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 What races are most relevant?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JF Posted - January 12 2024 : 10:50:41
When I lived in Buffchester--I lived in Rochester and came back to Buffalo a ton), there were must-do races that I did each and every year. Granted, I was a frequent racer that averaged about 30 races per year from 1995 to 1999 so my list naturally, would be much longer than most (except for Scott Peiser who averaged about 45, including 61 one year).

Which races are essential on your personal calendar, you know, races that have to be at in 2024 or back in the day, which races did you always take part in?

The Turkey Trot of course would be a natural for most, as would the Shamrock. For me, the Shamrock started the racing season and the Trot ended it.

The Trot was the Super Bowl; I believed in being in my best shape for that one. I always wanted to run well at Shamrock, but that's tough because during the winter, I just logged distance runs in, no speed work. I think many others did the same. If I didn't run a great time there, I knew things would improve because that was my starting block.

What are the other races that are on the to-do list?

John Furgele
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JR Posted - January 14 2024 : 07:23:59
Lancaster 4th of July
Corporate Challenge
Bob Ivory

I didn’t race as much as many of you did.
petesomer Posted - January 13 2024 : 13:01:16
Lockport 10
Grand Island Half
Lancaster 4th of July
Hall of Fame
Turkey Trot


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