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 What was worst weather you ever raced in?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JR Posted - January 14 2024 : 17:08:03
In honor of our crappy weather, here’s a question for today.

What race(s) really stand out for you because of really lousy weather?

Two that stand out for me:

1978 Turkey Trot. The whole race was into a driving sleet storm. Just awful

Mid 80s Lancaster 10k. It had to be 95 degrees in bright sunshine. When I finished I vowed never to do that race again. I lied!

I’ve raced in all kinds of conditions but those 2 stand out.

What about you?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JF Posted - January 18 2024 : 12:33:50 guess is that you did!!!

John Furgele
Occhino Posted - January 15 2024 : 14:49:22
2018 Boston Marathon non-stop rain from start to finish.Crazy winds and temperatures only in the 30's. Swore I would never run in the rain again.
JF Posted - January 14 2024 : 23:47:43
Great topic---I guess it depends. The 1985 Turkey Troy (my first one) was tough. Wet snow and the roads were all slush--several runners wore track spikes to better navigate Delaware Avenue

The 1997 Shamrock had 9 degree temps with some wind, but the sun was out. That didn't bother me as much because it was dry.

I'll go with the Trot #1

John Furgele

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