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 Why don’t they give the splits!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JR Posted - June 23 2024 : 01:25:46
I’m a track nerd so Friday night I flipped on the TV about 1030 and voila, the US Olympic Trials 10k was ready to start so I watched the whole thing; they even kept it up on split screen during commercials.

I was annoyed by 2 things:
1. A Brit was lead announcer. Why for the US trials can’t they get a US person as lead announcer.
2. My real pet peeve is, why can’t they provide splits each 400 meters and at the 5k? It’s so easy to do.

That’s my rant.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JF Posted - June 24 2024 : 11:03:14
Good rant!

I agree on the splits----

But I like Leigh Diffey..he knows track and does a good job.

It is ironic though, that NBC uses Ato Boldon (Trinidad and Tobago), Sandra Richards-Ross (USA by way of the islands) for commentary. I love them all but it is somewhat peculiar.

In fairness, all three cover track meets (Diamond League) all year long.

I guess the days of Dick "Look at Mills, Look at Mills" Bank are over---at least for now.

John Furgele

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