Thought it would be interesting to know what happened to some legendary runners from the past. Below ae some names Fran Emerling Tom Hourihan Bob Carroll Kristin Schweissohl Scott Paiser Ken Hans Becky Buster Frank McKeehan Mike Heitzenreiter Chris Mattingly Keith Kowal Becky Heuer Guy George Gary Latinen Dunlop brothers
Peiser lives in Portland ME. He still runs a bit, but injuries have gotten him a bit.
Jim Dunlop no longer running, but doing well as CFO at Kaileda Health.
Joe Dunlop has bad knees, no longer running.
Kristin Schwiesswohl married Derek White, had two daughters, divorced. Both live in Syracuse and last I knew, Kristin is a pharmacist with Wegman's. She was doing triathlons and was in excellent shape.