------------------------------------------------------- Place Name Place/Sex Place/Group Time ------------------------------------------------------- 1 Jesse Mang 1 M 1 0-17 17:06 2 Mike O'Connor 2 M 1 30-39 17:23 3 Mike Campbell 3 M 1 18-29 17:58 4 Hermann Pohl 4 M 2 30-39 18:02 5 Ted Washburn 5 M 3 30-39 18:57 6 Drew Anderson 6 M 2 18-29 19:32 7 Ryan Anderson 7 M 2 0-17 20:03 8 Michael Harrison 8 M 1 50+ 20:13 9 Steven Roberts 9 M 3 0-17 20:25 10 Mike Clough 10 M 4 30-39 20:39 11 Joe Jablonski 11 M 1 40-49 20:43 12 Greg Lavis 12 M 2 40-49 20:59 13 Michael Longhouse 13 M 3 18-29 21:25 14 Jon Powers 14 M 4 18-29 21:37 15 Kristen Meadows 1 F 1 18-29 21:55 16 Kevin Meadows 15 M 3 40-49 21:56 17 Bill Roberts 16 M 4 40-49 22:03 18 Tim Roder 17 M 5 30-39 22:09 19 Shelly Rucker 2 F 2 18-29 22:10 20 Jeff Camp 18 M 5 18-29 22:11 21 Rob Nowak 19 M 5 40-49 22:11 22 Grant Whieldon 20 M 4 0-17 22:28 23 Carol Dittenhofer 3 F 1 30-39 22:28 24 James Bammel 21 M 6 40-49 22:30 25 John Brennan 22 M 6 30-39 22:36 26 John Flannery 23 M 7 30-39 22:53 27 Edward Graber 24 M 8 30-39 22:55 28 Robert Tulowiecki 25 M 6 18-29 23:03 29 Chris Tocin 26 M 7 18-29 23:03 30 Michel LaFauve 27 M 9 30-39 23:04 31 David Barrett 28 M 7 40-49 23:20 32 Jim Kaiser 29 M 8 40-49 23:33 33 Greg Powers 30 M 9 40-49 23:39 34 Bentley Gardner 31 M 10 40-49 23:35 35 Stephen Tulowiecki 32 M 5 0-17 23:51 36 Jeffrey Dietz 33 M 2 50+ 23:58 37 Greg Campbell 34 M 8 18-29 24:13 38 Brian Myers 35 M 9 18-29 24:13 39 Robert Roberts 36 M 11 40-49 24:25 40 Marcia DeFazio 4 F 2 30-39 24:28 41 Joe Mitchell 37 M 10 30-39 24:35 42 Kevin Kazmierczak 38 M 10 18-29 24:41 43 Gerard Cappelli 39 M 11 30-39 24:48 44 Jim Ennis 40 M 12 30-39 24:54 45 Paul Keller 41 M 13 30-39 24:56 46 Tim Gardner 42 M 12 40-49 24:56 47 Nicholas Cromwell 43 M 14 30-39 24:58 48 Alexandra Dowrey 5 F 1 0-17 25:03 49 Robert Dowrey 44 M 13 40-49 25:04 50 Catherine Dowrey 6 F 1 40-49 25:04 51 Terry Whieldon 45 M 14 40-49 25:16 52 Michael Babbitt 46 M 15 40-49 25:45 53 Lucas Ruglis 47 M 11 18-29 25:55 54 Connor Buczek 48 M 6 0-17 26:02 55 Rich VanAlmkerk 49 M 3 50+ 26:03 56 Joshua Adelman 50 M 7 0-17 26:13 57 Andrew Adelman 51 M 15 30-39 26:14 58 Michael Wallace 52 M 4 50+ 26:20 59 James Harrigan 53 M 16 30-39 26:24 60 Mike Graffeo 54 M 17 30-39 26:32 61 Rosanne Steinmetz 7 F 2 40-49 26:33 62 Marty Munson 55 M 16 40-49 26:40 63 Kevin Wicka 56 M 18 30-39 26:44 64 William Hogan 57 M 17 40-49 26:45 65 James McAuliffe 58 M 19 30-39 27:15 66 Gerald Klopfer 59 M 20 30-39 27:16 67 Dan Roberts 60 M 8 0-17 27:25 68 Scott Fleming 61 M 21 30-39 27:35 69 Chris Milne 62 M 22 30-39 27:58 70 Cathryn Johnson 8 F 3 30-39 28:00 71 Dave Speranza 63 M 23 30-39 28:17 72 August Delia 64 M 12 18-29 28:24 73 Tiffany Rollek 9 F 2 0-17 28:25 74 Anne Gallagher 10 F 4 30-39 28:26 75 Debbie Filsinger 11 F 3 40-49 28:47 76 Mary Beth Wade 12 F 5 30-39 28:44 77 Katie Connelly 13 F 6 30-39 28:50 78 Joe Colern 65 M 5 50+ 29:07 79 Susan Ketzer 14 F 1 50+ 29:23 80 Greg Tomani 66 M 24 30-39 29:45 81 Timothy Stalker 67 M 25 30-39 29:57 82 Kate Wallace 15 F 3 18-29 29:58 83 Jake Morseon 68 M 9 0-17 30:33 84 Michael Morseon 69 M 18 40-49 30:34 85 Tony Malinosk 70 M 6 50+ 31:24 86 Alison Taylor 16 F 7 30-39 31:24 87 Lesley Harrigan 17 F 8 30-39 32:32 88 Marina Solomon 18 F 9 30-39 32:37 89 Anne Roder 19 F 10 30-39 33:22 90 Haley Clough 20 F 3 0-17 33:29 91 John Clough 71 M 26 30-39 33:29 92 Dennis Kidney 72 M 27 30-39 33:58 93 Stacey Buerger 21 F 4 18-29 34:00 94 Denise Kajdasz 22 F 11 30-39 36:54
Women 0-17 ----------------------------------------------------------- Place Name Place/Sex Overall Group Time ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Alexandra Dowrey 5 F 48 0-17 25:03 2 Tiffany Rollek 9 F 73 0-17 28:25 3 Haley Clough 20 F 90 0-17 33:29 Women 18-29 ----------------------------------------------------------- Place Name Place/Sex Overall Group Time ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kristen Meadows 1 F 15 18-29 21:55 2 Shelly Rucker 2 F 19 18-29 22:10 3 Kate Wallace 15 F 82 18-29 29:58 4 Stacey Buerger 21 F 93 18-29 34:00 Women 30-39 ----------------------------------------------------------- Place Name Place/Sex Overall Group Time ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Carol Dittenhofer 3 F 23 30-39 22:28 2 Marcia DeFazio 4 F 40 30-39 24:28 3 Cathryn Johnson 8 F 70 30-39 28:00 4 Anne Gallagher 10 F 74 30-39 28:26 5 Mary Beth Wade 12 F 76 30-39 28:44 6 Katie Connelly 13 F 77 30-39 28:50 7 Alison Taylor 16 F 86 30-39 31:24 8 Lesley Harrigan 17 F 87 30-39 32:32 9 Marina Solomon 18 F 88 30-39 32:37 10 Anne Roder 19 F 89 30-39 33:22 11 Denise Kajdasz 22 F 94 30-39 36:54 Women 40-49 ----------------------------------------------------------- Place Name Place/Sex Overall Group Time ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Catherine Dowrey 6 F 50 40-49 25:04 2 Rosanne Steinmetz 7 F 61 40-49 26:33 3 Debbie Filsinger 11 F 75 40-49 28:47 Women 50 and above ----------------------------------------------------------- Place Name Place/Sex Overall Group Time ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Susan Ketzer 14 F 79 50+ 29:23
Men 0-17 ----------------------------------------------------------- Place Name Place/Sex Overall Group Time ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Jesse Mang 1 M 1 0-17 17:06 2 Ryan Anderson 7 M 7 0-17 20:03 3 Steven Roberts 9 M 9 0-17 20:25 4 Grant Whieldon 20 M 22 0-17 22:28 5 Stephen Tulowiecki 32 M 35 0-17 23:51 6 Connor Buczek 48 M 54 0-17 26:02 7 Joshua Adelman 50 M 56 0-17 26:13 8 Dan Roberts 60 M 67 0-17 27:25 9 Jake Morseon 68 M 83 0-17 30:33 Men 18-29 ----------------------------------------------------------- Place Name Place/Sex Overall Group Time ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Mike Campbell 3 M 3 18-29 17:58 2 Drew Anderson 6 M 6 18-29 19:32 3 Michael Longhouse 13 M 13 18-29 21:25 4 Jon Powers 14 M 14 18-29 21:37 5 Jeff Camp 18 M 20 18-29 22:11 6 Robert Tulowiecki 25 M 28 18-29 23:03 7 Chris Tocin 26 M 29 18-29 23:03 8 Greg Campbell 34 M 37 18-29 24:13 9 Brian Myers 35 M 38 18-29 24:13 10 Kevin Kazmierczak 38 M 42 18-29 24:41 11 Lucas Ruglis 47 M 53 18-29 25:55 12 August Delia 64 M 72 18-29 28:24 Men 30-39 ----------------------------------------------------------- Place Name Place/Sex Overall Group Time ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Mike O'Connor 2 M 2 30-39 17:23 2 Hermann Pohl 4 M 4 30-39 18:02 3 Ted Washburn 5 M 5 30-39 18:57 4 Mike Clough 10 M 10 30-39 20:39 5 Tim Roder 17 M 18 30-39 22:09 6 John Brennan 22 M 25 30-39 22:36 7 John Flannery 23 M 26 30-39 22:53 8 Edward Graber 24 M 27 30-39 22:55 9 Michel LaFauve 27 M 30 30-39 23:04 10 Joe Mitchell 37 M 41 30-39 24:35 11 Gerard Cappelli 39 M 43 30-39 24:48 12 Jim Ennis 40 M 44 30-39 24:54 13 Paul Keller 41 M 45 30-39 24:56 14 Nicholas Cromwell 43 M 47 30-39 24:58 15 Andrew Adelman 51 M 57 30-39 26:14 16 James Harrigan 53 M 59 30-39 26:24 17 Mike Graffeo 54 M 60 30-39 26:32 18 Kevin Wicka 56 M 63 30-39 26:44 19 James McAuliffe 58 M 65 30-39 27:15 20 Gerald Klopfer 59 M 66 30-39 27:16 21 Scott Fleming 61 M 68 30-39 27:35 22 Chris Milne 62 M 69 30-39 27:58 23 Dave Speranza 63 M 71 30-39 28:17 24 Greg Tomani 66 M 80 30-39 29:45 25 Timothy Stalker 67 M 81 30-39 29:57 26 John Clough 71 M 91 30-39 33:29 27 Dennis Kidney 72 M 92 30-39 33:58 Men 40-49 ----------------------------------------------------------- Place Name Place/Sex Overall Group Time ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Joe Jablonski 11 M 11 40-49 20:43 2 Greg Lavis 12 M 12 40-49 20:59 3 Kevin Meadows 15 M 16 40-49 21:56 4 Bill Roberts 16 M 17 40-49 22:03 5 Rob Nowak 19 M 21 40-49 22:11 6 James Bammel 21 M 24 40-49 22:30 7 David Barrett 28 M 31 40-49 23:20 8 Jim Kaiser 29 M 32 40-49 23:33 9 Greg Powers 30 M 33 40-49 23:39 10 Bentley Gardner 31 M 34 40-49 23:35 11 Robert Roberts 36 M 39 40-49 24:25 12 Tim Gardner 42 M 46 40-49 24:56 13 Robert Dowrey 44 M 49 40-49 25:04 14 Terry Whieldon 45 M 51 40-49 25:16 15 Michael Babbitt 46 M 52 40-49 25:45 16 Marty Munson 55 M 62 40-49 26:40 17 William Hogan 57 M 64 40-49 26:45 18 Michael Morseon 69 M 84 40-49 30:34 Men 50 and above ----------------------------------------------------------- Place Name Place/Sex Overall Group Time ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Michael Harrison 8 M 8 50+ 20:13 2 Jeffrey Dietz 33 M 36 50+ 23:58 3 Rich VanAlmkerk 49 M 55 50+ 26:03 4 Michael Wallace 52 M 58 50+ 26:20 5 Joe Colern 65 M 78 50+ 29:07 6 Tony Malinosk 70 M 85 50+ 31:24