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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JF Posted - March 05 2025 : 10:39:24
I believe that the Shamrock Run was first run in 1979 and it is the official start of the road racing season. Here are some participation numbers of note.

2025: 2724 finishers
2024: 3512 finishers
2023: 3305 finishers
2022: 2840 finishers
2017: 3409 finishers
2007: 2227 finishers
1997: 2133 finishers (9 degree day, I remember)
1987: 1748 finishers
1986: 1382 finishers
1985: 1465 finishers (my first one)

I remember the original OFW Center and I also remember going across the street to a residents' home to get my bib number and sweatshirt---does anyone know when the current OFW Building opened?

For the most part, bad weather does not deter people from running this great race, but it does have a slight effect. I heard this year was cold and windy, but 2724 is still a pretty decent number.

I've run this race almost 20 times and in my experience, the weather has never been balmy.

John Furgele
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JF Posted - March 09 2025 : 11:14:11
From Binghamton........

John Furgele
JF Posted - March 07 2025 : 12:07:02
Marty was in the video hyping the race this year. The man is nothing short of a Shamrock legend!

If the race is March 7, 2026, I plan on being there. I work every other weekend these days, so "right now," I am free (not that anybody cares)and it would be good to get another "Shammy" in.

What's the next big race on the Buffalo calendar?

John Furgele
marty farrell Posted - March 07 2025 : 08:14:03
Thanks Pat, I always tried to do this every year since I was around 15 and I'm sure I missed a few but not many.

marty farrell
Occhino Posted - March 06 2025 : 12:34:05
Very interesting, according to my shoe box I've jogged,ran,raced this run 20 times over the years.

I also remember the first time I ever jogged this run I was wearing sweatpants with shorts over them and a pair of high top leather Converse pump sneakers, the picture my wife took of me is hilarious.

Once again it would be interesting to know who has ran it the most in WNY
I bet Mr Farrell is up there in numbers.
JF Posted - March 06 2025 : 00:06:27
Forgot about 2012. I was there.

John Furgele
roadrookie19 Posted - March 05 2025 : 14:17:06
2012: VERY windy (course shortened to roughly 4.5 miles, due to damage).
2016: Balmy (warm, sunny, and calm).

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