To anyone interested in joining us for a weekly group run, we will meet Wednesdays at 6:30pm in Delaware Park in the parking lot near the Agassiz Circle entrance.
All levels of experience are welcome.
Team RWB is a non-profit, 100% volunteer, organization.
Team RWB’s mission is to enrich the lives of wounded veterans and their families. Team RWB works toward this mission by focusing on three key areas:
1. Personal connectivity between Veterans with invisible wounds and citizens in the community where they now live
- Community-building events that bring Veterans together with citizens - Formation of friendships and natural individual relationships
2. Reintegration through physical fitness
- Physical: rebuild the body, give structure to life and bolster self-esteem - Psychological: help to process experiences from Iraq/Afghanistan - Social: connect with people to run, bike, workout and be active
3. Galvanization of esprit de corps and team membership
- Bringing back the feeling from the military of pride and being part of a unit
You can visit for more information or send me a message.
Hope to see you out to run with us. Chris Francese
Just in case anyone out there saw the original message and was thinking about showing up on wednesday's, we have temporarily suspended our weekly runs due to the cold and the dark. We will announce when they resume. Most likely in March.
In the mean time we will be at most of the Buffalo area runs/events so look for us and let me know if you have any questions about Team RWB.