Buffalo Area Runners at:Toronto Half MarathonToronto, ON October 17, 2010Results Data Courtesy of: Sportstats Canada |
Overall Finish Order Men - Age Groups Women - Age Groups
Place Name Time Pace InGroup InSex ChipTime ChipPace Bib#
112. Victoria Rodriguez 1:28:54 0:06:47 2/F30-34 11/F 1:28:49 0:06:47 5441
259. Nicholas Brodnicki 1:34:59 0:07:15 21/M0-24 219/M 1:34:55 0:07:14 3032
294. Brian McElroy 1:35:45 0:07:18 30/M45-49 249/M 1:35:45 0:07:18 5440
722. Alexandra McPherson 1:43:57 0:07:56 34/F35-39 152/F 1:43:22 0:07:53 7391
1104. Michael Meyer 1:49:14 0:08:20 121/M25-29 825/M 1:48:11 0:08:15 9042
1161. Ashley Harris 1:49:51 0:08:23 67/F25-29 299/F 1:49:42 0:08:22 4171
1233. Michael Palmer 1:50:43 0:08:27 130/M25-29 912/M 1:49:57 0:08:23 7043
1344. Sean Morrow 1:52:01 0:08:33 160/M30-34 987/M 1:51:06 0:08:28 6042
1438. Donald Blowey 1:53:09 0:08:38 100/M50-54 1038/M 1:51:01 0:08:28 5839
1462. Trista Barry 1:53:25 0:08:39 80/F35-39 411/F 1:51:18 0:08:29 6000
1619. Noreen McAllister 1:55:17 0:08:48 2/F60-64 477/F 1:53:39 0:08:40 4767
1702. Robert Collins 1:56:06 0:08:51 177/M40-44 1183/M 1:51:43 0:08:31 3347
1783. Scott Story 1:56:52 0:08:55 160/M25-29 1231/M 1:55:40 0:08:49 4576
1820. Bobbi Blackburn 1:57:18 0:08:57 145/F25-29 576/F 1:56:22 0:08:53 5367
1875. Petra Siemoneit 1:57:47 0:08:59 22/F50-54 600/F 1:55:51 0:08:50 4389
1887. Denise Kennedy 1:57:51 0:08:59 101/F35-39 607/F 1:55:44 0:08:50 5122
2183. Melissa Milne 2:00:45 0:09:13 181/F25-29 760/F 1:58:39 0:09:03 4832
2443. Carol Flaherty 2:02:59 0:09:23 93/F45-49 906/F 2:00:22 0:09:11 7337
2503. Barbara Rowe 2:03:34 0:09:26 10/F55-59 936/F 2:00:56 0:09:13 6730
2547. Renata Kowalczuk 2:04:08 0:09:28 157/F35-39 959/F 2:01:37 0:09:17 6593
2571. Krystal Hoffman 2:04:29 0:09:30 230/F25-29 970/F 2:03:01 0:09:23 5517
2803. Carrie Volpe 2:06:52 0:09:41 196/F35-39 1117/F 2:05:41 0:09:35 6948
2829. Justin Read 2:07:03 0:09:41 276/M35-39 1699/M 2:03:37 0:09:26 3790
2831. Anna Woloszynska-Read 2:07:03 0:09:41 198/F35-39 1132/F 2:03:38 0:09:26 3791
2844. Jill Murray 2:07:16 0:09:42 199/F35-39 1140/F 2:03:58 0:09:27 3395
2845. Terri Julian 2:07:17 0:09:43 64/F50-54 1141/F 2:03:58 0:09:27 3381
2856. Julie Moore 2:07:28 0:09:43 265/F25-29 1147/F 2:04:53 0:09:32 7109
2859. Chuck Volpe 2:07:30 0:09:44 237/M45-49 1710/M 2:06:18 0:09:38 7003
3034. Steven McCarville 2:09:31 0:09:53 246/M45-49 1770/M 2:06:53 0:09:41 7555
3229. Sean Ingham 2:12:01 0:10:04 236/M25-29 1846/M 2:10:58 0:09:59 8638
3349. Jackie McQueen 2:13:33 0:10:11 343/F25-29 1449/F 2:12:38 0:10:07 5445
3394. Paul Beatty 2:14:00 0:10:13 264/M45-49 1919/M 2:10:43 0:09:58 6734
3530. Tracy Adkins 2:15:34 0:10:20 249/F30-34 1573/F 2:12:14 0:10:05 8668
3682. Susan Stanton 2:18:04 0:10:32 169/F45-49 1687/F 2:14:47 0:10:17 5046
3953. Kristen Gagesch 2:22:07 0:10:50 243/F0-24 1886/F 2:18:59 0:10:36 6728
4163. Marie Klocke 2:25:45 0:11:07 338/F35-39 2034/F 2:21:12 0:10:46 7729
4326. Nefertiti Dupont 2:29:27 0:11:24 354/F35-39 2147/F 2:26:10 0:11:09 5638
4347. Michael Meyer 2:30:09 0:11:27 272/M25-29 2182/M 1:56:10 0:08:52 8545
4404. Nazarian Amy 2:31:48 0:11:35 359/F30-34 2211/F 2:01:59 0:09:18 8040
4535. Alfredo Kua 2:34:38 0:11:48 226/M50-54 2226/M 2:31:08 0:11:32 6522
4734. Dorothy Gaines 2:42:45 0:12:25 20/F60-64 2457/F 2:39:01 0:12:08 4751
4767. Kristine Valenti 2:44:20 0:12:32 263/F45-49 2479/F 2:39:47 0:12:11 7730
4771. Katherine McKenna 2:44:27 0:12:33 406/F30-34 2483/F 2:39:55 0:12:12 7728
4832. Robin Deubler 2:48:27 0:12:51 318/F40-44 2533/F 2:44:04 0:12:31 8961
5064. Leanne Gorman 3:17:05 0:15:02 418/F35-39 2699/F 3:12:44 0:14:42 8141
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Women - Age Group Results Men - Age Groups Overall Finish Order
Women 0-24
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
243. Kristen Gagesch 2:22:07 0:10:50 3953 1886/F
Women 25-29
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
67. Ashley Harris 1:49:51 0:08:23 1161 299/F
145. Bobbi Blackburn 1:57:18 0:08:57 1820 576/F
181. Melissa Milne 2:00:45 0:09:13 2183 760/F
230. Krystal Hoffman 2:04:29 0:09:30 2571 970/F
265. Julie Moore 2:07:28 0:09:43 2856 1147/F
343. Jackie McQueen 2:13:33 0:10:11 3349 1449/F
Women 30-34
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
2. Victoria Rodriguez 1:28:54 0:06:47 112 11/F
249. Tracy Adkins 2:15:34 0:10:20 3530 1573/F
359. Nazarian Amy 2:31:48 0:11:35 4404 2211/F
406. Katherine McKenna 2:44:27 0:12:33 4771 2483/F
Women 35-39
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
34. Alexandra McPherson 1:43:57 0:07:56 722 152/F
80. Trista Barry 1:53:25 0:08:39 1462 411/F
101. Denise Kennedy 1:57:51 0:08:59 1887 607/F
157. Renata Kowalczuk 2:04:08 0:09:28 2547 959/F
196. Carrie Volpe 2:06:52 0:09:41 2803 1117/F
198. Anna Woloszynska-Read 2:07:03 0:09:41 2831 1132/F
199. Jill Murray 2:07:16 0:09:42 2844 1140/F
338. Marie Klocke 2:25:45 0:11:07 4163 2034/F
354. Nefertiti Dupont 2:29:27 0:11:24 4326 2147/F
418. Leanne Gorman 3:17:05 0:15:02 5064 2699/F
Women 40-44
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
318. Robin Deubler 2:48:27 0:12:51 4832 2533/F
Women 45-49
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
93. Carol Flaherty 2:02:59 0:09:23 2443 906/F
169. Susan Stanton 2:18:04 0:10:32 3682 1687/F
263. Kristine Valenti 2:44:20 0:12:32 4767 2479/F
Women 50-54
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
22. Petra Siemoneit 1:57:47 0:08:59 1875 600/F
64. Terri Julian 2:07:17 0:09:43 2845 1141/F
Women 55-59
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
10. Barbara Rowe 2:03:34 0:09:26 2503 936/F
Women 60-64
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
2. Noreen McAllister 1:55:17 0:08:48 1619 477/F
20. Dorothy Gaines 2:42:45 0:12:25 4734 2457/F
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Men - Age Group Results Women - Age Groups Overall Finish Order
Men 0-24
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
21. Nicholas Brodnicki 1:34:59 0:07:15 259 219/M
Men 25-29
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
121. Michael Meyer 1:49:14 0:08:20 1104 825/M
130. Michael Palmer 1:50:43 0:08:27 1233 912/M
160. Scott Story 1:56:52 0:08:55 1783 1231/M
236. Sean Ingham 2:12:01 0:10:04 3229 1846/M
272. Michael Meyer 2:30:09 0:11:27 4347 2182/M
Men 30-34
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
160. Sean Morrow 1:52:01 0:08:33 1344 987/M
Men 35-39
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
276. Justin Read 2:07:03 0:09:41 2829 1699/M
Men 40-44
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
177. Robert Collins 1:56:06 0:08:51 1702 1183/M
Men 45-49
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
30. Brian McElroy 1:35:45 0:07:18 294 249/M
237. Chuck Volpe 2:07:30 0:09:44 2859 1710/M
246. Steven McCarville 2:09:31 0:09:53 3034 1770/M
264. Paul Beatty 2:14:00 0:10:13 3394 1919/M
Men 50-54
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
100. Donald Blowey 1:53:09 0:08:38 1438 1038/M
226. Alfredo Kua 2:34:38 0:11:48 4535 2226/M
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