------------------------------------------------------------------- Place Team Name TeamTime Category CategPlace ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 The Old Man and the "C" 80:21:00 Male Open 1 2 Brungers Bad Boys 82:16:00 Male High School 1 3 Kenyan National Team 82:23:00 Male Open 2 4 Tigers 82:26:00 Male High School 2 5 Clydesdales 87:01:00 Male Open 3 6 Team Molson 87:07:00 Female Open 1 7 Checkers Women 88:01:00 Female Open 2 8 248 93:33:00 Male Masters 1 9 Lost Prophets of Enron 94:48:00 Male High School 3 10 Gaylan's 97:31:00 All Comers 1 11 4 over 40 99:52:00 Co-ed Masters 1 12 Checkers Express 100:18:00 Coed Masters 2 13 Malcolm Pirnie Inc. 100:29:00 Corporate 1 14 Quadrofeetia 103:18:00 Corporate 2 15 Slumbering Bohemeins 103:20:00 Female High School 1 16 Thinnin The Herd 103:57:00 All Comers 2 17 Unknown Runners 104:03:00 Male Masters 2 18 A-Town 105:56:00 Male High School 4 19 The Running Dinos 106:28:00 Male Open 4 20 Checkers Misfits 107:58:00 All Comers 3 21 Cruisers 109:22:00 All Comers 4 22 Gowanda Cross Country 109:46:00 Female High School 2 23 The Running Roosters 112:52:00 Female Open 3 24 Out of Towners 117:23:00 Female Masters 1 25 Da Vinci Girls 126:13:00 Female High School 3 26 Relay Moms 128:38:00 Female Masters 2 27 GM-Power Train A 99:58:00 Corporate DNF
MALE OPEN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place Team Runner Name Lap-1 Lap-2 Total TeamTime Overall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 The Old Man and the "C" Don Mitchell 13:42 13:54 27:36:00 1 1 The Old Man and the "C" Chad Bader 8:44 8:31 17:15:00 1 1 The Old Man and the "C" Pat Leone 8:44 8:41 17:25:00 1 1 The Old Man and the "C" Rick Streeter 9:00 9:05 18:05:00 80:21:00 1 2 Kenyan National Team Jason McGrath 9:34 9:40 19:14:00 3 2 Kenyan National Team Robert Krug 11:11 11:44 22:55:00 3 2 Kenyan National Team Thomas Miller 10:40 11:01 21:41:00 3 2 Kenyan National Team Bryan Doyle 9:13 9:20 18:33:00 82:23:00 3 3 Clydesdales David Sardo 10:07 10:29 20:36:00 5 3 Clydesdales Kenneth Hans 10:17 10:41 20:58:00 5 3 Clydesdales Luke Ganley 12:05 12:47 24:52:00 5 3 Clydesdales Bob Williams 10:21 10:14 20:35:00 87:01:00 5 4 The Running Dinos Brian Gray 13:47 14:44 28:31:00 19 4 The Running Dinos Daniel Plunkett 13:01 13:42 26:43:00 19 4 The Running Dinos Bill Barrett 13:21 13:29 26:50:00 19 4 The Running Dinos Joseph Murphy 11:50 12:34 24:24:00 106:28:00 19 FEMALE OPEN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place Team Runner Name Lap-1 Lap-2 Total TeamTime Overall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Team Molson Joanne York-Rappl 10:47 10:56 21:43:00 6 1 Team Molson Joanie Hays 11:05 11:20 22:25:00 6 1 Team Molson Amy Fakterowitz 11:01 11:12 22:13:00 6 1 Team Molson Heather Appenheimer 10:25 10:21 20:46:00 87:07:00 6 2 Checkers Women Joann O'Laughlin 10:55 11:25 22:20:00 7 2 Checkers Women Brenda Litzinger 10:50 10:49 21:39:00 7 2 Checkers Women Julie Doell 11:14 11:34 22:48:00 7 2 Checkers Women Debbie Morris-Allen 10:35 10:39 21:14:00 88:01:00 7 3 The Running Roosters Gina Barrett 12:26 13:12 25:38:00 23 3 The Running Roosters Lori Pellicano 13:31 14:01 27:32:00 23 3 The Running Roosters Marcia Gray 13:33 13:59 27:32:00 23 3 The Running Roosters Rosanna Pellicano 15:47 16:23 32:10:00 112:52:00 23 ALL COMERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place Team Runner Name Lap-1 Lap-2 Total TeamTime Overall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Gaylan's James Delaney 13:11 13:08 26:19:00 10 1 Gaylan's David Spillman 12:09 12:30 24:39:00 10 1 Gaylan's Nicole Novak 12:15 12:27 24:42:00 10 1 Gaylan's Amit Shelawala 10:48 11:03 21:51:00 97:31:00 10 2 Thinnin The Herd Patrick O'Neill 11:04 11:33 22:37:00 16 2 Thinnin The Herd Christopher Scott 11:53 12:30 24:23:00 16 2 Thinnin The Herd Karin Caldwell 16:38 17:02 33:40:00 16 2 Thinnin The Herd Neill Dunfee 11:38 11:39 23:17:00 103:57:00 16 3 Checkers Misfits Ann Gross 11:42 12:02 23:44:00 20 3 Checkers Misfits Andrea Sapone 15:49 15:56 31:45:00 20 3 Checkers Misfits Emilie Schneider 14:54 15:35 30:29:00 20 3 Checkers Misfits Mike Lemar 10:50 11:10 22:00:00 107:58:00 20 4 Cruisers Tracey Wisniewski 12:05 12:27 24:32:00 21 4 Cruisers Richard Queeno 11:12 11:22 22:34:00 21 4 Cruisers Don Fink 16:57 18:31 35:28:00 21 4 Cruisers Bill D'Ambrosio 13:13 13:35 26:48:00 109:22:00 21 COED MASTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place Team Runner Name Lap-1 Lap-2 Total TeamTime Overall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 4 over 40 David Rappl 11:23 12:10 23:33:00 11 1 4 over 40 Linda Forrestel 14:24 14:37 29:01:00 11 1 4 over 40 Tony Garrow 11:18 11:23 22:41:00 11 1 4 over 40 Diane Sardes 12:20 12:17 24:37:00 99:52:00 11 2 Checkers Express Brenda Lane 12:57 13:20 26:17:00 12 2 Checkers Express Paul Pietraszewski 12:54 13:02 25:56:00 12 2 Checkers Express Carol Heiligenthaler 13:01 13:17 26:18:00 12 2 Checkers Express Fred Lew 10:43 11:04 21:47:00 100:18:00 12 CORPORATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place Team Runner Name Lap-1 Lap-2 Total TeamTime Overall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Malcolm Pirnie Inc. Shawn Gardner 10:32 10:22 20:54:00 13 1 Malcolm Pirnie Inc. Charles Penasack 14:18 15:31 29:49:00 13 1 Malcolm Pirnie Inc. Scott Ranger 11:51 12:25 24:16:00 13 1 Malcolm Pirnie Inc. Bradley Walker 12:48 12:42 25:30:00 100:29:00 13 2 Quadrofeetia Jason Hicks 10:45 11:11 21:56:00 14 2 Quadrofeetia Rick Gagliardi 11:03 11:24 22:27:00 14 2 Quadrofeetia Marleah Close 17:26 18:01 35:27:00 14 2 Quadrofeetia James Loesh 11:40 11:48 23:28:00 103:18:00 14 DNF GM-Power Train A Glenn Wygant 10:49 11:29 22:18:00 26 DNF GM-Power Train A Jan Jezioro 16:36 13:18 29:54:00 26 DNF GM-Power Train A Mike Buehlmann 12:59 12:05 25:04:00 26 DNF GM-Power Train A ??? 11:16 11:26 22:42:00 99:58:00 26 FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place Team Runner Name Lap-1 Lap-2 Total TeamTime Overall -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Slumbering Bohemeins Colleen Monahan 12:58 13:29 26:27:00 15 1 Slumbering Bohemeins Justine Januskiewicz 12:44 13:05 25:49:00 15 1 Slumbering Bohemeins Chloe O'Loughlin 13:07 13:48 26:55:00 15 1 Slumbering Bohemeins Melin Buch 12:07 12:02 24:09:00 103:20:00 15 2 Gowanda Cross Country Whitney Nephew 12:30 13:00 25:30:00 22 2 Gowanda Cross Country Jessica Davis 12:46 13:00 25:46:00 22 2 Gowanda Cross Country Ashley Certis 15:25 16:08 31:33:00 22 2 Gowanda Cross Country Amy Farner 13:24 13:33 26:57:00 109:46:00 22 3 Da Vinci Girls Jessica Reyome 13:37 14:29 28:06:00 25 3 Da Vinci Girls Kaitlin Ganley 14:43 15:17 30:00:00 25 3 Da Vinci Girls Jillian Brooks 16:46 17:56 34:42:00 25 3 Da Vinci Girls Rebecca Abukhdair 16:10 17:15 33:25:00 126:13:00 25 FEMALE MASTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place Team Runner Name Lap-1 Lap-2 Total TeamTime Overall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Out of Towners Linda Murgatroyd 15:57 16:33 32:30:00 24 1 Out of Towners Joanne Cunningham 13:25 13:54 27:19:00 24 1 Out of Towners Cindy Schrantz 14:54 15:24 30:18:00 24 1 Out of Towners Judy Mowery 13:33 13:43 27:16:00 117:23:00 24 2 Relay Moms Carol Oleshansky 17:49 17:49 35:38:00 26 2 Relay Moms Veronica Serwacki 15:32 16:20 31:52:00 26 2 Relay Moms Judy Schroft 16:17 17:09 33:26:00 26 2 Relay Moms Ann Duffy 13:50 13:52 27:42:00 128:38:00 26 MALE HIGH SCHOOL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place Team Runner Name Lap-1 Lap-2 Total TeamTime Overall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Brungers Bad Boys Bryan Wandel 10:28 10:23 20:51:00 2 1 Brungers Bad Boys Nicholas Schilling 10:24 10:29 20:53:00 2 1 Brungers Bad Boys Ian Vanderbrook 10:07 10:37 20:44:00 2 1 Brungers Bad Boys Mike Trometer 9:54 9:54 19:48:00 82:16:00 2 2 Tigers Ryan Mikrut 9:40 9:46 19:26:00 4 2 Tigers Mike Nightengale 10:21 9:55 20:16:00 4 2 Tigers Kevin Tirella 10:49 10:25 21:14:00 4 2 Tigers Nicholas Baer 10:41 10:49 21:30:00 82:26:00 4 3 Lost Prophets of Enron Joe Bochynski 10:55 11:42 22:37:00 9 3 Lost Prophets of Enron Dan Molik 11:30 11:39 23:09:00 9 3 Lost Prophets of Enron Jack Kozlowski 12:25 12:22 24:47:00 9 3 Lost Prophets of Enron Tim Butler 11:49 12:26 24:15:00 94:48:00 9 4 A-Town Ephraim Atkinson 13:23 13:53 27:16:00 18 4 A-Town Lenny Shulgin 12:37 12:06 24:43:00 18 4 A-Town John Gould 13:32 15:19 28:51:00 18 4 A-Town Steve Phillips 12:15 12:51 25:06:00 105:56:00 18 MALE MASTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place Team Runner Name Lap-1 Lap-2 Total TeamTime Overall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 248 Bill Harden 11:53 12:03 23:56:00 8 1 248 John Moore 11:52 11:50 23:42:00 8 1 248 Ralph Zimmerman 11:29 11:29 22:58:00 8 1 248 Jack Meegan 11:31 11:26 22:57:00 93:33:00 8 2 Unknown Runners Sal La Mastra 12:44 13:17 26:01:00 17 2 Unknown Runners Matt Serwacki 13:27 13:50 27:17:00 17 2 Unknown Runners Peter Palmer 13:12 13:08 26:20:00 17 2 Unknown Runners Ron Paladino 12:12 12:13 24:25:00 104:03:00 17
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place Name Place/Sex Lap-1 Lap-2 TotalTime Team Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Chad Bader 1 M 8:44 8:31 17:15:00 The Old Man and the "C" 2 Pat Leone 2 M 8:44 8:41 17:25:00 The Old Man and the "C" 3 Rick Streeter 3 M 9:00 9:05 18:05:00 The Old Man and the "C" 4 Bryan Doyle 4 M 9:13 9:20 18:33:00 Kenyan National Team 5 Jason McGrath 5 M 9:34 9:40 19:14:00 Kenyan National Team 6 Ryan Mikrut 6 M 9:40 9:46 19:26:00 Tigers 7 Mike Trometer 7 M 9:54 9:54 19:48:00 Brungers Bad Boys 8 Mike Nightengale 8 M 10:21 9:55 20:16:00 Tigers 9 Bob Williams 24 M 10:21 10:14 20:35:00 Clydesdales 10 David Sardo 9 M 10:07 10:29 20:36:00 Clydesdales 11 Ian Vanderbrook 10 M 10:07 10:37 20:44:00 Brungers Bad Boys 12 Heather Appenheimer 1 F 10:25 10:21 20:46:00 Team Molson 13 Bryan Wandel 11 M 10:28 10:23 20:51:00 Brungers Bad Boys 14 Nicholas Schilling 12 M 10:24 10:29 20:53:00 Brungers Bad Boys 15 Shawn Gardner 13 M 10:32 10:22 20:54:00 Malcolm Pirnie Inc. 16 Kenneth Hans 14 M 10:17 10:41 20:58:00 Clydesdales 17 Kevin Tirella 15 M 10:49 10:25 21:14:00 Tigers 18 Debbie Morris-Allen 2 F 10:35 10:39 21:14:00 Checkers Women 19 Nicholas Baer 16 M 10:41 10:49 21:30:00 Tigers 20 Brenda Litzinger 3 F 10:50 10:49 21:39:00 Checkers Women 21 Thomas Miller 17 M 10:40 11:01 21:41:00 Kenyan National Team 22 Joanne York-Rappl 4 F 10:47 10:56 21:43:00 Team Molson 23 Fred Lew 18 M 10:43 11:04 21:47:00 Checkers Express 24 Amit Shelawala 19 M 10:48 11:03 21:51:00 Gaylan's 25 Jason Hicks 20 M 10:45 11:11 21:56:00 Quadrofeetia 26 Mike Lemar 21 M 10:50 11:10 22:00:00 Checkers Misfits 27 Amy Fakterowitz 5 F 11:01 11:12 22:13:00 Team Molson 28 Glenn Wygant 22 M 10:49 11:29 22:18:00 GM-Power Train A 29 Joann O'Laughlin 6 F 10:55 11:25 22:20:00 Checkers Women 30 Joanie Hays 7 F 11:05 11:20 22:25:00 Team Molson 31 Rick Gagliardi 23 M 11:03 11:24 22:27:00 Quadrofeetia 32 Richard Queeno 8 F 11:12 11:22 22:34:00 Cruisers 33 Joe Bochynski 25 M 10:55 11:42 22:37:00 Lost Prophets of Enron 34 Patrick O'Neill 26 M 11:04 11:33 22:37:00 Thinnin The Herd 35 Tony Garrow 27 M 11:18 11:23 22:41:00 4 over 40 36 ??? 28 M 11:16 11:26 22:42:00 GM-Power Train A 37 Julie Doell 9 F 11:14 11:34 22:48:00 Checkers Women 38 Robert Krug 29 M 11:11 11:44 22:55:00 Kenyan National Team 39 Jack Meegan 30 M 11:31 11:26 22:57:00 248 40 Ralph Zimmerman 31 M 11:29 11:29 22:58:00 248 41 Dan Molik 32 M 11:30 11:39 23:09:00 Lost Prophets of Enron 42 Neill Dunfee 33 M 11:38 11:39 23:17:00 Thinnin The Herd 43 James Loesh 34 M 11:40 11:48 23:28:00 Quadrofeetia 44 David Rappl 35 M 11:23 12:10 23:33:00 4 over 40 45 John Moore 36 M 11:52 11:50 23:42:00 248 46 Ann Gross 10 F 11:42 12:02 23:44:00 Checkers Misfits 47 Bill Harden 37 M 11:53 12:03 23:56:00 248 48 Melin Buch 11 F 12:07 12:02 24:09:00 Slumbering Bohemeins 49 Tim Butler 38 M 11:49 12:26 24:15:00 Lost Prophets of Enron 50 Scott Ranger 39 M 11:51 12:25 24:16:00 Malcolm Pirnie Inc. 51 Christopher Scott 40 M 11:53 12:30 24:23:00 Thinnin The Herd 52 Joseph Murphy 41 M 11:50 12:34 24:24:00 The Running Dinos 53 Ron Paladino 42 M 12:12 12:13 24:25:00 Unknown Runners 54 Tracey Wisniewski 43 M 12:05 12:27 24:32:00 Cruisers 55 Diane Sardes 12 F 12:20 12:17 24:37:00 4 over 40 56 David Spillman 44 M 12:09 12:30 24:39:00 Gaylan's 57 Nicole Novak 13 F 12:15 12:27 24:42:00 Gaylan's 58 Lenny Shulgin 45 M 12:37 12:06 24:43:00 A-Town 59 Jack Kozlowski 46 M 12:25 12:22 24:47:00 Lost Prophets of Enron 60 Luke Ganley 47 M 12:05 12:47 24:52:00 Clydesdales 61 Mike Buehlmann 48 M 12:59 12:05 25:04:00 GM-Power Train A 62 Steve Phillips 49 M 12:15 12:51 25:06:00 A-Town 63 Bradley Walker 50 M 12:48 12:42 25:30:00 Malcolm Pirnie Inc. 64 Whitney Nephew 14 F 12:30 13:00 25:30:00 Gowanda Cross Country 65 Gina Barrett 15 F 12:26 13:12 25:38:00 The Running Roosters 66 Jessica Davis 16 F 12:46 13:00 25:46:00 Gowanda Cross Country 67 Justine Januskiewicz 17 F 12:44 13:05 25:49:00 Slumbering Bohemeins 68 Paul Pietraszewski 51 M 12:54 13:02 25:56:00 Checkers Express 69 Sal La Mastra 52 M 12:44 13:17 26:01:00 Unknown Runners 70 Brenda Lane 18 F 12:57 13:20 26:17:00 Checkers Express 71 Carol Heiligenthaler 19 F 13:01 13:17 26:18:00 Checkers Express 72 James Delaney 53 M 13:11 13:08 26:19:00 Gaylan's 73 Peter Palmer 54 M 13:12 13:08 26:20:00 Unknown Runners 74 Colleen Monahan 20 F 12:58 13:29 26:27:00 Slumbering Bohemeins 75 Daniel Plunkett 55 M 13:01 13:42 26:43:00 The Running Dinos 76 Bill D'Ambrosio 56 M 13:13 13:35 26:48:00 Cruisers 77 Bill Barrett 57 M 13:21 13:29 26:50:00 The Running Dinos 78 Chloe O'Loughlin 21 F 13:07 13:48 26:55:00 Slumbering Bohemeins 79 Amy Farner 22 F 13:24 13:33 26:57:00 Gowanda Cross Country 80 Ephraim Atkinson 58 M 13:23 13:53 27:16:00 A-Town 81 Judy Mowery 23 F 13:33 13:43 27:16:00 Out of Towners 82 Matt Serwacki 59 M 13:27 13:50 27:17:00 Unknown Runners 83 Joanne Cunningham 24 F 13:25 13:54 27:19:00 Out of Towners 84 Lori Pellicano 25 F 13:31 14:01 27:32:00 The Running Roosters 85 Marcia Gray 26 F 13:33 13:59 27:32:00 The Running Roosters 86 Don Mitchell 60 M 13:42 13:54 27:36:00 The Old Man and the "C" 87 Ann Duffy 27 F 13:50 13:52 27:42:00 Relay Moms 88 Jessica Reyome 28 F 13:37 14:29 28:06:00 Da Vinci Girls 89 Brian Gray 61 M 13:47 14:44 28:31:00 The Running Dinos 90 John Gould 62 M 13:32 15:19 28:51:00 A-Town 91 Linda Forrestel 29 F 14:24 14:37 29:01:00 4 over 40 92 Charles Penasack 63 M 14:18 15:31 29:49:00 Malcolm Pirnie Inc. 93 Jan Jezioro 64 M 16:36 13:18 29:54:00 GM-Power Train A 94 Kaitlin Ganley 30 F 14:43 15:17 30:00:00 Da Vinci Girls 95 Cindy Schrantz 31 F 14:54 15:24 30:18:00 Out of Towners 96 Emilie Schneider 32 F 14:54 15:35 30:29:00 Checkers Misfits 97 Ashley Certis 33 F 15:25 16:08 31:33:00 Gowanda Cross Country 98 Andrea Sapone 34 F 15:49 15:56 31:45:00 Checkers Misfits 99 Veronica Serwacki 35 F 15:32 16:20 31:52:00 Relay Moms 100 Rosanna Pellicano 36 F 15:47 16:23 32:10:00 The Running Roosters 101 Linda Murgatroyd 37 F 15:57 16:33 32:30:00 Out of Towners 102 Rebecca Abukhdair 38 F 16:10 17:15 33:25:00 Da Vinci Girls 103 Judy Schroft 39 F 16:17 17:09 33:26:00 Relay Moms 104 Karin Caldwell 40 F 16:38 17:02 33:40:00 Thinnin The Herd 105 Jillian Brooks 41 F 16:46 17:56 34:42:00 Da Vinci Girls 106 Marleah Close 42 F 17:26 18:01 35:27:00 Quadrofeetia 107 Don Fink 65 M 16:57 18:31 35:28:00 Cruisers 108 Carol Oleshansky 43 F 17:49 17:49 35:38:00 Relay Moms