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Outside Counsel

215 Posts

Posted - May 21 2008 :  10:37:36  Show Profile
For a long time I didn't order a copy of my finish line photos, foolishly thinking that next year I'd be faster or better looking. Now I realize that both are out of reach, and they make for an amusing form of clutter in out TV room, but the fact is that they all look pretty rough. Over at Runners World there is an amusing string on the subject. (

There are so many ways that these pix can go wrong. Your eyes are closed. You aren't in full stride, so you look like you are in some sort of grim Frankenstein's monster shuffle. You are in full stride, and look great, but the guy on your shoulder looks like he just got dressed to go down to the corner to get a newspaper.

A few years back, running the half at the Buffalo Marathon I tripped and fell, and gashed my knee open. That's a pretty picture-- I have blood all over my leg, and my sock looks like Curt Schilling's. (Actually, I really like that one.)

What's your best or worst race pic? Any tips for looking good when the flashbulbs go off?

Its go time

20 Posts

Posted - May 22 2008 :  10:39:53  Show Profile
My first full marathon was at Erie 2006. I ordered pictures which hang on the wall in my office. Whenever I need to be at a happy place I look up at the pix. It works everytime. Money well spent!

"To give anything less than your best,is to sacrifice the gift"~Pre
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379 Posts

Posted - May 30 2008 :  09:36:57  Show Profile
From an amatuer photographer's perspective, I shoot images (remember when we called them photos?) for my web site, of the high school runners and quite frankly it's a crap shoot as to what you'll get in the photo.

With rapid fire digital images now, you can take about 7-10 images in a second or two with various degrees of facial expressions and contortions. My self, I like trying for "the shot" without using the "machine gun" mode of the camera.

I think the one thing that sets the images apart from one another is knowing the sport or event and when the athlete is in a position that will provide the most interesting image. Tongues hanging out just before a jump, eyes closed or grimaces when landing in the steeplechase water pit or the look of sheer exhaustion after a record setting pace.

I love taking the images because of the surprise of what comes out and it's that one shot, just like in golf, that makes it the more enjoyable.

Just my two cents...

"'s not polite to count out loud when you pass others..."
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367 Posts

Posted - May 31 2008 :  10:25:05  Show Profile
I did a race in Pentiction BC in 2001 where they put out the finishing tape for everyone who crosses the line. When I got my pic, the tape was completely draping my head and face. It was pretty funny to see.



Push 'til you puke, then go harder!!!
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