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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Occhino Posted - February 14 2025 : 09:46:00
Looks like Tom crushed the Y-10. What do you think J.J. is that the fastest yet ?

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JF Posted - February 20 2025 : 09:24:03
I agree on college CC courses, many were around 5 miles. But there were more 5 mile road races than you think. I'm hoping somebody can reveal some of the forgotten ones.

John Furgele
JR Posted - February 20 2025 : 09:16:11
I don’t recall too many 5 mile races. What I do recall is that many races, including college cross-country races, back in the day had all kinds of varied distances. They would just create a course and whatever the distance was, that was it. Naturally the measurements were never accurate.

When I ran for UB, the cc course changed constantly due to construction. Coach Walt Gantz said he could tell the distance just based on his stride and pace!
JF Posted - February 20 2025 : 00:24:59
I didn't think I did. I started with the original Lockport Y distance and expanded it a bit.

Sorry if you feel that way.

Love John McMahon--he is doing some great things at age 58-59ish.

John Furgele
Occhino Posted - February 18 2025 : 13:38:06
Originally posted by JF

Thanks for bringing that up. I forgot that for years, the Lockport 10 was 9.7 miles; thanks for jogging my memory.

I had lunch with an Albany running legend last week. I would call him "the Bob Carroll," of the Albany region. We both lamented the demise of the five mile road race. We both agreed that 5 miles (or 8K) was out favorite racing distance.

He had a first place plaque from The Stroh's Run for Liberty, a nationwide 5-mile road race. Anybody over 50 will remember this. I know Bob Carroll won a Buffalo version and my guy out here won an Albany version.

Maybe I like it because in college, 5 miles is the standard distance. The Division III Championship is a 5 mile affair.

I know that Buffalo and Rochester kick off the road racing seasons (lidlifters) with 8k/5m races and we all know, that in Buffalo, the season ends with the Super Bowl-like Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.

A quick look at the 2025 calendar reveals just three 5 mile races in the Buffchester metro. I know the schedule is not 100 percent complete, but that's what I see thus far.

There was a time when there may have been more 5 mile races than 5ks. When I started road racing in 1985, there were plenty of 5 milers. I'm not sure when the flip to 5ks officially happened, but we can see why. A shorter racing distance allows for more participation. That said, three of the biggest races in Buffchester are 5 mile affairs.


Off the top of my head.....but with age I forget more.

Buffalo Shamrock
Rochester Shamrock
Buffalo St. Pat's Race
SE YMCA Turkey Run (the Sunday before Thanksgiving in Rochester)
JY Cameron Thanksgiving Day Run
Rochester Hillside 5 (with grass finish at Cobbs Hill Park, Vicki Mitchell!)

I'm not sure it's the perfect distance, but 5 milers allowed for more strategy and in some ways, didn't have the pain that 5ks do.

I know there were many more. Can you guys help me and brainstorm? What other 5 mile races do you recall?

John Furgele

Why did you hi-jack my thread ?

You seem to have some obsession with McMahon.
JF Posted - February 18 2025 : 11:35:19
Thanks for bringing that up. I forgot that for years, the Lockport 10 was 9.7 miles; thanks for jogging my memory.

I had lunch with an Albany running legend last week. I would call him "the Bob Carroll," of the Albany region. We both lamented the demise of the five mile road race. We both agreed that 5 miles (or 8K) was out favorite racing distance.

He had a first place plaque from The Stroh's Run for Liberty, a nationwide 5-mile road race. Anybody over 50 will remember this. I know Bob Carroll won a Buffalo version and my guy out here won an Albany version.

Maybe I like it because in college, 5 miles is the standard distance. The Division III Championship is a 5 mile affair.

I know that Buffalo and Rochester kick off the road racing seasons (lidlifters) with 8k/5m races and we all know, that in Buffalo, the season ends with the Super Bowl-like Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.

A quick look at the 2025 calendar reveals just three 5 mile races in the Buffchester metro. I know the schedule is not 100 percent complete, but that's what I see thus far.

There was a time when there may have been more 5 mile races than 5ks. When I started road racing in 1985, there were plenty of 5 milers. I'm not sure when the flip to 5ks officially happened, but we can see why. A shorter racing distance allows for more participation. That said, three of the biggest races in Buffchester are 5 mile affairs.


Off the top of my head.....but with age I forget more.

Buffalo Shamrock
Rochester Shamrock
Buffalo St. Pat's Race
SE YMCA Turkey Run (the Sunday before Thanksgiving in Rochester)
JY Cameron Thanksgiving Day Run
Rochester Hillside 5 (with grass finish at Cobbs Hill Park, Vicki Mitchell!)

I'm not sure it's the perfect distance, but 5 milers allowed for more strategy and in some ways, didn't have the pain that 5ks do.

I know there were many more. Can you guys help me and brainstorm? What other 5 mile races do you recall?

John Furgele
Occhino Posted - February 17 2025 : 08:42:50
Thanks for responding Jeff.
After looking through my shoe box of bib numbers I've been able to RACE the Y-10 18 times over the years and that includes the year I was D.Q. for running under the name Clubber Lang. lol
Another interesting observation I made was Mr. Herman Van Leeuwen probably has the record for running it more than anyone else in WNY.

Father Time ain't no Joke.
Jeff Posted - February 15 2025 : 21:49:45
Pat, I believe that you are correct. This is a huge development. Tom's 10 Mile is the fastest weve seen at the Y-10 since weve been following it. Perhaps RD Jeff Tracy can tell us authoritatively.

We only have official results for a few races in the 1990's and then all results from 2001 to the present. But, there are 53 years total history. It's not only the toughest race in WNY, but one of the very oldest annually run events.

The race has evolved somewhat over the years so historic caparisons are imprecise. The race was actually 9.7 miles in length for many years, and it switched from a safe counter-clockwise loop to a clockwise loop to accommodate the police in recent years. That impacts greatly the wind in the face along Saunders Settlement most years so we can usually run it a little faster these days.

I didn't actually measure and certify the course until 2015. Somewhere I have a typed sheet with all the historic race winners and their times from long time RD Goose Gray. If I can find that document then we can be more certain of the probable new course record. I'll keep on look'n!


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