The Buffalo Erie Buick Marathon Debuts on May 27BUFFALO, NY (March 2001) - The marathon has returned to Buffalo! May 27, 2001 will witness the inaugural running of the new Buffalo Erie Buick Marathon. The course is new and the marathon's organization is first class. Your race director is John Beishline. Western New York runners will recognize him as the man with the bullhorn at literally hundreds of local road races, big and small. The finish line will be provided by Emery Fisher and the WNY Finish Line Services. The computerized race results will be provided by Don Mitchell and Runtime Services. These men and their organizations are among the most experienced race event professionals in the nation. The new marathon enjoys the support of the City of Buffalo and the County of Erie and will have a supporting crew of many hundreds of volunteers (and you could be one of them). Don't miss participating in the first ever Buffalo Erie Buick Marathon. You can run as an individual or participate as a member of a 4-person relay, running either a 10 kilometer (6.2 miles), or 12 kilometer leg. If you're not running you can still get in on the fun by participating as a volunteer. |