:46:51  0:08:57    81/F25-29      632/F    2:45:27  0:08:53    1277  
 2143. Guyon Martin                    Kingston ON             2:46:51  0:08:57   260/M45-49     1510/M    2:46:09  0:08:55    4428  
 2144. Don Macleod                     Elmira ON               2:46:52  0:08:57   261/M45-49     1511/M    2:43:07  0:08:45    4294  
 2145. Laura Doody                     Waterloo ON             2:46:52  0:08:57    82/F25-29      633/F    2:45:19  0:08:52    1929  
 2146. Cindy Metzler                   Oakville ON             2:46:56  0:08:57   101/F45-49      634/F    2:43:21  0:08:46    4761  
 2147. Tim Filer                       Whitevale ON            2:46:57  0:08:57   242/M50-54     1512/M    2:44:53  0:08:51    2260  
 2148. Kristen Hauser                  St. Catharines ON       2:46:58  0:08:57    83/F25-29      635/F    2:43:19  0:08:46    2973  
 2149. Jimmy McDonald                  Hannon ON               2:46:59  0:08:57   262/M45-49     1513/M    2:45:35  0:08:53    4569  
 2150. Sharlene Christiansen           Hannon ON               2:47:00  0:08:58   102/F45-49      636/F    2:45:34  0:08:53    1306  
 2151. Ron J McKenna                   Toronto ON              2:47:00  0:08:58   239/M35-39     1514/M    2:42:38  0:08:43    4626  
 2152. Eric Sawyer                     Cayuga ON               2:47:00  0:08:58    42/M60-64     1515/M    2:46:01  0:08:54    6131  
 2153. Terri A McBay                   Etobicoke ON            2:47:01  0:08:58   116/F30-34      637/F    2:43:22  0:08:46    4508  
 2154. Shelly Shane                    Gatineau QC             2:47:01  0:08:58   103/F45-49      638/F    2:45:15  0:08:52    6274  
 2155. Kelly J Tomenson-Haas           Oakville ON             2:47:01  0:08:58   104/F45-49      639/F    2:45:48  0:08:54    6924  
 2156. Lindsay Killen                  Elliot Lake ON          2:47:03  0:08:58   263/M45-49     1516/M    2:44:32  0:08:50    3665  
 2157. Dave Dufault                    Mississauga ON          2:47:04  0:08:58   256/M40-44     1517/M    2:43:14  0:08:45    1997  
 2158. Michael Proctor                 Etobicoke ON            2:47:05  0:08:58   243/M50-54     1518/M    2:43:55  0:08:48    5635  
 2159. Karen Burns                     Ottawa ON               2:47:06  0:08:58   105/F45-49      640/F    2:45:44  0:08:53    1033  
 2160. Perry S Robinson                Ottawa ON               2:47:06  0:08:58   244/M50-54     1519/M    2:44:13  0:08:49    5889  
 2161. Henry Lo                        Mississauga ON          2:47:06  0:08:58   101/M25-29     1520/M    2:45:12  0:08:52    4131  
 2162. Breanna Coates                  Barrie ON               2:47:07  0:08:58   102/M25-29     1521/M    2:45:58  0:08:54    1385  
 2163. Amanda Mashinter                Newmarket ON            2:47:07  0:08:58    84/F25-29      641/F    2:45:58  0:08:54    4450  
 2164. John White                      Welland ON              2:47:09  0:08:58   264/M45-49     1522/M    2:45:07  0:08:51    7405  
 2165. Trevor Harris                   St. Catharines ON       2:47:10  0:08:58   240/M35-39     1523/M    2:46:23  0:08:56    2930  
 2166. Vinh Yang                       Toronto ON              2:47:10  0:08:58   103/M25-29     1524/M    2:44:39  0:08:50    4677  
 2167. Ron Steingold                   Toronto ON              2:47:10  0:08:58   257/M40-44     1525/M    2:44:40  0:08:50    6597  
 2168. Amanda Comission                Barrie ON               2:47:11  0:08:58   117/F30-34      642/F    2:45:42  0:08:53    1430  
 2169. Sally Kenny                     Dundas ON               2:47:11  0:08:58    39/F50-54      643/F    2:46:07  0:08:55    3621  
 2170. Derrick Ross                    Oakville ON             2:47:12  0:08:58   245/M50-54     1526/M    2:43:18  0:08:46    5963  
 2171. Stephen Peterson                Peterborough ON         2:47:12  0:08:58   258/M40-44     1527/M    2:42:00  0:08:41    5480  
 2172. Sarah Brebner                   Toronto ON              2:47:13  0:08:58   118/F30-34      644/F    2:42:19  0:08:42    865   
 2173. Chul Lee                        Mississauga ON          2:47:14  0:08:58   265/M45-49     1528/M    2:43:14  0:08:45    4004  
 2174. Meaghan St John                 London ON               2:47:15  0:08:58   133/F35-39      645/F    2:44:07  0:08:48    6557  
 2175. Ray St John                     London ON               2:47:15  0:08:58   259/M40-44     1529/M    2:44:06  0:08:48    6558  
 2176. Lisa Purves                     Toronto ON              2:47:15  0:08:58   134/F35-39      646/F    2:44:31  0:08:50    5654  
 2177. Danielle Tassie                 Peterborough ON         2:47:16  0:08:58   135/F35-39      647/F    2:42:05  0:08:42    6783  
 2178. Jim Tuttle                      Barrie ON               2:47:16  0:08:58   246/M50-54     1530/M    2:46:09  0:08:55    7025  
 2179. Teresa Kerr                     Toronto ON              2:47:19  0:08:59    12/F55-59      648/F    2:46:09  0:08:55    3637  
 2180. Ian Rankin                      Toronto ON              2:47:19  0:08:59    43/M60-64     1531/M    2:46:40  0:08:56    5717  
 2181. Wilhelm Haust                   Toronto ON              2:47:20  0:08:59   113/M55-59     1532/M    2:40:01  0:08:35    2975  
 2182. Jose Stein                      Toronto ON              2:47:20  0:08:59   114/M55-59     1533/M    2:44:44  0:08:50    6587  
 2183. Jessica Eamer                   Ottawa ON               2:47:22  0:08:59    85/F25-29      649/F    2:46:22  0:08:55    2048  
 2184. Mike Penny                      Milton ON               2:47:24  0:08:59   260/M40-44     1534/M    2:42:57  0:08:44    5438  
 2185. David Brezer                    Mississauga ON          2:47:25  0:08:59   247/M50-54     1535/M    2:42:29  0:08:43    880   
 2186. Clare Illingworth               Guelph ON               2:47:25  0:08:59   119/F30-34      650/F    2:47:25  0:08:59    3302  
 2187. Kimberly Casacci                Williamsville NY        2:47:26  0:08:59    86/F25-29      651/F    2:41:35  0:08:40    1177  
 2188. Alla Konashenkova               Toronto ON              2:47:26  0:08:59   106/F45-49      652/F    2:47:18  0:08:58    3752  
 2189. Martha Bridges                  Toronto ON              2:47:28  0:08:59    40/F50-54      653/F    2:46:26  0:08:56    885   
 2190. Brian Millar                    Courtright ON           2:47:29  0:08:59   115/M55-59     1536/M    2:42:26  0:08:43    4789  
 2191. Kathleen Barrette               Gatineau ON             2:47:30  0:08:59   104/F40-44      654/F    2:46:17  0:08:55    452   
 2192. Roxanne Harrington              Kemptville ON           2:47:31  0:08:59   107/F45-49      655/F    2:46:20  0:08:55    2925  
 2193. James Harrington                Kemptville ON           2:47:31  0:08:59    53/M20-24     1537/M    2:46:20  0:08:55    2924  
 2194. Yang Xiao                       Welland ON              2:47:31  0:08:59   241/M35-39     1538/M    2:44:29  0:08:49    7620  
 2195. David Couch                     Toronto ON              2:47:32  0:08:59   248/M50-54     1539/M    2:45:25  0:08:52    1509  
 2196. Will Pisek                      St. Catharines ON       2:47:34  0:08:59   261/M40-44     1540/M    2:45:38  0:08:53    5535  
 2197. Greta Soares                    Newmarket ON            2:47:34  0:08:59   108/F45-49      656/F    2:46:32  0:08:56    6501  
 2198. Amy Bross                       Mildmay ON              2:47:34  0:08:59   120/F30-34      657/F    2:44:31  0:08:50    917   
 2199. Terry From Barrie-Macfarlane    Barrie ON               2:47:35  0:08:59   266/M45-49     1541/M    2:43:33  0:08:46    6976  
 2200. Jeff Rogerson                   North Bay ON            2:47:35  0:08:59   249/M50-54     1542/M    2:44:23  0:08:49    5921  
 2201. Geoff L Nason                   Buffalo NY              2:47:36  0:08:59   104/M25-29     1543/M    2:46:07  0:08:55    5066  
 2202. Peter Carpenter                 Riverview NB            2:47:36  0:08:59   267/M45-49     1544/M    2:42:24  0:08:43    1154  
 2203. Steven Matos                    Oakvillle ON            2:47:37  0:09:00   242/M35-39     1545/M    2:45:54  0:08:54    4474  
 2204. Chris Jantz                     Welland ON              2:47:37  0:09:00   105/M25-29     1546/M    2:46:15  0:08:55    3363  
 2205. Nancy Norton                    Port Dover ON           2:47:37  0:09:00   136/F35-39      658/F    2:47:18  0:08:58    5164  
 2206. Alex Muszka                     London ON               2:47:37  0:09:00   250/M50-54     1547/M    2:46:19  0:08:55    5041  
 2207. Dave Decker                     Corner Brook NL         2:47:38  0:09:00   106/M25-29     1548/M    2:42:17  0:08:42    1759  
 2208. Ron Lariviere                   Dundas ON               2:47:38  0:09:00    44/M60-64     1549/M    2:45:07  0:08:51    3914  
 2209. Michael J Long                  Mississauga ON          2:47:38  0:09:00   243/M35-39     1550/M    2:41:19  0:08:39    4150  
 2210. Thomas Schaefer                 Buffalo NY              2:47:39  0:09:00   251/M50-54     1551/M    2:45:02  0:08:51    6141  
 2211. Arthur Flach                    Toronto ON              2:47:39  0:09:00   252/M50-54     1552/M    2:45:13  0:08:52    2292  
 2212. Christine Mayer                 Ottawa ON               2:47:39  0:09:00   105/F40-44      659/F    2:46:14  0:08:55    4490  
 2213. Tony Rosati                     Amherstburg ON          2:47:40  0:09:00   268/M45-49     1553/M    2:46:57  0:08:57    5947  
 2214. Mary St. James                  Oakville ON             2:47:40  0:09:00   106/F40-44      660/F    2:46:22  0:08:55    6559  
 2215. John Haddock                    Waterloo ON             2:47:42  0:09:00   116/M55-59     1554/M    2:46:16  0:08:55    2808  
 2216. Jon Playford                    Toronto ON              2:47:42  0:09:00   269/M45-49     1555/M    2:46:35  0:08:56    5554  
 2217. Sam Dalal                       London ON               2:47:42  0:09:00   262/M40-44     1556/M    2:40:17  0:08:36    1641  
 2218. Fran Blackler                   Stratford ON            2:47:43  0:09:00    41/F50-54      661/F    2:46:39  0:08:56    675   
 2219. Beverly Walsh                   Waterdown ON            2:47:43  0:09:00   107/F40-44      662/F    2:47:00  0:08:58    7258  
 2220. Carolyn Caskie                  Toronto ON              2:47:44  0:09:00    87/F25-29      663/F    2:46:09  0:08:55    1185  
 2221. Sandro Tersigni                 Mississauga ON          2:47:44  0:09:00   244/M35-39     1557/M    2:43:44  0:08:47    6836  
 2222. Michelle L Craig                Mississauga ON          2:47:45  0:09:00   109/F45-49      664/F    2:43:53  0:08:47    1539  
 2223. Michael Payne                   Burlington ON           2:47:46  0:09:00   263/M40-44     1558/M    2:45:28  0:08:53    5401  
 2224. Carmela Tartaglia               Toronto ON              2:47:47  0:09:00   108/F40-44      665/F    2:45:52  0:08:54    1710  
 2225. Grace G Fuerth                  Burlington ON           2:47:48  0:09:00   110/F45-49      666/F    2:46:34  0:08:56    2422  
 2226. Caroline Waring                 London ON               2:47:49  0:09:00   111/F45-49      667/F    2:44:40  0:08:50    7289  
 2227. Gilles Moreau                   Gatineau QC             2:47:49  0:09:00   253/M50-54     1559/M    2:46:08  0:08:55    4911  
 2228. Emily McLaughlin                Ottawa ON               2:47:50  0:09:00    42/F20-24      668/F    2:44:19  0:08:49    4641  
 2229. Jesse Brown                     Hamilton ON             2:47:51  0:09:00     9/F15-19      669/F    2:45:34  0:08:53    943   
 2230. Peter Goodman                   Burlington ON           2:47:51  0:09:00   264/M40-44     1560/M    2:46:12  0:08:55    2637  
 2231. Robin Mason                     Toronto ON              2:47:52  0:09:00   137/F35-39      670/F    2:46:03  0:08:54    4455  
 2232. Lou Rantin                      Peterborough ON         2:47:52  0:09:00   265/M40-44     1561/M    2:46:15  0:08:55    5719  
 2233. Christopher Chipperfield        Mississauga ON          2:47:52  0:09:00   266/M40-44     1562/M    2:45:44  0:08:53    1284  
 2234. Joe Natale                      Richmond Hill ON        2:47:52  0:09:00   267/M40-44     1563/M    2:46:34  0:08:56    5068  
 2235. Darryl M Forster                Brantford ON            2:47:53  0:09:00   268/M40-44     1564/M    2:47:23  0:08:59    2347  
 2236. Tamara Chipperfield             Mississauga ON          2:47:53  0:09:00   109/F40-44      671/F    2:45:46  0:08:54    1285  
 2237. David Arseneau                  Kitchener ON            2:47:54  0:09:00   107/M25-29     1565/M    2:46:01  0:08:54    296   
 2238. Janet Shaughnessy               Oakville ON             2:47:54  0:09:00   112/F45-49      672/F    2:46:07  0:08:55    6291  
 2239. Sandra Pette                    Paris ON                2:47:55  0:09:00   138/F35-39      673/F    2:47:08  0:08:58    5489  
 2240. Jim M Rideout                   Oakville ON             2:47:55  0:09:00   269/M40-44     1566/M    2:45:59  0:08:54    5836  
 2241. John K McConnell                Oakville ON             2:47:56  0:09:01   270/M40-44     1567/M    2:46:51  0:08:57    4543  
 2242. Joanna Chardola                 London ON               2:47:56  0:09:01   110/F40-44      674/F    2:46:46  0:08:57    1248  
 2243. Marilyn Rath                    Toronto ON              2:47:56  0:09:01   139/F35-39      675/F    2:44:02  0:08:48    5731  
 2244. Lisa Petters                    Palgrave ON             2:47:57  0:09:01   113/F45-49      676/F    2:46:25  0:08:56    5491  
 2245. Kim Keuremennen                 Waterdown ON            2:47:57  0:09:01    42/F50-54      677/F    2:46:19  0:08:55    3643  
 2246. Jonathan Delahunt               Burlington ON           2:47:58  0:09:01   254/M50-54     1568/M    2:46:40  0:08:56    1778  
 2247. Noah Katzman                    Chatham ON              2:47:58  0:09:01    54/M20-24     1569/M    2:45:59  0:08:54    3551  
 2248. Shelley Leverton                St. Thomas ON           2:47:58  0:09:01    13/F55-59      678/F    2:46:07  0:08:55    4062  
 2249. Leslie Styba                    Mississauga ON          2:47:59  0:09:01   114/F45-49      679/F    2:45:10  0:08:52    6692  
 2250. Frank Tom                       Scarborough ON          2:47:59  0:09:01   255/M50-54     1570/M    2:46:34  0:08:56    6920  
 2251. Paul McCormick                  Markham ON              2:48:00  0:09:01   256/M50-54     1571/M    2:46:01  0:08:54    4548  
 2252. Jean Schultz                    Milton ON               2:48:01  0:09:01   111/F40-44      680/F    2:46:38  0:08:56    6183  
 2253. Robin Valeri                    Cuba NY                 2:48:02  0:09:01   115/F45-49      681/F    2:45:27  0:08:53    7063  
 2254. Jason A Elson                   Sudbury ON              2:48:02  0:09:01   245/M35-39     1572/M    2:45:12  0:08:52    2108  
 2255. Simon Chiu                      Brampton ON             2:48:03  0:09:01   108/M25-29     1573/M    2:47:11  0:08:58    1291  
 2256. Paul Donnelly                   Orangeville ON          2:48:03  0:09:01   270/M45-49     1574/M    2:44:14  0:08:49    1924  
 2257. Maggie Zyla                     Barrie ON               2:48:04  0:09:01   121/F30-34      682/F    2:46:23  0:08:56    7699  
 2258. Jeni Powell                     Chatham ON              2:48:04  0:09:01    43/F50-54      683/F    2:45:20  0:08:52    5595  
 2259. Jennifer Filipski               Buffalo NY              2:48:06  0:09:01   122/F30-34      684/F    2:45:30  0:08:53    2262  
 2260. Todd Johnston                   Oakville ON             2:48:07  0:09:01   271/M40-44     1575/M    2:46:32  0:08:56    3457  
 2261. Paula L Shott                   Dundas ON               2:48:08  0:09:01   112/F40-44      685/F    2:46:59  0:08:57    6344  
 2262. Elena Holt Worrod               Toronto ON              2:48:08  0:09:01   113/F40-44      686/F    2:46:50  0:08:57    3161  
 2263. Paul Buffett                    Dundas ON               2:48:08  0:09:01   272/M40-44     1576/M    2:46:59  0:08:57    1003  
 2264. Allan Jeffries                  Toronto ON              2:48:09  0:09:01   117/M55-59     1577/M    2:47:41  0:09:00    3381  
 2265. Jon Belcher                     Toronto ON              2:48:10  0:09:01   273/M40-44     1578/M    2:44:20  0:08:49    91    
 2266. Peter Baxter                    Burlington ON           2:48:10  0:09:01   274/M40-44     1579/M    2:46:28  0:08:56    480   
 2267. David Girolami                  Toronto ON              2:48:10  0:09:01   275/M40-44     1580/M    2:46:34  0:08:56    2591  
 2268. Ben Rudakas                     Hamilton ON             2:48:12  0:09:01    55/M20-24     1581/M    2:42:24  0:08:43    6010  
 2269. Jerome Turgeon                  Barrie ON               2:48:12  0:09:01    56/M20-24     1582/M    2:42:25  0:08:43    7009  
 2270. Robert Gilchrist                Ancaster ON             2:48:13  0:09:01    45/M60-64     1583/M    2:44:59  0:08:51    2567  
 2271. Barbara McEwan                  Toronto ON              2:48:14  0:09:01    44/F50-54      687/F    2:46:20  0:08:55    4585  
 2272. Mesfin Mirotchie                Stittsville ON          2:48:14  0:09:01   118/M55-59     1584/M    2:47:07  0:08:58    4837  
 2273. Jan Donak                       Kanata ON               2:48:14  0:09:01    45/F50-54      688/F    2:47:09  0:08:58    1917  
 2274. Ashley Holliday                 St. Marys ON            2:48:15  0:09:02    88/F25-29      689/F    2:44:53  0:08:51    3145  
 2275. Carole Tracey                   Toronto ON              2:48:16  0:09:02     4/F60-64      690/F    2:47:39  0:09:00    6949  
 2276. Pat Cusack                      Stouffville ON          2:48:19  0:09:02   271/M45-49     1585/M    2:45:01  0:08:51    1626  
 2277. Steve Parr                      Chatham ON              2:48:19  0:09:02   272/M45-49     1586/M    2:42:49  0:08:44    5352  
 2278. Jessie Barrett                  Oakville ON             2:48:20  0:09:02    43/F20-24      691/F    2:46:46  0:08:57    449   
 2279. Michael Clark                   London ON               2:48:21  0:09:02    57/M20-24     1587/M    2:47:17  0:08:58    1350  
 2280. Allison C Prowse                Toronto ON              2:48:21  0:09:02    10/F15-19      692/F    2:44:18  0:08:49    5641  
 2281. Murn Meyrick                    Oakville ON             2:48:23  0:09:02    46/F50-54      693/F    2:47:00  0:08:58    4767  
 2282. Lisa Purdy                      North York ON           2:48:23  0:09:02   116/F45-49      694/F    2:47:11  0:08:58    5649  
 2283. Robert Windrum                  Toronto ON              2:48:24  0:09:02   273/M45-49     1588/M    2:46:27  0:08:56    7527  
 2284. Van Vliet Monica                Ancaster ON             2:48:24  0:09:02    44/F20-24      695/F    2:46:31  0:08:56    4876  
 2285. Ranjit Bose                     Ottawa ON               2:48:24  0:09:02   246/M35-39     1589/M    2:46:29  0:08:56    754   
 2286. Vicky Boag                      Burlington ON           2:48:26  0:09:02   114/F40-44      696/F    2:47:25  0:08:59    706   
 2287. Abdullah Salim                  Mississauga ON          2:48:26  0:09:02   109/M25-29     1590/M    2:42:32  0:08:43    6071  
 2288. Tammy Rutledge                  Mississauga ON          2:48:28  0:09:02   117/F45-49      697/F    2:47:11  0:08:58    6045  
 2289. Craig Dell                      Burlington ON           2:48:28  0:09:02   247/M35-39     1591/M    2:46:06  0:08:55    1787  
 2290. Wanda Ferguson                  Mississauga ON          2:48:34  0:09:03    47/F50-54      698/F    2:47:32  0:08:59    2238  
 2291. Lisa Nurse                      Richmond Hill ON        2:48:35  0:09:03   140/F35-39      699/F    2:45:58  0:08:54    5176  
 2292. Paul Coburn                     Richmond Hill ON        2:48:35  0:09:03   274/M45-49     1592/M    2:45:59  0:08:54    1387  
 2293. Leanne Taylor                   Toronto ON              2:48:35  0:09:03    89/F25-29      700/F    2:48:05  0:09:01    6805  
 2294. Kevin Gross                     Bolton ON               2:48:36  0:09:03   275/M45-49     1593/M    2:48:28  0:09:02    2753  
 2295. Lisa Hutfloetz                  Waterloo ON             2:48:36  0:09:03   141/F35-39      701/F    2:44:36  0:08:50    3274  
 2296. Jerry Bakker                    Mississauga ON          2:48:38  0:09:03   257/M50-54     1594/M    2:40:53  0:08:38    379   
 2297. Paul Herring                    Burlington ON           2:48:39  0:09:03   276/M40-44     1595/M    2:44:35  0:08:50    3048  
 2298. Rachel E Reed                   Burlington ON           2:48:40  0:09:03    45/F20-24      702/F    2:48:08  0:09:01    5756  
 2299. Bruce D Anderson                London ON               2:48:40  0:09:03   119/M55-59     1596/M    2:47:17  0:08:58    212   
 2300. Donald Hutt                     St. Catharines ON       2:48:40  0:09:03   258/M50-54     1597/M    2:45:25  0:08:52    3275  
 2301. Richard W Bullock               Ancaster ON             2:48:42  0:09:03   259/M50-54     1598/M    2:47:23  0:08:59    1008  
 2302. Karri Ojanen                    London ON               2:48:43  0:09:03   248/M35-39     1599/M    2:47:27  0:08:59    5229  
 2303. Mark Cormier                    Brantford ON            2:48:44  0:09:03   110/M25-29     1600/M    2:46:51  0:08:57    1486  
 2304. Veronica Martel                 Markham ON              2:48:44  0:09:03   142/F35-39      703/F    2:45:11  0:08:52    4412  
 2305. Jennifer Trowell                Toronto ON              2:48:47  0:09:03   115/F40-44      704/F    2:45:16  0:08:52    6980  
 2306. Lori Best                       Toronto ON              2:48:47  0:09:03    90/F25-29      705/F    2:45:01  0:08:51    610   
 2307. Jim Muldoon                     Kanata ON               2:48:49  0:09:03    46/M60-64     1601/M    2:47:23  0:08:59    4991  
 2308. Judy Vincent-Lewis              Bolton ON               2:48:50  0:09:03   116/F40-44      706/F    2:47:53  0:09:00    7187  
 2309. Nicki Casseres                  Toronto ON              2:48:51  0:09:03   118/F45-49      707/F    2:47:47  0:09:00    1187  
 2310. Albert Kral                     Smithville ON           2:48:54  0:09:04    47/M60-64     1602/M    2:47:00  0:08:58    3791  
 2311. Wendy Myers                     Oakville ON             2:48:55  0:09:04   117/F40-44      708/F    2:44:46  0:08:50    5048  
 2312. Mike Armstrong                  Kitchener ON            2:48:55  0:09:04   188/M30-34     1603/M    2:46:01  0:08:54    286   
 2313. Steve Vosburgh                  Waterloo ON             2:48:56  0:09:04   120/M55-59     1604/M    2:47:23  0:08:59    7206  
 2314. Kerry Slaughter                 Mississauga ON          2:48:57  0:09:04   119/F45-49      709/F    2:46:55  0:08:57    6419  
 2315. Maria Batty                     Guelph ON               2:48:59  0:09:04     5/F60-64      710/F    2:46:57  0:08:57    476   
 2316. Christine Goodall               Hamilton ON             2:48:59  0:09:04   123/F30-34      711/F    2:45:44  0:08:53    2633  
 2317. Cameron Smith                   Oakville ON             2:49:01  0:09:04   249/M35-39     1605/M    2:47:31  0:08:59    6452  
 2318. Hannah G Bell                   Hamilton ON             2:49:01  0:09:04    46/F20-24      712/F    2:48:31  0:09:02    543   
 2319. Wendy Schoen                    London ON               2:49:02  0:09:04   118/F40-44      713/F    2:46:10  0:08:55    6168  
 2320. Alexandra Noel-Turner           Picton ON               2:49:03  0:09:04   124/F30-34      714/F    2:45:06  0:08:51    5155  
 2321. Derek Laidlaw                   Stoney Creek ON         2:49:03  0:09:04   189/M30-34     1606/M    2:47:26  0:08:59    5842  
 2322. Michael Coulter                 London ON               2:49:04  0:09:04   276/M45-49     1607/M    2:47:15  0:08:58    1512  
 2323. Musonda Kidd                    Toronto ON              2:49:06  0:09:04   119/F40-44      715/F    2:48:05  0:09:01    3653  
 2324. Peter Ryback                    Bracebridge ON          2:49:06  0:09:04    48/M60-64     1608/M    2:44:22  0:08:49    6052  
 2325. Laura Fox                       Hamilton ON             2:49:09  0:09:04    47/F20-24      716/F    2:44:46  0:08:50    2364  
 2326. Jim Anderson                    Etobicoke ON            2:49:09  0:09:04   260/M50-54     1609/M    2:45:53  0:08:54    221   
 2327. Tanya Gracie                    Ottawa ON               2:49:10  0:09:04    91/F25-29      717/F    2:45:38  0:08:53    2670  
 2328. Melanie Mitchell                Burlington ON           2:49:13  0:09:05   143/F35-39      718/F    2:48:11  0:09:01    4848  
 2329. Sandra Happy-Smith              Burlington ON           2:49:13  0:09:05   120/F40-44      719/F    2:47:17  0:08:58    2905  
 2330. Ken Keegan                      Dundas ON               2:49:14  0:09:05   121/M55-59     1610/M    2:48:00  0:09:01    3577  
 2331. Jay Lind                        Oakville ON             2:49:14  0:09:05   277/M45-49     1611/M    2:45:38  0:08:53    4102  
 2332. Tom Walsh                       St. Pauls ON            2:49:14  0:09:05   278/M45-49     1612/M    2:48:42  0:09:03    7268  
 2333. Majken Church                   Oakville ON             2:49:16  0:09:05   121/F40-44      720/F    2:47:03  0:08:58    1323  
 2334. Lara C Kubilius                 Dundas ON               2:49:17  0:09:05   122/F40-44      721/F    2:47:42  0:09:00    3805  
 2335. Mark Verbeek                    Hamilton ON             2:49:17  0:09:05   277/M40-44     1613/M    2:46:26  0:08:56    7160  
 2336. Laura Prinsthal                 Ridgeway ON             2:49:17  0:09:05   123/F40-44      722/F    2:47:06  0:08:58    5633  
 2337. Emilie Tougas                   Ottawa ON               2:49:18  0:09:05    92/F25-29      723/F    2:47:11  0:08:58    6940  
 2338. Glen Duckett                    Kingston ON             2:49:18  0:09:05   279/M45-49     1614/M    2:46:11  0:08:55    1993  
 2339. Glenn Boustead                  Ottawa ON               2:49:18  0:09:05   261/M50-54     1615/M    2:47:11  0:08:58    792   
 2340. Julia Totosy De Zepetnek        Burlington ON           2:49:20  0:09:05    93/F25-29      724/F    2:46:16  0:08:55    6939  
 2341. Michael Vincent                 Waterloo ON             2:49:21  0:09:05   278/M40-44     1616/M    2:46:47  0:08:57    7185  
 2342. Chris Enns                      Kitchener ON            2:49:22  0:09:05   250/M35-39     1617/M    2:45:36  0:08:53    2126  
 2343. Barbara Szczerba                Bolton ON               2:49:22  0:09:05   144/F35-39      725/F    2:45:50  0:08:54    6752  
 2344. John Sibley                     Oakville ON             2:49:23  0:09:05   251/M35-39     1618/M    2:47:09  0:08:58    6349  
 2345. Dominic J Ritgen                Lucknow ON              2:49:23  0:09:05   190/M30-34     1619/M    2:45:46  0:08:54    5855  
 2346. Robert Mason                    Toronto ON              2:49:23  0:09:05   279/M40-44     1620/M    2:47:34  0:08:59    4454  
 2347. Osman Veisi                     Toronto ON              2:49:24  0:09:05   280/M40-44     1621/M    2:46:50  0:08:57    7147  
 2348. Francesca Ricci                 Hamilton ON             2:49:24  0:09:05   125/F30-34      726/F    2:46:42  0:08:57    5809  
 2349. Geoff A Hall                    London ON               2:49:27  0:09:05   252/M35-39     1622/M    2:45:56  0:08:54    2841  
 2350. Aimee Rixmann                   Simcoe ON               2:49:29  0:09:06   126/F30-34      727/F    2:44:20  0:08:49    5860  
 2351. Brian McPhee                    Grimsby ON              2:49:29  0:09:06   280/M45-49     1623/M    2:44:18  0:08:49    4695  
 2352. Marni R Hamilton                Toronto ON              2:49:30  0:09:06    48/F50-54      728/F    2:46:43  0:08:57    2874  
 2353. Randy Franz                     North Bay ON            2:49:30  0:09:06   281/M45-49     1624/M    2:46:17  0:08:55    2380  
 2354. Yumi Miyahara                   Mississauga ON          2:49:30  0:09:06   120/F45-49      729/F    2:48:33  0:09:03    4859  
 2355. Andrea Matthews                 Ottawa ON               2:49:31  0:09:06   127/F30-34      730/F    2:48:12  0:09:01    4480  
 2356. Stewart Campbell                Pembroke ON             2:49:31  0:09:06   262/M50-54     1625/M    2:49:03  0:09:04    1114  
 2357. Claude Papineau                 Ottawa ON               2:49:31  0:09:06   281/M40-44     1626/M    2:45:35  0:08:53    5319  
 2358. Brian Campbell                  Renfrew ON              2:49:31  0:09:06   263/M50-54     1627/M    2:49:03  0:09:04    1101  
 2359. Christine Woodcock              Cambridge ON            2:49:32  0:09:06   124/F40-44      731/F    2:47:36  0:08:59    7579  
 2360. Dino De Guzman                  Mississauga ON          2:49:32  0:09:06   282/M40-44     1628/M    2:46:04  0:08:55    1734  
 2361. Alexandra McPherson             East Aurora NY          2:49:32  0:09:06   145/F35-39      732/F    2:49:07  0:09:04    4697  
 2362. Tammy J Gredig                  St. Thomas ON           2:49:33  0:09:06   125/F40-44      733/F    2:47:58  0:09:01    2701  
 2363. Lisa Eagleson                   Baltimore ON            2:49:34  0:09:06   146/F35-39      734/F    2:47:15  0:08:58    2047  
 2364. Rocco Bellusci                  Milton ON               2:49:34  0:09:06   253/M35-39     1629/M    2:46:30  0:08:56    548   
 2365. Justin Ferns                    Ottawa ON               2:49:34  0:09:06   111/M25-29     1630/M    2:48:06  0:09:01    2244  
 2366. Wilson Russell                  Hamilton ON             2:49:35  0:09:06    48/F20-24      735/F    2:48:22  0:09:02    6033  
 2367. Dana Kulic                      Waterloo ON             2:49:36  0:09:06   147/F35-39      736/F    2:44:14  0:08:49    3818  
 2368. Lisa Barnes                     Cobourg ON              2:49:36  0:09:06   128/F30-34      737/F    2:48:37  0:09:03    436   
 2369. Kira Wing                       Vaughan ON              2:49:36  0:09:06    94/F25-29      738/F    2:48:59  0:09:04    7528  
 2370. David O'Brien                   Toronto ON              2:49:36  0:09:06   264/M50-54     1631/M    2:47:38  0:09:00    5195  
 2371. Brandon Hexham                  Aurora ON               2:49:36  0:09:06   191/M30-34     1632/M    2:44:37  0:08:50    3062  
 2372. Kelly Park                      Burlington ON           2:49:40  0:09:06   121/F45-49      739/F    2:49:30  0:09:06    5338  
 2373. Sam Vuong                       Toronto ON              2:49:41  0:09:06   265/M50-54     1633/M    2:49:14  0:09:05    7213  
 2374. Christine Minor                 Wainfleet ON            2:49:42  0:09:06   122/F45-49      740/F    2:48:21  0:09:02    4832  
 2375. Jason Stewart                   Toronto ON              2:49:43  0:09:06    58/M20-24     1634/M    2:46:12  0:08:55    6619  
 2376. Rob Murray                      Montreal West QC        2:49:43  0:09:06   282/M45-49     1635/M    2:48:12  0:09:01    5033  
 2377. Hilts Lucy                      Thornbury ON            2:49:44  0:09:06   123/F45-49      741/F    2:47:42  0:09:00    4189  
 2378. Paul Widmer                     Grimsby ON              2:49:47  0:09:06   112/M25-29     1636/M    2:46:42  0:08:57    7429  
 2379. Lance Johnson                   Bradford ON             2:49:47  0:09:06   192/M30-34     1637/M    2:47:31  0:08:59    3432  
 2380. Larry Whatmore                  Scarborough ON          2:49:48  0:09:07   122/M55-59     1638/M    2:46:15  0:08:55    7391  
 2381. Hauk Amanda                     Toronto ON              2:49:49  0:09:07    95/F25-29      742/F    2:46:08  0:08:55    197   
 2382. Hannah Fraser                   Hamilton ON             2:49:51  0:09:07   124/F45-49      743/F    2:46:03  0:08:54    2387  
 2383. Vijay Vasudeva                  Hamilton ON             2:49:52  0:09:07   283/M45-49     1639/M    2:44:21  0:08:49    7142  
 2384. Tara Leroux                     Brooklin ON             2:49:52  0:09:07   129/F30-34      744/F    2:47:14  0:08:58    4049  
 2385. Rhonda Ridgway                  Burlington ON           2:49:53  0:09:07   126/F40-44      745/F    2:47:36  0:08:59    5839  
 2386. Lynne Eisener                   Ottawa ON               2:49:54  0:09:07   125/F45-49      746/F    2:48:43  0:09:03    2088  
 2387. Bassim Saade                    Mississauga ON          2:49:54  0:09:07   266/M50-54     1640/M    2:47:48  0:09:00    6059  
 2388. Carina Tiozzo                   Markham ON              2:49:54  0:09:07   130/F30-34      747/F    2:45:33  0:08:53    6902  
 2389. Emma Murphy                     Oakville ON             2:49:55  0:09:07   131/F30-34      748/F    2:48:21  0:09:02    5022  
 2390. Jim Switzer                     Vineland ON             2:49:58  0:09:07   284/M45-49     1641/M    2:48:23  0:09:02    6744  
 2391. Nick Kanya-Forstner             Schumacher ON           2:49:59  0:09:07   285/M45-49     1642/M    2:45:25  0:08:52    3536  
 2392. Sue Turcotte                    Timmins ON              2:49:59  0:09:07   127/F40-44      749/F    2:48:25  0:09:02    7007  
 2393. Lindsay McKenrick               Buffalo NY              2:50:00  0:09:07    96/F25-29      750/F    2:47:18  0:08:58    4628  
 2394. Julie Burke                     Ottawa ON               2:50:00  0:09:07   128/F40-44      751/F    2:45:58  0:08:54    1023  
 2395. Nicole Mickelow                 Toronto ON              2:50:01  0:09:07   132/F30-34      752/F    2:45:28  0:08:53    4777  
 2396. Robert Smallwood                Oshawa ON               2:50:01  0:09:07   283/M40-44     1643/M    2:44:06  0:08:48    6441  
 2397. Marcie Cardy                    Burlington ON           2:50:01  0:09:07   133/F30-34      753/F    2:49:03  0:09:04    1137  
 2398. Rory Scully                     Port Perry ON           2:50:01  0:09:07   286/M45-49     1644/M    2:44:07  0:08:48    6219  
 2399. Eamonn Brennan                  Toronto ON              2:50:02  0:09:07   287/M45-49     1645/M    2:48:36  0:09:03    871   
 2400. Handy Jamie                     Brampton ON             2:50:02  0:09:07   254/M35-39     1646/M    2:48:10  0:09:01    3354  
 2401. Dennis Dwyer                    Cambridge ON            2:50:02  0:09:07   288/M45-49     1647/M    2:44:23  0:08:49    2036  
 2402. Christian Bogner                Hamilton ON             2:50:02  0:09:07   255/M35-39     1648/M    2:47:10  0:08:58    719   
 2403. Cynthia Thomson                 Port Elgin ON           2:50:03  0:09:07    97/F25-29      754/F    2:48:49  0:09:03    6877  
 2404. Kaylin Johnson                  Hamilton ON             2:50:04  0:09:07    98/F25-29      755/F    2:46:05  0:08:55    3430  
 2405. Susan Hewitt                    Richmond Hill ON        2:50:05  0:09:07   126/F45-49      756/F    2:49:00  0:09:04    3061  
 2406. Roberta Schoonings              St. Catharines ON       2:50:08  0:09:08   134/F30-34      757/F    2:46:09  0:08:55    6176  
 2407. Laurie Locke                    St. Thomas ON           2:50:09  0:09:08    49/F50-54      758/F    2:48:33  0:09:03    4135  
 2408. Myron Kuepfer                   Cambridge ON            2:50:09  0:09:08   289/M45-49     1649/M    2:47:57  0:09:01    3812  
 2409. Carla Dolanjski                 Timmins ON              2:50:10  0:09:08   129/F40-44      759/F    2:48:34  0:09:03    1913  
 2410. Sarah E Whitmore                Toronto ON              2:50:12  0:09:08    99/F25-29      760/F    2:49:37  0:09:06    7415  
 2411. David Ngo                       Richmond Hill ON        2:50:13  0:09:08   284/M40-44     1650/M    2:50:03  0:09:07    5128  
 2412. Mark McDonald                   Toronto ON              2:50:13  0:09:08   113/M25-29     1651/M    2:49:42  0:09:06    4573  
 2413. Jeannie Bugiardini              Burlington ON           2:50:14  0:09:08   130/F40-44      761/F    2:46:27  0:08:56    1004  
 2414. Lana Osusky                     Toronto ON              2:50:15  0:09:08   100/F25-29      762/F    2:48:06  0:09:01    5263  
 2415. David Edwards                   Kitchener ON            2:50:16  0:09:08   256/M35-39     1652/M    2:48:14  0:09:01    2075  
 2416. Arun Andrade                    Oakville ON             2:50:17  0:09:08   257/M35-39     1653/M    2:47:00  0:08:58    235   
 2417. Wayne Berger                    Oakville ON             2:50:18  0:09:08   258/M35-39     1654/M    2:48:39  0:09:03    579   
 2418. Brian Scott                     Amherstburg ON          2:50:18  0:09:08   123/M55-59     1655/M    2:45:18  0:08:52    6201  
 2419. Jill Roote                      Southampton ON          2:50:19  0:09:08    50/F50-54      763/F    2:48:50  0:09:03    5940  
 2420. Paul Westlake                   Whitby ON               2:50:19  0:09:08   259/M35-39     1656/M    2:49:20  0:09:05    7384  
 2421. Bruce Kaufman                   Calgary AB              2:50:20  0:09:08   267/M50-54     1657/M    2:49:08  0:09:04    3552  
 2422. Jason Adomeit                   Millgrove ON            2:50:21  0:09:08   285/M40-44     1658/M    2:48:00  0:09:01    129   
 2423. John Toldnes                    Hamilton ON             2:50:23  0:09:08   124/M55-59     1659/M    2:49:15  0:09:05    6919  
 2424. Mark Berry                      Freelton ON             2:50:24  0:09:08   290/M45-49     1660/M    2:47:33  0:08:59    595   
 2425. Lynda Chubak                    Toronto ON              2:50:25  0:09:09    51/F50-54      764/F    2:49:56  0:09:07    1316  
 2426. Graeme C Gibney                 London ON               2:50:25  0:09:09   286/M40-44     1661/M    2:46:54  0:08:57    2550  
 2427. Neal Ridley                     Fenwick ON              2:50:25  0:09:09   260/M35-39     1662/M    2:48:51  0:09:03    5841  
 2428. Deb Broadbent                   St. Thomas ON           2:50:26  0:09:09    52/F50-54      765/F    2:48:49  0:09:03    896   
 2429. Daniel Brousseau                Chatham ON              2:50:27  0:09:09   261/M35-39     1663/M    2:45:53  0:08:54    921   
 2430. Laura Zacharin                  Toronto ON              2:50:27  0:09:09    53/F50-54      766/F    2:47:52  0:09:00    7665  
 2431. Maxime Tourigny                 Gatineau QC             2:50:28  0:09:09   262/M35-39     1664/M    2:49:40  0:09:06    6943  
 2432. Deb Jones                       Paris ON                2:50:28  0:09:09    14/F55-59      767/F    2:47:31  0:08:59    3469  
 2433. John Macey                      Oakville ON             2:50:29  0:09:09   263/M35-39     1665/M    2:44:42  0:08:50    4258  
 2434. Jean-Paul Cardoso               Burlington ON           2:50:30  0:09:09   193/M30-34     1666/M    2:49:22  0:09:05    1136  
 2435. Martin Cox                      Newmarket ON            2:50:30  0:09:09   291/M45-49     1667/M    2:47:57  0:09:01    1525  
 2436. Alyssa C Taylor                 Mississauga ON          2:50:31  0:09:09   101/F25-29      768/F    2:49:01  0:09:04    6790  
 2437. Emma E Silverthorne             Burlington ON           2:50:31  0:09:09    11/F15-19      769/F    2:47:38  0:09:00    6366  
 2438. Terry J Lansimaki               Georgetown ON           2:50:31  0:09:09   125/M55-59     1668/M    2:48:40  0:09:03    3900  
 2439. Patty Pino                      Grimsby ON              2:50:33  0:09:09   131/F40-44      770/F    2:49:03  0:09:04    5530  
 2440. Michael Jurkiewicz              Toronto ON              2:50:33  0:09:09   264/M35-39     1669/M    2:47:03  0:08:58    94    
 2441. Melanie Smith                   Toronto ON              2:50:33  0:09:09   148/F35-39      771/F    2:47:09  0:08:58    6480  
 2442. Linda C Noest                   Brampton ON             2:50:33  0:09:09   149/F35-39      772/F    2:46:40  0:08:56    5156  
 2443. Susan Kaczmarek                 Timmins ON              2:50:36  0:09:09    54/F50-54      773/F    2:49:01  0:09:04    3511  
 2444. Peter Bannon                    Toronto ON              2:50:39  0:09:09   126/M55-59     1670/M    2:48:15  0:09:02    5472  
 2445. Rick Tam                        Toronto ON              2:50:42  0:09:09   292/M45-49     1671/M    2:49:41  0:09:06    6763  
 2446. Randy Huffman                   Toronto ON              2:50:42  0:09:09   293/M45-49     1672/M    2:49:42  0:09:06    3236  
 2447. John C Macfadyen                Orillia ON              2:50:42  0:09:09   294/M45-49     1673/M    2:45:45  0:08:53    4259  
 2448. Wayne Ehnes                     Ayr ON                  2:50:43  0:09:09   127/M55-59     1674/M    2:48:22  0:09:02    2085  
 2449. Garth Zimmer                    Toronto ON              2:50:43  0:09:09   295/M45-49     1675/M    2:46:48  0:08:57    5505  
 2450. Brian Schmidt                   Oakville ON             2:50:43  0:09:09   296/M45-49     1676/M    2:47:36  0:08:59    6158  
 2451. Tabitha Marshall                Hamilton ON             2:50:44  0:09:10   150/F35-39      774/F    2:45:36  0:08:53    4409  
 2452. Helen Gibson                    Burlington ON           2:50:45  0:09:10   151/F35-39      775/F    2:50:20  0:09:08    2551  
 2453. Adrian Tomescu                  Toronto ON              2:50:46  0:09:10   297/M45-49     1677/M    2:48:49  0:09:03    4827  
 2454. Mary G Booth                    Dundas ON               2:50:46  0:09:10    15/F55-59      776/F    2:49:39  0:09:06    759   
 2455. Charlene E Gunn-Hagerman        Keswick ON              2:50:47  0:09:10   152/F35-39      777/F    2:50:28  0:09:09    2785  
 2456. Emily Emond                     Hamilton ON             2:50:47  0:09:10   135/F30-34      778/F    2:49:54  0:09:07    2116  
 2457. Kim Sarraino                    Richmond Hill ON        2:50:49  0:09:10   132/F40-44      779/F    2:49:44  0:09:06    6109  
 2458. Bernie Sevel                    Thornhill ON            2:50:51  0:09:10   128/M55-59     1678/M    2:49:04  0:09:04    6265  
 2459. Erika A Serodio                 Hamilton ON             2:50:51  0:09:10    12/F15-19      780/F    2:50:31  0:09:09    6252  
 2460. Phil Hyland                     Mississauga ON          2:50:51  0:09:10   129/M55-59     1679/M    2:50:10  0:09:08    3288  
 2461. Frank Crowne                    Oakville ON             2:50:53  0:09:10   268/M50-54     1680/M    2:46:53  0:08:57    1589  
 2462. Michelle Sartor                 Port Dover ON           2:50:53  0:09:10   133/F40-44      781/F    2:50:36  0:09:09    6110  
 2463. Vicki Brown                     Burlington ON           2:50:55  0:09:10    16/F55-59      782/F    2:48:38  0:09:03    962   
 2464. Amanda Kirkpatrick              Sudbury ON              2:50:56  0:09:10   102/F25-29      783/F    2:48:23  0:09:02    3697  
 2465. John Kain                       Millgrove ON            2:50:58  0:09:10   194/M30-34     1681/M    2:47:18  0:08:58    3516  
 2466. Christine Grant                 Mississauga ON          2:50:58  0:09:10   127/F45-49      784/F    2:47:54  0:09:00    2682  
 2467. Mike Thomson                    Guelph ON               2:50:59  0:09:10   114/M25-29     1682/M    2:47:51  0:09:00    6881  
 2468. Neil Macleod                    Cambridge ON            2:50:59  0:09:10   269/M50-54     1683/M    2:46:56  0:08:57    4297  
 2469. Karen Pride                     Fenelon Falls ON        2:51:00  0:09:10   134/F40-44      785/F    2:50:25  0:09:09    5622  
 2470. Len James                       Dundas ON               2:51:01  0:09:10   270/M50-54     1684/M    2:48:43  0:09:03    3350  
 2471. Aaron Wouters                   Mississauga ON          2:51:01  0:09:10   265/M35-39     1685/M    2:45:20  0:08:52    7596  
 2472. Jon Ling                        Toronto ON              2:51:02  0:09:11   271/M50-54     1686/M    2:49:40  0:09:06    4113  
 2473. Scott Brown                     Toronto ON              2:51:02  0:09:11   266/M35-39     1687/M    2:49:41  0:09:06    958   
 2474. Robin C Wearing                 Toronto ON              2:51:03  0:09:11   298/M45-49     1688/M    2:48:00  0:09:01    7328  
 2475. Olivia Lee                      Toronto ON              2:51:03  0:09:11    49/F20-24      786/F    2:50:55  0:09:10    4017  
 2476. Steven Macgregor                London ON               2:51:04  0:09:11   267/M35-39     1689/M    2:47:55  0:09:00    4261  
 2477. Mike Kivell                     Stoney Creek ON         2:51:04  0:09:11   268/M35-39     1690/M    2:50:37  0:09:09    3704  
 2478. Michael Cyr                     Hamilton ON             2:51:05  0:09:11   287/M40-44     1691/M    2:48:25  0:09:02    1632  
 2479. Kevin A Beaudette               Ottawa ON               2:51:05  0:09:11   288/M40-44     1692/M    2:48:24  0:09:02    495   
 2480. Jim Bromley                     Meaford ON              2:51:06  0:09:11   130/M55-59     1693/M    2:49:06  0:09:04    905   
 2481. Sheryl Alexander                Scarborough ON          2:51:06  0:09:11   135/F40-44      787/F    2:46:37  0:08:56    161   
 2482. Eddie Novogradac                Burlington ON           2:51:07  0:09:11   269/M35-39     1694/M    2:49:57  0:09:07    5169  
 2483. Marc A Garson                   London ON               2:51:07  0:09:11   299/M45-49     1695/M    2:50:43  0:09:09    2487  
 2484. Joe Doherty                     Sarnia ON               2:51:08  0:09:11   272/M50-54     1696/M    2:47:41  0:09:00    1911  
 2485. Jim Mullenix                    London ON               2:51:08  0:09:11   273/M50-54     1697/M    2:50:09  0:09:08    4997  
 2486. Alex Robertson                  Toronto ON              2:51:08  0:09:11   195/M30-34     1698/M    2:48:11  0:09:01    5873  
 2487. Vincent Wong                    North York ON           2:51:10  0:09:11   196/M30-34     1699/M    2:45:58  0:08:54    7566  
 2488. Chris White                     Toronto ON              2:51:11  0:09:11   270/M35-39     1700/M    2:50:22  0:09:08    7402  
 2489. Kris Segna                      Burlington ON           2:51:11  0:09:11   153/F35-39      788/F    2:50:18  0:09:08    6233  
 2490. Julia Perrelli                  Hamilton ON             2:51:12  0:09:11   136/F30-34      789/F    2:49:11  0:09:05    5460  
 2491. Bethany Rypmatimmerman          Brantford ON            2:51:12  0:09:11   136/F40-44      790/F    2:49:55  0:09:07    6056  
 2492. William Milne                   Goderich ON             2:51:14  0:09:11   289/M40-44     1701/M    2:48:33  0:09:03    4823  
 2493. Gail M. Burgess                 Toronto ON              2:51:14  0:09:11    17/F55-59      791/F    2:49:29  0:09:06    1017  
 2494. Larissa Robinson                Ancaster ON             2:51:16  0:09:11   197/M30-34     1702/M    2:49:30  0:09:06    5886  
 2495. Laurel Brooks                   Toronto ON              2:51:18  0:09:11    55/F50-54      792/F    2:49:26  0:09:05    910   
 2496. Ian Service                     Guelph ON               2:51:21  0:09:12   198/M30-34     1703/M    2:49:19  0:09:05    6258  
 2497. Frank O Clement                 Camlachie ON            2:51:24  0:09:12    49/M60-64     1704/M    2:45:46  0:08:54    1371  
 2498. Steve Thompson                  Toronto ON              2:51:26  0:09:12   271/M35-39     1705/M    2:46:28  0:08:56    6874  
 2499. Patrick McCormack               East York ON            2:51:28  0:09:12   300/M45-49     1706/M    2:47:18  0:08:58    1331  
 2500. Rebecca L Lava                  Paris ON                2:51:29  0:09:12   137/F30-34      793/F    2:46:58  0:08:57    3944  
 2501. Laura Franklin                  Toronto ON              2:51:29  0:09:12   103/F25-29      794/F    2:49:09  0:09:04    2376  
 2502. Brian Wiens                     Orleans ON              2:51:32  0:09:12   301/M45-49     1707/M    2:46:22  0:08:55    7434  
 2503. Sarah Farnworth                 Ancaster ON             2:51:33  0:09:12   137/F40-44      795/F    2:50:38  0:09:09    2178  
 2504. Joanne Davies                   Oakville ON             2:51:34  0:09:12   154/F35-39      796/F    2:50:27  0:09:09    1705  
 2505. Andrea Logan                    Oakville ON             2:51:34  0:09:12   138/F40-44      797/F    2:50:24  0:09:08    4140  
 2506. Susan Halliday                  Oakville ON             2:51:34  0:09:12   139/F40-44      798/F    2:50:25  0:09:09    2850  
 2507. Darryl McMillan                 Guelph ON               2:51:35  0:09:12   272/M35-39     1708/M    2:50:21  0:09:08    4664  
 2508. Anthony A Gatti                 Toronto ON              2:51:35  0:09:12    59/M20-24     1709/M    2:49:56  0:09:07    2494  
 2509. Craig Marchand                  Brooklin ON             2:51:35  0:09:12   273/M35-39     1710/M    2:49:48  0:09:07    4377  
 2510. Pawel Jaworski                  Hamilton ON             2:51:36  0:09:12    11/M15-19     1711/M    2:50:51  0:09:10    5194  
 2511. Jack Lee                        Scarborough ON          2:51:37  0:09:12   199/M30-34     1712/M    2:49:22  0:09:05    4008  
 2512. Deirdre Tomasello               Orchard Park NY         2:51:39  0:09:12   138/F30-34      799/F    2:49:05  0:09:04    6921  
 2513. Richard Bowers                  Limehouse ON            2:51:39  0:09:12   290/M40-44     1713/M    2:49:57  0:09:07    804   
 2514. Tara Slemon                     Orono ON                2:51:39  0:09:12    50/F20-24      800/F    2:48:06  0:09:01    6426  
 2515. Debbie J Wills                  Pefferlaw ON            2:51:39  0:09:12    56/F50-54      801/F    2:48:51  0:09:03    7490  
 2516. Heather Goldring-Bechard        Pain Court ON           2:51:39  0:09:12    57/F50-54      802/F    2:48:56  0:09:04    2621  
 2517. Lisa McKnight                   Oakville ON             2:51:40  0:09:13   128/F45-49      803/F    2:48:32  0:09:02    4637  
 2518. Rebecca Gardiner                Oakville ON             2:51:40  0:09:13   155/F35-39      804/F    2:48:33  0:09:03    2477  
 2519. Doug Oliver                     Dundas ON               2:51:40  0:09:13   274/M35-39     1714/M    2:50:08  0:09:08    5237  
 2520. Petra Zdrchany                  Milton ON               2:51:41  0:09:13   139/F30-34      805/F    2:50:19  0:09:08    7676  
 2521. Kelli-An Lawrance               Burlington ON           2:51:42  0:09:13    58/F50-54      806/F    2:48:34  0:09:03    3959  
 2522. Tom Knezic                      Toronto ON              2:51:47  0:09:13   275/M35-39     1715/M    2:50:26  0:09:09    3727  
 2523. Jeff J Korstanje                Hamilton ON             2:51:47  0:09:13   276/M35-39     1716/M    2:40:08  0:08:35    3763  
 2524. Ross Coomber                    Simcoe ON               2:51:47  0:09:13    50/M60-64     1717/M    2:49:54  0:09:07    1461  
 2525. Lex Burger                      Ottawa ON               2:51:47  0:09:13   274/M50-54     1718/M    2:48:55  0:09:04    1016  
 2526. Joe P Regan                     Richmond Hill ON        2:51:48  0:09:13   302/M45-49     1719/M    2:49:45  0:09:06    5762  
 2527. Anna M Regan                    Richmond Hill ON        2:51:48  0:09:13   129/F45-49      807/F    2:49:45  0:09:06    5761  
 2528. Vera Crossley                   Hannon ON               2:51:49  0:09:13    59/F50-54      808/F    2:49:05  0:09:04    1576  
 2529. Elizabeth Johnston              London ON               2:51:49  0:09:13    18/F55-59      809/F    2:50:34  0:09:09    3447  
 2530. Elizabeth Critchley             Calgary AB              2:51:49  0:09:13    60/F50-54      810/F    2:48:13  0:09:01    1567  
 2531. Tracy L Lawrence-Black          Wilmette IL             2:51:50  0:09:13    61/F50-54      811/F    2:48:13  0:09:01    3968  
 2532. Lucy Nusink                     Peterborough ON         2:51:52  0:09:13   156/F35-39      812/F    2:49:10  0:09:04    5177  
 2533. Alexandre Comtois               Oakville ON             2:51:53  0:09:13   200/M30-34     1720/M    2:47:32  0:08:59    1434  
 2534. Cara Allaway                    Toronto ON              2:51:53  0:09:13   157/F35-39      813/F    2:46:24  0:08:56    181   
 2535. Michelle Cameron                Oakville ON             2:51:54  0:09:13   140/F40-44      814/F    2:50:45  0:09:10    1092  
 2536. Mark Heavens                    Chatham ON              2:51:55  0:09:13   275/M50-54     1721/M    2:49:11  0:09:05    3008  
 2537. John Ferguson                   London ON               2:51:55  0:09:13   276/M50-54     1722/M    2:51:08  0:09:11    2232  
 2538. Barb Kishimoto                  Mississauga ON          2:51:57  0:09:13    19/F55-59      815/F    2:49:51  0:09:07    3700  
 2539. Kellie Allan                    London ON               2:51:57  0:09:13   141/F40-44      816/F    2:46:38  0:08:56    174   
 2540. Jennifer Griffiths              Mississauga ON          2:51:57  0:09:13   142/F40-44      817/F    2:49:51  0:09:07    2733  
 2541. Kevin Garlick                   London ON               2:51:58  0:09:14   303/M45-49     1723/M    2:51:15  0:09:11    2482  
 2542. Gord Allan                      London ON               2:51:58  0:09:14   291/M40-44     1724/M    2:46:38  0:08:56    173   
 2543. Tony M Petitti                  Mississauga ON          2:51:58  0:09:14   292/M40-44     1725/M    2:47:37  0:09:00    5482  
 2544. Nicole Coverdale                London ON               2:51:59  0:09:14   104/F25-29      818/F    2:48:04  0:09:01    1520  
 2545. Samantha Johnson                Guelph ON               2:51:59  0:09:14   158/F35-39      819/F    2:47:27  0:08:59    3436  
 2546. Donna Johnson                   Burlington ON           2:52:00  0:09:14   130/F45-49      820/F    2:49:50  0:09:07    3427  
 2547. Kathleen Lawrence               Toronto ON              2:52:03  0:09:14   105/F25-29      821/F    2:51:33  0:09:12    3962  
 2548. Maurice Gallagher               Toronto ON              2:52:04  0:09:14   277/M50-54     1726/M    2:49:37  0:09:06    2456  
 2549. Nicole St.John                  London ON               2:52:05  0:09:14   159/F35-39      822/F    2:48:56  0:09:04    6563  
 2550. Ed Andringa                     Pickering ON            2:52:05  0:09:14   278/M50-54     1727/M    2:48:36  0:09:03    242   
 2551. Samuel Brailsford               Toronto ON              2:52:06  0:09:14    60/M20-24     1728/M    2:46:09  0:08:55    839   
 2552. Rick Babington                  Burlington ON           2:52:06  0:09:14   304/M45-49     1729/M    2:50:28  0:09:09    339   
 2553. Chad Fleck                      Ancaster ON             2:52:08  0:09:14   277/M35-39     1730/M    2:51:24  0:09:12    2300  
 2554. Gregor Stuart                   Toronto ON              2:52:08  0:09:14   305/M45-49     1731/M    2:46:58  0:08:57    6683  
 2555. Tom Champion                    Oakville ON             2:52:09  0:09:14   306/M45-49     1732/M    2:48:17  0:09:02    1228  
 2556. Andrew Simmonss                 Hamilton ON             2:52:10  0:09:14    61/M20-24     1733/M    2:50:40  0:09:09    6373  
 2557. Jill Ainsworth                  Ottawa ON               2:52:10  0:09:14   106/F25-29      823/F    2:50:16  0:09:08    145   
 2558. Michael Wilkins                 Uxbridge ON             2:52:11  0:09:14   307/M45-49     1734/M    2:49:50  0:09:07    7453  
 2559. Laurence Hanly                  Burlington ON           2:52:12  0:09:14   293/M40-44     1735/M    2:49:45  0:09:06    2892  
 2560. Lise Sparks                     Oakville ON             2:52:14  0:09:14   160/F35-39      824/F    2:47:50  0:09:00    6528  
 2561. Martin Howard                   Toronto ON              2:52:15  0:09:14   279/M50-54     1736/M    2:48:21  0:09:02    3211  
 2562. Leeanne Walker                  Dobbinton Ont ON        2:52:15  0:09:14    62/F50-54      825/F    2:50:21  0:09:08    7240  
 2563. Stephen Brown                   Toronto ON              2:52:16  0:09:14   131/M55-59     1737/M    2:50:36  0:09:09    959   
 2564. Janice Strickland               London ON               2:52:18  0:09:15    20/F55-59      826/F    2:50:35  0:09:09    6673  
 2565. Marilyn Kieffer                 Etobicoke ON            2:52:18  0:09:15    63/F50-54      827/F    2:50:35  0:09:09    3656  
 2566. John Hagen                      King City ON            2:52:18  0:09:15   132/M55-59     1738/M    2:48:40  0:09:03    2815  
 2567. Maureen P O'Brien               Peterborough ON         2:52:19  0:09:15   131/F45-49      828/F    2:49:37  0:09:06    5201  
 2568. David Bergeron                  Ottawa ON               2:52:19  0:09:15   278/M35-39     1739/M    2:49:44  0:09:06    580   
 2569. Carolyn McKeen                  Toronto ON              2:52:20  0:09:15   140/F30-34      829/F    2:47:50  0:09:00    4625  
 2570. Donna Richardson                Kingston ON             2:52:21  0:09:15    64/F50-54      830/F    2:49:37  0:09:06    5825  
 2571. Heather Hurst                   Hamilton ON             2:52:21  0:09:15   132/F45-49      831/F    2:49:20  0:09:05    3264  
 2572. Pat Ward                        Hamilton ON             2:52:21  0:09:15    65/F50-54      832/F    2:48:37  0:09:03    3578  
 2573. Brandon Finlay                  Caledon ON              2:52:22  0:09:15    62/M20-24     1740/M    2:47:54  0:09:00    2271  
 2574. Mia Laister Peck                Burlington ON           2:52:23  0:09:15    66/F50-54      833/F    2:48:47  0:09:03    3873  
 2575. John Gardiner                   Dundas ON               2:52:24  0:09:15   308/M45-49     1741/M    2:52:15  0:09:14    2476  
 2576. Eric Magni                      London ON               2:52:26  0:09:15    12/M65-69     1742/M    2:51:38  0:09:12    4313  
 2577. Verylene Graham                 Bright's Grove ON       2:52:27  0:09:15     6/F60-64      834/F    2:46:49  0:08:57    2676  
 2578. Rolf Hauckwitz                  Mooretown ON            2:52:27  0:09:15   280/M50-54     1743/M    2:46:49  0:08:57    2969  
 2579. Catriona Baird                  Dundas ON               2:52:27  0:09:15   133/F45-49      835/F    2:49:26  0:09:05    366   
 2580. Kelvin Journal                  Guelph ON               2:52:27  0:09:15   115/M25-29     1744/M    2:49:19  0:09:05    3495  
 2581. Gusti Matei                     Guelph ON               2:52:29  0:09:15   281/M50-54     1745/M    2:50:56  0:09:10    4465  
 2582. Erkan Beydemir                  Hamilton ON             2:52:30  0:09:15   279/M35-39     1746/M    2:52:07  0:09:14    615   
 2583. Mary Prendiville                Sarnia ON               2:52:31  0:09:15   161/F35-39      836/F    2:49:05  0:09:04    5612  
 2584. Case Van Herk                   Stoney Creek ON         2:52:33  0:09:15   133/M55-59     1747/M    2:52:07  0:09:14    7094  
 2585. David A Lurie                   Thornhill ON            2:52:35  0:09:15   134/M55-59     1748/M    2:51:54  0:09:13    4201  
 2586. Isabelle Robidas                Toronto ON              2:52:35  0:09:15    21/F55-59      837/F    2:51:09  0:09:11    5878  
 2587. Mark Anderton                   Cambridge ON            2:52:35  0:09:15   116/M25-29     1749/M    2:52:14  0:09:14    233   
 2588. Stephan Tabah                   Laval QC                2:52:36  0:09:16   309/M45-49     1750/M    2:51:15  0:09:11    6754  
 2589. Lisa Butler                     Toronto ON              2:52:37  0:09:16   141/F30-34      838/F    2:48:05  0:09:01    1052  
 2590. Aaron C Besseling               Rr#1 Hannon ON          2:52:37  0:09:16    63/M20-24     1751/M    2:51:46  0:09:13    603   
 2591. Jim Sorley                      Thorold ON              2:52:38  0:09:16   280/M35-39     1752/M    2:49:36  0:09:06    6511  
 2592. Joey Ducharme                   Etobicoke ON            2:52:39  0:09:16   294/M40-44     1753/M    2:48:45  0:09:03    1988  
 2593. Richard Li                      Etobicoke ON            2:52:39  0:09:16   201/M30-34     1754/M    2:47:16  0:08:58    4082  
 2594. Jennifer Jones                  Guelph ON               2:52:39  0:09:16   143/F40-44      839/F    2:50:08  0:09:08    3477  
 2595. Kate Peterson                   Mississauga ON          2:52:40  0:09:16    22/F55-59      840/F    2:49:24  0:09:05    5478  
 2596. Sandra Ellis                    Hannon ON               2:52:40  0:09:16    51/F20-24      841/F    2:50:37  0:09:09    2102  
 2597. Jason Profetto                  Grimsby ON              2:52:41  0:09:16   117/M25-29     1755/M    2:48:57  0:09:04    5636  
 2598. Julia Lauwers                   Kingston ON             2:52:41  0:09:16   107/F25-29      842/F    2:51:30  0:09:12    3941  
 2599. Suzanne A Smith                 Oakville ON             2:52:42  0:09:16   162/F35-39      843/F    2:51:33  0:09:12    6484  
 2600. Brenda Smith                    Schumacher ON           2:52:42  0:09:16    67/F50-54      844/F    2:48:08  0:09:01    6450  
 2601. Christine Geraghty              Ottawa ON               2:52:48  0:09:16   142/F30-34      845/F    2:50:31  0:09:09    2526  
 2602. John Reardon                    London ON               2:52:51  0:09:16   135/M55-59     1756/M    2:51:58  0:09:14    5747  
 2603. Virginie Dumont                 Brossard QC             2:52:51  0:09:16   163/F35-39      846/F    2:48:42  0:09:03    2009  
 2604. Albert Wimmers                  Burlington ON           2:52:52  0:09:16   310/M45-49     1757/M    2:51:49  0:09:13    7525  
 2605. Sandy McGale                    Toronto ON              2:52:55  0:09:17   144/F40-44      847/F    2:51:05  0:09:11    4592  
 2606. Alan Rutherford                 Dundas ON               2:52:56  0:09:17   136/M55-59     1758/M    2:52:10  0:09:14    6037  
 2607. Chris McGale                    Toronto ON              2:52:56  0:09:17   282/M50-54     1759/M    2:51:05  0:09:11    4591  
 2608. Paul Mackie                     Kitchener ON            2:52:59  0:09:17   283/M50-54     1760/M    2:52:08  0:09:14    4280  
 2609. Bob Thompson                    London ON               2:53:00  0:09:17   311/M45-49     1761/M    2:51:04  0:09:11    6859  
 2610. David Liimatainen               Ottawa ON               2:53:00  0:09:17   118/M25-29     1762/M    2:50:30  0:09:09    4095  
 2611. Kevin Talmage                   Toronto ON              2:53:00  0:09:17   312/M45-49     1763/M    2:50:09  0:09:08    6761  
 2612. Lianne C Ollerhead              New Hamburg ON          2:53:01  0:09:17   145/F40-44      848/F    2:50:23  0:09:08    5240  
 2613. Matt Small                      Georgetown ON           2:53:05  0:09:17   295/M40-44     1764/M    2:51:05  0:09:11    6437  
 2614. Sandra McArthur                 Toronto ON              2:53:06  0:09:17   134/F45-49      849/F    2:50:42  0:09:09    4502  
 2615. Siobhan Harley                  Sarnia ON               2:53:06  0:09:17   135/F45-49      850/F    2:51:11  0:09:11    2920  
 2616. Kelly Webb                      Milton ON               2:53:07  0:09:17   143/F30-34      851/F    2:51:45  0:09:13    7331  
 2617. Daryl Scheerer                  Burlington ON           2:53:07  0:09:17   202/M30-34     1765/M    2:51:47  0:09:13    6147  
 2618. Oliver Veit                     Hamilton ON             2:53:09  0:09:17   119/M25-29     1766/M    2:52:44  0:09:16    7148  
 2619. Jason Nickel                    St. Catharines ON       2:53:09  0:09:17   203/M30-34     1767/M    2:49:06  0:09:04    5137  
 2620. Michael Applebaum               Toronto ON              2:53:10  0:09:17   204/M30-34     1768/M    2:49:25  0:09:05    264   
 2621. Jake Plantinga                  Hamilton ON             2:53:10  0:09:17    51/M60-64     1769/M    2:49:14  0:09:05    5547  
 2622. Bryan Goulden                   Chatham ON              2:53:12  0:09:17   284/M50-54     1770/M    2:52:26  0:09:15    2660  
 2623. James Spearin                   St. Marys ON            2:53:12  0:09:17   281/M35-39     1771/M    2:49:45  0:09:06    6532  
 2624. Steve Carey                     Sarnia ON               2:53:13  0:09:18   313/M45-49     1772/M    2:51:22  0:09:12    1139  
 2625. James Curtis                    Hamilton ON             2:53:15  0:09:18   314/M45-49     1773/M    2:51:29  0:09:12    1623  
 2626. Joseph Carrescia                Hamilton ON             2:53:15  0:09:18   315/M45-49     1774/M    2:51:56  0:09:13    1160  
 2627. Presence Speakman               Cambridge ON            2:53:15  0:09:18   164/F35-39      852/F    2:52:19  0:09:15    6530  
 2628. Catherine C Huot                Maple ON                2:53:15  0:09:18   144/F30-34      853/F    2:48:07  0:09:01    3262  
 2629. Jennifer-Rae Brown-Menchenton   Cambridge ON            2:53:15  0:09:18   145/F30-34      854/F    2:52:19  0:09:15    965   
 2630. Dave Caesar                     Richmond Hill ON        2:53:17  0:09:18   296/M40-44     1775/M    2:51:01  0:09:10    1066  
 2631. Michael Legare                  Oshawa ON               2:53:18  0:09:18   297/M40-44     1776/M    2:51:10  0:09:11    4025  
 2632. Nancy L Chapman                 Stouffville ON          2:53:18  0:09:18   136/F45-49      855/F    2:49:43  0:09:06    1243  
 2633. Leanne Monaghan                 Acton ON                2:53:18  0:09:18   137/F45-49      856/F    2:49:54  0:09:07    4873  
 2634. Shirley Inglis                  Waterloo ON             2:53:18  0:09:18    68/F50-54      857/F    2:50:55  0:09:10    3312  
 2635. James H Phelps                  Guelph ON               2:53:20  0:09:18   285/M50-54     1777/M    2:52:33  0:09:15    5497  
 2636. Susan Pearen                    Toronto ON              2:53:20  0:09:18    23/F55-59      858/F    2:52:18  0:09:15    5405  
 2637. Mathew Ginter                   Toronto ON              2:53:20  0:09:18   120/M25-29     1778/M    2:52:37  0:09:16    2584  
 2638. Stephen Beaumont                Aurora ON               2:53:21  0:09:18   137/M55-59     1779/M    2:51:00  0:09:10    501   
 2639. Karen Berry-Spark               Waterloo ON             2:53:21  0:09:18    69/F50-54      859/F    2:49:58  0:09:07    597   
 2640. Jason Poole                     Woodstock ON            2:53:21  0:09:18    64/M20-24     1780/M    2:48:05  0:09:01    5579  
 2641. Andrea Robinson                 Glenmont ON             2:53:21  0:09:18   146/F40-44      860/F    2:50:19  0:09:08    5880  
 2642. Kevin Rodgers                   Whitby ON               2:53:21  0:09:18   286/M50-54     1781/M    2:50:28  0:09:09    5904  
 2643. Jonathan Eaton                  Toronto ON              2:53:21  0:09:18   316/M45-49     1782/M    2:49:52  0:09:07    2056  
 2644. Sarah Peterson                  Milton ON               2:53:22  0:09:18   146/F30-34      861/F    2:49:33  0:09:06    5479  
 2645. Deanna Caldwell                 Hamilton ON             2:53:23  0:09:18    13/F15-19      862/F    2:49:52  0:09:07    1075  
 2646. Karen Bain - Heap               Oakville ON             2:53:24  0:09:18   147/F40-44      863/F    2:52:15  0:09:14    364   
 2647. Christine Pastrak               Hamilton ON             2:53:24  0:09:18   108/F25-29      864/F    2:52:16  0:09:14    5365  
 2648. Andrew Ng                       Ottawa ON               2:53:25  0:09:18   282/M35-39     1783/M    2:50:56  0:09:10    5125  
 2649. Anne Lytwynec                   Farmington NY           2:53:25  0:09:18    24/F55-59      865/F    2:50:28  0:09:09    4215  
 2650. Tami Clark                      London ON               2:53:26  0:09:18   148/F40-44      866/F    2:52:52  0:09:16    1354  
 2651. Kirsten Mullins                 Ajax ON                 2:53:26  0:09:18    52/F20-24      867/F    2:51:51  0:09:13    4999  
 2652. Zachary Farrar                  Toronto ON              2:53:27  0:09:18   205/M30-34     1784/M    2:50:20  0:09:08    2183  
 2653. Nonara F Henhoeffer             Kincardine ON           2:53:27  0:09:18   147/F30-34      868/F    2:49:16  0:09:05    3034  
 2654. Timothy Wieclawski              Ottawa ON               2:53:27  0:09:18   206/M30-34     1785/M    2:51:34  0:09:12    7432  
 2655. May Howie                       Whitby ON               2:53:29  0:09:18    25/F55-59      869/F    2:51:39  0:09:12    3215  
 2656. Paula Rochman                   Toronto ON              2:53:31  0:09:18    70/F50-54      870/F    2:52:25  0:09:15    5898  
 2657. Urs Bill                        Toronto ON              2:53:31  0:09:18   317/M45-49     1786/M    2:50:50  0:09:10    633   
 2658. Joel Guberman                   Toronto ON              2:53:31  0:09:18    52/M60-64     1787/M    2:51:12  0:09:11    2760  
 2659. Douglas R Marck                 Burlington ON           2:53:32  0:09:19    53/M60-64     1788/M    2:49:58  0:09:07    4382  
 2660. Rod Shannon                     Toronto ON              2:53:32  0:09:19   138/M55-59     1789/M    2:49:32  0:09:06    6276  
 2661. Joe Forani                      Burlington ON           2:53:32  0:09:19   287/M50-54     1790/M    2:50:34  0:09:09    2335  
 2662. Stefan Bilan                    Ottawa ON               2:53:32  0:09:19   318/M45-49     1791/M    2:52:27  0:09:15    632   
 2663. Samantha Grant                  Brampton ON             2:53:32  0:09:19   149/F40-44      871/F    2:51:25  0:09:12    2687  
 2664. Janette Kirch                   Burlington ON           2:53:34  0:09:19   138/F45-49      872/F    2:53:01  0:09:17    3693  
 2665. Johanne Laperriere              Toronto ON              2:53:35  0:09:19   139/F45-49      873/F    2:53:26  0:09:18    3903  
 2666. Gail McMurphy                   Oil Springs ON          2:53:36  0:09:19   140/F45-49      874/F    2:51:44  0:09:13    4669  
 2667. Christine Sheldrake             Stoney Creek ON         2:53:36  0:09:19   148/F30-34      875/F    2:49:49  0:09:07    6313  
 2668. Jocelyn Kelly                   Guelph ON               2:53:36  0:09:19   165/F35-39      876/F    2:49:24  0:09:05    3592  
 2669. John Shaughnessy                Oakville ON             2:53:36  0:09:19   288/M50-54     1792/M    2:51:48  0:09:13    6292  
 2670. Alicia Sparkes                  Tecumseh ON             2:53:36  0:09:19   109/F25-29      877/F    2:53:04  0:09:17    6526  
 2671. John Iannuzzi                   Burlington ON           2:53:36  0:09:19   319/M45-49     1793/M    2:48:59  0:09:04    3295  
 2672. Lisa Prisciak                   Toronto ON              2:53:37  0:09:19    53/F20-24      878/F    2:51:05  0:09:11    5634  
 2673. Ken Kusalik                     Chatham ON              2:53:37  0:09:19   298/M40-44     1794/M    2:47:24  0:08:59    3827  
 2674. Nancy McMahon                   Ottawa ON               2:53:38  0:09:19    26/F55-59      879/F    2:51:52  0:09:13    4661  
 2675. Ryan J Chambers                 Waterdown ON            2:53:38  0:09:19   121/M25-29     1795/M    2:48:40  0:09:03    1225  
 2676. Frank R Fournier                Ancaster ON             2:53:38  0:09:19   320/M45-49     1796/M    2:53:33  0:09:19    2356  
 2677. John V Swart                    Fonthill ON             2:53:38  0:09:19    54/M60-64     1797/M    2:51:43  0:09:13    6731  
 2678. Ray Campbell                    Burlington ON           2:53:40  0:09:19   289/M50-54     1798/M    2:50:43  0:09:09    1111  
 2679. Carla R Fugler                  Ottawa ON               2:53:44  0:09:19   110/F25-29      880/F    2:51:31  0:09:12    2423  
 2680. Sheila Magallon                 Markham ON              2:53:44  0:09:19   166/F35-39      881/F    2:50:10  0:09:08    4311  
 2681. Michael Orr                     Toronto ON              2:53:44  0:09:19    55/M60-64     1799/M    2:52:41  0:09:16    5254  
 2682. Valerie L Bellemare             Ottawa ON               2:53:44  0:09:19   111/F25-29      882/F    2:51:32  0:09:12    546   
 2683. Jody Levine                     Etobicoke ON            2:53:44  0:09:19   150/F40-44      883/F    2:53:03  0:09:17    4065  
 2684. Rudi Mueller                    Georgetown ON           2:53:45  0:09:19    56/M60-64     1800/M    2:50:22  0:09:08    4982  
 2685. Ross Ankenmann                  Toronto ON              2:53:45  0:09:19   299/M40-44     1801/M    2:52:25  0:09:15    250   
 2686. Joe Luoma                       Sudbury ON              2:53:45  0:09:19   283/M35-39     1802/M    2:50:17  0:09:08    4196  
 2687. Brad L Griffith                 London ON               2:53:46  0:09:19   321/M45-49     1803/M    2:51:20  0:09:11    2731  
 2688. Erika McDonald                  Komoka ON               2:53:46  0:09:19   167/F35-39      884/F    2:53:34  0:09:19    4568  
 2689. Sonja Miller                    Mississauga ON          2:53:46  0:09:19    14/F15-19      885/F    2:50:59  0:09:10    4809  
 2690. Jennifer Leigh-Bennett          Toronto ON              2:53:47  0:09:19   141/F45-49      886/F    2:50:46  0:09:10    4030  
 2691. Pierre Sarazin                  Ottawa ON               2:53:48  0:09:19   122/M25-29     1804/M    2:52:19  0:09:15    6105  
 2692. Kathy-Ann Karder                Copley OH               2:53:49  0:09:19   142/F45-49      887/F    2:51:39  0:09:12    3538  
 2693. Matt Anderton                   Hamilton ON             2:53:50  0:09:20   207/M30-34     1805/M    2:53:28  0:09:18    234   
 2694. Melanie Jajko                   Hamilton ON             2:53:50  0:09:20   112/F25-29      888/F    2:53:29  0:09:18    3345  
 2695. Dieter Gamm                     Thornhill ON            2:53:50  0:09:20   322/M45-49     1806/M    2:49:57  0:09:07    2463  
 2696. Bernadette Thomas               Newmarket ON            2:53:50  0:09:20    27/F55-59      889/F    2:51:28  0:09:12    6849  
 2697. Kathleen Dougall                Whitby ON               2:53:52  0:09:20   149/F30-34      890/F    2:52:24  0:09:15    1940  
 2698. Danielle Neziol                 Toronto ON              2:53:54  0:09:20   113/F25-29      891/F    2:52:49  0:09:16    5124  
 2699. Brian Hand                      Burlington ON           2:53:54  0:09:20   323/M45-49     1807/M    2:52:07  0:09:14    2887  
 2700. Wilma Hoogendam                 Woodstock ON            2:53:56  0:09:20   143/F45-49      892/F    2:49:50  0:09:07    3169  
 2701. Michael Reid                    Waterloo ON             2:53:56  0:09:20   300/M40-44     1808/M    2:50:26  0:09:09    5774  
 2702. Mathieu Tasse                   Oshawa ON               2:53:56  0:09:20   208/M30-34     1809/M    2:53:22  0:09:18    6782  
 2703. Darren T Bimm                   Mississauga ON          2:53:56  0:09:20   123/M25-29     1810/M    2:50:44  0:09:10    639   
 2704. Ed Erl                          Hamilton ON             2:53:56  0:09:20   290/M50-54     1811/M    2:52:25  0:09:15    2135  
 2705. Alexa Giorgi                    Toronto ON              2:53:56  0:09:20   150/F30-34      893/F    2:52:08  0:09:14    2585  
 2706. Allie Zaruk                     Grimsby ON              2:53:57  0:09:20    54/F20-24      894/F    2:53:36  0:09:19    7673  
 2707. Stephanie J Heard               Brantford ON            2:53:58  0:09:20   168/F35-39      895/F    2:51:11  0:09:11    3000  
 2708. Tim S Watters                   Port Dover ON           2:53:59  0:09:20   324/M45-49     1812/M    2:49:07  0:09:04    7320  
 2709. Fe Klunder                      Waterford ON            2:54:01  0:09:20   169/F35-39      896/F    2:47:41  0:09:00    3716  
 2710. Sarah Pringle                   Hamilton ON             2:54:01  0:09:20    55/F20-24      897/F    2:48:30  0:09:02    5632  
 2711. Marcia Kumagai                  Burlington ON           2:54:02  0:09:20   144/F45-49      898/F    2:50:02  0:09:07    3820  
 2712. Chris Llord                     St. Catharines ON       2:54:03  0:09:20   291/M50-54     1813/M    2:51:40  0:09:13    4128  
 2713. Gabriela Reyes                  Milton ON               2:54:03  0:09:20   170/F35-39      899/F    2:52:40  0:09:16    5797  
 2714. Randy Vermaas                   Guelph ON               2:54:03  0:09:20   325/M45-49     1814/M    2:51:38  0:09:12    7164  
 2715. Neil Gross                      Mississauga ON          2:54:03  0:09:20   139/M55-59     1815/M    2:50:31  0:09:09    2754  
 2716. Jessica Roswell                 London ON               2:54:03  0:09:20   114/F25-29      900/F    2:53:21  0:09:18    5982  
 2717. Katherine M Poole               Toronto ON              2:54:04  0:09:20   151/F30-34      901/F    2:50:10  0:09:08    5580  
 2718. James Ghandour                  Toronto ON              2:54:04  0:09:20   209/M30-34     1816/M    2:52:16  0:09:14    2537  
 2719. Gerry Poffenroth                Toronto ON              2:54:05  0:09:20    57/M60-64     1817/M    2:52:24  0:09:15    5562  
 2720. Theresa Ann Kennedy             Southampton ON          2:54:06  0:09:20   145/F45-49      902/F    2:50:54  0:09:10    3617  
 2721. Natalie Jelenski                Newmarket ON            2:54:06  0:09:20   115/F25-29      903/F    2:48:47  0:09:03    3384  
 2722. Linda Sacco                     Depew NY                2:54:07  0:09:20   151/F40-44      904/F    2:52:40  0:09:16    6062  
 2723. Nikki Sloan Clarke              Woodstock ON            2:54:07  0:09:20   146/F45-49      905/F    2:48:21  0:09:02    6430  
 2724. Dennis Dell                     Stoney Creek ON         2:54:09  0:09:21   292/M50-54     1818/M    2:50:20  0:09:08    1788  
 2725. Anita Taylor                    Orleans ON              2:54:10  0:09:21   152/F40-44      906/F    2:50:37  0:09:09    6792  
 2726. Matt Thorne                     Richmond Hill ON        2:54:11  0:09:21   301/M40-44     1819/M    2:50:54  0:09:10    6885  
 2727. Heather Gardner                 Toronto ON              2:54:11  0:09:21   152/F30-34      907/F    2:52:21  0:09:15    2480  
 2728. Scott M Boisvert                Niagara Falls ON        2:54:12  0:09:21   302/M40-44     1820/M    2:48:55  0:09:04    722   
 2729. Shanta Oudit                    Mississauga ON          2:54:13  0:09:21   147/F45-49      908/F    2:49:11  0:09:05    5265  
 2730. Joseph Scalia                   Montreal QC             2:54:13  0:09:21   124/M25-29     1821/M    2:49:08  0:09:04    6135  
 2731. Jodie-Lee J Primeau             Kingston ON             2:54:14  0:09:21   116/F25-29      909/F    2:49:42  0:09:06    5627  
 2732. Robert Fraser                   Ilderton ON             2:54:14  0:09:21   140/M55-59     1822/M    2:47:06  0:08:58    2392  
 2733. Maryka Hladki                   Newmarket ON            2:54:15  0:09:21   171/F35-39      910/F    2:50:22  0:09:08    3106  
 2734. Kevin Chun                      Toronto ON              2:54:16  0:09:21   303/M40-44     1823/M    2:49:00  0:09:04    1317  
 2735. Carmen J Tullo                  Hamilton ON             2:54:17  0:09:21   326/M45-49     1824/M    2:51:01  0:09:10    7000  
 2736. Roxanne Camirand                Niagara Falls ON        2:54:17  0:09:21   153/F40-44      911/F    2:50:26  0:09:09    1097  
 2737. Doris N Benson                  Delaware ON             2:54:18  0:09:21    28/F55-59      912/F    2:52:28  0:09:15    569   
 2738. Clark Haskins                   St. Thomas ON           2:54:18  0:09:21   327/M45-49     1825/M    2:53:30  0:09:18    2954  
 2739. Art P Forester                  Bracebridge ON          2:54:19  0:09:21   293/M50-54     1826/M    2:48:52  0:09:04    2344  
 2740. Patty Scott                     Burlington ON           2:54:19  0:09:21   153/F30-34      913/F    2:50:50  0:09:10    6213  
 2741. Jeff Klunder                    Waterford ON            2:54:19  0:09:21   284/M35-39     1827/M    2:47:59  0:09:01    3717  
 2742. Wendy Fraser                    Ilderton ON             2:54:20  0:09:21    29/F55-59      914/F    2:50:52  0:09:10    2393  
 2743. Denny Radlein                   London ON               2:54:22  0:09:21   141/M55-59     1828/M    2:52:58  0:09:17    5692  
 2744. Rob Cunningham                  Toronto ON              2:54:23  0:09:21   328/M45-49     1829/M    2:52:34  0:09:15    1447  
 2745. Elliot Johnson                  Toronto ON              2:54:23  0:09:21   285/M35-39     1830/M    2:51:16  0:09:11    3428  
 2746. Lee Anne H Coren                Dundas ON               2:54:23  0:09:21   148/F45-49      915/F    2:52:32  0:09:15    1481  
 2747. Joe W Bourret                   Toronto ON              2:54:25  0:09:21   294/M50-54     1831/M    2:49:22  0:09:05    791   
 2748. Kathy Stephenson                Markham ON              2:54:27  0:09:22   172/F35-39      916/F    2:50:53  0:09:10    6609  
 2749. Colleen Ouwendyk                Shallow Lake ON         2:54:27  0:09:22   173/F35-39      917/F    2:50:25  0:09:09    5269  
 2750. Glenn Kaifas                    Buffalo NY              2:54:28  0:09:22   210/M30-34     1832/M    2:51:42  0:09:13    3515  
 2751. Kevin Penhale                   Sarnia ON               2:54:29  0:09:22   329/M45-49     1833/M    2:51:02  0:09:11    5430  
 2752. Ryan J Love                     Burlington ON           2:54:29  0:09:22   125/M25-29     1834/M    2:52:03  0:09:14    4169  
 2753. Wendy Curren                    London ON               2:54:32  0:09:22    71/F50-54      918/F    2:53:16  0:09:18    1617  
 2754. Viki Moreau                     Oakville ON             2:54:33  0:09:22   154/F40-44      919/F    2:53:24  0:09:18    4912  
 2755. Tracy Luk                       Toronto ON              2:54:33  0:09:22   154/F30-34      920/F    2:52:22  0:09:15    4193  
 2756. Dan Goselin                     Bowmanville ON          2:54:36  0:09:22   295/M50-54     1835/M    2:51:08  0:09:11    2651  
 2757. Benoit Pilon                    St Lazare QC            2:54:36  0:09:22   304/M40-44     1836/M    2:52:41  0:09:16    5523  
 2758. Robert Muziol                   Oshawa ON               2:54:36  0:09:22   330/M45-49     1837/M    2:50:20  0:09:08    5044  
 2759. Roy Gowers                      Hamilton ON             2:54:36  0:09:22    12/M15-19     1838/M    2:51:05  0:09:11    2666  
 2760. Marylou Albanese                London ON               2:54:37  0:09:22   149/F45-49      921/F    2:50:27  0:09:09    154   
 2761. Lise Gagne                      Angus ON                2:54:38  0:09:22    72/F50-54      922/F    2:54:04  0:09:20    2442  
 2762. Harvey Ledra                    Toronto ON              2:54:40  0:09:22   142/M55-59     1839/M    2:53:26  0:09:18    4001  
 2763. Debbie Williams                 Kirkland QC             2:54:41  0:09:22    30/F55-59      923/F    2:51:53  0:09:13    7471  
 2764. Jennifer Bailey                 Toronto ON              2:54:42  0:09:22   150/F45-49      924/F    2:53:25  0:09:18    358   
 2765. Judy Knott                      Toronto ON              2:54:42  0:09:22    31/F55-59      925/F    2:50:34  0:09:09    3738  
 2766. Annemichelle Tessier            East Lansing MI         2:54:43  0:09:22   155/F30-34      926/F    2:50:03  0:09:07    6838  
 2767. Kate Pitkin                     Aurora ON               2:54:43  0:09:22   117/F25-29      927/F    2:54:08  0:09:20    5538  
 2768. Derek Rogers                    Toronto ON              2:54:44  0:09:22    13/M65-69     1840/M    2:53:52  0:09:20    5915  
 2769. Alex Baniczky                   Toronto ON              2:54:44  0:09:22   305/M40-44     1841/M    2:52:05  0:09:14    404   
 2770. Lindsay Hewitt                  Hamilton ON             2:54:45  0:09:22   156/F30-34      928/F    2:53:52  0:09:20    3060  
 2771. Sarah E Young                   Mississauga ON          2:54:46  0:09:23   118/F25-29      929/F    2:50:56  0:09:10    7653  
 2772. Zen Maszczak                    Burlington ON           2:54:48  0:09:23   296/M50-54     1842/M    2:50:29  0:09:09    4462  
 2773. Dan Gieruszak                   Cargill ON              2:54:48  0:09:23   143/M55-59     1843/M    2:53:28  0:09:18    2557  
 2774. Johnny Poon                     Mississauga ON          2:54:48  0:09:23   306/M40-44     1844/M    2:41:53  0:08:41    5581  
 2775. Mark Sheldrake                  Brantford ON            2:54:48  0:09:23   286/M35-39     1845/M    2:52:37  0:09:16    6314  
 2776. Stephen Priamo                  London ON               2:54:48  0:09:23   331/M45-49     1846/M    2:54:09  0:09:21    5616  
 2777. Heather Riddell                 St. Thomas ON           2:54:49  0:09:23   119/F25-29      930/F    2:54:05  0:09:20    2552  
 2778. Danielle Beausoleil             Toronto ON              2:54:49  0:09:23    73/F50-54      931/F    2:52:22  0:09:15    502   
 2779. David Gilchrist                 Sarnia ON               2:54:50  0:09:23    58/M60-64     1847/M    2:51:37  0:09:12    2566  
 2780. Sheila Williams                 Saskatoon SK            2:54:50  0:09:23   157/F30-34      932/F    2:49:35  0:09:06    7479  
 2781. Mirko Gojic                     Etobicoke ON            2:54:51  0:09:23   287/M35-39     1848/M    2:51:38  0:09:12    2619  
 2782. Liz Flamenco                    Kingston ON             2:54:52  0:09:23   174/F35-39      933/F    2:54:14  0:09:21    2296  
 2783. Susie Grondin                   Toronto ON              2:54:52  0:09:23   155/F40-44      934/F    2:50:41  0:09:09    2749  
 2784. Joseph Dunham                   Stouffville ON          2:54:52  0:09:23   297/M50-54     1849/M    2:53:20  0:09:18    2013  
 2785. Liana Thompson                  Port Dover ON           2:54:52  0:09:23   156/F40-44      935/F    2:54:34  0:09:22    6870  
 2786. Jessica Kuepfer                 Millbank ON             2:54:52  0:09:23    56/F20-24      936/F    2:51:52  0:09:13    3811  
 2787. Chris Leitch                    Brooklin ON             2:54:53  0:09:23   288/M35-39     1850/M    2:50:04  0:09:07    4031  
 2788. Sonya L Demik                   Hannon ON               2:54:53  0:09:23   157/F40-44      937/F    2:50:37  0:09:09    1802  
 2789. David Jesseau                   Oakville ON             2:54:53  0:09:23   289/M35-39     1851/M    2:53:39  0:09:19    3405  
 2790. John Urie                       Flamborough ON          2:54:54  0:09:23   298/M50-54     1852/M    2:52:52  0:09:16    7050  
 2791. Jim McKay                       Waterloo ON             2:54:54  0:09:23   299/M50-54     1853/M    2:52:16  0:09:14    4622  
 2792. Barb Davis                      St. Catharines ON       2:54:55  0:09:23    74/F50-54      938/F    2:51:26  0:09:12    1709  
 2793. Klari Kalkman                   St. Catharines ON       2:54:55  0:09:23    32/F55-59      939/F    2:51:26  0:09:12    3526  
 2794. Ann Jackson                     Beeton ON               2:54:55  0:09:23   151/F45-49      940/F    2:49:22  0:09:05    3336  
 2795. Suh Kim                         Toronto ON              2:54:56  0:09:23   158/F40-44      941/F    2:51:40  0:09:13    3675  
 2796. Libby Dror                      Toronto ON              2:54:56  0:09:23   158/F30-34      942/F    2:52:24  0:09:15    1977  
 2797. Franz Schmidt                   Limehouse ON            2:54:56  0:09:23    59/M60-64     1854/M    2:51:42  0:09:13    6159  
 2798. Melissa Mucha                   Ottawa ON               2:54:57  0:09:23   175/F35-39      943/F    2:53:08  0:09:17    4979  
 2799. Peter Gatto                     Toronto ON              2:54:57  0:09:23   300/M50-54     1855/M    2:52:39  0:09:16    2497  
 2800. Cindy Evans                     St. Thomas ON           2:54:57  0:09:23    75/F50-54      944/F    2:53:19  0:09:18    2146  
 2801. Deana Porter                    London ON               2:54:57  0:09:23   159/F40-44      945/F    2:54:15  0:09:21    5584  
 2802. Gary Wiseman                    Burlington ON           2:54:57  0:09:23   332/M45-49     1856/M    2:53:58  0:09:20    7537  
 2803. Meg Cramer                      Scarborough ON          2:54:57  0:09:23    57/F20-24      946/F    2:51:03  0:09:11    1544  
 2804. Wayne Dennison                  Bridgenorth ON          2:54:58  0:09:23   333/M45-49     1857/M    2:49:58  0:09:07    1815  
 2805. Bill Ferguson                   Toronto ON              2:54:58  0:09:23   144/M55-59     1858/M    2:53:28  0:09:18    2226  
 2806. Sonny Ciufo                     Stoney Creek ON         2:54:58  0:09:23   211/M30-34     1859/M    2:53:56  0:09:20    1334  
 2807. Steve Martens                   Parkhill ON             2:54:58  0:09:23   301/M50-54     1860/M    2:50:59  0:09:10    4418  
 2808. Robert Hayden                   Hamilton ON             2:54:59  0:09:23   212/M30-34     1861/M    2:54:44  0:09:22    2983  
 2809. Heather Lightfoot               Toronto ON              2:54:59  0:09:23   159/F30-34      947/F    2:52:25  0:09:15    4092  
 2810. Dan Lightfoot                   Toronto ON              2:54:59  0:09:23   213/M30-34     1862/M    2:52:25  0:09:15    4091  
 2811. Sandy Kelloway                  Mount Albert ON         2:54:59  0:09:23   152/F45-49      948/F    2:53:30  0:09:18    3588  
 2812. Natolochny Natolochny           Milton ON               2:54:59  0:09:23    58/F20-24      949/F    2:50:35  0:09:09    5071  
 2813. Carolyn Taylor                  Oakville ON             2:55:01  0:09:23   153/F45-49      950/F    2:51:57  0:09:13    6796  
 2814. Luvy Gonzalez                   Ottawa ON               2:55:01  0:09:23   176/F35-39      951/F    2:51:05  0:09:11    2629  
 2815. Natalie Frost                   St Catherines ON        2:55:02  0:09:23   120/F25-29      952/F    2:51:12  0:09:11    5008  
 2816. Dan Halloran                    Brampton ON             2:55:02  0:09:23   302/M50-54     1863/M    2:51:32  0:09:12    2856  
 2817. Claretia Spencer                Mississauga ON          2:55:02  0:09:23    76/F50-54      953/F    2:53:11  0:09:17    6540  
 2818. Fran Moore                      Stayner ON              2:55:04  0:09:23   307/M40-44     1864/M    2:51:05  0:09:11    4889  
 2819. Vanessa Bowker                  Timmins ON              2:55:06  0:09:24   121/F25-29      954/F    2:51:50  0:09:13    811   
 2820. Ed Wilson                       London ON               2:55:07  0:09:24   145/M55-59     1865/M    2:53:33  0:09:19    7496  
 2821. Julie Ross                      Grimsby ON              2:55:08  0:09:24   160/F40-44      955/F    2:53:25  0:09:18    5968  
 2822. Wayne Crook                     Burlington ON           2:55:08  0:09:24   334/M45-49     1866/M    2:53:36  0:09:19    1573  
 2823. Amanda Warren-Ritchie           Oakville ON             2:55:08  0:09:24   161/F40-44      956/F    2:52:18  0:09:15    7297  
 2824. Philip Jarrett                  Carlisle ON             2:55:08  0:09:24   335/M45-49     1867/M    2:51:42  0:09:13    3371  
 2825. Ryan Moran                      Hamilton ON             2:55:08  0:09:24   126/M25-29     1868/M    2:51:57  0:09:13    4905  
 2826. Jason Linkewich                 North Bay ON            2:55:09  0:09:24   308/M40-44     1869/M    2:50:47  0:09:10    4114  
 2827. Fred Enns                       Sarnia ON               2:55:11  0:09:24   146/M55-59     1870/M    2:50:12  0:09:08    2127  
 2828. Annie Gaudreault                Toronto ON              2:55:11  0:09:24   162/F40-44      957/F    2:50:10  0:09:08    2499  
 2829. Gerry Macalpine                 Sarnia ON               2:55:12  0:09:24    14/M65-69     1871/M    2:50:24  0:09:08    4224  
 2830. Mary Schaerer                   Goderich ON             2:55:14  0:09:24    77/F50-54      958/F    2:52:27  0:09:15    6143  
 2831. Paul Mitchell                   Hamilton ON             2:55:14  0:09:24   303/M50-54     1872/M    2:49:36  0:09:06    4851  
 2832. Tom Habdo                       Amherst NY              2:55:16  0:09:24   304/M50-54     1873/M    2:49:27  0:09:05    2802  
 2833. Gregory Dowdall                 Toronto ON              2:55:16  0:09:24   309/M40-44     1874/M    2:48:21  0:09:02    1951  
 2834. Mario Cancellara                St. Catharines ON       2:55:18  0:09:24   147/M55-59     1875/M    2:54:40  0:09:22    1119  
 2835. Sue Tanel                       Woodbridge ON           2:55:18  0:09:24   154/F45-49      959/F    2:52:59  0:09:17    6768  
 2836. Taj Khan                        Burlington ON           2:55:18  0:09:24   155/F45-49      960/F    2:52:13  0:09:14    3650  
 2837. Paula Bucci                     Mississauga ON          2:55:20  0:09:24   160/F30-34      961/F    2:53:59  0:09:20    989   
 2838. Marty Rochon                    Burlington ON           2:55:20  0:09:24   290/M35-39     1876/M    2:49:24  0:09:05    5900  
 2839. Amanda/Mark Collis              Burlington ON           2:55:20  0:09:24   305/M50-54     1877/M    2:54:58  0:09:23    1424  
 2840. Phyllis Berck                   Toronto ON              2:55:21  0:09:24     7/F60-64      962/F    2:52:54  0:09:17    576   
 2841. Katherine Ing                   Toronto ON              2:55:22  0:09:24   156/F45-49      963/F    2:54:20  0:09:21    3310  
 2842. Katherine Eaton                 Burlington ON           2:55:23  0:09:25    33/F55-59      964/F    2:53:27  0:09:18    2057  
 2843. Deanna Hamill                   Owen Sound ON           2:55:25  0:09:25   177/F35-39      965/F    2:51:24  0:09:12    2868  
 2844. Ken Pabla                       Brampton ON             2:55:26  0:09:25   310/M40-44     1878/M    2:49:34  0:09:06    5278  
 2845. Jessica C Van Vliet             Uxbridge ON             2:55:26  0:09:25    59/F20-24      966/F    2:53:35  0:09:19    7106  
 2846. Barbara J Hutton                Burlington ON           2:55:28  0:09:25   157/F45-49      967/F    2:52:03  0:09:14    3276  
 2847. Kristen Ernst                   Binbrook ON             2:55:29  0:09:25   122/F25-29      968/F    2:52:14  0:09:14    2136  
 2848. Kirsten Slaven                  London ON               2:55:30  0:09:25    60/F20-24      969/F    2:53:24  0:09:18    6420  
 2849. Alfredo Suarez                  Pickering ON            2:55:31  0:09:25   336/M45-49     1879/M    2:53:02  0:09:17    5875  
 2850. Stephanie L Irvine              Barrie ON               2:55:32  0:09:25   123/F25-29      970/F    2:53:20  0:09:18    3320  
 2851. Kerry Laing                     Orangeville ON          2:55:32  0:09:25   291/M35-39     1880/M    2:50:11  0:09:08    3869  
 2852. Corinna Nickless                Cambridge ON            2:55:32  0:09:25   163/F40-44      971/F    2:52:02  0:09:14    5139  
 2853. Eileen McMahon                  Oakville ON             2:55:34  0:09:25    78/F50-54      972/F    2:53:34  0:09:19    4659  
 2854. Angelo Tobia                    Oakville ON             2:55:34  0:09:25   148/M55-59     1881/M    2:53:34  0:09:19    6908  
 2855. Barb Brown                      Oshawa ON               2:55:34  0:09:25     8/F60-64      973/F    2:54:17  0:09:21    927   
 2856. Dianna Lynn Moulds-Gray         Kingston ON             2:55:35  0:09:25    34/F55-59      974/F    2:52:08  0:09:14    4969  
 2857. Thomas Seaman                   Guelph ON               2:55:36  0:09:25   292/M35-39     1882/M    2:54:19  0:09:21    6226  
 2858. Dana McCormack Boily            Toronto ON              2:55:36  0:09:25   164/F40-44      975/F    2:51:34  0:09:12    4546  
 2859. Tessa Haines                    Burlington ON           2:55:38  0:09:25   161/F30-34      976/F    2:51:47  0:09:13    2827  
 2860. Stephanie Arcand                Windsor ON              2:55:38  0:09:25   165/F40-44      977/F    2:52:08  0:09:14    270   
 2861. Clayton Parry                   Toronto ON              2:55:39  0:09:25   214/M30-34     1883/M    2:52:46  0:09:16    5353  
 2862. Alex Guertin                    Toronto ON              2:55:39  0:09:25   311/M40-44     1884/M    2:52:29  0:09:15    2770  
 2863. Colin Brennan                   Toronto ON              2:55:40  0:09:25   215/M30-34     1885/M    2:51:32  0:09:12    870   
 2864. Jenna Cheal                     Toronto ON              2:55:42  0:09:26   162/F30-34      978/F    2:53:53  0:09:20    3821  
 2865. Frank Backx                     Forest ON               2:55:44  0:09:26   149/M55-59     1886/M    2:54:52  0:09:23    5551  
 2866. Joe Hart                        Grimsby ON              2:55:45  0:09:26    60/M60-64     1887/M    2:50:30  0:09:09    2940  
 2867. William Sanchez                 Toronto ON              2:55:46  0:09:26   293/M35-39     1888/M    2:51:56  0:09:13    6091  
 2868. Michael Medeiros                Oakville ON             2:55:46  0:09:26   294/M35-39     1889/M    2:52:41  0:09:16    4718  
 2869. Caroline Allen                  Montreal QC             2:55:46  0:09:26   163/F30-34      979/F    2:52:37  0:09:16    185   
 2870. Kim Langtree                    Bracebridge ON          2:55:47  0:09:26   164/F30-34      980/F    2:51:03  0:09:11    3898  
 2871. Marie Malcolm                   Bracebridge ON          2:55:47  0:09:26    79/F50-54      981/F    2:51:03  0:09:11    4336  
 2872. Alison Cumming                  Mississauga ON          2:55:49  0:09:26   165/F30-34      982/F    2:54:28  0:09:22    1601  
 2873. Charlotte Schwartz              Toronto ON              2:55:50  0:09:26   124/F25-29      983/F    2:54:43  0:09:22    6192  
 2874. Tammy Penny                     Hamilton ON             2:55:51  0:09:26   125/F25-29      984/F    2:53:48  0:09:19    5439  
 2875. Robert March                    Burlington ON           2:55:51  0:09:26   295/M35-39     1890/M    2:52:39  0:09:16    4376  
 2876. Yvan Quenville                  Valleyfield QC          2:55:52  0:09:26   150/M55-59     1891/M    2:53:59  0:09:20    5667  
 2877. Jessica Craymer                 Bracebridge ON          2:55:52  0:09:26    15/F15-19      985/F    2:52:29  0:09:15    1561  
 2878. Ed Farewell                     Hamilton ON             2:55:54  0:09:26   306/M50-54     1892/M    2:53:53  0:09:20    2177  
 2879. Jason Pantalone                 Ottawa ON               2:55:55  0:09:26   296/M35-39     1893/M    2:51:58  0:09:14    5314  
 2880. Andrea Martens                  Parkhill ON             2:55:56  0:09:26   126/F25-29      986/F    2:51:57  0:09:13    4415  
 2881. Denise O'Hanian                 Brantford ON            2:55:56  0:09:26    80/F50-54      987/F    2:52:58  0:09:17    5224  
 2882. Adam Martin                     Ottawa ON               2:55:57  0:09:26   127/M25-29     1894/M    2:53:41  0:09:19    4419  
 2883. Meredith Phillips               Ottawa ON               2:55:57  0:09:26   166/F30-34      988/F    2:53:41  0:09:19    5504  
 2884. Robin L Brunet                  Bradford ON             2:56:00  0:09:26   158/F45-49      989/F    2:52:58  0:09:17    977   
 2885. Laurie Hunter                   Guelph ON               2:56:00  0:09:26   167/F30-34      990/F    2:52:01  0:09:14    3259  
 2886. Rose Ross                       Stoney Creek ON         2:56:01  0:09:27   166/F40-44      991/F    2:51:08  0:09:11    5974  
 2887. Armido Dellemonache             Grimsby ON              2:56:01  0:09:27   297/M35-39     1895/M    2:54:20  0:09:21    1791  
 2888. Tina McIntyre                   Guelph ON               2:56:01  0:09:27   178/F35-39      992/F    2:52:20  0:09:15    4617  
 2889. Tara McDonald                   Guelph ON               2:56:01  0:09:27   168/F30-34      993/F    2:52:20  0:09:15    4574  
 2890. David Amos                      Milton ON               2:56:01  0:09:27   298/M35-39     1896/M    2:52:03  0:09:14    208   
 2891. Amy Goerss                      Williamsville NY        2:56:05  0:09:27   167/F40-44      994/F    2:55:43  0:09:26    2615  
 2892. Shelly Anne Penner              Toronto ON              2:56:05  0:09:27   169/F30-34      995/F    2:52:23  0:09:15    5435  
 2893. Liane Head                      St. Catharines ON       2:56:06  0:09:27   159/F45-49      996/F    2:52:14  0:09:14    1499  
 2894. Tim Baetz                       Midland ON              2:56:06  0:09:27   307/M50-54     1897/M    2:51:05  0:09:11    351   
 2895. Terry Dinsmore                  Waterloo ON             2:56:06  0:09:27   160/F45-49      997/F    2:53:28  0:09:18    1884  
 2896. Heather Stone                   Waterloo ON             2:56:06  0:09:27   168/F40-44      998/F    2:53:29  0:09:18    6653  
 2897. Mike Macartney                  Kitchener ON            2:56:07  0:09:27   312/M40-44     1898/M    2:52:24  0:09:15    4227  
 2898. Rod Macdonald                   Waterloo ON             2:56:07  0:09:27   313/M40-44     1899/M    2:52:24  0:09:15    4247  
 2899. Douglas McLauchlan              Toronto ON              2:56:07  0:09:27    61/M60-64     1900/M    2:54:20  0:09:21    4640  
 2900. Glenn Hulme                     Dundas ON               2:56:07  0:09:27   314/M40-44     1901/M    2:51:49  0:09:13    3243  
 2901. Larry Van Eenoo                 Mt. Elgin ON            2:56:08  0:09:27   151/M55-59     1902/M    2:51:46  0:09:13    7087  
 2902. Marysol Casado                  Binbrook ON             2:56:08  0:09:27   179/F35-39      999/F    2:52:20  0:09:15    1178  
 2903. Venkat Mogili                   Toronto ON              2:56:10  0:09:27   299/M35-39     1903/M    2:52:25  0:09:15    4865  
 2904. Randall Andrews                 Brighton MI             2:56:10  0:09:27   315/M40-44     1904/M    2:53:32  0:09:19    240   
 2905. Todd Ross                       Ingersoll ON            2:56:11  0:09:27   316/M40-44     1905/M    2:54:51  0:09:23    5976  
 2906. Katie Wright                    Toronto ON              2:56:11  0:09:27   127/F25-29     1000/F    2:55:06  0:09:24    7605  
 2907. Amy McNeill                     Strathroy ON            2:56:11  0:09:27   128/F25-29     1001/F    2:51:43  0:09:13    4687  
 2908. Alaina Swain                    Hanover ON              2:56:11  0:09:27   170/F30-34     1002/F    2:54:51  0:09:23    6724  
 2909. Nick Garbett                    Parry Sound ON          2:56:12  0:09:27   216/M30-34     1906/M    2:55:55  0:09:26    2469  
 2910. Michelle Adams                  Amherst NY              2:56:13  0:09:27   169/F40-44     1003/F    2:53:09  0:09:17    122   
 2911. Dave Baird                      Toronto ON              2:56:14  0:09:27   152/M55-59     1907/M    2:53:58  0:09:20    367   
 2912. Kevin Thomas                    Barrie ON               2:56:14  0:09:27   337/M45-49     1908/M    2:53:38  0:09:19    6853  
 2913. Stephen T Seal                  Toronto ON              2:56:15  0:09:27   153/M55-59     1909/M    2:51:24  0:09:12    6222  
 2914. Joanne Marks                    London ON               2:56:15  0:09:27   170/F40-44     1004/F    2:55:39  0:09:25    4396  
 2915. Mark Hughes                     Stoney Creek ON         2:56:17  0:09:27   300/M35-39     1910/M    2:52:39  0:09:16    3238  
 2916. Cathy Belic                     St. Catharines ON       2:56:17  0:09:27    81/F50-54     1005/F    2:52:48  0:09:16    538   
 2917. Ken Payette                     Grimsby ON              2:56:18  0:09:27   308/M50-54     1911/M    2:51:02  0:09:11    5397  
 2918. Ken Jobba                       Ancaster ON             2:56:19  0:09:28   154/M55-59     1912/M    2:55:28  0:09:25    3417  
 2919. Glen Bidwell                    Oakville ON             2:56:19  0:09:28   317/M40-44     1913/M    2:54:38  0:09:22    623   
 2920. Kirsty Gough                    Oakville ON             2:56:20  0:09:28   171/F40-44     1006/F    2:54:16  0:09:21    2658  
 2921. Marco Berube                    Binbrook ON             2:56:23  0:09:28   301/M35-39     1914/M    2:55:16  0:09:24    602   
 2922. Christina Zamzow                Winnipeg MB             2:56:24  0:09:28   180/F35-39     1007/F    2:51:27  0:09:12    7668  
 2923. Amanda Green                    Guelph ON               2:56:24  0:09:28   129/F25-29     1008/F    2:55:17  0:09:24    2702  
 2924. Karen Holle                     Grimsby ON              2:56:24  0:09:28   161/F45-49     1009/F    2:51:42  0:09:13    3143  
 2925. Jennifer Wills                  Nepean ON               2:56:25  0:09:28   162/F45-49     1010/F    2:54:35  0:09:22    7491  
 2926. Francis McCauley                Gatineau QC             2:56:26  0:09:28   309/M50-54     1915/M    2:53:26  0:09:18    4525  
 2927. Bradley G White                 Waterdown ON            2:56:27  0:09:28   310/M50-54     1916/M    2:54:50  0:09:23    7401  
 2928. Eric Liebischer                 Pickering ON            2:56:29  0:09:28   318/M40-44     1917/M    2:55:15  0:09:24    4089  
 2929. Susi Brust                      Mississauga ON          2:56:29  0:09:28    82/F50-54     1011/F    2:52:30  0:09:15    983   
 2930. Wendy McClymont                 Mississauga ON          2:56:29  0:09:28   163/F45-49     1012/F    2:52:30  0:09:15    4540  
 2931. Filippo Gattola                 Montreal QC             2:56:29  0:09:28   319/M40-44     1918/M    2:55:08  0:09:24    2498  
 2932. Brad Speck                      Brockville ON           2:56:30  0:09:28   302/M35-39     1919/M    2:55:50  0:09:26    6534  
 2933. Blaine Radstake                 Walkerton ON            2:56:31  0:09:28   130/F25-29     1013/F    2:55:11  0:09:24    5695  
 2934. Phat Nguyen                     Ottawa ON               2:56:31  0:09:28   320/M40-44     1920/M    2:52:54  0:09:17    5129  
 2935. Stephen G Taylor                Oakville ON             2:56:32  0:09:28   321/M40-44     1921/M    2:50:45  0:09:10    6818  
 2936. Tonja Clark                     Guelph ON               2:56:33  0:09:28   181/F35-39     1014/F    2:55:01  0:09:23    1355  
 2937. Mike Walker                     Georgetown ON           2:56:33  0:09:28   322/M40-44     1922/M    2:54:17  0:09:21    7243  
 2938. Marcia Wright                   Ayr ON                  2:56:34  0:09:28   164/F45-49     1015/F    2:54:33  0:09:22    7608  
 2939. Lynn Keane                      Oakville ON             2:56:37  0:09:28    83/F50-54     1016/F    2:54:50  0:09:23    3566  
 2940. Anna K Turek                    Burlington ON           2:56:39  0:09:29   172/F40-44     1017/F    2:54:09  0:09:21    7008  
 2941. Angela Van Bommel               Ilderton ON             2:56:41  0:09:29   182/F35-39     1018/F    2:50:38  0:09:09    7079  
 2942. Mark Lacy                       Whitby ON               2:56:41  0:09:29   338/M45-49     1923/M    2:53:29  0:09:18    3854  
 2943. Craig Smith                     Dunnville ON            2:56:41  0:09:29   311/M50-54     1924/M    2:55:11  0:09:24    6455  
 2944. Lena Correia                    Strathroy ON            2:56:41  0:09:29   173/F40-44     1019/F    2:50:39  0:09:09    1491  
 2945. Tigera Turner                   Barrie ON               2:56:42  0:09:29   165/F45-49     1020/F    2:52:35  0:09:15    7021  
 2946. Joel Ruddy                      Oakville ON             2:56:42  0:09:29   323/M40-44     1925/M    2:54:49  0:09:23    6011  
 2947. Jodi Bradley                    Hornell Heights ON      2:56:45  0:09:29   131/F25-29     1021/F    2:52:24  0:09:15    831   
 2948. Samantha Crowe                  Hornell Heights ON      2:56:45  0:09:29   132/F25-29     1022/F    2:52:24  0:09:15    1586  
 2949. Ryan Macdonald                  Barrie ON               2:56:45  0:09:29   128/M25-29     1926/M    2:55:29  0:09:25    4249  
 2950. Kimberly Hammer-Mcnichol        Brantford ON            2:56:46  0:09:29   183/F35-39     1023/F    2:53:59  0:09:20    2879  
 2951. Karen Plantinga                 Hamilton ON             2:56:47  0:09:29   133/F25-29     1024/F    2:51:39  0:09:12    5548  
 2952. Catherine Hynes-Doherty         Ottawa ON               2:56:49  0:09:29   171/F30-34     1025/F    2:54:49  0:09:23    3290  
 2953. Rob Bladon                      Newmarket ON            2:56:49  0:09:29   303/M35-39     1927/M    2:52:34  0:09:15    680   
 2954. Mike Ricci                      Vaughan ON              2:56:49  0:09:29   304/M35-39     1928/M    2:51:27  0:09:12    5810  
 2955. Paula Koss                      Mississauga ON          2:56:50  0:09:29   184/F35-39     1026/F    2:51:27  0:09:12    3768  
 2956. Kara Meldrum                    Ottawa ON               2:56:50  0:09:29   185/F35-39     1027/F    2:54:56  0:09:23    4733  
 2957. Wheatley Ryan                   Burlington ON           2:56:51  0:09:29   324/M40-44     1929/M    2:54:57  0:09:23    6050  
 2958. Trish Benoit                    Waterloo ON             2:56:51  0:09:29   172/F30-34     1028/F    2:56:05  0:09:27    568   
 2959. Bonnie Cook                     Toronto ON              2:56:51  0:09:29   166/F45-49     1029/F    2:53:19  0:09:18    1450  
 2960. Jeff Murphy                     Waterloo ON             2:56:53  0:09:29   325/M40-44     1930/M    2:52:53  0:09:16    5023  
 2961. Carisa Morison                  Binbrook ON             2:56:54  0:09:29   173/F30-34     1030/F    2:51:41  0:09:13    4926  
 2962. Amira Mohamed                   Ottawa ON               2:56:54  0:09:29   174/F30-34     1031/F    2:52:55  0:09:17    4867  
 2963. Dianne Morrison                 Oakville ON             2:56:57  0:09:30   174/F40-44     1032/F    2:52:32  0:09:15    4943  
 2964. Barbara Neray                   Toronto ON              2:56:57  0:09:30    84/F50-54     1033/F    2:55:15  0:09:24    5100  
 2965. Kevin Spencer                   Toronto ON              2:56:58  0:09:30   326/M40-44     1931/M    2:53:27  0:09:18    6541  
 2966. Carolyn Johnson                 St. Thomas ON           2:56:59  0:09:30   167/F45-49     1034/F    2:55:23  0:09:25    3424  
 2967. Amanda Skelhorn                 Mississauga ON          2:56:59  0:09:30   134/F25-29     1035/F    2:52:32  0:09:15    6401  
 2968. Noelle Unsworth                 Hamilton ON             2:57:00  0:09:30   175/F40-44     1036/F    2:56:04  0:09:27    7042  
 2969. Anthony Woodward                Oshawa ON               2:57:00  0:09:30   339/M45-49     1932/M    2:53:12  0:09:17    7588  
 2970. Sandra D Farquhar               North Bay ON            2:57:01  0:09:30     9/F60-64     1037/F    2:52:40  0:09:16    2181  
 2971. Marie Wilson                    Pickering ON            2:57:01  0:09:30   168/F45-49     1038/F    2:56:15  0:09:27    7511  
 2972. Erin Demaiter                   London ON               2:57:01  0:09:30   175/F30-34     1039/F    2:56:18  0:09:27    1794  
 2973. Steve Easey                     Pickering ON            2:57:01  0:09:30   312/M50-54     1933/M    2:56:15  0:09:27    2050  
 2974. Mikaly Gagnon                   Gatineau QC             2:57:04  0:09:30   305/M35-39     1934/M    2:54:04  0:09:20    2445  
 2975. Justin Johnstone                Toronto ON              2:57:04  0:09:30   129/M25-29     1935/M    2:53:20  0:09:18    3460  
 2976. Zora Luckett                    Innisfil ON             2:57:04  0:09:30    85/F50-54     1040/F    2:53:24  0:09:18    4188  
 2977. Cindy L Robinson                Petrolia ON             2:57:05  0:09:30   176/F40-44     1041/F    2:54:36  0:09:22    5882  
 2978. Rita Brown                      Toronto ON              2:57:05  0:09:30   169/F45-49     1042/F    2:52:57  0:09:17    956   
 2979. Mari Spano                      Burlington ON           2:57:06  0:09:30   170/F45-49     1043/F    2:54:51  0:09:23    6524  
 2980. Gayle Stuebing                  London ON               2:57:06  0:09:30   171/F45-49     1044/F    2:54:59  0:09:23    6687  
 2981. John Rogers                     Woodbridge ON           2:57:07  0:09:30   306/M35-39     1936/M    2:50:44  0:09:10    5916  
 2982. Emily Smallbone                 Burlington ON           2:57:08  0:09:30   135/F25-29     1045/F    2:54:57  0:09:23    6438  
 2983. Christine Jansen                Oakville ON             2:57:11  0:09:30   186/F35-39     1046/F    2:54:03  0:09:20    7715  
 2984. Irene Brown                     Whitby ON               2:57:12  0:09:30    86/F50-54     1047/F    2:55:10  0:09:24    936   
 2985. Jennifer Woods                  Hamilton ON             2:57:13  0:09:30    61/F20-24     1048/F    2:53:33  0:09:19    7582  
 2986. Ashley Land                     Toronto ON              2:57:13  0:09:30   176/F30-34     1049/F    2:53:26  0:09:18    3890  
 2987. Christine Chisholm              Waterdown ON            2:57:14  0:09:30   187/F35-39     1050/F    2:53:26  0:09:18    1287  
 2988. Scott Kemp                      Kitchener ON            2:57:15  0:09:31   217/M30-34     1937/M    2:54:10  0:09:21    3602  
 2989. Gail Walker                     Simcoe ON               2:57:17  0:09:31    35/F55-59     1051/F    2:52:27  0:09:15    7237  
 2990. Nancy Morrison                  East Amherst NY         2:57:17  0:09:31    36/F55-59     1052/F    2:57:05  0:09:30    4948  
 2991. Richard Tanguay                 Ottawa ON               2:57:20  0:09:31   327/M40-44     1938/M    2:54:10  0:09:21    6773  
 2992. Corina Anghel Bachmann          Simcoe ON               2:57:20  0:09:31   172/F45-49     1053/F    2:57:02  0:09:30    247   
 2993. Alan Paterson                   Pickering ON            2:57:23  0:09:31   313/M50-54     1939/M    2:56:49  0:09:29    5368  
 2994. Joan Tourangeau                 Orleans ON              2:57:23  0:09:31   188/F35-39     1054/F    2:53:40  0:09:19    6942  
 2995. Micheline Jacques               Burlington ON           2:57:23  0:09:31   177/F40-44     1055/F    2:52:47  0:09:16    3343  
 2996. John Gentile                    Oakville ON             2:57:24  0:09:31   218/M30-34     1940/M    2:51:37  0:09:12    2521  
 2997. Peter Illich                    St. Catharines ON       2:57:24  0:09:31   155/M55-59     1941/M    2:53:59  0:09:20    3301  
 2998. Michael Baker                   Brantford ON            2:57:25  0:09:31   314/M50-54     1942/M    2:52:11  0:09:14    376   
 2999. Maureen Brook                   Toronto ON              2:57:26  0:09:31    87/F50-54     1056/F    2:56:23  0:09:28    906   
 3000. Debbie Watson                   Haliburton ON           2:57:26  0:09:31   173/F45-49     1057/F    2:55:43  0:09:26    7312  
 3001. Marcus Pryce-Jones              Oakville ON             2:57:26  0:09:31   340/M45-49     1943/M    2:55:52  0:09:26    5644  
 3002. Don Smales                      Huntsville ON           2:57:28  0:09:31   341/M45-49     1944/M    2:56:29  0:09:28    6435  
 3003. Tom Cochren                     Millgrove ON            2:57:28  0:09:31    62/M60-64     1945/M    2:56:55  0:09:29    1391  
 3004. Bob Clarke                      St. Catharines ON       2:57:29  0:09:31   156/M55-59     1946/M    2:53:01  0:09:17    1357  
 3005. Patti Ann Cochren               Toronto ON              2:57:29  0:09:31   136/F25-29     1058/F    2:56:55  0:09:29    1390  
 3006. Gary Benton                     Hamilton ON             2:57:30  0:09:31   157/M55-59     1947/M    2:54:13  0:09:21    574   
 3007. Rick Yazwinski                  Toronto ON              2:57:30  0:09:31   328/M40-44     1948/M    2:53:59  0:09:20    7629  
 3008. Tom McCormick                   Unionville ON           2:57:30  0:09:31   158/M55-59     1949/M    2:52:18  0:09:15    4550  
 3009. Marci Cascanette                Whitby ON               2:57:30  0:09:31   189/F35-39     1059/F    2:51:46  0:09:13    447   
 3010. Becky Jamieson                  Guelph ON               2:57:31  0:09:31   137/F25-29     1060/F    2:55:41  0:09:25    3355  
 3011. Kathryn Taylor                  Toronto ON              2:57:31  0:09:31   138/F25-29     1061/F    2:56:00  0:09:26    6803  
 3012. Christopher A Redford           Paris ON                2:57:31  0:09:31   342/M45-49     1950/M    2:55:11  0:09:24    5753  
 3013. Lars Goransson                  Burlington ON           2:57:31  0:09:31   329/M40-44     1951/M    2:53:39  0:09:19    2641  
 3014. Shirley Pierre                  Toronto ON              2:57:32  0:09:31    88/F50-54     1062/F    2:54:49  0:09:23    5520  
 3015. Peter Fisher                    Ridgetown ON            2:57:32  0:09:31   159/M55-59     1952/M    2:52:03  0:09:14    2286  
 3016. Andres Soria                    Burlington ON           2:57:33  0:09:31   219/M30-34     1953/M    2:53:56  0:09:20    6510  
 3017. Susan Ellis                     Dundas ON               2:57:33  0:09:31   174/F45-49     1063/F    2:54:56  0:09:23    2104  
 3018. Nicholas Vandooren              Waterdown ON            2:57:35  0:09:32     2/M70-74     1954/M    2:54:42  0:09:22    7127  
 3019. Ryan Post                       Bradford ON             2:57:36  0:09:32   307/M35-39     1955/M    2:53:46  0:09:19    5587  
 3020. Glen Keogan                     London ON               2:57:37  0:09:32   308/M35-39     1956/M    2:56:50  0:09:29    3628  
 3021. Armand Leblanc                  Angus ON                2:57:38  0:09:32   160/M55-59     1957/M    2:57:06  0:09:30    3986  
 3022. Jennifer Plante                 Lisle ON                2:57:38  0:09:32   190/F35-39     1064/F    2:57:06  0:09:30    5546  
 3023. Graham Westwood                 Toronto ON              2:57:39  0:09:32    63/M60-64     1958/M    2:52:45  0:09:16    7385  
 3024. Garcia Valerie                  Keswick ON              2:57:39  0:09:32   175/F45-49     1065/F    2:57:21  0:09:31    7065  
 3025. Laura Wood                      Hamilton ON             2:57:40  0:09:32    62/F20-24     1066/F    2:55:49  0:09:26    7575  
 3026. Adam Storm                      Toronto ON              2:57:40  0:09:32   309/M35-39     1959/M    2:55:32  0:09:25    6663  
 3027. Dan Tebbutt                     Niagara On The Lake ON  2:57:40  0:09:32   343/M45-49     1960/M    2:56:25  0:09:28    6823  
 3028. Dean Thompson                   Mississauga ON          2:57:41  0:09:32   344/M45-49     1961/M    2:55:32  0:09:25    6862  
 3029. Dan Gillis                      Guelph ON               2:57:41  0:09:32   310/M35-39     1962/M    2:53:12  0:09:17    5089  
 3030. Victor J Paluck                 Vaughan ON              2:57:43  0:09:32   161/M55-59     1963/M    2:52:23  0:09:15    5307  
 3031. Jesse Craig                     Ottawa ON               2:57:44  0:09:32   177/F30-34     1067/F    2:56:23  0:09:28    1536  
 3032. Robert B Wojtowicz              Hamilton ON             2:57:45  0:09:32   311/M35-39     1964/M    2:55:36  0:09:25    7545  
 3033. Sheri McCready                  Ottawa ON               2:57:45  0:09:32   176/F45-49     1068/F    2:56:01  0:09:27    4558  
 3034. Jennifer Wilde                  Oakville ON             2:57:45  0:09:32   177/F45-49     1069/F    2:56:59  0:09:30    7446  
 3035. Gary Crompton                   Burlington ON           2:57:45  0:09:32   345/M45-49     1965/M    2:54:45  0:09:22    1570  
 3036. Mark Ishoy                      Rockwood ON             2:57:46  0:09:32   162/M55-59     1966/M    2:57:26  0:09:31    3330  
 3037. Adrienne Sinden                 Oakville ON             2:57:47  0:09:32   191/F35-39     1070/F    2:55:55  0:09:26    6388  
 3038. Richard Kennedy                 Oakville ON             2:57:48  0:09:32   315/M50-54     1967/M    2:52:41  0:09:16    3615  
 3039. John M Campbell                 Dundas ON               2:57:48  0:09:32   316/M50-54     1968/M    2:56:00  0:09:26    1105  
 3040. Andy Lisson                     Hamilton ON             2:57:48  0:09:32    65/M20-24     1969/M    2:54:04  0:09:20    4123  
 3041. David Hemphill                  West Hill ON            2:57:49  0:09:32   317/M50-54     1970/M    2:55:21  0:09:24    3025  
 3042. Nora Iancu                      Ancaster ON             2:57:49  0:09:32   178/F45-49     1071/F    2:52:19  0:09:15    3292  
 3043. Grace Panoff                    Mount Hope ON           2:57:50  0:09:32   179/F45-49     1072/F    2:54:16  0:09:21    5313  
 3044. Jennifer Fedosoff               Etobicoke ON            2:57:51  0:09:32   192/F35-39     1073/F    2:56:15  0:09:27    2204  
 3045. Karine Roy-Loubier              Toronto ON              2:57:52  0:09:32   139/F25-29     1074/F    2:57:15  0:09:31    6004  
 3046. Armin Kruspel                   London ON               2:57:53  0:09:33   163/M55-59     1971/M    2:55:46  0:09:26    3803  
 3047. Pam Mundell                     Kingston ON             2:57:53  0:09:33   180/F45-49     1075/F    2:55:28  0:09:25    5004  
 3048. Charlene Tobias                 Ohsweken ON             2:57:54  0:09:33    63/F20-24     1076/F    2:52:02  0:09:14    6909  
 3049. Vincent Fabiilli                Kingston ON             2:57:54  0:09:33   164/M55-59     1972/M    2:55:28  0:09:25    2163  
 3050. Cathy Brydie                    Georgetown ON           2:57:54  0:09:33   181/F45-49     1077/F    2:54:31  0:09:22    985   
 3051. Marcella Ortiz                  Pickering ON            2:57:54  0:09:33   178/F30-34     1078/F    2:54:08  0:09:20    5255  
 3052. Denis Boivin                    Oakville ON             2:57:55  0:09:33   330/M40-44     1973/M    2:55:58  0:09:26    723   
 3053. Robert Dargue                   Oshawa ON               2:57:55  0:09:33   318/M50-54     1974/M    2:52:16  0:09:14    1676  
 3054. Ariel Benibgui                  Toronto ON              2:57:56  0:09:33   220/M30-34     1975/M    2:55:28  0:09:25    555   
 3055. Christie Power                  Toronto ON              2:57:56  0:09:33   179/F30-34     1079/F    2:56:04  0:09:27    5599  
 3056. Derek A Van Veen                Grimsby ON              2:57:57  0:09:33   221/M30-34     1976/M    2:56:10  0:09:27    7103  
 3057. Dirk Van Veen                   Stoney Creek ON         2:57:57  0:09:33    64/M60-64     1977/M    2:56:11  0:09:27    7104  
 3058. Graham S Vardy                  Scarborough ON          2:57:57  0:09:33   165/M55-59     1978/M    2:53:35  0:09:19    7136  
 3059. Michael Tracey                  Woodslee ON             2:57:59  0:09:33    66/M20-24     1979/M    2:56:29  0:09:28    6950  
 3060. Lisa Ulrich                     Burlington ON           2:58:00  0:09:33   193/F35-39     1080/F    2:54:22  0:09:21    7036  
 3061. Dianne Morley                   London ON               2:58:02  0:09:33    89/F50-54     1081/F    2:56:47  0:09:29    4927  
 3062. Beth Holmes                     Oakville ON             2:58:03  0:09:33   182/F45-49     1082/F    2:53:54  0:09:20    3151  
 3063. Veronique Rousseau              Toronto ON              2:58:05  0:09:33   140/F25-29     1083/F    2:54:50  0:09:23    5986  
 3064. Alicia Cooper                   London ON               2:58:06  0:09:33   180/F30-34     1084/F    2:56:38  0:09:29    1462  
 3065. Kristy Jobb                     Bowmanville ON          2:58:06  0:09:33   181/F30-34     1085/F    2:52:13  0:09:14    3416  
 3066. Daniela Spiroska                Oakville ON             2:58:07  0:09:33   178/F40-44     1086/F    2:56:45  0:09:29    6548  
 3067. Anthony Richards                Mississauga ON          2:58:07  0:09:33   319/M50-54     1980/M    2:54:12  0:09:21    5819  
 3068. Jay Blachford                   Milton ON               2:58:08  0:09:33   222/M30-34     1981/M    2:56:52  0:09:29    662   
 3069. Dianne Fox                      Kingston ON             2:58:09  0:09:33   194/F35-39     1087/F    2:54:39  0:09:22    2362  
 3070. Shelly Segui                    St. Thomas ON           2:58:09  0:09:33   195/F35-39     1088/F    2:57:11  0:09:30    6234  
 3071. Peter Schnurr                   Kitchener ON            2:58:10  0:09:33   320/M50-54     1982/M    2:55:18  0:09:24    6166  
 3072. Anja Ruthmann                   Windsor ON              2:58:10  0:09:33   183/F45-49     1089/F    2:53:41  0:09:19    6040  
 3073. Elizabeth Im-Jenkins            Hamilton ON             2:58:10  0:09:33   141/F25-29     1090/F    2:55:15  0:09:24    3306  
 3074. Michael Tullett                 Toronto ON              2:58:12  0:09:34   166/M55-59     1983/M    2:54:47  0:09:23    6999  
 3075. John Byl                        Ancaster ON             2:58:12  0:09:34   167/M55-59     1984/M    2:54:23  0:09:21    1057  
 3076. Lorraine Hoefler                Toronto ON              2:58:13  0:09:34   184/F45-49     1091/F    2:56:37  0:09:28    3128  
 3077. Loretta Henoud                  Holland Landing ON      2:58:13  0:09:34   196/F35-39     1092/F    2:56:44  0:09:29    3037  
 3078. Bruce McLaurin                  Ottawa ON               2:58:15  0:09:34   168/M55-59     1985/M    2:53:49  0:09:19    4643  
 3079. Beth Way                        Midland ON              2:58:16  0:09:34   142/F25-29     1093/F    2:56:17  0:09:27    7325  
 3080. Karina Chornenka                Woodbridge ON           2:58:16  0:09:34    16/F15-19     1094/F    2:53:21  0:09:18    1300  
 3081. Stephen De Wetter               Hamilton ON             2:58:17  0:09:34   321/M50-54     1986/M    2:56:23  0:09:28    1747  
 3082. Chris Donato                    Mississauga ON          2:58:17  0:09:34   331/M40-44     1987/M    2:56:12  0:09:27    1918  
 3083. Joanne Kent                     Oakville ON             2:58:17  0:09:34   185/F45-49     1095/F    2:56:44  0:09:29    3624  
 3084. Michael J Brown                 Oakville ON             2:58:18  0:09:34   312/M35-39     1988/M    2:53:31  0:09:18    951   
 3085. Chris Davis                     Burlington ON           2:58:20  0:09:34   346/M45-49     1989/M    2:56:36  0:09:28    1711  
 3086. Alison Buchan                   Oakville ON             2:58:20  0:09:34   197/F35-39     1096/F    2:55:02  0:09:23    991   
 3087. Daniel A Dickinson              Thorold ON              2:58:21  0:09:34    13/M15-19     1990/M    2:57:31  0:09:31    1868  
 3088. Todd Irving                     Toronto ON              2:58:23  0:09:34   332/M40-44     1991/M    2:55:40  0:09:25    3321  
 3089. Maria Borg                      Burlington ON           2:58:24  0:09:34   198/F35-39     1097/F    2:55:54  0:09:26    761   
 3090. David A. Hill                   London ON               2:58:24  0:09:34    65/M60-64     1992/M    2:57:28  0:09:31    3079  
 3091. Fran Hall Bullock               Ancaster ON             2:58:27  0:09:34    90/F50-54     1098/F    2:54:02  0:09:20    2846  
 3092. Sandra Scott                    Paris ON                2:58:28  0:09:34    91/F50-54     1099/F    2:54:26  0:09:21    6215  
 3093. Lee Hibbard                     Courtice ON             2:58:28  0:09:34   347/M45-49     1993/M    2:53:39  0:09:19    3063  
 3094. Teresa Harding                  Oakville ON             2:58:28  0:09:34   179/F40-44     1100/F    2:54:14  0:09:21    2910  
 3095. Val Ramsay                      Richmond Hill ON        2:58:28  0:09:34    64/F20-24     1101/F    2:52:41  0:09:16    5707  
 3096. Marlene Jones                   Mississauga ON          2:58:29  0:09:34    37/F55-59     1102/F    2:52:58  0:09:17    3480  
 3097. Edward Bebee                    Toronto ON              2:58:29  0:09:34   348/M45-49     1994/M    2:57:15  0:09:31    504   
 3098. Marie Bouvet                    Toronto ON              2:58:30  0:09:35   186/F45-49     1103/F    2:53:12  0:09:17    794   
 3099. Samantha Anderson               Toronto ON              2:58:30  0:09:35   182/F30-34     1104/F    2:53:39  0:09:19    229   
 3100. Dean Beaudry                    Barrie ON               2:58:31  0:09:35   169/M55-59     1995/M    2:57:08  0:09:30    499   
 3101. Tiffany Lawson                  Toronto ON              2:58:32  0:09:35   143/F25-29     1105/F    2:56:13  0:09:27    3973  
 3102. Jane Brown                      Guelph ON               2:58:36  0:09:35   187/F45-49     1106/F    2:55:01  0:09:23    938   
 3103. Jacqueline J Dekar              Hamilton ON             2:58:38  0:09:35   199/F35-39     1107/F    2:57:42  0:09:32    1773  
 3104. Darren Lowe                     Burlington ON           2:58:39  0:09:35   313/M35-39     1996/M    2:55:22  0:09:24    4177  
 3105. Maureen Williamson              Windsor ON              2:58:40  0:09:35   183/F30-34     1108/F    2:54:11  0:09:21    7483  
 3106. Peter Fenwick                   Toronto ON              2:58:40  0:09:35   333/M40-44     1997/M    2:57:21  0:09:31    2224  
 3107. Abigail C Piticaru              Kitchener ON            2:58:40  0:09:35    17/F15-19     1109/F    2:57:16  0:09:31    5537  
 3108. Erika Kapteyn                   London ON               2:58:41  0:09:35   200/F35-39     1110/F    2:55:38  0:09:25    3537  
 3109. Amanda P Montgomery             Toronto ON              2:58:44  0:09:35   201/F35-39     1111/F    2:55:13  0:09:24    4882  
 3110. Kim A Colle                     Etobicoke ON            2:58:44  0:09:35   188/F45-49     1112/F    2:54:48  0:09:23    1414  
 3111. Alvin Ho                        Markham ON              2:58:44  0:09:35   223/M30-34     1998/M    2:55:40  0:09:25    3107  
 3112. John Mallia                     Courtice ON             2:58:44  0:09:35   322/M50-54     1999/M    2:58:36  0:09:35    4343  
 3113. Lonnie A Brown                  Windsor ON              2:58:45  0:09:35   349/M45-49     2000/M    2:55:09  0:09:24    948   
 3114. Geoff Haines                    Toronto ON              2:58:45  0:09:35   224/M30-34     2001/M    2:53:50  0:09:20    2826  
 3115. Jonathan Jj Hughes              Toronto ON              2:58:46  0:09:35   334/M40-44     2002/M    2:56:54  0:09:29    3237  
 3116. David Skelly                    Toronto ON              2:58:47  0:09:35   323/M50-54     2003/M    2:55:46  0:09:26    6402  
 3117. Ken Huen                        Callander ON            2:58:47  0:09:35   225/M30-34     2004/M    2:55:55  0:09:26    3231  
 3118. Chris Walsh                     Hamilton ON             2:58:48  0:09:36    92/F50-54     1113/F    2:55:13  0:09:24    1206  
 3119. Geoff Bergsma                   London ON               2:58:49  0:09:36   226/M30-34     2005/M    2:58:06  0:09:33    584   
 3120. Craig Dwyer                     Etobicoke ON            2:58:49  0:09:36   350/M45-49     2006/M    2:54:56  0:09:23    2035  
 3121. Angela N Van Bommel             Strathroy ON            2:58:50  0:09:36   184/F30-34     1114/F    2:52:47  0:09:16    7080  
 3122. Erica McDougall                 Strathroy ON            2:58:50  0:09:36   180/F40-44     1115/F    2:52:47  0:09:16    4576  
 3123. Patty Sheahan                   Orleans ON              2:58:50  0:09:36    38/F55-59     1116/F    2:55:32  0:09:25    6308  
 3124. Patricia Lemon                  London ON               2:58:51  0:09:36   181/F40-44     1117/F    2:57:40  0:09:32    4036  
 3125. Leanne Shapton                  London ON               2:58:51  0:09:36    65/F20-24     1118/F    2:56:25  0:09:28    7713  
 3126. Ramsay Jessica                  Richmond Hill ON        2:58:52  0:09:36    66/F20-24     1119/F    2:53:04  0:09:17    3406  
 3127. Kim Monsebroten                 Oakville ON             2:58:52  0:09:36   185/F30-34     1120/F    2:57:21  0:09:31    4877  
 3128. Mike McGillivray                Hamilton ON             2:58:52  0:09:36   351/M45-49     2007/M    2:55:18  0:09:24    4595  
 3129. Angelo Mariano                  Woodbridge ON           2:58:52  0:09:36   352/M45-49     2008/M    2:56:39  0:09:29    4389  
 3130. Michelle A Huang                Toronto ON              2:58:52  0:09:36   182/F40-44     1121/F    2:57:10  0:09:30    3222  
 3131. Tammie Melick                   Kitchener ON            2:58:52  0:09:36   183/F40-44     1122/F    2:57:29  0:09:31    4734  
 3132. Susie Sue                       North York ON           2:58:53  0:09:36   184/F40-44     1123/F    2:56:40  0:09:29    6694  
 3133. Derek Sutton                    Toronto ON              2:58:54  0:09:36   314/M35-39     2009/M    2:55:46  0:09:26    6722  
 3134. Helene Fortier                  Orleans ON              2:58:57  0:09:36   189/F45-49     1124/F    2:55:25  0:09:25    2349  
 3135. Richard Perley                  Mitchell ON             2:58:58  0:09:36   324/M50-54     2010/M    2:55:30  0:09:25    5455  
 3136. Marianne Den Otter              Mitchell ON             2:58:58  0:09:36   185/F40-44     1125/F    2:55:30  0:09:25    1807  
 3137. Peter Belair                    Orleans ON              2:58:59  0:09:36   325/M50-54     2011/M    2:55:27  0:09:25    530   
 3138. Ciska Vosmeer                   Oakville ON             2:58:59  0:09:36   186/F40-44     1126/F    2:57:22  0:09:31    7207  
 3139. Murray Stinson                  Stratford ON            2:59:00  0:09:36   326/M50-54     2012/M    2:57:04  0:09:30    6639  
 3140. Alyson J Reiach                 Burlington ON           2:59:00  0:09:36   186/F30-34     1127/F    2:55:52  0:09:26    5767  
 3141. Julie Masotti                   Oshawa ON               2:59:01  0:09:36    93/F50-54     1128/F    2:57:29  0:09:31    4457  
 3142. Jenna S Wilson                  Manotick ON             2:59:01  0:09:36    18/F15-19     1129/F    2:55:42  0:09:26    7502  
 3143. Jetje Antonietti                Ottawa ON               2:59:02  0:09:36    39/F55-59     1130/F    2:57:49  0:09:32    259   
 3144. Colin J Tougher                 Hamilton ON             2:59:02  0:09:36   353/M45-49     2013/M    2:57:15  0:09:31    6941  
 3145. David J Harvey                  Toronto ON              2:59:03  0:09:36   354/M45-49     2014/M    2:57:30  0:09:31    2948  
 3146. Jason Dimmell                   Newmarket ON            2:59:03  0:09:36   227/M30-34     2015/M    2:57:33  0:09:31    1882  
 3147. Angie Thurston                  Aurora ON               2:59:03  0:09:36   187/F30-34     1131/F    2:55:30  0:09:25    6890  
 3148. Luis Rengifo                    Ancaster ON             2:59:04  0:09:36   335/M40-44     2016/M    2:54:04  0:09:20    5788  
 3149. Mark Wieclawski                 Milton ON               2:59:04  0:09:36   228/M30-34     2017/M    2:57:11  0:09:30    7431  
 3150. Joshua Sauve                    Hamilton ON             2:59:04  0:09:36   130/M25-29     2018/M    2:57:11  0:09:30    6124  
 3151. Shari Mann                      Burlington ON           2:59:04  0:09:36    94/F50-54     1132/F    2:56:54  0:09:29    4359  
 3152. Ana Rendeiro                    Mississauga ON          2:59:05  0:09:36    95/F50-54     1133/F    2:54:31  0:09:22    5783  
 3153. Monica C O'Hagan                Port Elgin ON           2:59:06  0:09:36    40/F55-59     1134/F    2:57:10  0:09:30    5220  
 3154. Josephine Moser                 Richmond Hill ON        2:59:09  0:09:37   187/F40-44     1135/F    2:54:10  0:09:21    4960  
 3155. Chris P Bell                    Hamilton ON             2:59:09  0:09:37   336/M40-44     2019/M    2:55:30  0:09:25    541   
 3156. Mike Woltz                      Hamburg NY              2:59:10  0:09:37   355/M45-49     2020/M    2:56:05  0:09:27    7552  
 3157. Bianca Dipietro                 Hamilton ON             2:59:10  0:09:37    67/F20-24     1136/F    2:58:41  0:09:35    1893  
 3158. Stephanie Freund                Carlisle ON             2:59:11  0:09:37   190/F45-49     1137/F    2:57:33  0:09:31    2407  
 3159. Steve Baarda                    London ON               2:59:12  0:09:37   337/M40-44     2021/M    2:55:44  0:09:26    336   
 3160. Margueirat Fernando             North York ON           2:59:14  0:09:37   315/M35-39     2022/M    2:56:40  0:09:29    2243  
 3161. Jim Piche                       Kemptville ON           2:59:14  0:09:37   316/M35-39     2023/M    2:53:56  0:09:20    5512  
 3162. Lisa McCorquodale               Burlington ON           2:59:15  0:09:37   188/F40-44     1138/F    2:56:23  0:09:28    4551  
 3163. Daryl Devonish                  Toronto ON              2:59:16  0:09:37   338/M40-44     2024/M    2:56:48  0:09:29    1840  
 3164. Kenneth Macdonald               Mississauga ON          2:59:17  0:09:37   170/M55-59     2025/M    2:55:09  0:09:24    4241  
 3165. Rhonda Johnson                  Toronto ON              2:59:17  0:09:37    96/F50-54     1139/F    2:55:07  0:09:24    3435  
 3166. Neill Stewart                   Kitchener ON            2:59:18  0:09:37   229/M30-34     2026/M    2:54:36  0:09:22    6630  
 3167. Rob J Besseling                 Rr#1 Hannon ON          2:59:21  0:09:37   356/M45-49     2027/M    2:58:29  0:09:34    604   
 3168. Wayne G Macphail                Hamilton ON             2:59:22  0:09:37   171/M55-59     2028/M    2:58:21  0:09:34    4303  
 3169. Wesley Skoczen                  Burlington ON           2:59:24  0:09:37   327/M50-54     2029/M    2:56:54  0:09:29    6415  
 3170. Julie Schmuck                   London ON               2:59:24  0:09:37    97/F50-54     1140/F    2:58:18  0:09:34    6163  
 3171. Colin Conover                   Mississauga ON          2:59:26  0:09:38   357/M45-49     2030/M    2:55:34  0:09:25    1443  
 3172. Alice Toyonaga                  Toronto ON              2:59:26  0:09:38   188/F30-34     1141/F    2:55:46  0:09:26    6947  
 3173. Andrea Wertli                   Burlington ON           2:59:27  0:09:38   189/F30-34     1142/F    2:58:13  0:09:34    7372  
 3174. Magali Couture                  Gatineau QC             2:59:29  0:09:38   190/F30-34     1143/F    2:58:31  0:09:35    1517  
 3175. Eleni Kartalianakis             Hamilton ON             2:59:30  0:09:38    98/F50-54     1144/F    2:59:03  0:09:36    3543  
 3176. Dana L Quinn                    Waterloo ON             2:59:30  0:09:38   202/F35-39     1145/F    2:55:30  0:09:25    5677  
 3177. Dave Pambianco                  Oakville ON             2:59:32  0:09:38    67/M20-24     2031/M    2:55:52  0:09:26    5308  
 3178. Viola A. Burke                  North Bay ON            2:59:33  0:09:38    10/F60-64     1146/F    2:58:50  0:09:36    1029  
 3179. Grant Brouwer                   St. Thomas ON           2:59:35  0:09:38   339/M40-44     2032/M    2:58:19  0:09:34    922   
 3180. Paul Adams                      Tavistock ON            2:59:35  0:09:38    66/M60-64     2033/M    2:54:03  0:09:20    124   
 3181. Alasdair Paterson               Waterdown ON            2:59:35  0:09:38   317/M35-39     2034/M    2:56:15  0:09:27    5369  
 3182. Adela Gherga                    Thornhill ON            2:59:36  0:09:38    68/F20-24     1147/F    2:55:18  0:09:24    2539  
 3183. Cheryl Miller                   Mount Hope ON           2:59:37  0:09:38   191/F45-49     1148/F    2:58:50  0:09:36    4795  
 3184. Signe Hansen                    Niagara Falls ON        2:59:39  0:09:38   192/F45-49     1149/F    2:58:35  0:09:35    2899  
 3185. Darlene Macnevin                Toronto ON              2:59:40  0:09:38    99/F50-54     1150/F    2:56:14  0:09:27    4302  
 3186. Rose Meeder                     RR 1 Hawkestone ON      2:59:42  0:09:38   189/F40-44     1151/F    2:56:34  0:09:28    4721  
 3187. Victoria Northcott              Barrie ON               2:59:42  0:09:38    41/F55-59     1152/F    2:55:13  0:09:24    5163  
 3188. Danny Churchward                Barrie ON               2:59:42  0:09:38   172/M55-59     2035/M    2:55:48  0:09:26    1325  
 3189. Mayra Husic                     Rosemere QC             2:59:43  0:09:38   190/F40-44     1153/F    2:57:46  0:09:32    3266  
 3190. Daniel Dufour                   Montreal QC             2:59:43  0:09:38   358/M45-49     2036/M    2:57:46  0:09:32    2003  
 3191. Fred H Perkins                  Hamilton ON             2:59:44  0:09:39   328/M50-54     2037/M    2:56:01  0:09:27    5451  
 3192. Sarie Nichol                    Dundas ON               2:59:44  0:09:39   203/F35-39     1154/F    2:58:15  0:09:34    5132  
 3193. Drew Marr                       Sudbury ON              2:59:45  0:09:39   230/M30-34     2038/M    2:56:03  0:09:27    4400  
 3194. Cathy Morenzie                  Toronto ON              2:59:45  0:09:39   191/F40-44     1155/F    2:57:57  0:09:33    4914  
 3195. Mary Hajpel                     London ON               2:59:46  0:09:39   100/F50-54     1156/F    2:56:44  0:09:29    2828  
 3196. Michael Powell                  Chatham ON              2:59:46  0:09:39   329/M50-54     2039/M    2:57:03  0:09:30    5596  
 3197. Kim Amey                        London ON               2:59:47  0:09:39   191/F30-34     1157/F    2:57:43  0:09:32    202   
 3198. Ian Brayshaw                    Waterdown ON            2:59:48  0:09:39   359/M45-49     2040/M    2:54:57  0:09:23    862   
 3199. Alison M Dewar                  Ottawa ON               2:59:49  0:09:39   101/F50-54     1158/F    2:55:54  0:09:26    1841  
 3200. Andrea E Kwiecinski             Brantford ON            2:59:49  0:09:39    69/F20-24     1159/F    2:55:30  0:09:25    3835  
 3201. Cathy Pacella                   Ottawa ON               2:59:49  0:09:39   204/F35-39     1160/F    2:55:54  0:09:26    5282  
 3202. Marinela Muscan                 Toronto ON              2:59:50  0:09:39   192/F40-44     1161/F    2:58:37  0:09:35    5039  
 3203. Pamela Christie                 Indian River ON         2:59:51  0:09:39   205/F35-39     1162/F    2:58:13  0:09:34    1309  
 3204. Marcelo Kim                     Richmond Hill ON        2:59:51  0:09:39   340/M40-44     2041/M    2:58:07  0:09:33    3672  
 3205. Karen Hultslander               Innisfil ON             2:59:52  0:09:39   206/F35-39     1163/F    2:55:49  0:09:26    3244  
 3206. Kathleen Fulop                  Ajax ON                 2:59:52  0:09:39   193/F45-49     1164/F    2:56:06  0:09:27    2424  
 3207. Julia Lupinacci                 Pickering ON            2:59:52  0:09:39   194/F45-49     1165/F    2:56:06  0:09:27    4197  
 3208. Andy Osman                      Brantford ON            2:59:54  0:09:39   318/M35-39     2042/M    2:57:02  0:09:30    5260  
 3209. Dino Di Vita                    Newmarket ON            2:59:54  0:09:39   341/M40-44     2043/M    2:56:33  0:09:28    1854  
 3210. Nancy Whynot                    London ON               2:59:54  0:09:39   102/F50-54     1166/F    2:58:43  0:09:35    7419  
 3211. Danika L Davis                  Toronto ON              2:59:55  0:09:39   144/F25-29     1167/F    2:58:18  0:09:34    1713  
 3212. Kent Oda                        Etobicoke ON            2:59:56  0:09:39   173/M55-59     2044/M    2:57:32  0:09:31    5211  
 3213. Ian L Walterhouse               Stouffville ON          2:59:56  0:09:39   342/M40-44     2045/M    2:56:39  0:09:29    7270  
 3214. Dan Crabbe                      Guelph ON               2:59:57  0:09:39   343/M40-44     2046/M    2:56:40  0:09:29    1528  
 3215. Greg McNeilly                   Oakville ON             2:59:57  0:09:39   319/M35-39     2047/M    2:56:37  0:09:28    4688  
 3216. Blair Bowker                    North Bay ON            2:59:57  0:09:39    67/M60-64     2048/M    2:56:41  0:09:29    810   
 3217. Liz Debackere                   Ingersoll ON            2:59:58  0:09:39   195/F45-49     1168/F    2:58:59  0:09:36    1754  
 3218. Michael Dejong                  Oconomowoc WI           2:59:58  0:09:39   344/M40-44     2049/M    2:55:48  0:09:26    1772  
 3219. Dane G Rowsell                  Hamilton ON             2:59:58  0:09:39   231/M30-34     2050/M    2:56:40  0:09:29    5995  
 3220. Andy Hrstic                     Burlington ON           3:00:00  0:09:39   320/M35-39     2051/M    2:57:42  0:09:32    3220  
 3221. Mike H Hrycenko                 Hamilton ON             3:00:01  0:09:39   345/M40-44     2052/M    2:57:45  0:09:32    3221  
 3222. Lori L Bennett                  Oakville ON             3:00:02  0:09:39   103/F50-54     1169/F    2:56:58  0:09:30    565   
 3223. Slobodan Levnaic                Stoney Creek ON         3:00:02  0:09:39   346/M40-44     2053/M    2:57:49  0:09:32    4066  
 3224. Dan Dobrin                      Toronto ON              3:00:02  0:09:39   347/M40-44     2054/M    2:58:10  0:09:33    1903  
 3225. Lois Norris                     Kitchener ON            3:00:02  0:09:39   193/F40-44     1170/F    2:56:17  0:09:27    5162  
 3226. Rachel Lamont                   Hamilton ON             3:00:03  0:09:40   145/F25-29     1171/F    2:58:39  0:09:35    3885  
 3227. Stephen E Moore                 Burlington ON           3:00:05  0:09:40   330/M50-54     2055/M    2:55:46  0:09:26    4895  
 3228. B'Ann Finlay                    Oakville ON             3:00:06  0:09:40   196/F45-49     1172/F    2:59:25  0:09:37    2270  
 3229. Sarah V Cumin                   Hamilton ON             3:00:07  0:09:40   194/F40-44     1173/F    2:57:07  0:09:30    1600  
 3230. Stu Patterson                   Chatham ON              3:00:08  0:09:40   174/M55-59     2056/M    2:57:23  0:09:31    5385  
 3231. Jennifer Knoll                  Toronto ON              3:00:08  0:09:40   207/F35-39     1174/F    2:58:41  0:09:35    3736  
 3232. Rob Illingworth                 Carleton Place ON       3:00:11  0:09:40   360/M45-49     2057/M    2:56:13  0:09:27    3303  
 3233. Stephen B Morgan                Whitby ON               3:00:12  0:09:40   361/M45-49     2058/M    2:55:23  0:09:25    4921  
 3234. Greg Stoneman                   Stoney Creek ON         3:00:12  0:09:40   362/M45-49     2059/M    2:56:31  0:09:28    6657  
 3235. Rachel Levac                    Brantford ON            3:00:13  0:09:40   146/F25-29     1175/F    2:55:04  0:09:23    4056  
 3236. Julie Piche                     Gatineau QC             3:00:13  0:09:40   208/F35-39     1176/F    2:56:14  0:09:27    5818  
 3237. Todd Woods                      Cambridge ON            3:00:13  0:09:40   363/M45-49     2060/M    2:55:58  0:09:26    7587  
 3238. Jeremy Barrett                  Belleville ON           3:00:13  0:09:40   232/M30-34     2061/M    2:59:33  0:09:38    448   
 3239. Janet Davidson                  North Bay ON            3:00:14  0:09:40   197/F45-49     1177/F    2:59:31  0:09:38    1699  
 3240. Karin M Simpson                 Keswick ON              3:00:14  0:09:40   209/F35-39     1178/F    2:59:47  0:09:39    6379  
 3241. Nancy Gangbar                   Toronto ON              3:00:14  0:09:40   198/F45-49     1179/F    2:57:13  0:09:30    2466  
 3242. Christopher Li                  Etobicoke ON            3:00:14  0:09:40   131/M25-29     2062/M    2:59:14  0:09:37    4080  
 3243. Janet Cowing                    Innerkip ON             3:00:15  0:09:40   104/F50-54     1180/F    2:54:50  0:09:23    1523  
 3244. Mark Gabauer                    Toronto ON              3:00:15  0:09:40   321/M35-39     2063/M    2:57:04  0:09:30    2432  
 3245. Maurice Cascanette              Whitby ON               3:00:17  0:09:40   348/M40-44     2064/M    2:54:31  0:09:22    6047  
 3246. Karine Circe                    Ottawa ON               3:00:19  0:09:40   192/F30-34     1181/F    2:54:07  0:09:20    1333  
 3247. Dawn Cuthbertson                Toronto ON              3:00:19  0:09:40   193/F30-34     1182/F    2:55:47  0:09:26    1629  
 3248. Adele L Tesolin                 Thorold ON              3:00:19  0:09:40   199/F45-49     1183/F    2:56:52  0:09:29    6837  
 3249. Rocco R Muia                    Satoney Creek ON        3:00:19  0:09:40   364/M45-49     2065/M    2:58:44  0:09:35    4985  
 3250. Sharron Neault                  Boucherville QC         3:00:21  0:09:40   200/F45-49     1184/F    2:56:50  0:09:29    5081  
 3251. Julie Reinhart                  Toronto ON              3:00:22  0:09:41   210/F35-39     1185/F    2:58:53  0:09:36    2346  
 3252. George Stones                   Toronto ON              3:00:22  0:09:41   331/M50-54     2066/M    2:56:57  0:09:30    6658  
 3253. Lisa Morand                     Tecumseh ON             3:00:22  0:09:41   211/F35-39     1186/F    2:58:10  0:09:33    4908  
 3254. Edward Escubedo                 Mississauga ON          3:00:22  0:09:41    68/M20-24     2067/M    2:56:19  0:09:28    2138  
 3255. Phil Carreira                   Lasalle ON              3:00:22  0:09:41   322/M35-39     2068/M    2:58:09  0:09:33    1159  
 3256. Frank Folino                    Oakville ON             3:00:23  0:09:41   323/M35-39     2069/M    2:56:29  0:09:28    2327  
 3257. Susan Roman                     Hamilton ON             3:00:24  0:09:41   201/F45-49     1187/F    2:57:08  0:09:30    5924  
 3258. Doug Finn                       St Laurent QC           3:00:24  0:09:41   175/M55-59     2070/M    2:57:59  0:09:33    2273  
 3259. Shelley Malek                   Richmond Hill ON        3:00:25  0:09:41   202/F45-49     1188/F    2:57:17  0:09:31    4338  
 3260. David Lippert                   Courtland ON            3:00:25  0:09:41   332/M50-54     2071/M    2:58:48  0:09:36    4120  
 3261. Jayvee A Guerrero               Ajax ON                 3:00:26  0:09:41   349/M40-44     2072/M    2:56:05  0:09:27    2769  
 3262. Janet Routliffe                 Toronto ON              3:00:26  0:09:41   195/F40-44     1189/F    2:59:39  0:09:38    5988  
 3263. Don King                        Toronto ON              3:00:27  0:09:41   365/M45-49     2073/M    2:55:52  0:09:26    3682  
 3264. Lisa Boehmer                    Moffat ON               3:00:28  0:09:41   203/F45-49     1190/F    2:56:18  0:09:27    713   
 3265. Brooke Rosenfeld                Toronto ON              3:00:28  0:09:41   194/F30-34     1191/F    2:58:24  0:09:34    5955  
 3266. Nancy Laythorpe                 Toronto ON              3:00:30  0:09:41   212/F35-39     1192/F    2:59:02  0:09:36    3976  
 3267. Donna Harvey                    Barrie ON               3:00:30  0:09:41   196/F40-44     1193/F    2:57:44  0:09:32    2949  
 3268. Nicole S Fritz                  London ON               3:00:30  0:09:41   195/F30-34     1194/F    2:59:48  0:09:39    2417  
 3269. Sam Di Bratto                   Toronto ON              3:00:31  0:09:41   176/M55-59     2074/M    2:54:58  0:09:23    1846  
 3270. Paula Leddy                     Whitby ON               3:00:31  0:09:41   196/F30-34     1195/F    2:59:14  0:09:37    3999  
 3271. Michael Aquin                   Madoc ON                3:00:31  0:09:41   366/M45-49     2075/M    2:56:16  0:09:27    267   
 3272. Christine Vonbun                Toronto ON              3:00:31  0:09:41   197/F40-44     1196/F    2:57:16  0:09:31    7203  
 3273. Uriah Pond                      Brooklin ON             3:00:32  0:09:41   177/M55-59     2076/M    2:58:24  0:09:34    5576  
 3274. Valerie Allan                   Burlington ON           3:00:33  0:09:41   105/F50-54     1197/F    2:57:45  0:09:32    176   
 3275. Dennis Bergman                  Hamilton ON             3:00:33  0:09:41   324/M35-39     2077/M    2:55:01  0:09:23    583   
 3276. Bruce Adams                     Burlington ON           3:00:35  0:09:41   178/M55-59     2078/M    2:55:00  0:09:23    116   
 3277. Melissa McWilliam               Oakville ON             3:00:37  0:09:41   147/F25-29     1198/F    2:54:50  0:09:23    4713  
 3278. Ken Ogata                       Toronto ON              3:00:37  0:09:41   367/M45-49     2079/M    2:56:17  0:09:27    5218  
 3279. Jody G Durand                   Paris ON                3:00:37  0:09:41   368/M45-49     2080/M    2:56:37  0:09:28    2030  
 3280. Karen Baron                     Thornhill ON            3:00:38  0:09:41   106/F50-54     1199/F    2:56:24  0:09:28    442   
 3281. John W Stewart                  Brantford ON            3:00:38  0:09:41   369/M45-49     2081/M    2:57:27  0:09:31    6621  
 3282. Penelope M Delaney              Windsor ON              3:00:39  0:09:41    42/F55-59     1200/F    2:56:34  0:09:28    1784  
 3283. Tara Beardmore                  Guelph ON               3:00:41  0:09:42   198/F40-44     1201/F    2:57:20  0:09:31    490   
 3284. Karen O'Connor                  Toronto ON              3:00:42  0:09:42   107/F50-54     1202/F    2:59:55  0:09:39    5209  
 3285. Erika Machacek                  Newmarket ON            3:00:43  0:09:42   197/F30-34     1203/F    2:56:34  0:09:28    4262  
 3286. Rose Martinho                   Hamilton ON             3:00:43  0:09:42   199/F40-44     1204/F    2:55:13  0:09:24    4443  
 3287. Jeff Mather                     Milford MA              3:00:43  0:09:42   325/M35-39     2082/M    2:57:19  0:09:31    4467  
 3288. Joe Curto                       Hamilton ON             3:00:43  0:09:42   370/M45-49     2083/M    2:57:50  0:09:32    1624  
 3289. Sam Hayter                      Toronto ON              3:00:44  0:09:42   371/M45-49     2084/M    2:59:06  0:09:36    2990  
 3290. Shannon Barber                  Toronto ON              3:00:44  0:09:42   148/F25-29     1205/F    2:57:52  0:09:32    421   
 3291. Linda Hooker                    Oakville ON             3:00:45  0:09:42   200/F40-44     1206/F    3:00:08  0:09:40    3171  
 3292. Mary Thuss                      Stratford ON            3:00:45  0:09:42    43/F55-59     1207/F    2:58:20  0:09:34    6892  
 3293. Shaun Ryan                      Oshawa ON               3:00:46  0:09:42   350/M40-44     2085/M    2:57:48  0:09:32    6049  
 3294. Cathy Maga Turner               Dundas ON               3:00:46  0:09:42   201/F40-44     1208/F    2:57:46  0:09:32    4310  
 3295. Tyler Levee                     London ON               3:00:47  0:09:42   233/M30-34     2086/M    2:56:33  0:09:28    4058  
 3296. Linda Netherton                 Brampton ON             3:00:47  0:09:42   204/F45-49     1209/F    2:59:04  0:09:36    5101  
 3297. John C McLeod                   Toronto ON              3:00:48  0:09:42   179/M55-59     2087/M    2:59:11  0:09:37    4652  
 3298. Kate Borowec                    Ottawa ON               3:00:48  0:09:42   149/F25-29     1210/F    2:58:13  0:09:34    765   
 3299. Katherine Wheatley              Guelph ON               3:00:48  0:09:42   108/F50-54     1211/F    3:00:45  0:09:42    7393  
 3300. Anne Hinks                      Oshawa ON               3:00:49  0:09:42   109/F50-54     1212/F    2:59:37  0:09:38    5779  
 3301. Todd Wait                       St. Thomas ON           3:00:49  0:09:42   372/M45-49     2088/M    2:58:21  0:09:34    7222  
 3302. Brennan Harvey                  Toronto ON              3:00:49  0:09:42    69/M20-24     2089/M    2:56:50  0:09:29    5914  
 3303. Sarah Priest                    Oshawa ON               3:00:49  0:09:42   198/F30-34     1213/F    2:57:17  0:09:31    5623  
 3304. Jeri Brodie                     Toronto ON              3:00:52  0:09:42   110/F50-54     1214/F    2:59:29  0:09:38    902   
 3305. Pam Burke                       London ON               3:00:52  0:09:42   111/F50-54     1215/F    3:00:12  0:09:40    1028  
 3306. Chelsea Armitage                Toronto ON              3:00:52  0:09:42   326/M35-39     2090/M    2:56:33  0:09:28    280   
 3307. Duff McLaren                    Toronto ON              3:00:53  0:09:42    68/M60-64     2091/M    2:59:27  0:09:38    95    
 3308. Walter Jakymiuk                 Stoney Creek ON         3:00:53  0:09:42   333/M50-54     2092/M    2:57:08  0:09:30    3347  
 3309. Gloria Jakymiuk                 Stoney Creek ON         3:00:54  0:09:42   202/F40-44     1216/F    2:57:08  0:09:30    3346  
 3310. K McGee                         Goderich ON             3:00:56  0:09:42   203/F40-44     1217/F    2:58:16  0:09:34    4593  
 3311. Trish Barnes                    London ON               3:00:57  0:09:42   205/F45-49     1218/F    2:59:17  0:09:37    440   
 3312. Emily Clair                     Toronto ON              3:00:57  0:09:42   150/F25-29     1219/F    2:59:34  0:09:38    1335  
 3313. Sally Aitken                    Burlington ON           3:00:57  0:09:42   213/F35-39     1220/F    2:57:47  0:09:32    151   
 3314. Gary Banks                      Stittsville ON          3:00:58  0:09:42   180/M55-59     2093/M    2:59:15  0:09:37    408   
 3315. Jodi Dion                       Victoria Harbour ON     3:00:59  0:09:43   214/F35-39     1221/F    2:55:18  0:09:24    1888  
 3316. Emily Cole                      Toronto ON              3:00:59  0:09:43   112/F50-54     1222/F    2:59:49  0:09:39    1403  
 3317. Chris Chowaniec                 Alliston ON             3:00:59  0:09:43   132/M25-29     2094/M    2:51:52  0:09:13    1302  
 3318. Madelena Araujo                 Toronto ON              3:00:59  0:09:43   206/F45-49     1223/F    2:58:48  0:09:36    268   
 3319. Hanoki Kiel                     Toronto ON              3:00:59  0:09:43   204/F40-44     1224/F    2:59:29  0:09:38    3657  
 3320. Ralph McGowan                   Toronto ON              3:01:00  0:09:43    15/M65-69     2095/M    2:59:21  0:09:37    4600  
 3321. Bruce Horsburgh                 Oakville ON             3:01:00  0:09:43   181/M55-59     2096/M    2:57:16  0:09:31    3191  
 3322. Carol De Sousa                  Oakville ON             3:01:02  0:09:43   207/F45-49     1225/F    2:59:32  0:09:38    1743  
 3323. Jesse Trpcic                    Hamilton ON             3:01:03  0:09:43    70/M20-24     2097/M    2:59:36  0:09:38    6981  
 3324. Kristin Allen                   Belle River ON          3:01:04  0:09:43   215/F35-39     1226/F    2:58:53  0:09:36    189   
 3325. Emily Kettel                    Toronto ON              3:01:05  0:09:43   151/F25-29     1227/F    2:59:31  0:09:38    3641  
 3326. Deb Bergey                      Waterloo ON             3:01:05  0:09:43   205/F40-44     1228/F    2:57:22  0:09:31    582   
 3327. John Stockton                   Hamilton ON             3:01:07  0:09:43   373/M45-49     2098/M    2:56:29  0:09:28    6645  
 3328. Carmen Cheung                   Gloucester ON           3:01:08  0:09:43   199/F30-34     1229/F    2:59:46  0:09:39    1268  
 3329. Lindsay Leblanc                 Riverview NB            3:01:08  0:09:43   152/F25-29     1230/F    2:55:50  0:09:26    3990  
 3330. Laura Trepanier                 Kincardine ON           3:01:10  0:09:43   206/F40-44     1231/F    2:58:51  0:09:36    6972  
 3331. Ted Van Geest                   St. Catharines ON       3:01:10  0:09:43    69/M60-64     2099/M    2:59:47  0:09:39    7089  
 3332. Jesse Herbolic                  Hamilton ON             3:01:10  0:09:43   133/M25-29     2100/M    2:59:10  0:09:37    3043  
 3333. Fernando Amilpa                 Milton ON               3:01:13  0:09:43   351/M40-44     2101/M    3:00:10  0:09:40    203   
 3334. Fred Harding                    Oakville ON             3:01:13  0:09:43   352/M40-44     2102/M    2:56:58  0:09:30    2908  
 3335. Amanda L Norley                 Mount Brydges ON        3:01:14  0:09:43   200/F30-34     1232/F    2:58:13  0:09:34    5161  
 3336. Charles Trautman                Gasport NY              3:01:14  0:09:43   334/M50-54     2103/M    2:58:28  0:09:34    6960  
 3337. Larry McLeod                    Grimsby ON              3:01:15  0:09:43   182/M55-59     2104/M    2:56:00  0:09:26    4653  
 3338. Jaclyn M Benn                   Ottawa ON               3:01:18  0:09:44    70/F20-24     1233/F    2:58:30  0:09:35    559   
 3339. Michele Barbeau                 London ON               3:01:18  0:09:44   208/F45-49     1234/F    3:00:07  0:09:40    419   
 3340. Michael O'Neill                 Toronto ON              3:01:18  0:09:44    71/M20-24     2105/M    2:58:30  0:09:35    5249  
 3341. Marie Veltri                    Port Dover ON           3:01:18  0:09:44    71/F20-24     1235/F    2:59:57  0:09:39    7155  
 3342. Steve Bycok                     Kingston ON             3:01:20  0:09:44   335/M50-54     2106/M    3:00:36  0:09:41    1056  
 3343. Paul Jones                      Hamilton ON             3:01:20  0:09:44   134/M25-29     2107/M    2:55:47  0:09:26    3483  
 3344. Ge Li                           Waterloo ON             3:01:20  0:09:44   374/M45-49     2108/M    2:58:38  0:09:35    4081  
 3345. Kate Bannon                     Toronto ON              3:01:22  0:09:44    72/F20-24     1236/F    3:00:15  0:09:40    414   
 3346. Kathleen Crowe                  Dundas ON               3:01:22  0:09:44   209/F45-49     1237/F    2:56:56  0:09:29    1584  
 3347. Mike Misener                    Ottawa ON               3:01:24  0:09:44   375/M45-49     2109/M    2:59:57  0:09:39    4839  
 3348. Timothy Pace                    Wexford PA              3:01:25  0:09:44   336/M50-54     2110/M    2:58:11  0:09:34    5280  
 3349. Greg Pace                       Burlington ON           3:01:25  0:09:44   183/M55-59     2111/M    2:58:12  0:09:34    5279  
 3350. Penelope Van Dusen              Kanata ON               3:01:25  0:09:44   210/F45-49     1238/F    2:59:25  0:09:37    7085  
 3351. Patrick Fee                     Toronto ON              3:01:26  0:09:44   184/M55-59     2112/M    3:00:00  0:09:39    2207  
 3352. Charles Sincennes               Orleans ON              3:01:26  0:09:44   353/M40-44     2113/M    2:57:37  0:09:32    6385  
 3353. Irene Nugteren                  Woodstock ON            3:01:27  0:09:44   211/F45-49     1239/F    2:55:31  0:09:25    5173  
 3354. Ewald Becker                    Oakville ON             3:01:28  0:09:44   185/M55-59     2114/M    2:57:49  0:09:32    506   
 3355. Amy Ter Haar                    Toronto ON              3:01:28  0:09:44   201/F30-34     1240/F    3:00:36  0:09:41    6833  
 3356. Martin Dube                     Welland ON              3:01:29  0:09:44   354/M40-44     2115/M    2:58:35  0:09:35    1985  
 3357. Renee A Obert                   Howell MI               3:01:30  0:09:44   212/F45-49     1241/F    2:58:51  0:09:36    5190  
 3358. Emilly Artmont                  Stoney Creek ON         3:01:32  0:09:44    19/F15-19     1242/F    2:56:44  0:09:29    5284  
 3359. Robert Esplin                   Toronto ON              3:01:32  0:09:44   337/M50-54     2116/M    3:00:39  0:09:41    2139  
 3360. Quin Ma                         Toronto ON              3:01:33  0:09:44   153/F25-29     1243/F    3:00:28  0:09:41    4216  
 3361. Robert Goode                    Oakville ON             3:01:33  0:09:44   338/M50-54     2117/M    2:57:55  0:09:33    2634  
 3362. Larry Creeden                   New Hamburg ON          3:01:34  0:09:44    70/M60-64     2118/M    3:00:49  0:09:42    1562  
 3363. Catherine Perrin                Sudbury ON              3:01:35  0:09:44   113/F50-54     1244/F    2:56:27  0:09:28    5461  
 3364. Erik Kovessy                    Toronto ON              3:01:35  0:09:44   135/M25-29     2119/M    2:58:24  0:09:34    3778  
 3365. David Rowney                    Georgetown ON           3:01:35  0:09:44   186/M55-59     2120/M    2:58:18  0:09:34    5994  
 3366. George Wright                   Burlington ON           3:01:36  0:09:45   234/M30-34     2121/M    3:00:32  0:09:41    7601  
 3367. Christie Mohide                 Burlington ON           3:01:36  0:09:45   216/F35-39     1245/F    2:58:15  0:09:34    4868  
 3368. Rich Pencer                     Toronto ON              3:01:37  0:09:45   355/M40-44     2122/M    2:57:32  0:09:31    96    
 3369. Bennett Banting                 Hamilton ON             3:01:38  0:09:45   136/M25-29     2123/M    2:57:35  0:09:32    415   
 3370. Daniel W Fingas                 Ann Arbor MI            3:01:38  0:09:45   137/M25-29     2124/M    2:59:11  0:09:37    2268  
 3371. Jackie L Cardoso                Cambridge ON            3:01:39  0:09:45   213/F45-49     1246/F    2:58:10  0:09:33    1135  
 3372. Martin Macdonald                Port Hope ON            3:01:39  0:09:45    71/M60-64     2125/M    2:58:07  0:09:33    4244  
 3373. Morag Stewart                   Erin ON                 3:01:40  0:09:45   217/F35-39     1247/F    2:58:35  0:09:35    6629  
 3374. Ian Long                        Rockwood ON             3:01:41  0:09:45   376/M45-49     2126/M    2:58:09  0:09:33    4149  
 3375. Jackie Rowley                   Milton ON               3:01:41  0:09:45   202/F30-34     1248/F    2:58:09  0:09:33    5993  
 3376. Yaron Haik                      Toronto ON              3:01:41  0:09:45   356/M40-44     2127/M    2:57:49  0:09:32    2821  
 3377. C Mitchell                      Barrie ON               3:01:42  0:09:45   203/F30-34     1249/F    2:59:48  0:09:39    4841  
 3378. Trish Ptasinski                 Grimsby ON              3:01:43  0:09:45   154/F25-29     1250/F    2:56:31  0:09:28    5647  
 3379. Dan Shields                     Hamilton ON             3:01:43  0:09:45   187/M55-59     2128/M    2:57:35  0:09:32    6331  
 3380. Theresa Kavanagh                Ottawa ON               3:01:46  0:09:45   114/F50-54     1251/F    2:56:50  0:09:29    3556  
 3381. Alan Asselstine                 Toronto ON              3:01:46  0:09:45   235/M30-34     2129/M    2:59:54  0:09:39    307   
 3382. Rob Hamilton                    Burlington ON           3:01:47  0:09:45   339/M50-54     2130/M    2:57:29  0:09:31    2875  
 3383. Adrienne Bartlett               Burlington ON           3:01:47  0:09:45   218/F35-39     1252/F    2:56:41  0:09:29    459   
 3384. Alyssa Bridge                   Kitchener ON            3:01:48  0:09:45   155/F25-29     1253/F    2:57:41  0:09:32    881   
 3385. Tim Bridge                      Kitchener ON            3:01:49  0:09:45   138/M25-29     2131/M    2:57:42  0:09:32    882   
 3386. Alessandro Cupillari            Toronto ON              3:01:51  0:09:45   340/M50-54     2132/M    2:59:49  0:09:39    1613  
 3387. Daman Bajwa                     Oakville ON             3:01:52  0:09:45   139/M25-29     2133/M    3:01:48  0:09:45    370   
 3388. Peter Sowiski                   Buffalo NY              3:01:52  0:09:45    72/M60-64     2134/M    2:56:36  0:09:28    6516  
 3389. Tim Finnis                      Barrie ON               3:01:53  0:09:45   327/M35-39     2135/M    2:56:24  0:09:28    2274  
 3390. Elysia M Van Zeyl               Ottawa ON               3:01:53  0:09:45   204/F30-34     1254/F    2:58:32  0:09:35    7109  
 3391. Ashley Whyte                    Peterborough ON         3:01:54  0:09:45    73/F20-24     1255/F    2:59:33  0:09:38    7422  
 3392. Paul Corriveau                  Stittsville ON          3:01:54  0:09:45   377/M45-49     2136/M    2:56:04  0:09:27    1494  
 3393. Erin C Morgan                   Burlington ON           3:01:56  0:09:46   205/F30-34     1256/F    2:58:41  0:09:35    4915  
 3394. Heather Morgan                  Burlington ON           3:01:56  0:09:46   206/F30-34     1257/F    2:58:42  0:09:35    4916  
 3395. Lisa Manuel                     Acton ON                3:01:57  0:09:46   219/F35-39     1258/F    2:58:55  0:09:36    4368  
 3396. Lindsay Loth                    North Bay ON            3:01:57  0:09:46   156/F25-29     1259/F    3:00:53  0:09:42    4165  
 3397. Bledar Bita                     Woodbridge ON           3:01:57  0:09:46   236/M30-34     2137/M    3:01:35  0:09:44    659   
 3398. Mike Dieleman                   Ottawa ON               3:01:57  0:09:46   140/M25-29     2138/M    2:59:29  0:09:38    1872  
 3399. Carmelle Bussey                 Ottawa ON               3:01:58  0:09:46   157/F25-29     1260/F    2:59:29  0:09:38    1047  
 3400. Josee Surprenant                Ottawa ON               3:01:59  0:09:46   207/F40-44     1261/F    2:58:23  0:09:34    6716  
 3401. Antoniette Finelli              Hamilton ON             3:02:00  0:09:46   214/F45-49     1262/F    3:00:01  0:09:39    2267  
 3402. Sherlita Di Bratto              Toronto ON              3:02:00  0:09:46   115/F50-54     1263/F    2:56:27  0:09:28    1847  
 3403. David Steiner                   Toronto ON              3:02:03  0:09:46   378/M45-49     2139/M    2:58:03  0:09:33    6595  
 3404. Anne Ferreira-Hughes            Scarborough ON          3:02:05  0:09:46   116/F50-54     1264/F    3:00:32  0:09:41    2249  
 3405. Christine Caruso                Ajax ON                 3:02:05  0:09:46   208/F40-44     1265/F    2:59:27  0:09:38    1176  
 3406. Douglas W Macpherson            Geneva SW               3:02:05  0:09:46   188/M55-59     2140/M    3:01:04  0:09:43    4304  
 3407. Nancy G Watt                    Dundas ON               3:02:05  0:09:46   215/F45-49     1266/F    3:01:03  0:09:43    7318  
 3408. Jill Liberman                   Toronto ON              3:02:06  0:09:46   209/F40-44     1267/F    2:59:33  0:09:38    4084  
 3409. John Curren                     London ON               3:02:08  0:09:46   341/M50-54     2141/M    3:00:57  0:09:42    1616  
 3410. Derek Downes                    Burlington ON           3:02:09  0:09:46   342/M50-54     2142/M    3:00:57  0:09:42    1954  
 3411. Sheila M Tate                   Burlington ON           3:02:09  0:09:46   216/F45-49     1268/F    2:59:16  0:09:37    6784  
 3412. Steve Ferrar                    Brantford ON            3:02:10  0:09:46   343/M50-54     2143/M    2:59:25  0:09:37    2245  
 3413. Jeff Lofft                      Burlington ON           3:02:10  0:09:46   357/M40-44     2144/M    2:58:32  0:09:35    4139  
 3414. Julie Fabris                    Oakville ON             3:02:11  0:09:46   220/F35-39     1269/F    2:58:11  0:09:34    2164  
 3415. Steve Davey                     Hamilton ON             3:02:12  0:09:46   237/M30-34     2145/M    3:02:03  0:09:46    1689  
 3416. Ashley Maskell                  Hamilton ON             3:02:13  0:09:46   158/F25-29     1270/F    2:57:45  0:09:32    6697  
 3417. Steve Thompson                  Oxford Mills ON         3:02:14  0:09:47   358/M40-44     2146/M    2:57:27  0:09:31    6875  
 3418. Phillipa Thompson               Oxford Mills ON         3:02:14  0:09:47   210/F40-44     1271/F    2:57:28  0:09:31    6872  
 3419. Scott Schofield                 London ON               3:02:15  0:09:47   328/M35-39     2147/M    2:58:17  0:09:34    6172  
 3420. Bill McClure                    Stratford ON            3:02:15  0:09:47   189/M55-59     2148/M    2:59:46  0:09:39    4531  
 3421. Michelle Coleman                Georgetown ON           3:02:16  0:09:47   217/F45-49     1272/F    2:58:29  0:09:34    1407  
 3422. Sean Mitchell                   Toronto ON              3:02:16  0:09:47   359/M40-44     2149/M    2:59:17  0:09:37    4852  
 3423. Sean Laverty                    Hamilton ON             3:02:18  0:09:47   344/M50-54     2150/M    2:57:20  0:09:31    3950  
 3424. Chris Everets                   Fisherville ON          3:02:18  0:09:47   141/M25-29     2151/M    3:00:26  0:09:41    2154  
 3425. Beth Clarke                     Markham ON              3:02:19  0:09:47   221/F35-39     1273/F    3:00:47  0:09:42    1356  
 3426. Kyle McCamon                    Windsor ON              3:02:19  0:09:47    72/M20-24     2152/M    3:00:56  0:09:42    4519  
 3427. Bruce Jackson                   Ottawa ON               3:02:19  0:09:47   360/M40-44     2153/M    3:00:14  0:09:40    3337  
 3428. Laura Hanson                    Burlington ON           3:02:19  0:09:47   159/F25-29     1274/F    2:58:41  0:09:35    2903  
 3429. Cindy Harrison                  Mount Albert ON         3:02:19  0:09:47   218/F45-49     1275/F    2:59:40  0:09:38    2934  
 3430. Penny Gitto                     Oakville ON             3:02:19  0:09:47   117/F50-54     1276/F    2:57:54  0:09:33    2593  
 3431. Jamie Holmes                    Ajax ON                 3:02:21  0:09:47   329/M35-39     2154/M    2:59:18  0:09:37    3152  
 3432. Meag A Durkin                   Hamilton ON             3:02:21  0:09:47   160/F25-29     1277/F    2:59:41  0:09:38    2031  
 3433. Shelly L O'Brien                Stittsville ON          3:02:21  0:09:47   118/F50-54     1278/F    2:56:32  0:09:28    5203  
 3434. Sue Ackerman                    Kanata ON               3:02:22  0:09:47   219/F45-49     1279/F    2:56:35  0:09:28    109   
 3435. Steve Edwardson                 Chatham ON              3:02:22  0:09:47   361/M40-44     2155/M    2:56:57  0:09:30    2081  
 3436. Vernon Taylor                   London ON               3:02:24  0:09:47   379/M45-49     2156/M    2:56:28  0:09:28    6819  
 3437. Jackelyn Crawford               Toronto ON              3:02:28  0:09:47   161/F25-29     1280/F    2:59:08  0:09:37    1555  
 3438. Brian Adams                     Burlington ON           3:02:28  0:09:47   190/M55-59     2157/M    2:56:37  0:09:28    115   
 3439. Francesco Bitonti               North Bay ON            3:02:28  0:09:47   238/M30-34     2158/M    2:58:30  0:09:35    660   
 3440. Debbie Williamson               Grimsby ON              3:02:28  0:09:47   119/F50-54     1281/F    3:01:16  0:09:43    7481  
 3441. Michelle Connell                East Garafraxa ON       3:02:28  0:09:47   211/F40-44     1282/F    2:57:06  0:09:30    1438  
 3442. Joshua Roy                      Toronto ON              3:02:31  0:09:47   362/M40-44     2159/M    2:57:58  0:09:33    5999  
 3443. Ginger Scott                    Hamilton ON             3:02:32  0:09:48   212/F40-44     1283/F    3:00:39  0:09:41    6204  
 3444. Matthew Swadley                 Oakville ON             3:02:32  0:09:48   239/M30-34     2160/M    2:58:14  0:09:34    6723  
 3445. Deborah Jones                   Markham ON              3:02:36  0:09:48   222/F35-39     1284/F    3:01:04  0:09:43    3471  
 3446. Theresa Young                   Waterdown ON            3:02:37  0:09:48   220/F45-49     1285/F    3:01:03  0:09:43    7656  
 3447. Geoffrey Lillico                Unionville ON           3:02:39  0:09:48   345/M50-54     2161/M    3:01:07  0:09:43    4096  
 3448. Philip Mete                     Caledonia ON            3:02:40  0:09:48   380/M45-49     2162/M    3:01:13  0:09:43    4760  
 3449. Georgia Mete                    Caledonia ON            3:02:40  0:09:48   120/F50-54     1286/F    3:01:13  0:09:43    4759  
 3450. Frank Rukavina                  Hamilton ON             3:02:41  0:09:48   381/M45-49     2163/M    3:02:02  0:09:46    6016  
 3451. Debbie Y Shapansky              Cambridge ON            3:02:42  0:09:48   221/F45-49     1287/F    2:59:16  0:09:37    6280  
 3452. Cam W Shapansky                 Cambridge ON            3:02:42  0:09:48   363/M40-44     2164/M    2:59:16  0:09:37    6279  
 3453. Marnie Hirshhorn                Oakville ON             3:02:42  0:09:48   207/F30-34     1288/F    2:58:40  0:09:35    3102  
 3454. Anna K Sheridan-Jonah           Oakville ON             3:02:42  0:09:48   208/F30-34     1289/F    2:58:40  0:09:35    6325  
 3455. Deanna D Boulton                Wasaga Beach ON         3:02:43  0:09:48    74/F20-24     1290/F    2:58:15  0:09:34    784   
 3456. Albert Marshall                 Cayaula MI              3:02:43  0:09:48   330/M35-39     2165/M    3:00:40  0:09:42    4147  
 3457. Elaine Kung                     Etobicoke ON            3:02:43  0:09:48   223/F35-39     1291/F    3:02:16  0:09:47    7092  
 3458. Rich Menna                      Binbrook ON             3:02:47  0:09:48   331/M35-39     2166/M    3:01:27  0:09:44    4742  
 3459. Michael Neale                   Toronto ON              3:02:47  0:09:48   364/M40-44     2167/M    3:01:34  0:09:44    5079  
 3460. Tom Brigis                      Toronto ON              3:02:47  0:09:48   346/M50-54     2168/M    2:57:44  0:09:32    889   
 3461. Sonia L Bald                    Mississauga ON          3:02:48  0:09:48   213/F40-44     1292/F    3:01:24  0:09:44    382   
 3462. Andree Outridge                 Mississauga ON          3:02:48  0:09:48   222/F45-49     1293/F    3:01:24  0:09:44    5268  
 3463. Oliver Hempel                   Oakville ON             3:02:50  0:09:48   382/M45-49     2169/M    2:57:08  0:09:30    3024  
 3464. David A Perry                   Ottawa ON               3:02:50  0:09:48   332/M35-39     2170/M    2:59:27  0:09:38    5466  
 3465. David Powrie                    Oakville ON             3:02:51  0:09:49   240/M30-34     2171/M    3:00:08  0:09:40    5603  
 3466. Andre Brisebois                 Ottawa ON               3:02:51  0:09:49   241/M30-34     2172/M    2:59:17  0:09:37    894   
 3467. Lynne Faught                    Peterborough ON         3:02:52  0:09:49     1/F65-69     1294/F    3:01:24  0:09:44    2195  
 3468. Kent Palmer                     Oakville ON             3:02:52  0:09:49   383/M45-49     2173/M    2:57:05  0:09:30    5303  
 3469. Jodi Dawson                     Owen Sound ON           3:02:52  0:09:49   214/F40-44     1295/F    3:00:55  0:09:42    1724  
 3470. John Stafford                   Toronto ON              3:02:53  0:09:49    73/M60-64     2174/M    3:01:52  0:09:45    6567  
 3471. Robert Macan                    Windsor ON              3:02:53  0:09:49   333/M35-39     2175/M    2:58:25  0:09:34    4225  
 3472. Maureen McAndrew                Toronto ON              3:02:54  0:09:49   224/F35-39     1296/F    3:01:23  0:09:44    4500  
 3473. Dee N O'Leary                   Mitchell ON             3:02:54  0:09:49   225/F35-39     1297/F    2:59:23  0:09:37    5235  
 3474. Betty Zou                       Toronto ON              3:02:54  0:09:49    75/F20-24     1298/F    2:57:30  0:09:31    7690  
 3475. Lee Ann Rocher                  Mitchell ON             3:02:54  0:09:49   215/F40-44     1299/F    2:59:24  0:09:37    5897  
 3476. Jerry Gibb                      Thorold ON              3:02:55  0:09:49   347/M50-54     2176/M    2:59:29  0:09:38    2544  
 3477. Michael McAlpine                London ON               3:02:55  0:09:49   334/M35-39     2177/M    2:58:41  0:09:35    4498  
 3478. Peter McAlpine                  Guelph ON               3:02:56  0:09:49   242/M30-34     2178/M    2:58:41  0:09:35    4499  
 3479. Kelly Ruston                    Conestogo ON            3:02:56  0:09:49   216/F40-44     1300/F    2:57:30  0:09:31    6035  
 3480. Mike Trpcic                     Hamilton ON             3:02:57  0:09:49    73/M20-24     2179/M    3:01:31  0:09:44    6982  
 3481. Pierre St-Onge                  Toronto ON              3:02:58  0:09:49   348/M50-54     2180/M    3:00:22  0:09:41    6659  
 3482. Gus Croteau                     Sarnia ON               3:02:58  0:09:49   384/M45-49     2181/M    2:59:30  0:09:38    1578  
 3483. Michael Lewis                   Fonthill ON             3:02:59  0:09:49   335/M35-39     2182/M    2:58:55  0:09:36    4073  
 3484. Sandra Hill                     St. Catharines ON       3:02:59  0:09:49   162/F25-29     1301/F    2:58:45  0:09:35    3084  
 3485. Jane Monteith                   Midhurst ON             3:03:05  0:09:49   226/F35-39     1302/F    3:01:33  0:09:44    4880  
 3486. Dion Steenkist                  London ON               3:03:05  0:09:49   336/M35-39     2183/M    2:59:40  0:09:38    6584  
 3487. June Jenkins                    Ancaster ON             3:03:06  0:09:49    44/F55-59     1303/F    3:02:15  0:09:47    3389  
 3488. Dan Molinaro                    Woodstock ON            3:03:06  0:09:49   191/M55-59     2184/M    2:58:12  0:09:34    4871  
 3489. Greg Lumley                     Ajax ON                 3:03:06  0:09:49   385/M45-49     2185/M    3:00:39  0:09:41    4195  
 3490. Rafal Kotlowski                 Mississauga ON          3:03:07  0:09:49   142/M25-29     2186/M    2:58:17  0:09:34    3772  
 3491. Marion E York                   Toronto ON              3:03:08  0:09:49   121/F50-54     1304/F    2:57:14  0:09:30    7640  
 3492. Jim Delaney                     Guelph ON               3:03:09  0:09:50   192/M55-59     2187/M    3:01:22  0:09:44    1781  
 3493. Samantha Wood                   Hamilton ON             3:03:09  0:09:50    76/F20-24     1305/F    2:57:04  0:09:30    7576  
 3494. Amanda Booth                    Kitchener ON            3:03:10  0:09:50   223/F45-49     1306/F    2:59:47  0:09:39    758   
 3495. Brad Lawrence                   Kitchener ON            3:03:10  0:09:50   365/M40-44     2188/M    3:02:56  0:09:49    3960  
 3496. Ita McCluskey                   Manotick ON             3:03:11  0:09:50   224/F45-49     1307/F    2:59:52  0:09:39    4535  
 3497. Mauro Campanelli                Oakville ON             3:03:12  0:09:50   349/M50-54     2189/M    2:58:04  0:09:33    1099  
 3498. Joe D'Addario                   Uxbridge ON             3:03:13  0:09:50   386/M45-49     2190/M    3:01:39  0:09:45    1635  
 3499. Karen Alexander                 Mississauga ON          3:03:13  0:09:50   122/F50-54     1308/F    2:59:48  0:09:39    160   
 3500. Janos Schaffer                  Newmarket ON            3:03:13  0:09:50   366/M40-44     2191/M    3:01:40  0:09:45    6144  
 3501. Tony Pisano                     St. Catharines ON       3:03:14  0:09:50   337/M35-39     2192/M    2:59:31  0:09:38    5534  
 3502. Helen Scissons                  Coboconk ON             3:03:15  0:09:50    45/F55-59     1309/F    2:58:31  0:09:35    6199  
 3503. Jason Dugard                    Waterdown ON            3:03:16  0:09:50   338/M35-39     2193/M    3:01:35  0:09:44    6281  
 3504. Johanne Hunter                  Candiac QC              3:03:17  0:09:50   225/F45-49     1310/F    2:59:37  0:09:38    3256  
 3505. Paul Miller                     Toronto ON              3:03:18  0:09:50   387/M45-49     2194/M    2:59:12  0:09:37    4805  
 3506. Michael Lin                     Toronto ON              3:03:18  0:09:50   339/M35-39     2195/M    2:59:36  0:09:38    4100  
 3507. Chris Battaglia                 Barrie ON               3:03:19  0:09:50   350/M50-54     2196/M    2:59:23  0:09:37    475   
 3508. Craig Colbert                   Caledonia ON            3:03:21  0:09:50   388/M45-49     2197/M    2:59:42  0:09:38    1398  
 3509. Tom Moy                         North York ON           3:03:22  0:09:50   193/M55-59     2198/M    2:58:52  0:09:36    4976  
 3510. Liz Cramer                      Oakville ON             3:03:22  0:09:50    46/F55-59     1311/F    3:02:46  0:09:48    1543  
 3511. Ron Edwards                     Caledonia ON            3:03:22  0:09:50    16/M65-69     2199/M    3:01:54  0:09:45    2078  
 3512. Ray H Haywood                   Barrie ON               3:03:23  0:09:50   194/M55-59     2200/M    2:57:55  0:09:33    2993  
 3513. Aymee Ouellette                 Amherstburg ON          3:03:26  0:09:50   209/F30-34     1312/F    2:59:19  0:09:37    5266  
 3514. Cheryl Hoare                    Mississauga ON          3:03:26  0:09:50   226/F45-49     1313/F    2:57:45  0:09:32    3111  
 3515. Cindy Wolfe                     Kitchener ON            3:03:27  0:09:50   123/F50-54     1314/F    2:58:02  0:09:33    7548  
 3516. Nicole Carlucci                 Hamilton ON             3:03:27  0:09:50   210/F30-34     1315/F    3:00:17  0:09:40    1144  
 3517. Jos?E Tremblay                  St-Philippe QC          3:03:27  0:09:50   211/F30-34     1316/F    2:59:18  0:09:37    6967  
 3518. Chris Pagliari                  Ancaster ON             3:03:29  0:09:51   340/M35-39     2201/M    2:59:59  0:09:39    5290  
 3519. Andrea Brienesse                Hamilton ON             3:03:30  0:09:51   212/F30-34     1317/F    2:59:59  0:09:39    886   
 3520. Iona Hillis                     Amherstburg ON          3:03:30  0:09:51   124/F50-54     1318/F    2:59:23  0:09:37    3090  
 3521. Maria Fernandes                 Mississauga ON          3:03:31  0:09:51   227/F45-49     1319/F    2:58:27  0:09:34    2242  
 3522. Frank Fehir                     Hamilton ON             3:03:32  0:09:51   351/M50-54     2202/M    2:58:55  0:09:36    2210  
 3523. Andre Turcotte                  Toronto ON              3:03:34  0:09:51   389/M45-49     2203/M    3:01:13  0:09:43    7006  
 3524. Lukasz Mis                      Toronto ON              3:03:34  0:09:51   243/M30-34     2204/M    3:01:55  0:09:46    4838  
 3525. Graziano Iseppon                Montreal QC             3:03:35  0:09:51   352/M50-54     2205/M    3:02:10  0:09:46    3327  
 3526. Euan McGrath                    Oakville ON             3:03:35  0:09:51   353/M50-54     2206/M    2:58:35  0:09:35    4602  
 3527. Andrew Baillie                  Ancaster ON             3:03:36  0:09:51   244/M30-34     2207/M    3:01:17  0:09:43    363   
 3528. Eric Taylor                     Hamilton ON             3:03:36  0:09:51   341/M35-39     2208/M    3:02:03  0:09:46    6801  
 3529. Jennifer Horwood                North Bay ON            3:03:37  0:09:51   227/F35-39     1320/F    2:59:19  0:09:37    3199  
 3530. Katherine A McPhee              Bracebridge ON          3:03:39  0:09:51   217/F40-44     1321/F    2:58:55  0:09:36    4696  
 3531. Lisa M. Despres                 North Bay ON            3:03:39  0:09:51   218/F40-44     1322/F    2:59:20  0:09:37    1827  
 3532. Delorme Joanne                  North Bay ON            3:03:39  0:09:51   163/F25-29     1323/F    2:59:20  0:09:37    3415  
 3533. Martin Laforest                 Gatineau QC             3:03:40  0:09:51   342/M35-39     2209/M    2:59:10  0:09:37    3861  
 3534. Christopher Sykes               Cambridge ON            3:03:41  0:09:51   390/M45-49     2210/M    2:58:56  0:09:36    6747  
 3535. Chantal Kramer                  Toronto ON              3:03:41  0:09:51   219/F40-44     1324/F    3:01:40  0:09:45    3792  
 3536. Bill Dehoog                     Brantford ON            3:03:41  0:09:51   195/M55-59     2211/M    2:59:26  0:09:38    1766  
 3537. Tara Young-Atkinson             Claremont ON            3:03:43  0:09:51   220/F40-44     1325/F    3:01:47  0:09:45    7657  
 3538. Julie Park                      North York ON           3:03:43  0:09:51   221/F40-44     1326/F    2:57:33  0:09:31    5337  
 3539. Carolyn Walker                  Ingersoll ON            3:03:44  0:09:51    47/F55-59     1327/F    3:03:27  0:09:50    7235  
 3540. Lisa Hampson                    Ottawa ON               3:03:44  0:09:51   228/F45-49     1328/F    2:58:26  0:09:34    2881  
 3541. Julia C Keffer                  Dunrobin ON             3:03:46  0:09:51   229/F45-49     1329/F    2:59:16  0:09:37    3581  
 3542. Robert Ebsary                   Rockland ON             3:03:47  0:09:52   354/M50-54     2212/M    2:58:29  0:09:34    2061  
 3543. Mark Pickett                    Hamilton ON             3:03:48  0:09:52   355/M50-54     2213/M    3:01:35  0:09:44    5515  
 3544. Irene Hong                      Buffalo NY              3:03:48  0:09:52   213/F30-34     1330/F    3:00:21  0:09:40    6187  
 3545. Tracy Scott                     Woodstock ON            3:03:48  0:09:52   228/F35-39     1331/F    2:57:52  0:09:32    6217  
 3546. Lauretta Campbell               Burlington ON           3:03:49  0:09:52   230/F45-49     1332/F    3:00:48  0:09:42    1107  
 3547. Clare Mount                     Markham ON              3:03:49  0:09:52   229/F35-39     1333/F    2:58:16  0:09:34    4973  
 3548. Elizabeth Maola                 Stouffville ON          3:03:49  0:09:52   222/F40-44     1334/F    2:58:16  0:09:34    4371  
 3549. Gregory Dunnett                 Hamilton ON             3:03:49  0:09:52   245/M30-34     2214/M    3:02:56  0:09:49    2024  
 3550. Lorenzo Guite                   Cobourg ON              3:03:50  0:09:52   343/M35-39     2215/M    2:59:43  0:09:38    2779  
 3551. Robb Hunter                     Cambridge ON            3:03:50  0:09:52   367/M40-44     2216/M    3:00:21  0:09:40    3260  
 3552. Bev Messenger                   Etobicoke ON            3:03:52  0:09:52   125/F50-54     1335/F    2:58:21  0:09:34    4755  
 3553. Louis Lim                       Toronto ON              3:03:53  0:09:52   368/M40-44     2217/M    2:58:34  0:09:35    4098  
 3554. Glen Pettigrew                  Grimsby ON              3:03:53  0:09:52   391/M45-49     2218/M    2:58:30  0:09:35    5492  
 3555. Jodi Sepkowski                  Newmarket ON            3:03:55  0:09:52   223/F40-44     1336/F    2:59:59  0:09:39    6247  
 3556. Cathy Lindsay                   Holland Landing ON      3:03:55  0:09:52   126/F50-54     1337/F    3:00:00  0:09:39    4104  
 3557. Michael Mortimer                Toronto ON              3:03:57  0:09:52   196/M55-59     2219/M    2:59:43  0:09:38    4954  
 3558. Kristine McGregor               Paris ON                3:04:00  0:09:52   224/F40-44     1338/F    3:00:16  0:09:40    4607  
 3559. Alison Cocking                  Toronto ON              3:04:00  0:09:52   231/F45-49     1339/F    2:59:23  0:09:37    1392  
 3560. Kirsty Kohler                   Oakville ON             3:04:01  0:09:52   232/F45-49     1340/F    2:59:10  0:09:37    3748  
 3561. Denise Grightmire               Waterdown ON            3:04:01  0:09:52   225/F40-44     1341/F    2:59:11  0:09:37    2738  
 3562. John Hall                       Sutton ON               3:04:01  0:09:52   197/M55-59     2220/M    2:59:10  0:09:37    2843  
 3563. Anastasia Siscoe                North York ON           3:04:02  0:09:52   164/F25-29     1342/F    3:02:42  0:09:48    6398  
 3564. Chris Morris                    Mount Hope ON           3:04:02  0:09:52   246/M30-34     2221/M    3:00:29  0:09:41    4933  
 3565. Benninger Dave                  Hanover ON              3:04:02  0:09:52   392/M45-49     2222/M    3:02:44  0:09:48    1686  
 3566. Shapton Pauline                 London ON               3:04:03  0:09:52    20/F15-19     1343/F    3:01:37  0:09:45    5392  
 3567. Rob Llord                       St. Catharines ON       3:04:04  0:09:52   393/M45-49     2223/M    3:01:41  0:09:45    4129  
 3568. Charles Oatman                  Etobicoke ON            3:04:06  0:09:53    74/M60-64     2224/M    2:58:28  0:09:34    5188  
 3569. Domenic Commisso                Mississauga ON          3:04:06  0:09:53   394/M45-49     2225/M    3:02:30  0:09:47    1431  
 3570. Colin J Biggin                  Toronto ON              3:04:09  0:09:53   395/M45-49     2226/M    2:58:39  0:09:35    630   
 3571. Michael P Bedard                Toronto ON              3:04:10  0:09:53   198/M55-59     2227/M    3:00:03  0:09:40    515   
 3572. Christy Bradbury                Hamilton ON             3:04:10  0:09:53   226/F40-44     1344/F    3:01:07  0:09:43    827   
 3573. Jim E Chagnon                   Carlisle ON             3:04:12  0:09:53   356/M50-54     2228/M    3:02:16  0:09:47    1215  
 3574. Mary-Elizabe Taillefer          Sudbury ON              3:04:12  0:09:53   165/F25-29     1345/F    3:03:06  0:09:49    6756  
 3575. Bill Southon                    Burlington ON           3:04:13  0:09:53   357/M50-54     2229/M    3:00:11  0:09:40    6514  
 3576. David Stubbs                    Toronto ON              3:04:14  0:09:53   369/M40-44     2230/M    3:02:11  0:09:46    5456  
 3577. Cathy Sheahan                   Guelph ON               3:04:14  0:09:53   166/F25-29     1346/F    2:58:22  0:09:34    6306  
 3578. Bonnie McIlmoyl                 Toronto ON              3:04:15  0:09:53   227/F40-44     1347/F    3:02:27  0:09:47    4612  
 3579. Garth Broughton                 Waterdown ON            3:04:16  0:09:53   344/M35-39     2231/M    3:02:45  0:09:48    919   
 3580. Kate Wai                        Mississauga ON          3:04:16  0:09:53   230/F35-39     1348/F    2:59:53  0:09:39    7221  
 3581. Kim Lukasik                     Toronto ON              3:04:19  0:09:53   228/F40-44     1349/F    3:02:43  0:09:48    4194  
 3582. Moninder Ahluwalia              Mississauga ON          3:04:19  0:09:53   396/M45-49     2232/M    3:03:42  0:09:51    138   
 3583. Craig D Hope                    Burlington ON           3:04:20  0:09:53   370/M40-44     2233/M    3:01:12  0:09:43    3177  
 3584. Boris Kaschenko                 Mississauga ON          3:04:20  0:09:53   358/M50-54     2234/M    3:01:54  0:09:45    3546  
 3585. Twila Rosiewich                 Toronto ON              3:04:21  0:09:53   231/F35-39     1350/F    3:00:08  0:09:40    5958  
 3586. Florence Sarono                 Toronto ON              3:04:21  0:09:53   233/F45-49     1351/F    3:02:08  0:09:46    6108  
 3587. Don Maclean                     Toronto ON              3:04:23  0:09:53   371/M40-44     2235/M    2:59:57  0:09:39    4287  
 3588. John McEachen                   Stouffville ON          3:04:23  0:09:53   199/M55-59     2236/M    3:00:49  0:09:42    4581  
 3589. Mary Cranston                   Toronto ON              3:04:24  0:09:54   229/F40-44     1352/F    3:00:53  0:09:42    1548  
 3590. Shannon Weatherhead             Ottawa ON               3:04:25  0:09:54   167/F25-29     1353/F    3:02:11  0:09:46    7329  
 3591. Jean Doucet                     Uxbridge ON             3:04:26  0:09:54   200/M55-59     2237/M    2:59:22  0:09:37    1935  
 3592. Nancy Ryerson-Vieira            Toronto ON              3:04:27  0:09:54    48/F55-59     1354/F    3:00:21  0:09:40    6055  
 3593. Phillip Morgan                  Hamilton ON             3:04:28  0:09:54   143/M25-29     2238/M    2:59:05  0:09:36    4920  
 3594. Colleen Parent                  Lasalle ON              3:04:30  0:09:54   127/F50-54     1355/F    2:59:52  0:09:39    5327  
 3595. Sharon McLeod                   Lakefield ON            3:04:31  0:09:54   128/F50-54     1356/F    3:03:06  0:09:49    4654  
 3596. Tracy Chew                      Hamilton ON             3:04:31  0:09:54   168/F25-29     1357/F    3:02:51  0:09:49    1276  
 3597. Lisa Tong                       Mississauga ON          3:04:32  0:09:54    77/F20-24     1358/F    3:02:30  0:09:47    6930  
 3598. Michael Lim                     Etobicoke ON            3:04:32  0:09:54   247/M30-34     2239/M    2:59:07  0:09:37    4099  
 3599. Jean Horne                      Orillia ON              3:04:33  0:09:54   230/F40-44     1359/F    3:01:33  0:09:44    3188  
 3600. Roseanne C Nelson               Oakville ON             3:04:36  0:09:54    49/F55-59     1360/F    3:02:02  0:09:46    5096  
 3601. Joanne Kingsbury                Hamilton ON             3:04:36  0:09:54   214/F30-34     1361/F    3:02:37  0:09:48    3686  
 3602. Nigel Hearn                     Mississauga ON          3:04:37  0:09:54   345/M35-39     2240/M    2:58:37  0:09:35    718   
 3603. Susan Atkinson                  Oakville ON             3:04:37  0:09:54   129/F50-54     1362/F    3:01:30  0:09:44    1717  
 3604. Shelley Dukharan                Toronto ON              3:04:37  0:09:54   232/F35-39     1363/F    2:59:26  0:09:38    2007  
 3605. Kathleen Ryan Mudie             Hamilton ON             3:04:38  0:09:54   231/F40-44     1364/F    2:58:56  0:09:36    6051  
 3606. Terry Mason                     Lasalle ON              3:04:40  0:09:54   248/M30-34     2241/M    3:00:02  0:09:39    4456  
 3607. Mary-Jane Gibbons               Mississauga ON          3:04:41  0:09:54   130/F50-54     1365/F    2:59:10  0:09:37    2547  
 3608. Adriana Strah                   Lasalle ON              3:04:42  0:09:54   215/F30-34     1366/F    3:00:05  0:09:40    6668  
 3609. Leanne Keaney                   Brampton ON             3:04:42  0:09:54   232/F40-44     1367/F    3:02:59  0:09:49    3568  
 3610. Sandra S D'Alessandro           Ancaster ON             3:04:43  0:09:55   233/F40-44     1368/F    2:59:01  0:09:36    1646  
 3611. Brittany Russell                Brownsville ON          3:04:43  0:09:55    78/F20-24     1369/F    2:59:59  0:09:39    6027  
 3612. Ray L Wong                      Barrie ON               3:04:44  0:09:55   359/M50-54     2242/M    3:03:03  0:09:49    7561  
 3613. David W Beckner                 Toronto ON              3:04:46  0:09:55   360/M50-54     2243/M    3:01:50  0:09:45    508   
 3614. Jeff Van Dalen                  Binbrook ON             3:04:50  0:09:55   346/M35-39     2244/M    3:02:43  0:09:48    7081  
 3615. Barbara Lee                     Toronto ON              3:04:51  0:09:55   216/F30-34     1370/F    3:01:59  0:09:46    4002  
 3616. James Richardson                Guelph ON               3:04:51  0:09:55   144/M25-29     2245/M    2:58:46  0:09:35    5826  
 3617. Daniel Francis                  Burlington ON           3:04:51  0:09:55   347/M35-39     2246/M    2:58:47  0:09:35    2371  
 3618. Darren A Francis                Waterdown ON            3:04:52  0:09:55   348/M35-39     2247/M    2:58:47  0:09:35    2372  
 3619. Kim Warwick                     Parry Sound ON          3:04:52  0:09:55   234/F45-49     1371/F    3:00:02  0:09:39    7300  
 3620. Maureen S Halushak              Toronto ON              3:04:56  0:09:55   217/F30-34     1372/F    2:59:23  0:09:37    2860  
 3621. Brian Wood                      London ON               3:04:59  0:09:55   361/M50-54     2248/M    3:02:44  0:09:48    7571  
 3622. Derek Rapini                    Oakville ON             3:05:00  0:09:55   249/M30-34     2249/M    3:03:49  0:09:52    5720  
 3623. Beth Jodouin                    Stoney Creek ON         3:05:00  0:09:55   131/F50-54     1373/F    3:01:30  0:09:44    3419  
 3624. Terri Bolster                   Ottawa ON               3:05:00  0:09:55    11/F60-64     1374/F    3:03:48  0:09:52    732   
 3625. Jerry Huiskamp                  Petersburg ON           3:05:01  0:09:56   201/M55-59     2250/M    3:01:36  0:09:45    3241  
 3626. Pamela Jewell                   Toronto ON              3:05:04  0:09:56   169/F25-29     1375/F    3:02:38  0:09:48    3409  
 3627. David Chong Yen                 North York ON           3:05:04  0:09:56   362/M50-54     2251/M    3:01:45  0:09:45    1299  
 3628. Peter G Larsen                  Thornhill ON            3:05:06  0:09:56   372/M40-44     2252/M    3:03:20  0:09:50    3925  
 3629. Yako Topalovic                  Ancaster ON             3:05:06  0:09:56   250/M30-34     2253/M    3:03:54  0:09:52    6936  
 3630. Lisa Cristina Belbeck           Mississauga ON          3:05:07  0:09:56    79/F20-24     1376/F    3:00:40  0:09:42    535   
 3631. Carolyn Ho                      Markham ON              3:05:11  0:09:56   234/F40-44     1377/F    3:00:53  0:09:42    3108  
 3632. Elizabeth Kan                   Toronto ON              3:05:12  0:09:56   235/F45-49     1378/F    2:59:47  0:09:39    3530  
 3633. Ron Huff                        Oakville ON             3:05:16  0:09:56   202/M55-59     2254/M    3:01:39  0:09:45    3235  
 3634. Ronald Kilpatrick               Hamilton ON             3:05:17  0:09:56   363/M50-54     2255/M    3:04:09  0:09:53    3668  
 3635. Julie Mowbray                   Burlington ON           3:05:18  0:09:56   235/F40-44     1379/F    3:02:44  0:09:48    4975  
 3636. Laurie Hunt                     Barrie ON               3:05:19  0:09:56   132/F50-54     1380/F    3:04:24  0:09:54    3251  
 3637. Holle Watts                     Toronto ON              3:05:19  0:09:56    50/F55-59     1381/F    3:04:44  0:09:55    7321  
 3638. Colleen Caplin                  Kitchener ON            3:05:21  0:09:57   233/F35-39     1382/F    3:01:56  0:09:46    1127  
 3639. Lori L Salter                   Whitby ON               3:05:22  0:09:57   234/F35-39     1383/F    2:59:27  0:09:38    6077  
 3640. Nina Bovio                      Ann Arbor MI            3:05:23  0:09:57     2/F65-69     1384/F    3:04:06  0:09:53    798   
 3641. Greg Callaghan                  Trenton ON              3:05:23  0:09:57   364/M50-54     2256/M    3:00:44  0:09:42    1078  
 3642. Stacey Curry                    Derby NY                3:05:23  0:09:57    51/F55-59     1385/F    3:05:04  0:09:56    1621  
 3643. Jim Twiss                       Port Perry ON           3:05:23  0:09:57   397/M45-49     2257/M    2:59:29  0:09:38    7028  
 3644. Lisa M Myers                    Wyoming ON              3:05:23  0:09:57   236/F40-44     1386/F    3:00:40  0:09:42    5046  
 3645. Anita Farrell                   Burlington ON           3:05:24  0:09:57   237/F40-44     1387/F    3:02:14  0:09:47    2184  
 3646. Colin Paton                     Hamilton ON             3:05:25  0:09:57   349/M35-39     2258/M    3:01:31  0:09:44    5374  
 3647. Carla A Mantel                  Dundas ON               3:05:26  0:09:57   170/F25-29     1388/F    3:04:21  0:09:53    4365  
 3648. Dan Wilson                      Oshawa ON               3:05:26  0:09:57   373/M40-44     2259/M    3:01:37  0:09:45    7494  
 3649. Jennifer Alexander              Toronto ON              3:05:26  0:09:57   218/F30-34     1389/F    3:00:53  0:09:42    159   
 3650. Haysook Choi                    Toronto ON              3:05:26  0:09:57    52/F55-59     1390/F    3:01:17  0:09:43    1293  
 3651. Bryan Dow                       Hamilton ON             3:05:28  0:09:57    74/M20-24     2260/M    3:00:29  0:09:41    1950  
 3652. Carole S Vaillancourt           North Bay ON            3:05:33  0:09:57   238/F40-44     1391/F    3:01:13  0:09:43    7056  
 3653. Don Davidson                    Ancaster ON             3:05:34  0:09:57   398/M45-49     2261/M    3:04:09  0:09:53    1698  
 3654. Carolynne Tovenar               Calgary AB              3:05:34  0:09:57    80/F20-24     1392/F    3:01:46  0:09:45    6945  
 3655. Johnny Macdonald                St. Catharines ON       3:05:35  0:09:57   374/M40-44     2262/M    3:03:06  0:09:49    4240  
 3656. Holly Bell-Sparling             Oakville ON             3:05:35  0:09:57   239/F40-44     1393/F    3:01:52  0:09:45    547   
 3657. Bill Bakker                     Simcoe ON               3:05:35  0:09:57   365/M50-54     2263/M    3:02:44  0:09:48    378   
 3658. Lynn Rutledge                   Toronto ON              3:05:35  0:09:57   240/F40-44     1394/F    3:05:35  0:09:57    6042  
 3659. Gary Gough                      Newmarket ON            3:05:36  0:09:57   366/M50-54     2264/M    3:00:51  0:09:42    2656  
 3660. Steven Parfeniuk                Dundas ON               3:05:37  0:09:57   367/M50-54     2265/M    3:03:39  0:09:51    5332  
 3661. Valerie Sparrow                 Fonthill ON             3:05:37  0:09:57   236/F45-49     1395/F    3:04:53  0:09:55    6529  
 3662. Noel Calver                     Belmont ON              3:05:38  0:09:57   368/M50-54     2266/M    3:04:52  0:09:55    1083  
 3663. Lisa Ferguson                   Kingston ON             3:05:42  0:09:58   241/F40-44     1396/F    3:02:11  0:09:46    2236  
 3664. Douglas Price                   Burlington ON           3:05:42  0:09:58   203/M55-59     2267/M    3:01:05  0:09:43    5618  
 3665. Caroline Richard                Toronto ON              3:05:43  0:09:58   237/F45-49     1397/F    3:02:02  0:09:46    5815  
 3666. Jack Hill                       Toronto ON              3:05:44  0:09:58    17/M65-69     2268/M    3:03:34  0:09:51    3080  
 3667. Sharon Rutledge                 Cambridge ON            3:05:44  0:09:58   171/F25-29     1398/F    3:00:59  0:09:43    6044  
 3668. Jill S Geary                    Toronto ON              3:05:44  0:09:58   235/F35-39     1399/F    3:03:47  0:09:52    2510  
 3669. Jennifer L Kitching             Burlington ON           3:05:45  0:09:58   219/F30-34     1400/F    3:03:47  0:09:52    3701  
 3670. Tamara Camacho-Lopez            Brooklin ON             3:05:45  0:09:58   238/F45-49     1401/F    2:59:53  0:09:39    1087  
 3671. Bill Morton                     Whitby ON               3:05:45  0:09:58   369/M50-54     2269/M    2:59:53  0:09:39    4956  
 3672. Allen A Heetkamp                Oshawa ON               3:05:45  0:09:58   350/M35-39     2270/M    2:59:52  0:09:39    3012  
 3673. Paul Marino                     Whitby ON               3:05:45  0:09:58   370/M50-54     2271/M    2:59:53  0:09:39    4390  
 3674. Megan Smith                     North Bay ON            3:05:46  0:09:58   220/F30-34     1402/F    3:01:26  0:09:44    6479  
 3675. Carlos Orizabal                 Scarborough ON          3:05:47  0:09:58   399/M45-49     2272/M    3:04:12  0:09:53    5253  
 3676. Gloria Hewitt                   Campbellville ON        3:05:48  0:09:58    12/F60-64     1403/F    3:04:07  0:09:53    3055  
 3677. Steve Van Hoffen                Burlington ON           3:05:48  0:09:58   351/M35-39     2273/M    3:01:15  0:09:43    7096  
 3678. Brett Kyle                      Cambridge ON            3:05:49  0:09:58   371/M50-54     2274/M    3:02:01  0:09:46    3836  
 3679. Margot Corbin                   Hamilton ON             3:05:51  0:09:58   221/F30-34     1404/F    3:04:24  0:09:54    1475  
 3680. Steve Wood                      Brantford ON            3:05:51  0:09:58   204/M55-59     2275/M    3:02:09  0:09:46    7577  
 3681. David Long                      Oakville ON             3:05:53  0:09:58   372/M50-54     2276/M    3:01:44  0:09:45    4148  
 3682. Nancy Huynh                     Kanata ON               3:05:54  0:09:58   239/F45-49     1405/F    3:00:07  0:09:40    3281  
 3683. Tim Lidster                     Toronto ON              3:05:54  0:09:58   251/M30-34     2277/M    3:01:34  0:09:44    4088  
 3684. Maria Pizzacalla                Niagara Falls ON        3:05:55  0:09:58   242/F40-44     1406/F    3:02:26  0:09:47    5540  
 3685. Sheri Botting                   Hamilton ON             3:05:56  0:09:58   236/F35-39     1407/F    3:03:41  0:09:51    771   
 3686. Marc Boudreau                   Scarborough ON          3:05:57  0:09:59   352/M35-39     2278/M    3:04:26  0:09:54    778   
 3687. Alastair Taylor                 Pickering ON            3:05:57  0:09:59   205/M55-59     2279/M    3:05:57  0:09:59    6789  
 3688. Stuart Sankey                   Toronto ON              3:06:00  0:09:59   400/M45-49     2280/M    3:02:07  0:09:46    6100  
 3689. Bernice Tsang                   Unionville ON           3:06:00  0:09:59   237/F35-39     1408/F    3:03:28  0:09:51    6992  
 3690. Dave Argento                    Toronto ON              3:06:02  0:09:59   375/M40-44     2281/M    3:01:57  0:09:46    278   
 3691. Laura Ligori                    Brantford ON            3:06:02  0:09:59   238/F35-39     1409/F    3:01:34  0:09:44    4094  
 3692. Kathy Martorano                 Brantford ON            3:06:02  0:09:59   240/F45-49     1410/F    3:01:35  0:09:44    4445  
 3693. Eckhard Schumann                Markham ON              3:06:04  0:09:59   401/M45-49     2282/M    3:03:44  0:09:51    6189  
 3694. Isabelle Bradbury               Gatineau QC             3:06:05  0:09:59   133/F50-54     1411/F    3:04:18  0:09:53    828   
 3695. Audrey Brown                    Oakville ON             3:06:07  0:09:59    13/F60-64     1412/F    3:04:23  0:09:53    926   
 3696. Christine Pham                  Stoney Creek ON         3:06:07  0:09:59   243/F40-44     1413/F    3:01:49  0:09:45    5495  
 3697. Susan Brannagan                 Windsor ON              3:06:09  0:09:59   244/F40-44     1414/F    3:03:45  0:09:51    851   
 3698. Kim Livett                      Thorold ON              3:06:11  0:09:59   222/F30-34     1415/F    3:02:20  0:09:47    4126  
 3699. Frank Jasek                     Burlington ON           3:06:11  0:09:59   373/M50-54     2283/M    3:02:09  0:09:46    3373  
 3700. Lisa P Serro                    Hamilton ON             3:06:11  0:09:59   239/F35-39     1416/F    3:00:32  0:09:41    6256  
 3701. Ron Walker                      Ottawa ON               3:06:12  0:09:59   206/M55-59     2284/M    3:00:47  0:09:42    7244  
 3702. Leslie Robertson                Ottawa ON               3:06:12  0:09:59   172/F25-29     1417/F    3:03:40  0:09:51    5876  
 3703. Don C. Cumming                  Lakefield ON            3:06:13  0:09:59   374/M50-54     2285/M    3:01:33  0:09:44    1602  
 3704. Eunice Fowler                   Iona Station ON         3:06:14  0:09:59   134/F50-54     1418/F    3:02:03  0:09:46    2359  
 3705. Lindsey Bussey                  Kitchener ON            3:06:14  0:09:59   173/F25-29     1419/F    3:00:22  0:09:41    1049  
 3706. Charlene Pratt                  Strathroy ON            3:06:14  0:09:59   135/F50-54     1420/F    3:04:56  0:09:55    5609  
 3707. Katherine Griggs                Toronto ON              3:06:16  0:10:00   174/F25-29     1421/F    3:02:37  0:09:48    2737  
 3708. Sara L Macdonald                Stoney Creek ON         3:06:16  0:10:00   223/F30-34     1422/F    3:02:37  0:09:48    4250  
 3709. Stacy Jowett                    Seeleys Bay ON          3:06:17  0:10:00   224/F30-34     1423/F    3:04:42  0:09:54    3496  
 3710. Paul Slan                       Toronto ON              3:06:17  0:10:00    75/M60-64     2286/M    3:01:20  0:09:44    6417  
 3711. Katie Pellatt                   Orleans ON              3:06:17  0:10:00   175/F25-29     1424/F    3:04:44  0:09:55    5422  
 3712. Meghan McEwen                   St. Catharines ON       3:06:20  0:10:00   225/F30-34     1425/F    3:00:45  0:09:42    4588  
 3713. Alan Davies                     Mississauga ON          3:06:20  0:10:00   207/M55-59     2287/M    3:04:20  0:09:53    1701  
 3714. Ruth Desforges                  Chatham ON              3:06:21  0:10:00   241/F45-49     1426/F    3:02:43  0:09:48    1822  
 3715. Ruth-Anne Vanderwater           Burlington ON           3:06:21  0:10:00   176/F25-29     1427/F    3:05:18  0:09:56    7124  
 3716. Kriss Bush                      Abbotsford BC           3:06:22  0:10:00   375/M50-54     2288/M    3:05:22  0:09:57    1046  
 3717. Breeze Yundt                    Ancaster ON             3:06:22  0:10:00   208/M55-59     2289/M    3:03:50  0:09:52    7660  
 3718. Rita Vande Bovenkamp            London ON               3:06:22  0:10:00   242/F45-49     1428/F    3:04:01  0:09:52    7110  
 3719. Carol Maccallum                 Oakville ON             3:06:23  0:10:00   240/F35-39     1429/F    3:02:55  0:09:49    4230  
 3720. Michelle K Murphy               Dundas ON               3:06:27  0:10:00   241/F35-39     1430/F    3:02:01  0:09:46    5027  
 3721. Muru Rob                        Etobicoke ON            3:06:32  0:10:00   376/M50-54     2290/M    3:04:51  0:09:55    5862  
 3722. Paul Anderson                   Ancaster ON             3:06:32  0:10:00    76/M60-64     2291/M    3:02:31  0:09:47    226   
 3723. Krista Heslop                   Burlington ON           3:06:33  0:10:00   242/F35-39     1431/F    3:04:26  0:09:54    3050  
 3724. Shari Lietaer                   Burlington ON           3:06:33  0:10:00   243/F35-39     1432/F    3:04:26  0:09:54    4090  
 3725. Marguerite Walker               Glencoe ON              3:06:33  0:10:00    53/F55-59     1433/F    3:01:31  0:09:44    7241  
 3726. Tara Leary                      Sudbury ON              3:06:35  0:10:01   244/F35-39     1434/F    3:02:22  0:09:47    3984  
 3727. Eric Robinson                   Sudbury ON              3:06:35  0:10:01   377/M50-54     2292/M    3:02:22  0:09:47    5884  
 3728. Andrew Hvizd                    Ancaster ON             3:06:36  0:10:01   145/M25-29     2293/M    3:04:42  0:09:54    3283  
 3729. Jordon Hvizd                    Ancaster ON             3:06:36  0:10:01   177/F25-29     1435/F    3:04:42  0:09:54    3284  
 3730. Richard Dearden                 Ottawa ON               3:06:38  0:10:01   209/M55-59     2294/M    3:05:58  0:09:59    1750  
 3731. Ianthe Clough                   Mississauga ON          3:06:38  0:10:01   136/F50-54     1436/F    3:04:58  0:09:55    1380  
 3732. Josephine McMurray              Waterloo ON             3:06:39  0:10:01   137/F50-54     1437/F    3:03:17  0:09:50    4670  
 3733. Irene Parker                    Wyevale ON              3:06:43  0:10:01    54/F55-59     1438/F    3:01:02  0:09:43    5344  
 3734. Zoe Frouin                      Ottawa ON               3:06:43  0:10:01   138/F50-54     1439/F    3:01:49  0:09:45    2420  
 3735. Trevor Connors                  Navan ON                3:06:43  0:10:01   353/M35-39     2295/M    3:01:49  0:09:45    1442  
 3736. John Lyng                       Toronto ON              3:06:44  0:10:01    77/M60-64     2296/M    3:02:38  0:09:48    4212  
 3737. Kathryn E O'Brien               Toronto ON              3:06:44  0:10:01   245/F35-39     1440/F    3:05:34  0:09:57    5197  
 3738. Blair Nicolle                   Toronto ON              3:06:44  0:10:01   354/M35-39     2297/M    3:03:31  0:09:51    5141  
 3739. April M Churchward              Paris ON                3:06:44  0:10:01   139/F50-54     1441/F    3:03:47  0:09:52    1324  
 3740. Heidi Gordon                    Toronto ON              3:06:46  0:10:01   226/F30-34     1442/F    3:01:20  0:09:44    2644  
 3741. Bruce Hutchison                 Toronto ON              3:06:48  0:10:01   378/M50-54     2298/M    3:05:38  0:09:57    3272  
 3742. Laurie Hyde                     Brantford ON            3:06:48  0:10:01   245/F40-44     1443/F    3:03:59  0:09:52    3286  
 3743. Derek Dimaline                  Niagara Falls ON        3:06:49  0:10:01   146/M25-29     2299/M    3:05:33  0:09:57    1881  
 3744. Cassie A Routley                North Bay ON            3:06:49  0:10:01   178/F25-29     1444/F    3:05:45  0:09:58    5987  
 3745. Elizabeth Mann                  Kingston ON             3:06:51  0:10:01   179/F25-29     1445/F    3:02:19  0:09:47    4355  
 3746. Al Steinbach                    Binbrook ON             3:06:52  0:10:01   379/M50-54     2300/M    3:03:08  0:09:49    6588  
 3747. Radovan Kuruc                   Hamilton ON             3:06:56  0:10:02   210/M55-59     2301/M    3:04:21  0:09:53    3825  
 3748. Angela Gray                     Burford ON              3:06:56  0:10:02   246/F40-44     1446/F    3:05:34  0:09:57    2692  
 3749. Paul Goodrow                    Burlington ON           3:06:58  0:10:02    78/M60-64     2302/M    3:03:49  0:09:52    2638  
 3750. Kody Freeborn                   Hamilton ON             3:06:59  0:10:02    14/M15-19     2303/M    3:02:00  0:09:46    2398  
 3751. Mihaela Sandor                  Whitby ON               3:06:59  0:10:02   246/F35-39     1447/F    3:05:21  0:09:57    6098  
 3752. Delia Couto                     Stoney Creek ON         3:06:59  0:10:02   247/F35-39     1448/F    3:04:17  0:09:53    1516  
 3753. Manda Price                     Guelph ON               3:06:59  0:10:02   248/F35-39     1449/F    3:04:18  0:09:53    5620  
 3754. Shalini Jha                     London ON               3:07:00  0:10:02   227/F30-34     1450/F    3:05:04  0:09:56    3410  
 3755. Anne Veloso                     Hamilton ON             3:07:01  0:10:02   249/F35-39     1451/F    3:04:49  0:09:55    7153  
 3756.  Noname                         London ON               3:07:02  0:10:02     2/ NoAge        2/     3:03:54  0:09:52    944   
 3757. Brendan Malcolm                 Toronto ON              3:07:03  0:10:02   402/M45-49     2304/M    3:03:36  0:09:51    4332  
 3758. Monica Hough                    Toronto ON              3:07:03  0:10:02   250/F35-39     1452/F    3:05:35  0:09:57    3203  
 3759. Jocelyn Dresser                 North York ON           3:07:03  0:10:02   180/F25-29     1453/F    3:06:23  0:10:00    1971  
 3760. Francisco Pena                  Etobicoke ON            3:07:06  0:10:02   355/M35-39     2305/M    3:06:57  0:10:02    5429  
 3761. Catherine McDowell              Mississauga ON          3:07:06  0:10:02   247/F40-44     1454/F    3:05:18  0:09:56    4580  
 3762. Maclean Craig                   Hamilton ON             3:07:07  0:10:02   252/M30-34     2306/M    3:01:34  0:09:44    1538  
 3763. Kelly Manson                    Richmond Hill ON        3:07:07  0:10:02   243/F45-49     1455/F    3:02:44  0:09:48    4363  
 3764. Laurie Willmott                 Oakville ON             3:07:07  0:10:02   248/F40-44     1456/F    3:04:01  0:09:52    7487  
 3765. Brian E Storosko                Ottawa ON               3:07:07  0:10:02   380/M50-54     2307/M    3:05:51  0:09:58    6665  
 3766. James L Davis                   Burlington ON           3:07:08  0:10:02   253/M30-34     2308/M    3:01:42  0:09:45    1716  
 3767. Kai Black                       Toronto ON              3:07:08  0:10:02   381/M50-54     2309/M    3:05:11  0:09:56    665   
 3768. Chris Friesen                   Woodstock ON            3:07:09  0:10:02   376/M40-44     2310/M    3:02:24  0:09:47    2412  
 3769. Janet Wickes Pye                Lakeside ON             3:07:11  0:10:02   228/F30-34     1457/F    3:05:01  0:09:56    7425  
 3770. Jennifer Patterson              Waterdown ON            3:07:12  0:10:03   249/F40-44     1458/F    3:04:51  0:09:55    5381  
 3771. Art Vanden Enden                Oshawa ON               3:07:12  0:10:03   403/M45-49     2311/M    3:03:18  0:09:50    7113  
 3772. Rick Edwards                    Cambridge ON            3:07:13  0:10:03    79/M60-64     2312/M    3:05:05  0:09:56    2076  
 3773. Tammy De Ruyte                  Niagara Falls ON        3:07:13  0:10:03   251/F35-39     1459/F    3:05:02  0:09:56    1741  
 3774. Joanne Double                   Mississauga ON          3:07:13  0:10:03   250/F40-44     1460/F    3:04:53  0:09:55    1934  
 3775. Gord Russell                    St. Marys ON            3:07:15  0:10:03   382/M50-54     2313/M    3:05:36  0:09:57    6030  
 3776. Don A Giles                     Dundas ON               3:07:16  0:10:03   404/M45-49     2314/M    3:02:28  0:09:47    2569  
 3777. Yvonne Lippert                  Courtland ON            3:07:18  0:10:03   140/F50-54     1461/F    3:05:41  0:09:58    4121  
 3778. Tammy Kenney                    Welland ON              3:07:19  0:10:03   244/F45-49     1462/F    3:04:34  0:09:54    3619  
 3779. Anthony Macisaac                Toronto ON              3:07:20  0:10:03   405/M45-49     2315/M    3:07:09  0:10:02    4269  
 3780. Darin Steels                    West Hill ON            3:07:21  0:10:03   377/M40-44     2316/M    3:01:13  0:09:43    6583  
 3781. Deborah Lyon                    West Hill ON            3:07:21  0:10:03   252/F35-39     1463/F    3:01:13  0:09:43    4213  
 3782. Cassandra E Howse               Hamilton ON             3:07:22  0:10:03   181/F25-29     1464/F    3:05:55  0:09:58    3218  
 3783. Stacey Purser                   St. Catharines ON       3:07:23  0:10:03   251/F40-44     1465/F    3:03:31  0:09:51    5652  
 3784. Janice Ball                     Streetsville ON         3:07:23  0:10:03   229/F30-34     1466/F    3:03:04  0:09:49    392   
 3785. Frank Bozzo                     Vaughan ON              3:07:25  0:10:03    80/M60-64     2317/M    3:04:52  0:09:55    826   
 3786. Michael Lutchman                Brossard QC             3:07:26  0:10:03   406/M45-49     2318/M    3:07:10  0:10:02    4202  
 3787. Alison Eckert                   Collingwood ON          3:07:26  0:10:03   252/F40-44     1467/F    3:05:04  0:09:56    2064  
 3788. Kristina Jacobson               Cambridge ON            3:07:27  0:10:03   230/F30-34     1468/F    3:04:23  0:09:53    3342  
 3789. Ara Good                        Mississauga ON          3:07:27  0:10:03   231/F30-34     1469/F    3:05:07  0:09:56    2631  
 3790. Tom Spry                        Ingersoll ON            3:07:28  0:10:03   211/M55-59     2319/M    3:01:32  0:09:44    6555  
 3791. Jeff Major                      Newmarket ON            3:07:28  0:10:03   407/M45-49     2320/M    3:05:31  0:09:57    4328  
 3792. Aurele Le Breton                Lefroy ON               3:07:28  0:10:03   141/F50-54     1470/F    3:02:36  0:09:48    3979  
 3793. Sue Mitchell                    Stoney Creek ON         3:07:30  0:10:04   245/F45-49     1471/F    3:04:14  0:09:53    4853  
 3794. Lyanne Norcross                 Camlachie ON            3:07:30  0:10:04   246/F45-49     1472/F    3:04:21  0:09:53    5159  
 3795. Christopher M Brohman           Toronto ON              3:07:31  0:10:04   383/M50-54     2321/M    3:04:34  0:09:54    903   
 3796. Tracy Harker                    Baden ON                3:07:31  0:10:04   253/F35-39     1473/F    3:06:15  0:09:59    2917  
 3797. Stephen T Smith                 Tillsonburg ON          3:07:42  0:10:04   254/M30-34     2322/M    3:02:28  0:09:47    6483  
 3798. Kevin Stewart                   Kitchener ON            3:07:47  0:10:04    81/M60-64     2323/M    3:03:05  0:09:49    6623  
 3799. Heather Siegfried               Mildmay ON              3:07:49  0:10:05   247/F45-49     1474/F    3:05:33  0:09:57    6356  
 3800. Megan Crowell                   Toronto ON              3:07:49  0:10:05   182/F25-29     1475/F    3:07:16  0:10:03    1588  
 3801. Scott Simmons                   Hamilton ON             3:07:50  0:10:05   356/M35-39     2324/M    3:06:20  0:10:00    6372  
 3802. Mary E Miehm                    Burlington ON           3:07:51  0:10:05   248/F45-49     1476/F    3:05:05  0:09:56    4779  
 3803. Stephen G Oddy                  Toronto ON              3:07:51  0:10:05   384/M50-54     2325/M    3:02:03  0:09:46    5212  
 3804. Philippe Sicotte                Candiac QC              3:07:52  0:10:05   408/M45-49     2326/M    3:04:12  0:09:53    6351  
 3805. Lori Zimmer                     St. Thomas ON           3:07:52  0:10:05   253/F40-44     1477/F    3:06:15  0:09:59    7686  
 3806. Mark Demarchi                   Toronto ON              3:07:53  0:10:05   385/M50-54     2327/M    3:05:27  0:09:57    1795  
 3807. Kristin Ross                    Niagara Falls ON        3:07:53  0:10:05   254/F40-44     1478/F    3:06:30  0:10:00    5970  
 3808. Phil Teerink                    Barrie ON               3:07:54  0:10:05   378/M40-44     2328/M    3:05:03  0:09:56    6828  
 3809. Valerie Timm                    London ON               3:07:54  0:10:05   183/F25-29     1479/F    3:04:51  0:09:55    6900  
 3810. Angela L Rutherford             Barrie ON               3:07:54  0:10:05   254/F35-39     1480/F    3:03:25  0:09:50    6038  
 3811. Wil Beardmore                   Guelph ON               3:07:55  0:10:05   379/M40-44     2329/M    3:04:34  0:09:54    491   
 3812. Lisa Champion                   Oakville ON             3:07:55  0:10:05   255/F40-44     1481/F    3:06:24  0:10:00    1227  
 3813. Sibatu Khahaifa                 Buffalo NY              3:07:55  0:10:05    18/M65-69     2330/M    3:02:07  0:09:46    3646  
 3814. Steffanie Fletcher              Brantford ON            3:07:55  0:10:05   232/F30-34     1482/F    3:03:10  0:09:50    2310  
 3815. Oliver Bataneat                 Stoney Creek ON         3:07:57  0:10:05   147/M25-29     2331/M    3:04:13  0:09:53    473   
 3816. Mhairi Fountain                 Alliston ON             3:07:57  0:10:05   249/F45-49     1483/F    3:02:25  0:09:47    2355  
 3817. Laurel Yama                     Mississauga ON          3:07:59  0:10:05   142/F50-54     1484/F    3:02:28  0:09:47    7623  
 3818. Jeff Rowell                     London ON               3:08:00  0:10:05   386/M50-54     2332/M    3:05:44  0:09:58    5991  
 3819. Stephen Rea                     Oakville ON             3:08:03  0:10:05   357/M35-39     2333/M    3:02:14  0:09:47    5745  
 3820. Andre Boudreau                  Laval QC                3:08:04  0:10:05   387/M50-54     2334/M    3:06:06  0:09:59    776   
 3821. Lesley Wilkins                  Uxbridge ON             3:08:06  0:10:05   250/F45-49     1485/F    3:05:46  0:09:58    7452  
 3822. Lisa Dagenais                   Kingston ON             3:08:07  0:10:05   256/F40-44     1486/F    3:03:02  0:09:49    1636  
 3823. Laurie E Leonetti               Toronto ON              3:08:07  0:10:05   143/F50-54     1487/F    3:07:11  0:10:02    4043  
 3824. Frank D'Angelo                  Ottawa ON               3:08:07  0:10:05   388/M50-54     2335/M    3:05:21  0:09:57    1670  
 3825. Shane Gonsalves                 Toronto ON              3:08:08  0:10:06   255/M30-34     2336/M    3:07:08  0:10:02    2625  
 3826. Pierre Mihok                    Markham ON              3:08:09  0:10:06   212/M55-59     2337/M    3:06:36  0:10:01    4782  
 3827. Andrew Costello                 Ottawa ON               3:08:09  0:10:06   380/M40-44     2338/M    3:05:39  0:09:58    1503  
 3828. Christine Au                    Niagara Falls ON        3:08:09  0:10:06   251/F45-49     1488/F    3:07:05  0:10:02    314   
 3829. Scott Dotson                    Kitchener ON            3:08:10  0:10:06   381/M40-44     2339/M    3:02:23  0:09:47    1933  
 3830. Laura Laframboise               Amherstview ON          3:08:11  0:10:06   252/F45-49     1489/F    3:07:26  0:10:03    3862  
 3831. Ernie W Schaerer                Goderich ON             3:08:12  0:10:06   409/M45-49     2340/M    3:05:05  0:09:56    6142  
 3832. Silvia Mauser                   Toronto ON              3:08:13  0:10:06   184/F25-29     1490/F    3:06:09  0:09:59    4488  
 3833. Dan Miller                      Kitchener ON            3:08:14  0:10:06   382/M40-44     2341/M    3:04:36  0:09:54    4797  
 3834. John A Hefler                   Kanata ON               3:08:15  0:10:06   213/M55-59     2342/M    3:02:14  0:09:47    3014  
 3835. Agnes Laurent                   Ayr ON                  3:08:16  0:10:06   257/F40-44     1491/F    3:06:45  0:10:01    3939  
 3836. Lawrence Farrell                Grimsby ON              3:08:16  0:10:06   410/M45-49     2343/M    3:05:36  0:09:57    2187  
 3837. Joanne Keenan                   Hamilton ON             3:08:17  0:10:06   144/F50-54     1492/F    3:04:40  0:09:54    3579  
 3838. Anne Coffey                     Toronto ON              3:08:17  0:10:06   185/F25-29     1493/F    3:00:02  0:09:39    1393  
 3839. Becca Carroll                   Brantford ON            3:08:18  0:10:06   255/F35-39     1494/F    3:06:44  0:10:01    1164  
 3840. Lea Neglia                      Burlington ON           3:08:19  0:10:06   145/F50-54     1495/F    3:05:07  0:09:56    5083  
 3841. Julie Deimling                  Ottawa ON               3:08:19  0:10:06   256/F35-39     1496/F    3:07:19  0:10:03    1768  
 3842. Al Watson                       Burlington ON           3:08:20  0:10:06   411/M45-49     2344/M    3:03:57  0:09:52    7308  
 3843. Howie Keown                     Dundas ON               3:08:21  0:10:06    82/M60-64     2345/M    3:07:36  0:10:04    3629  
 3844. Jessica Moodie                  Sheddon ON              3:08:22  0:10:06    81/F20-24     1497/F    3:05:12  0:09:56    4886  
 3845. Steve Easson                    Markham ON              3:08:24  0:10:06   389/M50-54     2346/M    3:07:38  0:10:04    2051  
 3846. Jeff Gillies                    London ON               3:08:25  0:10:06   412/M45-49     2347/M    3:06:46  0:10:01    2577  
 3847. Beth Gallas                     Brampton ON             3:08:25  0:10:06   146/F50-54     1498/F    3:05:20  0:09:57    2459  
 3848. Brian Wood                      Brantford ON            3:08:25  0:10:06   390/M50-54     2348/M    3:02:47  0:09:48    7570  
 3849. Heather Seabrook                Kitchener ON            3:08:26  0:10:07   186/F25-29     1499/F    3:05:05  0:09:56    6220  
 3850. Roberta Reardon                 London ON               3:08:26  0:10:07    55/F55-59     1500/F    3:03:33  0:09:51    5748  
 3851. Greg Pieon                      Toronto ON              3:08:27  0:10:07   413/M45-49     2349/M    3:06:42  0:10:01    5517  
 3852. Ryan Latinovich                 Burlington ON           3:08:28  0:10:07   358/M35-39     2350/M    3:07:09  0:10:02    3930  
 3853. Tyler Hill                      Toronto ON              3:08:29  0:10:07    75/M20-24     2351/M    3:04:19  0:09:53    3087  
 3854. Joanne Harrison                 Acton ON                3:08:29  0:10:07   257/F35-39     1501/F    3:05:24  0:09:57    2937  
 3855. Jed Walmsley                    Etobicoke ON            3:08:29  0:10:07    76/M20-24     2352/M    3:04:19  0:09:53    7256  
 3856. Rob Newhouser                   Hamilton ON             3:08:30  0:10:07   359/M35-39     2353/M    3:06:15  0:09:59    5113  
 3857. Jennifer Schenkel               Orleans ON              3:08:31  0:10:07   258/F35-39     1502/F    3:05:17  0:09:56    6152  
 3858. Derek O'Toole                   Oakville ON             3:08:33  0:10:07   383/M40-44     2354/M    3:06:58  0:10:02    5264  
 3859. David Bauer                     East Amherst NY         3:08:36  0:10:07   384/M40-44     2355/M    3:05:49  0:09:58    477   
 3860. Shani Gates                     Brockville ON           3:08:36  0:10:07   258/F40-44     1503/F    3:06:35  0:10:01    2492  
 3861. Jennie Jennings                 Toronto ON              3:08:37  0:10:07   233/F30-34     1504/F    3:04:45  0:09:55    3396  
 3862. Kristin K Zazelenchuk           Sudbury ON              3:08:38  0:10:07   187/F25-29     1505/F    3:05:49  0:09:58    7675  
 3863. Maria Harrison                  Hamilton ON             3:08:38  0:10:07   259/F40-44     1506/F    3:07:08  0:10:02    2938  
 3864. Jane Foo                        Richmond Hill ON        3:08:39  0:10:07   259/F35-39     1507/F    3:03:59  0:09:52    2332  
 3865. Brian McClean                   Stittsville ON          3:08:40  0:10:07    83/M60-64     2356/M    3:03:14  0:09:50    4528  
 3866. Scott Barlow                    Kitchener ON            3:08:44  0:10:07   360/M35-39     2357/M    3:04:32  0:09:54    433   
 3867. Ben Jones                       Hamilton ON             3:08:44  0:10:07   256/M30-34     2358/M    3:06:44  0:10:01    3463  
 3868. Jeffrey Watson                  Brampton ON             3:08:47  0:10:08   414/M45-49     2359/M    3:05:27  0:09:57    7314  
 3869. James Black                     Cambridge ON            3:08:48  0:10:08   214/M55-59     2360/M    3:06:41  0:10:01    663   
 3870. Ana White                       Cambridge ON            3:08:48  0:10:08   253/F45-49     1508/F    3:06:41  0:10:01    7399  
 3871. Peter Topalovic                 Hamilton ON             3:08:49  0:10:08   257/M30-34     2361/M    3:04:40  0:09:54    6935  
 3872. George Waugh                    Woodstock ON            3:08:50  0:10:08   415/M45-49     2362/M    3:03:00  0:09:49    7322  
 3873. Sara Bergen                     Aylmer ON               3:08:50  0:10:08   234/F30-34     1509/F    3:07:27  0:10:03    578   
 3874. Steve Gard                      Toronto ON              3:08:53  0:10:08    84/M60-64     2363/M    3:05:56  0:09:58    2471  
 3875. Stefanie Howorun                Scarborough ON          3:08:53  0:10:08   188/F25-29     1510/F    3:08:13  0:10:06    3217  
 3876. Rita Della Mora                 Maple ON                3:08:55  0:10:08   254/F45-49     1511/F    3:05:28  0:09:57    1790  
 3877. Jamie Haddow                    Mississauga ON          3:08:56  0:10:08   416/M45-49     2364/M    3:05:21  0:09:57    2809  
 3878. Debbie Allison                  Port Carling ON         3:08:57  0:10:08   255/F45-49     1512/F    3:04:06  0:09:53    191   
 3879. Kathy Murphy                    Barrie ON               3:08:57  0:10:08   256/F45-49     1513/F    3:06:13  0:09:59    5025  
 3880. Gwenola Van Hille               Toronto ON              3:08:58  0:10:08   260/F40-44     1514/F    3:05:01  0:09:56    7095  
 3881. Jaimie Kennedy                  Kitchener ON            3:08:58  0:10:08    82/F20-24     1515/F    3:06:27  0:10:00    3607  
 3882. Gord England                    Toronto ON              3:09:01  0:10:08   215/M55-59     2365/M    3:03:47  0:09:52    2124  
 3883. Doug Jones                      St. Catharines ON       3:09:02  0:10:08   148/M25-29     2366/M    3:03:25  0:09:50    3474  
 3884. Kate Bojin                      Toronto ON              3:09:03  0:10:08   189/F25-29     1516/F    3:04:23  0:09:53    726   
 3885. Lauren Geloso                   Ottawa ON               3:09:04  0:10:09    83/F20-24     1517/F    3:07:36  0:10:04    2516  
 3886. Athena Quitevis                 Ottawa ON               3:09:04  0:10:09   257/F45-49     1518/F    3:04:40  0:09:54    5680  
 3887. James McEwan                    Toronto ON              3:09:04  0:10:09   216/M55-59     2367/M    3:03:13  0:09:50    4586  
 3888. Ellen Wannan                    Oakville ON             3:09:05  0:10:09   261/F40-44     1519/F    3:05:38  0:09:57    7280  
 3889. Sarah Jeanneault                Vaughan ON              3:09:05  0:10:09   235/F30-34     1520/F    3:04:51  0:09:55    532   
 3890. Carla Muytjens                  Toronto ON              3:09:06  0:10:09   190/F25-29     1521/F    3:06:44  0:10:01    5043  
 3891. Alexis Kirk                     Chesley ON              3:09:07  0:10:09   236/F30-34     1522/F    3:03:40  0:09:51    3695  
 3892. Bob McClure                     Chesley ON              3:09:07  0:10:09   258/M30-34     2368/M    3:03:39  0:09:51    4532  
 3893. Tony Caputo                     Toronto ON              3:09:07  0:10:09   391/M50-54     2369/M    3:06:31  0:10:00    1132  
 3894. Janice Phillips                 Port Colborne ON        3:09:08  0:10:09   258/F45-49     1523/F    3:07:47  0:10:04    5501  
 3895. Therese Vezina-Sousa            Hamilton ON             3:09:12  0:10:09   259/F45-49     1524/F    3:06:35  0:10:01    7170  
 3896. Glenda Stoneman                 Stoney Creek ON         3:09:14  0:10:09   260/F45-49     1525/F    3:05:32  0:09:57    6656  
 3897. Susan Wilson                    Toronto ON              3:09:14  0:10:09   147/F50-54     1526/F    3:07:40  0:10:04    7519  
 3898. Tracey A Lavigne                Hamilton ON             3:09:15  0:10:09   261/F45-49     1527/F    3:06:37  0:10:01    3954  
 3899. Jen Germaine                    Toronto ON              3:09:15  0:10:09   260/F35-39     1528/F    3:06:12  0:09:59    2531  
 3900. Cameron Fraser                  Lasalle ON              3:09:15  0:10:09   417/M45-49     2370/M    3:06:47  0:10:01    2382  
 3901. Kelsey Young                    Milton ON               3:09:15  0:10:09    84/F20-24     1529/F    3:06:24  0:10:00    7649  
 3902. Elita Alves                     Toronto ON              3:09:16  0:10:09   261/F35-39     1530/F    3:03:31  0:09:51    196   
 3903. Linda Fraser                    Lasalle ON              3:09:16  0:10:09   148/F50-54     1531/F    3:06:48  0:10:01    2389  
 3904. Heather Kao                     Ajax ON                 3:09:17  0:10:09   237/F30-34     1532/F    3:03:31  0:09:51    7554  
 3905. Galina Zilberberg               Richmond Hill ON        3:09:19  0:10:09   262/F45-49     1533/F    3:07:42  0:10:04    7684  
 3906. Rebecca Sugarman                Toronto ON              3:09:19  0:10:09    56/F55-59     1534/F    3:05:08  0:09:56    6695  
 3907. Emily Clark                     Mallorytown ON          3:09:22  0:10:10    21/F15-19     1535/F    3:05:13  0:09:56    1341  
 3908. Juan Diaz                       Toronto ON              3:09:22  0:10:10   361/M35-39     2371/M    3:04:59  0:09:55    1858  
 3909. Christopher Todd                Toronto ON              3:09:23  0:10:10   149/M25-29     2372/M    3:05:46  0:09:58    6915  
 3910. Julie Proulx                    Owen Sound ON           3:09:24  0:10:10   262/F35-39     1536/F    3:03:59  0:09:52    5638  
 3911. Steve Wolfe                     Oakville ON             3:09:25  0:10:10   385/M40-44     2373/M    3:06:07  0:09:59    7550  
 3912. Angelo Taggio                   Markham ON              3:09:25  0:10:10   217/M55-59     2374/M    3:03:52  0:09:52    6755  
 3913. Kathleen Robb                   Hamilton ON             3:09:26  0:10:10    57/F55-59     1537/F    3:05:52  0:09:58    5865  
 3914. Kristine Raymond                Orillia ON              3:09:27  0:10:10    58/F55-59     1538/F    3:05:32  0:09:57    5742  
 3915. Beth Meehan                     Toronto ON              3:09:27  0:10:10   263/F35-39     1539/F    3:04:00  0:09:52    4722  
 3916. Andy Gradkowski                 London ON               3:09:28  0:10:10   418/M45-49     2375/M    3:07:13  0:10:03    2671  
 3917. Angela Chartrand                Brantford ON            3:09:29  0:10:10   264/F35-39     1540/F    3:04:21  0:09:53    1257  
 3918. Gerry Avram                     Richmond Hill ON        3:09:30  0:10:10   392/M50-54     2376/M    3:05:53  0:09:58    331   
 3919. Kim Stroesser                   Windsor ON              3:09:31  0:10:10   191/F25-29     1541/F    3:07:16  0:10:03    6676  
 3920. Vicki Rooke                     Oakville ON             3:09:33  0:10:10   263/F45-49     1542/F    3:04:43  0:09:55    5935  
 3921. Jennifer De Jong                Durham ON               3:09:33  0:10:10   264/F45-49     1543/F    3:04:46  0:09:55    1737  
 3922. Andy Moes                       Oakville ON             3:09:34  0:10:10   393/M50-54     2377/M    3:07:19  0:10:03    4863  
 3923. Lauren Gale                     Grimsby ON              3:09:35  0:10:10   192/F25-29     1544/F    3:07:47  0:10:04    2452  
 3924. Amber A Nasby                   Grimsby ON              3:09:35  0:10:10    85/F20-24     1545/F    3:07:47  0:10:04    5063  
 3925. Deb Kehoe                       St. Catharines ON       3:09:37  0:10:10    14/F60-64     1546/F    3:07:26  0:10:03    3582  
 3926. Rose Cammareri                  Toronto ON              3:09:38  0:10:10   265/F45-49     1547/F    3:04:38  0:09:54    1098  
 3927. Helen Feher                     Barrie ON               3:09:39  0:10:10   265/F35-39     1548/F    3:06:54  0:10:02    2208  
 3928. Wendy Vandenburg                Hamilton ON             3:09:41  0:10:11   266/F45-49     1549/F    3:05:02  0:09:56    7114  
 3929. Steve Palmer                    Lindsay ON              3:09:41  0:10:11   394/M50-54     2378/M    3:08:16  0:10:06    5304  
 3930. Kristen Kenyeres                Niagara Falls ON        3:09:43  0:10:11   266/F35-39     1550/F    3:05:59  0:09:59    3626  
 3931. Tyson Hornby                    Collingwood ON          3:09:44  0:10:11   259/M30-34     2379/M    3:07:52  0:10:05    3187  
 3932. Sarah Hornby                    Collingwood ON          3:09:44  0:10:11   238/F30-34     1551/F    3:08:56  0:10:08    3185  
 3933. Kevin Lacey                     Oshawa ON               3:09:46  0:10:11   386/M40-44     2380/M    3:05:41  0:09:58    3850  
 3934. Jim Pickering                   Oakville ON             3:09:47  0:10:11   395/M50-54     2381/M    3:06:08  0:09:59    5514  
 3935. John Elvidge                    Durham ON               3:09:48  0:10:11   396/M50-54     2382/M    3:07:32  0:10:04    2111  
 3936. Linda Klapwyk                   Toronto ON              3:09:48  0:10:11   262/F40-44     1552/F    3:07:08  0:10:02    3706  
 3937. Carrie Hyde                     Pickering ON            3:09:51  0:10:11   263/F40-44     1553/F    3:04:06  0:09:53    3285  
 3938. Kathryn Rock                    Toronto ON              3:09:51  0:10:11   264/F40-44     1554/F    3:05:45  0:09:58    5901  
 3939. Amy Stupavsky                   Toronto ON              3:09:52  0:10:11   193/F25-29     1555/F    3:05:32  0:09:57    6688  
 3940. Sandra Cation                   Caledon ON              3:09:52  0:10:11    59/F55-59     1556/F    3:08:09  0:10:06    1199  
 3941. Diana Ratcliffe                 Newmarket ON            3:09:53  0:10:11   149/F50-54     1557/F    3:06:13  0:09:59    5729  
 3942. Carly Mossip                    North Bay ON            3:09:55  0:10:11   194/F25-29     1558/F    3:08:51  0:10:08    4966  
 3943. Rhonda Fazzari                  Hamilton ON             3:09:56  0:10:11   267/F35-39     1559/F    3:06:16  0:10:00    2201  
 3944. Jim Hannotte                    Williamsville NY        3:09:58  0:10:11   397/M50-54     2383/M    3:04:44  0:09:55    2896  
 3945. Cindy Demske                    Tonawanda NY            3:09:58  0:10:11   150/F50-54     1560/F    3:04:44  0:09:55    1806  
 3946. Darren Mortimer                 Acton ON                3:09:58  0:10:11   387/M40-44     2384/M    3:06:11  0:09:59    6602  
 3947. Susan M Melo                    Branchton ON            3:09:58  0:10:11   265/F40-44     1561/F    3:09:03  0:10:08    4737  
 3948. Nicole A Gardener               Ajax ON                 3:09:58  0:10:11    22/F15-19     1562/F    3:04:12  0:09:53    2473  
 3949. Susan Messer                    St. Catharines ON       3:09:58  0:10:11    60/F55-59     1563/F    3:07:48  0:10:04    4756  
 3950. Trinka Psellas                  Komoka ON               3:09:59  0:10:11   267/F45-49     1564/F    3:07:52  0:10:05    5645  
 3951. Kate Thompson                   London ON               3:09:59  0:10:11   266/F40-44     1565/F    3:07:52  0:10:05    6867  
 3952. Jeremy Lugowy                   Toronto ON              3:09:59  0:10:11   362/M35-39     2385/M    3:07:40  0:10:04    4192  
 3953. John Arbon                      Burlington ON           3:10:01  0:10:12   398/M50-54     2386/M    3:07:01  0:10:02    269   
 3954. Cecily Thompson                 Toronto ON              3:10:01  0:10:12   151/F50-54     1566/F    3:04:17  0:09:53    6860  
 3955. Sandra Martin                   Huntsville ON           3:10:03  0:10:12   239/F30-34     1567/F    3:05:57  0:09:59    4439  
 3956. Michael Perge                   Oakville ON             3:10:04  0:10:12   218/M55-59     2387/M    3:05:26  0:09:57    5449  
 3957. Cynthia Lee                     Toronto ON              3:10:04  0:10:12   195/F25-29     1568/F    3:04:30  0:09:54    4005  
 3958. Audrey Peace                    Toronto ON              3:10:05  0:10:12   196/F25-29     1569/F    3:05:49  0:09:58    5402  
 3959. Cindy A Fong                    Toronto ON              3:10:06  0:10:12   267/F40-44     1570/F    3:07:07  0:10:02    2329  
 3960. Steven McAulay                  Hamilton ON             3:10:06  0:10:12    77/M20-24     2388/M    3:05:31  0:09:57    4505  
 3961. Oliver Mann                     Binbrook ON             3:10:06  0:10:12   363/M35-39     2389/M    3:09:11  0:10:09    4357  
 3962. Eric Savard                     Mount Hope ON           3:10:07  0:10:12   364/M35-39     2390/M    3:01:31  0:09:44    6125  
 3963. France Bertrand                 L' Ange-Gardien QC      3:10:09  0:10:12   240/F30-34     1571/F    3:06:03  0:09:59    599   
 3964. Jennifer Clark                  Tecumseh MI             3:10:10  0:10:12   268/F35-39     1572/F    3:06:00  0:09:59    1347  
 3965. Judy Payne                      Camlachie ON            3:10:11  0:10:12   268/F45-49     1573/F    3:04:24  0:09:54    5399  
 3966. Jill Fisher                     Rockwood ON             3:10:13  0:10:12   152/F50-54     1574/F    3:06:00  0:09:59    2285  
 3967. Nick Kindler                    Toronto ON              3:10:14  0:10:12   388/M40-44     2391/M    3:06:43  0:10:01    3680  
 3968. Connor Hines                    Hamilton ON             3:10:16  0:10:12    78/M20-24     2392/M    3:08:50  0:10:08    3097  
 3969. Erin Ross                       Newmarket ON            3:10:16  0:10:12   241/F30-34     1575/F    3:08:47  0:10:08    5964  
 3970. Daniel Zupu                     Mississauga ON          3:10:16  0:10:12   365/M35-39     2393/M    3:08:38  0:10:07    7696  
 3971. Wayne Banner                    Burlington ON           3:10:17  0:10:12   399/M50-54     2394/M    3:05:47  0:09:58    410   
 3972. Larry Wilson                    Mississauga ON          3:10:18  0:10:13   400/M50-54     2395/M    3:07:27  0:10:03    7509  
 3973. Melanee Thomas                  Kingston ON             3:10:18  0:10:13   242/F30-34     1576/F    3:08:13  0:10:06    6854  
 3974. Amy Curtis                      Guelph ON               3:10:19  0:10:13    86/F20-24     1577/F    3:05:58  0:09:59    1622  
 3975. Sheryl Manolakos                Bracebridge ON          3:10:19  0:10:13    61/F55-59     1578/F    3:04:57  0:09:55    4362  
 3976. Alina Reid                      Waterloo ON             3:10:19  0:10:13    87/F20-24     1579/F    3:05:58  0:09:59    5769  
 3977. Peter Jensen                    Oakville ON             3:10:20  0:10:13   419/M45-49     2396/M    3:07:11  0:10:02    3400  
 3978. Grant Bender                    Waterloo ON             3:10:22  0:10:13   260/M30-34     2397/M    3:04:54  0:09:55    552   
 3979. Robyn Wilson                    Hamilton ON             3:10:26  0:10:13    88/F20-24     1580/F    3:09:40  0:10:10    7515  
 3980. Patricia Melo                   Mississauga ON          3:10:26  0:10:13   268/F40-44     1581/F    3:08:13  0:10:06    4736  
 3981. Jonathan Arnel                  Tillsonburg ON          3:10:27  0:10:13   420/M45-49     2398/M    3:08:38  0:10:07    287   
 3982. Kristofer Mitchener             London ON               3:10:28  0:10:13    15/M15-19     2399/M    3:08:25  0:10:06    4855  
 3983. Peter Askew                     London ON               3:10:29  0:10:13   421/M45-49     2400/M    3:08:20  0:10:06    304   
 3984. Michele Glatt                   Oakville ON             3:10:30  0:10:13   153/F50-54     1582/F    3:05:27  0:09:57    2599  
 3985. Nicola Treadgold                Mississauga ON          3:10:33  0:10:13   269/F35-39     1583/F    3:08:22  0:10:06    6963  
 3986. Lisa Vanlint                    Toronto ON              3:10:34  0:10:13   270/F35-39     1584/F    3:07:00  0:10:02    7130  
 3987. Ellen Dickson                   Nepean ON               3:10:36  0:10:13   269/F40-44     1585/F    3:04:29  0:09:54    1869  
 3988. Heather Canali                  Acton ON                3:10:37  0:10:14   271/F35-39     1586/F    3:07:33  0:10:04    1117  
 3989. Judy Martin                     West Montrose ON        3:10:37  0:10:14   269/F45-49     1587/F    3:07:27  0:10:03    4431  
 3990. Alison Ronson                   Toronto ON              3:10:38  0:10:14   243/F30-34     1588/F    3:06:35  0:10:01    5932  
 3991. Anthony Pingue                  Niagara Falls ON        3:10:39  0:10:14   389/M40-44     2401/M    3:09:22  0:10:10    5529  
 3992. Sharon Klassen                  Kingston ON             3:10:40  0:10:14   154/F50-54     1589/F    3:07:55  0:10:05    3707  
 3993. Melinda Hilton                  Lockport NY             3:10:41  0:10:14   155/F50-54     1590/F    3:07:55  0:10:05    3096  
 3994. Mary Hailer                     Stow OH                 3:10:43  0:10:14    15/F60-64     1591/F    3:09:10  0:10:09    2822  
 3995. Warren Korol                    Hamilton ON             3:10:46  0:10:14   401/M50-54     2402/M    3:06:49  0:10:01    3762  
 3996. Gennaro Gatto                   Ancaster ON             3:10:46  0:10:14   219/M55-59     2403/M    3:06:51  0:10:01    2496  
 3997. Catherine Hewak                 Hamilton ON             3:10:46  0:10:14   270/F45-49     1592/F    3:06:50  0:10:01    3052  
 3998. Sandy Bonia                     Newmarket ON            3:10:47  0:10:14   156/F50-54     1593/F    3:07:11  0:10:02    746   
 3999. Andrew Cameron                  Mississauga ON          3:10:48  0:10:14   402/M50-54     2404/M    3:07:41  0:10:04    1090  
 4000. Edward Sullivan                 Courtice ON             3:10:48  0:10:14   422/M45-49     2405/M    3:08:22  0:10:06    5590  
 4001. Karen Bailey                    Courtice ON             3:10:48  0:10:14   271/F45-49     1594/F    3:08:21  0:10:06    359   
 4002. Ian W Kruis                     Hampton ON              3:10:48  0:10:14   366/M35-39     2406/M    3:08:22  0:10:06    3801  
 4003. Jeffrey Wong                    Markham ON              3:10:49  0:10:14    79/M20-24     2407/M    3:06:44  0:10:01    7556  
 4004. Cory M Boyer                    South River ON          3:10:49  0:10:14   157/F50-54     1595/F    3:06:11  0:09:59    819   
 4005. Heather Down                    Barrie ON               3:10:50  0:10:14   272/F45-49     1596/F    3:06:47  0:10:01    1953  
 4006. Lori Simmons                    Brooklin ON             3:10:51  0:10:14   270/F40-44     1597/F    3:07:05  0:10:02    6371  
 4007. Margaret Bozicevic              Markham ON              3:10:51  0:10:14   272/F35-39     1598/F    3:06:03  0:09:59    824   
 4008. Zoran Bozicevic                 Markham ON              3:10:51  0:10:14   423/M45-49     2408/M    3:06:03  0:09:59    825   
 4009. Karen Campbell                  Dundas ON               3:10:53  0:10:14   271/F40-44     1599/F    3:09:08  0:10:09    5570  
 4010. Karen Forrester                 Oakville ON             3:10:54  0:10:14   272/F40-44     1600/F    3:02:58  0:09:49    5178  
 4011. Donna Kearney                   Naperville IL           3:10:58  0:10:15   158/F50-54     1601/F    3:05:49  0:09:58    3571  
 4012. Matt Wagner                     Waterloo ON             3:11:00  0:10:15   261/M30-34     2409/M    3:08:35  0:10:07    7220  
 4013. Pat Chan                        Cambridge ON            3:11:01  0:10:15   367/M35-39     2410/M    3:08:06  0:10:05    1230  
 4014. Wendy Greenfield                Guelph ON               3:11:02  0:10:15   159/F50-54     1602/F    3:06:49  0:10:01    2710  
 4015. James Olley                     Kitchener ON            3:11:03  0:10:15   368/M35-39     2411/M    3:09:09  0:10:09    5241  
 4016. Philippe Cloutier               Val-D'or QC             3:11:04  0:10:15   424/M45-49     2412/M    3:06:24  0:10:00    1381  
 4017. Phil Busby                      Ottawa ON               3:11:05  0:10:15   150/M25-29     2413/M    3:06:11  0:09:59    1045  
 4018. Reiko Tsunoda                   Toronto ON              3:11:05  0:10:15   273/F45-49     1603/F    3:07:27  0:10:03    6996  
 4019. Glen Sharp                      St. Catharines ON       3:11:05  0:10:15   220/M55-59     2414/M    3:09:58  0:10:11    6285  
 4020. Dave Sinclair                   Welland ON              3:11:08  0:10:15   390/M40-44     2415/M    3:06:14  0:09:59    6386  
 4021. Linton Smith                    Toronto ON              3:11:10  0:10:15   425/M45-49     2416/M    3:08:55  0:10:08    6476  
 4022. Erwin Wiens                     Niagara On The Lake ON  3:11:11  0:10:15   391/M40-44     2417/M    3:10:16  0:10:12    7435  
 4023. Heidi Vandeemter                Waterloo ON             3:11:11  0:10:15   160/F50-54     1604/F    3:07:04  0:10:02    7111  
 4024. Sherry Vendramin                Lively ON               3:11:13  0:10:15   274/F45-49     1605/F    3:08:41  0:10:07    7157  
 4025. April Archer                    Brighton ON             3:11:14  0:10:16   273/F35-39     1606/F    3:07:00  0:10:02    274   
 4026. Marian Chelu                    Ajax ON                 3:11:15  0:10:16   403/M50-54     2418/M    3:09:20  0:10:09    1261  
 4027. Mike Holland                    Stoney Creek ON         3:11:15  0:10:16   369/M35-39     2419/M    3:08:24  0:10:06    3141  
 4028. Linda M Stapleton               Mississauga ON          3:11:15  0:10:16   244/F30-34     1607/F    3:05:39  0:09:58    6574  
 4029. Isabel Dasilva                  Etobicoke ON            3:11:16  0:10:16   275/F45-49     1608/F    3:07:19  0:10:03    1684  
 4030. Patti Gamble                    Ottawa ON               3:11:16  0:10:16    62/F55-59     1609/F    3:08:47  0:10:08    2462  
 4031. Craig Fraser                    Toronto ON              3:11:16  0:10:16    85/M60-64     2420/M    3:06:11  0:09:59    2385  
 4032. Michael Louch                   Mississauga ON          3:11:18  0:10:16   426/M45-49     2421/M    3:07:26  0:10:03    4167  
 4033. Jian-Feng Shi                   Toronto ON              3:11:18  0:10:16   262/M30-34     2422/M    3:08:57  0:10:08    6329  
 4034. Jennifer Dawson                 Brigden ON              3:11:19  0:10:16   197/F25-29     1610/F    3:10:49  0:10:14    1723  
 4035. Francine Fass                   Toronto ON              3:11:22  0:10:16   274/F35-39     1611/F    3:07:37  0:10:04    2191  
 4036. Ivan Urek                       Burlington ON           3:11:22  0:10:16    86/M60-64     2423/M    3:06:51  0:10:01    7048  
 4037. Chris Wignall                   Greensville ON          3:11:23  0:10:16   370/M35-39     2424/M    3:10:06  0:10:12    7443  
 4038. Steve Moran                     Hamilton ON             3:11:23  0:10:16   371/M35-39     2425/M    3:10:06  0:10:12    4906  
 4039. Donna R Newton                  Orillia ON              3:11:25  0:10:16   161/F50-54     1612/F    3:08:40  0:10:07    5120  
 4040. Istvan Rajcan                   Guelph ON               3:11:26  0:10:16   427/M45-49     2426/M    3:08:04  0:10:05    5700  
 4041. Mauko Joseph                    Toronto ON              3:11:26  0:10:16   392/M40-44     2427/M    3:10:19  0:10:13    3492  
 4042. Raymond Lobo                    Hamilton ON             3:11:26  0:10:16   221/M55-59     2428/M    3:11:18  0:10:16    4134  
 4043. Jennifer Lee                    Mississauga ON          3:11:28  0:10:16   245/F30-34     1613/F    3:07:24  0:10:03    4010  
 4044. Anette Happel                   Kitchener ON            3:11:28  0:10:16   276/F45-49     1614/F    3:07:42  0:10:04    2904  
 4045. Dennis Wale                     Mt. Pleasant ON         3:11:29  0:10:16   222/M55-59     2429/M    3:08:04  0:10:05    7228  
 4046. Soo Sutherland                  Barrie ON               3:11:30  0:10:16   275/F35-39     1615/F    3:08:57  0:10:08    6719  
 4047. George T Tapper                 Torbay NB               3:11:30  0:10:16    87/M60-64     2430/M    3:07:53  0:10:05    6777  
 4048. Jennifer Hayes                  Toronto ON              3:11:31  0:10:16   273/F40-44     1616/F    3:06:57  0:10:02    2985  
 4049. Brenda Young                    Brockville ON           3:11:32  0:10:16   274/F40-44     1617/F    3:07:41  0:10:04    7646  
 4050. Sandy Noonan                    Prescott ON             3:11:32  0:10:16   276/F35-39     1618/F    3:07:40  0:10:04    6099  
 4051. Kevin Hartley                   Athens ON               3:11:32  0:10:16   393/M40-44     2431/M    3:07:41  0:10:04    2944  
 4052. Kirsten Hoedlmoser              Waterloo ON             3:11:32  0:10:16    89/F20-24     1619/F    3:09:30  0:10:10    3127  
 4053. Ashley Petrie                   Ingersoll ON            3:11:33  0:10:17   198/F25-29     1620/F    3:07:37  0:10:04    5485  
 4054. Jacinda Martin                  Grimsby ON              3:11:33  0:10:17   275/F40-44     1621/F    3:06:45  0:10:01    4430  
 4055. Julie K Burke                   Richmond Hill ON        3:11:34  0:10:17   276/F40-44     1622/F    3:07:44  0:10:04    1024  
 4056. Christa J Baker                 Etobicoke ON            3:11:34  0:10:17   277/F35-39     1623/F    3:09:04  0:10:09    374   
 4057. Michael Groot                   Belle River ON          3:11:37  0:10:17   394/M40-44     2432/M    3:05:26  0:09:57    2752  
 4058. Daniel Clarke                   Scarborough ON          3:11:39  0:10:17    80/M20-24     2433/M    3:10:07  0:10:12    1360  
 4059. Cindy L Baragar                 Hamilton ON             3:11:39  0:10:17   162/F50-54     1624/F    3:09:02  0:10:08    416   
 4060. Greg R Fletcher                 Hamilton ON             3:11:39  0:10:17   428/M45-49     2434/M    3:07:24  0:10:03    2307  
 4061. Lauren Daley                    Hamilton ON             3:11:41  0:10:17    90/F20-24     1625/F    3:08:20  0:10:06    1648  
 4062. James Clark                     Oakville ON             3:11:42  0:10:17   223/M55-59     2435/M    3:07:21  0:10:03    1346  
 4063. Wendy Crevier                   Dundas ON               3:11:44  0:10:17   163/F50-54     1626/F    3:06:09  0:09:59    1564  
 4064. Loretta A Green                 Mississauga ON          3:11:44  0:10:17   164/F50-54     1627/F    3:06:53  0:10:02    2705  
 4065. Mikael Dam                      Toronto ON              3:11:44  0:10:17   372/M35-39     2436/M    3:09:06  0:10:09    1664  
 4066. Greg Insley                     Guelph ON               3:11:45  0:10:17   373/M35-39     2437/M    3:10:22  0:10:13    3315  
 4067. Andrey Poluchankin              Toronto ON              3:11:51  0:10:18   263/M30-34     2438/M    3:09:55  0:10:11    5574  
 4068. Elaine Tang                     Mississauga ON          3:11:51  0:10:18   278/F35-39     1628/F    3:08:58  0:10:08    6771  
 4069. John Abramowicz                 Mississauga ON          3:11:52  0:10:18   224/M55-59     2439/M    3:09:02  0:10:08    106   
 4070. Janice Williams                 Mississauga ON          3:11:53  0:10:18   165/F50-54     1629/F    3:09:02  0:10:08    7473  
 4071. Brenda M Brown                  Toronto ON              3:11:55  0:10:18    63/F55-59     1630/F    3:06:15  0:09:59    928   
 4072. Donna Spaner                    Toronto ON              3:11:55  0:10:18    64/F55-59     1631/F    3:06:16  0:10:00    6522  
 4073. Taryn Laing                     Toronto ON              3:11:55  0:10:18   199/F25-29     1632/F    3:09:48  0:10:11    3870  
 4074. Andree-Anne Girard              Ottawa ON               3:11:56  0:10:18    91/F20-24     1633/F    3:07:55  0:10:05    2588  
 4075. Colleen Zancola                 Binbrook ON             3:11:59  0:10:18   166/F50-54     1634/F    3:06:07  0:09:59    7669  
 4076. Russ Jones                      Victoria BC             3:12:00  0:10:18   225/M55-59     2440/M    3:07:13  0:10:03    3485  
 4077. William Haycock                 Collingwood ON          3:12:00  0:10:18   395/M40-44     2441/M    3:07:13  0:10:03    2982  
 4078. Sally Carpenter                 Riverview NB            3:12:01  0:10:18   167/F50-54     1635/F    3:06:49  0:10:01    1156  
 4079. Craig Parker                    Kitchener ON            3:12:01  0:10:18   396/M40-44     2442/M    3:08:37  0:10:07    5341  
 4080. Matthew Eberly                  Bolton ON               3:12:02  0:10:18   264/M30-34     2443/M    3:10:33  0:10:13    2059  
 4081. Michael Hogan                   Ottawa ON               3:12:04  0:10:18   397/M40-44     2444/M    3:07:47  0:10:04    3133  
 4082. Thomas Sartor                   Port Dover ON           3:12:05  0:10:18   398/M40-44     2445/M    3:07:58  0:10:05    6111  
 4083. Andrea Lynn Sloan               Hamilton ON             3:12:05  0:10:18   277/F40-44     1636/F    3:06:39  0:10:01    6429  
 4084. Tara Lawrence                   London ON               3:12:05  0:10:18   279/F35-39     1637/F    3:07:08  0:10:02    3967  
 4085. Nell Van Walsum                 Gatineau QC             3:12:05  0:10:18   168/F50-54     1638/F    3:07:48  0:10:04    7107  
 4086. Rebecca Volk                    Ottawa ON               3:12:05  0:10:18   169/F50-54     1639/F    3:07:48  0:10:04    7199  
 4087. Lara Holmes                     Pincourt QC             3:12:06  0:10:18   280/F35-39     1640/F    3:10:16  0:10:12    3153  
 4088. Claudio Di Monaco               Montreal QC             3:12:07  0:10:18   404/M50-54     2446/M    3:10:44  0:10:14    1852  
 4089. Barbara Laurens                 St. Catharines ON       3:12:09  0:10:18    65/F55-59     1641/F    3:09:58  0:10:11    3938  
 4090. Shazia McCormick                Toronto ON              3:12:09  0:10:18   281/F35-39     1642/F    3:07:36  0:10:04    4549  
 4091. Trina Macrae                    Toronto ON              3:12:09  0:10:18   246/F30-34     1643/F    3:06:02  0:09:59    4307  
 4092. Petra Austin                    Trenton ON              3:12:10  0:10:19   170/F50-54     1644/F    3:08:26  0:10:07    323   
 4093. Marlena Neville                 Carlisle ON             3:12:11  0:10:19   200/F25-29     1645/F    3:08:13  0:10:06    5109  
 4094. Cindy Neville                   Waterdown ON            3:12:11  0:10:19   277/F45-49     1646/F    3:08:13  0:10:06    5108  
 4095. Sarah Randall-Sims              Ridgeway ON             3:12:16  0:10:19   282/F35-39     1647/F    3:09:52  0:10:11    5711  
 4096. Laura Brunne                    Uxbridge ON             3:12:16  0:10:19   278/F45-49     1648/F    3:09:54  0:10:11    980   
 4097. Jane Luc                        London ON               3:12:17  0:10:19   201/F25-29     1649/F    3:07:20  0:10:03    4182  
 4098. John Glass                      Burlington ON           3:12:17  0:10:19   405/M50-54     2447/M    3:07:49  0:10:05    2596  
 4099. Vic Thiessen                    St. Catharines ON       3:12:17  0:10:19   406/M50-54     2448/M    3:08:00  0:10:05    6846  
 4100. Howard Kideckel                 Thornhill ON            3:12:18  0:10:19   226/M55-59     2449/M    3:10:23  0:10:13    3654  
 4101. Karen Stewart                   Oakville ON             3:12:19  0:10:19   279/F45-49     1650/F    3:11:34  0:10:17    6622  
 4102. Irene Preklet                   Richmond Hill ON        3:12:20  0:10:19   283/F35-39     1651/F    3:09:29  0:10:10    5611  
 4103. Lindsey V Fletcher              Hamilton ON             3:12:21  0:10:19    23/F15-19     1652/F    3:08:06  0:10:05    2309  
 4104. Rochelle Parent                 London ON               3:12:22  0:10:19   247/F30-34     1653/F    3:07:09  0:10:02    5329  
 4105. Philip Guy                      St. Catharines ON       3:12:22  0:10:19   429/M45-49     2450/M    3:07:36  0:10:04    2790  
 4106. Elisia Banks                    Toronto ON              3:12:22  0:10:19   202/F25-29     1654/F    3:09:55  0:10:11    407   
 4107. Marilyn Preece                  Barrie ON               3:12:22  0:10:19    66/F55-59     1655/F    3:09:30  0:10:10    5610  
 4108. Rita Donnelly                   Orangeville ON          3:12:24  0:10:19   280/F45-49     1656/F    3:08:35  0:10:07    1925  
 4109. Juanita Lew                     Sarnia ON               3:12:24  0:10:19    16/F60-64     1657/F    3:06:40  0:10:01    4069  
 4110. Leslie Ridge                    Burlington ON           3:12:24  0:10:19   284/F35-39     1658/F    3:08:25  0:10:06    5837  
 4111. Jason McVety                    Toronto ON              3:12:26  0:10:19   265/M30-34     2451/M    3:07:16  0:10:03    4710  
 4112. Milos Jokanovic                 Toronto ON              3:12:26  0:10:19   151/M25-29     2452/M    3:07:16  0:10:03    3461  
 4113. Benoit De Champlain             Toronto ON              3:12:27  0:10:19   266/M30-34     2453/M    3:10:13  0:10:12    1731  
 4114. Michelle Stern                  Thornhill ON            3:12:29  0:10:20   203/F25-29     1659/F    3:06:22  0:10:00    6612  
 4115. Sue Chambers                    Campbellville ON        3:12:29  0:10:20   281/F45-49     1660/F    3:08:50  0:10:08    1226  
 4116. Theresa Wilson                  Guelph ON               3:12:29  0:10:20   171/F50-54     1661/F    3:08:17  0:10:06    7520  
 4117. Paul Colbourne                  London ON               3:12:31  0:10:20   267/M30-34     2454/M    3:07:58  0:10:05    1400  
 4118. Martin Au                       Toronto ON              3:12:31  0:10:20   268/M30-34     2455/M    3:06:25  0:10:00    315   
 4119. Tim Thorington                  Pickering ON            3:12:32  0:10:20    88/M60-64     2456/M    3:08:39  0:10:07    6884  
 4120. Pat Pambianco                   Oakville ON             3:12:35  0:10:20   407/M50-54     2457/M    3:08:56  0:10:08    5309  
 4121. Brian Nelson                    Burlington ON           3:12:37  0:10:20   430/M45-49     2458/M    3:08:31  0:10:07    5091  
 4122. Brian Leverton                  St. Thomas ON           3:12:37  0:10:20   408/M50-54     2459/M    3:10:45  0:10:14    4061  
 4123. Noel Mackay                     St. Thomas ON           3:12:37  0:10:20   409/M50-54     2460/M    3:08:31  0:10:07    4273  
 4124. Jodi A Wilson                   Ottawa ON               3:12:37  0:10:20   204/F25-29     1662/F    3:10:05  0:10:12    7504  
 4125. Leah Meloche                    Leamington ON           3:12:38  0:10:20   278/F40-44     1663/F    3:09:58  0:10:11    4739  
 4126. Jane Matheson                   Mount Hope ON           3:12:39  0:10:20    67/F55-59     1664/F    3:08:54  0:10:08    4469  
 4127. Mark Bodanis                    Toronto ON              3:12:39  0:10:20   399/M40-44     2461/M    3:08:36  0:10:07    708   
 4128. Johnny Jim                      Burlington ON           3:12:39  0:10:20   431/M45-49     2462/M    3:11:15  0:10:16    3413  
 4129. Michael R Jones                 Burlington ON           3:12:40  0:10:20   374/M35-39     2463/M    3:09:02  0:10:08    3482  
 4130. Janie Chu                       Unionville ON           3:12:40  0:10:20   282/F45-49     1665/F    3:07:08  0:10:02    5367  
 4131. Dean Billings                   Stoney Creek ON         3:12:40  0:10:20   400/M40-44     2464/M    3:08:55  0:10:08    635   
 4132. Rob Voneuw                      Stratford ON            3:12:41  0:10:20   401/M40-44     2465/M    3:10:36  0:10:13    7204  
 4133. Sarah Billings                  Stoney Creek ON         3:12:41  0:10:20   283/F45-49     1666/F    3:08:56  0:10:08    636   
 4134. Elizabeth Keachie               Richmond Hill ON        3:12:41  0:10:20   284/F45-49     1667/F    3:08:31  0:10:07    3563  
 4135. Peckham Nicole                  Toronto ON              3:12:41  0:10:20   205/F25-29     1668/F    3:10:14  0:10:12    5140  
 4136. Ed Pozzebon                     Richmond Hill ON        3:12:42  0:10:20   410/M50-54     2466/M    3:08:30  0:10:07    5606  
 4137. Ally Fereday                    Freelton ON             3:12:42  0:10:20   279/F40-44     1669/F    3:07:47  0:10:04    2225  
 4138. Bogdan Odobas                   Woodbridge ON           3:12:43  0:10:20   375/M35-39     2467/M    3:08:19  0:10:06    5404  
 4139. Anne L Winning                  Waterdown ON            3:12:43  0:10:20    68/F55-59     1670/F    3:07:47  0:10:04    7533  
 4140. Amar Sandhu                     Mississauga ON          3:12:44  0:10:20   269/M30-34     2468/M    3:07:02  0:10:02    6095  
 4141. Shevaughn Murta                 Toronto ON              3:12:45  0:10:20   206/F25-29     1671/F    3:10:14  0:10:12    5035  
 4142. Denis Martin                    Hamilton ON             3:12:45  0:10:20   411/M50-54     2469/M    3:11:15  0:10:16    4426  
 4143. Kimberly Schulz                 Lake View NY            3:12:47  0:10:21   285/F45-49     1672/F    3:09:19  0:10:09    6186  
 4144. Lysa A Olmsted                  Buffalo NY              3:12:47  0:10:21   286/F45-49     1673/F    3:09:19  0:10:09    5244  
 4145. Chad Ingles                     Dundas ON               3:12:48  0:10:21   270/M30-34     2470/M    3:11:21  0:10:16    3311  
 4146. Sara Kennedy                    Burlington ON           3:12:48  0:10:21   248/F30-34     1674/F    3:10:42  0:10:14    3616  
 4147. Jim Knight                      Lawrence KS             3:12:48  0:10:21   227/M55-59     2471/M    3:11:48  0:10:17    3732  
 4148. Jim Firth                       Bolton ON               3:12:49  0:10:21   432/M45-49     2472/M    3:12:34  0:10:20    2276  
 4149. Janine Wilson                   Woodstock ON            3:12:49  0:10:21   249/F30-34     1675/F    3:10:50  0:10:14    7499  
 4150. Alexander Mitic                 Hamilton ON             3:12:51  0:10:21   412/M50-54     2473/M    3:07:13  0:10:03    4856  
 4151. Susan Mackinnon                 Windsor ON              3:12:51  0:10:21   287/F45-49     1676/F    3:11:38  0:10:17    4284  
 4152. Robert W Evans                  Burlington ON           3:12:51  0:10:21   413/M50-54     2474/M    3:12:14  0:10:19    2151  
 4153. Jeannette Holder                Toronto ON              3:12:53  0:10:21   207/F25-29     1677/F    3:10:30  0:10:13    3138  
 4154. Ryan Kornelson                  Oakville ON             3:12:53  0:10:21   402/M40-44     2475/M    3:07:33  0:10:04    3761  
 4155. Chirs B Murphy                  Hannon ON               3:12:55  0:10:21   376/M35-39     2476/M    3:11:28  0:10:16    5021  
 4156. Susan Anderson                  Hamilton ON             3:12:59  0:10:21   250/F30-34     1678/F    3:07:20  0:10:03    230   
 4157. Jayme Glassford                 Orangeville ON          3:12:59  0:10:21   208/F25-29     1679/F    3:11:43  0:10:17    2597  
 4158. Cindy L Larocque                Orangeville ON          3:12:59  0:10:21   285/F35-39     1680/F    3:08:08  0:10:06    3916  
 4159. Bem Naude                       Thornhill ON            3:12:59  0:10:21   414/M50-54     2477/M    3:12:52  0:10:21    5073  
 4160. Robert Karunaratne              Aurora ON               3:13:00  0:10:21   377/M35-39     2478/M    3:09:44  0:10:11    3545  
 4161. Kristine Demott                 Toronto ON              3:13:00  0:10:21   280/F40-44     1681/F    3:09:48  0:10:11    2895  
 4162. Joe Perle                       Toronto ON              3:13:01  0:10:21    19/M65-69     2479/M    3:07:12  0:10:03    5454  
 4163. Tanya Melo                      Moffat ON               3:13:01  0:10:21   281/F40-44     1682/F    3:07:59  0:10:05    4738  
 4164. Michelle Jay                    Mississauga ON          3:13:05  0:10:21   282/F40-44     1683/F    3:11:21  0:10:16    3376  
 4165. Praskey Diana                   Oakville ON             3:13:07  0:10:22   286/F35-39     1684/F    3:10:27  0:10:13    1856  
 4166. Michael Brown                   Oakville ON             3:13:08  0:10:22   403/M40-44     2480/M    3:08:44  0:10:07    950   
 4167. Crystal M Colbeck               Burlington ON           3:13:12  0:10:22   287/F35-39     1685/F    3:10:34  0:10:13    1397  
 4168. John Samson                     Hamilton ON             3:13:12  0:10:22   378/M35-39     2481/M    3:10:03  0:10:12    6084  
 4169. Michael McMahon                 Kanata ON               3:13:14  0:10:22   433/M45-49     2482/M    3:07:25  0:10:03    4660  
 4170. Neil Thomson                    Kanata ON               3:13:14  0:10:22   228/M55-59     2483/M    3:07:29  0:10:03    6882  
 4171. Linda Jones                     London ON               3:13:15  0:10:22    17/F60-64     1686/F    3:11:31  0:10:16    3478  
 4172. Adam Hanna                      Burlington ON           3:13:19  0:10:22   434/M45-49     2484/M    3:11:06  0:10:15    2893  
 4173. Lynn Chadwick                   Oakville ON             3:13:20  0:10:22   288/F45-49     1687/F    3:07:23  0:10:03    1213  
 4174. Maral Misserian                 Toronto ON              3:13:21  0:10:22   289/F45-49     1688/F    3:11:25  0:10:16    4840  
 4175. Leeann Arcaro-King              Port Colburne ON        3:13:22  0:10:22   251/F30-34     1689/F    3:12:01  0:10:18    272   
 4176. Jordan Arcaro                   Fonthill ON             3:13:23  0:10:22   209/F25-29     1690/F    3:12:02  0:10:18    271   
 4177. Erin Horwood                    Petrolia ON             3:13:23  0:10:22   252/F30-34     1691/F    3:09:51  0:10:11    1923  
 4178. Emily Stillwell                 Toronto ON              3:13:24  0:10:22   210/F25-29     1692/F    3:10:53  0:10:14    6636  
 4179. Mark Telesnicki                 Mississauga ON          3:13:24  0:10:22   435/M45-49     2485/M    3:09:04  0:10:09    6830  
 4180. Amanda Pyykonen                 Ottawa ON               3:13:26  0:10:23   253/F30-34     1693/F    3:09:04  0:10:09    5659  
 4181. Clark Westcott                  Bracebridge ON          3:13:26  0:10:23   436/M45-49     2486/M    3:07:40  0:10:04    7377  
 4182. Julie Rice                      Owen Sound ON           3:13:26  0:10:23    18/F60-64     1694/F    3:11:29  0:10:16    5812  
 4183. Susan Mingie                    Kitchener ON            3:13:28  0:10:23   290/F45-49     1695/F    3:12:19  0:10:19    4829  
 4184. Bruce Palmers                   Dundas ON               3:13:29  0:10:23   415/M50-54     2487/M    3:09:33  0:10:10    5305  
 4185. Frances Iduciano                Hamilton ON             3:13:30  0:10:23    69/F55-59     1696/F    3:12:03  0:10:18    2370  
 4186. Judy Hatt                       Nobleton ON             3:13:31  0:10:23   291/F45-49     1697/F    3:08:53  0:10:08    2968  
 4187. Judy Brechin                    Burlington ON           3:13:34  0:10:23    70/F55-59     1698/F    3:09:32  0:10:10    866   
 4188. Scott B McCannell               Toronto ON              3:13:34  0:10:23   271/M30-34     2488/M    3:08:39  0:10:07    4520  
 4189. Jo-Anne Dupuis                  Sudbury ON              3:13:36  0:10:23   283/F40-44     1699/F    3:11:03  0:10:15    2028  
 4190. Tom Mulligan                    London ON               3:13:36  0:10:23     3/M70-74     2489/M    3:11:37  0:10:17    4998  
 4191. Amy S McKenzie                  Burlington ON           3:13:36  0:10:23   254/F30-34     1700/F    3:11:30  0:10:16    4629  
 4192. Cheryl Court                    Port Hawkesbury NS      3:13:36  0:10:23   172/F50-54     1701/F    3:08:48  0:10:08    1513  
 4193. Melanie Schumacher              Toronto ON              3:13:37  0:10:23   255/F30-34     1702/F    3:09:29  0:10:10    6188  
 4194. Christine Quinn                 Peterborough ON         3:13:38  0:10:23   292/F45-49     1703/F    3:08:27  0:10:07    5675  
 4195. Brent Smyth                     Orleans ON              3:13:39  0:10:23   404/M40-44     2490/M    3:10:50  0:10:14    6490  
 4196. Deanna Simpson                  Notl ON                 3:13:40  0:10:23   284/F40-44     1704/F    3:10:19  0:10:13    1374  
 4197. Claire McKinney                 Napanee ON              3:13:40  0:10:23   293/F45-49     1705/F    3:12:03  0:10:18    4636  
 4198. Barbara George                  Newmarket ON            3:13:40  0:10:23   173/F50-54     1706/F    3:04:16  0:09:53    2523  
 4199. Teri Monti                      Mississauga ON          3:13:41  0:10:23    71/F55-59     1707/F    3:08:02  0:10:05    4884  
 4200. Bryan Murray                    Toronto ON              3:13:43  0:10:24   416/M50-54     2491/M    3:08:38  0:10:07    5030  
 4201. Glen Whittall                   Cambridge ON            3:13:43  0:10:24   229/M55-59     2492/M    3:08:19  0:10:06    7417  
 4202. John Spagnoli                   Hamilton ON             3:13:43  0:10:24     2/M75-99     2493/M    3:11:36  0:10:17    6519  
 4203. Amanda J Fyfe                   Brooklin ON             3:13:43  0:10:24   294/F45-49     1708/F    3:08:22  0:10:06    2430  
 4204. Kris Bulmer                     Ottawa ON               3:13:46  0:10:24   379/M35-39     2494/M    3:09:41  0:10:11    1009  
 4205. Ted Scott                       Dundas ON               3:13:47  0:10:24   405/M40-44     2495/M    3:08:39  0:10:07    6216  
 4206. Thomas Wachner                  Grimsby ON              3:13:47  0:10:24   437/M45-49     2496/M    3:08:36  0:10:07    7214  
 4207. Colleen Nicholson               Oakville ON             3:13:47  0:10:24   174/F50-54     1709/F    3:08:18  0:10:06    5136  
 4208. Ed Robles                       Scarborough ON          3:13:50  0:10:24   406/M40-44     2497/M    3:08:42  0:10:07    5893  
 4209. Alan Petrie                     Brampton ON             3:13:50  0:10:24   438/M45-49     2498/M    3:11:02  0:10:15    5484  
 4210. Emily Hoekstra                  Elmira ON               3:13:53  0:10:24   288/F35-39     1710/F    3:09:26  0:10:10    3129  
 4211. Veronika Cook                   Ripley ON               3:13:53  0:10:24   285/F40-44     1711/F    3:09:43  0:10:11    1459  
 4212. Maria Rendon                    Mississauga ON          3:13:54  0:10:24   286/F40-44     1712/F    3:13:23  0:10:22    5787  
 4213. Marnie Atkinson                 Toronto ON              3:13:54  0:10:24   287/F40-44     1713/F    3:08:27  0:10:07    312   
 4214. Inga Skaya                      Toronto ON              3:13:54  0:10:24   211/F25-29     1714/F    3:11:00  0:10:15    6400  
 4215. Lisa Goetz-Jackson              Toronto ON              3:13:55  0:10:24   256/F30-34     1715/F    3:11:00  0:10:15    2616  
 4216. Lisa Hutchinson                 Windsor ON              3:13:55  0:10:24   257/F30-34     1716/F    3:08:51  0:10:08    3270  
 4217. Bruce Kellogg                   Whitby ON               3:13:56  0:10:24   439/M45-49     2499/M    3:08:47  0:10:08    3587  
 4218. Jasmin M Hayle                  Barrie ON               3:13:56  0:10:24    92/F20-24     1717/F    3:10:42  0:10:14    2989  
 4219. Sylvia Jongsma                  Whitby ON               3:13:56  0:10:24   295/F45-49     1718/F    3:08:47  0:10:08    3489  
 4220. William Myles                   Gatineau QC             3:13:56  0:10:24   152/M25-29     2500/M    3:08:52  0:10:08    5050  
 4221. Murielle Montreuil              Toronto ON              3:13:56  0:10:24   289/F35-39     1719/F    3:11:02  0:10:15    4885  
 4222. Joan Willms                     Queensville ON          3:13:57  0:10:24   175/F50-54     1720/F    3:11:06  0:10:15    7488  
 4223. Roz Thomson                     Freelton ON             3:13:58  0:10:24   288/F40-44     1721/F    3:09:03  0:10:08    6883  
 4224. Phillip Dionne                  Bradford ON             3:13:59  0:10:24   230/M55-59     2501/M    3:09:09  0:10:09    1889  
 4225. Roxanne McNeil                  Grimsby ON              3:14:00  0:10:24   296/F45-49     1722/F    3:12:48  0:10:21    4686  
 4226. Ron Stemshorn                   Mississauga ON          3:14:01  0:10:24   231/M55-59     2502/M    3:12:48  0:10:21    6601  
 4227. Irene Nizzero                   Sudbury ON              3:14:01  0:10:24   176/F50-54     1723/F    3:11:30  0:10:16    5149  
 4228. James Schindel                  Toronto ON              3:14:02  0:10:25   417/M50-54     2503/M    3:08:08  0:10:06    6156  
 4229. Lisa Maxwell                    Toronto ON              3:14:03  0:10:25   289/F40-44     1724/F    3:12:57  0:10:21    4489  
 4230. Kevin Goforth                   Stratford ON            3:14:05  0:10:25   232/M55-59     2504/M    3:13:05  0:10:21    2618  
 4231. Paul Andrews                    Hamilton ON             3:14:09  0:10:25   440/M45-49     2505/M    3:12:05  0:10:18    239   
 4232. Ted Beckstead                   Mississauga ON          3:14:10  0:10:25   418/M50-54     2506/M    3:10:06  0:10:12    511   
 4233. Dawn Balmer                     Brampton ON             3:14:11  0:10:25   177/F50-54     1725/F    3:08:18  0:10:06    395   
 4234. Brooke Ouellette                Lasalle ON              3:14:13  0:10:25   290/F35-39     1726/F    3:08:37  0:10:07    5267  
 4235. Linda O'Brien                   Hamilton ON             3:14:13  0:10:25   290/F40-44     1727/F    3:10:15  0:10:12    5199  
 4236. Giorgio F                       Woodbridge ON           3:14:14  0:10:25   407/M40-44     2507/M    3:12:38  0:10:20    2162  
 4237. George Ng                       Pointe- Claire QC       3:14:16  0:10:25   441/M45-49     2508/M    3:09:09  0:10:09    5126  
 4238. Laura A Labanich                Burlington ON           3:14:16  0:10:25   291/F40-44     1728/F    3:10:13  0:10:12    3839  
 4239. Juliann Aitchison               Salmon Arm BC           3:14:17  0:10:25   292/F40-44     1729/F    3:08:40  0:10:07    149   
 4240. Scott McBride                   Burlington ON           3:14:18  0:10:25   408/M40-44     2509/M    3:09:46  0:10:11    4512  
 4241. Toni Pucci                      Woodbridge ON           3:14:20  0:10:25   297/F45-49     1730/F    3:10:52  0:10:14    5648  
 4242. Joanne Grineage                 Thamesville ON          3:14:22  0:10:26   293/F40-44     1731/F    3:11:20  0:10:16    2744  
 4243. Dave Gadsden                    Toronto ON              3:14:23  0:10:26   380/M35-39     2510/M    3:11:44  0:10:17    2436  
 4244. Laura Gadsden                   Toronto ON              3:14:23  0:10:26   291/F35-39     1732/F    3:11:44  0:10:17    2437  
 4245. Gino Barillaro                  Hamilton ON             3:14:23  0:10:26   381/M35-39     2511/M    3:11:44  0:10:17    427   
 4246. Francois Brule                  Belle River ON          3:14:24  0:10:26   442/M45-49     2512/M    3:09:36  0:10:10    975   
 4247. Amanda Lederer                  Markham ON              3:14:24  0:10:26   258/F30-34     1733/F    3:08:47  0:10:08    4000  
 4248. Julie Robbins-Balkaran          Markham ON              3:14:24  0:10:26   292/F35-39     1734/F    3:08:47  0:10:08    5866  
 4249. Bev McNaughton                  London ON               3:14:26  0:10:26   294/F40-44     1735/F    3:11:02  0:10:15    4679  
 4250. Mike Lahn                       Waterloo ON             3:14:30  0:10:26   419/M50-54     2513/M    3:12:57  0:10:21    3864  
 4251. Barry Smith                     Toronto ON              3:14:30  0:10:26   420/M50-54     2514/M    3:09:16  0:10:09    6448  
 4252. Triina L Forbell                Toronto ON              3:14:33  0:10:26   295/F40-44     1736/F    3:11:59  0:10:18    2336  
 4253. Robert Aspinall                 Milton ON               3:14:34  0:10:26   233/M55-59     2515/M    3:11:22  0:10:16    306   
 4254. Dorothy Aspinall                Milton ON               3:14:34  0:10:26   178/F50-54     1737/F    3:11:22  0:10:16    305   
 4255. Michael D Fiddick               Petrolia ON             3:14:36  0:10:26   421/M50-54     2516/M    3:08:49  0:10:08    2254  
 4256. Dianne Chittock                 Cambridge ON            3:14:39  0:10:27    93/F20-24     1738/F    3:12:33  0:10:20    1290  
 4257. Sarah Rauscher                  Toronto ON              3:14:39  0:10:27   259/F30-34     1739/F    3:10:19  0:10:13    5733  
 4258. Leandra Reid                    Guelph ON               3:14:39  0:10:27    94/F20-24     1740/F    3:10:18  0:10:13    5772  
 4259. Sharon Lauzon                   Mississauga ON          3:14:39  0:10:27   298/F45-49     1741/F    3:09:10  0:10:09    3942  
 4260. Mira Crowe                      Peterborough ON         3:14:40  0:10:27   179/F50-54     1742/F    3:09:39  0:10:10    1585  
 4261. Eric Powell                     Burlington ON           3:14:40  0:10:27   272/M30-34     2517/M    3:09:51  0:10:11    5594  
 4262. Johanne Seguin                  Aurora ON               3:14:40  0:10:27   299/F45-49     1743/F    3:09:49  0:10:11    6235  
 4263. Paul Johnston                   Mississauga ON          3:14:41  0:10:27   422/M50-54     2518/M    3:12:32  0:10:20    3453  
 4264. Wendie Currie                   North Bay ON            3:14:45  0:10:27   296/F40-44     1744/F    3:09:26  0:10:10    1620  
 4265. Alyse Gough                     Newmarket ON            3:14:45  0:10:27    95/F20-24     1745/F    3:10:00  0:10:12    2655  
 4266. John Saftic                     Sudbury ON              3:14:45  0:10:27   443/M45-49     2519/M    3:09:25  0:10:10    6066  
 4267. J.J. Anderson                   Sudbury ON              3:14:45  0:10:27   444/M45-49     2520/M    3:09:26  0:10:10    216   
 4268. Christy Bloemendal              Stoney Creek ON         3:14:46  0:10:27   260/F30-34     1746/F    3:10:24  0:10:13    697   
 4269. Darlene Welsh                   Southampton ON          3:14:46  0:10:27   300/F45-49     1747/F    3:10:00  0:10:12    7366  
 4270. Anthony Gueli                   Woodbridge ON           3:14:47  0:10:27   153/M25-29     2521/M    3:09:52  0:10:11    2764  
 4271. Carolyn Macfarlane              Toronto ON              3:14:47  0:10:27   301/F45-49     1748/F    3:12:51  0:10:21    4260  
 4272. Hilde Romme                     Ottawa ON               3:14:48  0:10:27    96/F20-24     1749/F    3:09:55  0:10:11    5928  
 4273. Lindsay Prihoda                 Toronto ON              3:14:48  0:10:27   261/F30-34     1750/F    3:09:54  0:10:11    5625  
 4274. Kristian Larsen                 Toronto ON              3:14:48  0:10:27   154/M25-29     2522/M    3:09:53  0:10:11    3923  
 4275. Derick Wilson                   Bolton ON               3:14:49  0:10:27   445/M45-49     2523/M    3:05:41  0:09:58    7495  
 4276. Mark Koyama                     Markham ON              3:14:50  0:10:27   409/M40-44     2524/M    3:12:23  0:10:19    3779  
 4277. Vicky Hachey                    Hamilton ON             3:14:52  0:10:27   302/F45-49     1751/F    3:12:56  0:10:21    2806  
 4278. Kenneth M Knox                  Toronto ON              3:14:53  0:10:27   382/M35-39     2525/M    3:12:56  0:10:21    3741  
 4279. Corissa Wyatt                   Hamilton ON             3:14:56  0:10:27   262/F30-34     1752/F    3:09:29  0:10:10    7613  
 4280. Susan Beach                     Sarnia ON               3:14:57  0:10:27   303/F45-49     1753/F    3:09:11  0:10:09    486   
 4281. Gillian Strudwick               Toronto ON              3:14:57  0:10:27   212/F25-29     1754/F    3:12:24  0:10:19    6681  
 4282. Laura Stanford                  Oakville ON             3:14:58  0:10:28   213/F25-29     1755/F    3:12:24  0:10:19    6571  
 4283. Kate Randall                    Fort Erie ON            3:15:00  0:10:28    97/F20-24     1756/F    3:12:37  0:10:20    5709  
 4284. Talia Leszcz                    Toronto ON              3:15:00  0:10:28   214/F25-29     1757/F    3:12:38  0:10:20    4053  
 4285. Matthew Eglin                   Ottawa ON               3:15:01  0:10:28   446/M45-49     2526/M    3:10:01  0:10:12    2083  
 4286. J Vincent Lynch                 Toronto ON              3:15:02  0:10:28   410/M40-44     2527/M    3:10:07  0:10:12    4209  
 4287. Bryan Walker                    Courtice ON             3:15:03  0:10:28   447/M45-49     2528/M    3:10:35  0:10:13    7234  
 4288. Paul Lalonde                    Toronto ON              3:15:05  0:10:28   411/M40-44     2529/M    3:09:10  0:10:09    3876  
 4289. Darell McKenrick                Alden NY                3:15:06  0:10:28   234/M55-59     2530/M    3:12:24  0:10:19    4627  
 4290. J.D. Pauls                      Stoney Creek ON         3:15:08  0:10:28   383/M35-39     2531/M    3:13:27  0:10:23    5395  
 4291. Shawn E Cook                    Hamilton ON             3:15:08  0:10:28   412/M40-44     2532/M    3:13:54  0:10:24    1457  
 4292. Kathryn Knapp                   Caledonia ON            3:15:08  0:10:28   263/F30-34     1758/F    3:13:27  0:10:23    3723  
 4293. Charles Hayward                 Georgetown ON           3:15:08  0:10:28   235/M55-59     2533/M    3:12:02  0:10:18    2991  
 4294. Rose Fischer                    Hamilton ON             3:15:09  0:10:28    19/F60-64     1759/F    3:11:35  0:10:17    2281  
 4295. Lisa M Julian                   Ottawa ON               3:15:09  0:10:28   264/F30-34     1760/F    3:11:03  0:10:15    3504  
 4296. Jahel A Montes                  Toronto ON              3:15:10  0:10:28    81/M20-24     2534/M    3:12:43  0:10:20    4881  
 4297. Jamie Hurst                     Ottawa ON               3:15:11  0:10:28   215/F25-29     1761/F    3:12:45  0:10:20    3265  
 4298. Jeff Anderson                   Burlington ON           3:15:11  0:10:28   384/M35-39     2535/M    3:09:11  0:10:09    219   
 4299. Joelle D Thornton               Blue Mountain ON        3:15:11  0:10:28   297/F40-44     1762/F    3:09:21  0:10:09    6886  
 4300. David Belbeck                   Mississauga ON          3:15:12  0:10:28   423/M50-54     2536/M    3:10:44  0:10:14    534   
 4301. Emily Joyce                     Ottawa ON               3:15:12  0:10:28   293/F35-39     1763/F    3:12:46  0:10:20    3498  
 4302. Doug Foster                     Brampton ON             3:15:14  0:10:28    89/M60-64     2537/M    3:10:27  0:10:13    2352  
 4303. Chandra Von Teichman            Stittsville ON          3:15:16  0:10:29   265/F30-34     1764/F    3:12:31  0:10:20    7202  
 4304. Josh Memme                      Hamilton ON             3:15:22  0:10:29    82/M20-24     2538/M    3:10:34  0:10:13    4741  
 4305. David Balsdon                   Waterdown ON            3:15:23  0:10:29   413/M40-44     2539/M    3:12:52  0:10:21    396   
 4306. Martine Head                    Ancaster ON             3:15:27  0:10:29    72/F55-59     1765/F    3:11:54  0:10:18    2995  
 4307. Jim Daigneau                    North York ON           3:15:30  0:10:29   424/M50-54     2540/M    3:13:01  0:10:21    1638  
 4308. Henri-Paul Sicsic               Toronto ON              3:15:31  0:10:29   236/M55-59     2541/M    3:14:07  0:10:25    6352  
 4309. Karen Rocha                     North Bay ON            3:15:32  0:10:29   294/F35-39     1766/F    3:12:18  0:10:19    5896  
 4310. Dale Richardson                 Kemptville ON           3:15:34  0:10:29    90/M60-64     2542/M    3:14:23  0:10:26    5824  
 4311. Michelle Braecker               London ON               3:15:35  0:10:30   304/F45-49     1767/F    3:13:34  0:10:23    838   
 4312. Combdon Fej                     Toronto ON              3:15:35  0:10:30   414/M40-44     2543/M    3:14:17  0:10:25    2212  
 4313. Kennedy Baker                   Toronto ON              3:15:37  0:10:30   216/F25-29     1768/F    3:13:49  0:10:24    375   
 4314. Paul Panayi                     Woodstock ON            3:15:38  0:10:30   448/M45-49     2544/M    3:10:53  0:10:14    5311  
 4315. Susan Saunders                  Aurora ON               3:15:44  0:10:30   305/F45-49     1769/F    3:12:08  0:10:18    6121  
 4316. Laurie Carpenter                Tonawanda NY            3:15:46  0:10:30   306/F45-49     1770/F    3:10:32  0:10:13    1153  
 4317. Lauren Hasegawa                 Stratford ON            3:15:46  0:10:30    98/F20-24     1771/F    3:12:28  0:10:19    2951  
 4318. Michael P Skinner               Burlington ON           3:15:47  0:10:30   449/M45-49     2545/M    3:11:27  0:10:16    6409  
 4319. Robert Farrell                  Burlington ON           3:15:47  0:10:30   415/M40-44     2546/M    3:11:27  0:10:16    2188  
 4320. Beth Agro                       Toronto ON              3:15:47  0:10:30   307/F45-49     1772/F    3:11:49  0:10:17    136   
 4321. Val Russu                       Burlington ON           3:15:47  0:10:30   425/M50-54     2547/M    3:09:47  0:10:11    6034  
 4322. Andrea Driedger                 Oakville ON             3:15:48  0:10:30   266/F30-34     1773/F    3:13:59  0:10:24    1973  
 4323. Christine Rupert                Oakville ON             3:15:48  0:10:30   295/F35-39     1774/F    3:14:00  0:10:24    4750  
 4324. Mike Cuffaro                    Mount Hope ON           3:15:48  0:10:30   273/M30-34     2548/M    3:12:14  0:10:19    1596  
 4325. Holly De Bray-Benard            Grimsby ON              3:15:49  0:10:30   296/F35-39     1775/F    3:11:19  0:10:16    1730  
 4326. Walter Roman                    Hamilton ON             3:15:49  0:10:30   426/M50-54     2549/M    3:12:32  0:10:20    5925  
 4327. Hodgson Jane                    Toronto ON              3:15:49  0:10:30    20/F60-64     1776/F    3:14:04  0:10:25    3359  
 4328. Bob White                       Mississauga ON          3:15:50  0:10:30     4/M70-74     2550/M    3:14:34  0:10:26    7400  
 4329. Gerardo Recouso                 Toronto ON              3:15:51  0:10:30    91/M60-64     2551/M    3:14:07  0:10:25    5749  
 4330. Ken B Anderson                  Kitchener ON            3:15:52  0:10:30    20/M65-69     2552/M    3:14:20  0:10:25    222   
 4331. Nancy Whitmore                  Stratford ON            3:15:52  0:10:30   308/F45-49     1777/F    3:12:33  0:10:20    7414  
 4332. Julie Gonser                    St. Marys ON            3:15:53  0:10:30   180/F50-54     1778/F    3:12:34  0:10:20    2626  
 4333. Chris Morrison                  Osgoode ON              3:15:53  0:10:30   416/M40-44     2553/M    3:10:52  0:10:14    4939  
 4334. Rona Ashton                     Ridgeway ON             3:15:54  0:10:31     3/F65-69     1779/F    3:14:55  0:10:27    302   
 4335. Perry Lupyrypa                  Toronto ON              3:15:57  0:10:31   309/F45-49     1780/F    3:11:10  0:10:15    4200  
 4336. Sara E Whitnell                 Burlington ON           3:15:58  0:10:31   267/F30-34     1781/F    3:10:35  0:10:13    7416  
 4337. Ken Denholm                     Guelph ON               3:15:59  0:10:31   237/M55-59     2554/M    3:12:44  0:10:20    1809  
 4338. Gossette Radlein                London ON               3:16:00  0:10:31    21/F60-64     1782/F    3:11:07  0:10:15    5693  
 4339. Jim Ward                        Orleans ON              3:16:00  0:10:31    92/M60-64     2555/M    3:15:43  0:10:30    7283  
 4340. Christine Shaw                  Sarnia ON               3:16:01  0:10:31   268/F30-34     1783/F    3:10:17  0:10:12    6297  
 4341. Christine Fortin                North Bay ON            3:16:03  0:10:31    73/F55-59     1784/F    3:11:55  0:10:18    2351  
 4342. Michel Pinault                  Gatineau QC             3:16:03  0:10:31   417/M40-44     2556/M    3:13:42  0:10:23    5526  
 4343. Janet Hooper                    Bowmanville ON          3:16:03  0:10:31   298/F40-44     1785/F    3:10:05  0:10:12    3172  
 4344. Mark A Watters                  Ancaster ON             3:16:06  0:10:31   238/M55-59     2557/M    3:11:14  0:10:16    7319  
 4345. Rob W Stewart                   Brampton ON             3:16:07  0:10:31   385/M35-39     2558/M    3:10:16  0:10:12    6631  
 4346. Tim Smith                       Hamilton ON             3:16:07  0:10:31   418/M40-44     2559/M    3:13:03  0:10:21    6485  
 4347. Michelle Axford                 Toronto ON              3:16:08  0:10:31   269/F30-34     1786/F    3:13:10  0:10:22    333   
 4348. Thomas Wright                   Toronto ON              3:16:08  0:10:31   274/M30-34     2560/M    3:13:10  0:10:22    7610  
 4349. Kathy Nugent                    Bolton ON               3:16:12  0:10:32   270/F30-34     1787/F    3:12:40  0:10:20    5172  
 4350. Cathy Jelaca                    Bolton ON               3:16:12  0:10:32   299/F40-44     1788/F    3:12:36  0:10:20    3383  
 4351. Jenn Seefried                   Bolton ON               3:16:12  0:10:32   297/F35-39     1789/F    3:12:37  0:10:20    6231  
 4352. Larry Bentley                   Caledon ON              3:16:12  0:10:32   239/M55-59     2561/M    3:12:38  0:10:20    571   
 4353. Quinn Springstead               Hamilton ON             3:16:13  0:10:32   450/M45-49     2562/M    3:10:26  0:10:13    6553  
 4354. Brian Martin                    Sudbury ON              3:16:13  0:10:32    93/M60-64     2563/M    3:12:31  0:10:20    4422  
 4355. Trevor Warner                   Burlington ON           3:16:15  0:10:32   427/M50-54     2564/M    3:13:42  0:10:23    7292  
 4356. Greg Warner                     Burlington ON           3:16:15  0:10:32   275/M30-34     2565/M    3:11:40  0:10:17    7291  
 4357. Brittany Van Stralen            Winona ON               3:16:16  0:10:32    99/F20-24     1790/F    3:14:02  0:10:25    7101  
 4358. Chris Ha                        Burlington ON           3:16:17  0:10:32   155/M25-29     2566/M    3:12:08  0:10:18    2795  
 4359. Steve Walker                    Burlington ON           3:16:18  0:10:32   386/M35-39     2567/M    3:13:27  0:10:23    7246  
 4360. Cherie Harthun                  Hamilton ON             3:16:19  0:10:32   298/F35-39     1791/F    3:12:12  0:10:19    2942  
 4361. Luis Carrasco Cortes            Burlington ON           3:16:19  0:10:32   451/M45-49     2568/M    3:12:05  0:10:18    1158  
 4362. Richard Simard                  Orleans ON              3:16:19  0:10:32    83/M20-24     2569/M    3:12:25  0:10:19    6369  
 4363. Lindsay Salter                  Orillia ON              3:16:19  0:10:32   271/F30-34     1792/F    3:12:19  0:10:19    6076  
 4364. Kenneth Herbolic                Hamilton ON             3:16:20  0:10:32    94/M60-64     2570/M    3:14:20  0:10:25    3044  
 4365. Brandie Kucyla                  Breslau ON              3:16:23  0:10:32   272/F30-34     1793/F    3:13:09  0:10:22    3808  
 4366. Karyn Callaghan                 Toronto ON              3:16:23  0:10:32   300/F40-44     1794/F    3:11:09  0:10:15    1079  
 4367. Suzanne Hampson                 Hamilton ON             3:16:24  0:10:32   301/F40-44     1795/F    3:11:10  0:10:15    2882  
 4368. Terry-Lynn Sigouin              Ottawa ON               3:16:24  0:10:32   181/F50-54     1796/F    3:12:52  0:10:21    6358  
 4369. Martin Anderson                 Mississauga ON          3:16:24  0:10:32   452/M45-49     2571/M    3:14:57  0:10:27    224   
 4370. Geoff Sheppard                  Burlington ON           3:16:29  0:10:32   453/M45-49     2572/M    3:14:05  0:10:25    6322  
 4371. Patti-Jo Chambers               Beamsville ON           3:16:29  0:10:32   182/F50-54     1797/F    3:15:00  0:10:28    1224  
 4372. Angela N Russell                Hamilton ON             3:16:31  0:10:33   299/F35-39     1798/F    3:12:37  0:10:20    6026  
 4373. Yvonne Bedford                  Mississauga ON          3:16:32  0:10:33     4/F65-69     1799/F    3:11:57  0:10:18    517   
 4374. Dan Senko                       Toronto ON              3:16:33  0:10:33   156/M25-29     2573/M    3:15:11  0:10:28    6243  
 4375. Lise Betteridge                 Guelph ON               3:16:33  0:10:33   310/F45-49     1800/F    3:12:11  0:10:19    613   
 4376. Sylvie S Guenettte              Sturgeon Falls ON       3:16:34  0:10:33   311/F45-49     1801/F    3:13:35  0:10:23    2767  
 4377. Marty De Jong                   Stoney Creek ON         3:16:36  0:10:33   240/M55-59     2574/M    3:13:19  0:10:22    1738  
 4378. Neale Chisnall                  Orleans ON              3:16:37  0:10:33   454/M45-49     2575/M    3:16:18  0:10:32    1289  
 4379. Marie Labrie                    Navan ON                3:16:37  0:10:33   302/F40-44     1802/F    3:16:20  0:10:32    3844  
 4380. Sandra Tanaka                   West Vancouver BC       3:16:39  0:10:33   183/F50-54     1803/F    3:14:14  0:10:25    6767  
 4381. Kristen Varley                  Toronto ON              3:16:40  0:10:33   217/F25-29     1804/F    3:14:14  0:10:25    7139  
 4382. Howard R Parker                 Scarborough ON          3:16:40  0:10:33    95/M60-64     2576/M    3:11:19  0:10:16    5343  
 4383. Gerald McDougall                London ON               3:16:41  0:10:33   455/M45-49     2577/M    3:14:28  0:10:26    4577  
 4384. Wendi Krewdel                   Oakville ON             3:16:42  0:10:33   303/F40-44     1805/F    3:13:34  0:10:23    3796  
 4385. Joanna Jensen                   Oakville ON             3:16:42  0:10:33   300/F35-39     1806/F    3:13:34  0:10:23    3399  
 4386. Heather Sewell                  Guelph ON               3:16:46  0:10:33   273/F30-34     1807/F    3:12:47  0:10:21    6266  
 4387. Robert W Bradley                Oshawa ON               3:16:48  0:10:33   456/M45-49     2578/M    3:13:01  0:10:21    834   
 4388. Jim J Corkery                   Sarnia ON               3:16:48  0:10:33   241/M55-59     2579/M    3:12:22  0:10:19    1484  
 4389. Gregg Reddin                    Ottawa ON               3:16:49  0:10:33   242/M55-59     2580/M    3:14:27  0:10:26    5750  
 4390. Tom Snyder                      Kitchener ON            3:16:50  0:10:34   387/M35-39     2581/M    3:13:36  0:10:23    6498  
 4391. Sean Devine                     Toronto ON              3:16:50  0:10:34   157/M25-29     2582/M    3:12:41  0:10:20    1838  
 4392. Jeff Walsh                      Burlington ON           3:16:50  0:10:34   276/M30-34     2583/M    3:12:37  0:10:20    7260  
 4393. Derek Myke                      Hamilton ON             3:16:52  0:10:34   277/M30-34     2584/M    3:13:12  0:10:22    5049  
 4394. Josie Hollanda                  Mississauga ON          3:16:52  0:10:34   304/F40-44     1808/F    3:15:03  0:10:28    3142  
 4395. Andrea Wappett                  London ON               3:16:54  0:10:34   301/F35-39     1809/F    3:14:33  0:10:26    7281  
 4396. Bill Martin                     Port Dover ON           3:16:54  0:10:34   457/M45-49     2585/M    3:10:45  0:10:14    4420  
 4397. Daman Panesar                   Toronto ON              3:16:54  0:10:34   302/F35-39     1810/F    3:13:15  0:10:22    5312  
 4398. Beverly Renaud                  London ON               3:16:55  0:10:34   303/F35-39     1811/F    3:14:33  0:10:26    5781  
 4399. Sydney Victor                   Orillia ON              3:16:55  0:10:34    24/F15-19     1812/F    3:12:07  0:10:18    7179  
 4400. Allen Groome                    Etobicoke ON            3:16:56  0:10:34    96/M60-64     2586/M    3:12:59  0:10:21    2751  
 4401. Kerri Cushing-Mitchener         London ON               3:16:56  0:10:34   305/F40-44     1813/F    3:14:54  0:10:27    1627  
 4402. Leanne Marcoux                  Waterloo ON             3:16:56  0:10:34   218/F25-29     1814/F    3:13:56  0:10:24    4384  
 4403. Robert Charko                   Dundas ON               3:16:58  0:10:34   243/M55-59     2587/M    3:13:37  0:10:23    1250  
 4404. Erin Bedard                     Georgetown ON           3:16:59  0:10:34   306/F40-44     1815/F    3:12:36  0:10:20    513   
 4405. Rob McConkey                    Whitby ON               3:17:01  0:10:34   428/M50-54     2588/M    3:12:36  0:10:20    4542  
 4406. Lynne Jones                     Hamilton ON             3:17:03  0:10:34   184/F50-54     1816/F    3:12:47  0:10:21    3479  
 4407. Mark Donnan                     Cobourg ON              3:17:03  0:10:34   278/M30-34     2589/M    3:12:23  0:10:19    1922  
 4408. Phil Shames                     Hamilton ON             3:17:04  0:10:34   458/M45-49     2590/M    3:12:52  0:10:21    6272  
 4409. Sharon Fan                      Toronto ON              3:17:04  0:10:34   219/F25-29     1817/F    3:11:38  0:10:17    2174  
 4410. Shawna Button                   Winona ON               3:17:05  0:10:34   307/F40-44     1818/F    3:13:33  0:10:23    1053  
 4411. Andrew Larsen                   Ottawa ON               3:17:06  0:10:34    84/M20-24     2591/M    3:12:13  0:10:19    3921  
 4412. David Rendeiro                  Mississauga ON          3:17:06  0:10:34    97/M60-64     2592/M    3:13:17  0:10:22    5784  
 4413. Kyle Amirault                   Burlington ON           3:17:08  0:10:35   158/M25-29     2593/M    3:12:44  0:10:20    204   
 4414. Shirley Gravel                  Thornloe ON             3:17:09  0:10:35    74/F55-59     1819/F    3:14:10  0:10:25    2690  
 4415. Julie Kaiser                    London ON               3:17:11  0:10:35   100/F20-24     1820/F    3:11:53  0:10:18    3518  
 4416. Joan Lascelles                  Barrie ON               3:17:12  0:10:35   312/F45-49     1821/F    3:11:39  0:10:17    3927  
 4417. Katalin Bednarowski             Dundas ON               3:17:13  0:10:35   313/F45-49     1822/F    3:13:29  0:10:23    519   
 4418. Jillian K Stephen               Hamilton ON             3:17:13  0:10:35   304/F35-39     1823/F    3:14:57  0:10:27    6605  
 4419. Bonnie McIntyre                 Renfrew ON              3:17:15  0:10:35   308/F40-44     1824/F    3:16:54  0:10:34    4616  
 4420. David Wharton                   Oakville ON             3:17:15  0:10:35   459/M45-49     2594/M    3:11:45  0:10:17    7389  
 4421. Kimberly A Scott                Owen Sound ON           3:17:18  0:10:35   305/F35-39     1825/F    3:11:54  0:10:18    6210  
 4422. Rachel Bennett                  Richmond Hill ON        3:17:20  0:10:35   309/F40-44     1826/F    3:13:44  0:10:24    566   
 4423. Gretchen Perry                  Guelph ON               3:17:20  0:10:35   314/F45-49     1827/F    3:13:38  0:10:23    5467  
 4424. Shawn Markell                   Etobicoke ON            3:17:23  0:10:35   388/M35-39     2595/M    3:15:09  0:10:28    7708  
 4425. Brenda Taylor-Anderson          London ON               3:17:26  0:10:35   310/F40-44     1828/F    3:15:20  0:10:29    6820  
 4426. Graham Knubley                  Mississauga ON          3:17:27  0:10:36   429/M50-54     2596/M    3:11:52  0:10:18    3742  
 4427. Brian Weishar                   Midland ON              3:17:29  0:10:36   460/M45-49     2597/M    3:13:09  0:10:22    7358  
 4428. Michelle Dwyer                  Guelph ON               3:17:29  0:10:36   311/F40-44     1829/F    3:13:07  0:10:22    2040  
 4429. Michelle Mason                  Port Hope ON            3:17:29  0:10:36   312/F40-44     1830/F    3:15:52  0:10:30    4453  
 4430. Flo Atkins                      Sudbury ON              3:17:30  0:10:36    75/F55-59     1831/F    3:13:24  0:10:22    309   
 4431. Lyndsay Kean                    Barrie ON               3:17:31  0:10:36   220/F25-29     1832/F    3:13:28  0:10:23    3565  
 4432. Carol-Sue O'Hanley              Toronto ON              3:17:33  0:10:36    76/F55-59     1833/F    3:13:26  0:10:23    5226  
 4433. Kathie Deknock                  Toronto ON              3:17:34  0:10:36   313/F40-44     1834/F    3:15:16  0:10:29    1776  
 4434. Lauren Scott                    Newmarket ON            3:17:34  0:10:36   315/F45-49     1835/F    3:13:54  0:10:24    6211  
 4435. Anita Demczuk                   Hamilton ON             3:17:35  0:10:36   101/F20-24     1836/F    3:15:04  0:10:28    1798  
 4436. Alyson Byrne                    Ottawa ON               3:17:36  0:10:36   274/F30-34     1837/F    3:12:26  0:10:19    1058  
 4437. Carolyn Johnson                 Niagara Falls ON        3:17:39  0:10:36   221/F25-29     1838/F    3:15:05  0:10:28    7705  
 4438. Jeff Wallis                     Niagara Falls ON        3:17:41  0:10:36   430/M50-54     2598/M    3:16:07  0:10:31    7254  
 4439. Beth Williams                   Toronto ON              3:17:41  0:10:36   222/F25-29     1839/F    3:14:46  0:10:27    7466  
 4440. Margaret Davey                  Oakville ON             3:17:41  0:10:36    77/F55-59     1840/F    3:12:50  0:10:21    1688  
 4441. Debbie D Larcombe               Uxbridge ON             3:17:43  0:10:36   185/F50-54     1841/F    3:15:21  0:10:29    3913  
 4442. Rob Kent                        Toronto ON              3:17:45  0:10:36   389/M35-39     2599/M    3:13:22  0:10:22    4105  
 4443. Sharon L Cornwell               Brantford ON            3:17:45  0:10:36   186/F50-54     1842/F    3:14:13  0:10:25    1489  
 4444. John Burrows                    Dundas ON               3:17:45  0:10:36   431/M50-54     2600/M    3:14:23  0:10:26    1040  
 4445. Raymond M Leblanc               Welland ON              3:17:47  0:10:37   419/M40-44     2601/M    3:14:21  0:10:26    3991  
 4446. Jane Macesic                    Binbrook ON             3:17:48  0:10:37    22/F60-64     1843/F    3:11:56  0:10:18    4256  
 4447. Jennifer Cameron                Stittsville ON          3:17:49  0:10:37   316/F45-49     1844/F    3:11:49  0:10:17    1091  
 4448. Joanne Di Cresce                Stittsville ON          3:17:50  0:10:37   306/F35-39     1845/F    3:11:49  0:10:17    1849  
 4449. Mark Blackett                   Kingston ON             3:17:52  0:10:37   390/M35-39     2602/M    3:14:19  0:10:25    674   
 4450. Katie O'Kane                    Oakville ON             3:17:52  0:10:37   275/F30-34     1846/F    3:13:30  0:10:23    5230  
 4451. Marisa Molino                   Pointe Claire QC        3:17:53  0:10:37   314/F40-44     1847/F    3:12:47  0:10:21    4872  
 4452. Laura McDonald                  Guelph ON               3:17:54  0:10:37   223/F25-29     1848/F    3:15:33  0:10:29    4572  
 4453. Brent Harrison                  Mount Hope ON           3:17:58  0:10:37   420/M40-44     2603/M    3:14:43  0:10:27    2932  
 4454. Paula Bertrand                  Burlington ON           3:17:58  0:10:37   317/F45-49     1849/F    3:13:56  0:10:24    601   
 4455. Kelly Rehel                     Hamilton ON             3:17:59  0:10:37   224/F25-29     1850/F    3:14:39  0:10:27    5766  
 4456. Emma Greensmith                 Toronto ON              3:18:00  0:10:37   307/F35-39     1851/F    3:14:36  0:10:26    2712  
 4457. Iain Greensmith                 Whitby ON               3:18:00  0:10:37   279/M30-34     2604/M    3:14:36  0:10:26    2713  
 4458. Patrick McCarthy                Peterborough ON         3:18:00  0:10:37   244/M55-59     2605/M    3:12:50  0:10:21    4524  
 4459. Paula Quarrie                   Cambridge ON            3:18:01  0:10:37   318/F45-49     1852/F    3:13:05  0:10:21    5662  
 4460. Karen L Visentin                Mississauga ON          3:18:05  0:10:38   187/F50-54     1853/F    3:12:33  0:10:20    7191  
 4461. Elizabeth Amaral                Hamilton ON             3:18:07  0:10:38   276/F30-34     1854/F    3:12:42  0:10:20    2295  
 4462. Marnie Linder                   Burlington ON           3:18:07  0:10:38   319/F45-49     1855/F    3:12:37  0:10:20    4103  
 4463. Gina Lillico                    Markham ON              3:18:08  0:10:38   320/F45-49     1856/F    3:12:49  0:10:21    4097  
 4464. Sue McGlashan                   Oakville ON             3:18:08  0:10:38   188/F50-54     1857/F    3:13:47  0:10:24    4597  
 4465. Diego Gonzalez                  Newmarket ON            3:18:14  0:10:38   432/M50-54     2606/M    3:14:19  0:10:25    2628  
 4466. Jovanna Christophi              Hamilton ON             3:18:15  0:10:38   308/F35-39     1858/F    3:13:50  0:10:24    1312  
 4467. Susan Lentini                   Ottawa ON               3:18:15  0:10:38   321/F45-49     1859/F    3:15:46  0:10:30    4040  
 4468. Andres Basurto                  Burlington ON           3:18:16  0:10:38   421/M40-44     2607/M    3:14:57  0:10:27    472   
 4469. Carl Vanturennout               Hamilton ON             3:18:17  0:10:38   422/M40-44     2608/M    3:14:04  0:10:25    7134  
 4470. Bob Woodley                     Waterdown ON            3:18:17  0:10:38   245/M55-59     2609/M    3:13:33  0:10:23    7580  
 4471. Nicole Carpani                  Oakville ON             3:18:17  0:10:38   309/F35-39     1860/F    3:15:16  0:10:29    1152  
 4472. Jennifer Heisz                  Dundas ON               3:18:18  0:10:38   277/F30-34     1861/F    3:16:14  0:10:32    3019  
 4473. Joe Kim                         Dundas ON               3:18:18  0:10:38   391/M35-39     2610/M    3:16:14  0:10:32    3671  
 4474. Joe Kuroda                      Richmond Hill ON        3:18:19  0:10:38    98/M60-64     2611/M    3:13:55  0:10:24    3822  
 4475. Steve Byberg                    Oshawa ON               3:18:22  0:10:38   433/M50-54     2612/M    3:15:33  0:10:29    1055  
 4476. Stephanie Brueschke             Burlington ON           3:18:23  0:10:39   278/F30-34     1862/F    3:12:50  0:10:21    973   
 4477. Lorraine Walton                 Winnipeg MB             3:18:23  0:10:39    23/F60-64     1863/F    3:12:50  0:10:21    7273  
 4478. Edwina Keats                    Winnipeg MB             3:18:24  0:10:39   189/F50-54     1864/F    3:12:50  0:10:21    3573  
 4479. Karen Wilson                    Ajax ON                 3:18:25  0:10:39   322/F45-49     1865/F    3:16:02  0:10:31    7506  
 4480. Derek Harrison                  Newmarket ON            3:18:25  0:10:39   246/M55-59     2613/M    3:12:14  0:10:19    2935  
 4481. Irene Visser                    Burlington ON           3:18:25  0:10:39    24/F60-64     1866/F    3:16:19  0:10:32    7194  
 4482. Henry Haderlein                 Woodstock ON            3:18:25  0:10:39   423/M40-44     2614/M    3:13:40  0:10:23    2811  
 4483. Gina Icaza                      Toronto ON              3:18:27  0:10:39    78/F55-59     1867/F    3:16:46  0:10:33    3296  
 4484. Angela Kovacs                   St. Thomas ON           3:18:28  0:10:39   323/F45-49     1868/F    3:15:05  0:10:28    3775  
 4485. Julie McCluskey                 Toronto ON              3:18:30  0:10:39   225/F25-29     1869/F    3:16:23  0:10:32    4536  
 4486. Christina Nigro                 Toronto ON              3:18:32  0:10:39   226/F25-29     1870/F    3:14:34  0:10:26    5144  
 4487. Colleen G Bucholski             Uxbridge ON             3:18:32  0:10:39   190/F50-54     1871/F    3:13:11  0:10:22    995   
 4488. Mike Traynor                    Dundas ON               3:18:34  0:10:39   434/M50-54     2615/M    3:14:12  0:10:25    6962  
 4489. Liz Martorano                   Brantford ON            3:18:34  0:10:39   324/F45-49     1872/F    3:11:48  0:10:17    4446  
 4490. Lynn Gotkowski                  Brantford ON            3:18:34  0:10:39   315/F40-44     1873/F    3:11:48  0:10:17    2653  
 4491. Mila Clark                      Mississauga ON          3:18:35  0:10:39   191/F50-54     1874/F    3:16:46  0:10:33    1351  
 4492. Colin McKinley                  Hamilton ON             3:18:35  0:10:39   424/M40-44     2616/M    3:15:48  0:10:30    4634  
 4493. Russ Ashton                     Cambridge ON            3:18:35  0:10:39   425/M40-44     2617/M    3:14:30  0:10:26    303   
 4494. Kerri Rawson                    Sarnia ON               3:18:36  0:10:39   310/F35-39     1875/F    3:12:50  0:10:21    5738  
 4495. Stefania Barron                 Sarnia ON               3:18:36  0:10:39   316/F40-44     1876/F    3:12:50  0:10:21    455   
 4496. Laurie Macintosh                Guelph ON               3:18:36  0:10:39   325/F45-49     1877/F    3:14:16  0:10:25    4267  
 4497. St?phane Burelle                Ottawa ON               3:18:36  0:10:39   426/M40-44     2618/M    3:18:19  0:10:38    1015  
 4498. Roxane Allen                    Kitchener ON            3:18:38  0:10:39   317/F40-44     1878/F    3:16:13  0:10:32    190   
 4499. Susan Pennington                Stoney Creek ON         3:18:39  0:10:39   192/F50-54     1879/F    3:16:38  0:10:33    5437  
 4500. Michael Daley                   Hamilton ON             3:18:39  0:10:39   247/M55-59     2619/M    3:16:38  0:10:33    1649  
 4501. Kristin Adams                   Burlington ON           3:18:40  0:10:39   102/F20-24     1880/F    3:12:49  0:10:21    120   
 4502. Jessica L Kane                  Brantford ON            3:18:41  0:10:39   227/F25-29     1881/F    3:12:46  0:10:20    3534  
 4503. Kathryn Watson                  London ON               3:18:42  0:10:40   311/F35-39     1882/F    3:15:30  0:10:29    7315  
 4504. Edward Straatsma                Brampton ON             3:18:43  0:10:40   435/M50-54     2620/M    3:16:25  0:10:32    6666  
 4505. Andrea Artuso                   Mississauga ON          3:18:45  0:10:40   318/F40-44     1883/F    3:13:07  0:10:22    297   
 4506. Cynthia Wilkinson               Borden ON               3:18:45  0:10:40   326/F45-49     1884/F    3:18:14  0:10:38    7455  
 4507. Jeff Allison                    Hamilton ON             3:18:46  0:10:40   280/M30-34     2621/M    3:12:39  0:10:20    3379  
 4508. Nancy Cole                      Milton ON               3:18:48  0:10:40    79/F55-59     1885/F    3:18:44  0:10:40    1405  
 4509. Ceri Sumner                     Hanover ON              3:18:53  0:10:40   228/F25-29     1886/F    3:17:28  0:10:36    6708  
 4510. Brandy B Vaillancourt           Windsor ON              3:18:53  0:10:40   279/F30-34     1887/F    3:14:48  0:10:27    7055  
 4511. Dan Begley                      Toronto ON              3:18:55  0:10:40   248/M55-59     2622/M    3:14:28  0:10:26    525   
 4512. Robert Gibb                     Ottawa ON               3:18:56  0:10:40    99/M60-64     2623/M    3:14:29  0:10:26    2545  
 4513. Janette Vander Zaag             Alliston ON             3:18:56  0:10:40   319/F40-44     1888/F    3:13:24  0:10:22    7116  
 4514. J. Vanderklooster               Burgessville ON         3:18:59  0:10:40   327/F45-49     1889/F    3:13:06  0:10:22    7121  
 4515. Michelle Boutin                 Stoney Creek ON         3:18:59  0:10:40   229/F25-29     1890/F    3:17:40  0:10:36    793   
 4516. Sander Post                     Ottawa ON               3:18:59  0:10:40   392/M35-39     2624/M    3:12:55  0:10:21    5588  
 4517. Jacquie McWatt                  London ON               3:19:07  0:10:41   328/F45-49     1891/F    3:16:59  0:10:34    4711  
 4518. Tara Dempsey                    Nepean ON               3:19:07  0:10:41   230/F25-29     1892/F    3:16:59  0:10:34    1804  
 4519. Cindy Carter                    Blyth ON                3:19:08  0:10:41   312/F35-39     1893/F    3:13:44  0:10:24    1169  
 4520. Rita Bhella                     Thornhill ON            3:19:08  0:10:41   280/F30-34     1894/F    3:14:19  0:10:25    618   
 4521. Scott Silva                     Brampton ON             3:19:09  0:10:41    85/M20-24     2625/M    3:17:53  0:10:37    6363  
 4522. Thomas Mulder                   Lynden ON               3:19:10  0:10:41   461/M45-49     2626/M    3:16:58  0:10:34    4990  
 4523. Ron Bhaduri                     Dundas ON               3:19:11  0:10:41   462/M45-49     2627/M    3:15:55  0:10:31    617   
 4524. David M Mackay                  Burlington ON           3:19:12  0:10:41   249/M55-59     2628/M    3:16:48  0:10:33    4270  
 4525. Joanna Schultz                  Burlington ON           3:19:12  0:10:41   313/F35-39     1895/F    3:14:46  0:10:27    6184  
 4526. Jill Edmunds                    Oshawa ON               3:19:13  0:10:41   231/F25-29     1896/F    3:18:47  0:10:40    2071  
 4527. Jeff Solomon                    Kitchener ON            3:19:14  0:10:41   463/M45-49     2629/M    3:14:50  0:10:27    97    
 4528. Pamela Bernstein                Burlington ON           3:19:14  0:10:41   232/F25-29     1897/F    3:18:41  0:10:39    592   
 4529. Geoff Flannagan                 Oakville ON             3:19:15  0:10:41   393/M35-39     2630/M    3:14:35  0:10:26    2299  
 4530. Ping Xiao                       Toronto ON              3:19:17  0:10:41   314/F35-39     1898/F    3:16:12  0:10:32    7619  
 4531. Ted Damen                       Ottawa ON               3:19:18  0:10:41   436/M50-54     2631/M    3:15:16  0:10:29    1665  
 4532. Gene M Benner                   Burlington ON           3:19:18  0:10:41   394/M35-39     2632/M    3:16:35  0:10:33    561   
 4533. Melinda Soegiharto              Windsor ON              3:19:18  0:10:41   315/F35-39     1899/F    3:16:13  0:10:32    6502  
 4534. Deidre Newman                   Whitby ON               3:19:19  0:10:42    80/F55-59     1900/F    3:18:58  0:10:40    5115  
 4535. Heather Capannelli              Oakville ON             3:19:21  0:10:42   316/F35-39     1901/F    3:17:13  0:10:35    1124  
 4536. Lucie Piazza                    Oakville ON             3:19:22  0:10:42   317/F35-39     1902/F    3:17:13  0:10:35    5509  
 4537. Kristy Kozlowski                Dundas ON               3:19:22  0:10:42   281/F30-34     1903/F    3:17:58  0:10:37    3783  
 4538. Lana M Foulds                   Sydenham ON             3:19:23  0:10:42   318/F35-39     1904/F    3:15:59  0:10:31    2353  
 4539. Iryna Yashnyk                   Mississauga ON          3:19:23  0:10:42   103/F20-24     1905/F    3:13:27  0:10:23    7627  
 4540. Amanda Topham                   London ON               3:19:24  0:10:42   329/F45-49     1906/F    3:17:34  0:10:36    6937  
 4541. Lindsay M Angus                 Mississauga ON          3:19:25  0:10:42    25/F15-19     1907/F    3:14:17  0:10:25    249   
 4542. Nicole Lucas                    Toronto ON              3:19:26  0:10:42   319/F35-39     1908/F    3:14:26  0:10:26    4183  
 4543. Paula Hill                      London ON               3:19:26  0:10:42   233/F25-29     1909/F    3:18:46  0:10:40    3083  
 4544. Jed Levene                      Orillia ON              3:19:28  0:10:42   281/M30-34     2633/M    3:13:49  0:10:24    7704  
 4545. Kelly Parker                    Burlington ON           3:19:29  0:10:42   320/F35-39     1910/F    3:15:06  0:10:28    5345  
 4546. Tanya Woods                     Burlington ON           3:19:29  0:10:42   321/F35-39     1911/F    3:15:06  0:10:28    7586  
 4547. Russ Roberts                    Toronto ON              3:19:30  0:10:42   437/M50-54     2634/M    3:17:16  0:10:35    5871  
 4548. Elaine Roswell                  London ON               3:19:33  0:10:42   330/F45-49     1912/F    3:15:34  0:10:29    5981  
 4549. Janice Senger                   Newmarket ON            3:19:34  0:10:42   193/F50-54     1913/F    3:14:43  0:10:27    6242  
 4550. Jason Poel                      St. Marys ON            3:19:37  0:10:43   395/M35-39     2635/M    3:15:17  0:10:29    5561  
 4551. Andrea McLeod                   Mississauga ON          3:19:37  0:10:43   322/F35-39     1914/F    3:14:48  0:10:27    4650  
 4552. David Adams                     North Tonawanda NY      3:19:40  0:10:43   250/M55-59     2636/M    3:15:16  0:10:29    117   
 4553. Mary - Anne Baraniuk            Toronto ON              3:19:40  0:10:43     5/F65-69     1915/F    3:15:22  0:10:29    417   
 4554. Roberta Monte                   Hamilton ON             3:19:41  0:10:43   194/F50-54     1916/F    3:13:57  0:10:24    4879  
 4555. David Kuhn                      Hamilton ON             3:19:42  0:10:43   464/M45-49     2637/M    3:17:33  0:10:36    3814  
 4556. Kathy Teed                      Oshawa ON               3:19:43  0:10:43   331/F45-49     1917/F    3:13:50  0:10:24    6826  
 4557. Paul Cestnik                    Oakville ON             3:19:43  0:10:43   465/M45-49     2638/M    3:13:51  0:10:24    1210  
 4558. Amadeo Rodriguez                Stoney Creek ON         3:19:44  0:10:43   396/M35-39     2639/M    3:14:52  0:10:27    5910  
 4559. Dorothy R Payne                 Oakville ON             3:19:45  0:10:43    81/F55-59     1918/F    3:14:00  0:10:24    5398  
 4560. Julie Dawson                    Oakville ON             3:19:45  0:10:43    25/F60-64     1919/F    3:14:00  0:10:24    1725  
 4561. Jo Ann L Shephard               Sombra ON               3:19:46  0:10:43   332/F45-49     1920/F    3:13:59  0:10:24    6316  
 4562. Linda Yeremian                  Toronto ON              3:19:46  0:10:43    82/F55-59     1921/F    3:13:39  0:10:23    7636  
 4563. Angela Latour                   Parry Sound ON          3:19:47  0:10:43   323/F35-39     1922/F    3:19:47  0:10:43    3931  
 4564. Phillips Jerri                  Belleville ON           3:19:48  0:10:43   234/F25-29     1923/F    3:16:54  0:10:34    3403  
 4565. Dina Brooks                     Toronto ON              3:19:48  0:10:43   333/F45-49     1924/F    3:16:04  0:10:31    908   
 4566. Arthur Leung                    Toronto ON              3:19:49  0:10:43   159/M25-29     2640/M    3:18:07  0:10:38    4055  
 4567. Irene Babirad                   Hamilton ON             3:19:50  0:10:43   334/F45-49     1925/F    3:17:29  0:10:36    340   
 4568. Mary Webster                    Parry Sound ON          3:19:52  0:10:43   335/F45-49     1926/F    3:18:02  0:10:37    7339  
 4569. Katrina Krupicz                 York ON                 3:19:52  0:10:43   104/F20-24     1927/F    3:14:23  0:10:26    3802  
 4570. Candice Stuart                  Thomasburg ON           3:19:55  0:10:43   324/F35-39     1928/F    3:14:12  0:10:25    6682  
 4571. Franca Cambone                  Oakville ON             3:19:56  0:10:44   320/F40-44     1929/F    3:16:19  0:10:32    1089  
 4572. Carmine Naccarato               Oakville ON             3:19:56  0:10:44   438/M50-54     2641/M    3:14:25  0:10:26    5051  
 4573. Natalie Gajewski                Ottawa ON               3:19:57  0:10:44   235/F25-29     1930/F    3:16:16  0:10:32    2450  
 4574. May Seto                        Mississauga ON          3:19:58  0:10:44   195/F50-54     1931/F    3:15:27  0:10:29    6263  
 4575. Scott A Dempster                Oakville ON             3:20:01  0:10:44   397/M35-39     2642/M    3:16:43  0:10:33    1805  
 4576. Kate Sperry                     Bowmanville ON          3:20:03  0:10:44    83/F55-59     1932/F    3:18:51  0:10:40    6544  
 4577. Samantha Gleiser                London ON               3:20:03  0:10:44   282/F30-34     1933/F    3:15:21  0:10:29    2603  
 4578. Michele Mitchell                London ON               3:20:03  0:10:44   321/F40-44     1934/F    3:15:21  0:10:29    4849  
 4579. Sandy Musson                    Trenton ON              3:20:03  0:10:44   336/F45-49     1935/F    3:15:26  0:10:29    5040  
 4580. Rick Roy                        London ON               3:20:05  0:10:44   251/M55-59     2643/M    3:15:23  0:10:29    6002  
 4581. Jean Denis Yelle                Ottawa ON               3:20:06  0:10:44   252/M55-59     2644/M    3:17:22  0:10:35    7632  
 4582. John Nelligan                   Toronto ON              3:20:07  0:10:44   439/M50-54     2645/M    3:15:06  0:10:28    5088  
 4583. Mary Anne Covelli               Toronto ON              3:20:07  0:10:44   196/F50-54     1936/F    3:15:06  0:10:28    1519  
 4584. Katie Kitney                    Waterdown ON            3:20:08  0:10:44   236/F25-29     1937/F    3:15:50  0:10:30    3703  
 4585. Ashley Bowe                     Woodbridge ON           3:20:09  0:10:44    26/F15-19     1938/F    3:15:14  0:10:28    801   
 4586. Diana Vorvis                    Brampton ON             3:20:10  0:10:44   322/F40-44     1939/F    3:18:17  0:10:38    7205  
 4587. Anonymous Kb                    Guelph ON               3:20:10  0:10:44   237/F25-29     1940/F    3:14:40  0:10:27    3562  
 4588. Vi Tu Banh                      Markham ON              3:20:11  0:10:44   427/M40-44     2646/M    3:15:58  0:10:31    403   
 4589. Mark Ishack                     Hamilton ON             3:20:12  0:10:44   160/M25-29     2647/M    3:15:55  0:10:31    4041  
 4590. Leslie Morgan                   Toronto ON              3:20:12  0:10:44    26/F60-64     1941/F    3:14:47  0:10:27    4918  
 4591. Brenda Heath-Clifton            Cambridge ON            3:20:13  0:10:44    84/F55-59     1942/F    3:17:27  0:10:36    3004  
 4592. Thomas Baum                     Mississauga ON          3:20:14  0:10:44   466/M45-49     2648/M    3:19:10  0:10:41    479   
 4593. Liz Vitek                       Toronto ON              3:20:15  0:10:45   197/F50-54     1943/F    3:16:50  0:10:34    7195  
 4594. Anne-Marie Lacroix              Toronto ON              3:20:16  0:10:45   105/F20-24     1944/F    3:14:59  0:10:28    3852  
 4595. Susan Typert                    Scarborough ON          3:20:17  0:10:45   337/F45-49     1945/F    3:16:49  0:10:33    7030  
 4596. Valerie Longo-Wild              Dundas ON               3:20:20  0:10:45   338/F45-49     1946/F    3:17:37  0:10:36    4154  
 4597. Andrew Lebeau                   Guelph ON               3:20:21  0:10:45   282/M30-34     2649/M    3:18:12  0:10:38    3985  
 4598. Whitney Bailey                  Hamilton ON             3:20:25  0:10:45   100/M60-64     2650/M    3:19:03  0:10:41    362   
 4599. Annette Levean                  Elmira ON               3:20:26  0:10:45   323/F40-44     1947/F    3:19:17  0:10:41    4057  
 4600. Leigh Rees                      Elmira ON               3:20:26  0:10:45   324/F40-44     1948/F    3:20:00  0:10:44    5759  
 4601. Delaino L Jones                 Dearborn Heights MI     3:20:27  0:10:45   440/M50-54     2651/M    3:19:39  0:10:43    3472  
 4602. Saila Kolkka                    Parry Sound ON          3:20:29  0:10:45    85/F55-59     1949/F    3:16:13  0:10:32    3751  
 4603. Jill R Brush                    Waterloo ON             3:20:29  0:10:45   238/F25-29     1950/F    3:18:48  0:10:40    982   
 4604. Shelley Myer                    London ON               3:20:30  0:10:45   325/F35-39     1951/F    3:18:16  0:10:38    5045  
 4605. Gay D Stronks                   Chatham ON              3:20:31  0:10:45   339/F45-49     1952/F    3:18:32  0:10:39    6679  
 4606. Jennifer Mesaric                Milton ON               3:20:32  0:10:45   283/F30-34     1953/F    3:16:14  0:10:32    4753  
 4607. Sharon McClemont                Toronto ON              3:20:32  0:10:45    27/F60-64     1954/F    3:20:10  0:10:44    4530  
 4608. Joan Bojars                     London ON               3:20:32  0:10:45     1/F70-74     1955/F    3:19:25  0:10:42    724   
 4609. Anna Runesson                   Hamilton ON             3:20:32  0:10:45   325/F40-44     1956/F    3:17:21  0:10:35    6020  
 4610. Scott Fairley                   Hamilton ON             3:20:36  0:10:46   161/M25-29     2652/M    3:20:06  0:10:44    2166  
 4611. Anne McCrank                    Haileybury ON           3:20:36  0:10:46   340/F45-49     1957/F    3:17:37  0:10:36    4555  
 4612. Jennifer Jenkins                Haileybury ON           3:20:36  0:10:46   341/F45-49     1958/F    3:17:38  0:10:36    3388  
 4613. Diane McAuley                   London ON               3:20:38  0:10:46    86/F55-59     1959/F    3:18:37  0:10:39    4506  
 4614. Chris Wortmann                  Stamford CT             3:20:39  0:10:46   162/M25-29     2653/M    3:18:00  0:10:37    7594  
 4615. Barbara S Rowe                  Buffalo NY              3:20:43  0:10:46    87/F55-59     1960/F    3:15:27  0:10:29    5989  
 4616. Jennifer Fralick                Toronto ON              3:20:43  0:10:46    28/F60-64     1961/F    3:16:45  0:10:33    2367  
 4617. Alanah Drake                    Grimsby ON              3:20:43  0:10:46   106/F20-24     1962/F    3:20:22  0:10:45    1965  
 4618. Peter Cook                      Hamilton ON             3:20:44  0:10:46   101/M60-64     2654/M    3:15:44  0:10:30    1456  
 4619. Patrick Fischer                 Hamilton ON             3:20:44  0:10:46   102/M60-64     2655/M    3:15:43  0:10:30    2279  
 4620. Anastasia Newman                Ancaster ON             3:20:47  0:10:46   284/F30-34     1963/F    3:15:19  0:10:29    5114  
 4621. Susan Fox                       Toronto ON              3:20:48  0:10:46   342/F45-49     1964/F    3:18:53  0:10:40    2365  
 4622. Sabrina Elliott Vergara         St. Catharines ON       3:20:48  0:10:46   239/F25-29     1965/F    3:19:31  0:10:42    2095  
 4623. Danielle Labonte                Ottawa ON               3:20:50  0:10:46   326/F35-39     1966/F    3:14:08  0:10:25    3841  
 4624. Jeri Brown                      Newmarket ON            3:20:51  0:10:46    88/F55-59     1967/F    3:17:10  0:10:35    941   
 4625. Renee Deagle                    Caledonia ON            3:20:53  0:10:47   326/F40-44     1968/F    3:20:14  0:10:44    1748  
 4626. Julie Bisson                    Toronto ON              3:20:53  0:10:47   285/F30-34     1969/F    3:18:39  0:10:39    658   
 4627. Craig Beckim                    Toronto ON              3:20:53  0:10:47   428/M40-44     2656/M    3:16:23  0:10:32    507   
 4628. James Burrows                   Hamilton ON             3:20:54  0:10:47   467/M45-49     2657/M    3:19:15  0:10:41    1038  
 4629. Janet Allemang                  Simcoe ON               3:20:59  0:10:47   343/F45-49     1970/F    3:13:29  0:10:23    183   
 4630. Patti Walsh                     Markham ON              3:20:59  0:10:47    89/F55-59     1971/F    3:15:23  0:10:29    7265  
 4631. Barbara Stoeckler               Oakville ON             3:21:01  0:10:47   240/F25-29     1972/F    3:18:12  0:10:38    6646  
 4632. Deanna Bucciacchio              Markham ON              3:21:01  0:10:47   241/F25-29     1973/F    3:15:42  0:10:30    990   
 4633. Carrie Comstock-Zenteno         Markham ON              3:21:01  0:10:47   327/F35-39     1974/F    3:15:42  0:10:30    1433  
 4634. Rashaad Vahed                   Mississauga ON          3:21:02  0:10:47   398/M35-39     2658/M    3:16:12  0:10:32    7054  
 4635. Caroline Grech                  Vaughan ON              3:21:03  0:10:47   328/F35-39     1975/F    3:16:53  0:10:34    2698  
 4636. Allie Friedman                  Buffalo NY              3:21:05  0:10:47   107/F20-24     1976/F    3:18:42  0:10:40    2409  
 4637. Marc Laporte                    Belle River ON          3:21:07  0:10:47   441/M50-54     2659/M    3:16:22  0:10:32    3908  
 4638. Don Douglas                     Niagara Falls ON        3:21:10  0:10:47   103/M60-64     2660/M    3:19:50  0:10:43    1943  
 4639. Sheila Haats                    Toronto ON              3:21:15  0:10:48   344/F45-49     1977/F    3:17:20  0:10:35    2801  
 4640. Jose Alvarez-De-Lugo            Waterdown ON            3:21:15  0:10:48   429/M40-44     2661/M    3:16:56  0:10:34    194   
 4641. Vesna Stipan                    Stoney Creek ON         3:21:18  0:10:48   327/F40-44     1978/F    3:17:58  0:10:37    6640  
 4642. Julie Crowe                     Dundas ON               3:21:20  0:10:48   328/F40-44     1979/F    3:17:43  0:10:36    1583  
 4643. Nicola Serraglio                London ON               3:21:21  0:10:48   329/F40-44     1980/F    3:15:52  0:10:30    6253  
 4644. Heather Williams                Ottawa ON               3:21:21  0:10:48   198/F50-54     1981/F    3:16:28  0:10:32    7472  
 4645. Ted Zielinski                   Burford ON              3:21:22  0:10:48   253/M55-59     2662/M    3:20:50  0:10:46    7681  
 4646. Annette Y Pelley                Brampton ON             3:21:22  0:10:48   345/F45-49     1982/F    3:20:32  0:10:45    5426  
 4647. Jim Greer                       Burlington ON           3:21:24  0:10:48   254/M55-59     2663/M    3:17:42  0:10:36    2716  
 4648. Lindsie Court                   Toronto ON              3:21:26  0:10:48   329/F35-39     1983/F    3:16:49  0:10:33    1514  
 4649. Rob Larsen                      Woodstock ON            3:21:28  0:10:48   104/M60-64     2664/M    3:16:34  0:10:33    3926  
 4650. Ian Hedley                      Burlington ON           3:21:28  0:10:48   163/M25-29     2665/M    3:15:49  0:10:30    3011  
 4651. Frank Gawlina                   Burlington ON           3:21:31  0:10:49   430/M40-44     2666/M    3:17:29  0:10:36    2505  
 4652. Tammy Brydon                    Lindsay ON              3:21:31  0:10:49   199/F50-54     1984/F    3:21:00  0:10:47    986   
 4653. Steve F Patterson               Dorchester ON           3:21:32  0:10:49   468/M45-49     2667/M    3:17:21  0:10:35    5384  
 4654. Michelle Biegner                Clarence Center NY      3:21:33  0:10:49   330/F40-44     1985/F    3:18:58  0:10:40    624   
 4655. Michelle Smith                  Toronto ON              3:21:34  0:10:49   346/F45-49     1986/F    3:18:02  0:10:37    6481  
 4656. Mari Mair                       London ON               3:21:36  0:10:49   331/F40-44     1987/F    3:16:12  0:10:32    4325  
 4657. Jody Vallis                     Mississauga ON          3:21:37  0:10:49   286/F30-34     1988/F    3:18:25  0:10:39    7074  
 4658. Doug Dunsmuir                   Hamilton ON             3:21:39  0:10:49   255/M55-59     2668/M    3:19:33  0:10:42    2026  
 4659. Tracy Theesfeld                 Frankfort IL            3:21:40  0:10:49   442/M50-54     2669/M    3:17:17  0:10:35    6842  
 4660. Iona Laird                      Oakville ON             3:21:45  0:10:49   200/F50-54     1989/F    3:16:53  0:10:34    3872  
 4661. Nadia Lavallee                  Gatineau QC             3:21:46  0:10:49   330/F35-39     1990/F    3:17:13  0:10:35    3946  
 4662. Rachel Zumpe                    Grimsby ON              3:21:47  0:10:49   287/F30-34     1991/F    3:16:38  0:10:33    7694  
 4663. Donna Bramley                   Oakville ON             3:21:49  0:10:50   347/F45-49     1992/F    3:20:12  0:10:44    843   
 4664. Carly Waters                    Binbrook ON             3:21:49  0:10:50   242/F25-29     1993/F    3:17:48  0:10:37    7303  
 4665. Karen Dancy                     St. Catharines ON       3:21:50  0:10:50    27/F15-19     1994/F    3:17:44  0:10:36    1667  
 4666. Sharon Hauckwitz                Mooretown ON            3:21:51  0:10:50   348/F45-49     1995/F    3:16:06  0:10:31    2970  
 4667. Karen Griese                    Newmarket ON            3:21:54  0:10:50   349/F45-49     1996/F    3:16:41  0:10:33    2728  
 4668. Carol Willmott                  Dundas ON               3:21:54  0:10:50   201/F50-54     1997/F    3:19:34  0:10:42    7486  
 4669. Luanne Branch                   Burlington ON           3:21:55  0:10:50     2/F70-74     1998/F    3:16:53  0:10:34    847   
 4670. Deborah Calderwood              Oakville ON             3:21:59  0:10:50   332/F40-44     1999/F    3:18:34  0:10:39    1074  
 4671. Riun Shandler                   Toronto ON              3:21:59  0:10:50   469/M45-49     2670/M    3:18:35  0:10:39    6273  
 4672. Jessica L Kent                  Barrie ON               3:22:01  0:10:50   108/F20-24     2000/F    3:17:53  0:10:37    3623  
 4673. Nancy Camacho                   Orleans ON              3:22:01  0:10:50   350/F45-49     2001/F    3:21:22  0:10:48    1086  
 4674. Andrea Janovjak                 Oakville ON             3:22:02  0:10:50   351/F45-49     2002/F    3:17:51  0:10:37    3361  
 4675. Paul Radcliffe                  Mississauga ON          3:22:03  0:10:50   164/M25-29     2671/M    3:16:21  0:10:32    5686  
 4676. Jennifer McIntosh               Port Dover ON           3:22:07  0:10:51   288/F30-34     2003/F    3:17:57  0:10:37    4615  
 4677. Derek Paterson                  Hamilton ON             3:22:09  0:10:51   399/M35-39     2672/M    3:18:22  0:10:38    5370  
 4678. Rita Weerdenburg                Burlington ON           3:22:10  0:10:51    90/F55-59     2004/F    3:19:04  0:10:41    8313  
 4679. Kristin Plant                   London ON               3:22:11  0:10:51   243/F25-29     2005/F    3:16:58  0:10:34    5542  
 4680. Sandra Plant                    London ON               3:22:11  0:10:51   202/F50-54     2006/F    3:16:58  0:10:34    5543  
 4681. Louise V Cadwalader             Lewiston NY             3:22:12  0:10:51    91/F55-59     2007/F    3:21:40  0:10:49    1063  
 4682. Kim McDonald                    Stratford ON            3:22:13  0:10:51   352/F45-49     2008/F    3:19:46  0:10:43    4571  
 4683. Marie-Claire McMullin           Brampton ON             3:22:13  0:10:51    92/F55-59     2009/F    3:19:46  0:10:43    4668  
 4684. Wright David                    Aurora ON               3:22:13  0:10:51   443/M50-54     2673/M    3:18:37  0:10:39    1693  
 4685. Daniel Christo                  Brampton ON             3:22:14  0:10:51   165/M25-29     2674/M    3:18:01  0:10:37    1310  
 4686. Dawn Smith                      Sarnia ON               3:22:18  0:10:51   331/F35-39     2010/F    3:16:33  0:10:33    6457  
 4687. Chris Ham                       Richmond Hill ON        3:22:21  0:10:51   431/M40-44     2675/M    3:20:34  0:10:46    2861  
 4688. Paul Martin                     Wellandport ON          3:22:22  0:10:51   256/M55-59     2676/M    3:17:30  0:10:36    4436  
 4689. Kenn Manzerolle                 Orangeville ON          3:22:23  0:10:51   432/M40-44     2677/M    3:17:01  0:10:34    4370  
 4690. Steve Putman                    Kitchener ON            3:22:24  0:10:51   433/M40-44     2678/M    3:17:01  0:10:34    5656  
 4691. Warren Barriault                Brampton ON             3:22:26  0:10:52   400/M35-39     2679/M    3:17:31  0:10:36    453   
 4692. Aoife Ni Niocail                Toronto ON              3:22:28  0:10:52   289/F30-34     2011/F    3:18:02  0:10:37    5131  
 4693. Chad Malone                     Hamilton ON             3:22:31  0:10:52   283/M30-34     2680/M    3:16:24  0:10:32    4345  
 4694. Stan S Czajkowsky               Binbrook ON             3:22:33  0:10:52   401/M35-39     2681/M    3:18:44  0:10:40    1633  
 4695. Julie Laflamme                  Ottawa ON               3:22:38  0:10:52   353/F45-49     2012/F    3:18:12  0:10:38    3858  
 4696. Natasha C Ostapchuk             Oakville ON             3:22:38  0:10:52   109/F20-24     2013/F    3:16:55  0:10:34    5261  
 4697. Cristina Hart                   Oakville ON             3:22:39  0:10:52   333/F40-44     2014/F    3:20:03  0:10:44    2939  
 4698. Vallery Black                   Whitby ON               3:22:43  0:10:52   244/F25-29     2015/F    3:18:18  0:10:38    671   
 4699. Gillian Spinney                 Whitby ON               3:22:43  0:10:52   245/F25-29     2016/F    3:18:18  0:10:38    6547  
 4700. Shannon Lord                    Oakville ON             3:22:44  0:10:53   246/F25-29     2017/F    3:17:03  0:10:34    4160  
 4701. Kim Evans                       Etobicoke ON            3:22:45  0:10:53   332/F35-39     2018/F    3:20:20  0:10:45    2149  
 4702. Kimberly Ansell                 St. Catharines ON       3:22:46  0:10:53   334/F40-44     2019/F    3:19:13  0:10:41    252   
 4703. Sheryl Sawyer                   Cayuga ON               3:22:46  0:10:53   335/F40-44     2020/F    3:19:15  0:10:41    6132  
 4704. Peter Broadley                  Mississauga ON          3:22:47  0:10:53   284/M30-34     2682/M    3:18:11  0:10:38    900   
 4705. Nicole Macpherson               Milton ON               3:22:48  0:10:53   333/F35-39     2021/F    3:18:12  0:10:38    4305  
 4706. Karen Karnis                    Fergus ON               3:22:49  0:10:53   290/F30-34     2022/F    3:17:52  0:10:37    3541  
 4707. Nicole Wilson                   Toronto ON              3:22:49  0:10:53   336/F40-44     2023/F    3:17:44  0:10:36    7513  
 4708. Vilija Hakala                   Oakville ON             3:22:50  0:10:53   247/F25-29     2024/F    3:17:07  0:10:34    2830  
 4709. Ann Becks                       Bognor ON               3:22:50  0:10:53   337/F40-44     2025/F    3:18:04  0:10:38    509   
 4710. Paul Garnich                    Mississauga ON          3:22:50  0:10:53   470/M45-49     2683/M    3:18:09  0:10:38    3078  
 4711. Daria Ebron                     Caledon ON              3:22:51  0:10:53   338/F40-44     2026/F    3:17:50  0:10:37    2060  
 4712. Kim McLean                      Mississauga ON          3:22:51  0:10:53   339/F40-44     2027/F    3:17:50  0:10:37    4644  
 4713. Chuck Edwards                   London ON               3:22:51  0:10:53    21/M65-69     2684/M    3:21:01  0:10:47    2073  
 4714. Connie Cordes                   London ON               3:22:51  0:10:53   354/F45-49     2028/F    3:20:19  0:10:45    1477  
 4715. Stephanie Pollock               Mississauga ON          3:22:52  0:10:53   334/F35-39     2029/F    3:18:23  0:10:39    5572  
 4716. Peggy Drury                     Mississauga ON          3:22:52  0:10:53   355/F45-49     2030/F    3:18:24  0:10:39    1980  
 4717. Andrew Matchett                 Peterborough ON         3:22:53  0:10:53   434/M40-44     2685/M    3:19:05  0:10:41    4463  
 4718. Kerry Halcovitch                Winona ON               3:22:53  0:10:53   356/F45-49     2031/F    3:17:48  0:10:37    2834  
 4719. Mark Haar                       Toronto ON              3:22:54  0:10:53   444/M50-54     2686/M    3:18:49  0:10:40    2796  
 4720. Sheila Sekuterski               Hamburg NY              3:22:55  0:10:53   291/F30-34     2032/F    3:19:26  0:10:42    6237  
 4721. Tomas Dobransky                 London ON               3:22:56  0:10:53   445/M50-54     2687/M    3:21:58  0:10:50    1902  
 4722. Judy Wilson                     London ON               3:22:56  0:10:53   203/F50-54     2033/F    3:21:22  0:10:48    7505  
 4723. Karen Ronson                    Burlington ON           3:22:58  0:10:53   335/F35-39     2034/F    3:18:55  0:10:40    5933  
 4724. Stefanie Goyert                 Hamilton ON             3:22:58  0:10:53   357/F45-49     2035/F    3:17:14  0:10:35    2667  
 4725. Kelly Chevrier                  Omemee ON               3:23:00  0:10:53   204/F50-54     2036/F    3:18:31  0:10:39    1274  
 4726. Kevin Williams-Yeagers          Stoney Creek ON         3:23:02  0:10:54   257/M55-59     2688/M    3:21:01  0:10:47    7484  
 4727. Alana Callan                    Peterborough ON         3:23:02  0:10:54   340/F40-44     2037/F    3:17:57  0:10:37    1081  
 4728. Heather Durnin                  Auburn ON               3:23:02  0:10:54   205/F50-54     2038/F    3:17:57  0:10:37    2032  
 4729. Laurie Seier                    Williamsville NY        3:23:03  0:10:54   206/F50-54     2039/F    3:17:04  0:10:34    6236  
 4730. Dave Pierce                     Dundas ON               3:23:05  0:10:54   258/M55-59     2689/M    3:19:05  0:10:41    5519  
 4731. Caroline Hillyard               Toronto ON              3:23:08  0:10:54   292/F30-34     2040/F    3:18:29  0:10:39    3094  
 4732. Danielle Landry                 Toronto ON              3:23:08  0:10:54   248/F25-29     2041/F    3:18:29  0:10:39    3894  
 4733. Don Ramsden                     London ON               3:23:11  0:10:54    22/M65-69     2690/M    3:21:19  0:10:48    5708  
 4734. Natalie Veras                   Waterloo ON             3:23:12  0:10:54   341/F40-44     2042/F    3:17:44  0:10:36    7158  
 4735. Agnes Munshaw                   Newmarket ON            3:23:12  0:10:54    93/F55-59     2043/F    3:18:07  0:10:38    5009  
 4736. Cheryl Kettle                   Burlington ON           3:23:13  0:10:54   342/F40-44     2044/F    3:18:52  0:10:40    3642  
 4737. Jackie Charmers                 Burlington ON           3:23:13  0:10:54   336/F35-39     2045/F    3:19:09  0:10:41    1254  
 4738. Christine Terplak               Toronto ON              3:23:15  0:10:54    94/F55-59     2046/F    3:19:10  0:10:41    6834  
 4739. Caitlyn Clement                 Alouette QC             3:23:16  0:10:54   110/F20-24     2047/F    3:18:26  0:10:39    1370  
 4740. Anna Mather                     Toronto ON              3:23:17  0:10:54   293/F30-34     2048/F    3:18:56  0:10:40    4466  
 4741. Jason Watson                    Hamilton ON             3:23:17  0:10:54   402/M35-39     2691/M    3:17:45  0:10:36    7313  
 4742. Conrad Schoenfeld               Brantford ON            3:23:19  0:10:54    16/M15-19     2692/M    3:20:33  0:10:46    6169  
 4743. Monette Palao                   Innisfil ON             3:23:20  0:10:54   343/F40-44     2049/F    3:22:45  0:10:53    5294  
 4744. Brenda Richens                  South River ON          3:23:22  0:10:55   358/F45-49     2050/F    3:18:44  0:10:40    5831  
 4745. Paul Woods                      Guelph ON               3:23:23  0:10:55   446/M50-54     2693/M    3:17:44  0:10:36    7585  
 4746. Mia Fazio                       Milton ON               3:23:24  0:10:55   249/F25-29     2051/F    3:20:24  0:10:45    2199  
 4747. Maureen Leyser                  Stratford ON            3:23:26  0:10:55   344/F40-44     2052/F    3:18:27  0:10:39    4079  
 4748. Edward Soltyka                  Ancaster ON             3:23:26  0:10:55   471/M45-49     2694/M    3:21:57  0:10:50    6503  
 4749. Kasey Coholan                   Toronto ON              3:23:28  0:10:55   294/F30-34     2053/F    3:17:21  0:10:35    1395  
 4750. Michael Maguire                 Toronto ON              3:23:28  0:10:55   285/M30-34     2695/M    3:17:20  0:10:35    4316  
 4751. Peter Bull                      Burlington ON           3:23:29  0:10:55   447/M50-54     2696/M    3:17:26  0:10:35    1006  
 4752. Nancy Rheaume                   Stratford ON            3:23:30  0:10:55   207/F50-54     2054/F    3:18:04  0:10:38    5805  
 4753. Ellen Whelan                    Oakville ON             3:23:31  0:10:55   345/F40-44     2055/F    3:18:31  0:10:39    7395  
 4754. Jamie Futko                     Burlington ON           3:23:36  0:10:55   435/M40-44     2697/M    3:18:01  0:10:37    2429  
 4755. Rick Macdougall                 Burlington ON           3:23:36  0:10:55   448/M50-54     2698/M    3:19:14  0:10:41    4252  
 4756. Nathan Yundt                    Ancaster ON             3:23:37  0:10:55   166/M25-29     2699/M    3:21:04  0:10:47    7661  
 4757. Christa Studzinski              Toronto ON              3:23:37  0:10:55   295/F30-34     2056/F    3:21:00  0:10:47    6686  
 4758. Chad Allen                      Mississauga ON          3:23:39  0:10:55   403/M35-39     2700/M    3:17:42  0:10:36    186   
 4759. Amber Soucy                     Cambrige ON             3:23:40  0:10:56   208/F50-54     2057/F    3:23:02  0:10:54    6512  
 4760. Cindy Sigurdson                 St. Thomas ON           3:23:42  0:10:56   296/F30-34     2058/F    3:22:45  0:10:53    6359  
 4761. Nancy Lawrence                  St. Thomas ON           3:23:43  0:10:56   359/F45-49     2059/F    3:22:07  0:10:51    3964  
 4762. Kevin W Kochan                  Niagara Falls ON        3:23:44  0:10:56    86/M20-24     2701/M    3:20:43  0:10:46    3744  
 4763. Szerenka Marcri                 Toronto ON              3:23:45  0:10:56   337/F35-39     2060/F    3:21:31  0:10:49    4385  
 4764. Robert L Leblanc                Orleans ON              3:23:46  0:10:56   472/M45-49     2702/M    3:20:31  0:10:45    3992  
 4765. Donna Dixon                     Newmarket ON            3:23:47  0:10:56    29/F60-64     2061/F    3:19:56  0:10:44    1898  
 4766. Giselle Carlson                 Fonthill ON             3:23:48  0:10:56   360/F45-49     2062/F    3:21:47  0:10:49    1143  
 4767. Ian Turnbull                    Oakville ON             3:23:48  0:10:56   449/M50-54     2703/M    3:18:18  0:10:38    7012  
 4768. Erica Mayfield                  Woodstock ON            3:23:48  0:10:56   338/F35-39     2063/F    3:17:56  0:10:37    4491  
 4769. Ian Overend                     Burlington ON           3:23:49  0:10:56   404/M35-39     2704/M    3:21:34  0:10:49    5270  
 4770. Rocco Polino                    East Amherst NY         3:23:50  0:10:56   259/M55-59     2705/M    3:20:21  0:10:45    5568  
 4771. Julie Harper                    Georgetown ON           3:23:50  0:10:56   297/F30-34     2064/F    3:19:14  0:10:41    2923  
 4772. Janet Filer                     Whitevale ON            3:23:52  0:10:56   209/F50-54     2065/F    3:21:48  0:10:50    2259  
 4773. Joanna Suriano                  St. Catharines ON       3:23:54  0:10:56   250/F25-29     2066/F    3:21:53  0:10:50    6712  
 4774. Tonya Norton                    Toronto ON              3:23:55  0:10:56   339/F35-39     2067/F    3:18:20  0:10:38    5165  
 4775. Barb Hill                       Caledonia ON            3:23:56  0:10:56   210/F50-54     2068/F    3:22:04  0:10:50    3075  
 4776. Cheryl Kohut                    Thornhill ON            3:23:56  0:10:56   361/F45-49     2069/F    3:21:06  0:10:47    3749  
 4777. Paul Shepperd                   Fergus ON               3:23:58  0:10:57   436/M40-44     2706/M    3:19:42  0:10:43    6323  
 4778. Sarah Freeborn                  Meaford ON              3:23:58  0:10:57   346/F40-44     2070/F    3:19:42  0:10:43    2399  
 4779. Joseph P Roy                    Oakville ON             3:24:00  0:10:57   105/M60-64     2707/M    3:22:16  0:10:51    5998  
 4780. Lianne Timbers                  Grimsby ON              3:24:01  0:10:57   347/F40-44     2071/F    3:19:06  0:10:41    6898  
 4781. Lynn Lawrence                   Clarence Center NY      3:24:05  0:10:57   362/F45-49     2072/F    3:21:30  0:10:49    3963  
 4782. Maria Garrett                   Clarence Center NY      3:24:05  0:10:57   348/F40-44     2073/F    3:21:30  0:10:49    2486  
 4783. Angela Barger                   Bolton ON               3:24:05  0:10:57   349/F40-44     2074/F    3:18:47  0:10:40    426   
 4784. Mark McConnell                  Ancaster ON             3:24:08  0:10:57   450/M50-54     2708/M    3:19:00  0:10:41    4544  
 4785. Anita M Iacoucci                Etobicoke ON            3:24:12  0:10:57   350/F40-44     2075/F    3:18:29  0:10:39    3291  
 4786. Jennifer Welsh                  Waterford ON            3:24:14  0:10:57   298/F30-34     2076/F    3:19:34  0:10:42    7367  
 4787. Chris Hathaway                  Hamilton ON             3:24:14  0:10:57   451/M50-54     2709/M    3:18:46  0:10:40    2967  
 4788. Lisa Schmuck                    London ON               3:24:15  0:10:57   299/F30-34     2077/F    3:23:08  0:10:54    6164  
 4789. Andrew Pappas                   Oakville ON             3:24:16  0:10:57   473/M45-49     2710/M    3:18:47  0:10:40    5322  
 4790. Amanda Truffen                  Burlington ON           3:24:16  0:10:57   340/F35-39     2078/F    3:23:51  0:10:56    6985  
 4791. Dave Springer                   Kemptville ON           3:24:16  0:10:57   474/M45-49     2711/M    3:19:05  0:10:41    6552  
 4792. Donna Bowers                    Toronto ON              3:24:18  0:10:58   363/F45-49     2079/F    3:19:37  0:10:43    803   
 4793. Susan D Wiggins                 Beaconsfield QC         3:24:24  0:10:58   364/F45-49     2080/F    3:19:03  0:10:41    7440  
 4794. Tanya Patterson                 Burlington ON           3:24:24  0:10:58   211/F50-54     2081/F    3:19:04  0:10:41    5386  
 4795. Lilla Richardson                Waterdown ON            3:24:25  0:10:58   365/F45-49     2082/F    3:19:21  0:10:42    5828  
 4796. Ron McCaillancourt              Ajax ON                 3:24:25  0:10:58   475/M45-49     2712/M    3:22:42  0:10:52    4516  
 4797. Alex Cullen                     Ottawa ON               3:24:27  0:10:58   106/M60-64     2713/M    3:19:31  0:10:42    1598  
 4798. David Goodsell                  Niagara Falls NY        3:24:28  0:10:58   107/M60-64     2714/M    3:19:31  0:10:42    2639  
 4799. Natalie Phrompeng               Malvern PA              3:24:29  0:10:58   300/F30-34     2083/F    3:21:13  0:10:48    5508  
 4800. Greta Chase                     Ottawa ON               3:24:29  0:10:58    30/F60-64     2084/F    3:23:09  0:10:54    1259  
 4801. Kristen Page                    Oakville ON             3:24:35  0:10:58   351/F40-44     2085/F    3:20:37  0:10:46    5289  
 4802. Susan Campbell                  Hamilton ON             3:24:35  0:10:58   341/F35-39     2086/F    3:20:18  0:10:45    1115  
 4803. Chris Bonk                      Stoney Creek ON         3:24:35  0:10:58    31/F60-64     2087/F    3:20:24  0:10:45    747   
 4804. Susan R Enyedy-Goldner          Hamilton ON             3:24:36  0:10:59   352/F40-44     2088/F    3:23:03  0:10:54    2132  
 4805. Amanda Larsen                   Hamilton ON             3:24:36  0:10:59   301/F30-34     2089/F    3:21:31  0:10:49    3920  
 4806. Mike Davis                      Ottawa ON               3:24:36  0:10:59   405/M35-39     2715/M    3:21:31  0:10:49    1718  
 4807. Robert Hood                     Cambridge ON            3:24:39  0:10:59   406/M35-39     2716/M    3:23:25  0:10:55    3167  
 4808. Scott Bradshaw                  Guelph ON               3:24:40  0:10:59   452/M50-54     2717/M    3:23:03  0:10:54    836   
 4809. Paul G Pietraszewski            West Seneca NY          3:24:42  0:10:59    23/M65-69     2718/M    3:19:30  0:10:42    5521  
 4810. Cathy Turylo                    Toronto ON              3:24:42  0:10:59   212/F50-54     2090/F    3:18:57  0:10:40    7024  
 4811. Annette Brama                   Queensville ON          3:24:43  0:10:59   366/F45-49     2091/F    3:19:50  0:10:43    841   
 4812. Alex Fraser                     Ottawa ON               3:24:46  0:10:59   476/M45-49     2719/M    3:22:06  0:10:50    2381  
 4813. Philip Zanotti                  Toronto ON              3:24:47  0:10:59   437/M40-44     2720/M    3:22:38  0:10:52    7672  
 4814. Roberta Vervloet                Stoney Creek ON         3:24:47  0:10:59   342/F35-39     2092/F    3:20:30  0:10:45    7166  
 4815. Hema Varghese                   London ON               3:24:49  0:10:59   343/F35-39     2093/F    3:24:09  0:10:57    7138  
 4816. Harinder Kang                   Toronto ON              3:24:49  0:10:59   438/M40-44     2721/M    3:24:10  0:10:57    3535  
 4817. Kristen Chamberlain             Dundas ON               3:24:52  0:10:59   251/F25-29     2094/F    3:20:44  0:10:46    1218  
 4818. Barb Bentley                    London ON               3:24:53  0:10:59   367/F45-49     2095/F    3:19:46  0:10:43    570   
 4819. Kathleen Ferguson               London ON               3:24:53  0:10:59   213/F50-54     2096/F    3:19:46  0:10:43    2233  
 4820. Cathy Garvin                    London ON               3:24:53  0:10:59   368/F45-49     2097/F    3:19:46  0:10:43    2489  
 4821. Lindsey Rhiger                  London ON               3:24:55  0:11:00   302/F30-34     2098/F    3:20:54  0:10:47    5806  
 4822. Maria Maciel                    Cambridge ON            3:24:58  0:11:00   369/F45-49     2099/F    3:22:14  0:10:51    4266  
 4823. Denise Lovegrove                Hamilton ON             3:25:02  0:11:00   353/F40-44     2100/F    3:19:24  0:10:42    4173  
 4824. Mark Chesnaik                   Welland ON              3:25:02  0:11:00   453/M50-54     2722/M    3:21:12  0:10:48    1267  
 4825. Mary Friesen                    Cambridge ON            3:25:03  0:11:00   303/F30-34     2101/F    3:22:49  0:10:53    2413  
 4826. Jesse Matthews                  St. Catharines ON       3:25:03  0:11:00   167/M25-29     2723/M    3:19:21  0:10:42    4482  
 4827. Serge Gingras                   Hamilton ON             3:25:04  0:11:00   439/M40-44     2724/M    3:23:25  0:10:55    2581  
 4828. Linda Horsky                    Hamilton ON             3:25:06  0:11:00   214/F50-54     2102/F    3:20:01  0:10:44    3192  
 4829. Chris Lavoie                    Dundas ON               3:25:13  0:11:01   407/M35-39     2725/M    3:23:04  0:10:54    3956  
 4830. Danny Quan                      Mississauga ON          3:25:13  0:11:01   108/M60-64     2726/M    3:20:15  0:10:45    5661  
 4831. Nanci Virginillo                Rockton ON              3:25:14  0:11:01    95/F55-59     2103/F    3:20:10  0:10:44    7189  
 4832. Sabrina Guite                   Cobourg ON              3:25:16  0:11:01   304/F30-34     2104/F    3:21:09  0:10:47    2780  
 4833. Sara Wilson                     Manotick ON             3:25:21  0:11:01   370/F45-49     2105/F    3:22:01  0:10:50    7518  
 4834. Kim McPeake                     Toronto ON              3:25:22  0:11:01   354/F40-44     2106/F    3:22:12  0:10:51    4694  
 4835. Katrina Cross                   Keswick ON              3:25:22  0:11:01   305/F30-34     2107/F    3:20:09  0:10:44    1575  
 4836. Sharon Gibson                   Etobicoke ON            3:25:23  0:11:01   355/F40-44     2108/F    3:19:41  0:10:43    2556  
 4837. Linda Tran                      Toronto ON              3:25:23  0:11:01   356/F40-44     2109/F    3:20:41  0:10:46    6957  
 4838. Rachel Dick                     Sault Ste Marie ON      3:25:24  0:11:01    28/F15-19     2110/F    3:20:54  0:10:47    6785  
 4839. Jennifer Hall                   Ottawa ON               3:25:25  0:11:01   252/F25-29     2111/F    3:25:07  0:11:00    2842  
 4840. Judy Martin                     Hamilton ON             3:25:26  0:11:01    96/F55-59     2112/F    3:19:38  0:10:43    4432  
 4841. Cecilia Leander                 Toronto ON              3:25:26  0:11:01   371/F45-49     2113/F    3:23:01  0:10:53    3983  
 4842. Wendy Ruffle-Mcdonald           Mississauga ON          3:25:27  0:11:01   357/F40-44     2114/F    3:22:17  0:10:51    6013  
 4843. Charlyn Tremblay                Toronto ON              3:25:28  0:11:01   306/F30-34     2115/F    3:22:52  0:10:53    6965  
 4844. John Rose                       Toronto ON              3:25:29  0:11:01   109/M60-64     2727/M    3:20:17  0:10:45    5950  
 4845. Esther Pauls                    Hamilton ON             3:25:32  0:11:02    97/F55-59     2116/F    3:19:41  0:10:43    5393  
 4846. Mike Garwood                    Kanata ON               3:25:35  0:11:02   454/M50-54     2728/M    3:21:06  0:10:47    2490  
 4847. Cesidia Bianchi                 Toronto ON              3:25:35  0:11:02   358/F40-44     2117/F    3:22:46  0:10:53    620   
 4848. Erin Ohanley                    Toronto ON              3:25:36  0:11:02   253/F25-29     2118/F    3:20:34  0:10:46    5225  
 4849. Patricia Boost                  London ON               3:25:40  0:11:02    32/F60-64     2119/F    3:23:06  0:10:54    757   
 4850. Emily Logan                     London ON               3:25:40  0:11:02    98/F55-59     2120/F    3:23:06  0:10:54    4141  
 4851. Deborah Newhook                 Ottawa ON               3:25:41  0:11:02    99/F55-59     2121/F    3:19:32  0:10:42    5112  
 4852. Rhonda Cassibo                  Belleville ON           3:25:46  0:11:02   359/F40-44     2122/F    3:20:02  0:10:44    1188  
 4853. Jason Kay                       Kitchener ON            3:25:46  0:11:02   408/M35-39     2729/M    3:20:16  0:10:45    3559  
 4854. Kristin Hauff                   Hamilton ON             3:25:47  0:11:02   307/F30-34     2123/F    3:20:50  0:10:46    2971  
 4855. George Elliott                  Burlington ON           3:25:47  0:11:02   455/M50-54     2730/M    3:20:43  0:10:46    2094  
 4856. Nicky Slovitt                   Toronto ON              3:25:50  0:11:03   215/F50-54     2124/F    3:23:45  0:10:56    6433  
 4857. Carol Murray                    Mississauga ON          3:25:51  0:11:03   360/F40-44     2125/F    3:22:56  0:10:53    5031  
 4858. Jane Emans                      Milton ON               3:25:51  0:11:03   308/F30-34     2126/F    3:24:03  0:10:57    2112  
 4859. Maureen Buckley                 Toronto ON              3:25:51  0:11:03   361/F40-44     2127/F    3:22:57  0:10:53    1000  
 4860. Joel Apostolon                  Toronto ON              3:25:52  0:11:03   168/M25-29     2731/M    3:20:57  0:10:47    263   
 4861. Jill Pettit                     Grimsby ON              3:25:53  0:11:03   216/F50-54     2128/F    3:20:55  0:10:47    5494  
 4862. Gillian Warner                  Brookiln ON             3:25:54  0:11:03   344/F35-39     2129/F    3:20:38  0:10:46    7290  
 4863. Chad Irwin                      Brookiln ON             3:25:54  0:11:03   409/M35-39     2732/M    3:20:40  0:10:46    3322  
 4864. Mark Findlay                    Burlington ON           3:25:57  0:11:03   410/M35-39     2733/M    3:24:10  0:10:57    2266  
 4865. Wayne Boswell                   Vittoria ON             3:25:58  0:11:03   260/M55-59     2734/M    3:21:23  0:10:48    770   
 4866. Wendy S Wells                   Toronto ON              3:25:58  0:11:03   345/F35-39     2130/F    3:20:24  0:10:45    7365  
 4867. Brian Hathaway                  Stoney Creek ON         3:25:59  0:11:03   477/M45-49     2735/M    3:20:07  0:10:44    2965  
 4868. Christelle Smith                Chesley ON              3:26:00  0:11:03   309/F30-34     2131/F    3:23:18  0:10:54    6453  
 4869. Susan Vardon                    Toronto ON              3:26:02  0:11:03   372/F45-49     2132/F    3:22:31  0:10:52    7135  
 4870. Laura Bachmann                  Hamilton ON             3:26:03  0:11:03   362/F40-44     2133/F    3:23:32  0:10:55    342   
 4871. Kate Just                       Belleville ON           3:26:05  0:11:03   373/F45-49     2134/F    3:21:50  0:10:50    3508  
 4872. Christine Gripton               London ON               3:26:07  0:11:03   310/F30-34     2135/F    3:23:59  0:10:57    2745  
 4873. Myrianna Szagala                Toronto ON              3:26:10  0:11:04   311/F30-34     2136/F    3:21:58  0:10:50    6751  
 4874. Monica Lee                      Toronto ON              3:26:10  0:11:04   346/F35-39     2137/F    3:21:58  0:10:50    4016  
 4875. Aaron Hardwick                  Whitby ON               3:26:11  0:11:04   286/M30-34     2736/M    3:20:13  0:10:44    2912  
 4876. Diana Coletto                   Burlington ON           3:26:13  0:11:04   254/F25-29     2138/F    3:23:11  0:10:54    1411  
 4877. Monica Mera                     Richmond Hill ON        3:26:15  0:11:04   374/F45-49     2139/F    3:21:31  0:10:49    2503  
 4878. Randall Tipping                 Aurora ON               3:26:15  0:11:04   261/M55-59     2737/M    3:20:54  0:10:47    6903  
 4879. Blaine Groves                   Dundas ON               3:26:16  0:11:04   411/M35-39     2738/M    3:22:17  0:10:51    2756  
 4880. Evan Apostol                    Hamilton ON             3:26:16  0:11:04   169/M25-29     2739/M    3:22:17  0:10:51    262   
 4881. Daintry L Davis                 Oakville ON             3:26:22  0:11:04   217/F50-54     2140/F    3:20:28  0:10:45    1712  
 4882. Debbie Jones                    Oakville ON             3:26:22  0:11:04   375/F45-49     2141/F    3:20:29  0:10:45    3470  
 4883. Jeff Walraven                   Wilsonville ON          3:26:22  0:11:04   478/M45-49     2740/M    3:26:04  0:11:03    7257  
 4884. Alain Brule                     Orleans ON              3:26:23  0:11:04   440/M40-44     2741/M    3:23:41  0:10:56    974   
 4885. Jason Chartier                  Burlington ON           3:26:23  0:11:04   412/M35-39     2742/M    3:24:06  0:10:57    1256  
 4886. William Spaetzel                Kitchener ON            3:26:28  0:11:05   170/M25-29     2743/M    3:20:27  0:10:45    6518  
 4887. Christy Leroij                  Aurora ON               3:26:29  0:11:05    33/F60-64     2142/F    3:21:06  0:10:47    4047  
 4888. Michelle Duggan                 Toronto ON              3:26:29  0:11:05   363/F40-44     2143/F    3:20:53  0:10:47    2004  
 4889. Larry Ferguson                  Guelph ON               3:26:30  0:11:05   262/M55-59     2744/M    3:24:30  0:10:58    2235  
 4890. Nikki S Taylor                  St. Thomas ON           3:26:30  0:11:05   312/F30-34     2144/F    3:24:52  0:10:59    6816  
 4891. Patty Debassige                 M'Chigeeng ON           3:26:33  0:11:05   376/F45-49     2145/F    3:26:07  0:11:03    1755  
 4892. Angela Comeau                   Barrie ON               3:26:34  0:11:05   255/F25-29     2146/F    3:24:36  0:10:59    1429  
 4893. Ronda Macdonald                 Hamilton ON             3:26:34  0:11:05   377/F45-49     2147/F    3:25:31  0:11:01    4248  
 4894. Guy Charette                    Bowmanville ON          3:26:34  0:11:05   441/M40-44     2745/M    3:21:40  0:10:49    1249  
 4895. Nick Carnicelli                 Ancaster ON             3:26:37  0:11:05   479/M45-49     2746/M    3:24:39  0:10:59    1148  
 4896. Debbie Allen                    Burlington ON           3:26:40  0:11:05   378/F45-49     2148/F    3:22:53  0:10:53    188   
 4897. Meritt Harnett                  Burlington ON           3:26:40  0:11:05   364/F40-44     2149/F    3:22:53  0:10:53    2921  
 4898. Lisa Kennedy                    Barrie ON               3:26:46  0:11:06   256/F25-29     2150/F    3:23:00  0:10:53    3613  
 4899. Carrie Jones                    Kitchener ON            3:26:50  0:11:06   365/F40-44     2151/F    3:22:00  0:10:50    715   
 4900. Allen Holloway                  Hamilton ON             3:26:50  0:11:06    24/M65-69     2747/M    3:26:16  0:11:04    3149  
 4901. Tracy Irwin                     Stoney Creek ON         3:26:53  0:11:06   379/F45-49     2152/F    3:22:18  0:10:51    3326  
 4902. Dean Elliott                    New Liskeard ON         3:26:54  0:11:06   110/M60-64     2748/M    3:22:04  0:10:50    2093  
 4903. Ryan Stabler                    Peterborough ON         3:26:55  0:11:06   413/M35-39     2749/M    3:21:22  0:10:48    6565  
 4904. David B Gillespie               Peterborough ON         3:26:55  0:11:06   442/M40-44     2750/M    3:21:22  0:10:48    7709  
 4905. Valerio Ranieri                 Kanata ON               3:26:56  0:11:06   414/M35-39     2751/M    3:21:52  0:10:50    5716  
 4906. Deborah Ardron                  Hamilton ON             3:26:58  0:11:06   380/F45-49     2153/F    3:21:40  0:10:49    276   
 4907. Mark Edmonds                    Toronto ON              3:27:00  0:11:06   263/M55-59     2752/M    3:21:32  0:10:49    2070  
 4908. C. Will W Johnston              London ON               3:27:00  0:11:06    87/M20-24     2753/M    3:25:21  0:11:01    3443  
 4909. Stephanie Doyon                 Whitby ON               3:27:00  0:11:06   257/F25-29     2154/F    3:21:49  0:10:50    1964  
 4910. Anita L Ahrens                  Stoney Creek ON         3:27:01  0:11:06   313/F30-34     2155/F    3:23:49  0:10:56    141   
 4911. Chris A Weeks                   Bowmanville ON          3:27:01  0:11:06   480/M45-49     2754/M    3:21:03  0:10:47    7343  
 4912. Janice A Vanderschee            Dundas ON               3:27:02  0:11:06   366/F40-44     2156/F    3:21:32  0:10:49    7123  
 4913. Tanya N Riemann                 Guelph ON               3:27:02  0:11:06   347/F35-39     2157/F    3:21:31  0:10:49    5843  
 4914. Joanna Kervin                   Toronto ON              3:27:04  0:11:06   381/F45-49     2158/F    3:23:12  0:10:54    6239  
 4915. Meghan Trigg                    Oakville ON             3:27:06  0:11:07   258/F25-29     2159/F    3:25:33  0:11:02    6975  
 4916. Karen M Minna                   Orleans ON              3:27:08  0:11:07   348/F35-39     2160/F    3:22:49  0:10:53    4831  
 4917. David Cosby                     St. Catharines ON       3:27:10  0:11:07   287/M30-34     2755/M    3:24:32  0:10:58    1498  
 4918. Judy Yamamoto                   Mississauga ON          3:27:10  0:11:07   100/F55-59     2161/F    3:22:28  0:10:52    7624  
 4919. Paul Takala                     Ancaster ON             3:27:13  0:11:07   481/M45-49     2756/M    3:25:15  0:11:01    6759  
 4920. Maryanne Turner                 Cambridge ON            3:27:14  0:11:07   382/F45-49     2162/F    3:24:28  0:10:58    7018  
 4921. Laura Mounsteven                Carrying Place ON       3:27:16  0:11:07   314/F30-34     2163/F    3:23:09  0:10:54    4971  
 4922. Natalie Thompson                Burlington ON           3:27:17  0:11:07   315/F30-34     2164/F    3:22:45  0:10:53    6660  
 4923. Genevieve M Claveau             Barrie ON               3:27:19  0:11:07   316/F30-34     2165/F    3:27:15  0:11:07    1365  
 4924. Rajni Sachdeva                  Grimsby ON              3:27:20  0:11:07   101/F55-59     2166/F    3:25:26  0:11:01    6063  
 4925. Lori A Smith                    Woodstock ON            3:27:21  0:11:07   383/F45-49     2167/F    3:21:24  0:10:48    6477  
 4926. Chung-Yee Loo                   Toronto ON              3:27:21  0:11:07   367/F40-44     2168/F    3:24:04  0:10:57    4155  
 4927. Chris George                    Parry Sound ON          3:27:23  0:11:08   415/M35-39     2757/M    3:24:01  0:10:57    2524  
 4928. Martelle Marty                  Parry Sound ON          3:27:25  0:11:08   443/M40-44     2758/M    3:24:05  0:10:57    4447  
 4929. Deborah L Morrison              East Amherst NY         3:27:26  0:11:08   218/F50-54     2169/F    3:27:14  0:11:07    4942  
 4930. Genevieve Schweinbenz-Wallegham Hamiton ON              3:27:28  0:11:08   384/F45-49     2170/F    3:22:53  0:10:53    6197  
 4931. Elizabeth Izzo                  St. Catharines ON       3:27:30  0:11:08   317/F30-34     2171/F    3:23:31  0:10:55    3334  
 4932. Melissa M Sibio                 Burlington ON           3:27:33  0:11:08   259/F25-29     2172/F    3:22:15  0:10:51    6348  
 4933. Melissa Whetstone               Toronto ON              3:27:34  0:11:08   260/F25-29     2173/F    3:22:15  0:10:51    7396  
 4934. Becky Matthews                  Aylmer ON               3:27:34  0:11:08   349/F35-39     2174/F    3:26:36  0:11:05    4481  
 4935. Pat Surman                      Peterborough ON         3:27:37  0:11:08   219/F50-54     2175/F    3:22:27  0:10:52    6715  
 4936. Elizabeth Keighley              Nepean ON               3:27:37  0:11:08   385/F45-49     2176/F    3:21:37  0:10:49    3584  
 4937. Arleigh Romyn                   Ottawa ON               3:27:38  0:11:08   368/F40-44     2177/F    3:21:29  0:10:49    5929  
 4938. Cathy O'Neil                    Stittsville ON          3:27:38  0:11:08   102/F55-59     2178/F    3:21:38  0:10:49    5248  
 4939. Brian Dunbar                    Brampton ON             3:27:38  0:11:08   482/M45-49     2759/M    3:23:47  0:10:56    2010  
 4940. Joachim Anthes                  Toronto ON              3:27:38  0:11:08   483/M45-49     2760/M    3:21:39  0:10:49    256   
 4941. Gordon Smallwood                Napanee ON              3:27:38  0:11:08   111/M60-64     2761/M    3:24:48  0:10:59    6439  
 4942. Gerry P Angus                   Mississauga ON          3:27:39  0:11:08   456/M50-54     2762/M    3:22:31  0:10:52    248   
 4943. Paul Maltby                     Burlington ON           3:27:40  0:11:08   484/M45-49     2763/M    3:25:06  0:11:00    4348  
 4944. George Stern                    Thornhill ON            3:27:40  0:11:08    25/M65-69     2764/M    3:21:34  0:10:49    6611  
 4945. Venessa Bailey                  Brantford ON            3:27:40  0:11:08   350/F35-39     2179/F    3:25:31  0:11:01    361   
 4946. Bob Dann                        Toronto ON              3:27:41  0:11:08   264/M55-59     2765/M    3:22:19  0:10:51    1673  
 4947. Wanda J Day                     Mississauga ON          3:27:44  0:11:09   369/F40-44     2180/F    3:25:53  0:11:03    1728  
 4948. Colleen Eckert-Denver           London ON               3:27:44  0:11:09   103/F55-59     2181/F    3:25:22  0:11:01    2065  
 4949. Sarah Lewonas                   Waterdown ON            3:27:44  0:11:09   318/F30-34     2182/F    3:26:52  0:11:06    4078  
 4950. Scott Marshall                  Fergus ON               3:27:45  0:11:09   444/M40-44     2766/M    3:23:13  0:10:54    4408  
 4951. Ralph Richardson                Stittsville ON          3:27:46  0:11:09   457/M50-54     2767/M    3:21:56  0:10:50    5830  
 4952. Greg Brown                      Markham ON              3:27:47  0:11:09   485/M45-49     2768/M    3:22:28  0:10:52    933   
 4953. Lynda Brunelle                  Brampton ON             3:27:48  0:11:09   319/F30-34     2183/F    3:21:46  0:10:49    976   
 4954. Beth Doxsee                     Kingston ON             3:27:48  0:11:09   320/F30-34     2184/F    3:24:17  0:10:58    1959  
 4955. Christeen Walker                Whitby ON               3:27:50  0:11:09   321/F30-34     2185/F    3:22:28  0:10:52    7236  
 4956. Mathieu Roy                     Quebec QC               3:27:50  0:11:09   171/M25-29     2769/M    3:27:36  0:11:08    6001  
 4957. Victor Klenov                   Etobicoke ON            3:27:51  0:11:09   458/M50-54     2770/M    3:26:12  0:11:04    6918  
 4958. Denis A Kennedy                 Beamsville ON           3:27:51  0:11:09    26/M65-69     2771/M    3:25:12  0:11:00    3605  
 4959. Kerstin Helen-Thompson          Barrie ON               3:27:53  0:11:09   220/F50-54     2186/F    3:27:24  0:11:08    3021  
 4960. Mark Jordan                     Newmarket ON            3:27:54  0:11:09   486/M45-49     2772/M    3:21:43  0:10:49    3490  
 4961. Karen Dennison                  Barrie ON               3:27:54  0:11:09   370/F40-44     2187/F    3:27:24  0:11:08    1814  
 4962. Marcel Boucher                  Angus ON                3:27:56  0:11:09   445/M40-44     2773/M    3:27:21  0:11:07    775   
 4963. Ron Lyen                        Ottawa ON               3:27:58  0:11:09   446/M40-44     2774/M    3:23:36  0:10:55    4208  
 4964. Wendy Ferguson                  Waterloo ON             3:27:59  0:11:09   386/F45-49     2188/F    3:27:38  0:11:08    2239  
 4965. Susan Farrell                   Ottawa ON               3:27:59  0:11:09   322/F30-34     2189/F    3:25:32  0:11:02    2189  
 4966. Kate Corsten                    Ottawa ON               3:27:59  0:11:09   371/F40-44     2190/F    3:25:32  0:11:02    1495  
 4967. Helene Moore                    Milton ON               3:28:01  0:11:10   372/F40-44     2191/F    3:22:52  0:10:53    4891  
 4968. Pat Cranston                    Lambton Shores ON       3:28:01  0:11:10    34/F60-64     2192/F    3:22:10  0:10:51    1549  
 4969. Dominique C Kane                Gatineau QC             3:28:03  0:11:10   351/F35-39     2193/F    3:23:40  0:10:56    3533  
 4970. Drake Jennifer                  Hamilton ON             3:28:04  0:11:10   261/F25-29     2194/F    3:23:38  0:10:55    3393  
 4971. Sharon Gardiner                 Scarborough ON          3:28:04  0:11:10   387/F45-49     2195/F    3:25:27  0:11:01    2478  
 4972. Janet McConkey                  Kingston ON             3:28:07  0:11:10   221/F50-54     2196/F    3:25:05  0:11:00    4541  
 4973. Carol Fiddes                    Hamilton ON             3:28:07  0:11:10   352/F35-39     2197/F    3:23:08  0:10:54    2253  
 4974. Juliette Kenney                 Lasalle ON              3:28:09  0:11:10   353/F35-39     2198/F    3:25:56  0:11:03    3618  
 4975. Ron F Runstedler                Sarnia ON               3:28:09  0:11:10   265/M55-59     2775/M    3:24:02  0:10:57    6022  
 4976. Glenn Maclean                   Whitby ON               3:28:09  0:11:10   487/M45-49     2776/M    3:24:23  0:10:58    4288  
 4977. Shelley Maclean                 Whitby ON               3:28:09  0:11:10   388/F45-49     2199/F    3:24:23  0:10:58    4290  
 4978. Clare Crummey                   Toronto ON              3:28:10  0:11:10   323/F30-34     2200/F    3:25:15  0:11:01    1591  
 4979. Gabrielle Nadeau                Ottawa ON               3:28:12  0:11:10   389/F45-49     2201/F    3:25:48  0:11:02    5052  
 4980. Jane Papenhuyzen                Calgary AB              3:28:15  0:11:10   373/F40-44     2202/F    3:27:01  0:11:06    5318  
 4981. Leanne Holmes                   Whitby ON               3:28:16  0:11:10   262/F25-29     2203/F    3:23:06  0:10:54    3154  
 4982. Kim Matheson                    Mississauga ON          3:28:18  0:11:10   390/F45-49     2204/F    3:23:44  0:10:56    4470  
 4983. Angela Risi                     Brantford ON            3:28:18  0:11:10   391/F45-49     2205/F    3:25:29  0:11:01    5851  
 4984. Jerri Johns                     Mississauga ON          3:28:18  0:11:10   392/F45-49     2206/F    3:22:20  0:10:51    2282  
 4985. Lois Corey                      Dundas ON               3:28:22  0:11:11   104/F55-59     2207/F    3:23:19  0:10:54    1482  
 4986. Daniel Cyr                      Burlington ON           3:28:23  0:11:11   459/M50-54     2777/M    3:25:13  0:11:01    1630  
 4987. Anna McDonald                   Oakville ON             3:28:24  0:11:11   324/F30-34     2208/F    3:27:31  0:11:08    4566  
 4988. Lars Lars                       Acton ON                3:28:24  0:11:11   447/M40-44     2778/M    3:25:02  0:11:00    3919  
 4989. Sara E Morrison                 London ON               3:28:26  0:11:11   222/F50-54     2209/F    3:27:21  0:11:07    4949  
 4990. Rob Pelletier                   London ON               3:28:27  0:11:11   266/M55-59     2779/M    3:23:13  0:10:54    5425  
 4991. Jane Fetter                     Barrie ON               3:28:27  0:11:11   105/F55-59     2210/F    3:26:27  0:11:04    2251  
 4992. Nancy Houston                   Burlington ON           3:28:27  0:11:11   106/F55-59     2211/F    3:26:27  0:11:04    3208  
 4993. Raymond Dipasquale              Conesus NY              3:28:30  0:11:11   488/M45-49     2780/M    3:26:21  0:11:04    1891  
 4994. Collette E Pryce-Jones          Oakville ON             3:28:30  0:11:11    29/F15-19     2212/F    3:26:54  0:11:06    5643  
 4995. Kim A Bamford                   Oakville ON             3:28:31  0:11:11   354/F35-39     2213/F    3:26:54  0:11:06    398   
 4996. Margaret Wells                  Toronto ON              3:28:31  0:11:11    35/F60-64     2214/F    3:23:31  0:10:55    7364  
 4997. Tammy Bradley                   Belle River ON          3:28:32  0:11:11   374/F40-44     2215/F    3:24:26  0:10:58    835   
 4998. Susanne Meijer                  Toronto ON              3:28:33  0:11:11   393/F45-49     2216/F    3:25:56  0:11:03    4728  
 4999. Christine Macleod               Toronto ON              3:28:34  0:11:11   394/F45-49     2217/F    3:26:35  0:11:05    4293  
 5000. Lorna M Stewart                 Hamilton ON             3:28:34  0:11:11   375/F40-44     2218/F    3:23:59  0:10:57    6628  
 5001. Keiko Umemoto                   Toronto ON              3:28:36  0:11:11   355/F35-39     2219/F    3:24:08  0:10:57    7037  
 5002. Neil Whitaker                   Cayuga ON               3:28:36  0:11:11   489/M45-49     2781/M    3:23:47  0:10:56    7398  
 5003. Kevin Swift                     Grand Blanc MI          3:28:36  0:11:11   267/M55-59     2782/M    3:23:07  0:10:54    6740  
 5004. Merilee C Broom                 Hamilton ON             3:28:36  0:11:11   356/F35-39     2220/F    3:23:05  0:10:54    914   
 5005. Mark A Sinkovic                 Toronto ON              3:28:36  0:11:11   416/M35-39     2783/M    3:23:03  0:10:54    6393  
 5006. Leonard J Guchardi              Shelburne ON            3:28:39  0:11:12   460/M50-54     2784/M    3:25:16  0:11:01    2761  
 5007. Danpaul Paul                    Brampton ON             3:28:41  0:11:12   448/M40-44     2785/M    3:22:49  0:10:53    5388  
 5008. Donna Sardinha                  Brampton ON             3:28:42  0:11:12   223/F50-54     2221/F    3:26:30  0:11:05    6106  
 5009. Carol Cunningham                Whitby ON               3:28:45  0:11:12   376/F40-44     2222/F    3:26:15  0:11:04    1608  
 5010. Dave Aston                      Kitchener ON            3:28:45  0:11:12   417/M35-39     2786/M    3:27:57  0:11:09    308   
 5011. Roxann Staats                   Ohsweken ON             3:28:47  0:11:12   325/F30-34     2223/F    3:25:48  0:11:02    6564  
 5012. Debbie Nutson                   Sarnia ON               3:28:47  0:11:12   395/F45-49     2224/F    3:23:02  0:10:54    5181  
 5013. Amarantha Bake                  St. Catharines ON       3:28:48  0:11:12   111/F20-24     2225/F    3:24:52  0:10:59    371   
 5014. Betty Sellars                   Oakville ON             3:28:48  0:11:12   224/F50-54     2226/F    3:23:23  0:10:55    6238  
 5015. Tricia Johnston                 Burlington ON           3:28:48  0:11:12   357/F35-39     2227/F    3:25:37  0:11:02    3458  
 5016. Colleen Delaney                 Guelph ON               3:28:52  0:11:12   112/F20-24     2228/F    3:25:22  0:11:01    1780  
 5017. Chris Galea                     Oakville ON             3:28:52  0:11:12   490/M45-49     2787/M    3:25:43  0:11:02    2454  
 5018. Brian K Hum                     Toronto ON              3:28:54  0:11:12    88/M20-24     2788/M    3:27:16  0:11:07    3245  
 5019. Amanda Britton                  Mississauga ON          3:28:54  0:11:12   263/F25-29     2229/F    3:25:44  0:11:02    895   
 5020. Alex (Sash) Querbach            Windsor ON              3:28:55  0:11:12   418/M35-39     2789/M    3:24:38  0:10:59    5668  
 5021. Michele Fenton                  Orillia ON              3:28:57  0:11:13   377/F40-44     2230/F    3:24:09  0:10:57    2223  
 5022. Linda San Agustin               Whitby ON               3:28:57  0:11:13   378/F40-44     2231/F    3:24:26  0:10:58    6088  
 5023. Cameron Dyck                    Hamilton ON             3:28:58  0:11:13    89/M20-24     2790/M    3:23:59  0:10:57    2044  
 5024. Nicole Kamphuis                 Scarborough ON          3:28:58  0:11:13   396/F45-49     2232/F    3:25:15  0:11:01    3529  
 5025. Georgette Broadfoot             Amherstburg ON          3:28:58  0:11:13   379/F40-44     2233/F    3:24:51  0:10:59    899   
 5026. Dennette Woodworth              Woodstock ON            3:28:58  0:11:13   380/F40-44     2234/F    3:23:35  0:10:55    7589  
 5027. Brent Loyer                     Chatham ON              3:28:58  0:11:13     5/M70-74     2791/M    3:23:35  0:10:55    4181  
 5028. Brittany Lind                   Burlington ON           3:28:59  0:11:13   113/F20-24     2235/F    3:24:40  0:10:59    4101  
 5029. Brooke Taylor                   Hamilton ON             3:28:59  0:11:13   264/F25-29     2236/F    3:24:52  0:10:59    6795  
 5030. Forsyth Shirley                 Hamilton ON             3:29:02  0:11:13   397/F45-49     2237/F    3:26:03  0:11:03    6337  
 5031. Mary Sweetlove                  Casselman ON            3:29:06  0:11:13   225/F50-54     2238/F    3:27:23  0:11:08    6738  
 5032. Kathleen Turner                 Oakville ON             3:29:07  0:11:13   265/F25-29     2239/F    3:23:40  0:10:56    7017  
 5033. Alice Cudmore                   Oakville ON             3:29:07  0:11:13   114/F20-24     2240/F    3:23:40  0:10:56    1595  
 5034. Edna M Pybus                    Welland ON              3:29:11  0:11:13   107/F55-59     2241/F    3:24:46  0:10:59    5657  
 5035. Norman Thompson                 Smithville ON           3:29:14  0:11:13   491/M45-49     2792/M    3:23:44  0:10:56    6871  
 5036. Kashif M Sayed                  Mississauga ON          3:29:15  0:11:14   288/M30-34     2793/M    3:27:44  0:11:09    6133  
 5037. Laura Daly-Trottier             North Bay ON            3:29:17  0:11:14   381/F40-44     2242/F    3:24:56  0:11:00    1662  
 5038. Colleen Davidson                Newmarket ON            3:29:17  0:11:14   382/F40-44     2243/F    3:24:26  0:10:58    1697  
 5039. Lori Brooks                     Corbeil ON              3:29:18  0:11:14    36/F60-64     2244/F    3:25:08  0:11:00    912   
 5040. Sylvie Guenette                 Sudbury ON              3:29:19  0:11:14   398/F45-49     2245/F    3:24:02  0:10:57    2766  
 5041. Diane T Parent                  Sudbury ON              3:29:19  0:11:14   108/F55-59     2246/F    3:24:03  0:10:57    5328  
 5042. Pamela Franklin                 Alliston ON             3:29:20  0:11:14   358/F35-39     2247/F    3:26:32  0:11:05    2378  
 5043. Johnny Wong                     Richmond Hill ON        3:29:20  0:11:14   449/M40-44     2794/M    3:26:31  0:11:05    7557  
 5044. Stefania Salzer                 Hamilton ON             3:29:22  0:11:14    30/F15-19     2248/F    3:29:07  0:11:13    6080  
 5045. Diane Trafford                  Bobcaygeon ON           3:29:24  0:11:14   399/F45-49     2249/F    3:26:27  0:11:04    6954  
 5046. Mark Trafford                   Bobcaygeon ON           3:29:24  0:11:14   461/M50-54     2795/M    3:26:26  0:11:04    6955  
 5047. Nancy Rumble                    Hamilton ON             3:29:24  0:11:14   266/F25-29     2250/F    3:27:34  0:11:08    6017  
 5048. George Novakovich               Ancaster ON             3:29:24  0:11:14   492/M45-49     2796/M    3:27:53  0:11:09    5168  
 5049. Ben Irvine                      Toronto ON              3:29:26  0:11:14   172/M25-29     2797/M    3:26:15  0:11:04    3319  
 5050. Martin Kuhn                     Hillsdale ON            3:29:27  0:11:14   419/M35-39     2798/M    3:26:51  0:11:06    3815  
 5051. Christine Silva                 Toronto ON              3:29:28  0:11:14   326/F30-34     2251/F    3:24:35  0:10:58    6362  
 5052. Jennifer Lake                   Oakville ON             3:29:30  0:11:14   327/F30-34     2252/F    3:26:24  0:11:04    3874  
 5053. Laurie Di Giulio                Brampton ON             3:29:36  0:11:15   328/F30-34     2253/F    3:28:04  0:11:10    1850  
 5054. Mani Salkeld                    Barrie ON               3:29:36  0:11:15   400/F45-49     2254/F    3:29:06  0:11:13    6072  
 5055. Shannon Lindsay                 Hamilton ON             3:29:37  0:11:15   359/F35-39     2255/F    3:24:58  0:11:00    4108  
 5056. Karen Villabroza                Hamilton ON             3:29:37  0:11:15   360/F35-39     2256/F    3:24:58  0:11:00    7181  
 5057. Michelle Barnes                 Brampton ON             3:29:37  0:11:15   383/F40-44     2257/F    3:26:17  0:11:04    437   
 5058. Renata Schreier                 Toronto ON              3:29:38  0:11:15   115/F20-24     2258/F    3:25:26  0:11:01    6180  
 5059. Michael Scott                   Courtice ON             3:29:39  0:11:15   462/M50-54     2799/M    3:25:00  0:11:00    6212  
 5060. Sabrina Crocker                 Brampton ON             3:29:39  0:11:15   329/F30-34     2259/F    3:26:20  0:11:04    2488  
 5061. Charles Irish                   Borden ON               3:29:39  0:11:15   420/M35-39     2800/M    3:27:36  0:11:08    3318  
 5062. Jennifer J Scott                Courtice ON             3:29:39  0:11:15   116/F20-24     2260/F    3:25:00  0:11:00    6208  
 5063. Day Glen                        Nepean ON               3:29:41  0:11:15   173/M25-29     2801/M    3:28:12  0:11:10    2604  
 5064. Jolene Savoie                   Ottawa ON               3:29:41  0:11:15   330/F30-34     2261/F    3:28:12  0:11:10    6127  
 5065. Tammy Strong                    Binbrook ON             3:29:41  0:11:15   384/F40-44     2262/F    3:25:51  0:11:03    6678  
 5066. Randy McIntosh                  Toronto ON              3:29:44  0:11:15   493/M45-49     2802/M    3:27:40  0:11:08    2866  
 5067. Doug Anderson                   Hamilton ON             3:29:47  0:11:15   268/M55-59     2803/M    3:27:30  0:11:08    214   
 5068. Joanne Halldorson               Toronto ON              3:29:49  0:11:15   401/F45-49     2263/F    3:24:40  0:10:59    2847  
 5069. Brian McCluskey                 Dundas ON               3:29:49  0:11:15   269/M55-59     2804/M    3:27:44  0:11:09    4534  
 5070. Lorri Taylor                    Plainfield ON           3:29:50  0:11:15   402/F45-49     2264/F    3:29:23  0:11:14    6807  
 5071. Marlissa M Flint                Toronto ON              3:29:54  0:11:16   117/F20-24     2265/F    3:25:26  0:11:01    2313  
 5072. Lucy A Eveleigh                 Toronto ON              3:29:54  0:11:16   331/F30-34     2266/F    3:25:26  0:11:01    2153  
 5073. David Hampton                   Toronto ON              3:29:56  0:11:16   112/M60-64     2805/M    3:24:09  0:10:57    2883  
 5074. Anila Dada                      Mississauga ON          3:29:58  0:11:16   361/F35-39     2267/F    3:25:17  0:11:01    4322  
 5075. Kate Laing                      Orangeville ON          3:30:00  0:11:16   332/F30-34     2268/F    3:24:38  0:10:59    3868  
 5076. Carly Crippin                   Toronto ON              3:30:01  0:11:16   362/F35-39     2269/F    3:28:50  0:11:12    1566  
 5077. Jeremy Steinbach                Binbrook ON             3:30:01  0:11:16   174/M25-29     2806/M    3:26:16  0:11:04    6591  
 5078. Amy Grant                       Binbrook ON             3:30:02  0:11:16   267/F25-29     2270/F    3:25:56  0:11:03    2681  
 5079. Linda Inouye                    Burlington ON           3:30:03  0:11:16   363/F35-39     2271/F    3:26:54  0:11:06    3314  
 5080. Gianfranco Ianiri               Beamsville ON           3:30:03  0:11:16   494/M45-49     2807/M    3:25:12  0:11:00    3293  
 5081. Richard Robertson               Niagara Falls ON        3:30:06  0:11:16   289/M30-34     2808/M    3:25:48  0:11:02    5877  
 5082. Patti McCahill                  Sarnia ON               3:30:10  0:11:16   109/F55-59     2272/F    3:24:18  0:10:58    4515  
 5083. Lorelei Amlin                   Greenwood ON            3:30:10  0:11:16   226/F50-54     2273/F    3:27:28  0:11:08    205   
 5084. Richard Felton                  Sarnia ON               3:30:10  0:11:16    27/M65-69     2809/M    3:24:24  0:10:58    2218  
 5085. Kristina Walker                 Guelph ON               3:30:11  0:11:17   364/F35-39     2274/F    3:27:00  0:11:06    7239  
 5086. Alisha Prater                   Ottawa ON               3:30:11  0:11:17   333/F30-34     2275/F    3:27:26  0:11:08    5608  
 5087. Melina Fachin                   Hamilton ON             3:30:12  0:11:17    31/F15-19     2276/F    3:25:02  0:11:00    2165  
 5088. Chris Robertson                 Toronto ON              3:30:13  0:11:17   495/M45-49     2810/M    3:27:29  0:11:08    5874  
 5089. Anita Bedi                      Toronto ON              3:30:16  0:11:17   365/F35-39     2277/F    3:28:13  0:11:10    518   
 5090. Erin Manchester                 Toronto ON              3:30:21  0:11:17   334/F30-34     2278/F    3:26:36  0:11:05    4350  
 5091. Chris Sutherland                Barrie ON               3:30:24  0:11:17   450/M40-44     2811/M    3:27:51  0:11:09    6717  
 5092. Stephanie Dunne                 Nepean ON               3:30:28  0:11:17   110/F55-59     2279/F    3:24:37  0:10:59    2023  
 5093. Lisa May Huby                   Barrie ON               3:30:29  0:11:17   403/F45-49     2280/F    3:26:21  0:11:04    3227  
 5094. Lester Coloma                   Hamilton ON             3:30:29  0:11:17   451/M40-44     2812/M    3:25:55  0:11:03    1425  
 5095. Lynn Knapman                    Oakville ON             3:30:33  0:11:18   227/F50-54     2281/F    3:25:07  0:11:00    3721  
 5096. Andrew Putman                   Oshawa ON               3:30:37  0:11:18    90/M20-24     2813/M    3:27:57  0:11:09    5655  
 5097. Jim Crummey                     Toronto ON              3:30:38  0:11:18   113/M60-64     2814/M    3:27:42  0:11:09    1592  
 5098. Wojtek Wiercioch                Mississauga ON          3:30:39  0:11:18   175/M25-29     2815/M    3:25:49  0:11:02    7438  
 5099. Lisa Whiting Holdswort          Whitby ON               3:30:40  0:11:18   404/F45-49     2282/F    3:27:13  0:11:07    7409  
 5100. Roberta Reid                    Burlington ON           3:30:42  0:11:18   268/F25-29     2283/F    3:24:43  0:10:59    5775  
 5101. Erika Morris                    Metcalfe ON             3:30:45  0:11:18   335/F30-34     2284/F    3:24:54  0:11:00    4936  
 5102. Jeff J Cotter                   Brantford ON            3:30:47  0:11:18   421/M35-39     2816/M    3:29:13  0:11:13    1507  
 5103. Susan Clark                     Oakville ON             3:30:48  0:11:18   111/F55-59     2285/F    3:26:34  0:11:05    1353  
 5104. Katie James                     Welland ON              3:30:48  0:11:18    32/F15-19     2286/F    3:25:59  0:11:03    3349  
 5105. Dolores Wharton                 Oakville ON             3:30:48  0:11:18   228/F50-54     2287/F    3:25:18  0:11:01    7390  
 5106. Thomas Daley                    Sparta NJ               3:30:50  0:11:19   114/M60-64     2817/M    3:29:10  0:11:13    1651  
 5107. Diane Akerlery                  Grimsby ON              3:30:51  0:11:19   229/F50-54     2288/F    3:26:48  0:11:06    153   
 5108. Joanne Gibson                   Hamilton ON             3:30:52  0:11:19   385/F40-44     2289/F    3:24:50  0:10:59    2553  
 5109. Heather Haldane                 London ON               3:30:52  0:11:19   386/F40-44     2290/F    3:24:50  0:10:59    2835  
 5110. Laura Muirhead                  Toronto ON              3:30:55  0:11:19   387/F40-44     2291/F    3:26:34  0:11:05    4987  
 5111. Laura Bruno                     Toronto ON              3:30:56  0:11:19   366/F35-39     2292/F    3:26:34  0:11:05    981   
 5112. John J Quinlan                  Toronto ON              3:30:57  0:11:19   270/M55-59     2818/M    3:28:52  0:11:12    5673  
 5113. Marianne Lee                    London ON               3:30:59  0:11:19   230/F50-54     2293/F    3:28:59  0:11:13    4013  
 5114. Ruud Veldhuizen                 London ON               3:30:59  0:11:19   496/M45-49     2819/M    3:28:59  0:11:13    7149  
 5115. Katherine Tryjankowski          Buffalo NY              3:31:01  0:11:19   118/F20-24     2294/F    3:24:54  0:11:00    6988  
 5116. Michelle Rumney                 Barrie ON               3:31:02  0:11:19   405/F45-49     2295/F    3:29:23  0:11:14    6018  
 5117. Scott Moore                     Hamilton ON             3:31:03  0:11:19    17/M15-19     2820/M    3:27:31  0:11:08    4893  
 5118. Charissa Jenken                 Ottawa ON               3:31:03  0:11:19   269/F25-29     2296/F    3:28:10  0:11:10    3385  
 5119. Pardeep Singh                   Hamilton ON             3:31:03  0:11:19   290/M30-34     2821/M    3:29:36  0:11:15    6392  
 5120. Angela Miller                   Toronto ON              3:31:07  0:11:20   367/F35-39     2297/F    3:31:07  0:11:20    4791  
 5121. Don H H Weber                   Dundas ON               3:31:10  0:11:20   115/M60-64     2822/M    3:28:01  0:11:10    7336  
 5122. Wendy Cormier                   Brantford ON            3:31:10  0:11:20   231/F50-54     2298/F    3:27:06  0:11:07    1487  
 5123. Jennifer Ippolito               Ancaster ON             3:31:11  0:11:20   388/F40-44     2299/F    3:25:55  0:11:03    7719  
 5124. Becca Smith                     Springfield ON          3:31:12  0:11:20   270/F25-29     2300/F    3:28:18  0:11:10    6449  
 5125. Debbie J Diamond                Dundas ON               3:31:14  0:11:20   389/F40-44     2301/F    3:27:01  0:11:06    1855  
 5126. Maria McEwen                    Brantford ON            3:31:15  0:11:20   390/F40-44     2302/F    3:28:24  0:11:11    4587  
 5127. Audrey Stephan                  Brantford ON            3:31:15  0:11:20   406/F45-49     2303/F    3:28:25  0:11:11    6603  
 5128. Leslie Anne Patry               Cumberland ON           3:31:15  0:11:20   232/F50-54     2304/F    3:26:42  0:11:05    5376  
 5129. Helene Tremblay-Allen           Gatineau QC             3:31:17  0:11:20   112/F55-59     2305/F    3:28:07  0:11:10    6971  
 5130. Darlene Sabourin                Ottawa ON               3:31:18  0:11:20   407/F45-49     2306/F    3:30:40  0:11:18    6060  
 5131. Reynaldo Eusebio                Oakville ON             3:31:19  0:11:20   271/M55-59     2823/M    3:25:59  0:11:03    2144  
 5132. Janice Nicholls                 Chesley ON              3:31:19  0:11:20   408/F45-49     2307/F    3:28:07  0:11:10    5135  
 5133. Lorena Rosettani                Fort Erie ON            3:31:21  0:11:20   391/F40-44     2308/F    3:28:57  0:11:13    5957  
 5134. Ken J Ashcroft                  Kitchener ON            3:31:21  0:11:20   272/M55-59     2824/M    3:26:26  0:11:04    298   
 5135. Kerry Chancellor-Maddison       Hamilton ON             3:31:22  0:11:20   233/F50-54     2309/F    3:25:43  0:11:02    1232  
 5136. Keith Hodgson                   Barrie ON               3:31:23  0:11:20   497/M45-49     2825/M    3:27:06  0:11:07    3123  
 5137. Carmen Van Dongen               St. Catharines ON       3:31:25  0:11:20   392/F40-44     2310/F    3:26:19  0:11:04    7082  
 5138. Sharon Leon                     Grimsby ON              3:31:27  0:11:21   393/F40-44     2311/F    3:26:28  0:11:05    4042  
 5139. Jennifer P Malcolm              Toronto ON              3:31:27  0:11:21   368/F35-39     2312/F    3:26:55  0:11:06    4335  
 5140. Sheila A Yendt                  Kitchener ON            3:31:29  0:11:21   234/F50-54     2313/F    3:30:55  0:11:19    7634  
 5141. Tanya Lindsay                   Aurora ON               3:31:30  0:11:21   369/F35-39     2314/F    3:26:47  0:11:06    4109  
 5142. Marc Bernard                    Stoney Creek ON         3:31:34  0:11:21   273/M55-59     2826/M    3:26:52  0:11:06    590   
 5143. Anne Cairns                     Scarborough ON          3:31:36  0:11:21    37/F60-64     2315/F    3:28:03  0:11:10    1069  
 5144. Debra A Collins                 Hamilton ON             3:31:36  0:11:21   409/F45-49     2316/F    3:25:40  0:11:02    1420  
 5145. Hill Paula                      Ohsweken ON             3:31:37  0:11:21   394/F40-44     2317/F    3:26:43  0:11:05    5390  
 5146. Wendy E Siddall                 Dunnville ON            3:31:39  0:11:21   395/F40-44     2318/F    3:26:52  0:11:06    6353  
 5147. Laura McQuinn                   Toronto ON              3:31:40  0:11:21   271/F25-29     2319/F    3:26:22  0:11:04    4699  
 5148. Alison M Fleming                Toronto ON              3:31:41  0:11:21   272/F25-29     2320/F    3:26:25  0:11:04    2302  
 5149. Andrea Wobick                   Toronto ON              3:31:42  0:11:21   336/F30-34     2321/F    3:28:15  0:11:10    7542  
 5150. Jeff Demchuk                    Toronto ON              3:31:46  0:11:22   291/M30-34     2827/M    3:27:19  0:11:07    1797  
 5151. Sandra Warren                   Burlington ON           3:31:46  0:11:22   113/F55-59     2322/F    3:27:00  0:11:06    7296  
 5152. Ellicia Demchuk                 Toronto ON              3:31:46  0:11:22   273/F25-29     2323/F    3:27:19  0:11:07    1796  
 5153. Derek Bryson                    Burlington ON           3:31:47  0:11:22   463/M50-54     2828/M    3:27:00  0:11:06    7507  
 5154. Robyn Draaistera                Brantford ON            3:31:48  0:11:22   337/F30-34     2324/F    3:28:50  0:11:12    2458  
 5155. Marc-Andre Trudeau              Terrebonne QC           3:31:49  0:11:22   452/M40-44     2829/M    3:30:18  0:11:17    6983  
 5156. Derek Gilham                    Milton ON               3:31:51  0:11:22   498/M45-49     2830/M    3:27:08  0:11:07    2571  
 5157. Karen Michaels                  Niagara Falls NY        3:31:51  0:11:22   396/F40-44     2325/F    3:27:23  0:11:08    4774  
 5158. George Waggott                  Toronto ON              3:31:53  0:11:22   453/M40-44     2831/M    3:27:44  0:11:09    7219  
 5159. Karl Christian                  Callander ON            3:31:56  0:11:22   274/M55-59     2832/M    3:27:47  0:11:09    1305  
 5160. Royal Boult                     Mississauga ON          3:31:58  0:11:22   275/M55-59     2833/M    3:26:42  0:11:05    783   
 5161. Myrna Coleman                   Mississauga ON          3:32:02  0:11:22   235/F50-54     2326/F    3:26:05  0:11:03    1408  
 5162. Trevor Bloemendal               Guelph ON               3:32:02  0:11:22   176/M25-29     2834/M    3:26:06  0:11:03    698   
 5163. Crystal N Beamer                Elmira ON               3:32:04  0:11:23   370/F35-39     2327/F    3:27:37  0:11:08    489   
 5164. Heather Leslie                  Mississauga ON          3:32:06  0:11:23   338/F30-34     2328/F    3:30:44  0:11:18    4051  
 5165. Margaret Braun                  Sarnia ON               3:32:10  0:11:23   274/F25-29     2329/F    3:29:47  0:11:15    858   
 5166. Keeley Wylie                    Toronto ON              3:32:10  0:11:23   339/F30-34     2330/F    3:26:09  0:11:04    6827  
 5167. Jeff Steinbach                  Caledonia ON            3:32:14  0:11:23   177/M25-29     2835/M    3:28:29  0:11:11    6590  
 5168. Bob Johnston                    Brampton ON             3:32:16  0:11:23   454/M40-44     2836/M    3:26:25  0:11:04    3441  
 5169. Nick Muia                       Niagara On The Lake ON  3:32:17  0:11:23   276/M55-59     2837/M    3:27:24  0:11:08    4984  
 5170. Lea Ladouceur                   Oshawa ON               3:32:21  0:11:23   397/F40-44     2331/F    3:26:38  0:11:05    3857  
 5171. Sue Wheelband                   Ashburn ON              3:32:21  0:11:23   410/F45-49     2332/F    3:26:37  0:11:05    7394  
 5172. Mia Cassidy                     Oshawa ON               3:32:21  0:11:23   411/F45-49     2333/F    3:26:37  0:11:05    1192  
 5173. Teresa Spence                   Oshawa ON               3:32:21  0:11:23   412/F45-49     2334/F    3:26:38  0:11:05    6538  
 5174. Barbara Mech                    Oakville ON             3:32:21  0:11:23   413/F45-49     2335/F    3:26:23  0:11:04    4716  
 5175. Andrea Cartile                  Kingston ON             3:32:22  0:11:24   414/F45-49     2336/F    3:27:51  0:11:09    1174  
 5176. Eva Lau                         Toronto ON              3:32:22  0:11:24    38/F60-64     2337/F    3:26:20  0:11:04    3932  
 5177. Chris Nardi                     Burlington ON           3:32:27  0:11:24   455/M40-44     2838/M    3:26:47  0:11:06    5061  
 5178. Veronica Faubert                Lasalle ON              3:32:32  0:11:24   114/F55-59     2338/F    3:27:50  0:11:09    2192  
 5179. Zac Helwig Munroe               Hamilton ON             3:32:34  0:11:24   178/M25-29     2839/M    3:27:44  0:11:09    3022  
 5180. Julia Pemberton                 Hamilton ON             3:32:34  0:11:24   340/F30-34     2339/F    3:27:44  0:11:09    5428  
 5181. David Veltman-Robert            Burlington ON           3:32:35  0:11:24    91/M20-24     2840/M    3:28:47  0:11:12    7154  
 5182. Martin Blanchette               Val-D'or QC             3:32:35  0:11:24   456/M40-44     2841/M    3:30:16  0:11:17    686   
 5183. Guy Charpentier                 Oshawa ON               3:32:38  0:11:24   499/M45-49     2842/M    3:29:34  0:11:15    1255  
 5184. Alyssa Weir                     Brampton ON             3:32:38  0:11:24   119/F20-24     2340/F    3:28:33  0:11:11    7353  
 5185. Mary Loeser                     Burlington ON           3:32:39  0:11:24   115/F55-59     2341/F    3:28:25  0:11:11    4136  
 5186. Emily Pellatt                   Edmonton AB             3:32:46  0:11:25   120/F20-24     2342/F    3:31:10  0:11:20    5421  
 5187. Christine Hitchen               Woodstock ON            3:32:47  0:11:25   341/F30-34     2343/F    3:26:49  0:11:06    3105  
 5188. Michael Galan                   Newmarket ON            3:32:47  0:11:25   422/M35-39     2843/M    3:28:31  0:11:11    2451  
 5189. Adam Kostandoff                 Stouffville ON          3:32:48  0:11:25    18/M15-19     2844/M    3:31:13  0:11:20    3769  
 5190. Sharon Maynard                  Burlington ON           3:32:53  0:11:25   236/F50-54     2344/F    3:27:35  0:11:08    4493  
 5191. Heidi Grant                     Oshawa ON               3:32:56  0:11:25   275/F25-29     2345/F    3:27:34  0:11:08    2684  
 5192. Laura Seaman                    Kitchener ON            3:32:57  0:11:25   342/F30-34     2346/F    3:29:51  0:11:15    6225  
 5193. David H Robinson                Hartington ON           3:32:58  0:11:25   464/M50-54     2845/M    3:30:18  0:11:17    5883  
 5194. Colleen Maunder                 Campbellville ON        3:32:59  0:11:26   398/F40-44     2347/F    3:27:56  0:11:09    4485  
 5195. Mark A Shulman                  Woodstock ON            3:33:00  0:11:26   277/M55-59     2846/M    3:28:08  0:11:10    6346  
 5196. Colleen A Marshall              Hamilton ON             3:33:01  0:11:26   415/F45-49     2348/F    3:27:05  0:11:07    4404  
 5197. Sonya L Von Svoboda             Pickering ON            3:33:02  0:11:26   399/F40-44     2349/F    3:28:16  0:11:10    7201  
 5198. Tracey Pace                     London ON               3:33:04  0:11:26   416/F45-49     2350/F    3:28:01  0:11:10    5281  
 5199. Ursola Azar                     Richmond Hill ON        3:33:05  0:11:26   371/F35-39     2351/F    3:29:29  0:11:14    334   
 5200. Anita M Bosagri                 Brantford ON            3:33:05  0:11:26   400/F40-44     2352/F    3:30:19  0:11:17    767   
 5201. Pauline Wall                    Brantford ON            3:33:06  0:11:26   372/F35-39     2353/F    3:30:19  0:11:17    7250  
 5202. Miranda Wingate                 Lethbridge AB           3:33:06  0:11:26   417/F45-49     2354/F    3:27:09  0:11:07    7529  
 5203. Allan Rosario                   Newmarket ON            3:33:06  0:11:26   500/M45-49     2847/M    3:27:53  0:11:09    5946  
 5204. Joanna Waller                   Binbrook ON             3:33:07  0:11:26   343/F30-34     2355/F    3:31:47  0:11:22    7253  
 5205. Christine Beer                  London ON               3:33:08  0:11:26   401/F40-44     2356/F    3:32:13  0:11:23    523   
 5206. Sean Beer                       London ON               3:33:08  0:11:26   501/M45-49     2848/M    3:32:12  0:11:23    524   
 5207. Lina Beltrano                   Hamilton ON             3:33:12  0:11:26   344/F30-34     2357/F    3:29:36  0:11:15    550   
 5208. Kayla Shine                     Barrie ON               3:33:13  0:11:26   121/F20-24     2358/F    3:30:15  0:11:17    6335  
 5209. Yuklin Wilson                   Mississauga ON          3:33:14  0:11:26   237/F50-54     2359/F    3:30:19  0:11:17    7522  
 5210. Louise Won                      Toronto ON              3:33:15  0:11:26   418/F45-49     2360/F    3:27:46  0:11:09    7553  
 5211. Greg Rousell                    Burlington ON           3:33:16  0:11:26   423/M35-39     2849/M    3:28:11  0:11:10    5984  
 5212. Melva D Detailleur              Chatham ON              3:33:16  0:11:26   402/F40-44     2361/F    3:28:46  0:11:12    1830  
 5213. Marie-France Gauvin             Niagara On The Lake ON  3:33:16  0:11:26   345/F30-34     2362/F    3:30:23  0:11:17    2502  
 5214. Therese M McLoughlin            Petawawa ON             3:33:18  0:11:27   419/F45-49     2363/F    3:29:16  0:11:14    4656  
 5215. Emma Iserman                    Milton ON               3:33:19  0:11:27   346/F30-34     2364/F    3:28:56  0:11:12    3328  
 5216. Fred Nettle                     Welland ON              3:33:20  0:11:27   116/M60-64     2850/M    3:30:19  0:11:17    5104  
 5217. Linda Di-Loreto-Smits           London ON               3:33:21  0:11:27   420/F45-49     2365/F    3:31:14  0:11:20    7726  
 5218. Tina Melbourne                  Brockville ON           3:33:22  0:11:27   421/F45-49     2366/F    3:30:00  0:11:16    4731  
 5219. Loren Howes-Jones               Kitchener ON            3:33:23  0:11:27   276/F25-29     2367/F    3:30:45  0:11:18    3214  
 5220. Jason Barwegen                  Kitchener ON            3:33:25  0:11:27   424/M35-39     2851/M    3:30:46  0:11:18    463   
 5221. Mark Buckland                   Washago ON              3:33:25  0:11:27   457/M40-44     2852/M    3:27:44  0:11:09    998   
 5222. Chris E Dehoog                  Hamilton ON             3:33:26  0:11:27   502/M45-49     2853/M    3:29:09  0:11:13    1767  
 5223. Colleen Sweeney                 Tillsonburg ON          3:33:26  0:11:27   422/F45-49     2368/F    3:29:30  0:11:14    6733  
 5224. Allison G Stoneburgh            Burlington ON           3:33:27  0:11:27   403/F40-44     2369/F    3:28:20  0:11:11    6654  
 5225. Rachel Brain                    Sault Ste Marie ON      3:33:27  0:11:27    33/F15-19     2370/F    3:28:57  0:11:13    840   
 5226. Linda Yamamoto                  Burlington ON           3:33:27  0:11:27   404/F40-44     2371/F    3:28:08  0:11:10    7625  
 5227. Kate Vander Zaag                Alliston ON             3:33:29  0:11:27   238/F50-54     2372/F    3:27:13  0:11:07    7118  
 5228. Joe Gribben                     Paris ON                3:33:31  0:11:27   292/M30-34     2854/M    3:28:48  0:11:12    2726  
 5229. Candace Ellsworth               Sudbury ON              3:33:31  0:11:27   423/F45-49     2373/F    3:29:01  0:11:13    2106  
 5230. Rich Elmer                      Greensville ON          3:33:34  0:11:27   425/M35-39     2855/M    3:28:56  0:11:12    2107  
 5231. Andy Edmonds                    Greensville ON          3:33:34  0:11:27   503/M45-49     2856/M    3:28:57  0:11:13    2069  
 5232. Christian Jarman                Oakville ON             3:33:35  0:11:27   426/M35-39     2857/M    3:31:10  0:11:20    3368  
 5233. Katharine Harris                Toronto ON              3:33:35  0:11:27   347/F30-34     2374/F    3:29:43  0:11:15    7703  
 5234. Elaine Melchers                 Komoka ON               3:33:36  0:11:28   277/F25-29     2375/F    3:31:01  0:11:19    4732  
 5235. Sara Blanchett                  Kitchener ON            3:33:36  0:11:28   348/F30-34     2376/F    3:30:14  0:11:17    685   
 5236. Brian Holditch                  Burlington ON           3:33:40  0:11:28   465/M50-54     2858/M    3:29:33  0:11:14    3140  
 5237. Erin Balser                     Toronto ON              3:33:41  0:11:28   278/F25-29     2377/F    3:29:36  0:11:15    397   
 5238. Ida Marrelli                    Toronto ON              3:33:42  0:11:28   279/F25-29     2378/F    3:29:45  0:11:15    4401  
 5239. Gail Collins                    Toronto ON              3:33:44  0:11:28   116/F55-59     2379/F    3:27:42  0:11:09    1421  
 5240. Meghan Richard                  Toronto ON              3:33:45  0:11:28   349/F30-34     2380/F    3:28:16  0:11:10    5817  
 5241. Robin Mech                      Hamilton ON             3:33:45  0:11:28   405/F40-44     2381/F    3:28:51  0:11:12    4717  
 5242. Mike Stefanoff                  Markham ON              3:33:47  0:11:28   179/M25-29     2859/M    3:28:15  0:11:10    6585  
 5243. Nancy E Green                   Ottawa ON               3:33:47  0:11:28   239/F50-54     2382/F    3:29:22  0:11:14    2706  
 5244. Shalom Mac Neil                 Mt. Pleasant ON         3:33:48  0:11:28   406/F40-44     2383/F    3:29:38  0:11:15    4223  
 5245. Greg Levi                       Burlington ON           3:33:49  0:11:28   278/M55-59     2860/M    3:30:51  0:11:19    4063  
 5246. Jenna Levi                      Burlington ON           3:33:49  0:11:28   280/F25-29     2384/F    3:30:51  0:11:19    4064  
 5247. Shelley J Thornton              Burlington ON           3:33:50  0:11:28   240/F50-54     2385/F    3:28:30  0:11:11    6888  
 5248. Joanne Black                    Stoney Creek ON         3:33:50  0:11:28   117/F55-59     2386/F    3:30:30  0:11:18    664   
 5249. Susan J Beck                    Burlington ON           3:33:50  0:11:28   118/F55-59     2387/F    3:28:31  0:11:11    505   
 5250. Greg Becks                      Bognor ON               3:33:53  0:11:28   279/M55-59     2861/M    3:29:07  0:11:13    510   
 5251. Nancy Brown                     Burlington ON           3:33:53  0:11:28    39/F60-64     2388/F    3:29:40  0:11:15    953   
 5252. Jennifer J Korstanje            Grimsby ON              3:33:54  0:11:28   373/F35-39     2389/F    3:29:24  0:11:14    3764  
 5253. Laura Burke                     Caledonia ON            3:33:54  0:11:28   241/F50-54     2390/F    3:32:02  0:11:22    1025  
 5254. John Digby                      Brampton ON             3:33:54  0:11:28   466/M50-54     2862/M    3:30:58  0:11:19    1876  
 5255. Jason Mills                     Toronto ON              3:33:55  0:11:29   293/M30-34     2863/M    3:30:58  0:11:19    4816  
 5256. Adele F Read                    Scarborough ON          3:33:56  0:11:29   424/F45-49     2391/F    3:30:12  0:11:17    5746  
 5257. James D Mac Donald              Oxdrift ON              3:33:57  0:11:29   280/M55-59     2864/M    3:28:02  0:11:10    4221  
 5258. Melissa K Gerrard               Burlington ON           3:33:57  0:11:29   281/F25-29     2392/F    3:28:02  0:11:10    2532  
 5259. Michelle Turnbull               Hamilton ON             3:33:57  0:11:29   407/F40-44     2393/F    3:28:40  0:11:12    7014  
 5260. Adrienne Schulz                 Amherst NY              3:33:58  0:11:29   242/F50-54     2394/F    3:30:29  0:11:17    6185  
 5261. Wilhelmina Don-Venus            Peterborough ON         3:33:59  0:11:29   374/F35-39     2395/F    3:28:38  0:11:12    1928  
 5262. Burnett Vicky                   Thornhill ON            3:33:59  0:11:29   375/F35-39     2396/F    3:29:40  0:11:15    7175  
 5263. Laurie Crabtree                 Burlington ON           3:34:00  0:11:29   282/F25-29     2397/F    3:28:19  0:11:11    1530  
 5264. Sarah McCardell                 North York ON           3:34:01  0:11:29   283/F25-29     2398/F    3:29:22  0:11:14    4521  
 5265. Cameron McDowell                Milton ON               3:34:04  0:11:29   294/M30-34     2865/M    3:31:46  0:11:22    4579  
 5266. Aileen M Briggs                 Kanata ON               3:34:04  0:11:29   425/F45-49     2399/F    3:28:14  0:11:10    887   
 5267. Anne Schmidt                    Kitchener ON            3:34:05  0:11:29   119/F55-59     2400/F    3:33:32  0:11:27    6157  
 5268. Josh Wang                       Markham ON              3:34:06  0:11:29   180/M25-29     2866/M    3:28:08  0:11:10    99    
 5269. Lauren Gamble                   Ottawa ON               3:34:09  0:11:29   284/F25-29     2401/F    3:31:39  0:11:21    2461  
 5270. Tara L Wong                     Ottawa ON               3:34:09  0:11:29   376/F35-39     2402/F    3:30:47  0:11:18    7564  
 5271. Sharon R Dickenson              Brantford ON            3:34:13  0:11:29   243/F50-54     2403/F    3:31:24  0:11:20    1863  
 5272. Larry Rogers                    Toronto ON              3:34:15  0:11:30   281/M55-59     2867/M    3:28:16  0:11:10    5917  
 5273. Bill Ames                       Lasalle ON              3:34:15  0:11:30   458/M40-44     2868/M    3:28:17  0:11:10    201   
 5274. Trevor Daniels                  Scarborough ON          3:34:17  0:11:30   504/M45-49     2869/M    3:29:54  0:11:16    1672  
 5275. Mark Millson                    Hampton ON              3:34:17  0:11:30   181/M25-29     2870/M    3:30:18  0:11:17    4820  
 5276. Robert Loney                    Burlington ON           3:34:17  0:11:30   459/M40-44     2871/M    3:31:20  0:11:20    4146  
 5277. Sheila Cranmer-Byng             Toronto ON              3:34:22  0:11:30   426/F45-49     2404/F    3:28:45  0:11:12    7723  
 5278. Dietrich E Lauckner             Port Elgin ON           3:34:26  0:11:30     3/M75-99     2872/M    3:29:42  0:11:15    3934  
 5279. Rob Crawford                    Aurora ON               3:34:29  0:11:30   460/M40-44     2873/M    3:32:44  0:11:25    1558  
 5280. Christine Quinn                 Hamilton ON             3:34:31  0:11:30   377/F35-39     2405/F    3:33:24  0:11:27    5676  
 5281. Kelly M Bramwell                Binbrook ON             3:34:32  0:11:31   408/F40-44     2406/F    3:28:39  0:11:12    845   
 5282. David Rice                      Roslin ON               3:34:34  0:11:31    28/M65-69     2874/M    3:29:09  0:11:13    5811  
 5283. Lauren Van Impe                 Hamilton ON             3:34:37  0:11:31   285/F25-29     2407/F    3:31:16  0:11:20    7097  
 5284. Milja Minic                     Hamilton ON             3:34:37  0:11:31   350/F30-34     2408/F    3:31:16  0:11:20    4830  
 5285. James Johnston                  Nepean ON               3:34:38  0:11:31   117/M60-64     2875/M    3:30:07  0:11:16    3448  
 5286. Dave McKinlay                   Ingersoll ON            3:34:39  0:11:31   282/M55-59     2876/M    3:28:44  0:11:12    4632  
 5287. Julie Brown                     London ON               3:34:39  0:11:31   378/F35-39     2409/F    3:29:42  0:11:15    7725  
 5288. Mike Carroll                    Ajax ON                 3:34:40  0:11:31   182/M25-29     2877/M    3:31:26  0:11:21    1166  
 5289. Chris Stewart                   Toronto ON              3:34:40  0:11:31   183/M25-29     2878/M    3:31:25  0:11:20    6617  
 5290. Jennifer Devlin                 London ON               3:34:40  0:11:31   379/F35-39     2410/F    3:29:42  0:11:15    1839  
 5291. Vicki Plant                     Ottawa ON               3:34:42  0:11:31   244/F50-54     2411/F    3:31:09  0:11:20    5544  
 5292. Leah Sandilands                 Oakville ON             3:34:44  0:11:31   286/F25-29     2412/F    3:29:25  0:11:14    6096  
 5293. Jay Pettit                      Grimsby ON              3:34:45  0:11:31   283/M55-59     2879/M    3:29:46  0:11:15    5493  
 5294. Dagni Ziedins                   North York ON           3:34:47  0:11:31   245/F50-54     2413/F    3:33:15  0:11:26    7680  
 5295. Joe Milligan                    Petawawa ON             3:34:49  0:11:31   505/M45-49     2880/M    3:30:47  0:11:18    4815  
 5296. Tracey Whitman                  Petawawa ON             3:34:49  0:11:31   427/F45-49     2414/F    3:30:46  0:11:18    7413  
 5297. Adam R Klein                    Ancaster ON             3:34:51  0:11:32   427/M35-39     2881/M    3:32:38  0:11:24    3708  
 5298. Colleen Ford                    Owen Sound ON           3:34:52  0:11:32   351/F30-34     2415/F    3:29:23  0:11:14    2339  
 5299. Marilyn Guilford                London ON               3:34:52  0:11:32   380/F35-39     2416/F    3:29:24  0:11:14    2776  
 5300. Patricia Wong                   Toronto ON              3:34:53  0:11:32   381/F35-39     2417/F    3:29:19  0:11:14    7559  
 5301. Alexis Nizzero                  Hamilton ON             3:34:58  0:11:32    34/F15-19     2418/F    3:28:53  0:11:12    5148  
 5302. William Dunlop                  Woodstock ON            3:34:59  0:11:32   428/M35-39     2882/M    3:30:49  0:11:19    2018  
 5303. John Buchanan                   Mississauga ON          3:35:02  0:11:32    29/M65-69     2883/M    3:30:03  0:11:16    994   
 5304. Rob Lamberti                    Oakville ON             3:35:05  0:11:32   467/M50-54     2884/M    3:30:21  0:11:17    3883  
 5305. Sabrina Sharpe                  Stoney Creek ON         3:35:06  0:11:32   352/F30-34     2419/F    3:29:48  0:11:15    6290  
 5306. Linette J Kennedy               Beamsville ON           3:35:06  0:11:32    40/F60-64     2420/F    3:32:28  0:11:24    3612  
 5307. Baiba St. John                  Toronto ON              3:35:07  0:11:32    41/F60-64     2421/F    3:30:31  0:11:18    6560  
 5308. John J Vettese                  Richmond Hill ON        3:35:07  0:11:32   461/M40-44     2885/M    3:29:54  0:11:16    7169  
 5309. Samuel Granieri                 Niagara Falls NY        3:35:08  0:11:32   468/M50-54     2886/M    3:33:49  0:11:28    2680  
 5310. Stephanie Aldom                 London ON               3:35:10  0:11:33   382/F35-39     2422/F    3:35:10  0:11:33    158   
 5311. Suzanne Lawson                  Hamilton ON             3:35:12  0:11:33    42/F60-64     2423/F    3:29:10  0:11:13    3972  
 5312. Rick Truszkowski                Greensville ON          3:35:12  0:11:33   118/M60-64     2887/M    3:29:10  0:11:13    6987  
 5313. Allen Gallant                   Orangeville ON          3:35:13  0:11:33   506/M45-49     2888/M    3:29:12  0:11:13    2457  
 5314. Jason Walter                    Toronto ON              3:35:16  0:11:33   429/M35-39     2889/M    3:32:23  0:11:24    7269  
 5315. Monika L Haigh                  Waterdown ON            3:35:16  0:11:33   383/F35-39     2424/F    3:34:27  0:11:30    2819  
 5316. Cindy N Bade                    Port Franks ON          3:35:17  0:11:33   122/F20-24     2425/F    3:33:37  0:11:28    348   
 5317. Yuki Inaba                      Toronto ON              3:35:19  0:11:33   384/F35-39     2426/F    3:29:47  0:11:15    3308  
 5318. Frank Stephen                   Orchard Park NY         3:35:20  0:11:33   507/M45-49     2890/M    3:30:50  0:11:19    6604  
 5319. Ray Lapierre                    Hamilton ON             3:35:22  0:11:33   462/M40-44     2891/M    3:28:12  0:11:10    3907  
 5320. Samantha Wakunick               Port Colborne ON        3:35:27  0:11:33   385/F35-39     2427/F    3:32:02  0:11:22    7224  
 5321. Angie Abrams                    Stoney Creek ON         3:35:32  0:11:34   409/F40-44     2428/F    3:29:39  0:11:15    107   
 5322. Lenore Dougan                   Toronto ON              3:35:35  0:11:34   353/F30-34     2429/F    3:30:40  0:11:18    1941  
 5323. Haya Finan                      Burlington ON           3:35:37  0:11:34   287/F25-29     2430/F    3:31:24  0:11:20    2264  
 5324. Manny Sa                        Mississauga ON          3:35:44  0:11:34   284/M55-59     2892/M    3:32:13  0:11:23    6057  
 5325. Laurie Hickey                   Hamilton ON             3:35:45  0:11:34   428/F45-49     2431/F    3:31:02  0:11:19    3067  
 5326. Rhiannon M Jones                Regina SK               3:35:45  0:11:34   288/F25-29     2432/F    3:34:33  0:11:31    3484  
 5327. Phil Roberts                    Dundas ON               3:35:46  0:11:34   508/M45-49     2893/M    3:30:49  0:11:19    5870  
 5328. Samantha Fell                   Oakville ON             3:35:46  0:11:34   429/F45-49     2433/F    3:32:03  0:11:23    2216  
 5329. Alan Ellis                      Oakville ON             3:35:52  0:11:35    30/M65-69     2894/M    3:31:53  0:11:22    2096  
 5330. Susan E Meyers                  Inverary ON             3:35:56  0:11:35   120/F55-59     2434/F    3:31:10  0:11:20    4766  
 5331. Lori Evert                      Thornhill ON            3:36:06  0:11:36   246/F50-54     2435/F    3:33:16  0:11:26    2158  
 5332. Terri Kinsella                  Evanston IL             3:36:07  0:11:36   386/F35-39     2436/F    3:30:52  0:11:19    3690  
 5333. Roberto Canas                   London ON               3:36:08  0:11:36   469/M50-54     2895/M    3:32:42  0:11:25    1118  
 5334. James O'Hara                    Scranton PA             3:36:19  0:11:36   470/M50-54     2896/M    3:28:38  0:11:12    5227  
 5335. Doug Parker                     Wyevale ON              3:36:21  0:11:36   285/M55-59     2897/M    3:30:40  0:11:18    5342  
 5336. Carol Stewart                   Waterloo ON             3:36:22  0:11:36   430/F45-49     2437/F    3:30:16  0:11:17    6616  
 5337. Audra Petrulis                  Burlington ON           3:36:25  0:11:37   354/F30-34     2438/F    3:30:30  0:11:18    5486  
 5338. Bruce Cloke                     Burlington ON           3:36:25  0:11:37   286/M55-59     2898/M    3:30:30  0:11:18    1378  
 5339. Ashley Marion                   Kitchener ON            3:36:26  0:11:37   123/F20-24     2439/F    3:32:42  0:11:25    4391  
 5340. Delia M Greco                   Hamilton ON             3:36:27  0:11:37   289/F25-29     2440/F    3:32:47  0:11:25    2699  
 5341. Kevin Foley                     Grimsby ON              3:36:29  0:11:37   471/M50-54     2899/M    3:31:39  0:11:21    2323  
 5342. Deborah Patterson               Stoney Creek ON         3:36:29  0:11:37   121/F55-59     2441/F    3:31:45  0:11:22    5379  
 5343. Doug Flis                       Grimsby ON              3:36:29  0:11:37   119/M60-64     2900/M    3:31:39  0:11:21    2314  
 5344. Dawn Styan-Garneau              Ottawa ON               3:36:30  0:11:37   431/F45-49     2442/F    3:31:57  0:11:22    6691  
 5345. Monique D Garneau               Cumberland ON           3:36:31  0:11:37   247/F50-54     2443/F    3:31:57  0:11:22    2484  
 5346. Marshall Clark                  Orleans ON              3:36:32  0:11:37   509/M45-49     2901/M    3:35:19  0:11:33    1349  
 5347. Sandy Clark                     Orleans ON              3:36:32  0:11:37   410/F40-44     2444/F    3:35:20  0:11:33    1352  
 5348. Stewart Cawthray                Oakville ON             3:36:36  0:11:37   430/M35-39     2902/M    3:32:50  0:11:25    1203  
 5349. Bill Tofflemire                 London ON               3:36:38  0:11:37    31/M65-69     2903/M    3:30:35  0:11:18    6917  
 5350. Erica Regular                   Belle River ON          3:36:39  0:11:37   387/F35-39     2445/F    3:31:49  0:11:22    5763  
 5351. Elaine Westerveld-Zwep          Hamilton ON             3:36:39  0:11:37    43/F60-64     2446/F    3:36:34  0:11:37    7380  
 5352. Christine A Anzik               St. Catharines ON       3:36:42  0:11:37   388/F35-39     2447/F    3:31:05  0:11:19    260   
 5353. Michelle A Dell                 St. Catharines ON       3:36:42  0:11:37   389/F35-39     2448/F    3:31:06  0:11:19    1789  
 5354. Jim Ivey                        Oakville ON             3:36:46  0:11:38   472/M50-54     2904/M    3:30:52  0:11:19    3333  
 5355. Michelle M Simon                Toronto ON              3:36:48  0:11:38   432/F45-49     2449/F    3:30:46  0:11:18    6375  
 5356. Kang-Ling Wei                   Markham ON              3:36:50  0:11:38   510/M45-49     2905/M    3:34:24  0:11:30    7351  
 5357. John Gould                      Hamilton ON             3:36:52  0:11:38   463/M40-44     2906/M    3:33:37  0:11:28    2659  
 5358. Sandra Prince                   Hamilton ON             3:36:52  0:11:38   433/F45-49     2450/F    3:33:37  0:11:28    5628  
 5359. James Smith                     Simcoe ON               3:36:54  0:11:38   287/M55-59     2907/M    3:32:46  0:11:25    6466  
 5360. Julian Kanarek                  Mississauga ON          3:36:57  0:11:38   511/M45-49     2908/M    3:31:25  0:11:20    3531  
 5361. Jim Emerson                     Mississauga ON          3:36:58  0:11:38   288/M55-59     2909/M    3:33:41  0:11:28    2113  
 5362. Laura Giles                     Milton ON               3:37:03  0:11:39   248/F50-54     2451/F    3:31:54  0:11:22    2570  
 5363. Yvonne Harris                   Toronto ON              3:37:05  0:11:39   434/F45-49     2452/F    3:36:44  0:11:38    2931  
 5364. Erin Pieper                     Toronto ON              3:37:06  0:11:39   355/F30-34     2453/F    3:33:10  0:11:26    5518  
 5365. Neil Gallaway                   Fonthill ON             3:37:07  0:11:39   512/M45-49     2910/M    3:34:41  0:11:31    2460  
 5366. Megan Swan                      Hamilton ON             3:37:08  0:11:39   290/F25-29     2454/F    3:31:24  0:11:20    6726  
 5367. Dan Udovc                       Burlington ON           3:37:11  0:11:39   464/M40-44     2911/M    3:33:08  0:11:26    7033  
 5368. Renee Marion                    Kitchener ON            3:37:15  0:11:39   291/F25-29     2455/F    3:31:03  0:11:19    4393  
 5369. Joanne Greidanus                Ancaster ON             3:37:16  0:11:39   435/F45-49     2456/F    3:37:11  0:11:39    2720  
 5370. Brenda Hoffman                  London ON               3:37:23  0:11:40   411/F40-44     2457/F    3:35:40  0:11:34    3131  
 5371. Jo-Ann Miklautz                 Ailsa Craig ON          3:37:24  0:11:40   122/F55-59     2458/F    3:36:48  0:11:38    4785  
 5372. Kathy Willemse                  Parkhill ON             3:37:24  0:11:40   412/F40-44     2459/F    3:36:48  0:11:38    7462  
 5373. Kerry Eaton                     Burlington ON           3:37:28  0:11:40   289/M55-59     2912/M    3:33:13  0:11:26    2058  
 5374. Chris Scully                    Hamilton ON             3:37:30  0:11:40   356/F30-34     2460/F    3:34:02  0:11:29    6218  
 5375. Will R Hodgskiss                Napanee ON              3:37:31  0:11:40   290/M55-59     2913/M    3:35:16  0:11:33    3118  
 5376. Paul I Ciardullo                Stoney Creek ON         3:37:31  0:11:40   473/M50-54     2914/M    3:35:32  0:11:34    1328  
 5377. William R Hodgskiss             Napanee ON              3:37:31  0:11:40   291/M55-59     2915/M    3:35:16  0:11:33    3119  
 5378. Ryan Howard                     Burlington ON           3:37:35  0:11:40   295/M30-34     2916/M    3:30:05  0:11:16    3212  
 5379. Melanie Flood                   Haliburton ON           3:37:42  0:11:41   413/F40-44     2461/F    3:36:00  0:11:35    2315  
 5380. Anita Day                       Fryeburg ME             3:37:44  0:11:41   123/F55-59     2462/F    3:33:15  0:11:26    1726  
 5381. Janice Shine                    Wallacetown ON          3:37:44  0:11:41   436/F45-49     2463/F    3:34:46  0:11:31    6334  
 5382. Dana Barber                     London ON               3:37:47  0:11:41   437/F45-49     2464/F    3:32:23  0:11:24    420   
 5383. Cash Jennifer                   Toronto ON              3:37:50  0:11:41   390/F35-39     2465/F    3:34:40  0:11:31    3392  
 5384. Janet Henderson                 Brantford ON            3:37:51  0:11:41     6/F65-69     2466/F    3:33:16  0:11:26    3030  
 5385. Robert Boyle                    Hamilton ON             3:37:51  0:11:41   513/M45-49     2917/M    3:37:32  0:11:40    823   
 5386. Cindy Hockley                   Simcoe ON               3:37:52  0:11:41   414/F40-44     2467/F    3:37:08  0:11:39    3114  
 5387. Mary Anne Slemon                Orono ON                3:37:54  0:11:41   124/F55-59     2468/F    3:34:28  0:11:30    6425  
 5388. Theresa Mitchell                Bracebridge ON          3:37:55  0:11:41   391/F35-39     2469/F    3:32:27  0:11:24    4854  
 5389. Stephanie Rogers                Bracebridge ON          3:37:55  0:11:41   392/F35-39     2470/F    3:32:28  0:11:24    5920  
 5390. Frank Baraczka                  Burlington ON           3:37:59  0:11:42   514/M45-49     2918/M    3:33:56  0:11:29    1010  
 5391. Jennifer Averink                Burlington ON           3:37:59  0:11:42   415/F40-44     2471/F    3:33:57  0:11:29    7423  
 5392. Liz Bowden                      Guelph ON               3:38:00  0:11:42   249/F50-54     2472/F    3:35:14  0:11:33    800   
 5393. Mary L Payne                    Guelph ON               3:38:00  0:11:42   250/F50-54     2473/F    3:35:14  0:11:33    5400  
 5394. Janet Mosney                    Guelph ON               3:38:00  0:11:42   416/F40-44     2474/F    3:35:14  0:11:33    4962  
 5395. Patricia Allain                 Toronto ON              3:38:01  0:11:42   125/F55-59     2475/F    3:33:22  0:11:27    170   
 5396. Patte Beltrame                  Waterdown ON            3:38:04  0:11:42   251/F50-54     2476/F    3:32:00  0:11:22    549   
 5397. Malcolm Parsons                 Orleans ON              3:38:08  0:11:42   515/M45-49     2919/M    3:34:53  0:11:32    5358  
 5398. Shawnda Parsons                 Orleans ON              3:38:08  0:11:42   438/F45-49     2477/F    3:34:53  0:11:32    5360  
 5399. Bev Macculloch                  Burlington ON           3:38:08  0:11:42   439/F45-49     2478/F    3:32:07  0:11:23    4233  
 5400. Jacques Demers                  Ste-Catherine QC        3:38:09  0:11:42   292/M55-59     2920/M    3:35:12  0:11:33    1800  
 5401. Deborah Mitchell                Kitchener ON            3:38:09  0:11:42   417/F40-44     2479/F    3:32:16  0:11:23    4842  
 5402. Martin Paquet                   Sherbrooke QC           3:38:10  0:11:42   474/M50-54     2921/M    3:36:03  0:11:35    5323  
 5403. Jordan B. Wardrop               Burlington ON           3:38:12  0:11:42    92/M20-24     2922/M    3:36:00  0:11:35    7442  
 5404. Thembela Kepe                   Toronto ON              3:38:12  0:11:42   516/M45-49     2923/M    3:35:55  0:11:35    3630  
 5405. Paul Somerset                   Ajax ON                 3:38:15  0:11:42   475/M50-54     2924/M    3:32:53  0:11:25    6505  
 5406. Anna Polak                      Mississauga ON          3:38:16  0:11:43    35/F15-19     2480/F    3:35:47  0:11:35    5567  
 5407. Patricia E Kuchta               Mississauga ON          3:38:17  0:11:43   418/F40-44     2481/F    3:34:01  0:11:29    3807  
 5408. Katharine Kmack                 Toronto ON              3:38:17  0:11:43   393/F35-39     2482/F    3:33:03  0:11:26    3719  
 5409. Vince Moynihan                  Toronto ON              3:38:18  0:11:43   476/M50-54     2925/M    3:34:52  0:11:32    4978  
 5410. Marcus Ward                     Toronto ON              3:38:19  0:11:43   293/M55-59     2926/M    3:36:01  0:11:35    7285  
 5411. Ami Shah                        Mississauga ON          3:38:20  0:11:43   357/F30-34     2483/F    3:32:37  0:11:24    6270  
 5412. Matthew Armstrong               Burlington ON           3:38:22  0:11:43   296/M30-34     2927/M    3:38:03  0:11:42    285   
 5413. Michael Mills                   Oakville ON             3:38:28  0:11:43   120/M60-64     2928/M    3:36:16  0:11:36    4817  
 5414. Angelina Cook                   St. Catharines ON       3:38:28  0:11:43   419/F40-44     2484/F    3:33:11  0:11:26    1449  
 5415. Anne-Marie Kee                  St. Catharines ON       3:38:28  0:11:43   420/F40-44     2485/F    3:33:11  0:11:26    3576  
 5416. Nikki Bradley                   Guelph ON               3:38:31  0:11:43   358/F30-34     2486/F    3:32:25  0:11:24    833   
 5417. Roy Hagen                       King City ON            3:38:31  0:11:43   477/M50-54     2929/M    3:34:54  0:11:32    2816  
 5418. Susan Hogan                     Burlington ON           3:38:36  0:11:44   421/F40-44     2487/F    3:34:10  0:11:29    3134  
 5419. Spence Dickson                  Ancaster ON             3:38:41  0:11:44     6/M70-74     2930/M    3:32:40  0:11:25    1870  
 5420. Sandy Stewart                   Hamilton ON             3:38:44  0:11:44   126/F55-59     2488/F    3:36:35  0:11:37    6632  
 5421. Julia D'Asti                    Lasalle ON              3:38:47  0:11:44   440/F45-49     2489/F    3:34:19  0:11:30    1685  
 5422. Cathy Hollington                Kingston ON             3:38:49  0:11:44   441/F45-49     2490/F    3:34:02  0:11:29    3147  
 5423. Melodie Bowes                   Kingston ON             3:38:49  0:11:44   359/F30-34     2491/F    3:34:01  0:11:29    806   
 5424. Helen E Ross                    Burlington ON           3:38:50  0:11:44   252/F50-54     2492/F    3:34:18  0:11:30    5965  
 5425. Ingrid Smith                    Hagersville ON          3:38:50  0:11:44   253/F50-54     2493/F    3:35:14  0:11:33    6465  
 5426. Tina Anderson                   Sudbury ON              3:38:51  0:11:44   394/F35-39     2494/F    3:33:32  0:11:27    231   
 5427. Laurene Farrell                 Sudbury ON              3:38:52  0:11:44   127/F55-59     2495/F    3:35:16  0:11:33    2186  
 5428. Paul Nelson                     Mississauge ON          3:38:54  0:11:45   478/M50-54     2931/M    3:34:12  0:11:29    5095  
 5429. Linda D Doan                    St. Thomas ON           3:38:55  0:11:45   254/F50-54     2496/F    3:35:55  0:11:35    1901  
 5430. Carolyn Nemeth                  Markham ON              3:38:59  0:11:45   422/F40-44     2497/F    3:37:03  0:11:39    5099  
 5431. Elena Huezo                     Hamilton ON             3:38:59  0:11:45   255/F50-54     2498/F    3:33:37  0:11:28    3233  
 5432. Mike Casey                      Peterborough ON         3:39:00  0:11:45   517/M45-49     2932/M    3:33:27  0:11:27    1183  
 5433. Alison Hooker                   Oakville ON             3:39:01  0:11:45   395/F35-39     2499/F    3:35:19  0:11:33    3170  
 5434. Albert Costa                    Mississauga ON          3:39:02  0:11:45   479/M50-54     2933/M    3:33:30  0:11:27    1501  
 5435. Louis-Alex Gregoire-Sakkal      Montreal QC             3:39:03  0:11:45   431/M35-39     2934/M    3:34:05  0:11:29    2717  
 5436. Patricia Ann Adams              Toronto ON              3:39:03  0:11:45   256/F50-54     2500/F    3:34:01  0:11:29    123   
 5437. Don Fletcher                    Stittsville ON          3:39:05  0:11:45   480/M50-54     2935/M    3:37:10  0:11:39    2305  
 5438. Lorri Cook                      Brampton ON             3:39:05  0:11:45   257/F50-54     2501/F    3:34:19  0:11:30    1455  
 5439. Steve Beasley                   Ilderton ON             3:39:06  0:11:45   518/M45-49     2936/M    3:34:23  0:11:30    492   
 5440. Laura Manning                   Cambridge ON            3:39:14  0:11:46   423/F40-44     2502/F    3:33:49  0:11:28    4361  
 5441. Romen Podzyhun                  Burlington ON           3:39:16  0:11:46   294/M55-59     2937/M    3:33:55  0:11:29    5560  
 5442. Roxanne Warford                 Waterloo ON             3:39:16  0:11:46   442/F45-49     2503/F    3:33:51  0:11:28    7288  
 5443. William Kingston                Cornwall ON             3:39:16  0:11:46   432/M35-39     2938/M    3:35:37  0:11:34    3688  
 5444. Blake J Childs                  Oakville ON             3:39:20  0:11:46   519/M45-49     2939/M    3:35:42  0:11:34    1281  
 5445. Darryl Jones                    Brampton ON             3:39:21  0:11:46   465/M40-44     2940/M    3:33:32  0:11:27    3467  
 5446. Mark Skoczylas                  Dundas ON               3:39:25  0:11:46   433/M35-39     2941/M    3:33:35  0:11:27    6416  
 5447. Martin Vaillancourt             St. Ann's ON            3:39:25  0:11:46   434/M35-39     2942/M    3:34:35  0:11:31    7058  
 5448. Jennifer Johnston               Grimsby ON              3:39:25  0:11:46   443/F45-49     2504/F    3:34:26  0:11:30    3449  
 5449. Annette Hornby                  Ancaster ON             3:39:27  0:11:46   128/F55-59     2505/F    3:37:18  0:11:39    3184  
 5450. Samuel Breau                    Ottawa ON               3:39:30  0:11:47    93/M20-24     2943/M    3:34:14  0:11:30    864   
 5451. Andre' Poliquin                 Ottawa ON               3:39:31  0:11:47   184/M25-29     2944/M    3:34:14  0:11:30    5569  
 5452. Bridget Gilkinson               Bright ON               3:39:31  0:11:47   129/F55-59     2506/F    3:36:06  0:11:36    2572  
 5453. Wayne Hollett                   Pickering ON            3:39:31  0:11:47   481/M50-54     2945/M    3:39:18  0:11:46    3144  
 5454. Allison Glebe                   Sarnia ON               3:39:32  0:11:47   360/F30-34     2507/F    3:36:39  0:11:37    2602  
 5455. Lucia Tumber                    Acton ON                3:39:32  0:11:47   424/F40-44     2508/F    3:33:42  0:11:28    7002  
 5456. Phil Guertin                    Toronto ON              3:39:33  0:11:47   435/M35-39     2946/M    3:36:16  0:11:36    2772  
 5457. Michael Brewster                Guelph ON               3:39:34  0:11:47   520/M45-49     2947/M    3:33:16  0:11:26    879   
 5458. Linda Crawley                   Toronto ON              3:39:34  0:11:47    44/F60-64     2509/F    3:33:34  0:11:27    1560  
 5459. Sheri D Weesjes                 St. Thomas ON           3:39:35  0:11:47   361/F30-34     2510/F    3:37:12  0:11:39    7348  
 5460. Andrea Deneire                  St. Thomas ON           3:39:35  0:11:47   396/F35-39     2511/F    3:37:12  0:11:39    1808  
 5461. Ute Repple                      Toronto ON              3:39:38  0:11:47   444/F45-49     2512/F    3:33:54  0:11:28    5793  
 5462. Jasmin Buccella                 Toronto ON              3:39:39  0:11:47   124/F20-24     2513/F    3:35:53  0:11:35    988   
 5463. Jackie Storer                   Burlington ON           3:39:40  0:11:47   445/F45-49     2514/F    3:35:00  0:11:32    6661  
 5464. James Bacon                     Edmonton AB             3:39:42  0:11:47   121/M60-64     2948/M    3:36:59  0:11:38    346   
 5465. Shannon Culhane                 Whitby ON               3:39:44  0:11:47   397/F35-39     2515/F    3:34:15  0:11:30    1597  
 5466. Chad Richard                    Oshawa ON               3:39:44  0:11:47   436/M35-39     2949/M    3:34:14  0:11:30    5816  
 5467. Leigh Ann H Butler              Ottawa ON               3:39:45  0:11:47   362/F30-34     2516/F    3:36:23  0:11:36    1051  
 5468. Jeannette Anderson              Pickering ON            3:39:47  0:11:47   130/F55-59     2517/F    3:34:59  0:11:32    218   
 5469. Wendy Pelich                    Cambridge ON            3:39:48  0:11:47    45/F60-64     2518/F    3:35:43  0:11:34    5420  
 5470. Alan Oakes                      Princeton ON            3:39:48  0:11:47   122/M60-64     2950/M    3:38:08  0:11:42    5186  
 5471. David Hewitt                    Lynden ON               3:39:52  0:11:48   482/M50-54     2951/M    3:39:11  0:11:45    3054  
 5472. Carla Keogan                    London ON               3:39:56  0:11:48   398/F35-39     2519/F    3:36:59  0:11:38    3627  
 5473. Jennifer McNenly                Toronto ON              3:39:56  0:11:48   446/F45-49     2520/F    3:35:50  0:11:35    4689  
 5474. Bill Steckle                    St. Catharines ON       3:39:57  0:11:48   483/M50-54     2952/M    3:34:41  0:11:31    6580  
 5475. Anne Pitt                       Whitby ON               3:39:58  0:11:48   447/F45-49     2521/F    3:37:23  0:11:40    5539  
 5476. Kate McKibbon                   Oshawa ON               3:39:59  0:11:48   399/F35-39     2522/F    3:36:13  0:11:36    4631  
 5477. Ross Millson                    Hamilton ON             3:40:02  0:11:48   185/M25-29     2953/M    3:36:04  0:11:35    4822  
 5478. Steven Ondrick                  Longueuil QC            3:40:02  0:11:48   484/M50-54     2954/M    3:35:47  0:11:35    5247  
 5479. Maria Testa                     Longueuil QC            3:40:03  0:11:48   448/F45-49     2523/F    3:35:47  0:11:35    6840  
 5480. Diane Gordon                    Oakville ON             3:40:03  0:11:48   449/F45-49     2524/F    3:35:47  0:11:35    2643  
 5481. George Cole                     Niagara Falls ON        3:40:05  0:11:48   466/M40-44     2955/M    3:36:36  0:11:37    1404  
 5482. Peter Grimwood                  Rockwood ON             3:40:08  0:11:49    32/M65-69     2956/M    3:39:12  0:11:46    2741  
 5483. Renee Viccary                   Markham ON              3:40:09  0:11:49   400/F35-39     2525/F    3:34:32  0:11:31    7173  
 5484. Lisa McAvoy                     Kingston ON             3:40:09  0:11:49   450/F45-49     2526/F    3:35:22  0:11:33    4507  
 5485. Bill Sheppard                   Gananoque ON            3:40:09  0:11:49   295/M55-59     2957/M    3:35:22  0:11:33    6321  
 5486. Barb Guiden                     Inverary ON             3:40:09  0:11:49   258/F50-54     2527/F    3:35:24  0:11:33    2775  
 5487. Anna Del Duca                   Windsor ON              3:40:09  0:11:49   451/F45-49     2528/F    3:39:38  0:11:47    1777  
 5488. Alan Darlington                 Guelph ON               3:40:10  0:11:49   485/M50-54     2958/M    3:37:29  0:11:40    1680  
 5489. Jennifer Smithyes               Dundas ON               3:40:10  0:11:49   425/F40-44     2529/F    3:35:43  0:11:34    6489  
 5490. Heather Caron                   Waterloo ON             3:40:11  0:11:49   259/F50-54     2530/F    3:39:38  0:11:47    1151  
 5491. Jason Stewart                   Ottawa ON               3:40:12  0:11:49   437/M35-39     2959/M    3:37:15  0:11:39    6620  
 5492. Lesley Simpson                  Dundas ON               3:40:14  0:11:49   401/F35-39     2531/F    3:35:54  0:11:35    6380  
 5493. Susan Green                     Queensville ON          3:40:15  0:11:49   452/F45-49     2532/F    3:34:04  0:11:29    2707  
 5494. Keith Rader                     Caledon East ON         3:40:15  0:11:49   297/M30-34     2960/M    3:35:07  0:11:32    5688  
 5495. Melissa McKinley                Hamilton ON             3:40:16  0:11:49   402/F35-39     2533/F    3:37:29  0:11:40    4635  
 5496. Dave Marcotte                   Ottawa ON               3:40:18  0:11:49   486/M50-54     2961/M    3:37:51  0:11:41    4383  
 5497. Jennifer Ryell                  Burlington ON           3:40:20  0:11:49   453/F45-49     2534/F    3:37:43  0:11:41    6054  
 5498. Chantal Farquhar                Beamsville ON           3:40:20  0:11:49   426/F40-44     2535/F    3:34:45  0:11:31    2179  
 5499. Martha Morin                    North Bay ON            3:40:20  0:11:49   260/F50-54     2536/F    3:36:10  0:11:36    4925  
 5500. Nick Johnson                    Mississauga ON          3:40:21  0:11:49   487/M50-54     2962/M    3:38:05  0:11:42    3434  
 5501. Natalie J Amos-Stok             Tottenham ON            3:40:21  0:11:49   454/F45-49     2537/F    3:34:48  0:11:31    209   
 5502. Bob Bonham                      Oakville ON             3:40:29  0:11:50   296/M55-59     2963/M    3:35:02  0:11:32    744   
 5503. Sonia Melancon                  Montreal QC             3:40:31  0:11:50   363/F30-34     2538/F    3:35:34  0:11:34    4729  
 5504. Maggie Davies                   Mississauga ON          3:40:33  0:11:50   261/F50-54     2539/F    3:38:34  0:11:43    1706  
 5505. Debbie Last                     Oakville ON             3:40:37  0:11:50   427/F40-44     2540/F    3:36:39  0:11:37    3928  
 5506. Barbara Fedunchuk               Oakville ON             3:40:38  0:11:50   428/F40-44     2541/F    3:36:39  0:11:37    2205  
 5507. Debra Giammichele               Burlington ON           3:40:41  0:11:50   429/F40-44     2542/F    3:35:11  0:11:33    2542  
 5508. Athalie Scott                   Courtice ON             3:40:46  0:11:51   262/F50-54     2543/F    3:36:07  0:11:36    6200  
 5509. Clare Stedman                   North Vancouver BC      3:40:46  0:11:51   263/F50-54     2544/F    3:36:08  0:11:36    6581  
 5510. Robert Leaker                   Stoney Creek ON         3:40:46  0:11:51   467/M40-44     2964/M    3:34:40  0:11:31    3982  
 5511. Fred Moore                      Toronto ON              3:40:46  0:11:51   468/M40-44     2965/M    3:34:41  0:11:31    4890  
 5512. Laura Pratt                     Oakville ON             3:40:46  0:11:51   455/F45-49     2545/F    3:36:12  0:11:36    1474  
 5513. Sari Lindvall                   Toronto ON              3:40:46  0:11:51   403/F35-39     2546/F    3:34:41  0:11:31    4110  
 5514. Sonya L Walker                  Concord ON              3:40:48  0:11:51   364/F30-34     2547/F    3:36:07  0:11:36    7245  
 5515. Elaine Everett                  Waterdown ON            3:40:52  0:11:51    46/F60-64     2548/F    3:34:48  0:11:31    2156  
 5516. Martin Dewar                    Toronto ON              3:40:55  0:11:51   438/M35-39     2966/M    3:38:22  0:11:43    1842  
 5517. Cheri Plaskon                   Burlington ON           3:41:00  0:11:51     7/F65-69     2549/F    3:36:27  0:11:37    5550  
 5518. Anne Luxon                      Burlington ON           3:41:00  0:11:51   131/F55-59     2550/F    3:36:27  0:11:37    4204  
 5519. Louise L Urek                   Burlington ON           3:41:00  0:11:51    47/F60-64     2551/F    3:36:29  0:11:37    7049  
 5520. Mark Cyr                        Toronto ON              3:41:01  0:11:51   469/M40-44     2967/M    3:38:10  0:11:42    1631  
 5521. Jane Rawson                     Bracebridge ON          3:41:01  0:11:51   404/F35-39     2552/F    3:35:16  0:11:33    5737  
 5522. Surbhi Sharma                   Courtice ON             3:41:01  0:11:51   456/F45-49     2553/F    3:38:42  0:11:44    6283  
 5523. Matthew Belbeck                 Mississauga ON          3:41:02  0:11:51   186/M25-29     2968/M    3:36:35  0:11:37    536   
 5524. Bryan Morales                   Ajax ON                 3:41:03  0:11:51   470/M40-44     2969/M    3:36:42  0:11:37    4904  
 5525. Cal Billyard                    Beamsville ON           3:41:03  0:11:51   488/M50-54     2970/M    3:37:57  0:11:42    1220  
 5526. Barnett Alice                   Sudbury ON              3:41:04  0:11:52   365/F30-34     2554/F    3:35:01  0:11:32    164   
 5527. Gwen McBride                    Guelph ON               3:41:05  0:11:52   264/F50-54     2555/F    3:37:45  0:11:41    4511  
 5528. Diane L Stimpfig                Tottenham ON            3:41:06  0:11:52   430/F40-44     2556/F    3:34:53  0:11:32    6637  
 5529. Heather L Creswicke             Tottenham ON            3:41:06  0:11:52   457/F45-49     2557/F    3:34:53  0:11:32    1563  
 5530. Wasila Baset                    Toronto ON              3:41:11  0:11:52   405/F35-39     2558/F    3:36:36  0:11:37    465   
 5531. Brenda Walsh                    Corbeil ON              3:41:13  0:11:52   132/F55-59     2559/F    3:37:04  0:11:39    7259  
 5532. Sylvie Delorme                  Powassan ON             3:41:13  0:11:52   292/F25-29     2560/F    3:36:52  0:11:38    1792  
 5533. Linda McCosham                  Sudbury ON              3:41:15  0:11:52   133/F55-59     2561/F    3:36:33  0:11:37    4552  
 5534. Kim Best                        Cambrige Station NS     3:41:16  0:11:52   458/F45-49     2562/F    3:38:38  0:11:44    609   
 5535. Susan Ifi                       Orleans ON              3:41:19  0:11:52   265/F50-54     2563/F    3:36:45  0:11:38    3299  
 5536. Angie Slingerland               Toronto ON              3:41:25  0:11:53   431/F40-44     2564/F    3:35:57  0:11:35    6428  
 5537. Ingrid Kerker-Lutsch            Windsor ON              3:41:26  0:11:53   432/F40-44     2565/F    3:40:47  0:11:51    3633  
 5538. James N O'Donnell               Wasaga Beach ON         3:41:29  0:11:53     7/M70-74     2971/M    3:36:51  0:11:38    5215  
 5539. Susan Wiebe                     Springfield ON          3:41:32  0:11:53   266/F50-54     2566/F    3:36:08  0:11:36    7430  
 5540. Jackie Annett                   St. Thomas ON           3:41:33  0:11:53   459/F45-49     2567/F    3:36:08  0:11:36    251   
 5541. Linda Miller                    Toronto ON              3:41:45  0:11:54   134/F55-59     2568/F    3:35:56  0:11:35    4801  
 5542. Lia Avram                       Richmond Hill ON        3:41:48  0:11:54   267/F50-54     2569/F    3:41:24  0:11:53    332   
 5543. Dee Candlish                    Burlington ON           3:41:51  0:11:54   366/F30-34     2570/F    3:38:12  0:11:42    1120  
 5544. Silvana Kingsland               Mississauga ON          3:41:51  0:11:54   460/F45-49     2571/F    3:41:14  0:11:52    3687  
 5545. Jo-Anne Lamb                    Sundridge ON            3:41:59  0:11:54   461/F45-49     2572/F    3:37:21  0:11:40    3880  
 5546. Judy Gibson                     Burlington ON           3:42:01  0:11:55   462/F45-49     2573/F    3:36:33  0:11:37    2554  
 5547. Maureen Stocker                 Markham ON              3:42:02  0:11:55   463/F45-49     2574/F    3:38:04  0:11:42    6644  
 5548. Jason Lavides                   Hamilton ON             3:42:05  0:11:55   471/M40-44     2972/M    3:37:30  0:11:40    3951  
 5549. Angela Tsang Munro              River Drive Park ON     3:42:06  0:11:55   464/F45-49     2575/F    3:37:01  0:11:39    6994  
 5550. Kelly Broz                      Carlisle ON             3:42:10  0:11:55   406/F35-39     2576/F    3:36:05  0:11:36    966   
 5551. Stephanie McMannis              Pickering ON            3:42:11  0:11:55   293/F25-29     2577/F    3:36:48  0:11:38    4662  
 5552. John Nighswander                Elmira ON               3:42:13  0:11:55   297/M55-59     2973/M    3:40:15  0:11:49    5142  
 5553. Connie Caesar                   Richmond Hill ON        3:42:14  0:11:55   407/F35-39     2578/F    3:37:22  0:11:40    1065  
 5554. Lindsay Marion                  Kitchener ON            3:42:14  0:11:55   294/F25-29     2579/F    3:36:02  0:11:35    4392  
 5555. Mary Delaney                    Guelph ON               3:42:16  0:11:55   268/F50-54     2580/F    3:38:45  0:11:44    1783  
 5556. Candi Fonseca                   Etobicoke ON            3:42:26  0:11:56   269/F50-54     2581/F    3:36:24  0:11:37    2331  
 5557. Lorne Murdock                   Ottawa ON               3:42:28  0:11:56     8/M70-74     2974/M    3:36:15  0:11:36    5013  
 5558. Sarah Victor                    Orillia ON              3:42:28  0:11:56   433/F40-44     2582/F    3:37:40  0:11:41    7177  
 5559. Elizabeth Campbell              Petrolia ON             3:42:31  0:11:56   434/F40-44     2583/F    3:36:44  0:11:38    1103  
 5560. Hubert Brard                    Brampton ON             3:42:37  0:11:57   439/M35-39     2975/M    3:37:09  0:11:39    852   
 5561. Solange Brard                   Toronto ON              3:42:37  0:11:57   435/F40-44     2584/F    3:37:08  0:11:39    853   
 5562. Kathryn Mercanti                Stoney Creek ON         3:42:42  0:11:57   367/F30-34     2585/F    3:40:52  0:11:51    4747  
 5563. Jennifer N Boromello            Stoney Creek ON         3:42:42  0:11:57   368/F30-34     2586/F    3:40:52  0:11:51    764   
 5564. Michael Govaert                 Brantford ON            3:42:44  0:11:57   521/M45-49     2976/M    3:39:55  0:11:48    1273  
 5565. Dar Quinn                       Brantford ON            3:42:44  0:11:57   436/F40-44     2587/F    3:39:58  0:11:48    5678  
 5566. Panag Jang Singh                Brantford ON            3:42:44  0:11:57   123/M60-64     2977/M    3:39:57  0:11:48    5730  
 5567. Alex A Sum                      Etobicoke ON            3:42:46  0:11:57    33/M65-69     2978/M    3:42:33  0:11:56    6707  
 5568. Joshua R Brenneman              Stoney Creek ON         3:42:48  0:11:57   298/M30-34     2979/M    3:38:16  0:11:43    873   
 5569. Scott Lawrence                  Toronto ON              3:42:51  0:11:57   489/M50-54     2980/M    3:39:47  0:11:47    3965  
 5570. Catherine Brown                 Newmarket ON            3:42:52  0:11:57   270/F50-54     2588/F    3:41:36  0:11:53    929   
 5571. Judy Sheluk                     Holland Landing ON      3:42:56  0:11:58   135/F55-59     2589/F    3:34:36  0:11:31    6315  
 5572. Leasa Wright                    Oakville ON             3:42:57  0:11:58   295/F25-29     2590/F    3:37:50  0:11:41    7607  
 5573. Dawn E Burks                    Rochester Hills MI      3:43:06  0:11:58   408/F35-39     2591/F    3:40:56  0:11:51    1030  
 5574. Mike Halminen                   Toronto ON              3:43:06  0:11:58   472/M40-44     2981/M    3:38:04  0:11:42    2857  
 5575. Robyn Healey                    Clason MI               3:43:09  0:11:58   369/F30-34     2592/F    3:40:59  0:11:51    2997  
 5576. Vincent Cheung                  Toronto ON              3:43:09  0:11:58   473/M40-44     2982/M    3:40:10  0:11:49    1270  
 5577. Lori Macdonald                  Hamilton ON             3:43:11  0:11:58   437/F40-44     2593/F    3:41:25  0:11:53    4243  
 5578. Caitlin Allain                  Toronto ON              3:43:12  0:11:58   296/F25-29     2594/F    3:38:32  0:11:43    168   
 5579. Glenn Smale                     Guelph ON               3:43:12  0:11:58   124/M60-64     2983/M    3:39:14  0:11:46    6434  
 5580. Sarah Dewar                     Toronto ON              3:43:16  0:11:59   465/F45-49     2595/F    3:43:01  0:11:58    1843  
 5581. Cory Skinner                    Kempville ON            3:43:20  0:11:59   474/M40-44     2984/M    3:38:13  0:11:42    6408  
 5582. Chris Bartholomew               Ottawa ON               3:43:20  0:11:59   475/M40-44     2985/M    3:38:14  0:11:42    458   
 5583. Mike Cousineau                  Burlington ON           3:43:21  0:11:59   490/M50-54     2986/M    3:40:21  0:11:49    1515  
 5584. Kathy Nicholaichuk              Toronto ON              3:43:23  0:11:59   271/F50-54     2596/F    3:38:39  0:11:44    5133  
 5585. Longfield Alice                 Ingersoll ON            3:43:26  0:11:59   272/F50-54     2597/F    3:37:36  0:11:40    165   
 5586. Anie Paiement-Lamothe           Rouyn-Noranda QC        3:43:27  0:11:59   409/F35-39     2598/F    3:37:32  0:11:40    5292  
 5587. Kathy Curley                    Ancaster ON             3:43:27  0:11:59   273/F50-54     2599/F    3:39:10  0:11:45    1729  
 5588. Darlene Huff                    Oakville ON             3:43:30  0:11:59   274/F50-54     2600/F    3:39:51  0:11:48    3234  
 5589. Lise Chabot                     Stittsville ON          3:43:32  0:11:59   438/F40-44     2601/F    3:37:31  0:11:40    1211  
 5590. Cindy Bisson                    Stittsville ON          3:43:32  0:11:59   466/F45-49     2602/F    3:37:30  0:11:40    657   
 5591. Dominique Bruce                 Hamilton ON             3:43:34  0:12:00   297/F25-29     2603/F    3:37:08  0:11:39    968   
 5592. Andrew Roch                     Hamilton ON             3:43:36  0:12:00   522/M45-49     2987/M    3:38:56  0:11:45    5895  
 5593. Sana Abou-Georgi                Mississauga ON          3:43:40  0:12:00   298/F25-29     2604/F    3:37:57  0:11:42    104   
 5594. Peg Chuang                      Mississauga ON          3:43:40  0:12:00   439/F40-44     2605/F    3:37:58  0:11:42    1314  
 5595. Amber S Oke                     Port Credit ON          3:43:41  0:12:00   410/F35-39     2606/F    3:38:01  0:11:42    5232  
 5596. Kate B Woods                    Carlisle ON             3:43:45  0:12:00   275/F50-54     2607/F    3:37:41  0:11:41    7583  
 5597. Trevor Zeidler                  Kitchener ON            3:43:45  0:12:00   299/M30-34     2988/M    3:39:35  0:11:47    7678  
 5598. Norma Gelinas                   London ON               3:43:46  0:12:00   136/F55-59     2608/F    3:39:20  0:11:46    2515  
 5599. Landon Rak                      Toronto ON              3:43:50  0:12:00   440/M35-39     2989/M    3:41:10  0:11:52    5701  
 5600. Jennifer Vasseur                Hamilton ON             3:43:53  0:12:01   299/F25-29     2609/F    3:42:29  0:11:56    7141  
 5601. Julie Lau                       North York ON           3:43:57  0:12:01   370/F30-34     2610/F    3:40:41  0:11:50    3933  
 5602. Kathy K Cumbo                   Hamilton ON             3:43:57  0:12:01   276/F50-54     2611/F    3:40:37  0:11:50    1599  
 5603. Carmen Davidson                 Kanata ON               3:43:58  0:12:01   277/F50-54     2612/F    3:37:56  0:11:41    1695  
 5604. Elaine Sicoli                   Stittsville ON          3:43:58  0:12:01   278/F50-54     2613/F    3:37:55  0:11:41    6350  
 5605. Erin Mutterback                 Ottawa ON               3:43:59  0:12:01   371/F30-34     2614/F    3:41:05  0:11:52    5042  
 5606. Jennifer Newton                 Ottawa ON               3:44:01  0:12:01   300/F25-29     2615/F    3:41:07  0:11:52    5121  
 5607. Richard Kloschinsky             Hamilton ON             3:44:01  0:12:01   523/M45-49     2990/M    3:39:59  0:11:48    3714  
 5608. Ada Naguit                      Hamilton ON             3:44:03  0:12:01   467/F45-49     2616/F    3:43:09  0:11:58    5056  
 5609. Karen Calwell                   Barrie ON               3:44:03  0:12:01     1/FNoAge     2617/F    3:41:15  0:11:52    1085  
 5610. Kathy Ditner                    Mildmay ON              3:44:06  0:12:01   440/F40-44     2618/F    3:41:03  0:11:51    1897  
 5611. Sandy Friesen                   Niagara Falls ON        3:44:08  0:12:01   468/F45-49     2619/F    3:43:57  0:12:01    2414  
 5612. Stephen Apps                    St. Catharines ON       3:44:10  0:12:02   491/M50-54     2991/M    3:38:36  0:11:44    265   
 5613. Eva Marlow                      Markham ON              3:44:13  0:12:02   441/F40-44     2620/F    3:43:42  0:12:00    4398  
 5614. Pierre Yeremian                 Toronto ON              3:44:15  0:12:02   492/M50-54     2992/M    3:38:06  0:11:42    7637  
 5615. Fiona Fisher                    Dundas ON               3:44:20  0:12:02   442/F40-44     2621/F    3:44:14  0:12:02    2284  
 5616. Grant S Swanson                 Oakville ON             3:44:22  0:12:02   125/M60-64     2993/M    3:39:01  0:11:45    6728  
 5617. Danielle M Hulan                Hamilton ON             3:44:22  0:12:02   301/F25-29     2622/F    3:41:38  0:11:53    3242  
 5618. Marc K Bovet                    Hamilton ON             3:44:22  0:12:02   300/M30-34     2994/M    3:41:38  0:11:53    797   
 5619. Stuart Swanson                  Kanata ON               3:44:22  0:12:02   298/M55-59     2995/M    3:39:01  0:11:45    6730  
 5620. Ronald James                    Brantford ON            3:44:24  0:12:02   299/M55-59     2996/M    3:41:39  0:11:53    3352  
 5621. Lisa D Macaulay                 Brantford ON            3:44:24  0:12:02   411/F35-39     2623/F    3:41:38  0:11:53    4228  
 5622. Karen Landers                   Oshawa ON               3:44:27  0:12:02   412/F35-39     2624/F    3:38:44  0:11:44    3893  
 5623. Lori Lofchick                   Dundas ON               3:44:27  0:12:02   443/F40-44     2625/F    3:44:20  0:12:02    4138  
 5624. Connie C Benner                 Burlington ON           3:44:31  0:12:03   413/F35-39     2626/F    3:41:47  0:11:54    560   
 5625. Marielle R Uliana               Georgetown ON           3:44:31  0:12:03   469/F45-49     2627/F    3:39:08  0:11:45    7034  
 5626. Tom Gilas                       Toronto ON              3:44:33  0:12:03   300/M55-59     2997/M    3:39:53  0:11:48    2564  
 5627. Suzanne Dionne                  Burlington ON           3:44:35  0:12:03   470/F45-49     2628/F    3:42:23  0:11:56    1890  
 5628. Teresa Foley                    Peterborough ON         3:44:41  0:12:03   279/F50-54     2629/F    3:38:33  0:11:43    2326  
 5629. Patrick Foley                   Peterborough ON         3:44:41  0:12:03   493/M50-54     2998/M    3:38:33  0:11:43    2325  
 5630. Felicia J Paluck                Vaughan ON              3:44:48  0:12:04   125/F20-24     2630/F    3:39:28  0:11:46    5306  
 5631. Carrie Acton                    Huntsville ON           3:44:48  0:12:04   414/F35-39     2631/F    3:40:43  0:11:50    110   
 5632. Duane Bouyea                    Burlington ON           3:44:51  0:12:04   441/M35-39     2999/M    3:39:06  0:11:45    6261  
 5633. Greg S Quiaoit                  Mississauga ON          3:44:54  0:12:04   524/M45-49     3000/M    3:42:41  0:11:57    5669  
 5634. Nicole Roslin                   Toronto ON              3:44:54  0:12:04   415/F35-39     2632/F    3:39:43  0:11:47    5959  
 5635. Trich R Quiaoit                 Mississauga ON          3:44:55  0:12:04   471/F45-49     2633/F    3:42:41  0:11:57    5670  
 5636. Melissa Imrie                   Bracebridge ON          3:44:55  0:12:04   302/F25-29     2634/F    3:39:10  0:11:45    3307  
 5637. Tara Williams                   Bracebridge ON          3:44:55  0:12:04   416/F35-39     2635/F    3:39:10  0:11:45    7480  
 5638. Bernadette Silva                Oakville ON             3:44:57  0:12:04   372/F30-34     2636/F    3:40:21  0:11:49    6361  
 5639. Shannon Brett                   Woodstock ON            3:44:58  0:12:04   417/F35-39     2637/F    3:39:05  0:11:45    877   
 5640. Elizabeth Marchand              Richmond Hill ON        3:44:58  0:12:04   472/F45-49     2638/F    3:39:37  0:11:47    4378  
 5641. Cathleen Harrison               Newmarket ON            3:44:59  0:12:04   137/F55-59     2639/F    3:38:49  0:11:44    2933  
 5642. Ingrid Wilson                   Mississauga ON          3:45:02  0:12:04   473/F45-49     2640/F    3:42:50  0:11:57    4071  
 5643. Bill Bailey                     Lakefield ON            3:45:04  0:12:04   301/M55-59     3001/M    3:40:08  0:11:49    357   
 5644. Louise Bogart                   London ON               3:45:05  0:12:04   474/F45-49     2641/F    3:42:07  0:11:55    717   
 5645. Cheryl Weese                    Oakville ON             3:45:13  0:12:05   475/F45-49     2642/F    3:39:40  0:11:47    7347  
 5646. Susanne Moorhead                Etobicoke ON            3:45:15  0:12:05   418/F35-39     2643/F    3:41:29  0:11:53    4898  
 5647. Allen Cooper                    Mississauga ON          3:45:16  0:12:05   476/M40-44     3002/M    3:41:28  0:11:53    1463  
 5648. Chalene Aitchison               Oak Ridges ON           3:45:18  0:12:05   373/F30-34     2644/F    3:44:48  0:12:04    147   
 5649. Kim Wilkie                      Toronto ON              3:45:20  0:12:05   374/F30-34     2645/F    3:39:39  0:11:47    7450  
 5650. Lindsay Swanson                 Toronto ON              3:45:20  0:12:05   375/F30-34     2646/F    3:39:39  0:11:47    6729  
 5651. Jeff Stokley                    London ON               3:45:20  0:12:05   301/M30-34     3003/M    3:43:10  0:11:58    6648  
 5652. Gerald Dove                     Ilderton ON             3:45:22  0:12:05   302/M30-34     3004/M    3:43:12  0:11:58    1949  
 5653. Marguerite C Murrin-Cahill      Ancaster ON             3:45:23  0:12:05   280/F50-54     2647/F    3:41:11  0:11:52    5034  
 5654. Jeff Benner                     Hamilton ON             3:45:24  0:12:05   187/M25-29     3005/M    3:40:33  0:11:50    562   
 5655. Shelley Bond                    Waterdown ON            3:45:32  0:12:06   444/F40-44     2648/F    3:43:35  0:12:00    738   
 5656. Kathy Wiens                     Orleans ON              3:45:33  0:12:06   445/F40-44     2649/F    3:39:27  0:11:46    7436  
 5657. Barnie Papp                     Toronto ON              3:45:35  0:12:06   525/M45-49     3006/M    3:40:19  0:11:49    5321  
 5658. Roger Cunha                     Toronto ON              3:45:36  0:12:06   526/M45-49     3007/M    3:40:19  0:11:49    1606  
 5659. George A Duffy                  Richmond Hill ON        3:45:36  0:12:06     9/M70-74     3008/M    3:40:49  0:11:51    2000  
 5660. Jackie Ambridge                 Hamilton ON             3:45:37  0:12:06   446/F40-44     2650/F    3:42:54  0:11:57    199   
 5661. Catherine King                  Hamilton ON             3:45:37  0:12:06   303/F25-29     2651/F    3:42:54  0:11:57    3681  
 5662. Muffy Davies                    Lion's Head ON          3:45:38  0:12:06   304/F25-29     2652/F    3:41:50  0:11:54    1707  
 5663. Karen Loops                     New York NY             3:45:39  0:12:06   419/F35-39     2653/F    3:44:04  0:12:01    4156  
 5664. Cindy Marcelli                  Barrie ON               3:45:40  0:12:06   476/F45-49     2654/F    3:42:52  0:11:57    4375  
 5665. Maureen Pecknold                Toronto ON              3:45:41  0:12:06   447/F40-44     2655/F    3:39:33  0:11:47    5412  
 5666. Wendy Morihovitis               Aurora ON               3:45:44  0:12:07   477/F45-49     2656/F    3:41:01  0:11:51    4923  
 5667. Shawna Dingman                  Aurora ON               3:45:45  0:12:07   448/F40-44     2657/F    3:42:45  0:11:57    1883  
 5668. Ira Brooke                      Thornhill ON            3:45:50  0:12:07   477/M40-44     3009/M    3:41:10  0:11:52    907   
 5669. Daila Webster                   Thornhill ON            3:45:50  0:12:07   449/F40-44     2658/F    3:41:10  0:11:52    7338  
 5670. Sarah Tiessen                   Hamilton ON             3:45:52  0:12:07   305/F25-29     2659/F    3:39:26  0:11:46    6896  
 5671. Rhonda Barr                     Dundas ON               3:45:53  0:12:07   281/F50-54     2660/F    3:43:16  0:11:59    444   
 5672. Amanda Hillier                  Burlington ON           3:45:54  0:12:07   306/F25-29     2661/F    3:43:17  0:11:59    3088  
 5673. Simon Vansickle                 Dundas ON               3:45:54  0:12:07   303/M30-34     3010/M    3:43:17  0:11:59    7133  
 5674. Jeffrey Sharpe                  Stoney Creek ON         3:45:55  0:12:07   442/M35-39     3011/M    3:40:50  0:11:51    6288  
 5675. Norine Schreiber                Thornhill ON            3:45:55  0:12:07   138/F55-59     2662/F    3:40:06  0:11:48    6179  
 5676. Dave Cunningham                 Mississauga ON          3:45:57  0:12:07   527/M45-49     3012/M    3:41:25  0:11:53    1610  
 5677. Mark Kerwin                     Toronto ON              3:45:58  0:12:07   478/M40-44     3013/M    3:45:55  0:12:07    969   
 5678. Heidi Kift                      Oshawa ON               3:46:03  0:12:08   307/F25-29     2663/F    3:40:20  0:11:49    3660  
 5679. Heather Ferguson                Dollard Des Ormeaux QC  3:46:04  0:12:08   282/F50-54     2664/F    3:40:58  0:11:51    2231  
 5680. Gregory Falsetti                St. Catharines ON       3:46:10  0:12:08   494/M50-54     3014/M    3:45:59  0:12:07    2172  
 5681. Lynette Whiley                  Mississauga ON          3:46:11  0:12:08   450/F40-44     2665/F    3:41:07  0:11:52    7397  
 5682. Patti Richter                   Toronto ON              3:46:19  0:12:08   283/F50-54     2666/F    3:40:36  0:11:50    5833  
 5683. Colin Weir                      Calgary AB              3:46:20  0:12:08   188/M25-29     3015/M    3:44:02  0:12:01    7354  
 5684. Daniel Weir                     Hamilton ON             3:46:21  0:12:09   189/M25-29     3016/M    3:44:03  0:12:01    7355  
 5685. Tara L Sankey                   Burlington ON           3:46:23  0:12:09   308/F25-29     2667/F    3:44:26  0:12:02    6101  
 5686. Andrew Short                    Kitchener ON            3:46:25  0:12:09   443/M35-39     3017/M    3:43:17  0:11:59    6342  
 5687. Cheryl Cook                     Mississauga ON          3:46:26  0:12:09   284/F50-54     2668/F    3:46:11  0:12:08    1451  
 5688. Michael Fischer                 Waterdown ON            3:46:27  0:12:09   479/M40-44     3018/M    3:45:59  0:12:07    2278  
 5689. Barbara Tyldesley               Hamilton ON             3:46:36  0:12:09   285/F50-54     2669/F    3:44:06  0:12:01    7029  
 5690. Clark Seadon                    Toronto ON              3:46:38  0:12:09   495/M50-54     3019/M    3:42:37  0:11:57    6221  
 5691. Adam Thomson                    Waterdown ON            3:46:39  0:12:10    94/M20-24     3020/M    3:43:29  0:11:59    6876  
 5692. Martin Houston                  Dundas ON               3:46:42  0:12:10   496/M50-54     3021/M    3:41:12  0:11:52    3207  
 5693. Jerry Andreatta                 Stoney Creek ON         3:46:44  0:12:10   126/M60-64     3022/M    3:45:38  0:12:06    236   
 5694. Nick Houston                    Dundas ON               3:46:47  0:12:10   302/M55-59     3023/M    3:41:16  0:11:52    3209  
 5695. Gary Winkworth                  Mississauga ON          3:46:51  0:12:10   303/M55-59     3024/M    3:41:17  0:11:52    7530  
 5696. Carol Anne Owen                 Ottawa ON               3:46:54  0:12:10   478/F45-49     2670/F    3:41:59  0:11:54    5271  
 5697. Nathan Harpelle                 Orangeville ON          3:47:01  0:12:11   444/M35-39     3025/M    3:46:27  0:12:09    2922  
 5698. Diana Nagel                     London ON               3:47:07  0:12:11   451/F40-44     2671/F    3:44:10  0:12:02    5055  
 5699. Sue Hillis                      London ON               3:47:07  0:12:11   286/F50-54     2672/F    3:44:09  0:12:01    3091  
 5700. Jim Hampton                     Burlington ON           3:47:08  0:12:11   304/M55-59     3026/M    3:43:00  0:11:58    2884  
 5701. Joan E Tranmer                  Kingston ON             3:47:09  0:12:11   139/F55-59     2673/F    3:47:03  0:12:11    6958  
 5702. Rui Chong                       Brampton ON             3:47:17  0:12:12   497/M50-54     3027/M    3:44:11  0:12:02    1297  
 5703. Vidya Kauri                     Toronto ON              3:47:22  0:12:12   376/F30-34     2674/F    3:42:00  0:11:55    3553  
 5704. Jennifer Tarnawski              Burlington ON           3:47:22  0:12:12   420/F35-39     2675/F    3:42:26  0:11:56    6779  
 5705. Robert Demers                   Hamilton ON             3:47:23  0:12:12   528/M45-49     3028/M    3:43:47  0:12:00    1801  
 5706. Samson Romero                   Toronto ON              3:47:26  0:12:12   304/M30-34     3029/M    3:44:55  0:12:04    5927  
 5707. Tamara Cummings                 Hamilton ON             3:47:29  0:12:12   421/F35-39     2676/F    3:42:06  0:11:55    1605  
 5708. Joeline Hilbert                 Hamilton ON             3:47:29  0:12:12   479/F45-49     2677/F    3:42:07  0:11:55    3073  
 5709. Amy Groff                       Greenbank ON            3:47:38  0:12:13   309/F25-29     2678/F    3:41:36  0:11:53    2748  
 5710. Evelyn R Antoncic               Hamilton ON             3:47:45  0:12:13   126/F20-24     2679/F    3:43:32  0:11:59    258   
 5711. Jay Serdula                     Kingston ON             3:47:47  0:12:13   445/M35-39     3030/M    3:45:17  0:12:05    6249  
 5712. Scott Luce                      Meaford ON              3:47:48  0:12:13   529/M45-49     3031/M    3:47:12  0:12:11    4185  
 5713. John Bourikos                   Richmond Hill ON        3:47:50  0:12:13   305/M55-59     3032/M    3:45:44  0:12:07    788   
 5714. Emily T Leslie                  Hamilton ON             3:47:50  0:12:13   310/F25-29     2680/F    3:43:45  0:12:00    4050  
 5715. Susan Fekecs                    Hamilton ON             3:47:50  0:12:13   377/F30-34     2681/F    3:43:46  0:12:00    2213  
 5716. Deanne Taylor                   Brooklin ON             3:47:53  0:12:13   480/F45-49     2682/F    3:41:51  0:11:54    6800  
 5717. Kimberley Brown                 Buffalo NY              3:47:53  0:12:13   452/F40-44     2683/F    3:42:59  0:11:58    946   
 5718. Gabriela Lopez                  Nepean ON               3:47:55  0:12:14   481/F45-49     2684/F    3:43:31  0:11:59    4157  
 5719. Ruth Glenwright                 Nepean ON               3:47:55  0:12:14   287/F50-54     2685/F    3:43:31  0:11:59    2607  
 5720. Tamra Nettagog                  Dunnville ON            3:48:04  0:12:14    36/F15-19     2686/F    3:47:42  0:12:13    5103  
 5721. Ken Beadle                      Ottawa ON               3:48:10  0:12:14   190/M25-29     3033/M    3:43:05  0:11:58    487   
 5722. Ryan Purdy                      Hamilton ON             3:48:11  0:12:14   305/M30-34     3034/M    3:47:29  0:12:12    5651  
 5723. Tara Knight                     London ON               3:48:12  0:12:15   378/F30-34     2687/F    3:44:21  0:12:02    3734  
 5724. Don Cooper                      Burlington ON           3:48:22  0:12:15   498/M50-54     3035/M    3:44:22  0:12:02    1465  
 5725. Elaine F Spall                  Richmond Hill ON        3:48:33  0:12:16   482/F45-49     2688/F    3:48:01  0:12:14    6520  
 5726. France Morais                   Tecumseh ON             3:48:35  0:12:16   483/F45-49     2689/F    3:43:53  0:12:01    4903  
 5727. Mona Martin                     Nepean ON               3:48:36  0:12:16   140/F55-59     2690/F    3:48:01  0:12:14    4434  
 5728. Cathy Jeske                     Mississauga ON          3:48:45  0:12:16   484/F45-49     2691/F    3:44:57  0:12:04    3404  
 5729. Costa Adamopoulos               Toronto ON              3:48:45  0:12:16   499/M50-54     3036/M    3:44:40  0:12:03    114   
 5730. Michael Nemet                   Burlington ON           3:48:48  0:12:16   306/M30-34     3037/M    3:45:09  0:12:05    5097  
 5731. Baljit Samrai                   Hamilton ON             3:48:48  0:12:16   485/F45-49     2692/F    3:42:39  0:11:57    6083  
 5732. Nicol Decourcy-Donovan          Dundas ON               3:48:49  0:12:16   453/F40-44     2693/F    3:43:00  0:11:58    1761  
 5733. Jim Penman                      Wakefield QC            3:48:52  0:12:17   306/M55-59     3038/M    3:43:54  0:12:01    5431  
 5734. Dawn Turnbull                   Wakefield QC            3:48:52  0:12:17   486/F45-49     2694/F    3:43:55  0:12:01    7011  
 5735. Janice Harvey                   Dundas ON               3:48:53  0:12:17   288/F50-54     2695/F    3:43:54  0:12:01    2950  
 5736. Jennifer Roy                    Hamilton ON             3:48:54  0:12:17   422/F35-39     2696/F    3:44:59  0:12:04    5997  
 5737. Karen Turner                    Toronto ON              3:48:54  0:12:17   379/F30-34     2697/F    3:42:57  0:11:58    7016  
 5738. Cari Rastas Howard              Waterloo ON             3:48:55  0:12:17   423/F35-39     2698/F    3:43:59  0:12:01    5727  
 5739. Joan Bardossi                   Rochester NY            3:48:57  0:12:17   289/F50-54     2699/F    3:44:28  0:12:02    425   
 5740. Liz Valliant                    Oshawa ON               3:48:58  0:12:17   454/F40-44     2700/F    3:45:31  0:12:06    7070  
 5741. Erika Costa                     Stoney Creek ON         3:48:59  0:12:17    37/F15-19     2701/F    3:44:17  0:12:02    1502  
 5742. David McMullan                  Ajax ON                 3:49:10  0:12:18   307/M55-59     3039/M    3:44:22  0:12:02    4665  
 5743. Janet McMullan                  Welsh ON                3:49:10  0:12:18   290/F50-54     2702/F    3:44:24  0:12:02    4666  
 5744. Tammy E Duhaime                 Barrie ON               3:49:12  0:12:18   424/F35-39     2703/F    3:45:30  0:12:06    2005  
 5745. Brian Gibb                      Dollard-Des-Orme QC     3:49:16  0:12:18   127/M60-64     3040/M    3:44:59  0:12:04    2543  
 5746. Ingrid Exner                    Burlington ON           3:49:17  0:12:18   455/F40-44     2704/F    3:48:11  0:12:14    2160  
 5747. Stacy Floros                    Markham ON              3:49:19  0:12:18   456/F40-44     2705/F    3:43:41  0:12:00    2316  
 5748. Shannon T Horner-Shepherd       Vittoria ON             3:49:22  0:12:18   425/F35-39     2706/F    3:44:29  0:12:03    3190  
 5749. Jana Cochrane                   Hamilton ON             3:49:22  0:12:18   426/F35-39     2707/F    3:48:53  0:12:17    1389  
 5750. Kelly A O'Halloran              Hamilton ON             3:49:23  0:12:18   291/F50-54     2708/F    3:48:55  0:12:17    5222  
 5751. Eugene Scanlan                  Toronto ON              3:49:37  0:12:19     4/M75-99     3041/M    3:44:35  0:12:03    6136  
 5752. Hanneli Luceno                  Markham ON              3:49:38  0:12:19   487/F45-49     2709/F    3:44:02  0:12:01    4186  
 5753. Cathy Kehoe                     Markham ON              3:49:40  0:12:19   488/F45-49     2710/F    3:47:03  0:12:11    4986  
 5754. Elizabeth Laaniste              Pickering ON            3:49:41  0:12:19    48/F60-64     2711/F    3:47:18  0:12:12    3838  
 5755. Rebecca J Ross                  Windsor ON              3:49:49  0:12:20   380/F30-34     2712/F    3:49:10  0:12:18    5973  
 5756. Veronica Y Pepper               Waterford ON            3:49:51  0:12:20   489/F45-49     2713/F    3:49:26  0:12:18    5440  
 5757. Ronald Wilson                   Ancaster ON             3:49:52  0:12:20   500/M50-54     3042/M    3:47:52  0:12:13    7516  
 5758. Jay Ciccarelli                  Newmarket ON            3:49:52  0:12:20   501/M50-54     3043/M    3:44:54  0:12:04    1026  
 5759. Margaret Jamieson               Zephyr ON               3:49:52  0:12:20   490/F45-49     2714/F    3:44:53  0:12:04    3356  
 5760. Scott Camillo                   Hannon ON               3:49:55  0:12:20   502/M50-54     3044/M    3:45:11  0:12:05    1096  
 5761. Bob Allen                       Burlington ON           3:49:57  0:12:20   480/M40-44     3045/M    3:44:19  0:12:02    184   
 5762. Errol Nairne                    Waterloo ON             3:50:00  0:12:20   308/M55-59     3046/M    3:49:28  0:12:19    5060  
 5763. Shimon Schwartz                 Waterloo ON             3:50:01  0:12:20   503/M50-54     3047/M    3:49:28  0:12:19    6193  
 5764. Brad Bossert                    Burlington ON           3:50:04  0:12:21   504/M50-54     3048/M    3:48:06  0:12:14    769   
 5765. Dave Morrison                   Caledonia ON            3:50:20  0:12:21   481/M40-44     3049/M    3:44:07  0:12:01    4940  
 5766. Abie Groberg                    Thornhill ON            3:50:22  0:12:21    34/M65-69     3050/M    3:50:02  0:12:20    2747  
 5767. Mandy Kadziolka                 Stoney Creek ON         3:50:30  0:12:22   457/F40-44     2715/F    3:45:00  0:12:04    3512  
 5768. Denise Sivyer                   Mississauga ON          3:50:30  0:12:22    49/F60-64     2716/F    3:45:21  0:12:05    6399  
 5769. Wendy Piedimonte                Hamilton ON             3:50:30  0:12:22   491/F45-49     2717/F    3:45:01  0:12:04    5516  
 5770. Mark D Cunningham               Stoney Creek ON         3:50:30  0:12:22   530/M45-49     3051/M    3:45:01  0:12:04    1611  
 5771. Scott W Strong                  Etobicoke ON            3:50:33  0:12:22   482/M40-44     3052/M    3:48:24  0:12:15    6677  
 5772. Jack Langelaan                  Grimsby ON              3:50:47  0:12:23   531/M45-49     3053/M    3:48:01  0:12:14    3896  
 5773. Pamela Vallis                   Mississauga ON          3:50:48  0:12:23   492/F45-49     2718/F    3:49:00  0:12:17    7075  
 5774. Brigida Degeus                  Ajax ON                 3:50:49  0:12:23   493/F45-49     2719/F    3:48:26  0:12:15    1764  
 5775. Jennifer Ann Sweet              Nepean ON               3:50:53  0:12:23   427/F35-39     2720/F    3:44:11  0:12:02    6736  
 5776. Ross W Rader                    Caledon East ON         3:50:54  0:12:23   483/M40-44     3054/M    3:45:46  0:12:07    5689  
 5777. Jo-Anne Guimond                 Ottawa ON               3:50:57  0:12:23   494/F45-49     2721/F    3:44:15  0:12:02    2778  
 5778. Kate Hill                       Toronto ON              3:50:59  0:12:23   311/F25-29     2722/F    3:45:03  0:12:04    3081  
 5779. Anthea Gardiner                 Toronto ON              3:50:59  0:12:23   292/F50-54     2723/F    3:50:59  0:12:23    2475  
 5780. Cathy Clarke                    Toronto ON              3:50:59  0:12:23   495/F45-49     2724/F    3:50:59  0:12:23    1359  
 5781. Glen Ideias                     Mississauga ON          3:51:00  0:12:24   484/M40-44     3055/M    3:46:35  0:12:09    3297  
 5782. Patricia Ideias                 Mississauga ON          3:51:00  0:12:24   428/F35-39     2725/F    3:46:35  0:12:09    3298  
 5783. Colleen Bigelow                 Ottawa ON               3:51:02  0:12:24   141/F55-59     2726/F    3:45:10  0:12:05    629   
 5784. Michael Richardson              Canfield ON             3:51:03  0:12:24    95/M20-24     3056/M    3:45:32  0:12:06    5829  
 5785. Brian Brama                     Queensville ON          3:51:05  0:12:24   485/M40-44     3057/M    3:46:13  0:12:08    842   
 5786. Sandra Karl                     Waterloo ON             3:51:12  0:12:24   458/F40-44     2727/F    3:46:49  0:12:10    3540  
 5787. Karen M Radkowski               Buffalo NY              3:51:12  0:12:24   496/F45-49     2728/F    3:50:53  0:12:23    5691  
 5788. Karen Macdonald-Carey           Hamilton ON             3:51:22  0:12:25   142/F55-59     2729/F    3:46:36  0:12:09    4251  
 5789. William Carey                   Hamilton ON             3:51:22  0:12:25   309/M55-59     3058/M    3:46:36  0:12:09    1140  
 5790. Garth Wigle                     Cornwall ON             3:51:24  0:12:25   310/M55-59     3059/M    3:48:28  0:12:15    7441  
 5791. Victoria Graham                 Ottawa ON               3:51:32  0:12:25   381/F30-34     2730/F    3:48:10  0:12:14    2677  
 5792. Nicole Carrington               Toronto ON              3:51:33  0:12:25   429/F35-39     2731/F    3:47:01  0:12:11    1163  
 5793. Meghan Lafleur                  Burlington ON           3:51:34  0:12:25   382/F30-34     2732/F    3:46:27  0:12:09    3859  
 5794. Rosemary Stearns                Hamilton ON             3:51:35  0:12:25   293/F50-54     2733/F    3:46:47  0:12:10    6578  
 5795. May Stemshorn                   Mississauga ON          3:51:38  0:12:26    50/F60-64     2734/F    3:51:18  0:12:24    6600  
 5796. Ghan Desai                      Bethlehem PA            3:51:47  0:12:26   532/M45-49     3060/M    3:41:09  0:11:52    1818  
 5797. Gisele Collard                  Ottawa ON               3:51:47  0:12:26    51/F60-64     2735/F    3:46:29  0:12:09    1412  
 5798. Joan G. Nuxoll                  Hamilton ON             3:51:47  0:12:26    52/F60-64     2736/F    3:51:23  0:12:25    5183  
 5799. Alex Price                      Burlington ON           3:51:50  0:12:26    96/M20-24     3061/M    3:46:43  0:12:10    5617  
 5800. Dana Lee                        Stoney Creek ON         3:51:50  0:12:26   307/M30-34     3062/M    3:48:41  0:12:16    4006  
 5801. Karen Drinkle                   Paris ON                3:52:03  0:12:27   383/F30-34     2737/F    3:49:48  0:12:20    1974  
 5802. Daniel Jones                    St. Catharines ON       3:52:09  0:12:27    97/M20-24     3063/M    3:46:32  0:12:09    3466  
 5803. Astrid Eastman                  Mossley ON              3:52:11  0:12:27   430/F35-39     2738/F    3:47:45  0:12:13    2055  
 5804. Sybille Hamilton                Burlington ON           3:52:12  0:12:27   497/F45-49     2739/F    3:47:44  0:12:13    2878  
 5805. Karen A Vander Zaag             Alliston ON             3:52:14  0:12:27    38/F15-19     2740/F    3:45:59  0:12:07    7117  
 5806. Joanne F Brohman                Caledonia ON            3:52:23  0:12:28   294/F50-54     2741/F    3:50:31  0:12:22    904   
 5807. Kathy Mudryk                    Midland ON              3:52:24  0:12:28   498/F45-49     2742/F    3:49:37  0:12:19    4980  
 5808. Marian Ollila                   Toronto ON              3:52:27  0:12:28   143/F55-59     2743/F    3:47:27  0:12:12    5242  
 5809. Patricia Ambrose                Kingston ON             3:52:30  0:12:28   295/F50-54     2744/F    3:49:27  0:12:19    200   
 5810. Elizabeth Bardon                Kingston ON             3:52:35  0:12:29   459/F40-44     2745/F    3:49:34  0:12:19    424   
 5811. Kim Hunter                      Peterborough ON         3:52:38  0:12:29   499/F45-49     2746/F    3:46:32  0:12:09    3257  
 5812. Lori Christopher                Hamilton ON             3:52:40  0:12:29   431/F35-39     2747/F    3:47:04  0:12:11    1311  
 5813. Wally Fenske                    Georgetown ON           3:52:41  0:12:29    10/M70-74     3064/M    3:47:18  0:12:12    2222  
 5814. Allison Pomerleau               North Bay ON            3:52:42  0:12:29   384/F30-34     2748/F    3:49:27  0:12:19    5575  
 5815. Carol Shorrock                  Mississauga ON          3:52:42  0:12:29    53/F60-64     2749/F    3:49:00  0:12:17    6341  
 5816. Virginia A Wilkins              Toronto ON              3:52:44  0:12:29   144/F55-59     2750/F    3:47:34  0:12:12    7454  
 5817. Leasa Adams                     Toronto ON              3:52:44  0:12:29   296/F50-54     2751/F    3:47:33  0:12:12    121   
 5818. Patricia Madden                 Brantford ON            3:52:46  0:12:29   145/F55-59     2752/F    3:49:57  0:12:20    4308  
 5819. Joel Naguit                     Hamilton ON             3:52:47  0:12:29   533/M45-49     3065/M    3:51:52  0:12:26    5057  
 5820. Yvonne Relf                     Kanata ON               3:52:51  0:12:29   297/F50-54     2753/F    3:47:48  0:12:13    5778  
 5821. Jacqueline Evans                Orleans ON              3:52:53  0:12:30   298/F50-54     2754/F    3:48:34  0:12:16    2148  
 5822. Carolyn Boudreau                Bradford ON             3:52:57  0:12:30   500/F45-49     2755/F    3:49:17  0:12:18    777   
 5823. Jenn Fudge                      Toronto ON              3:52:59  0:12:30   385/F30-34     2756/F    3:49:46  0:12:20    2421  
 5824. Marie-France Graves             Toronto ON              3:53:00  0:12:30   312/F25-29     2757/F    3:49:53  0:12:20    2691  
 5825. Sabrina Pisano                  St. Catharines ON       3:53:03  0:12:30   386/F30-34     2758/F    3:52:52  0:12:30    5533  
 5826. Angela Schoblocher              Newmarket ON            3:53:07  0:12:30   501/F45-49     2759/F    3:44:59  0:12:04    6167  
 5827. Charlene Thomas                 Kanata ON               3:53:11  0:12:31   502/F45-49     2760/F    3:52:44  0:12:29    6851  
 5828. Melissa Perks                   Ottawa ON               3:53:14  0:12:31   313/F25-29     2761/F    3:50:20  0:12:21    5453  
 5829. Tania Ramsay                    Mississauga ON          3:53:15  0:12:31   387/F30-34     2762/F    3:47:58  0:12:14    5706  
 5830. Paul M Hartwick                 Burlington ON           3:53:18  0:12:31   505/M50-54     3066/M    3:51:03  0:12:24    2946  
 5831. Milena Bagg                     Burlington ON           3:53:20  0:12:31   432/F35-39     2763/F    3:48:57  0:12:17    352   
 5832. Elena Hall                      Brantford ON            3:53:23  0:12:31   314/F25-29     2764/F    3:48:13  0:12:15    2840  
 5833. Melody Taylor                   Burlington ON           3:53:25  0:12:31   503/F45-49     2765/F    3:47:39  0:12:13    6812  
 5834. Wendy Posner                    Burlington ON           3:53:26  0:12:31   504/F45-49     2766/F    3:47:39  0:12:13    5586  
 5835. Stephen Harris                  Unionville ON           3:53:34  0:12:32   128/M60-64     3067/M    3:52:45  0:12:29    2929  
 5836. David Marfei                    Grimsby ON              3:53:46  0:12:32   486/M40-44     3068/M    3:48:45  0:12:16    4388  
 5837. Linda M Turnbull                Kanata ON               3:53:48  0:12:33   146/F55-59     2767/F    3:48:21  0:12:15    7013  
 5838. Debra Meier                     Grand Island NY         3:53:58  0:12:33   299/F50-54     2768/F    3:47:50  0:12:13    4725  
 5839. Janet Stokes                    Kingston ON             3:54:01  0:12:33   505/F45-49     2769/F    3:49:35  0:12:19    6647  
 5840. Bob Decker                      Oakville ON             3:54:02  0:12:33   311/M55-59     3069/M    3:49:31  0:12:19    1758  
 5841. Katherine Venance               Ottawa ON               3:54:04  0:12:33   506/F45-49     2770/F    3:49:01  0:12:17    7156  
 5842. Michele Flynn                   Sarnia ON               3:54:05  0:12:33   460/F40-44     2771/F    3:48:18  0:12:15    2320  
 5843. Jennifer Fazzari                Ancaster ON             3:54:08  0:12:34   127/F20-24     2772/F    3:49:06  0:12:17    2200  
 5844. Nancy Roque                     Hamilton ON             3:54:16  0:12:34   433/F35-39     2773/F    3:48:11  0:12:14    5944  
 5845. Skeet Nevil                     Allegany NY             3:54:18  0:12:34   129/M60-64     3070/M    3:51:59  0:12:27    5107  
 5846. Rob Edwards                     Brantford ON            3:54:27  0:12:35   506/M50-54     3071/M    3:46:58  0:12:11    2077  
 5847. Helen Silverstein               Thornhill ON            3:54:32  0:12:35   147/F55-59     2774/F    3:49:48  0:12:20    6365  
 5848. Genevieve Malette               Ottawa ON               3:54:32  0:12:35   315/F25-29     2775/F    3:49:45  0:12:19    4340  
 5849. Joanna Hemlow                   Ottawa ON               3:54:37  0:12:35   388/F30-34     2776/F    3:54:28  0:12:35    3023  
 5850. Alison Hebert                   Windsor ON              3:54:47  0:12:36   389/F30-34     2777/F    3:54:08  0:12:34    3010  
 5851. Dale Boost                      London ON               3:54:48  0:12:36   130/M60-64     3072/M    3:51:52  0:12:26    756   
 5852. Fiona Gentle                    Peterborough ON         3:54:49  0:12:36   507/F45-49     2778/F    3:48:44  0:12:16    2522  
 5853. Anne Armstrong                  Barrie ON               3:54:57  0:12:36   508/F45-49     2779/F    3:49:43  0:12:19    281   
 5854. Marina Maitland                 Midhurst ON             3:54:58  0:12:36   300/F50-54     2780/F    3:49:44  0:12:19    4327  
 5855. Kari-Michael Helava             Toronto ON              3:55:02  0:12:36   446/M35-39     3073/M    3:52:44  0:12:29    3020  
 5856. Deborah Cape                    Toronto ON              3:55:03  0:12:37   461/F40-44     2781/F    3:52:45  0:12:29    1125  
 5857. Joe Saunders                    Burlington ON           3:55:15  0:12:37   507/M50-54     3074/M    3:52:42  0:12:29    6117  
 5858. Trudie Stewart                  Lasalle ON              3:55:22  0:12:38   390/F30-34     2782/F    3:54:41  0:12:35    6633  
 5859. Jose Lacruz                     Hamilton ON             3:55:23  0:12:38   487/M40-44     3075/M    3:51:47  0:12:26    3853  
 5860. Marylou Jones                   Woodstock ON            3:55:26  0:12:38   509/F45-49     2783/F    3:49:29  0:12:19    3481  
 5861. Saveria Farrugia                Toronto ON              3:55:28  0:12:38   510/F45-49     2784/F    3:54:37  0:12:35    2190  
 5862. Diana Waskawich                 Niagara Falls ON        3:55:30  0:12:38   434/F35-39     2785/F    3:51:56  0:12:27    7301  
 5863. Sara Biasetti                   Hamilton ON             3:55:41  0:12:39   128/F20-24     2786/F    3:51:23  0:12:25    621   
 5864. Jeff Timleck                    Toronto ON              3:55:44  0:12:39   534/M45-49     3076/M    3:49:35  0:12:19    6899  
 5865. Roula Dongas                    Toronto ON              3:55:45  0:12:39   462/F40-44     2787/F    3:53:19  0:12:31    1920  
 5866. Mary-Michelle Morrissey         Mississauga ON          3:55:46  0:12:39   463/F40-44     2788/F    3:49:48  0:12:20    4950  
 5867. Suzanne Mauro                   Hamilton ON             3:55:47  0:12:39   511/F45-49     2789/F    3:55:00  0:12:36    4487  
 5868. Barbara J Yeo                   Temagami ON             3:55:53  0:12:39    54/F60-64     2790/F    3:52:38  0:12:29    7635  
 5869. Susan Moran                     Getzville NY            3:55:55  0:12:39   301/F50-54     2791/F    3:50:34  0:12:22    4907  
 5870. Kathleen Cira                   Toronto ON              3:55:57  0:12:39   512/F45-49     2792/F    3:51:46  0:12:26    1332  
 5871. Andrew Moir                     Woodstock ON            3:55:57  0:12:39   447/M35-39     3077/M    3:51:17  0:12:24    4870  
 5872. Heather Bouwhuis                Pickering ON            3:56:01  0:12:40   302/F50-54     2793/F    3:52:28  0:12:28    795   
 5873. Karen Adams                     Mississauga ON          3:56:02  0:12:40   303/F50-54     2794/F    3:50:23  0:12:22    119   
 5874. Cindy Vanryn                    Mississauga ON          3:56:02  0:12:40   513/F45-49     2795/F    3:50:23  0:12:22    7132  
 5875. Jaime Chevalier                 Virgil ON               3:56:04  0:12:40   435/F35-39     2796/F    3:51:16  0:12:24    1272  
 5876. Jackie Anderson                 Dunnville ON            3:56:05  0:12:40   464/F40-44     2797/F    3:51:16  0:12:24    217   
 5877. Karim Alidina                   Mississauga ON          3:56:05  0:12:40   535/M45-49     3078/M    3:53:16  0:12:31    166   
 5878. Peter Haddow                    North Bay ON            3:56:11  0:12:40   508/M50-54     3079/M    3:52:00  0:12:27    2810  
 5879. Joanne L Alfano                 Stoney Creek ON         3:56:15  0:12:40   436/F35-39     2798/F    3:51:33  0:12:25    162   
 5880. Peter Flanjak                   Kitchener ON            3:56:20  0:12:41   308/M30-34     3080/M    3:56:01  0:12:40    2298  
 5881. Kyra Paterson                   Waterdown ON            3:56:21  0:12:41   437/F35-39     2799/F    3:53:01  0:12:30    5372  
 5882. Karl Schmitz                    Oakville ON             3:56:21  0:12:41   448/M35-39     3081/M    3:49:54  0:12:20    6162  
 5883. Debbie Elvidge                  Ddo QC                  3:56:24  0:12:41   465/F40-44     2800/F    3:51:04  0:12:24    2110  
 5884. Sue Fredericks                  Simcoe ON               3:56:29  0:12:41   304/F50-54     2801/F    3:55:45  0:12:39    2396  
 5885. May Liao                        Markham ON              3:56:35  0:12:41   514/F45-49     2802/F    3:51:01  0:12:24    4083  
 5886. Linda Gagatsis                  Toronto ON              3:56:38  0:12:42   391/F30-34     2803/F    3:51:28  0:12:25    2439  
 5887. Keith Rook                      Morrisburg ON           3:56:39  0:12:42   488/M40-44     3082/M    3:51:37  0:12:26    5934  
 5888. Kelly McCullagh                 Toronto ON              3:56:40  0:12:42   466/F40-44     2804/F    3:51:29  0:12:25    4560  
 5889. Cheryl Morris                   Kingston ON             3:56:42  0:12:42   392/F30-34     2805/F    3:52:10  0:12:27    4932  
 5890. Donna Fitzgerald                Kingston ON             3:56:42  0:12:42   305/F50-54     2806/F    3:52:11  0:12:27    2289  
 5891. Dan Guthrie                     Kingston ON             3:56:42  0:12:42   489/M40-44     3083/M    3:52:10  0:12:27    2788  
 5892. Carol Ross                      Oakville ON             3:56:45  0:12:42    55/F60-64     2807/F    3:51:32  0:12:25    5961  
 5893. Sandra Clumpus                  Whitby ON               3:56:46  0:12:42   515/F45-49     2808/F    3:51:03  0:12:24    1383  
 5894. Catherine Gissing               Aurora ON               3:56:48  0:12:42   148/F55-59     2809/F    3:50:51  0:12:23    2592  
 5895. Lee Brett                       Woodstock ON            3:56:49  0:12:42   449/M35-39     3084/M    3:50:57  0:12:23    876   
 5896. Michelle Mackinnon              Niagara Falls ON        3:56:53  0:12:42   467/F40-44     2810/F    3:52:34  0:12:29    4283  
 5897. Rich Worthington                Airdrie AB              3:56:53  0:12:42   131/M60-64     3085/M    3:52:34  0:12:29    7593  
 5898. Robert Hodgson                  Hamilton ON             3:56:57  0:12:43   490/M40-44     3086/M    3:51:11  0:12:24    3124  
 5899. David Condon                    Ajax ON                 3:57:01  0:12:43   536/M45-49     3087/M    3:52:30  0:12:28    1436  
 5900. Meghan Condon                   Ajax ON                 3:57:02  0:12:43   129/F20-24     2811/F    3:52:31  0:12:28    1437  
 5901. Wesley Smith                    Hamilton ON             3:57:04  0:12:43   309/M30-34     3088/M    3:51:00  0:12:24    6487  
 5902. Norman Ficker                   Brampton ON             3:57:06  0:12:43   491/M40-44     3089/M    3:54:47  0:12:36    2252  
 5903. Milva Casaluce                  Waterdown ON            3:57:12  0:12:43   516/F45-49     2812/F    3:51:09  0:12:24    1180  
 5904. Brenda Walker                   White Rock BC           3:57:13  0:12:44   306/F50-54     2813/F    3:52:13  0:12:27    7231  
 5905. Claudia Frisch                  Toronto ON              3:57:15  0:12:44   468/F40-44     2814/F    3:52:01  0:12:27    2415  
 5906. Therese Burian                  Vineland ON             3:57:16  0:12:44   469/F40-44     2815/F    3:52:28  0:12:28    1022  
 5907. Susan Hartzler                  New Hamburg ON          3:57:28  0:12:44   393/F30-34     2816/F    3:53:19  0:12:31    2947  
 5908. Lenny Guizzetti                 London ON               3:57:45  0:12:45    98/M20-24     3090/M    3:53:44  0:12:32    2781  
 5909. Denise M Hettinga               Woodstock ON            3:57:49  0:12:45   470/F40-44     2817/F    3:51:59  0:12:27    3051  
 5910. Laura Mason                     Toronto ON              3:57:51  0:12:46   471/F40-44     2818/F    3:51:40  0:12:26    4452  
 5911. David Wright                    Hamilton ON             3:57:56  0:12:46   537/M45-49     3091/M    3:54:46  0:12:36    7600  
 5912. Laura Robinson Muise            Burlington ON           3:58:04  0:12:46   472/F40-44     2819/F    3:52:44  0:12:29    5891  
 5913. Nancy Crabbe                    Rockland ON             3:58:05  0:12:46   517/F45-49     2820/F    3:57:34  0:12:45    1529  
 5914. Carol M Farrar                  Stevensville ON         3:58:10  0:12:47   307/F50-54     2821/F    3:54:37  0:12:35    2182  
 5915. Sunny Tedja                     Milton ON               3:58:16  0:12:47   518/F45-49     2822/F    3:53:06  0:12:30    6825  
 5916. Kelley Goforth                  Stratford ON            3:58:19  0:12:47   308/F50-54     2823/F    3:54:52  0:12:36    2617  
 5917. Margo Smallwood                 Virginia Beach VA       3:58:25  0:12:47   519/F45-49     2824/F    3:55:22  0:12:38    6440  
 5918. Adrian Hipolito                 Scarborough ON          3:58:39  0:12:48   492/M40-44     3092/M    3:54:19  0:12:34    3100  
 5919. Beth Cooper                     Brampton ON             3:58:44  0:12:48   473/F40-44     2825/F    3:58:44  0:12:48    1464  
 5920. Elaine M McIntosh               Toronto ON              3:58:52  0:12:49   130/F20-24     2826/F    3:53:42  0:12:32    4614  
 5921. David Gatto                     West Hill ON            3:58:58  0:12:49   312/M55-59     3093/M    3:53:21  0:12:31    2495  
 5922. Jenni Wood                      Toronto ON              3:59:03  0:12:49   131/F20-24     2827/F    3:55:21  0:12:38    7573  
 5923. Jason Calvin                    Toronto ON              3:59:03  0:12:49    99/M20-24     3094/M    3:55:21  0:12:38    1084  
 5924. Sue Wood                        Brantford ON            3:59:03  0:12:49   149/F55-59     2828/F    3:55:21  0:12:38    7578  
 5925. Siggy M Janes                   Barrie ON               3:59:04  0:12:49   150/F55-59     2829/F    3:58:32  0:12:48    3360  
 5926. Peter Dalle Vedove              Copetown ON             3:59:07  0:12:50   538/M45-49     3095/M    3:55:12  0:12:37    1654  
 5927. Heather McCray                  Hamilton ON             3:59:11  0:12:50   438/F35-39     2830/F    3:55:34  0:12:38    4556  
 5928. Jennifer O`Brien                Aurora ON               3:59:15  0:12:50   394/F30-34     2831/F    3:58:43  0:12:48    5184  
 5929. Samantha Williams               Hamilton ON             3:59:20  0:12:50   520/F45-49     2832/F    3:54:55  0:12:36    7478  
 5930. Jessica Brill                   Newmarket ON            3:59:20  0:12:50   439/F35-39     2833/F    3:58:49  0:12:49    890   
 5931. Julia Green                     Maple ON                3:59:21  0:12:50   395/F30-34     2834/F    3:55:09  0:12:37    2704  
 5932. Chelsea Petre                   Toronto ON              3:59:30  0:12:51   316/F25-29     2835/F    3:54:29  0:12:35    5483  
 5933. Harry Gerber                    Toronto ON              3:59:31  0:12:51   132/M60-64     3096/M    3:55:19  0:12:37    2528  
 5934. Debbie Nettagog                 Dunnville ON            3:59:33  0:12:51   521/F45-49     2836/F    3:59:12  0:12:50    5102  
 5935. Lise Perdue                     Sudbury ON              3:59:34  0:12:51   309/F50-54     2837/F    3:57:22  0:12:44    5443  
 5936. Cathy Tong                      Markham ON              3:59:46  0:12:52   151/F55-59     2838/F    3:54:09  0:12:34    6929  
 5937. Howard Macnair                  St. Catharines ON       3:59:48  0:12:52   509/M50-54     3097/M    3:57:32  0:12:45    4298  
 5938. Tara Macdougall                 Jordan ON               3:59:48  0:12:52   440/F35-39     2839/F    3:57:32  0:12:45    4253  
 5939. Susan Dunham                    Stouffville ON          3:59:56  0:12:52   522/F45-49     2840/F    3:56:19  0:12:41    2014  
 5940. Brian Tartaglia                 Hamilton ON             4:00:16  0:12:53   191/M25-29     3098/M    3:59:18  0:12:50    6781  
 5941. Chris Buck                      Toronto ON              4:00:21  0:12:54   539/M45-49     3099/M    3:55:18  0:12:37    996   
 5942. Phil Thornton                   Burlington ON           4:00:22  0:12:54   510/M50-54     3100/M    3:56:34  0:12:41    6887  
 5943. Cheryl Murphy                   Oakville ON             4:00:22  0:12:54   474/F40-44     2841/F    3:56:34  0:12:41    5020  
 5944. Rick Arthur                     Bolton ON               4:00:22  0:12:54   540/M45-49     3101/M    3:59:48  0:12:52    4026  
 5945. Velma Hansford                  Stratford ON            4:00:23  0:12:54   310/F50-54     2842/F    3:55:02  0:12:36    2902  
 5946. Ian Maton                       Cambridge ON            4:00:23  0:12:54   511/M50-54     3102/M    3:56:50  0:12:42    4472  
 5947. Karen Maton                     Cambridge ON            4:00:24  0:12:54   523/F45-49     2843/F    3:56:50  0:12:42    4473  
 5948. Leah Weeks                      Oshawa ON               4:00:24  0:12:54   396/F30-34     2844/F    3:54:41  0:12:35    7344  
 5949. Mary Rogers                     Whitby ON               4:00:25  0:12:54   524/F45-49     2845/F    3:54:41  0:12:35    5919  
 5950. Christiaan Vandergrift          Guelph ON               4:00:45  0:12:55   310/M30-34     3103/M    3:58:47  0:12:49    7119  
 5951. Andrew Meyer                    Kitchener ON            4:00:50  0:12:55   541/M45-49     3104/M    3:55:11  0:12:37    4763  
 5952. Corie Bonnaffon                 Thornhill ON            4:00:50  0:12:55    56/F60-64     2846/F    4:00:43  0:12:55    750   
 5953. Zoe Knight                      Toronto ON              4:01:00  0:12:56   525/F45-49     2847/F    3:55:02  0:12:36    3239  
 5954. Sandra Mogollon                 Caledon ON              4:01:03  0:12:56   475/F40-44     2848/F    4:00:27  0:12:54    4866  
 5955. Michael Kemeny                  Ancaster ON             4:01:04  0:12:56   133/M60-64     3105/M    3:54:49  0:12:36    3601  
 5956. Brenda Wylie                    Thornhill ON            4:01:11  0:12:56   311/F50-54     2849/F    3:56:48  0:12:42    7617  
 5957. Rob Deutschmann                 Ayr ON                  4:01:25  0:12:57   542/M45-49     3106/M    3:55:46  0:12:39    1834  
 5958. David Aitchison                 Ayr ON                  4:01:25  0:12:57   543/M45-49     3107/M    3:55:47  0:12:39    148   
 5959. Jennifer McKay                  Grimsby ON              4:01:26  0:12:57   476/F40-44     2850/F    3:58:27  0:12:47    4621  
 5960. Aaron McKay                     Dunnville ON            4:01:26  0:12:57    19/M15-19     3108/M    3:58:27  0:12:47    4618  
 5961. Jessica Macleod                 Dunnville ON            4:01:27  0:12:57   441/F35-39     2851/F    3:58:27  0:12:47    4296  
 5962. Michelle Torio                  Hamilton ON             4:01:28  0:12:57   397/F30-34     2852/F    3:57:46  0:12:45    6938  
 5963. Nancy Morgan                    Niagara Falls ON        4:01:30  0:12:57   526/F45-49     2853/F    4:01:30  0:12:57    4919  
 5964. Bob Sweetlove                   Casselman ON            4:01:34  0:12:58   313/M55-59     3109/M    3:59:52  0:12:52    6737  
 5965. Jewell Kennedy                  Oakville ON             4:01:39  0:12:58   527/F45-49     2854/F    3:55:47  0:12:39    3611  
 5966. Luis Rivas                      Oakville ON             4:01:58  0:12:59   544/M45-49     3110/M    3:57:02  0:12:43    5856  
 5967. Sarah Lowe                      Ancaster ON             4:02:04  0:12:59   528/F45-49     2855/F    3:56:36  0:12:42    4180  
 5968. Carolyn C Poulsen               Brockville ON           4:02:04  0:12:59   312/F50-54     2856/F    4:01:43  0:12:58    5593  
 5969. Kathy Copland                   Brockville ON           4:02:05  0:12:59   529/F45-49     2857/F    4:01:43  0:12:58    1472  
 5970. Arnold Walker                   St. Thomas ON           4:02:09  0:12:59   314/M55-59     3111/M    3:57:43  0:12:45    7230  
 5971. Bubba Kostendt                  St. Thomas ON           4:02:09  0:12:59   442/F35-39     2858/F    3:57:44  0:12:45    3770  
 5972. Liz Mitchell                    Whitby ON               4:02:19  0:13:00   313/F50-54     2859/F    3:56:07  0:12:40    4846  
 5973. Laurie Swan                     Nestleton ON            4:02:19  0:13:00   314/F50-54     2860/F    3:56:07  0:12:40    6725  
 5974. Christine Tomasi                Oshawa ON               4:02:19  0:13:00   315/F50-54     2861/F    3:56:07  0:12:40    6922  
 5975. Adam Serre                      Welland ON              4:02:27  0:13:00   100/M20-24     3112/M    4:02:12  0:13:00    7225  
 5976. O'Keefe Sean                    Toronto ON              4:02:39  0:13:01   311/M30-34     3113/M    3:59:46  0:12:52    6227  
 5977. Ania Bednarska                  Hamilton ON             4:02:46  0:13:01   317/F25-29     2862/F    3:59:34  0:12:51    520   
 5978. Nina Woods                      Toronto ON              4:02:50  0:13:02   443/F35-39     2863/F    3:58:01  0:12:46    7584  
 5979. Bacon Mackensey                 Hamilton ON             4:02:54  0:13:02   318/F25-29     2864/F    3:57:19  0:12:44    4275  
 5980. Erik C Switzer                  Toronto ON              4:02:58  0:13:02   493/M40-44     3114/M    3:58:08  0:12:46    6743  
 5981. Wendy Waugh                     Woodstock ON            4:03:09  0:13:03   316/F50-54     2865/F    3:57:21  0:12:44    7324  
 5982. Seamus Vallely                  Hamilton ON             4:03:09  0:13:03   315/M55-59     3115/M    4:02:44  0:13:01    7069  
 5983. Barrie Conrod                   Waterloo ON             4:03:29  0:13:04   512/M50-54     3116/M    4:02:57  0:13:02    1445  
 5984. David Saunders                  Kingsville ON           4:03:31  0:13:04   494/M40-44     3117/M    4:02:23  0:13:00    6115  
 5985. Nancy Gregory                   Kingston ON             4:03:32  0:13:04   152/F55-59     2866/F    4:00:29  0:12:54    2719  
 5986. Wendy McNaughton                Stratford ON            4:03:34  0:13:04    57/F60-64     2867/F    3:58:13  0:12:47    4682  
 5987. Susan Blazey                    Ennismore ON            4:03:45  0:13:05   530/F45-49     2868/F    3:57:38  0:12:45    693   
 5988. Susan Mosier                    Lakefield ON            4:03:46  0:13:05   531/F45-49     2869/F    3:57:38  0:12:45    4961  
 5989. Robin Patterson                 South Woodslee ON       4:03:51  0:13:05   513/M50-54     3118/M    4:00:21  0:12:54    5382  
 5990. Donna Parsons                   Colchester ON           4:03:51  0:13:05   317/F50-54     2870/F    4:00:22  0:12:54    5356  
 5991. Joelle M Kidd                   Bowmanville ON          4:03:52  0:13:05   444/F35-39     2871/F    4:00:54  0:12:55    3652  
 5992. Rebekah J Doohan                Caledonia ON            4:03:55  0:13:05   445/F35-39     2872/F    4:03:16  0:13:03    1930  
 5993. Carlos De Sousa                 Markham ON              4:04:01  0:13:05   495/M40-44     3119/M    4:00:06  0:12:53    1742  
 5994. Michelle Johnston               London ON               4:04:01  0:13:05   477/F40-44     2873/F    3:58:05  0:12:46    3452  
 5995. Stu Detenbeck                   Waterloo ON             4:04:05  0:13:06   316/M55-59     3120/M    3:58:35  0:12:48    1832  
 5996. Alana Detenbeck                 Waterloo ON             4:04:05  0:13:06   319/F25-29     2874/F    3:58:36  0:12:48    1831  
 5997. Libby Laythorpe                 Waterloo ON             4:04:08  0:13:06   398/F30-34     2875/F    4:01:13  0:12:56    3975  
 5998. Kristyn Lyons                   London ON               4:04:08  0:13:06   478/F40-44     2876/F    3:58:12  0:12:47    4214  
 5999. Clinton Miller                  Toronto ON              4:04:16  0:13:06   134/M60-64     3121/M    3:59:56  0:12:52    4796  
 6000. Nancy Horvath                   Toronto ON              4:04:21  0:13:06   320/F25-29     2877/F    4:00:12  0:12:53    3197  
 6001. Jen Power                       Toronto ON              4:04:22  0:13:07   399/F30-34     2878/F    4:00:12  0:12:53    5600  
 6002. Shelley Arnold                  Hamilton ON             4:04:33  0:13:07   532/F45-49     2879/F    3:59:50  0:12:52    288   
 6003. Terry Siebert                   Hamilton ON             4:04:34  0:13:07   317/M55-59     3122/M    4:00:58  0:12:56    6355  
 6004. Paul Millson                    Hamilton ON             4:04:37  0:13:07   192/M25-29     3123/M    4:00:38  0:12:55    4821  
 6005. Nadia Uliana                    Oakville ON             4:04:41  0:13:08   533/F45-49     2880/F    4:04:04  0:13:06    7035  
 6006. Glynis Robinson                 Burlington ON           4:04:47  0:13:08   534/F45-49     2881/F    4:01:25  0:12:57    5885  
 6007. Jason Nagy                      Greenwood ON            4:05:10  0:13:09   496/M40-44     3124/M    4:02:29  0:13:00    5059  
 6008. Mickle Macaulay                 Port Dover ON           4:05:22  0:13:10   135/M60-64     3125/M    4:04:59  0:13:09    4229  
 6009. Adriana Olguin                  Thornhill ON            4:05:34  0:13:10    58/F60-64     2882/F    4:00:36  0:12:54    5236  
 6010. Irene M Birrell                 Ancaster ON             4:05:35  0:13:10   153/F55-59     2883/F    4:00:15  0:12:53    654   
 6011. Lydia Bovenkerk                 St. Catharines ON       4:05:35  0:13:10   479/F40-44     2884/F    4:05:21  0:13:10    796   
 6012. Jen Parr                        Burlington ON           4:05:38  0:13:11   446/F35-39     2885/F    4:01:15  0:12:57    5351  
 6013. Anthony W Davis                 Oakville ON             4:05:41  0:13:11   514/M50-54     3126/M    3:59:47  0:12:52    1708  
 6014. Kelly Clark                     Peterborough ON         4:05:47  0:13:11   535/F45-49     2886/F    3:59:41  0:12:51    1348  
 6015. Carol O'Brien                   Cavan ON                4:05:47  0:13:11   318/F50-54     2887/F    3:59:43  0:12:52    5193  
 6016. Janice Windrem                  Bridgenorth ON          4:05:47  0:13:11   154/F55-59     2888/F    3:59:41  0:12:51    7526  
 6017. Chris Broadhurst                Toronto ON              4:05:48  0:13:11   545/M45-49     3127/M    4:03:01  0:13:02    1653  
 6018. Kristen E Knapper               Strathroy ON            4:05:53  0:13:11    39/F15-19     2889/F    4:01:36  0:12:58    3724  
 6019. Bruce Dennison                  Barrie ON               4:05:55  0:13:12   497/M40-44     3128/M    4:05:06  0:13:09    1813  
 6020. Richard Mireault                Barrie ON               4:05:55  0:13:12   318/M55-59     3129/M    4:05:06  0:13:09    4835  
 6021. Susie Bojko                     Bancroft ON             4:06:03  0:13:12   536/F45-49     2890/F    3:59:57  0:12:52    728   
 6022. Linda Le Breton                 Lefroy ON               4:06:08  0:13:12   319/F50-54     2891/F    4:01:17  0:12:57    3980  
 6023. Jeannie Kennedy                 Hamilton ON             4:06:10  0:13:12   320/F50-54     2892/F    4:06:02  0:13:12    3608  
 6024. Claude Pachan                   Grimsby ON              4:06:23  0:13:13   515/M50-54     3130/M    4:01:00  0:12:56    5283  
 6025. Donald Hollingworth             North York ON           4:06:27  0:13:13     5/M75-99     3131/M    4:05:32  0:13:10    3148  
 6026. Jennifer Eccles                 Burlington ON           4:06:27  0:13:13   447/F35-39     2893/F    4:06:09  0:13:12    2062  
 6027. Catharine Rose                  Georgetown ON           4:06:31  0:13:13   480/F40-44     2894/F    4:02:08  0:12:59    5949  
 6028. Betsy McRae                     Grimsby ON              4:06:36  0:13:14   481/F40-44     2895/F    4:00:36  0:12:54    4702  
 6029. Belinda Vallis                  Burlington ON           4:06:37  0:13:14   321/F50-54     2896/F    4:04:49  0:13:08    7072  
 6030. Nadeen Sullivan                 Grimsby ON              4:06:37  0:13:14   482/F40-44     2897/F    4:00:37  0:12:54    6701  
 6031. Amanda Pereira                  Milton ON               4:06:54  0:13:15   448/F35-39     2898/F    4:01:29  0:12:57    5445  
 6032. Amisha Shah                     Brampton ON             4:06:54  0:13:15   449/F35-39     2899/F    4:01:29  0:12:57    6271  
 6033. Stephanie Blyth                 Newmarket ON            4:07:00  0:13:15   132/F20-24     2900/F    4:02:43  0:13:01    704   
 6034. Renate Fischer                  Kitchener ON            4:07:10  0:13:16   155/F55-59     2901/F    4:02:43  0:13:01    2280  
 6035. Joy Parkes                      Toronto ON              4:07:11  0:13:16   537/F45-49     2902/F    4:03:16  0:13:03    5348  
 6036. Ariella Tsafatinos              Toronto ON              4:07:11  0:13:16   538/F45-49     2903/F    4:03:17  0:13:03    6989  
 6037. Lisa Gimlin                     East Aurora NY          4:07:12  0:13:16   483/F40-44     2904/F    4:02:37  0:13:01    2580  
 6038. Brenda Mattar                   Lockport NY             4:07:12  0:13:16   322/F50-54     2905/F    4:02:38  0:13:01    4479  
 6039. Slavko Nemet                    Hamilton ON             4:07:17  0:13:16    35/M65-69     3132/M    4:07:04  0:13:15    5098  
 6040. David Frier                     Stratford ON            4:07:23  0:13:16   546/M45-49     3133/M    4:01:19  0:12:57    2411  
 6041. Margaret J Wojtowicz            Belle River ON          4:07:36  0:13:17    59/F60-64     2906/F    4:04:06  0:13:06    7544  
 6042. Kim Perosa                      Oakville ON             4:07:42  0:13:17   539/F45-49     2907/F    4:02:21  0:13:00    5458  
 6043. Anne Sugiyama                   Oakville ON             4:07:43  0:13:17   484/F40-44     2908/F    4:02:22  0:13:00    6696  
 6044. Elisa Palermo                   Brampton ON             4:07:51  0:13:18   485/F40-44     2909/F    4:02:58  0:13:02    5296  
 6045. Maria R Gushue                  Brampton ON             4:07:52  0:13:18   540/F45-49     2910/F    4:02:59  0:13:02    2787  
 6046. Kristi Lowe                     Iqaluit NU              4:08:06  0:13:19   486/F40-44     2911/F    4:03:28  0:13:04    4178  
 6047. David Rehberg                   Frankford ON            4:08:06  0:13:19   498/M40-44     3134/M    4:03:27  0:13:04    5764  
 6048. Jeff Boich                      Oakville ON             4:08:13  0:13:19   450/M35-39     3135/M    4:03:19  0:13:03    721   
 6049. Matthew Sinnett                 Chatham ON              4:08:20  0:13:19   312/M30-34     3136/M    4:03:13  0:13:03    6395  
 6050. Matthew Wiepjes                 Mount Hope ON           4:08:23  0:13:19   101/M20-24     3137/M    4:03:03  0:13:02    7437  
 6051. Stacey Upton                    Lynden ON               4:08:27  0:13:20   133/F20-24     2912/F    4:03:25  0:13:03    7045  
 6052. Jacqueline Dodd                 St. Thomas ON           4:08:36  0:13:20   323/F50-54     2913/F    4:04:10  0:13:06    1908  
 6053. Lee McDade                      Mississauga ON          4:08:40  0:13:20   324/F50-54     2914/F    4:04:24  0:13:07    4564  
 6054. Beverly Gribbons                London ON               4:08:54  0:13:21   325/F50-54     2915/F    4:08:19  0:13:19    2727  
 6055. David Wilton                    Woodstock ON            4:08:57  0:13:21   136/M60-64     3138/M    4:03:48  0:13:05    7523  
 6056. Christine Deklavs               Port Perry ON           4:09:01  0:13:22   400/F30-34     2916/F    4:02:59  0:13:02    1774  
 6057. Karen Bennett                   Burlington ON           4:09:15  0:13:22   487/F40-44     2917/F    4:04:24  0:13:07    564   
 6058. Ralph McRae                     Hamilton ON             4:09:22  0:13:23   516/M50-54     3139/M    4:04:07  0:13:06    4703  
 6059. Patricia Telesnicki             Oakville ON             4:09:52  0:13:24   541/F45-49     2918/F    4:04:54  0:13:08    6831  
 6060. Tony Samson                     Toronto ON              4:09:52  0:13:24   319/M55-59     3140/M    4:07:42  0:13:17    6085  
 6061. Kelly Kilyk                     Fonthill ON             4:09:53  0:13:24   542/F45-49     2919/F    4:09:42  0:13:24    3669  
 6062. Jennifer Tan                    Hamilton ON             4:10:01  0:13:25   156/F55-59     2920/F    4:05:16  0:13:09    6766  
 6063. Laura Skelton                   Welland ON              4:10:02  0:13:25   321/F25-29     2921/F    4:08:52  0:13:21    6403  
 6064. Mary Frances Snyder             Buffalo NY              4:10:09  0:13:25   450/F35-39     2922/F    4:04:40  0:13:08    6497  
 6065. Barb Havens                     Hamilton ON             4:10:16  0:13:26   543/F45-49     2923/F    4:06:21  0:13:13    2976  
 6066. Neil Kennington                 Bowmanville ON          4:10:16  0:13:26   547/M45-49     3141/M    4:05:38  0:13:11    3620  
 6067. Teresa Most                     Orangeville ON          4:10:17  0:13:26   451/F35-39     2924/F    4:09:46  0:13:24    4967  
 6068. Tom Utter                       Royal Oak MI            4:10:25  0:13:26   499/M40-44     3142/M    4:09:46  0:13:24    7052  
 6069. Stacy Renwick                   Dundas ON               4:10:26  0:13:26   452/F35-39     2925/F    4:09:11  0:13:22    5792  
 6070. Rinette Emerson                 Mississauga ON          4:10:26  0:13:26   453/F35-39     2926/F    4:10:09  0:13:25    2114  
 6071. Brandy Cubitt                   Stoney Creek ON         4:10:35  0:13:27   401/F30-34     2927/F    4:05:28  0:13:10    1594  
 6072. Christine Denis                 Val Caron ON            4:10:40  0:13:27   544/F45-49     2928/F    4:04:33  0:13:07    1810  
 6073. Sam Yelken                      Toronto ON              4:10:46  0:13:27   500/M40-44     3143/M    4:10:17  0:13:26    7631  
 6074. Julene Harris                   Brampton ON             4:10:51  0:13:27   454/F35-39     2929/F    4:07:30  0:13:17    2927  
 6075. Andrew Bome                     Hamilton ON             4:11:08  0:13:28   548/M45-49     3144/M    4:06:10  0:13:12    734   
 6076. Sharon Munslow                  Mississauga ON          4:11:12  0:13:29   545/F45-49     2930/F    4:11:03  0:13:28    5011  
 6077. Christopher Cornell             Hamilton ON             4:11:14  0:13:29   517/M50-54     3145/M    4:08:24  0:13:20    1488  
 6078. Elizabeth Barton                Oakville ON             4:11:15  0:13:29   455/F35-39     2931/F    4:05:54  0:13:11    461   
 6079. Karl Karunaratne                Aurora ON               4:11:24  0:13:29   501/M40-44     3146/M    4:08:11  0:13:19    3544  
 6080. Jennifer Fee                    Hamilton ON             4:11:25  0:13:29   322/F25-29     2932/F    4:05:48  0:13:11    2206  
 6081. Dianne Clark                    Hamilton ON             4:11:25  0:13:29   326/F50-54     2933/F    4:05:48  0:13:11    1340  
 6082. Matthew Bursey                  Oakville ON             4:11:29  0:13:29   193/M25-29     3147/M    4:08:10  0:13:19    1042  
 6083. Evelyn Duffy                    Oakville ON             4:11:29  0:13:29   323/F25-29     2934/F    4:08:10  0:13:19    1999  
 6084. Mirash Tomicevic                London ON               4:11:39  0:13:30   313/M30-34     3148/M    4:09:30  0:13:23    6925  
 6085. Lynn Rogers                     West Valley NY          4:11:42  0:13:30   402/F30-34     2935/F    4:06:14  0:13:13    5918  
 6086. Fraser Sinclair                 Oakville ON             4:12:03  0:13:31   320/M55-59     3149/M    4:07:49  0:13:18    6387  
 6087. Beth Rennison                   Hamilton ON             4:12:17  0:13:32   546/F45-49     2936/F    4:08:02  0:13:18    5791  
 6088. Barbara Penner                  Hamilton ON             4:12:18  0:13:32   157/F55-59     2937/F    4:08:03  0:13:18    5434  
 6089. Amanda Principato               Ancaster ON             4:12:18  0:13:32   324/F25-29     2938/F    4:10:21  0:13:26    5629  
 6090. Gretchen Carney                 Lockport NY             4:12:26  0:13:33   327/F50-54     2939/F    4:07:11  0:13:16    1147  
 6091. Mike Knapman                    Oakville ON             4:12:31  0:13:33   518/M50-54     3150/M    4:07:04  0:13:15    3722  
 6092. Robin Skinner                   Kempville ON            4:12:49  0:13:34   488/F40-44     2940/F    4:07:43  0:13:17    6410  
 6093. Mark Kotiesen                   Burlington ON           4:13:15  0:13:35   519/M50-54     3151/M    4:08:22  0:13:19    3771  
 6094. Sheila Taylor                   Hamilton ON             4:13:35  0:13:36   489/F40-44     2941/F    4:13:00  0:13:34    6817  
 6095. Emily Dowdy                     Caledonia ON            4:13:36  0:13:36   456/F35-39     2942/F    4:10:37  0:13:27    1952  
 6096. Tracy Brisco                    Hamilton ON             4:13:36  0:13:36   490/F40-44     2943/F    4:13:01  0:13:34    893   
 6097. Carolyn Hatfield                Toronto ON              4:13:43  0:13:37   547/F45-49     2944/F    4:12:50  0:13:34    2964  
 6098. Joann Walsh                     Peterborough ON         4:13:46  0:13:37   328/F50-54     2945/F    4:07:36  0:13:17    7262  
 6099. Mike Stutt                      Peterborough ON         4:13:46  0:13:37   549/M45-49     3152/M    4:07:36  0:13:17    6690  
 6100. Kathleen Walsh                  Burlington ON           4:13:50  0:13:37   457/F35-39     2946/F    4:09:15  0:13:22    7263  
 6101. Atkins Dondo                    Hamilton ON             4:13:52  0:13:37   194/M25-29     3153/M    4:12:13  0:13:32    1919  
 6102. Doug Smith                      Stoney Creek ON         4:13:58  0:13:37   321/M55-59     3154/M    4:08:45  0:13:21    6459  
 6103. Jason Roberts                   Orleans ON              4:14:18  0:13:39   451/M35-39     3155/M    4:10:43  0:13:27    5868  
 6104. Jennifer Ellis                  Barrie ON               4:14:22  0:13:39   403/F30-34     2947/F    4:13:44  0:13:37    2099  
 6105. Sharon L Korstanje              Hamilton ON             4:14:49  0:13:40    60/F60-64     2948/F    4:10:05  0:13:25    3766  
 6106. Maria Ripley                    Mississauga ON          4:14:54  0:13:40   458/F35-39     2949/F    4:11:12  0:13:29    5850  
 6107. Lynda McNulty                   Hamilton ON             4:15:04  0:13:41   158/F55-59     2950/F    4:10:19  0:13:26    4691  
 6108. Helen Riordon                   London ON               4:15:07  0:13:41    61/F60-64     2951/F    4:10:31  0:13:26    5849  
 6109. Clare Mezgec                    Waterdown ON            4:15:14  0:13:42   491/F40-44     2952/F    4:10:10  0:13:25    4768  
 6110. Melissa Holoday                 Toronto ON              4:15:14  0:13:42   325/F25-29     2953/F    4:14:45  0:13:40    3158  
 6111. Paul Hayes                      Oakville ON             4:15:18  0:13:42   502/M40-44     3156/M    4:14:58  0:13:41    2987  
 6112. Lorne P Tobin                   Thornhill ON            4:15:18  0:13:42   520/M50-54     3157/M    4:14:55  0:13:40    6911  
 6113. Tony Carroll                    Richmond Hill ON        4:15:19  0:13:42    36/M65-69     3158/M    4:14:56  0:13:41    1167  
 6114. Glenn Millson                   Hampton ON              4:15:22  0:13:42   137/M60-64     3159/M    4:10:23  0:13:26    4819  
 6115. Cameron Lutley                  Toronto ON              4:15:26  0:13:42   314/M30-34     3160/M    4:12:18  0:13:32    4203  
 6116. Susan Hammond                   Markham ON              4:15:32  0:13:42   548/F45-49     2954/F    4:09:52  0:13:24    2880  
 6117. Elaine Darling                  Whitby ON               4:15:43  0:13:43   549/F45-49     2955/F    4:15:19  0:13:42    1678  
 6118. Mike Brown                      Hamilton ON             4:15:45  0:13:43   550/M45-49     3161/M    4:10:07  0:13:25    952   
 6119. Mary Louise Kozak               Oakville ON             4:15:52  0:13:44    62/F60-64     2956/F    4:09:58  0:13:25    3780  
 6120. John Drake                      Niagara Falls NY        4:15:55  0:13:44   138/M60-64     3162/M    4:15:43  0:13:43    1967  
 6121. Shannon Caskey                  Toronto ON              4:16:01  0:13:44   404/F30-34     2957/F    4:15:48  0:13:43    1184  
 6122. Mia Villella                    Bolton ON               4:16:21  0:13:45   492/F40-44     2958/F    4:16:21  0:13:45    7184  
 6123. Timothy A Cote                  Penetanguishene ON      4:16:24  0:13:45   322/M55-59     3163/M    4:11:23  0:13:29    1506  
 6124. Lisa Enns                       Hamilton ON             4:16:38  0:13:46   550/F45-49     2959/F    4:10:52  0:13:27    2128  
 6125. Chris W Hauser                  Cambridge ON            4:16:38  0:13:46   102/M20-24     3164/M    4:10:44  0:13:27    2972  
 6126. Diane Martella                  Bradford ON             4:16:39  0:13:46   551/F45-49     2960/F    4:16:08  0:13:44    4414  
 6127. May Machoun                     Hornell Heights ON      4:17:00  0:13:47   493/F40-44     2961/F    4:12:49  0:13:34    4265  
 6128. Steven Cage                     Cambridge ON            4:17:07  0:13:48   551/M45-49     3165/M    4:11:16  0:13:29    1067  
 6129. Maria Topalovic                 Hamilton ON             4:17:15  0:13:48   326/F25-29     2962/F    4:11:40  0:13:30    6934  
 6130. Alexis Liddell                  Hamilton ON             4:17:16  0:13:48   327/F25-29     2963/F    4:11:40  0:13:30    4085  
 6131. Kathleen Malone                 Toronto ON              4:17:25  0:13:49   159/F55-59     2964/F    4:11:36  0:13:30    4347  
 6132. Susan L Cooke                   Ancaster ON             4:18:05  0:13:51   494/F40-44     2965/F    4:12:27  0:13:33    1460  
 6133. Brenda Sernoskie                Toronto ON              4:18:15  0:13:51   495/F40-44     2966/F    4:17:51  0:13:50    6251  
 6134. Alan Swankie                    Oakville ON             4:18:15  0:13:51   521/M50-54     3166/M    4:17:51  0:13:50    6727  
 6135. Jenna Van Galen                 Kitchener ON            4:18:22  0:13:52   328/F25-29     2967/F    4:16:28  0:13:45    7088  
 6136. Fran Matchett                   Scarborough ON          4:18:34  0:13:52   552/F45-49     2968/F    4:12:57  0:13:34    4464  
 6137. Isaac Chung                     Markham ON              4:18:58  0:13:54   139/M60-64     3167/M    4:13:21  0:13:35    1319  
 6138. Jeffrey S Percival              Oakville ON             4:19:24  0:13:55   503/M40-44     3168/M    4:19:04  0:13:54    5442  
 6139. Gary Hatt                       Nobleton ON             4:19:28  0:13:55   522/M50-54     3169/M    4:14:49  0:13:40    4329  
 6140. Linda Corriveau                 Stittsville ON          4:19:46  0:13:56   329/F50-54     2969/F    4:19:23  0:13:55    1493  
 6141. Natalie Gajewski                Ottawa ON               4:19:57  0:13:57   329/F25-29     2970/F    3:16:16  0:10:32    2450  
 6142. Cecille Straughan               Oakville ON             4:20:05  0:13:57   553/F45-49     2971/F    4:14:27  0:13:39    6669  
 6143. Stephen Hailer                  Stow OH                 4:20:17  0:13:58   140/M60-64     3170/M    4:14:16  0:13:38    2823  
 6144. Amanda Varga                    Toronto ON              4:20:19  0:13:58   405/F30-34     2972/F    4:15:42  0:13:43    7137  
 6145. Terri McGillivray               Hamilton ON             4:20:57  0:14:00   554/F45-49     2973/F    4:20:24  0:13:58    4596  
 6146. Rick O'Shaughnessy              Ottawa ON               4:21:08  0:14:01   523/M50-54     3171/M    4:15:56  0:13:44    5258  
 6147. Stephen J Newman                Hamilton ON             4:21:15  0:14:01   141/M60-64     3172/M    4:18:34  0:13:52    5118  
 6148. Fortier Mandy                   Stouffville ON          4:21:24  0:14:01   406/F30-34     2974/F    4:20:52  0:14:00    4352  
 6149. Jennifer Grant                  London ON               4:22:08  0:14:04   496/F40-44     2975/F    4:16:14  0:13:45    2685  
 6150. Manon Antaya                    Barrie ON               4:22:29  0:14:05   459/F35-39     2976/F    4:22:21  0:14:04    254   
 6151. Nerina Black                    Innisfil ON             4:22:29  0:14:05   555/F45-49     2977/F    4:22:22  0:14:04    668   
 6152. Eliza Cheung                    Markham ON              4:22:31  0:14:05   497/F40-44     2978/F    4:16:58  0:13:47    1269  
 6153. Peter McGlynn                   Chatham ON              4:22:54  0:14:06   504/M40-44     3173/M    4:16:51  0:13:47    4598  
 6154. Laura Roncone                   Kitchener ON            4:23:14  0:14:07   330/F25-29     2979/F    4:17:38  0:13:49    5930  
 6155. Samantha Perruzza               Stoney Creek ON         4:23:21  0:14:08   134/F20-24     2980/F    4:20:41  0:13:59    5462  
 6156. Hanna Stecewicz                 Toronto ON              4:24:10  0:14:10   331/F25-29     2981/F    4:20:29  0:13:58    6579  
 6157. Bing Wang                       North York ON           4:24:26  0:14:11   552/M45-49     3174/M    4:21:20  0:14:01    7279  
 6158. Michelle Taylor                 London ON               4:24:32  0:14:11   556/F45-49     2982/F    4:18:37  0:13:52    6814  
 6159. Michael Dunn                    Hamilton ON             4:25:19  0:14:14   553/M45-49     3175/M    4:21:29  0:14:02    2021  
 6160. Kristi Gagol                    Mississauga ON          4:25:22  0:14:14   460/F35-39     2983/F    4:25:01  0:14:13    2447  
 6161. Yvonne Sweeney                  Mississauga ON          4:25:22  0:14:14   498/F40-44     2984/F    4:25:02  0:14:13    6735  
 6162. Tanya L Ellacott                Orangeville ON          4:25:28  0:14:14   499/F40-44     2985/F    4:24:58  0:14:13    2090  
 6163. Carol Waffler                   Orangeville ON          4:25:28  0:14:14   330/F50-54     2986/F    4:24:58  0:14:13    7217  
 6164. Angela M Aquin                  Hamilton ON             4:25:32  0:14:15   500/F40-44     2987/F    4:19:55  0:13:57    266   
 6165. Carolyn Frank                   Nepean ON               4:25:53  0:14:16   557/F45-49     2988/F    4:25:37  0:14:15    2375  
 6166. Jennifer Smith                  Hamilton ON             4:25:59  0:14:16   407/F30-34     2989/F    4:19:56  0:13:57    6472  
 6167. Meaghan Purdy                   Petawawa ON             4:26:35  0:14:18   332/F25-29     2990/F    4:21:03  0:14:00    5650  
 6168. Melissa Dunnett                 Ottawa ON               4:26:40  0:14:18   408/F30-34     2991/F    4:21:53  0:14:03    2025  
 6169. Kristy Johnson                  Sarnia ON               4:26:58  0:14:19   409/F30-34     2992/F    4:19:21  0:13:55    3431  
 6170. Cathy Veenstra                  London ON               4:27:04  0:14:20   331/F50-54     2993/F    4:23:12  0:14:07    7145  
 6171. Al Baronenas                    Toronto ON              4:27:30  0:14:21    37/M65-69     3176/M    4:27:19  0:14:20    443   
 6172. Bill T Warrington               Tottenham ON            4:29:13  0:14:27   323/M55-59     3177/M    4:23:57  0:14:10    7299  
 6173. Sandra Chong                    Brampton ON             4:29:17  0:14:27   558/F45-49     2994/F    4:29:01  0:14:26    1298  
 6174. Sharon Hayward                  Georgetown ON           4:29:17  0:14:27   332/F50-54     2995/F    4:29:01  0:14:26    2992  
 6175. Melissa Lee                     Stoney Creek ON         4:29:40  0:14:28   501/F40-44     2996/F    4:29:23  0:14:27    4014  
 6176. Amber Church                    Burlington ON           4:29:40  0:14:28   333/F25-29     2997/F    4:21:55  0:14:03    1322  
 6177. Sarah Wintle                    Dryden ON               4:29:40  0:14:28   334/F25-29     2998/F    4:21:55  0:14:03    7536  
 6178. Sandra Holder                   Toronto ON              4:31:02  0:14:32    63/F60-64     2999/F    4:30:31  0:14:31    3139  
 6179. Kim McDonald                    Sarnia ON               4:31:05  0:14:33   333/F50-54     3000/F    4:30:27  0:14:30    4570  
 6180. Carol Hathaway                  Stoney Creek ON         4:31:13  0:14:33   559/F45-49     3001/F    4:31:00  0:14:32    2966  
 6181. Leah Hutchison                  Burlington ON           4:31:21  0:14:33   461/F35-39     3002/F    4:31:13  0:14:33    3273  
 6182. Colleen Fitzgerald              Bolton ON               4:32:07  0:14:36   560/F45-49     3003/F    4:31:34  0:14:34    2288  
 6183. Denis Chayer                    Bolton ON               4:32:08  0:14:36   324/M55-59     3178/M    4:31:33  0:14:34    1260  
 6184. Linda Johnson                   Sarnia ON               4:33:35  0:14:41   160/F55-59     3004/F    4:25:14  0:14:14    3433  
 6185. Jamie Blakeley                  Mississauga ON          4:36:45  0:14:51   502/F40-44     3005/F    4:35:39  0:14:47    684   
 6186. Peter Ellis                     Kingston ON             4:37:06  0:14:52   524/M50-54     3179/M    4:36:43  0:14:51    2101  
 6187. Emma Surich                     Toronto ON              4:37:22  0:14:53   335/F25-29     3006/F    4:31:46  0:14:35    6713  
 6188. Mark Croft                      Scarborough ON          4:37:22  0:14:53   505/M40-44     3180/M    4:31:47  0:14:35    1569  
 6189. Juliette Anderton               Hamilton ON             4:37:49  0:14:54     3/F70-74     3007/F    4:32:32  0:14:37    232   
 6190. Angel Blain                     Hamilton ON             4:38:24  0:14:56   462/F35-39     3008/F    4:32:46  0:14:38    681   
 6191. Robin G Young                   Burlington ON           4:38:48  0:14:57   161/F55-59     3009/F    4:38:39  0:14:57    7652  
 6192. Christine Entwistle             Brampton ON             4:38:50  0:14:57   336/F25-29     3010/F    4:38:41  0:14:57    2130  
 6193. Pat Farquhar                    Hamilton ON             4:38:55  0:14:58   162/F55-59     3011/F    4:38:22  0:14:56    2180  
 6194. Brad Johnston                   Uxbridge ON             4:39:24  0:14:59   315/M30-34     3181/M    4:39:00  0:14:58    3442  
 6195. Lynn Simon                      Stoney Creek ON         4:39:28  0:15:00   561/F45-49     3012/F    4:33:51  0:14:41    6374  
 6196. Beth Vlasman                    Fenwick ON              4:41:22  0:15:06   503/F40-44     3013/F    4:41:18  0:15:05    7197  
 6197. Brenda Mitten                   Ohsweken ON             4:41:25  0:15:06   163/F55-59     3014/F    4:41:20  0:15:06    4858  
 6198. Michelle Breski                 Niagara Falls ON        4:41:40  0:15:07   135/F20-24     3015/F    4:36:39  0:14:50    875   
 6199. Candace Dearsley                R.R. #2 Lynden ON       4:41:40  0:15:07   136/F20-24     3016/F    4:36:39  0:14:50    1752  
 6200. Judy Chong                      Mississauga ON          4:42:04  0:15:08   164/F55-59     3017/F    4:41:48  0:15:07    1295  
 6201. Judith Roy                      Hamilton ON             4:42:06  0:15:08   410/F30-34     3018/F    4:36:58  0:14:51    6000  
 6202. Shayna Heinle                   Sarnia ON               4:42:19  0:15:09   334/F50-54     3019/F    4:41:41  0:15:07    3018  
 6203. Jonathan Morgan                 Waterloo ON             4:42:38  0:15:10   325/M55-59     3182/M    4:42:05  0:15:08    4917  
 6204. Mary Metcalfe                   Oakville ON             4:42:45  0:15:10   411/F30-34     3020/F    4:38:29  0:14:56    4758  
 6205. Tony Greco                      Hamilton ON             4:43:14  0:15:12   326/M55-59     3183/M    4:40:29  0:15:03    2700  
 6206. Donna Tiqui-Shebib              Ancaster ON             4:43:34  0:15:13   504/F40-44     3021/F    4:42:55  0:15:11    6904  
 6207. Bonnie Shaw                     Burlington ON           4:44:06  0:15:14   562/F45-49     3022/F    4:39:10  0:14:59    6296  
 6208. Sabrina Wong                    Oakville ON             4:45:03  0:15:17   337/F25-29     3023/F    4:35:44  0:14:47    7562  
 6209. Allison Ray                     Oakville ON             4:45:03  0:15:17   505/F40-44     3024/F    4:35:44  0:14:47    5740  
 6210. Jane Gyles                      Blue Mountains ON       4:45:49  0:15:20   563/F45-49     3025/F    4:45:25  0:15:19    2793  
 6211. Christina V Schuermer           Oakville ON             4:47:41  0:15:26   463/F35-39     3026/F    4:47:35  0:15:26    6182  
 6212. Iain De Jong                    Oakville ON             4:47:59  0:15:27   452/M35-39     3184/M    4:43:46  0:15:13    1736  
 6213. Aviva Rosenberg                 North York ON           4:48:10  0:15:28   464/F35-39     3027/F    4:47:50  0:15:26    5954  
 6214. Morris S Hoover                 Wiarton ON              4:49:05  0:15:30    38/M65-69     3185/M    4:48:28  0:15:28    3176  
 6215. Barbara Herring                 Peterborough ON         4:49:29  0:15:32    64/F60-64     3028/F    4:47:20  0:15:25    3047  
 6216. Ted Sullivan                    Williamsville NY        4:49:48  0:15:33     6/M75-99     3186/M    4:47:35  0:15:26    6704  
 6217. Pamela Z Pearson                Elizabeth City NC       4:49:54  0:15:33   165/F55-59     3029/F    4:49:44  0:15:33    5409  
 6218. Paul Hassall                    Tonawanda NY            4:50:41  0:15:36    39/M65-69     3187/M    4:45:26  0:15:19    2957  
 6219. Patricia Lavergne               Ottawa ON               4:51:32  0:15:38   412/F30-34     3030/F    4:50:57  0:15:36    3949  
 6220. Janet Tremblay                  Burlington ON           4:51:57  0:15:40   465/F35-39     3031/F    4:51:39  0:15:39    6966  
 6221. Megan Jessop                    Brampton ON             4:52:24  0:15:41    40/F15-19     3032/F    4:52:20  0:15:41    3407  
 6222. June Sowden                     Ohsweken ON             4:54:49  0:15:49   466/F35-39     3033/F    4:48:57  0:15:30    6515  
 6223. Bonnie J Billark                Thorold ON              4:54:52  0:15:49   335/F50-54     3034/F    4:54:49  0:15:49    634   
 6224. Karen Chung                     Scarborough ON          4:55:51  0:15:52   506/F40-44     3035/F    4:55:33  0:15:51    1320  
 6225. Bonnie Fowler                   Markham ON              4:55:51  0:15:52   564/F45-49     3036/F    4:55:33  0:15:51    2358  
 6226. Marilena Giglia                 Binbrook ON             4:57:51  0:15:59   507/F40-44     3037/F    4:57:36  0:15:58    2561  
 6227. Barbara A Forder                Welland ON              5:04:17  0:16:19   166/F55-59     3038/F    5:03:54  0:16:18    2343  
 6228. Paula Luce                      Meaford ON              5:05:03  0:16:22   336/F50-54     3039/F    5:04:27  0:16:20    4184  
 6229. Maria Ancona                    Mississauga ON          5:05:53  0:16:25   508/F40-44     3040/F    5:05:41  0:16:24    211   
 6230. Rina De Donato                  Kleinburg ON            5:05:53  0:16:25   565/F45-49     3041/F    5:05:41  0:16:24    1733  
 6231. Norma Bishop                    Toronto ON              5:11:07  0:16:41   337/F50-54     3042/F    5:07:45  0:16:31    655   
 6232. Ted Raspin                      Toronto ON              5:11:13  0:16:42   142/M60-64     3188/M    5:07:51  0:16:31    5726  
 6233. Rebecca Cunningham              Barrie ON               5:16:05  0:16:57   467/F35-39     3043/F    5:15:24  0:16:55    1612  
 6234. Alana Rose                      Barrie ON               5:16:05  0:16:57   468/F35-39     3044/F    5:15:25  0:16:55    5948  
 6235. Hanna Stecewicz                 Toronto ON              5:24:10  0:17:23   338/F25-29     3045/F    4:20:29  0:13:58    6579  
 6236. Denise L Kelly                  Mount Hope ON           5:27:57  0:17:36   509/F40-44     3046/F    5:27:30  0:17:34    3591  
 6237. Sylvia Blacklock                Mount Hope ON           5:41:14  0:18:18   510/F40-44     3047/F    5:40:45  0:18:17    676   
 6238. Diane M Gruber                  Cambridge ON            5:41:14  0:18:18   511/F40-44     3048/F    5:40:46  0:18:17    2757  

Top of Page

Women - Age Group Results       Men - Age Groups      Overall Finish Order
Women 15-19
Place  Name                            Town                    Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Alix Tier                       Mississauga ON           2:17:00   0:07:21    437    56/F
    2. Brittany Murphy                 London ON                2:18:16   0:07:25    468    61/F
    3. Hannah Kozlowski                Mississauga ON           2:20:17   0:07:32    538    75/F
    4. Coti Grant                      Toronto ON               2:26:50   0:07:53    832   158/F
    5. Erika Giovannetti               Mississauga ON           2:29:34   0:08:01   1028   211/F
    6. Emily Dies                      Hamilton ON              2:36:43   0:08:24   1420   335/F
    7. Sierra M Valeriano              Dundas ON                2:39:51   0:08:35   1617   409/F
    8. Michelle Bashaw                 London ON                2:45:53   0:08:54   2072   600/F
    9. Jesse Brown                     Hamilton ON              2:47:51   0:09:00   2229   669/F
   10. Allison C Prowse                Toronto ON               2:48:21   0:09:02   2280   692/F
   11. Emma E Silverthorne             Burlington ON            2:50:31   0:09:09   2437   769/F
   12. Erika A Serodio                 Hamilton ON              2:50:51   0:09:10   2459   780/F
   13. Deanna Caldwell                 Hamilton ON              2:53:23   0:09:18   2645   862/F
   14. Sonja Miller                    Mississauga ON           2:53:46   0:09:19   2689   885/F
   15. Jessica Craymer                 Bracebridge ON           2:55:52   0:09:26   2877   985/F
   16. Karina Chornenka                Woodbridge ON            2:58:16   0:09:34   3080  1094/F
   17. Abigail C Piticaru              Kitchener ON             2:58:40   0:09:35   3107  1109/F
   18. Jenna S Wilson                  Manotick ON              2:59:01   0:09:36   3142  1129/F
   19. Emilly Artmont                  Stoney Creek ON          3:01:32   0:09:44   3358  1242/F
   20. Shapton Pauline                 London ON                3:04:03   0:09:52   3566  1343/F
   21. Emily Clark                     Mallorytown ON           3:09:22   0:10:10   3907  1535/F
   22. Nicole A Gardener               Ajax ON                  3:09:58   0:10:11   3948  1562/F
   23. Lindsey V Fletcher              Hamilton ON              3:12:21   0:10:19   4103  1652/F
   24. Sydney Victor                   Orillia ON               3:16:55   0:10:34   4399  1812/F
   25. Lindsay M Angus                 Mississauga ON           3:19:25   0:10:42   4541  1907/F
   26. Ashley Bowe                     Woodbridge ON            3:20:09   0:10:44   4585  1938/F
   27. Karen Dancy                     St. Catharines ON        3:21:50   0:10:50   4665  1994/F
   28. Rachel Dick                     Sault Ste Marie ON       3:25:24   0:11:01   4838  2110/F
   29. Collette E Pryce-Jones          Oakville ON              3:28:30   0:11:11   4994  2212/F
   30. Stefania Salzer                 Hamilton ON              3:29:22   0:11:14   5044  2248/F
   31. Melina Fachin                   Hamilton ON              3:30:12   0:11:17   5087  2276/F
   32. Katie James                     Welland ON               3:30:48   0:11:18   5104  2286/F
   33. Rachel Brain                    Sault Ste Marie ON       3:33:27   0:11:27   5225  2370/F
   34. Alexis Nizzero                  Hamilton ON              3:34:58   0:11:32   5301  2418/F
   35. Anna Polak                      Mississauga ON           3:38:16   0:11:43   5406  2480/F
   36. Tamra Nettagog                  Dunnville ON             3:48:04   0:12:14   5720  2686/F
   37. Erika Costa                     Stoney Creek ON          3:48:59   0:12:17   5741  2701/F
   38. Karen A Vander Zaag             Alliston ON              3:52:14   0:12:27   5805  2740/F
   39. Kristen E Knapper               Strathroy ON             4:05:53   0:13:11   6018  2889/F
   40. Megan Jessop                    Brampton ON              4:52:24   0:15:41   6221  3032/F
Women 20-24
Place  Name                            Town                    Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Hollie Gordon                   Peterborough ON          2:09:41   0:06:57    219    19/F
    2. Shannon Kelsey                  Burlington ON            2:11:43   0:07:04    268    24/F
    3. Lauren Saunders                 Burlington ON            2:16:55   0:07:21    433    53/F
    4. Lindsay Richan                  Regina SK                2:20:23   0:07:32    541    76/F
    5. Nina Sieh                       Mississauga ON           2:23:28   0:07:42    659   105/F
    6. Rebecca Andrews                 St. Catharines ON        2:23:32   0:07:42    664   108/F
    7. Inge Boerma                     North York ON            2:24:29   0:07:45    700   116/F
    8. Jen Corrick                     Windsor ON               2:24:40   0:07:46    710   120/F
    9. Holly Viaene                    Strathroy ON             2:24:55   0:07:46    724   126/F
   10. Lauren Heinken                  Mississauga ON           2:26:30   0:07:52    810   150/F
   11. Halli Pedlow                    Toronto ON               2:27:14   0:07:54    852   167/F
   12. Carly Drake                     North Bay ON             2:27:56   0:07:56    892   178/F
   13. Ashley Kellam                   Amherstburg ON           2:28:22   0:07:58    932   185/F
   14. Heather L Kurpe                 Grimsby ON               2:28:22   0:07:58    933   186/F
   15. April Nickerson                 Schomberg ON             2:28:49   0:07:59    973   197/F
   16. Laura McLean                    Toronto ON               2:29:17   0:08:00   1009   206/F
   17. Kiki Cloutier                   Toronto ON               2:30:21   0:08:04   1072   225/F
   18. Lori Chong                      Toronto ON               2:31:20   0:08:07   1128   242/F
   19. Laura Wilson                    Manotick ON              2:31:50   0:08:09   1152   245/F
   20. Leanne Genge                    Toronto ON               2:33:37   0:08:14   1246   276/F
   21. Nicole Bakker                   Mount Hope ON            2:33:48   0:08:15   1261   280/F
   22. Reannan Bodrug                  Cambridge ON             2:35:20   0:08:20   1347   308/F
   23. Lauren Neal                     Dundas ON                2:36:13   0:08:23   1395   327/F
   24. Hillary Webster                 Brampton ON              2:37:11   0:08:26   1438   343/F
   25. Elizabeth Halleran              Brampton ON              2:38:11   0:08:29   1501   370/F
   26. Natalie Hajpel                  London ON                2:38:36   0:08:30   1535   384/F
   27. Kirby A Skinn-Jones             Toronto ON               2:39:01   0:08:32   1559   390/F
   28. Stephanie Bowes                 Thorold ON               2:39:06   0:08:32   1565   391/F
   29. Jacqueline Yeldon               Ottawa ON                2:39:14   0:08:33   1575   393/F
   30. Natasha Ferraro                 Toronto ON               2:39:33   0:08:34   1594   400/F
   31. Emily Strauss                   Toronto ON               2:40:31   0:08:37   1671   430/F
   32. Chantelle Smit                  Oakville ON              2:40:58   0:08:38   1716   446/F
   33. Sarah R Wildgen                 Kanata ON                2:42:15   0:08:42   1802   479/F
   34. Dominique Pasqual               Toronto ON               2:42:52   0:08:44   1842   494/F
   35. Ali Zimmerman                   Toronto ON               2:43:03   0:08:45   1859   504/F
   36. Victoria Sawatsky M Sawatsky    Hamilton ON              2:44:10   0:08:48   1941   541/F
   37. Danielle Sanders                Mississauga ON           2:45:32   0:08:53   2046   587/F
   38. Stephanie Kletke                Toronto ON               2:45:35   0:08:53   2050   588/F
   39. Jessica Shaw                    Barrie ON                2:46:01   0:08:54   2081   605/F
   40. Kirsten L Jibb                  Woodbridge ON            2:46:25   0:08:56   2103   613/F
   41. Jennifer Johnson                Burlington ON            2:46:31   0:08:56   2116   621/F
   42. Emily McLaughlin                Ottawa ON                2:47:50   0:09:00   2228   668/F
   43. Jessie Barrett                  Oakville ON              2:48:20   0:09:02   2278   691/F
   44. Van Vliet Monica                Ancaster ON              2:48:24   0:09:02   2284   695/F
   45. Rachel E Reed                   Burlington ON            2:48:40   0:09:03   2298   702/F
   46. Hannah G Bell                   Hamilton ON              2:49:01   0:09:04   2318   712/F
   47. Laura Fox                       Hamilton ON              2:49:09   0:09:04   2325   716/F
   48. Wilson Russell                  Hamilton ON              2:49:35   0:09:06   2366   735/F
   49. Olivia Lee                      Toronto ON               2:51:03   0:09:11   2475   786/F
   50. Tara Slemon                     Orono ON                 2:51:39   0:09:12   2514   800/F
   51. Sandra Ellis                    Hannon ON                2:52:40   0:09:16   2596   841/F
   52. Kirsten Mullins                 Ajax ON                  2:53:26   0:09:18   2651   867/F
   53. Lisa Prisciak                   Toronto ON               2:53:37   0:09:19   2672   878/F
   54. Allie Zaruk                     Grimsby ON               2:53:57   0:09:20   2706   894/F
   55. Sarah Pringle                   Hamilton ON              2:54:01   0:09:20   2710   897/F
   56. Jessica Kuepfer                 Millbank ON              2:54:52   0:09:23   2786   936/F
   57. Meg Cramer                      Scarborough ON           2:54:57   0:09:23   2803   946/F
   58. Natolochny Natolochny           Milton ON                2:54:59   0:09:23   2812   949/F
   59. Jessica C Van Vliet             Uxbridge ON              2:55:26   0:09:25   2845   966/F
   60. Kirsten Slaven                  London ON                2:55:30   0:09:25   2848   969/F
   61. Jennifer Woods                  Hamilton ON              2:57:13   0:09:30   2985  1048/F
   62. Laura Wood                      Hamilton ON              2:57:40   0:09:32   3025  1066/F
   63. Charlene Tobias                 Ohsweken ON              2:57:54   0:09:33   3048  1076/F
   64. Val Ramsay                      Richmond Hill ON         2:58:28   0:09:34   3095  1101/F
   65. Leanne Shapton                  London ON                2:58:51   0:09:36   3125  1118/F
   66. Ramsay Jessica                  Richmond Hill ON         2:58:52   0:09:36   3126  1119/F
   67. Bianca Dipietro                 Hamilton ON              2:59:10   0:09:37   3157  1136/F
   68. Adela Gherga                    Thornhill ON             2:59:36   0:09:38   3182  1147/F
   69. Andrea E Kwiecinski             Brantford ON             2:59:49   0:09:39   3200  1159/F
   70. Jaclyn M Benn                   Ottawa ON                3:01:18   0:09:44   3338  1233/F
   71. Marie Veltri                    Port Dover ON            3:01:18   0:09:44   3341  1235/F
   72. Kate Bannon                     Toronto ON               3:01:22   0:09:44   3345  1236/F
   73. Ashley Whyte                    Peterborough ON          3:01:54   0:09:45   3391  1255/F
   74. Deanna D Boulton                Wasaga Beach ON          3:02:43   0:09:48   3455  1290/F
   75. Betty Zou                       Toronto ON               3:02:54   0:09:49   3474  1298/F
   76. Samantha Wood                   Hamilton ON              3:03:09   0:09:50   3493  1305/F
   77. Lisa Tong                       Mississauga ON           3:04:32   0:09:54   3597  1358/F
   78. Brittany Russell                Brownsville ON           3:04:43   0:09:55   3611  1369/F
   79. Lisa Cristina Belbeck           Mississauga ON           3:05:07   0:09:56   3630  1376/F
   80. Carolynne Tovenar               Calgary AB               3:05:34   0:09:57   3654  1392/F
   81. Jessica Moodie                  Sheddon ON               3:08:22   0:10:06   3844  1497/F
   82. Jaimie Kennedy                  Kitchener ON             3:08:58   0:10:08   3881  1515/F
   83. Lauren Geloso                   Ottawa ON                3:09:04   0:10:09   3885  1517/F
   84. Kelsey Young                    Milton ON                3:09:15   0:10:09   3901  1529/F
   85. Amber A Nasby                   Grimsby ON               3:09:35   0:10:10   3924  1545/F
   86. Amy Curtis                      Guelph ON                3:10:19   0:10:13   3974  1577/F
   87. Alina Reid                      Waterloo ON              3:10:19   0:10:13   3976  1579/F
   88. Robyn Wilson                    Hamilton ON              3:10:26   0:10:13   3979  1580/F
   89. Kirsten Hoedlmoser              Waterloo ON              3:11:32   0:10:16   4052  1619/F
   90. Lauren Daley                    Hamilton ON              3:11:41   0:10:17   4061  1625/F
   91. Andree-Anne Girard              Ottawa ON                3:11:56   0:10:18   4074  1633/F
   92. Jasmin M Hayle                  Barrie ON                3:13:56   0:10:24   4218  1717/F
   93. Dianne Chittock                 Cambridge ON             3:14:39   0:10:27   4256  1738/F
   94. Leandra Reid                    Guelph ON                3:14:39   0:10:27   4258  1740/F
   95. Alyse Gough                     Newmarket ON             3:14:45   0:10:27   4265  1745/F
   96. Hilde Romme                     Ottawa ON                3:14:48   0:10:27   4272  1749/F
   97. Kate Randall                    Fort Erie ON             3:15:00   0:10:28   4283  1756/F
   98. Lauren Hasegawa                 Stratford ON             3:15:46   0:10:30   4317  1771/F
   99. Brittany Van Stralen            Winona ON                3:16:16   0:10:32   4357  1790/F
  100. Julie Kaiser                    London ON                3:17:11   0:10:35   4415  1820/F
  101. Anita Demczuk                   Hamilton ON              3:17:35   0:10:36   4435  1836/F
  102. Kristin Adams                   Burlington ON            3:18:40   0:10:39   4501  1880/F
  103. Iryna Yashnyk                   Mississauga ON           3:19:23   0:10:42   4539  1905/F
  104. Katrina Krupicz                 York ON                  3:19:52   0:10:43   4569  1927/F
  105. Anne-Marie Lacroix              Toronto ON               3:20:16   0:10:45   4594  1944/F
  106. Alanah Drake                    Grimsby ON               3:20:43   0:10:46   4617  1962/F
  107. Allie Friedman                  Buffalo NY               3:21:05   0:10:47   4636  1976/F
  108. Jessica L Kent                  Barrie ON                3:22:01   0:10:50   4672  2000/F
  109. Natasha C Ostapchuk             Oakville ON              3:22:38   0:10:52   4696  2013/F
  110. Caitlyn Clement                 Alouette QC              3:23:16   0:10:54   4739  2047/F
  111. Amarantha Bake                  St. Catharines ON        3:28:48   0:11:12   5013  2225/F
  112. Colleen Delaney                 Guelph ON                3:28:52   0:11:12   5016  2228/F
  113. Brittany Lind                   Burlington ON            3:28:59   0:11:13   5028  2235/F
  114. Alice Cudmore                   Oakville ON              3:29:07   0:11:13   5033  2240/F
  115. Renata Schreier                 Toronto ON               3:29:38   0:11:15   5058  2258/F
  116. Jennifer J Scott                Courtice ON              3:29:39   0:11:15   5062  2260/F
  117. Marlissa M Flint                Toronto ON               3:29:54   0:11:16   5071  2265/F
  118. Katherine Tryjankowski          Buffalo NY               3:31:01   0:11:19   5115  2294/F
  119. Alyssa Weir                     Brampton ON              3:32:38   0:11:24   5184  2340/F
  120. Emily Pellatt                   Edmonton AB              3:32:46   0:11:25   5186  2342/F
  121. Kayla Shine                     Barrie ON                3:33:13   0:11:26   5208  2358/F
  122. Cindy N Bade                    Port Franks ON           3:35:17   0:11:33   5316  2425/F
  123. Ashley Marion                   Kitchener ON             3:36:26   0:11:37   5339  2439/F
  124. Jasmin Buccella                 Toronto ON               3:39:39   0:11:47   5462  2513/F
  125. Felicia J Paluck                Vaughan ON               3:44:48   0:12:04   5630  2630/F
  126. Evelyn R Antoncic               Hamilton ON              3:47:45   0:12:13   5710  2679/F
  127. Jennifer Fazzari                Ancaster ON              3:54:08   0:12:34   5843  2772/F
  128. Sara Biasetti                   Hamilton ON              3:55:41   0:12:39   5863  2786/F
  129. Meghan Condon                   Ajax ON                  3:57:02   0:12:43   5900  2811/F
  130. Elaine M McIntosh               Toronto ON               3:58:52   0:12:49   5920  2826/F
  131. Jenni Wood                      Toronto ON               3:59:03   0:12:49   5922  2827/F
  132. Stephanie Blyth                 Newmarket ON             4:07:00   0:13:15   6033  2900/F
  133. Stacey Upton                    Lynden ON                4:08:27   0:13:20   6051  2912/F
  134. Samantha Perruzza               Stoney Creek ON          4:23:21   0:14:08   6155  2980/F
  135. Michelle Breski                 Niagara Falls ON         4:41:40   0:15:07   6198  3015/F
  136. Candace Dearsley                R.R. #2 Lynden ON        4:41:40   0:15:07   6199  3016/F
Women 25-29
Place  Name                            Town                    Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Dayna Pidhoresky                Tecumseh ON              1:50:48   0:05:57     27     2/F
    2. Mindy Fleming                   Ajax ON                  2:08:47   0:06:55    200    16/F
    3. Jen Smith                       Cambridge ON             2:09:43   0:06:58    220    20/F
    4. Jennifer Entwistle              London ON                2:11:13   0:07:02    252    21/F
    5. Martina Morton                  Stouffville ON           2:12:08   0:07:05    282    25/F
    6. Deborah James                   Hamilton ON              2:12:23   0:07:06    292    27/F
    7. Sue Safadi                      Vancouver BC             2:14:08   0:07:12    355    42/F
    8. Hunter Valerie                  Toronto ON               2:15:57   0:07:18    409    48/F
    9. Lindsay Taylor-Watson           London ON                2:17:14   0:07:22    442    58/F
   10. Catriona Revell                 Toronto ON               2:17:42   0:07:23    458    59/F
   11. Elizabeth Miller                Ottawa ON                2:18:16   0:07:25    469    62/F
   12. Melinda Campbell                Toronto ON               2:18:58   0:07:27    492    70/F
   13. Carley Kenwell                  Ottawa ON                2:20:47   0:07:33    552    78/F
   14. Carla Murphy                    Kingston ON              2:21:12   0:07:34    568    81/F
   15. Kate Newton                     Hamilton ON              2:21:12   0:07:34    569    82/F
   16. Jennifer Vaillancourt           Toronto ON               2:21:29   0:07:35    579    87/F
   17. Beth J Stephens                 Newmarket ON             2:23:32   0:07:42    662   107/F
   18. Jessica Small                   Oakville ON              2:24:12   0:07:44    687   112/F
   19. Terri-Jo Fennell                Pickering ON             2:24:45   0:07:46    713   122/F
   20. Juliana Tobon                   Toronto ON               2:25:35   0:07:49    750   133/F
   21. Samantha Sykes                  Toronto ON               2:25:51   0:07:49    762   138/F
   22. Samantha Calder-Sprackman       Toronto ON               2:25:54   0:07:50    765   139/F
   23. Stephanie Barber                North Bay ON             2:25:54   0:07:50    766   140/F
   24. Leah Snyder                     Burlington ON            2:27:00   0:07:53    843   164/F
   25. Kathy Thompson                  Milton ON                2:27:16   0:07:54    853   168/F
   26. Shiona K Glass-Kaastra          Guelph ON                2:28:07   0:07:57    914   181/F
   27. Lisa Slaven                     Toronto ON               2:28:23   0:07:58    937   187/F
   28. Paulette Dalton                 Toronto ON               2:28:39   0:07:58    958   190/F
   29. Brandi Wonnacott                Whitby ON                2:28:41   0:07:59    960   192/F
   30. Natalie Senst                   Toronto ON               2:28:41   0:07:59    961   193/F
   31. Kirsten Jewell                  London ON                2:28:55   0:07:59    981   199/F
   32. Lindsey Chamberlain             Kingston ON              2:29:04   0:08:00    997   203/F
   33. Kristen Kuzemko                 Toronto ON               2:29:24   0:08:01   1015   209/F
   34. Gina Demczuk                    Hamilton ON              2:29:38   0:08:02   1030   213/F
   35. Kim McAdam                      Mississauga ON           2:29:52   0:08:02   1039   215/F
   36. Tiffany Matuk                   London ON                2:30:06   0:08:03   1058   221/F
   37. Lauren McNiven                  Beamsville ON            2:30:08   0:08:03   1062   222/F
   38. Sarah Parent                    Perkinsfield ON          2:30:43   0:08:05   1089   230/F
   39. Jayne Cation                    Caledon ON               2:31:05   0:08:06   1113   238/F
   40. Karen Robb                      Toronto ON               2:33:15   0:08:13   1225   271/F
   41. Carla Manfredi                  Kingston ON              2:33:46   0:08:15   1258   279/F
   42. Helene Desgagnes                Toronto ON               2:34:18   0:08:17   1300   294/F
   43. Laura Cranna                    Waterdown ON             2:35:10   0:08:19   1337   304/F
   44. Stephanie Mackenzie             Orillia ON               2:35:33   0:08:21   1359   311/F
   45. Angelika Sturzenegger           Hamilton ON              2:36:14   0:08:23   1399   328/F
   46. Kate Campbell                   Burlington ON            2:36:19   0:08:23   1400   329/F
   47. Dana Ferguson                   Toronto ON               2:36:45   0:08:25   1421   336/F
   48. Siba Haykal                     Toronto ON               2:36:50   0:08:25   1422   337/F
   49. Jesse Blondin                   Ottawa ON                2:37:00   0:08:25   1430   340/F
   50. Stephanie McAulay               Hamilton ON              2:37:04   0:08:26   1433   341/F
   51. Barb Szybka                     St. Catharines ON        2:37:16   0:08:26   1445   345/F
   52. Kathleen Thompson               Mississauga ON           2:37:23   0:08:27   1450   348/F
   53. Kate Raven                      Toronto ON               2:38:20   0:08:30   1512   373/F
   54. Lindsay Wortzman                Toronto ON               2:38:20   0:08:30   1516   376/F
   55. Kelly Bowden                    Bradford ON              2:39:25   0:08:33   1584   397/F
   56. Natalie Kuch                    Caledon ON               2:39:29   0:08:33   1590   399/F
   57. Melissa Miller                  Peterborough ON          2:39:41   0:08:34   1604   402/F
   58. Leslie Bank                     Toronto ON               2:40:04   0:08:35   1639   418/F
   59. Jessica Hallock                 Woodstock ON             2:40:08   0:08:35   1646   421/F
   60. Natalie Childs                  Hamilton ON              2:40:11   0:08:36   1648   423/F
   61. Natalie Leitch                  Orangeville ON           2:40:11   0:08:36   1649   424/F
   62. Whitney Harte                   St. Catharines ON        2:40:29   0:08:37   1668   428/F
   63. Courtney M Holliday             Guelph ON                2:40:44   0:08:37   1695   439/F
   64. Kat Tupling                     Barrie ON                2:41:04   0:08:38   1727   450/F
   65. Eritia Smit                     Hamilton ON              2:41:07   0:08:39   1731   453/F
   66. Marlin Kedini                   Hamilton ON              2:41:13   0:08:39   1739   456/F
   67. Ashley D Perry                  Toronto ON               2:41:21   0:08:39   1742   457/F
   68. Rosanna Grobbink                Walton ON                2:41:56   0:08:41   1776   467/F
   69. Caitlin Williams                Elora ON                 2:42:40   0:08:44   1825   488/F
   70. Lindsay Gautby                  Burlington ON            2:43:31   0:08:46   1891   518/F
   71. Lauren Tomasich                 Toronto ON               2:43:56   0:08:48   1926   532/F
   72. Jocelyn Sherwood                Toronto ON               2:43:59   0:08:48   1929   534/F
   73. Michelle Greenspoon             Hamilton ON              2:44:18   0:08:49   1949   544/F
   74. Leah Henderson                  Hamilton ON              2:44:34   0:08:50   1972   554/F
   75. Lindsay Mitchell                Wyoming ON               2:45:02   0:08:51   2000   569/F
   76. Alix Duck                       Hamilton ON              2:45:44   0:08:53   2062   594/F
   77. Katherine Landell               Toronto ON               2:45:56   0:08:54   2073   601/F
   78. Daneen Krinke                   Mississauga ON           2:46:01   0:08:54   2080   604/F
   79. Shelley Walushka                Toronto ON               2:46:36   0:08:56   2119   623/F
   80. Amanda Coates                   Toronto ON               2:46:39   0:08:56   2124   626/F
   81. Jessica Chewins                 Stouffville ON           2:46:51   0:08:57   2142   632/F
   82. Laura Doody                     Waterloo ON              2:46:52   0:08:57   2145   633/F
   83. Kristen Hauser                  St. Catharines ON        2:46:58   0:08:57   2148   635/F
   84. Amanda Mashinter                Newmarket ON             2:47:07   0:08:58   2163   641/F
   85. Jessica Eamer                   Ottawa ON                2:47:22   0:08:59   2183   649/F
   86. Kimberly Casacci                Williamsville NY         2:47:26   0:08:59   2187   651/F
   87. Carolyn Caskie                  Toronto ON               2:47:44   0:09:00   2220   663/F
   88. Ashley Holliday                 St. Marys ON             2:48:15   0:09:02   2274   689/F
   89. Leanne Taylor                   Toronto ON               2:48:35   0:09:03   2293   700/F
   90. Lori Best                       Toronto ON               2:48:47   0:09:03   2306   705/F
   91. Tanya Gracie                    Ottawa ON                2:49:10   0:09:04   2327   717/F
   92. Emilie Tougas                   Ottawa ON                2:49:18   0:09:05   2337   723/F
   93. Julia Totosy De Zepetnek        Burlington ON            2:49:20   0:09:05   2340   724/F
   94. Kira Wing                       Vaughan ON               2:49:36   0:09:06   2369   738/F
   95. Hauk Amanda                     Toronto ON               2:49:49   0:09:07   2381   742/F
   96. Lindsay McKenrick               Buffalo NY               2:50:00   0:09:07   2393   750/F
   97. Cynthia Thomson                 Port Elgin ON            2:50:03   0:09:07   2403   754/F
   98. Kaylin Johnson                  Hamilton ON              2:50:04   0:09:07   2404   755/F
   99. Sarah E Whitmore                Toronto ON               2:50:12   0:09:08   2410   760/F
  100. Lana Osusky                     Toronto ON               2:50:15   0:09:08   2414   762/F
  101. Alyssa C Taylor                 Mississauga ON           2:50:31   0:09:09   2436   768/F
  102. Amanda Kirkpatrick              Sudbury ON               2:50:56   0:09:10   2464   783/F
  103. Laura Franklin                  Toronto ON               2:51:29   0:09:12   2501   794/F
  104. Nicole Coverdale                London ON                2:51:59   0:09:14   2544   818/F
  105. Kathleen Lawrence               Toronto ON               2:52:03   0:09:14   2547   821/F
  106. Jill Ainsworth                  Ottawa ON                2:52:10   0:09:14   2557   823/F
  107. Julia Lauwers                   Kingston ON              2:52:41   0:09:16   2598   842/F
  108. Christine Pastrak               Hamilton ON              2:53:24   0:09:18   2647   864/F
  109. Alicia Sparkes                  Tecumseh ON              2:53:36   0:09:19   2670   877/F
  110. Carla R Fugler                  Ottawa ON                2:53:44   0:09:19   2679   880/F
  111. Valerie L Bellemare             Ottawa ON                2:53:44   0:09:19   2682   882/F
  112. Melanie Jajko                   Hamilton ON              2:53:50   0:09:20   2694   888/F
  113. Danielle Neziol                 Toronto ON               2:53:54   0:09:20   2698   891/F
  114. Jessica Roswell                 London ON                2:54:03   0:09:20   2716   900/F
  115. Natalie Jelenski                Newmarket ON             2:54:06   0:09:20   2721   903/F
  116. Jodie-Lee J Primeau             Kingston ON              2:54:14   0:09:21   2731   909/F
  117. Kate Pitkin                     Aurora ON                2:54:43   0:09:22   2767   927/F
  118. Sarah E Young                   Mississauga ON           2:54:46   0:09:23   2771   929/F
  119. Heather Riddell                 St. Thomas ON            2:54:49   0:09:23   2777   930/F
  120. Natalie Frost                   St Catherines ON         2:55:02   0:09:23   2815   952/F
  121. Vanessa Bowker                  Timmins ON               2:55:06   0:09:24   2819   954/F
  122. Kristen Ernst                   Binbrook ON              2:55:29   0:09:25   2847   968/F
  123. Stephanie L Irvine              Barrie ON                2:55:32   0:09:25   2850   970/F
  124. Charlotte Schwartz              Toronto ON               2:55:50   0:09:26   2873   983/F
  125. Tammy Penny                     Hamilton ON              2:55:51   0:09:26   2874   984/F
  126. Andrea Martens                  Parkhill ON              2:55:56   0:09:26   2880   986/F
  127. Katie Wright                    Toronto ON               2:56:11   0:09:27   2906  1000/F
  128. Amy McNeill                     Strathroy ON             2:56:11   0:09:27   2907  1001/F
  129. Amanda Green                    Guelph ON                2:56:24   0:09:28   2923  1008/F
  130. Blaine Radstake                 Walkerton ON             2:56:31   0:09:28   2933  1013/F
  131. Jodi Bradley                    Hornell Heights ON       2:56:45   0:09:29   2947  1021/F
  132. Samantha Crowe                  Hornell Heights ON       2:56:45   0:09:29   2948  1022/F
  133. Karen Plantinga                 Hamilton ON              2:56:47   0:09:29   2951  1024/F
  134. Amanda Skelhorn                 Mississauga ON           2:56:59   0:09:30   2967  1035/F
  135. Emily Smallbone                 Burlington ON            2:57:08   0:09:30   2982  1045/F
  136. Patti Ann Cochren               Toronto ON               2:57:29   0:09:31   3005  1058/F
  137. Becky Jamieson                  Guelph ON                2:57:31   0:09:31   3010  1060/F
  138. Kathryn Taylor                  Toronto ON               2:57:31   0:09:31   3011  1061/F
  139. Karine Roy-Loubier              Toronto ON               2:57:52   0:09:32   3045  1074/F
  140. Veronique Rousseau              Toronto ON               2:58:05   0:09:33   3063  1083/F
  141. Elizabeth Im-Jenkins            Hamilton ON              2:58:10   0:09:33   3073  1090/F
  142. Beth Way                        Midland ON               2:58:16   0:09:34   3079  1093/F
  143. Tiffany Lawson                  Toronto ON               2:58:32   0:09:35   3101  1105/F
  144. Danika L Davis                  Toronto ON               2:59:55   0:09:39   3211  1167/F
  145. Rachel Lamont                   Hamilton ON              3:00:03   0:09:40   3226  1171/F
  146. Rachel Levac                    Brantford ON             3:00:13   0:09:40   3235  1175/F
  147. Melissa McWilliam               Oakville ON              3:00:37   0:09:41   3277  1198/F
  148. Shannon Barber                  Toronto ON               3:00:44   0:09:42   3290  1205/F
  149. Kate Borowec                    Ottawa ON                3:00:48   0:09:42   3298  1210/F
  150. Emily Clair                     Toronto ON               3:00:57   0:09:42   3312  1219/F
  151. Emily Kettel                    Toronto ON               3:01:05   0:09:43   3325  1227/F
  152. Lindsay Leblanc                 Riverview NB             3:01:08   0:09:43   3329  1230/F
  153. Quin Ma                         Toronto ON               3:01:33   0:09:44   3360  1243/F
  154. Trish Ptasinski                 Grimsby ON               3:01:43   0:09:45   3378  1250/F
  155. Alyssa Bridge                   Kitchener ON             3:01:48   0:09:45   3384  1253/F
  156. Lindsay Loth                    North Bay ON             3:01:57   0:09:46   3396  1259/F
  157. Carmelle Bussey                 Ottawa ON                3:01:58   0:09:46   3399  1260/F
  158. Ashley Maskell                  Hamilton ON              3:02:13   0:09:46   3416  1270/F
  159. Laura Hanson                    Burlington ON            3:02:19   0:09:47   3428  1274/F
  160. Meag A Durkin                   Hamilton ON              3:02:21   0:09:47   3432  1277/F
  161. Jackelyn Crawford               Toronto ON               3:02:28   0:09:47   3437  1280/F
  162. Sandra Hill                     St. Catharines ON        3:02:59   0:09:49   3484  1301/F
  163. Delorme Joanne                  North Bay ON             3:03:39   0:09:51   3532  1323/F
  164. Anastasia Siscoe                North York ON            3:04:02   0:09:52   3563  1342/F
  165. Mary-Elizabe Taillefer          Sudbury ON               3:04:12   0:09:53   3574  1345/F
  166. Cathy Sheahan                   Guelph ON                3:04:14   0:09:53   3577  1346/F
  167. Shannon Weatherhead             Ottawa ON                3:04:25   0:09:54   3590  1353/F
  168. Tracy Chew                      Hamilton ON              3:04:31   0:09:54   3596  1357/F
  169. Pamela Jewell                   Toronto ON               3:05:04   0:09:56   3626  1375/F
  170. Carla A Mantel                  Dundas ON                3:05:26   0:09:57   3647  1388/F
  171. Sharon Rutledge                 Cambridge ON             3:05:44   0:09:58   3667  1398/F
  172. Leslie Robertson                Ottawa ON                3:06:12   0:09:59   3702  1417/F
  173. Lindsey Bussey                  Kitchener ON             3:06:14   0:09:59   3705  1419/F
  174. Katherine Griggs                Toronto ON               3:06:16   0:10:00   3707  1421/F
  175. Katie Pellatt                   Orleans ON               3:06:17   0:10:00   3711  1424/F
  176. Ruth-Anne Vanderwater           Burlington ON            3:06:21   0:10:00   3715  1427/F
  177. Jordon Hvizd                    Ancaster ON              3:06:36   0:10:01   3729  1435/F
  178. Cassie A Routley                North Bay ON             3:06:49   0:10:01   3744  1444/F
  179. Elizabeth Mann                  Kingston ON              3:06:51   0:10:01   3745  1445/F
  180. Jocelyn Dresser                 North York ON            3:07:03   0:10:02   3759  1453/F
  181. Cassandra E Howse               Hamilton ON              3:07:22   0:10:03   3782  1464/F
  182. Megan Crowell                   Toronto ON               3:07:49   0:10:05   3800  1475/F
  183. Valerie Timm                    London ON                3:07:54   0:10:05   3809  1479/F
  184. Silvia Mauser                   Toronto ON               3:08:13   0:10:06   3832  1490/F
  185. Anne Coffey                     Toronto ON               3:08:17   0:10:06   3838  1493/F
  186. Heather Seabrook                Kitchener ON             3:08:26   0:10:07   3849  1499/F
  187. Kristin K Zazelenchuk           Sudbury ON               3:08:38   0:10:07   3862  1505/F
  188. Stefanie Howorun                Scarborough ON           3:08:53   0:10:08   3875  1510/F
  189. Kate Bojin                      Toronto ON               3:09:03   0:10:08   3884  1516/F
  190. Carla Muytjens                  Toronto ON               3:09:06   0:10:09   3890  1521/F
  191. Kim Stroesser                   Windsor ON               3:09:31   0:10:10   3919  1541/F
  192. Lauren Gale                     Grimsby ON               3:09:35   0:10:10   3923  1544/F
  193. Amy Stupavsky                   Toronto ON               3:09:52   0:10:11   3939  1555/F
  194. Carly Mossip                    North Bay ON             3:09:55   0:10:11   3942  1558/F
  195. Cynthia Lee                     Toronto ON               3:10:04   0:10:12   3957  1568/F
  196. Audrey Peace                    Toronto ON               3:10:05   0:10:12   3958  1569/F
  197. Jennifer Dawson                 Brigden ON               3:11:19   0:10:16   4034  1610/F
  198. Ashley Petrie                   Ingersoll ON             3:11:33   0:10:17   4053  1620/F
  199. Taryn Laing                     Toronto ON               3:11:55   0:10:18   4073  1632/F
  200. Marlena Neville                 Carlisle ON              3:12:11   0:10:19   4093  1645/F
  201. Jane Luc                        London ON                3:12:17   0:10:19   4097  1649/F
  202. Elisia Banks                    Toronto ON               3:12:22   0:10:19   4106  1654/F
  203. Michelle Stern                  Thornhill ON             3:12:29   0:10:20   4114  1659/F
  204. Jodi A Wilson                   Ottawa ON                3:12:37   0:10:20   4124  1662/F
  205. Peckham Nicole                  Toronto ON               3:12:41   0:10:20   4135  1668/F
  206. Shevaughn Murta                 Toronto ON               3:12:45   0:10:20   4141  1671/F
  207. Jeannette Holder                Toronto ON               3:12:53   0:10:21   4153  1677/F
  208. Jayme Glassford                 Orangeville ON           3:12:59   0:10:21   4157  1679/F
  209. Jordan Arcaro                   Fonthill ON              3:13:23   0:10:22   4176  1690/F
  210. Emily Stillwell                 Toronto ON               3:13:24   0:10:22   4178  1692/F
  211. Inga Skaya                      Toronto ON               3:13:54   0:10:24   4214  1714/F
  212. Gillian Strudwick               Toronto ON               3:14:57   0:10:27   4281  1754/F
  213. Laura Stanford                  Oakville ON              3:14:58   0:10:28   4282  1755/F
  214. Talia Leszcz                    Toronto ON               3:15:00   0:10:28   4284  1757/F
  215. Jamie Hurst                     Ottawa ON                3:15:11   0:10:28   4297  1761/F
  216. Kennedy Baker                   Toronto ON               3:15:37   0:10:30   4313  1768/F
  217. Kristen Varley                  Toronto ON               3:16:40   0:10:33   4381  1804/F
  218. Leanne Marcoux                  Waterloo ON              3:16:56   0:10:34   4402  1814/F
  219. Sharon Fan                      Toronto ON               3:17:04   0:10:34   4409  1817/F
  220. Lyndsay Kean                    Barrie ON                3:17:31   0:10:36   4431  1832/F
  221. Carolyn Johnson                 Niagara Falls ON         3:17:39   0:10:36   4437  1838/F
  222. Beth Williams                   Toronto ON               3:17:41   0:10:36   4439  1839/F
  223. Laura McDonald                  Guelph ON                3:17:54   0:10:37   4452  1848/F
  224. Kelly Rehel                     Hamilton ON              3:17:59   0:10:37   4455  1850/F
  225. Julie McCluskey                 Toronto ON               3:18:30   0:10:39   4485  1869/F
  226. Christina Nigro                 Toronto ON               3:18:32   0:10:39   4486  1870/F
  227. Jessica L Kane                  Brantford ON             3:18:41   0:10:39   4502  1881/F
  228. Ceri Sumner                     Hanover ON               3:18:53   0:10:40   4509  1886/F
  229. Michelle Boutin                 Stoney Creek ON          3:18:59   0:10:40   4515  1890/F
  230. Tara Dempsey                    Nepean ON                3:19:07   0:10:41   4518  1892/F
  231. Jill Edmunds                    Oshawa ON                3:19:13   0:10:41   4526  1896/F
  232. Pamela Bernstein                Burlington ON            3:19:14   0:10:41   4528  1897/F
  233. Paula Hill                      London ON                3:19:26   0:10:42   4543  1909/F
  234. Phillips Jerri                  Belleville ON            3:19:48   0:10:43   4564  1923/F
  235. Natalie Gajewski                Ottawa ON                3:19:57   0:10:44   4573  1930/F
  236. Katie Kitney                    Waterdown ON             3:20:08   0:10:44   4584  1937/F
  237. Anonymous Kb                    Guelph ON                3:20:10   0:10:44   4587  1940/F
  238. Jill R Brush                    Waterloo ON              3:20:29   0:10:45   4603  1950/F
  239. Sabrina Elliott Vergara         St. Catharines ON        3:20:48   0:10:46   4622  1965/F
  240. Barbara Stoeckler               Oakville ON              3:21:01   0:10:47   4631  1972/F
  241. Deanna Bucciacchio              Markham ON               3:21:01   0:10:47   4632  1973/F
  242. Carly Waters                    Binbrook ON              3:21:49   0:10:50   4664  1993/F
  243. Kristin Plant                   London ON                3:22:11   0:10:51   4679  2005/F
  244. Vallery Black                   Whitby ON                3:22:43   0:10:52   4698  2015/F
  245. Gillian Spinney                 Whitby ON                3:22:43   0:10:52   4699  2016/F
  246. Shannon Lord                    Oakville ON              3:22:44   0:10:53   4700  2017/F
  247. Vilija Hakala                   Oakville ON              3:22:50   0:10:53   4708  2024/F
  248. Danielle Landry                 Toronto ON               3:23:08   0:10:54   4732  2041/F
  249. Mia Fazio                       Milton ON                3:23:24   0:10:55   4746  2051/F
  250. Joanna Suriano                  St. Catharines ON        3:23:54   0:10:56   4773  2066/F
  251. Kristen Chamberlain             Dundas ON                3:24:52   0:10:59   4817  2094/F
  252. Jennifer Hall                   Ottawa ON                3:25:25   0:11:01   4839  2111/F
  253. Erin Ohanley                    Toronto ON               3:25:36   0:11:02   4848  2118/F
  254. Diana Coletto                   Burlington ON            3:26:13   0:11:04   4876  2138/F
  255. Angela Comeau                   Barrie ON                3:26:34   0:11:05   4892  2146/F
  256. Lisa Kennedy                    Barrie ON                3:26:46   0:11:06   4898  2150/F
  257. Stephanie Doyon                 Whitby ON                3:27:00   0:11:06   4909  2154/F
  258. Meghan Trigg                    Oakville ON              3:27:06   0:11:07   4915  2159/F
  259. Melissa M Sibio                 Burlington ON            3:27:33   0:11:08   4932  2172/F
  260. Melissa Whetstone               Toronto ON               3:27:34   0:11:08   4933  2173/F
  261. Drake Jennifer                  Hamilton ON              3:28:04   0:11:10   4970  2194/F
  262. Leanne Holmes                   Whitby ON                3:28:16   0:11:10   4981  2203/F
  263. Amanda Britton                  Mississauga ON           3:28:54   0:11:12   5019  2229/F
  264. Brooke Taylor                   Hamilton ON              3:28:59   0:11:13   5029  2236/F
  265. Kathleen Turner                 Oakville ON              3:29:07   0:11:13   5032  2239/F
  266. Nancy Rumble                    Hamilton ON              3:29:24   0:11:14   5047  2250/F
  267. Amy Grant                       Binbrook ON              3:30:02   0:11:16   5078  2270/F
  268. Roberta Reid                    Burlington ON            3:30:42   0:11:18   5100  2283/F
  269. Charissa Jenken                 Ottawa ON                3:31:03   0:11:19   5118  2296/F
  270. Becca Smith                     Springfield ON           3:31:12   0:11:20   5124  2300/F
  271. Laura McQuinn                   Toronto ON               3:31:40   0:11:21   5147  2319/F
  272. Alison M Fleming                Toronto ON               3:31:41   0:11:21   5148  2320/F
  273. Ellicia Demchuk                 Toronto ON               3:31:46   0:11:22   5152  2323/F
  274. Margaret Braun                  Sarnia ON                3:32:10   0:11:23   5165  2329/F
  275. Heidi Grant                     Oshawa ON                3:32:56   0:11:25   5191  2345/F
  276. Loren Howes-Jones               Kitchener ON             3:33:23   0:11:27   5219  2367/F
  277. Elaine Melchers                 Komoka ON                3:33:36   0:11:28   5234  2375/F
  278. Erin Balser                     Toronto ON               3:33:41   0:11:28   5237  2377/F
  279. Ida Marrelli                    Toronto ON               3:33:42   0:11:28   5238  2378/F
  280. Jenna Levi                      Burlington ON            3:33:49   0:11:28   5246  2384/F
  281. Melissa K Gerrard               Burlington ON            3:33:57   0:11:29   5258  2392/F
  282. Laurie Crabtree                 Burlington ON            3:34:00   0:11:29   5263  2397/F
  283. Sarah McCardell                 North York ON            3:34:01   0:11:29   5264  2398/F
  284. Lauren Gamble                   Ottawa ON                3:34:09   0:11:29   5269  2401/F
  285. Lauren Van Impe                 Hamilton ON              3:34:37   0:11:31   5283  2407/F
  286. Leah Sandilands                 Oakville ON              3:34:44   0:11:31   5292  2412/F
  287. Haya Finan                      Burlington ON            3:35:37   0:11:34   5323  2430/F
  288. Rhiannon M Jones                Regina SK                3:35:45   0:11:34   5326  2432/F
  289. Delia M Greco                   Hamilton ON              3:36:27   0:11:37   5340  2440/F
  290. Megan Swan                      Hamilton ON              3:37:08   0:11:39   5366  2454/F
  291. Renee Marion                    Kitchener ON             3:37:15   0:11:39   5368  2455/F
  292. Sylvie Delorme                  Powassan ON              3:41:13   0:11:52   5532  2560/F
  293. Stephanie McMannis              Pickering ON             3:42:11   0:11:55   5551  2577/F
  294. Lindsay Marion                  Kitchener ON             3:42:14   0:11:55   5554  2579/F
  295. Leasa Wright                    Oakville ON              3:42:57   0:11:58   5572  2590/F
  296. Caitlin Allain                  Toronto ON               3:43:12   0:11:58   5578  2594/F
  297. Dominique Bruce                 Hamilton ON              3:43:34   0:12:00   5591  2603/F
  298. Sana Abou-Georgi                Mississauga ON           3:43:40   0:12:00   5593  2604/F
  299. Jennifer Vasseur                Hamilton ON              3:43:53   0:12:01   5600  2609/F
  300. Jennifer Newton                 Ottawa ON                3:44:01   0:12:01   5606  2615/F
  301. Danielle M Hulan                Hamilton ON              3:44:22   0:12:02   5617  2622/F
  302. Melissa Imrie                   Bracebridge ON           3:44:55   0:12:04   5636  2634/F
  303. Catherine King                  Hamilton ON              3:45:37   0:12:06   5661  2651/F
  304. Muffy Davies                    Lion's Head ON           3:45:38   0:12:06   5662  2652/F
  305. Sarah Tiessen                   Hamilton ON              3:45:52   0:12:07   5670  2659/F
  306. Amanda Hillier                  Burlington ON            3:45:54   0:12:07   5672  2661/F
  307. Heidi Kift                      Oshawa ON                3:46:03   0:12:08   5678  2663/F
  308. Tara L Sankey                   Burlington ON            3:46:23   0:12:09   5685  2667/F
  309. Amy Groff                       Greenbank ON             3:47:38   0:12:13   5709  2678/F
  310. Emily T Leslie                  Hamilton ON              3:47:50   0:12:13   5714  2680/F
  311. Kate Hill                       Toronto ON               3:50:59   0:12:23   5778  2722/F
  312. Marie-France Graves             Toronto ON               3:53:00   0:12:30   5824  2757/F
  313. Melissa Perks                   Ottawa ON                3:53:14   0:12:31   5828  2761/F
  314. Elena Hall                      Brantford ON             3:53:23   0:12:31   5832  2764/F
  315. Genevieve Malette               Ottawa ON                3:54:32   0:12:35   5848  2775/F
  316. Chelsea Petre                   Toronto ON               3:59:30   0:12:51   5932  2835/F
  317. Ania Bednarska                  Hamilton ON              4:02:46   0:13:01   5977  2862/F
  318. Bacon Mackensey                 Hamilton ON              4:02:54   0:13:02   5979  2864/F
  319. Alana Detenbeck                 Waterloo ON              4:04:05   0:13:06   5996  2874/F
  320. Nancy Horvath                   Toronto ON               4:04:21   0:13:06   6000  2877/F
  321. Laura Skelton                   Welland ON               4:10:02   0:13:25   6063  2921/F
  322. Jennifer Fee                    Hamilton ON              4:11:25   0:13:29   6080  2932/F
  323. Evelyn Duffy                    Oakville ON              4:11:29   0:13:29   6083  2934/F
  324. Amanda Principato               Ancaster ON              4:12:18   0:13:32   6089  2938/F
  325. Melissa Holoday                 Toronto ON               4:15:14   0:13:42   6110  2953/F
  326. Maria Topalovic                 Hamilton ON              4:17:15   0:13:48   6129  2962/F
  327. Alexis Liddell                  Hamilton ON              4:17:16   0:13:48   6130  2963/F
  328. Jenna Van Galen                 Kitchener ON             4:18:22   0:13:52   6135  2967/F
  329. Natalie Gajewski                Ottawa ON                4:19:57   0:13:57   6141  2970/F
  330. Laura Roncone                   Kitchener ON             4:23:14   0:14:07   6154  2979/F
  331. Hanna Stecewicz                 Toronto ON               4:24:10   0:14:10   6156  2981/F
  332. Meaghan Purdy                   Petawawa ON              4:26:35   0:14:18   6167  2990/F
  333. Amber Church                    Burlington ON            4:29:40   0:14:28   6176  2997/F
  334. Sarah Wintle                    Dryden ON                4:29:40   0:14:28   6177  2998/F
  335. Emma Surich                     Toronto ON               4:37:22   0:14:53   6187  3006/F
  336. Christine Entwistle             Brampton ON              4:38:50   0:14:57   6192  3010/F
  337. Sabrina Wong                    Oakville ON              4:45:03   0:15:17   6208  3023/F
  338. Hanna Stecewicz                 Toronto ON               5:24:10   0:17:23   6235  3045/F
Women 30-34
Place  Name                            Town                    Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Amanda McLeod                   Toronto ON               2:03:37   0:06:38    117     7/F
    2. Rebecca Stallwood               Ottawa ON                2:04:19   0:06:40    124     8/F
    3. Tanya Porcellato                Guelph ON                2:04:32   0:06:41    128     9/F
    4. Karen Gilbert Tyssen            London ON                2:06:55   0:06:49    163    13/F
    5. Kim Fleet                       London ON                2:07:04   0:06:49    164    14/F
    6. Lyndsay Tessier                 Ajax ON                  2:11:13   0:07:02    253    22/F
    7. Stephanie Gordon                Ottawa ON                2:12:53   0:07:08    304    29/F
    8. Julie Hamulecki                 Toronto ON               2:13:11   0:07:09    315    33/F
    9. Krystal Sutherland              Peterborough ON          2:13:36   0:07:10    328    36/F
   10. Laura Couvrette                 Toronto ON               2:13:47   0:07:11    336    38/F
   11. Shayna Boland                   London ON                2:13:55   0:07:11    345    41/F
   12. Jennifer Kehoe                  Owen Sound ON            2:18:26   0:07:26    473    64/F
   13. Rosemary Baldwin                Sault Ste. Marie ON      2:18:51   0:07:27    485    67/F
   14. Anna Dowse                      Toronto ON               2:19:04   0:07:28    495    71/F
   15. Kat Clewley                     Burlington ON            2:19:34   0:07:29    515    72/F
   16. Jody Faught                     Brantford ON             2:21:00   0:07:34    561    80/F
   17. Meghann Taylor                  Toronto ON               2:21:28   0:07:35    578    86/F
   18. Laura Feller                    Rochester NY             2:21:39   0:07:36    586    90/F
   19. Robyn Widenmaier                Toronto ON               2:21:43   0:07:36    589    92/F
   20. Laura P                         Orleans ON               2:22:21   0:07:38    621    97/F
   21. Julie Geng                      Oakville ON              2:23:00   0:07:40    644   100/F
   22. Kristin Dalzell                 Newmarket ON             2:23:24   0:07:42    654   103/F
   23. Karen McAskill                  Etobicoke ON             2:23:59   0:07:43    675   110/F
   24. Adrienne Hol                    Hamilton ON              2:24:09   0:07:44    684   111/F
   25. Angela Miller                   Milton ON                2:24:19   0:07:45    693   114/F
   26. Jennifer Thompson               Hamilton ON              2:24:21   0:07:45    696   115/F
   27. Annette Carling                 Toronto ON               2:24:53   0:07:46    721   124/F
   28. Jenny Seo                       Toronto ON               2:25:34   0:07:49    748   132/F
   29. Anne-Marie Rasmussen            Oakville ON              2:25:47   0:07:49    757   136/F
   30. Brandi Victor                   Sarnia ON                2:25:48   0:07:49    758   137/F
   31. Kelly Carmichael                Toronto ON               2:25:54   0:07:50    768   142/F
   32. Meaghan Lecsek                  Cambridge ON             2:26:29   0:07:51    806   149/F
   33. Amy Robitaille                  Rockwood ON              2:26:36   0:07:52    815   153/F
   34. Erica Govan                     Toronto ON               2:26:40   0:07:52    818   154/F
   35. Sarah Gray                      Sarnia ON                2:27:00   0:07:53    842   163/F
   36. Anne Cramer                     Oakville ON              2:27:29   0:07:55    869   171/F
   37. Shana Tarbiat                   Maple ON                 2:27:30   0:07:55    871   172/F
   38. Louise Boudreault               Gatineau QC              2:27:34   0:07:55    874   174/F
   39. Carolyn Bennett                 Toronto ON               2:27:49   0:07:56    887   177/F
   40. Anne-Marie Bourgeois Bourgeois  Toronto ON               2:28:15   0:07:57    923   183/F
   41. Wendy Guyker                    Buffalo NY               2:28:43   0:07:59    965   194/F
   42. Mary Homer                      Hamilton ON              2:28:45   0:07:59    967   195/F
   43. Susan Wiseman                   Sudbury ON               2:29:10   0:08:00   1004   205/F
   44. Hannah Fraser                   Owen Sound ON            2:29:26   0:08:01   1018   210/F
   45. Sunita Seshia                   Peninsula OH             2:29:43   0:08:02   1034   214/F
   46. Elizabeth Lovria                Hamburg NY               2:30:40   0:08:05   1086   229/F
   47. Mari Portokalis                 London ON                2:30:54   0:08:06   1096   232/F
   48. Jodi Bray                       Belle River ON           2:30:54   0:08:06   1098   233/F
   49. Breanne Schaefer                Grimsby ON               2:31:02   0:08:06   1107   236/F
   50. Marina Glasgow                  Abbotsford BC            2:32:02   0:08:09   1158   246/F
   51. Phyllis Tsang                   Charlotte NC             2:32:40   0:08:11   1193   256/F
   52. Robyn Lavelle                   Ancaster ON              2:32:40   0:08:11   1194   257/F
   53. Celine Murdoch                  Belleville ON            2:33:05   0:08:13   1217   269/F
   54. Kerry Kuluski                   Toronto ON               2:33:11   0:08:13   1219   270/F
   55. Julie Sparkes                   London ON                2:33:26   0:08:14   1234   273/F
   56. Sandra Colburn                  Toronto ON               2:33:32   0:08:14   1239   274/F
   57. Krista Corbett                  Corbeil ON               2:33:46   0:08:15   1256   278/F
   58. Sylvie Mullins                  Waterloo ON              2:33:48   0:08:15   1263   281/F
   59. Sarah Grundy                    Toronto ON               2:33:58   0:08:16   1272   285/F
   60. Joanne Sloat                    Oakville ON              2:34:15   0:08:16   1295   293/F
   61. Carrie L Wert                   Buffalo NY               2:34:30   0:08:17   1308   296/F
   62. Veronique Bessette              Marieville QC            2:35:06   0:08:19   1333   303/F
   63. Nicole Paulin                   Toronto ON               2:35:45   0:08:21   1373   317/F
   64. Myndi Quirion                   Toronto ON               2:35:50   0:08:22   1376   319/F
   65. Kathryn Wehrle                  Toronto ON               2:36:12   0:08:23   1393   325/F
   66. Daisy McCabe-Lokos              Toronto ON               2:36:39   0:08:24   1416   332/F
   67. Natasha Kyle                    Waterloo ON              2:37:14   0:08:26   1442   344/F
   68. Erin Hastings                   Burlington ON            2:37:19   0:08:26   1448   347/F
   69. Heather Snowden                 Hamilton ON              2:37:59   0:08:28   1485   363/F
   70. Leslie Hunt                     Toronto ON               2:38:00   0:08:29   1488   364/F
   71. Quynn Morehouse                 Toronto ON               2:38:20   0:08:30   1511   372/F
   72. Gillian M Howard                London ON                2:38:20   0:08:30   1513   374/F
   73. Cathy Phan                      Toronto ON               2:38:46   0:08:31   1543   386/F
   74. Michelle Munro                  Copper Cliff ON          2:38:57   0:08:32   1552   388/F
   75. Sharon Papadimitriou            Georgetown ON            2:39:34   0:08:34   1597   401/F
   76. Jessica Fry                     Toronto ON               2:39:46   0:08:34   1615   408/F
   77. Ange O'Handley                  Lucan ON                 2:39:59   0:08:35   1630   413/F
   78. Jaime Trick                     Ottawa ON                2:40:02   0:08:35   1636   416/F
   79. Sarah Chewins                   Stouffville ON           2:40:07   0:08:35   1644   420/F
   80. Mackenzie Rozga                 Toronto ON               2:40:27   0:08:36   1664   427/F
   81. Renee I Oake                    Toronto ON               2:40:29   0:08:37   1669   429/F
   82. Sylvia D'Souza                  Cambridge ON             2:40:31   0:08:37   1672   431/F
   83. Lindsay Hamilton                Acton ON                 2:40:42   0:08:37   1691   438/F
   84. Joyce Lising                    Toronto ON               2:40:44   0:08:37   1697   440/F
   85. Elizabeth Roediger              Hamilton ON              2:40:47   0:08:38   1701   441/F
   86. Aimee Anger                     Paris ON                 2:41:03   0:08:38   1723   449/F
   87. Jen Milligan                    Ottawa ON                2:41:06   0:08:39   1728   451/F
   88. J. Lindsay Guckenberger         Kitchener ON             2:41:11   0:08:39   1736   455/F
   89. Colleen Lawrence                Woodstock ON             2:41:32   0:08:40   1758   462/F
   90. Liisa Jewczyk                   Aurora ON                2:41:37   0:08:40   1759   463/F
   91. Kerri Wood                      Chatham ON               2:41:59   0:08:41   1781   470/F
   92. Barbi Heathcote                 London ON                2:42:25   0:08:43   1810   482/F
   93. Angie J Kotsos                  Georgetown ON            2:42:35   0:08:43   1822   486/F
   94. Katie Wilmshurst                Huntsville ON            2:42:53   0:08:44   1843   495/F
   95. Alexandra Carrier-Hampton       Montreal QC              2:42:54   0:08:44   1845   497/F
   96. Alison Peden                    Toronto ON               2:43:17   0:08:46   1876   509/F
   97. Chantal Johnson                 Binbrook ON              2:43:35   0:08:47   1899   520/F
   98. Ellie Matheson                  Bolton ON                2:43:39   0:08:47   1906   524/F
   99. Talia Blaney                    Toronto ON               2:43:50   0:08:47   1917   528/F
  100. Bevin Shores                    Dundas ON                2:43:55   0:08:48   1925   531/F
  101. Christine Albert                Cambridge ON             2:43:58   0:08:48   1928   533/F
  102. Ineke Imbo                      Ottawa ON                2:44:01   0:08:48   1932   536/F
  103. Chantelle Woods                 Nepean ON                2:44:05   0:08:48   1935   538/F
  104. Janean Bell                     Bracebridge ON           2:44:11   0:08:48   1942   542/F
  105. Kathryn Murtagh                 New York NY              2:44:17   0:08:49   1946   543/F
  106. Zandbergen Vicki                Kitchener ON             2:44:24   0:08:49   1956   548/F
  107. Katrin Odegai                   Toronto ON               2:44:48   0:08:50   1982   561/F
  108. Gabriela Trujillo               Toronto ON               2:45:04   0:08:51   2003   571/F
  109. Amanda Kosloski                 Toronto ON               2:45:38   0:08:53   2056   592/F
  110. Angela Hanes                    Toronto ON               2:45:53   0:08:54   2071   599/F
  111. Dana I Oar                      Orchard Park NY          2:45:56   0:08:54   2075   603/F
  112. Krista Neilson                  Fonthill ON              2:46:19   0:08:55   2097   611/F
  113. Star Edwards                    Burlington ON            2:46:19   0:08:55   2098   612/F
  114. Samantha Anstey                 Kanata ON                2:46:31   0:08:56   2115   620/F
  115. Marina Bokovay                  Toronto ON               2:46:39   0:08:56   2123   625/F
  116. Terri A McBay                   Etobicoke ON             2:47:01   0:08:58   2153   637/F
  117. Amanda Comission                Barrie ON                2:47:11   0:08:58   2168   642/F
  118. Sarah Brebner                   Toronto ON               2:47:13   0:08:58   2172   644/F
  119. Clare Illingworth               Guelph ON                2:47:25   0:08:59   2186   650/F
  120. Amy Bross                       Mildmay ON               2:47:34   0:08:59   2198   657/F
  121. Maggie Zyla                     Barrie ON                2:48:04   0:09:01   2257   682/F
  122. Jennifer Filipski               Buffalo NY               2:48:06   0:09:01   2259   684/F
  123. Christine Goodall               Hamilton ON              2:48:59   0:09:04   2316   711/F
  124. Alexandra Noel-Turner           Picton ON                2:49:03   0:09:04   2320   714/F
  125. Francesca Ricci                 Hamilton ON              2:49:24   0:09:05   2348   726/F
  126. Aimee Rixmann                   Simcoe ON                2:49:29   0:09:06   2350   727/F
  127. Andrea Matthews                 Ottawa ON                2:49:31   0:09:06   2355   730/F
  128. Lisa Barnes                     Cobourg ON               2:49:36   0:09:06   2368   737/F
  129. Tara Leroux                     Brooklin ON              2:49:52   0:09:07   2384   744/F
  130. Carina Tiozzo                   Markham ON               2:49:54   0:09:07   2388   747/F
  131. Emma Murphy                     Oakville ON              2:49:55   0:09:07   2389   748/F
  132. Nicole Mickelow                 Toronto ON               2:50:01   0:09:07   2395   752/F
  133. Marcie Cardy                    Burlington ON            2:50:01   0:09:07   2397   753/F
  134. Roberta Schoonings              St. Catharines ON        2:50:08   0:09:08   2406   757/F
  135. Emily Emond                     Hamilton ON              2:50:47   0:09:10   2456   778/F
  136. Julia Perrelli                  Hamilton ON              2:51:12   0:09:11   2490   789/F
  137. Rebecca L Lava                  Paris ON                 2:51:29   0:09:12   2500   793/F
  138. Deirdre Tomasello               Orchard Park NY          2:51:39   0:09:12   2512   799/F
  139. Petra Zdrchany                  Milton ON                2:51:41   0:09:13   2520   805/F
  140. Carolyn McKeen                  Toronto ON               2:52:20   0:09:15   2569   829/F
  141. Lisa Butler                     Toronto ON               2:52:37   0:09:16   2589   838/F
  142. Christine Geraghty              Ottawa ON                2:52:48   0:09:16   2601   845/F
  143. Kelly Webb                      Milton ON                2:53:07   0:09:17   2616   851/F
  144. Catherine C Huot                Maple ON                 2:53:15   0:09:18   2628   853/F
  145. Jennifer-Rae Brown-Menchenton   Cambridge ON             2:53:15   0:09:18   2629   854/F
  146. Sarah Peterson                  Milton ON                2:53:22   0:09:18   2644   861/F
  147. Nonara F Henhoeffer             Kincardine ON            2:53:27   0:09:18   2653   868/F
  148. Christine Sheldrake             Stoney Creek ON          2:53:36   0:09:19   2667   875/F
  149. Kathleen Dougall                Whitby ON                2:53:52   0:09:20   2697   890/F
  150. Alexa Giorgi                    Toronto ON               2:53:56   0:09:20   2705   893/F
  151. Katherine M Poole               Toronto ON               2:54:04   0:09:20   2717   901/F
  152. Heather Gardner                 Toronto ON               2:54:11   0:09:21   2727   907/F
  153. Patty Scott                     Burlington ON            2:54:19   0:09:21   2740   913/F
  154. Tracy Luk                       Toronto ON               2:54:33   0:09:22   2755   920/F
  155. Annemichelle Tessier            East Lansing MI          2:54:43   0:09:22   2766   926/F
  156. Lindsay Hewitt                  Hamilton ON              2:54:45   0:09:22   2770   928/F
  157. Sheila Williams                 Saskatoon SK             2:54:50   0:09:23   2780   932/F
  158. Libby Dror                      Toronto ON               2:54:56   0:09:23   2796   942/F
  159. Heather Lightfoot               Toronto ON               2:54:59   0:09:23   2809   947/F
  160. Paula Bucci                     Mississauga ON           2:55:20   0:09:24   2837   961/F
  161. Tessa Haines                    Burlington ON            2:55:38   0:09:25   2859   976/F
  162. Jenna Cheal                     Toronto ON               2:55:42   0:09:26   2864   978/F
  163. Caroline Allen                  Montreal QC              2:55:46   0:09:26   2869   979/F
  164. Kim Langtree                    Bracebridge ON           2:55:47   0:09:26   2870   980/F
  165. Alison Cumming                  Mississauga ON           2:55:49   0:09:26   2872   982/F
  166. Meredith Phillips               Ottawa ON                2:55:57   0:09:26   2883   988/F
  167. Laurie Hunter                   Guelph ON                2:56:00   0:09:26   2885   990/F
  168. Tara McDonald                   Guelph ON                2:56:01   0:09:27   2889   993/F
  169. Shelly Anne Penner              Toronto ON               2:56:05   0:09:27   2892   995/F
  170. Alaina Swain                    Hanover ON               2:56:11   0:09:27   2908  1002/F
  171. Catherine Hynes-Doherty         Ottawa ON                2:56:49   0:09:29   2952  1025/F
  172. Trish Benoit                    Waterloo ON              2:56:51   0:09:29   2958  1028/F
  173. Carisa Morison                  Binbrook ON              2:56:54   0:09:29   2961  1030/F
  174. Amira Mohamed                   Ottawa ON                2:56:54   0:09:29   2962  1031/F
  175. Erin Demaiter                   London ON                2:57:01   0:09:30   2972  1039/F
  176. Ashley Land                     Toronto ON               2:57:13   0:09:30   2986  1049/F
  177. Jesse Craig                     Ottawa ON                2:57:44   0:09:32   3031  1067/F
  178. Marcella Ortiz                  Pickering ON             2:57:54   0:09:33   3051  1078/F
  179. Christie Power                  Toronto ON               2:57:56   0:09:33   3055  1079/F
  180. Alicia Cooper                   London ON                2:58:06   0:09:33   3064  1084/F
  181. Kristy Jobb                     Bowmanville ON           2:58:06   0:09:33   3065  1085/F
  182. Samantha Anderson               Toronto ON               2:58:30   0:09:35   3099  1104/F
  183. Maureen Williamson              Windsor ON               2:58:40   0:09:35   3105  1108/F
  184. Angela N Van Bommel             Strathroy ON             2:58:50   0:09:36   3121  1114/F
  185. Kim Monsebroten                 Oakville ON              2:58:52   0:09:36   3127  1120/F
  186. Alyson J Reiach                 Burlington ON            2:59:00   0:09:36   3140  1127/F
  187. Angie Thurston                  Aurora ON                2:59:03   0:09:36   3147  1131/F
  188. Alice Toyonaga                  Toronto ON               2:59:26   0:09:38   3172  1141/F
  189. Andrea Wertli                   Burlington ON            2:59:27   0:09:38   3173  1142/F
  190. Magali Couture                  Gatineau QC              2:59:29   0:09:38   3174  1143/F
  191. Kim Amey                        London ON                2:59:47   0:09:39   3197  1157/F
  192. Karine Circe                    Ottawa ON                3:00:19   0:09:40   3246  1181/F
  193. Dawn Cuthbertson                Toronto ON               3:00:19   0:09:40   3247  1182/F
  194. Brooke Rosenfeld                Toronto ON               3:00:28   0:09:41   3265  1191/F
  195. Nicole S Fritz                  London ON                3:00:30   0:09:41   3268  1194/F
  196. Paula Leddy                     Whitby ON                3:00:31   0:09:41   3270  1195/F
  197. Erika Machacek                  Newmarket ON             3:00:43   0:09:42   3285  1203/F
  198. Sarah Priest                    Oshawa ON                3:00:49   0:09:42   3303  1213/F
  199. Carmen Cheung                   Gloucester ON            3:01:08   0:09:43   3328  1229/F
  200. Amanda L Norley                 Mount Brydges ON         3:01:14   0:09:43   3335  1232/F
  201. Amy Ter Haar                    Toronto ON               3:01:28   0:09:44   3355  1240/F
  202. Jackie Rowley                   Milton ON                3:01:41   0:09:45   3375  1248/F
  203. C Mitchell                      Barrie ON                3:01:42   0:09:45   3377  1249/F
  204. Elysia M Van Zeyl               Ottawa ON                3:01:53   0:09:45   3390  1254/F
  205. Erin C Morgan                   Burlington ON            3:01:56   0:09:46   3393  1256/F
  206. Heather Morgan                  Burlington ON            3:01:56   0:09:46   3394  1257/F
  207. Marnie Hirshhorn                Oakville ON              3:02:42   0:09:48   3453  1288/F
  208. Anna K Sheridan-Jonah           Oakville ON              3:02:42   0:09:48   3454  1289/F
  209. Aymee Ouellette                 Amherstburg ON           3:03:26   0:09:50   3513  1312/F
  210. Nicole Carlucci                 Hamilton ON              3:03:27   0:09:50   3516  1315/F
  211. Jos?E Tremblay                  St-Philippe QC           3:03:27   0:09:50   3517  1316/F
  212. Andrea Brienesse                Hamilton ON              3:03:30   0:09:51   3519  1317/F
  213. Irene Hong                      Buffalo NY               3:03:48   0:09:52   3544  1330/F
  214. Joanne Kingsbury                Hamilton ON              3:04:36   0:09:54   3601  1361/F
  215. Adriana Strah                   Lasalle ON               3:04:42   0:09:54   3608  1366/F
  216. Barbara Lee                     Toronto ON               3:04:51   0:09:55   3615  1370/F
  217. Maureen S Halushak              Toronto ON               3:04:56   0:09:55   3620  1372/F
  218. Jennifer Alexander              Toronto ON               3:05:26   0:09:57   3649  1389/F
  219. Jennifer L Kitching             Burlington ON            3:05:45   0:09:58   3669  1400/F
  220. Megan Smith                     North Bay ON             3:05:46   0:09:58   3674  1402/F
  221. Margot Corbin                   Hamilton ON              3:05:51   0:09:58   3679  1404/F
  222. Kim Livett                      Thorold ON               3:06:11   0:09:59   3698  1415/F
  223. Sara L Macdonald                Stoney Creek ON          3:06:16   0:10:00   3708  1422/F
  224. Stacy Jowett                    Seeleys Bay ON           3:06:17   0:10:00   3709  1423/F
  225. Meghan McEwen                   St. Catharines ON        3:06:20   0:10:00   3712  1425/F
  226. Heidi Gordon                    Toronto ON               3:06:46   0:10:01   3740  1442/F
  227. Shalini Jha                     London ON                3:07:00   0:10:02   3754  1450/F
  228. Janet Wickes Pye                Lakeside ON              3:07:11   0:10:02   3769  1457/F
  229. Janice Ball                     Streetsville ON          3:07:23   0:10:03   3784  1466/F
  230. Kristina Jacobson               Cambridge ON             3:07:27   0:10:03   3788  1468/F
  231. Ara Good                        Mississauga ON           3:07:27   0:10:03   3789  1469/F
  232. Steffanie Fletcher              Brantford ON             3:07:55   0:10:05   3814  1482/F
  233. Jennie Jennings                 Toronto ON               3:08:37   0:10:07   3861  1504/F
  234. Sara Bergen                     Aylmer ON                3:08:50   0:10:08   3873  1509/F
  235. Sarah Jeanneault                Vaughan ON               3:09:05   0:10:09   3889  1520/F
  236. Alexis Kirk                     Chesley ON               3:09:07   0:10:09   3891  1522/F
  237. Heather Kao                     Ajax ON                  3:09:17   0:10:09   3904  1532/F
  238. Sarah Hornby                    Collingwood ON           3:09:44   0:10:11   3932  1551/F
  239. Sandra Martin                   Huntsville ON            3:10:03   0:10:12   3955  1567/F
  240. France Bertrand                 L' Ange-Gardien QC       3:10:09   0:10:12   3963  1571/F
  241. Erin Ross                       Newmarket ON             3:10:16   0:10:12   3969  1575/F
  242. Melanee Thomas                  Kingston ON              3:10:18   0:10:13   3973  1576/F
  243. Alison Ronson                   Toronto ON               3:10:38   0:10:14   3990  1588/F
  244. Linda M Stapleton               Mississauga ON           3:11:15   0:10:16   4028  1607/F
  245. Jennifer Lee                    Mississauga ON           3:11:28   0:10:16   4043  1613/F
  246. Trina Macrae                    Toronto ON               3:12:09   0:10:18   4091  1643/F
  247. Rochelle Parent                 London ON                3:12:22   0:10:19   4104  1653/F
  248. Sara Kennedy                    Burlington ON            3:12:48   0:10:21   4146  1674/F
  249. Janine Wilson                   Woodstock ON             3:12:49   0:10:21   4149  1675/F
  250. Susan Anderson                  Hamilton ON              3:12:59   0:10:21   4156  1678/F
  251. Leeann Arcaro-King              Port Colburne ON         3:13:22   0:10:22   4175  1689/F
  252. Erin Horwood                    Petrolia ON              3:13:23   0:10:22   4177  1691/F
  253. Amanda Pyykonen                 Ottawa ON                3:13:26   0:10:23   4180  1693/F
  254. Amy S McKenzie                  Burlington ON            3:13:36   0:10:23   4191  1700/F
  255. Melanie Schumacher              Toronto ON               3:13:37   0:10:23   4193  1702/F
  256. Lisa Goetz-Jackson              Toronto ON               3:13:55   0:10:24   4215  1715/F
  257. Lisa Hutchinson                 Windsor ON               3:13:55   0:10:24   4216  1716/F
  258. Amanda Lederer                  Markham ON               3:14:24   0:10:26   4247  1733/F
  259. Sarah Rauscher                  Toronto ON               3:14:39   0:10:27   4257  1739/F
  260. Christy Bloemendal              Stoney Creek ON          3:14:46   0:10:27   4268  1746/F
  261. Lindsay Prihoda                 Toronto ON               3:14:48   0:10:27   4273  1750/F
  262. Corissa Wyatt                   Hamilton ON              3:14:56   0:10:27   4279  1752/F
  263. Kathryn Knapp                   Caledonia ON             3:15:08   0:10:28   4292  1758/F
  264. Lisa M Julian                   Ottawa ON                3:15:09   0:10:28   4295  1760/F
  265. Chandra Von Teichman            Stittsville ON           3:15:16   0:10:29   4303  1764/F
  266. Andrea Driedger                 Oakville ON              3:15:48   0:10:30   4322  1773/F
  267. Sara E Whitnell                 Burlington ON            3:15:58   0:10:31   4336  1781/F
  268. Christine Shaw                  Sarnia ON                3:16:01   0:10:31   4340  1783/F
  269. Michelle Axford                 Toronto ON               3:16:08   0:10:31   4347  1786/F
  270. Kathy Nugent                    Bolton ON                3:16:12   0:10:32   4349  1787/F
  271. Lindsay Salter                  Orillia ON               3:16:19   0:10:32   4363  1792/F
  272. Brandie Kucyla                  Breslau ON               3:16:23   0:10:32   4365  1793/F
  273. Heather Sewell                  Guelph ON                3:16:46   0:10:33   4386  1807/F
  274. Alyson Byrne                    Ottawa ON                3:17:36   0:10:36   4436  1837/F
  275. Katie O'Kane                    Oakville ON              3:17:52   0:10:37   4450  1846/F
  276. Elizabeth Amaral                Hamilton ON              3:18:07   0:10:38   4461  1854/F
  277. Jennifer Heisz                  Dundas ON                3:18:18   0:10:38   4472  1861/F
  278. Stephanie Brueschke             Burlington ON            3:18:23   0:10:39   4476  1862/F
  279. Brandy B Vaillancourt           Windsor ON               3:18:53   0:10:40   4510  1887/F
  280. Rita Bhella                     Thornhill ON             3:19:08   0:10:41   4520  1894/F
  281. Kristy Kozlowski                Dundas ON                3:19:22   0:10:42   4537  1903/F
  282. Samantha Gleiser                London ON                3:20:03   0:10:44   4577  1933/F
  283. Jennifer Mesaric                Milton ON                3:20:32   0:10:45   4606  1953/F
  284. Anastasia Newman                Ancaster ON              3:20:47   0:10:46   4620  1963/F
  285. Julie Bisson                    Toronto ON               3:20:53   0:10:47   4626  1969/F
  286. Jody Vallis                     Mississauga ON           3:21:37   0:10:49   4657  1988/F
  287. Rachel Zumpe                    Grimsby ON               3:21:47   0:10:49   4662  1991/F
  288. Jennifer McIntosh               Port Dover ON            3:22:07   0:10:51   4676  2003/F
  289. Aoife Ni Niocail                Toronto ON               3:22:28   0:10:52   4692  2011/F
  290. Karen Karnis                    Fergus ON                3:22:49   0:10:53   4706  2022/F
  291. Sheila Sekuterski               Hamburg NY               3:22:55   0:10:53   4720  2032/F
  292. Caroline Hillyard               Toronto ON               3:23:08   0:10:54   4731  2040/F
  293. Anna Mather                     Toronto ON               3:23:17   0:10:54   4740  2048/F
  294. Kasey Coholan                   Toronto ON               3:23:28   0:10:55   4749  2053/F
  295. Christa Studzinski              Toronto ON               3:23:37   0:10:55   4757  2056/F
  296. Cindy Sigurdson                 St. Thomas ON            3:23:42   0:10:56   4760  2058/F
  297. Julie Harper                    Georgetown ON            3:23:50   0:10:56   4771  2064/F
  298. Jennifer Welsh                  Waterford ON             3:24:14   0:10:57   4786  2076/F
  299. Lisa Schmuck                    London ON                3:24:15   0:10:57   4788  2077/F
  300. Natalie Phrompeng               Malvern PA               3:24:29   0:10:58   4799  2083/F
  301. Amanda Larsen                   Hamilton ON              3:24:36   0:10:59   4805  2089/F
  302. Lindsey Rhiger                  London ON                3:24:55   0:11:00   4821  2098/F
  303. Mary Friesen                    Cambridge ON             3:25:03   0:11:00   4825  2101/F
  304. Sabrina Guite                   Cobourg ON               3:25:16   0:11:01   4832  2104/F
  305. Katrina Cross                   Keswick ON               3:25:22   0:11:01   4835  2107/F
  306. Charlyn Tremblay                Toronto ON               3:25:28   0:11:01   4843  2115/F
  307. Kristin Hauff                   Hamilton ON              3:25:47   0:11:02   4854  2123/F
  308. Jane Emans                      Milton ON                3:25:51   0:11:03   4858  2126/F
  309. Christelle Smith                Chesley ON               3:26:00   0:11:03   4868  2131/F
  310. Christine Gripton               London ON                3:26:07   0:11:03   4872  2135/F
  311. Myrianna Szagala                Toronto ON               3:26:10   0:11:04   4873  2136/F
  312. Nikki S Taylor                  St. Thomas ON            3:26:30   0:11:05   4890  2144/F
  313. Anita L Ahrens                  Stoney Creek ON          3:27:01   0:11:06   4910  2155/F
  314. Laura Mounsteven                Carrying Place ON        3:27:16   0:11:07   4921  2163/F
  315. Natalie Thompson                Burlington ON            3:27:17   0:11:07   4922  2164/F
  316. Genevieve M Claveau             Barrie ON                3:27:19   0:11:07   4923  2165/F
  317. Elizabeth Izzo                  St. Catharines ON        3:27:30   0:11:08   4931  2171/F
  318. Sarah Lewonas                   Waterdown ON             3:27:44   0:11:09   4949  2182/F
  319. Lynda Brunelle                  Brampton ON              3:27:48   0:11:09   4953  2183/F
  320. Beth Doxsee                     Kingston ON              3:27:48   0:11:09   4954  2184/F
  321. Christeen Walker                Whitby ON                3:27:50   0:11:09   4955  2185/F
  322. Susan Farrell                   Ottawa ON                3:27:59   0:11:09   4965  2189/F
  323. Clare Crummey                   Toronto ON               3:28:10   0:11:10   4978  2200/F
  324. Anna McDonald                   Oakville ON              3:28:24   0:11:11   4987  2208/F
  325. Roxann Staats                   Ohsweken ON              3:28:47   0:11:12   5011  2223/F
  326. Christine Silva                 Toronto ON               3:29:28   0:11:14   5051  2251/F
  327. Jennifer Lake                   Oakville ON              3:29:30   0:11:14   5052  2252/F
  328. Laurie Di Giulio                Brampton ON              3:29:36   0:11:15   5053  2253/F
  329. Sabrina Crocker                 Brampton ON              3:29:39   0:11:15   5060  2259/F
  330. Jolene Savoie                   Ottawa ON                3:29:41   0:11:15   5064  2261/F
  331. Lucy A Eveleigh                 Toronto ON               3:29:54   0:11:16   5072  2266/F
  332. Kate Laing                      Orangeville ON           3:30:00   0:11:16   5075  2268/F
  333. Alisha Prater                   Ottawa ON                3:30:11   0:11:17   5086  2275/F
  334. Erin Manchester                 Toronto ON               3:30:21   0:11:17   5090  2278/F
  335. Erika Morris                    Metcalfe ON              3:30:45   0:11:18   5101  2284/F
  336. Andrea Wobick                   Toronto ON               3:31:42   0:11:21   5149  2321/F
  337. Robyn Draaistera                Brantford ON             3:31:48   0:11:22   5154  2324/F
  338. Heather Leslie                  Mississauga ON           3:32:06   0:11:23   5164  2328/F
  339. Keeley Wylie                    Toronto ON               3:32:10   0:11:23   5166  2330/F
  340. Julia Pemberton                 Hamilton ON              3:32:34   0:11:24   5180  2339/F
  341. Christine Hitchen               Woodstock ON             3:32:47   0:11:25   5187  2343/F
  342. Laura Seaman                    Kitchener ON             3:32:57   0:11:25   5192  2346/F
  343. Joanna Waller                   Binbrook ON              3:33:07   0:11:26   5204  2355/F
  344. Lina Beltrano                   Hamilton ON              3:33:12   0:11:26   5207  2357/F
  345. Marie-France Gauvin             Niagara On The Lake ON   3:33:16   0:11:26   5213  2362/F
  346. Emma Iserman                    Milton ON                3:33:19   0:11:27   5215  2364/F
  347. Katharine Harris                Toronto ON               3:33:35   0:11:27   5233  2374/F
  348. Sara Blanchett                  Kitchener ON             3:33:36   0:11:28   5235  2376/F
  349. Meghan Richard                  Toronto ON               3:33:45   0:11:28   5240  2380/F
  350. Milja Minic                     Hamilton ON              3:34:37   0:11:31   5284  2408/F
  351. Colleen Ford                    Owen Sound ON            3:34:52   0:11:32   5298  2415/F
  352. Sabrina Sharpe                  Stoney Creek ON          3:35:06   0:11:32   5305  2419/F
  353. Lenore Dougan                   Toronto ON               3:35:35   0:11:34   5322  2429/F
  354. Audra Petrulis                  Burlington ON            3:36:25   0:11:37   5337  2438/F
  355. Erin Pieper                     Toronto ON               3:37:06   0:11:39   5364  2453/F
  356. Chris Scully                    Hamilton ON              3:37:30   0:11:40   5374  2460/F
  357. Ami Shah                        Mississauga ON           3:38:20   0:11:43   5411  2483/F
  358. Nikki Bradley                   Guelph ON                3:38:31   0:11:43   5416  2486/F
  359. Melodie Bowes                   Kingston ON              3:38:49   0:11:44   5423  2491/F
  360. Allison Glebe                   Sarnia ON                3:39:32   0:11:47   5454  2507/F
  361. Sheri D Weesjes                 St. Thomas ON            3:39:35   0:11:47   5459  2510/F
  362. Leigh Ann H Butler              Ottawa ON                3:39:45   0:11:47   5467  2516/F
  363. Sonia Melancon                  Montreal QC              3:40:31   0:11:50   5503  2538/F
  364. Sonya L Walker                  Concord ON               3:40:48   0:11:51   5514  2547/F
  365. Barnett Alice                   Sudbury ON               3:41:04   0:11:52   5526  2554/F
  366. Dee Candlish                    Burlington ON            3:41:51   0:11:54   5543  2570/F
  367. Kathryn Mercanti                Stoney Creek ON          3:42:42   0:11:57   5562  2585/F
  368. Jennifer N Boromello            Stoney Creek ON          3:42:42   0:11:57   5563  2586/F
  369. Robyn Healey                    Clason MI                3:43:09   0:11:58   5575  2592/F
  370. Julie Lau                       North York ON            3:43:57   0:12:01   5601  2610/F
  371. Erin Mutterback                 Ottawa ON                3:43:59   0:12:01   5605  2614/F
  372. Bernadette Silva                Oakville ON              3:44:57   0:12:04   5638  2636/F
  373. Chalene Aitchison               Oak Ridges ON            3:45:18   0:12:05   5648  2644/F
  374. Kim Wilkie                      Toronto ON               3:45:20   0:12:05   5649  2645/F
  375. Lindsay Swanson                 Toronto ON               3:45:20   0:12:05   5650  2646/F
  376. Vidya Kauri                     Toronto ON               3:47:22   0:12:12   5703  2674/F
  377. Susan Fekecs                    Hamilton ON              3:47:50   0:12:13   5715  2681/F
  378. Tara Knight                     London ON                3:48:12   0:12:15   5723  2687/F
  379. Karen Turner                    Toronto ON               3:48:54   0:12:17   5737  2697/F
  380. Rebecca J Ross                  Windsor ON               3:49:49   0:12:20   5755  2712/F
  381. Victoria Graham                 Ottawa ON                3:51:32   0:12:25   5791  2730/F
  382. Meghan Lafleur                  Burlington ON            3:51:34   0:12:25   5793  2732/F
  383. Karen Drinkle                   Paris ON                 3:52:03   0:12:27   5801  2737/F
  384. Allison Pomerleau               North Bay ON             3:52:42   0:12:29   5814  2748/F
  385. Jenn Fudge                      Toronto ON               3:52:59   0:12:30   5823  2756/F
  386. Sabrina Pisano                  St. Catharines ON        3:53:03   0:12:30   5825  2758/F
  387. Tania Ramsay                    Mississauga ON           3:53:15   0:12:31   5829  2762/F
  388. Joanna Hemlow                   Ottawa ON                3:54:37   0:12:35   5849  2776/F
  389. Alison Hebert                   Windsor ON               3:54:47   0:12:36   5850  2777/F
  390. Trudie Stewart                  Lasalle ON               3:55:22   0:12:38   5858  2782/F
  391. Linda Gagatsis                  Toronto ON               3:56:38   0:12:42   5886  2803/F
  392. Cheryl Morris                   Kingston ON              3:56:42   0:12:42   5889  2805/F
  393. Susan Hartzler                  New Hamburg ON           3:57:28   0:12:44   5907  2816/F
  394. Jennifer O`Brien                Aurora ON                3:59:15   0:12:50   5928  2831/F
  395. Julia Green                     Maple ON                 3:59:21   0:12:50   5931  2834/F
  396. Leah Weeks                      Oshawa ON                4:00:24   0:12:54   5948  2844/F
  397. Michelle Torio                  Hamilton ON              4:01:28   0:12:57   5962  2852/F
  398. Libby Laythorpe                 Waterloo ON              4:04:08   0:13:06   5997  2875/F
  399. Jen Power                       Toronto ON               4:04:22   0:13:07   6001  2878/F
  400. Christine Deklavs               Port Perry ON            4:09:01   0:13:22   6056  2916/F
  401. Brandy Cubitt                   Stoney Creek ON          4:10:35   0:13:27   6071  2927/F
  402. Lynn Rogers                     West Valley NY           4:11:42   0:13:30   6085  2935/F
  403. Jennifer Ellis                  Barrie ON                4:14:22   0:13:39   6104  2947/F
  404. Shannon Caskey                  Toronto ON               4:16:01   0:13:44   6121  2957/F
  405. Amanda Varga                    Toronto ON               4:20:19   0:13:58   6144  2972/F
  406. Fortier Mandy                   Stouffville ON           4:21:24   0:14:01   6148  2974/F
  407. Jennifer Smith                  Hamilton ON              4:25:59   0:14:16   6166  2989/F
  408. Melissa Dunnett                 Ottawa ON                4:26:40   0:14:18   6168  2991/F
  409. Kristy Johnson                  Sarnia ON                4:26:58   0:14:19   6169  2992/F
  410. Judith Roy                      Hamilton ON              4:42:06   0:15:08   6201  3018/F
  411. Mary Metcalfe                   Oakville ON              4:42:45   0:15:10   6204  3020/F
  412. Patricia Lavergne               Ottawa ON                4:51:32   0:15:38   6219  3030/F
Women 35-39
Place  Name                            Town                    Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Krista Duchene                  Brantford ON             1:47:04   0:05:45     13     1/F
    2. Lisa Avery                      Orillia ON               1:54:44   0:06:09     39     3/F
    3. Leah Scharl                     Clarkston MI             1:59:48   0:06:26     90     4/F
    4. Laina Bay-Cheng                 Buffalo NY               2:02:51   0:06:35    114     6/F
    5. Rachel Masser                   Waterloo ON              2:05:00   0:06:42    137    10/F
    6. Allison(Ali) Drynan             Toronto ON               2:06:23   0:06:47    155    11/F
    7. Michelle Clarke                 Toronto ON               2:06:29   0:06:47    159    12/F
    8. Christina Clark                 Guelph ON                2:07:18   0:06:50    168    15/F
    9. Julie Martens                   Oakville ON              2:12:08   0:07:05    283    26/F
   10. Claudia Johnston                Nottawa ON               2:12:59   0:07:08    308    30/F
   11. Erin Sheard                     Toronto ON               2:13:02   0:07:08    309    31/F
   12. Kim Sarkissian                  Brantford ON             2:13:31   0:07:10    327    35/F
   13. Jennie Haw                      Toronto ON               2:13:44   0:07:10    333    37/F
   14. Aimee Sutton                    Ottawa ON                2:14:33   0:07:13    367    43/F
   15. Angela Cummings                 Acton ON                 2:15:33   0:07:16    395    46/F
   16. Catherine Kelly                 Cambridge ON             2:16:16   0:07:19    416    50/F
   17. Jody J Nadjiwon                 Sudbury ON               2:16:49   0:07:20    431    52/F
   18. Ali Davies                      Toronto ON               2:16:59   0:07:21    436    55/F
   19. Tosha L Freitag                 Burlington ON            2:18:21   0:07:25    472    63/F
   20. Emily Heath                     Toronto ON               2:18:53   0:07:27    488    68/F
   21. Julia Johnston Bernier          Ottawa ON                2:19:41   0:07:30    518    73/F
   22. Kerry Finch                     Toronto ON               2:20:41   0:07:33    547    77/F
   23. Teresa Quinlan                  Kitchener ON             2:21:27   0:07:35    577    85/F
   24. Catherine C Cossette            Toronto ON               2:21:51   0:07:37    593    93/F
   25. Mairi Levely                    Barrie ON                2:22:11   0:07:38    613    95/F
   26. Christine Line                  Burlington ON            2:22:26   0:07:38    622    98/F
   27. Marlene Line                    Burlington ON            2:22:35   0:07:39    630    99/F
   28. Catherine Chew                  Markham ON               2:24:40   0:07:46    708   119/F
   29. Nicole Clarkson                 Ancaster ON              2:24:49   0:07:46    717   123/F
   30. Allyson Fischer                 Oakville ON              2:25:06   0:07:47    727   127/F
   31. Heather Hopkins                 Toronto ON               2:25:24   0:07:48    743   131/F
   32. Tara McGoey                     Callander ON             2:25:54   0:07:50    767   141/F
   33. Lisanne Gadoury                 Montreal QC              2:26:03   0:07:50    775   144/F
   34. Avia D Peacock                  Toronto ON               2:26:12   0:07:51    786   145/F
   35. Jaimie Baisley                  Toronto ON               2:26:13   0:07:51    788   146/F
   36. Juanita Koo                     Toronto ON               2:26:15   0:07:51    790   147/F
   37. Karen Downey                    Toronto ON               2:26:35   0:07:52    813   151/F
   38. Andrea Conrad                   Woodstock ON             2:26:43   0:07:52    823   155/F
   39. Sarah Muldoon                   Kanata ON                2:26:52   0:07:53    835   160/F
   40. Magda Badura                    West Lorne ON            2:26:56   0:07:53    838   161/F
   41. Julie Pichette                  Boischatel QC            2:27:05   0:07:53    846   165/F
   42. Sinead Brunet                   Komoka ON                2:27:11   0:07:54    849   166/F
   43. Mary Pope                       Mississauga ON           2:27:21   0:07:54    860   169/F
   44. Ardith Allan                    Toronto ON               2:27:40   0:07:55    877   175/F
   45. Jen Disher                      St. George ON            2:28:04   0:07:57    904   179/F
   46. Gayle Horyn                     Cambridge ON             2:28:12   0:07:57    918   182/F
   47. Cheryl Agla                     Paris ON                 2:28:28   0:07:58    946   188/F
   48. Sandra Kaiser                   Brampton ON              2:28:38   0:07:58    957   189/F
   49. Wendy Wagner                    Ottawa ON                2:28:48   0:07:59    971   196/F
   50. Terri Biloski                   St. Thomas ON            2:29:03   0:08:00    995   202/F
   51. Kim Dwyer                       Kitchener ON             2:29:54   0:08:02   1043   216/F
   52. Sarah Crawford                  Maitland ON              2:29:58   0:08:03   1048   218/F
   53. Jennifer Lee                    Hamilton ON              2:30:17   0:08:04   1069   223/F
   54. Peggy Horton                    Whitby ON                2:30:25   0:08:04   1075   226/F
   55. Kate Rheault                    Orillia ON               2:30:56   0:08:06   1101   234/F
   56. Jane Widdecombe                 Guelph ON                2:31:05   0:08:06   1112   237/F
   57. Heather Cassidy                 Tillsonburg ON           2:31:10   0:08:07   1116   239/F
   58. Laura Greenaway                 Oakville ON              2:31:16   0:08:07   1124   241/F
   59. Jamie-Lynn Hauss                Tavistock ON             2:31:28   0:08:08   1137   243/F
   60. Juliana Harris                  Newmarket ON             2:32:02   0:08:09   1160   247/F
   61. Karen Spencely                  Waterdown ON             2:32:28   0:08:11   1184   251/F
   62. Ouellette Shauna                North Bay ON             2:32:43   0:08:12   1199   261/F
   63. Catherine Youdan                Toronto ON               2:32:48   0:08:12   1205   264/F
   64. Erin P Barrie                   Barrie ON                2:33:00   0:08:12   1214   266/F
   65. Pamela Allan                    Aurora ON                2:33:02   0:08:13   1216   268/F
   66. Dora Depass                     Burlington ON            2:33:20   0:08:14   1227   272/F
   67. Erin King                       Whitby ON                2:34:02   0:08:16   1277   288/F
   68. Joanne Sibbald                  Gatineau QC              2:34:43   0:08:18   1324   300/F
   69. Jennifer Sampson                Toronto ON               2:35:04   0:08:19   1332   302/F
   70. Jodi Kesik                      Hamilton ON              2:35:15   0:08:20   1341   306/F
   71. Natalie Greig                   Dundas ON                2:35:19   0:08:20   1346   307/F
   72. Christa Yoshimoto               Waterdown ON             2:35:35   0:08:21   1361   312/F
   73. Tammy J Dyment                  Bracebridge ON           2:35:38   0:08:21   1365   315/F
   74. Erin Kennedy                    Dundas ON                2:35:56   0:08:22   1382   321/F
   75. Kirsten Dunne                   Brampton ON              2:36:07   0:08:22   1390   324/F
   76. Christina Giovas                Hamilton ON              2:36:12   0:08:23   1394   326/F
   77. Deena Covey                     Adrian MI                2:36:40   0:08:24   1418   334/F
   78. Christie McCarthy               Milton ON                2:37:27   0:08:27   1454   349/F
   79. Julijana K Prpic                Thunder Bay ON           2:37:37   0:08:27   1466   353/F
   80. Lynne Rawson                    Burlington ON            2:37:52   0:08:28   1477   358/F
   81. Candice D Olivier               Oakville ON              2:38:02   0:08:29   1491   365/F
   82. Vanessa Rockefeller             Tillsonburg ON           2:38:06   0:08:29   1494   367/F
   83. Suzanne Sinnamon                Ottawa ON                2:38:21   0:08:30   1517   377/F
   84. Carolyne Siebert                Stoney Creek ON          2:38:23   0:08:30   1520   378/F
   85. Kimm Alvaro                     Bolton ON                2:38:27   0:08:30   1525   380/F
   86. Daphne Lainson                  Almonte ON               2:39:10   0:08:32   1571   392/F
   87. Liza Crawford                   Oakville ON              2:39:15   0:08:33   1576   394/F
   88. Suzanne Mills                   Hamilton ON              2:39:25   0:08:33   1583   396/F
   89. Ann-Marie Thompson              Oshawa ON                2:39:45   0:08:34   1611   405/F
   90. Shauna Hanratty                 Ottawa ON                2:39:59   0:08:35   1631   414/F
   91. Jo Ann Hicks                    Toronto ON               2:40:14   0:08:36   1653   425/F
   92. Trish Wilson                    Carlisle ON              2:40:32   0:08:37   1673   432/F
   93. Carla Royer                     Welland ON               2:40:36   0:08:37   1678   435/F
   94. Kristina Bramma                 Brooklin ON              2:40:36   0:08:37   1679   436/F
   95. Renee Kleszczynski              Durham NH                2:40:38   0:08:37   1685   437/F
   96. Natalie Boyd                    Fonthill ON              2:40:55   0:08:38   1707   443/F
   97. Sandra Wong                     Toronto ON               2:41:01   0:08:38   1720   448/F
   98. Becky Mayo                      Brights Grove ON         2:41:24   0:08:39   1746   458/F
   99. Jennifer Wieggers               North Bay ON             2:41:26   0:08:40   1750   459/F
  100. Monica Labarge                  Kingston ON              2:41:53   0:08:41   1772   465/F
  101. Val Rainey                      Waterford ON             2:41:56   0:08:41   1777   468/F
  102. Jeannelle Huddleston            London ON                2:42:03   0:08:42   1786   472/F
  103. Nathalie Dash                   Willowdale ON            2:42:08   0:08:42   1791   475/F
  104. Anna-Marie Emili                Ancaster ON              2:42:11   0:08:42   1795   477/F
  105. Rosie J Jepson                  Hamilton ON              2:42:14   0:08:42   1800   478/F
  106. Colette Dejean                  Burlington ON            2:42:18   0:08:42   1803   480/F
  107. Kiersten Moore                  North York ON            2:42:23   0:08:43   1807   481/F
  108. Tracy Gerber                    Ayr ON                   2:42:32   0:08:43   1817   484/F
  109. June McAlarey                   Whitby ON                2:42:42   0:08:44   1827   489/F
  110. Tina Perilli                    Brantford ON             2:42:51   0:08:44   1841   493/F
  111. Angela Willows                  Aurora ON                2:43:03   0:08:45   1858   503/F
  112. Nicole Kay                      Kingston ON              2:43:12   0:08:45   1871   507/F
  113. Besy Haines                     Pickering ON             2:43:30   0:08:46   1883   512/F
  114. Jodi E Miller                   London ON                2:43:30   0:08:46   1886   514/F
  115. Erin Skimson                    Guelph ON                2:43:36   0:08:47   1901   521/F
  116. Kiska Colwill                   Oakville ON              2:43:38   0:08:47   1905   523/F
  117. Ami D'Angelo                    Acton ON                 2:44:04   0:08:48   1934   537/F
  118. Miranda Cooper                  Orillia ON               2:44:25   0:08:49   1959   549/F
  119. Karrie L Peterson               London ON                2:44:41   0:08:50   1978   558/F
  120. Jenn Ellis                      Hamilton ON              2:44:52   0:08:51   1986   565/F
  121. Natasha Jordan                  Bolton ON                2:44:54   0:08:51   1989   566/F
  122. Connie Kraemer                  Waterloo ON              2:45:14   0:08:52   2016   577/F
  123. Elizabeth McKay                 Burlington ON            2:45:25   0:08:52   2035   584/F
  124. Valerie Waters                  Toronto ON               2:45:37   0:08:53   2053   590/F
  125. Joanne Raddatz                  Montreal West QC         2:45:48   0:08:54   2067   597/F
  126. Joy Janzen                      Niagara On The Lake ON   2:46:08   0:08:55   2088   606/F
  127. Melanie Price                   Hamilton ON              2:46:12   0:08:55   2092   608/F
  128. Simona Bonelli                  Collingwood ON           2:46:18   0:08:55   2096   610/F
  129. Jennifer Bladon                 Newmarket ON             2:46:28   0:08:56   2107   616/F
  130. Susan Wakeley                   Stratford ON             2:46:29   0:08:56   2111   619/F
  131. Helene Lavigne                  Toronto ON               2:46:35   0:08:56   2118   622/F
  132. Melanie Anderson                Courtice ON              2:46:38   0:08:56   2121   624/F
  133. Meaghan St John                 London ON                2:47:15   0:08:58   2174   645/F
  134. Lisa Purves                     Toronto ON               2:47:15   0:08:58   2176   646/F
  135. Danielle Tassie                 Peterborough ON          2:47:16   0:08:58   2177   647/F
  136. Nancy Norton                    Port Dover ON            2:47:37   0:09:00   2205   658/F
  137. Robin Mason                     Toronto ON               2:47:52   0:09:00   2231   670/F
  138. Sandra Pette                    Paris ON                 2:47:55   0:09:00   2239   673/F
  139. Marilyn Rath                    Toronto ON               2:47:56   0:09:01   2243   675/F
  140. Lisa Nurse                      Richmond Hill ON         2:48:35   0:09:03   2291   699/F
  141. Lisa Hutfloetz                  Waterloo ON              2:48:36   0:09:03   2295   701/F
  142. Veronica Martel                 Markham ON               2:48:44   0:09:03   2304   703/F
  143. Melanie Mitchell                Burlington ON            2:49:13   0:09:05   2328   718/F
  144. Barbara Szczerba                Bolton ON                2:49:22   0:09:05   2343   725/F
  145. Alexandra McPherson             East Aurora NY           2:49:32   0:09:06   2361   732/F
  146. Lisa Eagleson                   Baltimore ON             2:49:34   0:09:06   2363   734/F
  147. Dana Kulic                      Waterloo ON              2:49:36   0:09:06   2367   736/F
  148. Melanie Smith                   Toronto ON               2:50:33   0:09:09   2441   771/F
  149. Linda C Noest                   Brampton ON              2:50:33   0:09:09   2442   772/F
  150. Tabitha Marshall                Hamilton ON              2:50:44   0:09:10   2451   774/F
  151. Helen Gibson                    Burlington ON            2:50:45   0:09:10   2452   775/F
  152. Charlene E Gunn-Hagerman        Keswick ON               2:50:47   0:09:10   2455   777/F
  153. Kris Segna                      Burlington ON            2:51:11   0:09:11   2489   788/F
  154. Joanne Davies                   Oakville ON              2:51:34   0:09:12   2504   796/F
  155. Rebecca Gardiner                Oakville ON              2:51:40   0:09:13   2518   804/F
  156. Lucy Nusink                     Peterborough ON          2:51:52   0:09:13   2532   812/F
  157. Cara Allaway                    Toronto ON               2:51:53   0:09:13   2534   813/F
  158. Samantha Johnson                Guelph ON                2:51:59   0:09:14   2545   819/F
  159. Nicole St.John                  London ON                2:52:05   0:09:14   2549   822/F
  160. Lise Sparks                     Oakville ON              2:52:14   0:09:14   2560   824/F
  161. Mary Prendiville                Sarnia ON                2:52:31   0:09:15   2583   836/F
  162. Suzanne A Smith                 Oakville ON              2:52:42   0:09:16   2599   843/F
  163. Virginie Dumont                 Brossard QC              2:52:51   0:09:16   2603   846/F
  164. Presence Speakman               Cambridge ON             2:53:15   0:09:18   2627   852/F
  165. Jocelyn Kelly                   Guelph ON                2:53:36   0:09:19   2668   876/F
  166. Sheila Magallon                 Markham ON               2:53:44   0:09:19   2680   881/F
  167. Erika McDonald                  Komoka ON                2:53:46   0:09:19   2688   884/F
  168. Stephanie J Heard               Brantford ON             2:53:58   0:09:20   2707   895/F
  169. Fe Klunder                      Waterford ON             2:54:01   0:09:20   2709   896/F
  170. Gabriela Reyes                  Milton ON                2:54:03   0:09:20   2713   899/F
  171. Maryka Hladki                   Newmarket ON             2:54:15   0:09:21   2733   910/F
  172. Kathy Stephenson                Markham ON               2:54:27   0:09:22   2748   916/F
  173. Colleen Ouwendyk                Shallow Lake ON          2:54:27   0:09:22   2749   917/F
  174. Liz Flamenco                    Kingston ON              2:54:52   0:09:23   2782   933/F
  175. Melissa Mucha                   Ottawa ON                2:54:57   0:09:23   2798   943/F
  176. Luvy Gonzalez                   Ottawa ON                2:55:01   0:09:23   2814   951/F
  177. Deanna Hamill                   Owen Sound ON            2:55:25   0:09:25   2843   965/F
  178. Tina McIntyre                   Guelph ON                2:56:01   0:09:27   2888   992/F
  179. Marysol Casado                  Binbrook ON              2:56:08   0:09:27   2902   999/F
  180. Christina Zamzow                Winnipeg MB              2:56:24   0:09:28   2922  1007/F
  181. Tonja Clark                     Guelph ON                2:56:33   0:09:28   2936  1014/F
  182. Angela Van Bommel               Ilderton ON              2:56:41   0:09:29   2941  1018/F
  183. Kimberly Hammer-Mcnichol        Brantford ON             2:56:46   0:09:29   2950  1023/F
  184. Paula Koss                      Mississauga ON           2:56:50   0:09:29   2955  1026/F
  185. Kara Meldrum                    Ottawa ON                2:56:50   0:09:29   2956  1027/F
  186. Christine Jansen                Oakville ON              2:57:11   0:09:30   2983  1046/F
  187. Christine Chisholm              Waterdown ON             2:57:14   0:09:30   2987  1050/F
  188. Joan Tourangeau                 Orleans ON               2:57:23   0:09:31   2994  1054/F
  189. Marci Cascanette                Whitby ON                2:57:30   0:09:31   3009  1059/F
  190. Jennifer Plante                 Lisle ON                 2:57:38   0:09:32   3022  1064/F
  191. Adrienne Sinden                 Oakville ON              2:57:47   0:09:32   3037  1070/F
  192. Jennifer Fedosoff               Etobicoke ON             2:57:51   0:09:32   3044  1073/F
  193. Lisa Ulrich                     Burlington ON            2:58:00   0:09:33   3060  1080/F
  194. Dianne Fox                      Kingston ON              2:58:09   0:09:33   3069  1087/F
  195. Shelly Segui                    St. Thomas ON            2:58:09   0:09:33   3070  1088/F
  196. Loretta Henoud                  Holland Landing ON       2:58:13   0:09:34   3077  1092/F
  197. Alison Buchan                   Oakville ON              2:58:20   0:09:34   3086  1096/F
  198. Maria Borg                      Burlington ON            2:58:24   0:09:34   3089  1097/F
  199. Jacqueline J Dekar              Hamilton ON              2:58:38   0:09:35   3103  1107/F
  200. Erika Kapteyn                   London ON                2:58:41   0:09:35   3108  1110/F
  201. Amanda P Montgomery             Toronto ON               2:58:44   0:09:35   3109  1111/F
  202. Dana L Quinn                    Waterloo ON              2:59:30   0:09:38   3176  1145/F
  203. Sarie Nichol                    Dundas ON                2:59:44   0:09:39   3192  1154/F
  204. Cathy Pacella                   Ottawa ON                2:59:49   0:09:39   3201  1160/F
  205. Pamela Christie                 Indian River ON          2:59:51   0:09:39   3203  1162/F
  206. Karen Hultslander               Innisfil ON              2:59:52   0:09:39   3205  1163/F
  207. Jennifer Knoll                  Toronto ON               3:00:08   0:09:40   3231  1174/F
  208. Julie Piche                     Gatineau QC              3:00:13   0:09:40   3236  1176/F
  209. Karin M Simpson                 Keswick ON               3:00:14   0:09:40   3240  1178/F
  210. Julie Reinhart                  Toronto ON               3:00:22   0:09:41   3251  1185/F
  211. Lisa Morand                     Tecumseh ON              3:00:22   0:09:41   3253  1186/F
  212. Nancy Laythorpe                 Toronto ON               3:00:30   0:09:41   3266  1192/F
  213. Sally Aitken                    Burlington ON            3:00:57   0:09:42   3313  1220/F
  214. Jodi Dion                       Victoria Harbour ON      3:00:59   0:09:43   3315  1221/F
  215. Kristin Allen                   Belle River ON           3:01:04   0:09:43   3324  1226/F
  216. Christie Mohide                 Burlington ON            3:01:36   0:09:45   3367  1245/F
  217. Morag Stewart                   Erin ON                  3:01:40   0:09:45   3373  1247/F
  218. Adrienne Bartlett               Burlington ON            3:01:47   0:09:45   3383  1252/F
  219. Lisa Manuel                     Acton ON                 3:01:57   0:09:46   3395  1258/F
  220. Julie Fabris                    Oakville ON              3:02:11   0:09:46   3414  1269/F
  221. Beth Clarke                     Markham ON               3:02:19   0:09:47   3425  1273/F
  222. Deborah Jones                   Markham ON               3:02:36   0:09:48   3445  1284/F
  223. Elaine Kung                     Etobicoke ON             3:02:43   0:09:48   3457  1291/F
  224. Maureen McAndrew                Toronto ON               3:02:54   0:09:49   3472  1296/F
  225. Dee N O'Leary                   Mitchell ON              3:02:54   0:09:49   3473  1297/F
  226. Jane Monteith                   Midhurst ON              3:03:05   0:09:49   3485  1302/F
  227. Jennifer Horwood                North Bay ON             3:03:37   0:09:51   3529  1320/F
  228. Tracy Scott                     Woodstock ON             3:03:48   0:09:52   3545  1331/F
  229. Clare Mount                     Markham ON               3:03:49   0:09:52   3547  1333/F
  230. Kate Wai                        Mississauga ON           3:04:16   0:09:53   3580  1348/F
  231. Twila Rosiewich                 Toronto ON               3:04:21   0:09:53   3585  1350/F
  232. Shelley Dukharan                Toronto ON               3:04:37   0:09:54   3604  1363/F
  233. Colleen Caplin                  Kitchener ON             3:05:21   0:09:57   3638  1382/F
  234. Lori L Salter                   Whitby ON                3:05:22   0:09:57   3639  1383/F
  235. Jill S Geary                    Toronto ON               3:05:44   0:09:58   3668  1399/F
  236. Sheri Botting                   Hamilton ON              3:05:56   0:09:58   3685  1407/F
  237. Bernice Tsang                   Unionville ON            3:06:00   0:09:59   3689  1408/F
  238. Laura Ligori                    Brantford ON             3:06:02   0:09:59   3691  1409/F
  239. Lisa P Serro                    Hamilton ON              3:06:11   0:09:59   3700  1416/F
  240. Carol Maccallum                 Oakville ON              3:06:23   0:10:00   3719  1429/F
  241. Michelle K Murphy               Dundas ON                3:06:27   0:10:00   3720  1430/F
  242. Krista Heslop                   Burlington ON            3:06:33   0:10:00   3723  1431/F
  243. Shari Lietaer                   Burlington ON            3:06:33   0:10:00   3724  1432/F
  244. Tara Leary                      Sudbury ON               3:06:35   0:10:01   3726  1434/F
  245. Kathryn E O'Brien               Toronto ON               3:06:44   0:10:01   3737  1440/F
  246. Mihaela Sandor                  Whitby ON                3:06:59   0:10:02   3751  1447/F
  247. Delia Couto                     Stoney Creek ON          3:06:59   0:10:02   3752  1448/F
  248. Manda Price                     Guelph ON                3:06:59   0:10:02   3753  1449/F
  249. Anne Veloso                     Hamilton ON              3:07:01   0:10:02   3755  1451/F
  250. Monica Hough                    Toronto ON               3:07:03   0:10:02   3758  1452/F
  251. Tammy De Ruyte                  Niagara Falls ON         3:07:13   0:10:03   3773  1459/F
  252. Deborah Lyon                    West Hill ON             3:07:21   0:10:03   3781  1463/F
  253. Tracy Harker                    Baden ON                 3:07:31   0:10:04   3796  1473/F
  254. Angela L Rutherford             Barrie ON                3:07:54   0:10:05   3810  1480/F
  255. Becca Carroll                   Brantford ON             3:08:18   0:10:06   3839  1494/F
  256. Julie Deimling                  Ottawa ON                3:08:19   0:10:06   3841  1496/F
  257. Joanne Harrison                 Acton ON                 3:08:29   0:10:07   3854  1501/F
  258. Jennifer Schenkel               Orleans ON               3:08:31   0:10:07   3857  1502/F
  259. Jane Foo                        Richmond Hill ON         3:08:39   0:10:07   3864  1507/F
  260. Jen Germaine                    Toronto ON               3:09:15   0:10:09   3899  1528/F
  261. Elita Alves                     Toronto ON               3:09:16   0:10:09   3902  1530/F
  262. Julie Proulx                    Owen Sound ON            3:09:24   0:10:10   3910  1536/F
  263. Beth Meehan                     Toronto ON               3:09:27   0:10:10   3915  1539/F
  264. Angela Chartrand                Brantford ON             3:09:29   0:10:10   3917  1540/F
  265. Helen Feher                     Barrie ON                3:09:39   0:10:10   3927  1548/F
  266. Kristen Kenyeres                Niagara Falls ON         3:09:43   0:10:11   3930  1550/F
  267. Rhonda Fazzari                  Hamilton ON              3:09:56   0:10:11   3943  1559/F
  268. Jennifer Clark                  Tecumseh MI              3:10:10   0:10:12   3964  1572/F
  269. Nicola Treadgold                Mississauga ON           3:10:33   0:10:13   3985  1583/F
  270. Lisa Vanlint                    Toronto ON               3:10:34   0:10:13   3986  1584/F
  271. Heather Canali                  Acton ON                 3:10:37   0:10:14   3988  1586/F
  272. Margaret Bozicevic              Markham ON               3:10:51   0:10:14   4007  1598/F
  273. April Archer                    Brighton ON              3:11:14   0:10:16   4025  1606/F
  274. Francine Fass                   Toronto ON               3:11:22   0:10:16   4035  1611/F
  275. Soo Sutherland                  Barrie ON                3:11:30   0:10:16   4046  1615/F
  276. Sandy Noonan                    Prescott ON              3:11:32   0:10:16   4050  1618/F
  277. Christa J Baker                 Etobicoke ON             3:11:34   0:10:17   4056  1623/F
  278. Elaine Tang                     Mississauga ON           3:11:51   0:10:18   4068  1628/F
  279. Tara Lawrence                   London ON                3:12:05   0:10:18   4084  1637/F
  280. Lara Holmes                     Pincourt QC              3:12:06   0:10:18   4087  1640/F
  281. Shazia McCormick                Toronto ON               3:12:09   0:10:18   4090  1642/F
  282. Sarah Randall-Sims              Ridgeway ON              3:12:16   0:10:19   4095  1647/F
  283. Irene Preklet                   Richmond Hill ON         3:12:20   0:10:19   4102  1651/F
  284. Leslie Ridge                    Burlington ON            3:12:24   0:10:19   4110  1658/F
  285. Cindy L Larocque                Orangeville ON           3:12:59   0:10:21   4158  1680/F
  286. Praskey Diana                   Oakville ON              3:13:07   0:10:22   4165  1684/F
  287. Crystal M Colbeck               Burlington ON            3:13:12   0:10:22   4167  1685/F
  288. Emily Hoekstra                  Elmira ON                3:13:53   0:10:24   4210  1710/F
  289. Murielle Montreuil              Toronto ON               3:13:56   0:10:24   4221  1719/F
  290. Brooke Ouellette                Lasalle ON               3:14:13   0:10:25   4234  1726/F
  291. Laura Gadsden                   Toronto ON               3:14:23   0:10:26   4244  1732/F
  292. Julie Robbins-Balkaran          Markham ON               3:14:24   0:10:26   4248  1734/F
  293. Emily Joyce                     Ottawa ON                3:15:12   0:10:28   4301  1763/F
  294. Karen Rocha                     North Bay ON             3:15:32   0:10:29   4309  1766/F
  295. Christine Rupert                Oakville ON              3:15:48   0:10:30   4323  1774/F
  296. Holly De Bray-Benard            Grimsby ON               3:15:49   0:10:30   4325  1775/F
  297. Jenn Seefried                   Bolton ON                3:16:12   0:10:32   4351  1789/F
  298. Cherie Harthun                  Hamilton ON              3:16:19   0:10:32   4360  1791/F
  299. Angela N Russell                Hamilton ON              3:16:31   0:10:33   4372  1798/F
  300. Joanna Jensen                   Oakville ON              3:16:42   0:10:33   4385  1806/F
  301. Andrea Wappett                  London ON                3:16:54   0:10:34   4395  1809/F
  302. Daman Panesar                   Toronto ON               3:16:54   0:10:34   4397  1810/F
  303. Beverly Renaud                  London ON                3:16:55   0:10:34   4398  1811/F
  304. Jillian K Stephen               Hamilton ON              3:17:13   0:10:35   4418  1823/F
  305. Kimberly A Scott                Owen Sound ON            3:17:18   0:10:35   4421  1825/F
  306. Joanne Di Cresce                Stittsville ON           3:17:50   0:10:37   4448  1845/F
  307. Emma Greensmith                 Toronto ON               3:18:00   0:10:37   4456  1851/F
  308. Jovanna Christophi              Hamilton ON              3:18:15   0:10:38   4466  1858/F
  309. Nicole Carpani                  Oakville ON              3:18:17   0:10:38   4471  1860/F
  310. Kerri Rawson                    Sarnia ON                3:18:36   0:10:39   4494  1875/F
  311. Kathryn Watson                  London ON                3:18:42   0:10:40   4503  1882/F
  312. Cindy Carter                    Blyth ON                 3:19:08   0:10:41   4519  1893/F
  313. Joanna Schultz                  Burlington ON            3:19:12   0:10:41   4525  1895/F
  314. Ping Xiao                       Toronto ON               3:19:17   0:10:41   4530  1898/F
  315. Melinda Soegiharto              Windsor ON               3:19:18   0:10:41   4533  1899/F
  316. Heather Capannelli              Oakville ON              3:19:21   0:10:42   4535  1901/F
  317. Lucie Piazza                    Oakville ON              3:19:22   0:10:42   4536  1902/F
  318. Lana M Foulds                   Sydenham ON              3:19:23   0:10:42   4538  1904/F
  319. Nicole Lucas                    Toronto ON               3:19:26   0:10:42   4542  1908/F
  320. Kelly Parker                    Burlington ON            3:19:29   0:10:42   4545  1910/F
  321. Tanya Woods                     Burlington ON            3:19:29   0:10:42   4546  1911/F
  322. Andrea McLeod                   Mississauga ON           3:19:37   0:10:43   4551  1914/F
  323. Angela Latour                   Parry Sound ON           3:19:47   0:10:43   4563  1922/F
  324. Candice Stuart                  Thomasburg ON            3:19:55   0:10:43   4570  1928/F
  325. Shelley Myer                    London ON                3:20:30   0:10:45   4604  1951/F
  326. Danielle Labonte                Ottawa ON                3:20:50   0:10:46   4623  1966/F
  327. Carrie Comstock-Zenteno         Markham ON               3:21:01   0:10:47   4633  1974/F
  328. Caroline Grech                  Vaughan ON               3:21:03   0:10:47   4635  1975/F
  329. Lindsie Court                   Toronto ON               3:21:26   0:10:48   4648  1983/F
  330. Nadia Lavallee                  Gatineau QC              3:21:46   0:10:49   4661  1990/F
  331. Dawn Smith                      Sarnia ON                3:22:18   0:10:51   4686  2010/F
  332. Kim Evans                       Etobicoke ON             3:22:45   0:10:53   4701  2018/F
  333. Nicole Macpherson               Milton ON                3:22:48   0:10:53   4705  2021/F
  334. Stephanie Pollock               Mississauga ON           3:22:52   0:10:53   4715  2029/F
  335. Karen Ronson                    Burlington ON            3:22:58   0:10:53   4723  2034/F
  336. Jackie Charmers                 Burlington ON            3:23:13   0:10:54   4737  2045/F
  337. Szerenka Marcri                 Toronto ON               3:23:45   0:10:56   4763  2060/F
  338. Erica Mayfield                  Woodstock ON             3:23:48   0:10:56   4768  2063/F
  339. Tonya Norton                    Toronto ON               3:23:55   0:10:56   4774  2067/F
  340. Amanda Truffen                  Burlington ON            3:24:16   0:10:57   4790  2078/F
  341. Susan Campbell                  Hamilton ON              3:24:35   0:10:58   4802  2086/F
  342. Roberta Vervloet                Stoney Creek ON          3:24:47   0:10:59   4814  2092/F
  343. Hema Varghese                   London ON                3:24:49   0:10:59   4815  2093/F
  344. Gillian Warner                  Brookiln ON              3:25:54   0:11:03   4862  2129/F
  345. Wendy S Wells                   Toronto ON               3:25:58   0:11:03   4866  2130/F
  346. Monica Lee                      Toronto ON               3:26:10   0:11:04   4874  2137/F
  347. Tanya N Riemann                 Guelph ON                3:27:02   0:11:06   4913  2157/F
  348. Karen M Minna                   Orleans ON               3:27:08   0:11:07   4916  2160/F
  349. Becky Matthews                  Aylmer ON                3:27:34   0:11:08   4934  2174/F
  350. Venessa Bailey                  Brantford ON             3:27:40   0:11:08   4945  2179/F
  351. Dominique C Kane                Gatineau QC              3:28:03   0:11:10   4969  2193/F
  352. Carol Fiddes                    Hamilton ON              3:28:07   0:11:10   4973  2197/F
  353. Juliette Kenney                 Lasalle ON               3:28:09   0:11:10   4974  2198/F
  354. Kim A Bamford                   Oakville ON              3:28:31   0:11:11   4995  2213/F
  355. Keiko Umemoto                   Toronto ON               3:28:36   0:11:11   5001  2219/F
  356. Merilee C Broom                 Hamilton ON              3:28:36   0:11:11   5004  2220/F
  357. Tricia Johnston                 Burlington ON            3:28:48   0:11:12   5015  2227/F
  358. Pamela Franklin                 Alliston ON              3:29:20   0:11:14   5042  2247/F
  359. Shannon Lindsay                 Hamilton ON              3:29:37   0:11:15   5055  2255/F
  360. Karen Villabroza                Hamilton ON              3:29:37   0:11:15   5056  2256/F
  361. Anila Dada                      Mississauga ON           3:29:58   0:11:16   5074  2267/F
  362. Carly Crippin                   Toronto ON               3:30:01   0:11:16   5076  2269/F
  363. Linda Inouye                    Burlington ON            3:30:03   0:11:16   5079  2271/F
  364. Kristina Walker                 Guelph ON                3:30:11   0:11:17   5085  2274/F
  365. Anita Bedi                      Toronto ON               3:30:16   0:11:17   5089  2277/F
  366. Laura Bruno                     Toronto ON               3:30:56   0:11:19   5111  2292/F
  367. Angela Miller                   Toronto ON               3:31:07   0:11:20   5120  2297/F
  368. Jennifer P Malcolm              Toronto ON               3:31:27   0:11:21   5139  2312/F
  369. Tanya Lindsay                   Aurora ON                3:31:30   0:11:21   5141  2314/F
  370. Crystal N Beamer                Elmira ON                3:32:04   0:11:23   5163  2327/F
  371. Ursola Azar                     Richmond Hill ON         3:33:05   0:11:26   5199  2351/F
  372. Pauline Wall                    Brantford ON             3:33:06   0:11:26   5201  2353/F
  373. Jennifer J Korstanje            Grimsby ON               3:33:54   0:11:28   5252  2389/F
  374. Wilhelmina Don-Venus            Peterborough ON          3:33:59   0:11:29   5261  2395/F
  375. Burnett Vicky                   Thornhill ON             3:33:59   0:11:29   5262  2396/F
  376. Tara L Wong                     Ottawa ON                3:34:09   0:11:29   5270  2402/F
  377. Christine Quinn                 Hamilton ON              3:34:31   0:11:30   5280  2405/F
  378. Julie Brown                     London ON                3:34:39   0:11:31   5287  2409/F
  379. Jennifer Devlin                 London ON                3:34:40   0:11:31   5290  2410/F
  380. Marilyn Guilford                London ON                3:34:52   0:11:32   5299  2416/F
  381. Patricia Wong                   Toronto ON               3:34:53   0:11:32   5300  2417/F
  382. Stephanie Aldom                 London ON                3:35:10   0:11:33   5310  2422/F
  383. Monika L Haigh                  Waterdown ON             3:35:16   0:11:33   5315  2424/F
  384. Yuki Inaba                      Toronto ON               3:35:19   0:11:33   5317  2426/F
  385. Samantha Wakunick               Port Colborne ON         3:35:27   0:11:33   5320  2427/F
  386. Terri Kinsella                  Evanston IL              3:36:07   0:11:36   5332  2436/F
  387. Erica Regular                   Belle River ON           3:36:39   0:11:37   5350  2445/F
  388. Christine A Anzik               St. Catharines ON        3:36:42   0:11:37   5352  2447/F
  389. Michelle A Dell                 St. Catharines ON        3:36:42   0:11:37   5353  2448/F
  390. Cash Jennifer                   Toronto ON               3:37:50   0:11:41   5383  2465/F
  391. Theresa Mitchell                Bracebridge ON           3:37:55   0:11:41   5388  2469/F
  392. Stephanie Rogers                Bracebridge ON           3:37:55   0:11:41   5389  2470/F
  393. Katharine Kmack                 Toronto ON               3:38:17   0:11:43   5408  2482/F
  394. Tina Anderson                   Sudbury ON               3:38:51   0:11:44   5426  2494/F
  395. Alison Hooker                   Oakville ON              3:39:01   0:11:45   5433  2499/F
  396. Andrea Deneire                  St. Thomas ON            3:39:35   0:11:47   5460  2511/F
  397. Shannon Culhane                 Whitby ON                3:39:44   0:11:47   5465  2515/F
  398. Carla Keogan                    London ON                3:39:56   0:11:48   5472  2519/F
  399. Kate McKibbon                   Oshawa ON                3:39:59   0:11:48   5476  2522/F
  400. Renee Viccary                   Markham ON               3:40:09   0:11:49   5483  2525/F
  401. Lesley Simpson                  Dundas ON                3:40:14   0:11:49   5492  2531/F
  402. Melissa McKinley                Hamilton ON              3:40:16   0:11:49   5495  2533/F
  403. Sari Lindvall                   Toronto ON               3:40:46   0:11:51   5513  2546/F
  404. Jane Rawson                     Bracebridge ON           3:41:01   0:11:51   5521  2552/F
  405. Wasila Baset                    Toronto ON               3:41:11   0:11:52   5530  2558/F
  406. Kelly Broz                      Carlisle ON              3:42:10   0:11:55   5550  2576/F
  407. Connie Caesar                   Richmond Hill ON         3:42:14   0:11:55   5553  2578/F
  408. Dawn E Burks                    Rochester Hills MI       3:43:06   0:11:58   5573  2591/F
  409. Anie Paiement-Lamothe           Rouyn-Noranda QC         3:43:27   0:11:59   5586  2598/F
  410. Amber S Oke                     Port Credit ON           3:43:41   0:12:00   5595  2606/F
  411. Lisa D Macaulay                 Brantford ON             3:44:24   0:12:02   5621  2623/F
  412. Karen Landers                   Oshawa ON                3:44:27   0:12:02   5622  2624/F
  413. Connie C Benner                 Burlington ON            3:44:31   0:12:03   5624  2626/F
  414. Carrie Acton                    Huntsville ON            3:44:48   0:12:04   5631  2631/F
  415. Nicole Roslin                   Toronto ON               3:44:54   0:12:04   5634  2632/F
  416. Tara Williams                   Bracebridge ON           3:44:55   0:12:04   5637  2635/F
  417. Shannon Brett                   Woodstock ON             3:44:58   0:12:04   5639  2637/F
  418. Susanne Moorhead                Etobicoke ON             3:45:15   0:12:05   5646  2643/F
  419. Karen Loops                     New York NY              3:45:39   0:12:06   5663  2653/F
  420. Jennifer Tarnawski              Burlington ON            3:47:22   0:12:12   5704  2675/F
  421. Tamara Cummings                 Hamilton ON              3:47:29   0:12:12   5707  2676/F
  422. Jennifer Roy                    Hamilton ON              3:48:54   0:12:17   5736  2696/F
  423. Cari Rastas Howard              Waterloo ON              3:48:55   0:12:17   5738  2698/F
  424. Tammy E Duhaime                 Barrie ON                3:49:12   0:12:18   5744  2703/F
  425. Shannon T Horner-Shepherd       Vittoria ON              3:49:22   0:12:18   5748  2706/F
  426. Jana Cochrane                   Hamilton ON              3:49:22   0:12:18   5749  2707/F
  427. Jennifer Ann Sweet              Nepean ON                3:50:53   0:12:23   5775  2720/F
  428. Patricia Ideias                 Mississauga ON           3:51:00   0:12:24   5782  2725/F
  429. Nicole Carrington               Toronto ON               3:51:33   0:12:25   5792  2731/F
  430. Astrid Eastman                  Mossley ON               3:52:11   0:12:27   5803  2738/F
  431. Lori Christopher                Hamilton ON              3:52:40   0:12:29   5812  2747/F
  432. Milena Bagg                     Burlington ON            3:53:20   0:12:31   5831  2763/F
  433. Nancy Roque                     Hamilton ON              3:54:16   0:12:34   5844  2773/F
  434. Diana Waskawich                 Niagara Falls ON         3:55:30   0:12:38   5862  2785/F
  435. Jaime Chevalier                 Virgil ON                3:56:04   0:12:40   5875  2796/F
  436. Joanne L Alfano                 Stoney Creek ON          3:56:15   0:12:40   5879  2798/F
  437. Kyra Paterson                   Waterdown ON             3:56:21   0:12:41   5881  2799/F
  438. Heather McCray                  Hamilton ON              3:59:11   0:12:50   5927  2830/F
  439. Jessica Brill                   Newmarket ON             3:59:20   0:12:50   5930  2833/F
  440. Tara Macdougall                 Jordan ON                3:59:48   0:12:52   5938  2839/F
  441. Jessica Macleod                 Dunnville ON             4:01:27   0:12:57   5961  2851/F
  442. Bubba Kostendt                  St. Thomas ON            4:02:09   0:12:59   5971  2858/F
  443. Nina Woods                      Toronto ON               4:02:50   0:13:02   5978  2863/F
  444. Joelle M Kidd                   Bowmanville ON           4:03:52   0:13:05   5991  2871/F
  445. Rebekah J Doohan                Caledonia ON             4:03:55   0:13:05   5992  2872/F
  446. Jen Parr                        Burlington ON            4:05:38   0:13:11   6012  2885/F
  447. Jennifer Eccles                 Burlington ON            4:06:27   0:13:13   6026  2893/F
  448. Amanda Pereira                  Milton ON                4:06:54   0:13:15   6031  2898/F
  449. Amisha Shah                     Brampton ON              4:06:54   0:13:15   6032  2899/F
  450. Mary Frances Snyder             Buffalo NY               4:10:09   0:13:25   6064  2922/F
  451. Teresa Most                     Orangeville ON           4:10:17   0:13:26   6067  2924/F
  452. Stacy Renwick                   Dundas ON                4:10:26   0:13:26   6069  2925/F
  453. Rinette Emerson                 Mississauga ON           4:10:26   0:13:26   6070  2926/F
  454. Julene Harris                   Brampton ON              4:10:51   0:13:27   6074  2929/F
  455. Elizabeth Barton                Oakville ON              4:11:15   0:13:29   6078  2931/F
  456. Emily Dowdy                     Caledonia ON             4:13:36   0:13:36   6095  2942/F
  457. Kathleen Walsh                  Burlington ON            4:13:50   0:13:37   6100  2946/F
  458. Maria Ripley                    Mississauga ON           4:14:54   0:13:40   6106  2949/F
  459. Manon Antaya                    Barrie ON                4:22:29   0:14:05   6150  2976/F
  460. Kristi Gagol                    Mississauga ON           4:25:22   0:14:14   6160  2983/F
  461. Leah Hutchison                  Burlington ON            4:31:21   0:14:33   6181  3002/F
  462. Angel Blain                     Hamilton ON              4:38:24   0:14:56   6190  3008/F
  463. Christina V Schuermer           Oakville ON              4:47:41   0:15:26   6211  3026/F
  464. Aviva Rosenberg                 North York ON            4:48:10   0:15:28   6213  3027/F
  465. Janet Tremblay                  Burlington ON            4:51:57   0:15:40   6220  3031/F
  466. June Sowden                     Ohsweken ON              4:54:49   0:15:49   6222  3033/F
  467. Rebecca Cunningham              Barrie ON                5:16:05   0:16:57   6233  3043/F
  468. Alana Rose                      Barrie ON                5:16:05   0:16:57   6234  3044/F
Women 40-44
Place  Name                            Town                    Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Nathalie Goyer                  St. Bruno QC             2:02:16   0:06:34    109     5/F
    2. Wendy J Turner                  Mississauga ON           2:08:48   0:06:55    202    17/F
    3. Audra Naujokas-Knapp            Rochester NY             2:09:09   0:06:56    211    18/F
    4. Suzanne Lesnowski               Toronto ON               2:13:03   0:07:08    310    32/F
    5. Julie Cummings                  Cambridge ON             2:13:53   0:07:11    343    39/F
    6. Dawn Van Vlack                  Belle River ON           2:13:54   0:07:11    344    40/F
    7. Heather Ostic                   Kingston ON              2:15:06   0:07:15    384    44/F
    8. Ana Dennier                     Toronto ON               2:15:53   0:07:17    406    47/F
    9. Tara-Jay Lapstra                Toronto ON               2:16:58   0:07:21    434    54/F
   10. Phaedra Kennedy                 Toronto ON               2:18:02   0:07:24    466    60/F
   11. Jennifer Reid                   Markham ON               2:18:48   0:07:27    482    65/F
   12. Vikki Baylis                    Burlington ON            2:19:45   0:07:30    521    74/F
   13. Sara McIlraith                  Sudbury ON               2:20:51   0:07:33    556    79/F
   14. Valery Hobson                   Kitchener ON             2:21:16   0:07:35    571    83/F
   15. Celine Leger-Nolet              New Liskeard ON          2:21:31   0:07:35    581    88/F
   16. Mary Dorazio                    Whitmore Lake MI         2:23:15   0:07:41    651   102/F
   17. Deborah Brown                   Burlington ON            2:23:29   0:07:42    660   106/F
   18. Melissa Rush                    Toronto ON               2:24:39   0:07:46    706   118/F
   19. Laura Di Silvestro              Hamilton ON              2:24:54   0:07:46    723   125/F
   20. Jennifer Hyde                   Ottawa ON                2:26:01   0:07:50    773   143/F
   21. Vasiliki Vandekas               Toronto ON               2:26:45   0:07:52    824   156/F
   22. Jane Howe                       Kingston ON              2:27:32   0:07:55    872   173/F
   23. Carla Miceli                    Oakville ON              2:28:58   0:07:59    991   201/F
   24. Jennifer Hunter                 London ON                2:30:00   0:08:03   1052   220/F
   25. Gail Magarrey                   Hamilton ON              2:30:29   0:08:04   1077   228/F
   26. Marina Piccioni                 Toronto ON               2:31:34   0:08:08   1145   244/F
   27. Kathy Mantel                    Princeton ON             2:32:23   0:08:10   1181   249/F
   28. Teresa M Caplice                Toronto ON               2:32:30   0:08:11   1187   252/F
   29. Shelley Wickenheiser            Bright ON                2:32:36   0:08:11   1191   254/F
   30. Heather McKay                   Paris ON                 2:32:37   0:08:11   1192   255/F
   31. Mary Lou Schaefer               Kitchener ON             2:32:41   0:08:11   1196   258/F
   32. Haley Cruse                     Minesing ON              2:32:43   0:08:12   1198   260/F
   33. Michelle Zunti                  Ottawa ON                2:32:43   0:08:12   1200   262/F
   34. Heather Gray                    Rosemount MN             2:32:46   0:08:12   1204   263/F
   35. Melanie Nason-Green             Nepean ON                2:32:59   0:08:12   1213   265/F
   36. Marli Cline                     Kitchener ON             2:33:01   0:08:13   1215   267/F
   37. Jennifer Hartley                Ottawa ON                2:33:45   0:08:15   1253   277/F
   38. Nancy Lennon                    Toronto ON               2:33:49   0:08:15   1264   282/F
   39. Jennifer Birkas                 Gananoque ON             2:33:55   0:08:15   1269   283/F
   40. Lynn Clarke-Lee                 Burlington ON            2:33:59   0:08:16   1274   287/F
   41. Inge Vonkemenade                London ON                2:34:15   0:08:16   1294   292/F
   42. Kathy S Reynolds                Williamsville NY         2:34:31   0:08:17   1309   297/F
   43. Mayling Chung-Robinson          Oakville ON              2:35:11   0:08:19   1338   305/F
   44. Mooradian Jennifer              St. Catharines ON        2:35:20   0:08:20   1348   309/F
   45. Heather Patterson               Clarence Center NY       2:35:38   0:08:21   1364   314/F
   46. Kelly Book                      Grimsby ON               2:35:51   0:08:22   1377   320/F
   47. Laurie McGrath                  Baden ON                 2:36:19   0:08:23   1401   330/F
   48. Sandi Maas                      Cambridge ON             2:36:33   0:08:24   1411   331/F
   49. Bronna Kahle                    Adrian MI                2:36:40   0:08:24   1417   333/F
   50. Kimberly Black                  Waterloo ON              2:36:59   0:08:25   1429   339/F
   51. Carol A May-Mcquillan           Stouffville ON           2:37:18   0:08:26   1446   346/F
   52. Jennifer Thompson               St. Thomas ON            2:37:32   0:08:27   1460   350/F
   53. Linda Boulanger                 Cambridge ON             2:37:32   0:08:27   1462   351/F
   54. Sabrina Baskerville             Hamburg NY               2:37:46   0:08:28   1471   355/F
   55. Lumi Duca                       Waterloo ON              2:37:51   0:08:28   1476   357/F
   56. Maureen O'Malley                Dundas ON                2:37:53   0:08:28   1478   359/F
   57. Geri Higginson                  Guelph ON                2:37:55   0:08:28   1482   362/F
   58. Anne Danby                      Kingston ON              2:38:07   0:08:29   1498   368/F
   59. Theresa McGrath                 Kitchener ON             2:38:09   0:08:29   1499   369/F
   60. Jenny Saucier                   London ON                2:38:20   0:08:30   1514   375/F
   61. Amber Playford                  Toronto ON               2:38:31   0:08:30   1530   382/F
   62. Colleen Utrosa                  Brooklin ON              2:38:34   0:08:30   1533   383/F
   63. Liane Lagroix                   Burlington ON            2:39:41   0:08:34   1605   403/F
   64. Pamela Bottos                   Waterdown ON             2:39:45   0:08:34   1612   406/F
   65. Michelle L Provencher           Guelph ON                2:39:52   0:08:35   1621   411/F
   66. Dawn Lomer                      Ottawa ON                2:39:53   0:08:35   1623   412/F
   67. Sandra Townsend                 Winona ON                2:40:08   0:08:35   1647   422/F
   68. Georgia Jarman                  Brantford ON             2:40:18   0:08:36   1658   426/F
   69. Michelle Black                  Wilsonville ON           2:40:55   0:08:38   1710   444/F
   70. Christine Voykin                Toronto ON               2:40:57   0:08:38   1714   445/F
   71. Annette Benmore                 Naperville IL            2:41:32   0:08:40   1757   461/F
   72. Christina Lacchetti             Ancaster ON              2:41:58   0:08:41   1779   469/F
   73. Jennifer Kwan Thomas            Mississauga ON           2:42:03   0:08:42   1788   473/F
   74. Kathy Calver                    London ON                2:42:04   0:08:42   1789   474/F
   75. Sherry Carter                   Cambridge ON             2:42:10   0:08:42   1794   476/F
   76. Janet Booy                      Hamilton ON              2:42:28   0:08:43   1814   483/F
   77. Heather Talbot                  Toronto ON               2:42:35   0:08:43   1821   485/F
   78. Hope Greene                     Hamilton ON              2:42:42   0:08:44   1828   490/F
   79. Charmin A Riding                Sharon ON                2:42:49   0:08:44   1838   491/F
   80. Toby Simmonds                   Niagara On The Lake ON   2:42:51   0:08:44   1840   492/F
   81. Mona Lee                        Richmond Hill ON         2:42:57   0:08:44   1851   498/F
   82. Amanda Mathieson                Toronto ON               2:42:59   0:08:45   1854   500/F
   83. Dana Wilson                     Milton ON                2:43:01   0:08:45   1856   501/F
   84. Audrey Taylor                   Ottawa ON                2:43:08   0:08:45   1863   505/F
   85. Therese Gregorio                Guelph ON                2:43:19   0:08:46   1878   510/F
   86. Tracy Hillman                   London ON                2:43:35   0:08:47   1898   519/F
   87. Kara Brown                      Burlington ON            2:44:18   0:08:49   1950   545/F
   88. Kelsey Crawford                 Mount Hope ON            2:44:19   0:08:49   1951   546/F
   89. Elaine Renault                  Ancaster ON              2:44:21   0:08:49   1953   547/F
   90. Nathalie St-Jean                Angus ON                 2:44:33   0:08:50   1969   553/F
   91. Deb D Oke                       Exeter ON                2:44:47   0:08:50   1981   560/F
   92. Michelle M Lennox               Waterloo ON              2:45:00   0:08:51   1997   567/F
   93. Denise Holden                   Kitchener ON             2:45:02   0:08:51   1999   568/F
   94. Lynne Prout                     St. Catharines ON        2:45:08   0:08:52   2011   575/F
   95. Pitsa Tsouluhas                 Toronto ON               2:45:16   0:08:52   2018   578/F
   96. Jennifer Wagenman               London ON                2:45:28   0:08:53   2042   585/F
   97. Joanna Kotsopoulos              Toronto ON               2:45:31   0:08:53   2044   586/F
   98. Kari-Lyn Johnston               Waterdown ON             2:45:50   0:08:54   2069   598/F
   99. Kristen Glenister               Toronto ON               2:45:56   0:08:54   2074   602/F
  100. Kelly Duncan                    Barrie ON                2:46:11   0:08:55   2091   607/F
  101. Andrea Taylor                   Toronto ON               2:46:17   0:08:55   2094   609/F
  102. Joanne Merkley                  Thornton ON              2:46:26   0:08:56   2104   614/F
  103. Sherilyn Vincent                Waterloo ON              2:46:28   0:08:56   2108   617/F
  104. Kathleen Barrette               Gatineau ON              2:47:30   0:08:59   2191   654/F
  105. Christine Mayer                 Ottawa ON                2:47:39   0:09:00   2212   659/F
  106. Mary St. James                  Oakville ON              2:47:40   0:09:00   2214   660/F
  107. Beverly Walsh                   Waterdown ON             2:47:43   0:09:00   2219   662/F
  108. Carmela Tartaglia               Toronto ON               2:47:47   0:09:00   2224   665/F
  109. Tamara Chipperfield             Mississauga ON           2:47:53   0:09:00   2236   671/F
  110. Joanna Chardola                 London ON                2:47:56   0:09:01   2242   674/F
  111. Jean Schultz                    Milton ON                2:48:01   0:09:01   2252   680/F
  112. Paula L Shott                   Dundas ON                2:48:08   0:09:01   2261   685/F
  113. Elena Holt Worrod               Toronto ON               2:48:08   0:09:01   2262   686/F
  114. Vicky Boag                      Burlington ON            2:48:26   0:09:02   2286   696/F
  115. Jennifer Trowell                Toronto ON               2:48:47   0:09:03   2305   704/F
  116. Judy Vincent-Lewis              Bolton ON                2:48:50   0:09:03   2308   706/F
  117. Wendy Myers                     Oakville ON              2:48:55   0:09:04   2311   708/F
  118. Wendy Schoen                    London ON                2:49:02   0:09:04   2319   713/F
  119. Musonda Kidd                    Toronto ON               2:49:06   0:09:04   2323   715/F
  120. Sandra Happy-Smith              Burlington ON            2:49:13   0:09:05   2329   719/F
  121. Majken Church                   Oakville ON              2:49:16   0:09:05   2333   720/F
  122. Lara C Kubilius                 Dundas ON                2:49:17   0:09:05   2334   721/F
  123. Laura Prinsthal                 Ridgeway ON              2:49:17   0:09:05   2336   722/F
  124. Christine Woodcock              Cambridge ON             2:49:32   0:09:06   2359   731/F
  125. Tammy J Gredig                  St. Thomas ON            2:49:33   0:09:06   2362   733/F
  126. Rhonda Ridgway                  Burlington ON            2:49:53   0:09:07   2385   745/F
  127. Sue Turcotte                    Timmins ON               2:49:59   0:09:07   2392   749/F
  128. Julie Burke                     Ottawa ON                2:50:00   0:09:07   2394   751/F
  129. Carla Dolanjski                 Timmins ON               2:50:10   0:09:08   2409   759/F
  130. Jeannie Bugiardini              Burlington ON            2:50:14   0:09:08   2413   761/F
  131. Patty Pino                      Grimsby ON               2:50:33   0:09:09   2439   770/F
  132. Kim Sarraino                    Richmond Hill ON         2:50:49   0:09:10   2457   779/F
  133. Michelle Sartor                 Port Dover ON            2:50:53   0:09:10   2462   781/F
  134. Karen Pride                     Fenelon Falls ON         2:51:00   0:09:10   2469   785/F
  135. Sheryl Alexander                Scarborough ON           2:51:06   0:09:11   2481   787/F
  136. Bethany Rypmatimmerman          Brantford ON             2:51:12   0:09:11   2491   790/F
  137. Sarah Farnworth                 Ancaster ON              2:51:33   0:09:12   2503   795/F
  138. Andrea Logan                    Oakville ON              2:51:34   0:09:12   2505   797/F
  139. Susan Halliday                  Oakville ON              2:51:34   0:09:12   2506   798/F
  140. Michelle Cameron                Oakville ON              2:51:54   0:09:13   2535   814/F
  141. Kellie Allan                    London ON                2:51:57   0:09:13   2539   816/F
  142. Jennifer Griffiths              Mississauga ON           2:51:57   0:09:13   2540   817/F
  143. Jennifer Jones                  Guelph ON                2:52:39   0:09:16   2594   839/F
  144. Sandy McGale                    Toronto ON               2:52:55   0:09:17   2605   847/F
  145. Lianne C Ollerhead              New Hamburg ON           2:53:01   0:09:17   2612   848/F
  146. Andrea Robinson                 Glenmont ON              2:53:21   0:09:18   2641   860/F
  147. Karen Bain - Heap               Oakville ON              2:53:24   0:09:18   2646   863/F
  148. Tami Clark                      London ON                2:53:26   0:09:18   2650   866/F
  149. Samantha Grant                  Brampton ON              2:53:32   0:09:19   2663   871/F
  150. Jody Levine                     Etobicoke ON             2:53:44   0:09:19   2683   883/F
  151. Linda Sacco                     Depew NY                 2:54:07   0:09:20   2722   904/F
  152. Anita Taylor                    Orleans ON               2:54:10   0:09:21   2725   906/F
  153. Roxanne Camirand                Niagara Falls ON         2:54:17   0:09:21   2736   911/F
  154. Viki Moreau                     Oakville ON              2:54:33   0:09:22   2754   919/F
  155. Susie Grondin                   Toronto ON               2:54:52   0:09:23   2783   934/F
  156. Liana Thompson                  Port Dover ON            2:54:52   0:09:23   2785   935/F
  157. Sonya L Demik                   Hannon ON                2:54:53   0:09:23   2788   937/F
  158. Suh Kim                         Toronto ON               2:54:56   0:09:23   2795   941/F
  159. Deana Porter                    London ON                2:54:57   0:09:23   2801   945/F
  160. Julie Ross                      Grimsby ON               2:55:08   0:09:24   2821   955/F
  161. Amanda Warren-Ritchie           Oakville ON              2:55:08   0:09:24   2823   956/F
  162. Annie Gaudreault                Toronto ON               2:55:11   0:09:24   2828   957/F
  163. Corinna Nickless                Cambridge ON             2:55:32   0:09:25   2852   971/F
  164. Dana McCormack Boily            Toronto ON               2:55:36   0:09:25   2858   975/F
  165. Stephanie Arcand                Windsor ON               2:55:38   0:09:25   2860   977/F
  166. Rose Ross                       Stoney Creek ON          2:56:01   0:09:27   2886   991/F
  167. Amy Goerss                      Williamsville NY         2:56:05   0:09:27   2891   994/F
  168. Heather Stone                   Waterloo ON              2:56:06   0:09:27   2896   998/F
  169. Michelle Adams                  Amherst NY               2:56:13   0:09:27   2910  1003/F
  170. Joanne Marks                    London ON                2:56:15   0:09:27   2914  1004/F
  171. Kirsty Gough                    Oakville ON              2:56:20   0:09:28   2920  1006/F
  172. Anna K Turek                    Burlington ON            2:56:39   0:09:29   2940  1017/F
  173. Lena Correia                    Strathroy ON             2:56:41   0:09:29   2944  1019/F
  174. Dianne Morrison                 Oakville ON              2:56:57   0:09:30   2963  1032/F
  175. Noelle Unsworth                 Hamilton ON              2:57:00   0:09:30   2968  1036/F
  176. Cindy L Robinson                Petrolia ON              2:57:05   0:09:30   2977  1041/F
  177. Micheline Jacques               Burlington ON            2:57:23   0:09:31   2995  1055/F
  178. Daniela Spiroska                Oakville ON              2:58:07   0:09:33   3066  1086/F
  179. Teresa Harding                  Oakville ON              2:58:28   0:09:34   3094  1100/F
  180. Erica McDougall                 Strathroy ON             2:58:50   0:09:36   3122  1115/F
  181. Patricia Lemon                  London ON                2:58:51   0:09:36   3124  1117/F
  182. Michelle A Huang                Toronto ON               2:58:52   0:09:36   3130  1121/F
  183. Tammie Melick                   Kitchener ON             2:58:52   0:09:36   3131  1122/F
  184. Susie Sue                       North York ON            2:58:53   0:09:36   3132  1123/F
  185. Marianne Den Otter              Mitchell ON              2:58:58   0:09:36   3136  1125/F
  186. Ciska Vosmeer                   Oakville ON              2:58:59   0:09:36   3138  1126/F
  187. Josephine Moser                 Richmond Hill ON         2:59:09   0:09:37   3154  1135/F
  188. Lisa McCorquodale               Burlington ON            2:59:15   0:09:37   3162  1138/F
  189. Rose Meeder                     RR 1 Hawkestone ON       2:59:42   0:09:38   3186  1151/F
  190. Mayra Husic                     Rosemere QC              2:59:43   0:09:38   3189  1153/F
  191. Cathy Morenzie                  Toronto ON               2:59:45   0:09:39   3194  1155/F
  192. Marinela Muscan                 Toronto ON               2:59:50   0:09:39   3202  1161/F
  193. Lois Norris                     Kitchener ON             3:00:02   0:09:39   3225  1170/F
  194. Sarah V Cumin                   Hamilton ON              3:00:07   0:09:40   3229  1173/F
  195. Janet Routliffe                 Toronto ON               3:00:26   0:09:41   3262  1189/F
  196. Donna Harvey                    Barrie ON                3:00:30   0:09:41   3267  1193/F
  197. Christine Vonbun                Toronto ON               3:00:31   0:09:41   3272  1196/F
  198. Tara Beardmore                  Guelph ON                3:00:41   0:09:42   3283  1201/F
  199. Rose Martinho                   Hamilton ON              3:00:43   0:09:42   3286  1204/F
  200. Linda Hooker                    Oakville ON              3:00:45   0:09:42   3291  1206/F
  201. Cathy Maga Turner               Dundas ON                3:00:46   0:09:42   3294  1208/F
  202. Gloria Jakymiuk                 Stoney Creek ON          3:00:54   0:09:42   3309  1216/F
  203. K McGee                         Goderich ON              3:00:56   0:09:42   3310  1217/F
  204. Hanoki Kiel                     Toronto ON               3:00:59   0:09:43   3319  1224/F
  205. Deb Bergey                      Waterloo ON              3:01:05   0:09:43   3326  1228/F
  206. Laura Trepanier                 Kincardine ON            3:01:10   0:09:43   3330  1231/F
  207. Josee Surprenant                Ottawa ON                3:01:59   0:09:46   3400  1261/F
  208. Christine Caruso                Ajax ON                  3:02:05   0:09:46   3405  1265/F
  209. Jill Liberman                   Toronto ON               3:02:06   0:09:46   3408  1267/F
  210. Phillipa Thompson               Oxford Mills ON          3:02:14   0:09:47   3418  1271/F
  211. Michelle Connell                East Garafraxa ON        3:02:28   0:09:47   3441  1282/F
  212. Ginger Scott                    Hamilton ON              3:02:32   0:09:48   3443  1283/F
  213. Sonia L Bald                    Mississauga ON           3:02:48   0:09:48   3461  1292/F
  214. Jodi Dawson                     Owen Sound ON            3:02:52   0:09:49   3469  1295/F
  215. Lee Ann Rocher                  Mitchell ON              3:02:54   0:09:49   3475  1299/F
  216. Kelly Ruston                    Conestogo ON             3:02:56   0:09:49   3479  1300/F
  217. Katherine A McPhee              Bracebridge ON           3:03:39   0:09:51   3530  1321/F
  218. Lisa M. Despres                 North Bay ON             3:03:39   0:09:51   3531  1322/F
  219. Chantal Kramer                  Toronto ON               3:03:41   0:09:51   3535  1324/F
  220. Tara Young-Atkinson             Claremont ON             3:03:43   0:09:51   3537  1325/F
  221. Julie Park                      North York ON            3:03:43   0:09:51   3538  1326/F
  222. Elizabeth Maola                 Stouffville ON           3:03:49   0:09:52   3548  1334/F
  223. Jodi Sepkowski                  Newmarket ON             3:03:55   0:09:52   3555  1336/F
  224. Kristine McGregor               Paris ON                 3:04:00   0:09:52   3558  1338/F
  225. Denise Grightmire               Waterdown ON             3:04:01   0:09:52   3561  1341/F
  226. Christy Bradbury                Hamilton ON              3:04:10   0:09:53   3572  1344/F
  227. Bonnie McIlmoyl                 Toronto ON               3:04:15   0:09:53   3578  1347/F
  228. Kim Lukasik                     Toronto ON               3:04:19   0:09:53   3581  1349/F
  229. Mary Cranston                   Toronto ON               3:04:24   0:09:54   3589  1352/F
  230. Jean Horne                      Orillia ON               3:04:33   0:09:54   3599  1359/F
  231. Kathleen Ryan Mudie             Hamilton ON              3:04:38   0:09:54   3605  1364/F
  232. Leanne Keaney                   Brampton ON              3:04:42   0:09:54   3609  1367/F
  233. Sandra S D'Alessandro           Ancaster ON              3:04:43   0:09:55   3610  1368/F
  234. Carolyn Ho                      Markham ON               3:05:11   0:09:56   3631  1377/F
  235. Julie Mowbray                   Burlington ON            3:05:18   0:09:56   3635  1379/F
  236. Lisa M Myers                    Wyoming ON               3:05:23   0:09:57   3644  1386/F
  237. Anita Farrell                   Burlington ON            3:05:24   0:09:57   3645  1387/F
  238. Carole S Vaillancourt           North Bay ON             3:05:33   0:09:57   3652  1391/F
  239. Holly Bell-Sparling             Oakville ON              3:05:35   0:09:57   3656  1393/F
  240. Lynn Rutledge                   Toronto ON               3:05:35   0:09:57   3658  1394/F
  241. Lisa Ferguson                   Kingston ON              3:05:42   0:09:58   3663  1396/F
  242. Maria Pizzacalla                Niagara Falls ON         3:05:55   0:09:58   3684  1406/F
  243. Christine Pham                  Stoney Creek ON          3:06:07   0:09:59   3696  1413/F
  244. Susan Brannagan                 Windsor ON               3:06:09   0:09:59   3697  1414/F
  245. Laurie Hyde                     Brantford ON             3:06:48   0:10:01   3742  1443/F
  246. Angela Gray                     Burford ON               3:06:56   0:10:02   3748  1446/F
  247. Catherine McDowell              Mississauga ON           3:07:06   0:10:02   3761  1454/F
  248. Laurie Willmott                 Oakville ON              3:07:07   0:10:02   3764  1456/F
  249. Jennifer Patterson              Waterdown ON             3:07:12   0:10:03   3770  1458/F
  250. Joanne Double                   Mississauga ON           3:07:13   0:10:03   3774  1460/F
  251. Stacey Purser                   St. Catharines ON        3:07:23   0:10:03   3783  1465/F
  252. Alison Eckert                   Collingwood ON           3:07:26   0:10:03   3787  1467/F
  253. Lori Zimmer                     St. Thomas ON            3:07:52   0:10:05   3805  1477/F
  254. Kristin Ross                    Niagara Falls ON         3:07:53   0:10:05   3807  1478/F
  255. Lisa Champion                   Oakville ON              3:07:55   0:10:05   3812  1481/F
  256. Lisa Dagenais                   Kingston ON              3:08:07   0:10:05   3822  1486/F
  257. Agnes Laurent                   Ayr ON                   3:08:16   0:10:06   3835  1491/F
  258. Shani Gates                     Brockville ON            3:08:36   0:10:07   3860  1503/F
  259. Maria Harrison                  Hamilton ON              3:08:38   0:10:07   3863  1506/F
  260. Gwenola Van Hille               Toronto ON               3:08:58   0:10:08   3880  1514/F
  261. Ellen Wannan                    Oakville ON              3:09:05   0:10:09   3888  1519/F
  262. Linda Klapwyk                   Toronto ON               3:09:48   0:10:11   3936  1552/F
  263. Carrie Hyde                     Pickering ON             3:09:51   0:10:11   3937  1553/F
  264. Kathryn Rock                    Toronto ON               3:09:51   0:10:11   3938  1554/F
  265. Susan M Melo                    Branchton ON             3:09:58   0:10:11   3947  1561/F
  266. Kate Thompson                   London ON                3:09:59   0:10:11   3951  1565/F
  267. Cindy A Fong                    Toronto ON               3:10:06   0:10:12   3959  1570/F
  268. Patricia Melo                   Mississauga ON           3:10:26   0:10:13   3980  1581/F
  269. Ellen Dickson                   Nepean ON                3:10:36   0:10:13   3987  1585/F
  270. Lori Simmons                    Brooklin ON              3:10:51   0:10:14   4006  1597/F
  271. Karen Campbell                  Dundas ON                3:10:53   0:10:14   4009  1599/F
  272. Karen Forrester                 Oakville ON              3:10:54   0:10:14   4010  1600/F
  273. Jennifer Hayes                  Toronto ON               3:11:31   0:10:16   4048  1616/F
  274. Brenda Young                    Brockville ON            3:11:32   0:10:16   4049  1617/F
  275. Jacinda Martin                  Grimsby ON               3:11:33   0:10:17   4054  1621/F
  276. Julie K Burke                   Richmond Hill ON         3:11:34   0:10:17   4055  1622/F
  277. Andrea Lynn Sloan               Hamilton ON              3:12:05   0:10:18   4083  1636/F
  278. Leah Meloche                    Leamington ON            3:12:38   0:10:20   4125  1663/F
  279. Ally Fereday                    Freelton ON              3:12:42   0:10:20   4137  1669/F
  280. Kristine Demott                 Toronto ON               3:13:00   0:10:21   4161  1681/F
  281. Tanya Melo                      Moffat ON                3:13:01   0:10:21   4163  1682/F
  282. Michelle Jay                    Mississauga ON           3:13:05   0:10:21   4164  1683/F
  283. Jo-Anne Dupuis                  Sudbury ON               3:13:36   0:10:23   4189  1699/F
  284. Deanna Simpson                  Notl ON                  3:13:40   0:10:23   4196  1704/F
  285. Veronika Cook                   Ripley ON                3:13:53   0:10:24   4211  1711/F
  286. Maria Rendon                    Mississauga ON           3:13:54   0:10:24   4212  1712/F
  287. Marnie Atkinson                 Toronto ON               3:13:54   0:10:24   4213  1713/F
  288. Roz Thomson                     Freelton ON              3:13:58   0:10:24   4223  1721/F
  289. Lisa Maxwell                    Toronto ON               3:14:03   0:10:25   4229  1724/F
  290. Linda O'Brien                   Hamilton ON              3:14:13   0:10:25   4235  1727/F
  291. Laura A Labanich                Burlington ON            3:14:16   0:10:25   4238  1728/F
  292. Juliann Aitchison               Salmon Arm BC            3:14:17   0:10:25   4239  1729/F
  293. Joanne Grineage                 Thamesville ON           3:14:22   0:10:26   4242  1731/F
  294. Bev McNaughton                  London ON                3:14:26   0:10:26   4249  1735/F
  295. Triina L Forbell                Toronto ON               3:14:33   0:10:26   4252  1736/F
  296. Wendie Currie                   North Bay ON             3:14:45   0:10:27   4264  1744/F
  297. Joelle D Thornton               Blue Mountain ON         3:15:11   0:10:28   4299  1762/F
  298. Janet Hooper                    Bowmanville ON           3:16:03   0:10:31   4343  1785/F
  299. Cathy Jelaca                    Bolton ON                3:16:12   0:10:32   4350  1788/F
  300. Karyn Callaghan                 Toronto ON               3:16:23   0:10:32   4366  1794/F
  301. Suzanne Hampson                 Hamilton ON              3:16:24   0:10:32   4367  1795/F
  302. Marie Labrie                    Navan ON                 3:16:37   0:10:33   4379  1802/F
  303. Wendi Krewdel                   Oakville ON              3:16:42   0:10:33   4384  1805/F
  304. Josie Hollanda                  Mississauga ON           3:16:52   0:10:34   4394  1808/F
  305. Kerri Cushing-Mitchener         London ON                3:16:56   0:10:34   4401  1813/F
  306. Erin Bedard                     Georgetown ON            3:16:59   0:10:34   4404  1815/F
  307. Shawna Button                   Winona ON                3:17:05   0:10:34   4410  1818/F
  308. Bonnie McIntyre                 Renfrew ON               3:17:15   0:10:35   4419  1824/F
  309. Rachel Bennett                  Richmond Hill ON         3:17:20   0:10:35   4422  1826/F
  310. Brenda Taylor-Anderson          London ON                3:17:26   0:10:35   4425  1828/F
  311. Michelle Dwyer                  Guelph ON                3:17:29   0:10:36   4428  1829/F
  312. Michelle Mason                  Port Hope ON             3:17:29   0:10:36   4429  1830/F
  313. Kathie Deknock                  Toronto ON               3:17:34   0:10:36   4433  1834/F
  314. Marisa Molino                   Pointe Claire QC         3:17:53   0:10:37   4451  1847/F
  315. Lynn Gotkowski                  Brantford ON             3:18:34   0:10:39   4490  1873/F
  316. Stefania Barron                 Sarnia ON                3:18:36   0:10:39   4495  1876/F
  317. Roxane Allen                    Kitchener ON             3:18:38   0:10:39   4498  1878/F
  318. Andrea Artuso                   Mississauga ON           3:18:45   0:10:40   4505  1883/F
  319. Janette Vander Zaag             Alliston ON              3:18:56   0:10:40   4513  1888/F
  320. Franca Cambone                  Oakville ON              3:19:56   0:10:44   4571  1929/F
  321. Michele Mitchell                London ON                3:20:03   0:10:44   4578  1934/F
  322. Diana Vorvis                    Brampton ON              3:20:10   0:10:44   4586  1939/F
  323. Annette Levean                  Elmira ON                3:20:26   0:10:45   4599  1947/F
  324. Leigh Rees                      Elmira ON                3:20:26   0:10:45   4600  1948/F
  325. Anna Runesson                   Hamilton ON              3:20:32   0:10:45   4609  1956/F
  326. Renee Deagle                    Caledonia ON             3:20:53   0:10:47   4625  1968/F
  327. Vesna Stipan                    Stoney Creek ON          3:21:18   0:10:48   4641  1978/F
  328. Julie Crowe                     Dundas ON                3:21:20   0:10:48   4642  1979/F
  329. Nicola Serraglio                London ON                3:21:21   0:10:48   4643  1980/F
  330. Michelle Biegner                Clarence Center NY       3:21:33   0:10:49   4654  1985/F
  331. Mari Mair                       London ON                3:21:36   0:10:49   4656  1987/F
  332. Deborah Calderwood              Oakville ON              3:21:59   0:10:50   4670  1999/F
  333. Cristina Hart                   Oakville ON              3:22:39   0:10:52   4697  2014/F
  334. Kimberly Ansell                 St. Catharines ON        3:22:46   0:10:53   4702  2019/F
  335. Sheryl Sawyer                   Cayuga ON                3:22:46   0:10:53   4703  2020/F
  336. Nicole Wilson                   Toronto ON               3:22:49   0:10:53   4707  2023/F
  337. Ann Becks                       Bognor ON                3:22:50   0:10:53   4709  2025/F
  338. Daria Ebron                     Caledon ON               3:22:51   0:10:53   4711  2026/F
  339. Kim McLean                      Mississauga ON           3:22:51   0:10:53   4712  2027/F
  340. Alana Callan                    Peterborough ON          3:23:02   0:10:54   4727  2037/F
  341. Natalie Veras                   Waterloo ON              3:23:12   0:10:54   4734  2042/F
  342. Cheryl Kettle                   Burlington ON            3:23:13   0:10:54   4736  2044/F
  343. Monette Palao                   Innisfil ON              3:23:20   0:10:54   4743  2049/F
  344. Maureen Leyser                  Stratford ON             3:23:26   0:10:55   4747  2052/F
  345. Ellen Whelan                    Oakville ON              3:23:31   0:10:55   4753  2055/F
  346. Sarah Freeborn                  Meaford ON               3:23:58   0:10:57   4778  2070/F
  347. Lianne Timbers                  Grimsby ON               3:24:01   0:10:57   4780  2071/F
  348. Maria Garrett                   Clarence Center NY       3:24:05   0:10:57   4782  2073/F
  349. Angela Barger                   Bolton ON                3:24:05   0:10:57   4783  2074/F
  350. Anita M Iacoucci                Etobicoke ON             3:24:12   0:10:57   4785  2075/F
  351. Kristen Page                    Oakville ON              3:24:35   0:10:58   4801  2085/F
  352. Susan R Enyedy-Goldner          Hamilton ON              3:24:36   0:10:59   4804  2088/F
  353. Denise Lovegrove                Hamilton ON              3:25:02   0:11:00   4823  2100/F
  354. Kim McPeake                     Toronto ON               3:25:22   0:11:01   4834  2106/F
  355. Sharon Gibson                   Etobicoke ON             3:25:23   0:11:01   4836  2108/F
  356. Linda Tran                      Toronto ON               3:25:23   0:11:01   4837  2109/F
  357. Wendy Ruffle-Mcdonald           Mississauga ON           3:25:27   0:11:01   4842  2114/F
  358. Cesidia Bianchi                 Toronto ON               3:25:35   0:11:02   4847  2117/F
  359. Rhonda Cassibo                  Belleville ON            3:25:46   0:11:02   4852  2122/F
  360. Carol Murray                    Mississauga ON           3:25:51   0:11:03   4857  2125/F
  361. Maureen Buckley                 Toronto ON               3:25:51   0:11:03   4859  2127/F
  362. Laura Bachmann                  Hamilton ON              3:26:03   0:11:03   4870  2133/F
  363. Michelle Duggan                 Toronto ON               3:26:29   0:11:05   4888  2143/F
  364. Meritt Harnett                  Burlington ON            3:26:40   0:11:05   4897  2149/F
  365. Carrie Jones                    Kitchener ON             3:26:50   0:11:06   4899  2151/F
  366. Janice A Vanderschee            Dundas ON                3:27:02   0:11:06   4912  2156/F
  367. Chung-Yee Loo                   Toronto ON               3:27:21   0:11:07   4926  2168/F
  368. Arleigh Romyn                   Ottawa ON                3:27:38   0:11:08   4937  2177/F
  369. Wanda J Day                     Mississauga ON           3:27:44   0:11:09   4947  2180/F
  370. Karen Dennison                  Barrie ON                3:27:54   0:11:09   4961  2187/F
  371. Kate Corsten                    Ottawa ON                3:27:59   0:11:09   4966  2190/F
  372. Helene Moore                    Milton ON                3:28:01   0:11:10   4967  2191/F
  373. Jane Papenhuyzen                Calgary AB               3:28:15   0:11:10   4980  2202/F
  374. Tammy Bradley                   Belle River ON           3:28:32   0:11:11   4997  2215/F
  375. Lorna M Stewart                 Hamilton ON              3:28:34   0:11:11   5000  2218/F
  376. Carol Cunningham                Whitby ON                3:28:45   0:11:12   5009  2222/F
  377. Michele Fenton                  Orillia ON               3:28:57   0:11:13   5021  2230/F
  378. Linda San Agustin               Whitby ON                3:28:57   0:11:13   5022  2231/F
  379. Georgette Broadfoot             Amherstburg ON           3:28:58   0:11:13   5025  2233/F
  380. Dennette Woodworth              Woodstock ON             3:28:58   0:11:13   5026  2234/F
  381. Laura Daly-Trottier             North Bay ON             3:29:17   0:11:14   5037  2242/F
  382. Colleen Davidson                Newmarket ON             3:29:17   0:11:14   5038  2243/F
  383. Michelle Barnes                 Brampton ON              3:29:37   0:11:15   5057  2257/F
  384. Tammy Strong                    Binbrook ON              3:29:41   0:11:15   5065  2262/F
  385. Joanne Gibson                   Hamilton ON              3:30:52   0:11:19   5108  2289/F
  386. Heather Haldane                 London ON                3:30:52   0:11:19   5109  2290/F
  387. Laura Muirhead                  Toronto ON               3:30:55   0:11:19   5110  2291/F
  388. Jennifer Ippolito               Ancaster ON              3:31:11   0:11:20   5123  2299/F
  389. Debbie J Diamond                Dundas ON                3:31:14   0:11:20   5125  2301/F
  390. Maria McEwen                    Brantford ON             3:31:15   0:11:20   5126  2302/F
  391. Lorena Rosettani                Fort Erie ON             3:31:21   0:11:20   5133  2308/F
  392. Carmen Van Dongen               St. Catharines ON        3:31:25   0:11:20   5137  2310/F
  393. Sharon Leon                     Grimsby ON               3:31:27   0:11:21   5138  2311/F
  394. Hill Paula                      Ohsweken ON              3:31:37   0:11:21   5145  2317/F
  395. Wendy E Siddall                 Dunnville ON             3:31:39   0:11:21   5146  2318/F
  396. Karen Michaels                  Niagara Falls NY         3:31:51   0:11:22   5157  2325/F
  397. Lea Ladouceur                   Oshawa ON                3:32:21   0:11:23   5170  2331/F
  398. Colleen Maunder                 Campbellville ON         3:32:59   0:11:26   5194  2347/F
  399. Sonya L Von Svoboda             Pickering ON             3:33:02   0:11:26   5197  2349/F
  400. Anita M Bosagri                 Brantford ON             3:33:05   0:11:26   5200  2352/F
  401. Christine Beer                  London ON                3:33:08   0:11:26   5205  2356/F
  402. Melva D Detailleur              Chatham ON               3:33:16   0:11:26   5212  2361/F
  403. Allison G Stoneburgh            Burlington ON            3:33:27   0:11:27   5224  2369/F
  404. Linda Yamamoto                  Burlington ON            3:33:27   0:11:27   5226  2371/F
  405. Robin Mech                      Hamilton ON              3:33:45   0:11:28   5241  2381/F
  406. Shalom Mac Neil                 Mt. Pleasant ON          3:33:48   0:11:28   5244  2383/F
  407. Michelle Turnbull               Hamilton ON              3:33:57   0:11:29   5259  2393/F
  408. Kelly M Bramwell                Binbrook ON              3:34:32   0:11:31   5281  2406/F
  409. Angie Abrams                    Stoney Creek ON          3:35:32   0:11:34   5321  2428/F
  410. Sandy Clark                     Orleans ON               3:36:32   0:11:37   5347  2444/F
  411. Brenda Hoffman                  London ON                3:37:23   0:11:40   5370  2457/F
  412. Kathy Willemse                  Parkhill ON              3:37:24   0:11:40   5372  2459/F
  413. Melanie Flood                   Haliburton ON            3:37:42   0:11:41   5379  2461/F
  414. Cindy Hockley                   Simcoe ON                3:37:52   0:11:41   5386  2467/F
  415. Jennifer Averink                Burlington ON            3:37:59   0:11:42   5391  2471/F
  416. Janet Mosney                    Guelph ON                3:38:00   0:11:42   5394  2474/F
  417. Deborah Mitchell                Kitchener ON             3:38:09   0:11:42   5401  2479/F
  418. Patricia E Kuchta               Mississauga ON           3:38:17   0:11:43   5407  2481/F
  419. Angelina Cook                   St. Catharines ON        3:38:28   0:11:43   5414  2484/F
  420. Anne-Marie Kee                  St. Catharines ON        3:38:28   0:11:43   5415  2485/F
  421. Susan Hogan                     Burlington ON            3:38:36   0:11:44   5418  2487/F
  422. Carolyn Nemeth                  Markham ON               3:38:59   0:11:45   5430  2497/F
  423. Laura Manning                   Cambridge ON             3:39:14   0:11:46   5440  2502/F
  424. Lucia Tumber                    Acton ON                 3:39:32   0:11:47   5455  2508/F
  425. Jennifer Smithyes               Dundas ON                3:40:10   0:11:49   5489  2529/F
  426. Chantal Farquhar                Beamsville ON            3:40:20   0:11:49   5498  2535/F
  427. Debbie Last                     Oakville ON              3:40:37   0:11:50   5505  2540/F
  428. Barbara Fedunchuk               Oakville ON              3:40:38   0:11:50   5506  2541/F
  429. Debra Giammichele               Burlington ON            3:40:41   0:11:50   5507  2542/F
  430. Diane L Stimpfig                Tottenham ON             3:41:06   0:11:52   5528  2556/F
  431. Angie Slingerland               Toronto ON               3:41:25   0:11:53   5536  2564/F
  432. Ingrid Kerker-Lutsch            Windsor ON               3:41:26   0:11:53   5537  2565/F
  433. Sarah Victor                    Orillia ON               3:42:28   0:11:56   5558  2582/F
  434. Elizabeth Campbell              Petrolia ON              3:42:31   0:11:56   5559  2583/F
  435. Solange Brard                   Toronto ON               3:42:37   0:11:57   5561  2584/F
  436. Dar Quinn                       Brantford ON             3:42:44   0:11:57   5565  2587/F
  437. Lori Macdonald                  Hamilton ON              3:43:11   0:11:58   5577  2593/F
  438. Lise Chabot                     Stittsville ON           3:43:32   0:11:59   5589  2601/F
  439. Peg Chuang                      Mississauga ON           3:43:40   0:12:00   5594  2605/F
  440. Kathy Ditner                    Mildmay ON               3:44:06   0:12:01   5610  2618/F
  441. Eva Marlow                      Markham ON               3:44:13   0:12:02   5613  2620/F
  442. Fiona Fisher                    Dundas ON                3:44:20   0:12:02   5615  2621/F
  443. Lori Lofchick                   Dundas ON                3:44:27   0:12:02   5623  2625/F
  444. Shelley Bond                    Waterdown ON             3:45:32   0:12:06   5655  2648/F
  445. Kathy Wiens                     Orleans ON               3:45:33   0:12:06   5656  2649/F
  446. Jackie Ambridge                 Hamilton ON              3:45:37   0:12:06   5660  2650/F
  447. Maureen Pecknold                Toronto ON               3:45:41   0:12:06   5665  2655/F
  448. Shawna Dingman                  Aurora ON                3:45:45   0:12:07   5667  2657/F
  449. Daila Webster                   Thornhill ON             3:45:50   0:12:07   5669  2658/F
  450. Lynette Whiley                  Mississauga ON           3:46:11   0:12:08   5681  2665/F
  451. Diana Nagel                     London ON                3:47:07   0:12:11   5698  2671/F
  452. Kimberley Brown                 Buffalo NY               3:47:53   0:12:13   5717  2683/F
  453. Nicol Decourcy-Donovan          Dundas ON                3:48:49   0:12:16   5732  2693/F
  454. Liz Valliant                    Oshawa ON                3:48:58   0:12:17   5740  2700/F
  455. Ingrid Exner                    Burlington ON            3:49:17   0:12:18   5746  2704/F
  456. Stacy Floros                    Markham ON               3:49:19   0:12:18   5747  2705/F
  457. Mandy Kadziolka                 Stoney Creek ON          3:50:30   0:12:22   5767  2715/F
  458. Sandra Karl                     Waterloo ON              3:51:12   0:12:24   5786  2727/F
  459. Elizabeth Bardon                Kingston ON              3:52:35   0:12:29   5810  2745/F
  460. Michele Flynn                   Sarnia ON                3:54:05   0:12:33   5842  2771/F
  461. Deborah Cape                    Toronto ON               3:55:03   0:12:37   5856  2781/F
  462. Roula Dongas                    Toronto ON               3:55:45   0:12:39   5865  2787/F
  463. Mary-Michelle Morrissey         Mississauga ON           3:55:46   0:12:39   5866  2788/F
  464. Jackie Anderson                 Dunnville ON             3:56:05   0:12:40   5876  2797/F
  465. Debbie Elvidge                  Ddo QC                   3:56:24   0:12:41   5883  2800/F
  466. Kelly McCullagh                 Toronto ON               3:56:40   0:12:42   5888  2804/F
  467. Michelle Mackinnon              Niagara Falls ON         3:56:53   0:12:42   5896  2810/F
  468. Claudia Frisch                  Toronto ON               3:57:15   0:12:44   5905  2814/F
  469. Therese Burian                  Vineland ON              3:57:16   0:12:44   5906  2815/F
  470. Denise M Hettinga               Woodstock ON             3:57:49   0:12:45   5909  2817/F
  471. Laura Mason                     Toronto ON               3:57:51   0:12:46   5910  2818/F
  472. Laura Robinson Muise            Burlington ON            3:58:04   0:12:46   5912  2819/F
  473. Beth Cooper                     Brampton ON              3:58:44   0:12:48   5919  2825/F
  474. Cheryl Murphy                   Oakville ON              4:00:22   0:12:54   5943  2841/F
  475. Sandra Mogollon                 Caledon ON               4:01:03   0:12:56   5954  2848/F
  476. Jennifer McKay                  Grimsby ON               4:01:26   0:12:57   5959  2850/F
  477. Michelle Johnston               London ON                4:04:01   0:13:05   5994  2873/F
  478. Kristyn Lyons                   London ON                4:04:08   0:13:06   5998  2876/F
  479. Lydia Bovenkerk                 St. Catharines ON        4:05:35   0:13:10   6011  2884/F
  480. Catharine Rose                  Georgetown ON            4:06:31   0:13:13   6027  2894/F
  481. Betsy McRae                     Grimsby ON               4:06:36   0:13:14   6028  2895/F
  482. Nadeen Sullivan                 Grimsby ON               4:06:37   0:13:14   6030  2897/F
  483. Lisa Gimlin                     East Aurora NY           4:07:12   0:13:16   6037  2904/F
  484. Anne Sugiyama                   Oakville ON              4:07:43   0:13:17   6043  2908/F
  485. Elisa Palermo                   Brampton ON              4:07:51   0:13:18   6044  2909/F
  486. Kristi Lowe                     Iqaluit NU               4:08:06   0:13:19   6046  2911/F
  487. Karen Bennett                   Burlington ON            4:09:15   0:13:22   6057  2917/F
  488. Robin Skinner                   Kempville ON             4:12:49   0:13:34   6092  2940/F
  489. Sheila Taylor                   Hamilton ON              4:13:35   0:13:36   6094  2941/F
  490. Tracy Brisco                    Hamilton ON              4:13:36   0:13:36   6096  2943/F
  491. Clare Mezgec                    Waterdown ON             4:15:14   0:13:42   6109  2952/F
  492. Mia Villella                    Bolton ON                4:16:21   0:13:45   6122  2958/F
  493. May Machoun                     Hornell Heights ON       4:17:00   0:13:47   6127  2961/F
  494. Susan L Cooke                   Ancaster ON              4:18:05   0:13:51   6132  2965/F
  495. Brenda Sernoskie                Toronto ON               4:18:15   0:13:51   6133  2966/F
  496. Jennifer Grant                  London ON                4:22:08   0:14:04   6149  2975/F
  497. Eliza Cheung                    Markham ON               4:22:31   0:14:05   6152  2978/F
  498. Yvonne Sweeney                  Mississauga ON           4:25:22   0:14:14   6161  2984/F
  499. Tanya L Ellacott                Orangeville ON           4:25:28   0:14:14   6162  2985/F
  500. Angela M Aquin                  Hamilton ON              4:25:32   0:14:15   6164  2987/F
  501. Melissa Lee                     Stoney Creek ON          4:29:40   0:14:28   6175  2996/F
  502. Jamie Blakeley                  Mississauga ON           4:36:45   0:14:51   6185  3005/F
  503. Beth Vlasman                    Fenwick ON               4:41:22   0:15:06   6196  3013/F
  504. Donna Tiqui-Shebib              Ancaster ON              4:43:34   0:15:13   6206  3021/F
  505. Allison Ray                     Oakville ON              4:45:03   0:15:17   6209  3024/F
  506. Karen Chung                     Scarborough ON           4:55:51   0:15:52   6224  3035/F
  507. Marilena Giglia                 Binbrook ON              4:57:51   0:15:59   6226  3037/F
  508. Maria Ancona                    Mississauga ON           5:05:53   0:16:25   6229  3040/F
  509. Denise L Kelly                  Mount Hope ON            5:27:57   0:17:36   6236  3046/F
  510. Sylvia Blacklock                Mount Hope ON            5:41:14   0:18:18   6237  3047/F
  511. Diane M Gruber                  Cambridge ON             5:41:14   0:18:18   6238  3048/F
Women 45-49
Place  Name                            Town                    Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Colleen Berry                   Renfrew ON               2:11:16   0:07:03    254    23/F
    2. Annette Barry                   St. Thomas ON            2:12:44   0:07:07    301    28/F
    3. Robin Holmgren                  Singhampton ON           2:13:16   0:07:09    319    34/F
    4. Joanne Bink                     Waterloo ON              2:15:23   0:07:16    389    45/F
    5. Elizabeth Randell               Buffalo NY               2:16:10   0:07:18    414    49/F
    6. Laurel Broski                   St. Catharines ON        2:17:11   0:07:22    440    57/F
    7. Linda Walsh                     Sault Ste. Marie ON      2:18:51   0:07:27    484    66/F
    8. Anna M Bielecki                 Newmarket ON             2:18:55   0:07:27    490    69/F
    9. Sandra Amorim                   Ancaster ON              2:21:26   0:07:35    576    84/F
   10. Linnea Humphrey                 Toronto ON               2:23:05   0:07:41    646   101/F
   11. Kirstin A Schwass               Terra Cotta ON           2:24:18   0:07:44    691   113/F
   12. Josee Ross                      Brossard QC              2:24:36   0:07:45    701   117/F
   13. Nathalie Auger                  Toronto ON               2:24:42   0:07:46    711   121/F
   14. Mikyung M Kim                   Northyork ON             2:25:08   0:07:47    730   128/F
   15. Lucy Payette                    Toronto ON               2:25:24   0:07:48    742   130/F
   16. Lynn Bourque                    Toronto ON               2:25:42   0:07:49    753   134/F
   17. Leanne F Cooper                 Mississauga ON           2:25:44   0:07:49    754   135/F
   18. Madeline Burghardt              Toronto ON               2:26:36   0:07:52    814   152/F
   19. Johanne Audet                   Gatineau QC              2:26:46   0:07:52    827   157/F
   20. Lisa McCormick                  Ancaster ON              2:26:51   0:07:53    833   159/F
   21. Robin M Lorenzo                 Rochester NY             2:26:56   0:07:53    839   162/F
   22. Katharine Shepherd              Uxbridge ON              2:27:43   0:07:55    879   176/F
   23. Jesula Drouillard               Ottawa ON                2:28:06   0:07:57    909   180/F
   24. Monika Kern                     Chelsea QC               2:28:15   0:07:57    925   184/F
   25. Janice D'Andrade                Burlington ON            2:29:04   0:08:00    999   204/F
   26. Nicole Heard                    Calgary AB               2:29:19   0:08:01   1010   207/F
   27. Margaret Dorio                  Burlington ON            2:29:21   0:08:01   1013   208/F
   28. Carolyn Mossey                  Stoney Creek ON          2:29:59   0:08:03   1051   219/F
   29. Leslie Braun                    Grand Blanc MI           2:30:21   0:08:04   1071   224/F
   30. Aideen Moss                     Stratford ON             2:30:46   0:08:05   1091   231/F
   31. Jennifer Lamantia               Lindsay ON               2:31:14   0:08:07   1122   240/F
   32. Debra Umpleby                   Milton ON                2:32:14   0:08:10   1173   248/F
   33. Anne Marie Branch               St. Catharines ON        2:32:26   0:08:11   1183   250/F
   34. Catalina Vial                   Pittsford NY             2:32:36   0:08:11   1190   253/F
   35. Cathy Leboeuf                   Woodslee ON              2:33:36   0:08:14   1244   275/F
   36. Joanne Thomson                  Waterdown ON             2:33:56   0:08:15   1271   284/F
   37. Barbara Dodwell                 Alliston ON              2:34:09   0:08:16   1286   290/F
   38. Lisa A Campbell                 Peterborough ON          2:34:25   0:08:17   1303   295/F
   39. Kathryn Sulllivan               Orangeville ON           2:34:31   0:08:17   1312   298/F
   40. Martha Palao                    Toronto ON               2:34:42   0:08:18   1323   299/F
   41. Susan Nevitt-Yelle              Ottawa ON                2:34:50   0:08:18   1326   301/F
   42. Suzzette Hibbard                Courtice ON              2:35:21   0:08:20   1350   310/F
   43. Debbie Benoit                   Hamilton ON              2:35:48   0:08:21   1374   318/F
   44. Monique L Schenck               Kitchener ON             2:35:56   0:08:22   1383   322/F
   45. Jacqueline M Saavedra           Whitby ON                2:35:56   0:08:22   1384   323/F
   46. Laura Macdermaid                Whitby ON                2:36:53   0:08:25   1427   338/F
   47. Jennifer Lee                    Caledon ON               2:37:06   0:08:26   1434   342/F
   48. Chantal Witiuk                  Mississauga ON           2:37:33   0:08:27   1463   352/F
   49. Shirley M Walsh                 Dundas ON                2:37:39   0:08:27   1470   354/F
   50. Tomoko Tamaoki                  Burlington ON            2:37:54   0:08:28   1479   360/F
   51. Heather Pereira                 Bowmanville ON           2:37:55   0:08:28   1480   361/F
   52. Lisa Lawson                     Owen Sound ON            2:38:04   0:08:29   1493   366/F
   53. Rod Heard                       Calgary AB               2:38:16   0:08:29   1507   371/F
   54. Line L Lloyd                    Sturgeon Falls ON        2:38:24   0:08:30   1522   379/F
   55. Marilyn White                   Toronto ON               2:38:28   0:08:30   1526   381/F
   56. Anne Banfield                   Oshawa ON                2:38:38   0:08:31   1536   385/F
   57. Ali Meuse                       London ON                2:38:59   0:08:32   1555   389/F
   58. Brennan Jodi                    Merrickville ON          2:39:19   0:08:33   1581   395/F
   59. Barb A Weber                    Waterloo ON              2:39:26   0:08:33   1587   398/F
   60. Julie Menzies                   Burlington ON            2:39:44   0:08:34   1610   404/F
   61. Christie Hamilton               Oakville ON              2:39:51   0:08:35   1618   410/F
   62. Sandra Baldin                   Mount Hope ON            2:39:59   0:08:35   1632   415/F
   63. Maggie Hogan                    Kingston ON              2:40:06   0:08:35   1641   419/F
   64. Lee Anne Francis                Whitby ON                2:40:35   0:08:37   1676   433/F
   65. Lisa Hutton                     Sault Ste. Marie ON      2:40:36   0:08:37   1677   434/F
   66. Helen M Cronin                  Mississauga ON           2:40:53   0:08:38   1706   442/F
   67. Elaine Marchese                 Brampton ON              2:40:59   0:08:38   1718   447/F
   68. Linda Mumford                   Belleville ON            2:41:06   0:08:39   1729   452/F
   69. Paulene C Tiemens-Weber         Baden ON                 2:41:09   0:08:39   1734   454/F
   70. Ingrid Koenig                   Ottawa ON                2:41:41   0:08:40   1763   464/F
   71. Lynne Godkin                    Kirkton ON               2:42:39   0:08:44   1824   487/F
   72. Margaret E Adam                 Toronto ON               2:42:53   0:08:44   1844   496/F
   73. Marnie Wraith                   King City ON             2:43:02   0:08:45   1857   502/F
   74. Elena Moro                      Toronto ON               2:43:11   0:08:45   1870   506/F
   75. Jennifer M Kelterborn           Bracebridge ON           2:43:24   0:08:46   1881   511/F
   76. Lia Kutzscher                   Port Sydney ON           2:43:30   0:08:46   1887   515/F
   77. Michelle Morris                 London ON                2:43:49   0:08:47   1916   527/F
   78. Frances Ford                    Omemee ON                2:43:52   0:08:47   1920   529/F
   79. Sarah Pihel                     Orangeville ON           2:43:52   0:08:47   1921   530/F
   80. Heather Miceli                  Mississauga ON           2:44:00   0:08:48   1931   535/F
   81. Brenda N Bemis                  Oshawa ON                2:44:06   0:08:48   1937   539/F
   82. Erika Thibault                  Kitchener ON             2:44:09   0:08:48   1939   540/F
   83. Mary J Wright                   London ON                2:44:26   0:08:49   1960   550/F
   84. Lori Zamec                      London ON                2:44:33   0:08:50   1968   552/F
   85. Anne Milrad                     Toronto ON               2:44:40   0:08:50   1976   556/F
   86. Deanna Brearley                 Burlington ON            2:44:40   0:08:50   1977   557/F
   87. Robin Rickard                   Newcastle ON             2:44:51   0:08:51   1985   564/F
   88. Doreen Lipovski                 Ottawa ON                2:45:04   0:08:51   2004   572/F
   89. Michele Fraser                  Paris ON                 2:45:05   0:08:51   2006   573/F
   90. Trish Sexton                    Welland ON               2:45:10   0:08:52   2014   576/F
   91. Denise Yuzik                    Mississauga ON           2:45:23   0:08:52   2031   581/F
   92. Carol Denysschen                Orchard Park NY          2:45:36   0:08:53   2052   589/F
   93. Sooin Kim                       Toronto ON               2:45:43   0:08:53   2061   593/F
   94. Martina Young                   Toronto ON               2:45:47   0:08:54   2064   595/F
   95. Sharon Ducharme                 Scarborough ON           2:45:47   0:08:54   2066   596/F
   96. Angela Watson                   Toronto ON               2:46:27   0:08:56   2105   615/F
   97. Becky A Sanders                 Harrow ON                2:46:29   0:08:56   2110   618/F
   98. Diana Dawson                    Sarnia ON                2:46:42   0:08:57   2127   627/F
   99. Kate Lazier                     Toronto ON               2:46:46   0:08:57   2135   629/F
  100. Lambrina Nikolaou               Oakville ON              2:46:51   0:08:57   2141   631/F
  101. Cindy Metzler                   Oakville ON              2:46:56   0:08:57   2146   634/F
  102. Sharlene Christiansen           Hannon ON                2:47:00   0:08:58   2150   636/F
  103. Shelly Shane                    Gatineau QC              2:47:01   0:08:58   2154   638/F
  104. Kelly J Tomenson-Haas           Oakville ON              2:47:01   0:08:58   2155   639/F
  105. Karen Burns                     Ottawa ON                2:47:06   0:08:58   2159   640/F
  106. Alla Konashenkova               Toronto ON               2:47:26   0:08:59   2188   652/F
  107. Roxanne Harrington              Kemptville ON            2:47:31   0:08:59   2192   655/F
  108. Greta Soares                    Newmarket ON             2:47:34   0:08:59   2197   656/F
  109. Michelle L Craig                Mississauga ON           2:47:45   0:09:00   2222   664/F
  110. Grace G Fuerth                  Burlington ON            2:47:48   0:09:00   2225   666/F
  111. Caroline Waring                 London ON                2:47:49   0:09:00   2226   667/F
  112. Janet Shaughnessy               Oakville ON              2:47:54   0:09:00   2238   672/F
  113. Lisa Petters                    Palgrave ON              2:47:57   0:09:01   2244   676/F
  114. Leslie Styba                    Mississauga ON           2:47:59   0:09:01   2249   679/F
  115. Robin Valeri                    Cuba NY                  2:48:02   0:09:01   2253   681/F
  116. Lisa Purdy                      North York ON            2:48:23   0:09:02   2282   694/F
  117. Tammy Rutledge                  Mississauga ON           2:48:28   0:09:02   2288   697/F
  118. Nicki Casseres                  Toronto ON               2:48:51   0:09:03   2309   707/F
  119. Kerry Slaughter                 Mississauga ON           2:48:57   0:09:04   2314   709/F
  120. Yumi Miyahara                   Mississauga ON           2:49:30   0:09:06   2354   729/F
  121. Kelly Park                      Burlington ON            2:49:40   0:09:06   2372   739/F
  122. Christine Minor                 Wainfleet ON             2:49:42   0:09:06   2374   740/F
  123. Hilts Lucy                      Thornbury ON             2:49:44   0:09:06   2377   741/F
  124. Hannah Fraser                   Hamilton ON              2:49:51   0:09:07   2382   743/F
  125. Lynne Eisener                   Ottawa ON                2:49:54   0:09:07   2386   746/F
  126. Susan Hewitt                    Richmond Hill ON         2:50:05   0:09:07   2405   756/F
  127. Christine Grant                 Mississauga ON           2:50:58   0:09:10   2466   784/F
  128. Lisa McKnight                   Oakville ON              2:51:40   0:09:13   2517   803/F
  129. Anna M Regan                    Richmond Hill ON         2:51:48   0:09:13   2527   807/F
  130. Donna Johnson                   Burlington ON            2:52:00   0:09:14   2546   820/F
  131. Maureen P O'Brien               Peterborough ON          2:52:19   0:09:15   2567   828/F
  132. Heather Hurst                   Hamilton ON              2:52:21   0:09:15   2571   831/F
  133. Catriona Baird                  Dundas ON                2:52:27   0:09:15   2579   835/F
  134. Sandra McArthur                 Toronto ON               2:53:06   0:09:17   2614   849/F
  135. Siobhan Harley                  Sarnia ON                2:53:06   0:09:17   2615   850/F
  136. Nancy L Chapman                 Stouffville ON           2:53:18   0:09:18   2632   855/F
  137. Leanne Monaghan                 Acton ON                 2:53:18   0:09:18   2633   856/F
  138. Janette Kirch                   Burlington ON            2:53:34   0:09:19   2664   872/F
  139. Johanne Laperriere              Toronto ON               2:53:35   0:09:19   2665   873/F
  140. Gail McMurphy                   Oil Springs ON           2:53:36   0:09:19   2666   874/F
  141. Jennifer Leigh-Bennett          Toronto ON               2:53:47   0:09:19   2690   886/F
  142. Kathy-Ann Karder                Copley OH                2:53:49   0:09:19   2692   887/F
  143. Wilma Hoogendam                 Woodstock ON             2:53:56   0:09:20   2700   892/F
  144. Marcia Kumagai                  Burlington ON            2:54:02   0:09:20   2711   898/F
  145. Theresa Ann Kennedy             Southampton ON           2:54:06   0:09:20   2720   902/F
  146. Nikki Sloan Clarke              Woodstock ON             2:54:07   0:09:20   2723   905/F
  147. Shanta Oudit                    Mississauga ON           2:54:13   0:09:21   2729   908/F
  148. Lee Anne H Coren                Dundas ON                2:54:23   0:09:21   2746   915/F
  149. Marylou Albanese                London ON                2:54:37   0:09:22   2760   921/F
  150. Jennifer Bailey                 Toronto ON               2:54:42   0:09:22   2764   924/F
  151. Ann Jackson                     Beeton ON                2:54:55   0:09:23   2794   940/F
  152. Sandy Kelloway                  Mount Albert ON          2:54:59   0:09:23   2811   948/F
  153. Carolyn Taylor                  Oakville ON              2:55:01   0:09:23   2813   950/F
  154. Sue Tanel                       Woodbridge ON            2:55:18   0:09:24   2835   959/F
  155. Taj Khan                        Burlington ON            2:55:18   0:09:24   2836   960/F
  156. Katherine Ing                   Toronto ON               2:55:22   0:09:24   2841   963/F
  157. Barbara J Hutton                Burlington ON            2:55:28   0:09:25   2846   967/F
  158. Robin L Brunet                  Bradford ON              2:56:00   0:09:26   2884   989/F
  159. Liane Head                      St. Catharines ON        2:56:06   0:09:27   2893   996/F
  160. Terry Dinsmore                  Waterloo ON              2:56:06   0:09:27   2895   997/F
  161. Karen Holle                     Grimsby ON               2:56:24   0:09:28   2924  1009/F
  162. Jennifer Wills                  Nepean ON                2:56:25   0:09:28   2925  1010/F
  163. Wendy McClymont                 Mississauga ON           2:56:29   0:09:28   2930  1012/F
  164. Marcia Wright                   Ayr ON                   2:56:34   0:09:28   2938  1015/F
  165. Tigera Turner                   Barrie ON                2:56:42   0:09:29   2945  1020/F
  166. Bonnie Cook                     Toronto ON               2:56:51   0:09:29   2959  1029/F
  167. Carolyn Johnson                 St. Thomas ON            2:56:59   0:09:30   2966  1034/F
  168. Marie Wilson                    Pickering ON             2:57:01   0:09:30   2971  1038/F
  169. Rita Brown                      Toronto ON               2:57:05   0:09:30   2978  1042/F
  170. Mari Spano                      Burlington ON            2:57:06   0:09:30   2979  1043/F
  171. Gayle Stuebing                  London ON                2:57:06   0:09:30   2980  1044/F
  172. Corina Anghel Bachmann          Simcoe ON                2:57:20   0:09:31   2992  1053/F
  173. Debbie Watson                   Haliburton ON            2:57:26   0:09:31   3000  1057/F
  174. Susan Ellis                     Dundas ON                2:57:33   0:09:31   3017  1063/F
  175. Garcia Valerie                  Keswick ON               2:57:39   0:09:32   3024  1065/F
  176. Sheri McCready                  Ottawa ON                2:57:45   0:09:32   3033  1068/F
  177. Jennifer Wilde                  Oakville ON              2:57:45   0:09:32   3034  1069/F
  178. Nora Iancu                      Ancaster ON              2:57:49   0:09:32   3042  1071/F
  179. Grace Panoff                    Mount Hope ON            2:57:50   0:09:32   3043  1072/F
  180. Pam Mundell                     Kingston ON              2:57:53   0:09:33   3047  1075/F
  181. Cathy Brydie                    Georgetown ON            2:57:54   0:09:33   3050  1077/F
  182. Beth Holmes                     Oakville ON              2:58:03   0:09:33   3062  1082/F
  183. Anja Ruthmann                   Windsor ON               2:58:10   0:09:33   3072  1089/F
  184. Lorraine Hoefler                Toronto ON               2:58:13   0:09:34   3076  1091/F
  185. Joanne Kent                     Oakville ON              2:58:17   0:09:34   3083  1095/F
  186. Marie Bouvet                    Toronto ON               2:58:30   0:09:35   3098  1103/F
  187. Jane Brown                      Guelph ON                2:58:36   0:09:35   3102  1106/F
  188. Kim A Colle                     Etobicoke ON             2:58:44   0:09:35   3110  1112/F
  189. Helene Fortier                  Orleans ON               2:58:57   0:09:36   3134  1124/F
  190. Stephanie Freund                Carlisle ON              2:59:11   0:09:37   3158  1137/F
  191. Cheryl Miller                   Mount Hope ON            2:59:37   0:09:38   3183  1148/F
  192. Signe Hansen                    Niagara Falls ON         2:59:39   0:09:38   3184  1149/F
  193. Kathleen Fulop                  Ajax ON                  2:59:52   0:09:39   3206  1164/F
  194. Julia Lupinacci                 Pickering ON             2:59:52   0:09:39   3207  1165/F
  195. Liz Debackere                   Ingersoll ON             2:59:58   0:09:39   3217  1168/F
  196. B'Ann Finlay                    Oakville ON              3:00:06   0:09:40   3228  1172/F
  197. Janet Davidson                  North Bay ON             3:00:14   0:09:40   3239  1177/F
  198. Nancy Gangbar                   Toronto ON               3:00:14   0:09:40   3241  1179/F
  199. Adele L Tesolin                 Thorold ON               3:00:19   0:09:40   3248  1183/F
  200. Sharron Neault                  Boucherville QC          3:00:21   0:09:40   3250  1184/F
  201. Susan Roman                     Hamilton ON              3:00:24   0:09:41   3257  1187/F
  202. Shelley Malek                   Richmond Hill ON         3:00:25   0:09:41   3259  1188/F
  203. Lisa Boehmer                    Moffat ON                3:00:28   0:09:41   3264  1190/F
  204. Linda Netherton                 Brampton ON              3:00:47   0:09:42   3296  1209/F
  205. Trish Barnes                    London ON                3:00:57   0:09:42   3311  1218/F
  206. Madelena Araujo                 Toronto ON               3:00:59   0:09:43   3318  1223/F
  207. Carol De Sousa                  Oakville ON              3:01:02   0:09:43   3322  1225/F
  208. Michele Barbeau                 London ON                3:01:18   0:09:44   3339  1234/F
  209. Kathleen Crowe                  Dundas ON                3:01:22   0:09:44   3346  1237/F
  210. Penelope Van Dusen              Kanata ON                3:01:25   0:09:44   3350  1238/F
  211. Irene Nugteren                  Woodstock ON             3:01:27   0:09:44   3353  1239/F
  212. Renee A Obert                   Howell MI                3:01:30   0:09:44   3357  1241/F
  213. Jackie L Cardoso                Cambridge ON             3:01:39   0:09:45   3371  1246/F
  214. Antoniette Finelli              Hamilton ON              3:02:00   0:09:46   3401  1262/F
  215. Nancy G Watt                    Dundas ON                3:02:05   0:09:46   3407  1266/F
  216. Sheila M Tate                   Burlington ON            3:02:09   0:09:46   3411  1268/F
  217. Michelle Coleman                Georgetown ON            3:02:16   0:09:47   3421  1272/F
  218. Cindy Harrison                  Mount Albert ON          3:02:19   0:09:47   3429  1275/F
  219. Sue Ackerman                    Kanata ON                3:02:22   0:09:47   3434  1279/F
  220. Theresa Young                   Waterdown ON             3:02:37   0:09:48   3446  1285/F
  221. Debbie Y Shapansky              Cambridge ON             3:02:42   0:09:48   3451  1287/F
  222. Andree Outridge                 Mississauga ON           3:02:48   0:09:48   3462  1293/F
  223. Amanda Booth                    Kitchener ON             3:03:10   0:09:50   3494  1306/F
  224. Ita McCluskey                   Manotick ON              3:03:11   0:09:50   3496  1307/F
  225. Johanne Hunter                  Candiac QC               3:03:17   0:09:50   3504  1310/F
  226. Cheryl Hoare                    Mississauga ON           3:03:26   0:09:50   3514  1313/F
  227. Maria Fernandes                 Mississauga ON           3:03:31   0:09:51   3521  1319/F
  228. Lisa Hampson                    Ottawa ON                3:03:44   0:09:51   3540  1328/F
  229. Julia C Keffer                  Dunrobin ON              3:03:46   0:09:51   3541  1329/F
  230. Lauretta Campbell               Burlington ON            3:03:49   0:09:52   3546  1332/F
  231. Alison Cocking                  Toronto ON               3:04:00   0:09:52   3559  1339/F
  232. Kirsty Kohler                   Oakville ON              3:04:01   0:09:52   3560  1340/F
  233. Florence Sarono                 Toronto ON               3:04:21   0:09:53   3586  1351/F
  234. Kim Warwick                     Parry Sound ON           3:04:52   0:09:55   3619  1371/F
  235. Elizabeth Kan                   Toronto ON               3:05:12   0:09:56   3632  1378/F
  236. Valerie Sparrow                 Fonthill ON              3:05:37   0:09:57   3661  1395/F
  237. Caroline Richard                Toronto ON               3:05:43   0:09:58   3665  1397/F
  238. Tamara Camacho-Lopez            Brooklin ON              3:05:45   0:09:58   3670  1401/F
  239. Nancy Huynh                     Kanata ON                3:05:54   0:09:58   3682  1405/F
  240. Kathy Martorano                 Brantford ON             3:06:02   0:09:59   3692  1410/F
  241. Ruth Desforges                  Chatham ON               3:06:21   0:10:00   3714  1426/F
  242. Rita Vande Bovenkamp            London ON                3:06:22   0:10:00   3718  1428/F
  243. Kelly Manson                    Richmond Hill ON         3:07:07   0:10:02   3763  1455/F
  244. Tammy Kenney                    Welland ON               3:07:19   0:10:03   3778  1462/F
  245. Sue Mitchell                    Stoney Creek ON          3:07:30   0:10:04   3793  1471/F
  246. Lyanne Norcross                 Camlachie ON             3:07:30   0:10:04   3794  1472/F
  247. Heather Siegfried               Mildmay ON               3:07:49   0:10:05   3799  1474/F
  248. Mary E Miehm                    Burlington ON            3:07:51   0:10:05   3802  1476/F
  249. Mhairi Fountain                 Alliston ON              3:07:57   0:10:05   3816  1483/F
  250. Lesley Wilkins                  Uxbridge ON              3:08:06   0:10:05   3821  1485/F
  251. Christine Au                    Niagara Falls ON         3:08:09   0:10:06   3828  1488/F
  252. Laura Laframboise               Amherstview ON           3:08:11   0:10:06   3830  1489/F
  253. Ana White                       Cambridge ON             3:08:48   0:10:08   3870  1508/F
  254. Rita Della Mora                 Maple ON                 3:08:55   0:10:08   3876  1511/F
  255. Debbie Allison                  Port Carling ON          3:08:57   0:10:08   3878  1512/F
  256. Kathy Murphy                    Barrie ON                3:08:57   0:10:08   3879  1513/F
  257. Athena Quitevis                 Ottawa ON                3:09:04   0:10:09   3886  1518/F
  258. Janice Phillips                 Port Colborne ON         3:09:08   0:10:09   3894  1523/F
  259. Therese Vezina-Sousa            Hamilton ON              3:09:12   0:10:09   3895  1524/F
  260. Glenda Stoneman                 Stoney Creek ON          3:09:14   0:10:09   3896  1525/F
  261. Tracey A Lavigne                Hamilton ON              3:09:15   0:10:09   3898  1527/F
  262. Galina Zilberberg               Richmond Hill ON         3:09:19   0:10:09   3905  1533/F
  263. Vicki Rooke                     Oakville ON              3:09:33   0:10:10   3920  1542/F
  264. Jennifer De Jong                Durham ON                3:09:33   0:10:10   3921  1543/F
  265. Rose Cammareri                  Toronto ON               3:09:38   0:10:10   3926  1547/F
  266. Wendy Vandenburg                Hamilton ON              3:09:41   0:10:11   3928  1549/F
  267. Trinka Psellas                  Komoka ON                3:09:59   0:10:11   3950  1564/F
  268. Judy Payne                      Camlachie ON             3:10:11   0:10:12   3965  1573/F
  269. Judy Martin                     West Montrose ON         3:10:37   0:10:14   3989  1587/F
  270. Catherine Hewak                 Hamilton ON              3:10:46   0:10:14   3997  1592/F
  271. Karen Bailey                    Courtice ON              3:10:48   0:10:14   4001  1594/F
  272. Heather Down                    Barrie ON                3:10:50   0:10:14   4005  1596/F
  273. Reiko Tsunoda                   Toronto ON               3:11:05   0:10:15   4018  1603/F
  274. Sherry Vendramin                Lively ON                3:11:13   0:10:15   4024  1605/F
  275. Isabel Dasilva                  Etobicoke ON             3:11:16   0:10:16   4029  1608/F
  276. Anette Happel                   Kitchener ON             3:11:28   0:10:16   4044  1614/F
  277. Cindy Neville                   Waterdown ON             3:12:11   0:10:19   4094  1646/F
  278. Laura Brunne                    Uxbridge ON              3:12:16   0:10:19   4096  1648/F
  279. Karen Stewart                   Oakville ON              3:12:19   0:10:19   4101  1650/F
  280. Rita Donnelly                   Orangeville ON           3:12:24   0:10:19   4108  1656/F
  281. Sue Chambers                    Campbellville ON         3:12:29   0:10:20   4115  1660/F
  282. Janie Chu                       Unionville ON            3:12:40   0:10:20   4130  1665/F
  283. Sarah Billings                  Stoney Creek ON          3:12:41   0:10:20   4133  1666/F
  284. Elizabeth Keachie               Richmond Hill ON         3:12:41   0:10:20   4134  1667/F
  285. Kimberly Schulz                 Lake View NY             3:12:47   0:10:21   4143  1672/F
  286. Lysa A Olmsted                  Buffalo NY               3:12:47   0:10:21   4144  1673/F
  287. Susan Mackinnon                 Windsor ON               3:12:51   0:10:21   4151  1676/F
  288. Lynn Chadwick                   Oakville ON              3:13:20   0:10:22   4173  1687/F
  289. Maral Misserian                 Toronto ON               3:13:21   0:10:22   4174  1688/F
  290. Susan Mingie                    Kitchener ON             3:13:28   0:10:23   4183  1695/F
  291. Judy Hatt                       Nobleton ON              3:13:31   0:10:23   4186  1697/F
  292. Christine Quinn                 Peterborough ON          3:13:38   0:10:23   4194  1703/F
  293. Claire McKinney                 Napanee ON               3:13:40   0:10:23   4197  1705/F
  294. Amanda J Fyfe                   Brooklin ON              3:13:43   0:10:24   4203  1708/F
  295. Sylvia Jongsma                  Whitby ON                3:13:56   0:10:24   4219  1718/F
  296. Roxanne McNeil                  Grimsby ON               3:14:00   0:10:24   4225  1722/F
  297. Toni Pucci                      Woodbridge ON            3:14:20   0:10:25   4241  1730/F
  298. Sharon Lauzon                   Mississauga ON           3:14:39   0:10:27   4259  1741/F
  299. Johanne Seguin                  Aurora ON                3:14:40   0:10:27   4262  1743/F
  300. Darlene Welsh                   Southampton ON           3:14:46   0:10:27   4269  1747/F
  301. Carolyn Macfarlane              Toronto ON               3:14:47   0:10:27   4271  1748/F
  302. Vicky Hachey                    Hamilton ON              3:14:52   0:10:27   4277  1751/F
  303. Susan Beach                     Sarnia ON                3:14:57   0:10:27   4280  1753/F
  304. Michelle Braecker               London ON                3:15:35   0:10:30   4311  1767/F
  305. Susan Saunders                  Aurora ON                3:15:44   0:10:30   4315  1769/F
  306. Laurie Carpenter                Tonawanda NY             3:15:46   0:10:30   4316  1770/F
  307. Beth Agro                       Toronto ON               3:15:47   0:10:30   4320  1772/F
  308. Nancy Whitmore                  Stratford ON             3:15:52   0:10:30   4331  1777/F
  309. Perry Lupyrypa                  Toronto ON               3:15:57   0:10:31   4335  1780/F
  310. Lise Betteridge                 Guelph ON                3:16:33   0:10:33   4375  1800/F
  311. Sylvie S Guenettte              Sturgeon Falls ON        3:16:34   0:10:33   4376  1801/F
  312. Joan Lascelles                  Barrie ON                3:17:12   0:10:35   4416  1821/F
  313. Katalin Bednarowski             Dundas ON                3:17:13   0:10:35   4417  1822/F
  314. Gretchen Perry                  Guelph ON                3:17:20   0:10:35   4423  1827/F
  315. Lauren Scott                    Newmarket ON             3:17:34   0:10:36   4434  1835/F
  316. Jennifer Cameron                Stittsville ON           3:17:49   0:10:37   4447  1844/F
  317. Paula Bertrand                  Burlington ON            3:17:58   0:10:37   4454  1849/F
  318. Paula Quarrie                   Cambridge ON             3:18:01   0:10:37   4459  1852/F
  319. Marnie Linder                   Burlington ON            3:18:07   0:10:38   4462  1855/F
  320. Gina Lillico                    Markham ON               3:18:08   0:10:38   4463  1856/F
  321. Susan Lentini                   Ottawa ON                3:18:15   0:10:38   4467  1859/F
  322. Karen Wilson                    Ajax ON                  3:18:25   0:10:39   4479  1865/F
  323. Angela Kovacs                   St. Thomas ON            3:18:28   0:10:39   4484  1868/F
  324. Liz Martorano                   Brantford ON             3:18:34   0:10:39   4489  1872/F
  325. Laurie Macintosh                Guelph ON                3:18:36   0:10:39   4496  1877/F
  326. Cynthia Wilkinson               Borden ON                3:18:45   0:10:40   4506  1884/F
  327. J. Vanderklooster               Burgessville ON          3:18:59   0:10:40   4514  1889/F
  328. Jacquie McWatt                  London ON                3:19:07   0:10:41   4517  1891/F
  329. Amanda Topham                   London ON                3:19:24   0:10:42   4540  1906/F
  330. Elaine Roswell                  London ON                3:19:33   0:10:42   4548  1912/F
  331. Kathy Teed                      Oshawa ON                3:19:43   0:10:43   4556  1917/F
  332. Jo Ann L Shephard               Sombra ON                3:19:46   0:10:43   4561  1920/F
  333. Dina Brooks                     Toronto ON               3:19:48   0:10:43   4565  1924/F
  334. Irene Babirad                   Hamilton ON              3:19:50   0:10:43   4567  1925/F
  335. Mary Webster                    Parry Sound ON           3:19:52   0:10:43   4568  1926/F
  336. Sandy Musson                    Trenton ON               3:20:03   0:10:44   4579  1935/F
  337. Susan Typert                    Scarborough ON           3:20:17   0:10:45   4595  1945/F
  338. Valerie Longo-Wild              Dundas ON                3:20:20   0:10:45   4596  1946/F
  339. Gay D Stronks                   Chatham ON               3:20:31   0:10:45   4605  1952/F
  340. Anne McCrank                    Haileybury ON            3:20:36   0:10:46   4611  1957/F
  341. Jennifer Jenkins                Haileybury ON            3:20:36   0:10:46   4612  1958/F
  342. Susan Fox                       Toronto ON               3:20:48   0:10:46   4621  1964/F
  343. Janet Allemang                  Simcoe ON                3:20:59   0:10:47   4629  1970/F
  344. Sheila Haats                    Toronto ON               3:21:15   0:10:48   4639  1977/F
  345. Annette Y Pelley                Brampton ON              3:21:22   0:10:48   4646  1982/F
  346. Michelle Smith                  Toronto ON               3:21:34   0:10:49   4655  1986/F
  347. Donna Bramley                   Oakville ON              3:21:49   0:10:50   4663  1992/F
  348. Sharon Hauckwitz                Mooretown ON             3:21:51   0:10:50   4666  1995/F
  349. Karen Griese                    Newmarket ON             3:21:54   0:10:50   4667  1996/F
  350. Nancy Camacho                   Orleans ON               3:22:01   0:10:50   4673  2001/F
  351. Andrea Janovjak                 Oakville ON              3:22:02   0:10:50   4674  2002/F
  352. Kim McDonald                    Stratford ON             3:22:13   0:10:51   4682  2008/F
  353. Julie Laflamme                  Ottawa ON                3:22:38   0:10:52   4695  2012/F
  354. Connie Cordes                   London ON                3:22:51   0:10:53   4714  2028/F
  355. Peggy Drury                     Mississauga ON           3:22:52   0:10:53   4716  2030/F
  356. Kerry Halcovitch                Winona ON                3:22:53   0:10:53   4718  2031/F
  357. Stefanie Goyert                 Hamilton ON              3:22:58   0:10:53   4724  2035/F
  358. Brenda Richens                  South River ON           3:23:22   0:10:55   4744  2050/F
  359. Nancy Lawrence                  St. Thomas ON            3:23:43   0:10:56   4761  2059/F
  360. Giselle Carlson                 Fonthill ON              3:23:48   0:10:56   4766  2062/F
  361. Cheryl Kohut                    Thornhill ON             3:23:56   0:10:56   4776  2069/F
  362. Lynn Lawrence                   Clarence Center NY       3:24:05   0:10:57   4781  2072/F
  363. Donna Bowers                    Toronto ON               3:24:18   0:10:58   4792  2079/F
  364. Susan D Wiggins                 Beaconsfield QC          3:24:24   0:10:58   4793  2080/F
  365. Lilla Richardson                Waterdown ON             3:24:25   0:10:58   4795  2082/F
  366. Annette Brama                   Queensville ON           3:24:43   0:10:59   4811  2091/F
  367. Barb Bentley                    London ON                3:24:53   0:10:59   4818  2095/F
  368. Cathy Garvin                    London ON                3:24:53   0:10:59   4820  2097/F
  369. Maria Maciel                    Cambridge ON             3:24:58   0:11:00   4822  2099/F
  370. Sara Wilson                     Manotick ON              3:25:21   0:11:01   4833  2105/F
  371. Cecilia Leander                 Toronto ON               3:25:26   0:11:01   4841  2113/F
  372. Susan Vardon                    Toronto ON               3:26:02   0:11:03   4869  2132/F
  373. Kate Just                       Belleville ON            3:26:05   0:11:03   4871  2134/F
  374. Monica Mera                     Richmond Hill ON         3:26:15   0:11:04   4877  2139/F
  375. Debbie Jones                    Oakville ON              3:26:22   0:11:04   4882  2141/F
  376. Patty Debassige                 M'Chigeeng ON            3:26:33   0:11:05   4891  2145/F
  377. Ronda Macdonald                 Hamilton ON              3:26:34   0:11:05   4893  2147/F
  378. Debbie Allen                    Burlington ON            3:26:40   0:11:05   4896  2148/F
  379. Tracy Irwin                     Stoney Creek ON          3:26:53   0:11:06   4901  2152/F
  380. Deborah Ardron                  Hamilton ON              3:26:58   0:11:06   4906  2153/F
  381. Joanna Kervin                   Toronto ON               3:27:04   0:11:06   4914  2158/F
  382. Maryanne Turner                 Cambridge ON             3:27:14   0:11:07   4920  2162/F
  383. Lori A Smith                    Woodstock ON             3:27:21   0:11:07   4925  2167/F
  384. Genevieve Schweinbenz-Wallegham Hamiton ON               3:27:28   0:11:08   4930  2170/F
  385. Elizabeth Keighley              Nepean ON                3:27:37   0:11:08   4936  2176/F
  386. Wendy Ferguson                  Waterloo ON              3:27:59   0:11:09   4964  2188/F
  387. Sharon Gardiner                 Scarborough ON           3:28:04   0:11:10   4971  2195/F
  388. Shelley Maclean                 Whitby ON                3:28:09   0:11:10   4977  2199/F
  389. Gabrielle Nadeau                Ottawa ON                3:28:12   0:11:10   4979  2201/F
  390. Kim Matheson                    Mississauga ON           3:28:18   0:11:10   4982  2204/F
  391. Angela Risi                     Brantford ON             3:28:18   0:11:10   4983  2205/F
  392. Jerri Johns                     Mississauga ON           3:28:18   0:11:10   4984  2206/F
  393. Susanne Meijer                  Toronto ON               3:28:33   0:11:11   4998  2216/F
  394. Christine Macleod               Toronto ON               3:28:34   0:11:11   4999  2217/F
  395. Debbie Nutson                   Sarnia ON                3:28:47   0:11:12   5012  2224/F
  396. Nicole Kamphuis                 Scarborough ON           3:28:58   0:11:13   5024  2232/F
  397. Forsyth Shirley                 Hamilton ON              3:29:02   0:11:13   5030  2237/F
  398. Sylvie Guenette                 Sudbury ON               3:29:19   0:11:14   5040  2245/F
  399. Diane Trafford                  Bobcaygeon ON            3:29:24   0:11:14   5045  2249/F
  400. Mani Salkeld                    Barrie ON                3:29:36   0:11:15   5054  2254/F
  401. Joanne Halldorson               Toronto ON               3:29:49   0:11:15   5068  2263/F
  402. Lorri Taylor                    Plainfield ON            3:29:50   0:11:15   5070  2264/F
  403. Lisa May Huby                   Barrie ON                3:30:29   0:11:17   5093  2280/F
  404. Lisa Whiting Holdswort          Whitby ON                3:30:40   0:11:18   5099  2282/F
  405. Michelle Rumney                 Barrie ON                3:31:02   0:11:19   5116  2295/F
  406. Audrey Stephan                  Brantford ON             3:31:15   0:11:20   5127  2303/F
  407. Darlene Sabourin                Ottawa ON                3:31:18   0:11:20   5130  2306/F
  408. Janice Nicholls                 Chesley ON               3:31:19   0:11:20   5132  2307/F
  409. Debra A Collins                 Hamilton ON              3:31:36   0:11:21   5144  2316/F
  410. Sue Wheelband                   Ashburn ON               3:32:21   0:11:23   5171  2332/F
  411. Mia Cassidy                     Oshawa ON                3:32:21   0:11:23   5172  2333/F
  412. Teresa Spence                   Oshawa ON                3:32:21   0:11:23   5173  2334/F
  413. Barbara Mech                    Oakville ON              3:32:21   0:11:23   5174  2335/F
  414. Andrea Cartile                  Kingston ON              3:32:22   0:11:24   5175  2336/F
  415. Colleen A Marshall              Hamilton ON              3:33:01   0:11:26   5196  2348/F
  416. Tracey Pace                     London ON                3:33:04   0:11:26   5198  2350/F
  417. Miranda Wingate                 Lethbridge AB            3:33:06   0:11:26   5202  2354/F
  418. Louise Won                      Toronto ON               3:33:15   0:11:26   5210  2360/F
  419. Therese M McLoughlin            Petawawa ON              3:33:18   0:11:27   5214  2363/F
  420. Linda Di-Loreto-Smits           London ON                3:33:21   0:11:27   5217  2365/F
  421. Tina Melbourne                  Brockville ON            3:33:22   0:11:27   5218  2366/F
  422. Colleen Sweeney                 Tillsonburg ON           3:33:26   0:11:27   5223  2368/F
  423. Candace Ellsworth               Sudbury ON               3:33:31   0:11:27   5229  2373/F
  424. Adele F Read                    Scarborough ON           3:33:56   0:11:29   5256  2391/F
  425. Aileen M Briggs                 Kanata ON                3:34:04   0:11:29   5266  2399/F
  426. Sheila Cranmer-Byng             Toronto ON               3:34:22   0:11:30   5277  2404/F
  427. Tracey Whitman                  Petawawa ON              3:34:49   0:11:31   5296  2414/F
  428. Laurie Hickey                   Hamilton ON              3:35:45   0:11:34   5325  2431/F
  429. Samantha Fell                   Oakville ON              3:35:46   0:11:34   5328  2433/F
  430. Carol Stewart                   Waterloo ON              3:36:22   0:11:36   5336  2437/F
  431. Dawn Styan-Garneau              Ottawa ON                3:36:30   0:11:37   5344  2442/F
  432. Michelle M Simon                Toronto ON               3:36:48   0:11:38   5355  2449/F
  433. Sandra Prince                   Hamilton ON              3:36:52   0:11:38   5358  2450/F
  434. Yvonne Harris                   Toronto ON               3:37:05   0:11:39   5363  2452/F
  435. Joanne Greidanus                Ancaster ON              3:37:16   0:11:39   5369  2456/F
  436. Janice Shine                    Wallacetown ON           3:37:44   0:11:41   5381  2463/F
  437. Dana Barber                     London ON                3:37:47   0:11:41   5382  2464/F
  438. Shawnda Parsons                 Orleans ON               3:38:08   0:11:42   5398  2477/F
  439. Bev Macculloch                  Burlington ON            3:38:08   0:11:42   5399  2478/F
  440. Julia D'Asti                    Lasalle ON               3:38:47   0:11:44   5421  2489/F
  441. Cathy Hollington                Kingston ON              3:38:49   0:11:44   5422  2490/F
  442. Roxanne Warford                 Waterloo ON              3:39:16   0:11:46   5442  2503/F
  443. Jennifer Johnston               Grimsby ON               3:39:25   0:11:46   5448  2504/F
  444. Ute Repple                      Toronto ON               3:39:38   0:11:47   5461  2512/F
  445. Jackie Storer                   Burlington ON            3:39:40   0:11:47   5463  2514/F
  446. Jennifer McNenly                Toronto ON               3:39:56   0:11:48   5473  2520/F
  447. Anne Pitt                       Whitby ON                3:39:58   0:11:48   5475  2521/F
  448. Maria Testa                     Longueuil QC             3:40:03   0:11:48   5479  2523/F
  449. Diane Gordon                    Oakville ON              3:40:03   0:11:48   5480  2524/F
  450. Lisa McAvoy                     Kingston ON              3:40:09   0:11:49   5484  2526/F
  451. Anna Del Duca                   Windsor ON               3:40:09   0:11:49   5487  2528/F
  452. Susan Green                     Queensville ON           3:40:15   0:11:49   5493  2532/F
  453. Jennifer Ryell                  Burlington ON            3:40:20   0:11:49   5497  2534/F
  454. Natalie J Amos-Stok             Tottenham ON             3:40:21   0:11:49   5501  2537/F
  455. Laura Pratt                     Oakville ON              3:40:46   0:11:51   5512  2545/F
  456. Surbhi Sharma                   Courtice ON              3:41:01   0:11:51   5522  2553/F
  457. Heather L Creswicke             Tottenham ON             3:41:06   0:11:52   5529  2557/F
  458. Kim Best                        Cambrige Station NS      3:41:16   0:11:52   5534  2562/F
  459. Jackie Annett                   St. Thomas ON            3:41:33   0:11:53   5540  2567/F
  460. Silvana Kingsland               Mississauga ON           3:41:51   0:11:54   5544  2571/F
  461. Jo-Anne Lamb                    Sundridge ON             3:41:59   0:11:54   5545  2572/F
  462. Judy Gibson                     Burlington ON            3:42:01   0:11:55   5546  2573/F
  463. Maureen Stocker                 Markham ON               3:42:02   0:11:55   5547  2574/F
  464. Angela Tsang Munro              River Drive Park ON      3:42:06   0:11:55   5549  2575/F
  465. Sarah Dewar                     Toronto ON               3:43:16   0:11:59   5580  2595/F
  466. Cindy Bisson                    Stittsville ON           3:43:32   0:11:59   5590  2602/F
  467. Ada Naguit                      Hamilton ON              3:44:03   0:12:01   5608  2616/F
  468. Sandy Friesen                   Niagara Falls ON         3:44:08   0:12:01   5611  2619/F
  469. Marielle R Uliana               Georgetown ON            3:44:31   0:12:03   5625  2627/F
  470. Suzanne Dionne                  Burlington ON            3:44:35   0:12:03   5627  2628/F
  471. Trich R Quiaoit                 Mississauga ON           3:44:55   0:12:04   5635  2633/F
  472. Elizabeth Marchand              Richmond Hill ON         3:44:58   0:12:04   5640  2638/F
  473. Ingrid Wilson                   Mississauga ON           3:45:02   0:12:04   5642  2640/F
  474. Louise Bogart                   London ON                3:45:05   0:12:04   5644  2641/F
  475. Cheryl Weese                    Oakville ON              3:45:13   0:12:05   5645  2642/F
  476. Cindy Marcelli                  Barrie ON                3:45:40   0:12:06   5664  2654/F
  477. Wendy Morihovitis               Aurora ON                3:45:44   0:12:07   5666  2656/F
  478. Carol Anne Owen                 Ottawa ON                3:46:54   0:12:10   5696  2670/F
  479. Joeline Hilbert                 Hamilton ON              3:47:29   0:12:12   5708  2677/F
  480. Deanne Taylor                   Brooklin ON              3:47:53   0:12:13   5716  2682/F
  481. Gabriela Lopez                  Nepean ON                3:47:55   0:12:14   5718  2684/F
  482. Elaine F Spall                  Richmond Hill ON         3:48:33   0:12:16   5725  2688/F
  483. France Morais                   Tecumseh ON              3:48:35   0:12:16   5726  2689/F
  484. Cathy Jeske                     Mississauga ON           3:48:45   0:12:16   5728  2691/F
  485. Baljit Samrai                   Hamilton ON              3:48:48   0:12:16   5731  2692/F
  486. Dawn Turnbull                   Wakefield QC             3:48:52   0:12:17   5734  2694/F
  487. Hanneli Luceno                  Markham ON               3:49:38   0:12:19   5752  2709/F
  488. Cathy Kehoe                     Markham ON               3:49:40   0:12:19   5753  2710/F
  489. Veronica Y Pepper               Waterford ON             3:49:51   0:12:20   5756  2713/F
  490. Margaret Jamieson               Zephyr ON                3:49:52   0:12:20   5759  2714/F
  491. Wendy Piedimonte                Hamilton ON              3:50:30   0:12:22   5769  2717/F
  492. Pamela Vallis                   Mississauga ON           3:50:48   0:12:23   5773  2718/F
  493. Brigida Degeus                  Ajax ON                  3:50:49   0:12:23   5774  2719/F
  494. Jo-Anne Guimond                 Ottawa ON                3:50:57   0:12:23   5777  2721/F
  495. Cathy Clarke                    Toronto ON               3:50:59   0:12:23   5780  2724/F
  496. Karen M Radkowski               Buffalo NY               3:51:12   0:12:24   5787  2728/F
  497. Sybille Hamilton                Burlington ON            3:52:12   0:12:27   5804  2739/F
  498. Kathy Mudryk                    Midland ON               3:52:24   0:12:28   5807  2742/F
  499. Kim Hunter                      Peterborough ON          3:52:38   0:12:29   5811  2746/F
  500. Carolyn Boudreau                Bradford ON              3:52:57   0:12:30   5822  2755/F
  501. Angela Schoblocher              Newmarket ON             3:53:07   0:12:30   5826  2759/F
  502. Charlene Thomas                 Kanata ON                3:53:11   0:12:31   5827  2760/F
  503. Melody Taylor                   Burlington ON            3:53:25   0:12:31   5833  2765/F
  504. Wendy Posner                    Burlington ON            3:53:26   0:12:31   5834  2766/F
  505. Janet Stokes                    Kingston ON              3:54:01   0:12:33   5839  2769/F
  506. Katherine Venance               Ottawa ON                3:54:04   0:12:33   5841  2770/F
  507. Fiona Gentle                    Peterborough ON          3:54:49   0:12:36   5852  2778/F
  508. Anne Armstrong                  Barrie ON                3:54:57   0:12:36   5853  2779/F
  509. Marylou Jones                   Woodstock ON             3:55:26   0:12:38   5860  2783/F
  510. Saveria Farrugia                Toronto ON               3:55:28   0:12:38   5861  2784/F
  511. Suzanne Mauro                   Hamilton ON              3:55:47   0:12:39   5867  2789/F
  512. Kathleen Cira                   Toronto ON               3:55:57   0:12:39   5870  2792/F
  513. Cindy Vanryn                    Mississauga ON           3:56:02   0:12:40   5874  2795/F
  514. May Liao                        Markham ON               3:56:35   0:12:41   5885  2802/F
  515. Sandra Clumpus                  Whitby ON                3:56:46   0:12:42   5893  2808/F
  516. Milva Casaluce                  Waterdown ON             3:57:12   0:12:43   5903  2812/F
  517. Nancy Crabbe                    Rockland ON              3:58:05   0:12:46   5913  2820/F
  518. Sunny Tedja                     Milton ON                3:58:16   0:12:47   5915  2822/F
  519. Margo Smallwood                 Virginia Beach VA        3:58:25   0:12:47   5917  2824/F
  520. Samantha Williams               Hamilton ON              3:59:20   0:12:50   5929  2832/F
  521. Debbie Nettagog                 Dunnville ON             3:59:33   0:12:51   5934  2836/F
  522. Susan Dunham                    Stouffville ON           3:59:56   0:12:52   5939  2840/F
  523. Karen Maton                     Cambridge ON             4:00:24   0:12:54   5947  2843/F
  524. Mary Rogers                     Whitby ON                4:00:25   0:12:54   5949  2845/F
  525. Zoe Knight                      Toronto ON               4:01:00   0:12:56   5953  2847/F
  526. Nancy Morgan                    Niagara Falls ON         4:01:30   0:12:57   5963  2853/F
  527. Jewell Kennedy                  Oakville ON              4:01:39   0:12:58   5965  2854/F
  528. Sarah Lowe                      Ancaster ON              4:02:04   0:12:59   5967  2855/F
  529. Kathy Copland                   Brockville ON            4:02:05   0:12:59   5969  2857/F
  530. Susan Blazey                    Ennismore ON             4:03:45   0:13:05   5987  2868/F
  531. Susan Mosier                    Lakefield ON             4:03:46   0:13:05   5988  2869/F
  532. Shelley Arnold                  Hamilton ON              4:04:33   0:13:07   6002  2879/F
  533. Nadia Uliana                    Oakville ON              4:04:41   0:13:08   6005  2880/F
  534. Glynis Robinson                 Burlington ON            4:04:47   0:13:08   6006  2881/F
  535. Kelly Clark                     Peterborough ON          4:05:47   0:13:11   6014  2886/F
  536. Susie Bojko                     Bancroft ON              4:06:03   0:13:12   6021  2890/F
  537. Joy Parkes                      Toronto ON               4:07:11   0:13:16   6035  2902/F
  538. Ariella Tsafatinos              Toronto ON               4:07:11   0:13:16   6036  2903/F
  539. Kim Perosa                      Oakville ON              4:07:42   0:13:17   6042  2907/F
  540. Maria R Gushue                  Brampton ON              4:07:52   0:13:18   6045  2910/F
  541. Patricia Telesnicki             Oakville ON              4:09:52   0:13:24   6059  2918/F
  542. Kelly Kilyk                     Fonthill ON              4:09:53   0:13:24   6061  2919/F
  543. Barb Havens                     Hamilton ON              4:10:16   0:13:26   6065  2923/F
  544. Christine Denis                 Val Caron ON             4:10:40   0:13:27   6072  2928/F
  545. Sharon Munslow                  Mississauga ON           4:11:12   0:13:29   6076  2930/F
  546. Beth Rennison                   Hamilton ON              4:12:17   0:13:32   6087  2936/F
  547. Carolyn Hatfield                Toronto ON               4:13:43   0:13:37   6097  2944/F
  548. Susan Hammond                   Markham ON               4:15:32   0:13:42   6116  2954/F
  549. Elaine Darling                  Whitby ON                4:15:43   0:13:43   6117  2955/F
  550. Lisa Enns                       Hamilton ON              4:16:38   0:13:46   6124  2959/F
  551. Diane Martella                  Bradford ON              4:16:39   0:13:46   6126  2960/F
  552. Fran Matchett                   Scarborough ON           4:18:34   0:13:52   6136  2968/F
  553. Cecille Straughan               Oakville ON              4:20:05   0:13:57   6142  2971/F
  554. Terri McGillivray               Hamilton ON              4:20:57   0:14:00   6145  2973/F
  555. Nerina Black                    Innisfil ON              4:22:29   0:14:05   6151  2977/F
  556. Michelle Taylor                 London ON                4:24:32   0:14:11   6158  2982/F
  557. Carolyn Frank                   Nepean ON                4:25:53   0:14:16   6165  2988/F
  558. Sandra Chong                    Brampton ON              4:29:17   0:14:27   6173  2994/F
  559. Carol Hathaway                  Stoney Creek ON          4:31:13   0:14:33   6180  3001/F
  560. Colleen Fitzgerald              Bolton ON                4:32:07   0:14:36   6182  3003/F
  561. Lynn Simon                      Stoney Creek ON          4:39:28   0:15:00   6195  3012/F
  562. Bonnie Shaw                     Burlington ON            4:44:06   0:15:14   6207  3022/F
  563. Jane Gyles                      Blue Mountains ON        4:45:49   0:15:20   6210  3025/F
  564. Bonnie Fowler                   Markham ON               4:55:51   0:15:52   6225  3036/F
  565. Rina De Donato                  Kleinburg ON             5:05:53   0:16:25   6230  3041/F
Women 50-54
Place  Name                            Town                    Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Jane Macleod                    Windsor ON               2:21:32   0:07:36    582    89/F
    2. Louise De Pinto                 Toronto ON               2:21:42   0:07:36    588    91/F
    3. Jacqueline Chevalier            Toronto ON               2:21:55   0:07:37    598    94/F
    4. Patti Warr                      Baden ON                 2:22:18   0:07:38    617    96/F
    5. Laura Berry                     Etobicoke ON             2:23:28   0:07:42    658   104/F
    6. Karen Lemieux                   Kitchener ON             2:23:55   0:07:43    673   109/F
    7. Linda Haas                      Clarence NY              2:25:14   0:07:47    734   129/F
    8. Carolyn Corgel                  Springville NY           2:26:20   0:07:51    795   148/F
    9. Jo-Anne Lane                    Markham ON               2:28:40   0:07:59    959   191/F
   10. Debbie Saunders                 Burlington ON            2:28:54   0:07:59    980   198/F
   11. Debbie Macdonald                Mississauga ON           2:28:58   0:07:59    988   200/F
   12. Jan Veen                        Oil Springs ON           2:29:37   0:08:02   1029   212/F
   13. Sheila Jacobs                   Toronto ON               2:33:58   0:08:16   1273   286/F
   14. Sonya Slaven                    London ON                2:34:08   0:08:16   1283   289/F
   15. Linda Steiner                   Woodstock ON             2:35:36   0:08:21   1362   313/F
   16. Claudette Rooyakkers            St. Thomas ON            2:35:45   0:08:21   1370   316/F
   17. Belinda Stoll                   Lockport NY              2:37:49   0:08:28   1474   356/F
   18. Melanie Hooper                  Kanata ON                2:38:54   0:08:31   1548   387/F
   19. Lisa M Raftis                   Burlington ON            2:39:45   0:08:34   1614   407/F
   20. Lorrie Rochon                   Newcastle ON             2:40:04   0:08:35   1638   417/F
   21. Laura Dale                      Mississauga ON           2:41:28   0:08:40   1752   460/F
   22. Kim Kearney                     Mississauga ON           2:41:55   0:08:41   1774   466/F
   23. Catherine A Watson              Markham ON               2:42:59   0:08:45   1853   499/F
   24. Kim Agostino                    Stoney Creek ON          2:43:15   0:08:45   1874   508/F
   25. Nancy Fisher                    Toronto ON               2:43:30   0:08:46   1884   513/F
   26. Dally Isabel Velez              Ottawa ON                2:43:37   0:08:47   1902   522/F
   27. Carol Fraser                    Owen Sound ON            2:43:43   0:08:47   1910   526/F
   28. Barbara Falardeau               Chelsea QC               2:44:32   0:08:50   1967   551/F
   29. Janet Ramsay                    Toronto ON               2:44:38   0:08:50   1974   555/F
   30. Cheryl Martin                   Mississauga ON           2:44:45   0:08:50   1980   559/F
   31. Jennifer Wright                 London ON                2:44:50   0:08:51   1983   562/F
   32. Liza Stewart                    Timmins ON               2:44:51   0:08:51   1984   563/F
   33. Cynthia Valaitis                Mississauga ON           2:45:02   0:08:51   2001   570/F
   34. Gayle White                     Peterborough ON          2:45:06   0:08:51   2008   574/F
   35. Micki Rivers                    Richmond Hill ON         2:45:19   0:08:52   2022   579/F
   36. Mariellen Glover                Burlington ON            2:45:24   0:08:52   2033   583/F
   37. Evelyn Campbell                 Oakville ON              2:45:38   0:08:53   2055   591/F
   38. Mary Sergi                      Winona ON                2:46:50   0:08:57   2139   630/F
   39. Sally Kenny                     Dundas ON                2:47:11   0:08:58   2169   643/F
   40. Martha Bridges                  Toronto ON               2:47:28   0:08:59   2189   653/F
   41. Fran Blackler                   Stratford ON             2:47:43   0:09:00   2218   661/F
   42. Kim Keuremennen                 Waterdown ON             2:47:57   0:09:01   2245   677/F
   43. Jeni Powell                     Chatham ON               2:48:04   0:09:01   2258   683/F
   44. Barbara McEwan                  Toronto ON               2:48:14   0:09:01   2271   687/F
   45. Jan Donak                       Kanata ON                2:48:14   0:09:01   2273   688/F
   46. Murn Meyrick                    Oakville ON              2:48:23   0:09:02   2281   693/F
   47. Wanda Ferguson                  Mississauga ON           2:48:34   0:09:03   2290   698/F
   48. Marni R Hamilton                Toronto ON               2:49:30   0:09:06   2352   728/F
   49. Laurie Locke                    St. Thomas ON            2:50:09   0:09:08   2407   758/F
   50. Jill Roote                      Southampton ON           2:50:19   0:09:08   2419   763/F
   51. Lynda Chubak                    Toronto ON               2:50:25   0:09:09   2425   764/F
   52. Deb Broadbent                   St. Thomas ON            2:50:26   0:09:09   2428   765/F
   53. Laura Zacharin                  Toronto ON               2:50:27   0:09:09   2430   766/F
   54. Susan Kaczmarek                 Timmins ON               2:50:36   0:09:09   2443   773/F
   55. Laurel Brooks                   Toronto ON               2:51:18   0:09:11   2495   792/F
   56. Debbie J Wills                  Pefferlaw ON             2:51:39   0:09:12   2515   801/F
   57. Heather Goldring-Bechard        Pain Court ON            2:51:39   0:09:12   2516   802/F
   58. Kelli-An Lawrance               Burlington ON            2:51:42   0:09:13   2521   806/F
   59. Vera Crossley                   Hannon ON                2:51:49   0:09:13   2528   808/F
   60. Elizabeth Critchley             Calgary AB               2:51:49   0:09:13   2530   810/F
   61. Tracy L Lawrence-Black          Wilmette IL              2:51:50   0:09:13   2531   811/F
   62. Leeanne Walker                  Dobbinton Ont ON         2:52:15   0:09:14   2562   825/F
   63. Marilyn Kieffer                 Etobicoke ON             2:52:18   0:09:15   2565   827/F
   64. Donna Richardson                Kingston ON              2:52:21   0:09:15   2570   830/F
   65. Pat Ward                        Hamilton ON              2:52:21   0:09:15   2572   832/F
   66. Mia Laister Peck                Burlington ON            2:52:23   0:09:15   2574   833/F
   67. Brenda Smith                    Schumacher ON            2:52:42   0:09:16   2600   844/F
   68. Shirley Inglis                  Waterloo ON              2:53:18   0:09:18   2634   857/F
   69. Karen Berry-Spark               Waterloo ON              2:53:21   0:09:18   2639   859/F
   70. Paula Rochman                   Toronto ON               2:53:31   0:09:18   2656   870/F
   71. Wendy Curren                    London ON                2:54:32   0:09:22   2753   918/F
   72. Lise Gagne                      Angus ON                 2:54:38   0:09:22   2761   922/F
   73. Danielle Beausoleil             Toronto ON               2:54:49   0:09:23   2778   931/F
   74. Barb Davis                      St. Catharines ON        2:54:55   0:09:23   2792   938/F
   75. Cindy Evans                     St. Thomas ON            2:54:57   0:09:23   2800   944/F
   76. Claretia Spencer                Mississauga ON           2:55:02   0:09:23   2817   953/F
   77. Mary Schaerer                   Goderich ON              2:55:14   0:09:24   2830   958/F
   78. Eileen McMahon                  Oakville ON              2:55:34   0:09:25   2853   972/F
   79. Marie Malcolm                   Bracebridge ON           2:55:47   0:09:26   2871   981/F
   80. Denise O'Hanian                 Brantford ON             2:55:56   0:09:26   2881   987/F
   81. Cathy Belic                     St. Catharines ON        2:56:17   0:09:27   2916  1005/F
   82. Susi Brust                      Mississauga ON           2:56:29   0:09:28   2929  1011/F
   83. Lynn Keane                      Oakville ON              2:56:37   0:09:28   2939  1016/F
   84. Barbara Neray                   Toronto ON               2:56:57   0:09:30   2964  1033/F
   85. Zora Luckett                    Innisfil ON              2:57:04   0:09:30   2976  1040/F
   86. Irene Brown                     Whitby ON                2:57:12   0:09:30   2984  1047/F
   87. Maureen Brook                   Toronto ON               2:57:26   0:09:31   2999  1056/F
   88. Shirley Pierre                  Toronto ON               2:57:32   0:09:31   3014  1062/F
   89. Dianne Morley                   London ON                2:58:02   0:09:33   3061  1081/F
   90. Fran Hall Bullock               Ancaster ON              2:58:27   0:09:34   3091  1098/F
   91. Sandra Scott                    Paris ON                 2:58:28   0:09:34   3092  1099/F
   92. Chris Walsh                     Hamilton ON              2:58:48   0:09:36   3118  1113/F
   93. Julie Masotti                   Oshawa ON                2:59:01   0:09:36   3141  1128/F
   94. Shari Mann                      Burlington ON            2:59:04   0:09:36   3151  1132/F
   95. Ana Rendeiro                    Mississauga ON           2:59:05   0:09:36   3152  1133/F
   96. Rhonda Johnson                  Toronto ON               2:59:17   0:09:37   3165  1139/F
   97. Julie Schmuck                   London ON                2:59:24   0:09:37   3170  1140/F
   98. Eleni Kartalianakis             Hamilton ON              2:59:30   0:09:38   3175  1144/F
   99. Darlene Macnevin                Toronto ON               2:59:40   0:09:38   3185  1150/F
  100. Mary Hajpel                     London ON                2:59:46   0:09:39   3195  1156/F
  101. Alison M Dewar                  Ottawa ON                2:59:49   0:09:39   3199  1158/F
  102. Nancy Whynot                    London ON                2:59:54   0:09:39   3210  1166/F
  103. Lori L Bennett                  Oakville ON              3:00:02   0:09:39   3222  1169/F
  104. Janet Cowing                    Innerkip ON              3:00:15   0:09:40   3243  1180/F
  105. Valerie Allan                   Burlington ON            3:00:33   0:09:41   3274  1197/F
  106. Karen Baron                     Thornhill ON             3:00:38   0:09:41   3280  1199/F
  107. Karen O'Connor                  Toronto ON               3:00:42   0:09:42   3284  1202/F
  108. Katherine Wheatley              Guelph ON                3:00:48   0:09:42   3299  1211/F
  109. Anne Hinks                      Oshawa ON                3:00:49   0:09:42   3300  1212/F
  110. Jeri Brodie                     Toronto ON               3:00:52   0:09:42   3304  1214/F
  111. Pam Burke                       London ON                3:00:52   0:09:42   3305  1215/F
  112. Emily Cole                      Toronto ON               3:00:59   0:09:43   3316  1222/F
  113. Catherine Perrin                Sudbury ON               3:01:35   0:09:44   3363  1244/F
  114. Theresa Kavanagh                Ottawa ON                3:01:46   0:09:45   3380  1251/F
  115. Sherlita Di Bratto              Toronto ON               3:02:00   0:09:46   3402  1263/F
  116. Anne Ferreira-Hughes            Scarborough ON           3:02:05   0:09:46   3404  1264/F
  117. Penny Gitto                     Oakville ON              3:02:19   0:09:47   3430  1276/F
  118. Shelly L O'Brien                Stittsville ON           3:02:21   0:09:47   3433  1278/F
  119. Debbie Williamson               Grimsby ON               3:02:28   0:09:47   3440  1281/F
  120. Georgia Mete                    Caledonia ON             3:02:40   0:09:48   3449  1286/F
  121. Marion E York                   Toronto ON               3:03:08   0:09:49   3491  1304/F
  122. Karen Alexander                 Mississauga ON           3:03:13   0:09:50   3499  1308/F
  123. Cindy Wolfe                     Kitchener ON             3:03:27   0:09:50   3515  1314/F
  124. Iona Hillis                     Amherstburg ON           3:03:30   0:09:51   3520  1318/F
  125. Bev Messenger                   Etobicoke ON             3:03:52   0:09:52   3552  1335/F
  126. Cathy Lindsay                   Holland Landing ON       3:03:55   0:09:52   3556  1337/F
  127. Colleen Parent                  Lasalle ON               3:04:30   0:09:54   3594  1355/F
  128. Sharon McLeod                   Lakefield ON             3:04:31   0:09:54   3595  1356/F
  129. Susan Atkinson                  Oakville ON              3:04:37   0:09:54   3603  1362/F
  130. Mary-Jane Gibbons               Mississauga ON           3:04:41   0:09:54   3607  1365/F
  131. Beth Jodouin                    Stoney Creek ON          3:05:00   0:09:55   3623  1373/F
  132. Laurie Hunt                     Barrie ON                3:05:19   0:09:56   3636  1380/F
  133. Isabelle Bradbury               Gatineau QC              3:06:05   0:09:59   3694  1411/F
  134. Eunice Fowler                   Iona Station ON          3:06:14   0:09:59   3704  1418/F
  135. Charlene Pratt                  Strathroy ON             3:06:14   0:09:59   3706  1420/F
  136. Ianthe Clough                   Mississauga ON           3:06:38   0:10:01   3731  1436/F
  137. Josephine McMurray              Waterloo ON              3:06:39   0:10:01   3732  1437/F
  138. Zoe Frouin                      Ottawa ON                3:06:43   0:10:01   3734  1439/F
  139. April M Churchward              Paris ON                 3:06:44   0:10:01   3739  1441/F
  140. Yvonne Lippert                  Courtland ON             3:07:18   0:10:03   3777  1461/F
  141. Aurele Le Breton                Lefroy ON                3:07:28   0:10:03   3792  1470/F
  142. Laurel Yama                     Mississauga ON           3:07:59   0:10:05   3817  1484/F
  143. Laurie E Leonetti               Toronto ON               3:08:07   0:10:05   3823  1487/F
  144. Joanne Keenan                   Hamilton ON              3:08:17   0:10:06   3837  1492/F
  145. Lea Neglia                      Burlington ON            3:08:19   0:10:06   3840  1495/F
  146. Beth Gallas                     Brampton ON              3:08:25   0:10:06   3847  1498/F
  147. Susan Wilson                    Toronto ON               3:09:14   0:10:09   3897  1526/F
  148. Linda Fraser                    Lasalle ON               3:09:16   0:10:09   3903  1531/F
  149. Diana Ratcliffe                 Newmarket ON             3:09:53   0:10:11   3941  1557/F
  150. Cindy Demske                    Tonawanda NY             3:09:58   0:10:11   3945  1560/F
  151. Cecily Thompson                 Toronto ON               3:10:01   0:10:12   3954  1566/F
  152. Jill Fisher                     Rockwood ON              3:10:13   0:10:12   3966  1574/F
  153. Michele Glatt                   Oakville ON              3:10:30   0:10:13   3984  1582/F
  154. Sharon Klassen                  Kingston ON              3:10:40   0:10:14   3992  1589/F
  155. Melinda Hilton                  Lockport NY              3:10:41   0:10:14   3993  1590/F
  156. Sandy Bonia                     Newmarket ON             3:10:47   0:10:14   3998  1593/F
  157. Cory M Boyer                    South River ON           3:10:49   0:10:14   4004  1595/F
  158. Donna Kearney                   Naperville IL            3:10:58   0:10:15   4011  1601/F
  159. Wendy Greenfield                Guelph ON                3:11:02   0:10:15   4014  1602/F
  160. Heidi Vandeemter                Waterloo ON              3:11:11   0:10:15   4023  1604/F
  161. Donna R Newton                  Orillia ON               3:11:25   0:10:16   4039  1612/F
  162. Cindy L Baragar                 Hamilton ON              3:11:39   0:10:17   4059  1624/F
  163. Wendy Crevier                   Dundas ON                3:11:44   0:10:17   4063  1626/F
  164. Loretta A Green                 Mississauga ON           3:11:44   0:10:17   4064  1627/F
  165. Janice Williams                 Mississauga ON           3:11:53   0:10:18   4070  1629/F
  166. Colleen Zancola                 Binbrook ON              3:11:59   0:10:18   4075  1634/F
  167. Sally Carpenter                 Riverview NB             3:12:01   0:10:18   4078  1635/F
  168. Nell Van Walsum                 Gatineau QC              3:12:05   0:10:18   4085  1638/F
  169. Rebecca Volk                    Ottawa ON                3:12:05   0:10:18   4086  1639/F
  170. Petra Austin                    Trenton ON               3:12:10   0:10:19   4092  1644/F
  171. Theresa Wilson                  Guelph ON                3:12:29   0:10:20   4116  1661/F
  172. Cheryl Court                    Port Hawkesbury NS       3:13:36   0:10:23   4192  1701/F
  173. Barbara George                  Newmarket ON             3:13:40   0:10:23   4198  1706/F
  174. Colleen Nicholson               Oakville ON              3:13:47   0:10:24   4207  1709/F
  175. Joan Willms                     Queensville ON           3:13:57   0:10:24   4222  1720/F
  176. Irene Nizzero                   Sudbury ON               3:14:01   0:10:24   4227  1723/F
  177. Dawn Balmer                     Brampton ON              3:14:11   0:10:25   4233  1725/F
  178. Dorothy Aspinall                Milton ON                3:14:34   0:10:26   4254  1737/F
  179. Mira Crowe                      Peterborough ON          3:14:40   0:10:27   4260  1742/F
  180. Julie Gonser                    St. Marys ON             3:15:53   0:10:30   4332  1778/F
  181. Terry-Lynn Sigouin              Ottawa ON                3:16:24   0:10:32   4368  1796/F
  182. Patti-Jo Chambers               Beamsville ON            3:16:29   0:10:32   4371  1797/F
  183. Sandra Tanaka                   West Vancouver BC        3:16:39   0:10:33   4380  1803/F
  184. Lynne Jones                     Hamilton ON              3:17:03   0:10:34   4406  1816/F
  185. Debbie D Larcombe               Uxbridge ON              3:17:43   0:10:36   4441  1841/F
  186. Sharon L Cornwell               Brantford ON             3:17:45   0:10:36   4443  1842/F
  187. Karen L Visentin                Mississauga ON           3:18:05   0:10:38   4460  1853/F
  188. Sue McGlashan                   Oakville ON              3:18:08   0:10:38   4464  1857/F
  189. Edwina Keats                    Winnipeg MB              3:18:24   0:10:39   4478  1864/F
  190. Colleen G Bucholski             Uxbridge ON              3:18:32   0:10:39   4487  1871/F
  191. Mila Clark                      Mississauga ON           3:18:35   0:10:39   4491  1874/F
  192. Susan Pennington                Stoney Creek ON          3:18:39   0:10:39   4499  1879/F
  193. Janice Senger                   Newmarket ON             3:19:34   0:10:42   4549  1913/F
  194. Roberta Monte                   Hamilton ON              3:19:41   0:10:43   4554  1916/F
  195. May Seto                        Mississauga ON           3:19:58   0:10:44   4574  1931/F
  196. Mary Anne Covelli               Toronto ON               3:20:07   0:10:44   4583  1936/F
  197. Liz Vitek                       Toronto ON               3:20:15   0:10:45   4593  1943/F
  198. Heather Williams                Ottawa ON                3:21:21   0:10:48   4644  1981/F
  199. Tammy Brydon                    Lindsay ON               3:21:31   0:10:49   4652  1984/F
  200. Iona Laird                      Oakville ON              3:21:45   0:10:49   4660  1989/F
  201. Carol Willmott                  Dundas ON                3:21:54   0:10:50   4668  1997/F
  202. Sandra Plant                    London ON                3:22:11   0:10:51   4680  2006/F
  203. Judy Wilson                     London ON                3:22:56   0:10:53   4722  2033/F
  204. Kelly Chevrier                  Omemee ON                3:23:00   0:10:53   4725  2036/F
  205. Heather Durnin                  Auburn ON                3:23:02   0:10:54   4728  2038/F
  206. Laurie Seier                    Williamsville NY         3:23:03   0:10:54   4729  2039/F
  207. Nancy Rheaume                   Stratford ON             3:23:30   0:10:55   4752  2054/F
  208. Amber Soucy                     Cambrige ON              3:23:40   0:10:56   4759  2057/F
  209. Janet Filer                     Whitevale ON             3:23:52   0:10:56   4772  2065/F
  210. Barb Hill                       Caledonia ON             3:23:56   0:10:56   4775  2068/F
  211. Tanya Patterson                 Burlington ON            3:24:24   0:10:58   4794  2081/F
  212. Cathy Turylo                    Toronto ON               3:24:42   0:10:59   4810  2090/F
  213. Kathleen Ferguson               London ON                3:24:53   0:10:59   4819  2096/F
  214. Linda Horsky                    Hamilton ON              3:25:06   0:11:00   4828  2102/F
  215. Nicky Slovitt                   Toronto ON               3:25:50   0:11:03   4856  2124/F
  216. Jill Pettit                     Grimsby ON               3:25:53   0:11:03   4861  2128/F
  217. Daintry L Davis                 Oakville ON              3:26:22   0:11:04   4881  2140/F
  218. Deborah L Morrison              East Amherst NY          3:27:26   0:11:08   4929  2169/F
  219. Pat Surman                      Peterborough ON          3:27:37   0:11:08   4935  2175/F
  220. Kerstin Helen-Thompson          Barrie ON                3:27:53   0:11:09   4959  2186/F
  221. Janet McConkey                  Kingston ON              3:28:07   0:11:10   4972  2196/F
  222. Sara E Morrison                 London ON                3:28:26   0:11:11   4989  2209/F
  223. Donna Sardinha                  Brampton ON              3:28:42   0:11:12   5008  2221/F
  224. Betty Sellars                   Oakville ON              3:28:48   0:11:12   5014  2226/F
  225. Mary Sweetlove                  Casselman ON             3:29:06   0:11:13   5031  2238/F
  226. Lorelei Amlin                   Greenwood ON             3:30:10   0:11:16   5083  2273/F
  227. Lynn Knapman                    Oakville ON              3:30:33   0:11:18   5095  2281/F
  228. Dolores Wharton                 Oakville ON              3:30:48   0:11:18   5105  2287/F
  229. Diane Akerlery                  Grimsby ON               3:30:51   0:11:19   5107  2288/F
  230. Marianne Lee                    London ON                3:30:59   0:11:19   5113  2293/F
  231. Wendy Cormier                   Brantford ON             3:31:10   0:11:20   5122  2298/F
  232. Leslie Anne Patry               Cumberland ON            3:31:15   0:11:20   5128  2304/F
  233. Kerry Chancellor-Maddison       Hamilton ON              3:31:22   0:11:20   5135  2309/F
  234. Sheila A Yendt                  Kitchener ON             3:31:29   0:11:21   5140  2313/F
  235. Myrna Coleman                   Mississauga ON           3:32:02   0:11:22   5161  2326/F
  236. Sharon Maynard                  Burlington ON            3:32:53   0:11:25   5190  2344/F
  237. Yuklin Wilson                   Mississauga ON           3:33:14   0:11:26   5209  2359/F
  238. Kate Vander Zaag                Alliston ON              3:33:29   0:11:27   5227  2372/F
  239. Nancy E Green                   Ottawa ON                3:33:47   0:11:28   5243  2382/F
  240. Shelley J Thornton              Burlington ON            3:33:50   0:11:28   5247  2385/F
  241. Laura Burke                     Caledonia ON             3:33:54   0:11:28   5253  2390/F
  242. Adrienne Schulz                 Amherst NY               3:33:58   0:11:29   5260  2394/F
  243. Sharon R Dickenson              Brantford ON             3:34:13   0:11:29   5271  2403/F
  244. Vicki Plant                     Ottawa ON                3:34:42   0:11:31   5291  2411/F
  245. Dagni Ziedins                   North York ON            3:34:47   0:11:31   5294  2413/F
  246. Lori Evert                      Thornhill ON             3:36:06   0:11:36   5331  2435/F
  247. Monique D Garneau               Cumberland ON            3:36:31   0:11:37   5345  2443/F
  248. Laura Giles                     Milton ON                3:37:03   0:11:39   5362  2451/F
  249. Liz Bowden                      Guelph ON                3:38:00   0:11:42   5392  2472/F
  250. Mary L Payne                    Guelph ON                3:38:00   0:11:42   5393  2473/F
  251. Patte Beltrame                  Waterdown ON             3:38:04   0:11:42   5396  2476/F
  252. Helen E Ross                    Burlington ON            3:38:50   0:11:44   5424  2492/F
  253. Ingrid Smith                    Hagersville ON           3:38:50   0:11:44   5425  2493/F
  254. Linda D Doan                    St. Thomas ON            3:38:55   0:11:45   5429  2496/F
  255. Elena Huezo                     Hamilton ON              3:38:59   0:11:45   5431  2498/F
  256. Patricia Ann Adams              Toronto ON               3:39:03   0:11:45   5436  2500/F
  257. Lorri Cook                      Brampton ON              3:39:05   0:11:45   5438  2501/F
  258. Barb Guiden                     Inverary ON              3:40:09   0:11:49   5486  2527/F
  259. Heather Caron                   Waterloo ON              3:40:11   0:11:49   5490  2530/F
  260. Martha Morin                    North Bay ON             3:40:20   0:11:49   5499  2536/F
  261. Maggie Davies                   Mississauga ON           3:40:33   0:11:50   5504  2539/F
  262. Athalie Scott                   Courtice ON              3:40:46   0:11:51   5508  2543/F
  263. Clare Stedman                   North Vancouver BC       3:40:46   0:11:51   5509  2544/F
  264. Gwen McBride                    Guelph ON                3:41:05   0:11:52   5527  2555/F
  265. Susan Ifi                       Orleans ON               3:41:19   0:11:52   5535  2563/F
  266. Susan Wiebe                     Springfield ON           3:41:32   0:11:53   5539  2566/F
  267. Lia Avram                       Richmond Hill ON         3:41:48   0:11:54   5542  2569/F
  268. Mary Delaney                    Guelph ON                3:42:16   0:11:55   5555  2580/F
  269. Candi Fonseca                   Etobicoke ON             3:42:26   0:11:56   5556  2581/F
  270. Catherine Brown                 Newmarket ON             3:42:52   0:11:57   5570  2588/F
  271. Kathy Nicholaichuk              Toronto ON               3:43:23   0:11:59   5584  2596/F
  272. Longfield Alice                 Ingersoll ON             3:43:26   0:11:59   5585  2597/F
  273. Kathy Curley                    Ancaster ON              3:43:27   0:11:59   5587  2599/F
  274. Darlene Huff                    Oakville ON              3:43:30   0:11:59   5588  2600/F
  275. Kate B Woods                    Carlisle ON              3:43:45   0:12:00   5596  2607/F
  276. Kathy K Cumbo                   Hamilton ON              3:43:57   0:12:01   5602  2611/F
  277. Carmen Davidson                 Kanata ON                3:43:58   0:12:01   5603  2612/F
  278. Elaine Sicoli                   Stittsville ON           3:43:58   0:12:01   5604  2613/F
  279. Teresa Foley                    Peterborough ON          3:44:41   0:12:03   5628  2629/F
  280. Marguerite C Murrin-Cahill      Ancaster ON              3:45:23   0:12:05   5653  2647/F
  281. Rhonda Barr                     Dundas ON                3:45:53   0:12:07   5671  2660/F
  282. Heather Ferguson                Dollard Des Ormeaux QC   3:46:04   0:12:08   5679  2664/F
  283. Patti Richter                   Toronto ON               3:46:19   0:12:08   5682  2666/F
  284. Cheryl Cook                     Mississauga ON           3:46:26   0:12:09   5687  2668/F
  285. Barbara Tyldesley               Hamilton ON              3:46:36   0:12:09   5689  2669/F
  286. Sue Hillis                      London ON                3:47:07   0:12:11   5699  2672/F
  287. Ruth Glenwright                 Nepean ON                3:47:55   0:12:14   5719  2685/F
  288. Janice Harvey                   Dundas ON                3:48:53   0:12:17   5735  2695/F
  289. Joan Bardossi                   Rochester NY             3:48:57   0:12:17   5739  2699/F
  290. Janet McMullan                  Welsh ON                 3:49:10   0:12:18   5743  2702/F
  291. Kelly A O'Halloran              Hamilton ON              3:49:23   0:12:18   5750  2708/F
  292. Anthea Gardiner                 Toronto ON               3:50:59   0:12:23   5779  2723/F
  293. Rosemary Stearns                Hamilton ON              3:51:35   0:12:25   5794  2733/F
  294. Joanne F Brohman                Caledonia ON             3:52:23   0:12:28   5806  2741/F
  295. Patricia Ambrose                Kingston ON              3:52:30   0:12:28   5809  2744/F
  296. Leasa Adams                     Toronto ON               3:52:44   0:12:29   5817  2751/F
  297. Yvonne Relf                     Kanata ON                3:52:51   0:12:29   5820  2753/F
  298. Jacqueline Evans                Orleans ON               3:52:53   0:12:30   5821  2754/F
  299. Debra Meier                     Grand Island NY          3:53:58   0:12:33   5838  2768/F
  300. Marina Maitland                 Midhurst ON              3:54:58   0:12:36   5854  2780/F
  301. Susan Moran                     Getzville NY             3:55:55   0:12:39   5869  2791/F
  302. Heather Bouwhuis                Pickering ON             3:56:01   0:12:40   5872  2793/F
  303. Karen Adams                     Mississauga ON           3:56:02   0:12:40   5873  2794/F
  304. Sue Fredericks                  Simcoe ON                3:56:29   0:12:41   5884  2801/F
  305. Donna Fitzgerald                Kingston ON              3:56:42   0:12:42   5890  2806/F
  306. Brenda Walker                   White Rock BC            3:57:13   0:12:44   5904  2813/F
  307. Carol M Farrar                  Stevensville ON          3:58:10   0:12:47   5914  2821/F
  308. Kelley Goforth                  Stratford ON             3:58:19   0:12:47   5916  2823/F
  309. Lise Perdue                     Sudbury ON               3:59:34   0:12:51   5935  2837/F
  310. Velma Hansford                  Stratford ON             4:00:23   0:12:54   5945  2842/F
  311. Brenda Wylie                    Thornhill ON             4:01:11   0:12:56   5956  2849/F
  312. Carolyn C Poulsen               Brockville ON            4:02:04   0:12:59   5968  2856/F
  313. Liz Mitchell                    Whitby ON                4:02:19   0:13:00   5972  2859/F
  314. Laurie Swan                     Nestleton ON             4:02:19   0:13:00   5973  2860/F
  315. Christine Tomasi                Oshawa ON                4:02:19   0:13:00   5974  2861/F
  316. Wendy Waugh                     Woodstock ON             4:03:09   0:13:03   5981  2865/F
  317. Donna Parsons                   Colchester ON            4:03:51   0:13:05   5990  2870/F
  318. Carol O'Brien                   Cavan ON                 4:05:47   0:13:11   6015  2887/F
  319. Linda Le Breton                 Lefroy ON                4:06:08   0:13:12   6022  2891/F
  320. Jeannie Kennedy                 Hamilton ON              4:06:10   0:13:12   6023  2892/F
  321. Belinda Vallis                  Burlington ON            4:06:37   0:13:14   6029  2896/F
  322. Brenda Mattar                   Lockport NY              4:07:12   0:13:16   6038  2905/F
  323. Jacqueline Dodd                 St. Thomas ON            4:08:36   0:13:20   6052  2913/F
  324. Lee McDade                      Mississauga ON           4:08:40   0:13:20   6053  2914/F
  325. Beverly Gribbons                London ON                4:08:54   0:13:21   6054  2915/F
  326. Dianne Clark                    Hamilton ON              4:11:25   0:13:29   6081  2933/F
  327. Gretchen Carney                 Lockport NY              4:12:26   0:13:33   6090  2939/F
  328. Joann Walsh                     Peterborough ON          4:13:46   0:13:37   6098  2945/F
  329. Linda Corriveau                 Stittsville ON           4:19:46   0:13:56   6140  2969/F
  330. Carol Waffler                   Orangeville ON           4:25:28   0:14:14   6163  2986/F
  331. Cathy Veenstra                  London ON                4:27:04   0:14:20   6170  2993/F
  332. Sharon Hayward                  Georgetown ON            4:29:17   0:14:27   6174  2995/F
  333. Kim McDonald                    Sarnia ON                4:31:05   0:14:33   6179  3000/F
  334. Shayna Heinle                   Sarnia ON                4:42:19   0:15:09   6202  3019/F
  335. Bonnie J Billark                Thorold ON               4:54:52   0:15:49   6223  3034/F
  336. Paula Luce                      Meaford ON               5:05:03   0:16:22   6228  3039/F
  337. Norma Bishop                    Toronto ON               5:11:07   0:16:41   6231  3042/F
Women 55-59
Place  Name                            Town                    Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Dawn L Hamel                    Coldwater ON             2:16:24   0:07:19    420    51/F
    2. Barb Tracz                      Stoney Creek ON          2:27:25   0:07:54    865   170/F
    3. Margaret Menzel                 Toronto ON               2:29:56   0:08:03   1046   217/F
    4. Brenda Maher                    Vineland ON              2:32:41   0:08:11   1197   259/F
    5. Christine Lavallee              Peterborough ON          2:34:12   0:08:16   1290   291/F
    6. Judy Katsuno                    North Bay ON             2:42:01   0:08:41   1783   471/F
    7. Jane Sanders                    White Lake MI            2:43:31   0:08:46   1888   516/F
    8. Janine Wren                     Oakville ON              2:43:31   0:08:46   1890   517/F
    9. Linda Clayton                   Hamilton ON              2:43:41   0:08:47   1907   525/F
   10. Marilyn Jarka                   Beaconsfield QC          2:45:23   0:08:52   2032   582/F
   11. Donna L McBride                 Claremont ON             2:46:44   0:08:57   2130   628/F
   12. Teresa Kerr                     Toronto ON               2:47:19   0:08:59   2179   648/F
   13. Shelley Leverton                St. Thomas ON            2:47:58   0:09:01   2248   678/F
   14. Deb Jones                       Paris ON                 2:50:28   0:09:09   2432   767/F
   15. Mary G Booth                    Dundas ON                2:50:46   0:09:10   2454   776/F
   16. Vicki Brown                     Burlington ON            2:50:55   0:09:10   2463   782/F
   17. Gail M. Burgess                 Toronto ON               2:51:14   0:09:11   2493   791/F
   18. Elizabeth Johnston              London ON                2:51:49   0:09:13   2529   809/F
   19. Barb Kishimoto                  Mississauga ON           2:51:57   0:09:13   2538   815/F
   20. Janice Strickland               London ON                2:52:18   0:09:15   2564   826/F
   21. Isabelle Robidas                Toronto ON               2:52:35   0:09:15   2586   837/F
   22. Kate Peterson                   Mississauga ON           2:52:40   0:09:16   2595   840/F
   23. Susan Pearen                    Toronto ON               2:53:20   0:09:18   2636   858/F
   24. Anne Lytwynec                   Farmington NY            2:53:25   0:09:18   2649   865/F
   25. May Howie                       Whitby ON                2:53:29   0:09:18   2655   869/F
   26. Nancy McMahon                   Ottawa ON                2:53:38   0:09:19   2674   879/F
   27. Bernadette Thomas               Newmarket ON             2:53:50   0:09:20   2696   889/F
   28. Doris N Benson                  Delaware ON              2:54:18   0:09:21   2737   912/F
   29. Wendy Fraser                    Ilderton ON              2:54:20   0:09:21   2742   914/F
   30. Debbie Williams                 Kirkland QC              2:54:41   0:09:22   2763   923/F
   31. Judy Knott                      Toronto ON               2:54:42   0:09:22   2765   925/F
   32. Klari Kalkman                   St. Catharines ON        2:54:55   0:09:23   2793   939/F
   33. Katherine Eaton                 Burlington ON            2:55:23   0:09:25   2842   964/F
   34. Dianna Lynn Moulds-Gray         Kingston ON              2:55:35   0:09:25   2856   974/F
   35. Gail Walker                     Simcoe ON                2:57:17   0:09:31   2989  1051/F
   36. Nancy Morrison                  East Amherst NY          2:57:17   0:09:31   2990  1052/F
   37. Marlene Jones                   Mississauga ON           2:58:29   0:09:34   3096  1102/F
   38. Patty Sheahan                   Orleans ON               2:58:50   0:09:36   3123  1116/F
   39. Jetje Antonietti                Ottawa ON                2:59:02   0:09:36   3143  1130/F
   40. Monica C O'Hagan                Port Elgin ON            2:59:06   0:09:36   3153  1134/F
   41. Victoria Northcott              Barrie ON                2:59:42   0:09:38   3187  1152/F
   42. Penelope M Delaney              Windsor ON               3:00:39   0:09:41   3282  1200/F
   43. Mary Thuss                      Stratford ON             3:00:45   0:09:42   3292  1207/F
   44. June Jenkins                    Ancaster ON              3:03:06   0:09:49   3487  1303/F
   45. Helen Scissons                  Coboconk ON              3:03:15   0:09:50   3502  1309/F
   46. Liz Cramer                      Oakville ON              3:03:22   0:09:50   3510  1311/F
   47. Carolyn Walker                  Ingersoll ON             3:03:44   0:09:51   3539  1327/F
   48. Nancy Ryerson-Vieira            Toronto ON               3:04:27   0:09:54   3592  1354/F
   49. Roseanne C Nelson               Oakville ON              3:04:36   0:09:54   3600  1360/F
   50. Holle Watts                     Toronto ON               3:05:19   0:09:56   3637  1381/F
   51. Stacey Curry                    Derby NY                 3:05:23   0:09:57   3642  1385/F
   52. Haysook Choi                    Toronto ON               3:05:26   0:09:57   3650  1390/F
   53. Marguerite Walker               Glencoe ON               3:06:33   0:10:00   3725  1433/F
   54. Irene Parker                    Wyevale ON               3:06:43   0:10:01   3733  1438/F
   55. Roberta Reardon                 London ON                3:08:26   0:10:07   3850  1500/F
   56. Rebecca Sugarman                Toronto ON               3:09:19   0:10:09   3906  1534/F
   57. Kathleen Robb                   Hamilton ON              3:09:26   0:10:10   3913  1537/F
   58. Kristine Raymond                Orillia ON               3:09:27   0:10:10   3914  1538/F
   59. Sandra Cation                   Caledon ON               3:09:52   0:10:11   3940  1556/F
   60. Susan Messer                    St. Catharines ON        3:09:58   0:10:11   3949  1563/F
   61. Sheryl Manolakos                Bracebridge ON           3:10:19   0:10:13   3975  1578/F
   62. Patti Gamble                    Ottawa ON                3:11:16   0:10:16   4030  1609/F
   63. Brenda M Brown                  Toronto ON               3:11:55   0:10:18   4071  1630/F
   64. Donna Spaner                    Toronto ON               3:11:55   0:10:18   4072  1631/F
   65. Barbara Laurens                 St. Catharines ON        3:12:09   0:10:18   4089  1641/F
   66. Marilyn Preece                  Barrie ON                3:12:22   0:10:19   4107  1655/F
   67. Jane Matheson                   Mount Hope ON            3:12:39   0:10:20   4126  1664/F
   68. Anne L Winning                  Waterdown ON             3:12:43   0:10:20   4139  1670/F
   69. Frances Iduciano                Hamilton ON              3:13:30   0:10:23   4185  1696/F
   70. Judy Brechin                    Burlington ON            3:13:34   0:10:23   4187  1698/F
   71. Teri Monti                      Mississauga ON           3:13:41   0:10:23   4199  1707/F
   72. Martine Head                    Ancaster ON              3:15:27   0:10:29   4306  1765/F
   73. Christine Fortin                North Bay ON             3:16:03   0:10:31   4341  1784/F
   74. Shirley Gravel                  Thornloe ON              3:17:09   0:10:35   4414  1819/F
   75. Flo Atkins                      Sudbury ON               3:17:30   0:10:36   4430  1831/F
   76. Carol-Sue O'Hanley              Toronto ON               3:17:33   0:10:36   4432  1833/F
   77. Margaret Davey                  Oakville ON              3:17:41   0:10:36   4440  1840/F
   78. Gina Icaza                      Toronto ON               3:18:27   0:10:39   4483  1867/F
   79. Nancy Cole                      Milton ON                3:18:48   0:10:40   4508  1885/F
   80. Deidre Newman                   Whitby ON                3:19:19   0:10:42   4534  1900/F
   81. Dorothy R Payne                 Oakville ON              3:19:45   0:10:43   4559  1918/F
   82. Linda Yeremian                  Toronto ON               3:19:46   0:10:43   4562  1921/F
   83. Kate Sperry                     Bowmanville ON           3:20:03   0:10:44   4576  1932/F
   84. Brenda Heath-Clifton            Cambridge ON             3:20:13   0:10:44   4591  1942/F
   85. Saila Kolkka                    Parry Sound ON           3:20:29   0:10:45   4602  1949/F
   86. Diane McAuley                   London ON                3:20:38   0:10:46   4613  1959/F
   87. Barbara S Rowe                  Buffalo NY               3:20:43   0:10:46   4615  1960/F
   88. Jeri Brown                      Newmarket ON             3:20:51   0:10:46   4624  1967/F
   89. Patti Walsh                     Markham ON               3:20:59   0:10:47   4630  1971/F
   90. Rita Weerdenburg                Burlington ON            3:22:10   0:10:51   4678  2004/F
   91. Louise V Cadwalader             Lewiston NY              3:22:12   0:10:51   4681  2007/F
   92. Marie-Claire McMullin           Brampton ON              3:22:13   0:10:51   4683  2009/F
   93. Agnes Munshaw                   Newmarket ON             3:23:12   0:10:54   4735  2043/F
   94. Christine Terplak               Toronto ON               3:23:15   0:10:54   4738  2046/F
   95. Nanci Virginillo                Rockton ON               3:25:14   0:11:01   4831  2103/F
   96. Judy Martin                     Hamilton ON              3:25:26   0:11:01   4840  2112/F
   97. Esther Pauls                    Hamilton ON              3:25:32   0:11:02   4845  2116/F
   98. Emily Logan                     London ON                3:25:40   0:11:02   4850  2120/F
   99. Deborah Newhook                 Ottawa ON                3:25:41   0:11:02   4851  2121/F
  100. Judy Yamamoto                   Mississauga ON           3:27:10   0:11:07   4918  2161/F
  101. Rajni Sachdeva                  Grimsby ON               3:27:20   0:11:07   4924  2166/F
  102. Cathy O'Neil                    Stittsville ON           3:27:38   0:11:08   4938  2178/F
  103. Colleen Eckert-Denver           London ON                3:27:44   0:11:09   4948  2181/F
  104. Lois Corey                      Dundas ON                3:28:22   0:11:11   4985  2207/F
  105. Jane Fetter                     Barrie ON                3:28:27   0:11:11   4991  2210/F
  106. Nancy Houston                   Burlington ON            3:28:27   0:11:11   4992  2211/F
  107. Edna M Pybus                    Welland ON               3:29:11   0:11:13   5034  2241/F
  108. Diane T Parent                  Sudbury ON               3:29:19   0:11:14   5041  2246/F
  109. Patti McCahill                  Sarnia ON                3:30:10   0:11:16   5082  2272/F
  110. Stephanie Dunne                 Nepean ON                3:30:28   0:11:17   5092  2279/F
  111. Susan Clark                     Oakville ON              3:30:48   0:11:18   5103  2285/F
  112. Helene Tremblay-Allen           Gatineau QC              3:31:17   0:11:20   5129  2305/F
  113. Sandra Warren                   Burlington ON            3:31:46   0:11:22   5151  2322/F
  114. Veronica Faubert                Lasalle ON               3:32:32   0:11:24   5178  2338/F
  115. Mary Loeser                     Burlington ON            3:32:39   0:11:24   5185  2341/F
  116. Gail Collins                    Toronto ON               3:33:44   0:11:28   5239  2379/F
  117. Joanne Black                    Stoney Creek ON          3:33:50   0:11:28   5248  2386/F
  118. Susan J Beck                    Burlington ON            3:33:50   0:11:28   5249  2387/F
  119. Anne Schmidt                    Kitchener ON             3:34:05   0:11:29   5267  2400/F
  120. Susan E Meyers                  Inverary ON              3:35:56   0:11:35   5330  2434/F
  121. Deborah Patterson               Stoney Creek ON          3:36:29   0:11:37   5342  2441/F
  122. Jo-Ann Miklautz                 Ailsa Craig ON           3:37:24   0:11:40   5371  2458/F
  123. Anita Day                       Fryeburg ME              3:37:44   0:11:41   5380  2462/F
  124. Mary Anne Slemon                Orono ON                 3:37:54   0:11:41   5387  2468/F
  125. Patricia Allain                 Toronto ON               3:38:01   0:11:42   5395  2475/F
  126. Sandy Stewart                   Hamilton ON              3:38:44   0:11:44   5420  2488/F
  127. Laurene Farrell                 Sudbury ON               3:38:52   0:11:44   5427  2495/F
  128. Annette Hornby                  Ancaster ON              3:39:27   0:11:46   5449  2505/F
  129. Bridget Gilkinson               Bright ON                3:39:31   0:11:47   5452  2506/F
  130. Jeannette Anderson              Pickering ON             3:39:47   0:11:47   5468  2517/F
  131. Anne Luxon                      Burlington ON            3:41:00   0:11:51   5518  2550/F
  132. Brenda Walsh                    Corbeil ON               3:41:13   0:11:52   5531  2559/F
  133. Linda McCosham                  Sudbury ON               3:41:15   0:11:52   5533  2561/F
  134. Linda Miller                    Toronto ON               3:41:45   0:11:54   5541  2568/F
  135. Judy Sheluk                     Holland Landing ON       3:42:56   0:11:58   5571  2589/F
  136. Norma Gelinas                   London ON                3:43:46   0:12:00   5598  2608/F
  137. Cathleen Harrison               Newmarket ON             3:44:59   0:12:04   5641  2639/F
  138. Norine Schreiber                Thornhill ON             3:45:55   0:12:07   5675  2662/F
  139. Joan E Tranmer                  Kingston ON              3:47:09   0:12:11   5701  2673/F
  140. Mona Martin                     Nepean ON                3:48:36   0:12:16   5727  2690/F
  141. Colleen Bigelow                 Ottawa ON                3:51:02   0:12:24   5783  2726/F
  142. Karen Macdonald-Carey           Hamilton ON              3:51:22   0:12:25   5788  2729/F
  143. Marian Ollila                   Toronto ON               3:52:27   0:12:28   5808  2743/F
  144. Virginia A Wilkins              Toronto ON               3:52:44   0:12:29   5816  2750/F
  145. Patricia Madden                 Brantford ON             3:52:46   0:12:29   5818  2752/F
  146. Linda M Turnbull                Kanata ON                3:53:48   0:12:33   5837  2767/F
  147. Helen Silverstein               Thornhill ON             3:54:32   0:12:35   5847  2774/F
  148. Catherine Gissing               Aurora ON                3:56:48   0:12:42   5894  2809/F
  149. Sue Wood                        Brantford ON             3:59:03   0:12:49   5924  2828/F
  150. Siggy M Janes                   Barrie ON                3:59:04   0:12:49   5925  2829/F
  151. Cathy Tong                      Markham ON               3:59:46   0:12:52   5936  2838/F
  152. Nancy Gregory                   Kingston ON              4:03:32   0:13:04   5985  2866/F
  153. Irene M Birrell                 Ancaster ON              4:05:35   0:13:10   6010  2883/F
  154. Janice Windrem                  Bridgenorth ON           4:05:47   0:13:11   6016  2888/F
  155. Renate Fischer                  Kitchener ON             4:07:10   0:13:16   6034  2901/F
  156. Jennifer Tan                    Hamilton ON              4:10:01   0:13:25   6062  2920/F
  157. Barbara Penner                  Hamilton ON              4:12:18   0:13:32   6088  2937/F
  158. Lynda McNulty                   Hamilton ON              4:15:04   0:13:41   6107  2950/F
  159. Kathleen Malone                 Toronto ON               4:17:25   0:13:49   6131  2964/F
  160. Linda Johnson                   Sarnia ON                4:33:35   0:14:41   6184  3004/F
  161. Robin G Young                   Burlington ON            4:38:48   0:14:57   6191  3009/F
  162. Pat Farquhar                    Hamilton ON              4:38:55   0:14:58   6193  3011/F
  163. Brenda Mitten                   Ohsweken ON              4:41:25   0:15:06   6197  3014/F
  164. Judy Chong                      Mississauga ON           4:42:04   0:15:08   6200  3017/F
  165. Pamela Z Pearson                Elizabeth City NC        4:49:54   0:15:33   6217  3029/F
  166. Barbara A Forder                Welland ON               5:04:17   0:16:19   6227  3038/F
Women 60-64
Place  Name                            Town                    Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Barbara Freedman                Montreal QC              2:30:26   0:08:04   1076   227/F
    2. Christine Dirks                 London ON                2:30:59   0:08:06   1105   235/F
    3. Colleen Clairmont               Burlington ON            2:45:21   0:08:52   2026   580/F
    4. Carole Tracey                   Toronto ON               2:48:16   0:09:02   2275   690/F
    5. Maria Batty                     Guelph ON                2:48:59   0:09:04   2315   710/F
    6. Verylene Graham                 Bright's Grove ON        2:52:27   0:09:15   2577   834/F
    7. Phyllis Berck                   Toronto ON               2:55:21   0:09:24   2840   962/F
    8. Barb Brown                      Oshawa ON                2:55:34   0:09:25   2855   973/F
    9. Sandra D Farquhar               North Bay ON             2:57:01   0:09:30   2970  1037/F
   10. Viola A. Burke                  North Bay ON             2:59:33   0:09:38   3178  1146/F
   11. Terri Bolster                   Ottawa ON                3:05:00   0:09:55   3624  1374/F
   12. Gloria Hewitt                   Campbellville ON         3:05:48   0:09:58   3676  1403/F
   13. Audrey Brown                    Oakville ON              3:06:07   0:09:59   3695  1412/F
   14. Deb Kehoe                       St. Catharines ON        3:09:37   0:10:10   3925  1546/F
   15. Mary Hailer                     Stow OH                  3:10:43   0:10:14   3994  1591/F
   16. Juanita Lew                     Sarnia ON                3:12:24   0:10:19   4109  1657/F
   17. Linda Jones                     London ON                3:13:15   0:10:22   4171  1686/F
   18. Julie Rice                      Owen Sound ON            3:13:26   0:10:23   4182  1694/F
   19. Rose Fischer                    Hamilton ON              3:15:09   0:10:28   4294  1759/F
   20. Hodgson Jane                    Toronto ON               3:15:49   0:10:30   4327  1776/F
   21. Gossette Radlein                London ON                3:16:00   0:10:31   4338  1782/F
   22. Jane Macesic                    Binbrook ON              3:17:48   0:10:37   4446  1843/F
   23. Lorraine Walton                 Winnipeg MB              3:18:23   0:10:39   4477  1863/F
   24. Irene Visser                    Burlington ON            3:18:25   0:10:39   4481  1866/F
   25. Julie Dawson                    Oakville ON              3:19:45   0:10:43   4560  1919/F
   26. Leslie Morgan                   Toronto ON               3:20:12   0:10:44   4590  1941/F
   27. Sharon McClemont                Toronto ON               3:20:32   0:10:45   4607  1954/F
   28. Jennifer Fralick                Toronto ON               3:20:43   0:10:46   4616  1961/F
   29. Donna Dixon                     Newmarket ON             3:23:47   0:10:56   4765  2061/F
   30. Greta Chase                     Ottawa ON                3:24:29   0:10:58   4800  2084/F
   31. Chris Bonk                      Stoney Creek ON          3:24:35   0:10:58   4803  2087/F
   32. Patricia Boost                  London ON                3:25:40   0:11:02   4849  2119/F
   33. Christy Leroij                  Aurora ON                3:26:29   0:11:05   4887  2142/F
   34. Pat Cranston                    Lambton Shores ON        3:28:01   0:11:10   4968  2192/F
   35. Margaret Wells                  Toronto ON               3:28:31   0:11:11   4996  2214/F
   36. Lori Brooks                     Corbeil ON               3:29:18   0:11:14   5039  2244/F
   37. Anne Cairns                     Scarborough ON           3:31:36   0:11:21   5143  2315/F
   38. Eva Lau                         Toronto ON               3:32:22   0:11:24   5176  2337/F
   39. Nancy Brown                     Burlington ON            3:33:53   0:11:28   5251  2388/F
   40. Linette J Kennedy               Beamsville ON            3:35:06   0:11:32   5306  2420/F
   41. Baiba St. John                  Toronto ON               3:35:07   0:11:32   5307  2421/F
   42. Suzanne Lawson                  Hamilton ON              3:35:12   0:11:33   5311  2423/F
   43. Elaine Westerveld-Zwep          Hamilton ON              3:36:39   0:11:37   5351  2446/F
   44. Linda Crawley                   Toronto ON               3:39:34   0:11:47   5458  2509/F
   45. Wendy Pelich                    Cambridge ON             3:39:48   0:11:47   5469  2518/F
   46. Elaine Everett                  Waterdown ON             3:40:52   0:11:51   5515  2548/F
   47. Louise L Urek                   Burlington ON            3:41:00   0:11:51   5519  2551/F
   48. Elizabeth Laaniste              Pickering ON             3:49:41   0:12:19   5754  2711/F
   49. Denise Sivyer                   Mississauga ON           3:50:30   0:12:22   5768  2716/F
   50. May Stemshorn                   Mississauga ON           3:51:38   0:12:26   5795  2734/F
   51. Gisele Collard                  Ottawa ON                3:51:47   0:12:26   5797  2735/F
   52. Joan G. Nuxoll                  Hamilton ON              3:51:47   0:12:26   5798  2736/F
   53. Carol Shorrock                  Mississauga ON           3:52:42   0:12:29   5815  2749/F
   54. Barbara J Yeo                   Temagami ON              3:55:53   0:12:39   5868  2790/F
   55. Carol Ross                      Oakville ON              3:56:45   0:12:42   5892  2807/F
   56. Corie Bonnaffon                 Thornhill ON             4:00:50   0:12:55   5952  2846/F
   57. Wendy McNaughton                Stratford ON             4:03:34   0:13:04   5986  2867/F
   58. Adriana Olguin                  Thornhill ON             4:05:34   0:13:10   6009  2882/F
   59. Margaret J Wojtowicz            Belle River ON           4:07:36   0:13:17   6041  2906/F
   60. Sharon L Korstanje              Hamilton ON              4:14:49   0:13:40   6105  2948/F
   61. Helen Riordon                   London ON                4:15:07   0:13:41   6108  2951/F
   62. Mary Louise Kozak               Oakville ON              4:15:52   0:13:44   6119  2956/F
   63. Sandra Holder                   Toronto ON               4:31:02   0:14:32   6178  2999/F
   64. Barbara Herring                 Peterborough ON          4:49:29   0:15:32   6215  3028/F
Women 65-69
Place  Name                            Town                    Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Lynne Faught                    Peterborough ON          3:02:52   0:09:49   3467  1294/F
    2. Nina Bovio                      Ann Arbor MI             3:05:23   0:09:57   3640  1384/F
    3. Rona Ashton                     Ridgeway ON              3:15:54   0:10:31   4334  1779/F
    4. Yvonne Bedford                  Mississauga ON           3:16:32   0:10:33   4373  1799/F
    5. Mary - Anne Baraniuk            Toronto ON               3:19:40   0:10:43   4553  1915/F
    6. Janet Henderson                 Brantford ON             3:37:51   0:11:41   5384  2466/F
    7. Cheri Plaskon                   Burlington ON            3:41:00   0:11:51   5517  2549/F
Women 70-74
Place  Name                            Town                    Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Joan Bojars                     London ON                3:20:32   0:10:45   4608  1955/F
    2. Luanne Branch                   Burlington ON            3:21:55   0:10:50   4669  1998/F
    3. Juliette Anderton               Hamilton ON              4:37:49   0:14:54   6189  3007/F
Women NoAge
Place  Name                            Town                    Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Karen Calwell                   Barrie ON                3:44:03   0:12:01   5609  2617/F

Top of Page

Men - Age Group Results       Women - Age Groups       Overall Finish Order
Men 15-19
Place  Name                            Town                    Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Tyler Natywary                  Mitchell ON             2:00:17  0:06:27     97    92/M
    2. Ryan Macinroy                   Aurora ON               2:10:13  0:06:59    228   207/M
    3. Thomas Daly                     Mississauga ON          2:17:35  0:07:23    454   395/M
    4. Kane Bannon                     Toronto ON              2:17:50  0:07:24    460   400/M
    5. Jason J Choi                    Hamilton ON             2:18:31  0:07:26    476   411/M
    6. Shimshon E Dukesz               Thornhill ON            2:21:46  0:07:36    591   498/M
    7. Mitchell Garlick                London ON               2:26:26  0:07:51    802   653/M
    8. Calvin W Russell                Newmarket ON            2:26:41  0:07:52    819   664/M
    9. Tyler Chuang                    Mississauga ON          2:32:07  0:08:10   1165   917/M
   10. Joel Hodgson                    Hamilton ON             2:40:59  0:08:38   1717  1270/M
   11. Pawel Jaworski                  Hamilton ON             2:51:36  0:09:12   2510  1711/M
   12. Roy Gowers                      Hamilton ON             2:54:36  0:09:22   2759  1838/M
   13. Daniel A Dickinson              Thorold ON              2:58:21  0:09:34   3087  1990/M
   14. Kody Freeborn                   Hamilton ON             3:06:59  0:10:02   3750  2303/M
   15. Kristofer Mitchener             London ON               3:10:28  0:10:13   3982  2399/M
   16. Conrad Schoenfeld               Brantford ON            3:23:19  0:10:54   4742  2692/M
   17. Scott Moore                     Hamilton ON             3:31:03  0:11:19   5117  2820/M
   18. Adam Kostandoff                 Stouffville ON          3:32:48  0:11:25   5189  2844/M
   19. Aaron McKay                     Dunnville ON            4:01:26  0:12:57   5960  3108/M
Men 20-24
Place  Name                            Town                    Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Terence Attema                  Smithville ON           1:35:05  0:05:06      2     2/M
    2. Laurence Abbott                 Ottawa ON               1:43:37  0:05:34      7     7/M
    3. Jesse Gibbs                     Timaru ON               1:44:24  0:05:36      9     9/M
    4. Robert Winslow                  North York ON           1:44:27  0:05:36     10    10/M
    5. Jeff Dill                       St. Davids ON           1:45:02  0:05:38     11    11/M
    6. Keith Marchant                  Burlington ON           1:50:31  0:05:56     22    20/M
    7. Gerry Angelatos                 Burlington ON           1:55:49  0:06:13     48    44/M
    8. Nathan B Mahan                  Whitby ON               1:57:47  0:06:19     62    58/M
    9. Stuart Young                    Kingston ON             1:58:35  0:06:22     68    64/M
   10. Michiel Van Hooreweder          Toronto ON              1:59:05  0:06:23     74    70/M
   11. Adrian C Tsang                  Richmond Hill ON        2:01:05  0:06:30    103    98/M
   12. Michael Marshall                Hamilton ON             2:02:42  0:06:35    111   105/M
   13. Ryan Van Dyl                    Kingston ON             2:02:48  0:06:35    112   106/M
   14. Bradley Momberg                 Barrie ON               2:04:50  0:06:42    134   124/M
   15. Jeff Moyle                      Barrie ON               2:07:26  0:06:50    173   157/M
   16. Ryan G Gagnon                   Milton ON               2:10:03  0:06:59    223   202/M
   17. Jeremy Parsons                  Hamilton ON             2:10:48  0:07:01    239   218/M
   18. Adam Palmer                     Dundas ON               2:12:16  0:07:06    288   261/M
   19. Nathan Verbaan                  Bowmanville ON          2:12:23  0:07:06    291   264/M
   20. Lucas Nutbrown                  Harley ON               2:12:24  0:07:06    294   266/M
   21. James Malone                    Oakville ON             2:14:31  0:07:13    364   321/M
   22. Luc Sagar                       Newmarket ON            2:14:57  0:07:14    382   338/M
   23. Thomas Tielen                   Mississauga ON          2:16:30  0:07:19    423   371/M
   24. Matthew Penman                  Hamilton ON             2:20:51  0:07:33    555   476/M
   25. Jan Korevaar                    Springfield ON          2:22:38  0:07:39    632   532/M
   26. Carlo Demilio                   Woodstock ON            2:23:16  0:07:41    652   549/M
   27. David Cimon                     Toronto ON              2:24:39  0:07:46    707   588/M
   28. David Albert-Lebrun             Cambridge ON            2:24:44  0:07:46    712   590/M
   29. Devin Sheahan                   Ottawa ON               2:25:05  0:07:47    726   599/M
   30. Jeff L Vanderharst              Cambridge ON            2:25:59  0:07:50    771   628/M
   31. Carey Arnott                    Whitby ON               2:26:48  0:07:53    829   671/M
   32. Ryan Martineau                  Niagara Falls NY        2:28:04  0:07:57    902   723/M
   33. Jamie Shea                      Toronto ON              2:28:07  0:07:57    913   732/M
   34. Ryan Muirhead                   Cayuga ON               2:29:53  0:08:02   1040   824/M
   35. Sean Walsh                      Oakville ON             2:29:56  0:08:03   1044   827/M
   36. Ryan Mann                       Toronto ON              2:30:53  0:08:06   1095   863/M
   37. Robin A Engel                   Dundas ON               2:30:56  0:08:06   1102   867/M
   38. Shane Benish                    Mississauga ON          2:32:59  0:08:12   1212   947/M
   39. Dylan Zambrano                  Sharon ON               2:34:36  0:08:18   1315  1016/M
   40. Michael Bentley                 Aurora ON               2:35:33  0:08:21   1356  1045/M
   41. Michael Mahoney                 Hamilton ON             2:37:29  0:08:27   1455  1105/M
   42. Jovo Duvnjak                    Hamilton ON             2:37:50  0:08:28   1475  1118/M
   43. Cooley Michael                  Dundas ON               2:38:23  0:08:30   1519  1141/M
   44. Chris De Vries                  Thorold ON              2:39:07  0:08:32   1567  1175/M
   45. Robin Castonguay                Mississauga ON          2:39:35  0:08:34   1598  1196/M
   46. Tim A Boyadjian                 Kincardine ON           2:40:27  0:08:36   1663  1236/M
   47. Kyle Hasselman                  Dundas ON               2:40:45  0:08:37   1699  1258/M
   48. Christopher Voutsinas           Oakville ON             2:40:45  0:08:37   1700  1259/M
   49. Alan J McLuskie                 Toronto ON              2:42:10  0:08:42   1792  1316/M
   50. Christopher G Klunder           Hamilton ON             2:42:51  0:08:44   1839  1347/M
   51. Michael Cappucci                Windsor ON              2:44:52  0:08:51   1988  1422/M
   52. Patrick Murphy                  Kingston ON             2:46:07  0:08:55   2086  1480/M
   53. James Harrington                Kemptville ON           2:47:31  0:08:59   2193  1537/M
   54. Noah Katzman                    Chatham ON              2:47:58  0:09:01   2247  1569/M
   55. Ben Rudakas                     Hamilton ON             2:48:12  0:09:01   2268  1581/M
   56. Jerome Turgeon                  Barrie ON               2:48:12  0:09:01   2269  1582/M
   57. Michael Clark                   London ON               2:48:21  0:09:02   2279  1587/M
   58. Jason Stewart                   Toronto ON              2:49:43  0:09:06   2375  1634/M
   59. Anthony A Gatti                 Toronto ON              2:51:35  0:09:12   2508  1709/M
   60. Samuel Brailsford               Toronto ON              2:52:06  0:09:14   2551  1728/M
   61. Andrew Simmonss                 Hamilton ON             2:52:10  0:09:14   2556  1733/M
   62. Brandon Finlay                  Caledon ON              2:52:22  0:09:15   2573  1740/M
   63. Aaron C Besseling               Rr#1 Hannon ON          2:52:37  0:09:16   2590  1751/M
   64. Jason Poole                     Woodstock ON            2:53:21  0:09:18   2640  1780/M
   65. Andy Lisson                     Hamilton ON             2:57:48  0:09:32   3040  1969/M
   66. Michael Tracey                  Woodslee ON             2:57:59  0:09:33   3059  1979/M
   67. Dave Pambianco                  Oakville ON             2:59:32  0:09:38   3177  2031/M
   68. Edward Escubedo                 Mississauga ON          3:00:22  0:09:41   3254  2067/M
   69. Brennan Harvey                  Toronto ON              3:00:49  0:09:42   3302  2089/M
   70. Jesse Trpcic                    Hamilton ON             3:01:03  0:09:43   3323  2097/M
   71. Michael O'Neill                 Toronto ON              3:01:18  0:09:44   3340  2105/M
   72. Kyle McCamon                    Windsor ON              3:02:19  0:09:47   3426  2152/M
   73. Mike Trpcic                     Hamilton ON             3:02:57  0:09:49   3480  2179/M
   74. Bryan Dow                       Hamilton ON             3:05:28  0:09:57   3651  2260/M
   75. Tyler Hill                      Toronto ON              3:08:29  0:10:07   3853  2351/M
   76. Jed Walmsley                    Etobicoke ON            3:08:29  0:10:07   3855  2352/M
   77. Steven McAulay                  Hamilton ON             3:10:06  0:10:12   3960  2388/M
   78. Connor Hines                    Hamilton ON             3:10:16  0:10:12   3968  2392/M
   79. Jeffrey Wong                    Markham ON              3:10:49  0:10:14   4003  2407/M
   80. Daniel Clarke                   Scarborough ON          3:11:39  0:10:17   4058  2433/M
   81. Jahel A Montes                  Toronto ON              3:15:10  0:10:28   4296  2534/M
   82. Josh Memme                      Hamilton ON             3:15:22  0:10:29   4304  2538/M
   83. Richard Simard                  Orleans ON              3:16:19  0:10:32   4362  2569/M
   84. Andrew Larsen                   Ottawa ON               3:17:06  0:10:34   4411  2591/M
   85. Scott Silva                     Brampton ON             3:19:09  0:10:41   4521  2625/M
   86. Kevin W Kochan                  Niagara Falls ON        3:23:44  0:10:56   4762  2701/M
   87. C. Will W Johnston              London ON               3:27:00  0:11:06   4908  2753/M
   88. Brian K Hum                     Toronto ON              3:28:54  0:11:12   5018  2788/M
   89. Cameron Dyck                    Hamilton ON             3:28:58  0:11:13   5023  2790/M
   90. Andrew Putman                   Oshawa ON               3:30:37  0:11:18   5096  2813/M
   91. David Veltman-Robert            Burlington ON           3:32:35  0:11:24   5181  2840/M
   92. Jordan B. Wardrop               Burlington ON           3:38:12  0:11:42   5403  2922/M
   93. Samuel Breau                    Ottawa ON               3:39:30  0:11:47   5450  2943/M
   94. Adam Thomson                    Waterdown ON            3:46:39  0:12:10   5691  3020/M
   95. Michael Richardson              Canfield ON             3:51:03  0:12:24   5784  3056/M
   96. Alex Price                      Burlington ON           3:51:50  0:12:26   5799  3061/M
   97. Daniel Jones                    St. Catharines ON       3:52:09  0:12:27   5802  3063/M
   98. Lenny Guizzetti                 London ON               3:57:45  0:12:45   5908  3090/M
   99. Jason Calvin                    Toronto ON              3:59:03  0:12:49   5923  3094/M
  100. Adam Serre                      Welland ON              4:02:27  0:13:00   5975  3112/M
  101. Matthew Wiepjes                 Mount Hope ON           4:08:23  0:13:19   6050  3137/M
  102. Chris W Hauser                  Cambridge ON            4:16:38  0:13:46   6125  3164/M
Men 25-29
Place  Name                            Town                    Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Mike Andersen                   Milford MI              1:41:00  0:05:25      5     5/M
    2. Darryl Bank                     Toronto ON              1:47:15  0:05:45     15    14/M
    3. Scott Serran                    Lasalle ON              1:49:01  0:05:51     18    17/M
    4. Fred Karanja                    Burlington ON           1:49:28  0:05:52     19    18/M
    5. Kevin A Coffey                  Kingston ON             1:50:03  0:05:54     21    19/M
    6. Dan Way                         Toronto ON              1:51:19  0:05:58     28    25/M
    7. Jonathan Kilmartin              Oakville ON             1:54:11  0:06:08     36    33/M
    8. Jeff Conron                     Toronto ON              1:54:34  0:06:09     37    34/M
    9. Jonathan Redfearn               Waterloo ON             1:57:17  0:06:17     58    54/M
   10. Doug Roswell                    London ON               1:59:11  0:06:24     75    71/M
   11. Robert Vanderwerf               Owen Sound ON           1:59:37  0:06:25     86    82/M
   12. Gary Cooper                     Ottawa ON               2:00:30  0:06:28     99    94/M
   13. Julian Ho                       Toronto ON              2:00:45  0:06:29    101    96/M
   14. Terrence Teixeira               Mississauga ON          2:04:18  0:06:40    123   115/M
   15. Jeremy Feran                    Kingston ON             2:04:23  0:06:40    126   117/M
   16. Scott Dickie                    Waterloo ON             2:04:34  0:06:41    129   119/M
   17. Steve Amlin                     Harrow ON               2:04:40  0:06:41    130   120/M
   18. Simon Vaillancourt              Toronto ON              2:04:55  0:06:42    136   126/M
   19. Cathal Darcy                    Toronto ON              2:05:03  0:06:42    139   128/M
   20. Jonas Charyk                    Toronto ON              2:05:08  0:06:43    141   130/M
   21. Jon Palmer                      Hamilton ON             2:06:01  0:06:46    146   135/M
   22. Scott Gammon                    Waterloo ON             2:06:07  0:06:46    148   137/M
   23. Edward Fox                      Welland ON              2:06:25  0:06:47    156   144/M
   24. Jon Gray                        Burlington ON           2:08:17  0:06:53    185   169/M
   25. Clancy Edwards                  Oakville ON             2:08:37  0:06:54    193   177/M
   26. Greg Edgar                      Sudbury ON              2:10:04  0:06:59    224   203/M
   27. Byron Dickie                    Grimsby ON              2:10:18  0:06:59    229   208/M
   28. Jim Prine                       East Gwillimbury ON     2:10:37  0:07:00    235   214/M
   29. Patrick Shulist                 Ancaster ON             2:10:51  0:07:01    242   221/M
   30. Zachary Yuzwa                   Ithaca NY               2:11:36  0:07:04    265   241/M
   31. Aleks Knezevic                  Toronto ON              2:12:52  0:07:08    303   274/M
   32. Gibson Tam                      Markham ON              2:13:22  0:07:09    323   288/M
   33. Todd Shannon                    Toronto ON              2:13:40  0:07:10    330   293/M
   34. Robert Minshull                 Hamilton ON             2:13:50  0:07:11    341   302/M
   35. Robert Kay                      Toronto ON              2:13:57  0:07:11    348   306/M
   36. John R Miles                    Hamilton ON             2:13:58  0:07:11    349   307/M
   37. Matthew Williams                Dundas ON               2:14:17  0:07:12    357   314/M
   38. Matt J Trinnear                 Toronto ON              2:14:30  0:07:13    363   320/M
   39. Shaun Guest                     London ON               2:14:32  0:07:13    366   323/M
   40. Ryan Tyssen                     London ON               2:14:37  0:07:13    371   327/M
   41. Thomas Love                     Oakville ON             2:15:16  0:07:15    387   342/M
   42. Nate Douglas                    Mississauga ON          2:15:25  0:07:16    392   346/M
   43. Adam Lalonde                    North Bay ON            2:15:32  0:07:16    394   348/M
   44. Adam Curran                     North Bay ON            2:15:33  0:07:16    396   349/M
   45. Corey McNair                    Kincardine ON           2:18:26  0:07:26    474   409/M
   46. Colin Oczkowski                 Hamilton ON             2:18:27  0:07:26    475   410/M
   47. Stephen Charko                  Dundas ON               2:19:46  0:07:30    522   447/M
   48. Andy Wan                        Montreal QC             2:20:15  0:07:31    536   461/M
   49. Mclean Matt                     Parry Sound ON          2:21:03  0:07:34    564   483/M
   50. Jason St-Denis                  Hamilton ON             2:22:06  0:07:37    608   513/M
   51. Alex Ni                         Waterloo ON             2:22:47  0:07:40    638   538/M
   52. Mark Benvenuto                  Toronto ON              2:23:34  0:07:42    666   557/M
   53. Matt Quagarello                 Niagara Falls ON        2:24:07  0:07:44    682   571/M
   54. Mike Hassan                     Toronto ON              2:24:37  0:07:45    702   584/M
   55. Geoff Hotrum                    Toronto ON              2:26:23  0:07:51    801   652/M
   56. Darren Jensen                   Ancaster ON             2:26:28  0:07:51    805   656/M
   57. Patrick Kirby                   Ottawa ON               2:26:41  0:07:52    821   666/M
   58. Simon-Pierre Lamoureux          St. Albert ON           2:27:45  0:07:56    882   705/M
   59. Kyle Macdonald                  Toronto ON              2:27:49  0:07:56    888   710/M
   60. Brandon Tracey                  Toronto ON              2:28:00  0:07:56    898   719/M
   61. Daniel Blank                    Hamilton ON             2:28:16  0:07:57    926   741/M
   62. Justin Smith                    Burlington ON           2:29:24  0:08:01   1016   806/M
   63. Gavin Clark                     Oshawa ON               2:30:46  0:08:05   1090   859/M
   64. Andrew Seto                     Toronto ON              2:30:57  0:08:06   1104   869/M
   65. Scott Hubbard                   Toronto ON              2:31:10  0:08:07   1115   876/M
   66. Matthew Stonehouse              Hamilton ON             2:31:11  0:08:07   1119   879/M
   67. Adam Smart                      Ottawa ON               2:31:31  0:08:08   1140   896/M
   68. Nick Marleau                    Hamilton ON             2:32:00  0:08:09   1157   911/M
   69. Sean Poynton                    Dundas ON               2:32:21  0:08:10   1177   928/M
   70. Justin Cecchini                 Thornhill ON            2:33:24  0:08:14   1230   957/M
   71. Peter Lovisek                   Toronto ON              2:34:18  0:08:17   1298  1004/M
   72. Peter Stubnya                   London ON               2:34:31  0:08:17   1310  1012/M
   73. Aaron Dickau                    Leamington ON           2:36:13  0:08:23   1397  1069/M
   74. Nicholas Partington             Toronto ON              2:36:31  0:08:24   1408  1077/M
   75. Eric Greig                      Burlington ON           2:36:31  0:08:24   1409  1078/M
   76. Jesse Brown                     Brantford ON            2:37:16  0:08:26   1444  1099/M
   77. Mok Edwin                       Ottawa ON               2:37:30  0:08:27   1457  1107/M
   78. Michal Radon                    Mississauga ON          2:38:06  0:08:29   1495  1127/M
   79. Peter Valentine                 Perth ON                2:38:32  0:08:30   1531  1148/M
   80. Taylor L Jones                  Toronto ON              2:39:01  0:08:32   1558  1168/M
   81. Yves Plourde                    London ON               2:39:33  0:08:34   1596  1195/M
   82. David Turchyn                   Ancaster ON             2:40:22  0:08:36   1661  1234/M
   83. Alistair Shields                Ancaster ON             2:40:23  0:08:36   1662  1235/M
   84. Matthew Larsen                  Toronto ON              2:40:38  0:08:37   1683  1246/M
   85. Benjamin Street                 Kitchener ON            2:41:42  0:08:40   1765  1300/M
   86. Chris England                   Cookstown ON            2:41:58  0:08:41   1780  1310/M
   87. Jayson Petersen                 Waterloo ON             2:42:27  0:08:43   1813  1330/M
   88. Matt Walker                     Ancaster ON             2:42:28  0:08:43   1815  1331/M
   89. Rasheed Serrao                  Toronto ON              2:43:09  0:08:45   1865  1359/M
   90. Marc Lamoureux                  Burlington ON           2:43:12  0:08:45   1872  1364/M
   91. Andrew McKinley                 Toronto ON              2:43:20  0:08:46   1880  1369/M
   92. Jordan Kniaziew                 Kingsville ON           2:43:48  0:08:47   1913  1386/M
   93. Alexander Weber                 Hamilton ON             2:43:53  0:08:47   1922  1391/M
   94. Brent D Stack                   Milton ON               2:44:03  0:08:48   1933  1396/M
   95. William Tam                     North York ON           2:44:58  0:08:51   1994  1427/M
   96. Jeremy Kennedy                  Lowbanks ON             2:45:05  0:08:51   2007  1433/M
   97. Hart Lambert                    Toronto ON              2:45:41  0:08:53   2059  1466/M
   98. Dave Mammoliti                  Welland ON              2:46:05  0:08:55   2085  1479/M
   99. Michael Lemmer                  Burlington ON           2:46:09  0:08:55   2090  1483/M
  100. Matthew Bender                  Hanover ON              2:46:45  0:08:57   2134  1505/M
  101. Henry Lo                        Mississauga ON          2:47:06  0:08:58   2161  1520/M
  102. Breanna Coates                  Barrie ON               2:47:07  0:08:58   2162  1521/M
  103. Vinh Yang                       Toronto ON              2:47:10  0:08:58   2166  1524/M
  104. Geoff L Nason                   Buffalo NY              2:47:36  0:08:59   2201  1543/M
  105. Chris Jantz                     Welland ON              2:47:37  0:09:00   2204  1546/M
  106. Dave Decker                     Corner Brook NL         2:47:38  0:09:00   2207  1548/M
  107. David Arseneau                  Kitchener ON            2:47:54  0:09:00   2237  1565/M
  108. Simon Chiu                      Brampton ON             2:48:03  0:09:01   2255  1573/M
  109. Abdullah Salim                  Mississauga ON          2:48:26  0:09:02   2287  1590/M
  110. Mark Cormier                    Brantford ON            2:48:44  0:09:03   2303  1600/M
  111. Justin Ferns                    Ottawa ON               2:49:34  0:09:06   2365  1630/M
  112. Paul Widmer                     Grimsby ON              2:49:47  0:09:06   2378  1636/M
  113. Mark McDonald                   Toronto ON              2:50:13  0:09:08   2412  1651/M
  114. Mike Thomson                    Guelph ON               2:50:59  0:09:10   2467  1682/M
  115. Kelvin Journal                  Guelph ON               2:52:27  0:09:15   2580  1744/M
  116. Mark Anderton                   Cambridge ON            2:52:35  0:09:15   2587  1749/M
  117. Jason Profetto                  Grimsby ON              2:52:41  0:09:16   2597  1755/M
  118. David Liimatainen               Ottawa ON               2:53:00  0:09:17   2610  1762/M
  119. Oliver Veit                     Hamilton ON             2:53:09  0:09:17   2618  1766/M
  120. Mathew Ginter                   Toronto ON              2:53:20  0:09:18   2637  1778/M
  121. Ryan J Chambers                 Waterdown ON            2:53:38  0:09:19   2675  1795/M
  122. Pierre Sarazin                  Ottawa ON               2:53:48  0:09:19   2691  1804/M
  123. Darren T Bimm                   Mississauga ON          2:53:56  0:09:20   2703  1810/M
  124. Joseph Scalia                   Montreal QC             2:54:13  0:09:21   2730  1821/M
  125. Ryan J Love                     Burlington ON           2:54:29  0:09:22   2752  1834/M
  126. Ryan Moran                      Hamilton ON             2:55:08  0:09:24   2825  1868/M
  127. Adam Martin                     Ottawa ON               2:55:57  0:09:26   2882  1894/M
  128. Ryan Macdonald                  Barrie ON               2:56:45  0:09:29   2949  1926/M
  129. Justin Johnstone                Toronto ON              2:57:04  0:09:30   2975  1935/M
  130. Joshua Sauve                    Hamilton ON             2:59:04  0:09:36   3150  2018/M
  131. Christopher Li                  Etobicoke ON            3:00:14  0:09:40   3242  2062/M
  132. Chris Chowaniec                 Alliston ON             3:00:59  0:09:43   3317  2094/M
  133. Jesse Herbolic                  Hamilton ON             3:01:10  0:09:43   3332  2100/M
  134. Paul Jones                      Hamilton ON             3:01:20  0:09:44   3343  2107/M
  135. Erik Kovessy                    Toronto ON              3:01:35  0:09:44   3364  2119/M
  136. Bennett Banting                 Hamilton ON             3:01:38  0:09:45   3369  2123/M
  137. Daniel W Fingas                 Ann Arbor MI            3:01:38  0:09:45   3370  2124/M
  138. Tim Bridge                      Kitchener ON            3:01:49  0:09:45   3385  2131/M
  139. Daman Bajwa                     Oakville ON             3:01:52  0:09:45   3387  2133/M
  140. Mike Dieleman                   Ottawa ON               3:01:57  0:09:46   3398  2138/M
  141. Chris Everets                   Fisherville ON          3:02:18  0:09:47   3424  2151/M
  142. Rafal Kotlowski                 Mississauga ON          3:03:07  0:09:49   3490  2186/M
  143. Phillip Morgan                  Hamilton ON             3:04:28  0:09:54   3593  2238/M
  144. James Richardson                Guelph ON               3:04:51  0:09:55   3616  2245/M
  145. Andrew Hvizd                    Ancaster ON             3:06:36  0:10:01   3728  2293/M
  146. Derek Dimaline                  Niagara Falls ON        3:06:49  0:10:01   3743  2299/M
  147. Oliver Bataneat                 Stoney Creek ON         3:07:57  0:10:05   3815  2331/M
  148. Doug Jones                      St. Catharines ON       3:09:02  0:10:08   3883  2366/M
  149. Christopher Todd                Toronto ON              3:09:23  0:10:10   3909  2372/M
  150. Phil Busby                      Ottawa ON               3:11:05  0:10:15   4017  2413/M
  151. Milos Jokanovic                 Toronto ON              3:12:26  0:10:19   4112  2452/M
  152. William Myles                   Gatineau QC             3:13:56  0:10:24   4220  2500/M
  153. Anthony Gueli                   Woodbridge ON           3:14:47  0:10:27   4270  2521/M
  154. Kristian Larsen                 Toronto ON              3:14:48  0:10:27   4274  2522/M
  155. Chris Ha                        Burlington ON           3:16:17  0:10:32   4358  2566/M
  156. Dan Senko                       Toronto ON              3:16:33  0:10:33   4374  2573/M
  157. Sean Devine                     Toronto ON              3:16:50  0:10:34   4391  2582/M
  158. Kyle Amirault                   Burlington ON           3:17:08  0:10:35   4413  2593/M
  159. Arthur Leung                    Toronto ON              3:19:49  0:10:43   4566  2640/M
  160. Mark Ishack                     Hamilton ON             3:20:12  0:10:44   4589  2647/M
  161. Scott Fairley                   Hamilton ON             3:20:36  0:10:46   4610  2652/M
  162. Chris Wortmann                  Stamford CT             3:20:39  0:10:46   4614  2653/M
  163. Ian Hedley                      Burlington ON           3:21:28  0:10:48   4650  2665/M
  164. Paul Radcliffe                  Mississauga ON          3:22:03  0:10:50   4675  2671/M
  165. Daniel Christo                  Brampton ON             3:22:14  0:10:51   4685  2674/M
  166. Nathan Yundt                    Ancaster ON             3:23:37  0:10:55   4756  2699/M
  167. Jesse Matthews                  St. Catharines ON       3:25:03  0:11:00   4826  2723/M
  168. Joel Apostolon                  Toronto ON              3:25:52  0:11:03   4860  2731/M
  169. Evan Apostol                    Hamilton ON             3:26:16  0:11:04   4880  2739/M
  170. William Spaetzel                Kitchener ON            3:26:28  0:11:05   4886  2743/M
  171. Mathieu Roy                     Quebec QC               3:27:50  0:11:09   4956  2769/M
  172. Ben Irvine                      Toronto ON              3:29:26  0:11:14   5049  2797/M
  173. Day Glen                        Nepean ON               3:29:41  0:11:15   5063  2801/M
  174. Jeremy Steinbach                Binbrook ON             3:30:01  0:11:16   5077  2806/M
  175. Wojtek Wiercioch                Mississauga ON          3:30:39  0:11:18   5098  2815/M
  176. Trevor Bloemendal               Guelph ON               3:32:02  0:11:22   5162  2834/M
  177. Jeff Steinbach                  Caledonia ON            3:32:14  0:11:23   5167  2835/M
  178. Zac Helwig Munroe               Hamilton ON             3:32:34  0:11:24   5179  2839/M
  179. Mike Stefanoff                  Markham ON              3:33:47  0:11:28   5242  2859/M
  180. Josh Wang                       Markham ON              3:34:06  0:11:29   5268  2866/M
  181. Mark Millson                    Hampton ON              3:34:17  0:11:30   5275  2870/M
  182. Mike Carroll                    Ajax ON                 3:34:40  0:11:31   5288  2877/M
  183. Chris Stewart                   Toronto ON              3:34:40  0:11:31   5289  2878/M
  184. Andre' Poliquin                 Ottawa ON               3:39:31  0:11:47   5451  2944/M
  185. Ross Millson                    Hamilton ON             3:40:02  0:11:48   5477  2953/M
  186. Matthew Belbeck                 Mississauga ON          3:41:02  0:11:51   5523  2968/M
  187. Jeff Benner                     Hamilton ON             3:45:24  0:12:05   5654  3005/M
  188. Colin Weir                      Calgary AB              3:46:20  0:12:08   5683  3015/M
  189. Daniel Weir                     Hamilton ON             3:46:21  0:12:09   5684  3016/M
  190. Ken Beadle                      Ottawa ON               3:48:10  0:12:14   5721  3033/M
  191. Brian Tartaglia                 Hamilton ON             4:00:16  0:12:53   5940  3098/M
  192. Paul Millson                    Hamilton ON             4:04:37  0:13:07   6004  3123/M
  193. Matthew Bursey                  Oakville ON             4:11:29  0:13:29   6082  3147/M
  194. Atkins Dondo                    Hamilton ON             4:13:52  0:13:37   6101  3153/M
Men 30-34
Place  Name                            Town                    Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Reid Coolsaet                   Hamilton ON             1:33:20  0:05:00      1     1/M
    2. Giitah Macharia                 Oakville ON             1:37:25  0:05:14      3     3/M
    3. Josephat Ongeri                 Burlington ON           1:38:09  0:05:16      4     4/M
    4. Victor Gatundu                  Burlington ON           1:43:51  0:05:34      8     8/M
    5. Graydon Snider                  Montreal QC             1:48:24  0:05:49     17    16/M
    6. Mark Maronese                   Thunder Bay ON          1:50:39  0:05:56     26    24/M
    7. Mitch Free                      St. George ON           1:54:47  0:06:09     40    36/M
    8. Mat Reid                        Waterdown ON            1:54:52  0:06:10     41    37/M
    9. Kyle Ferguson                   Oakville ON             1:54:56  0:06:10     43    39/M
   10. Ryan Babcock                    Whitby ON               1:55:01  0:06:10     44    40/M
   11. Wes Dearborn                    Toronto ON              1:56:04  0:06:14     51    47/M
   12. Aaron Bassett                   Guelph ON               1:56:31  0:06:15     54    50/M
   13. David Currie                    Sarnia ON               1:56:38  0:06:15     56    52/M
   14. Avery Best                      Toronto ON              1:57:38  0:06:19     60    56/M
   15. David R Wert                    Buffalo NY              1:57:44  0:06:19     61    57/M
   16. Wolfgang Guembel                St. Catharines ON       1:57:55  0:06:20     64    60/M
   17. David Palma                     London ON               1:58:54  0:06:23     72    68/M
   18. Neil Rosenthal                  Mississauga ON          1:59:42  0:06:25     88    84/M
   19. Derek Lantz                     Newcastle ON            1:59:52  0:06:26     92    87/M
   20. Patrick Foran                   Belleville ON           2:01:11  0:06:30    104    99/M
   21. Stephen Moore                   Toronto ON              2:02:14  0:06:33    108   103/M
   22. Dave Clark                      Toronto ON              2:03:08  0:06:36    115   108/M
   23. Eugene Smith                    Dundas ON               2:04:14  0:06:40    121   113/M
   24. Drew Graham                     Etobicoke ON            2:05:23  0:06:44    143   132/M
   25. Mark David Taylor               Toronto ON              2:05:52  0:06:45    145   134/M
   26. Evan P Dietz                    Hamilton ON             2:06:22  0:06:47    154   143/M
   27. Jeremy Valeriote                London ON               2:06:26  0:06:47    157   145/M
   28. Peppe Bonfiglio                 Kingsville ON           2:07:09  0:06:49    165   150/M
   29. Luis Alvarez                    St. Catharines ON       2:08:23  0:06:53    187   171/M
   30. Rob Gouley                      Toronto ON              2:08:33  0:06:54    191   175/M
   31. Frank Pearson                   St. Catharines ON       2:08:43  0:06:54    195   179/M
   32. Chris Hill                      Toronto ON              2:08:50  0:06:55    204   186/M
   33. Justin Pozin                    Toronto ON              2:08:50  0:06:55    205   187/M
   34. Jeff Smith                      The Runway ON           2:08:52  0:06:55    206   188/M
   35. Jamie Hamelin                   Toronto ON              2:09:02  0:06:55    210   192/M
   36. Eric Okawara                    Toronto ON              2:09:19  0:06:56    216   197/M
   37. Daniel Mercer                   Gatineau ON             2:09:46  0:06:58    222   201/M
   38. Jason Bussey                    Ottawa ON               2:10:26  0:07:00    231   210/M
   39. Peter Speight                   Toronto ON              2:10:27  0:07:00    232   211/M
   40. Dan Spears                      London ON               2:10:40  0:07:01    236   215/M
   41. Chris Khan                      Mississauga ON          2:10:49  0:07:01    241   220/M
   42. Daryl Nauman                    Burlington ON           2:11:06  0:07:02    247   226/M
   43. Patrick McCluskey               Toronto ON              2:11:30  0:07:03    262   238/M
   44. Guillaume Woof                  Mississauga ON          2:11:35  0:07:04    264   240/M
   45. Fraser Kelton                   Dundas ON               2:11:57  0:07:05    277   252/M
   46. John Pauls                      Hamilton ON             2:12:13  0:07:06    284   257/M
   47. Allan Blackbird                 Milton ON               2:12:14  0:07:06    285   258/M
   48. Matthew Kerry                   Toronto ON              2:12:56  0:07:08    306   276/M
   49. Froi Santos                     Stoney Creek ON         2:13:12  0:07:09    317   283/M
   50. Christopher Eckart              Hamilton ON             2:13:24  0:07:09    324   289/M
   51. Mike Crough                     Ancaster ON             2:13:49  0:07:11    338   299/M
   52. Jason Pettapiece                Guelph ON               2:13:51  0:07:11    342   303/M
   53. Justin Kitney                   Waterdown ON            2:14:05  0:07:12    353   311/M
   54. Ben Nelson                      Oakville ON             2:14:07  0:07:12    354   312/M
   55. Ludovic Raymond                 Buffalo NY              2:14:40  0:07:13    374   330/M
   56. Joshua Wilson                   Burlington ON           2:14:46  0:07:14    377   333/M
   57. Brandon Rees                    Guelph ON               2:15:41  0:07:17    398   351/M
   58. Ian Childs                      Kitchener ON            2:15:46  0:07:17    401   354/M
   59. Andrew Tracy                    Toronto ON              2:16:01  0:07:18    411   362/M
   60. Steve Stracey                   Port Elgin ON           2:16:04  0:07:18    412   363/M
   61. Thomas Eagles                   Hamilton ON             2:17:05  0:07:21    439   382/M
   62. Rich Kawamoto                   Mississauga ON          2:17:12  0:07:22    441   383/M
   63. Luke Rozga                      Toronto ON              2:17:23  0:07:22    447   388/M
   64. Andrew Thomas                   Toronto ON              2:17:57  0:07:24    464   404/M
   65. Steve Jackson                   Toronto ON              2:18:49  0:07:27    483   417/M
   66. Tom McLellan                    Toronto ON              2:18:56  0:07:27    491   421/M
   67. Jason Vallis                    Pembroke ON             2:19:53  0:07:30    529   454/M
   68. Jeff Rowthorn                   Ancaster ON             2:20:09  0:07:31    534   459/M
   69. Ryan Wilson                     Toronto ON              2:20:42  0:07:33    548   470/M
   70. Kevin Hare                      Thamesford ON           2:21:07  0:07:34    566   485/M
   71. Jeff Hargot                     Hamilton ON             2:22:11  0:07:38    612   517/M
   72. Homan Ganji                     Brantford ON            2:22:20  0:07:38    619   522/M
   73. Craig Turner                    Windsor ON              2:22:28  0:07:39    625   526/M
   74. Chris Hare                      Thamesford ON           2:22:45  0:07:39    635   535/M
   75. Jason Mah                       Ottawa ON               2:22:45  0:07:39    637   537/M
   76. Peter Miller                    London ON               2:22:59  0:07:40    643   543/M
   77. David Dawson                    Ottawa ON               2:23:32  0:07:42    663   555/M
   78. Mark Valites                    Hamburg NY              2:24:40  0:07:46    709   589/M
   79. Matthew Doucette                Barrie ON               2:24:50  0:07:46    719   595/M
   80. Stacy Halonen                   Toronto ON              2:24:53  0:07:46    722   597/M
   81. Rick McLachlan                  Binbrook ON             2:25:06  0:07:47    728   600/M
   82. Jason Wright                    Woodstock ON            2:25:11  0:07:47    731   602/M
   83. Pierre Lambert-Belanger         Timmins ON              2:25:16  0:07:48    737   607/M
   84. Christopher Giesler             Paris ON                2:25:37  0:07:49    751   617/M
   85. Matthew Lewis                   Hamilton ON             2:25:58  0:07:50    770   627/M
   86. Stephen Victor                  Sarnia ON               2:26:13  0:07:51    787   641/M
   87. Brett Beston                    Waterdown ON            2:26:14  0:07:51    789   642/M
   88. Chris Dolson                    Stratford ON            2:26:21  0:07:51    798   649/M
   89. Ramzi Elbard                    Cambridge ON            2:26:27  0:07:51    803   654/M
   90. John Macewen                    Toronto ON              2:26:28  0:07:51    804   655/M
   91. Jarrid Jensen                   Orangeville ON          2:26:46  0:07:52    826   669/M
   92. John Atkinson                   Hamilton ON             2:27:11  0:07:54    848   682/M
   93. Binh Van                        Cambridge ON            2:27:18  0:07:54    858   689/M
   94. Jeff Leblanc                    Riverview NB            2:27:24  0:07:54    863   693/M
   95. Jonathan Wild                   Blenheim ON             2:27:25  0:07:54    864   694/M
   96. Yu Fang                         Richmond Hill ON        2:27:51  0:07:56    890   712/M
   97. Andrew Kudelka                  London ON               2:28:23  0:07:58    938   750/M
   98. Marc Duez                       Toronto ON              2:28:26  0:07:58    943   755/M
   99. Steve Rozic                     Windsor ON              2:28:28  0:07:58    945   757/M
  100. Tino Goritsas                   Stoney Creek ON         2:28:44  0:07:59    966   771/M
  101. Patrick Duffy                   Toronto ON              2:28:50  0:07:59    976   778/M
  102. Brad Williton                   Owen Sound ON           2:28:52  0:07:59    978   780/M
  103. Chris Mace                      Ajax ON                 2:28:53  0:07:59    979   781/M
  104. Glenn Ikeda                     Pickering ON            2:28:57  0:07:59    986   786/M
  105. Gerald Dumol                    Mississauga ON          2:28:58  0:07:59    987   787/M
  106. James Hitchcock                 Mississauga ON          2:28:58  0:07:59    989   788/M
  107. Filip Bojko                     Toronto ON              2:28:59  0:08:00    993   791/M
  108. Brandon Tavares                 Guelph ON               2:29:13  0:08:00   1005   799/M
  109. Richard Schofield               Verdun QC               2:29:16  0:08:00   1008   802/M
  110. Graham Colby                    Toronto ON              2:29:21  0:08:01   1012   804/M
  111. Massimo Diciano                 Way ON                  2:29:28  0:08:01   1020   809/M
  112. Ben Leow                        Toronto ON              2:30:22  0:08:04   1073   847/M
  113. Doug Scholz                     Hamilton ON             2:30:29  0:08:04   1078   849/M
  114. Grant C Scholes                 Guelph ON               2:30:49  0:08:05   1094   862/M
  115. Matt Wade                       Toronto ON              2:31:09  0:08:07   1114   875/M
  116. Jason Henrikson                 Abbotsford BC           2:32:03  0:08:09   1161   913/M
  117. Eric Janveaux                   Carp ON                 2:32:07  0:08:10   1166   918/M
  118. Chris Magri                     Toronto ON              2:32:17  0:08:10   1174   925/M
  119. Ryan Chin                       Mississauga ON          2:32:22  0:08:10   1179   930/M
  120. Stewart McChesney               Hamilton ON             2:32:29  0:08:11   1186   934/M
  121. Seybou Allagouma                Toronto ON              2:32:57  0:08:12   1209   944/M
  122. William G Waddell               Burlington ON           2:33:18  0:08:13   1226   954/M
  123. Todd McCall                     Courtice ON             2:34:03  0:08:16   1278   989/M
  124. Nelson Rodrigues                London ON               2:34:03  0:08:16   1279   990/M
  125. Andrew Hadley                   Sarnia ON               2:34:05  0:08:16   1282   993/M
  126. Neil Gosbee                     Toronto ON              2:34:18  0:08:17   1299  1005/M
  127. Robin Horton                    Woodstock ON            2:34:29  0:08:17   1305  1009/M
  128. Daniel Gray                     Woodstock ON            2:34:30  0:08:17   1307  1011/M
  129. Chris Houston                   Burlington ON           2:34:32  0:08:17   1313  1014/M
  130. Pulak Parikh                    Maple ON                2:34:52  0:08:18   1329  1027/M
  131. Tommy Tango                     Whitby ON               2:35:16  0:08:20   1343  1036/M
  132. Bryan Har                       Calgary AB              2:35:19  0:08:20   1345  1038/M
  133. Marco Mentone                   Toronto ON              2:35:24  0:08:20   1352  1041/M
  134. Matthew Andres                  Ajax ON                 2:35:29  0:08:20   1355  1044/M
  135. Rene J Dinter                   Toronto ON              2:35:33  0:08:21   1357  1046/M
  136. Dan Bielby                      St. Catharines ON       2:35:43  0:08:21   1368  1052/M
  137. David Marson                    Dundas ON               2:35:45  0:08:21   1371  1054/M
  138. Andrew Haines                   Brantford ON            2:35:53  0:08:22   1381  1060/M
  139. Clayton Reynolds                Toronto ON              2:36:03  0:08:22   1386  1062/M
  140. Mark Poloniato                  Hamilton ON             2:36:10  0:08:23   1392  1067/M
  141. Ian Macdonald                   Dundas ON               2:36:32  0:08:24   1410  1079/M
  142. Ryan Van Praet                  Owen Sound ON           2:36:36  0:08:24   1414  1082/M
  143. Marc O'Brien                    London ON               2:36:51  0:08:25   1425  1087/M
  144. Miguel Dias                     Woodbridge ON           2:36:57  0:08:25   1428  1089/M
  145. John-Scott J Esposito           Brantford ON            2:37:13  0:08:26   1440  1096/M
  146. Graham Scott                    Hamilton ON             2:37:14  0:08:26   1443  1098/M
  147. Mike McArthur                   London ON               2:37:31  0:08:27   1459  1109/M
  148. Dan Roberts                     Bowmanville ON          2:38:01  0:08:29   1489  1124/M
  149. Jared Marcus                    Hamilton ON             2:38:03  0:08:29   1492  1126/M
  150. Jean-Paul Trafford              London ON               2:38:57  0:08:32   1553  1164/M
  151. Meuleman Chirs                  Toronto ON              2:39:33  0:08:34   1593  1193/M
  152. Josip Maras                     Toronto ON              2:39:47  0:08:34   1616  1207/M
  153. Matt Tsung                      Markham ON              2:39:52  0:08:35   1620  1209/M
  154. Lee Zolis                       Hamilton ON             2:40:03  0:08:35   1637  1220/M
  155. Brian J Martin                  Hamilton ON             2:40:12  0:08:36   1650  1225/M
  156. Jeremy Cook                     Woodstock ON            2:40:14  0:08:36   1652  1227/M
  157. Wouter Van Wandelen             Leusden NE              2:40:17  0:08:36   1656  1230/M
  158. Mark Varma                      Toronto ON              2:40:38  0:08:37   1684  1247/M
  159. Kenneth Paglione                Leamington ON           2:40:47  0:08:38   1703  1261/M
  160. Bart Chapman                    Oakville ON             2:41:07  0:08:39   1730  1277/M
  161. Peter Goodacre                  Dundas ON               2:41:25  0:08:40   1749  1290/M
  162. Bill Deys                       Strathroy ON            2:41:38  0:08:40   1761  1297/M
  163. Jacob Brower                    Kingston ON             2:41:53  0:08:41   1773  1307/M
  164. Geoff Bassett                   Georgetown ON           2:42:00  0:08:41   1782  1311/M
  165. Nicholas Guertin                East Aurora NY          2:42:13  0:08:42   1799  1321/M
  166. Kevin J Price                   Burlington ON           2:42:14  0:08:42   1801  1322/M
  167. Timothy Cole                    Toronto ON              2:42:33  0:08:43   1818  1333/M
  168. Dominik Roos                    Dundas ON               2:42:35  0:08:43   1820  1335/M
  169. Stuart W Perry                  Toronto ON              2:43:06  0:08:45   1862  1357/M
  170. Boni Griffith                   Toronto ON              2:43:11  0:08:45   1867  1361/M
  171. Mike Karklins                   Brampton ON             2:43:32  0:08:46   1894  1375/M
  172. James Sonsogno                  Mississauga ON          2:43:33  0:08:46   1895  1376/M
  173. Brett Luxon                     Port Elgin ON           2:43:44  0:08:47   1911  1384/M
  174. Chris Taylor                    Toronto ON              2:43:51  0:08:47   1918  1389/M
  175. Craig Thompson                  Milton ON               2:44:23  0:08:49   1954  1406/M
  176. Andrew Heij                     Kitchener ON            2:44:24  0:08:49   1957  1408/M
  177. Yann Fr? ? ? Chette             Kingston ON             2:44:52  0:08:51   1987  1421/M
  178. Michael Halbmeier               Burlington ON           2:44:57  0:08:51   1992  1425/M
  179. Scott West                      Toronto ON              2:45:06  0:08:51   2009  1434/M
  180. Greg Blunsdon                   Hamilton ON             2:45:27  0:08:53   2038  1453/M
  181. Graeme Martin                   Toronto ON              2:45:34  0:08:53   2048  1460/M
  182. Matt Knowles                    Toronto ON              2:45:34  0:08:53   2049  1461/M
  183. Rick Avery                      Peterborough ON         2:45:58  0:08:54   2076  1472/M
  184. Bren Huhtala                    Elmira ON               2:46:04  0:08:55   2083  1477/M
  185. Sam Ip                          Mississauga ON          2:46:21  0:08:55   2099  1486/M
  186. Bryan Willcott                  Ottawa ON               2:46:27  0:08:56   2106  1490/M
  187. Trevor Aurocco                  Oakville ON             2:46:45  0:08:57   2133  1504/M
  188. Mike Armstrong                  Kitchener ON            2:48:55  0:09:04   2312  1603/M
  189. Derek Laidlaw                   Stoney Creek ON         2:49:03  0:09:04   2321  1606/M
  190. Dominic J Ritgen                Lucknow ON              2:49:23  0:09:05   2345  1619/M
  191. Brandon Hexham                  Aurora ON               2:49:36  0:09:06   2371  1632/M
  192. Lance Johnson                   Bradford ON             2:49:47  0:09:06   2379  1637/M
  193. Jean-Paul Cardoso               Burlington ON           2:50:30  0:09:09   2434  1666/M
  194. John Kain                       Millgrove ON            2:50:58  0:09:10   2465  1681/M
  195. Alex Robertson                  Toronto ON              2:51:08  0:09:11   2486  1698/M
  196. Vincent Wong                    North York ON           2:51:10  0:09:11   2487  1699/M
  197. Larissa Robinson                Ancaster ON             2:51:16  0:09:11   2494  1702/M
  198. Ian Service                     Guelph ON               2:51:21  0:09:12   2496  1703/M
  199. Jack Lee                        Scarborough ON          2:51:37  0:09:12   2511  1712/M
  200. Alexandre Comtois               Oakville ON             2:51:53  0:09:13   2533  1720/M
  201. Richard Li                      Etobicoke ON            2:52:39  0:09:16   2593  1754/M
  202. Daryl Scheerer                  Burlington ON           2:53:07  0:09:17   2617  1765/M
  203. Jason Nickel                    St. Catharines ON       2:53:09  0:09:17   2619  1767/M
  204. Michael Applebaum               Toronto ON              2:53:10  0:09:17   2620  1768/M
  205. Zachary Farrar                  Toronto ON              2:53:27  0:09:18   2652  1784/M
  206. Timothy Wieclawski              Ottawa ON               2:53:27  0:09:18   2654  1785/M
  207. Matt Anderton                   Hamilton ON             2:53:50  0:09:20   2693  1805/M
  208. Mathieu Tasse                   Oshawa ON               2:53:56  0:09:20   2702  1809/M
  209. James Ghandour                  Toronto ON              2:54:04  0:09:20   2718  1816/M
  210. Glenn Kaifas                    Buffalo NY              2:54:28  0:09:22   2750  1832/M
  211. Sonny Ciufo                     Stoney Creek ON         2:54:58  0:09:23   2806  1859/M
  212. Robert Hayden                   Hamilton ON             2:54:59  0:09:23   2808  1861/M
  213. Dan Lightfoot                   Toronto ON              2:54:59  0:09:23   2810  1862/M
  214. Clayton Parry                   Toronto ON              2:55:39  0:09:25   2861  1883/M
  215. Colin Brennan                   Toronto ON              2:55:40  0:09:25   2863  1885/M
  216. Nick Garbett                    Parry Sound ON          2:56:12  0:09:27   2909  1906/M
  217. Scott Kemp                      Kitchener ON            2:57:15  0:09:31   2988  1937/M
  218. John Gentile                    Oakville ON             2:57:24  0:09:31   2996  1940/M
  219. Andres Soria                    Burlington ON           2:57:33  0:09:31   3016  1953/M
  220. Ariel Benibgui                  Toronto ON              2:57:56  0:09:33   3054  1975/M
  221. Derek A Van Veen                Grimsby ON              2:57:57  0:09:33   3056  1976/M
  222. Jay Blachford                   Milton ON               2:58:08  0:09:33   3068  1981/M
  223. Alvin Ho                        Markham ON              2:58:44  0:09:35   3111  1998/M
  224. Geoff Haines                    Toronto ON              2:58:45  0:09:35   3114  2001/M
  225. Ken Huen                        Callander ON            2:58:47  0:09:35   3117  2004/M
  226. Geoff Bergsma                   London ON               2:58:49  0:09:36   3119  2005/M
  227. Jason Dimmell                   Newmarket ON            2:59:03  0:09:36   3146  2015/M
  228. Mark Wieclawski                 Milton ON               2:59:04  0:09:36   3149  2017/M
  229. Neill Stewart                   Kitchener ON            2:59:18  0:09:37   3166  2026/M
  230. Drew Marr                       Sudbury ON              2:59:45  0:09:39   3193  2038/M
  231. Dane G Rowsell                  Hamilton ON             2:59:58  0:09:39   3219  2050/M
  232. Jeremy Barrett                  Belleville ON           3:00:13  0:09:40   3238  2061/M
  233. Tyler Levee                     London ON               3:00:47  0:09:42   3295  2086/M
  234. George Wright                   Burlington ON           3:01:36  0:09:45   3366  2121/M
  235. Alan Asselstine                 Toronto ON              3:01:46  0:09:45   3381  2129/M
  236. Bledar Bita                     Woodbridge ON           3:01:57  0:09:46   3397  2137/M
  237. Steve Davey                     Hamilton ON             3:02:12  0:09:46   3415  2145/M
  238. Francesco Bitonti               North Bay ON            3:02:28  0:09:47   3439  2158/M
  239. Matthew Swadley                 Oakville ON             3:02:32  0:09:48   3444  2160/M
  240. David Powrie                    Oakville ON             3:02:51  0:09:49   3465  2171/M
  241. Andre Brisebois                 Ottawa ON               3:02:51  0:09:49   3466  2172/M
  242. Peter McAlpine                  Guelph ON               3:02:56  0:09:49   3478  2178/M
  243. Lukasz Mis                      Toronto ON              3:03:34  0:09:51   3524  2204/M
  244. Andrew Baillie                  Ancaster ON             3:03:36  0:09:51   3527  2207/M
  245. Gregory Dunnett                 Hamilton ON             3:03:49  0:09:52   3549  2214/M
  246. Chris Morris                    Mount Hope ON           3:04:02  0:09:52   3564  2221/M
  247. Michael Lim                     Etobicoke ON            3:04:32  0:09:54   3598  2239/M
  248. Terry Mason                     Lasalle ON              3:04:40  0:09:54   3606  2241/M
  249. Derek Rapini                    Oakville ON             3:05:00  0:09:55   3622  2249/M
  250. Yako Topalovic                  Ancaster ON             3:05:06  0:09:56   3629  2253/M
  251. Tim Lidster                     Toronto ON              3:05:54  0:09:58   3683  2277/M
  252. Maclean Craig                   Hamilton ON             3:07:07  0:10:02   3762  2306/M
  253. James L Davis                   Burlington ON           3:07:08  0:10:02   3766  2308/M
  254. Stephen T Smith                 Tillsonburg ON          3:07:42  0:10:04   3797  2322/M
  255. Shane Gonsalves                 Toronto ON              3:08:08  0:10:06   3825  2336/M
  256. Ben Jones                       Hamilton ON             3:08:44  0:10:07   3867  2358/M
  257. Peter Topalovic                 Hamilton ON             3:08:49  0:10:08   3871  2361/M
  258. Bob McClure                     Chesley ON              3:09:07  0:10:09   3892  2368/M
  259. Tyson Hornby                    Collingwood ON          3:09:44  0:10:11   3931  2379/M
  260. Grant Bender                    Waterloo ON             3:10:22  0:10:13   3978  2397/M
  261. Matt Wagner                     Waterloo ON             3:11:00  0:10:15   4012  2409/M
  262. Jian-Feng Shi                   Toronto ON              3:11:18  0:10:16   4033  2422/M
  263. Andrey Poluchankin              Toronto ON              3:11:51  0:10:18   4067  2438/M
  264. Matthew Eberly                  Bolton ON               3:12:02  0:10:18   4080  2443/M
  265. Jason McVety                    Toronto ON              3:12:26  0:10:19   4111  2451/M
  266. Benoit De Champlain             Toronto ON              3:12:27  0:10:19   4113  2453/M
  267. Paul Colbourne                  London ON               3:12:31  0:10:20   4117  2454/M
  268. Martin Au                       Toronto ON              3:12:31  0:10:20   4118  2455/M
  269. Amar Sandhu                     Mississauga ON          3:12:44  0:10:20   4140  2468/M
  270. Chad Ingles                     Dundas ON               3:12:48  0:10:21   4145  2470/M
  271. Scott B McCannell               Toronto ON              3:13:34  0:10:23   4188  2488/M
  272. Eric Powell                     Burlington ON           3:14:40  0:10:27   4261  2517/M
  273. Mike Cuffaro                    Mount Hope ON           3:15:48  0:10:30   4324  2548/M
  274. Thomas Wright                   Toronto ON              3:16:08  0:10:31   4348  2560/M
  275. Greg Warner                     Burlington ON           3:16:15  0:10:32   4356  2565/M
  276. Jeff Walsh                      Burlington ON           3:16:50  0:10:34   4392  2583/M
  277. Derek Myke                      Hamilton ON             3:16:52  0:10:34   4393  2584/M
  278. Mark Donnan                     Cobourg ON              3:17:03  0:10:34   4407  2589/M
  279. Iain Greensmith                 Whitby ON               3:18:00  0:10:37   4457  2604/M
  280. Jeff Allison                    Hamilton ON             3:18:46  0:10:40   4507  2621/M
  281. Jed Levene                      Orillia ON              3:19:28  0:10:42   4544  2633/M
  282. Andrew Lebeau                   Guelph ON               3:20:21  0:10:45   4597  2649/M
  283. Chad Malone                     Hamilton ON             3:22:31  0:10:52   4693  2680/M
  284. Peter Broadley                  Mississauga ON          3:22:47  0:10:53   4704  2682/M
  285. Michael Maguire                 Toronto ON              3:23:28  0:10:55   4750  2695/M
  286. Aaron Hardwick                  Whitby ON               3:26:11  0:11:04   4875  2736/M
  287. David Cosby                     St. Catharines ON       3:27:10  0:11:07   4917  2755/M
  288. Kashif M Sayed                  Mississauga ON          3:29:15  0:11:14   5036  2793/M
  289. Richard Robertson               Niagara Falls ON        3:30:06  0:11:16   5081  2808/M
  290. Pardeep Singh                   Hamilton ON             3:31:03  0:11:19   5119  2821/M
  291. Jeff Demchuk                    Toronto ON              3:31:46  0:11:22   5150  2827/M
  292. Joe Gribben                     Paris ON                3:33:31  0:11:27   5228  2854/M
  293. Jason Mills                     Toronto ON              3:33:55  0:11:29   5255  2863/M
  294. Cameron McDowell                Milton ON               3:34:04  0:11:29   5265  2865/M
  295. Ryan Howard                     Burlington ON           3:37:35  0:11:40   5378  2916/M
  296. Matthew Armstrong               Burlington ON           3:38:22  0:11:43   5412  2927/M
  297. Keith Rader                     Caledon East ON         3:40:15  0:11:49   5494  2960/M
  298. Joshua R Brenneman              Stoney Creek ON         3:42:48  0:11:57   5568  2979/M
  299. Trevor Zeidler                  Kitchener ON            3:43:45  0:12:00   5597  2988/M
  300. Marc K Bovet                    Hamilton ON             3:44:22  0:12:02   5618  2994/M
  301. Jeff Stokley                    London ON               3:45:20  0:12:05   5651  3003/M
  302. Gerald Dove                     Ilderton ON             3:45:22  0:12:05   5652  3004/M
  303. Simon Vansickle                 Dundas ON               3:45:54  0:12:07   5673  3010/M
  304. Samson Romero                   Toronto ON              3:47:26  0:12:12   5706  3029/M
  305. Ryan Purdy                      Hamilton ON             3:48:11  0:12:14   5722  3034/M
  306. Michael Nemet                   Burlington ON           3:48:48  0:12:16   5730  3037/M
  307. Dana Lee                        Stoney Creek ON         3:51:50  0:12:26   5800  3062/M
  308. Peter Flanjak                   Kitchener ON            3:56:20  0:12:41   5880  3080/M
  309. Wesley Smith                    Hamilton ON             3:57:04  0:12:43   5901  3088/M
  310. Christiaan Vandergrift          Guelph ON               4:00:45  0:12:55   5950  3103/M
  311. O'Keefe Sean                    Toronto ON              4:02:39  0:13:01   5976  3113/M
  312. Matthew Sinnett                 Chatham ON              4:08:20  0:13:19   6049  3136/M
  313. Mirash Tomicevic                London ON               4:11:39  0:13:30   6084  3148/M
  314. Cameron Lutley                  Toronto ON              4:15:26  0:13:42   6115  3160/M
  315. Brad Johnston                   Uxbridge ON             4:39:24  0:14:59   6194  3181/M
Men 35-39
Place  Name                            Town                    Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Pascal Renard                   Gatineau QC             1:47:08  0:05:45     14    13/M
    2. Kyle Aitken                     Mississauga ON          1:50:38  0:05:56     25    23/M
    3. Matt Carr                       Burlington ON           1:52:18  0:06:01     30    27/M
    4. Darren C Lee                    Toronto ON              1:53:24  0:06:05     33    30/M
    5. Marc Duench                     Uxbridge ON             1:53:36  0:06:06     34    31/M
    6. Trevor Baine                    Calgary AB              1:55:08  0:06:11     45    41/M
    7. Jason Reed                      Calgary AB              1:59:16  0:06:24     79    75/M
    8. Luke Ehgoetz                    New Hamburg ON          1:59:28  0:06:25     82    78/M
    9. Darryl Huras                    New Hamburg ON          1:59:28  0:06:25     83    79/M
   10. Derek Dunstan                   Niagara Falls NY        1:59:28  0:06:25     84    80/M
   11. Bevin Stevenson                 Hanover ON              1:59:54  0:06:26     93    88/M
   12. Brian Byrne                     London ON               2:00:09  0:06:27     96    91/M
   13. Mike Herzog                     Ottawa ON               2:00:34  0:06:28    100    95/M
   14. John Pereira                    Running Free ON         2:01:26  0:06:31    105   100/M
   15. Matthew D Wanford               Toronto ON              2:01:34  0:06:31    106   101/M
   16. Neal Michaud                    Toronto ON              2:02:25  0:06:34    110   104/M
   17. Ian Waugh                       Ottawa ON               2:02:49  0:06:35    113   107/M
   18. Kyle Maga                       Hamilton ON             2:03:21  0:06:37    116   109/M
   19. Lawrence Track                  Toronto ON              2:03:47  0:06:38    118   110/M
   20. Eric Chan                       Toronto ON              2:04:00  0:06:39    120   112/M
   21. Geoffrey Hodgett                Oakville ON             2:04:20  0:06:40    125   116/M
   22. Allan Gough                     Windsor ON              2:04:44  0:06:41    131   121/M
   23. Eric Desjardins                 London ON               2:04:54  0:06:42    135   125/M
   24. Thierry Guertin                 Windsor ON              2:05:02  0:06:42    138   127/M
   25. Omar Hafez                      Toronto ON              2:06:10  0:06:46    149   138/M
   26. Fabio Fernandes                 Toronto ON              2:06:12  0:06:46    150   139/M
   27. Ron Marek                       Oakville ON             2:06:53  0:06:48    162   149/M
   28. Michael Kilemade                Richmond Hill ON        2:07:21  0:06:50    170   154/M
   29. Jason Ng                        Markham ON              2:07:29  0:06:50    174   158/M
   30. Dougal Bale                     Kingston ON             2:07:38  0:06:51    175   159/M
   31. Peter Mueller                   Brampton ON             2:07:53  0:06:52    176   160/M
   32. Joe F Kerby                     Rouyn-Noranda QC        2:08:01  0:06:52    179   163/M
   33. Kevin Curnock                   Toronto ON              2:08:07  0:06:52    182   166/M
   34. Michael Dybala                  Montreal QC             2:08:13  0:06:53    183   167/M
   35. Joe A Olivier                   Oakville ON             2:08:44  0:06:54    197   181/M
   36. Shawn Pette                     Paris ON                2:08:48  0:06:55    203   185/M
   37. Rodrigo Gonzalez-Lara           Toronto ON              2:08:59  0:06:55    208   190/M
   38. Brandon D Poole                 Burlington ON           2:09:29  0:06:57    217   198/M
   39. Jonathan Wright                 Guelph ON               2:09:46  0:06:58    221   200/M
   40. Simion Candrea                  Toronto ON              2:10:08  0:06:59    226   205/M
   41. David Parkes                    Burlington ON           2:10:10  0:06:59    227   206/M
   42. Richard Whitlock                Hamilton ON             2:11:01  0:07:02    244   223/M
   43. David Wiltshire                 Toronto ON              2:11:05  0:07:02    246   225/M
   44. David Markin                    Ottawa ON               2:11:09  0:07:02    248   227/M
   45. Steven Johnston                 Toronto ON              2:11:11  0:07:02    249   228/M
   46. Chris Chivers                   Milton ON               2:11:26  0:07:03    261   237/M
   47. Steven Gibbens                  Toronto ON              2:11:39  0:07:04    267   243/M
   48. Hugh Pindur                     London ON               2:11:44  0:07:04    271   246/M
   49. Pascal Bessette                 Ottawa ON               2:11:47  0:07:04    273   248/M
   50. Drew Thompson                   Sudbury ON              2:11:56  0:07:05    275   250/M
   51. Gleb Jegaline                   Toronto ON              2:12:06  0:07:05    281   256/M
   52. Michael Shepitka                Barrie ON               2:12:22  0:07:06    290   263/M
   53. Tom Sheridan                    Toronto ON              2:12:23  0:07:06    293   265/M
   54. Kevin R Rose                    Toronto ON              2:12:35  0:07:07    296   268/M
   55. Gord McTaggart                  Georgetown ON           2:12:47  0:07:07    302   273/M
   56. Tim McNaughton                  Stittsville ON          2:12:55  0:07:08    305   275/M
   57. Ryan M Blake                    Barrie ON               2:12:58  0:07:08    307   277/M
   58. Joey Heathcote                  London ON               2:13:07  0:07:08    313   280/M
   59. Bretton Warren                  Oakville ON             2:13:15  0:07:09    318   284/M
   60. Ryan McPherson                  East Aurora NY          2:13:29  0:07:10    326   291/M
   61. Andrew M Kinal                  Erin ON                 2:13:41  0:07:10    331   294/M
   62. Ben Scholes                     Toronto ON              2:13:58  0:07:11    350   308/M
   63. David Levy                      Toronto ON              2:14:00  0:07:11    351   309/M
   64. Matthew Isert Bender            Plattsville ON          2:14:12  0:07:12    356   313/M
   65. James M Brown                   Oakville ON             2:14:27  0:07:13    361   318/M
   66. Justin Adamek                   Tonawanda NY            2:14:30  0:07:13    362   319/M
   67. Marc Bidal                      Toronto ON              2:14:32  0:07:13    365   322/M
   68. Sven Walther                    Hamilton ON             2:14:34  0:07:13    368   324/M
   69. Adam Fitzsimmons                Newcastle ON            2:14:48  0:07:14    378   334/M
   70. Kevin Henry                     Kitchener ON            2:15:21  0:07:16    388   343/M
   71. Arun Dogra                      Richmond Hill ON        2:15:24  0:07:16    391   345/M
   72. David Veeneman                  Carlisle ON             2:15:45  0:07:17    400   353/M
   73. Steven Bisset                   Toronto ON              2:15:46  0:07:17    402   355/M
   74. John Timmermans                 Ottawa ON               2:15:48  0:07:17    404   357/M
   75. David Barnes                    Toronto ON              2:16:09  0:07:18    413   364/M
   76. Scott Whynot                    Barrie ON               2:16:17  0:07:19    417   366/M
   77. Chris Grimwood                  Guelph ON               2:16:35  0:07:20    425   373/M
   78. Rodolfo Diaz                    North York ON           2:16:35  0:07:20    426   374/M
   79. Darryl Fonagy                   Oakville ON             2:16:48  0:07:20    429   377/M
   80. Chris Baron                     Oakville ON             2:16:58  0:07:21    435   380/M
   81. Erik Loponen                    Toronto ON              2:17:57  0:07:24    463   403/M
   82. Casey J Thivierge               Belle River ON          2:18:41  0:07:26    480   415/M
   83. Craig Faucette                  Kingston ON             2:18:47  0:07:27    481   416/M
   84. Martin Greenway                 Brantford ON            2:18:58  0:07:27    493   422/M
   85. Richard Mulgrew                 Milton ON               2:19:27  0:07:29    506   434/M
   86. Steve Frech                     St. Catharines ON       2:19:32  0:07:29    510   438/M
   87. Paul Mackenzie                  Oakville ON             2:19:32  0:07:29    512   440/M
   88. Damon Allen                     Belleville ON           2:19:33  0:07:29    513   441/M
   89. Eric Schwindt                   Guelph ON               2:19:52  0:07:30    527   452/M
   90. Steven Thomas                   Ottawa ON               2:20:27  0:07:32    544   467/M
   91. Marwan Dirani                   Ottawa ON               2:20:45  0:07:33    551   473/M
   92. Bruce Malcolm                   Toronto ON              2:21:00  0:07:34    560   480/M
   93. Charles Hawes                   Kingston ON             2:21:10  0:07:34    567   486/M
   94. Graham Dunn                     Waterloo ON             2:21:25  0:07:35    575   491/M
   95. Rene R Burbano                  Richmond Hill ON        2:21:36  0:07:36    584   494/M
   96. John Murison                    Toronto ON              2:21:54  0:07:37    597   503/M
   97. Adam Burnett                    Thornhill ON            2:21:56  0:07:37    599   504/M
   98. Drew Williamson                 Ingersoll ON            2:22:09  0:07:38    610   515/M
   99. Franck F Jussaume               Whitby ON               2:22:45  0:07:39    636   536/M
  100. Rodney Bruce                    Waterloo ON             2:22:58  0:07:40    642   542/M
  101. Chris Holloway                  Mississauga ON          2:23:39  0:07:42    668   559/M
  102. Jason D Smith                   Toronto ON              2:23:40  0:07:42    669   560/M
  103. Brian N Kilburn                 London ON               2:23:45  0:07:43    672   563/M
  104. Randy Park                      Toronto ON              2:24:00  0:07:43    676   565/M
  105. Mark Wellman                    Rockwood ON             2:24:05  0:07:44    681   570/M
  106. Trevor Bondy                    Windsor ON              2:24:46  0:07:46    714   591/M
  107. Doru Sandor                     Whitby ON               2:24:47  0:07:46    715   592/M
  108. Colin Kiviaho                   Ottawa ON               2:24:49  0:07:46    718   594/M
  109. Brian Whalen                    Mississauga ON          2:25:11  0:07:47    732   603/M
  110. Andrew Young                    Toronto ON              2:25:17  0:07:48    739   609/M
  111. Chad Shaver                     Mississauga ON          2:25:17  0:07:48    740   610/M
  112. Bryan Bell                      Hamilton ON             2:25:45  0:07:49    755   619/M
  113. Rob Scheifley                   Toronto ON              2:25:51  0:07:49    761   623/M
  114. Paul Chaney                     Burlington ON           2:25:53  0:07:50    763   624/M
  115. Rob Brown                       Ancaster ON             2:26:07  0:07:50    779   634/M
  116. Peter Martens                   Oakville ON             2:26:09  0:07:50    782   637/M
  117. Tyler Keay                      Lasalle ON              2:26:30  0:07:52    809   659/M
  118. Jonathan Charbonneau            Ottawa ON               2:26:39  0:07:52    817   663/M
  119. Kenny Yum                       Toronto ON              2:26:41  0:07:52    820   665/M
  120. Robert McRae                    Guelph ON               2:26:51  0:07:53    834   674/M
  121. Adie Thorp                      Toronto ON              2:26:55  0:07:53    837   676/M
  122. James McNaughton                Garson ON               2:27:16  0:07:54    855   686/M
  123. Dave Bolan                      Udora ON                2:27:43  0:07:55    878   702/M
  124. Arthur R Oskan                  Toronto ON              2:27:58  0:07:56    895   716/M
  125. Eric Morris                     Toronto ON              2:28:12  0:07:57    919   736/M
  126. Bryan Maier                     Waterloo ON             2:28:13  0:07:57    920   737/M
  127. Matthew Roorda                  Toronto ON              2:28:14  0:07:57    922   739/M
  128. Mark P Dwyer                    Toronto ON              2:28:18  0:07:57    929   744/M
  129. Abs M Bey                       Ottawa ON               2:28:23  0:07:58    939   751/M
  130. Gabriele Settimi                Hamilton ON             2:28:36  0:07:58    956   767/M
  131. Jose Medellin                   Oakville ON             2:28:46  0:07:59    969   773/M
  132. Quentin Lewonas                 Waterdown ON            2:28:52  0:07:59    977   779/M
  133. Michael Krahn                   Aylmer ON               2:28:56  0:07:59    984   784/M
  134. Jamie Andrew                    Kincardine ON           2:28:57  0:07:59    985   785/M
  135. Jim McLellan                    Ajax ON                 2:28:59  0:08:00    992   790/M
  136. Peter Halferty                  Brampton ON             2:29:10  0:08:00   1003   798/M
  137. Adam Rennie                     Niagara Falls ON        2:29:13  0:08:00   1006   800/M
  138. Mark Turkstra                   Hamilton ON             2:29:31  0:08:01   1025   814/M
  139. Tom Kahler                      Hamilton ON             2:29:54  0:08:02   1042   826/M
  140. Alexandre Boudreault            Gatineau QC             2:29:56  0:08:03   1045   828/M
  141. Petja Taivassalo                Newmarket ON            2:30:08  0:08:03   1059   837/M
  142. Gaetan Jr Joyal                 Montreal QC             2:30:34  0:08:05   1080   851/M
  143. Matthew Boyd                    Toronto ON              2:30:36  0:08:05   1082   853/M
  144. Jim Bolton                      Beamsville ON           2:31:13  0:08:07   1120   880/M
  145. Gerard Cramer                   Stratford ON            2:31:16  0:08:07   1123   882/M
  146. Antoni Tzavelas                 Toronto ON              2:31:19  0:08:07   1127   885/M
  147. Stephane Gosselin               L' Ange-Gardien QC      2:31:21  0:08:07   1131   888/M
  148. Jason H Ross                    Toronto ON              2:31:29  0:08:08   1138   894/M
  149. Ben Armstrong                   Exeter ON               2:31:30  0:08:08   1139   895/M
  150. Jason Allard                    Tonawanda NY            2:31:32  0:08:08   1141   897/M
  151. Craig Jackson                   Kincardine ON           2:31:33  0:08:08   1143   899/M
  152. Graham Gerrell                  Toronto ON              2:31:43  0:08:08   1149   904/M
  153. Neil S Pattison                 Toronto ON              2:31:47  0:08:09   1151   906/M
  154. Dean McBride                    Ajax ON                 2:32:09  0:08:10   1168   920/M
  155. Paul Sharpe                     Guelph ON               2:32:09  0:08:10   1169   921/M
  156. Jason Watkins                   Owen Sound ON           2:32:10  0:08:10   1170   922/M
  157. David Ellis                     Georgetown ON           2:32:31  0:08:11   1189   936/M
  158. Tony Chen                       Richmond Hill ON        2:32:46  0:08:12   1203   940/M
  159. Craig Cassar                    Ancaster ON             2:32:57  0:08:12   1210   945/M
  160. Terry Brown                     Orleans ON              2:33:12  0:08:13   1221   950/M
  161. Cb Ball                         Burlington ON           2:33:37  0:08:14   1245   969/M
  162. Kam Balchand                    Mississauga ON          2:33:39  0:08:15   1247   970/M
  163. Simon Guthrie                   Kitchener ON            2:33:44  0:08:15   1250   973/M
  164. Damon Winney                    Windsor ON              2:33:45  0:08:15   1254   976/M
  165. Christian Finley                Hamilton ON             2:33:46  0:08:15   1257   978/M
  166. Brian Hebb                      Brantford ON            2:33:59  0:08:16   1275   987/M
  167. Christian Caswell               Barrie ON               2:34:16  0:08:17   1296  1002/M
  168. Jason Boone                     Hamilton ON             2:34:24  0:08:17   1302  1007/M
  169. Ian Brisbin                     Hamilton ON             2:34:41  0:08:18   1322  1023/M
  170. Randolph C Weir                 London ON               2:35:06  0:08:19   1334  1030/M
  171. Rob Unruh                       Waterloo ON             2:35:13  0:08:20   1339  1033/M
  172. Jason B Weis                    Burlington ON           2:35:15  0:08:20   1340  1034/M
  173. Brad Pipe                       Hamilton ON             2:35:23  0:08:20   1351  1040/M
  174. Gyro Inman                      Ottawa ON               2:35:28  0:08:20   1354  1043/M
  175. Jalil Farah                     Windsor ON              2:35:52  0:08:22   1379  1058/M
  176. Graham A Anderson               Hamilton ON             2:35:52  0:08:22   1380  1059/M
  177. Eugene Kim                      North Yoruk ON          2:36:04  0:08:22   1387  1063/M
  178. Zakk Ropar                      Mississauga ON          2:36:14  0:08:23   1398  1070/M
  179. Michael Lewkowitz               London ON               2:37:00  0:08:25   1431  1090/M
  180. Paul Wilkinson                  Cambridge ON            2:37:20  0:08:26   1449  1101/M
  181. Patrick Collard                 Ottawa ON               2:37:25  0:08:27   1452  1103/M
  182. Peter Grey-Wolf                 Toronto ON              2:37:25  0:08:27   1453  1104/M
  183. Ian Steele                      Embla ON                2:37:38  0:08:27   1467  1113/M
  184. Scott Eisbrenner                Burlington ON           2:38:01  0:08:29   1490  1125/M
  185. Mike Morris                     Woodstock ON            2:38:13  0:08:29   1505  1134/M
  186. Jay Wilgar                      Burlington ON           2:38:14  0:08:29   1506  1135/M
  187. Robert Wands                    Georgetown ON           2:38:27  0:08:30   1524  1144/M
  188. Andrew Tulshie                  Toronto ON              2:38:31  0:08:30   1529  1147/M
  189. Mike Shanks                     Cambridge ON            2:38:42  0:08:31   1537  1151/M
  190. Walter Chan                     Toronto ON              2:38:44  0:08:31   1540  1154/M
  191. Marty Mako                      St. Catharines ON       2:38:56  0:08:32   1551  1163/M
  192. Scott Burden                    Sarnia ON               2:38:59  0:08:32   1556  1166/M
  193. David Larock                    Toronto ON              2:39:05  0:08:32   1563  1172/M
  194. Henry Ki                        Burlington ON           2:39:19  0:08:33   1579  1184/M
  195. Dean Rosnak                     Whitby ON               2:39:20  0:08:33   1582  1186/M
  196. Ryan Craven                     Mount Hope ON           2:39:35  0:08:34   1599  1197/M
  197. Vance Lai                       Kitchener ON            2:39:37  0:08:34   1601  1199/M
  198. Terry Nash                      St. Catharines ON       2:39:53  0:08:35   1624  1211/M
  199. Terry Rasmussen                 Toronto ON              2:39:57  0:08:35   1628  1215/M
  200. Bryan Rankine                   Guelph ON               2:40:39  0:08:37   1687  1249/M
  201. Peter M Macdonald               Toronto ON              2:40:45  0:08:37   1698  1257/M
  202. Richard Koo                     Toronto ON              2:40:47  0:08:38   1702  1260/M
  203. Chris Fenn                      Ottawa ON               2:40:48  0:08:38   1704  1262/M
  204. Matt Elson                      Barrie ON               2:40:55  0:08:38   1708  1264/M
  205. Mike Glazier                    London ON               2:40:58  0:08:38   1715  1269/M
  206. William Johnson                 Hamilton ON             2:41:04  0:08:38   1725  1275/M
  207. Bruno Samuel                    Caledon East ON         2:41:23  0:08:39   1744  1286/M
  208. Brad Rennick                    Hamilton ON             2:41:31  0:08:40   1755  1294/M
  209. Mark Vanoostrum                 Bradford ON             2:41:38  0:08:40   1760  1296/M
  210. Jason Cooper                    Orillia ON              2:41:43  0:08:41   1766  1301/M
  211. Daniel Munro                    Ottawa ON               2:42:12  0:08:42   1797  1319/M
  212. Wayne Rodgers                   Hamilton ON             2:42:35  0:08:43   1819  1334/M
  213. Scott Hamilton                  Ancaster ON             2:42:36  0:08:43   1823  1336/M
  214. Francesco Riccadonna            Keswick ON              2:42:44  0:08:44   1831  1340/M
  215. Fred Adair                      Trenton ON              2:42:54  0:08:44   1847  1349/M
  216. Sean Graham                     Oakville ON             2:42:57  0:08:44   1852  1353/M
  217. Athar Syed                      Oakville ON             2:43:04  0:08:45   1860  1355/M
  218. Miller Aaron                    Mississauga ON          2:43:11  0:08:45   1868  1362/M
  219. Peter Kiriakopoulos             Toronto ON              2:43:19  0:08:46   1877  1367/M
  220. Kyle Leetham                    Whitby ON               2:43:19  0:08:46   1879  1368/M
  221. Graham Russell Jones            Don Mills ON            2:43:35  0:08:47   1900  1379/M
  222. Pierre Jean Gendron             Moose Creek ON          2:43:48  0:08:47   1914  1387/M
  223. Ian A Sullivan                  Toronto ON              2:43:53  0:08:47   1924  1393/M
  224. Paul Wallis                     Whitby ON               2:44:00  0:08:48   1930  1395/M
  225. Peter Wong                      North York ON           2:44:14  0:08:49   1944  1401/M
  226. Nick O'Connell                  Barrie ON               2:44:15  0:08:49   1945  1402/M
  227. Doug Fur                        Milton ON               2:44:30  0:08:49   1963  1412/M
  228. Mark Duque                      Dundas ON               2:44:34  0:08:50   1971  1417/M
  229. Carl Hunt                       Burlington ON           2:45:15  0:08:52   2017  1439/M
  230. Terry Berman                    Thornhill ON            2:45:16  0:08:52   2019  1440/M
  231. Brent Card                      Dundas ON               2:45:31  0:08:53   2043  1457/M
  232. David Saab                      Ancaster ON             2:45:58  0:08:54   2078  1474/M
  233. Henk Bervoets                   London ON               2:46:03  0:08:54   2082  1476/M
  234. Aleksandar A Radan              Clinton ON              2:46:08  0:08:55   2087  1481/M
  235. Mike Everets                    Caledonia ON            2:46:21  0:08:55   2100  1487/M
  236. Darren Collins                  Victoria Harbour ON     2:46:25  0:08:56   2102  1489/M
  237. Roberto Di Ciano                Mississauga ON          2:46:43  0:08:57   2129  1501/M
  238. Cam Johnson                     St. Catharines ON       2:46:49  0:08:57   2137  1507/M
  239. Ron J McKenna                   Toronto ON              2:47:00  0:08:58   2151  1514/M
  240. Trevor Harris                   St. Catharines ON       2:47:10  0:08:58   2165  1523/M
  241. Yang Xiao                       Welland ON              2:47:31  0:08:59   2194  1538/M
  242. Steven Matos                    Oakvillle ON            2:47:37  0:09:00   2203  1545/M
  243. Michael J Long                  Mississauga ON          2:47:38  0:09:00   2209  1550/M
  244. Sandro Tersigni                 Mississauga ON          2:47:44  0:09:00   2221  1557/M
  245. Jason A Elson                   Sudbury ON              2:48:02  0:09:01   2254  1572/M
  246. Ranjit Bose                     Ottawa ON               2:48:24  0:09:02   2285  1589/M
  247. Craig Dell                      Burlington ON           2:48:28  0:09:02   2289  1591/M
  248. Karri Ojanen                    London ON               2:48:43  0:09:03   2302  1599/M
  249. Cameron Smith                   Oakville ON             2:49:01  0:09:04   2317  1605/M
  250. Chris Enns                      Kitchener ON            2:49:22  0:09:05   2342  1617/M
  251. John Sibley                     Oakville ON             2:49:23  0:09:05   2344  1618/M
  252. Geoff A Hall                    London ON               2:49:27  0:09:05   2349  1622/M
  253. Rocco Bellusci                  Milton ON               2:49:34  0:09:06   2364  1629/M
  254. Handy Jamie                     Brampton ON             2:50:02  0:09:07   2400  1646/M
  255. Christian Bogner                Hamilton ON             2:50:02  0:09:07   2402  1648/M
  256. David Edwards                   Kitchener ON            2:50:16  0:09:08   2415  1652/M
  257. Arun Andrade                    Oakville ON             2:50:17  0:09:08   2416  1653/M
  258. Wayne Berger                    Oakville ON             2:50:18  0:09:08   2417  1654/M
  259. Paul Westlake                   Whitby ON               2:50:19  0:09:08   2420  1656/M
  260. Neal Ridley                     Fenwick ON              2:50:25  0:09:09   2427  1662/M
  261. Daniel Brousseau                Chatham ON              2:50:27  0:09:09   2429  1663/M
  262. Maxime Tourigny                 Gatineau QC             2:50:28  0:09:09   2431  1664/M
  263. John Macey                      Oakville ON             2:50:29  0:09:09   2433  1665/M
  264. Michael Jurkiewicz              Toronto ON              2:50:33  0:09:09   2440  1669/M
  265. Aaron Wouters                   Mississauga ON          2:51:01  0:09:10   2471  1685/M
  266. Scott Brown                     Toronto ON              2:51:02  0:09:11   2473  1687/M
  267. Steven Macgregor                London ON               2:51:04  0:09:11   2476  1689/M
  268. Mike Kivell                     Stoney Creek ON         2:51:04  0:09:11   2477  1690/M
  269. Eddie Novogradac                Burlington ON           2:51:07  0:09:11   2482  1694/M
  270. Chris White                     Toronto ON              2:51:11  0:09:11   2488  1700/M
  271. Steve Thompson                  Toronto ON              2:51:26  0:09:12   2498  1705/M
  272. Darryl McMillan                 Guelph ON               2:51:35  0:09:12   2507  1708/M
  273. Craig Marchand                  Brooklin ON             2:51:35  0:09:12   2509  1710/M
  274. Doug Oliver                     Dundas ON               2:51:40  0:09:13   2519  1714/M
  275. Tom Knezic                      Toronto ON              2:51:47  0:09:13   2522  1715/M
  276. Jeff J Korstanje                Hamilton ON             2:51:47  0:09:13   2523  1716/M
  277. Chad Fleck                      Ancaster ON             2:52:08  0:09:14   2553  1730/M
  278. David Bergeron                  Ottawa ON               2:52:19  0:09:15   2568  1739/M
  279. Erkan Beydemir                  Hamilton ON             2:52:30  0:09:15   2582  1746/M
  280. Jim Sorley                      Thorold ON              2:52:38  0:09:16   2591  1752/M
  281. James Spearin                   St. Marys ON            2:53:12  0:09:17   2623  1771/M
  282. Andrew Ng                       Ottawa ON               2:53:25  0:09:18   2648  1783/M
  283. Joe Luoma                       Sudbury ON              2:53:45  0:09:19   2686  1802/M
  284. Jeff Klunder                    Waterford ON            2:54:19  0:09:21   2741  1827/M
  285. Elliot Johnson                  Toronto ON              2:54:23  0:09:21   2745  1830/M
  286. Mark Sheldrake                  Brantford ON            2:54:48  0:09:23   2775  1845/M
  287. Mirko Gojic                     Etobicoke ON            2:54:51  0:09:23   2781  1848/M
  288. Chris Leitch                    Brooklin ON             2:54:53  0:09:23   2787  1850/M
  289. David Jesseau                   Oakville ON             2:54:53  0:09:23   2789  1851/M
  290. Marty Rochon                    Burlington ON           2:55:20  0:09:24   2838  1876/M
  291. Kerry Laing                     Orangeville ON          2:55:32  0:09:25   2851  1880/M
  292. Thomas Seaman                   Guelph ON               2:55:36  0:09:25   2857  1882/M
  293. William Sanchez                 Toronto ON              2:55:46  0:09:26   2867  1888/M
  294. Michael Medeiros                Oakville ON             2:55:46  0:09:26   2868  1889/M
  295. Robert March                    Burlington ON           2:55:51  0:09:26   2875  1890/M
  296. Jason Pantalone                 Ottawa ON               2:55:55  0:09:26   2879  1893/M
  297. Armido Dellemonache             Grimsby ON              2:56:01  0:09:27   2887  1895/M
  298. David Amos                      Milton ON               2:56:01  0:09:27   2890  1896/M
  299. Venkat Mogili                   Toronto ON              2:56:10  0:09:27   2903  1903/M
  300. Mark Hughes                     Stoney Creek ON         2:56:17  0:09:27   2915  1910/M
  301. Marco Berube                    Binbrook ON             2:56:23  0:09:28   2921  1914/M
  302. Brad Speck                      Brockville ON           2:56:30  0:09:28   2932  1919/M
  303. Rob Bladon                      Newmarket ON            2:56:49  0:09:29   2953  1927/M
  304. Mike Ricci                      Vaughan ON              2:56:49  0:09:29   2954  1928/M
  305. Mikaly Gagnon                   Gatineau QC             2:57:04  0:09:30   2974  1934/M
  306. John Rogers                     Woodbridge ON           2:57:07  0:09:30   2981  1936/M
  307. Ryan Post                       Bradford ON             2:57:36  0:09:32   3019  1955/M
  308. Glen Keogan                     London ON               2:57:37  0:09:32   3020  1956/M
  309. Adam Storm                      Toronto ON              2:57:40  0:09:32   3026  1959/M
  310. Dan Gillis                      Guelph ON               2:57:41  0:09:32   3029  1962/M
  311. Robert B Wojtowicz              Hamilton ON             2:57:45  0:09:32   3032  1964/M
  312. Michael J Brown                 Oakville ON             2:58:18  0:09:34   3084  1988/M
  313. Darren Lowe                     Burlington ON           2:58:39  0:09:35   3104  1996/M
  314. Derek Sutton                    Toronto ON              2:58:54  0:09:36   3133  2009/M
  315. Margueirat Fernando             North York ON           2:59:14  0:09:37   3160  2022/M
  316. Jim Piche                       Kemptville ON           2:59:14  0:09:37   3161  2023/M
  317. Alasdair Paterson               Waterdown ON            2:59:35  0:09:38   3181  2034/M
  318. Andy Osman                      Brantford ON            2:59:54  0:09:39   3208  2042/M
  319. Greg McNeilly                   Oakville ON             2:59:57  0:09:39   3215  2047/M
  320. Andy Hrstic                     Burlington ON           3:00:00  0:09:39   3220  2051/M
  321. Mark Gabauer                    Toronto ON              3:00:15  0:09:40   3244  2063/M
  322. Phil Carreira                   Lasalle ON              3:00:22  0:09:41   3255  2068/M
  323. Frank Folino                    Oakville ON             3:00:23  0:09:41   3256  2069/M
  324. Dennis Bergman                  Hamilton ON             3:00:33  0:09:41   3275  2077/M
  325. Jeff Mather                     Milford MA              3:00:43  0:09:42   3287  2082/M
  326. Chelsea Armitage                Toronto ON              3:00:52  0:09:42   3306  2090/M
  327. Tim Finnis                      Barrie ON               3:01:53  0:09:45   3389  2135/M
  328. Scott Schofield                 London ON               3:02:15  0:09:47   3419  2147/M
  329. Jamie Holmes                    Ajax ON                 3:02:21  0:09:47   3431  2154/M
  330. Albert Marshall                 Cayaula MI              3:02:43  0:09:48   3456  2165/M
  331. Rich Menna                      Binbrook ON             3:02:47  0:09:48   3458  2166/M
  332. David A Perry                   Ottawa ON               3:02:50  0:09:48   3464  2170/M
  333. Robert Macan                    Windsor ON              3:02:53  0:09:49   3471  2175/M
  334. Michael McAlpine                London ON               3:02:55  0:09:49   3477  2177/M
  335. Michael Lewis                   Fonthill ON             3:02:59  0:09:49   3483  2182/M
  336. Dion Steenkist                  London ON               3:03:05  0:09:49   3486  2183/M
  337. Tony Pisano                     St. Catharines ON       3:03:14  0:09:50   3501  2192/M
  338. Jason Dugard                    Waterdown ON            3:03:16  0:09:50   3503  2193/M
  339. Michael Lin                     Toronto ON              3:03:18  0:09:50   3506  2195/M
  340. Chris Pagliari                  Ancaster ON             3:03:29  0:09:51   3518  2201/M
  341. Eric Taylor                     Hamilton ON             3:03:36  0:09:51   3528  2208/M
  342. Martin Laforest                 Gatineau QC             3:03:40  0:09:51   3533  2209/M
  343. Lorenzo Guite                   Cobourg ON              3:03:50  0:09:52   3550  2215/M
  344. Garth Broughton                 Waterdown ON            3:04:16  0:09:53   3579  2231/M
  345. Nigel Hearn                     Mississauga ON          3:04:37  0:09:54   3602  2240/M
  346. Jeff Van Dalen                  Binbrook ON             3:04:50  0:09:55   3614  2244/M
  347. Daniel Francis                  Burlington ON           3:04:51  0:09:55   3617  2246/M
  348. Darren A Francis                Waterdown ON            3:04:52  0:09:55   3618  2247/M
  349. Colin Paton                     Hamilton ON             3:05:25  0:09:57   3646  2258/M
  350. Allen A Heetkamp                Oshawa ON               3:05:45  0:09:58   3672  2270/M
  351. Steve Van Hoffen                Burlington ON           3:05:48  0:09:58   3677  2273/M
  352. Marc Boudreau                   Scarborough ON          3:05:57  0:09:59   3686  2278/M
  353. Trevor Connors                  Navan ON                3:06:43  0:10:01   3735  2295/M
  354. Blair Nicolle                   Toronto ON              3:06:44  0:10:01   3738  2297/M
  355. Francisco Pena                  Etobicoke ON            3:07:06  0:10:02   3760  2305/M
  356. Scott Simmons                   Hamilton ON             3:07:50  0:10:05   3801  2324/M
  357. Stephen Rea                     Oakville ON             3:08:03  0:10:05   3819  2333/M
  358. Ryan Latinovich                 Burlington ON           3:08:28  0:10:07   3852  2350/M
  359. Rob Newhouser                   Hamilton ON             3:08:30  0:10:07   3856  2353/M
  360. Scott Barlow                    Kitchener ON            3:08:44  0:10:07   3866  2357/M
  361. Juan Diaz                       Toronto ON              3:09:22  0:10:10   3908  2371/M
  362. Jeremy Lugowy                   Toronto ON              3:09:59  0:10:11   3952  2385/M
  363. Oliver Mann                     Binbrook ON             3:10:06  0:10:12   3961  2389/M
  364. Eric Savard                     Mount Hope ON           3:10:07  0:10:12   3962  2390/M
  365. Daniel Zupu                     Mississauga ON          3:10:16  0:10:12   3970  2393/M
  366. Ian W Kruis                     Hampton ON              3:10:48  0:10:14   4002  2406/M
  367. Pat Chan                        Cambridge ON            3:11:01  0:10:15   4013  2410/M
  368. James Olley                     Kitchener ON            3:11:03  0:10:15   4015  2411/M
  369. Mike Holland                    Stoney Creek ON         3:11:15  0:10:16   4027  2419/M
  370. Chris Wignall                   Greensville ON          3:11:23  0:10:16   4037  2424/M
  371. Steve Moran                     Hamilton ON             3:11:23  0:10:16   4038  2425/M
  372. Mikael Dam                      Toronto ON              3:11:44  0:10:17   4065  2436/M
  373. Greg Insley                     Guelph ON               3:11:45  0:10:17   4066  2437/M
  374. Michael R Jones                 Burlington ON           3:12:40  0:10:20   4129  2463/M
  375. Bogdan Odobas                   Woodbridge ON           3:12:43  0:10:20   4138  2467/M
  376. Chirs B Murphy                  Hannon ON               3:12:55  0:10:21   4155  2476/M
  377. Robert Karunaratne              Aurora ON               3:13:00  0:10:21   4160  2478/M
  378. John Samson                     Hamilton ON             3:13:12  0:10:22   4168  2481/M
  379. Kris Bulmer                     Ottawa ON               3:13:46  0:10:24   4204  2494/M
  380. Dave Gadsden                    Toronto ON              3:14:23  0:10:26   4243  2510/M
  381. Gino Barillaro                  Hamilton ON             3:14:23  0:10:26   4245  2511/M
  382. Kenneth M Knox                  Toronto ON              3:14:53  0:10:27   4278  2525/M
  383. J.D. Pauls                      Stoney Creek ON         3:15:08  0:10:28   4290  2531/M
  384. Jeff Anderson                   Burlington ON           3:15:11  0:10:28   4298  2535/M
  385. Rob W Stewart                   Brampton ON             3:16:07  0:10:31   4345  2558/M
  386. Steve Walker                    Burlington ON           3:16:18  0:10:32   4359  2567/M
  387. Tom Snyder                      Kitchener ON            3:16:50  0:10:34   4390  2581/M
  388. Shawn Markell                   Etobicoke ON            3:17:23  0:10:35   4424  2595/M
  389. Rob Kent                        Toronto ON              3:17:45  0:10:36   4442  2599/M
  390. Mark Blackett                   Kingston ON             3:17:52  0:10:37   4449  2602/M
  391. Joe Kim                         Dundas ON               3:18:18  0:10:38   4473  2610/M
  392. Sander Post                     Ottawa ON               3:18:59  0:10:40   4516  2624/M
  393. Geoff Flannagan                 Oakville ON             3:19:15  0:10:41   4529  2630/M
  394. Gene M Benner                   Burlington ON           3:19:18  0:10:41   4532  2632/M
  395. Jason Poel                      St. Marys ON            3:19:37  0:10:43   4550  2635/M
  396. Amadeo Rodriguez                Stoney Creek ON         3:19:44  0:10:43   4558  2639/M
  397. Scott A Dempster                Oakville ON             3:20:01  0:10:44   4575  2642/M
  398. Rashaad Vahed                   Mississauga ON          3:21:02  0:10:47   4634  2658/M
  399. Derek Paterson                  Hamilton ON             3:22:09  0:10:51   4677  2672/M
  400. Warren Barriault                Brampton ON             3:22:26  0:10:52   4691  2679/M
  401. Stan S Czajkowsky               Binbrook ON             3:22:33  0:10:52   4694  2681/M
  402. Jason Watson                    Hamilton ON             3:23:17  0:10:54   4741  2691/M
  403. Chad Allen                      Mississauga ON          3:23:39  0:10:55   4758  2700/M
  404. Ian Overend                     Burlington ON           3:23:49  0:10:56   4769  2704/M
  405. Mike Davis                      Ottawa ON               3:24:36  0:10:59   4806  2715/M
  406. Robert Hood                     Cambridge ON            3:24:39  0:10:59   4807  2716/M
  407. Chris Lavoie                    Dundas ON               3:25:13  0:11:01   4829  2725/M
  408. Jason Kay                       Kitchener ON            3:25:46  0:11:02   4853  2729/M
  409. Chad Irwin                      Brookiln ON             3:25:54  0:11:03   4863  2732/M
  410. Mark Findlay                    Burlington ON           3:25:57  0:11:03   4864  2733/M
  411. Blaine Groves                   Dundas ON               3:26:16  0:11:04   4879  2738/M
  412. Jason Chartier                  Burlington ON           3:26:23  0:11:04   4885  2742/M
  413. Ryan Stabler                    Peterborough ON         3:26:55  0:11:06   4903  2749/M
  414. Valerio Ranieri                 Kanata ON               3:26:56  0:11:06   4905  2751/M
  415. Chris George                    Parry Sound ON          3:27:23  0:11:08   4927  2757/M
  416. Mark A Sinkovic                 Toronto ON              3:28:36  0:11:11   5005  2783/M
  417. Dave Aston                      Kitchener ON            3:28:45  0:11:12   5010  2786/M
  418. Alex (Sash) Querbach            Windsor ON              3:28:55  0:11:12   5020  2789/M
  419. Martin Kuhn                     Hillsdale ON            3:29:27  0:11:14   5050  2798/M
  420. Charles Irish                   Borden ON               3:29:39  0:11:15   5061  2800/M
  421. Jeff J Cotter                   Brantford ON            3:30:47  0:11:18   5102  2816/M
  422. Michael Galan                   Newmarket ON            3:32:47  0:11:25   5188  2843/M
  423. Greg Rousell                    Burlington ON           3:33:16  0:11:26   5211  2849/M
  424. Jason Barwegen                  Kitchener ON            3:33:25  0:11:27   5220  2851/M
  425. Rich Elmer                      Greensville ON          3:33:34  0:11:27   5230  2855/M
  426. Christian Jarman                Oakville ON             3:33:35  0:11:27   5232  2857/M
  427. Adam R Klein                    Ancaster ON             3:34:51  0:11:32   5297  2881/M
  428. William Dunlop                  Woodstock ON            3:34:59  0:11:32   5302  2882/M
  429. Jason Walter                    Toronto ON              3:35:16  0:11:33   5314  2889/M
  430. Stewart Cawthray                Oakville ON             3:36:36  0:11:37   5348  2902/M
  431. Louis-Alex Gregoire-Sakkal      Montreal QC             3:39:03  0:11:45   5435  2934/M
  432. William Kingston                Cornwall ON             3:39:16  0:11:46   5443  2938/M
  433. Mark Skoczylas                  Dundas ON               3:39:25  0:11:46   5446  2941/M
  434. Martin Vaillancourt             St. Ann's ON            3:39:25  0:11:46   5447  2942/M
  435. Phil Guertin                    Toronto ON              3:39:33  0:11:47   5456  2946/M
  436. Chad Richard                    Oshawa ON               3:39:44  0:11:47   5466  2949/M
  437. Jason Stewart                   Ottawa ON               3:40:12  0:11:49   5491  2959/M
  438. Martin Dewar                    Toronto ON              3:40:55  0:11:51   5516  2966/M
  439. Hubert Brard                    Brampton ON             3:42:37  0:11:57   5560  2975/M
  440. Landon Rak                      Toronto ON              3:43:50  0:12:00   5599  2989/M
  441. Duane Bouyea                    Burlington ON           3:44:51  0:12:04   5632  2999/M
  442. Jeffrey Sharpe                  Stoney Creek ON         3:45:55  0:12:07   5674  3011/M
  443. Andrew Short                    Kitchener ON            3:46:25  0:12:09   5686  3017/M
  444. Nathan Harpelle                 Orangeville ON          3:47:01  0:12:11   5697  3025/M
  445. Jay Serdula                     Kingston ON             3:47:47  0:12:13   5711  3030/M
  446. Kari-Michael Helava             Toronto ON              3:55:02  0:12:36   5855  3073/M
  447. Andrew Moir                     Woodstock ON            3:55:57  0:12:39   5871  3077/M
  448. Karl Schmitz                    Oakville ON             3:56:21  0:12:41   5882  3081/M
  449. Lee Brett                       Woodstock ON            3:56:49  0:12:42   5895  3084/M
  450. Jeff Boich                      Oakville ON             4:08:13  0:13:19   6048  3135/M
  451. Jason Roberts                   Orleans ON              4:14:18  0:13:39   6103  3155/M
  452. Iain De Jong                    Oakville ON             4:47:59  0:15:27   6212  3184/M
Men 40-44
Place  Name                            Town                    Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Terry Gehl                      St. Charles QC          1:43:13  0:05:32      6     6/M
    2. Nelson Ndereva                  Toronto ON              1:46:31  0:05:43     12    12/M
    3. Predrag Mladenovic              Etobicoke ON            1:47:26  0:05:46     16    15/M
    4. Matthew Glynn                   Buffalo NY              1:50:33  0:05:56     23    21/M
    5. Laurent Jugant                  Montreal QC             1:50:35  0:05:56     24    22/M
    6. Christian Gundlack              Hamilton ON             1:53:19  0:06:05     32    29/M
    7. Geoffrey Wheatley               Hamilton ON             1:54:05  0:06:07     35    32/M
    8. Michael Hay                     Guelph ON               1:55:21  0:06:11     46    42/M
    9. Mike Bosch                      Pickering ON            1:55:53  0:06:13     50    46/M
   10. Randy Zabukovec                 Kingston ON             1:56:24  0:06:15     53    49/M
   11. Scott McDonell                  Mississauga ON          1:58:50  0:06:22     70    66/M
   12. Daragh Mansworth                Toronto ON              1:59:04  0:06:23     73    69/M
   13. Michael Blois                   Ottawa ON               1:59:15  0:06:24     78    74/M
   14. George Knehler                  Tecumseh ON             1:59:17  0:06:24     80    76/M
   15. Herminio Fernandes              Barrie ON               1:59:41  0:06:25     87    83/M
   16. Daryl R Flacks                  Windsor ON              1:59:42  0:06:25     89    85/M
   17. Kevin Delaney                   Arlington MA            1:59:49  0:06:26     91    86/M
   18. Jason Smith                     Toronto ON              2:02:02  0:06:33    107   102/M
   19. Freddie So                      Oakville ON             2:03:53  0:06:39    119   111/M
   20. Marcel Kasumovich               New York NY             2:04:45  0:06:42    132   122/M
   21. David Birch                     Toronto ON              2:04:48  0:06:42    133   123/M
   22. Mike Crawford                   Maitland ON             2:05:04  0:06:43    140   129/M
   23. Martin Desbiens                 Gatineau ON             2:05:36  0:06:44    144   133/M
   24. Robert Lecsek                   Cambridge ON            2:07:11  0:06:49    166   151/M
   25. Michael White                   Cambridge ON            2:07:24  0:06:50    171   155/M
   26. Ryan Nutbrown                   London ON               2:08:24  0:06:53    188   172/M
   27. Marc Flageole                   Boucherville QC         2:08:33  0:06:54    189   173/M
   28. Jason Hinton                    Bridgenorth ON          2:08:33  0:06:54    190   174/M
   29. Phillip Close                   Toronto ON              2:08:45  0:06:54    198   182/M
   30. Christopher Occhino             Buffalo NY              2:08:47  0:06:55    201   184/M
   31. Rick Atkinson                   Claremont ON            2:08:59  0:06:55    209   191/M
   32. Pepe Lepew                      Pickering ON            2:09:15  0:06:56    215   196/M
   33. Steve Sevsek                    Toronto ON              2:10:27  0:07:00    233   212/M
   34. Mir Shafiee                     Sault Ste. Marie ON     2:10:45  0:07:01    237   216/M
   35. Richard Maisel                  Toronto ON              2:11:04  0:07:02    245   224/M
   36. Stephen Hannah                  Burlington ON           2:11:21  0:07:03    258   234/M
   37. Kelly Bertrand                  Guelph ON               2:11:43  0:07:04    269   244/M
   38. Geoff Rawson                    Burlington ON           2:11:48  0:07:04    274   249/M
   39. Brian Hastitngs                 Brampton ON             2:12:15  0:07:06    287   260/M
   40. Ken Mann                        Hamilton ON             2:12:20  0:07:06    289   262/M
   41. Hagheray Afeworki               Toronto ON              2:12:39  0:07:07    298   270/M
   42. Peter E Simon                   Hamilton ON             2:13:05  0:07:08    312   279/M
   43. Boguslaw Wojewodka              Guelph ON               2:13:09  0:07:09    314   281/M
   44. Craig Linton                    London ON               2:13:22  0:07:09    322   287/M
   45. Bryan Salt                      Sudbury ON              2:13:25  0:07:09    325   290/M
   46. Bill Steinburg                  Barrie ON               2:13:45  0:07:10    334   296/M
   47. Alain Deschamps                 Welland ON              2:14:21  0:07:12    358   315/M
   48. Amanuel Ayele                   Brampton ON             2:14:36  0:07:13    370   326/M
   49. Michael French                  Chatham ON              2:14:39  0:07:13    373   329/M
   50. Brian Waldie                    Stratford ON            2:14:52  0:07:14    381   337/M
   51. Greg Brand                      Toronto ON              2:15:34  0:07:16    397   350/M
   52. Colin Gleason                   Elma NY                 2:15:46  0:07:17    403   356/M
   53. Derek R Mulhall                 Tecumseh ON             2:15:52  0:07:17    405   358/M
   54. Norm Stephen                    Stoney Creek ON         2:16:21  0:07:19    418   367/M
   55. Mark Savedes                    South Lyon MI           2:16:21  0:07:19    419   368/M
   56. Guy Gardin                      Brooklin ON             2:16:26  0:07:19    421   369/M
   57. Paul Plunkett                   Peterborough ON         2:16:34  0:07:20    424   372/M
   58. John Ende                       Kenmore NY              2:17:20  0:07:22    446   387/M
   59. David Cook                      Ripley ON               2:17:25  0:07:22    449   390/M
   60. Mark Watling                    London ON               2:17:38  0:07:23    456   397/M
   61. Jason Hankins                   Kitcheer ON             2:18:08  0:07:25    467   406/M
   62. Chris Sommerfelt                Toronto ON              2:18:19  0:07:25    471   408/M
   63. Don Wallace                     Georgetown ON           2:18:35  0:07:26    477   412/M
   64. David C White                   Toronto ON              2:18:40  0:07:26    479   414/M
   65. Matt Sharp                      Newmarket ON            2:18:53  0:07:27    489   420/M
   66. Mark Mitchell                   Hamilton ON             2:19:05  0:07:28    496   424/M
   67. Rodney Lott                     Burlington ON           2:19:30  0:07:29    508   436/M
   68. Ashley Adamson                  Toronto ON              2:19:33  0:07:29    514   442/M
   69. Paul Mackay                     London ON               2:19:36  0:07:29    516   443/M
   70. Steve Moore                     Chatham ON              2:19:46  0:07:30    523   448/M
   71. Peter Evans                     Windsor ON              2:19:53  0:07:30    528   453/M
   72. David Mark                      Toronto ON              2:20:13  0:07:31    535   460/M
   73. Alfredo Cortes                  London ON               2:20:19  0:07:32    539   463/M
   74. Gary Rendering                  Beaverton ON            2:20:25  0:07:32    543   466/M
   75. David Breglia                   Scarborough ON          2:20:39  0:07:33    546   469/M
   76. Geoff Hodgson                   Toronto ON              2:20:53  0:07:33    557   477/M
   77. Marc Hirshberg                  Thornhill ON            2:20:53  0:07:33    558   478/M
   78. Mark Chabot                     Kingston ON             2:21:20  0:07:35    573   489/M
   79. Richard Engel                   St. Catharines ON       2:21:22  0:07:35    574   490/M
   80. Peter Powell                    Whitby ON               2:21:29  0:07:35    580   492/M
   81. Gregoire Bonhomme               Toronto ON              2:21:39  0:07:36    587   496/M
   82. Craig Noble                     Hamilton ON             2:21:53  0:07:37    595   501/M
   83. Gustavo Arocena                 Toronto ON              2:21:59  0:07:37    602   507/M
   84. Sean Montani                    Hamilton ON             2:22:02  0:07:37    607   512/M
   85. Tim Janzen                      St. Catharines ON       2:22:08  0:07:37    609   514/M
   86. Graham Morrison                 Oakville ON             2:22:10  0:07:38    611   516/M
   87. Richard Bahen                   Glen Williams ON        2:22:27  0:07:39    623   524/M
   88. Andrew Chak                     Toronto ON              2:22:32  0:07:39    627   528/M
   89. Jack Kilislian                  East York ON            2:22:39  0:07:39    633   533/M
   90. Andre Christensen               Toronto ON              2:23:08  0:07:41    647   545/M
   91. Vincent Charbonneau             Burlington ON           2:23:25  0:07:42    655   551/M
   92. Mike Yu                         Toronto ON              2:23:26  0:07:42    656   552/M
   93. Andy Horton                     Palgrave ON             2:23:29  0:07:42    661   554/M
   94. Mariusz Rozanski                Guelph ON               2:23:33  0:07:42    665   556/M
   95. Kenneth Trueman                 St-Basile-L-G QC        2:23:43  0:07:43    671   562/M
   96. Dave Emilio                     Toronto ON              2:24:26  0:07:45    698   582/M
   97. Thomas M Meyer                  Toronto ON              2:25:00  0:07:47    725   598/M
   98. Michael Drukarsh                Newmarket ON            2:25:16  0:07:48    736   606/M
   99. Craig McHugh                    Cumberland ON           2:25:29  0:07:48    744   612/M
  100. Gilles Gervais                  Gatineau QC             2:25:30  0:07:48    745   613/M
  101. Tim J Dalton                    Toronto ON              2:25:33  0:07:48    747   615/M
  102. Vince Robles                    Toronto ON              2:25:55  0:07:50    769   626/M
  103. Dan H Stefanson                 Abbotsford BC           2:26:01  0:07:50    774   630/M
  104. Barry E Wood                    Dunrobin ON             2:26:03  0:07:50    776   631/M
  105. Mark Sheehan                    Waterdown ON            2:26:18  0:07:51    792   644/M
  106. Craig Reynolds                  Bolton ON               2:26:20  0:07:51    797   648/M
  107. Michael Kelly                   Belleville ON           2:26:30  0:07:52    808   658/M
  108. Chuck Lee                       Mississauga ON          2:26:37  0:07:52    816   662/M
  109. Mark Forde                      Barrie ON               2:26:42  0:07:52    822   667/M
  110. Todd Miller                     Mississauga ON          2:26:48  0:07:53    828   670/M
  111. David Panaccione                Toronto ON              2:26:54  0:07:53    836   675/M
  112. Rich Darke                      Ancaster ON             2:27:03  0:07:53    845   680/M
  113. Jamie A Rossiter                Bolton ON               2:27:23  0:07:54    862   692/M
  114. David D'Souza                   London ON               2:27:32  0:07:55    873   699/M
  115. Luis Franco                     Toronto ON              2:27:40  0:07:55    876   701/M
  116. Akeel Ghaib                     Oakville ON             2:28:00  0:07:56    897   718/M
  117. Martin Gollan                   Hamilton ON             2:28:03  0:07:57    901   722/M
  118. Christian Rabbat                Stoney Creek ON         2:28:05  0:07:57    906   726/M
  119. Michael Anderson                Toronto ON              2:28:05  0:07:57    907   727/M
  120. Sean Maddox                     Ottawa ON               2:28:09  0:07:57    916   734/M
  121. Patrick Sullivan                Angus ON                2:28:15  0:07:57    924   740/M
  122. Ivan Sheehan                    Waterloo ON             2:28:18  0:07:57    928   743/M
  123. Jason L Dunkerley               Caledon ON              2:28:28  0:07:58    944   756/M
  124. Shane Jantzi                    Ayr ON                  2:28:35  0:07:58    952   763/M
  125. Bob Fields                      Simcoe ON               2:28:36  0:07:58    953   764/M
  126. David Dennier                   Toronto ON              2:28:41  0:07:59    962   768/M
  127. Steven Peros                    Oakville ON             2:28:46  0:07:59    968   772/M
  128. Greg Clements                   Owen Sound ON           2:28:48  0:07:59    970   774/M
  129. Brian Rodkin                    Thornhill ON            2:28:49  0:07:59    972   775/M
  130. Tom Edgar                       Ancaster ON             2:28:58  0:07:59    990   789/M
  131. Andre Brousseau                 Burlington ON           2:29:01  0:08:00    994   792/M
  132. Oliver Owens                    Utopia ON               2:29:05  0:08:00   1000   795/M
  133. Paul Nathan                     Toronto ON              2:29:09  0:08:00   1002   797/M
  134. Andrew French                   Toronto ON              2:29:13  0:08:00   1007   801/M
  135. Martin Conde                    Kitchener ON            2:29:21  0:08:01   1014   805/M
  136. Bill McEachern                  Ottawa ON               2:29:30  0:08:01   1023   812/M
  137. Curtis Cathcart                 Peninsula OH            2:29:44  0:08:02   1035   820/M
  138. Wayne Silberman                 North York ON           2:29:58  0:08:03   1047   829/M
  139. Laz Klein                       Toronto ON              2:30:00  0:08:03   1054   833/M
  140. Andre Plante                    Lisle ON                2:30:08  0:08:03   1061   839/M
  141. John Song                       Mississauga ON          2:30:12  0:08:03   1065   842/M
  142. Brian Williams                  Guelph ON               2:30:13  0:08:04   1066   843/M
  143. Shaun Morrow                    Ottawa ON               2:30:17  0:08:04   1070   846/M
  144. Steve Brown                     Oakville ON             2:30:22  0:08:04   1074   848/M
  145. Kevin Koole                     Guelph ON               2:30:35  0:08:05   1081   852/M
  146. Steve Fay-Cosman                Kitchener ON            2:30:54  0:08:06   1097   864/M
  147. Constantin Staicu               Toronto ON              2:31:03  0:08:06   1108   871/M
  148. Sean Sweeney                    Mississauga ON          2:31:13  0:08:07   1121   881/M
  149. Mike Marshall                   Burlington ON           2:31:20  0:08:07   1129   886/M
  150. Scot Brockbank                  Port Dover ON           2:31:21  0:08:07   1130   887/M
  151. Chunyang Zhu                    St. Catharines ON       2:31:26  0:08:07   1135   892/M
  152. Remo Agostino                   Toronto ON              2:31:32  0:08:08   1142   898/M
  153. Ron Korstanje                   Bar Harbor ME           2:31:55  0:08:09   1153   907/M
  154. Jim Glen                        Hamilton ON             2:31:56  0:08:09   1154   908/M
  155. Dion Russell                    Hamilton ON             2:32:00  0:08:09   1155   909/M
  156. Josh C Santa-Barbara            Troy ON                 2:32:02  0:08:09   1159   912/M
  157. Chris Bacigalupo                Elora ON                2:32:06  0:08:10   1163   915/M
  158. Jay Hussey                      Burlington ON           2:32:19  0:08:10   1175   926/M
  159. Laughlin Larry                  Richmond Hill ON        2:32:21  0:08:10   1178   929/M
  160. Mark Taylor                     Milton ON               2:32:22  0:08:10   1180   931/M
  161. Caius Tenche                    Etobicoke ON            2:32:45  0:08:12   1202   939/M
  162. Terry Sancartier                Gatineau QC             2:32:55  0:08:12   1208   943/M
  163. Valentin Youmbi                 Brampton ON             2:33:13  0:08:13   1222   951/M
  164. Rod Lowe                        Toronto ON              2:33:14  0:08:13   1224   953/M
  165. Brent Baker                     Bracebridge ON          2:33:24  0:08:14   1229   956/M
  166. Morris Eddy                     Mannheim ON             2:33:26  0:08:14   1233   960/M
  167. Shawn Schryer                   Sudbury ON              2:33:32  0:08:14   1240   965/M
  168. Mark D Shepherd                 Cambridge ON            2:33:33  0:08:14   1241   966/M
  169. Hebert Martinez                 Oakville ON             2:33:36  0:08:14   1243   968/M
  170. Hugo Lafontaine                 Toronto ON              2:33:39  0:08:15   1248   971/M
  171. Michael Blecher                 Toronto ON              2:33:43  0:08:15   1249   972/M
  172. Don Hum                         Toronto ON              2:33:50  0:08:15   1265   982/M
  173. Tom J Queenan                   London ON               2:34:04  0:08:16   1281   992/M
  174. Chris Dutton                    Markham ON              2:34:14  0:08:16   1293  1001/M
  175. Stephen D Schiedel              Toronto ON              2:34:28  0:08:17   1304  1008/M
  176. Christopher Rubeck              Geneseo NY              2:34:30  0:08:17   1306  1010/M
  177. John Henderson                  Shelburne ON            2:34:36  0:08:18   1316  1017/M
  178. Brent Kinnaird                  Hamilton ON             2:34:54  0:08:19   1330  1028/M
  179. Philip Rayment                  Binbrook ON             2:35:18  0:08:20   1344  1037/M
  180. Shawn Delay                     Nepean ON               2:35:42  0:08:21   1366  1050/M
  181. Trevor Kirkland                 Ottawa ON               2:35:42  0:08:21   1367  1051/M
  182. Harim Labuschagne               Toronto ON              2:35:48  0:08:21   1375  1056/M
  183. Rob Bondy                       Sharon ON               2:36:00  0:08:22   1385  1061/M
  184. Ramon Palao                     Milton ON               2:36:06  0:08:22   1388  1064/M
  185. Andy Van                        Cambridge ON            2:36:29  0:08:24   1407  1076/M
  186. Dave Tompkins                   Guelph ON               2:36:34  0:08:24   1412  1080/M
  187. Anders Runesson                 Hamilton ON             2:36:53  0:08:25   1426  1088/M
  188. Donald M Travis                 London ON               2:37:13  0:08:26   1441  1097/M
  189. Phil Austin                     Hamilton ON             2:37:30  0:08:27   1458  1108/M
  190. Allen Braude                    Toronto ON              2:37:47  0:08:28   1472  1116/M
  191. Scott Burggraf                  Whitby ON               2:37:56  0:08:28   1483  1120/M
  192. Chris McPeake                   Toronto ON              2:37:58  0:08:28   1484  1121/M
  193. Karl Lee                        Newcastle ON            2:38:07  0:08:29   1496  1128/M
  194. Luke Keesmaat                   Rr2 Ohsweken ON         2:38:12  0:08:29   1503  1132/M
  195. Jez Fletcher                    Mississauga ON          2:38:22  0:08:30   1518  1140/M
  196. Phuoc Ho                        Markham ON              2:38:44  0:08:31   1541  1155/M
  197. Luke J Senecal                  Ottawa ON               2:38:54  0:08:31   1549  1161/M
  198. James Sauve                     Ottawa ON               2:38:56  0:08:32   1550  1162/M
  199. Jim Richards                    Hamilton ON             2:39:03  0:08:32   1561  1170/M
  200. Mark Kerr                       Toronto ON              2:39:05  0:08:32   1562  1171/M
  201. Brian Zimmer                    St. Thomas ON           2:39:09  0:08:32   1568  1176/M
  202. Remo Pallottini                 Burlington ON           2:39:13  0:08:32   1573  1180/M
  203. Andrew Hopper                   Caledon ON              2:39:18  0:08:33   1578  1183/M
  204. Anthony Horton                  Burlington ON           2:39:31  0:08:33   1592  1192/M
  205. Jeff Wilson                     Belle River ON          2:39:37  0:08:34   1600  1198/M
  206. Chris Baker                     Etobicoke ON            2:39:41  0:08:34   1606  1202/M
  207. Robert Ferraro                  Toronto ON              2:39:42  0:08:34   1607  1203/M
  208. Dan Holstein                    Beamsville ON           2:39:45  0:08:34   1613  1206/M
  209. Scott Kennedy                   Newmarket ON            2:39:56  0:08:35   1627  1214/M
  210. Michael Chang                   Toronto ON              2:39:59  0:08:35   1633  1217/M
  211. David Morris                    Hamilton ON             2:40:06  0:08:35   1643  1223/M
  212. Mitch Frazer                    Toronto ON              2:40:15  0:08:36   1654  1228/M
  213. Rice Rob                        Woodstock ON            2:40:27  0:08:36   1665  1237/M
  214. Mike Hunchak                    Georgetown ON           2:40:33  0:08:37   1675  1242/M
  215. Mark Knackstedt                 Toronto ON              2:40:39  0:08:37   1686  1248/M
  216. Randy Cocek                     Nepean ON               2:40:43  0:08:37   1694  1255/M
  217. Paul Lacelle                    Port Colborne ON        2:40:56  0:08:38   1711  1266/M
  218. Eric Maas                       Cambridge ON            2:40:57  0:08:38   1713  1268/M
  219. Jason Jacobs                    Toronto ON              2:40:59  0:08:38   1719  1271/M
  220. Mike Lindsay                    Brantford ON            2:41:03  0:08:38   1722  1273/M
  221. Roger Enns                      Ayr ON                  2:41:04  0:08:38   1726  1276/M
  222. John Cranfield                  Guelph ON               2:41:08  0:08:39   1732  1278/M
  223. Victor Cabral                   Ancaster ON             2:41:13  0:08:39   1738  1282/M
  224. Jason Austen                    Aylmer ON               2:41:32  0:08:40   1756  1295/M
  225. Kevin Upson                     Burlington ON           2:41:41  0:08:40   1764  1299/M
  226. Kevin Taylor                    Toronto ON              2:42:02  0:08:42   1785  1313/M
  227. Urban Wong                      Ottawa ON               2:42:19  0:08:42   1804  1323/M
  228. Peter Milan                     Toronto ON              2:42:24  0:08:43   1808  1326/M
  229. Denis Nolet                     New Liskeard ON         2:42:26  0:08:43   1811  1328/M
  230. Ian Ducharme                    Mississauga ON          2:42:41  0:08:44   1826  1337/M
  231. Greg Salsman                    Toronto ON              2:42:48  0:08:44   1835  1344/M
  232. Derek Rivers                    Port Colborne ON        2:43:01  0:08:45   1855  1354/M
  233. James Kovacs                    St. Thomas ON           2:43:06  0:08:45   1861  1356/M
  234. Khizer Khan                     Mississauga ON          2:43:11  0:08:45   1869  1363/M
  235. James Hewitt                    London ON               2:43:17  0:08:46   1875  1366/M
  236. Victor M Padilla                Orleans ON              2:43:42  0:08:47   1909  1383/M
  237. Rob Bester                      London ON               2:43:46  0:08:47   1912  1385/M
  238. Richard Calistan                Oakville ON             2:43:51  0:08:47   1919  1390/M
  239. Hernan Velez                    Binbrook ON             2:44:13  0:08:49   1943  1400/M
  240. Michael Hewett                  Ottawa ON               2:44:26  0:08:49   1961  1410/M
  241. Bryan Harris                    Barrie ON               2:44:29  0:08:49   1962  1411/M
  242. Rob Heagle                      Milton ON               2:44:34  0:08:50   1970  1416/M
  243. Peter Milroy                    Kitchener ON            2:44:39  0:08:50   1975  1419/M
  244. Dave Hoover                     Heidelberg ON           2:45:01  0:08:51   1998  1430/M
  245. Jamie Gillespie                 Bolton ON               2:45:05  0:08:51   2005  1432/M
  246. Dan Kane                        Stratford ON            2:45:09  0:08:52   2012  1436/M
  247. Christopher Mercanti            Kincardine ON           2:45:22  0:08:52   2029  1448/M
  248. Warden Steven                   Oakville ON             2:45:26  0:08:52   2037  1452/M
  249. Matthew Spence                  Oakville ON             2:45:37  0:08:53   2054  1463/M
  250. Michael P Zuker                 Toronto ON              2:45:59  0:08:54   2079  1475/M
  251. Brian Hovsepian                 Hamilton ON             2:46:15  0:08:55   2093  1484/M
  252. Jeffo Kennedy                   Courtice ON             2:46:37  0:08:56   2120  1496/M
  253. Dominic Novais                  Oakville ON             2:46:44  0:08:57   2131  1502/M
  254. Norman C Mac Neil               Hamilton ON             2:46:45  0:08:57   2132  1503/M
  255. Robert Tobin                    Chatham ON              2:46:47  0:08:57   2136  1506/M
  256. Dave Dufault                    Mississauga ON          2:47:04  0:08:58   2157  1517/M
  257. Ron Steingold                   Toronto ON              2:47:10  0:08:58   2167  1525/M
  258. Stephen Peterson                Peterborough ON         2:47:12  0:08:58   2171  1527/M
  259. Ray St John                     London ON               2:47:15  0:08:58   2175  1529/M
  260. Mike Penny                      Milton ON               2:47:24  0:08:59   2184  1534/M
  261. Will Pisek                      St. Catharines ON       2:47:34  0:08:59   2196  1540/M
  262. Sam Dalal                       London ON               2:47:42  0:09:00   2217  1556/M
  263. Michael Payne                   Burlington ON           2:47:46  0:09:00   2223  1558/M
  264. Peter Goodman                   Burlington ON           2:47:51  0:09:00   2230  1560/M
  265. Lou Rantin                      Peterborough ON         2:47:52  0:09:00   2232  1561/M
  266. Christopher Chipperfield        Mississauga ON          2:47:52  0:09:00   2233  1562/M
  267. Joe Natale                      Richmond Hill ON        2:47:52  0:09:00   2234  1563/M
  268. Darryl M Forster                Brantford ON            2:47:53  0:09:00   2235  1564/M
  269. Jim M Rideout                   Oakville ON             2:47:55  0:09:00   2240  1566/M
  270. John K McConnell                Oakville ON             2:47:56  0:09:01   2241  1567/M
  271. Todd Johnston                   Oakville ON             2:48:07  0:09:01   2260  1575/M
  272. Paul Buffett                    Dundas ON               2:48:08  0:09:01   2263  1576/M
  273. Jon Belcher                     Toronto ON              2:48:10  0:09:01   2265  1578/M
  274. Peter Baxter                    Burlington ON           2:48:10  0:09:01   2266  1579/M
  275. David Girolami                  Toronto ON              2:48:10  0:09:01   2267  1580/M
  276. Paul Herring                    Burlington ON           2:48:39  0:09:03   2297  1595/M
  277. Mark Verbeek                    Hamilton ON             2:49:17  0:09:05   2335  1613/M
  278. Michael Vincent                 Waterloo ON             2:49:21  0:09:05   2341  1616/M
  279. Robert Mason                    Toronto ON              2:49:23  0:09:05   2346  1620/M
  280. Osman Veisi                     Toronto ON              2:49:24  0:09:05   2347  1621/M
  281. Claude Papineau                 Ottawa ON               2:49:31  0:09:06   2357  1626/M
  282. Dino De Guzman                  Mississauga ON          2:49:32  0:09:06   2360  1628/M
  283. Robert Smallwood                Oshawa ON               2:50:01  0:09:07   2396  1643/M
  284. David Ngo                       Richmond Hill ON        2:50:13  0:09:08   2411  1650/M
  285. Jason Adomeit                   Millgrove ON            2:50:21  0:09:08   2422  1658/M
  286. Graeme C Gibney                 London ON               2:50:25  0:09:09   2426  1661/M
  287. Michael Cyr                     Hamilton ON             2:51:05  0:09:11   2478  1691/M
  288. Kevin A Beaudette               Ottawa ON               2:51:05  0:09:11   2479  1692/M
  289. William Milne                   Goderich ON             2:51:14  0:09:11   2492  1701/M
  290. Richard Bowers                  Limehouse ON            2:51:39  0:09:12   2513  1713/M
  291. Gord Allan                      London ON               2:51:58  0:09:14   2542  1724/M
  292. Tony M Petitti                  Mississauga ON          2:51:58  0:09:14   2543  1725/M
  293. Laurence Hanly                  Burlington ON           2:52:12  0:09:14   2559  1735/M
  294. Joey Ducharme                   Etobicoke ON            2:52:39  0:09:16   2592  1753/M
  295. Matt Small                      Georgetown ON           2:53:05  0:09:17   2613  1764/M
  296. Dave Caesar                     Richmond Hill ON        2:53:17  0:09:18   2630  1775/M
  297. Michael Legare                  Oshawa ON               2:53:18  0:09:18   2631  1776/M
  298. Ken Kusalik                     Chatham ON              2:53:37  0:09:19   2673  1794/M
  299. Ross Ankenmann                  Toronto ON              2:53:45  0:09:19   2685  1801/M
  300. Michael Reid                    Waterloo ON             2:53:56  0:09:20   2701  1808/M
  301. Matt Thorne                     Richmond Hill ON        2:54:11  0:09:21   2726  1819/M
  302. Scott M Boisvert                Niagara Falls ON        2:54:12  0:09:21   2728  1820/M
  303. Kevin Chun                      Toronto ON              2:54:16  0:09:21   2734  1823/M
  304. Benoit Pilon                    St Lazare QC            2:54:36  0:09:22   2757  1836/M
  305. Alex Baniczky                   Toronto ON              2:54:44  0:09:22   2769  1841/M
  306. Johnny Poon                     Mississauga ON          2:54:48  0:09:23   2774  1844/M
  307. Fran Moore                      Stayner ON              2:55:04  0:09:23   2818  1864/M
  308. Jason Linkewich                 North Bay ON            2:55:09  0:09:24   2826  1869/M
  309. Gregory Dowdall                 Toronto ON              2:55:16  0:09:24   2833  1874/M
  310. Ken Pabla                       Brampton ON             2:55:26  0:09:25   2844  1878/M
  311. Alex Guertin                    Toronto ON              2:55:39  0:09:25   2862  1884/M
  312. Mike Macartney                  Kitchener ON            2:56:07  0:09:27   2897  1898/M
  313. Rod Macdonald                   Waterloo ON             2:56:07  0:09:27   2898  1899/M
  314. Glenn Hulme                     Dundas ON               2:56:07  0:09:27   2900  1901/M
  315. Randall Andrews                 Brighton MI             2:56:10  0:09:27   2904  1904/M
  316. Todd Ross                       Ingersoll ON            2:56:11  0:09:27   2905  1905/M
  317. Glen Bidwell                    Oakville ON             2:56:19  0:09:28   2919  1913/M
  318. Eric Liebischer                 Pickering ON            2:56:29  0:09:28   2928  1917/M
  319. Filippo Gattola                 Montreal QC             2:56:29  0:09:28   2931  1918/M
  320. Phat Nguyen                     Ottawa ON               2:56:31  0:09:28   2934  1920/M
  321. Stephen G Taylor                Oakville ON             2:56:32  0:09:28   2935  1921/M
  322. Mike Walker                     Georgetown ON           2:56:33  0:09:28   2937  1922/M
  323. Joel Ruddy                      Oakville ON             2:56:42  0:09:29   2946  1925/M
  324. Wheatley Ryan                   Burlington ON           2:56:51  0:09:29   2957  1929/M
  325. Jeff Murphy                     Waterloo ON             2:56:53  0:09:29   2960  1930/M
  326. Kevin Spencer                   Toronto ON              2:56:58  0:09:30   2965  1931/M
  327. Richard Tanguay                 Ottawa ON               2:57:20  0:09:31   2991  1938/M
  328. Rick Yazwinski                  Toronto ON              2:57:30  0:09:31   3007  1948/M
  329. Lars Goransson                  Burlington ON           2:57:31  0:09:31   3013  1951/M
  330. Denis Boivin                    Oakville ON             2:57:55  0:09:33   3052  1973/M
  331. Chris Donato                    Mississauga ON          2:58:17  0:09:34   3082  1987/M
  332. Todd Irving                     Toronto ON              2:58:23  0:09:34   3088  1991/M
  333. Peter Fenwick                   Toronto ON              2:58:40  0:09:35   3106  1997/M
  334. Jonathan Jj Hughes              Toronto ON              2:58:46  0:09:35   3115  2002/M
  335. Luis Rengifo                    Ancaster ON             2:59:04  0:09:36   3148  2016/M
  336. Chris P Bell                    Hamilton ON             2:59:09  0:09:37   3155  2019/M
  337. Steve Baarda                    London ON               2:59:12  0:09:37   3159  2021/M
  338. Daryl Devonish                  Toronto ON              2:59:16  0:09:37   3163  2024/M
  339. Grant Brouwer                   St. Thomas ON           2:59:35  0:09:38   3179  2032/M
  340. Marcelo Kim                     Richmond Hill ON        2:59:51  0:09:39   3204  2041/M
  341. Dino Di Vita                    Newmarket ON            2:59:54  0:09:39   3209  2043/M
  342. Ian L Walterhouse               Stouffville ON          2:59:56  0:09:39   3213  2045/M
  343. Dan Crabbe                      Guelph ON               2:59:57  0:09:39   3214  2046/M
  344. Michael Dejong                  Oconomowoc WI           2:59:58  0:09:39   3218  2049/M
  345. Mike H Hrycenko                 Hamilton ON             3:00:01  0:09:39   3221  2052/M
  346. Slobodan Levnaic                Stoney Creek ON         3:00:02  0:09:39   3223  2053/M
  347. Dan Dobrin                      Toronto ON              3:00:02  0:09:39   3224  2054/M
  348. Maurice Cascanette              Whitby ON               3:00:17  0:09:40   3245  2064/M
  349. Jayvee A Guerrero               Ajax ON                 3:00:26  0:09:41   3261  2072/M
  350. Shaun Ryan                      Oshawa ON               3:00:46  0:09:42   3293  2085/M
  351. Fernando Amilpa                 Milton ON               3:01:13  0:09:43   3333  2101/M
  352. Fred Harding                    Oakville ON             3:01:13  0:09:43   3334  2102/M
  353. Charles Sincennes               Orleans ON              3:01:26  0:09:44   3352  2113/M
  354. Martin Dube                     Welland ON              3:01:29  0:09:44   3356  2115/M
  355. Rich Pencer                     Toronto ON              3:01:37  0:09:45   3368  2122/M
  356. Yaron Haik                      Toronto ON              3:01:41  0:09:45   3376  2127/M
  357. Jeff Lofft                      Burlington ON           3:02:10  0:09:46   3413  2144/M
  358. Steve Thompson                  Oxford Mills ON         3:02:14  0:09:47   3417  2146/M
  359. Sean Mitchell                   Toronto ON              3:02:16  0:09:47   3422  2149/M
  360. Bruce Jackson                   Ottawa ON               3:02:19  0:09:47   3427  2153/M
  361. Steve Edwardson                 Chatham ON              3:02:22  0:09:47   3435  2155/M
  362. Joshua Roy                      Toronto ON              3:02:31  0:09:47   3442  2159/M
  363. Cam W Shapansky                 Cambridge ON            3:02:42  0:09:48   3452  2164/M
  364. Michael Neale                   Toronto ON              3:02:47  0:09:48   3459  2167/M
  365. Brad Lawrence                   Kitchener ON            3:03:10  0:09:50   3495  2188/M
  366. Janos Schaffer                  Newmarket ON            3:03:13  0:09:50   3500  2191/M
  367. Robb Hunter                     Cambridge ON            3:03:50  0:09:52   3551  2216/M
  368. Louis Lim                       Toronto ON              3:03:53  0:09:52   3553  2217/M
  369. David Stubbs                    Toronto ON              3:04:14  0:09:53   3576  2230/M
  370. Craig D Hope                    Burlington ON           3:04:20  0:09:53   3583  2233/M
  371. Don Maclean                     Toronto ON              3:04:23  0:09:53   3587  2235/M
  372. Peter G Larsen                  Thornhill ON            3:05:06  0:09:56   3628  2252/M
  373. Dan Wilson                      Oshawa ON               3:05:26  0:09:57   3648  2259/M
  374. Johnny Macdonald                St. Catharines ON       3:05:35  0:09:57   3655  2262/M
  375. Dave Argento                    Toronto ON              3:06:02  0:09:59   3690  2281/M
  376. Chris Friesen                   Woodstock ON            3:07:09  0:10:02   3768  2310/M
  377. Darin Steels                    West Hill ON            3:07:21  0:10:03   3780  2316/M
  378. Phil Teerink                    Barrie ON               3:07:54  0:10:05   3808  2328/M
  379. Wil Beardmore                   Guelph ON               3:07:55  0:10:05   3811  2329/M
  380. Andrew Costello                 Ottawa ON               3:08:09  0:10:06   3827  2338/M
  381. Scott Dotson                    Kitchener ON            3:08:10  0:10:06   3829  2339/M
  382. Dan Miller                      Kitchener ON            3:08:14  0:10:06   3833  2341/M
  383. Derek O'Toole                   Oakville ON             3:08:33  0:10:07   3858  2354/M
  384. David Bauer                     East Amherst NY         3:08:36  0:10:07   3859  2355/M
  385. Steve Wolfe                     Oakville ON             3:09:25  0:10:10   3911  2373/M
  386. Kevin Lacey                     Oshawa ON               3:09:46  0:10:11   3933  2380/M
  387. Darren Mortimer                 Acton ON                3:09:58  0:10:11   3946  2384/M
  388. Nick Kindler                    Toronto ON              3:10:14  0:10:12   3967  2391/M
  389. Anthony Pingue                  Niagara Falls ON        3:10:39  0:10:14   3991  2401/M
  390. Dave Sinclair                   Welland ON              3:11:08  0:10:15   4020  2415/M
  391. Erwin Wiens                     Niagara On The Lake ON  3:11:11  0:10:15   4022  2417/M
  392. Mauko Joseph                    Toronto ON              3:11:26  0:10:16   4041  2427/M
  393. Kevin Hartley                   Athens ON               3:11:32  0:10:16   4051  2431/M
  394. Michael Groot                   Belle River ON          3:11:37  0:10:17   4057  2432/M
  395. William Haycock                 Collingwood ON          3:12:00  0:10:18   4077  2441/M
  396. Craig Parker                    Kitchener ON            3:12:01  0:10:18   4079  2442/M
  397. Michael Hogan                   Ottawa ON               3:12:04  0:10:18   4081  2444/M
  398. Thomas Sartor                   Port Dover ON           3:12:05  0:10:18   4082  2445/M
  399. Mark Bodanis                    Toronto ON              3:12:39  0:10:20   4127  2461/M
  400. Dean Billings                   Stoney Creek ON         3:12:40  0:10:20   4131  2464/M
  401. Rob Voneuw                      Stratford ON            3:12:41  0:10:20   4132  2465/M
  402. Ryan Kornelson                  Oakville ON             3:12:53  0:10:21   4154  2475/M
  403. Michael Brown                   Oakville ON             3:13:08  0:10:22   4166  2480/M
  404. Brent Smyth                     Orleans ON              3:13:39  0:10:23   4195  2490/M
  405. Ted Scott                       Dundas ON               3:13:47  0:10:24   4205  2495/M
  406. Ed Robles                       Scarborough ON          3:13:50  0:10:24   4208  2497/M
  407. Giorgio F                       Woodbridge ON           3:14:14  0:10:25   4236  2507/M
  408. Scott McBride                   Burlington ON           3:14:18  0:10:25   4240  2509/M
  409. Mark Koyama                     Markham ON              3:14:50  0:10:27   4276  2524/M
  410. J Vincent Lynch                 Toronto ON              3:15:02  0:10:28   4286  2527/M
  411. Paul Lalonde                    Toronto ON              3:15:05  0:10:28   4288  2529/M
  412. Shawn E Cook                    Hamilton ON             3:15:08  0:10:28   4291  2532/M
  413. David Balsdon                   Waterdown ON            3:15:23  0:10:29   4305  2539/M
  414. Combdon Fej                     Toronto ON              3:15:35  0:10:30   4312  2543/M
  415. Robert Farrell                  Burlington ON           3:15:47  0:10:30   4319  2546/M
  416. Chris Morrison                  Osgoode ON              3:15:53  0:10:30   4333  2553/M
  417. Michel Pinault                  Gatineau QC             3:16:03  0:10:31   4342  2556/M
  418. Tim Smith                       Hamilton ON             3:16:07  0:10:31   4346  2559/M
  419. Raymond M Leblanc               Welland ON              3:17:47  0:10:37   4445  2601/M
  420. Brent Harrison                  Mount Hope ON           3:17:58  0:10:37   4453  2603/M
  421. Andres Basurto                  Burlington ON           3:18:16  0:10:38   4468  2607/M
  422. Carl Vanturennout               Hamilton ON             3:18:17  0:10:38   4469  2608/M
  423. Henry Haderlein                 Woodstock ON            3:18:25  0:10:39   4482  2614/M
  424. Colin McKinley                  Hamilton ON             3:18:35  0:10:39   4492  2616/M
  425. Russ Ashton                     Cambridge ON            3:18:35  0:10:39   4493  2617/M
  426. St?phane Burelle                Ottawa ON               3:18:36  0:10:39   4497  2618/M
  427. Vi Tu Banh                      Markham ON              3:20:11  0:10:44   4588  2646/M
  428. Craig Beckim                    Toronto ON              3:20:53  0:10:47   4627  2656/M
  429. Jose Alvarez-De-Lugo            Waterdown ON            3:21:15  0:10:48   4640  2661/M
  430. Frank Gawlina                   Burlington ON           3:21:31  0:10:49   4651  2666/M
  431. Chris Ham                       Richmond Hill ON        3:22:21  0:10:51   4687  2675/M
  432. Kenn Manzerolle                 Orangeville ON          3:22:23  0:10:51   4689  2677/M
  433. Steve Putman                    Kitchener ON            3:22:24  0:10:51   4690  2678/M
  434. Andrew Matchett                 Peterborough ON         3:22:53  0:10:53   4717  2685/M
  435. Jamie Futko                     Burlington ON           3:23:36  0:10:55   4754  2697/M
  436. Paul Shepperd                   Fergus ON               3:23:58  0:10:57   4777  2706/M
  437. Philip Zanotti                  Toronto ON              3:24:47  0:10:59   4813  2720/M
  438. Harinder Kang                   Toronto ON              3:24:49  0:10:59   4816  2721/M
  439. Serge Gingras                   Hamilton ON             3:25:04  0:11:00   4827  2724/M
  440. Alain Brule                     Orleans ON              3:26:23  0:11:04   4884  2741/M
  441. Guy Charette                    Bowmanville ON          3:26:34  0:11:05   4894  2745/M
  442. David B Gillespie               Peterborough ON         3:26:55  0:11:06   4904  2750/M
  443. Martelle Marty                  Parry Sound ON          3:27:25  0:11:08   4928  2758/M
  444. Scott Marshall                  Fergus ON               3:27:45  0:11:09   4950  2766/M
  445. Marcel Boucher                  Angus ON                3:27:56  0:11:09   4962  2773/M
  446. Ron Lyen                        Ottawa ON               3:27:58  0:11:09   4963  2774/M
  447. Lars Lars                       Acton ON                3:28:24  0:11:11   4988  2778/M
  448. Danpaul Paul                    Brampton ON             3:28:41  0:11:12   5007  2785/M
  449. Johnny Wong                     Richmond Hill ON        3:29:20  0:11:14   5043  2794/M
  450. Chris Sutherland                Barrie ON               3:30:24  0:11:17   5091  2811/M
  451. Lester Coloma                   Hamilton ON             3:30:29  0:11:17   5094  2812/M
  452. Marc-Andre Trudeau              Terrebonne QC           3:31:49  0:11:22   5155  2829/M
  453. George Waggott                  Toronto ON              3:31:53  0:11:22   5158  2831/M
  454. Bob Johnston                    Brampton ON             3:32:16  0:11:23   5168  2836/M
  455. Chris Nardi                     Burlington ON           3:32:27  0:11:24   5177  2838/M
  456. Martin Blanchette               Val-D'or QC             3:32:35  0:11:24   5182  2841/M
  457. Mark Buckland                   Washago ON              3:33:25  0:11:27   5221  2852/M
  458. Bill Ames                       Lasalle ON              3:34:15  0:11:30   5273  2868/M
  459. Robert Loney                    Burlington ON           3:34:17  0:11:30   5276  2871/M
  460. Rob Crawford                    Aurora ON               3:34:29  0:11:30   5279  2873/M
  461. John J Vettese                  Richmond Hill ON        3:35:07  0:11:32   5308  2885/M
  462. Ray Lapierre                    Hamilton ON             3:35:22  0:11:33   5319  2891/M
  463. John Gould                      Hamilton ON             3:36:52  0:11:38   5357  2906/M
  464. Dan Udovc                       Burlington ON           3:37:11  0:11:39   5367  2911/M
  465. Darryl Jones                    Brampton ON             3:39:21  0:11:46   5445  2940/M
  466. George Cole                     Niagara Falls ON        3:40:05  0:11:48   5481  2955/M
  467. Robert Leaker                   Stoney Creek ON         3:40:46  0:11:51   5510  2964/M
  468. Fred Moore                      Toronto ON              3:40:46  0:11:51   5511  2965/M
  469. Mark Cyr                        Toronto ON              3:41:01  0:11:51   5520  2967/M
  470. Bryan Morales                   Ajax ON                 3:41:03  0:11:51   5524  2969/M
  471. Jason Lavides                   Hamilton ON             3:42:05  0:11:55   5548  2972/M
  472. Mike Halminen                   Toronto ON              3:43:06  0:11:58   5574  2981/M
  473. Vincent Cheung                  Toronto ON              3:43:09  0:11:58   5576  2982/M
  474. Cory Skinner                    Kempville ON            3:43:20  0:11:59   5581  2984/M
  475. Chris Bartholomew               Ottawa ON               3:43:20  0:11:59   5582  2985/M
  476. Allen Cooper                    Mississauga ON          3:45:16  0:12:05   5647  3002/M
  477. Ira Brooke                      Thornhill ON            3:45:50  0:12:07   5668  3009/M
  478. Mark Kerwin                     Toronto ON              3:45:58  0:12:07   5677  3013/M
  479. Michael Fischer                 Waterdown ON            3:46:27  0:12:09   5688  3018/M
  480. Bob Allen                       Burlington ON           3:49:57  0:12:20   5761  3045/M
  481. Dave Morrison                   Caledonia ON            3:50:20  0:12:21   5765  3049/M
  482. Scott W Strong                  Etobicoke ON            3:50:33  0:12:22   5771  3052/M
  483. Ross W Rader                    Caledon East ON         3:50:54  0:12:23   5776  3054/M
  484. Glen Ideias                     Mississauga ON          3:51:00  0:12:24   5781  3055/M
  485. Brian Brama                     Queensville ON          3:51:05  0:12:24   5785  3057/M
  486. David Marfei                    Grimsby ON              3:53:46  0:12:32   5836  3068/M
  487. Jose Lacruz                     Hamilton ON             3:55:23  0:12:38   5859  3075/M
  488. Keith Rook                      Morrisburg ON           3:56:39  0:12:42   5887  3082/M
  489. Dan Guthrie                     Kingston ON             3:56:42  0:12:42   5891  3083/M
  490. Robert Hodgson                  Hamilton ON             3:56:57  0:12:43   5898  3086/M
  491. Norman Ficker                   Brampton ON             3:57:06  0:12:43   5902  3089/M
  492. Adrian Hipolito                 Scarborough ON          3:58:39  0:12:48   5918  3092/M
  493. Erik C Switzer                  Toronto ON              4:02:58  0:13:02   5980  3114/M
  494. David Saunders                  Kingsville ON           4:03:31  0:13:04   5984  3117/M
  495. Carlos De Sousa                 Markham ON              4:04:01  0:13:05   5993  3119/M
  496. Jason Nagy                      Greenwood ON            4:05:10  0:13:09   6007  3124/M
  497. Bruce Dennison                  Barrie ON               4:05:55  0:13:12   6019  3128/M
  498. David Rehberg                   Frankford ON            4:08:06  0:13:19   6047  3134/M
  499. Tom Utter                       Royal Oak MI            4:10:25  0:13:26   6068  3142/M
  500. Sam Yelken                      Toronto ON              4:10:46  0:13:27   6073  3143/M
  501. Karl Karunaratne                Aurora ON               4:11:24  0:13:29   6079  3146/M
  502. Paul Hayes                      Oakville ON             4:15:18  0:13:42   6111  3156/M
  503. Jeffrey S Percival              Oakville ON             4:19:24  0:13:55   6138  3168/M
  504. Peter McGlynn                   Chatham ON              4:22:54  0:14:06   6153  3173/M
  505. Mark Croft                      Scarborough ON          4:37:22  0:14:53   6188  3180/M
Men 45-49
Place  Name                            Town                    Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Lawrence Warriner               Toronto ON              1:52:05  0:06:01     29    26/M
    2. Chris Macknie                   Ottawa ON               1:53:11  0:06:04     31    28/M
    3. Roger Moss                      Toronto ON              1:54:54  0:06:10     42    38/M
    4. Anthony Davey                   Toronto ON              1:56:32  0:06:15     55    51/M
    5. John J Gardener                 Ajax ON                 1:57:48  0:06:19     63    59/M
    6. Mark Meyers                     Pewaukee WI             1:57:58  0:06:20     65    61/M
    7. Peter Voneuw                    Oakville ON             1:58:51  0:06:23     71    67/M
    8. Rick Hellard                    Ottawa ON               1:59:13  0:06:24     76    72/M
    9. Daniel Mackinnon                Pickering ON            1:59:23  0:06:24     81    77/M
   10. Brett Titus                     Oakville ON             1:59:31  0:06:25     85    81/M
   11. Stepehn Hill                    Ilderton ON             1:59:56  0:06:26     94    89/M
   12. David Hiddleston                Toronto ON              2:00:20  0:06:27     98    93/M
   13. Dave Rutherford                 Waterloo ON             2:05:18  0:06:43    142   131/M
   14. Ilias Konstantopoulos           Toronto ON              2:06:17  0:06:46    152   141/M
   15. Harvey Foote                    Maple ON                2:06:29  0:06:47    158   146/M
   16. David Ladouceur                 London ON               2:06:34  0:06:47    160   147/M
   17. Michael Chang                   Toronto ON              2:07:19  0:06:50    169   153/M
   18. Brent Walker                    Naughton ON             2:07:25  0:06:50    172   156/M
   19. Jochen Tilk                     Toronto ON              2:08:01  0:06:52    178   162/M
   20. Ken Arnott                      Newmarket ON            2:08:02  0:06:52    180   164/M
   21. Andrew C Smith                  Oakville ON             2:08:03  0:06:52    181   165/M
   22. Roger Jonas                     Toronto ON              2:08:16  0:06:53    184   168/M
   23. Richard Daley                   Peterborough ON         2:08:20  0:06:53    186   170/M
   24. Mike D Power                    Toronto ON              2:08:34  0:06:54    192   176/M
   25. Holger Kleinke                  Waterloo ON             2:08:40  0:06:54    194   178/M
   26. Darren Osborne                  Oakville ON             2:08:43  0:06:54    196   180/M
   27. Colin Milligan                  London ON               2:08:53  0:06:55    207   189/M
   28. Tim Lychy                       North York ON           2:09:09  0:06:56    212   193/M
   29. Leo Troy                        Toronto ON              2:10:25  0:07:00    230   209/M
   30. Brendan Kavanagh                Barrie ON               2:10:46  0:07:01    238   217/M
   31. Barry Morton                    Toronto ON              2:10:49  0:07:01    240   219/M
   32. Batman Lobo                     Mississauga ON          2:11:12  0:07:02    251   230/M
   33. Ron Duffy                       London ON               2:11:19  0:07:03    255   231/M
   34. Mark Sterling                   Toronto ON              2:11:20  0:07:03    256   232/M
   35. Tony Vella                      Mississauga ON          2:11:21  0:07:03    257   233/M
   36. Johnny Malavolta                Dundas ON               2:11:44  0:07:04    270   245/M
   37. Chris Bright                    Ottawa ON               2:11:46  0:07:04    272   247/M
   38. Geoff Linton                    Guelph ON               2:11:56  0:07:05    276   251/M
   39. Jim Figler                      Hamburg NY              2:12:01  0:07:05    278   253/M
   40. Paul J Cehan                    Battersea ON            2:12:15  0:07:06    286   259/M
   41. Wade Corby                      Oakville ON             2:12:30  0:07:06    295   267/M
   42. Paul Kravis                     West Hill ON            2:12:37  0:07:07    297   269/M
   43. Brian Miller                    Toronto ON              2:12:42  0:07:07    300   272/M
   44. Kevin Gallagher                 Toronto ON              2:13:11  0:07:09    316   282/M
   45. Steve Fessenden                 Little Current ON       2:13:17  0:07:09    320   285/M
   46. Carl Young                      Mississauga ON          2:13:38  0:07:10    329   292/M
   47. Daryl Somers                    Fenwick ON              2:13:42  0:07:10    332   295/M
   48. Louis Tay                       Ottawa ON               2:13:48  0:07:11    337   298/M
   49. Brian Lenart                    Stoney Creek ON         2:13:49  0:07:11    339   300/M
   50. Kevin Murphy                    Brantford ON            2:13:56  0:07:11    346   304/M
   51. Alain Gonthier                  Ottawa ON               2:14:03  0:07:11    352   310/M
   52. Tayeb Mesbah                    Gatineau QC             2:14:25  0:07:13    359   316/M
   53. Thomas Gaffney                  Toronto ON              2:14:39  0:07:13    372   328/M
   54. Paul G Dowswell                 London ON               2:14:45  0:07:14    376   332/M
   55. Robert Hanley                   Whitby ON               2:15:04  0:07:15    383   339/M
   56. Kevin Clay                      Stratford ON            2:15:45  0:07:17    399   352/M
   57. Colin Cunningham                Whitby ON               2:15:56  0:07:18    408   360/M
   58. Tom Flynn                       St. Catharines ON       2:16:29  0:07:19    422   370/M
   59. Thomas Hunter                   Ridgeville ON           2:17:01  0:07:21    438   381/M
   60. Christopher Yip                 Toronto ON              2:17:23  0:07:22    448   389/M
   61. Mark Rutledge                   Mississauga ON          2:17:34  0:07:23    453   394/M
   62. Steve L Schaus                  Walkerton ON            2:17:45  0:07:23    459   399/M
   63. David Feick                     Peterborough ON         2:17:58  0:07:24    465   405/M
   64. Ed Wong                         Toronto ON              2:18:17  0:07:25    470   407/M
   65. Michael C Thomson               Toronto ON              2:18:40  0:07:26    478   413/M
   66. Jim Walsh                       Sault Ste. Marie ON     2:18:51  0:07:27    487   419/M
   67. Rod Simpson                     Cobourg ON              2:19:00  0:07:27    494   423/M
   68. Bill Groves                     Vineland ON             2:19:09  0:07:28    497   425/M
   69. Lyle Zary                       Toronto ON              2:19:14  0:07:28    499   427/M
   70. Chuck Douglas                   Kingston ON             2:19:20  0:07:28    501   429/M
   71. Randal Dyzak                    Kingston ON             2:19:24  0:07:29    503   431/M
   72. Don Bonnett                     Port Dover ON           2:19:26  0:07:29    505   433/M
   73. Richard Weeks                   Owen Sound ON           2:19:41  0:07:30    519   445/M
   74. Shawn Chisholm                  Hamilton ON             2:19:42  0:07:30    520   446/M
   75. Rob Dalingwater                 Hamilton ON             2:19:47  0:07:30    524   449/M
   76. Rick Swinson                    Whitby ON               2:20:05  0:07:31    532   457/M
   77. Glenn Whitehead                 London ON               2:20:07  0:07:31    533   458/M
   78. Mike Aikenhead                  Chatham ON              2:20:16  0:07:31    537   462/M
   79. Robert A McCullum               Brampton ON             2:20:42  0:07:33    549   471/M
   80. John Knox                       Mississauga ON          2:20:44  0:07:33    550   472/M
   81. Matt Kavanaugh                  Orchard Park NY         2:20:50  0:07:33    554   475/M
   82. John Caulfeild                  Mississauga ON          2:20:54  0:07:34    559   479/M
   83. Kevin M Mietlicki               Lockport NY             2:21:04  0:07:34    565   484/M
   84. David Burrows                   King City ON            2:21:45  0:07:36    590   497/M
   85. Steve McCready                  Ottawa ON               2:21:49  0:07:36    592   499/M
   86. Geoff Werstuck                  Ancaster ON             2:21:53  0:07:37    596   502/M
   87. Allan Williams                  Toronto ON              2:21:59  0:07:37    604   509/M
   88. Andrew Ponsen                   Burlington ON           2:22:01  0:07:37    606   511/M
   89. Remo Camillo                    Ancaster ON             2:22:11  0:07:38    615   519/M
   90. Alan Jaenecke                   North Tonawanda NY      2:22:20  0:07:38    618   521/M
   91. Robert Hanks                    Toronto ON              2:22:21  0:07:38    620   523/M
   92. Vincent_Andy Fong               Kanata ON               2:22:27  0:07:39    624   525/M
   93. Doug Ireland                    Jordan Station ON       2:22:33  0:07:39    628   529/M
   94. Nir Meltzer                     Toronto ON              2:22:44  0:07:39    634   534/M
   95. Dan Revell                      Barrie ON               2:22:48  0:07:40    639   539/M
   96. Rob Langer                      Richmond Hill ON        2:22:55  0:07:40    641   541/M
   97. Derek Smith                     Owen Sound ON           2:23:14  0:07:41    650   548/M
   98. Rob Reed                        Ancaster ON             2:23:17  0:07:41    653   550/M
   99. Scott Dickie                    Fenelon Falls ON        2:24:04  0:07:44    680   569/M
  100. Greg O'Reilly                   Windsor ON              2:24:07  0:07:44    683   572/M
  101. Jean-Paul Bedard                Toronto ON              2:24:10  0:07:44    685   573/M
  102. Eric Pelletier                  Toronto ON              2:24:11  0:07:44    686   574/M
  103. Joey Correia                    Maple ON                2:24:14  0:07:44    689   576/M
  104. Raul Perez                      Toronto ON              2:24:20  0:07:45    694   579/M
  105. Lubor Ptacek                    Waterloo ON             2:24:27  0:07:45    699   583/M
  106. Shayne Hodgson                  London ON               2:24:37  0:07:45    703   585/M
  107. Steven Vetore                   Toronto ON              2:24:38  0:07:46    704   586/M
  108. Marcel Lemmen                   Stoney Creek ON         2:25:08  0:07:47    729   601/M
  109. Chris Gorchinsky                Burlington ON           2:25:46  0:07:49    756   620/M
  110. Bob Baldwin                     Toronto ON              2:25:48  0:07:49    759   621/M
  111. Joe Craddock                    Waterloo ON             2:26:01  0:07:50    772   629/M
  112. Jeremy A Abrahams               Dundas ON               2:26:04  0:07:50    777   632/M
  113. Dave Scott                      Georgetown ON           2:26:09  0:07:50    781   636/M
  114. Yarko Horvath                   Hamilton ON             2:26:09  0:07:50    783   638/M
  115. Shawn Cavanagh                  Oakville ON             2:26:19  0:07:51    794   646/M
  116. David Bialkowski                Parry Sound ON          2:26:22  0:07:51    800   651/M
  117. Mike Bermingham                 Oakville ON             2:26:58  0:07:53    840   677/M
  118. Alan Christie                   Hamilton ON             2:27:02  0:07:53    844   679/M
  119. Larry W Dearlove                Mississauga ON          2:27:13  0:07:54    851   684/M
  120. Allan Goodman                   Thornhill ON            2:27:21  0:07:54    861   691/M
  121. Dave Malcolm                    Brantford ON            2:27:29  0:07:55    868   697/M
  122. Hassan Afshar                   Richmond Hill ON        2:27:30  0:07:55    870   698/M
  123. Francois Poirier                Mississauga ON          2:27:44  0:07:56    880   703/M
  124. Simon Harding                   Oakville ON             2:27:46  0:07:56    883   706/M
  125. Randy Hargest                   London ON               2:27:47  0:07:56    885   708/M
  126. Simon Chow                      Toronto ON              2:27:57  0:07:56    894   715/M
  127. Rick Haas                       Goderich ON             2:27:59  0:07:56    896   717/M
  128. Steven Parke                    Kitchener ON            2:28:02  0:07:56    900   721/M
  129. Morten Fogh                     Mississauga ON          2:28:04  0:07:57    905   725/M
  130. Joe Dilorenzo                   Lockport NY             2:28:06  0:07:57    912   731/M
  131. Steve Fisher                    Stoney Creek ON         2:28:09  0:07:57    917   735/M
  132. Dino Dibernardo                 Mississauga ON          2:28:19  0:07:57    931   746/M
  133. James E Swinnerton              Brampton ON             2:28:22  0:07:58    936   749/M
  134. Steve Hillman                   London ON               2:28:24  0:07:58    940   752/M
  135. Brad Sippel                     Georgetown ON           2:28:30  0:07:58    947   758/M
  136. Mark Beckwith                   St. Catharines ON       2:28:49  0:07:59    974   776/M
  137. Salvatore Mirandola             Woodbridge ON           2:28:56  0:07:59    983   783/M
  138. Pasi Maatta                     Ajax ON                 2:29:03  0:08:00    996   793/M
  139. Colin Chung                     Brampton ON             2:29:07  0:08:00   1001   796/M
  140. Steven J Thomas                 Markham ON              2:29:28  0:08:01   1021   810/M
  141. Rich Humber                     Carlisle ON             2:29:28  0:08:01   1022   811/M
  142. Patrick Murnaghan               Nepean ON               2:29:32  0:08:01   1026   815/M
  143. Glenn Poirier                   Ottawa ON               2:29:41  0:08:02   1032   818/M
  144. Olous Boag                      Burlington ON           2:29:47  0:08:02   1038   823/M
  145. Dave Obermeyer                  Hamilton ON             2:29:53  0:08:02   1041   825/M
  146. Richard A Maclean               Creighton St ON         2:29:59  0:08:03   1050   831/M
  147. Scot Hutchinson                 Courtice ON             2:30:01  0:08:03   1055   834/M
  148. Drew Baigent                    Toronto ON              2:30:06  0:08:03   1056   835/M
  149. Doug Forbes                     Clifford ON             2:30:06  0:08:03   1057   836/M
  150. Tom Burns                       Mississauga ON          2:30:34  0:08:05   1079   850/M
  151. Tyson Haedrich                  Hamilton ON             2:30:47  0:08:05   1092   860/M
  152. Roger Storer                    Burlington ON           2:30:57  0:08:06   1103   868/M
  153. Brian O'Halloran                Oakville ON             2:31:04  0:08:06   1109   872/M
  154. Dave House                      London ON               2:31:05  0:08:06   1111   874/M
  155. Bruce Detlor                    Mississauga ON          2:31:24  0:08:07   1133   890/M
  156. Alexei Martchenko               Waterdown ON            2:31:37  0:08:08   1146   901/M
  157. Peter Nasato                    Carlisle ON             2:31:38  0:08:08   1147   902/M
  158. Mark Crozier                    Kanata ON               2:32:12  0:08:10   1172   924/M
  159. Peter Kinch                     Oakville ON             2:33:25  0:08:14   1232   959/M
  160. Stephen Bruce                   Oakville ON             2:33:28  0:08:14   1235   961/M
  161. Paul Langstaff                  Etobicoke ON            2:33:32  0:08:14   1238   964/M
  162. Ian Smith                       Toronto ON              2:33:45  0:08:15   1255   977/M
  163. James Sprenger                  Etobicoke ON            2:33:47  0:08:15   1259   979/M
  164. Johan Casaer                    Toronto ON              2:33:48  0:08:15   1262   981/M
  165. Ian Warnock                     Woodstock ON            2:33:51  0:08:15   1266   983/M
  166. Phil McCulloch                  Milton ON               2:33:53  0:08:15   1267   984/M
  167. Greg Vulture                    Guelph ON               2:34:03  0:08:16   1280   991/M
  168. Tom Irwin                       Etobicoke ON            2:34:10  0:08:16   1287   996/M
  169. Graham Gold                     Toronto ON              2:34:17  0:08:17   1297  1003/M
  170. Brian Martell                   Montreal QC             2:34:22  0:08:17   1301  1006/M
  171. Helmut Reinhardt                Georgetown ON           2:34:39  0:08:18   1318  1019/M
  172. Mario Gigliozzi                 Woodbridge ON           2:34:41  0:08:18   1321  1022/M
  173. Darrell Pringle                 Elora ON                2:34:52  0:08:18   1328  1026/M
  174. Twane Boettinger                Oakville ON             2:35:20  0:08:20   1349  1039/M
  175. Ahmed Jouar                     North Bay ON            2:35:33  0:08:21   1358  1047/M
  176. Tim Day                         Grand Valley ON         2:35:45  0:08:21   1372  1055/M
  177. Jim Clayton                     Toronto ON              2:35:52  0:08:22   1378  1057/M
  178. David Bedrosian                 Waterloo ON             2:36:09  0:08:23   1391  1066/M
  179. Wheeler Doug                    Oshawa ON               2:36:13  0:08:23   1396  1068/M
  180. Tony Serwatuk                   Toronto ON              2:36:21  0:08:23   1402  1071/M
  181. Ryan Dack                       Burlington ON           2:36:28  0:08:24   1406  1075/M
  182. Anthony M Knight                Toronto ON              2:36:42  0:08:24   1419  1084/M
  183. Dave Boyko                      Brighton ON             2:37:02  0:08:25   1432  1091/M
  184. Mark A Taylor                   Cambridge ON            2:37:11  0:08:26   1439  1095/M
  185. Blair D Rickersr                Guelph ON               2:37:18  0:08:26   1447  1100/M
  186. David C C Liddell               Brampton ON             2:37:24  0:08:27   1451  1102/M
  187. Mark Fingland                   Hamilton ON             2:37:33  0:08:27   1464  1111/M
  188. Gerry Spina                     London ON               2:37:39  0:08:27   1468  1114/M
  189. Ken Jacobs                      Mississauga ON          2:37:49  0:08:28   1473  1117/M
  190. David Witt                      Oakville ON             2:38:16  0:08:29   1508  1136/M
  191. Andrew Kis                      Toronto ON              2:38:33  0:08:30   1532  1149/M
  192. Desmond Brady                   Downsview ON            2:38:46  0:08:31   1544  1157/M
  193. David Carroll                   Toronto ON              2:39:06  0:08:32   1564  1173/M
  194. David Anthes                    Thunder Bay ON          2:39:12  0:08:32   1572  1179/M
  195. Gary O'Donnell                  London ON               2:39:17  0:08:33   1577  1182/M
  196. Peter Mearow                    Sault Ste Marie ON      2:39:19  0:08:33   1580  1185/M
  197. Michael Stiller                 Hamilton ON             2:39:27  0:08:33   1588  1189/M
  198. Bruce Lamb                      Lucan ON                2:39:33  0:08:34   1595  1194/M
  199. Patrick Phillipson              London ON               2:39:43  0:08:34   1608  1204/M
  200. Michael McConnell               Cambridge ON            2:39:51  0:08:35   1619  1208/M
  201. Robert Hynd                     Bolton ON               2:39:52  0:08:35   1622  1210/M
  202. Alfred Jongsma                  Whitby ON               2:40:00  0:08:35   1634  1218/M
  203. Brian Smithson                  Oakville ON             2:40:13  0:08:36   1651  1226/M
  204. Greg Phillips                   Dundas ON               2:40:16  0:08:36   1655  1229/M
  205. Raymond Simpson                 Toronto ON              2:40:21  0:08:36   1659  1232/M
  206. Warner O Burwell                Ancaster ON             2:40:28  0:08:36   1666  1238/M
  207. Rolfe John                      Waterford ON            2:40:28  0:08:36   1667  1239/M
  208. Scott Patterson                 Peterborough ON         2:40:32  0:08:37   1674  1241/M
  209. Mike Franklin                   Georgetown ON           2:40:36  0:08:37   1680  1243/M
  210. Alan Harkness                   Kitchener ON            2:40:43  0:08:37   1693  1254/M
  211. David Holme                     Bridgenorth ON          2:40:55  0:08:38   1709  1265/M
  212. Roland Juhnke                   Dashwood ON             2:41:08  0:08:39   1733  1279/M
  213. Jonathan Rose                   Kingston ON             2:41:10  0:08:39   1735  1280/M
  214. Roy Benin                       Oakville ON             2:41:11  0:08:39   1737  1281/M
  215. Paul Mitro                      Dundas ON               2:41:13  0:08:39   1740  1283/M
  216. Leon Bieszk                     Amherstburg ON          2:41:23  0:08:39   1743  1285/M
  217. Barry J Craft                   Peterborough ON         2:41:28  0:08:40   1753  1292/M
  218. Paul Hallinan                   Toronto ON              2:41:45  0:08:41   1768  1303/M
  219. Ken Kraft                       Toronto ON              2:41:52  0:08:41   1771  1306/M
  220. Carmen Giambattista             Richmond Hill ON        2:41:57  0:08:41   1778  1309/M
  221. Peter Kalra                     Acton ON                2:42:03  0:08:42   1787  1314/M
  222. Jack Ranieri                    Mississauga ON          2:42:10  0:08:42   1793  1317/M
  223. Feite Kraay                     Toronto ON              2:42:12  0:08:42   1796  1318/M
  224. Brian Lawless                   Ottawa ON               2:42:13  0:08:42   1798  1320/M
  225. Dan Miron                       Haileybury ON           2:42:26  0:08:43   1812  1329/M
  226. Denis Hamelin                   Cantley QC              2:42:42  0:08:44   1829  1338/M
  227. Dennis Imeson                   Belle River ON          2:42:43  0:08:44   1830  1339/M
  228. Tim Peart                       Cambridge ON            2:42:45  0:08:44   1832  1341/M
  229. Greg Dunn                       Alliston ON             2:42:49  0:08:44   1836  1345/M
  230. Michael Dede                    Burlington ON           2:42:49  0:08:44   1837  1346/M
  231. Frank Ning                      Toronto ON              2:43:30  0:08:46   1885  1371/M
  232. Anthony Dale                    Toronto ON              2:43:32  0:08:46   1893  1374/M
  233. Han C Koren                     Newmarket ON            2:43:34  0:08:46   1896  1377/M
  234. Branko Vrzic                    Oakville ON             2:43:37  0:08:47   1904  1381/M
  235. Paul Gammal                     Dundas ON               2:43:57  0:08:48   1927  1394/M
  236. Scott Skimming                  Bolton ON               2:44:18  0:08:49   1948  1404/M
  237. James Buell                     Gatineau QC             2:44:30  0:08:49   1964  1413/M
  238. Ador Estravillo                 Dundas ON               2:44:31  0:08:50   1966  1415/M
  239. Peter Roorda                    Ottawa ON               2:44:57  0:08:51   1991  1424/M
  240. William Moore                   Williamsvile NY         2:45:07  0:08:51   2010  1435/M
  241. John Ziemba                     Oakville ON             2:45:20  0:08:52   2023  1443/M
  242. Marshall Barkley                Oakville ON             2:45:20  0:08:52   2025  1445/M
  243. Jeff Sine                       Erin ON                 2:45:22  0:08:52   2028  1447/M
  244. Marc Beauvais                   Stittsville ON          2:45:22  0:08:52   2030  1449/M
  245. Paul T Braun                    Kitchener ON            2:45:24  0:08:52   2034  1450/M
  246. David Bojarzin                  Cobourg ON              2:45:26  0:08:52   2036  1451/M
  247. Allen Walker                    Buffalo NY              2:45:27  0:08:53   2039  1454/M
  248. Dale Bird                       Burnt River ON          2:45:28  0:08:53   2040  1455/M
  249. Greg Cormack                    Churchill ON            2:45:28  0:08:53   2041  1456/M
  250. Russ Doyle                      Hamilton ON             2:45:39  0:08:53   2058  1465/M
  251. Paul Clarkson                   Inglewood ON            2:45:53  0:08:54   2070  1471/M
  252. Gavin Vammus                    Brampton ON             2:46:09  0:08:55   2089  1482/M
  253. Patrick Owens                   Nepean ON               2:46:28  0:08:56   2109  1491/M
  254. Helder Martins                  Oakville ON             2:46:29  0:08:56   2112  1492/M
  255. Dave Schoenfeld                 Brantford ON            2:46:29  0:08:56   2113  1493/M
  256. Todd Letts                      Waterloo ON             2:46:32  0:08:56   2117  1495/M
  257. Anurag V Sharma                 Courtice ON             2:46:39  0:08:56   2122  1497/M
  258. Ron Vellenga                    Burlington ON           2:46:41  0:08:57   2125  1498/M
  259. Ranald McKay                    Uxbridge ON             2:46:49  0:08:57   2138  1508/M
  260. Guyon Martin                    Kingston ON             2:46:51  0:08:57   2143  1510/M
  261. Don Macleod                     Elmira ON               2:46:52  0:08:57   2144  1511/M
  262. Jimmy McDonald                  Hannon ON               2:46:59  0:08:57   2149  1513/M
  263. Lindsay Killen                  Elliot Lake ON          2:47:03  0:08:58   2156  1516/M
  264. John White                      Welland ON              2:47:09  0:08:58   2164  1522/M
  265. Chul Lee                        Mississauga ON          2:47:14  0:08:58   2173  1528/M
  266. Terry From Barrie-Macfarlane    Barrie ON               2:47:35  0:08:59   2199  1541/M
  267. Peter Carpenter                 Riverview NB            2:47:36  0:08:59   2202  1544/M
  268. Tony Rosati                     Amherstburg ON          2:47:40  0:09:00   2213  1553/M
  269. Jon Playford                    Toronto ON              2:47:42  0:09:00   2216  1555/M
  270. Paul Donnelly                   Orangeville ON          2:48:03  0:09:01   2256  1574/M
  271. Pat Cusack                      Stouffville ON          2:48:19  0:09:02   2276  1585/M
  272. Steve Parr                      Chatham ON              2:48:19  0:09:02   2277  1586/M
  273. Robert Windrum                  Toronto ON              2:48:24  0:09:02   2283  1588/M
  274. Paul Coburn                     Richmond Hill ON        2:48:35  0:09:03   2292  1592/M
  275. Kevin Gross                     Bolton ON               2:48:36  0:09:03   2294  1593/M
  276. Michael Coulter                 London ON               2:49:04  0:09:04   2322  1607/M
  277. Jay Lind                        Oakville ON             2:49:14  0:09:05   2331  1611/M
  278. Tom Walsh                       St. Pauls ON            2:49:14  0:09:05   2332  1612/M
  279. Glen Duckett                    Kingston ON             2:49:18  0:09:05   2338  1614/M
  280. Brian McPhee                    Grimsby ON              2:49:29  0:09:06   2351  1623/M
  281. Randy Franz                     North Bay ON            2:49:30  0:09:06   2353  1624/M
  282. Rob Murray                      Montreal West QC        2:49:43  0:09:06   2376  1635/M
  283. Vijay Vasudeva                  Hamilton ON             2:49:52  0:09:07   2383  1639/M
  284. Jim Switzer                     Vineland ON             2:49:58  0:09:07   2390  1641/M
  285. Nick Kanya-Forstner             Schumacher ON           2:49:59  0:09:07   2391  1642/M
  286. Rory Scully                     Port Perry ON           2:50:01  0:09:07   2398  1644/M
  287. Eamonn Brennan                  Toronto ON              2:50:02  0:09:07   2399  1645/M
  288. Dennis Dwyer                    Cambridge ON            2:50:02  0:09:07   2401  1647/M
  289. Myron Kuepfer                   Cambridge ON            2:50:09  0:09:08   2408  1649/M
  290. Mark Berry                      Freelton ON             2:50:24  0:09:08   2424  1660/M
  291. Martin Cox                      Newmarket ON            2:50:30  0:09:09   2435  1667/M
  292. Rick Tam                        Toronto ON              2:50:42  0:09:09   2445  1671/M
  293. Randy Huffman                   Toronto ON              2:50:42  0:09:09   2446  1672/M
  294. John C Macfadyen                Orillia ON              2:50:42  0:09:09   2447  1673/M
  295. Garth Zimmer                    Toronto ON              2:50:43  0:09:09   2449  1675/M
  296. Brian Schmidt                   Oakville ON             2:50:43  0:09:09   2450  1676/M
  297. Adrian Tomescu                  Toronto ON              2:50:46  0:09:10   2453  1677/M
  298. Robin C Wearing                 Toronto ON              2:51:03  0:09:11   2474  1688/M
  299. Marc A Garson                   London ON               2:51:07  0:09:11   2483  1695/M
  300. Patrick McCormack               East York ON            2:51:28  0:09:12   2499  1706/M
  301. Brian Wiens                     Orleans ON              2:51:32  0:09:12   2502  1707/M
  302. Joe P Regan                     Richmond Hill ON        2:51:48  0:09:13   2526  1719/M
  303. Kevin Garlick                   London ON               2:51:58  0:09:14   2541  1723/M
  304. Rick Babington                  Burlington ON           2:52:06  0:09:14   2552  1729/M
  305. Gregor Stuart                   Toronto ON              2:52:08  0:09:14   2554  1731/M
  306. Tom Champion                    Oakville ON             2:52:09  0:09:14   2555  1732/M
  307. Michael Wilkins                 Uxbridge ON             2:52:11  0:09:14   2558  1734/M
  308. John Gardiner                   Dundas ON               2:52:24  0:09:15   2575  1741/M
  309. Stephan Tabah                   Laval QC                2:52:36  0:09:16   2588  1750/M
  310. Albert Wimmers                  Burlington ON           2:52:52  0:09:16   2604  1757/M
  311. Bob Thompson                    London ON               2:53:00  0:09:17   2609  1761/M
  312. Kevin Talmage                   Toronto ON              2:53:00  0:09:17   2611  1763/M
  313. Steve Carey                     Sarnia ON               2:53:13  0:09:18   2624  1772/M
  314. James Curtis                    Hamilton ON             2:53:15  0:09:18   2625  1773/M
  315. Joseph Carrescia                Hamilton ON             2:53:15  0:09:18   2626  1774/M
  316. Jonathan Eaton                  Toronto ON              2:53:21  0:09:18   2643  1782/M
  317. Urs Bill                        Toronto ON              2:53:31  0:09:18   2657  1786/M
  318. Stefan Bilan                    Ottawa ON               2:53:32  0:09:19   2662  1791/M
  319. John Iannuzzi                   Burlington ON           2:53:36  0:09:19   2671  1793/M
  320. Frank R Fournier                Ancaster ON             2:53:38  0:09:19   2676  1796/M
  321. Brad L Griffith                 London ON               2:53:46  0:09:19   2687  1803/M
  322. Dieter Gamm                     Thornhill ON            2:53:50  0:09:20   2695  1806/M
  323. Brian Hand                      Burlington ON           2:53:54  0:09:20   2699  1807/M
  324. Tim S Watters                   Port Dover ON           2:53:59  0:09:20   2708  1812/M
  325. Randy Vermaas                   Guelph ON               2:54:03  0:09:20   2714  1814/M
  326. Carmen J Tullo                  Hamilton ON             2:54:17  0:09:21   2735  1824/M
  327. Clark Haskins                   St. Thomas ON           2:54:18  0:09:21   2738  1825/M
  328. Rob Cunningham                  Toronto ON              2:54:23  0:09:21   2744  1829/M
  329. Kevin Penhale                   Sarnia ON               2:54:29  0:09:22   2751  1833/M
  330. Robert Muziol                   Oshawa ON               2:54:36  0:09:22   2758  1837/M
  331. Stephen Priamo                  London ON               2:54:48  0:09:23   2776  1846/M
  332. Gary Wiseman                    Burlington ON           2:54:57  0:09:23   2802  1856/M
  333. Wayne Dennison                  Bridgenorth ON          2:54:58  0:09:23   2804  1857/M
  334. Wayne Crook                     Burlington ON           2:55:08  0:09:24   2822  1866/M
  335. Philip Jarrett                  Carlisle ON             2:55:08  0:09:24   2824  1867/M
  336. Alfredo Suarez                  Pickering ON            2:55:31  0:09:25   2849  1879/M
  337. Kevin Thomas                    Barrie ON               2:56:14  0:09:27   2912  1908/M
  338. Mark Lacy                       Whitby ON               2:56:41  0:09:29   2942  1923/M
  339. Anthony Woodward                Oshawa ON               2:57:00  0:09:30   2969  1932/M
  340. Marcus Pryce-Jones              Oakville ON             2:57:26  0:09:31   3001  1943/M
  341. Don Smales                      Huntsville ON           2:57:28  0:09:31   3002  1944/M
  342. Christopher A Redford           Paris ON                2:57:31  0:09:31   3012  1950/M
  343. Dan Tebbutt                     Niagara On The Lake ON  2:57:40  0:09:32   3027  1960/M
  344. Dean Thompson                   Mississauga ON          2:57:41  0:09:32   3028  1961/M
  345. Gary Crompton                   Burlington ON           2:57:45  0:09:32   3035  1965/M
  346. Chris Davis                     Burlington ON           2:58:20  0:09:34   3085  1989/M
  347. Lee Hibbard                     Courtice ON             2:58:28  0:09:34   3093  1993/M
  348. Edward Bebee                    Toronto ON              2:58:29  0:09:34   3097  1994/M
  349. Lonnie A Brown                  Windsor ON              2:58:45  0:09:35   3113  2000/M
  350. Craig Dwyer                     Etobicoke ON            2:58:49  0:09:36   3120  2006/M
  351. Mike McGillivray                Hamilton ON             2:58:52  0:09:36   3128  2007/M
  352. Angelo Mariano                  Woodbridge ON           2:58:52  0:09:36   3129  2008/M
  353. Colin J Tougher                 Hamilton ON             2:59:02  0:09:36   3144  2013/M
  354. David J Harvey                  Toronto ON              2:59:03  0:09:36   3145  2014/M
  355. Mike Woltz                      Hamburg NY              2:59:10  0:09:37   3156  2020/M
  356. Rob J Besseling                 Rr#1 Hannon ON          2:59:21  0:09:37   3167  2027/M
  357. Colin Conover                   Mississauga ON          2:59:26  0:09:38   3171  2030/M
  358. Daniel Dufour                   Montreal QC             2:59:43  0:09:38   3190  2036/M
  359. Ian Brayshaw                    Waterdown ON            2:59:48  0:09:39   3198  2040/M
  360. Rob Illingworth                 Carleton Place ON       3:00:11  0:09:40   3232  2057/M
  361. Stephen B Morgan                Whitby ON               3:00:12  0:09:40   3233  2058/M
  362. Greg Stoneman                   Stoney Creek ON         3:00:12  0:09:40   3234  2059/M
  363. Todd Woods                      Cambridge ON            3:00:13  0:09:40   3237  2060/M
  364. Rocco R Muia                    Satoney Creek ON        3:00:19  0:09:40   3249  2065/M
  365. Don King                        Toronto ON              3:00:27  0:09:41   3263  2073/M
  366. Michael Aquin                   Madoc ON                3:00:31  0:09:41   3271  2075/M
  367. Ken Ogata                       Toronto ON              3:00:37  0:09:41   3278  2079/M
  368. Jody G Durand                   Paris ON                3:00:37  0:09:41   3279  2080/M
  369. John W Stewart                  Brantford ON            3:00:38  0:09:41   3281  2081/M
  370. Joe Curto                       Hamilton ON             3:00:43  0:09:42   3288  2083/M
  371. Sam Hayter                      Toronto ON              3:00:44  0:09:42   3289  2084/M
  372. Todd Wait                       St. Thomas ON           3:00:49  0:09:42   3301  2088/M
  373. John Stockton                   Hamilton ON             3:01:07  0:09:43   3327  2098/M
  374. Ge Li                           Waterloo ON             3:01:20  0:09:44   3344  2108/M
  375. Mike Misener                    Ottawa ON               3:01:24  0:09:44   3347  2109/M
  376. Ian Long                        Rockwood ON             3:01:41  0:09:45   3374  2126/M
  377. Paul Corriveau                  Stittsville ON          3:01:54  0:09:45   3392  2136/M
  378. David Steiner                   Toronto ON              3:02:03  0:09:46   3403  2139/M
  379. Vernon Taylor                   London ON               3:02:24  0:09:47   3436  2156/M
  380. Philip Mete                     Caledonia ON            3:02:40  0:09:48   3448  2162/M
  381. Frank Rukavina                  Hamilton ON             3:02:41  0:09:48   3450  2163/M
  382. Oliver Hempel                   Oakville ON             3:02:50  0:09:48   3463  2169/M
  383. Kent Palmer                     Oakville ON             3:02:52  0:09:49   3468  2173/M
  384. Gus Croteau                     Sarnia ON               3:02:58  0:09:49   3482  2181/M
  385. Greg Lumley                     Ajax ON                 3:03:06  0:09:49   3489  2185/M
  386. Joe D'Addario                   Uxbridge ON             3:03:13  0:09:50   3498  2190/M
  387. Paul Miller                     Toronto ON              3:03:18  0:09:50   3505  2194/M
  388. Craig Colbert                   Caledonia ON            3:03:21  0:09:50   3508  2197/M
  389. Andre Turcotte                  Toronto ON              3:03:34  0:09:51   3523  2203/M
  390. Christopher Sykes               Cambridge ON            3:03:41  0:09:51   3534  2210/M
  391. Glen Pettigrew                  Grimsby ON              3:03:53  0:09:52   3554  2218/M
  392. Benninger Dave                  Hanover ON              3:04:02  0:09:52   3565  2222/M
  393. Rob Llord                       St. Catharines ON       3:04:04  0:09:52   3567  2223/M
  394. Domenic Commisso                Mississauga ON          3:04:06  0:09:53   3569  2225/M
  395. Colin J Biggin                  Toronto ON              3:04:09  0:09:53   3570  2226/M
  396. Moninder Ahluwalia              Mississauga ON          3:04:19  0:09:53   3582  2232/M
  397. Jim Twiss                       Port Perry ON           3:05:23  0:09:57   3643  2257/M
  398. Don Davidson                    Ancaster ON             3:05:34  0:09:57   3653  2261/M
  399. Carlos Orizabal                 Scarborough ON          3:05:47  0:09:58   3675  2272/M
  400. Stuart Sankey                   Toronto ON              3:06:00  0:09:59   3688  2280/M
  401. Eckhard Schumann                Markham ON              3:06:04  0:09:59   3693  2282/M
  402. Brendan Malcolm                 Toronto ON              3:07:03  0:10:02   3757  2304/M
  403. Art Vanden Enden                Oshawa ON               3:07:12  0:10:03   3771  2311/M
  404. Don A Giles                     Dundas ON               3:07:16  0:10:03   3776  2314/M
  405. Anthony Macisaac                Toronto ON              3:07:20  0:10:03   3779  2315/M
  406. Michael Lutchman                Brossard QC             3:07:26  0:10:03   3786  2318/M
  407. Jeff Major                      Newmarket ON            3:07:28  0:10:03   3791  2320/M
  408. Philippe Sicotte                Candiac QC              3:07:52  0:10:05   3804  2326/M
  409. Ernie W Schaerer                Goderich ON             3:08:12  0:10:06   3831  2340/M
  410. Lawrence Farrell                Grimsby ON              3:08:16  0:10:06   3836  2343/M
  411. Al Watson                       Burlington ON           3:08:20  0:10:06   3842  2344/M
  412. Jeff Gillies                    London ON               3:08:25  0:10:06   3846  2347/M
  413. Greg Pieon                      Toronto ON              3:08:27  0:10:07   3851  2349/M
  414. Jeffrey Watson                  Brampton ON             3:08:47  0:10:08   3868  2359/M
  415. George Waugh                    Woodstock ON            3:08:50  0:10:08   3872  2362/M
  416. Jamie Haddow                    Mississauga ON          3:08:56  0:10:08   3877  2364/M
  417. Cameron Fraser                  Lasalle ON              3:09:15  0:10:09   3900  2370/M
  418. Andy Gradkowski                 London ON               3:09:28  0:10:10   3916  2375/M
  419. Peter Jensen                    Oakville ON             3:10:20  0:10:13   3977  2396/M
  420. Jonathan Arnel                  Tillsonburg ON          3:10:27  0:10:13   3981  2398/M
  421. Peter Askew                     London ON               3:10:29  0:10:13   3983  2400/M
  422. Edward Sullivan                 Courtice ON             3:10:48  0:10:14   4000  2405/M
  423. Zoran Bozicevic                 Markham ON              3:10:51  0:10:14   4008  2408/M
  424. Philippe Cloutier               Val-D'or QC             3:11:04  0:10:15   4016  2412/M
  425. Linton Smith                    Toronto ON              3:11:10  0:10:15   4021  2416/M
  426. Michael Louch                   Mississauga ON          3:11:18  0:10:16   4032  2421/M
  427. Istvan Rajcan                   Guelph ON               3:11:26  0:10:16   4040  2426/M
  428. Greg R Fletcher                 Hamilton ON             3:11:39  0:10:17   4060  2434/M
  429. Philip Guy                      St. Catharines ON       3:12:22  0:10:19   4105  2450/M
  430. Brian Nelson                    Burlington ON           3:12:37  0:10:20   4121  2458/M
  431. Johnny Jim                      Burlington ON           3:12:39  0:10:20   4128  2462/M
  432. Jim Firth                       Bolton ON               3:12:49  0:10:21   4148  2472/M
  433. Michael McMahon                 Kanata ON               3:13:14  0:10:22   4169  2482/M
  434. Adam Hanna                      Burlington ON           3:13:19  0:10:22   4172  2484/M
  435. Mark Telesnicki                 Mississauga ON          3:13:24  0:10:22   4179  2485/M
  436. Clark Westcott                  Bracebridge ON          3:13:26  0:10:23   4181  2486/M
  437. Thomas Wachner                  Grimsby ON              3:13:47  0:10:24   4206  2496/M
  438. Alan Petrie                     Brampton ON             3:13:50  0:10:24   4209  2498/M
  439. Bruce Kellogg                   Whitby ON               3:13:56  0:10:24   4217  2499/M
  440. Paul Andrews                    Hamilton ON             3:14:09  0:10:25   4231  2505/M
  441. George Ng                       Pointe- Claire QC       3:14:16  0:10:25   4237  2508/M
  442. Francois Brule                  Belle River ON          3:14:24  0:10:26   4246  2512/M
  443. John Saftic                     Sudbury ON              3:14:45  0:10:27   4266  2519/M
  444. J.J. Anderson                   Sudbury ON              3:14:45  0:10:27   4267  2520/M
  445. Derick Wilson                   Bolton ON               3:14:49  0:10:27   4275  2523/M
  446. Matthew Eglin                   Ottawa ON               3:15:01  0:10:28   4285  2526/M
  447. Bryan Walker                    Courtice ON             3:15:03  0:10:28   4287  2528/M
  448. Paul Panayi                     Woodstock ON            3:15:38  0:10:30   4314  2544/M
  449. Michael P Skinner               Burlington ON           3:15:47  0:10:30   4318  2545/M
  450. Quinn Springstead               Hamilton ON             3:16:13  0:10:32   4353  2562/M
  451. Luis Carrasco Cortes            Burlington ON           3:16:19  0:10:32   4361  2568/M
  452. Martin Anderson                 Mississauga ON          3:16:24  0:10:32   4369  2571/M
  453. Geoff Sheppard                  Burlington ON           3:16:29  0:10:32   4370  2572/M
  454. Neale Chisnall                  Orleans ON              3:16:37  0:10:33   4378  2575/M
  455. Gerald McDougall                London ON               3:16:41  0:10:33   4383  2577/M
  456. Robert W Bradley                Oshawa ON               3:16:48  0:10:33   4387  2578/M
  457. Bill Martin                     Port Dover ON           3:16:54  0:10:34   4396  2585/M
  458. Phil Shames                     Hamilton ON             3:17:04  0:10:34   4408  2590/M
  459. David Wharton                   Oakville ON             3:17:15  0:10:35   4420  2594/M
  460. Brian Weishar                   Midland ON              3:17:29  0:10:36   4427  2597/M
  461. Thomas Mulder                   Lynden ON               3:19:10  0:10:41   4522  2626/M
  462. Ron Bhaduri                     Dundas ON               3:19:11  0:10:41   4523  2627/M
  463. Jeff Solomon                    Kitchener ON            3:19:14  0:10:41   4527  2629/M
  464. David Kuhn                      Hamilton ON             3:19:42  0:10:43   4555  2637/M
  465. Paul Cestnik                    Oakville ON             3:19:43  0:10:43   4557  2638/M
  466. Thomas Baum                     Mississauga ON          3:20:14  0:10:44   4592  2648/M
  467. James Burrows                   Hamilton ON             3:20:54  0:10:47   4628  2657/M
  468. Steve F Patterson               Dorchester ON           3:21:32  0:10:49   4653  2667/M
  469. Riun Shandler                   Toronto ON              3:21:59  0:10:50   4671  2670/M
  470. Paul Garnich                    Mississauga ON          3:22:50  0:10:53   4710  2683/M
  471. Edward Soltyka                  Ancaster ON             3:23:26  0:10:55   4748  2694/M
  472. Robert L Leblanc                Orleans ON              3:23:46  0:10:56   4764  2702/M
  473. Andrew Pappas                   Oakville ON             3:24:16  0:10:57   4789  2710/M
  474. Dave Springer                   Kemptville ON           3:24:16  0:10:57   4791  2711/M
  475. Ron McCaillancourt              Ajax ON                 3:24:25  0:10:58   4796  2712/M
  476. Alex Fraser                     Ottawa ON               3:24:46  0:10:59   4812  2719/M
  477. Brian Hathaway                  Stoney Creek ON         3:25:59  0:11:03   4867  2735/M
  478. Jeff Walraven                   Wilsonville ON          3:26:22  0:11:04   4883  2740/M
  479. Nick Carnicelli                 Ancaster ON             3:26:37  0:11:05   4895  2746/M
  480. Chris A Weeks                   Bowmanville ON          3:27:01  0:11:06   4911  2754/M
  481. Paul Takala                     Ancaster ON             3:27:13  0:11:07   4919  2756/M
  482. Brian Dunbar                    Brampton ON             3:27:38  0:11:08   4939  2759/M
  483. Joachim Anthes                  Toronto ON              3:27:38  0:11:08   4940  2760/M
  484. Paul Maltby                     Burlington ON           3:27:40  0:11:08   4943  2763/M
  485. Greg Brown                      Markham ON              3:27:47  0:11:09   4952  2768/M
  486. Mark Jordan                     Newmarket ON            3:27:54  0:11:09   4960  2772/M
  487. Glenn Maclean                   Whitby ON               3:28:09  0:11:10   4976  2776/M
  488. Raymond Dipasquale              Conesus NY              3:28:30  0:11:11   4993  2780/M
  489. Neil Whitaker                   Cayuga ON               3:28:36  0:11:11   5002  2781/M
  490. Chris Galea                     Oakville ON             3:28:52  0:11:12   5017  2787/M
  491. Norman Thompson                 Smithville ON           3:29:14  0:11:13   5035  2792/M
  492. George Novakovich               Ancaster ON             3:29:24  0:11:14   5048  2796/M
  493. Randy McIntosh                  Toronto ON              3:29:44  0:11:15   5066  2802/M
  494. Gianfranco Ianiri               Beamsville ON           3:30:03  0:11:16   5080  2807/M
  495. Chris Robertson                 Toronto ON              3:30:13  0:11:17   5088  2810/M
  496. Ruud Veldhuizen                 London ON               3:30:59  0:11:19   5114  2819/M
  497. Keith Hodgson                   Barrie ON               3:31:23  0:11:20   5136  2825/M
  498. Derek Gilham                    Milton ON               3:31:51  0:11:22   5156  2830/M
  499. Guy Charpentier                 Oshawa ON               3:32:38  0:11:24   5183  2842/M
  500. Allan Rosario                   Newmarket ON            3:33:06  0:11:26   5203  2847/M
  501. Sean Beer                       London ON               3:33:08  0:11:26   5206  2848/M
  502. Chris E Dehoog                  Hamilton ON             3:33:26  0:11:27   5222  2853/M
  503. Andy Edmonds                    Greensville ON          3:33:34  0:11:27   5231  2856/M
  504. Trevor Daniels                  Scarborough ON          3:34:17  0:11:30   5274  2869/M
  505. Joe Milligan                    Petawawa ON             3:34:49  0:11:31   5295  2880/M
  506. Allen Gallant                   Orangeville ON          3:35:13  0:11:33   5313  2888/M
  507. Frank Stephen                   Orchard Park NY         3:35:20  0:11:33   5318  2890/M
  508. Phil Roberts                    Dundas ON               3:35:46  0:11:34   5327  2893/M
  509. Marshall Clark                  Orleans ON              3:36:32  0:11:37   5346  2901/M
  510. Kang-Ling Wei                   Markham ON              3:36:50  0:11:38   5356  2905/M
  511. Julian Kanarek                  Mississauga ON          3:36:57  0:11:38   5360  2908/M
  512. Neil Gallaway                   Fonthill ON             3:37:07  0:11:39   5365  2910/M
  513. Robert Boyle                    Hamilton ON             3:37:51  0:11:41   5385  2917/M
  514. Frank Baraczka                  Burlington ON           3:37:59  0:11:42   5390  2918/M
  515. Malcolm Parsons                 Orleans ON              3:38:08  0:11:42   5397  2919/M
  516. Thembela Kepe                   Toronto ON              3:38:12  0:11:42   5404  2923/M
  517. Mike Casey                      Peterborough ON         3:39:00  0:11:45   5432  2932/M
  518. Steve Beasley                   Ilderton ON             3:39:06  0:11:45   5439  2936/M
  519. Blake J Childs                  Oakville ON             3:39:20  0:11:46   5444  2939/M
  520. Michael Brewster                Guelph ON               3:39:34  0:11:47   5457  2947/M
  521. Michael Govaert                 Brantford ON            3:42:44  0:11:57   5564  2976/M
  522. Andrew Roch                     Hamilton ON             3:43:36  0:12:00   5592  2987/M
  523. Richard Kloschinsky             Hamilton ON             3:44:01  0:12:01   5607  2990/M
  524. Greg S Quiaoit                  Mississauga ON          3:44:54  0:12:04   5633  3000/M
  525. Barnie Papp                     Toronto ON              3:45:35  0:12:06   5657  3006/M
  526. Roger Cunha                     Toronto ON              3:45:36  0:12:06   5658  3007/M
  527. Dave Cunningham                 Mississauga ON          3:45:57  0:12:07   5676  3012/M
  528. Robert Demers                   Hamilton ON             3:47:23  0:12:12   5705  3028/M
  529. Scott Luce                      Meaford ON              3:47:48  0:12:13   5712  3031/M
  530. Mark D Cunningham               Stoney Creek ON         3:50:30  0:12:22   5770  3051/M
  531. Jack Langelaan                  Grimsby ON              3:50:47  0:12:23   5772  3053/M
  532. Ghan Desai                      Bethlehem PA            3:51:47  0:12:26   5796  3060/M
  533. Joel Naguit                     Hamilton ON             3:52:47  0:12:29   5819  3065/M
  534. Jeff Timleck                    Toronto ON              3:55:44  0:12:39   5864  3076/M
  535. Karim Alidina                   Mississauga ON          3:56:05  0:12:40   5877  3078/M
  536. David Condon                    Ajax ON                 3:57:01  0:12:43   5899  3087/M
  537. David Wright                    Hamilton ON             3:57:56  0:12:46   5911  3091/M
  538. Peter Dalle Vedove              Copetown ON             3:59:07  0:12:50   5926  3095/M
  539. Chris Buck                      Toronto ON              4:00:21  0:12:54   5941  3099/M
  540. Rick Arthur                     Bolton ON               4:00:22  0:12:54   5944  3101/M
  541. Andrew Meyer                    Kitchener ON            4:00:50  0:12:55   5951  3104/M
  542. Rob Deutschmann                 Ayr ON                  4:01:25  0:12:57   5957  3106/M
  543. David Aitchison                 Ayr ON                  4:01:25  0:12:57   5958  3107/M
  544. Luis Rivas                      Oakville ON             4:01:58  0:12:59   5966  3110/M
  545. Chris Broadhurst                Toronto ON              4:05:48  0:13:11   6017  3127/M
  546. David Frier                     Stratford ON            4:07:23  0:13:16   6040  3133/M
  547. Neil Kennington                 Bowmanville ON          4:10:16  0:13:26   6066  3141/M
  548. Andrew Bome                     Hamilton ON             4:11:08  0:13:28   6075  3144/M
  549. Mike Stutt                      Peterborough ON         4:13:46  0:13:37   6099  3152/M
  550. Mike Brown                      Hamilton ON             4:15:45  0:13:43   6118  3161/M
  551. Steven Cage                     Cambridge ON            4:17:07  0:13:48   6128  3165/M
  552. Bing Wang                       North York ON           4:24:26  0:14:11   6157  3174/M
  553. Michael Dunn                    Hamilton ON             4:25:19  0:14:14   6159  3175/M
Men 50-54
Place  Name                            Town                    Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Franciszek Stronski             Krakow PO               1:54:35  0:06:09     38    35/M
    2. Robert Campbell                 Toronto ON              1:55:41  0:06:12     47    43/M
    3. Denis Angelatos                 Burlington ON           1:55:49  0:06:13     49    45/M
    4. Jim Burrows                     London ON               1:56:08  0:06:14     52    48/M
    5. Mark McCosham                   London ON               1:57:12  0:06:17     57    53/M
    6. Denis Chenard                   Windsor ON              1:58:32  0:06:22     66    62/M
    7. John Meijer                     Toronto ON              1:58:35  0:06:22     67    63/M
    8. Brian L Kearney                 Naperville IL           1:58:43  0:06:22     69    65/M
    9. Brian Watson                    Lucan ON                1:59:13  0:06:24     77    73/M
   10. Marek Nowakowski                Guelph ON               2:00:02  0:06:26     95    90/M
   11. Bob Julian                      Burlington ON           2:00:47  0:06:29    102    97/M
   12. James M Jones                   Welland ON              2:04:16  0:06:40    122   114/M
   13. Werner Tars                     Burlington ON           2:04:30  0:06:41    127   118/M
   14. Stephen H Girdwood              Nottawa ON              2:06:02  0:06:46    147   136/M
   15. Terry Jarrell                   Stoney Creek ON         2:06:14  0:06:46    151   140/M
   16. Brian Murphy                    London ON               2:06:20  0:06:47    153   142/M
   17. Marty S Rapson                  Toronto ON              2:07:12  0:06:49    167   152/M
   18. Andrej Patricko                 Mississauga ON          2:07:58  0:06:52    177   161/M
   19. Luke Hohenadel                  Guelph ON               2:09:12  0:06:56    213   194/M
   20. Joseph Allegretti               Scarborough ON          2:09:12  0:06:56    214   195/M
   21. Rick A Lecuyer                  Winnipeg MB             2:09:38  0:06:57    218   199/M
   22. Gord Aglor                      Dundas ON               2:10:04  0:06:59    225   204/M
   23. Gerald Aubry                    Ottawa ON               2:10:27  0:07:00    234   213/M
   24. Robert Yendt                    Kitchener ON            2:10:52  0:07:01    243   222/M
   25. Steve Fletcher                  Windsor ON              2:11:12  0:07:02    250   229/M
   26. Ryan Lee                        Guelph ON               2:11:32  0:07:03    263   239/M
   27. Cal Dolson                      Tavistock ON            2:12:02  0:07:05    279   254/M
   28. Mark Ryall                      Hamilton ON             2:12:03  0:07:05    280   255/M
   29. Steve Burns                     Scarborough ON          2:13:04  0:07:08    311   278/M
   30. Murray Paddon                   Windsor ON              2:13:20  0:07:09    321   286/M
   31. Art Kilgour                     Guelph ON               2:13:46  0:07:11    335   297/M
   32. Jeffrey D Saunderson            Oshawa ON               2:13:56  0:07:11    347   305/M
   33. Edward Kooistra                 Belleville ON           2:14:27  0:07:13    360   317/M
   34. Steve Ockrant                   Toronto ON              2:14:35  0:07:13    369   325/M
   35. Bob Berezowski                  Mississauga ON          2:14:40  0:07:13    375   331/M
   36. Steven Kelly                    Calgary AB              2:14:50  0:07:14    380   336/M
   37. Doug Chambers                   Beamsville ON           2:15:13  0:07:15    385   340/M
   38. Gustavo Arce                    Toronto ON              2:15:14  0:07:15    386   341/M
   39. Cedric D Stone                  Thornhill ON            2:15:23  0:07:16    390   344/M
   40. Phil Blunt                      Brantford ON            2:15:28  0:07:16    393   347/M
   41. Sid Raps                        Courtice ON             2:15:55  0:07:17    407   359/M
   42. Larry Shorter                   Oakville ON             2:16:14  0:07:18    415   365/M
   43. Rudy Massimo                    Lakefield ON            2:16:41  0:07:20    427   375/M
   44. Rob Koelbli                     Cambridge ON            2:16:47  0:07:20    428   376/M
   45. Eric Froebel                    Ajax ON                 2:17:19  0:07:22    444   385/M
   46. Doug Sutherland                 Peterborough ON         2:17:19  0:07:22    445   386/M
   47. Ronnie Martin                   Windsor ON              2:17:27  0:07:22    450   391/M
   48. David L Peter                   Dundas ON               2:17:33  0:07:23    452   393/M
   49. Hugh Evans                      Smithville ON           2:17:36  0:07:23    455   396/M
   50. Lionel Gadoury                  Toronto ON              2:17:52  0:07:24    461   401/M
   51. Inseok Park                     Vaughan ON              2:17:53  0:07:24    462   402/M
   52. Brad West                       Cobourg ON              2:19:13  0:07:28    498   426/M
   53. Blair Jameson                   Plympton ON             2:19:19  0:07:28    500   428/M
   54. John Macculloch                 Burlington ON           2:19:23  0:07:29    502   430/M
   55. James Clark                     East Aurora NY          2:19:26  0:07:29    504   432/M
   56. Peter Scott                     Stoney Creek ON         2:19:28  0:07:29    507   435/M
   57. Tom Mungham                     Newmarket ON            2:19:31  0:07:29    509   437/M
   58. Thomas Beyfuss                  Orillia ON              2:19:32  0:07:29    511   439/M
   59. Ian Davies                      Burlington ON           2:19:50  0:07:30    525   450/M
   60. Allen Parkinson                 Guelph ON               2:19:51  0:07:30    526   451/M
   61. Scott Gaye                      Oakville ON             2:19:57  0:07:30    530   455/M
   62. Lou Scanlan                     Belleville ON           2:20:00  0:07:31    531   456/M
   63. Stephen Jones                   Toronto ON              2:21:01  0:07:34    562   481/M
   64. Ronald Prabucki                 Lockport NY             2:21:02  0:07:34    563   482/M
   65. Dexter Geddes                   Kitchener ON            2:21:14  0:07:35    570   487/M
   66. Gregory Weber                   Amherst NY              2:21:35  0:07:36    583   493/M
   67. Steve Cordes                    London ON               2:21:38  0:07:36    585   495/M
   68. Brent Passmore                  Brampton ON             2:21:57  0:07:37    600   505/M
   69. Bob Luck                        Toronto ON              2:21:57  0:07:37    601   506/M
   70. Rob McNair                      London ON               2:21:59  0:07:37    603   508/M
   71. Andy Best                       Chalk River ON          2:22:00  0:07:37    605   510/M
   72. Jay Yakabowich                  Toronto ON              2:22:11  0:07:38    614   518/M
   73. Mark Ciana                      Campbellcroft ON        2:22:28  0:07:39    626   527/M
   74. Neil Wilson                     Ottawa ON               2:22:33  0:07:39    629   530/M
   75. Stephen Barnes                  Burlington ON           2:22:37  0:07:39    631   531/M
   76. Gerry Thauvette                 Ottawa ON               2:22:53  0:07:40    640   540/M
   77. Mario Raposo                    Oshawa ON               2:23:00  0:07:40    645   544/M
   78. Marc Labreche                   London ON               2:23:08  0:07:41    648   546/M
   79. James Whelan                    Toronto ON              2:23:37  0:07:42    667   558/M
   80. Bill Allan                      Burlington ON           2:23:42  0:07:43    670   561/M
   81. John Short                      Ancaster ON             2:23:58  0:07:43    674   564/M
   82. Will Jenkins                    Oakville ON             2:24:00  0:07:43    677   566/M
   83. Gary Boyce                      Carlisle ON             2:24:00  0:07:43    678   567/M
   84. Joe Pacheco                     Oakville ON             2:24:16  0:07:44    690   577/M
   85. Mark Parsons                    Ottawa ON               2:24:21  0:07:45    695   580/M
   86. Chris Lanooy                    London ON               2:24:24  0:07:45    697   581/M
   87. Bruce Jones                     London ON               2:24:38  0:07:46    705   587/M
   88. Kingsley Haas                   Clarence NY             2:25:14  0:07:47    735   605/M
   89. Sean Squires                    Toronto ON              2:25:16  0:07:48    738   608/M
   90. Almis Ledas                     Toronto ON              2:25:39  0:07:49    752   618/M
   91. Richard D Schwass               Terra Cotta ON          2:26:08  0:07:50    780   635/M
   92. Steven Cooper                   Pickering ON            2:26:10  0:07:50    784   639/M
   93. Bill Vieira                     Brampton ON             2:26:16  0:07:51    791   643/M
   94. John G Brennan                  Strathroy ON            2:26:19  0:07:51    793   645/M
   95. Stacey Ison                     Toronto ON              2:26:20  0:07:51    796   647/M
   96. Ramsay Brown                    Newmarket ON            2:26:30  0:07:52    807   657/M
   97. Bill Davidson                   Mississauga ON          2:26:34  0:07:52    812   661/M
   98. Andy Crowell                    Hamilton ON             2:26:46  0:07:52    825   668/M
   99. Greg Lamb                       Ottawa ON               2:26:48  0:07:53    830   672/M
  100. Colin Arnott                    Whitby ON               2:26:48  0:07:53    831   673/M
  101. Bruce E Willard                 Cattaraugus NY          2:27:06  0:07:53    847   681/M
  102. Mike Paquette                   Haileybury ON           2:27:12  0:07:54    850   683/M
  103. James Hager                     Mississauga ON          2:27:16  0:07:54    854   685/M
  104. Brian Eastcott                  Toronto ON              2:27:18  0:07:54    857   688/M
  105. Steve McCallum                  Richmond Hill ON        2:27:26  0:07:55    866   695/M
  106. Henry Van Gemert                Oakville ON             2:27:28  0:07:55    867   696/M
  107. Rick Allard                     Porcupine ON            2:27:44  0:07:56    881   704/M
  108. Richard Greidanus               Ancaster ON             2:27:48  0:07:56    886   709/M
  109. Kevin D Paterson                Mississauga ON          2:27:50  0:07:56    889   711/M
  110. Peter Drake                     Grimsby ON              2:27:56  0:07:56    893   714/M
  111. Robert Forsyth                  Peterborough ON         2:28:02  0:07:56    899   720/M
  112. Alain Lai                       Markham ON              2:28:04  0:07:57    903   724/M
  113. Carl Van Veen                   Stoney Creek ON         2:28:19  0:07:57    930   745/M
  114. Robert Baxter                   Kitchener ON            2:28:22  0:07:58    935   748/M
  115. Gerry Besworth                  Etobicoke ON            2:28:31  0:07:58    948   759/M
  116. J. Kevin Aitcheson              Stratford ON            2:28:33  0:07:58    949   760/M
  117. David Brophy                    Ancaster ON             2:28:34  0:07:58    951   762/M
  118. Kevin Hodgins                   London ON               2:29:04  0:08:00    998   794/M
  119. Mark Walton                     Ancaster ON             2:29:19  0:08:01   1011   803/M
  120. Marc Parisien                   Gatineau QC             2:29:25  0:08:01   1017   807/M
  121. Sandy French                    Toronto ON              2:29:31  0:08:01   1024   813/M
  122. Basil McRae                     London ON               2:29:43  0:08:02   1033   819/M
  123. Graham Henderson                Mississauga ON          2:29:44  0:08:02   1036   821/M
  124. Mark Faust                      London ON               2:29:45  0:08:02   1037   822/M
  125. Rick Paradis                    Oakville ON             2:29:58  0:08:03   1049   830/M
  126. Peter Dillon                    London ON               2:30:00  0:08:03   1053   832/M
  127. Ken Walker                      Brights Grove ON        2:30:08  0:08:03   1060   838/M
  128. Florentino Afonso               Mississauga ON          2:30:09  0:08:03   1063   840/M
  129. Stan Neerhof                    Owen Sound ON           2:30:11  0:08:03   1064   841/M
  130. Bill Thomas                     Toronto ON              2:30:16  0:08:04   1068   845/M
  131. Ken W Garland                   Caledonia ON            2:30:36  0:08:05   1084   855/M
  132. Steve Beach                     Richmond Hill ON        2:30:38  0:08:05   1085   856/M
  133. Ron Exell                       Barrie ON               2:30:43  0:08:05   1088   858/M
  134. Peter Tiscione                  Montreal QC             2:30:48  0:08:05   1093   861/M
  135. Doug Hemphill                   Midhurst ON             2:30:56  0:08:06   1100   866/M
  136. Gerry Aucoin                    Cambridge ON            2:31:10  0:08:07   1117   877/M
  137. David Stanley                   Cambridge ON            2:31:10  0:08:07   1118   878/M
  138. Frank Famularo                  Mississauga ON          2:31:18  0:08:07   1125   883/M
  139. Gordon Kuzniak                  Gravenhurst ON          2:31:19  0:08:07   1126   884/M
  140. Horst Hueniken                  Toronto ON              2:31:25  0:08:07   1134   891/M
  141. Mark Thomas                     Ajax ON                 2:31:33  0:08:08   1144   900/M
  142. Gilles Simard                   Toronto ON              2:31:40  0:08:08   1148   903/M
  143. David Ashley                    Toronto ON              2:31:46  0:08:08   1150   905/M
  144. Jeff Wood                       Amherstburg ON          2:32:00  0:08:09   1156   910/M
  145. Antonio Badal-Badalian          Hamilton ON             2:32:04  0:08:09   1162   914/M
  146. Bruce Schouten                  Stouffville ON          2:32:06  0:08:10   1164   916/M
  147. Dj De Jesus                     London ON               2:32:08  0:08:10   1167   919/M
  148. Ben Lawson                      Toronto ON              2:32:11  0:08:10   1171   923/M
  149. Louie Wu                        Hamilton ON             2:32:19  0:08:10   1176   927/M
  150. Bill Sheffield                  Hamilton ON             2:32:30  0:08:11   1188   935/M
  151. John Debeljak                   Cambridge ON            2:32:45  0:08:12   1201   938/M
  152. Andre Dion                      Ottawa ON               2:32:54  0:08:12   1207   942/M
  153. Greg Nelson                     Oakville ON             2:33:14  0:08:13   1223   952/M
  154. Fred Unternahrer                Sarnia ON               2:33:23  0:08:14   1228   955/M
  155. Larry Stewart                   Timmins ON              2:33:31  0:08:14   1237   963/M
  156. Steve McGuffin                  Guelph ON               2:33:45  0:08:15   1252   975/M
  157. Martin Daniels                  Milton ON               2:33:47  0:08:15   1260   980/M
  158. Patrick Fillmore                Beamsville ON           2:33:55  0:08:15   1268   985/M
  159. Scott Slaven                    London ON               2:34:08  0:08:16   1284   994/M
  160. Mike Lynch                      Mississauga ON          2:34:09  0:08:16   1285   995/M
  161. Gary Swayze                     Hamilton ON             2:34:11  0:08:16   1289   998/M
  162. Francois Deleseleuc             Orleans ON              2:34:13  0:08:16   1291   999/M
  163. Stephen Laidlaw                 Bramalea ON             2:34:40  0:08:18   1319  1020/M
  164. Gerry Thuss                     Stratford ON            2:34:40  0:08:18   1320  1021/M
  165. Greg Yaneff                     Caledon ON              2:34:52  0:08:18   1327  1025/M
  166. Styles Darryll                  Colborne ON             2:34:58  0:08:19   1331  1029/M
  167. Kevin Searle                    Mississauga ON          2:35:06  0:08:19   1335  1031/M
  168. Dave Hamilton                   Aurora ON               2:35:36  0:08:21   1363  1049/M
  169. Paul Blaschuk                   Hamilton ON             2:36:06  0:08:22   1389  1065/M
  170. Ronald Irwin                    Durham ON               2:36:25  0:08:23   1404  1073/M
  171. Steve Quick                     St. George ON           2:36:28  0:08:24   1405  1074/M
  172. Paul St. Pierre                 Flesherton ON           2:36:38  0:08:24   1415  1083/M
  173. Byron Boucher                   Greely ON               2:36:50  0:08:25   1423  1085/M
  174. Luigi Morgese                   Montreal QC             2:37:07  0:08:26   1436  1093/M
  175. Daniel D'Arcy                   Orchard Park NY         2:37:30  0:08:27   1456  1106/M
  176. Keith Collins                   Bowmanville ON          2:37:55  0:08:28   1481  1119/M
  177. Graham Browne                   Hamilton ON             2:37:59  0:08:28   1486  1122/M
  178. Peter Cobrin                    London ON               2:38:07  0:08:29   1497  1129/M
  179. Glenn Gundermann                Thornhill ON            2:38:10  0:08:29   1500  1130/M
  180. David Singer                    Toronto ON              2:38:13  0:08:29   1504  1133/M
  181. Daniel Le Blanc                 Toronto ON              2:38:19  0:08:30   1510  1138/M
  182. Daniel Little                   Toronto ON              2:38:27  0:08:30   1523  1143/M
  183. David Perry                     Toronto ON              2:38:29  0:08:30   1527  1145/M
  184. Greg Shaw                       Fraserville ON          2:38:36  0:08:30   1534  1150/M
  185. Dave Bodnaruk                   Brampton ON             2:38:43  0:08:31   1539  1153/M
  186. Mark Gibson                     Whitby ON               2:38:48  0:08:31   1545  1158/M
  187. Gary Belanger                   Windsor ON              2:38:51  0:08:31   1546  1159/M
  188. Andrew Lokan                    Toronto ON              2:38:52  0:08:31   1547  1160/M
  189. Chris Hawke                     Burlington ON           2:38:59  0:08:32   1554  1165/M
  190. Rob Broadbent                   St. Thomas ON           2:39:10  0:08:32   1570  1178/M
  191. Patrick Sullivan                Mississauga ON          2:39:13  0:08:32   1574  1181/M
  192. Bal Sekhon                      Maple ON                2:39:40  0:08:34   1603  1201/M
  193. Andre Filiatrault               Clarence Center NY      2:39:44  0:08:34   1609  1205/M
  194. Vern Dinsmore                   Brantford ON            2:39:56  0:08:35   1626  1213/M
  195. Stevie Frkovic                  Hamilton ON             2:39:58  0:08:35   1629  1216/M
  196. Steve Snable                    Sydenham ON             2:40:01  0:08:35   1635  1219/M
  197. Greg Poulis                     King City ON            2:40:06  0:08:35   1640  1221/M
  198. Bill Taylor                     Windsor ON              2:40:08  0:08:35   1645  1224/M
  199. David Harris                    Toronto ON              2:40:38  0:08:37   1682  1245/M
  200. Rick Lee                        Toronto ON              2:40:41  0:08:37   1690  1252/M
  201. Craig Lewis                     London ON               2:40:49  0:08:38   1705  1263/M
  202. David Ferguson                  Newmarket ON            2:40:57  0:08:38   1712  1267/M
  203. James D Morrison                Thornhill ON            2:41:03  0:08:38   1724  1274/M
  204. Gerry Beelen                    Toronto ON              2:41:16  0:08:39   1741  1284/M
  205. Steve M Rilett                  Grimsby ON              2:41:24  0:08:39   1747  1288/M
  206. Don Welch                       Mississauga ON          2:41:25  0:08:40   1748  1289/M
  207. Alfred Essa                     Cambridge ON            2:41:29  0:08:40   1754  1293/M
  208. David Niles                     Little Britain ON       2:41:39  0:08:40   1762  1298/M
  209. Bob McGillivray                 Ottawa ON               2:41:44  0:08:41   1767  1302/M
  210. Al Lang                         London ON               2:41:51  0:08:41   1770  1305/M
  211. Dan Kearney                     Mississauga ON          2:41:56  0:08:41   1775  1308/M
  212. Norm Lonergan                   Ajax ON                 2:42:19  0:08:42   1805  1324/M
  213. Bruce Smith                     Burlington ON           2:42:22  0:08:43   1806  1325/M
  214. Angus Hunter                    London ON               2:42:24  0:08:43   1809  1327/M
  215. Bruce Hubert                    Welland ON              2:42:46  0:08:44   1833  1342/M
  216. Sydney Ruparain                 Hamilton ON             2:42:46  0:08:44   1834  1343/M
  217. Steve Johnston                  Mississauga ON          2:42:54  0:08:44   1848  1350/M
  218. Ian Driver                      Kincardine ON           2:42:56  0:08:44   1849  1351/M
  219. Murray Kraemer                  Kincardine ON           2:42:56  0:08:44   1850  1352/M
  220. Greg Stewart                    Eldred PA               2:43:15  0:08:45   1873  1365/M
  221. Kevin Mumford                   Burlington ON           2:43:31  0:08:46   1889  1372/M
  222. Simon P Joynes                  Simcoe ON               2:43:49  0:08:47   1915  1388/M
  223. Christopher Henderson           Toronto ON              2:43:53  0:08:47   1923  1392/M
  224. Carlos Visbal                   Toronto ON              2:44:07  0:08:48   1938  1398/M
  225. Kevin Devine                    Burlington ON           2:44:18  0:08:49   1947  1403/M
  226. Don Rudiak                      Markham ON              2:44:20  0:08:49   1952  1405/M
  227. Bret Babington                  London ON               2:44:23  0:08:49   1955  1407/M
  228. David G Miehm                   Burlington ON           2:44:36  0:08:50   1973  1418/M
  229. Tony Leslie                     Brampton ON             2:44:44  0:08:50   1979  1420/M
  230. Jerry Colwell                   London ON               2:44:56  0:08:51   1990  1423/M
  231. Richard Jean                    Burlington ON           2:44:59  0:08:51   1996  1429/M
  232. Mike Horne                      Ottawa ON               2:45:12  0:08:52   2015  1438/M
  233. David Silverman                 Thornhill ON            2:45:16  0:08:52   2020  1441/M
  234. Gord Avann                      Keswick ON              2:45:17  0:08:52   2021  1442/M
  235. Paul Schuurman                  Lasalle ON              2:45:21  0:08:52   2027  1446/M
  236. Greg Davis                      Hamilton ON             2:45:36  0:08:53   2051  1462/M
  237. Richard Pilon                   Cornwall ON             2:45:39  0:08:53   2057  1464/M
  238. Mike J Lefebvre                 Guelph ON               2:45:58  0:08:54   2077  1473/M
  239. Mark Jamieson                   Burlington ON           2:46:30  0:08:56   2114  1494/M
  240. Keith Henry                     Amherstburg ON          2:46:41  0:08:57   2126  1499/M
  241. Stewart Douglas                 Mississauga ON          2:46:50  0:08:57   2140  1509/M
  242. Tim Filer                       Whitevale ON            2:46:57  0:08:57   2147  1512/M
  243. Michael Proctor                 Etobicoke ON            2:47:05  0:08:58   2158  1518/M
  244. Perry S Robinson                Ottawa ON               2:47:06  0:08:58   2160  1519/M
  245. Derrick Ross                    Oakville ON             2:47:12  0:08:58   2170  1526/M
  246. Jim Tuttle                      Barrie ON               2:47:16  0:08:58   2178  1530/M
  247. David Brezer                    Mississauga ON          2:47:25  0:08:59   2185  1535/M
  248. David Couch                     Toronto ON              2:47:32  0:08:59   2195  1539/M
  249. Jeff Rogerson                   North Bay ON            2:47:35  0:08:59   2200  1542/M
  250. Alex Muszka                     London ON               2:47:37  0:09:00   2206  1547/M
  251. Thomas Schaefer                 Buffalo NY              2:47:39  0:09:00   2210  1551/M
  252. Arthur Flach                    Toronto ON              2:47:39  0:09:00   2211  1552/M
  253. Gilles Moreau                   Gatineau QC             2:47:49  0:09:00   2227  1559/M
  254. Jonathan Delahunt               Burlington ON           2:47:58  0:09:01   2246  1568/M
  255. Frank Tom                       Scarborough ON          2:47:59  0:09:01   2250  1570/M
  256. Paul McCormick                  Markham ON              2:48:00  0:09:01   2251  1571/M
  257. Jerry Bakker                    Mississauga ON          2:48:38  0:09:03   2296  1594/M
  258. Donald Hutt                     St. Catharines ON       2:48:40  0:09:03   2300  1597/M
  259. Richard W Bullock               Ancaster ON             2:48:42  0:09:03   2301  1598/M
  260. Jim Anderson                    Etobicoke ON            2:49:09  0:09:04   2326  1609/M
  261. Glenn Boustead                  Ottawa ON               2:49:18  0:09:05   2339  1615/M
  262. Stewart Campbell                Pembroke ON             2:49:31  0:09:06   2356  1625/M
  263. Brian Campbell                  Renfrew ON              2:49:31  0:09:06   2358  1627/M
  264. David O'Brien                   Toronto ON              2:49:36  0:09:06   2370  1631/M
  265. Sam Vuong                       Toronto ON              2:49:41  0:09:06   2373  1633/M
  266. Bassim Saade                    Mississauga ON          2:49:54  0:09:07   2387  1640/M
  267. Bruce Kaufman                   Calgary AB              2:50:20  0:09:08   2421  1657/M
  268. Frank Crowne                    Oakville ON             2:50:53  0:09:10   2461  1680/M
  269. Neil Macleod                    Cambridge ON            2:50:59  0:09:10   2468  1683/M
  270. Len James                       Dundas ON               2:51:01  0:09:10   2470  1684/M
  271. Jon Ling                        Toronto ON              2:51:02  0:09:11   2472  1686/M
  272. Joe Doherty                     Sarnia ON               2:51:08  0:09:11   2484  1696/M
  273. Jim Mullenix                    London ON               2:51:08  0:09:11   2485  1697/M
  274. Lex Burger                      Ottawa ON               2:51:47  0:09:13   2525  1718/M
  275. Mark Heavens                    Chatham ON              2:51:55  0:09:13   2536  1721/M
  276. John Ferguson                   London ON               2:51:55  0:09:13   2537  1722/M
  277. Maurice Gallagher               Toronto ON              2:52:04  0:09:14   2548  1726/M
  278. Ed Andringa                     Pickering ON            2:52:05  0:09:14   2550  1727/M
  279. Martin Howard                   Toronto ON              2:52:15  0:09:14   2561  1736/M
  280. Rolf Hauckwitz                  Mooretown ON            2:52:27  0:09:15   2578  1743/M
  281. Gusti Matei                     Guelph ON               2:52:29  0:09:15   2581  1745/M
  282. Chris McGale                    Toronto ON              2:52:56  0:09:17   2607  1759/M
  283. Paul Mackie                     Kitchener ON            2:52:59  0:09:17   2608  1760/M
  284. Bryan Goulden                   Chatham ON              2:53:12  0:09:17   2622  1770/M
  285. James H Phelps                  Guelph ON               2:53:20  0:09:18   2635  1777/M
  286. Kevin Rodgers                   Whitby ON               2:53:21  0:09:18   2642  1781/M
  287. Joe Forani                      Burlington ON           2:53:32  0:09:19   2661  1790/M
  288. John Shaughnessy                Oakville ON             2:53:36  0:09:19   2669  1792/M
  289. Ray Campbell                    Burlington ON           2:53:40  0:09:19   2678  1798/M
  290. Ed Erl                          Hamilton ON             2:53:56  0:09:20   2704  1811/M
  291. Chris Llord                     St. Catharines ON       2:54:03  0:09:20   2712  1813/M
  292. Dennis Dell                     Stoney Creek ON         2:54:09  0:09:21   2724  1818/M
  293. Art P Forester                  Bracebridge ON          2:54:19  0:09:21   2739  1826/M
  294. Joe W Bourret                   Toronto ON              2:54:25  0:09:21   2747  1831/M
  295. Dan Goselin                     Bowmanville ON          2:54:36  0:09:22   2756  1835/M
  296. Zen Maszczak                    Burlington ON           2:54:48  0:09:23   2772  1842/M
  297. Joseph Dunham                   Stouffville ON          2:54:52  0:09:23   2784  1849/M
  298. John Urie                       Flamborough ON          2:54:54  0:09:23   2790  1852/M
  299. Jim McKay                       Waterloo ON             2:54:54  0:09:23   2791  1853/M
  300. Peter Gatto                     Toronto ON              2:54:57  0:09:23   2799  1855/M
  301. Steve Martens                   Parkhill ON             2:54:58  0:09:23   2807  1860/M
  302. Dan Halloran                    Brampton ON             2:55:02  0:09:23   2816  1863/M
  303. Paul Mitchell                   Hamilton ON             2:55:14  0:09:24   2831  1872/M
  304. Tom Habdo                       Amherst NY              2:55:16  0:09:24   2832  1873/M
  305. Amanda/Mark Collis              Burlington ON           2:55:20  0:09:24   2839  1877/M
  306. Ed Farewell                     Hamilton ON             2:55:54  0:09:26   2878  1892/M
  307. Tim Baetz                       Midland ON              2:56:06  0:09:27   2894  1897/M
  308. Ken Payette                     Grimsby ON              2:56:18  0:09:27   2917  1911/M
  309. Francis McCauley                Gatineau QC             2:56:26  0:09:28   2926  1915/M
  310. Bradley G White                 Waterdown ON            2:56:27  0:09:28   2927  1916/M
  311. Craig Smith                     Dunnville ON            2:56:41  0:09:29   2943  1924/M
  312. Steve Easey                     Pickering ON            2:57:01  0:09:30   2973  1933/M
  313. Alan Paterson                   Pickering ON            2:57:23  0:09:31   2993  1939/M
  314. Michael Baker                   Brantford ON            2:57:25  0:09:31   2998  1942/M
  315. Richard Kennedy                 Oakville ON             2:57:48  0:09:32   3038  1967/M
  316. John M Campbell                 Dundas ON               2:57:48  0:09:32   3039  1968/M
  317. David Hemphill                  West Hill ON            2:57:49  0:09:32   3041  1970/M
  318. Robert Dargue                   Oshawa ON               2:57:55  0:09:33   3053  1974/M
  319. Anthony Richards                Mississauga ON          2:58:07  0:09:33   3067  1980/M
  320. Peter Schnurr                   Kitchener ON            2:58:10  0:09:33   3071  1982/M
  321. Stephen De Wetter               Hamilton ON             2:58:17  0:09:34   3081  1986/M
  322. John Mallia                     Courtice ON             2:58:44  0:09:35   3112  1999/M
  323. David Skelly                    Toronto ON              2:58:47  0:09:35   3116  2003/M
  324. Richard Perley                  Mitchell ON             2:58:58  0:09:36   3135  2010/M
  325. Peter Belair                    Orleans ON              2:58:59  0:09:36   3137  2011/M
  326. Murray Stinson                  Stratford ON            2:59:00  0:09:36   3139  2012/M
  327. Wesley Skoczen                  Burlington ON           2:59:24  0:09:37   3169  2029/M
  328. Fred H Perkins                  Hamilton ON             2:59:44  0:09:39   3191  2037/M
  329. Michael Powell                  Chatham ON              2:59:46  0:09:39   3196  2039/M
  330. Stephen E Moore                 Burlington ON           3:00:05  0:09:40   3227  2055/M
  331. George Stones                   Toronto ON              3:00:22  0:09:41   3252  2066/M
  332. David Lippert                   Courtland ON            3:00:25  0:09:41   3260  2071/M
  333. Walter Jakymiuk                 Stoney Creek ON         3:00:53  0:09:42   3308  2092/M
  334. Charles Trautman                Gasport NY              3:01:14  0:09:43   3336  2103/M
  335. Steve Bycok                     Kingston ON             3:01:20  0:09:44   3342  2106/M
  336. Timothy Pace                    Wexford PA              3:01:25  0:09:44   3348  2110/M
  337. Robert Esplin                   Toronto ON              3:01:32  0:09:44   3359  2116/M
  338. Robert Goode                    Oakville ON             3:01:33  0:09:44   3361  2117/M
  339. Rob Hamilton                    Burlington ON           3:01:47  0:09:45   3382  2130/M
  340. Alessandro Cupillari            Toronto ON              3:01:51  0:09:45   3386  2132/M
  341. John Curren                     London ON               3:02:08  0:09:46   3409  2141/M
  342. Derek Downes                    Burlington ON           3:02:09  0:09:46   3410  2142/M
  343. Steve Ferrar                    Brantford ON            3:02:10  0:09:46   3412  2143/M
  344. Sean Laverty                    Hamilton ON             3:02:18  0:09:47   3423  2150/M
  345. Geoffrey Lillico                Unionville ON           3:02:39  0:09:48   3447  2161/M
  346. Tom Brigis                      Toronto ON              3:02:47  0:09:48   3460  2168/M
  347. Jerry Gibb                      Thorold ON              3:02:55  0:09:49   3476  2176/M
  348. Pierre St-Onge                  Toronto ON              3:02:58  0:09:49   3481  2180/M
  349. Mauro Campanelli                Oakville ON             3:03:12  0:09:50   3497  2189/M
  350. Chris Battaglia                 Barrie ON               3:03:19  0:09:50   3507  2196/M
  351. Frank Fehir                     Hamilton ON             3:03:32  0:09:51   3522  2202/M
  352. Graziano Iseppon                Montreal QC             3:03:35  0:09:51   3525  2205/M
  353. Euan McGrath                    Oakville ON             3:03:35  0:09:51   3526  2206/M
  354. Robert Ebsary                   Rockland ON             3:03:47  0:09:52   3542  2212/M
  355. Mark Pickett                    Hamilton ON             3:03:48  0:09:52   3543  2213/M
  356. Jim E Chagnon                   Carlisle ON             3:04:12  0:09:53   3573  2228/M
  357. Bill Southon                    Burlington ON           3:04:13  0:09:53   3575  2229/M
  358. Boris Kaschenko                 Mississauga ON          3:04:20  0:09:53   3584  2234/M
  359. Ray L Wong                      Barrie ON               3:04:44  0:09:55   3612  2242/M
  360. David W Beckner                 Toronto ON              3:04:46  0:09:55   3613  2243/M
  361. Brian Wood                      London ON               3:04:59  0:09:55   3621  2248/M
  362. David Chong Yen                 North York ON           3:05:04  0:09:56   3627  2251/M
  363. Ronald Kilpatrick               Hamilton ON             3:05:17  0:09:56   3634  2255/M
  364. Greg Callaghan                  Trenton ON              3:05:23  0:09:57   3641  2256/M
  365. Bill Bakker                     Simcoe ON               3:05:35  0:09:57   3657  2263/M
  366. Gary Gough                      Newmarket ON            3:05:36  0:09:57   3659  2264/M
  367. Steven Parfeniuk                Dundas ON               3:05:37  0:09:57   3660  2265/M
  368. Noel Calver                     Belmont ON              3:05:38  0:09:57   3662  2266/M
  369. Bill Morton                     Whitby ON               3:05:45  0:09:58   3671  2269/M
  370. Paul Marino                     Whitby ON               3:05:45  0:09:58   3673  2271/M
  371. Brett Kyle                      Cambridge ON            3:05:49  0:09:58   3678  2274/M
  372. David Long                      Oakville ON             3:05:53  0:09:58   3681  2276/M
  373. Frank Jasek                     Burlington ON           3:06:11  0:09:59   3699  2283/M
  374. Don C. Cumming                  Lakefield ON            3:06:13  0:09:59   3703  2285/M
  375. Kriss Bush                      Abbotsford BC           3:06:22  0:10:00   3716  2288/M
  376. Muru Rob                        Etobicoke ON            3:06:32  0:10:00   3721  2290/M
  377. Eric Robinson                   Sudbury ON              3:06:35  0:10:01   3727  2292/M
  378. Bruce Hutchison                 Toronto ON              3:06:48  0:10:01   3741  2298/M
  379. Al Steinbach                    Binbrook ON             3:06:52  0:10:01   3746  2300/M
  380. Brian E Storosko                Ottawa ON               3:07:07  0:10:02   3765  2307/M
  381. Kai Black                       Toronto ON              3:07:08  0:10:02   3767  2309/M
  382. Gord Russell                    St. Marys ON            3:07:15  0:10:03   3775  2313/M
  383. Christopher M Brohman           Toronto ON              3:07:31  0:10:04   3795  2321/M
  384. Stephen G Oddy                  Toronto ON              3:07:51  0:10:05   3803  2325/M
  385. Mark Demarchi                   Toronto ON              3:07:53  0:10:05   3806  2327/M
  386. Jeff Rowell                     London ON               3:08:00  0:10:05   3818  2332/M
  387. Andre Boudreau                  Laval QC                3:08:04  0:10:05   3820  2334/M
  388. Frank D'Angelo                  Ottawa ON               3:08:07  0:10:05   3824  2335/M
  389. Steve Easson                    Markham ON              3:08:24  0:10:06   3845  2346/M
  390. Brian Wood                      Brantford ON            3:08:25  0:10:06   3848  2348/M
  391. Tony Caputo                     Toronto ON              3:09:07  0:10:09   3893  2369/M
  392. Gerry Avram                     Richmond Hill ON        3:09:30  0:10:10   3918  2376/M
  393. Andy Moes                       Oakville ON             3:09:34  0:10:10   3922  2377/M
  394. Steve Palmer                    Lindsay ON              3:09:41  0:10:11   3929  2378/M
  395. Jim Pickering                   Oakville ON             3:09:47  0:10:11   3934  2381/M
  396. John Elvidge                    Durham ON               3:09:48  0:10:11   3935  2382/M
  397. Jim Hannotte                    Williamsville NY        3:09:58  0:10:11   3944  2383/M
  398. John Arbon                      Burlington ON           3:10:01  0:10:12   3953  2386/M
  399. Wayne Banner                    Burlington ON           3:10:17  0:10:12   3971  2394/M
  400. Larry Wilson                    Mississauga ON          3:10:18  0:10:13   3972  2395/M
  401. Warren Korol                    Hamilton ON             3:10:46  0:10:14   3995  2402/M
  402. Andrew Cameron                  Mississauga ON          3:10:48  0:10:14   3999  2404/M
  403. Marian Chelu                    Ajax ON                 3:11:15  0:10:16   4026  2418/M
  404. Claudio Di Monaco               Montreal QC             3:12:07  0:10:18   4088  2446/M
  405. John Glass                      Burlington ON           3:12:17  0:10:19   4098  2447/M
  406. Vic Thiessen                    St. Catharines ON       3:12:17  0:10:19   4099  2448/M
  407. Pat Pambianco                   Oakville ON             3:12:35  0:10:20   4120  2457/M
  408. Brian Leverton                  St. Thomas ON           3:12:37  0:10:20   4122  2459/M
  409. Noel Mackay                     St. Thomas ON           3:12:37  0:10:20   4123  2460/M
  410. Ed Pozzebon                     Richmond Hill ON        3:12:42  0:10:20   4136  2466/M
  411. Denis Martin                    Hamilton ON             3:12:45  0:10:20   4142  2469/M
  412. Alexander Mitic                 Hamilton ON             3:12:51  0:10:21   4150  2473/M
  413. Robert W Evans                  Burlington ON           3:12:51  0:10:21   4152  2474/M
  414. Bem Naude                       Thornhill ON            3:12:59  0:10:21   4159  2477/M
  415. Bruce Palmers                   Dundas ON               3:13:29  0:10:23   4184  2487/M
  416. Bryan Murray                    Toronto ON              3:13:43  0:10:24   4200  2491/M
  417. James Schindel                  Toronto ON              3:14:02  0:10:25   4228  2503/M
  418. Ted Beckstead                   Mississauga ON          3:14:10  0:10:25   4232  2506/M
  419. Mike Lahn                       Waterloo ON             3:14:30  0:10:26   4250  2513/M
  420. Barry Smith                     Toronto ON              3:14:30  0:10:26   4251  2514/M
  421. Michael D Fiddick               Petrolia ON             3:14:36  0:10:26   4255  2516/M
  422. Paul Johnston                   Mississauga ON          3:14:41  0:10:27   4263  2518/M
  423. David Belbeck                   Mississauga ON          3:15:12  0:10:28   4300  2536/M
  424. Jim Daigneau                    North York ON           3:15:30  0:10:29   4307  2540/M
  425. Val Russu                       Burlington ON           3:15:47  0:10:30   4321  2547/M
  426. Walter Roman                    Hamilton ON             3:15:49  0:10:30   4326  2549/M
  427. Trevor Warner                   Burlington ON           3:16:15  0:10:32   4355  2564/M
  428. Rob McConkey                    Whitby ON               3:17:01  0:10:34   4405  2588/M
  429. Graham Knubley                  Mississauga ON          3:17:27  0:10:36   4426  2596/M
  430. Jeff Wallis                     Niagara Falls ON        3:17:41  0:10:36   4438  2598/M
  431. John Burrows                    Dundas ON               3:17:45  0:10:36   4444  2600/M
  432. Diego Gonzalez                  Newmarket ON            3:18:14  0:10:38   4465  2606/M
  433. Steve Byberg                    Oshawa ON               3:18:22  0:10:38   4475  2612/M
  434. Mike Traynor                    Dundas ON               3:18:34  0:10:39   4488  2615/M
  435. Edward Straatsma                Brampton ON             3:18:43  0:10:40   4504  2620/M
  436. Ted Damen                       Ottawa ON               3:19:18  0:10:41   4531  2631/M
  437. Russ Roberts                    Toronto ON              3:19:30  0:10:42   4547  2634/M
  438. Carmine Naccarato               Oakville ON             3:19:56  0:10:44   4572  2641/M
  439. John Nelligan                   Toronto ON              3:20:07  0:10:44   4582  2645/M
  440. Delaino L Jones                 Dearborn Heights MI     3:20:27  0:10:45   4601  2651/M
  441. Marc Laporte                    Belle River ON          3:21:07  0:10:47   4637  2659/M
  442. Tracy Theesfeld                 Frankfort IL            3:21:40  0:10:49   4659  2669/M
  443. Wright David                    Aurora ON               3:22:13  0:10:51   4684  2673/M
  444. Mark Haar                       Toronto ON              3:22:54  0:10:53   4719  2686/M
  445. Tomas Dobransky                 London ON               3:22:56  0:10:53   4721  2687/M
  446. Paul Woods                      Guelph ON               3:23:23  0:10:55   4745  2693/M
  447. Peter Bull                      Burlington ON           3:23:29  0:10:55   4751  2696/M
  448. Rick Macdougall                 Burlington ON           3:23:36  0:10:55   4755  2698/M
  449. Ian Turnbull                    Oakville ON             3:23:48  0:10:56   4767  2703/M
  450. Mark McConnell                  Ancaster ON             3:24:08  0:10:57   4784  2708/M
  451. Chris Hathaway                  Hamilton ON             3:24:14  0:10:57   4787  2709/M
  452. Scott Bradshaw                  Guelph ON               3:24:40  0:10:59   4808  2717/M
  453. Mark Chesnaik                   Welland ON              3:25:02  0:11:00   4824  2722/M
  454. Mike Garwood                    Kanata ON               3:25:35  0:11:02   4846  2728/M
  455. George Elliott                  Burlington ON           3:25:47  0:11:02   4855  2730/M
  456. Gerry P Angus                   Mississauga ON          3:27:39  0:11:08   4942  2762/M
  457. Ralph Richardson                Stittsville ON          3:27:46  0:11:09   4951  2767/M
  458. Victor Klenov                   Etobicoke ON            3:27:51  0:11:09   4957  2770/M
  459. Daniel Cyr                      Burlington ON           3:28:23  0:11:11   4986  2777/M
  460. Leonard J Guchardi              Shelburne ON            3:28:39  0:11:12   5006  2784/M
  461. Mark Trafford                   Bobcaygeon ON           3:29:24  0:11:14   5046  2795/M
  462. Michael Scott                   Courtice ON             3:29:39  0:11:15   5059  2799/M
  463. Derek Bryson                    Burlington ON           3:31:47  0:11:22   5153  2828/M
  464. David H Robinson                Hartington ON           3:32:58  0:11:25   5193  2845/M
  465. Brian Holditch                  Burlington ON           3:33:40  0:11:28   5236  2858/M
  466. John Digby                      Brampton ON             3:33:54  0:11:28   5254  2862/M
  467. Rob Lamberti                    Oakville ON             3:35:05  0:11:32   5304  2884/M
  468. Samuel Granieri                 Niagara Falls NY        3:35:08  0:11:32   5309  2886/M
  469. Roberto Canas                   London ON               3:36:08  0:11:36   5333  2895/M
  470. James O'Hara                    Scranton PA             3:36:19  0:11:36   5334  2896/M
  471. Kevin Foley                     Grimsby ON              3:36:29  0:11:37   5341  2899/M
  472. Jim Ivey                        Oakville ON             3:36:46  0:11:38   5354  2904/M
  473. Paul I Ciardullo                Stoney Creek ON         3:37:31  0:11:40   5376  2914/M
  474. Martin Paquet                   Sherbrooke QC           3:38:10  0:11:42   5402  2921/M
  475. Paul Somerset                   Ajax ON                 3:38:15  0:11:42   5405  2924/M
  476. Vince Moynihan                  Toronto ON              3:38:18  0:11:43   5409  2925/M
  477. Roy Hagen                       King City ON            3:38:31  0:11:43   5417  2929/M
  478. Paul Nelson                     Mississauge ON          3:38:54  0:11:45   5428  2931/M
  479. Albert Costa                    Mississauga ON          3:39:02  0:11:45   5434  2933/M
  480. Don Fletcher                    Stittsville ON          3:39:05  0:11:45   5437  2935/M
  481. Wayne Hollett                   Pickering ON            3:39:31  0:11:47   5453  2945/M
  482. David Hewitt                    Lynden ON               3:39:52  0:11:48   5471  2951/M
  483. Bill Steckle                    St. Catharines ON       3:39:57  0:11:48   5474  2952/M
  484. Steven Ondrick                  Longueuil QC            3:40:02  0:11:48   5478  2954/M
  485. Alan Darlington                 Guelph ON               3:40:10  0:11:49   5488  2958/M
  486. Dave Marcotte                   Ottawa ON               3:40:18  0:11:49   5496  2961/M
  487. Nick Johnson                    Mississauga ON          3:40:21  0:11:49   5500  2962/M
  488. Cal Billyard                    Beamsville ON           3:41:03  0:11:51   5525  2970/M
  489. Scott Lawrence                  Toronto ON              3:42:51  0:11:57   5569  2980/M
  490. Mike Cousineau                  Burlington ON           3:43:21  0:11:59   5583  2986/M
  491. Stephen Apps                    St. Catharines ON       3:44:10  0:12:02   5612  2991/M
  492. Pierre Yeremian                 Toronto ON              3:44:15  0:12:02   5614  2992/M
  493. Patrick Foley                   Peterborough ON         3:44:41  0:12:03   5629  2998/M
  494. Gregory Falsetti                St. Catharines ON       3:46:10  0:12:08   5680  3014/M
  495. Clark Seadon                    Toronto ON              3:46:38  0:12:09   5690  3019/M
  496. Martin Houston                  Dundas ON               3:46:42  0:12:10   5692  3021/M
  497. Rui Chong                       Brampton ON             3:47:17  0:12:12   5702  3027/M
  498. Don Cooper                      Burlington ON           3:48:22  0:12:15   5724  3035/M
  499. Costa Adamopoulos               Toronto ON              3:48:45  0:12:16   5729  3036/M
  500. Ronald Wilson                   Ancaster ON             3:49:52  0:12:20   5757  3042/M
  501. Jay Ciccarelli                  Newmarket ON            3:49:52  0:12:20   5758  3043/M
  502. Scott Camillo                   Hannon ON               3:49:55  0:12:20   5760  3044/M
  503. Shimon Schwartz                 Waterloo ON             3:50:01  0:12:20   5763  3047/M
  504. Brad Bossert                    Burlington ON           3:50:04  0:12:21   5764  3048/M
  505. Paul M Hartwick                 Burlington ON           3:53:18  0:12:31   5830  3066/M
  506. Rob Edwards                     Brantford ON            3:54:27  0:12:35   5846  3071/M
  507. Joe Saunders                    Burlington ON           3:55:15  0:12:37   5857  3074/M
  508. Peter Haddow                    North Bay ON            3:56:11  0:12:40   5878  3079/M
  509. Howard Macnair                  St. Catharines ON       3:59:48  0:12:52   5937  3097/M
  510. Phil Thornton                   Burlington ON           4:00:22  0:12:54   5942  3100/M
  511. Ian Maton                       Cambridge ON            4:00:23  0:12:54   5946  3102/M
  512. Barrie Conrod                   Waterloo ON             4:03:29  0:13:04   5983  3116/M
  513. Robin Patterson                 South Woodslee ON       4:03:51  0:13:05   5989  3118/M
  514. Anthony W Davis                 Oakville ON             4:05:41  0:13:11   6013  3126/M
  515. Claude Pachan                   Grimsby ON              4:06:23  0:13:13   6024  3130/M
  516. Ralph McRae                     Hamilton ON             4:09:22  0:13:23   6058  3139/M
  517. Christopher Cornell             Hamilton ON             4:11:14  0:13:29   6077  3145/M
  518. Mike Knapman                    Oakville ON             4:12:31  0:13:33   6091  3150/M
  519. Mark Kotiesen                   Burlington ON           4:13:15  0:13:35   6093  3151/M
  520. Lorne P Tobin                   Thornhill ON            4:15:18  0:13:42   6112  3157/M
  521. Alan Swankie                    Oakville ON             4:18:15  0:13:51   6134  3166/M
  522. Gary Hatt                       Nobleton ON             4:19:28  0:13:55   6139  3169/M
  523. Rick O'Shaughnessy              Ottawa ON               4:21:08  0:14:01   6146  3171/M
  524. Peter Ellis                     Kingston ON             4:37:06  0:14:52   6186  3179/M
Men 55-59
Place  Name                            Town                    Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Brian O'Higgins                 Ottawa ON               1:57:36  0:06:19     59    55/M
    2. Dermot Holwell                  Mississauga ON          2:06:49  0:06:48    161   148/M
    3. John Tranter                    Oshawa ON               2:08:46  0:06:54    199   183/M
    4. Ross Chandler                   Ajax ON                 2:11:21  0:07:03    259   235/M
    5. Robert Slee                     Shedden ON              2:11:38  0:07:04    266   242/M
    6. Gordon Pauls                    Hamilton ON             2:12:41  0:07:07    299   271/M
    7. Paul Chenery                    Toronto ON              2:14:48  0:07:14    379   335/M
    8. Eric Goddard                    Toronto ON              2:15:59  0:07:18    410   361/M
    9. Chris Robinson                  Toronto ON              2:16:48  0:07:20    430   378/M
   10. Jeffrey Brown                   Beaconsfield QC         2:16:52  0:07:21    432   379/M
   11. Yasu Kajiwara                   Oakville ON             2:17:17  0:07:22    443   384/M
   12. Jean Dessureault                Brossard QC             2:17:28  0:07:22    451   392/M
   13. Tim Westaway                    Sarnia ON               2:17:41  0:07:23    457   398/M
   14. George Reid                     Chelsea QC              2:19:41  0:07:30    517   444/M
   15. Nil Lavallee                    Peterborough ON         2:20:24  0:07:32    542   465/M
   16. Jim Rawling                     Toronto ON              2:20:29  0:07:32    545   468/M
   17. Glenn Smith                     Hamilton ON             2:20:50  0:07:33    553   474/M
   18. Jerry Degroot                   Rockwood ON             2:21:18  0:07:35    572   488/M
   19. Darrell Senyk                   Toronto ON              2:21:52  0:07:37    594   500/M
   20. Mario Ramirez                   Oakville ON             2:22:13  0:07:38    616   520/M
   21. Larry Hardman                   Cambridge ON            2:23:12  0:07:41    649   547/M
   22. Mark S Hopper                   Woodbridge ON           2:23:28  0:07:42    657   553/M
   23. Carlo Falasconi                 Mississauga ON          2:24:01  0:07:44    679   568/M
   24. Paul Muldoon                    Toronto ON              2:24:13  0:07:44    688   575/M
   25. Larry Waldron                   Burlington ON           2:24:18  0:07:44    692   578/M
   26. Dave Yaeger                     Ottawa ON               2:24:52  0:07:46    720   596/M
   27. E Endicott                      Toronto ON              2:25:12  0:07:47    733   604/M
   28. Mark Rush                       Georgetown ON           2:25:20  0:07:48    741   611/M
   29. Gordon Ball                     London ON               2:25:30  0:07:48    746   614/M
   30. Vincenzo Rigitano               Stoney Creek ON         2:25:35  0:07:49    749   616/M
   31. Bruce Horsburgh                 Oakville ON             2:25:49  0:07:49    760   622/M
   32. Allan Johnson                   Barrie ON               2:25:53  0:07:50    764   625/M
   33. Clive Bradley                   London ON               2:26:05  0:07:50    778   633/M
   34. Ross Pym                        Whitby ON               2:26:10  0:07:50    785   640/M
   35. Steve Quattrin                  Bradford ON             2:27:00  0:07:53    841   678/M
   36. Kevin Knight                    Meaford ON              2:27:17  0:07:54    856   687/M
   37. Richard Bird                    London ON               2:27:19  0:07:54    859   690/M
   38. John Noe                        Tonawanda NY            2:27:37  0:07:55    875   700/M
   39. Kim Carnegie                    Oshawa ON               2:27:52  0:07:56    891   713/M
   40. Brian Hillis                    London ON               2:28:05  0:07:57    908   728/M
   41. Gord Nelson                     Mississauga ON          2:28:06  0:07:57    910   729/M
   42. Jeff Cooper                     Toronto ON              2:28:09  0:07:57    915   733/M
   43. Bernie Woytiuk                  Oakville ON             2:28:17  0:07:57    927   742/M
   44. Stan Kaczmarek                  Schumacher ON           2:28:26  0:07:58    942   754/M
   45. Bruce Verge                     Burlington ON           2:28:34  0:07:58    950   761/M
   46. Hubertus Haccius                Dashwood ON             2:28:36  0:07:58    954   765/M
   47. Doug Dunlop                     Kincardine ON           2:28:36  0:07:58    955   766/M
   48. Philip Paquette                 Bayfield ON             2:28:43  0:07:59    963   769/M
   49. Henry R De Souza                Brockville ON           2:28:56  0:07:59    982   782/M
   50. Jim Malekos                     Kingston ON             2:29:40  0:08:02   1031   817/M
   51. Hank Peelle                     Brampton ON             2:30:36  0:08:05   1083   854/M
   52. Micheal Brush                   Burlington ON           2:30:55  0:08:06   1099   865/M
   53. John Buchanan                   London ON               2:31:00  0:08:06   1106   870/M
   54. David Manuel                    Beamsville ON           2:31:04  0:08:06   1110   873/M
   55. Don Jones                       Toronto ON              2:31:27  0:08:07   1136   893/M
   56. Patrick Miller                  Callander ON            2:32:25  0:08:11   1182   932/M
   57. Gordon R. Hunter                Cobourg ON              2:32:29  0:08:11   1185   933/M
   58. Gabriel Rosales                 Oakville ON             2:32:41  0:08:11   1195   937/M
   59. Bernard Linseman                London ON               2:33:11  0:08:13   1220   949/M
   60. Keith Crittenden                Goderich ON             2:33:35  0:08:14   1242   967/M
   61. Ian Bancroft                    Oakville ON             2:33:45  0:08:15   1251   974/M
   62. David Jones                     Hamburg NY              2:33:56  0:08:15   1270   986/M
   63. John Sinasac                    Campbellville ON        2:34:10  0:08:16   1288   997/M
   64. Jeffrey B Churchward            Paris ON                2:34:14  0:08:16   1292  1000/M
   65. Jesse Winters                   Sudbury ON              2:34:31  0:08:17   1311  1013/M
   66. Graham Morley                   London ON               2:34:33  0:08:17   1314  1015/M
   67. Paul Bourbonniere               Markham ON              2:34:37  0:08:18   1317  1018/M
   68. Adrian Plant                    Mississauga ON          2:34:48  0:08:18   1325  1024/M
   69. John Bobrel                     St. Catharines ON       2:35:10  0:08:19   1336  1032/M
   70. Ben Baldassarro                 London ON               2:35:15  0:08:20   1342  1035/M
   71. Leoung O'Young                  Toronto ON              2:35:25  0:08:20   1353  1042/M
   72. Bruce Mason                     Ottawa ON               2:35:34  0:08:21   1360  1048/M
   73. William Bullen                  Caledonia ON            2:35:43  0:08:21   1369  1053/M
   74. Ron Maruska                     Toronto ON              2:36:22  0:08:23   1403  1072/M
   75. Jeremy Griffiths                Toronto ON              2:36:51  0:08:25   1424  1086/M
   76. Simon Heaton                    Newmarket ON            2:37:07  0:08:26   1435  1092/M
   77. Allen Pettau                    Oakville ON             2:37:39  0:08:27   1469  1115/M
   78. Sid J Cadel                     Newmarket ON            2:38:00  0:08:29   1487  1123/M
   79. Don A Doan                      Brampton ON             2:38:23  0:08:30   1521  1142/M
   80. Robert Kalbfleisch              Ottawa ON               2:38:43  0:08:31   1538  1152/M
   81. David Collins                   Burlington ON           2:38:44  0:08:31   1542  1156/M
   82. Nikola N Gagic                  Hamilton ON             2:39:00  0:08:32   1557  1167/M
   83. Mario Charlebois                Ottawa ON               2:39:03  0:08:32   1560  1169/M
   84. Doug Greenwood                  Oakville ON             2:39:25  0:08:33   1585  1187/M
   85. Pat Ducharme                    Mississauga ON          2:39:29  0:08:33   1591  1191/M
   86. Cesare Ruggiero                 Hamilton ON             2:40:06  0:08:35   1642  1222/M
   87. Greg Lavis                      Amherst NY              2:40:18  0:08:36   1657  1231/M
   88. Pat Diclemente                  Dundas ON               2:40:21  0:08:36   1660  1233/M
   89. Peter Rooyakkers                St. Thomas ON           2:40:31  0:08:37   1670  1240/M
   90. Ron Millett                     Midland ON              2:40:38  0:08:37   1681  1244/M
   91. Marsh Kevin                     Toronto ON              2:40:41  0:08:37   1689  1251/M
   92. Paul D Anderson                 Oakville ON             2:40:42  0:08:37   1692  1253/M
   93. Rick Doherty                    Mississauga ON          2:41:03  0:08:38   1721  1272/M
   94. Mike G Master                   Sarnia ON               2:41:24  0:08:39   1745  1287/M
   95. William Plumb                   Burlington ON           2:41:26  0:08:40   1751  1291/M
   96. Robert Sproul                   Pickering ON            2:41:48  0:08:41   1769  1304/M
   97. Robert Panter                   Aylmer ON               2:42:01  0:08:41   1784  1312/M
   98. Richard Binning                 Mitchell ON             2:42:30  0:08:43   1816  1332/M
   99. Marinus L Lamers                London ON               2:42:54  0:08:44   1846  1348/M
  100. Chris Anderson                  Hamilton ON             2:43:10  0:08:45   1866  1360/M
  101. Michael Blencowe                London ON               2:43:34  0:08:46   1897  1378/M
  102. Jim Felker                      Burlington ON           2:43:41  0:08:47   1908  1382/M
  103. Terry Linseman                  Sarnia ON               2:44:06  0:08:48   1936  1397/M
  104. Ray B Grenkie                   Toronto ON              2:44:09  0:08:48   1940  1399/M
  105. Pete Richards                   Kincardine ON           2:44:31  0:08:50   1965  1414/M
  106. John Lang                       Markham ON              2:44:58  0:08:51   1993  1426/M
  107. Steve Blackburn                 Toronto ON              2:44:59  0:08:51   1995  1428/M
  108. John Zonitch                    Albion NY               2:45:02  0:08:51   2002  1431/M
  109. Maurice Wong                    Gormley ON              2:45:10  0:08:52   2013  1437/M
  110. Lester Fearman                  Toronto ON              2:45:31  0:08:53   2045  1458/M
  111. Harry Stinson                   Hamilton ON             2:45:45  0:08:53   2063  1468/M
  112. Ihor Kajda                      Mississauga ON          2:46:17  0:08:55   2095  1485/M
  113. Wilhelm Haust                   Toronto ON              2:47:20  0:08:59   2181  1532/M
  114. Jose Stein                      Toronto ON              2:47:20  0:08:59   2182  1533/M
  115. Brian Millar                    Courtright ON           2:47:29  0:08:59   2190  1536/M
  116. John Haddock                    Waterloo ON             2:47:42  0:09:00   2215  1554/M
  117. Allan Jeffries                  Toronto ON              2:48:09  0:09:01   2264  1577/M
  118. Mesfin Mirotchie                Stittsville ON          2:48:14  0:09:01   2272  1584/M
  119. Bruce D Anderson                London ON               2:48:40  0:09:03   2299  1596/M
  120. Steve Vosburgh                  Waterloo ON             2:48:56  0:09:04   2313  1604/M
  121. Ken Keegan                      Dundas ON               2:49:14  0:09:05   2330  1610/M
  122. Larry Whatmore                  Scarborough ON          2:49:48  0:09:07   2380  1638/M
  123. Brian Scott                     Amherstburg ON          2:50:18  0:09:08   2418  1655/M
  124. John Toldnes                    Hamilton ON             2:50:23  0:09:08   2423  1659/M
  125. Terry J Lansimaki               Georgetown ON           2:50:31  0:09:09   2438  1668/M
  126. Peter Bannon                    Toronto ON              2:50:39  0:09:09   2444  1670/M
  127. Wayne Ehnes                     Ayr ON                  2:50:43  0:09:09   2448  1674/M
  128. Bernie Sevel                    Thornhill ON            2:50:51  0:09:10   2458  1678/M
  129. Phil Hyland                     Mississauga ON          2:50:51  0:09:10   2460  1679/M
  130. Jim Bromley                     Meaford ON              2:51:06  0:09:11   2480  1693/M
  131. Stephen Brown                   Toronto ON              2:52:16  0:09:14   2563  1737/M
  132. John Hagen                      King City ON            2:52:18  0:09:15   2566  1738/M
  133. Case Van Herk                   Stoney Creek ON         2:52:33  0:09:15   2584  1747/M
  134. David A Lurie                   Thornhill ON            2:52:35  0:09:15   2585  1748/M
  135. John Reardon                    London ON               2:52:51  0:09:16   2602  1756/M
  136. Alan Rutherford                 Dundas ON               2:52:56  0:09:17   2606  1758/M
  137. Stephen Beaumont                Aurora ON               2:53:21  0:09:18   2638  1779/M
  138. Rod Shannon                     Toronto ON              2:53:32  0:09:19   2660  1789/M
  139. Neil Gross                      Mississauga ON          2:54:03  0:09:20   2715  1815/M
  140. Robert Fraser                   Ilderton ON             2:54:14  0:09:21   2732  1822/M
  141. Denny Radlein                   London ON               2:54:22  0:09:21   2743  1828/M
  142. Harvey Ledra                    Toronto ON              2:54:40  0:09:22   2762  1839/M
  143. Dan Gieruszak                   Cargill ON              2:54:48  0:09:23   2773  1843/M
  144. Bill Ferguson                   Toronto ON              2:54:58  0:09:23   2805  1858/M
  145. Ed Wilson                       London ON               2:55:07  0:09:24   2820  1865/M
  146. Fred Enns                       Sarnia ON               2:55:11  0:09:24   2827  1870/M
  147. Mario Cancellara                St. Catharines ON       2:55:18  0:09:24   2834  1875/M
  148. Angelo Tobia                    Oakville ON             2:55:34  0:09:25   2854  1881/M
  149. Frank Backx                     Forest ON               2:55:44  0:09:26   2865  1886/M
  150. Yvan Quenville                  Valleyfield QC          2:55:52  0:09:26   2876  1891/M
  151. Larry Van Eenoo                 Mt. Elgin ON            2:56:08  0:09:27   2901  1902/M
  152. Dave Baird                      Toronto ON              2:56:14  0:09:27   2911  1907/M
  153. Stephen T Seal                  Toronto ON              2:56:15  0:09:27   2913  1909/M
  154. Ken Jobba                       Ancaster ON             2:56:19  0:09:28   2918  1912/M
  155. Peter Illich                    St. Catharines ON       2:57:24  0:09:31   2997  1941/M
  156. Bob Clarke                      St. Catharines ON       2:57:29  0:09:31   3004  1946/M
  157. Gary Benton                     Hamilton ON             2:57:30  0:09:31   3006  1947/M
  158. Tom McCormick                   Unionville ON           2:57:30  0:09:31   3008  1949/M
  159. Peter Fisher                    Ridgetown ON            2:57:32  0:09:31   3015  1952/M
  160. Armand Leblanc                  Angus ON                2:57:38  0:09:32   3021  1957/M
  161. Victor J Paluck                 Vaughan ON              2:57:43  0:09:32   3030  1963/M
  162. Mark Ishoy                      Rockwood ON             2:57:46  0:09:32   3036  1966/M
  163. Armin Kruspel                   London ON               2:57:53  0:09:33   3046  1971/M
  164. Vincent Fabiilli                Kingston ON             2:57:54  0:09:33   3049  1972/M
  165. Graham S Vardy                  Scarborough ON          2:57:57  0:09:33   3058  1978/M
  166. Michael Tullett                 Toronto ON              2:58:12  0:09:34   3074  1983/M
  167. John Byl                        Ancaster ON             2:58:12  0:09:34   3075  1984/M
  168. Bruce McLaurin                  Ottawa ON               2:58:15  0:09:34   3078  1985/M
  169. Dean Beaudry                    Barrie ON               2:58:31  0:09:35   3100  1995/M
  170. Kenneth Macdonald               Mississauga ON          2:59:17  0:09:37   3164  2025/M
  171. Wayne G Macphail                Hamilton ON             2:59:22  0:09:37   3168  2028/M
  172. Danny Churchward                Barrie ON               2:59:42  0:09:38   3188  2035/M
  173. Kent Oda                        Etobicoke ON            2:59:56  0:09:39   3212  2044/M
  174. Stu Patterson                   Chatham ON              3:00:08  0:09:40   3230  2056/M
  175. Doug Finn                       St Laurent QC           3:00:24  0:09:41   3258  2070/M
  176. Sam Di Bratto                   Toronto ON              3:00:31  0:09:41   3269  2074/M
  177. Uriah Pond                      Brooklin ON             3:00:32  0:09:41   3273  2076/M
  178. Bruce Adams                     Burlington ON           3:00:35  0:09:41   3276  2078/M
  179. John C McLeod                   Toronto ON              3:00:48  0:09:42   3297  2087/M
  180. Gary Banks                      Stittsville ON          3:00:58  0:09:42   3314  2093/M
  181. Bruce Horsburgh                 Oakville ON             3:01:00  0:09:43   3321  2096/M
  182. Larry McLeod                    Grimsby ON              3:01:15  0:09:43   3337  2104/M
  183. Greg Pace                       Burlington ON           3:01:25  0:09:44   3349  2111/M
  184. Patrick Fee                     Toronto ON              3:01:26  0:09:44   3351  2112/M
  185. Ewald Becker                    Oakville ON             3:01:28  0:09:44   3354  2114/M
  186. David Rowney                    Georgetown ON           3:01:35  0:09:44   3365  2120/M
  187. Dan Shields                     Hamilton ON             3:01:43  0:09:45   3379  2128/M
  188. Douglas W Macpherson            Geneva SW               3:02:05  0:09:46   3406  2140/M
  189. Bill McClure                    Stratford ON            3:02:15  0:09:47   3420  2148/M
  190. Brian Adams                     Burlington ON           3:02:28  0:09:47   3438  2157/M
  191. Dan Molinaro                    Woodstock ON            3:03:06  0:09:49   3488  2184/M
  192. Jim Delaney                     Guelph ON               3:03:09  0:09:50   3492  2187/M
  193. Tom Moy                         North York ON           3:03:22  0:09:50   3509  2198/M
  194. Ray H Haywood                   Barrie ON               3:03:23  0:09:50   3512  2200/M
  195. Bill Dehoog                     Brantford ON            3:03:41  0:09:51   3536  2211/M
  196. Michael Mortimer                Toronto ON              3:03:57  0:09:52   3557  2219/M
  197. John Hall                       Sutton ON               3:04:01  0:09:52   3562  2220/M
  198. Michael P Bedard                Toronto ON              3:04:10  0:09:53   3571  2227/M
  199. John McEachen                   Stouffville ON          3:04:23  0:09:53   3588  2236/M
  200. Jean Doucet                     Uxbridge ON             3:04:26  0:09:54   3591  2237/M
  201. Jerry Huiskamp                  Petersburg ON           3:05:01  0:09:56   3625  2250/M
  202. Ron Huff                        Oakville ON             3:05:16  0:09:56   3633  2254/M
  203. Douglas Price                   Burlington ON           3:05:42  0:09:58   3664  2267/M
  204. Steve Wood                      Brantford ON            3:05:51  0:09:58   3680  2275/M
  205. Alastair Taylor                 Pickering ON            3:05:57  0:09:59   3687  2279/M
  206. Ron Walker                      Ottawa ON               3:06:12  0:09:59   3701  2284/M
  207. Alan Davies                     Mississauga ON          3:06:20  0:10:00   3713  2287/M
  208. Breeze Yundt                    Ancaster ON             3:06:22  0:10:00   3717  2289/M
  209. Richard Dearden                 Ottawa ON               3:06:38  0:10:01   3730  2294/M
  210. Radovan Kuruc                   Hamilton ON             3:06:56  0:10:02   3747  2301/M
  211. Tom Spry                        Ingersoll ON            3:07:28  0:10:03   3790  2319/M
  212. Pierre Mihok                    Markham ON              3:08:09  0:10:06   3826  2337/M
  213. John A Hefler                   Kanata ON               3:08:15  0:10:06   3834  2342/M
  214. James Black                     Cambridge ON            3:08:48  0:10:08   3869  2360/M
  215. Gord England                    Toronto ON              3:09:01  0:10:08   3882  2365/M
  216. James McEwan                    Toronto ON              3:09:04  0:10:09   3887  2367/M
  217. Angelo Taggio                   Markham ON              3:09:25  0:10:10   3912  2374/M
  218. Michael Perge                   Oakville ON             3:10:04  0:10:12   3956  2387/M
  219. Gennaro Gatto                   Ancaster ON             3:10:46  0:10:14   3996  2403/M
  220. Glen Sharp                      St. Catharines ON       3:11:05  0:10:15   4019  2414/M
  221. Raymond Lobo                    Hamilton ON             3:11:26  0:10:16   4042  2428/M
  222. Dennis Wale                     Mt. Pleasant ON         3:11:29  0:10:16   4045  2429/M
  223. James Clark                     Oakville ON             3:11:42  0:10:17   4062  2435/M
  224. John Abramowicz                 Mississauga ON          3:11:52  0:10:18   4069  2439/M
  225. Russ Jones                      Victoria BC             3:12:00  0:10:18   4076  2440/M
  226. Howard Kideckel                 Thornhill ON            3:12:18  0:10:19   4100  2449/M
  227. Jim Knight                      Lawrence KS             3:12:48  0:10:21   4147  2471/M
  228. Neil Thomson                    Kanata ON               3:13:14  0:10:22   4170  2483/M
  229. Glen Whittall                   Cambridge ON            3:13:43  0:10:24   4201  2492/M
  230. Phillip Dionne                  Bradford ON             3:13:59  0:10:24   4224  2501/M
  231. Ron Stemshorn                   Mississauga ON          3:14:01  0:10:24   4226  2502/M
  232. Kevin Goforth                   Stratford ON            3:14:05  0:10:25   4230  2504/M
  233. Robert Aspinall                 Milton ON               3:14:34  0:10:26   4253  2515/M
  234. Darell McKenrick                Alden NY                3:15:06  0:10:28   4289  2530/M
  235. Charles Hayward                 Georgetown ON           3:15:08  0:10:28   4293  2533/M
  236. Henri-Paul Sicsic               Toronto ON              3:15:31  0:10:29   4308  2541/M
  237. Ken Denholm                     Guelph ON               3:15:59  0:10:31   4337  2554/M
  238. Mark A Watters                  Ancaster ON             3:16:06  0:10:31   4344  2557/M
  239. Larry Bentley                   Caledon ON              3:16:12  0:10:32   4352  2561/M
  240. Marty De Jong                   Stoney Creek ON         3:16:36  0:10:33   4377  2574/M
  241. Jim J Corkery                   Sarnia ON               3:16:48  0:10:33   4388  2579/M
  242. Gregg Reddin                    Ottawa ON               3:16:49  0:10:33   4389  2580/M
  243. Robert Charko                   Dundas ON               3:16:58  0:10:34   4403  2587/M
  244. Patrick McCarthy                Peterborough ON         3:18:00  0:10:37   4458  2605/M
  245. Bob Woodley                     Waterdown ON            3:18:17  0:10:38   4470  2609/M
  246. Derek Harrison                  Newmarket ON            3:18:25  0:10:39   4480  2613/M
  247. Michael Daley                   Hamilton ON             3:18:39  0:10:39   4500  2619/M
  248. Dan Begley                      Toronto ON              3:18:55  0:10:40   4511  2622/M
  249. David M Mackay                  Burlington ON           3:19:12  0:10:41   4524  2628/M
  250. David Adams                     North Tonawanda NY      3:19:40  0:10:43   4552  2636/M
  251. Rick Roy                        London ON               3:20:05  0:10:44   4580  2643/M
  252. Jean Denis Yelle                Ottawa ON               3:20:06  0:10:44   4581  2644/M
  253. Ted Zielinski                   Burford ON              3:21:22  0:10:48   4645  2662/M
  254. Jim Greer                       Burlington ON           3:21:24  0:10:48   4647  2663/M
  255. Doug Dunsmuir                   Hamilton ON             3:21:39  0:10:49   4658  2668/M
  256. Paul Martin                     Wellandport ON          3:22:22  0:10:51   4688  2676/M
  257. Kevin Williams-Yeagers          Stoney Creek ON         3:23:02  0:10:54   4726  2688/M
  258. Dave Pierce                     Dundas ON               3:23:05  0:10:54   4730  2689/M
  259. Rocco Polino                    East Amherst NY         3:23:50  0:10:56   4770  2705/M
  260. Wayne Boswell                   Vittoria ON             3:25:58  0:11:03   4865  2734/M
  261. Randall Tipping                 Aurora ON               3:26:15  0:11:04   4878  2737/M
  262. Larry Ferguson                  Guelph ON               3:26:30  0:11:05   4889  2744/M
  263. Mark Edmonds                    Toronto ON              3:27:00  0:11:06   4907  2752/M
  264. Bob Dann                        Toronto ON              3:27:41  0:11:08   4946  2765/M
  265. Ron F Runstedler                Sarnia ON               3:28:09  0:11:10   4975  2775/M
  266. Rob Pelletier                   London ON               3:28:27  0:11:11   4990  2779/M
  267. Kevin Swift                     Grand Blanc MI          3:28:36  0:11:11   5003  2782/M
  268. Doug Anderson                   Hamilton ON             3:29:47  0:11:15   5067  2803/M
  269. Brian McCluskey                 Dundas ON               3:29:49  0:11:15   5069  2804/M
  270. John J Quinlan                  Toronto ON              3:30:57  0:11:19   5112  2818/M
  271. Reynaldo Eusebio                Oakville ON             3:31:19  0:11:20   5131  2823/M
  272. Ken J Ashcroft                  Kitchener ON            3:31:21  0:11:20   5134  2824/M
  273. Marc Bernard                    Stoney Creek ON         3:31:34  0:11:21   5142  2826/M
  274. Karl Christian                  Callander ON            3:31:56  0:11:22   5159  2832/M
  275. Royal Boult                     Mississauga ON          3:31:58  0:11:22   5160  2833/M
  276. Nick Muia                       Niagara On The Lake ON  3:32:17  0:11:23   5169  2837/M
  277. Mark A Shulman                  Woodstock ON            3:33:00  0:11:26   5195  2846/M
  278. Greg Levi                       Burlington ON           3:33:49  0:11:28   5245  2860/M
  279. Greg Becks                      Bognor ON               3:33:53  0:11:28   5250  2861/M
  280. James D Mac Donald              Oxdrift ON              3:33:57  0:11:29   5257  2864/M
  281. Larry Rogers                    Toronto ON              3:34:15  0:11:30   5272  2867/M
  282. Dave McKinlay                   Ingersoll ON            3:34:39  0:11:31   5286  2876/M
  283. Jay Pettit                      Grimsby ON              3:34:45  0:11:31   5293  2879/M
  284. Manny Sa                        Mississauga ON          3:35:44  0:11:34   5324  2892/M
  285. Doug Parker                     Wyevale ON              3:36:21  0:11:36   5335  2897/M
  286. Bruce Cloke                     Burlington ON           3:36:25  0:11:37   5338  2898/M
  287. James Smith                     Simcoe ON               3:36:54  0:11:38   5359  2907/M
  288. Jim Emerson                     Mississauga ON          3:36:58  0:11:38   5361  2909/M
  289. Kerry Eaton                     Burlington ON           3:37:28  0:11:40   5373  2912/M
  290. Will R Hodgskiss                Napanee ON              3:37:31  0:11:40   5375  2913/M
  291. William R Hodgskiss             Napanee ON              3:37:31  0:11:40   5377  2915/M
  292. Jacques Demers                  Ste-Catherine QC        3:38:09  0:11:42   5400  2920/M
  293. Marcus Ward                     Toronto ON              3:38:19  0:11:43   5410  2926/M
  294. Romen Podzyhun                  Burlington ON           3:39:16  0:11:46   5441  2937/M
  295. Bill Sheppard                   Gananoque ON            3:40:09  0:11:49   5485  2957/M
  296. Bob Bonham                      Oakville ON             3:40:29  0:11:50   5502  2963/M
  297. John Nighswander                Elmira ON               3:42:13  0:11:55   5552  2973/M
  298. Stuart Swanson                  Kanata ON               3:44:22  0:12:02   5619  2995/M
  299. Ronald James                    Brantford ON            3:44:24  0:12:02   5620  2996/M
  300. Tom Gilas                       Toronto ON              3:44:33  0:12:03   5626  2997/M
  301. Bill Bailey                     Lakefield ON            3:45:04  0:12:04   5643  3001/M
  302. Nick Houston                    Dundas ON               3:46:47  0:12:10   5694  3023/M
  303. Gary Winkworth                  Mississauga ON          3:46:51  0:12:10   5695  3024/M
  304. Jim Hampton                     Burlington ON           3:47:08  0:12:11   5700  3026/M
  305. John Bourikos                   Richmond Hill ON        3:47:50  0:12:13   5713  3032/M
  306. Jim Penman                      Wakefield QC            3:48:52  0:12:17   5733  3038/M
  307. David McMullan                  Ajax ON                 3:49:10  0:12:18   5742  3039/M
  308. Errol Nairne                    Waterloo ON             3:50:00  0:12:20   5762  3046/M
  309. William Carey                   Hamilton ON             3:51:22  0:12:25   5789  3058/M
  310. Garth Wigle                     Cornwall ON             3:51:24  0:12:25   5790  3059/M
  311. Bob Decker                      Oakville ON             3:54:02  0:12:33   5840  3069/M
  312. David Gatto                     West Hill ON            3:58:58  0:12:49   5921  3093/M
  313. Bob Sweetlove                   Casselman ON            4:01:34  0:12:58   5964  3109/M
  314. Arnold Walker                   St. Thomas ON           4:02:09  0:12:59   5970  3111/M
  315. Seamus Vallely                  Hamilton ON             4:03:09  0:13:03   5982  3115/M
  316. Stu Detenbeck                   Waterloo ON             4:04:05  0:13:06   5995  3120/M
  317. Terry Siebert                   Hamilton ON             4:04:34  0:13:07   6003  3122/M
  318. Richard Mireault                Barrie ON               4:05:55  0:13:12   6020  3129/M
  319. Tony Samson                     Toronto ON              4:09:52  0:13:24   6060  3140/M
  320. Fraser Sinclair                 Oakville ON             4:12:03  0:13:31   6086  3149/M
  321. Doug Smith                      Stoney Creek ON         4:13:58  0:13:37   6102  3154/M
  322. Timothy A Cote                  Penetanguishene ON      4:16:24  0:13:45   6123  3163/M
  323. Bill T Warrington               Tottenham ON            4:29:13  0:14:27   6172  3177/M
  324. Denis Chayer                    Bolton ON               4:32:08  0:14:36   6183  3178/M
  325. Jonathan Morgan                 Waterloo ON             4:42:38  0:15:10   6203  3182/M
  326. Tony Greco                      Hamilton ON             4:43:14  0:15:12   6205  3183/M
Men 60-64
Place  Name                            Town                    Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Richard Borsos                  Ottawa ON               2:13:49  0:07:11    340   301/M
    2. Craig Zuckerman                 Olean NY                2:20:21  0:07:32    540   464/M
    3. Rob W Robinson                  Toronto ON              2:24:48  0:07:46    716   593/M
    4. John Hayes                      Beamsville ON           2:26:22  0:07:51    799   650/M
    5. Les Michalak                    Burlington ON           2:26:32  0:07:52    811   660/M
    6. David Ellison                   Thornhill ON            2:28:06  0:07:57    911   730/M
    7. Anton Plas                      Ancaster ON             2:28:22  0:07:58    934   747/M
    8. Herman Kruis                    Paris ON                2:28:50  0:07:59    975   777/M
    9. Bernie Collins                  Kingsville ON           2:29:26  0:08:01   1019   808/M
   10. William Coleman                 Hamilton ON             2:29:33  0:08:01   1027   816/M
   11. John Versteeg                   Toronto ON              2:30:41  0:08:05   1087   857/M
   12. Ronald Gehl                     Kitchener ON            2:31:23  0:08:07   1132   889/M
   13. Gordon Willcocks                Toronto ON              2:32:49  0:08:12   1206   941/M
   14. Mario Babakhani                 Mississauga ON          2:32:57  0:08:12   1211   946/M
   15. Jim Clarke                      Georgetown ON           2:33:06  0:08:13   1218   948/M
   16. Richard Bailey                  Scarborough ON          2:33:25  0:08:14   1231   958/M
   17. Ron Carpenter                   Hudson MI               2:33:31  0:08:14   1236   962/M
   18. Graham Deveber                  London ON               2:34:01  0:08:16   1276   988/M
   19. George McMenemy                 Burlington ON           2:36:34  0:08:24   1413  1081/M
   20. Christian Fortin                North Bay ON            2:37:08  0:08:26   1437  1094/M
   21. Joe Shirley                     Oakville ON             2:37:32  0:08:27   1461  1110/M
   22. Jack Gemmell                    Mississauga ON          2:37:35  0:08:27   1465  1112/M
   23. Chris Gates                     Pickering ON            2:38:12  0:08:29   1502  1131/M
   24. Aldo Krajcar                    Kitchener ON            2:38:20  0:08:30   1515  1139/M
   25. Denis Sacks                     Thornhill ON            2:38:30  0:08:30   1528  1146/M
   26. Peter Kain                      Toronto ON              2:39:06  0:08:32   1566  1174/M
   27. Edward Widlake                  Grimsby ON              2:39:09  0:08:32   1569  1177/M
   28. Vincent Perdue                  Sudbury ON              2:39:26  0:08:33   1586  1188/M
   29. Henry Gabriels                  Egbert ON               2:39:28  0:08:33   1589  1190/M
   30. Cancelli Frank                  Aurora ON               2:39:55  0:08:35   1625  1212/M
   31. Ralph Brubacher                 St. Jacobs ON           2:40:39  0:08:37   1688  1250/M
   32. Tory Hoff                       Toronto ON              2:40:44  0:08:37   1696  1256/M
   33. Edgar Viret                     Pickering ON            2:42:08  0:08:42   1790  1315/M
   34. Richard Tout                    Kincardine ON           2:43:08  0:08:45   1864  1358/M
   35. Jacob Stoller                   Toronto ON              2:43:29  0:08:46   1882  1370/M
   36. Stephen Burrows                 Orillia ON              2:44:24  0:08:49   1958  1409/M
   37. Steen Klint                     Barrie ON               2:45:33  0:08:53   2047  1459/M
   38. Chris Kavanagh                  Oakville ON             2:45:41  0:08:53   2060  1467/M
   39. Bud Purves                      Toronto ON              2:45:47  0:08:54   2065  1469/M
   40. Michael Manion                  Toronto ON              2:46:04  0:08:55   2084  1478/M
   41. Jim Clarke                      Toronto ON              2:46:24  0:08:56   2101  1488/M
   42. Eric Sawyer                     Cayuga ON               2:47:00  0:08:58   2152  1515/M
   43. Ian Rankin                      Toronto ON              2:47:19  0:08:59   2180  1531/M
   44. Ron Lariviere                   Dundas ON               2:47:38  0:09:00   2208  1549/M
   45. Robert Gilchrist                Ancaster ON             2:48:13  0:09:01   2270  1583/M
   46. Jim Muldoon                     Kanata ON               2:48:49  0:09:03   2307  1601/M
   47. Albert Kral                     Smithville ON           2:48:54  0:09:04   2310  1602/M
   48. Peter Ryback                    Bracebridge ON          2:49:06  0:09:04   2324  1608/M
   49. Frank O Clement                 Camlachie ON            2:51:24  0:09:12   2497  1704/M
   50. Ross Coomber                    Simcoe ON               2:51:47  0:09:13   2524  1717/M
   51. Jake Plantinga                  Hamilton ON             2:53:10  0:09:17   2621  1769/M
   52. Joel Guberman                   Toronto ON              2:53:31  0:09:18   2658  1787/M
   53. Douglas R Marck                 Burlington ON           2:53:32  0:09:19   2659  1788/M
   54. John V Swart                    Fonthill ON             2:53:38  0:09:19   2677  1797/M
   55. Michael Orr                     Toronto ON              2:53:44  0:09:19   2681  1799/M
   56. Rudi Mueller                    Georgetown ON           2:53:45  0:09:19   2684  1800/M
   57. Gerry Poffenroth                Toronto ON              2:54:05  0:09:20   2719  1817/M
   58. David Gilchrist                 Sarnia ON               2:54:50  0:09:23   2779  1847/M
   59. Franz Schmidt                   Limehouse ON            2:54:56  0:09:23   2797  1854/M
   60. Joe Hart                        Grimsby ON              2:55:45  0:09:26   2866  1887/M
   61. Douglas McLauchlan              Toronto ON              2:56:07  0:09:27   2899  1900/M
   62. Tom Cochren                     Millgrove ON            2:57:28  0:09:31   3003  1945/M
   63. Graham Westwood                 Toronto ON              2:57:39  0:09:32   3023  1958/M
   64. Dirk Van Veen                   Stoney Creek ON         2:57:57  0:09:33   3057  1977/M
   65. David A. Hill                   London ON               2:58:24  0:09:34   3090  1992/M
   66. Paul Adams                      Tavistock ON            2:59:35  0:09:38   3180  2033/M
   67. Blair Bowker                    North Bay ON            2:59:57  0:09:39   3216  2048/M
   68. Duff McLaren                    Toronto ON              3:00:53  0:09:42   3307  2091/M
   69. Ted Van Geest                   St. Catharines ON       3:01:10  0:09:43   3331  2099/M
   70. Larry Creeden                   New Hamburg ON          3:01:34  0:09:44   3362  2118/M
   71. Martin Macdonald                Port Hope ON            3:01:39  0:09:45   3372  2125/M
   72. Peter Sowiski                   Buffalo NY              3:01:52  0:09:45   3388  2134/M
   73. John Stafford                   Toronto ON              3:02:53  0:09:49   3470  2174/M
   74. Charles Oatman                  Etobicoke ON            3:04:06  0:09:53   3568  2224/M
   75. Paul Slan                       Toronto ON              3:06:17  0:10:00   3710  2286/M
   76. Paul Anderson                   Ancaster ON             3:06:32  0:10:00   3722  2291/M
   77. John Lyng                       Toronto ON              3:06:44  0:10:01   3736  2296/M
   78. Paul Goodrow                    Burlington ON           3:06:58  0:10:02   3749  2302/M
   79. Rick Edwards                    Cambridge ON            3:07:13  0:10:03   3772  2312/M
   80. Frank Bozzo                     Vaughan ON              3:07:25  0:10:03   3785  2317/M
   81. Kevin Stewart                   Kitchener ON            3:07:47  0:10:04   3798  2323/M
   82. Howie Keown                     Dundas ON               3:08:21  0:10:06   3843  2345/M
   83. Brian McClean                   Stittsville ON          3:08:40  0:10:07   3865  2356/M
   84. Steve Gard                      Toronto ON              3:08:53  0:10:08   3874  2363/M
   85. Craig Fraser                    Toronto ON              3:11:16  0:10:16   4031  2420/M
   86. Ivan Urek                       Burlington ON           3:11:22  0:10:16   4036  2423/M
   87. George T Tapper                 Torbay NB               3:11:30  0:10:16   4047  2430/M
   88. Tim Thorington                  Pickering ON            3:12:32  0:10:20   4119  2456/M
   89. Doug Foster                     Brampton ON             3:15:14  0:10:28   4302  2537/M
   90. Dale Richardson                 Kemptville ON           3:15:34  0:10:29   4310  2542/M
   91. Gerardo Recouso                 Toronto ON              3:15:51  0:10:30   4329  2551/M
   92. Jim Ward                        Orleans ON              3:16:00  0:10:31   4339  2555/M
   93. Brian Martin                    Sudbury ON              3:16:13  0:10:32   4354  2563/M
   94. Kenneth Herbolic                Hamilton ON             3:16:20  0:10:32   4364  2570/M
   95. Howard R Parker                 Scarborough ON          3:16:40  0:10:33   4382  2576/M
   96. Allen Groome                    Etobicoke ON            3:16:56  0:10:34   4400  2586/M
   97. David Rendeiro                  Mississauga ON          3:17:06  0:10:34   4412  2592/M
   98. Joe Kuroda                      Richmond Hill ON        3:18:19  0:10:38   4474  2611/M
   99. Robert Gibb                     Ottawa ON               3:18:56  0:10:40   4512  2623/M
  100. Whitney Bailey                  Hamilton ON             3:20:25  0:10:45   4598  2650/M
  101. Peter Cook                      Hamilton ON             3:20:44  0:10:46   4618  2654/M
  102. Patrick Fischer                 Hamilton ON             3:20:44  0:10:46   4619  2655/M
  103. Don Douglas                     Niagara Falls ON        3:21:10  0:10:47   4638  2660/M
  104. Rob Larsen                      Woodstock ON            3:21:28  0:10:48   4649  2664/M
  105. Joseph P Roy                    Oakville ON             3:24:00  0:10:57   4779  2707/M
  106. Alex Cullen                     Ottawa ON               3:24:27  0:10:58   4797  2713/M
  107. David Goodsell                  Niagara Falls NY        3:24:28  0:10:58   4798  2714/M
  108. Danny Quan                      Mississauga ON          3:25:13  0:11:01   4830  2726/M
  109. John Rose                       Toronto ON              3:25:29  0:11:01   4844  2727/M
  110. Dean Elliott                    New Liskeard ON         3:26:54  0:11:06   4902  2748/M
  111. Gordon Smallwood                Napanee ON              3:27:38  0:11:08   4941  2761/M
  112. David Hampton                   Toronto ON              3:29:56  0:11:16   5073  2805/M
  113. Jim Crummey                     Toronto ON              3:30:38  0:11:18   5097  2814/M
  114. Thomas Daley                    Sparta NJ               3:30:50  0:11:19   5106  2817/M
  115. Don H H Weber                   Dundas ON               3:31:10  0:11:20   5121  2822/M
  116. Fred Nettle                     Welland ON              3:33:20  0:11:27   5216  2850/M
  117. James Johnston                  Nepean ON               3:34:38  0:11:31   5285  2875/M
  118. Rick Truszkowski                Greensville ON          3:35:12  0:11:33   5312  2887/M
  119. Doug Flis                       Grimsby ON              3:36:29  0:11:37   5343  2900/M
  120. Michael Mills                   Oakville ON             3:38:28  0:11:43   5413  2928/M
  121. James Bacon                     Edmonton AB             3:39:42  0:11:47   5464  2948/M
  122. Alan Oakes                      Princeton ON            3:39:48  0:11:47   5470  2950/M
  123. Panag Jang Singh                Brantford ON            3:42:44  0:11:57   5566  2977/M
  124. Glenn Smale                     Guelph ON               3:43:12  0:11:58   5579  2983/M
  125. Grant S Swanson                 Oakville ON             3:44:22  0:12:02   5616  2993/M
  126. Jerry Andreatta                 Stoney Creek ON         3:46:44  0:12:10   5693  3022/M
  127. Brian Gibb                      Dollard-Des-Orme QC     3:49:16  0:12:18   5745  3040/M
  128. Stephen Harris                  Unionville ON           3:53:34  0:12:32   5835  3067/M
  129. Skeet Nevil                     Allegany NY             3:54:18  0:12:34   5845  3070/M
  130. Dale Boost                      London ON               3:54:48  0:12:36   5851  3072/M
  131. Rich Worthington                Airdrie AB              3:56:53  0:12:42   5897  3085/M
  132. Harry Gerber                    Toronto ON              3:59:31  0:12:51   5933  3096/M
  133. Michael Kemeny                  Ancaster ON             4:01:04  0:12:56   5955  3105/M
  134. Clinton Miller                  Toronto ON              4:04:16  0:13:06   5999  3121/M
  135. Mickle Macaulay                 Port Dover ON           4:05:22  0:13:10   6008  3125/M
  136. David Wilton                    Woodstock ON            4:08:57  0:13:21   6055  3138/M
  137. Glenn Millson                   Hampton ON              4:15:22  0:13:42   6114  3159/M
  138. John Drake                      Niagara Falls NY        4:15:55  0:13:44   6120  3162/M
  139. Isaac Chung                     Markham ON              4:18:58  0:13:54   6137  3167/M
  140. Stephen Hailer                  Stow OH                 4:20:17  0:13:58   6143  3170/M
  141. Stephen J Newman                Hamilton ON             4:21:15  0:14:01   6147  3172/M
  142. Ted Raspin                      Toronto ON              5:11:13  0:16:42   6232  3188/M
Men 65-69
Place  Name                            Town                    Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. D J Johnson                     Toronto ON              2:18:51  0:07:27    486   418/M
    2. Robert Aby                      Northfield MN           2:27:47  0:07:56    884   707/M
    3. Roger Barker                    Toronto ON              2:28:13  0:07:57    921   738/M
    4. Dennis Sears                    Orchard Park NY         2:28:24  0:07:58    941   753/M
    5. John Connor                     Burlington ON           2:28:43  0:07:59    964   770/M
    6. Richard St. John                Toronto ON              2:30:13  0:08:04   1067   844/M
    7. Ivar Gaizauskas                 Brampton ON             2:38:17  0:08:29   1509  1137/M
    8. Douglas Geddie                  St. Catharines ON       2:39:39  0:08:34   1602  1200/M
    9. Stanley Bunston                 Guelph ON               2:43:37  0:08:47   1903  1380/M
   10. Brian Feherty                   Newmarket ON            2:45:20  0:08:52   2024  1444/M
   11. Doug Barber                     Owen Sound ON           2:45:50  0:08:54   2068  1470/M
   12. Eric Magni                      London ON               2:52:26  0:09:15   2576  1742/M
   13. Derek Rogers                    Toronto ON              2:54:44  0:09:22   2768  1840/M
   14. Gerry Macalpine                 Sarnia ON               2:55:12  0:09:24   2829  1871/M
   15. Ralph McGowan                   Toronto ON              3:01:00  0:09:43   3320  2095/M
   16. Ron Edwards                     Caledonia ON            3:03:22  0:09:50   3511  2199/M
   17. Jack Hill                       Toronto ON              3:05:44  0:09:58   3666  2268/M
   18. Sibatu Khahaifa                 Buffalo NY              3:07:55  0:10:05   3813  2330/M
   19. Joe Perle                       Toronto ON              3:13:01  0:10:21   4162  2479/M
   20. Ken B Anderson                  Kitchener ON            3:15:52  0:10:30   4330  2552/M
   21. Chuck Edwards                   London ON               3:22:51  0:10:53   4713  2684/M
   22. Don Ramsden                     London ON               3:23:11  0:10:54   4733  2690/M
   23. Paul G Pietraszewski            West Seneca NY          3:24:42  0:10:59   4809  2718/M
   24. Allen Holloway                  Hamilton ON             3:26:50  0:11:06   4900  2747/M
   25. George Stern                    Thornhill ON            3:27:40  0:11:08   4944  2764/M
   26. Denis A Kennedy                 Beamsville ON           3:27:51  0:11:09   4958  2771/M
   27. Richard Felton                  Sarnia ON               3:30:10  0:11:16   5084  2809/M
   28. David Rice                      Roslin ON               3:34:34  0:11:31   5282  2874/M
   29. John Buchanan                   Mississauga ON          3:35:02  0:11:32   5303  2883/M
   30. Alan Ellis                      Oakville ON             3:35:52  0:11:35   5329  2894/M
   31. Bill Tofflemire                 London ON               3:36:38  0:11:37   5349  2903/M
   32. Peter Grimwood                  Rockwood ON             3:40:08  0:11:49   5482  2956/M
   33. Alex A Sum                      Etobicoke ON            3:42:46  0:11:57   5567  2978/M
   34. Abie Groberg                    Thornhill ON            3:50:22  0:12:21   5766  3050/M
   35. Slavko Nemet                    Hamilton ON             4:07:17  0:13:16   6039  3132/M
   36. Tony Carroll                    Richmond Hill ON        4:15:19  0:13:42   6113  3158/M
   37. Al Baronenas                    Toronto ON              4:27:30  0:14:21   6171  3176/M
   38. Morris S Hoover                 Wiarton ON              4:49:05  0:15:30   6214  3185/M
   39. Paul Hassall                    Tonawanda NY            4:50:41  0:15:36   6218  3187/M
Men 70-74
Place  Name                            Town                    Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Spiros Tompros                  Bowmanville ON          2:43:32  0:08:46   1892  1373/M
    2. Nicholas Vandooren              Waterdown ON            2:57:35  0:09:32   3018  1954/M
    3. Tom Mulligan                    London ON               3:13:36  0:10:23   4190  2489/M
    4. Bob White                       Mississauga ON          3:15:50  0:10:30   4328  2550/M
    5. Brent Loyer                     Chatham ON              3:28:58  0:11:13   5027  2791/M
    6. Spence Dickson                  Ancaster ON             3:38:41  0:11:44   5419  2930/M
    7. James N O'Donnell               Wasaga Beach ON         3:41:29  0:11:53   5538  2971/M
    8. Lorne Murdock                   Ottawa ON               3:42:28  0:11:56   5557  2974/M
    9. George A Duffy                  Richmond Hill ON        3:45:36  0:12:06   5659  3008/M
   10. Wally Fenske                    Georgetown ON           3:52:41  0:12:29   5813  3064/M
Men 75-99
Place  Name                            Town                    Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Ron Crichton                    Etobicoke ON            2:46:42  0:08:57   2128  1500/M
    2. John Spagnoli                   Hamilton ON             3:13:43  0:10:24   4202  2493/M
    3. Dietrich E Lauckner             Port Elgin ON           3:34:26  0:11:30   5278  2872/M
    4. Eugene Scanlan                  Toronto ON              3:49:37  0:12:19   5751  3041/M
    5. Donald Hollingworth             North York ON           4:06:27  0:13:13   6025  3131/M
    6. Ted Sullivan                    Williamsville NY        4:49:48  0:15:33   6216  3186/M
Men NoAge
Place  Name                            Town                    Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Mark Laundry                    St. Catharines ON       2:11:22  0:07:03    260   236/M

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