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235 Posts

Posted - December 27 2012 :  13:16:31  Show Profile
Other than Delaware park, where are some safe places to run in the winter?

And please do not say “ treadmills” that's slow death.



11 Posts

Posted - December 27 2012 :  21:28:29  Show Profile
Botanical Gardens ring road. There is traffic but generally safer then most roads. Usually salted and recented repaved.
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486 Posts

Posted - December 28 2012 :  08:50:33  Show Profile
Forest lawn is good, but they don't use salt so it tends to stay covered longer than DP. The outside loops at the ridge are usually in good shape.
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1012 Posts

Posted - December 28 2012 :  09:13:42  Show Profile
hmmmm you imply the treadmill to be boring, yet you seek safety in a 'road' assuming one that is nicely plowed and devoid of the automobile to suit your fancy? I suggest you don a pair of NB trail Nimbus and prance like a deer to the nearest snow covered field. Seriously, Minimalist shoes work great in the snow and ice!
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264 Posts

Posted - December 28 2012 :  14:21:10  Show Profile
If you live in any suburb and run with the appropriate caution, most roads are safe to run on in the winter. Streets are plowed and wide enough.

If they weren't safe, this forum would likely have fewer members.
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71 Posts

Posted - December 28 2012 :  21:38:00  Show Profile
Niagara County -
The Bond Lake AC loops are usually pretty good. Our Highway Super is very aware of our Saturday morning group and he went so far as to post pedestrian signs every 1/2 mile or so. They do a great job of plowing the two loops we use.
NCCC - 1.5 miles around the campus loop, which includes a portion of the SE parking lot. The new road out to Rte 31 can also be worked in - as I did tonight. Roads and lots are always plowed.
Northtowns -
I hate it that they don't plow the Am Bike Path, however, on the Tonawanda side they do try to plow Ellicott Creek Park and the path along the canal as the trail nearly wraps back up to NF Blvd. I usually park at the Ellicott Island Park. You can stay along the canal and bear the traffic for a bit and jump back on the trail when it starts back up - almost exactly a mile.

What ever you mode or where ever your path - just wear you reflective gear. Happy New Year.
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16 Posts

Posted - December 29 2012 :  04:49:14  Show Profile
My winter path of choice is Goat Island, as I am from the falls it is close and a nice 1.5mile loop.
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71 Posts

Posted - December 30 2012 :  20:48:12  Show Profile
Love the Goat Island loop, however, bring your Yaktrax this time of year, at least for a 1/4 the loop or more. The ice can start to pile up on the path making plowing nearly impossible.

Originally posted by mcardlekicks

My winter path of choice is Goat Island, as I am from the falls it is close and a nice 1.5mile loop.

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486 Posts

Posted - December 30 2012 :  21:46:18  Show Profile
They do plow the Amherst bike path sometimes, but you can't plan on it. The parkways in Buffalo are a good place to run. They are extremely wide and most of them don't get that much traffic. If the snow is not too deep you can run down the medians.
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266 Posts

Posted - December 31 2012 :  17:30:54  Show Profile
I ran at UB North yesterday and it was great! Barely any traffic and roads were plowed...65 minutes....saw a few other runners too!
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